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fWrABLiSHEcTF !TI?Ql?'OI?rF "171 l-?B ! IVI?MQi the oldest newspaper I CT iuiSo. 1 ilroMlllil Hit Jki 11 luJYljjWa I IJll HI " - T.KOTI1 AND LIUBKTY, " , $ Hf 'JH ko. mo ruiDAV, suTiaini:u i. isim. haii' i.akjj city, utait 'im:uitowv. Vol.. xxiv j ;jj "the JUNTA HULKS. fits Ihlau to (iranl tnf lluaraiilns tT SaM; II"" PolMral Opiioitrntn eunntMDcniNOTHE shipi tothc vicionc Tlm t'oinri!"millt lo lie l.-rmrulicd. lUlinncrtta (Iocs In sait Iraurlico. Till Al-rillK If I IIII.IU Ha Merer --"erei7d7.lnr llio Mil llslinaeeilr.'. tll,rcl,anls Nk sum. H it. 1. rim JhraUlt sliaiili sin lal say liinciorihuico villi distinction. 1 liavo liivcstlgattd ItieripuH llit thu lito Piisldml JUL nilceda had lircll killed lyuneof tlm wen wtiuaru crossing lh mouM-ilns villi lilm -So ucU ri-wtt ha Lmcii Icielvi".! lute," fir ns I mil ascrrttlu. Tin slcannr"Ari""iula" artlifdat li,ara.ofroiii Iriuliiiu Isst evening Willi fil Hllva, l( real lent of tho eeuati , Senor It-im llsros I,aco, ik er nf the house of ri I resrutAlh cs, whu wiili Hi nor Jorgu Moult conn rl-u the Juuln ! fhlleriio, Heiior l.rranirli, provisional uilnlittrcf forilgu nllslrs ai J ether rorulu nt I ungririloiial lea is,uiilioird. riic y were ten lied Innrl. with enthusiasm, rim 1 rlll-li war ulilp 'I'liftiiiplon'' dnwl iiiln anil uianticd nriu a the "Arniil Unentered thu tiny. riiu natltmil sa lute mm tired from Pie forts, and nt thtlr rinding the ulllcrni v. itc it" Kit with mualo, 11 n works nn I a tsuli. Tl.e questl in i)f tlm dlsrioMtlun of the refugees ha twin deflntnly sillied, and tomorrow Iho 1 tilled Htatta skaiuer "llallliiiori,"aud the Herman uian-of war will liavo foi Peru wltii all the refugees onboard. A loafer en-ewti held on Ailmlral itrown'a 1XHI', Hi" "Han Prancls o," lat nUlt, and thu question an tu whu shuuld nn.l who eluuld not rrcelvu (.uiranUi a waa ilNcujeil. Ibw (lr inn ami Anmlcan aJmltala worlml throucli llitlf n-KKllvo Mliililen at HibtUgo. anil vxv Inrurrueil by tlii-m that the Junta would undrr no clrciim ptauM1 itlvenliy guaranteca a to the rrrcat Trihli iiWIcct Claudia Vlcuui, hiuur lturailoa. Orar Vlcl, UoUo, 1 vtti, Monti. (taln ruuitiis Hinur Hala or Colonel l'anlvla. lheraira o( oihetf uriu ke t under aJlemcnt until IhU morning, lirii the admiral were Infiirruul tlint no xuariutita vuul 1 1 si vi n nt nil. It WMlhen itetldeil to lend the two meiiKif war with tlm return a to the Jturlh. Tim Aimrlraii and German wartliljii are dourly watched day and nUlit hy the authorities, and tlili may 1 are Klreu rlio to the talk In fi reluu clrilea tint auiflort would U male to I revent the rallliuc uf the "llaltlmore" an I the Merman hl, and to tku the refuitrea away from them hy forLe. Theie li really no reatou, aa far aa t tan Imru, to Ulleve that any auili tleli la III TlltelU latloll. Alltheiirwaierauiorter of the lite cuTernmeut are marked nun, and will liautiilenu thu country If they tan. ritMi janlcularly the care In regard In Major Jlirnra. who waaln. Untleulii VliTa iftmarter aud itlltor of the yocfoi, nuil Ht nor lowuiibtrln. riM. will proliahly ahot iu aliort order It thiy aru found. Henora Hllva and Jjucti of the Jtuta, and other t'un. KreMlaual leader, left fOrBalillago thli luornliif. Tin. nun-aim i.n ui'. IW Yoltif, Het. n. The Jlcraltl hat thetiu dlipatcluii from Callao, 1'erui lliu tori lo bent "Almlraulu (ondell" anl the anuid tranirt "ImiierUli," the tut armnd form loalto the lata 1'reiddenl llalmactda oftlille, formall) mmcndiro-l to lliu Chilian MluUter hirotoda(nud word wadinmedlatily ainttothe Junta de llollen initrJaiiiiagu that the two Tie. eek n ere at their dlwaal, Tho lConUll,,, uuder ooinuiand of Caitalu Moraito, railed from alaralo un a iimvoy to the 1 lniirlule Auttuit tilth, two daa afierthe linillnttof the ('oiiKreiwloual arm) at UjIiiIiw hay, Tho mluloii of the twuahlia wnn tu lriiui,iort trooia floni ( oiiillmUi to TaliriUuami. Un arrhalnt (oiiuluilio they recilvtd thu rttna that llultniKeda had lietu de lelUd nt the liuida of the ('unirreaalon. all a at Concon, mid Ji tain Murao dt idtd torduuidou the IrnueiiorUtloii of trHie and troitcikd to (.alloa, a niulral jrt win reorder could here "In-1 frifm lliuiioti-nimtiit to whut eoure In tiurmie, 1 he "t'omlell" and 1 lui4rlal"feleamed Into thu harbor thli lUornlUK and for the lint time heard of tho ileftnt uf the llahuaridltll at alioralm, the lllil of ilalnianda, he fill of tjantlagu unit thu coni lete t'luuiha uf the Junta. Caitalu M ij.o haa lieou jurtlculcrly mlho nail 1 1 1 rutloua at hi ntliu.t the revo tutlontata. nn I leltltuuull hardly bo ' for him tu r.lurn tu Chile. After romultatlon with tUuClilluan inliiUUr lio ilnl Iwl to fouually hand'our thu IvoihlnatothatollUinl ru tho riprf Kltatlvaof the nation. Ilio Iranaler " made today and the mlnliltr uolod thu Junta for luttructloiiaaato wUttliould te done with WI.l. IIWlMJNUK Hilt JU.STA. YAuiMniiN, Bit. S. Admiral Ilroa n'a iah!ei;ram win roinmunliatrd Immidliitely to Wharton, ncttmrwcri. tiryofHtaie. While diulral llrown l iiotadlnlo imtlo rt reneulatlve of the uovirn iiionl, hi. kt-tteiuent of the facta la Uliu lu addition to thoeu lifurothu Uc-J Brtiui nt ur Htatn to tho eirect that llalinai wti'a Koviruuieut It ii thing; of Hie 1.1, an a new riitlme liiuen nuiliiikhnl. Thu riiulremiut of Ul louutlo iractlc have been ao far met that H 1. 1 rolmblu tho Hutu Ue larlinint will now iirocwl u tnku tftlcial oijiiiinuca of tin. .Utc. cif o(. fllreiu thlli, u mudllltd b) llilmi. iiiln'arealciintloii mil the victory of the CiiliKreHlonal put) , Cnhliuraiul laeolieiiaenl to Mlnlnlor 1 umi, and tin re la n miou to la lleve that when ho Uiatiried Hut n nuveruintnt, eeu It Le temiiorary In form, haa leeiiaiciinly i.Lil.lliln-il In Chile he lll laiiueillalely otii ofllilal Inter- our.u wlili u,at uovernuieiiU I'hl. ti,ltla a'jlil at the ik- allmelit, la iuiialeiitlnacrndltliiK the inlul.ter lo a iiow Koverumcut, and, iu tuou aa audi new rrotcrnment olllclally noil Ilea the ileiiartmrnt uf rtlale that II lina authorliedlUeHelal envnja ton pre eent It reuularly 111 the Unlteil Htalia, DiMonttnnd hli culliauea will bo leuitnlied nt tlieiUitiuintof stale, wninr n liitMAiriiA? Ci'rv or Miaim Het. The Anrh American i. A j HUlllenuii of tlilacllj, WrUknownlll the Annlo-Aiuirliau oubiiy, haa re ceived lliu followlnir; dlfliututi In rlher: " Al I'AIIAII i, Hit. 1. l'rrildent llalmannlt It alcrit lh 'Condell' all) etbivla to ilia, ml ark In Hiu 1 ranrlito Honuu-r, aahu wlllbeturailidhy thu liKiirji nt war ilil, In, may laud In Mnlco. If lie doe, extend all -H)lo cu irtwlei." Hcrolitho llntdellnllo newt regard Inn tLti wluriabouti of rue "Inirallal" InrimloUntniil llm "('ondtll'' havo alh.d north, and are tu In urmird ty llierrulaeraof the (,'olmn dot al nrmj. U hatevet tutt the lln-lni; l'teal lent will nuke he will Iw rotecteil. So war.hln will nltem, liliiaturewlthliirtinnrlne league of Mexico or the Unlli-i Mali-.. If Hal. luamln land In Mixlcu liu will te nlvu the lioanliallty that the Cnittl tutlon Ktanti to all iiollllcal n f iRcia. iM'isciuiuiii.r. tjuitiaiAaM. WAailiNUTuN, Het. 3. Kinot Montt. rlurlpnl CongrcMlonal invoy lure, lii rielvrd rt dlatcli tinted V-ilraUi, on II e 2nd, and aliened by Miaan. Hllva and l.uro, In which liny ray that (Ii l ernl llaiiuedanu, ti eioM I'ruldint llilmandiiaurruilerM tho Eovernnieiit tela n ho led Hanllngo, haa flvuriupthucdiiiiuatil. then it4h leiuiviituf thuconilllutl u and Una. IhedlaiMUIl enln, liaa beill nlkbutid wllh ludrncrllablij riithmlatui. limn mil llalniaeeda lal I Iw llaie lliiarteleil Tidiv Here J A Idler from nn oniciriiunu l.nnllali waralilp nt Ynl inrnlanaxcrtathat lulnincoda liiault. e.1 and quarriled with Ilia Ainerhan Mlulalor. l'attlclt 1 nan, mi I the KhiicIi Milliner, and Hint the Mlir rrluet toucceft an apoloiry, but Mln. lelirl au renewed lila relatlona Willi thokovernmtul under thriala from Henortlodoy that If Mr. l.t.nn Kale llaltmieda trouble, they iiuull aend lilm aboard an l.UKlltli waralilp. It,.lanllllrera Allaekeil l.r n Itah. Hi. l'l thiiam mi, He) t. 3 A luitty odnlclalj, tent to kill nulinala (lift.. ted Willi UUetnu III otdir In I rovenl thu dlavaee from sprea llnrf, waa at tacked nt Markopl y u crowd of Inhab. Itnnta. A ditaihiuelit of C'uwacka, onltred toiiuilllho illaturtinnct, waa reulved by n aliowtr of atone. Tito Ciwaaik thin flrrd n vol.ey, kllllnifaoientciu iiereon and wound ln many other. lliu neaannta near Vllna have mur deruil the wife and family of a Jiw who had boiiKht up koieral riilllluu rouble' worlla of rye. I Tumi Hall lllewu I u. VihY.fA.Kctt. a, A dlapntch from rreabiir, Huuieary, thl murniuic, kaya the town hall atSulnerclli, Iwelvu lullia ftoui thetu, had Uen I lowii up wllh iraiollue. l.attt liiformatlon atatea that there were l" kilo of iraau llnololld III Hie cellar of lliebulldliu. It being ued In the manufiKlure of raa for the lllumlluttloii nt the town hall, llatly thl morning It ei lodid, comi letely wriKklm the bull llm nnd fatally lu)u rlur; thrcu er in w ho were lu lite liutni Jlnte uilgiiborhoud. The lake elelltlka. I.smANAll)! lb, He(t. 3. Tho Lake Krlo Wtteru atrlki. I icmwlni; morn ei luii a. .Sot a freight wluel I belnc tunu-U un either I.afaelte orludian auIIdlvialou. Tlielralll HelibrraNeeil, Hr. lAilln,Het 3,-A-cUI lolho Jirpub'ta ftom the Hao and 1'ox agency, Indian lettllot), hi) i The Cotton brothi t, the iwtorlou train, wire hen lu thu lowtr rt of thl nervatloii llil morning. Tlioy wire I rol ably making for their fnluei In thu Creek mountain. Zu deputy mar fchalorioaia were In puriuit. laiiilllfallrlveil llulerTnelr llnliira. WAilHNaio'J, Hit. 3. AitlnK Atlorniy tleuernl Tult ha rnolvul a Ii h i-raiii from I). H. Martlml Walker of tho aoulhern illtrl. t of Alabama aaylur: that w mob of fifty iuraon had driven n number i.f famllliautitoflholr lioliua In Choctaw county, Ala. Moat of tin 111 lied Into Mlealwtppl anil left their lioiue, uoi, uud cattle un (.tinrdod. A lullniail. Masahui, Mcaragun, Hipt. 1. Two Chlin ;oan, riurnlon utM Htrong, lime contracted with thOKuv t rnuient to bull t a rnllrond from Managua to Mntagil via Itlo Uraule, Sou mlh. 'the govirnmcnt I I de S,U i iwi m re of Inn I with Iho ) rlvllege of uilnt" thu guvirnment rail roa 1 track from Corlnto to Moiuo Unit). Other valuable couceanlou uru Included, The Ainerlrau III larniiir. Unit tv, Bi-it. n. 1 lie IMeliigsttls Miff pulillihea an ordor to thu etlewt that the prohibition un thu lnirbi tion of hwliii., torlc nnd aauaage of American origin alnll no longer lu infurce.1, when audi live lga or hug j roducl are furnUhed with ofllclnl ttrtlllcatu atatlug that they lino Uteli examined 111 aipurdnticewltli the Amerliap reguhnloua and fouul fnu from riualllloa daugerou to henllli. IheChaiiCLller liaa tent luatruitlou to tho proper olllclala that an utder bo given luiuied lately to that tiled. onl lei labor. KADltMIll, lenn, Kelt. 3 The Henale did radically nothing today, 1 n the houae n reaiilutlou declaring the leglalatum powefliaa to abrogate tho 1 leaeut lea"u of the convkt wa adopt eitaftirau txcltlng del ale, Auuther rit-olutlon wo alio a lopttej after a long an I heainil debate, which uill fir an luvialliratlon of the conduct ofHIatu Labor C'ointulaaloiier X'ord and Itepro aentatlvo Allein in, nt llrlcuvllle, a nrtliig that they were lu n nioamiru ribHbaltlo for thu ttouble, a they aided un 1 atnltud the miner by pub Itoepeii heaandotherwlae ltrreaell tatlveAlliman took jart In the debate (ivir tho rtaolutloii. The luveatlga lion will be made at ouiu. 2J2alllaaa222'-Wv "Jt"tMa& IN C1I1XA AND JAl'AN. Slu.r I'r.KToUiiK-i Vpalint TLoii t.ulll ! Ill .1 hi llie "IttMlUi' Implru PnOMfNCNT CH1NC0C DANKCHtl TAIL D.unajp (flincl tij Strcinn umt Moo-l Jtlui, u A(cjunt uf 'UXfrn. Hr Tclrmi h to tttt Mwt M n ritoii AMI. IJiii-mrUtliUIrm In 4 liluftniuli In HAf KtlANCIfOU. HpI, 1. TllO loiiiulili ' Utllr"ttrriTixi toJiiy fmin lloiiR JCuiijc uti Vubuhnma. A u elm 114 cotrnntiiiJiit wyi ltti nilnicu of tl olfjicln punilitiuii It iifarl) ex htuftttnl nt lliu tnrJIuekt hown I y thu Ctiliinvioniclalf In irtMhlnR tlits rr-(ilrAtuti-iuf tlit Wuiuch mu(;w. A lr luvit brvit txicutii ntiil pwniu fatl.traitili)crtl to lmiirl3iiiuciit for life. A lieu dci-tily j-rtfott hitn ntn n l-olnU.l wholi kuowu I-jUi frli'ixlly Id tlm f cr iRiirlr, nnd thu rrttl uf inAlcfnrtuni U IooIuhI fur. The rfirrri-l-ii(Jfiit ji ott of tho i-njiiitiiftit clllciiilj uf hlimi(;hal mtki lii IU ittnl I it thu latii. of tho InceiitllAr) jUtarilit whlrli cntmcil thoiiprlMiu at tlm tlmu f tlif tminitr or Outom OMlcir (irfitnml tht mtMlontrj' sfi.t Juiu filh. townluolnlo man to quvll thw riot. AlUr llm nrrttat ntiil rxrtutli uf (wo of thti munlirtrn thu rub trllimli cHIlIaIji 1 rurvMMtl to vou Uer tin tUMi 1 lustU, ictjt q fur a money n jurat Ion; but nfti-r nUcmiuui ri ly tho forchvicr, thu hlKtitr olllilati Luii-Hiituil rot'jfii thu cam. 1 irt) fuurtlaRftftrrthurlou, a wan (otiil for thu flrtt tlmu i.irrltiK nwAnU for Infurmntloii cj. rtriiliK thu rloti ri. lint Iiicviidlarj I-htrirtU hut frnjurntly 1-fwn hroimht to ttta ntlfiitl in uf tho nuthorltUn. I rlor to thu riulliK, l-ut M n tlnm hnn nny oiiu 1-ivn (hjiiIhIiiJ for UtuluK th in. Httvi-ral I rouiltirnt Critiiruhatikr at Aniu hnvu fu I It-tl allien thu mi I ii Inn uf lili Ung Chi MR tot mtly, Ihf llibllltlc of thu iiioiH (hauirH fttrcl(l Atu bftwctu two nnd thrtu h unci re 1 thounul tavls butthttrt! 110 mtlmataof tint amount fr Which thn I rokt-u 1-Hiiki aro llabltt. Oiittltiuthuioutli te of anVlnie tho lortmUiirii Itnl tUfi t to four liithm ilcop. rjio'iniclit4liaQufloritt pri) en lu llir tcmilu for tlm mciem of thu trop, onJ Mt nrobrlut; taken tu tx ttrmliiMo thu I limit, i:,x;rt conctrnlojfj the tynhoou of Julylbtlmru tuiutiiit In tluwly, but It Ii Itiiowu tlifcl crtat tlaminu wan ilont lo 1 rorty. Tnu Ium of lift, 10 Ur n kiiuwu. uuri not excwil four or flvt. The IimcIi at Vaunull U atruwu with Iho wrfk of our fifty JunkUtlro tnl, Tho Jlrltlih Kunboat Trtwl" wui Down from Urr ntirhoraga, iiuaOii I fliHliit thy wiili ol thu naval aril aha lartltlly auuk. 0110 aallor blii ilroMiivJ. JdjiaiifMuavlvIccaatate that In cuino (juincu of thu hrvry rattia 13 rly In Aiiciut thu rlrcra ovtrilmp-l nnJ a iiutnbvrof towm wrrubtdly lloo-Unl. Tho JaantM natlru aitr Hill eotumvut buTtrrly 011 thu fact that tho Mlarlc-tflf the cabinet mltiUlrra haro nut ttttn rvlunxl In th ratue maimer aa thoothcirHUlalit ami It now ni jmn that thu mtnUti fa hu alto ImJ an allowaitiu of about $lUJ,tn) ir 3 rar from tho rujvror'a rlvy purw. It tola un u amalf Knle havutaktn ilaruat Akoo(cauul by thu Jluatlf fiiitloti uf the natlr u ltd thu f rocnl I n it of tho muuliljiM MfcH.mbl In thu maltrrif taxm. 1 kven natlvo ( tr im n wrru iuj-tniuJ by thu kuvoiii mont Uurlni( July for iiiblliiitlumi ruwurlui; tin icuuf thocountrj. Thu JAi-uiitMtooiifliil AtHhanlml re Iurtn thai diotvra hai Irokpn out at rto Chut, au I onu mo U rtooruJ ut Yokohama, orimir.. CuNVTANTlNplIh, Htpt, 3. It la m.iiil-ot.UUlly miinniiiitj tlnvt Tnr I ej' nun mufiit with ItiiBhlu, arUlnn out of tho "Monro w" lntUtiit,wlll not nllocttxlatlutt triatlt-H. I Iflfrii llulUra Miurl In III Xtt it, GlfrWLAM), O, Htft. .1. IUVIJ Doualaw, towtahl treflurur of VoungiluMii, O , wu nrrttteU tonlfiht nn tho t haryu ot t mb. ijtueut, It Imv liiiCbovii illacovtrttl that ho uuafIS abort In lila account.. Inlilntl rltl In Turk? CoMiriNTINolLK, HeU 3, Tho aniiouiiCfiiitiitMaimKtiu today that tho hut JUmlffuJ thu Krnu I Jxti r auJ 1 reU(ut of tho council, Kluuill I'seha lijuviul Taalm, novernor ot Crttf, uccrJa hlru. HlximmUra of thurablnot havoalo boviiilltnbioJ, I lie r ntU I'rnlill llluu toiitoii A111ANY1X. 1'iHrpt. 1 The Iro hlliltluu convention anjunblixl for Ita hi con J ilay'a atn.alou thla monilui;. Mm coinmltttti on rvitolutluua punuit id thu jlatrorm, and It wm ulupttnl without anum Imunt, It n ulllrma tho 1 rliiLlj !c contaliioj lu thu platform ntolol ly tho lint nation) tonvou lion, UinuuiKta hhfti IWt-uhv; alllrma thathRlalatora luthliHtalo, Uth I km orratloauJ JUpubllcan, aretuljvLt to tho loutrol anJ Uomlnlon of tho lkjuor lutertat ami call for tho auhiuUslou to thu vutra of tho Htuto of a j rohlbitory uinviiilmtrut; lavora thu appolntmont of u non 1 artUiiti tarllf conimlulon, aiH jaja puch a couimlwlou thoul-j n nJJutt tho iletalla of thu achiHluto that tboaunt total of lmpoit duth a aholl not cxctoJ thu revunuo ru iulreuiHiti of the itoernuiunt, nml tho ilulUa luvlrii on imourUHl artltlea of manufacturuahall bo NO liHilint THAW NIVFaUI.X IV It MIX) lit to homo manufacturta whatever oual lly lu oomlltlooa he may havo 1 Ml by reanon of tho iiniont of a htt(hr ataleof wmix In thvlr proiluftlon, Uu noiiuciathu atatu itfartmvnt for n alatliif AimrUau hrowora to filvul thHr bualiiwa In thu nMtbllca of 8 mth America, favoro the aubmhir,oii to tho ooplo of a fviualu etiflraiie ainviitl moiit, dvclnrei ucaluit uatlouul ly nka. ami aJvc cntea tin Im f Irtaitiry i-r tlflratiiiruilctniatli n kol I T alher, nn I tht mali hnnwwof n mrUI rtwrvu auniclrnt for that i-urpcM, an I rtlM for the rtrlct uuforcuuiuut uf civil m r vf co lawn. Till i,tmtO 01 NOUINXTIOSA wai rcf. rrnl toft commUtie (ompeawl nf thu t hnlrmnii of 1 nth bounty 1I1 lw tdm, nml 11 rtt-FH wnn tlu-ti (Hkvu mail 2 pin A rnolulloii Hint tho htnto runmlttru UnutliorIxetl to m i-olut n coniuiUtiot j confer with tin Knrmera' Alllanrr, In relcrcnco to what Un iiuull lu taken UiruiiMtvu thu ln-t IntiriHtaof bUh oriintHxittiiif! wajto forrtil totltoHtAtorummltivv lltu iioiiiltiatititf cfjmtnltii n rtjorlHl Infavorof tbofolbwii'h Nomination, fur U10 Staa tloieti (Ijvernor J ltriiui lieutenant govirnor.tJ.-orrfpW, llalk k.fioliry ot ttate, William )'.. llKth; Htalo trwiMitir, Fraucti I, rawfunl, tunitroIIt r, William V. Hmllh, Htlv maliMr riiU aurveynr, It 1. Kifbcc; ntturm) t'UH-ral, 8. 1 ( (oMt. Thotliket waaunatiluioufly choMii by the convi ntlou A IninllV Mm ri- I MAN8K1MU 0 Het. T Aa the rfiultof AUmlly(uirret biln, Mch t hi W ol 1 f r, afl 70, nbot ami wounJ. id hla nn-ln law, I'hlllli lliii.naii, then l.ruJasvtn bulleta Into hu own htaJ. ItMIShlM Ohtt I'utii.Hfii.t, Klltirl)(HiilKrttrf UU I ('14 ami J diior hatirrtit of Jxcmr, fmjtl.ti. duil toliy, D'llubril Lelntf lalii(ull wounJtOln tbofftw. rm n 1 in win. rttur. 11Cttltiir lit llif um ItiMtte'l. lit itk, Mont . Hi-pi. 3 Tho 1 bring to nun In tht D-irlt will c.itt art now Mint onattud. All thi Utlmon hai hro-ii taken aiiJ tin arRUmiiita of tho omitiMl havo ttn begun, (uloml Int,raoll wilt rohably niak t mior 10 w lor thu uoiitofttant-. IikI iy Ju4u Dimui optiittl fir Iho j roonnt". After thaukltiRthu rmirt anJJur for thu attention au far Kleii tho 1 ano auJ urirliiKtlie Jury tabu f-utJutl by their own coulciloin( and uot dvrl lu tho (AMi without duo Hiidcnnfut dtllb ra lion, ho in tie wed tho tntlmouy r ta tho to the early 1 art or the eve w hlrli touihc.t j rl tic I j -ally uiun tho qutnthm ofwlinre the will waa written. Jlu waafulluweil by Atlorniy My-ra fur the run train id, who rovlewtd tho ti-tiltmouy nlaUnir lo the uhttcatlon oftho will l Mr. Davli. Jlu tiUo nvlwiil tin tratlmouy ritf.rUlin: tho humiwrltlus of thu will, brlughiu nut thu pceullarltha nun tlomilly thuwltnetini of thn rapllal Ktlfia anl thu almrular maiinrr of ilottliiclhuOI'a'Muthewlll. lUaUi meiitlmil tho fait that the ui-ron w hlcli tl e Iriktrurnent wna wrltti 11 had been calenbrrf nnd cartonizel In or Ji r to kW It the npi carance of tjre, rancludlnie with the remaik that, "tlio d cuii nt d 10a not ahow a aliulu lion opt mark of age." Obtulrtaudtra fullowwl, referrlun elite fly to the testi mony of thu X(ert 011 baiidwrltlnfr, ptiier and Ink. Itefuru thu conclutlon uf lilt argument tho court adjourned. A HoiiinrkHUl hUrottrr llntt ii.Hfpt.X Whllecuuduptlmt exrlment with a vltivr of duUriutu lot; how weak u aulutlon of coca I nt Mould rovo ellUacluua aa n Ihi1 niiutthitlc, Dr. C. J. Hlelh of thU tlty mailo a ralhir rmnrkiblu dl covoo. ilufoutl thataalmplo wnttr Injt-ctl in un It r thu akin with u ayrniRo reu lora tha U-U at thtt poliitiifeu-iU blu to p iln. rim t llert of tho wntcr Is tociiutiiti alight awtlllnff, reat nit lliu that taiiu-l lo tho alluR of n i:nat The tiatu initkM br the BMt lilm; re inalnaliirousll lotu uln for ton it inlu utva, ki that nn IncUtou can be male Without causing thu allnhtot palu. Au I irrKii .rl. Han riiAtioo, rttt3, Tho New Orljiii ovrrhnl t apreaa waa afoj h tourmllearoutliof Modulo, Cat , thl eventually two maiki-d mm. IMic tlvn Ioy llarrla waaaliolnnd aerrry wouudud. The robWra wore fright imd oil befurothey Rut anilltln., A Tl llimill l.ilMIV. Th. ?, Murium Hill I'lrrrtvllif Dff W AriuurjurAurhhlp. Hsii lltuicN, J Brjt. .X-Om. clalauflho UulUtt Hlatia ovu'niiu lit today tiittd nuothrr Ulnch bnuli loa liiitfalocl mortar, With u chargunf flftyonu uun la uf powdt r, n four und nnu half Inch aolidaUtlllato att Into thnaaiilatniiam;lucf i1 dereif, 1U5 frit from thomurttr, waaamuhei Into frunmunt. Iho 1 rojectllu, which uia maluat tho Hvthhhtni, Va ..vorki, for for tin iir,K)nyo( toftlntc lta ilenliiR ipialltle, welKhi'd -3 pound, and waa allt nlmrwtt In half. The tolnt wua HTJiuhl llat. Thu tut rovea that a lull from tho mortar could jwittratu thu deck nrmur of anj war vimxiI allonl Htilx ni lira. ThuTelotltyof thu rooctlloflreil tmlay mui b73 fttt a Mtjoud. riiu morlara are mauufucturod ut tho Watervllet (Vt ) araonal A 4 i. Ulilor WoaJwrtUu at riaout fur a Mrm whoco pre aratloni havo roven to t o nil thc claim In our own family. Wo refer to Chamlwrlalu'a Co lie, CIioIvm and DItrrhaa JUmuJy, We ctaud Up for lhi medlclno Ucjumi ue liavuttated It. Thli la not nu adver tlflrment for Iho medlclue. It I rlmi ly our Uatlmoiiy nifardlm; It nfuralafr trial. yooti'c(7Vi j Olticrtvr, J or felly I y . (J. M. I, Dnift le t. dA LMIH4iri III ! il 111 T. Haii 1.akuCit, Utah. Tliollrat toruiof the acadvmlo yr U'Jl.UJof the Unlvelty of Det-vrtt will In lu nt t) a. m Monday, Hen ttmberfuh, ISfll, All thec-numa have been chantfod an 1 aoiiiH of them h tvu Intea txtendod. A Sllnlntr Department, Military Ktlbiit u aud 'I ut Ilea, nnd rat)tUradualu coumti havo bled. Htudenta of both aciua, over fourteon ytara of ae, aro admitted without ihnrKeafor tullloii toany course ttuy art pruparoi to juraue. Thtru la nn an mul uJiuUnIuu feu of ftvu dullan for reatdoutaof tho lurrltory, and tMtnty flvu U dura fur 11011 maldt nti Htudtiita may rotehu from thu 1'rea IJonl trnilta (or rod need furouvor thu rallwaaln LHah. tot further Information npi ly to John It. I'ahk, M.D f rruaUetit. iMa td IlliMOCKATS niaNVKNB. llm flf-rnonn "railou of Hie I'rnnajl unla Male Coiiiriitloni skin ner' pre 1I1. A PLATTOtlM RCPORTCD AND ADOPrtO Hriiiilillrana In (leurial an I Srualoi (ita; hi rarllrnlar llrnouueed. -miiluatlon. Rr TalarraaatolM lawcl I MAT1 IIIMI IflOX. Tile I'eiitiaj-ltanlni. lleeioerau Ailn I la I'lNller,,,. llAllltllMillu, l'a , Hilt. 3 Tho aftiruoon rewljn of the cnnviritlon In Kin al 1! o'l link. Thu rommltlie on larmanent oranliati in rejortvd In ravor vf UiKiri-a W.Hklmier of l-iilloii county fur permiiieiit chalnnaii In llieeouraauf hla )ercll he mid. ' e are n. mhleil hero today, 1 taku It, nut fur the purpoau uf itlilm eapna Inn to our individual view upon national (anil latua and iUeklloll. of natloual aIlci, tiit aa rtpreetnlatlvi uf that ll-na of I'm citizen, ol tlm Htalu wlioiuliaiid. areiinahaikled hy bova latnauJ who-ieinauhoial iiiuat uvirtle hlah kboiii the att and prctle of the tlleteetlllali MilltlcUll, and who now iy to ll that If we ahall tlilllnrato v. Itli wlailuii tudny nnd boldly confront thu doipund ictioviua ivrona ixlatluic lu IiIkii (Uceanf the continue!. I uf III j , that lliu enu lldati. ul bur rholru tuda) ahall rectlvu thilr cordial in dulaeuivul and u port." Till II mollll. The rommlttie un reoliitlotittirn nivrtid tu follonr' Hie ilitforni nloiloil by tl.eDcmocratlnKtateion ventlon ri new lit pie l,v of devotl in tu the prlnrti le. of lliu latlutm of IbSlan f lsi9. It aaj. "Wo aro In favor of an lionet and i cmomlr-al a J niliilatratlouof publla allilra, ofllmlt Ini the i xieiin and ruduilnir. thu tax atlon tomeillheaitual tirce-j-dtli of thu tfoutnmeut; uf a eotlud aud klablu currniiy liau 1 on irolj and lher ivlneil and clrculited lu aui Ii proair tlona a will kti p tin in on a luirlty; nf a riform mil revlilonuf thetarlil, of IHumI liutjualiilonlaw,aiidof all well conaldered liitlalatlon teridlui ti Incrtaaa the ruward and ll(ihtiii the burden uf latior.'1 The lti(ljluii audltor-iteueral I Arratnucd and (oiidininnl fur erriilt tlniC Hardiley loembelile $l,Sil,lhl of Hlaie tuxia, for jarmtlllni llrdale tu imloile fM),iM of Mate lluniu imnej; f.r luuiilrliii with llardale tu apiailnl corrupt mefrHiitlluiirulM era, whu ahuaed llieltulllce for rlvato nJiautaite au I robbed llie Stale uf IU Ju.t re vi line, for liavlua coi.apln-d Willi llardaey tu aieculato in ill Ho advettlalnr-, null for tecilvllla; blibra frum ulillahet. rim lie) ullkan Htalo treamrer I AttalznM and coiiJemueil for wilfully and knowingly lainilltluir. Ilardaloy lo retulu In lila imattulon our aiultllon dollar collected for and owlint to the cnrumouviealih, ty riaaou ot whb li ilerillctlun a lart,u arl of the money lia been loa t to thu laople, forliavluic ionilnl with llarialey lo wji-uru to lilm the iiayniiut of S 1-1iJi) of jmlillo aihuol fund lu a lvalue uf the llaiial lime, and wlieu llardaley waa ulreudy knovviitothutreiiiirerUitndilAUler for over half a million. The IUpublliau treaatiriranl audi loriteneral atu Jointly cuiiJeuined for liavimt ciii. Irani tu lay llardaley, on lien mt r toil, laat, $lou,iaxi, on aiiulint uf rhlladel. bin (utility aharuuf llui4tonaliroarty tax, but before that tax had Uau ald lu and when .lardah j wa defauller. Henatortluiiy I denounied for lila corruthiid aliameleaa domlnatluii lu thu lailltlra nf the H-alc, an I the putty laioiidemnul for It aetllu aituiis (ulicrJlll tho leaderahlpof a linn who allid lu defend lilmaelf from the elm rpca a.alnat hl ollli lul coudui t. The llipublliuu party la Lgndnuned forhavlui; fuaterud, eucournKi-.l, ru ti ited and (ontlnuud a riule ryati m uf dtlklal illation Willi il.llo mom), n In ri I) the Htutuandilty triaaurtr lmo inrlcliLd thiiuaelvea. rorrui tnl the nbllo moral aud rut be 1 tin lxa)cr. I he ilitfotm Inartlly cndorxil the wlae, felatcamaiillke uut jaitrlutlo a I inlniatratloii of (luvirnor ratliaon; ap 1 lau la and upr ro m Ida featleea etoia uf artlaau, vklou and III coueldired Jthlalatlon, li inpathlaea with the Juat demand ol worklnitmen for aH vdy amen Imeiit of thu uouatltiitlou a wl'lieiurea ftie arid mcrel Lullot. NUJIINATIONI. ltobctt I". Wrli-ht of Alleiilown, an I James (1. Mc3tiarran of l.ancaitor wrru l laced III nomination for the olllru of An liter (linrtal. .Mr. rille, iihi noniliiati-it Mrrtharrati, aald thai he, as n membt r of the HUito Uranse, wuuld Klvu trcii'ilh to the tlrkit. rille crltlclaed Wtlitht a a lawyer, andeald that law et lauHldate would imliiiaatloup,ort thl ear. Iloweiet, when the ballot ua token II woafuund that Wtluht had nu overwhelmlnjj majority, nnd thu uoui Illation was made uuinlmoua I urHtatetrioiurer A Ii. rilden, nf I'rlo, and ('bark W. llnjiner, nf Mid dlitown, were i lace I lu nouilriatlon. Illlenlialaboutlhe time majority a Wrlijht had had and the nomination waa made unanimous Thu candldatia came forward and ma le i ihiIii of aicepuuu. Wtlfilit eabl that the Injunrtl in, "lliou shalt notsteil'M n cardinal I tianac of thu I latform, and on that j lank the lm iandluic battle must lo fought. Con entlou adjuutlled amid (Utliudatllo iluitlut. Mil III. lallrerula roiliirra llie Ileal I'nnuil. I Miler llie ly I lauae, WABlllMmiN, Hi t. .1 Till! Ural hundred iiouudeof suitar, msde under thu rugar liount cluuau of thu Mi. Klnloy hill, wa thli ped an AukubI tilth from t hilio, l al, to rjomiulaalon irof luiirualltevinue Maaou. HI !xuiUil tu reach WuahliiKton lu a few ilai. The lunar Imueitor for Callfrmla rejorta that the C'lilno Vol KyJIeitKiiKur Uorupaiiy tuy.-.u (be i roiluctlin of Uetaui-ar Auguat .lth. it Un. blauted -u'JJ uclta of Ltita, ""ll&Trf 'l..aaaMlg5n and eircl topmd nu ft uiK,UOUuiiI uf eiu-ir lliu li.rtir also n porta thntihu Wiatem lUetBiiKar f etiiinny uf Walainvllle, Cut. wIIIIm-Iii ro dllotlotl "((Itllnlatilll.nnd ruduri h,ikni,ii poumia uf sugar, The Alauiedn Mugnr Comi any if Alnnuil, Cal , wlllalulclnueratlnraliiirtl, nn I i-atlunlej lu rudiictlon at . 'Mi . mm fiinili The nusar liii-cti r for Kanraa rrita that the I'aikirluii Horitliiiui Huttar l'omn, or r nt Hcott Uinti utcratloli Alljuit Jllh but lu I not yet made atigar. A ium nj At Meincluu Iroilco has al U luuoarallona Ml tipuru rti-elveil kt the blireuu In licit" llntlhnirn. iluctlou of auicar from 1 ce, Nirbhuii , mipleajprupand lane, will lie up to the ntlitlnal estlmalpa uf the pro dtirera, uitdir whlrli the botinl was lallmated al about ilVKHOJU icr llliiili,ul. llli.r. CilirAiei Kept. I t flarflel I Park today lVhM.ieo!lu ea KlnAatiu re trieve lila loat laurela by inillyde featlnrf hi foruiir cuuiiercr Marlon ,ln a raceforaaietlalpurauofsoiaM. rhoda) U4s a iieifect me for rai lug and thu truk wasfapt und aniuolh llie starters were lrse d'Or, I.J, (llinlll, 6 lo I, Kllifjatun, I..', Knlnll toll, I to 1, Man n, lie, ritipatrlck, 4 to 1 riuru was tin delay bt thn flatt,nul Ivli tabiiiwasiiilill nliKk uhialuf MulonC Willi Vlwo d'Or n neck I el. hid l'aaliii; the ttnnd Vlrheit'OrJiuu'Mil firward, and mat. IliKtliellrat turn waa tv.u k liRth 1 1 fore Kingston, w hu was ft lenitlli ahea I of Marlon U. rhveo oillou were iiiulianKeil for hall n nilh, bit at the thtieipiirter t-olo Klin -ton bewail tuinovuiipraldl. Ilosiioii bait the racent hi mercy, aul i amend In mi eaaynlnmrty thru. lingUi. ntx latrlik worked hard on Marlon C, and miccc(.1i din collaring VlrKa d'Or al the laat sixteen il and ti.H.l undir the wire second, u length and a half U'fero Vint d'Or. rime-IOI. Mix furlones Aunt Cal won, Ited l.en second, Uallriiiuui thirl. Tlnit lil.l. .Milt Al honmi won, I'likupMCon 1, lwls Clark third, rttue-l I . Heveli fitrlonics Aloho won ('till ('III. t Hcond, lllue Maid Ihltd. Time I IW,. .Niii-lx(-entlis of n mile Madden won, MliHNint second, Mrs. l'eck third, rime Vi). Mile dome-Halt wou, Om second, CorustlilrJ. rinu liltj. lenllliixal lillailrliilita. I'HILAlikt I HIA, Hept 1. Hie tract, was fast. lu the free for all lu Iho Ihltd luat, Itall'olnurcainolii hlcudlui; at thu noin und alw rick lu the fourth heal, when he was Witt drawn. Void Maid Wftsnlaofoiiud lo be kk attain at the start anl was wlthlriwii from the raci. Ihejudrti-e thin diclarwl all Jiouls on the raie ulf, saying tin horaea weru lertsluly aliu whin thu taiu statu i. Hie i. 21 class N.T.I 1. won.Hadle M. aeoond, llelliuan thltd. rheutheta ruled out. Ileal lllllu .XU Kreu-fur all i.iier Juhusoii arou, Hal 1'oliitir anl Yulu Malu with drawn, lb at time J 2. TliuS'M (Ins ICatle 1,. won. Anne. M. aicond, l)iuty third, tho othirs tutiHl put. licet time I.I.. rile JlJU claaa, unnnlibed Kre I H. Wllkea wun the ual hiat. Mine 2 -It. lalieepalieftd Itnr llaers. Hm nam All 11 A, Ht-tt. X The track waa fat und the weather cool. Heviu furloiirts AraTl won Ian ner atcond. Chaos Irttd, riiuo 1:271. Hlx furl mi's ltsx won. Ma ItM sec on I, Airalhlnl. Ilnui liloS. Mile aud uuu furloiiuj Cas.lus won, Kliiktinaket siiond, l.lsxlo third, rimu 1 i'l. 1 uturlty course Lulvrln wou, Ht. rancriisbvooiid, Abscoudir ttrtrd. rime lill!. huvell flltlouK Wllllo 1 wou, I.ohu sicoiid, (Xylite third, llmu lists. 1 urf liaudlcaji, mile and a quarter Carroll wou, Huowball aecou I, VlrnJu thltd. Tlmu .1 IS. Ilau lliurne I'ael. Itaera. Ciiumiio, Bt. ." Hlx fitloni Dr. Iceiuati won. Ht. Auiiuat second. Hanlurd Ihltd. tliuo -1 l-.i. Hlx furl nigs l.nieri tl wuu, Kts iiielMHond, lay Hatt third, Time, hl7. Mile uud seventy yard I thel won, Itarniy second, Hoivpur third, rime, HW. hlx furlonsa Ton Karl won, May Hliaaim second, Horace I.ilaud tlilru. llmelllT. Mile Patrick hiiii. llonalr second, May third, rime, IHI. Triilllul l Naatiim, HUli. Hauivau, Mich ,rjoit.1..Mlihl!iiii Ind yearlliiK ftlJ Om won, Haul sicunlHIIIi Ihltl, rinu, :iu. riil. Units the MlihUiu jearlliiK record b) lialfuseiHird. Mldiliiau bred threoyerir.ol I p.uer, JI7U Culyiu won uotn heals, Auna H. net owl. Heat lime, 2. "0. 'llie ..II class, J-i, uiifliilshid Hllsou wou tho first hiat, Kentucky My took the secinid and third, an I Titer Hardwood took the fourth and fifth luats, llesttlme-.'IIJ, I he 2 1 1 ce, l-VI (leorte W. won, Harrison aucund, Jitiule Hawttiurnu third, I's-lai cu irederick fourth. Hist tlme-2 Il. Itluiiln Usees. Cl.MI.sNA-ll, Hept. n. Iho track was In f,ood cundltloii. Mile Cup Hearer non, Ablllnu ptcon I, John Adam third rime -mil. 1 In fuiloiifjs I'aleto won, 1'uryear I). second, Wataua third rime I nil, Mllo mid llfty ) atds llm umno won, Hret 1-ap suooud, (iuotallon third, ritin- 1: HI Mlleuul fifty jards Daisy V. won, 1'all.u le seioud, Donuell third. Time -lil. Mlli IVniiloHwau won, Mary II. srcoul, London tmoku tlUrd. rime 1.11. lrtlllial liana la I III. ICanuas C'll, Bent. .'. Iho truck was hut llmlW) part, ?Ofl J. II. I,, won, TfcvMin r aecoud, Huiislilne thltd, trunk 1, fuutth. Host time - 18, riio2 IK trot, JlttiO Honest (fturitu won III three strilifht heats, Ix,blaecu Aeiuril, ( lunet third Illaib. Diamond fuutth. llesllluie-. Hi, sa-fe-lai I. in i . s ,. nuaisjfliia.i "";" TIIM SluMIA V QUKSTIOX f 1 H Ilio Mciiiiirhl of tin- s.nirrlcfti lablalli H j ,'H I nloii rrrriitrillutli)otll's flM fSsH air (ViiHailaitoii. B I IKjfl SPCCCHfS IN FAVOR Of SUNDAY fl Pfl ClOBINQ I Hfl trllsil tlrfrrrc.l I'lllll Hie lH-al M ' iBV lilrrrturi llatr Made an I Snl IEa ' lllHn mlllrJ Their Holes. R H FB BfTl!STahltSaM.a. 1 , " WLf i in: Mum ii a iaiii '1 i flirt, Irllakuullieftniiilarltiieallmi llelee. 1 K Oil! AIH), Hept. t. Hie natloual B Coluiublau commluloii reastiiblid MsjT at luu'cluik this in ituliiK. A rcaolu jfsJJB, tlunwas loused InvllliiK the leant .f LW lady msiMxirs tu Ui resent arid all WMl with the Aullonal eumuilsslou durliii imlt tlierereiitatloiirrtheiicmorlalof the Jr " m Amirlcaii Habbath Union fir rloslii- -tm theixpoalllollouKllllillljs. Thu noni i M, liuliollofl, . Iloblllaoti.uf lllul'.u zBI. Kliieiniirin, I'lille-I rilika nnv), biW , 0ri chief of the ik iiarlmeiit or inadilnity, "" Hi , wasiiiiaiiluiuiialycounruicJ w IK. Alter somo other unlipsrtnnt busl ? EjlH In-ssn tici-sa was taken indlUK the ; IpslV'. arrival of the dchntlou frum the Bj Arlierlcau Kil.lntli Union, nnd the ' JM , lady initiacers. IH Tin' BtiMi iy ymatms. I H The iiicinUi or thu HabUtli Union j I B'' an I bourd iJL lad luauofi r ittlvcd 1 Bi shurlly UfoiVII... Colonel Hheard, 1 LW as resident ol thu Amirh an H-iUiulli ' 'BVI Union, lesetitl the mimullal ol llie K'A union ta Inn fur the ciuslnx or llie . sB r tilr un Hu ndais. Ho also, as rial lent IB uf llie Habbatli oWf vain e i-iimmttteti IliH irthufeiietalrisMmUy of llm I'ti-sby. j i'Hl tetlan ihtitih,! ni ntil n tltloii frum j 13 H , that lanly to tho same end. Hevtral A sHl miiubers nf thu union then male 4 ?H SaHHhe III faTer ur Hillilay cloalllK, j . H ' uininit them lilnit Iter. Hiltesler I H Hciuville, president uru itostircnllet.e, i VH Wooeter.tlhlu.UrlKtalO. (. Howard. J "H llev. r. 1.. rerilley, uf I'hlla leli lila, J B andCllouel AleXuulctH. Malllanl, uf H ltrixklyu. Hon. riiuma K. Coflln, , s hHi, ufluwa riprisintlnictlie llrothirhood ji H. u. Hallway rrallilneii, prieelitinl thu i IJiitoulitialfor that oritauUatlon I t K and of thu wai.u earner In ,HI Kiiiiml. Itev, Pramls ration, prrsl . LLI dent uf Princeton university, then s H preeeuiid theiieFiloiifrcma lllbllcal H JKiliilnf ieM. Mr. It. I,. Carsu pre- H (iili-. tho vli wauftvli Itiousllid lilelil A tiers of the W. C. r, U. rhe lueelllii f BH then took a reivia, -- 1 In tiammUIn It waa announced J, H that uu the clo.luk: question action .W H wouldlodefrrrelliulll thelixaldlrnl fVi aVaB tura have made thi it rulea and sulmlt- it Hl tel tliim lo the lommlaslou tor i j (roval. M VI B Aflor n skirmish, the report of tha ' s Mt I Kb committee on claMllliatlon waa ndopt Hi BVB ed. It wlalhslns racllcolly without 1 " BwB aalniilochanuu aff Till. 1 I AN HP ( I.AMIHI'ATIUN BVJ ArrauKed b) Vice Prcsllint M, H. Do VHC Vouiiir. The re;rt of the auilllln Vfl cuniinittii alst) i-aised mustef. riiu , , JH tonslleratloiior K.,000,OiW loan by thu jUl vH kovefiimelit waeialleit lipnaa alirclal 7 1 ofderand Vltu Preelleul De luunic i Hl ulletelft fvmjlutiou te'eltluft- the whole ri ' .HB siiljicttothejudlclarycommltteewltli A iB iinlturtloiis tu rii-ntt iu favor uf t 4lBM lliu loaus. Coniuilssloni r McKiu- i ji ilu uf Kentucky aritued aatnit ! , It the sudden l rojaisal to ttiu 1 in roiinlry to lenl the fair such a larita ,U , 8 sum, and wauled II positioned until Uf I the Arll meeting. De VoiiiiKtluu ', 1 iimendid til motion, leuvlui; the com J ' i mltli-etoiiiottuci'otdlnr; to their uwn M e illcrilloii An adjouriimeut was j ' tin u laki n until tomorrow. runlithtthiijudlclarycuinmltteeiuit , . ' nud iromitly nKti-eil uiionn reiort in- r f ilurilnu thu B l-ual of the LhlcsKis U ' directors to Cong-res-a for the luatiof VJ t thu sum named, the rtoverumenl tu T 71 tAkuuasnurilya lien 11111 tha II rat , Ii , e reitlta of the exposition. J H i! Oj The local directory Inlay formally i ' courtrmeil the noinluatlona uf J, M. V I Hatnuil of Kentucky a ihlef uf the Art hottlcultural iliiaitiuint, I.. V. Hob. If, J liison uf the United HUtea .Navi a flji 1 ihlefot iiMihlncry and 11, H. 1'ia il ' 1 lioly (f lllluola, aa thief uf the de. i 1 I artmeut uf liberal arts, rhey had I ' ' already lieenrontltmed li the natloual V I "J 1-oar lof contrutaud ntunow dulyap- I :' J lolnUd. 1 ; j laiuitlslnlef lellle Meallnx. j III MIA, Mont, Hr-t. 3. Much jl i rouiilalut has U111 male recently of ,t J isttle sltulln,;. Tudaynew wa ru. t ' j 1 citved rroui Custer county that thu Ij cAttlemeti hai tskuli the law luto their Ij i uwn hands and lyinhwl Jerry riiump ft " son, a notorious ruatli f, uud his com- I; fv Unions, who werecauiht In tboact of j ) iliaiijliiu brands. . I l l.rlljal.nrx. I ' Ot-rr Biiuim.'Pa , Hept. 3. Illinois today dedicated her handsome inouii- . ,) ments tliut mark tho iHiilllons held by It I I hersoldlersiiislntliuteitlblefltstday ( '; I cf July, 1S')1, with ai proptlatu ceto- , I , I monies. ' I 1 I The Imllali Sle.alali Acalu. I jj (luriinii , I. T., Hi t. S.-()ld Crow, , - 1 M tlieCheiuuuechlif, wliowenttu Pine I trsMl Illdite Acency 11 few we.. ajo In I I WF siurihof thu Mcsslbh, returned (ester- aJ 1 Vja dsj, nnd is now eiii-aR-cd In deialllut; XT? . 1! Vfl tohlsbretlitiutheoudetlulthlni;hu r I saw. Oil Crow also visited Walker !k '1 It H liikv, Nevi.l-i He riporl all the lu. i , I HJ ilUu In that riitlou dancing, and de- 1,1 i) M liana tint ho will titutu lu a wcik or " 11 .; W two uul irsuade Clirlsrloujmuhiru 'AHLI with him. Ill Influtiico with thu lu ISM " dlau here I rafldly liicreaslm;, and 9V he now ha a largo number of follow- jfrvtjflr urs, jl jfi! 9' Iluanrlli7lllaaalera. J, I J Ml JlosTuv.Beit. J The HufMk Truit ? , U!A(i Comi any, dolui n Kenerat bauklug v I HuBKb and luottKaiio loan business, ha gone lVjjir Intu thehanlsof n retther. lt iap. ., BHl 111 nnd surplus I tied up In Wietcru !j LaaVJ). securltii-4 ivhkli, whllu they have fr ! lfiiH value, lanuotbu turned Intu It f j 'flMH hastlOJ.lldduwIiii; dewsltots, against 1 sy Ij T'L wlilulltlieqilliku.setaljnslatof$ISd,- I, ,LBA ixsi lu oud uummvrclal pamr, aud n 'ISvsH $lli,UiK) lu lash. i HiSl Km 11mc, Hcit. 3 A dispatch I ,.t IBH rictlli-l hire tudat unuolllicis the s J iRifaH susiAUiluuuf the KuUkutboker (Jralu Ij 'I'ftfll "II JwM '"J -' t-!SS---TSSMSSTSTSTSTassseyUliai. T y KUjsHiHiHiH tfljrKjCflfljflj2I