Newspaper Page Text
I im;sj:hct array ixo yirwst TrnsnAV. .tvxv, n, isni. 7 iuWM WESTERN EXCHANGES, Hews Waifs Btlvten tbe Missouri aid th Pacific. nr.Tiii.s or iati: m.wru Tram:, mis. Tin Tor,l Hull Slorm.-IlinillU of the Xic and Cot Itml'.o-NcilM oflutcrcat from flail 1'olnU. Wo are Informid that a quartet o( wrallhy mm who ulupal the Wright liouiethtt other evening, are talking erloualjr of (Inning a I ink In Men. flrld with rt capital of HOODOO. Thty aakr.l If It a thoiniht Ilia rltlirm would iutcrlle Mock In Iho concern. At preeeiit, III rlnclpal uanklugbual iiitaladone In Hull lke (.'Hy, anil tlulri'llnlon n that the Maryaeal I ntikluit (oulil Iw Jo no much iitaitr the mlii", anil la a healthy field for loam. I.vt lie encuuii;a them In llio iiterpil. iriActrf .til rocufe. Itlniham county will lore In Iho nrlshWrhond of $3n,O0i In lam by Iho wholeeale reduction In the kmfm liietit of tlio rallrcadi In tbo coun ty lit tlu HUln loanl ol ciUllutloii. Under tun Terrllorld form of govern mentlha railroad, were atta-ered at atut itfiOO r mile; under rJute gor. rrnmttit rillroaiti am awaited at about $4,61)0 ifuAu Acici. A grret ileal of damns wai don by lialljuilng the recent itorni. Ilirtnii tlialouly a tili In tliU country mf. fcrttl much damage ami tint wai eal of llio city wlirro wheat fleldi and all growing iro went deelroyrd. Weet i.f Iho uty H no hall whatever. The river ltetlll rl-log and U now lilgherlliaiilt haiUren for yean. Dr. liuckoftheltcfurmirhool iall jmlir lay! "Water li and one-half fttt Urrplnliie engine luint of the It, foim icliool Ufcrrillalri uld dinner today. Water It flu wing over the top of the walla and ar eulliely eovt ml." Htiungatuitiga haa luteldnl aud lefts lack of ihlrwalke. finer and gartlena behind. During the high water Ih two ttorr ilouelulld. line at the corner of Cliamll.r and rllitli itreeti. Uluinlnit to U. A. Ileal, volUlMd and U a total wierk. The building wat 79 by 13 feet and was not yrt Unladed. Tim wau-r Jocacnrd the mortar In the foundation and rauaetl tho building to fall. Mr. Ural lia butcher and 1010 U.t8li,lh Htrret. lie will loao atout l,S0O. Ml. B. U Itaddon had a narrow crn9 Haturday but from death or eiluue Injury Ihrouih bring attacked hy a Tlcloui cow ht longing to Aire. Jamm W'ulKon. Hho waa going te look at the new rveldence Ulng built by Mr, Dclghloti and wai attwrnjanled hy Mn, llelghtim and tin lr aged mother. hen th animal look attar Ihemlbry all ran, tbrold lalylalllug down and Ih row Jumping nverlhe proatratr form, kept after sire. Iladdou, niiallovrrtaklnghrratid toning her levrl.l flit. Hhe got up, wbru the row agalu attacked tier, totalug her again agalnat a lam, where ilinwaaattheuierryof th Infuriated lat. which waa on tha olntof ai Mulling her llio third time, when Mr. Heighten, who fortunately waa near, l lug attracted by the acrramlng of hu wrlfr, nine t her aulitanc with a garden rake whhh he happened to to ualug