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1 1 B M llij I s ...a-rn.nT rM.vivn nvsi im v. vnivi.:Mi'T:ir n, .sot. j f SECOffl MM. H II DES'EHlT' EVENING NEWS. hH fill 11 1Iur-lj. 1, nil. H MlK til-. ! to tt tmt Kitionthd)vbQ rwlfrl hhI IIWhH 3 I rtooM U toivM In l llt bu!fim Atfn Atl btl H UflU tjli J ltae tKo t p. m, H Mni ;i lUtti ol AJttftliliil firk1ti4 Mfon tT11wtlMk H Otti '( TJKiXs ft k4rftiMttnU ntwt UstrniU H 1 U SALT LAKK. STAhK lOX H Hi t 1 FKIlKM'i:, SHHhI FiL-il! The rcml annual Conference cf the HHSl NivSsl HallLakeHlake of Zlon will convene HHH HrVI 'IS I In the Tabernacle, Hall Uko Clly, on 2u :' ' HalunlayaiidHiindsi., Hciteinbtr Sth ill I nodOlh. MrrtliiK will bo held nl In HHHl ihli '! a. m. anJSi,iii. on Hatutday. ami 1(1 HHHl $?' 11 I m., 2p. iii.and7ilp,rn. onHundsy. HHh ' Vi i il A general attendance Is cordially lu- HH) JiliJ Ml " vllnl. HHHl Otfil! 'ill llcrtii are vunliil Iron, fill the HHHl Sji Hi quorums and orirnnlatlohs of the HHHl MaS it "" lu """' for "" Conference. HHHl Hwl ?i I AvuUM M.CANNUX, HHHl (Si III Jinii'il 1'. Tauik, HHHl si"! 1 ('HAS. W. I'KNItull., HHHl is? ''if Htk rrnideucy, HHB SI (H 1 KAjIMK.NTS. HHHl K''vJ J. A. noowtu., of the Ulah Niirwry HH tilltu ' Cnmisnhssrelurneil from Nework. HHHl 11 tff rVrai-aarelaalhg taken by the niklnu HHHl fliMl' of Ittdoradofitr thosreetlonof a school HMVJ M r house. HH if (M 'n Tim c-amhislloii or aluilrnta for the LHHM fllU y)d ruble high mb-ml ha,an this morning, HHHl hwl 4f lullis I'mirk-antli aclionlliouao. HWafl ?-((!! Ik the oate of llsrvc) M. Ilieoii vs. HHHl l:IF' tff M"'1' MiKliiiinlne ci al , Judgoane HH VH tlila morning a proved tlm bond. H r'j.i V II II o flilnl Ifl.lrlct Coutl )etterdar i ij t I aiicrhoainnisrlca II Itlrbv a nallroof HH '. V ! ' Ireland,! A bullied bii-lllsenlili, i ' HI ' J.H. Uainuux, president of tlio Ilipll i J, Hi I Tmiir.ll lominiij, holi Ixin iiuu.ii N Ml licriMJiiriil.Tl.iini-iiiJl'lturi', HJ ) ' )l UexttNllioiiiolnalijwiUr. H ' If l ! ailt.ul- llunTaitrputliiciirKlr.lln HH I '( ill J I rlnslnz lo llulit two moro urn rmulcn HH ' i? , lmrnwi yiMieritay wlitrli liat Uvn HHHl I t I'k ' HTirtoill.ylliollmreiilinr IllnitUm. HHhY : II ..' il? limjolnt biill.lloi: oommlUm lurlns HHHl HI .1 III nijwtulall t.ltl for llit roiibtructlon iif HHHl H 41 7f I'-rlty aixl county building ajuln a.1- HH Hj J f.l t ttrllto fur lipvrorion. HHHBlill fit Tillnii ar momiiM at Hi WooU-rn HHHl Bi . ill Union olllni f . r J. Iluioont. AiU Nor- HHHl 11: ,i nl! li n, MI- .Mi Un U J..lm fax until I'. HHHl Will llifi ""'yi !" " KMollalUn, U00 HVHl iffli' f I C C llvnry. HThI llll1, f. Tll r'4"" "' Arcliltoct Uliuir for a HH l 1 1 jfjf Uoolhonw at llrlsliUin, to l tSV), HHHl Qjll J He liaro tu arorptnl rn now attiirluro HHHl il i! P t lil Uilmlll oil rkk anil rxt aiidtvn, hVhHI ! iZi ! I r1 f 3 'ill anil too ttorlm In hilElil. HWH 'nKi 5t ifffi ATlUMxnilToiiaiiiKlfromlliol ltt HH Lfil W Sffl lll.lrirt fouit ki Oiplonln Ilioi-K.n of HH ,fl 1 ' 1 If JauiM 1'iitu, aipellaot, va II. (' (illWrt HhI'&I tH I T)i ""lc- "- Mwt, lia Imwii lllblwlth Hilt:!' I l t tliorlrrkofllioHtirriiiLourl La! fif Hi . !l! f!oKllioiiTlluUAlistMn j.atillouc.1 HHHl I rlLr , I r airl)iiorliilliKnllnlliry nanicl HHXll !-i) I i rronkM Wllaoli, toitrantlilmaliariloii. !HHHBl!H,' l' I .llM,iiw,a..nlruortoluiw(ari,lm. J ' I N. oiin.nil fora ciloio nuui.t luturp, $ ) H out lirotMla lili lunou nvo. il! I f Maukiiai. l'Anwia ka ml Im.1 Hot- tf i 1 I trnor 1 liomaa to otter a tawar.l of HDD 1 IV furlhaatprfeln-natoiioflho twuiurn vrlii il Jk about alx Mk ago ui)t rrom Ilia aaaaaaaaam.1 ij ' MllllMitlary. 11.0 third runaway baa HHHllllfl K ' i& Unalrfaly rivupliir.!. aa oreyloualy HaHllfl " I alaleillniba.Nlwa. HlHinlu V ' it c,Tr ''Innaa CollKlor John K .May HHHllltP.V, Ifi aajatliat maiiy inrrcninla arowirnly HHHHHi t, j '''" '" l"y "l0lr llrrnao, owlnj lo llin IllllljJ ' ft ai, ilinaa lctwiii twenty ih. and HBHMFIiI I 5 Iblnyuiirclianta, ri'ttlauraiil ontl boanl- HVaHHtllH i at uV Ins tiouoo kreM ra bats bron rointlle! HBHIIuIiI Vl b.eloMiip Im.lne.. Ilio laat trn laya HHHJ J If m & V I Ida rc rtaonta a bud atata of alTalrs. hVB Sllil1 lSi llrHalunljy nli-lil tlia llaidd tranalt HHHl 1 llin' wt Cilninuy wllIUi.iaratliiKraia lanween iHHl' IfltlH l?l ihe raulOo ilri t an I via "'" M J?? rl,,r,, w"'i Nortli'Mnide and Mala Iifi3 llll KtrMla. Hourly Irlpaw III l-ma-U It I. il i?3 II lonwit oloetrlo itrpul railway Intllo I'ji 1 : 'Irrrltory and mltra etrallent publlo hVH 'IHn ' Ijl AHludlildiialof aoinnaiiibullallo pro. HHHJ it I I 4? lUUea wm loun I on llio iwtreioeni In HHHl Ml I "onl "' " lll kireot bila'noaa bouM HHHJ'jI ! r , . , IxtnUbl. Ilowailakanlnpollraliaid- HHHJf ( (1 I J Urta. wliaiolio kit n fir Ida apiiear- HWhI'III')'' i anw In roun b.lav Ha bilo.1 to'.vma. HHJllMdjt Jji; and liUiiienuywai