OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, September 03, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1891-09-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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yjjj j, nrnunr r.vflvivn yinvnt nirns-AY si vti;mim:u n, ism.
!jf j a tulltee, ami tint Ibe wlieme to trml
M ! the itnntlnjtleMwoutJ fall. A limit
! ' Institution, which had inn to loan of
$10.1,00(1, yesterday demanded It
' wonrr from lite rimitatiy, nJ, falling
'! to rrt II, told nut the follaler!. I ri'M
, . dent llllton nnl I today that tlio Union
;l : I'aelllc company, iiIlnincKotlallcln
H now laHinr rd-ice, romlwil to troit all
1 I creditor alike, one banking Inslllullon
l I ha I Insisted mi Immediate Imynienl,
A ami hail cierc lnl II power to realise
I iiinn in rollatteral. The rctmrt that
Jl I the rredltota committee would add I.,
"j J, Kllttirald and Unity 11. Hyde to
! their imiiiUr at tomorrow' tin e-llior,
i) were denied by member of llio com-
I J1 I Tliuiimny tumors which hare In-en
H cutrenl In regard to tlie cinwll latlon
M, iKlwrellllm t,lienaetko A Ohio and
Hi the Ohio & Mlttlstliipl rod are Willi-
Hi out foundation,
1(1 A sutement, puriwillnis to come
lij from official ouri-e, m tulillslied
jl yesterday to tlio effect that the Mclil-
U kiii management woul I iiteiid It
L! j guarantee note wheu they lcaine
ri due In Nnvemlier, Vice I'mhlent
K I Jtelulnrlilenlenltanlnayelliotiiotley
Jl' i adra rd totheHan 1'riurliro hy the
m Atchlaon In assuming the Uuatlng del t
.- . ' of that company can bo oblalned at any
M gfAWt tlraebyth" Atchison coni my, whlili
H (2 Hit,! hat a nan lln offer at a icoml ptlcefir
bwbH SSu the recently nulhoilred Han Hranclsoo
bbHI TeMPllS1 tondn, tat Ilia management h llcviill
aH '''SCKH lest lint to sell the neotirlllr yet.
H HBrHS At resent no nenotlatlon are pen I
bbbI I itlJ'Ej Inn for any arrsnitenirtits with the
LH 'V.ifi.ll Denver .Vltlo Uremia road.
LH ','i ill Flr.ll7T7ir.llll. .
LH h'irS l Kkwi-ort. It. I.. Kept. t-IUCon-
M i" hi !! ItreMman W. I.. Bcott arrived Dili
M I !! i' Bflcriiooiilyiperlal train. Wi doctori
LLLi I 'ik Vi i think hi cnne la htiiielen.
iy i THE lllllKUTKlX UlMlltm
tifijM I Iwporlant Mretlnir l-l.t Muni of Hie
Fv'ie Itriptcllte (otuinlltcrs.
I'ftlisfi Last night a mtrtloj of the IrtUa-
'w lit "" S,D""' committee of aitaiiue-
,' 3 B luenU, fluauco committee, committee
i'i it I on pllntwl matter an 1 transportation,
i K' It 1 cvmmlttreon receltlonandeiiletUln-
llf'i 1 1 li ment and comralttte on itatlitln waa
it li '" ' th" ('Ixnibcr of Commtrcr.
ii I) Themretln(waa callot to onlT, ant
''' l 'fvl th. minimi of the jrufloua meeting
1 & 1 and of anitetlntf of the finance cent
fcSj g I lultti-e were then trnlly Mr, Olllwrlo
Pr a i Thecot of the conme waa frmlr
J if 1) f UlKtiwd and the leniency waithatft
ir H 1 ahould tie coii luctetl m economically
I H n f aapoitslble. Home talk wai then In
i M3J (I U UiiliteJin rniardlnirtheapproirlatlotia
1 .1 : 9 I thatthould lie made hy the rlty and
r " ?i county tohelpniMtthecxiiiniie.