at IhaTlmo. i'urt ,'ioord I ii rrehoiuo to a call for the liol wanon from the (hot tower, Mlaa Kate I lu uh hu ugly and rihaiutMt, at taken tuthetouttieru atatlonoii Wedneeday night, whtr aha tull 1'rlaon Kerjtr Itotilnaon her aad tlory. Mlwllunt, who la alut i yeara of age pmenlrd a moat I llniua aparauia aaahaatood hofiiia the deak trautlly clad and alniMt alioeleaa, Willi Irani cvurelug down her haggard rhrtka the Mid tliat aha waa born lu Honoraa county, where her fathar waa one a I roa(wroui farm er. Throw u uiun th world, Mix Hunt waa luiced lu aerk ampluymeDt aa a doiniwth1, w htlo her alater Mary entered tha nrvkiof A. lUAIdrlrh, nf Ilakeraneld,M a govvmeM, marry ing a few yeara ago a prominent coin menial Harrier, who inalallrd her In luiury. Tha unfortuiul aUter rt ached lull city on ruraday hut, hay ing walked from Hau llruno. Wnlnrt day moriilog, aha found Mary, ur ruiindad Willi eery romfvrt, lu a llowaidilrertllal. Hhe aaled fur heller and fiJ, which were denied. Jtur alater, alvlalng her to etk aid from the pullio, ilauinied Iho door In lirr face. Heart broken, tlie ,r crrkluraatattnlforlliailatloii,butaank with hunger and rihauallon uon the ulllce l'l of the ahot tower, wham aha u found hy the olllcer who arnt her to the elation, Yretenlay Mlaa Hunl, ilhrrown requn,!, wu Iraua frrrad to the tare uf a charitable eo i lety, where aha will be kindly cared for. S. K Viruiilclt. The body of tha drowned Kalian, Ttlorlgo,habrn found. Until yer lardiy nothing waiarru of It alncu it anklliotlilM time In tha foaming l'latta after ihootlngTouy (llanli. It luored with the waTci. At flrat the man thought tha nun waa allee and alrutgllug to get out. Tha face wai II alike III appearance, Ilia ryra optn, nnd the tiara whlakeri oWiuted the hloated comtltloii of the fealurra. They ran for help from tha (.fllro of the iem. eUrr. Then the truth waa Mrrrtalned. I Coroner Walley waa notlflnl and la- moved the rorpee to hie ofllcr. The Iwly wai found at lllrrrahlvcriuelir), where It had lodged agalnat tha head gate of tlm llurlliigton ditch, Two i-oloriil mrii, Henry June and A, Thornhlll. wire llahlng, when one raught alght nf th ghaally roriea alar Ingathlm. The head and ahouldera were In eight, and thrarma wrro out atrehheil on the walera. Tha roeolver which hid bn tight about two dcalha waa gone, aa waa tha watch alto. A Urge knlfu wai found In hla potkit, howerer. The llallaua will lury the ilead.but tha time hai not bcviidrclded upon, Frauk llurlwrlder the foreman of llutkliardt'i tacking houte at Hind rrrek mrt with a fritful deith Jraler lay. Ha had gonu for dinner but Itn'llng It not ready thought ho would nil tha pump, Willi Ii auillel woler froma well forty-Hre fl ihe II iltaitiidul to tha platan of he inn hln-i-ry In the will which U located mar the Imttoni, Khun ha waaowoomu by Ihoblickilimp. Thafoijl gal cauard lilm to faint and lu a ahurt time he illad. HU wlfa Wrime luiriay and