drug wd Into Ilia city HHHli "tUsl 16 lr.av.ury. iH(l1 UtVi Mill, 10 Imi em lad by Ilia l'aoplea 1 r- llfM' ill wanllnif ckimuan at Kaglnaw. neartlia J I At tic "ul lalMmre atallon on Itie Union II ffSl 1" I'wlflf. llwIlllaiOa.lil frit mill Jllft !I'jl ijl blub Tlia uipaolly lur llin prf-rul I. .M nitty IS ft .,. II na air . .tnllilOf Mill liLfai I rH b ntw ami luoilarn. BHHHVlf RtS I lOl . TllDniiiiuimM on aim la rrpoiltliat HHHl til I jit. i if lliiiourolliroaawalkalobaroiiatrurto.l HBHaUiUIIII U. Inllila city atlloli Mill ronncvt all Ibo aHll'nl'Ji It ulawalkalald wltlilu I ho dlairlota run- Hrillll (B dni(i'jlaiiiJweat,andalaollirr oalka HHl'lhtj BR on Ilia aontb tdo ol Noutli Trllil.lo, I o. iHfgl Ifi lnhoondonl rourlli lUat, and Ike llll) it! alk til Mala Main and Weal leinplo. f I IK IS: .lwwnhoiitblni! and Tiilnl Mtiuili llltv i ft alraata. 1 1 J JP I IB, rimoolillnilpilraaaof J. C. Joiim ital IfK Ifi l Uli ta-iiml IUIIiuvJ roniiny, HI.'S IV tiaaiihlarlnxforarnsaraorimy, naaax., WilS BE. .'"' "' ,0 """ " (oniiiila.lom.r rlln FilH lerliuian aonletluia tlila aflernooii, 'llw IH , rmatroii.VIieniiv.attornoafjr plain. lilitfitHR tin. ah,i thu tuo ilerati lanta ba I It V III i ode. atuchin.lila to tlielr Inn, la by l!l IJlS ! tianali.irlnijlhaaain from ouo banUto iilJ If I r an lUiir, aul de.altlng tlieui In ilia liu 111 nunwofaiiluditidiiallulliclreiniiloy. IIS liH J ; '"Tkb, wlio wai arrrtial on ullS IIQ luwa-lay nlftbton thovliaruaofatenllnua aaaaaaaaa W Fit M 1 if fauhi-l from a ludv on Ilia Itloliraiido HHHJ i Li ill III j I W.tii iraln near llruon lllier, w.i IHn "IIH 9H ' t"'"' l"1"'" Ikiuimlaalunor llriHiimitn aHI uirfil lllKi ai.i.111 jeatler biynnarnoon. Mlnttralatod H"M Pjr Jiff Hal aflbo lime of Ibo Ibeft how aa under HH UtW 1 lli Ililliiem'o of ll.Uor ami waa "mih lip HHHl in) ifi lit ' roniinlilbaolSniao by oilier narilea HVHl Mlii IIIk' Tlieooiiinilaalomr lmpaoilntliio of tin HHHJ fllM II& ! anil win. In delault tbo ilofunlalit went HHHO (JW tin lojall. II , hi)lns rmewfll. K ! Tlio Twonty.flrat War I mtiUnr; I licuav waa well flllod hut ovenlnit on I ' Oiooccjuloii nfii social ifathirlunlTen V lulliolnlurittuf l.ldora Thomaa I'lriu. M Inisnnd I'riiiiK M.Ciutltigii, who will I- UtV JliI ahortly lono on inlaalona to Ureal K '!,'! llrlmln, A proitrammo waamoat tuo li ill , iiMfully n inlen il, roualailiiK uf HHHi H1 llll i ''""' "Jll'lb"" ')' llbliop Allen, HHHl SB I1 HI H, 1. Now, lloliorl AveaouamlJoalili IirtililH ! ilurrowa, n voiulrolo by HUUr Julia a'i i. Webb, rullalloiibyrlUUr KtuinXlod. Si's lit. i ilarl,ailtrllonaby thucbolr mid lri. RiJl I iliaa ami uu oil Jnl ieni by DayI I Bjij 11 'I II. nib mn (.'ouiiaelor M. H. Wooll.j (jjl II I pn. t-iilcU tlio two Itillircn wllh ii Mj,u J luutary contribution from lliurinlnla HHHl 'Kfl Ml ' of tho ward to nlt ibein In their HHH Wl llll trivoli, unJnl. inuj two excolleutlt HHHB iMJ III wrltun leKtliuonlnla. tho liaudlwork of H ,11,1 'Il ilrotlur llenjonilii Uod lard. Aller HHHi I M 1 1 rainea by l.Mera J-Itxiilnx and HHHJ ii'-W i , C'aillelon, llio nunthiK cloeod with n HHHl 'H r! Wl Renirulliaiidihakliijraiid hinrly hood HHHl !3? "w, i wlilu-a fur Urn in tce.a mid wi Hare of H"H li'i Vi'i I thomlulouarlealu their now Held of HWH 'fill ! ' '"""- I SMITH'S DOMESTIC TROUBLES A Dlrorct Case Which Ttrtattss to Hsu a Long Roc. mi: nui.M.m's amuu. He la llrntrril lo 1'nr $12 I'cr MrrL Trniiiorarr Jtllmoiir, Atlor nr Irriand (oat. Tim dlrorco mil of MnjrgleUint'.li vi. L'barlra ISiailtb cinia be,' ro Judge ine lu chaiuhrra Mi la ruoinluir, In a rt Ilmlnary form, uan the ai pllcillonoti I he (art of th ilalnllfl'a attorniya (Mwra. Itlclinrdt an I Moylc) for mi allowance of temporary ".Union) eml Inn tho trial of tho camp, payment of Mlortiey'a fta, an I roata. Thluaar, It will lm rceollKlnl, lind lu ileal rrrrnlly In 'oinuil;loiiir lVatl'a Court, whoa Bmttli wru con ik'lcl of nu aault upon lila wife, mil anal nit wlilrli convktlon an nj aal liai lieen entered. Attorney lllcharda tlila mrrnlnu ot4ncdtlittflrlii2bj'rtadiiiittlioilhorca lllllfin nl Mra. rlmlth, the unbalance of which bai patlouily npearl lu tho .Nfa. Colonel Kalhn Wloweil wllh the readlnfc of tho ilefetidanl'a anawer, which now ihi ilayllnht for tbu flrat time, liarlnj: Juat beoii placed Uon tbu file of I he C'oUat. It II ti moat vuluuiluoua repl. Hubiianllilly riniltli drnlii that at an) tlmoliuhua treated plnlnlll! In a rruilurlnhiiinan manner, nuJ olb-iita llillerrr rime their marllatle bo liaa uniformly bilmverl tiwanla her III a kind, gentle and ailectlouato way. He liaalu uora-a,ctfalItd In lila duly tg lur na hualaiiiil, Hudelilea that on oralout rebrunry let, lhOI, ilalnllir waaalckorcoiiDiiiat tnhcr room with la ttrl) Ka ur nny othi r complaint, or Ihatbocoill'elled lur In lero lur own food, lie at no tlnio rtliired I) do 