j lilt Alettirftouithnprlratniecretiry of
t ,, t Xl the RoTernor of California wai then
'il It! rtail aa lollowl
r.fUft flif HxicuiivKliraiiTMkHr,
f V Uf r .SACiuiirini. c'ai.,
i M tin UUl3llt, IM1
''A llf John V. Itonnellan, , Hilt l-ikotlly,
th iM llear Mr Tlie sovernor ileelrea me to
4 ! f I acknowledge the recelf t of your letter of
. s , 1 ttie.lUhlanttoMyth4tlielianilillq(H.t
aillllWj I !'.' iTl the IUI with me or two ciecptloni, ail
BBHI1 i ri ,1 1 gt II will lie f irwardod to you In u (Uy or
aaH i ifi ill I "" He hat not rent on Iho Hit ixioDcr
-------Hll iVi Hia li-fau.fl ha ha tien olitalnhiff accel
Ir W t auce from delegates, an I wtmn they are
nb uS prlnteil and the 1UI torwar le. to you,U
lTi rni wilt requlrono corro.i.ndeiice on your
B-BBw-B-ai r m ljaH Mrt,alt U rraaonabla to etNt tint
LbLbHIC I" ?JMi!. iihii-lenlliarilioiHiapKilnteilwlllwrve
BBHI' 1 1 v4n audthoaowliiidonol will m detained by
BLlaUN k'1 111 oiueeilgeneyarliluKalllielluie,
LLaH I ( j lltf V.ninverr truly,
bbLW i'l r S M " ",0"1'"' rrltale recieUry
bbHi i Sn nu? Jlr' Ullleailurtportid lor theroni
Hs 11 i inlttiioit trlnteil matter and Iran
B II k'l. iijl' toitatlon, that all Hum lietwveu the
bLHT1 101 A& Mluourl and Halt l.aVo luvo made a
bbHI i 1 ilSt oua Iaro r,kto for the round trip, mil
bbII i Hi that the oonitultteeUlryliiKtuprerall
bbH' I fv !3ijl on the other railway coiiitMiulea tJ do
l I VI mi the aaine. The lllo Uraude Ve.teril
H it (.t li?fl n I Union I'ailHo rallwaya have
bHI it Sti iSfff agreed to ulrou one-third rate to all
bbbIi ) r 111! uuh l10'"1' luring the term uf the
LibHbI II I I i lj llckeUpiiriliml,an4 tho Union l'.-
bbbIi I U'lllI rlllo UeltKHted toUolheiamu. rii
bbbIi it ik Mi H,Q """J" Weeteru aul Donrer tt
bbbII I I? Im ItloOrandeliaye taken an Inttrnt In
bbbI ' I li1 i4 I Ihond-erll.luij and will help tuUlau
Y ' '1 tlally In till, luatler.
Iiiiil 'I I Ueligatii, iiiembera of conjrtx,
aBHIillt' I V editors, eta, have been aent t rimed
aBaiEllii i II ii inattir, Iheedltura heln rnll.te.l to
BBKtil li III 3. ""l", nn mention they may think
11 1 M !j Mkwualle, l.viry leteof mall mat-
bbbIUI j .IIP terwlllLoeutoutly toiilnht.
bbH) )) i Hit Colonel HtoriiiMiiirrivried the rum.
aBairlr W '1 ' lulttMi on ttatlilica ha i,rKaiil2rl mil
aBHrltl t '1 v' 'iU "un' uut "" awn-wore, djiltlty
LJ K ! a aurveyora and Btako ireilduntt a
bbH8 if If f I rlutedaerleeof iuivtlona, and that n
l I lij iIrm nuinbur of circular Utltri have been
aBfll I ti it ili ""' t0 IjI,iciI'i '"""' " "f which
aBaHl '1 M ill have Uwlt auswereil 111 a clear, coucUe
j t SI Iff manner. A book nf about llfly insra
1 fl ISIk, will be gotten out ly thin committee In
aBHt 4 iV Hnt tluiefirthecomnieiiciiiittitof ttiucou
Hb 1' IF H)lL Kte Uther lalior hai been done
H (j Iin which will lea Mo many Kood riwulli.
bbbI P (' HIV Hlatlitln will Iw pro Jure.) to prove
bbH i ' la llil that:u)rctut.cif Utah', water u all
!--------'i W IIIK tballaUlnttuiicd. The etcretary was
Wl J J M luntructed tu give any AasUtiinco to
(?) ,1 Is ColonclHtevelihoiilnlhe nnlttruf the
(jl (IS p U.uanieef the ttalWllcal piniphlet.
lb ,lg TliUriiKiil will lie timbo.l uud ful.
H'ljg UatofanytvirKOtteiiiiiitattotho lr-
(Mi lU-atlon facllltlca of Utah. On ull
n Jllf hands the kcurcber. lor ftutUIIci hiva
--------i iVw liip littucK-arly answered aul no tnublt
bbH li "J llc naa '"" thrown lu Lulotid htevuii
iH hm 111 eon'e way by Anyone .
11 J'lH.ml' rla commlUi'e on riceitlon has
H :L ffifjlli ascertalnul that the Utah biigarC mi
aH i WfJ IMS pau, Umlownof Iehl anl the llmr
------, vjSI'j3 Itlvir Canal C'ouiatiy will bu
II NF un ilons loiuterialii delight The
Jl ilft, Union I'aclllo will furnish a tnti train
IIS' toUarnclluiidlbeChoralHiilityul I
M IIP uho acoiKertatlln-UbiTimliM.il tho
fl If rii 17th. A rrajliitlon was arej to re
ISI 1 ( u iiutst thu ihurch nutbontlta to lilvo
tm lllfi thi rabi rnaclo fir tills concert.
W Mlk1 A tontinunlcattouwas recclviilfrmi
IS IJIS Mr. 1 reil Trimmer, "iiKcutlnc; the
In lllir Union I'acltloalioiild ttiM'ktd to takn
If'ofllr the dolt (fate, to HiiaUo Itlver Valley
j U i 1 1 for lliu urpone of khowlui; wlmt ros
!g fljs 0 j roue neighbor wo havi.
JV! 'li'j The chairman auiMtsIa Hint a meet-
i. Jji! Ins or the Utah UeUiitmshoiill be
li ill'i heldjutrlortotliu cunventineiit of
tVll" lliuroncttra- Thn inittluir was netfor
1 .1 ' Ihurnduy uuuIhk, thn loih, atthe
'1 1 j ft cliaml" r of i-oiiimorce. riinKovirnore
J) jl j cfull tliehlitra nud rrrrltorlta have
, t 1 1 li Uin heard froiiikcetltho Koveruora
'(; 1j' of MliiuiMWla, Ukljlioma anl Teka,
',ffl )i North UjkoU, .Nil.rnka, ( allfjrulu.
Ml Jjll Wyomluir uu I Missouri, but they will
9 S!" ' 1 robably i e hcurd from aoon,
IX lj 1 he conct rt ijueell in was then taken
I i'l 1 1 up and discussed and It was ilei Ided to
'V. It leavelttotllll general lomiiilttio on
t! atriinxFiiKiita. the relative merits ol
M. jl thetlieatre,nrthelXOsllou iHlllviJuir.
m II nndof thu Hasumlly hull, fir thu ur
ra IJl ' , , i of the cunitrtMi weta'dlscussel
Im ja ' iindthusetritary was nsMd to til i
, 'j Vl" In riifirinie to accurluir the
i If III I latter.
J ja Adjourned auljict to the call of the
Fl llvi chalrmiu.
A M'tt.wrf t one 1tft I lio..ses n In
rilrt.nl til. I Sl-ensl. One
A y nntf ti nn i suits h Hits c iiy r i
tlineniro with no capital, Int with nh
eapertenc 1 and eirt knack of (rettln
H.l of in lie r Hi) brought letters In
troiluclng lihn to the favorable attention
of rt rrnil tli h aiel Ioflnentlal Ne irk
bnslneM men Hk relalllre flilhewct
Jiersotis of trond aerial atamlhig at I
lonie means wert very ftlad to grant
inch cuurteilce tolilm In consideration
of his departure from their limftediat
nelgliborho-! lie h .roted an ex
ls-nsive In Inlgence for them.
Oneoftlo gentlemen njion whom the
ronnir man calleit was the t realdrnt of a
llonrisliliigilown tov.ii bank Thisbank
realdent 111 1 tin li the Intimate Irl-li I
of thejouug inane father, and, wlthmt
tliiliLtnu; of the consequences, he nnVrel
todoaii)th(ng In Ilia (ower to ailvauce
tlio luleresle of the eon of his ol 1 frVim
Tlie yonnff man hl 't bnalncsescliMtiie"
In his hen I an 1 he wnnteil credit at the
hank ontll his etptUed relnlttalu've ap
rived 'Die bunk ) resident toll bin
that he tofght draw np to (I WW
The checks came In promptly for I irge
and small amount until tlio sunn?
tonne overdrawn account amounted to
l loO. The hard heavleil iMtahler then
went to the realdent anl sugge.te.1
that the hank onght to hate some col
Literal, lie frankly admitted that he
ha.1 no cnlihMetice In either the oltnrf
man nchelne or Ms Intentions. The
Iirestdentjuw the force of hi cashier
ngirrll.jn, hut, atllt chary of offnidlng
lit ol 1 friend a aoti, he wrote a personal
letter to tlie )ouua; nun, M)lnt
Mv Hun luLno rmvan-lt aas teen a
rlessarefori. In stenmimelat fed with a
sia.tl llae ef credit at Ike latak aeffk lent
I lei, bownesf. ha. eUuiseil, I Iklak. to sbabte
rna to rasjbe on eer nwe rtsnane. and t
trartlli.treiire now able to nisi a settle
ment, tn 'art, 1 am rwHtrslovl to ear ihat
ou tunsl ehhsr nuke real smreehl rn.1 or
tie. (Jrawlng cbeeks ea II, bank
Tlie yonnir. man wai not thin iklnni-l,
nlthl letter did not olTrnd Mm. Ho
tmlletl as he read the closing sentence,
and st.-i plug Into the nitlce of n friendly
broker lie peuuvd the followln- Hotel
ItMretTan Kin-Aeeeit tnrconllel lhaaks
r roar klnttnis. IK lb. two alierastlve.
lint run sngcest 1 m ebtlavd to neeetH tt
letter I shall ttaws ilrawln' ebMks ea oer
tank. lib kindest rsfsnts, tte.
The ltlnd heart! bnt.k .rMeiit u
somewhat nonplnwed by till nply, an I
lie showril the note to hi cashier. That
I tactical functionary looked urer litis
sol 1 rimmed glaasea at hie sttpsrlor tind
aal ll Uin hi lvell, that Is retty slick
Hut you liaie -rot ri 1 of him cheaper
than I thonght )ou wuiitl M Xew ork
Ml f I els An Ok,Ml.,n.!,.,
Inasmuch as eel must go to aea In
onler tu r ropagate llwtr de. they are
found not to inutility at nil wIkii plaeeil
In ivnd tlist aru lahdlueled, allhoui-h
In audi place they will grow rsfWIy
and l henlih) It colao little to pur
ihiM Joan one by tho iiantlty that
till 1 no ols.tiu.le to the lisefulnna i f
stocking; Inlnnl watonwilh theeo O.lu
They have many ver itniuriant nlran
tae from the cccnomio jsjlnt of stew.
Inasmuch a they will food on anything
deadornlhe will thrhe In water clear
er muddy niul at any temperature, and
require no looking ont for
However, In river like tho 8nqn
lianni v. hero till tela are iiwl mI
nro very nndealrable. It i not unusuil
ujwit InnlliiK tho net in that streau
nn I In other farther aonth to find that
the catch ha been entirely cnt n uphy
injria 1 of the qolnulnir nibUr,whlcfi
have left little l.wllr. hen 1 an 1 Uik
lione. Itlinbecnfotinl nlvantngKiui
by tlm Hill commission to-lniit eel In
the upper great lake nn I In tin Missis
lippl. They have alio Iven Introduced
ry nccefiilly In CiillfornU Now
ork Kun
torte.1 Trin ts (let Mrnlvlit
Tonibly tlie grenttut liuulfeetitlon of
grunth power that could In) referred In
Is In tho power of many treeetu cone
their trunk uhui vrtly blown over,
though they mi) halelin I tli. mitmlglit
f ir n quarter c f n c ntur) 'fill i urlous
tubjuct Is jet In IU Infancy ns n branch
of itu lyi but to fir the curving has
Win notloeil mire lit connect Ion with
palm nnd coniferoas tiro. A trunk
may be, nay twent) i,r thirty feet high
nn 1 n foot thick, nud in straight ns a gnu
turrel tthoul 1 it, from any iause. tw.
cnmotlltM In a few Je-irs tho whole
trunlifrom the gruuud to the lutntult
will be foun 1 curved llko a Uiv,.
' It ui at ono time thonght that plant
grew toward the light, anl ue none to
lulimo that "ai the twig la bent the tree
li InrlllMil," but it now lerini that
"grw,,iinot here nn active itrb the
mass onfollngo that v. hlch was grown as
will iik that which li gnmliu-ls null)
hlliHl llfteil by some jiowcr tit tiatuto
so lar entirely unknown tu irgetnhle U
ology Thoiuu Jloehon In I'lilla 1.1 hia
New and llarinl.ss ti.ll.. lie
A new Antiseptic Agent called luicro
cl line, w hicli U conipoaeil of 71 1. r cent
r f tiAphthol of loiluni und ?1 jr cent.
rf iiaj.hthol and phenyl compound, bus
been tried In I ranee. It Is A unite pow
ilir, solullo 1 1 thrco 'mrts of water,
llio nolutl u, which I i heap, Is slid lo
bo n ur iffectlie antiseptic, without
ti-lng" lio!ioui or oaustloor liijurluiu
lo instruments or Until. Its antlwptlo
I ropertica are Inferior to thuao of corrv
shehubliinntour niplithol, but urpA
Ihoiioof tntUllo and boraclo acldi ten
andtweiit) tluure.cthely. The so
lution linn giieu tuvelleut rceului lu
clrciwlng wound. Xew orlt lelecium.
I New llnr ".ke.
A westerner luu luyitel a liny r ike
nhleltho think will nroil tame of the I
ih feet of those now lu use. Ills act m
bin itloti of tlie sulky and ret oh lug rak.ua.
There are tlie wooden teeth of the ro
lolvln, ralve hatigircg tindernnd ret.ulv
Ituroutil the axle. lhrur tuotlou
Is ifHi'li by in an of n hinged twek Tlie
idea Is n sulky rake which will not
Hither dirt mil rubbish, un will drop
thn ha) In tho windrow without dri,c
tiiutt cternl fecter inrU beyond
A nlorr of llebsler
General Hut I. r lillt thu itnry In III
linoU uf rt HiliilM-eiiivn Daniel Wi btt t
ual nnii nil.ed whnm lie couldc-nl
tho trentest I mjcrof the United Slate.
Iloonsitercil I ihoiil 1 of course any
John Uarsliall but If )oil fliuul I
tnlto me I y the throat and run mo Iwick
Into tlio toriier nnd iKnmiid ow)
Uobetrr, ninjii lion r eelm Is tlio grt it
tstlavi) r I fchoulJliu.o tosay Jere
uiUti Musou."
IAtil lb. Irlllilenel ll.r Tat J I lew,
A dirty fa. 1 tin t y t j. d Itirt
111 mi ni lit f sin i 1 it Ik
was cvii lit ebt Knu t llur in I r
li n Hint Ml I u toll l.r n M nil
-tntion Afewtilghlaat. II i al i
four jeer ol 1 nnd em iP f r Ins m 111
the elpteeelve Iingnig. f a Vi i stchestcr
farmer, "lw.ll.ln 1 1 uk much blam r n 1
Jngo dder." A aesloniirnimimn. - U I
the tiny III before he ti.ull tiler n nt
from hi dnugt-rous p ih (ll llie uir
I latforiu A policeman waa suintiiiriie I
anil the arrant of the mar i'l ler li
inamleiL Ttie boy who rnteh on trains
are a nuhtunea and si ill he nilillnl
inalntalm-d the trainman. A llco
officer 0 fert a Imhe In height ami
broad In rrairtion took hoi 1 of one of
the rhlhln nrms with 1,1s thumb and
furellnger and mnrclixl the little cnlrlt
almost tile entire I. ugth i f tlie long !
tlon, a i-row d of fitly or more tnm le (ol
I lowing
Howe of Hie jmple nttctml tnllgnnrt
ami Mrcmstlo remark, inch as "IAi vou
wntit Any hel). ofneer Uoolc out Mr
l'olteemaitt hell trip Jon up.' tint the
ofluwr jeild no Attention to tl e er wd
lie grimly tuurclMd Ills rlwutr tothe
. Korly-iwcutid street exit of the stall in
mid with a twnmle in I Is e)e In-lltlcl
tlie child In hfs ntni and n bln-sici. Iilm
nternly thnei l'rtnoner at the bar, you
liave been arrested. Ilut till tl i r flrnt
tAnse If use gits nrrvsted Agin yon II
I puntsbeil till tlie rull extlnl nf the
law ISuwgU." Thjotiiigtirgotint
of sight In tin throb of n necotij. New
Yotk rimes
n.nroi.n of the ,.l . h,l.
Trieiall lue.1 ealabllshmeiit unlsteil
of a natlte Jailer, with detntlce and a
few paid warden, Willi a semlmllltaiy
KTMnl for sentry work Armed vtHh
liltukets And 1 ruvlded with amiituiillion
' moat of which wat ao i Id ai d dtnp (mm
the cllraatiatbat It hn I to b dcstmyeil
I rtoilleally They w.ro coiiim in le.1
1 an I drilled by a handemie ol I ien.l unl
Uuliahdar (native e nicer). liils 1 1 u..u
tleman wore A collar ofgoll bealiniiinl
hi lieck, and nter his dree of si-otliwl
white an euibrotdere.1 xwonl l.lt enp.
jorteil a native awvml In a gnnu anl
If A 1 ec..Milinl II wnnnntrilling link
tug nil man wlthstriit notion of dl
clrlin anl duly Ills father had been at
rinnsy with Cllre.
It wa .irj of thl omcir'i duty to
nuke hi morning report at the matii.
trate'a bonne. If die iwurlstrate hn 1 not
had time to vi to the jail on Ids morn
ing muni Hi usaal rrjinttwas Irief
nud elnplialie My lor.1. tlie jail I all
ell" One tin. nil ng ho conlitincd it
thnnt 'He It known to imr I rdhlp
Hint tint jail cat liaa hal llio kilbois.
Will )onr lonhhlp onler that the i at
liave An extra ration of mllkr" This he
aid lu thn grnvett lulce, with his ban 1
still al hln forehead In mllltnry aalute
When Hie onler was given (or tin cats
extra ration he marched ulT wltlu tit the
ahailow of n nnlle on hln luce wlnl. tho
luauistrnte reniainetl hlutost cone til- 1
with aopprtaaed laughter .National He-
, view.
I I nnsni't lists.
1 rtnimalitt are o iianie.1 from tie
clretiiiistann of their Mug shipped
from tlie i.trt of Panama. Tpey are
manufactured In Ikundor an 1 the m Igh
boring state Tin material used I the
fiber of tlie lent of the ecrew hie, which
I related to the lms. It grow only
lu the lope or the Alttlsa. Tin treo Is
dene llal as Initlug uo trunk Tlie
leave are on slender tteln thitiprliin;
from the ground They are about two
feet long, (.in liie. and four parted
Loch of the tegmenta ll ten cleft no Hint
when the leaf It fol led, a In the bud,
there are eighty layer
The liber tf these leave Is finely
I laltod, and each lint cntisUle of a lnke
lance of wotk The plaiting of lliolintn
li n tlow an 1 tlreeome I roe.ee. Coarse
halt may li Inilihel in two or tlinm
etay but tlie fine . ne lake, as many
laouih. Too work I l.gnn nt the
crown and llnlthed At the brim The
I At It mi le on a block which Is ptved
on the knew, an 1 hat to I constantly
1 retted with the breast
Aluut 300 COO don lis of thene lints am
nude ever) ear Tho price inrie. m
cordiiu to the m-miitst if tlio matirml
and the quality ol tho work Tin i ro
salad at from 3 toI00 Youth t. m
. How (III tl.. I. Mb Is.
I l)r Hniighton, calculating: from tho
nbserved thloktiesn, of the rock duwn to
Hi inioceno tertiary, nud Assuming n
period of 8 010) earn for each foot de
posited on the iwnn be.1, tlnd, for tho
e of the itratltle.1 roelts a ri(.l of
l,3M7Vlt0)ear. ,Vnsuinlnit tho rite
tf (leuii latlini hoviiiwr, nn ten lime
greater in aneient tltne than nt nsent,
and a 1 lliiciio-tlilrd for the wrtl since
the mlooei e lettlar) , he arrit m ut n llni!
tneult of SOlOOO.Inm )ara Dr. Cn.ll
iloubt the ulldily of Prufeaaor llailiili
Inn aonui Hon.. eieclnlly the total
thlekiiea be asnuine numel), 177oou
feet, or otr thlrt) three) lnllen.-(li title.
laait Mugaxlue.
borne In Closer.
I An cnllitulast ctt tho tubject itatr
lint oath head 1 f tJo.rr It coiuioe.l of
ihoutalxt) dlstliH.t fli)Mir lube., anl
laehcif thene cotitulti btiar not to ex
taneltlienii-htinlredtli part of a gruln
The 1 roboneli of tlm licney boo must,
therefore, be lnnerte.1 Into sVx clour
lubMbiforunno grain of nngnrcan bo
obtained There nro 7,000 grniui In a
(omul, aul m honey tonttilnt thr(
rotulluof It wi Iglit of ilryugr null
lund of clover honey would rej re tit
the Insertion of It nrobu I Into 9 T.,
. tHtlcloMu-hialt. lsew lork I'llecrutu
In llr.lh Illlllrl
An oil widow lady iituioj Mirtin,
originally frotu loul, anddiughtirof n
fonue r mayor of that town lit died at
Inoeuiiei ut ler rather t.i ultarclrc in
llnucM. She wnn a pt rs 11 lu tn It 1 en 1
int vtroumttanceaanl wat thouijit to
I. ponseiheil of a largo fortltn I w
dil)uuoher nelghtxira nilMoil her anl
when the cnntmlisnry of li w ai t
for she wa foun 1 den 1 fr 11 hem di
ease innng her paper n will w 11 ill
Icoverel by which tlm leu t till li r
'tropert) Mtltnated at iOuuoO frati ' 1,
lier native ctt blie hat led 1 -if. 11 1
for the expeiiem nf her fum r il nt in
ctnne but with the exprese con tilloit
thai tho it to be hurled ' at far an jk.i
bio from her late hiuhan 1 " (lallj,
uani Mtrsteuifer
It U uggettnl tint llio iitknoietly
hnlpyi i 1 otthat tho lap r ring
urj int ma whin the ttciilt into th
pautry and liekt the cream oil tbn milk.
1 Smifufti
l-nn-teesre iiiij n , . iltiirihercitlt-irT
It fnee and ' r II IS pin r ne i Arising
lr "n ImtMire sn I ir it I nt M nut Ibe the
case toentes IU1I In ibe Irmrlintles ahl b
xro eo-ntttwed nf l Its- i' there li a
period ef tirtal IK I olliewTnilntwdycoo-
u ui I n tl unborn clilkl ll
CtUSnpn- '!--' ' suseemilelethU
,., eltea I il itttenee tint Itiere
rllltl a 'itentreme-ly lir Klot
ula, abttBtr herein ir cr aeoiiire.1 It 11
II01.I sffirsaiafllli nnrlieipelsevcirlrvre
01 the disease and n't n Hi I l.l iim
qnatlty and roloi ol lesllh Itet Ilnenl I,
"Wlntaybeywnsiwi)ears t11(ifou
oVl h waa ttiafiet mil 1 it ttuiroiy
lerntAlotlf tune ill,- n.(iH CUTOcI
seres. Tie b)il L nt It nlh
1.1,1 m to trite I Im II "I leu ryi UOy
innnrttlA, Mcti .. I To Little etirr.1
tilll. IlelltMnvIni irsollnn.lliiesnnlhvl
Itnv ln of tern! ila ! We teetrmmen I
Hwnyrsaimrititnni urtrtrihii Mn.
lt- ti.irrrn AKtiW't. n trtinl o
Hood's Saronparllla
frilbrnlllennil.i, i tlslerai. rnrsrsd elf
bfU.1 Itenitiatfl li-n ew, L.iw.11 V44S.
100 Dodo) Ono Dollar
Thomson STaylor Spice Gd.,
ImpOftrrt t1 Mitufiftartrtcf lt
x.eoir.e to Tim tiud
-reprwlers rt tee lammi lr4 n
111: 15 CltOh.S IY11.
MIchlHin Avcimo, Cor. Lako
I Pollahocl or Bluod.
I ITTlri rtbjri 0 M I for Off r
JH li run ihr .h .., iui iu
M liNit, asilx tMvUtilloit ibett!
M tt MHrri Will UN ft Mdfl
fl taif u kr A(br
I UH10H Sml CO.,
f Clilnitvo, 111
j Ca- 10 sua inns 1 on
I ensscn truant
L kin 9)H Hsto -vrtr aJU tfWf,
A4 kim ir4 MiwUfl eW (mm (nWW li ntV
li ax ntr Mkaucir Hia.
HiX.ltlt K Trtf WOttr,
II 17 IUI H .ik itbodtlDK
lllXMtlifi Mln.P( 11.4 Illl,, Ub-
II ix t uii a wmJ.. ib umi rt iU
Milt narbtt,
HAlaelvllle. Co-n
I rermrnletMallsb lT pan(J & LyrjBi
Tbtt w stilt Ctnr Uomblst Lin of
Ifelous' Cclebialcd Saws,
CosiviiRila Farlef
Crw Cut, Drttff, Out JM Vpiight, MtU,
llitwl (, Um' 7.kvi touring,
LVM-U4, llHlch.tr, fVcl,
Aryofr, V ot43
Clrcular.totb SollIA Chisel PolntTcolh
And "TniUMPH."
for roll n Tress witn, sn4 tin Prllipf si
lottrn rxicxs rnt v xt km i
aiio ruiiiuiekcf thin
Rtnownrd TASPS J. FILES slesrs e tied
SC. O. 3VZ. Z.
sTfwSV Down Willi HRhPncii.
-kY Jl TtiHlnirtrt ttin.iTM.ltll
1 Y4 iK s-"1'- '.Mivktte sss
ij CIIclil7lCUICi"cYl?K?
l(t'jriorcithj lital XBcluti litairtriBin
OiK-ms. I wlf.
W to 1 10 M .rkl Vt I tl to II Ml BUffL
New Orleant, Cvruu U It tt.
HV Tcjttt bj xnntim, tt thn ajt.
rl4i joitOiutntt nilltd Vtil
ejnttlllirulm g
kk"" vll'ik 5
" Is?5 S ?
mn ; j
SP eSUs "
WJ IfcjP c a
Cla- Sicrt.;
rcSC li 1 1
w am " at
the fjscher"li:af comfy
NixurtcrtaRas or
lrarbellset Irnn, fclafeet Tfee.1
1 Mnntuls,Oratco, Stoves
fBnVtnrciEnxne eseme Jntw vv s "V nee ej e,
1 'if? BifvTSEaSffBJsEaS
Bash Volphts, Etc.
Aotnli for Amsrlotn i. English TH
l.ll.s Slorel., Wnltoii lllo., I Inn
Ho,, nud Hn.jHur. le
n nttiRV r ptrxom
' rin Cry it I nnd Colon,tJ Glt
Tub) Wuro, Dr OoaUt,
. Jri, Lflmpi, Ho.
Moid simi, .NjMrpiu nn, ri.
j r r . bf Z. 0. M, I, n df it? i ftntthWy
j rutrrnn ! I ti.ii .
UA1trtC1tRkH4 or
1 Annealed CLIMAX Chimneys
In l.r tTcrmti. and lernrald Lblnn7,
1 rtiai, Tuiulr UhiUi ud ItMuratoti vt
' Tinnibil(tv.
1'1'riHUUllM, XJ1l
hftBOticlarer & lmpnrlr f Briib
oOMToodSI., iiirinuito I'l,
OOLtl MTDAL. rAItlU 107u
.llKi:it A. CO.'sS
Breakfast Cocoa
Mj?J b nM,hlUn,..l,ll
JfftjZ& Is nM.itfte rce en.l
nlim, Xo Client train
till a " !' SUlleJ.lltl
Mill tl ""'' "' ""' "' "'"
ul!l llj."T'i iti7diiktiV"
-" IjnAtisi.l ir Mtbrt, nf, re.n t
t.ee.i,,.,J.a sill .Is nllrlmslUs
tse.ll ssler.. .Ink .lib
b.14 bf tlmetis sisrt.k.re.
W BAKER & CO Sorcheiter.Utiic.
Southon WiutD tod Co.y
TJ.' White Lead
S ,W I
- rielartd eLllrstr front lbs bel Itflnsd
lit leid.,sj Is xrmnj In rurelJn.ted Uil,
st nt lb Cempsnr intnufsctnr oalf
fllltCtt.V 1 UKK, 1 srl et bnilsl lVblll lis I
Itrsnlel Miatbria Comptsj- nbimtttlr
1 sire et e.ulnlni A I IIirLUTLT mat
1 alltlCLIC
For Sale by all Dealers la Wblts Lead.
' PMI mm .Vttfl,
Clilneur, Juimixenn ttml Or
.uunrnliil I'anrti (iouiln.
a irrULiv
04 C. Soconel South Street.
1 o nm i ,
kill IJtbe etir, t l.h.
Cqnsumptlon Cured!
Hill to 11 lllo . S,
Its Ilea a bsvrr falling ftinllr 10107 tor
I.IKillN, llll US. IIIM Mllil,
I. I. eitiliTi,," klllll itiiinvT,
lltiiltnl laa, l-nr r t tlilM , 1 1
I Allllt II, IMHI l. All II. AMI
IIISI, l-AIN IN nn anil IMI
litil-lnr, nl'luiMi 1,1 mni.n, ,0j
!ldi,rssrcf lbs
Tliroat, Cliost anil LtuiQs
ltreM MAI I'l IlllMinrantAlntna
fpiuni m nbioo ir nb7 Uklrriohi lir ik
U svum.I r. Btti bfftli tla MoinlruD nf u
Iudk lianarJsnilm. ncd l Uutc, tti 4
I rt.vinij Mfbt iwoau u i i gbtt cm crai it o
cbril. 111. Me-m loll.. ...in l.,rn I
for llr n, II t,ll H IIAlAll,ftu
Ukc uu other
lr flafn by sil lruggUl
I'lIH I tl)r,Sirl vu,
III. M. 1111. t, M lOllU.
n fir!)
Tho Only BUI Postero,
Diatributois 0 Rail
road Advertising
Agents in Utah,
oitt:ui trr.:ii t itAir.s crn.xi a:
ei toll ( l I ,I.J IU0A.
N. 71. Axnjutsox,
uruiiAi iu icr
ll.l. In I ,,,1.1 lar
The llnlf llnniet Mule or
Over 2X0.000 In Admit Ut.
Cull J ..(.. Uns nl
Bookbinding and Paper Ruling
I il L Its natxtiitx.
couxtv work,
hum: hooks,
rnicKt ruMUiiitb on trrbiciitot
DIVEV TAn DOAltD unit Dent
Oraile of Material lined ta
tnal'l, our work clirahle.
, EFEpjEg.
Tlm Hoiiouil Uilliion,
Inhrged and Improni), of (M, no
xosllsnl work, has lattl. ban,
published anil It no For
Silo at tha -
II 14 AlmOit ll-liptn.tM tft Xftrf
Home and Foreign Missionary,
Anl a itlmiiln aniilttl)n k,
iffrj Htultiiit nf Thwl zy i,nl f
eion lio v! iq (ti nmani of 1
Mil nix ftitj ilefcuJlnii S. rljrtu rally
; Jllilorloitlvlhei .'rlnr,tof l!mnt-rL
Tlifl Wi of Ui ftnipllfi, iiu, a,
work tw uliltttiQ 1 wlUioutrgilt io m Ij
I Ikj wlltiln llio rcu.i ufvvtrjr j rxm d
! ilrlnif Hthia 1ot. ntutml In tMt n
wislmtliAiliMin IHlur., nl tliorofan m
illrttutitoxrcH fr cii.tvf Kit uj.
j lotTPil to tlmli r
Iim bok 1 lmiil In four lltT-rtnl
i ivkMtiknlwitll tu any JJ:W
PniP.FS' Bconttt, GGconts,
rlUUEia. BSconto, andSllo!
murihX xu'rJi'i'-eVn ltl. -.
553 SHOE mntTeVn
.??',''ijr.r.',',r1!" " '" "
S3rw,rii7(ri'J'', ' s ' ' ."-j
SZriur""' "I' ""!! I ""A''"" ""'
bojo' v ."""wv."'-:)"",:'!
Z&WJll,lfi rl-LVt" ' .,L;
lHltliN. f Itu I H If W. .,!
4Wratka.(ir1 rtilvl.m ( Mki -
Hilet lila,llfW(itwla,al
5??5erV'" .. 'o - o !fTzr '' o -V o ;
o o o o so- V-of oj.o- o e;o- J.M
. ;'" ,"" V "t "?&. o- j
o43 and 45 MAIN STREET.
Wo Invito our Frlonds nnd Patrons to call nnd
Inapoct our SlooU c
OlotMng, Hats and Gents' Furnishings
BflTO & GO
43 and 4G MAIN STREET.
I.. 0. TKHNT, ' Halt Lnlco City, UUfc,
ConTTdl Western Manager, Iluluttn, MoexteKik
Elootrlo Iilght Flouts,
tunitt. linatca. nobenv itrnTa. f. J "'
jhtrUHLll) n innM t yrt tMe Mtat at If
win itc 7iik iiiiiicztr iii. Am ur mi m imi aii kirriv litem n'1 U
IIIHIIOKIIAJUII ,ll irAIIIUIIH uu ill . in Jl ui 0
XJIVION MlA'l' .UA-ItJCUT CO., lroi' I
' l

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