went out to look for him. Hhe law hli llfrlea. form lying on tha water p l at thebollont of Ih well. The ouliry brought help and the coronir waa He reniora,! the n;iJl lilarounia. Ilurtwriler lian o.dfellow and that utder will bury blu. Tutaday night aa f. SI. I'lckard, who la a I rutherdn hw of tloerrnor lloutl, waa trying to drlro a Jeraey lull from hla yard, tin animal became futloii. and madrnruili at hi in, goring I'lni liottlllr. Hlialtlouioii naicom llitely tornou. Ih waa n moved tothahouie, where llr. Ilancrolt at tended hhn. He lived until I o'clock yielerday, when after hoiira ofiulltr "ITt he lu.rd away, I'lckard la a well-lii-do ranchman, living time inlln below Mttltlon. He hai alwayi It-eu Indualrliuaaud la highly rripvct ed. lcmrAtu: Bovtral member! of the tillra force went to Kiemont ti wltnrta tha haug lug yntardiy. Among Iho numUr '" l' lain Uormack, MirgrinU JVlialrn and tlrmtby and Detntlro Hurr. The Omaha ity anlvid, on account nf the latrnera of the train, Immrtlllltly after the banging. In ;tiklng about the hanging, rtergrant Miakn ail J l 'That'! the flrat rat cutlon 1 rvtr cam near wlthcilng. Judging from what I have heretofore rrnu concerning auchallalra, 1 ahould My that It waa conducted lu aiple-ple order. About filly people wllnetwd the hanging. Ailer the man were I renounced dtad and lowtrrtl Into the tranafer cortlni, avrrjtmdy an dulling wai.rttntel with a aouvtnlrof the occialon lntheihaofa Ircaof rotti or tome art of the plnlona that were uied to tecuie the ranilemnrd mui." Hergeant Whalen returned with a live of rope about all luchia In length, which ha cut up Into aim entailer rta and dhtrlbutrd among hit filaudi tail night. Tha iwr geant aald that tha crate lor audi rcllt-a among the olo waa aitunlahliig. Hherliriloyd wai much illealitcd at not Ulng rteul at Hut tnlng rrreiuonlee, ai ha u kiiiImji to gather all the Information ivulblo to aid him In the reiMlltt. .Nell cor, which la rai Idly loathing, lu thla ountry, Iiliaald Hut thu body of Hhei i urd wu raleed and lowcrnl after Uralli hy the autliorltlta to alTord Hherlft lloydaiidolliinaiit porlunlty of erring with what lairfecllitu the d Ulla for a luireulul uwialloii had been airangi-J. (JmuAu ll orUI JUru'iL An Indian hunter trought In word that he came acrcm the lialton gang, who rot bed the rargo riprera on the Hauta Fe road a month ago. He ea)i the gang la limiting a raid uiwti the atrrnry wlihthooljetlnf robbing Ilia l'hlttd Htatei romiiihalonrr who haa the money to y tha Hac an I 1'ox Indian for the Inula irrvntly 4ir-lliax-l hy tlugovrramelit. Aa mioii a Ih Hhawnrra who wrre cliargt-il with the murder of Hue horae Ihlevei Wire rrlraardthry headed at lam to run down the lialton gang. A lively rniuntrrlaanllrilril wlieiithn two (ultra inn U .Vuo and tot ancctVif fo llrMrTo7,f. A aaaarUn,t, If you arr troubled Willi ihriiniatliin or a lame lau k, allow lu In aiiKgt! that you try thu following