Newspaper Page Text
I Hrr ' p-KsrarnT tivevtxg xnvq:. TitriNriAV,- r.vv mhui a, ism. I life1" I DESERET EVENING HEWS. IDtl'if i, nit . tKlHEl fl "iiEtaETinineek!Y NivM. BB1 H PnMbhrt tary Itwariaf anl TiVUr iWrlp HhHBI M " t ihmiwiitllloa:mtvtor4iUfrrJk B HK k A nir rwrrrr Ktnar. HBIX t't r A H b M Kf Majartna tha thaaf rat Mllit H HHfl UJ lfc wtf7' fMUU valWMa u tf rurrant H HUB! ffl alaW-ry. 1 tk. ftt taJama l M Uri, ILW, H HAS M . iim I MEXICAN iNKWSPAPKIlS. j JOUHNALISM AND JO Uf. MALI ST 3 IN A I j SPANISH REPUBLIC. , 1 Haw ha raaa la ftalial lli-'l 7 Hi Out . J rtiMnt Something Abont "Vm T VPr nnrM In Ihn M I Iran lnll r.K tlarjr -Tha PinOlaaf Nawapapar Murk. if Here's your daily pirr cf tomorrow 1 , Thlaltttiocry Ihirat3 o'clock etwy a afternoon If tliottrrtUof Mexico Cltr l lint of ilwtts aro crying It H fllif?l IfcgKcd. dirt littlo ftlloirMI? look tH S iVIr 'J cot unler trig IiaU ami itlck cheaply B H !ii$HJLf print! lien!! r under )onr new m H Iflbjl 1 while tliejrydl out In Hpinihth9rjiin at! B !u 3 I of llwir pape ra ami iijrliiat the con- H B ISfi r tain all tb bewa of tomorrow, Xn th tH H Ji-J j I meniin;, they will cry t bo Mine paper LH W VI fi aajuat from tho prsa and retnt that tH lint 't !S they contain all the nci of tho day. B K wJ ii f Mm lean eUlIyiMwspajim ara always M gj ,lr IP 1 prtnlM Ui Lj afternoon tfiro thoilito I tH Hi'' ti i cf piMIcainrt. Ttirditon ami rprl- 1 H jf L S rn aru tvi Uxy to think of night work H iv ftmltlity hare no Mea cf tho inlna nf j 1 If I Tr i nowi. lVIf rain aro Jut m llkr-ly to B Bl'l v l? Iwrrlnt-'l Oirrothji nf reception or i H mfr dl Pjf to Inj thrown out enttrtly a to In n-l H Mr 'i Ilf atom. Ami a jiroiy tbrc colninntll H V K $. jlli toriil often crowiU out n blfr nvrhlnt or ' H ffl r" illi w Mv lifter. Tho Mtiioun ro ! ! 11 1 E Iorten do not know what tli Wunl Hi Mill "KOup tDPin ami mtnyof thetn will 1 & if not n' teUttTAinB, lcaw they ny ' HiiShimi V I tl"7 1AT0 110t lhfl room 'cr tl",in ! U'C v v Mfl .Sfurtlwlrt, tbero aro twenty nln ' HllH I it SIS! daillM In JIpiIco City. Tlio imwt of llfl Hr lhorowihIdll by tho government, HB J jir All bare tmall clrctiUUon, nnd tboblg Hl ' rl Ml (itjanrnal cf (bo wholo Mexican tv Ktm St i i Ir public turnout only about G.OOO ct4m . Hfll ii ! i A1 TMi I T.l .Monitor Ilepubllenno, HB l' j Z whichUtbni;rcAtlnde4t)ilent dally of lllj f '! J Meileo City, which contain about 300,- IH Li )f WX) pevpl and which U bigger than Cin- HIH Yi r f cinnati. H iU 1 r M;n-rArm row, 11 ;(j Jjlf Tlia Monitor 1U publican? pari t0.0fl0 ' Hflll Y"i I III ft)earaudUlitlMhitnwpapcrprp 1 Mh) Hl I III ertyliiMMlco. It (-Hrtombidy from til It j tboeoTernmefit ami It It Ucrt-1 by l 2?i! ! tho Convmllr larty. Itlonoof tlto HJIIll IM If mutt lodeitcndent of Jonritiln in lu nl HhII h i t vcrtliin,r mtthodJ. It will not tU mi Hlliil 11 il aJnrtUementfor any fixed time, only Hjn in 11 for a long ai it U conrinlent tojublliti Kfl l4i if It, anlltwitinotiaaleany reluctlonln Hfl In Jl1 prIcforAnmnlerof Inetrtlona. Itbi4 Hln V' ' IV four ijearKtflU for alxrcuti a copy. HIH 1 ' Thof-dltorof Ttn IU abUcnno U now Hbi it'1' 1 i tnd then ton decldod In hiscriticiimtof HElil ii'ift'jf thoguremment, and likoall oilier rdlt- Hllli liVl 1 it on In Mexico ha naddenly llndi hluiwlf Hl jV! P irretl and glvm a few montltt or n H I i if yenrono'a fuij riiunnent In tho J-rul !f' . 11 tetitlxry. There U practically no frw ijn jl flora of tha prtu lu Mexico. Tho oil tor l$ i la of a nwpair who li oblijel to alyti J Si tUnamoto hU matter tiaur fetU err JK j jji? talnatowhtherLaT1llnot bo tnktn Sj ' 'P - -Mem, wldch U tliu namo of tlm JJ1 j J Mexican penitentiary. There U, In fact, m 1 II atorridorof thUprlxm which la dtol4 M rfij ! tiewipaper editor and which gooa by lU jjtt tlie namo of "Xewvpaprr How." ' ' Tliotnoxtof thoartlrloaln n Mexican J ; 1 "j tJowiiicr are fcimd, and tho par has A. i tnirint in every Jtauo tlto namo of a M j, nianwlHlreponMbhi forthnm which xr i ainotli;ned,andlnramof trptibloa fj ) totlinnalgwhlartUethUinincom to )$ ) f j iriwu Jntonioof thenewepapo-onicrii ti,, hero tho QtUchea hmuiqo tbU rupoutit j ' h bility turn about. I'.l Tiempo cr Tlta Vi 1M I TiniHl tho nfau of tho Church party, Hct J. I? und it ofteu deiiounoea tho troveniineiit. Hfl h Ih ta cJltor ArA frcpicntly Itnprltoned, H'l (' ' y but It inakca About flO.W) a) ear audit H 1 I4 iff' contldera itnlf dolus welh H I ill ' & l'dlu coTernment paper li 11 1 1 MP y(S Unlrerul. 'ihls 1 tuUidlxe.! by Iho B jljfi . :g Vl troTtrnment aud ltpcUll.OOO a mouth 1 f jl& SfJ trout l'reldcnt lhax. Tho editor lm H 111 ll alwbwn mndaftMnator and ho rcU a B i ;iT ! li Mrimtcr Hilary. Tho Unlunal lin- H f m If, about fifteen cdltori to overy ono rv- 1 l'J t IP orter, uudtbUli tho proportion lit tnott H llrii I (Pi of tbeoClcea, Tlio cdltorisU aro chtrlly M $i jr.! "ai- Hf tl dili I f K TIK rAY 0F 1:LITOtia Att nrrotrrnui. HSl I'D F in Tli Mf ilrnni donotknow what tho Htl AW 1 IK racy l''"""!11 tueana. Tho flnt Itfio I'.YllM t, of oTcry Mexican ueuvpaper U deroUnl Kinfi'lt IE to long wlnJwl crillipie and conuiau HHJf l jllj tarlea on current evcnti or history, Hllrlliji 16 Tlio only Uto ipeni that tho city hai H!M1? t j ro two dallUw nublUhM In Knallih nnj HH I ti Ice i Ir patroiiited. by tho Ihif;IUh peakInj;pjo- Hla W ' lv j'lo of Mexico. Onoof thewUTho'twu fl ' I lUpubllLR. which wn rMabliilml about lllf! Jltt ' 'fc twenty-fit n juan otfo and which make Hlifilf ' 1U about $10 000 a ear Tho other HntilUh Hlftrn) I (a pilHrIkiiownaTho.nglo-Auierican. VllSivl I Shi iclndiof nowtpaper work in Mexico IHBffOl!$l ll' aropoorl) paid. lMlton p-t from (10 H ljtT ' jl to$Wa ucckln Mexionn money, which HILjyfr Ma( 1" only from $7.60 to $1H awcolt in H!!f)i I jf Amertoan tuoney. Tlto ray tnlltor get llfutr ll IK thn htuhtwt ralnrlra. An to tdtgrftphla Bll'mw ' 1 ft- rtuM, the piper Mtm to think notbitu Hlgunl ()& ' (lQtlnK from tttvir coutomporarle HlBpfy fi tchvrnm whkh huo Uvn uiwl n day H ill Pill I t or twoUfore.andaueTentthroomonth liPnt IF old will lo put In with iu tuuoli aaaur- UllHli ' It. ancona thminli it had Jutt happened Bllttlu iaI Tim?, In fact. 1 of no import unco lu Uttm '" 1 uny alfttlr cf Moxtcuu life, and neither HIbs H I t'l t ho jteople nor tho editor mm to caro LLH 3r2t.T i i a to whether tho matterl new orohl. LLLVlSl W I ' 1 found nvwtpNpeni In cury onoof H W J tho bx cltlea of Mexico I Lit ml. iiHIl! U it! and there U no jrfttthu pre lu all LLH till I li! Mexico. TbairwHui In umi aroof tlio Hgl IJi oil Trench fttjie nalo ufter pattern iiH flBiifi 1 i ' whlob hatotrmj lno mm aImjIIiIiwI iiH ttHW ll! i Tho amount pal 1 for tob graphic n?rrlc iiH ilri ll! V' ! iii Mexico City rniipw from eitaf,1! j-r LLH flf rJt ' ' 1 ek per uewapper, arid (nly thuloal H H 1 f In? newcpHpir pay nn)thhitf fur M- jH jib j, nun. At to niwpier oorrnaiMmd Klbf XH tnU' thewnrupaid b) RvUinKuivpy of Hir '! tho pap r rw, and tlto jwrwr thronjih iiH 111 tJ li( out nn run un tbti ioonomlcal ground, itHHir r ' Iho printer Bet horn WJ to ai rt itt per H f, l4 i th HUMiudim aud i ol fornnan xn yf) ' i -r.aa aahtr) of fsun w,V. Mich H! El v i i prtuU-ra a urn on fnlartts fect from a to i If i4i (M, flSuwe k ttnd nllortlt fDRnminro lii iKBi r,l?ll!' I Wtxl-anrunnrn, which I worth only 73 i I fr'jlj I. I 1 inti to tho dollar Frank U,CuniUr H nf ' J 1 l iu.Ntiw York Woild, VHV WOM N FAIU la the T.Utr.rh lltiiltitii lliar Urry ..) t tl U mU. Kct 1nn, Afro a new telegraph aerrlce waa orfpitihitl on one of Iho Wt India lland under the turrrWnn of An I'ngtMi Botcrnrurntat ttaff TlioUlAnd wai a lon vtay behind tho time in It method of communication anl err tiling cb, anl tint rtbli"lnneiit of pottal tidejrniph tat kit nil rwind the Itlaiid waa lookevJ utori Alnitiffurutifig a moro Imjirfnl and prtignwlio era. 1 ho chief of (he dppArtment found tltat women were cheaper than men, ao the Itation rre plaeeol In charge of a bright and tromMmi rvrrM of deft urUtedyoiimrhidlr, whu took kindly to their new tiuk und for awhile ttcry thing went etnoothly I'rce(itly, howerrr, an epidemic MI onnntiyof theo Waul town. audit Itirnrlably took tlto miuo tnu The ihrk from n merchant offlc orrtoro woullboutMnfr in the middle of the flay wlin the (lerco troploal mi wn liAatlnic down on the nhlto (.Urine itrelt, and drliln? every nlilto man wlthlu the Jiloti'ie of Ml conleet plauat or the hone of tlio young 4antrr, hn had ridden Into town from the colle mountain or the adja rent sugar ratate, ouM be hitched up fur an utieonaclonnblo tlmo under tho henry idiadcd inanKo tree, tho fruit of whkh could bo plucked from the win dw of tint tpJrk nnd irwin tatkm, which contnliwJ the wholo aecrtt of thcM iinwindcil i hetioiuenn. In nflngleyonr tlto eri Icowent to ph-ce. And tliochhf hnd to face tho fact that nmrly overy tnt-mber of lib tafT had t-IUier reabjnetl nlrmdy or wru about to relTn, hi contvpienco of ap pronehlng matrimony. The ollleer of tlw Wrntem Union coinpAny rtm to be hnrlna; n altnllAr eiprIonc Tliry coin plain tlint tho litimto proprnfJty of the telegraph girl to get intrrleil linaourcoof roittant dttarrangritKnt and change In tlieir ofllc. Jutt na Mioti n n woman get broktfi In thoroughly nnd ran liandton lieary wire ahuwt nswell a a nan ho fall In lovo with eomo telegrapher an 1 imrrlee. In mutt CAee the women quit work and go to iKHiaokeeping. while the hiubftivl lta to thump the kiytwloo n tnrd toetAVeoff lank ruptey. Tltl, liuner, mnke no dtflVrenro not n alnglo one ewiiu to lo dcterrl by thoe-xierH)oe of her pmleetmor, and the old tory perpetually reeata It If. In (Mint of fact, the btiiliieM of initrimony aceiu to llourUh Iwtterln telegraph otflee than hi tltolmreAii whero men nnd women Aro lupponed to meet their fato At to much per hen 1 1 nnd to terioiuty li tho routine of Iho telegraph ofileui dltturlxnl thereby that the companies dechri) they wotiM glre tip women ojwrator oltiyether In tlio lirKooltlcci Ifltweronot for tho aako of economy. 1'itUburg Dfrpatch. Mrl or th Mrrlln IUm. Mr Hpurgoon ha lcen roviewlngn book on "IMmlUTf. Mcthotllsm i n tho i orkihlra Wol la, And find In It oino ttorh ery inueh to hi mind He la repfclatly pioafcd with ono crltlchm of a h niton. "Ah, My, mUtcr, you prencliM n goodl-h aermou tonight, but If It had been tutiort ot batli end, an 1 Rt ollro In thi middle, It wad n dean us mare good," Mr. Hpurgcon Vcnrtxly retnemler a better critlcUm than thin." Another ttory I of a not rery thient young man, who, being In tho habit of tu)hig In hi prayers "I-nl, lilp me toprny,Mwni nnweivl one tilglttby nu old mnn' ejaculation, "An 1 tho Jml help theo toghoowor" Mr SpurKt-un nho like tho ttory ot a ctergymiii who. nt n, nohy priycr inoetlng, commanded tltenru und auld ' My dmr frtiiida, tho I)M U not deaf ow don t yoti thlnL you could pray n littlo moro tpihtlyf ion remember, whin tlio Icmplo wa being built nt Jenifalem, there wa no round of any tool heard In It while building " 'it1, Mr,HtaId ono of tho brothers tltat' all very trim; but, you foe, wo'ro not building the tciupUj wo'ro only blaitlug tho rocks." l'.ttlal ucrM will u Arlir.el1 Cvll. M. Traitbo tucccotleil In making nu nrtlflclal cell that would p-ow. Ho took a drop of gelatine, which, after being tolled for thirty ill hour,J(it It coagulability. After drjlug It for wutuI hour hi tho air by tho old of a rn flxetllii the cork ot auut) partly tilled with n aolulloii ot tuiiiiln lio plunged the drop of gclntlno Into the tannin. Ihe ituter portlou of the grU tine, which dluolvod, combined with Iho tannin and produced n cloecd ctll IhUdlitendod moro nnd more, grow Ing after tho manner of n lUIng nil, but would not ttnp at tho limit of growth or repnrate Into two or moro cell n In llrlng tlmu -?ew oik 1 liiica. Riron do (londorix, the Urazillau India rubber merchant, who i trjing to cor ner tho entire rubUr output of the Amaum region, I nu energy tia man cf TortugneM birth, fort) -ono yean oil I lei of thortnul ery portly figure, with light complexion and red hair. In Ilnwla there U a grata dtficitln ibo w heat i rop. 1 ho ix-awmtu mo ttarr Ing.nnl lltercl tumll hopo of itllef. In I inliii there 1 eriou nnxlcty; a fuuv luoprHitiU entr ucouildernUi) portlou of tho country A r'HiaTt-.ui.tii witii iftnjr Aich. Tln ro nro a good many 'crank on wntclu,illMr Molllllln. "I know a member of the houm whocurrhtl n w at ill hi cmy pocket. Boute were gold, ton to tllter und tome nickel. Bourn hnd clmlim, tome hn 1 fobs hnd tome wen htw ncd to htm w it li n cord ornthoeatrlug 'llmcurlou feature of the thing li ho was nxoeHllngly tenaltho on the subject. ,,-ew ork Herald. There la n cone of ImnuMicd tin, SO Iiiclu In height and IS lu dlftuich r, on tho top of Mount kutnhdln, pi icetl tlu ro by tlio Appalixliian club, of Hun gor Mo. ItUeuotrs tho dUt mu trout which thu summit ot the peak may bo seen. J 1 m nit r llrkn C . I o ImlMcn found f rw i (9 t,'aa byMrr. Uortaing Oanhry Oulle, of Varla, Any frnTniftt of limkiti g'liM of variou colors nro ntlxed to get hrr, after having been broken to a tullable tlzo they ore (lien placed In mold lined with ailiea tale or totno ottter retUttng material and tired A eoherrnt iiiaa it prtxlurel which ran bedreeaed and cut Into Uocks, which are. of eourre, IrreguUrlj colored Suxh block limy bo Uml n nrtlllefal marble Tlio block nro titually rough on one tide, owing terlnpe to Incomplete fiiloti( thta giro n turf ice whl"h I nduitrably ndaptel for cnulng tliem, cpoolnlly If tliey nroslabllko Inform, lo adhere to wall with the addition of ! a little mo rl a r tire decorative euYcfj ran thu It prodtieed. Dnlgn in re lief enn bo obtained by pressure whilo the block or thib I plwtit. If ntuitabte mold b prepared with movable partition then I lcea of gin can bo nrrnngstl In surh n way that upon firing n iiry efftwtivo "sflilnM gla w Inflow l prtliteed. tho necb ty of uIng "leading H n In tho ordina ry way, being thu ob latM TJiU 1 hi will enable many manufacturer who liavo Iteap of "wat"gh lying ahmit ii le to turn them with erylltllo exenditun to profit ah to account Manufacturer. t rf th pm1i i tjiii, Tliere la no dnnbt that If rvery Urge paen per t tea titer wa provided with freteral search lights many dnniron would be avohle 1 ornl the yearly loi of life nt sort would bo greatly leeaotted. Tlila rrfAtetueitt nppllo npocUll) to end grtuit leitner, In whleh tu manylhr are In Jeopardy tn thur of elatigor. It baa been reconimondtd (hat tho oqutp ment of tuch vesstii with rarv'i light tliottld Ifo iiuide coinpiilory by the gov ennuente of I lie roiititrles under wtinsa IlagH thoy mil iifxl at whoso lrt they touelu A an InttAiiee of tlie simplicity of a reareh light outltt,nud the advnntageou tie to which It can bo ut, It 1 only iteootanry to look to the navlgntlofi of the Hue canal. Vcaael iiiiprovldwl with the tleetrlo light ran hire a com plete plant when entering tit canal -ItlieratSiKiorl'ort Said 'Jhewholo urrangeuieiit eau lo set up In an hour or two, nnd (he tteumer ran then go through the rana I nt night. I'ormotly cy try htp tu tlie eaual lutd to tie up to the hanka At nlnlit. and tlw passage often oeoupled fifty or sixty hour, .ow It I generally made In elghieou e r twenty hours, ami on tome oonuloii even pihker tlmo has been iimdu Kloctricity. CmihtrtMl Oavdavai. Tlie l.oynctu lo hyjioerlty 1 ttnick tn (he remark, 'o man I worse by tlmu lattng giMne Tills my sound fin ty pignut mat Ic, but unfortunately there 1 not n on1 of truth In It Any one l nlwny worse by siuiulnttnggood lies, for that means nwunlng tho np rvieo of It wltliout tlw nwllty Net only la lie more vlrtuou thin before, but til vice hat acquired nu additional tneakttig quality, which make tho man more cu itemptlble perse, nnd Infinite ly more daiigeroui to tlie community. Imitation Is tho tiibuto which lea pay to Wrtue, ilouhtleas, Imt the iloo I none the low USou.-I)r. Ik W. Co nant hi Popular Selencu Monthly, Atlnllviallon of totT, Tho ndulKration of cwfTeo In Frsnco tia roAehed ttich nhtrnilug proporthmt that It Imt become n tubji ct forinos tlgAtlon In the chamber 'Iho adulter ation U mid by a mixture of Hour and sulphate ot Iron, which I prwd Into the shape of n roffco benn, the rvim bianco betng diilloult for . en an expert to detect by kllit A Mtiill amount of chlcury 1 ouu.tiiue ndbd, and tho entf rUr I given a touch of oil tu make It thltiy rcw ork Times. "August Flowep" Till I the query per What lo jxtitally oh jour littlo lioj's liM. And lie I) It Tor? no worse ihiutlie lic- rcr.olikr, taldir-hcua-cd Ikjj-j, I.uc I .in interrogation jioliit. " What is It for?" c con tinually cry from thu cradle to tho Kra c So w itli this little Introduc tory sermon c turn nnd nvk "What Is Aunt'ST Fto'wi R I or ?" As cnslly ansnered nsiuVcd: It If forI)-lK-psl.i, It is a special remedy tor the Stomach and I.Hcr. Xotlilng more than this; but this brimful. We lIiec August I'loner cure l))pcpsl-i. We Lno it will. We lia v riasous for Luou lug it. Twenty ) earsago it started in a small country town Today it lias nil honored place in i cry city mnl country store, possesses one of the largest manu facturing plants in the country nnd sellsevcrytthirc. Whylsthls? The reason Is ns simple as a child's thought. It Is honest, does one thing, and uVs it right nlong It cures D ipepsia. M G. C. CHLL, Sole Man'fr.WooJturj.N J. Hair dressinTTarloro HANOI! OUT nun ititini am sin(iii. U Sli.mpooln j Dan. la tin lititt and Mo.t spprovrij M.nncr. Childr.n's Hale Outllng inil Drolling a SpeoUlty. .- loom, IMA J-, Citlluitoa Hall I nr. I-all.Kralvr, IllMlllA 1.UIII.M.KIY nUiJiw National Folding Bed, HAMUrAritKKl. II r Tllll m(. jumitMioitr iwiMiuunco i nit ,- itnnn m x i ih rati: at S. R. MARKS & CO'S, Ul'("ll. rnii It, MR3. C.nAHAM'3 Cucumber ElderFlower Groam la tint wo.atte in tit i hhin that Utm la iiaUrl)r bI l hi sermaMtir Us lifra. ll rvatft s mtt sineelh, rr, tfllvrif m sivi i.f.uiir iim iraiuaur ni ih romiikilon aettral MW w hid i ll M s ram eDl prwMrllnu iron iba f ol tin aJ Mllilirvnl ifc'uTD as I fitrtl, tai Wtdrktaetll) nniirtmtn lil you Ne II. It cImi Ihe tc far lu r aoap M 4lr honrwaaaaadballJi v iMfklsti i4lhnapriTfnta Ihn fm t I wt tvf wrlsklea. MMnf krnht Ot'htl Wlr S I1UU ilrl ruryttlr fMSJforold out I Ut at It, a It i-l that Ytmtvj 'it r niatit no in-t tnwJr m alkali ssa is m harwte-a t dw anl a noariafcinjr K ii n m dew I f ! Price JI.OO, at atl lrrta snfl hair-dretr.rat ilra erra!" o,rim a tblnhntl, 11 I'eti a ri al1 Irsamwo whrr hln-Klalsilieafr nit h pTBithaaof Ilia t - 1 1 Itcare 1 lta l A itnira urated hy Irurr, eat iiitn for hr liula hooa, Mtow ty, HaaaiKvl Samplo tlOttto mil! ' tn sn HlrottrrM.ftf ierti"tfMat t'V tor i U( ul I'MllS Ij-Ij utiu wsulH M no. CnAHAM'U pace Bleach Carta the erl eaaf tt FraekW, ana bam, Mllowne, Molli ritn llwhlea a-l ail ilin bltmakca (He $1.50. HarmitM saiteffmift aimpra can b aenl 11 ArftU ttanlei TIlO Drtl4l3t a ihli lean -hn rtt eretra a Mil A in arnrauvaa mu hi bia saaia adJe-l in thft lrrrtim"al Mf rrtataratta are far ' bf hotaal rtmarwt in UMraai sad tfary Mjr wtl C IL, worouWoneRrr( o n.ecrttttts, TrfiMtU. AM. C4Ut Trust Qomparjy, Nos, 1 nnd 3 Catt Temple Street. KitMuktd HU a ImmpiMttflM Plltrtrjltltli treap WiHtpsr rr, , (osoa (J. Oantot, 11 Vui jMin r swiru. Aerr M C4SRO ItUtiWb Tuuta, Jim Jack, Uaoaaa Rkinou i, T el waaasR. C-Urt, 11 B.CLawao DOES & GEMERALJA11E1HG BDS1SESS E" Py. 0 P.r C.nt on Uavlna. Daposlls. iit in riiiiuoi.H DBSBretHational Bank Dll.T IKK Tilt, UTAH. Paiti u CBDiml. - uoo ooo oo Surplua, - - ,1100000.00, mini iiiiki Joiitrnr,lvM.l, Tnitcusi, lk 1-riiWrA J.I. lirrLi. j.acL'itii. Ji.tnir, DiiwooDtr, P. II I'uir. r w ji... t-ti as. noir. .'.It IBI. I- ..II.I.U, tMlrr. II. . Toena, JuicMtr, E!C!lT63 DtpOSitS FlJlMi Ofl CiDlti jivr i ii jrrtt.Hf. .. ' jf, t4 frmlu OUMf., it, iwli, (M4ilc, Un4t "Irtm fnottrt CvH.M IVw S-Uf. lKp,l v'tqltl, til. gilt MS fir. lw-(. Lfl.U, U lo ttl Jf I THE STATE BAhK OK UTAB.'i ALTLAUKCltr. cpiiit - noo,ooo, , nitiriu tirtAMr. rraiktant. WALIIIKmiON Vte ITMlUat nrueiiii MLils,Laur i nxiiMcronHi Jaarb r Smith, ChM a Usrtoa, Vm-l'.!l'!"t' PWW Ctatl.a, Abraasll taaaos, rraah T Tsilar MirtnsaiHst Ihdol XI ta Msrrt, inchard M Xbaag, i llanrra HooIScy "1 Rf rl f a di(Mtti piftbla on demasd, ' 14 rni.nty on , prota I Mcgrilr , lirsni etrhoi all rin ip, itnlotl ' rjatptrcani.vaaBinaaiii ) . UuiaMiMa1aiiiiritlsertga uoariartr 1 An want yoar lailtuu DANIEL HARRIKG10.V., ATTOnritY-AT-lV. rx"'l-' ' Oxutitollm IMUtei. -WryvUMl. iyir SIICPARD.CIIhRRYsSHEl'ARU Lwycno Xnu 37, 31 St ,f JO CnimrrtUI Mttt tLT tAKBCITV. S. W.llARKF. ATTORN CV AND COUNSCLOn. 9HT B , MtU Lml fVg f. 1). LfcWIS. TTonnty-T-i.w. JOHN mTcannon. TTOnHCY.T- LAW. ' In !. lUCTlAltf) V. YOUNG, ATTOnNCVATtAW; TktrJ rur, VwmUUuttom Bidnft PfuLi X, C U. t. r, SICHlbDl. i 11 MOfll lUOHAltDS & MOYLB, ATrOllSKYS-A'MMV. Olflca In Ccnulltutlon Uulldlni, CI 5 UIIV tTKKKT, P-A.I.T LA.1CB oiyy UK. li. S.VI!IG1!T. OmCki OmitihiHam fivBMHg iii sum yet sju a, rim tik. 7v r CHARI.I.S M. CANNON. 8UKCC0N-DCMTIST r-m 4 u H , NU J Jlr) A. MRS. M. 1. VAN'.M 1). H ' I '17 1 ( ' . ', i y llvu film nt, i. 0 M Kills St SIIKKTS, LIVEHY, FEED AND SALE 8TADLE3 ASD.'.FARHERS'.'