'any until, ti aaon able, propir, or t ax-eeaory waiting U(on her, or in tiavo any one elaolo dutheaaine.i' HeliM i ever loikrd lur In hi r lumieurlclt lur alone when HI. He haa lievir refuaeil or iieirlectiil to aupply her, while kkk, with Miytliiiig IhatmUht alToM htrrelbf. lie haa uerer ilraixeil or thrown her vloleutly utoitaaila or anythlujc tlae, nor did be In June, lsli,uor at auy nlber tluia, Ihriiat her tothoKround, take her by the hair of the lietd, anl drag her n dlelanceof alx fitt, aa alleged. Haa liefer alruck tier uvrr the lira I or fact, aud ahe liu ujioli no occualou lind rena en to lieir for mercy nt lila handa. Hhe waa never lu fi ar of the allnhUvt Injury from lilm. lie h-xd never, illlur lu ChlcaKo or Halt Jaake, rLfucU to pro Tide IlitHllrllln for llfelf or CllllJ. De'emlanl next romplalna that the plalntlll'a imillur and titter (without auMi) areliottllotolilm, mid Ihla, he taya, waa the reafoll of ta liledrlneatlo Iroublo at the mother'a liouio lu CliltaKO. Ho derhrra that he la tenderly mil devotedly attached to thoihlld, and Inu liefer daatied lie head violently airalnat plalntlir, n nd erliiKltlnaintlble. Ho did not throw acupof water lu her faie while they weiaatandlnrtbatfiro a drinking foun tain In Chliaizo, and deuka lnivlm; abilan the babe from plalntltl while lu Uhlraso and t rounht II to Hilt lake. rialnlirTand her relallf ea aro Irlah aople,M bu rontluuea. "tarurat and devotnl Cathollcr, ami all ham nu. rtuvemable tempera and lirtcuea. Do fendaul la of I'.UKlItli blrtli, ami ac ccU the fallh aud doctrine of the Clmnliof Jetua ( hrlat of Lattir-day Halnti. He laioutlderably older than Plalntltl, and tlila dlararjty of race, felld on I yeaia la ruudu rnuih of by tho plalntlira relatlfra, who teem to have griat aictu doucyand control over her; and lie waa canted by tbemtu act In a man. nir that occatloned iltfendatit murh unhapi h eaa, inltiand aulli rlii(." He Mya that to pfefue them ho ermlttod Ihethlldtobeluptlied by a L'uihollu prlitlMhat they luUiaeU Ulntlll lo niter Into a tchi mo with them lo i om pel delaudant to allow tlalutllT and the child to renuln and lai aupiwrttd by him lu Clilanro, uudt r the control, liifliu nc eand relhtloua traluliifr of tald relallfta: that they aro "uinduculeal IHle, habitually utlni; mid iiarielaoKuaKennd deurnilned ujion brluiiliig up the child ai n Catbullo and lu their manner of IUIiir." 'IheLhlld'a hialth by n-aaoii of tho liituiltrablehtat In Chlrajo hal lo ioiiiei;rially lni alreil, and he fiaml I lint If ItloiiKrrrtmaliied In that city II w oiild Inovltally die; but plalntlU rt futed to Icavo Chicago with tun babe. Defendant waa laformiaaud believed. Dial plalntlir and her rolallfta had entered lulo u tontplracy to have hint arretted oil fnlte and truuijatd up chariict, lu enal le them to convey the child away and hide It from lilm In order that they might Kiln full control nfer It. Willi the ollect of reinovlni; the child from evll Imluence and example, he conaldorcd liu had the right tobrlnir It from Chicago to Halt Lake. Itefore leaving Chicago ho I rovlded for the tranaiortntloil and ex nteaof plalntll! lo Halt Lake, and It waa uiu that rovltlou that plilullll returinxl to Ihla illy. Defendant waa now out of etniloy ment, had abaululely no Income, and waa ireented from obtaiuliig work by reawnof the Injury donu to lila tland lug and reputation ly the wrongful aria of Ida wife lu having lilm arnateU and rohtcutod on n falte and mitt iken clnrge of cruitly. Ho denha that hu illapotiil of lila roH.rly to one Jwrph It. Morgin fur the uroiMi of avoiding the ordtr or prnceM of Ihla court and allege that tho title and trauafer weru made In good faith, "long In fore ho knew- thero naatuo'iaianuiiiu tho wnrll m hu llnlntlir," Hewaanow willingly and gladly aupportlng hit wlft, an I paying her JlOemli wiik fur the tupiort of hern.ll and hlld. Hu waa de votedly iitlaclud to hla ulv, and drilrout to live Willi lur, tuprl her, and treat her nan kind nndalleillonate luitband tlmuld, but the bad u hatty nnd tiiiRovurnublu temper, which bud tauiied lilm grent lllihallirtaaildilll. Mr. lllcharda I returned It will not met awry totho.preteat hearing to ilia. CllaalllKipiltllilia at i'auelllthlitult. Judge alien plltil no. Ho tald III It If the plalntlir waa without meant, u ttaled, ahe waa entl ,ed to an allow nmo of li military allmuny, and tuf llclent to roitcutu hi r tult, Mr. Ilkharda rrmarked Hint tho plalnllirwni retilvlng notupporl from Hinlth that liowna nwaroof ut pritent, He had hern Informed on reliable authority that tuo Uofeudaut waa now b d In Iho paymi nt nv Iih t rmer win atn i r i y i i nri ntt of i - ili ti ii i In i . leiitnfaliri"' r. n ( loin I Kaigbn Mliwmotattamp I Ibat oa abaoliitely falto an I without foundation. Mr. Illcha ilt I hate the l-ntoMl bla authority for the