irmttlyi Takaailrraof llannrltbn elirof tha two tiiudi, eaturale It with ChamUr. laln'a I'aln Halm and Hud II ru ovtr tha icatofiolu. It will irodiirea ItaMiil warmth an I relieve you nf all ln. Many eeverr rate have bom owed In thla way. The I'aln luhn ran U obtalucd from 'A. C. il. I. Drug Hrit- Kur pnroCandliaaul Uoufectlontry go to Aibcaat'i. U till II Ml III 11 II. Iweimentlai Har nilh. Nnd Itiilll Mtllier wllrr, Tralni Ulwten Hilt lako and (Hr n-l I lltuch will run ai f llnwa: tttr, rrtra L4tt Anitt Ullly.U. LmtpU, n..fM. JWI.le. tatoaat. tettanu IJMao, 1141 um. loae-M. Itttkia. tl ma lapM. atluei. I warn t tlarn a Ifto-at. IMrn. I 15 eat. eojimit twp at, tUlai. aoi.w Kate 'or raiiid IrlisdV. II. H. Ill'lim, den. Agent. Theaprlaa Medlellie. Tha itilrlty which Hood'aHaraip arllla liaa gained aaaaprlng medicine la wonderful. It i-t-elii I Ihrtatla menu ol health giving, bliid-i urlfylng and apitluerebirlug whlth every ludy arruia to nitl at thla arawii. Do not continue In a dull, tiled, mi aatlafactory condition whrn you may bet Munich benefited by lliaal'a Hat aaiatllla. It lairlfla thu blood aud make the weak atrong. i Ilallera'ellaceliaaBa kjeap. We guaianle Mfa to be the but fjbiua firvfi manufactured In to wide world. Tilt la aayloga gteal deal, but II la trut. Kol OmtumptLin. Cough; OM; Viel Thnut, .Vor Weal, JTieumonll, ItrvncMlli, .iMmii, Vruvp, H7io;tij Uiujn, and all dlaenoa of the lluvnl aud lungmtputitivtliguaraitfie Hal lard 'a llorahound HyiunU be without any routl on Ih whoht far of tha globe. IniupMrtaflhlaaUtementwa refer to every Individual who baa ever uacd It, and b every Urugglat who ha. vrraoldlU Much evidence ll ludla putal la. Hold by Z. 0. M. I. llerklen'a Aralea lutv. Tha IlratHilre Intlie world firCuta, IlrultM. Holea, Ulwra. Salt llliaum, Fever, Hour, Tetter, Uhapial Hau la, L'hllllalna, (jortie, and all Hkln Hrup tloiu, aud alllvrly cure I'llaa, or no ly nulml. Itlaguarantrodtuglva !rfrct latlafac lion, or money refunded, VrlreSf ranupurlioi, ForaalebA, U.Hmlth A Co. Her. II. 11. Falrall, I). I), editor oftlieuHii MtthulU,Mm a-JltorlallJi We have trelcil the mrrlu of :)'' (.ream Halm, and Ullavu that, by a thorough murw of treatment, It will cure alnioet every iu f ratvrrh. Mlulatrii, aeaclanaia allllrltil with liead and throat troubln, and catarrh arrma more prevalent thnnter- We caiinut reniiiiiieiid'it'reaui Halm I uxi l':iy'i Cream Halm fur ilry ratatrh. Hprovedaiute. II, I'. M. Wetki, Denver, lUvn jou IrlM ArlwKMt'i t'riarn Boda: Ooto Arlwgaet for lloatun IcaCnani IiANH. Many irraone have re tvlved thrlr lAltuta fr Ian I through ll.e aide aulatauiti of Julgo Htayner, at WanilDgton, II, V, whoati alvtr Ihrment i ar In loday'a rr. And lu all ih-jarlineuU of the tiovernmt nl lis hu actpilrnl relation iu n rouat I. inlloiia and cipablo lawyer. dAi Imntonso Lot of Curtnln Not nomnanta nt Holf-Prlco, nt S. P, TEASDCUS. lluy your drug! of ''the hoya." Johnacn, I'rall A Co, Main it, FlVB French Candlel at Atbogall'a arlleeaaA reatltole Huppllrd III any quiutlty at ahorl notice. lOeMaluitrcit rtud i) Hr.t Houth iltiet- DR. LESLIE'S QPECIAL M IJ PRESCRIPTIOll 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY IN 1HE WO lit U THAT VSILL ABSOLUTELY CURE ISll'K HEAPACUB1 T'Hi a. Tirvuronii, Commtirtn AI rthmf ltthti l PnWif (kllTkKi H.til.Jli lMh,ll ..