Newspaper Page Text
nfiij Hpf 4 m:sCTi:T KWdi ttithspav, qr.i'Tr-sruT.n n, ism. Hi 1 1 DESERET EVENING NEWS. H ji Riunio mat rDT iiftfTtn, fl L -HE DE3e'rETU'n'eV3 CO. H til ciiAoirn w irjtitcnc, tuiion. HVh ll,iirtef, tietemt,r s, ll, Hiii ' Hm uiii he tiii: in m (milium Hffi,' Tnr rrrt of the InTe-lhratlon In. HjS for the. committee of the City Council Hsfl on Ilia cliirgm eijnln.t llt tnic t, fH! at iil.llhcd In the DrerniT Nmrt, Hij ; Iim created ttroni fcell nit anions; Ilia Hf! . publlo In faior nf police reform. Al HJG though tho Iti-mlrjr wat carrli.l Hf ' un In tecret, fur which, ruap, Ht i Kino tound reaeona may hae BjR , ixIkU-iI, l.ut on which th ullln HuC I ! aru rather doubtful, It Iim acrve-d it Rood Hnj i imMIo iurpo. It hai brought lo Ibo HHn r turfaco evil that might liao wrought HU !, much Injury lo the city, aud directed i"-"-"8 'm i' attention lo them In a manner that j ! will compel definite action for llielr i t-omctlon. A we pointed out latl ef enllnt, the J lwrr to regulate apiinlritrtient anJ ji rrmoTal of (.ill i I In tha ham! of i tha Mayor. Tha confu.lon that aroM IB In tha Council after tha ado lion of Iho Uk minority report, need not Interfere In ft any way with the rnurra of that lune II llonary. Tho uhllo look to tha Mayor ft to laku roni t action ou thl. Important if matter. ft Mayor li a tonxniallta inao, I naturally aTrrte lo anything rn.h, anil ih If atiy-hlng a litlla too tlml I In nttert lr lughluiMlflticintrgaiirlei. Till, liny In U rtfrrat lo to oTrrofllcloutiie, hut Y?. wa think In tha pru-nt lntanca lie JI thould not .ioIUt tu rli to Iheoeca if alon ami mala the chanum which In MW (ill '''' J"'1"""1 'u nocctary, after the Hl6 'ft etpoaure that hare heen mala ami HCJ2 ilf Hip ibllc feeling that baa lcn thereby HHH Jlf nrtiUKil. Ill exerclw of the inweri HHH) ij confirm! iinn hltn l.y lath choilir Rf f anil ordinance In reference to tha HS ji nolle will eolea the iroblom lift on lBHJE IE thu liiudt of tho Council, li rue the JHKm J forcoof lla dLcordaiit tlinientt, pro LHuik' P moto ulillG confidence-, mid receive JRRxi J I luoeuinilofouriit cllliem. Dtfi (H Comparlton are odlout, II l ml I. IBltj if Wa will therefore not altini'l to com IUKa ill inialhe freaent with the part llco IMtS SI) terrlce eome parllxtn alleinitln laHISlt IK do, although we might do 1 without HlaHK 111 any dl.credlt lo former ofllcltl. We HKn!C i!'i "" ""' "'"'' l,,rlytuJ' orjiartyam. munition. Withluktha wellareof the ilty la above all aicli coiialdtratlon. J or tha iiuiillc hcu utid tho aupj rc rlou, or at leiut the reatrlrtlon of rlca auJ thox. oviU which airend cnrru tlon and dliorder In the comnmnlty, eume clianiteaara aUoIutely ueieaaary. It la for the Mayor lo deleriulne what they thall Ui and to make them with, out delay. The reapoullblllty reU Uon hlnk The blame will U hi. If the needed reforma aro not ImmtdUttr ly eOectcd. lhetlmeliM come toacU 1M the Major do liU duty without limitation ami without renard to arty or to any thing i l.e but the i ubllu Int. r eat, and he will l au.talntrd by all wlioee iU tort I. of jierinanenl value. Iff I 3; tiii: iirvn mi'i;iiiR'is. nil I ' PES 'lil Tiirlteiinbllcaii Territorial coiiven. jifl W i (, tlon, hrldlnthl.ilty ou WHueeday, 'It l waa a ( Irlteil and lniortaiit Kather 111 M) Ingof iublloinen from all jarleof the Lil' lit $ Territory. It deniouitrated tho fjet Mlli Of I 11 that tho rly la alive on! growing, Ml ! IS and that what have tUliued all i jK If alouglatrue, that I., the dlvl.lon on ill Sal itf natloual rty hu not lein If m fr' merely a camlgu movement, but n J 9r jit cu'iuAdeorganltttlonof jrtteaandla Mill lu an abiding Imuo In Utah. Hi! flu 'vn wuu' nt taa lln. to nBa III coma In re from the remote partaof the H Territory, at great labor anl cot In Blll'li 'l "''' l,u"y ""' 'or '"nnra, iiiiI.h LDatil if' they ha I lutere.ta at heart Hint aru UnT iu greater than mireteiiiiorary alUlra. HHj jp Tho lleiubllran irly In UUh i. Blllifillrl cirtalnla rmvieiit In.tltutlou, not. 3111 111 H wlth.taudlng tho fact (hat the Demo. iHullKti craUllrd o lare a majority of tho iMffil Hi votea at the genernl election. And HnilieH that Ita taUMi la by no uuana alorlom U'ffflllf 1ioa, will t iroveu, wo tctlove, at a Mar lllti iiotdi.tautd.itc. are thouaanda EliJI of JUpubllcttuawhohave not )it la.t jttwllllr oil tho Iron liaudi of eo cillid "J.llr SfKj'nL all.oi,M and luiny iltlxvu. who have HBIlllcr 1C1 3t dekriiilned which way they IrilK wlllturutoglvu their Hltlcal alUcl- JIiImJu ance, uud the wholu nuiuUr will HUH I prova UrgiMiioujlitomaknlt(ullolu- rftHllti tereatlng for thtlr now trluni hunt lildTMlB political oppononla. Tho 1U publican 1 1 !( are urganlicdtto lltunnd they miaii IB llllS toeta). HftrJIG1. Thn reaolutloua adapted a re In many VwHIlK renptcla admirable, iho definition of Ijlf pojailat tight and thu relation of tho fllr' jowira of the Katlou aud tho rvie 111 live BUIe will not bo complained of IIRiinlw '' "'"nii.torlciitalvocntoof iopulur Hlf lil'n eovert Ignty. Whether tho Democrat. rMMlHlif wl" "'"I1 "10 definition glveu of ill their rliull and alrai, la a llttlu ji J douttml. lu that wo con If 1 aldrr Uta the thief weakm-e. JjM of tho ri.olulloin In aUrmtlng 'uJiilmrl totlelluo tho jtonltlou of anotjioiiciit, aVlfillln ltlwlonwello Jutt toinaku Una Kwilil! ' atroiy in ho would hlmulf. IIkii V will) arguiiuiiUaValu.t It are potent Indeed, 111 tiny are ralloiml an I lu tha iolut, and It victory i unit It I. tlguat and U be rtcognlzed l.y all. Ihcro laanilerood for tellettlon lu the riKilutloui, an I a icrlra of tut fur orator aud polltlial Hucitor lo Hum wo oirur thl. advkei In con I Irnitlug lteubllflu theorha and actlou with thorn of an C iliu I lrty, do nut nvciitite, or iinlulu! i i.eineili ' or dl.tott thu lutur, but uhu them U) theyare. Theaamoalvlca I. gratult ounly OfT. red lolho DumocrAtlc etanje 1IU. I utliiwlng It will romoto good feeling, and do much morn to convliue the thoughtful and uiilcclded, than any amount of cheap wit mingled with niltreprenentatlon of motive, principle or action. The Itpiilllcan Iiava formed a Irons territorial committee, wllh a chalrmaii well verted In I'dlllial ntralrt, theoretical and I ractlrt, an 1 we may look for aoma lively political work In every county In Utah. jl'iiiis ltiitiiii: tiii: nut ASMKi tTIOt. Tin: American liar Aoclatlon ha been atrugnlliig v. Ith tha time reverH Jury ly.lrrn It haa not aprently accomll.hrI much. It ha not to much a fully determined ItaowurUte of mlndonjheijueatlon. Hut tha re ulullona reeented leava no room fur doubt that tho Aaeoclatlon wa fairly unanlraou In tha feeling that the iueatlon wai Important and aoma aott of change lu tha rcaent ay.tem oujht lo le con.llired at an early dale. Upon thl. theory a miirlly of tha couiinllt.e having the eulject Inchargo camu forward an 1 rewilvrd that, ' ri Amerloan liar V.oel.llon reeom mend, to the !lr .vicUllon. or tha MlafMlheauppnrtof anrh lesl.latlon or pnn.tltiillmAl amen Intent, a. will rb vl 1 for'a verdlet by threo.fourtht of tli Jury in civil e.e.n Thl wa. avlleutly for feeler, ro lo ieak, and as wich It t rouh! the Wilder lrltuf the committee lo thu front, with n revolution which l well wotthy of Hie anjti.t au.mhly lo whom It w. j rewtited for dleu!on. "Wa regard the minted change," ayalhomluorlty, ". anoveilhrow of the eutlra ay.tem. Juror were never .elected a. exirta, or a. meu Inlaw, but a. men competent1 to flu I an I areo upon tho fact., an 1 their utiaulmnua ououirenia leu ntaay been nulnl. If Iho unanimity prlnclplu It lo vaglveiiupandMirl Deed, then the whole Jury ayttem thould go wllh It. If a majority I to rule In tiling Iho verdict, let ut have men of Intelligence winded for the liurpoM,, learned In the law aud .kilted lu the Inveatlgatlon and tilting of evi dence, aud their number greatly re. ducnl. I it fact, let the whole ayttem bo auoll.hitl, If thl. ocu eanllat anl fuu lament! irlnclflu It to te ellmluated, and a dlUeriut trlUmal con.tltuted." While the .cntlmenta here to forcibly ex retati are nentil mora aa a neg atlve to tho mnjortly of thu commit tie' potltlve recommendation, they nobody the ttrong en I of the argu ment and mu.t bo rig.rdt lu thn light of a direct propotttlou to rid our Ju tlclal tyttem outright of It Jury I rlucl le. The Awoclallon wa. evldentl) n failed by erin the namlngof eovlolnit an innovation iion thla ancient tutlon, and afraid to a loj t Iho rojio tltlou, andyit Ulng unwilling to re. ei.t It, they gravely filed It away lor tho docket of iiullnlihid but). m. at thu next aunual tcMlon. Hut thu action of that nugu.t aauembly having thu gouu Into t rlnt. thtlr ttauip of tacit favoruou Ituiiyhavu almott aa much elicit on the put lie mind tu Ita formil ado Hon woul 1 have done. Thctecoti.vrvaHve Uillia will give It a .how of gravity which It would not have received from haity aproraU Tha reeult will buaihloved ufarrcttlugjiubllo attention lothotuU The fact I., that Jurlc are roving themnlviaro iralliently liiui able of filling thu ureo ol their function that thu elo ate half awrra of Hiu nulance alrtady, aud would inako no rotct agaln.t radical changt In thu .kteui. but would jrobably retl.t II tntlru abolition. It wool I bo Intuiting lu the agitation of thl. ipit.tloil to teo what ilawi of men woull raUe thu loudutobjicllon. It It irobable that luujrjfit!onal tcunii who aru thrlv. Ing litidtr Jury deol.lou woulu be mo.t rantplcuou oinunj the oljic tora. The dlHatl.ftillon with Jury trial In gnural haa umiilfiettl ltelf to plainly that It I only u matter of time when thn country will borinly, If Hit not ao now, to d. man I a change. rheuUtaclcalnthu wa) ofottalnlig an Ititelllgeut, will Inf uiiird Indy of men for Juror are to formidable Hint thu p.incl U too often madu up of Incomiiiteiitt Men who do not read thu I ul Ho Jciurtial nud aru not aciutlnlid with turruiit eMiiUarunot llkily to make tholett kind of Juror on itthir civil or crlnil. nnl bu.liie, And the t)ttini which mikra It poMlMu for a Jutt Mrdlct of lleiu tvu.lblo men tu bo lillllllled by thudok'gid oUtlnaoy or crank) notlin ulciucioljictor certainly med. mod If). Ing llutlhealMlltlonof the Jury al. togo'her, wo di not Ulleve, would meit with tho uppruval of thebett mind of the age, and wo do not think It would rovo of general lubllotHiillt. Till: 1 IM1I0S III' 311 N. A COIIIIM1MNI I Nl t.l U llcwtuU lap. r, tlgulug herrrlf "A Uutlntt. Woman, "ha. been ltchlug Into Iho dn reformer of that lit) who aru agitating thu ft.hlon ot "bifurcated aktrtt," ' kneu tklrtt," ' hip tklrtt," itc. 1) it while teeming lo uddrc. her Intuitu to Hiimi 'iwiak lunuUr." of her wx, tha lalka ver) directly atlhe olllilou ninlea wlioeuiuuugo thme drc r former, aud during n lllghtof oviriaruetin in lur allu. alon to mini In general, alio low tight of uir feiiulca nitlrily and giittluh. lug right and left thriugh thekciiiu tremenUof thu men If utility I to In the tm.l. of ttyle the want to know why men wear their (router dragging Ilia groun I lntfi I of alioathe ankto In conformity with convenience. Why, he aikt, do they have tall on their coal., where the ex tra cloth It of no lldn iikIoIii.m, licit on lha other haul I aT-?tul annoyance at well a a tnir letriuu on Ideal gchl laa e" Why do Ihiy anilct tin mwlvea with tttrched tlilrtlror.U.alirr collar nnl hard hil-, when common teniw would condemn without argument alloflhete Inmln. tlont More .ver, why, the woul I Ilka to know, do the) kiip up Ihefa.hlun ofttulllngalotof iipetl1uouililrt In to tho toi uf their pnntt I netead of lit lmlng with the utelc nnnoyauce and dlwlpllnlug thai garment wllh n waltt t and an 1 button.; The. are by no iiiianaalltha "ah. turdltlra" the ulntt mil In luau'a attire, liuttheyara rufllclent to lllii" Irate her a..uniptlou, that womin are not re'iotulble for nil the fuolcrlc In fathlon. TIII. UTIIOIMIII 01 1IUI1" ItllllTI. Nov. that rlrocltyln Iralo llie. coming one of th inu.t pou1ar feiture. of .our lltlcil Mououiy, n uliarp new.paper controverty ha. arluuatto who wat It originator. Heveral politician, an I newapnier corrwpondrnl couten I that I'realdeut Ilarrleon It the real author of tha reciprocity claure of thu new t.itlir It. The Chicago nti-r-Ooian divide lha credit Iwtweeii Mr. Illiluvanl Hie i'retldint. It almllt, of coiine, thai Mr. llliliowa.tlienrttluiugge.t thu Idea of reclproclt) , an I that It anno) cil him when tho llounu aticd Iho bill Ithout i l( Hug hit tuggnllon. Thl. wa.whyhedll not nnko nu iHVitl whin HiJblll went to the Hmatu lo form lit. r:lroiltynnieulment. And thu Aldrilll amendment I. til I bile reall) IhnWork of 1're.ldent llirrt-on. Thu llotton TniMlttr maintain tint the honor, of right, belong! to Henator lllalr. rhelllalr atuoudment lo the tllifTblll of Hilt, thu Ti-iuiUtr Hft, coiitalnt not only the aplrlt Imt the cettirllal feature of tbu reciprocity .rovblon of the rrtetil tarltracl. Thl. aineulment will bo found 111 ItntUi ereukmaldlUit page 394U, February 31, Ik SI. A goml deal lit. live ii 1 1 about the NcwlIamhlretfenator,aato hi. at titude on uhllo education, and outhu II pior tratllc, ou both of which quo Hon. ho waangardtcl aaMmewhutof airank. llelit. altotncurml Ihoin. mlty of China, au 1 uu thu w holu teem to bu ery uno ular. Hut If liuwat not tha author of the reciprocity tcheine, liu wat at lea.t ahead of tome ofhUirty lenlcralu It advocacy, and It may be thut some of hi other view may yet be taken up ly more u!ar men, who will receive the credit that properly belong to tho alleged crank tiii: roi'i'i,un or mum. Tilt population f IheiHtatu of Idaho nccordlngto Ihupninteeutiif I at, .i!o. In ISlOlt wt.TJ.iJlO. Thlathowt an Imreaaa of 61,77., or 154.77 er tent., during the decade. In thriv couutle unty aru dcerea.e thomi. rheteatiareiil deerua.e aru duutolhn fait that portion uf thotei eouutlee were taken from other conn. Hit Theru are nine e Itle nu I tow na hav ing lacli a )mlatloii of fit).) or more. Hobo Clly In USD had 1SW. In lhOO Kill. Monlller liadlnlMi) Ull, In 13'l 117). The town of Wel-er, Hellevue, Wallaceand Caldwell lu IS 10 had uu (lace In thuevnua rriuila, lu isnothcy contain riepeclltel) 1J1, fcftj, 878 and "70 Inhabitant.. I'utl.J.ewli. ton anltliangovllle have jioiiuUtloit retjieellvely of t31, Stl aud ill ). Hoinunf time aillculari liaMilem put ll.hed Imfoiu, but the to figure, aru oillclalatidaruglun moru lu detail. i otri i: of hid ruin it s. A I'AMUlltT U being tent out from lluir.lo which latroiluce It. mlulon tu the public! lu thu following I inguase "Wo foiin I that Iho gnnt rly had been betr)od lino tho hand, of a con celieilandeoiiteiiipttblo ni. We Inline dlately organlteit f ir action, and prompt ly a lopilug iho jwllcy of our great 1m ler, -iiniiel J. Tlldtn, a .till hunt' oa. In atlaitratrd, whh h In. dlwln.o.1 the oxl.t cwoof over 2CJ0JJ of tntl Clotelanl IK inocnd., every on., of whom I plodgml trroycxiably to vule agaluet hltu, no iiulti r whom the nppinlug landlUtu may be o moel fniftueiltly nn I uirelly, and havenur pie.wur I. an !grlp, an I lug dflegelea, whoe liuthie. It 1 to re IHirt progreM an 1 te that all branches of our nnh r work in harm nny, and wo tre prupered to prmcul au Invuliierabl bl anx ugalntl Hie eltvtlun ot (7 rover Clove land to any public olllco " Till cnturprl.iug HuQilo ajclety ought to attract couilderatile attention The gnat lrlfu aniing Hiu political "worker" lnp ilom i c ulrra nem to Wtodetermlnu wli.oan get tho tow ntlu IhelrpolltlcaliUHtholtaud at tho tame time avoid a term behltd tho bar., anl If Dim Huflnlo "hcelera" have not roa lied lid roik un thl. line, theru I. no iim for the gtulu of IhU deiadeto make further effort to do w. "Adoitlug the policy of lur great lealer Hiuiuel J. Illduu," yt thl. Interutlug lamphlet, "ho be gan n ttlll hunt," e to, "which dliclo.d the nal.teum nf two lullll in anil t I. velau I Di in rat If It wa. the pi() of Hmiii I J rillut) to orgaulxi t '- elm. if i lur dir hlaikeiierp, tu l nil ml lut" through the c un j n i i i lo foul the name orerme ludlvtliia) who might ha a candidate for nnice Mr Tilden ha. been greilly mltuiilir ttood ly tha j.jbil It hn. lrcn thu hthitnf rauet 4ople to regard Mr Til dena. nttaletmau anl. ItUeli wholifl given much honor lo hi. cmntry If hi. gcnlu. In ulltlc. cotultled of an iniiieiial ability In oManhilngaiid dlt clpllnlng tccrct character i"lm the ipet mil orator, of Ihl country rJioull cia-e Immellalcly lo tak of Idmn.n ttatetman. for tbtt.tmeii do not engage lu that tort of t utlm-n. Touching Mr. Clevelin 1' roj-jtid nomination fur tha reeldemy, wu have no 0 Inlon to expree. It It ha au I the politician, fur II. Hut whether hu win. or loaa, wu thuuld tay without iuallMcetlii lint when tho fortune of Mr leveland or any other eau II lale, llim rat or l!ciihl. can, are controlled by tucli method, a are lm lied In thl. Iliillal.i amhlit, thu nation atlll have autrrrecl adigre datlon which it cannot allord. Hrlf retYctlng clllren. who havu the hon ,r offri-u In.tlt lllon. at heart, thould U on tha watch for all tu di fou I atvoela lloriaaitd te b to It that no honorable man It madu the victim of their dla fvor, nirnworlhycauMdl.graced by their Icllowtulp. Whllo education la beconi lug popular In thl Territory, It la n goo 1 limn to lieln the "ttlll hunt" for beyui m!lt!c!ni!, who may alway la. r lied by their genlu. for lealcr.hlp luju.ttueli orgulatlon a. tint In Hull ill. .IJitS l I MjrMII 1 1. l.mjaror William I. ntKickblu Icr by Tin Trench ttlll fight an average of 4m duel, a )..r, Theru I. a flue of $.VI for pricllclng li)pnotlini In Clnrluiatl. Henator Hhiruuin ha. Uen nearly thirty i Ight year In ofllca without lu lerrutloii. Adictiturera anl AdicntureMee at Motide hotel. hve Uhiii more tiumer ou thl. )far than anybody re memlera Tha Helena, IlotHf ring. .V, Smeller railway of Helen, Mont , wa tol to Keiinett.MciUuf,r),n)i ou Hie Itt Intl. Deuaer ha. abandoned completely the oil liortu car tyttem In future electilo and cable car will bu the order. Blr Henry Wood. 1. aluut lo Chicago, to tnaka preliminary arrange m. lit. for the UrllLli M tho World' Mil I n the (own of Wltllam.burg, mar Niw Vork, I. localial n convent. On hunda) morning latt a man entered the cill where th mini tlecp. lie a taultexl one of the young women. He hat not yet been c turr.1. Homo Intermlng ruin of ancient elite have been dloovcred In the lie art oftherilcrnMalie, near thu natural warm bath of thu I'ledra. Vcrdre, Mexico. Homo of the houtc are In a good ttata of preservation. Hy the aii-olntment of rjreretary ProilortoflllMr.l.dmuiid.'unexilied term I'm Id. lit llonhon will good cabinet ofllcer, but tho Henatu wlllgaluaraan who will hold up the itaudard of old lie tiL.Il. au Vermont. Tho Injection of bromide of gold which moneyed women laku h)io dermlcally fur nervm. rotratlou are very fa.hlonallu and tald to bu eirectual. luih doo contain tell e eiiti' worth of puto gold an 1 ootti Hie tlcnt l. Charli Hill inline, of the firm of Tliomioii.v.l!llaiitlnu, contractors and builder., of Ilol.e, Idaho, while labor lng under aomu raalea of Inaatilty, ematiulatinl hlmwlf. Tha doctor think lie will recover from thu telf intllcteii Inlury; Acurlou. fact lu thu early hlitory ofpliultlliat whin they were tint told lii''0;nu thop," Hu ro wat audi a great demand for Ihuni Hut a code w at (axed rmtttlng their talo oul) on two da) t In thu year the lit and Hud of January. The llopkln. rjearlea will c.te prom. Imh a riili liarveat for law yer. It av rriwrlod that Timothy lloklui, thu adoj teal ton ol tho old nillll in itre, wn ntrrred H0iM,(.Wbut to wllh Iraw lil. claim. Another report t)a there It no truth In Hilt, and that IhueuuUtt will go on In the court. Mm. Auuu Ileum, tpiaklugln Iou don a few da) a.;u, tild. "Vou all know mo, Kortlxtien year and a half you luvo neve r kuo w n me to tell a He. My wont pulllo enemy ha uueerca.t atlur up.n my integrity, and I now till you that lino Mme, Hlavattky left ual have lial letter lu her familiar hanlwrlllng Unlet )0ii think the deml can write, that la a rrmarkut la fa-t. You areaurprlml that I do not a.k )ou tobellovu me, but I tell )oull It true'." V. I. M I. A. (0.SH.IIKMI'. Au Inlrrr.Hiig llallicrhig I aire place lu Hie .ti.i-mlilj 1111. Tim conference ot Hie Y. Lll.l, A. ol the Salt Lake Hlake of Ion, wa. hell on lueeda), lu thu Aitvmbly Hall, ( ouintlor .Nilllo Cokbrooii re tldini;. Aritr an opining rong, (rayer wat ollered by I'reeldeut Mary A r roe no. M le.liiKluii follunnl, mil then Hie mii.iibaoriievlou. i infireuce were ,riaiau n ivei, I hu ) early report ft' a alloli 01 ehu tataku road I a u,u I 1 I ii e Itti if an onir tK ko of the liieflt derived frniii ntten I Ing Atutual Improvement At te-rlatlon where young la lie have Hie o mitunlty lo cxihxnge ldet nnlnvtlvu Hie Uucflt nttho Hplrltof the lr nl pre.ent. Hhe compared working with thl.Hilrlt, to hunting forannijrrt In Itieark and urged thu young ltdlee iMt. the H Irlt alwaya, to to a lighten the toiroweof thla life. Mra.ll. I., livlne tald If only Ihuea irinnl were Intereatel they could accomi tlth a great work. "Iet ut l a cullar eople cullr fur our goudurft our virtues. Let ut bu I rou I of our religion, not a.hiuied of It. iouiigl.adlce,your hu.Undi anl lover will bo tru.r to you If you are true tu tlml and III work. Mt. I anny Y. Thatche r bora a itroug te. Union)' lo the truth of Iblt work. Hhe believed lu doing "right today" and tecomlnettrenglutJiu right Ml-a I'leuliel ltldgcdnet (javo a aoug, and "An 1 nay un Character" wa. nad by Mlt. Hum. OIIm A. Kennerly followed wllh re maikt It tiding toencouragutheiouiiir la He to atom up wlidom III alrltual thing.. I'nl lent r.lmlna).Taylorcomircd Hieauwmbly of young ladle today to ronri renca-i of Hiu tainn organluOoii hel I yean ago, when nearly all were the mother an I grandmother. How l.arl It teemed In get the young at.teralntere.ted iow how encour aired aha fell fir here wat truly a "loung l.adle' Conference." Hhe inoU if tiiu nil. faction which thu tiuct brluga and riatretted that tu many te-eni to Imi luting Itttptrlttii tlulr rata, for w rollli and ploamrc. Mre. by .Noill related her exrl encia whllulaborlug on IheHaudwIili Mr. I.llllo freeze, ai winter wa. approaching, now warned joung ladle agaliiitexciwilva dancing. Bheloied thu dance, nu 1 liked to ten y ung eo podamaf gracefully, 1ml nit loexictj. 1'reeddenl Mary A I reexc I re.llited that we woull march forward with gri all r tlrl li a than wu have uver donu and that II woull not t- long lfuru that A..eiiibly Hall wa tilled with thu young la He if thl.Htikc. ConfereucH then adjourned until 7tti) (.in. ufter iliihlng "Hock of my He fui.e,"aud rayerty Mr. Maria Holt. Atthoovculngtetelon theru wa. a vi ry largo all. imam .. After the u.ual (ipenlng extnlte lharogram in. waa carried oat a. follow I or reioiidliig l.c'ltcn, Ml. 1.1 la Nilie krr, Mi. Dmia Itrl-on. Itenmrki, Mr.. Dell latnlley Harredl Duel, "lloli Mother," MImn I.lly rinyder and Viola I'ratl. la-rture, "tVomnn'a MImIoii " MIm Milan llamllu. Ad drew, Mr. I.ndly lllrhard.. Itemarka were then madu I) Htaku Hrcldetil Mary A. 1 rctxe, hhe aald that wo at a pauite aru workliig to elevate woman an I to give her every right and I rlvllee.e that tha ran wl.h. Weare trying to lieevme tniu cent anlon. toour hutliand. and Irother. Cuuntelor .S cllle Coh brook mado thu cloilug remark. Hhe felt thankful for tho gootl tlmo they ha I had and hom all woulJ attend thu next confennce. Hhe timid Hie young ladlea locultlviite everything that I. viinoblliigan I good, loliukludeo tiiu oor and lowly, fur they are at great a. the licit In Uod't Ight. riinidug, ".N'cater, dear ri.avlor, lo Th.e. HvtiMirtlonby Mn. Jane Krrrxe. Couferentu adjourned for Ihleo month.. DELICIOUS V Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla A Of porfaot purity. Lemon -I 0f groat atrongth. Almond - tconomlnthalrut. RoSOOtCr) Flavor a dolloataly nnd clollcljiitlyot tha fraih fruit. CITY AfiEATS o me Deposit Stamp System ur tiiu CTAH C3MKEHCIAL .M?D SA?I'53 SAKS JJau.l j . Mr r-C lrih WirJ ( o)i , cr lib ra B 1 lib flnaik i. Urook. cur Utlkiuib nl tth t,i tonUtrllrtn. e K Hlrcvt t it-liww & Hjtrrr - u -.Uin H rt A Ilatttrwtrlb.cur Irit U rtt n t Jr-J huuiti Mm moicimh in w, itb North 1Mb H ir 1101, ftlOW iMMoulk Mr. o inn, i;i s tih,,,t 11 r tWtii, . 111 d ms.. II J hhiihtnmr. UJ N, Iiihm rr-ck Jlrtnltuc, . iJ ni, t.. htitlgafv llron. Ml- llhdih Mrt d llnrn. ciltlaia4 linikoaiu ftuAi-r A rut I, $H W rtD uuin J A It Irvta. fH Inl Ut It II lfTtu . 4H3rlHirtrl Jut h 11 he Una. nit m mouth Ari'ur krtvU. . fii W Vnrih 1 cin. A II. vuodruS, Libvrir I ark Jehi. r (o, oo r fnlHoutltinllriUut J W Koi.t. A(a, lUTrr.,ln.cJr J W.IUrril, tlt Hrl JtilnHruwn, for N Ttn 1 1 nlH 1 V lucbira Iiur1in, .' iijumiful t iturrvill lu or t I nit ml)) I itPtflo L.timbr A tlulldlox Comti r. luitr JkH.ii Mulwii. li-d i'oltnnw,..! iltorrt il . J, J llotliito 1 rutlolui tlo. Itiii(.i f-in l tni it lha ot who r 1 11 arvnu uj mtten 11 mu unt rcatlcaf) o-i tt)ii Hi r t m it-renal uur (itLeretn rowpuuu-Ic 1 1 times ctr Cenoral Unnklna Di1n tilRictoM -r Antttro 3 1 Y ilnlt.o TIj y H.rte k Uf ivar 11 tern lr J. , I IibtiW lt.t W J nun? (j H Uuily U. Ut-rnxntiiVX BtuiUBi AkJcut. We "Want to Say lOBUDf FINOS TK.I,,lbltlno.almm.a, . Aiiorlmnt cl mmmmm tut from lha Pltee. and No Tteo Al It In All lha late... Met Attract"' and Dretty Stylet. We ilmpl..,,' come and look at thimjiW are temptlnn and nearly lr retlillbtcand lhaprleet range from ONLY $4.00 TO $8.00 run btiit. Wo have beautiful and pproprlitiT!-. mlngi If you conclude to buy. Cur Stock of CAMEL-HAIR Pi -A IDS FI.AMiMKI. PLAIDSZZZZZ RRni-FM PLAIDS Cannot be Ocilltd for niehntn, Color nd Novelly; togtlhtr vtlth Fabrlci ol All Olhtr V.rletirt they conitltula iucIi a aiacTY-nvia ohiitm iinri. yaiib Lin 01 It rarely met wllh In tlili Wrttcrn country. The Fulleit and Mott Vtrled Slock of BLACK.-.G-OODS, Novelty and Plain, It alio rtady for your Inflection. ' Wa have the dei.rvrdly populir -rsrMmrvui iyrriA..-.ojorriiN.5- ln unuiutl aupply and In til tha new tlnli. Tor thoie Mho nnrTAILOn MAOC SUIT3, I v. have Imporled a Choice Sltc - lion ot rx-"-""N EffiH BROADCLOTHS -T"tt??i t all rniant look it ' In ShaJ, Patterm and plain. They are ! lhf very , d th, Prlc. I, mod.rale. (J J)) 1U0. I WannounoaReduollonofTWENTY PER "ove'lty Vttatt tilt 5" CENT on I nlutot LADIES' IlliOUSI WAIgTS, I w'"'"''ln' In Cotton, Sateen and flllh; they treitlllng ' readily, 10 ba In tlm. I .1 x. o. wbhiieii, ttaijit. F.AUERBACH&BRO.'S S,?-M-?-L.-?-EI ntiur.-a cRowDnn huvfii ami co-it is sot to 111. COXrlll.I.lll . Wo aro now Preparing for Fall Business. lUVV MEIT 1.1SM IIAMC ALItLAliT JkllUltFll. ALL SUUttEi. GOODS MUST CO IN THIS GIGANTIC CLE-JINCE SUE. OUR SILK DEPARTMENT. Keren of Iho tlreatett lUriialna lu Hllk aro ollered lu IhU talel $1.:. Figured India HIIU fir 7oc. 75o 1 liture.1 lull Hill, lor t'.o lllitrk Luxor rrlcotluu for JI ID Wo I'lituml l'onitea Hllk. for il'iu UOo lllack (IroM tlralu Hllk. dr& JI ex) lllark tlroH tlralu Hllk. for Ho $1.19 lllark Urow tlralu Hllk fur 5)0 Only one Dreu 1'atteru to each cu.tom.f. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Pcliool will aoon ou and wo Intend onVrlni; l,uuO Clilldreu't, Ilojrt' and Youth' riultaatailuallen.1), terceut. telow aralui, OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. ImA al our elritant Hue of I Juliet' and C'lilldriu'a lllouteiat tha folloirln; extremely low irltivt 1 Ixilof I.a lilt' HloiiHtatMc, wofth 7.0 1 Jtof l.adle.' Illiium attUc, woith JI 23. .,. 1 Lot of Udlif White, Ail-Wool 1 laliuel llloutex at 80c, worth 1-W and IS ou, a auaii. , 1 Ulof LmlleVHtrlicd aud l'lcured all wool Krench 1 lanutl llloul iUV, worlh ii.1i 1 Itof LaJlet'HIIkHtrlied llloutia at 11.50, worlh 1,0d ,, 1 I At of burah Hllk llloutci, extra Iiuti , auorted colon, al J1.7o. w"u I Lot of La lie.' Borah Norfolk Wal.t., In black cardinal and navr "" at 1 1 11, worth J7 vi. Ladle' f JIM Manuel ltatlilnn Hulta for JI M La Ilea' J'l on Klanuel Ladlea' 17 Jertey Ilatliliiij riulu for II it) OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ha made iuu lu jou. Hie tho follow Inn nrlceiof cut Chlldreu', Mltkua'aud ltot'Hihool Hhot J.'(K) HOW fl.INI SJ tu now JI Si .' 73 HOW I ti,M now JI 'm , THIS WILL HE THE GREATEST SALE OF THE SEASON. Thl la the Chance of a Lifetime, nud the Ladle cannot allord to ml.. It. nr.Ml.MIILHTI.AT TIU'M' AM'. ( ..AliflAIMi IN T"8 BALI. THAN Wl 111. IV ANV HAI.P. 1I1.LI) III TOM. IN THIS CITY I