atauruetit. nloml Kalghn tnid the defendant waa willing, aafarna ho waa abli, to tai alimony on the ordirof the court, laiihe waa not worth over fin In Ibe whole world. Hoha-1 no tm.ome what ovi r now, Onto rocraallngt having do plvcal hlniof cniploymeDt, and wl-t iver money bohad loiny bow he moat hnrrow until ho con 1 1 obtain work. ( ountel auggratnl thai $s or $lll r weik nateniKrary alimony would t-o mm le f. r tho nialnteiuncv of the wlfo nndthlld. Mr. lllcharda auld tho tltlnlirr would riijulrt niineyahoilly tirovl tewlntir 1 1 .11. In for heieelf and hll.l. Ho de tired Hie court to fix ft di Hullo turn to lo paid to the phlnllfl. to that tbu tlioull lii in liuiji r nl the wilier ca Dafenlant waatin ill lately ricelvlngntilary of I1S4 t-ar I hedenltil that the bringing of tlila ault waa the cauao of hla dlt charge. That wat duo lu hleitmvlc-llonroru-ault and laittery ujwii hla wlk. Judgnam Korlhe4irpoMnof the dnl.loiiof Ihla motion 1 think It la Iiuoaaary to Introduce tuiuu other evidence. The iharge lornia to be crtitliy. iSunierout ftda are ttataii lu the com laltil, and inott of llitiu all the initerlal nnea are denied Ij the anewer. Hmo lounltr allmatlona are male In Ihla way. Judging from the formidable amy of the faclt et forlh lu tlila i-r,m plaint ami anawrr. It looka ul though Hilt rite might lie ilille along alltlr Ufore life conclu li d. .Mr. lllrliBiila-We ahall hive lo take the diiKitlllons of wltnittej III Chicago Ju Ige Zane 1 here It an lunioatloli of more conleiillou hero than In an irdtnary toll. afli r eonieillKnia.lonlietwieliJu Ige and iMimael, hit Honor -Mrt-vtcil tho ai inenl by delili lant of f I J -i-r wea k ulhuuoy (I.i le made nn tho llrtl Mini la In eaoli wetk), Jl'HJallornejt' fee, and $. coeta, tweuty d4) Uln.r nl lowed lilm to pay Iho two lail Itcint. Tlio Amriiilcil I'lio Orillnntirr. Tim ordinance prepirnl by the Com ulltieoii Munlclptl l.iwn, aminllng tlieordlnnnco dellnlng tho dutka of tbu Ilnjlor of Jlullllngt, la aa fjll.jwt: "Itanall bo unlawful to rep ilr any frame building wlililn the fire llmlti of tlila city, where inch bull Hug eliillliivobvon damageit by fire, thu rlementa or decay to the i itent of M lrTiit.uf Ita original valuo, and thu ilecltlonoflbe lnapclor of l.iilllliigj thall lo oonclutlve oa to the amount of damage lo any luilMlngt, unlt-at tho owiur tin raol fllea with the Intiactor a written tltlon atklug f.irtlioui polnliiuntof jitllrilort bi iletirmlno the iuiaitloii oT djin.agia, tuch -trbllra tore to coutlatof three Ultinie retted and roniticleiit riant, one to be pound by tbu liitctur. one by tbu itltloner and the third t j Ik) aelnctcd by tluvo two. The (kcliljn of thoarbltntori hull lie Dual nnd oonclualve " riuro la number rovltlou that makea It unlawful for a rion to re novo mi) frame bull ling from one to another within the llru lunltt. tITV IKIAItl) OK KUUAI.IZATIOX Kffl In romtlrr Siinic et Hie .Munr (uiiiilihit Ikctullj lllnl. The City linarJ nf luilltf Hon met lait night for the roinl li ration of the foiuplalnU recently llle-l by over burdi ned and Indignant laia,)ert. Thu tue libera prctent were Hardy, l.ymi, Aiul-rmn, Hyde, l'ollanj, Voung, TiidJeiihaniniid Hnllord. Ai n prelude Indicative of tho Inten tion of the "I.lli nil" luimbtri to confirm mott of Clute'i oulragtviie ntHuiueiita, Anderton mid that lu hla o Inlou, none who owned more than J.'WI worth of iroperty, excipt Ing wldowa, ahoul.l lie allowed a re duction In aiM-ated valuation under aiiyilrcuiiiatauie. He aald will, great nn that be limply dl In't proe 10 uxtuipt inch a-o'ie from paying taxnaa ataetteil. The following amui'-nts wriin itniirrrn: Martha tlila, wnlow 11 ral Jha Uarr, Itflrra A . , , a to hi aanl Iroiia ulneaa ., .SID (.lirttlllaliDlttl. Illaeaa a Ul t lleo Nmllli, tl Inw ."'.,' . ." b ini l.a atentta Uinta am A Ilt lain, Ulneaa & no Jeit I- Ul.tin, Indmrul n II I alaf lamna, lailrin a to taraawa.le JW A 10 Mlilltui aVbcelcr, lllnaia I im tlk.HU HI AH-lf.llIMri. A tteftitii nta were reduced In amuunta given Ulowt W l-ack, Jr 1 lltnntbAiiae o 11 Tiniohor .. Tat I.I I. .man iu " a hJi'.'.r ..::::::::::":" i" I M liahtr.. alu II I- II.U..H ." , jmu 1 yuia AI trr fermr) , . aaiai I liliu lllietler ... ,7j (X1NI1IIIIATI0MI. The following np llratlom fur rodui tlououaicouiitof exceMlvu valuation were refiiMal! Mrt. Ami While, MarlaKrlmeltltr, Ami While, Mn. I.. 1. Hlggt, A.J. Hlggi, riiomai Hlggi, Hamuul A, Woulky, 1'.. K, hlieilt, Maria Hchul.r, I,, II. Wood, mantio, 11- llruby, l.mlly i:, 8. h iilriB, It J, Johnaon, 1.. A. Kee-iler, J. W. Carrlganelal, M. Klngtbury, Jomi li WoodmailH--, Kelaey dc Oil ktlleMoaHalleltetal., J. K. Oil letlr, Hikn t JUatle, II. r. F, Thomp, Charlea Halitrom, II, H. HarrlH. J. ll.!iinnl,Clnrl.iOiiiii.ill, AunaHuhlnn, r, (I, l'nt rauii, (ieorge Htrlngfillow, !. A. Melwn, Jamea Leaeut Horin Iverton, I'aul Olaeu, Mela Jenwiii, A. II. McOri-gor, John Johnion, llaker Johiiaou, O, II.lllui ( ird, Amelia V, Uchweltier, Jauo I'll N, Davit awu-wrueut for J'llITi) wai Iciund to Im au error and was camellia!. It la generally believed that the ijui-la for reilucllonaofovervalualloua will be practically Ignored, Y. I.. M. I. A. .Voiles. T ho regular mutluir of the olllcatri of the V, I,. M, I. A, will bo luld on noil Sturday, He, t. Slh, at 12 m., lu tho rourteinlh Warl ltellof Htolety hall, and Hot at Mrt. Duugalt'i, lit prevloua I) nuiiounred, A full altendancn la iktlred. I'kate bo proinpl. aa only ft tliolt will bo he! I. Mah A. ttoict. Htake 1-riilileut. DROGuCD AND i.OBRED And Damp&d oa lt Highway to Fe cover Coascfocsfiests. nn. Toiik oi' Mii.i (iii'.inaiv. Ihry Ur l'relnlilr II M li Slain loi.fa Jcrit. The 1 Ictli.i a Mrangtr. A ttratige caw of alleged Urugglap; and roM-cry oci-nrre.1 In lhl city lat night. Tho drtalla of Iho wliole nlTilr mm lol.e wrj Una pnllof mrali'fy, an I Lrlngi vividly tn the publlo mind Ilia liu-nt-nary toollvea tliat aetuateii Hie inurdertr or nuirJereri of tinrorlu riatoaml Imprudont M, Calllhan rt few months ago. Ho far hi obtainable the facta aro thia-et I ThU morning at a Itipl-J Trilitlt strict car .rtetleil don the HUlo Road, ilmrtly utter o'olook, tbu motormauobrervail a man tuierglng from tho high war-la that libel Hie rati. He itagrtreil out acrot-j thu tract, and luillul the car. Hla hair waaUlihovclkal, hla clollire torn nnl hla fu-e blindy mil ladly brulte-l. rhlawia Jim a thnrt illalai-w be yoml 1M lluttcrlltld'.iiouw, and only n lew rods north of win re llin lerribly mulllaleil form of I d Cilllhau waa illioovimlni It waaleiiln lli.idua( by the la-ri etratore if one of iho inott CArefiilly cimceiiteil ami tuiil Ua-Ja In the atinnla of V cnl Crimea. The man wat lualtted on board the rarand said that ha wanted tigo to Murray to retmrer lila triiiea. Winn iui-atlooe.1 na lo what waa the main r, lion plied that lie hardly ktuw. He tald he came to town a thort time ago wllh i-omlderab'u money and reaoHtd uHinliuvliign"tooliimi. ' fnwhat extent liu UIhIiIiiI, Iniaevtr, lie till not relaie. latt nigh1 lie remembered going lulo n lugiiIiiii-j aaloou, but waa unable to Imale It, While Hiiro lie ilrank some Ibiuor lailnota gnat deal, rheru wire women In toe rear of the lull Hi r,m Hit winn rooint. Il- Jolnul tii.iri noil ptrll. Iwln1 lu their revels unlll a lite I:, ur, That win nil lie kfflv, l.Tiijllilnr; waa oblivion to him aft. r that until he llowly recovered ooliatluilatieaa on the Hlute Hoi I Hill morning. How hni,ol thero lie did not know Hla v.kela hat Uarn tiuncil lutlde out and he mournau the Iota of iiterly fviiu cur reuty, Hu haul euaUltied tavtre in Jurlra about the, and ho was ttu tiled, as tlioiigh i uroug drug had Uen nJtiilnlttirial to him. Kortuualtly lilalnhuiiiAii naaAllmti had mbate-l $U In gold which he had -arcfiilly tecreleU In Ids tobicco tack, In hit hliKcket. A railroad llokrt to I'm bio, Col., had nltobren overlooked, Kitnly tutialng Ida digradiil teal Hon In being atwiclatrd Willi n data of iieof lu who robbed lilm of hit i-nriilnr,oii 1 for frir Ids friends might Iwirnof hladlitlailin, ho refuted to return to tho city or dltcloiu hlaldtu Illy. How truthful his ttory fa v. Ill iron ably never l-e tmuw-u. Tho Indication nro, howuvtr, Hint Ids vrrilon It our net. It It believed that a nrerfulilrug of some kind uaiplicedln n glattiof Ikjiior and given to film by one of the courtesans In whoao company he wav, that ft conap'racy to rob him waa formed, mid by Ihu aid of male rot fHerates iiii-ceiafully carrhat out. I ho lupituitloii u Hint he waa hauled In a liBLk to where hit was found. Is It not tl-ne that toiuelhltig wa being done to shut oil tie atream nf"' Although IlioMcllnlcftlilala.t high handtd outrsgu was nn'u-ooilate of evil dot r of llin worst kind and list dla"-t(d from the city, thire Is ampluniaittunlty tolraco the matlir In lis origin and irolally uiprehend Uragiilllv laillrn. The polka are not In hut I ursiilt. It la thought Ib'it thu robbed man was one of tho Coliralo exourtloulila who came bi this cllyu witkago. A Ul'KSTION. Mlio Mole lllle ll.irkd't Watch l'rotii llic (Mr Hall The J ul.Jla cry and demand for pollio service nform Is Justly ruuited. Inmorows)s than one It Ihla lui--lod,rit thu follow lug riclUI of facts will thowt While the charges agalutt Ca Ulu I'uUr and Hcrgtuut (Heun, fur iiuoHlcliil and unUcomliij couduct, wereUlug Invrttlguted with tloieil doors In the count II chamber up stairs In the City Hall, tblevts were plying their true down stairs wltlilu a lew fett of an Uiiliueut adjoining Marshal Viiutig'aolllce. l'ollcimnii linker liadtikiu oil hit coat and vol and had tetniairnrlly tell them hanging on a nail. When ho hal occaaton to into them again, it valuable uolJ natch and clialuworo mining. .Now, ai itrangtra aro not unially allowed tho mm of Ihla room, txcegtln the coiiiany of an olllur, Ibo iiblln are imltirally mid rlghtlully Intintteil lu knowing whatlnamo of themltslugpr airly, Calaln I'nrker tald to a Nitta reiortir today that while tho oars of Ibe coiuuilltio were lie lug saluted with the ( Hint hlninlf nut Marthal Veiling wcro wiarlngcloilua Hut had been made front Hole ii goods, wnielhlog more serious had Una committed by other artles. Is It thu irlnclplo of "catch thief that uclunlis tome members of the force to aocute otlurs of wrong dulugf ItelcrtiM nuJ AiipuliiliiiciiN. Tlio MUhmjI Star of Augutt 17 lublliliea the following nleun and appolntmontsi IllJiri:. V.. McllilJo Is rebiuod, owing to bualnots inallert, from labor ing as Traveling l.lderln the J,lver pool Cook roncp. to ri turu home. Klder Jiiiuim Wollunaon Itrrlea-oi! from his labors us rruvellug J IJer In tho Rcoltlth C onferonce, an I Is av. I,liileiltoIalirM rrnvellug J.lder In the London Lonleronco. l.ldtr Hans I.rlckiin la honorably released from his I ilmra at I raveling l.lderln tho Huatilluivlau Mltslou to return homo. MiiuilA til naia liu 10 been laailod Iv tie oiiiy , , 10 Jo- li I ,y tinil niiilliib re u Troll, uud Willuui t, H)eruud 1 Tlnnl llh.thl Court V i b di v altcrnoou made tho nib jolncJo, ic In tho cite of Pamuel Unswortlict alvi. Kariuali I. Dtwson tlal, h mu Hen for the a) polntment of a lainimll ti tn lartllkiu the reralios nssul loaecl. Uarvey llirau vs. Mirk MoKIni mlns it ul, William 1'. O'.Meara was appointed reotlvrr In lace of U. N. Dow, who Is out of tho city, liithedlrnrruuoeof Jano Mrlvlm ruins r. William Mcltlniuilns, an order of iibllculon of lunimone was made J. A. Johnson vs. (,'. I,. Hmllnger it nl. A derrtawnagnnlul In fivor uf Hieililnllirbydttiiiill. V.. I!. Itloli vs. Maik.MeMinmliia. Jultrnent for the p'jill.llll for l,tkt4 la. rheecuoof J. M. Hloult VI. W.J. Harviyetal was dln,l-.t-l. Mint: m:m tinm. I'. H. Hotittliile hat broti. lit suit In Hie riilrd Dl.lrl. troml against am Ivll M. llrown nnd olhersli reamer IHSMd images alleged to hnvetaili hy hlmthrougli the liuliw-rul Hlxure of his saloon ou Kirtuhllii avenue I y Hie defendants, Andrew iMihait and Myron W. Dtvls have alto brought lull htinltial I, II. Mlllirnnd otluri. luthorom-lalntthelaliill!larilli-(otlnt a shoit lime agi Iho ilefehlaiila wriiiKfully took from tho luwesaloti uf the plain tlir u iiinnllta wasttorul al lllnghlni. The) ask Ju Igment for the rubbery of the ore or Ha value, ii 0. I.ti)Uii' l'i Wi Kl'lcnils. Chnrlri I., lllaxer, arrompanleil by a leially niarthll, wnajc.tenlay trotting around the alrrcta of Odett In siarcli of two lionil.uien. Ho tilahoneit to a In tills i llylaat night Hint hu hid lecure.1 one, nnj waa lioful thll to-liy ho woiil Iget HicKc-iml. Illner la llin luillvldllal who una colivklrd at thu laat titui of the rhlrl illalrlrt court if omlic-itleineul, an I Is now awaiting the result of ra now trial, limited lilm some time agobyJudi-n tue on Hie ground of hcwl) discov ered evldencis To Ab.ile Iho Siiioki- Nnimiiro. The ordltuiicu ri-rchtly liilrodiiinl Into the t'lly Council, totaling to the ute of furnaces, an I imoke stacks In this city, will come up for IU flrat leading on ruin.! ty evi nl tig next. It provides that the )roprletcr, liaeee or oooupant nf any building In which a boiler It inc. I tor general leg ilium or elcclrlclly, who shall r nilt demo smoke to le a mlltri from tlieclilmtie)s of suili building, thall le guilty of n tulidiuicaiiur an I thall Uh.ii contklloii for eviry tiuti otletite leflnedlu a tuni of nut Ins (haul, nor inoro thau f 5u; and ntrli day In which inch imokela slliwi-J to lb emitted shall con itltuten ssatratoof ftini. The lainally thall not n'ly, how ever, lit any rate where tho lire man, owiler, Itstee or oieUlit liiia sup) lied lumi building w Itlr und shall have Hi ute, u sulllcleut device for tbu tlnii or I rovention of tmoke. rile ulillutnce Is to take ellect six luouthi alter Its patuge. AN OLD IXTKIHUE. TLolrcncli I'rraa Itrinlmla Hie Hot- irimielil cf an Alinnat lorgoltin rollllral I'lot OCTWCCN KINQ ItOPOLD, DIG MnnCK AND THICRB. It It llillrtril a .Snrtt I'ndrritauilliig Still to tulle llilgluiu an 1 I ranee, tir Ttiemph 14 lit MW1 IIIIKIIMI II rill. 1'ANI. Mlial Ittnrl Aewanat.eia llata l hat Sbuul lltUlum I'auih, htpt, 3 newspapora Ofthlacll) reuill airlloiia of Hie Ute hmiieror rrcderhk'a ittnry whleh I'rluco llltmarok tried t j aiipprees, re. vealliig King 1.1-oia.ld'a i-uugratula tlonaUil.iiiror William on Hie vic tory nt Hitiiu, mid liter, King I.eo liold'a Intrlgiio Willi Ulan. mm mid Thiers lo git hlum If made king of Ihu combined I ruluuund llolgliuu. Thu oljict of the riutnlir la lo patiuadu tie i-'reyclnet lu keep a strung fercu within easy dLtance of the Mouse, nu the ground that King I,ooiolJ it ttlll Inclluid to Mulalu thu milrallly of llclglt in lu thu interests of Ik rmauy. Ijb SAr Ulleves that n secret euti ute lo that end extats bttwiett Lmia-rur William and King l,eoailJ. lait that thu latkr liai ttxn coiUcllnl to bo irudeiililni-ethetJelllekourevclatloni. Hie liatla ttlll late. linn r, .Mont., Hi t. 3 The Jury In the Dtvls w-lllt.uu nude n mliroicoplo examination of the will jcttirday. Tho order nfargunit ut lu the Jury was settle I, the proaiiieiits liavlug Hie iiliilug aud doting The speaking lieglus today and cloeca i'rlduy uveu Ing. Irotu 111. lair's lleialma. Br. I'm Kitsiii nu, Hr t, 3.- Tho mill liter of lltiniiiit has already uval'ed himself of the ukase to put lllilrctila Hon two Isaues, encli of twctily-llvo uillllons, of paicr roubles. It It rumnrej that he lutiuds to make a further It-tie of llfty millions guaran teed by the gold In Ihu HUto lank. rcrtlrtinl rumors are current tint a I Igli duty will bu placet! on while wheat. '1 he Aofojo 1 1 enva tic mands tho gov crnntuiit lo lutcrdkt theexrUttlotiof trial, tho Jewshavlngavalliil Hum talvcaot the technical omission of the ryo tikftto tu expert rye loaves. uiaalan liilrlaurs In 1BJ.I. l.iiMio.1, Hcpt. 3 Tho I'urla corrcs poudeiit of tlio JVnei sn)i. Ituaila has purcloisctl aa many Hues taiial londa as could lei procured, lu order to ociiulruaii liilluemaiat thu comjauyra meeting, so as, at ait 0-or(uuo mo inenl, lu turn tlm scale lu favor of the French gouruiueiit. A liemueralle alaleloiiteiitloii, llAltljkllllllu, l'o ,Htt, fi- At 10-JO Ihla inotiinig the Iktiiocriitlo Hhilo convention was calle I to order. I our bundled uud llxly-ouo delcgatts wcro Iltghcnt of ell In Lcaicninr; 1'ower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug 'j, 153- TO-3jv mi rr?k H t I4 Powder yBSaSJUTEKf PURE premlit. II. Willis lllnlid, Itpillllg, Wrta ch-iein na temponry chnirtn di In hla i-ech, lllanil tald. ".Never Ufore ill 1 the libllo s.1 deeply feel tho nentilt) forailtADga In llin ndmlnl tlMtlonef iiibllp nilnlis. .Vwr be. b m was the fiteliug so strung that the Ikkct 1 nt In iiumlnatloii hula) hnovirwhilinlnglyeleitid. the c-Aniailgu,' he declared, "will lo fought 011 local l.iuea, not on national. Nol-oily doubts that the penlu nf I'llilityhanla love the teachluga of tliclrprulitt, (Irovcr Clevclund (tre menduiiiapilauie). Illadrfiat lu the laat camtnlgu has l-reu moro glorious to him thsit any victory would have la-eu, fur no thinking mau can lulp fpuilng that thu letaou taught In the lmmnlli vlrlorlia nil nttr the country Unco hla dtf at nro a tribute hi the grandeur nl (frovtr Cleveland, and the prlncl le ho au nobly rrircsent id(npiliute). Hut wo are not going Intotiatlunallaaiies. Itlluur Hut)' to tlm la-ople that we turn out tho lie lubllcAii vampyrcs who aro pruitltu lliigthu publlo olllcei all over Ihu Htate." aliari t real. lhsivr, In.Hept. 3. A very sharp fnt tlila uioiiilng hat lijureil the vrge tntlou. Iiir.lfrr.l hr n Slab. ATI cxTA, Hi., Hct. 3. William Allen, Hie .Negm who thot and killed anil fatal ly u otiiide 1 Marshal M) 1 ra nt tliyton, Ua., waa lutl ulght taken from the olllca n, chained to a tree aud thot to duatli. Two ll-ija llroxiir.l. AsiisiiLit,Mata, Hitl fjeorge I. III., agid ten years, waa drowned lu Lake Uaidtur Jculerday, as was also James lilt-glut, who went to his aid. ltaoit III Mellnil. Uinihin, Hel. 3. In I'ratice, In Alsace-Lorraine and In Austria, Im mctito bodks of troops aro set In mo tion today, this being tho date fixed lor the long route miilated nrmy mameiivria of Franco, tkrmnuy mid Auttlla. In view uf the healed war talk Hick military moveuiFuta nro 1 lni;watchid wllh most fovrrithntleii-l Hon hy thu military men nnd diplomats of ruropc. C Iteeelttr Hie If, I. Itnllroe-I ClIICAiiu, Hint. 3. An Omaha dlt patch rt)i: It Is n-)itl au ap Ilea lion w III U- ma lo toda) for the n olut inei.t of 11 reieltcr for the Union I'aclllc ILilIway. tin: lti.'Mnit iAi;m qi'iti a fTin. Nxw Yuiik, Heit. 3. Tho rumor tint then, lml),wlll lw apillctitlou made for the ai olnlmt nt of a rrci 1 vc r for the Union I'uclilo made i-uU" a stir 011 Wall street this morning. 11 wui imnitly denied by Hlduey lllllott. wlm ilirlnrcd there la not a word of triillt In II. MrrM"u rtltra. ('(.i,iniii, Miara-iua, riept. .1. Among the AMeiiKtrs who left heni 011 August t, ou the 1'nclllc Mall Hteamahlp Oiiu)win, a stiauier "t'u lima'' weruslxof tho most romlnent nu 11 lu Hie rt 1 ubllo of I (caragua, w lm wireteutlo Costa HIki aiixlles, by nrdi r of I' ntHncntta. 1 ho tjirty lucludial three uieiiilivis of the Mcar aguan si nate, (lenernl Tftvals, former ly iinldeut of Hie riublli-, J. I)., Itiekrlguia and H Chamono. The I othirsnre A. II, Jllvas, L. Uiumau anllVlmUrlK Tiny weru made rls uers during the rnent riot In the 1 It) if llrvnadn, and nt Hapatta wlthed tu lie rid of hla moil 1 romlnent iij lutiems, liu diltr I ruliiiai lu tend theiii oiitof Hiecounlr), ami though ho luoceexlt-d III dolllK so, hit action led lo an oticii revolt whit h ' risiilutl IlilliHaltbed. Tbviiiohwhkhl galhencl rvtiirueil tho lire of the' Hoops Kiisrdlng Iho parly 1 1 exiles, 1 killing leM-n aoh-, amuiig tlinii be ing Hie governor ul the dlttrlcl, four 1 sohllcit uud two Ij) Hunch m. Moro tmoiawtrn brought to the heneiinil His mob wof dlapcrsoit wllhout ane I ur t her loss of life, r ho prisoners sr. taken lo l'mila Arenas. Thero Is a very univiiy feeling Mraragu-iatthotit-ent time, owing nut only to Iho dlasenilous within t,i country, tut a to t in, iwbint, r, trouble with I loudiiras. lloth Mrara. Rii-iniidlloiidiirasliaetriKipitationi i nil the frontier and It Is the belief that oa 11 hostilities may occur at any tlnis, lh'l.altl rrnna IIiIIp. WASiii.tciTOV, Hipt. 3. All In formitlon received from Chile todoy nl Hie detriment Is comirlwil i,t the following telegram from AJmlral llrowu, dalcil Valparaiso, Bett.-nl "llutluiw fully rcsunnd. Everything ijukt. The Congrestlonal lommlllee arrived Itom Iiulu,ue veilerdsy and will go to Hantlago." ' " mrYiooos 1 5SrTHc?'-s Penetratino iANDTHEj aaafsva -3. r-ar- a rt, J7 "" ltiml.ei.tu --JjE ADwono's pusifB. JV.Sl'C.." ""ie1eelea, lit. At I HUM AICTII1M AtttrillVI Frl lay, Hept, I, at Hh3il a.m., sliarn. at No. 1117 South, Main Htrett. lour, teen flue bedroom sits, springs and mnltniiea; eleven fine wardrolas, two l-erlor si ts, rlor desk, slxli en lusting ttoiai, forty seven pain sliei t,t lllow., blanktUmiJ quilts, light cosi boxes, tweuty ca ntre tnblpv, ton ntren 1 airs of nirlalns, lot of nutting nnd carint. lotof lollelsetstlc. ' ' Don't let this chance flip by II. AAjliiiij Atictlonter. 1 Silt lllillllttJKIK, llldswIIIUi rnilved ly the under signed hi 111 orcloct. noon of Hiturdiy, Hi 1 1. 6th, mil. for theprlvllcge of ul ll'lilngthn cltlclal irograiunie of Ibn Fnlrniidclrtulnllng Ilia mine ou the groiitiilstlurlng Iho coming Fair, Ocln I larflhtoUlhliicllislvi-. Itlght nutted torejictaiiyandnlllhls. Hint 11 M. Writs, Hecreltry llitiret Agrlcullural ant 1 Manufacturing Hoclet). I Halt Laket'loHi .l. Ill, 1S01. dj I lltnelll for Hie llrplmua' Itnuie an I I IIhj- titrarrj, Tluitiewr matiagemmt of the l'avll Ion Ihialrii wlllglvii-t mallnieHitiir-lday,Hi-itembr.itIi, at.' i. 111., fur Hie la nrflt of the On halls' I Ionia and Hay -Nursery; the entire proceeds to t de voted to that lliltlliillon. The olject Is rt won hy oue, nnd tho benellt ihoiild be well dl Alrknla. Amelia t lilblreu lila dally Infants, Is prernlent moio or Ipsa at ull tliiiti', I ut Is largely af old exlly giving 1 nici noiiiltiimeiil nnl w holt imiiuo food. The most tutiitfur aliillellablo of all IsthoUall Harden "I .ogle" llraud Condensed Milk, 1 our grocer and driu-gl.t liill. :x Dr. llurrowa, Ocull.t, Aurlat andUp. tlclnu. r-icctachsfltlrd. Cimiuurclsl illock. 'AlllAiu ItockHalt'at'ldnho KI re. U J. W. Mm li. JjOOi) poiuide beeiwiit wanU--l at Jiihiitnink I'ratt'sdrug ttore. If I OH Al.t . 1,-MrTtrv iibmi or mi ii i 11 1 H V ypstta ll.r-a, daec .liaanli rl'i ., till tr 111 lnet.Mle lot r ae .r . U Flic HlltAlKI. (Ill Mtll.HN, 1,111'H miliar l'l on -llll i V llorae l.l.rk l.l . .1 ... ,,u . an 4 J Hen iial.l I ill, ..m at J w umasrli.aaif. an m a.. I at KIT. Ovi- unir iioiim wiii.iit ai ii r alas aasilrsl raunl ,ni 01 i af . Ceul s alii I Lti ir i j ill. It i -t-ul "raper. .uiiiiiik li w-.r I salt t , Ca . iMiran i.s I a fen lis on mid tn I ins I it a sllar .utyoeu lluO us llieae I nr. illa ui.uyrttraiila-llit UaiiierliKllii ... at lie I Itu NutM-iy Loiorlnr a turn, m imir It. tat Wsrl Lien vuilshltt ill Cakes Without Kggs. Obscrt ing housekeepers tiulcUy- learn that Dr. Price's Cream Iiaklnt; 1'owclcr la far sujicrior to other branch in tlio fact that they never fail to maVo tho finest pastry, anil if they wish to bo economical Ihoy can tlispcnso entirely with cjajs cad can into a leas quantity of butter for rhortcnlne puriioses. Tito ndvantago h not alouo in tho saving effected but in avoiding tho troulilo and frequently Iho great difficulty , of securing egga Hut aro fresh. This is often n serious trouble. Cakes of arious klndt from tho informal Griddlo to tho (.lately, JJride CaUo can bo mado with Trice's Cream Halting Powder, which insures light, sweet nnd hand, como cakes; or when used for Griddlo Cakes to bo eaten hot enables their production in tho shortest spaco of timo, nlways tender and delicious. Dr. Prico'n is tho only Baking Towdcr that contain", tho whlto of eggs. IN'ono so puro I Nona bo wholesome 1 Dr. Price's Cream Dakiug Poutler U re ported by nil nutlioritics aa free from Ammoiiin, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been rjucs-tioucd.