-,! f tit ith rtttlM I thatl b(UI oiiltlroa la Hflt.fMlniti Mttof 1F I -tlr rtitevfltl )rtfiptti UJmk1 nuslftf ht httt bM ot yuaiath pt four jrrf b U-cn rlvii tnj. iT(vir fciilof 1MB rntuv rtH sfltr .lOtim of mii he, nl ) I ciftrii rtrKfr -koiittl ia wriitotittrlr MirUtl or lr M-n. of Hu iUrf, irtvrfr to inn A liw f ii n ia tb tjr-Tritli nl ur ipKi1 llltuii Horn , ur iialT, WIU..T011U lrlr9 nt HOLD UV At.t. DltUOfJIHTri. Utali Central Railway o?x:m::ej table. In KIT. ml April Imi, lMtl. l'MmjCfrTr!o,,nn. Kun tllr,t lr,nfr.1t lAkBnl ltk City, Kgllowit SALT LAKE CITY. Titvitt 1 liTt nil Avail, Um ,H M m . 1 - - T Mpm tlllltll lOjBftM m . parITcity. Tim I trmi-MtlMkUur,..,. 1Ur)4VU " - " . vVMt,m I Umm . " " " " p,m fiUDUnOAN TASSCNQIR TRAINS Ioin lUilr IttrTf.i, Mi UkcClirtM m iM.rttliUMIII iinUii.fcoJl (. IffUM. JUTUllMMt . I Mill ttfk ! 1 J Mi IMLM, ftftl ItAtltvIt llh M. Offer at4 Ikpol rat nr I lit $vxh atvl Utla Uii. jou H.imto T.j.i(AtKisntiii, uttLtir u. r. a r u HIO GHANDEWESTERN n tlrlllllLNT T1UK TAULE. Al ML , ItUL ho.1. Krxi. JTmI Mv4 Trmin, A1'bU AUmtM M. Oat. -. ;.. k.n t. Mil mi ..... k.A. IMm Lt. lillUU .. Wda-R. 1 iAb.M Ar, iTQVOt .... .Hl,BU If, lT9o., iiiUvtva. llJiptn At. ! lUvst. t-Mft-m. Uut.f IV, KIHI Mll.f t-Mtt. ftjat.t Ar. ... rii.i.. nuam Ar I.Iii-hI. im Iliavnt. Ivinni 4r. Iklvlli. a. !.. TWku T, lftblo Ittiun, flI.M Ar, (Lrii ...,M, itM Ar W..r,t-.li4 HJpm. I4V4.B K 1. Ko Wtt thn4Tr(m. -wlB I .viU M.U. hifM It, HettTtr M.m. 1pm lv. 1-iK.tiV men. unVm tf, i.fttfiiii..., H jn.m ctia.u If llwna4p'K ll"--. ) , lrfi4 JyBt-Ua.l KM tJlnL Ar. lit M itr .. m.m. fcinp,. If, 4ra Uaitr IUlr. Aoaltm Ah ITOTO tfIB. llWk.01 IT. WuVA lalOpelS. Utdlatfl Ar. li )4li Upm 1 iitvu Lf, lJI Llt. IUm, luk. Ai. Ula m lpa M9a.ti ICAI. TnlNt, Mlt UIK AkblMilia. Iw till Uh IW a.m. kivl k.a 1. ta.ll. t, KiutciAr.rni ut, Uia ta a.n. la.m..eUp.iu. 1 noil 1 w. Iftia U Uk .tj.m., rclnralac, artlra halllAialwpu. iMtkttn tun, raorn, araiogriLLa, imiita, nt KkAitur Airit Mian. ttkta lt ltk 9M a.n.1 itiuraiatft Ar ma hU Uit IA 1 .!.. It, a UOIK.r. J. II, UXkHRTT, iiaii Uwiil' btk. laM.Alt Health is "Voalth Pa. K. C. fflin Mara inn Haila TarT Iwt, fifi4ittfV for lltiru. ! ,( aBfUllftBi flrl. IVH NBUfBllt.B, Mm rU9, Sfrrii l'rotl.iwn ramc I Lr Ut !( alRbt or labaceo, MiifhUfii tltltl liri rva.iia, HofUKBR pi lk llrtla rMiiB UUtanlir bkiI lm Ii mbltft Ury 16 df (h, 1'rvmiturt tili ac nrr ., cu Lr or i.rtl.Br tbiUiiB- Mrhbiievi MuBth lrliMBt II m i 1 it for nut, ! ir utd (jrpai4 rciii l tJi-ira. 1. 