.CAHPIKO.YAEDS, Old Tithlno OfTico Promises, Irrnn IlrsMnslilr. I nipfrlj Sife. KAimi k ii "i"t. nt hoiks and tuiKiKs run mill; at . L01TKST llATka .11 piosnnit PK8TII1BCS, ttlLU r,fl North Tempi. V BMt OTFICEl 31 Uouth TmB!a 8t , Ws.U Cgh PAtonl, Eakcr's Ki. I, nnpcrilno Vltolo Wheat Floor. HIGHEST CASH PRICEPAID FOR WHEsT. uia ru 37t oft niifiki nt. U.US MOIMilS lYrprlflor "siliT MKIUMRY. nAVii nisniUK oLK nenriiicton of lb nalt Urn Vu'irr, I aia now pr larl la funith l ruli.ntiAtfs nn4 orua mriiiai 1 ri hhiI Miruba, At bait auallir ssdallawtti prtr. Brrr as mil saath ottlr Holla, e Slain Uwl dil UAUTIN ClIUiTOPUKIUCf. fiCratoFuCtorL Hiscricicsitioriua Silver Brand of Snovflake Sodas VXN1Z OAKIIH. Parla.1 In 1 onj 3 l'ounj Itoirs for fle-Me rarltr.Tr.iHlrrs tiud I amllles. BOLD DY aTU DCALnilS. iiiiiiiiTiiiiniiii THE TJO'A.'Et mSS MB VaUIBB II.-. FOW,' r.irillU -.TO.-.L1T tmniixois.. iioek. p. eset M.U fj nrril) ATllll tU Itat CuoJ. In tlie ItorlJ. All Woflc aunriititood. Homo Ooiiipmy. Homo PioiTttotion. Ordoi-i Solicited. KutlmiiliiH KunilrOiod Vroo ol' Glmi-go. Offico Room 233 Constitution BallillDi, HIT UM LITT. JOHN DtCK, rrtildmt. AlinELIUS IIINCR, Sccrstary. Illllllllllllllllll tQ LYON &HEALYA '"wa Pitator,afA-e?A in suVr? tTiyrttri'ij r XITAtllSllZV, tin. Pioneer Oudgrtakerol Ulali. ftSt a a a Wmmm tU-wjrtqrtr w4 Tittlttin Jl KMi Aatal. tu, hwl nf CMh Ontrtt OOrriNS AM) OASK12TS. lull Ilu. of Inltla iiimiUIiIub Mrpt r.n.l.ttllouliMiia. Altpboai ATalecil'l)(r1lr.l,roaipllr "d. 6tilk FrtHTTtA llf AirfvrcJ Cvnrflllm, vUAoul .urn rA. f.. OX'llIV AY x iviaxiT. Factory and Wererooms , iV:;aJ?..fiw Cm tad a Hill Dloei. I'm illniuu. rCLkrnoXJt A, ro Jos. William Taylor, UHDER7AKE11 A1ID MBAtHEB. fCtrrrthIarfcatss4UihilCaBtItBloci6l COFFINS.CASKKTS And Undtrtikert' Roods In Ullh, HJI. t IMiM Mllmmn'rtl.jiHlirta! .., r.iiKi.. ifixJlatua LOTS AND CRAVES tr 7.;; .ILVar ill Olden ru I l "' s 'I I la 161 Stan en lo.. 1 a. -orflC. iSI Mt NK.KB 0L0I3P - li AND 23 WEST TCMPLC QT.1EET, r,v ii.ii icick.ti in. Q S. KELLNER CD yl m. . I . rfl -If IK- m RS-OPEIID ry Dry Goods ff mnmmm "' j B -STOllK- t'-aswj ptuirz 1T H 205 and 207 ONEW GOODS y AnniVING DAILY. ff i . pH A LOWEST.1. PRICES JT U Jin 1'i'teiuU mul tlio l'uMte nve rj D jj fif Invited to mil mill cxiunlno igffS B VV-J Muck inul 1'rlcct. Kf ' 7)vlk tl?iutve mat Soof , "fl!rw WinWtUctiWlfll' Z. 0 M. I., Kolo Audits hi SulL Luke City DAVID JAMES & CO.' 1 Plumpers, Gas and Steam Fitters y DIA2,31M X2V HJ'lumlinj ilatahl, l'umpt, Pipe ami Fittingi, Sltan J I calm j Supplia, Tin and Iron Hoofing, Galvan P? u( Iron Cornice, QuUtring, Etc. fo OAHDCN HOSE AND LAWN SPniNKLCrt3 SV No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. Tlie general renttet it thnt Ilu teltpie (Iroeery und Vrull Com pany carry the ury belt guoili In tnlr line lu kluund unyvhmln Hit city, anil that, amplnl letlli the eourlcom treatment ami nliUgiii tnanneri ojlhrtr taUimen, vutke It one nfthe mail attracttre plueei 0 biulneu In toim. Wa Invite our Jrten&ioiul the pnliUe eeneratly !( call and tee for themvltet. -'-3 anas UEEEl Z1S " KSL1PPR8 Z cvnnvnoDY should know that S? Wa Kill maniifacturo s Full Una ot J? SiPUlllBLEPOflTnl OCuatoiTi Work anil Roiialrlnfj. All Work"Warr.inlocl. C . j ?" Wo carry olio Variety of "TJ rS FINE IMPORTED SHOES P lt OIHanyQuallHtsonUSIylai. V1 S LOWEST PRICES! UCSTCOODSI TAIR DEALING! Urlng our Famlllat and bo tonvlncod. o8QLQIf10IM BROS.o j