1: ni'iuwTi Liir mix 1 Torata it; cui Willi fkonlir rialt1 tf at fur afi IfntBi, arroaii aalait Willi ILN, wlil a t tb 1 irrkuii uurwrtuta vaaraa laatu tffurtl IM ttoit if iba UBlal duaa . Itil ffari rnra liraata litatd br 1 Julistus 1'iiAtr A vot lfufrt.u. -vol AfbU,4 Uila utraat, ttail Uli Oti, Uua, I IP iws it Hill 3.1 ar h.o IP9 Mll-J s Silt j Ba Unit o JP-g g 2 si 3 5-32 iatsil T s m' vl VTitroao wooptcir, B.H scrtntaa, Jrust Qompaijy, Not. I and 3 Eaet Temple Strict. (iMUt4 lltl. H IterfTMi 111$ iiiiiri-riinai Wll roan woonirrr, rwel, lltoa.ia q, Cii, !(. relt Jotaru '. Mini, afcoce M.rtatow, lauuvoa lotiaa, Jtlt Jtia. Uaoagi nkfiotri, T l. Klaaan. dike, II B Cuvioi DOES A GEKERAiTbXfKING BD3IKES3 W Paya S Par Cart Intaraat on Bavlnga Dipoalt. atli rr HI i'ialMila niiiiti r DesBrBlfatioflalBaiil HALT I AUK Cll V, UTAH. Pahl Up Canltal, - oo Surulu. - oooooooo, nlliri innai Joaa Iritir. trnHtt, Moaat TatTCHaa, fU lyaeUeaa w w, nitaa. 1 K. kiaaaa, J T Iitili. J. C ttltia, Jtaaa (mar, liaaar tnvwooeir, i II I'eaar, r w Jinnti, itt.Mia lloaair J.l: twaoaa. L.aIIIUa, GaWrr, It a.roo,irfatir, Rtctlfts Deposits rjjibi! oa Ceamd. Jlalt ( i rnaHHA reft, In ZraMlMa, OtWr, ft. UU OMAa, lU mil U4 Trtara' CVVlMalat IMus. t)ITttre Ilepeall lallt, attelalelr lif ,lt, aa, lie il. Uou. 11 1 IU rat e I lUB STATE BAKa OF UTAU, ALT UHcurr. , oiit - aiK)o,ooo.l iiKftriu uiusr, rir.i-i.Bt. HM 11 IHRiliU lt1f rtl IUIIKIIM ,,kUJ,Ckblfr nm i cji'o n mi , JaiatiAr ftmllk, I" PifUl, I .Va.'ll K w, htfUW lUiUi, Abrl iBaaoa.liaBhT Tatr. H"t Ktmm,,. K. MMtnu ltirliar4U Waaf lltarrA Haillaj rfliM drpoaiii par iWa a HtMiarL U. u,mf k. r it? 4 ifariif Iriawaf ith.ata)(ia iptl palata fTP rmt.r.RMiifina .iu Duirvaaiji iniitt ihtivoa atartarlr Att4wa.uyearU.lam ' ii n -it, ii a ...ii.viuivMir-.a.irr THU CKY OT MIItlilONH foil, .nv hack: mn iThuw, tony ir wiil nt lOvi UTC. I tfttta lr-M4 maaf f ai wit d 4't ft im iilaa a a4 bat Irtfl wa"f riftrtal tmw aaj kata atu, HI a,4 t m tUffftral I biatrial!. tJllhaat rli-f A boat IkalMliilAiiill attR rtailtva a ittr Jlaal atlk Uit aiaa tiuaiial4 ma la aa a a Uai I a bfklafrr tftaa I a dowalt aiJMitMpoiiriarr ma lAftiap alaaa. ar ! pal a mr rlvlkaa wkaa kiaul rafitiii iai ! h.bUt, ftiU . u uiiruo- KII)YT TKA w YV mr boial t mmtxliatalr eia hi aar4 aalaf Iba Na. It kl aa Ari alwiMt mir ! !, a4 lo Ua ml aalaaNlimfMt af all Iba yaatU al Ua f CTl boial, laafaw I aw karprtaC V auia.lb4twaaaaamaa I i V CJ rpruMiaa4 tba u la Ul kO Cltii I I ia I baia ttta 1 l-J U A. TVri'Ktt, I ll? 4 lrvriir fwriiaaui llatat, J1& paala Ka, Cat V NO MOIti: 1IAOICAOIIR D0mvl4Wbl-Jaa1 RalaU Vj Jabaaaa, Jos. William Taylor, urau u.wii.j- UHDERTAKEK AND EHBALUEH SAtfiidKklA irtrrr IHl U'll.l lad Mo. I Oaaa'lla IMel el COFKINS.CASKETS And UndtrUlcrV Coodi In Ulih, Lvavff loa Mr rrrr vfrrtJ 4a tfa LOTS AXD CRAVES-".','.','.''.'.!:.',-. ail OiJtit r.llel mr ar aim ia ua ileit eilloiiu.'niiae, orrica aid waaaaoova airn cloiip- 31 AND 3 WIST TtMPLE GTRECT. r.oDttKI Telepfcaai .!, HTJlLIIUtU, !. Plonoor Uuderuktrol DUh. VaavArleMe , Pwlae la At Ktn4l a irfal- IM IK 4mtblniiklMrt4 corriNH and oAHicirra. lull Ll..e f I winn lueHllilu,a kepi ranalaalleiakand Altoboat A Teleilipuutiltra Itoiapllr l"a Setfltl ttitt 'J la Itne NauraJ Ceftiiftf, KtiAMt fna ,f . ofurv iiav . ricaii"r. Factory and Wirerooms ,.,:i'ii,!rh. Val a, a ILK Oleeta Hit at TLttlia. jturuuxt .. r ZX33IVX,"ir tVAOMJOn iitv rtaa cirr CALiroitNIAJJItKWKRY. LAGCR DCCH, ALC & POnTER, VlholraalrA llelall, to. jst. rmsT loutii ri SILT MKUMiYT" i Iba -all Maa Na tff 7 1 am anw re. f4 la rwmitvi lritM,rN(J. mh 4ltn infttUHrMMNi nhrHb, at Ul aahir aadtlnatprlr hut4tr oae nila loath ( ir limiu, ea Bialalwavl. dlf HAU TIN t'ltaitTorUKtMEV. Hair dressing'Tarloro iiANiin atrr. unit iriuiii im mmh . U Shampooing Done In the Lalttl and Moil approved Manner. Chllorm'i Hair Culling ind Drilling a Specialty. ir lloomilMA , , I ,a,lliaiK,a ll dial, l.l.Jtlo.r.r 11 1. 1 LIU HilllMllut Silver Brand of Snowflakc Sodas rfVM In I anil 2 I'ounl llout fur t1cMc l'rtlr,Tratrlerv and lainlllct, sold dy aTu onALnna MlfiliLLCO, MILLt BO North Tempi St., Can. OrFICCiaiSoutn Temple St ,Weat. IIIjli Patent, Dakor'a No. I, Sopcrllco Whole Wheat I'lonr. H1GHESTCASH PfllGEPAlO FOR WHEAT. JfH Te''f v- if t Trit ill. Ll.Ua aOltlllS l'ri'Ptl'lir "m National FoldlBg Bed, MaatrjiriiRkii pt Tim M(i(j x nil itMxiur 1 1 km rtiti: (o 4 llll llill- a Uboa vaaikii ruH aiiK ir S. R. MARKS & CO'S, l.mll rei,lr. fe WASHBURN cyyF Eail!!i!i,ii,!rl!ii5?!l!e,$ VJTlJpJe 4 - a WMtT'ivAJ I rJ t?4. LTC lMba hi,tadf OlMiriM i XT UON atlCALY CHICAGO. Horns Comfort flanges llaie e l.,Ual tar FAMILIES, HOTELS, Z .MINING CAMPS, Etc. Tl.rllitl 11. mi.. a,lrr MALLEABLE.'.IROH.'.AHD.'.STEEL. Over 2X0.000 litMtuitl Une. Cilt aa4 iih Dm, af siiiiiralcp. AIT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Graefenberg PILLS. Thoy euro llondacho, Dll llousnuss.LlvarCoinpliiInt nncl IntllKastlon. No'itrlp Inir or naujoa. Tliusa FILLS Tono up tlio syalom nnd roatoro lio.tlthtothoso suf. furlnir from nonural dobll ItynnilnurvousnObS. Sold by all drugubts. 26c. par box. Best for Women. GRAEFENBERG CATMGUGQN Cures nil forim of 1-Vin.tUi coinjihlnUi, hi!uh'63, m-r-votmtifss Rcncml debility. Joia by nil aniKiilH. I. C. M. I. llru? Uriit. itlioleule let WHAT IS A GUARANTEE? 8 Itan merclnnti nrn lalmineii are In tlio habit of InJIictlmlnalely JSaH "lcuarantrlncM their earea tellli no tliouftht of Lrluit called upon to iiO make Ilia "guarantte" kouvI. It la t'oriilclouaanj foollali cuatom more nflil nrjriUd In llui I.rcoji than III Um olwrrancr. MIP Aguaranltr, lo hate any value, ilionM bo made with knowledge of lleeeeeK Hi me aiiliii; of the rrortl and a art ruraa to carry out the termi of th W Wtu Ruaranter. On flnatoolitlia maker, Inaltuctui lo varranand we n plaHfl lace any tool found lnitfi-ct In uta. MIVI WeliaTeuardourUat Judgment, aci'ilrcd ly a con.Uentt.laeir- n M lltncr, Inaolocllnglliofglloalni! Il.nnfjr ouritork and tell them to m WW our cuatoinrn llli an aloilute guarantee If they do not prorata nt WW In all that wo rcprreriit them, mo will reluuj the urchuo money In ft! ! full. jMI "Jewel" Hlrrl Itinitr, A flnlahr.1 article, perfectly proportioned, J m made of lue laat material. Djn'lftll loaro IU II will y you, M Hi Qui. k Meal" Ju ller.eialor, l.Tiirallns. Light It aa you do yout 5 Rta turner. No until, Nodtutrr. No toinpllrallon. Kerry oljrtv U AV tlou to ILviiMi of nUaaollua HIoyoiIoiki away wllh. Tlilokof tledla. m Hi cnifoitiulwd lu Uuunutr ty nroldlnn the heat of a Urf Kllcbiu jf MM. Ilanitr. U Bl 'Huilnt" I'ovlianl lUuail. Hii trier M lakeia, Bitllor In CI ! rcotioiny of fuel. HujHrlor In i1i1kh. Hurlor In ramlructlon. ff MM H.illur In rnrjllilnittlat ca loiuani' a iwfrct cooking !jj H" llm "Ktwle Itrfrlttrralon," An liaaattr. A IImIIIi ii,nioler. If B Cellular lUiuvllbttl. WhatlithatT Iurrallijitle II. It will mora than Itjaiy )wi. )jf B (lur ileck of Itullleri' llardwara, lluti rurnH.lnijt, Utrdm 111 H tloaa, LawuHpilnkltra, l,awiiMovteialetv,lliconipltaliieeryUetalL H JWL j:. o. corny jiauvwaiu: no., jjj l'rvureut Jlulltltiiff. 'll Wr I'll Kl ilw lit S3 ERASER CHALtYlERS, K ISl. OHiartoo ,!4 'Wm I.. O. TKi:XT, Hnlt Ittilie City, Utnh, if Il General Western MnnflRer, llolcna, Moulaii.T. : tf Ml AIirCINO MJVCIIIJVICItY, I 9 UDQERWOOD HOISTING ENGINES, (jj fl ' 5H-ELECTRIC MOTORS-K IK I Ulootrio Itlght Planta, (Jj t!N01Ni:.S, IIOII.KItH, Kltl'.VATOHS, SAW MITtT.S, fl M ', - i.oco.MO'i'iviu,. mti:a.ii aioroits. g? !f ' DAVID JAMES &, Ca JU i Plumbers, Gas anSleam Fitters f-M ' Nl niAr,jjni in ill 'H I .-! I IKuinlmj MaUrial, I'ainpi, fipt and Fitting, Sltam j j i Bk 1 I Jlealiny Supi'ia, 7 in mi J iron lioofnj, Galmn- lit Wm . JZ irrJ Iron Cornice, QutUrinj, Etc. I Wt I ' OAROCN HOSE AND LAWN SPniNKLERS ' Vfl jSj No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. W Tlio OM Pionoor Music Store lis. OF THE CITY Hill. l ttti i rn 1 1 1 1 u i u iirrrTTiTnrrrnTnT wi- OALDEB'S It llTTITrnTTTlTrmTTTTFTllillllllirr ly Tlio Loadlna PIANO of tho World. M Solo Agont for jMCA.fc.OJN a llV.XT-.HV, flfl Tho Loadlnu OnCAN of tho World, 4 ! - , m Wo 1U9 earrj a Qoneral Lino ot PIANOS from $250 upvtxii, 'f ' lad OR0A1IS lrom $70 npvrara, ud eTOrtulaj olio Mailcal H (onnd la I Plrst-ches Hualo Bbio. Oar PIANOS asd OROANS jH hare bosa triad asd teited la this Territory tor tbo last THIRTT : !H YEARS, and Uitlr record Is tlio bost, ' 'jH Como and purchaoo a riollablo Instrumont and at an 4l Honost Prloo, ON EASY TIMC PAYMENTS. . WM 45 and 47 West, First South St. THO OAK J,OAl)S .IVHT UUOVTVVIU pi B.H miiiiuun Mti. I'Aiiimt Ntiri,iu.rr. imia ami tiitrAiMi. WtWt lCWl-IULU, UCOU0O0UI. t'Atl, U EXAMINE AT ,, J?WM -1-l3HlJU13rJ OAXlltOTJlBT f H iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI