Newspaper Page Text
Hvi I ,n i)i:.sin7p .man no nctsi Trrsruv, on-own. o, ism. V OH . W ' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. al''V''J UalilCemlna. aHwWMI I Srw Your, Oct 8 The .learner .fi rtl "La Touralne" from Harre, brought i i ill! i JJ, S9,000 In uold, An I th. atramer .Wi-flUX , ' Kahor Wlllielui" one million In aTaTEAl'' "Url fdM. Hlfr j Itarnt iHH'K ' Bt. rrnmAOBiOrt It Tliafr, IB UK ' CtarlnAtbeKIOKeiidQueenofUreMe IB , Mil , Mil other member, el tint Inijerlal 1 Wx 1 lauillyoflluula and the rojAl family IHBi B , ofUrtratfUtUki for Venrutll jeter- I JSI UayoulerdtlieyAOlit"rolrHtar" B ijB r.ncVriplrotnJ V MEJiniH, Taon, U.t. 5.-Two JH I (rcliht can tan off ttio tran.frr ye.ter- W ilajr aud four trampa In th.ui were rW i drowned In tho ilrer. iBV i S , I Nkw Voiiic.OcI 8 Ad.lceito the ilje ' .ru.'J from Valptraleo, Chile, under W I OalaufOcloloraaji that .lerllon llay tU Urawaneareud rumor, about tho tan- B J , UUaleefor Ilia olllce of I'freMenl III- m . lW i cream In number. Anion thoe 'S II inuilnonlly mentioned I.Henor Iron. K B l iiril. tl la underalo id, howefre) TE ll ! liiatAmiJorltynflcAiere are In lr IHP f ' 'll , tend.rlnif, th honor to Admiral H f f Joritt. Monti, who, with WaIJo Sllva v Jp j and llimon llattua I.ui-o, fgtru lliv H V. ! " wldiljf oal.bialtfj Junta da M t, Ulmo. In fact It l reirlud tb.t be 1 ' .1 ' Iim already Lren aratr-J lo allow Ma l.S'Mi II uametoNiuTOtaencan'IMal. 1 JJSl 1 Joonecouldba teleclel who will I 1 4mM 1 imetlafy all factlcnaai Admiral Moutt -lay ,1 would. , , 1 JIB I Mordreeehrdlicreoulhi arrival of l'cHJ " the Iti,rhlp San rranclrco" At I'eytA. , vOBj h Itiru, uf lirrordara fruuitbv Amrrkan lcJMffN th, Ka'uuiaut to rsturn to Alperalao lliSni . !S aud of bar uttlnic Into lallao liarbor (-383$ ifcJ n bar latum lo ilil clly. Dianaaa 1 M SI l bMUotUau rn.vlvlllaautlyliiia. 1 J i'lj TbaChllfana ranard titr return wltli Je j j I undl.niihi'JOl.raror. HjjSBPf i I !( I fllai'ltl 111111 limlan llofU BjBJJ? V; if' Iovi),)S, Oit.o A flro wlilcli brolo J tH i jl etitatantarly botir tbla morning on y 4M j ' Mark llrown'i wbarf baa irn aub- tl Uurd. IbellaniHiuiillrilyKmlail I Ibo JBbB "I anormoua fln.-Uiry warrhouw nllad F f j 41 wlthrolonlalinxluca. VIV , j 51 fbrro la itrral rxcllaruattt about tba L', I 1 wbarfliK ofonoof ibBxmtalililn M j ! ' illalrlcuof tbla clly oil account of Lj ttuublo anionic Ibo duck labuurt. rll ; ji I carmen'a.aallora'.rlraaian'aatilballaH tl II liraTcri'unlona liara, In tbat locality, ,V ' I ronimtttwl lo blJtk tbo Carron and jt jl JlarinltnKnliara, owliut to tho cm- Vi j I M ploymcnt of man at wnkly wagn. f: rj iol wbnundtbunloni'rulaa lha work ,4 HI IllUlipiltamiKtlaiUouoby ilnW0lk. I Ai II TtiouiiaMuauculalbat Ilia work on vyi III UiaaawliKKfalaalinoitataiUndatlll. f . ' lllil Wllaoara H la Harpy- BaaSLj i rniutiiKi mi, ort. s nwi MMWIl ll OOUlua Irooi tba Waat that Coloual I or- j ajlh, formarly of (Jancral rjbtrldan'a iob J 1 auir, Iim uat uccilfd lu wlnnlmt m ' I tbabanlif Ilia ilauglitarof hl old Hi 1 I friend, Dr. JUIIu Ilarlia, l'hlUJtlihla. ;T a!o In tho mllllary4.rvka,anl that H 9 jl Mlna Kor-Jth, tho rolonal'a dauKhtor, SBVaBH 1 "V li latuina rui;ai; tn Dr. Jlaclm mE i U l.acll man la aUly jaata of a((a and nH ! 4i each haa bacn a wldowrr about tin 3 ml nine b 01,111 of tlmr. Ittllher of the P I Ar ouii7 ouitn la much oter -twculy MpV I j ytarauf ai(C. Colun.l Konylli arlTiii " J ij tbroumi tho l'lna Ullio iampal(liaa 2 ' conimaudlnri ofllctr of ttia DerauUi bh;9 1 :l oralry. I' V A liliaalrr at j ill Kcw Voki:, Oct. 8 Tba nawa of ! ill tl o flrrt dUuatir aa a mult of nlr. 1 , Uay'a uale cinia In a dianatcb tbla j '' mornlnirfromlrJi. Jubn, h.ll Itwia ; Jl. tolboil!t that tho llllllib bnrkan- I 5 i t tlna "Mlnnl. U. l.lkln" lu wrtiknl fw-. 3H and tint bar craw 4 tindaiibtadly loal. 4 ", rbo barkantlto In I on Iward alwut 1 if twauty iicorlaliic'utlToof bar ottlwra 11 aud lha cauln'a wlfo and lady. i AUEUit 10 li alio left Hi. Johnu, an I ' I that waa tlin lutt errr auvu of bar, tin- 5 til abu waj t-aaaj. holtoui ui, anl ' ,U abandobHl. What Iwramu of llioao on j board lanit known. I h I An xkaa i I ndlrurat H tlj A Now llHiilutt(T(-Arrhras rtmk jjV tng bla but muu 1 for tho day, not I mg Li f a,p, wl t-ri lia uiiaiHiotailly foun 1 him JH U Mitnralaontr It waa about Imlf it V fift loin tliauvtutnfr And lm waj luiatrn V 1 InltfrtHn bo tt boi, taktnj ujitlulr jjV) J llli coutaltla. Ui fell HI' koy win ntlncbrj to a tluall but u i itruuffclmln wlileb Haa lAtttninl about j IV bU vaUttnaucha wnytliat It uuuld bo Jjiti taktnol! only by lulling Ilia kayoul ijjl of the chain It li ciutomary for tha .'1 n uirrlara to put tba Uy hi a bnvut (iofIc 3IH otnfitr cp-ntnj u Ikii, t)i t ln being Ujjjjj . 1 il 1 utiiwd minJu with a iprltift lock. !" In llifpnwntcn-i'tlio kcyliaipfii'.l jWjjWff l 1 not toenttrtlioinmVtockit, but HJ Fj iwj downlrulJ tb ln unolmfrrcl Ha Hijnr S ft i (kvuiiiul up tU looaaly clualng door, Mi ill 1 fit "" Ilia ikdlook, hiiimikkI It mil JUi M 1 dirlatloiiHun j, (ll Hatooktwoateps, ami waa Iroiight BHJj lt.1 tip nltli a tudJanuu that Jirri-J both jbHi I ill tha imui anil tha uit. Tlia key uiu jMK. I !l , Imldothaliul un I tho carrier waa a jMjH 5 1 !l prlnoiwr lo ranuta the chain from JJJJj K 1 hUbodywiiaoutoftho Utlon. llu VJaH tljlt1' '''"' "'" ""reforu, nntll a young Hpjj Mfi uian ltapieiiM ill ng Tu lihu bo rx rH J til plnlnM lila iirwllaoinrat, aiiIIii bulfaa wfl 9 jf m liour orauailuilUvutakHy wnabruufcl t jSjal' u, truui tho Hltllleii AnilbewiuirtlcaACd jBTfl A I Now llafaii UfeUttr H (ill, llliliop(iur uftlioMathoillitrhurcli, JJJJI I Hi tecUru, acoorlluj to tho Ctnctucatl Enquirer, that trutillng orungallau and 1 I H i rurtVAlIata aro a curwi to lha ctarclL j 18 1 lie etcafwaw fir n to call them tm I J j (jl S-iri'i llernbardt ) tint art, llten- JJBy J k tnrt au 1 clvlltutlon uro luailu.- audi Jl vm (riant atrldea in the Unllctl btntea that I at I won Americana nlll hava nothing to fill1 rRT3r l,m" I"lt Ul" cllmau, tho jBn JiMI V gajetyoftfca Freuih jwopla And tbilr W I ,ii r cooking U I ? J Our own llanjimiu wua iliufle Jlijor D e n I Eutterworth w hen I o went Abroad with ll'l tho other Culuuihirm fair codirolMlonerA JjSI ' ow bo romea buck torn General lint- H J. 1 ttrwortli. How did lie get to U ten ) 'j cnlf lVrluba it la Lis good loo.aanJ ) ", ', goodunturo. H! 'Ui! lnaonthweat LouUluna la thtlargeat t "Ja fann In tho world It maoauroa S3 uillu I M by 11MJ m I contain, over 1 tWOCOocru K )J It U owned hyu ijudlcata of north ru I ', capluiuta, who cultlvnta rice augar, jBjBi U cn"n 'ud cotton All tho furuiing U jl Sf I dona by tUuujgcr, ANontw ung3 rmsT books What th rtntti L1llrldf !i 1 Tba II Wat Yiit.. la I luiafarri. Tho first booki which Tlvllljr lm pr cd in vrrro, na'umlly fairy tnlet anl rhnplKioki nlwut Ujlwrt UruCf miaiiWnlhco nn 1 Hub I toy At that Urn- tliM llttln tmfU coult.1 U botorht (orniwrnixftplew. 1 mn illll tut IJruco and WftlUe In full nmier dro rninz ftcroCT n burn, nn4 Hub II 7 (tjlpplnj? from tho wlllr borMluU; tli klmm TUry J)J not tlirti awndrn ft precorimn patrlvtlmi 1 a boy of flro Ji tnoro nt linine In 1 ulrylflnd tlmn In )ili own cftimtrj Tlio lu J Ipu nrtpmrnntM of tho Wliltf CaI aj a quocn htu r lier hnul wm cut bit tbllndM) inn lino of tlit UIIon Dwnrf Ui Ktmnntimkn of crocoJIU CKmiiJ millt twrtl whltth llw motlioi of tho I'rlfiNM Pnitltlt uiulo firth t airy of tho IWrt ihw llilnff. !l freh nml ntttml 'ilnjr Imt wrlnhily to Im crctlltrHl nro my (trot tneniuriet ol romimw Ono lory of 11 Vblto (Wrpwit wltlia wooden t of tlutt iny'r-tloin roplllf I ritU-ctM to iwviirt pmlUy for waM of ii ixnn nrid I I to to rcfrrettixl II crrr ilnce One tiotvr mpi thoo ohoup Look now Tho White Sflrporit, In lllo of nil rvwnnrli, ronmlii ititrrnt vabto It wai n lot olianci, aikI IVr tuuo tlooo not f of I re SoUxlyeter lntirforM with th or InJvoiJ with nny other, tnJl 11 our nt that tlitio to lonjf ai thoy rf not j nwwutwl on yunjayi llif Rhtlnjtest jmiU of thu lliblt " nn 1 tho Apucryi lm nt 1 itortM liKu (hat of tho ' Witch of lindor" oro tabUitlcnl lit rrattirv, rmd In njitio ot 1 llltMratrt. lhbto. How 1 aJaiiccJ fruiu lie fairy IaIm lo Shnkupoaro. what ttapv thcro wero on tho way for thoro lumt haro locii lnjf Ij a thing thnt uitlu ury cannot recover A nurwry Irgtnl trill Hint I wit wont tu urriuigtt fix or n ImxIi on ill clialni unJ ff" from tio to tho otlicr, fHnihltitf thorn by turn, o thiiibt tlili wo wlmt iH-oplo call 'ilivtiltory rrn lliijf," but tilt not bear tho rrill c'iii till lat r, and then too often fu iny comfort. nJrw Lnntf hi Srlu lu r a. l(mliilj lliut r llnln. A tnnii who mm not rtiUruIy dIoc! a(1 from the market buInc nnd whoM ilafN U not n thouu.til mllrt from liro wrnt to tho hlto inntin taint with hl family to rntl hit yam tlon. Ho chow a hotel thnt tnl on hlRli Rroiifi 1 and win mrnm mlcl by )( that brwitliM iwrfiuuo through tho dry, rihllirnthig nlr, but. utrAiiR to lay, 1 10 wn not rn,fr liable, on I orciittmlly lio lnffi to how iUnoi IhncM, "Tho nlr loo weak, up lit n M Iioa11 lii ht nppotlto 011 which ho Nt frnnt talno, mibl led, an 1 hi thntijflit nn I drain tumid cltywnrd w Uroiijtly tli it ho took no plcukiiro In thu tiiuuntnliii. Ono diy ho turned fatnt nuJ Ml hnck Into nn nrmclmlr Ills family btcnino nlaruifd but a frlcn 1 hurrlol OMtl-ohlnl tho kitchen nnl (ittiently rrtuniod with a couplo of Oh 1r-ji.1i that had IfOtn eait out poiiio diyabo foroaiid wcro Inn hlh tntet pun Rincy. Ho pi ice-1 thew under tho itotu of a nick man, whora ejci opened lowly, vhllo il faco wtdoiimt with an cxpimIou of Iud won J r. JIo took n fow deep Inhalation an 1 ko out, "Hernl Tlurol Ihuti Uiior, Tlwti Ir " Ilrooklyn Ijitlo. W! i.i.. Thero nradiMriUHl by tarlou writ rr ilinving Ijciii atnounitiuiHroMlii.t In Atnoricn till of vdilch Into hnl uiiiii Rive n to tliniu omo 2 000 urlttle of iipplw. At a matter f fort, no i po comet froui oe exactly hko It .uinnL I viry Wrtlllnjj mploj haa therefore, an In tlhkluahly of It own, to ngnutrrtr Ucn. Thu luiiniier lu which u ture AlTtvti thU Turlatlou ha nurur ji t boon ditermluotl, thoivh thnruUriM on to Ulloro rh)thmIo (.nmth hu much tu do with it. At inch reot im- Irltlon U dhirtotl to fther directloni; In proportion to tho duration of llifw retta other portloim btoomi doVLlopt,d ThI It known a tho law of nceulortv lion or of retardation -j 1 houm Meo buu lu l'hl'udvlphU Iivdger; lo T..i... A coup A of Detroit men on tho Itillo Ulo Vflrk fdrrybotit wero decant 1K upon jkolltlcnl i-oonomy Vido got too tuUch tau,n aald ono. 'Certainly wo hao," tuoentcl tho otheri ' And now tho 10 talking about having nn tncoiuo tax " U th it oi ' 'ii-,ltl4." "Well, that ooffht to bo a pood thing It mh;iu to mo. Thero o ton fuundwd much outj.-o tnx that If thty eoul 1 work un Incjiuo tax In ioiuo way It would bo good thing for tho tax pHjtr, rho boat luniwd up tho dOLkatthUjioIutiiul tho two tcnio mUtt wnlkod Ahuru. Detroit Ireo Preu. JUilliol 1 r Ili,itliu nn. haro tnl aiumunla nnd pciiiyro)td m u reiawly iijcalnU mos qnito tltxxl itotftODhig thould try mm tliol prtntllitf which cont from ten to l Hit V t.0 Cetilt. If llmUta li uttttil wttU tho tousuo liumwliatel) nftcri nno tnre, an 1 well rtibbml with tho menthol until tho iwpptrmutt notion it Mt, the IntlamiiiRtioti wit) entirely dUaiptvir nnl no Irritation tiihtio ntter tho tlt ml nn to or two. It Is a real macen uud my littlo known. Now ork Iruth. Tlio historical ra) coat of Napoleon 1 wlilt-h wjiBfctolen from lUuwuifl, w fouiilreteutl) t tU,-jlllutily(aa tier du '1 uiiij lo in lrts .n old clothM denlor htd ulvt-u tho thlif threti shllUrifaj Urtt IMcri ti IUI4- lt.1. It Unot kunerully renlll that thero uro lu thii country literally million of lal.i which uro nwdlablo for water fanning lu !? nil tho way frt m mero toiid to tho hnut Inland k a of fnli wuti r In Illinois nlotio (hero are tun of thousand of like 9 onjTlui.drelj of thotuwdx ujcio exu bg rviijjlr cicatid. RABBIT 6KIN3 fOH MfiKET. Uf Ka.rl rlu ImporlM ttnt A l(IU aitl flaw rlatd Hero U n et of niblca fit for a prln rrM,"faII thodenlen flftwii dollar kii) cheap for them, doca It Dotf Tliat li bocumo thfyore realty mndo of rabbit nklni from uxtrnlla, Tie fart h that tltorali Imrdty nny fur In thoimirket t prent thnt I ic t (ml tated closely by tlmaklllful rwpnill n of theeo iwrno long cored prlu ZMilauluklld export litem to the mini berof IOOCRXOoO yaorly Their pro duction li on of (ho moit In portnnt Add prafftaUohiiluftrloaof that colony 'Moat of Uiem nro lilppeI to Ltmv praii ottleji, where th y go thrmigh tlio uoceaanry (rooove of uiai tjfact Jro l0 fun1 IWng dNKMod of In tho retail mtt cluuila Tho nrt of coloring ribblt hair baa Attained anoh a high dogrvo of per fection thnt It oaii lo mndo to counter foft Nab otter 1 r nhttost any fitlier pott nf fulilonahlo fur Tho hln nro largely iimt'o Into felt hnta, whteli sro xer beautiful nnl toft to tho touch U bon thu fur la long It U ninoUmoa out In two nnd tho finer or inner portion nro mliod with wooL arloui machine havo b-cn Invented for conatruetlng hat of ral bit Jlts, Mm of which dUtrlbuto tho hair with nurreloui mptdlty and orennrn on ro ToUIng inuUl cone. Tho rnbbltn nro klnnM hnmedhtely npou being killed, the bend, fvet and nil tho fat Ulujr, n morel If tho wctftlirr U fl:ie tho fKltnoiru dried In tho tpuinJr but In It 1 1 weather tiny nro hung up uud r khoili. hen thoroughly dried they Aro turned outfldo In to ( ro tect tho fur from Injur) au 1 then they nro tin) In bun lie of ndozin to twenty well au I pttckfdhilMiIcfl, ctuhf f which contain fn m V 000 to J.&00 ikln. A Ultlo carbolic fell powder U iihiI In tho packing to tlam froiunt taek by hiM-ct. In (hit crude state tht y nro worth from hfty tu eighty cent a doiti, ncconllng to ipiallty Tho hUtory of tho rabbit a Introduc tion Into Australia and New Avilnnd ntTrlt au Illuntritlon of tho Uamngo man may do by Intirfirhig with tlio distribution of animals which nature haa choMu to in iko In tho world. When Car tain Cook, tho cthbrnlid tiavlgntor, lirt vUlted thowi countrh ho found a fauui entirely dilTerxut from that of nny other jvirt of tho world. In AUktralin gtiiitto intnu plat, 1 ku tho kangaroo, were elUetly cotini leuous, whllo hi Now ZwilanJ tho only hind nniumal were two arlitle of tho rut au 1 ono of tho common bat, SIiico thtu uct lluutUatloti socletle haro done their bent to Introduco tluro ull aorta of rrcntun ou four leg and two leg thnt could bo brought f n in elfowhiro In many hittaueva (hew tf fort rHtulto) most unfortunately iycrnl )nantagoaomo doxeil pidr of common gray rnbblta were lm(torteI for tho purKo of iup lIng iporUtucn with nn bjt-ct for tho clime Tho 00 colon of tli! Intonating exptrluimt was tuado ono of rejoicing and tho beasts wire let looio with iveclHint. 1 banquets to welcotno theuu They tmi.fIliedftO fast that tho jtenpto did not have to wait long for all tho tport ot that kind they oou' Iro. ' In fact thoy a n crnm tho country lu Mich nui ore that It bo camu a question who cr they rr tho colonbitN klioul I occtt ythulanl Groit orcu wire cntlrvly denulol of vigo lutlun I y thciu, ao that tho khecp dlod by mllll maud tho raUIng of crops bo lame uhnost an Impossibility," Wah lugtun blir Tu lirkn IUrlt. Ai iho wna to lie Harried on tho lSlli. Magio the cliutAwnnald, ktralt lacod hi her Ulynhltu gown and nproti, quit iwl on tho tint of thu month A wcik! It broke my heart, madam but 1 broko tho Liignguuieiit. 1 dlsooerod tluitholinJa vfhlt.t llcr" "And whntUauhltu Urtr, Uagglef And bow did ou make tills awful dl cuvcryr 1 1 dUcovered it by tho stare In h ejis. If you marry n Mhlto livtml mini you dl within a j iar I returned thu t-ngnguiiciK ring to htm mid th toaUh markud with my monogram, at tho ivtnrfplu llo Mil 1 will to tlfty .liyilcl nn with jou, Mttf,gle, art proo that I Imuut tho white Hut 1 shix k my hm I nn 1 ran.H And tha twint Klntlltated on Miff glopatocheikiu tho dew In the uu (n tho pvtai ot white roms. Now orkTIuiia, AmrrlrMtt ( rgna h)r, Tlio coiifiul 11 which foreigner make of ourgeogruthy Is well Illustrated by a (firman uttu which nipoatvd for crnl ymrs ago. Tho pott, with utter uucouctru about locations anl dl tauci makes uch nuiUHlng blunders that Its literary value Is entirely lost. Tho argument i iMjiuethlng a follows 1 Unltr a uilm tree on tho fchor of Iako 1 rle tho Iwro Is devoured by an nltlgator Thohiroluo, hunrlng of his fato, runhvtt from hvr homo In tho oerbliUaof llorldaon tha banks of Iakt Buperior, tag tuns tho alligator, extract tho heru(body nnd buries It with mngulllct nt mip In Greenwood, lu tho city of New ork, In tho state of bt, Iaoul, cutln Compaulon. Women lIaelxen cooking now for ft good many )ear an 1 It iicem oa If they would know what a jelly cilte was. Hat aipmntly they haro not et Icurne-L TheawarUIiigcomuilttoo at tuo Illinois ftate fai,r tfut Into a n irl nbout tho dctl nttfun of a jtlly caku and womauklnd InnllAaierlca coull not Mttlo U. At lost thoy had to rail In a man to wt thorn right on till jl&lo shsile matter of ctioktry, nudthutwaa Dulmoulco, Now orl Th rinnnlnlna r ShrtnUlnj Tour different mountain peaks In IJuho uro from thlrten to twer ity tlmn fevthwer by actual moaaureiuvnt than they wtrollrte 111 arsogo and It la bo lleve 1 th-it ilili fcvUlnu is going on with muiiyulb ra. H )la li that quick sand ha.o nnUtii Ihtm Nw icrk-AJvatu r. Two Ulbilanr frleratlon Fallot Inteteit oro tho c ntnbutldot of tho lit Hon. Lord Drusey and Anlraw Carnegie 1n Tho Klnetcnth Century, on tho subject of federation. lJrawy Is In favor of a huge federation of all tho cotcnlo.1 of Urcit IlHtaln with tho homo government. This most bo either a Irado federation or a federation for military dctWo. Tho first litnal ml!ble na even no davoted an Imperial lit as Lonl Urawcy Acknowledge. Tho mother country won I ever M thecolo nleagotothmelv(n Jiodeclarco. They are necessary to her m a Hold for enter prl also as a Del 1 on which htr snr t lus I -oi nlatlon my slop otcr To tnako a imlte.1 empiro both a trado union and a union for mill tan ufln.o would be tieceMary,heconfrwH. Ilitlienlwcon feaae Jiat tho hi fill tarilT colonies would not 1 1 ten for a rut nvnt to proposal for a nnion with tree trade I nghnd. To make a united empire both a xollreriln nod a krlegsvereln would bo neeery Since tho colonies woull not 11 ten to tho tolhcreln, thin let ui fall back on a Iniegiverein. Oh yes, by all means let at haro a kri-gnywein. SofAr, Lorl llraaaey Next cornea Andrew Cirnegte, with the freo ajlrltborn of American tnta lcndenco anl SO vnuOOO American dol lam, nnd whistle down tlio wind tho Mat of nny sort of union except ono that shall Include the whole Lngllih speaking race In all part of tho worl L Ungllih speaking unity" Is tho gran 1 dream that I overs In tho brain of Mr Carnrgtonnd many another generous Uwdlot, Tliere can bo a greater federation than tliat ol (ngtand nnd Iter colonies Against the world that of all tho bngllsh speaking people, each with it own irojer poU cal government. J ait nt tho states ot the Union In Mr adctcdcoua try now haro, but Inrluclhlo agaliut the milted powers of alt the outrldo worl 1 jott a Mr Carnegie s adopted country ha a prospott of shortly bocomlng I n gland fondly hopes still to retain her remaining colonies under her wing an 1 ownership. Carneg'o reference to this hope Is fclgni flea tit, llo sa) st hut lewoa Lm the pt to tnteb at 0110 Iht (njlntl1 hjaln I a.4 itmit coloulM ujann Ibe Aurrlmn ronl Ibviati wLr mi Uim now? teVt)i,ft-c. rrpnbik- --apr CeoualMiilfVttilb Amerlc. riv vt lktw 1 siatrriwrvl f Um fur fnltmlng. JHrlugiU t4 niMnUlevbt tit plr which l tm th llrasllUn rvirabtle llrlislo tiutniir U 1 wt (run lu inotLrr sapruu atrlft asl ml op f riuf anl now 11, tutjvrltr of 1 our race r rlttrHl nmlr It finblko f) I at la tttare In tbe pmltloa of Ilrliatn ratathui le AaalrUaBiHl(anatJtlt,tJiutI(1a tke UH( that Jtj tlltTrrvbt rrniH U -Mlbleltti thetuT I know ef ivnn tli roairarr all that I know of the utlmrat of !! toiI In tbe rolnnlr ftattUIlwe rr, that than riltli this konllhr brut th 4waM tutlunal Ufa. They wuul.1 U UDnorthyor ibotralrM If tUUlJ ItlaAltiwUMiiHl fltfta that th iiu.orilrof eurrantlsiakarn uat tut tb imu UoJ altiuubtr aoAlylM. IlilUla eurltwa whHhtp AOatralifi and CnJaivt hrrbtbar roloi liw Mtbtjrgniw to maturity. etit Op fortlifiuWfa-wiib nerytMlln' of rilaJd. motion IomamI bur er wbttlwr aryc blM burn InlbaMlNnttalaUiba tarn ta rtcartt IlrlUln as lha crutl oyratior of bla roaiiiry Tl r U ixt otbae alUrtutlve i 1 1 Uacet-bour frleuda of lb lin.xrlal frirratloa lo pau vratbay larolttblriOBntryaillr t-UlMran lu tba Uailolitinrrit i1 bUDiltUtlun wblch muit eorualf niwirbma ff rt b maJa tacLk tba darrlopn anl aa4 lnlwbIe&t tslttirnc of tba dibrtalaa, fur I idt-paji Icora tiny tnual t4 will so no4 obtain, twn by rrcc 1( nacMaarjr lrt Am Crfotinia. Tliernmuot botu)riadof fUli living hi the dipth of tin awiom f(r nnl characttrlattc we can hover o en gueaa lit, for, ahoid 1 apvctnirnstwsuo rtMfully hooked, thoy would bunt Into pieces Iwforo thoy could bo brought to tho surface, Ulng relhned of tho oxtraordhiary pnakuro utiler wUIth thoy etUt. Now ork llocordef. TIUl Mma. It Is repcrted that tho tlhl wave caused bytarthquakta In tho Cocop-ih region, Arlzoua read ed n height of 100 feet Noor lerdo tho Colorado river bed was divided byachoim over ten fectwldo luto which tho waters poured with thundering ttolso, and many QMitre of loss width nn 1 twenty to thirty feel 1 f-G wero snddeuly tnado In the sun driw 1 earth 1 xehango DeSeiWltog'iigen, Tho follow Inn nro authorlzod Agonte for tho Dooeret Now In their rcepoctlvo townst AAlttn rvfUawl, lNrir'nf4,Jao Ameri?mn IWl Vt vp .. ,liatTai fii r II UHH I root ... w Amtriw fi-rb J trt$ fro ., Altm rgig Jl Ifftt mm WHHHM. I (aunt lp(4iWt Jl S UfU w . M JilUom Clo cv I J tko OAUarl . wfwo,CMtde NiXn AUrtk w- .... .AUi Jumti ilwraa . uHfMr tV$lf Vfmui JtplAt ntrAfo Irlttwo JHlim. .....,..... .. UaliU A tunlnrn .. - Jurertt IlimptiM VUg Vvep I fujftflw (Vg lUts i Wre w irMif ., itwMfairr'Mt UntQ ).w.Mrrt)p -, rnrTivtrtUt TkomnrHwt , Itvuht If ml 1 Mr lift UtLhUr Jr HW Hmm,Jtuultrtitl NfniJJ V tirtnloH ..-... trials I JMrwart WHaHM w Jlrnjamln lithtv Tlt9rt -.- - &n Of luplMirom m.. H Jto4tt, Hutto Jtaetr lt eji ,,..., , .'irr tt flair . tlurrvtUt LltrUJr .. -. fuetf irZfttorM ...tWafd J, (t JUfUr ...... CYaW, arykamtm., trii JM Jf(rH-i... w.. ..- VtJ'ir ) ulUy II m IMm ,.,-.. .-. O-itnU LVQrtmm ., . , Vkvthml Jat t C fyftncnMH - . Catlh J t 4 Jft5ahf., .- C'lr k Jiluha fat tN CVtttrt, taMn.HM.MM VroyJi Co 7 Stort - MM HMMH. . CharlHlo LJUtorrili - ItrrteriU Mutt ev , 1 1 1 JAH.tri4 OntrJlttJ lU'jhmco. J Hko t Mtiitt HtM. - .. Clri Mo J knJrlitu .. - HurhlvH ilJtm a.. . Ikmutt, JJakQ JlllAllrt ...... tkulff Awl larrM .- ... (Vlrr( HJ ..CVfJtMJfl -..- h. W nvqMfee irimmp .(.;( - Fwryto J VlHwv ,.-.. -- l)ettV4 (rtJullaMH Jhh, -Wj JaitVv Jiwdmn MW , ltnjr jrmtr ... tfiit fi4j,M Uprum Ofty IHV' Jtw lot to., I taho JviktMl ilnuirff H iHtrH Ttot llorlUy i nftt Ilotk fllHgliun ru,t ; ta W it 1 rUr . fgU iHngUrm ean JDfi tut ll ml HUt t(tii.n Jrf.i JmM i rawiMiw w.f('M J ll.Vii . . .nHM ScAv Ull irr. , l.lln Hula J n ww l tu ttn ir onig f n K t n r t 1 h Hi H ijHH I If ttaa. rr rt 1 4 ri ir r ' ttrrc Tnv J I) Smith - nffaiara r On if V I? - -. nUl rfai J)re4 . . Ilr i W J t wdenrmot ? frH.-w VnHAar IHrhn JCthwf iirtiet ntkco trgimi-it Jit tswUf. -... Imnli Vrrr Jnl r1Mmt.n.m-..wm. . .. . lagrtli LitknnrU M.M.WMaHH Inrminftn tflmaf m.. tYrmont Ve JKtotk ...... wi,..., w - iltarr fitmim Cw rjw, , . f'HNlau iritefe -,. M UndaU A tttptrr .nn.t, rat .,.,. lkVl C ir ffk m!ttl I Mlttf, OmtUia co., Naha tl r tH ...M ,a.,a. mww. ..OrtjiM Crrtk J it rkrMkMHWMWH.. Proitf. trvtmimj , Jttjtknaan. r -.....! .......r.i. , , M Ooktn T arMM- . ,i , .lMlltitt CW J ret- ? JCn Garden rUf ttlek v U iUrit . tlrvrytto Ikmr Lat nt , tJk firth Joknpm HHH CaanamrilU OnrlttJf XJrft - -wwauWMrw IhUrtUg jiufat.' ri lMrntf It ir Hamatag. - . ..- -.ltafr t ;oiVf..w. . , liftiimtaa (iWAff .... mm. ttmntiafton JittAliml',, ....... w tlfdirara tnAf . ..hmmhm. itoUtn tl it rJMru - -M fc m- - ItanagvPU r'wttiwfaM. . .. -m tffrmm retort Jvntt, . ...... .M...- - tlmhfrr lrWrr - - ttrriWi Kit fact HM(U -,- i.l. w . (torn my irWf , W,W-MM JlnlttUSt TUTtrrp .. -. . - Hran Ittmrg ttaptu .. -..M..... arrntrjr ttf JMfy.,M.,M.M.a,.,i MwaM.M lntimta rU4fv-M.M.MM,MAie. lUka V J itltdWfk MM.. -. MM jMtfk tltg Lta rMt,-ffr mi iff t Mak ie Jtan MarHH. mm m- m - - JrtUm JnLBHg mmmm -mm Aavi J,4mUJ.r .. hafitilla A tlQHJtm ,.mmm mm mmm Kammrra I rotm M m. M..n.MM wm. Ktmharrn A vf",l-. nn. m- - hanth II irWtW;w .,.,, n.., m. - txitm muiamlattt .., -- ..- LU Uir MarrUian .mmmmmm.. tsamtagt m Ja lrwH m kmmmmmmmm- LnMi -a ir F II atlrr .M.MM.MM.. .. i IMlt IJmKo A .ltrr" far taUta. tHika ( ll MJAnt .. ,... L.., t ta ttrift. m. t,pmaa, lllagkan (9 , t-ltka J ir kpki , tran tl T l.Vl-, I,,,, - ... LflS )fA Itjdl m ...-M- . . .. ttf 1 h 17 ryijM ., , ,. .fgm c4 J n,ft6rM.MMMaa. -MM. tMl Wmttt AltaUU. rlrW' tlttffkai re. d.ti ThJat$ Ma..rkl, itatiim ta Arttot (to am. Str ....' rArr, HoSfa I ItrfM. -M- m - . iUMIU A Mrwitbt!.. . m Wl(Vwl ff Jtarva.. m- - VanlpHltr, 14 ko f K Jamtt mmmm -- -MtM Jart Taflar.. m Starg$nU I Str It I irafat u MM jr.t11riara.. . m - Vj-afl Jtr Lam , m itta! JJjo(f.M mmmmmm. Vrtmt JtHf- - m-mm. tomntt1taa4 r tr XMi mmmm- - iffhta j (IrW'iiA'a hhmm H.wJiatMUt'i CbteraJa JokminiliaMM m - ...V,x4r-.J ir CkrMa a4 VH M tg f rt re ir I Arr ..... m. .. Umt,. I mg t II Jtterrai . -Jrwii tlitfkax re. Ma e VfaiayftaQaMMMM. mm -. Moan Ifmt trail MMUdtMM UJIultra CWonivM miUmm irbad i.pmmm- .. MlnrrtrUla HJMf mm. mmmm - m iarma . t U4JHU M.TaM -- MMM. M.1M1 llaraam Va iy m. - mmm - -Horpa t Jaknitirwn. .. " tmCrrrt HattLaHra JKJvkiMm . NO' VrtriVvyti r dtoa ;(ArlrfMMHMW.M .-.. .rflH a, r MM.MM.-.. -mVo" SMLalte t.iwr ..veru irAH.MmHMM.a, H rfairfr4 PJ rfa m .errf hilt Ultra harrata rwm. WW, fmcrre. sfrfrvs J MiaaMi mm- . -mm ...M.a.(Milfva Thomma rWntffMi,-.-... .Ittilm Ma COawikvia .mmmmmmmmmmU A", faAo JMTjl tJf. M- V". 1 '"V JkHrU m mmmmmmm ffntagrrlU 'J aIWH., OMMtCVf lal (IIiVy (to ff . ... mm . MMOiiJIjr tf4lU UilTagtvt- MMCM,Sirnni 11 f.vwbrM.MMJtMvM,l4eift(. rrtfa ASfrlmdlaf m . mm- .VwifM rf.f i fr mm. ......- - 'vvlIM fiTa.f..HMMMM.... MM-fcrfrrraa AniMft WWMMH.Jrk Imtrpta., Uta jtratlaU 1-m. r;ruera n --. llri tV ej MM MMMM. M JWJ f iJU j r i ,,. mmmm. f rvcu4ra Ida Ciimit m.mmmM h. uytWfi ir Am m . WM Vara fyfi"- O e--M. .1 ,..m m--. i1rrrvrni Vrffiaa O ,.. - .Moaj! irf4fK.i.H . a JWJt Itftfrj n Trw' f f m- . Ilraiant e m Jf -i. .;ir.( HaMtUtrea uAalriM M.MM-- Hm. . fveattUo, idaha Ulltlbli mm-mm.. h.h.hw.KU in'.kM r,W.n m- . m f Mn Ctf ir C ertlaua. . , m.' rtal j,AW J ti It trriiva , mm . Ma Jitltrkl ,...,., . WMm'M tl (trtlJtM'rw.M mmmmm m.Hm -"( I u a (IJnlUHkM. mmmm- MfortLVfir (JeH lWtim.- .Maflfti iAtia r Jib jin irwyMMMMrittrJtiv, o-Mri eA.Jdie ; 17 afrj m ..,-.- ;afA((l Aflwrtt ;iJ rrlatiM m,mm-m m .Af.fl r nihttat mm.m. f tport VJI Jrrrl,JrMMMM. MM-M-.fJ.-N,l JlVAlMtOH -.MM MMM.MMM. H IHJ Ipk C ,iVMMM- 11 - loclcUia I ! .. mm. HH m ; trlura, laha J kh n J . ,. W nil J nct m. 'ie ( ff tan Mtrttataa m.Saaffd,tnrJa4fh Coturato tntiiata ttrm til mm. m-mm- r(v fipnlth Fwrt Va (wwimmM m. Ajwrti.klor ll tICraakg SitrimgtrtiH, ffkttif. frfluM) j.M nu. . , .A-.i(A,0(l iraJcyra,MMMM.MMM - SuiiM Arl -M.M- - IfaJa fiprlafi hAo A Hth Jtrttti Ot ijmmm i..i.mAwU Jvrjan Cto taiArr m m. A ( H'm tAUrl . . .. AI Ckarf-a, Wio I ItSnmr M.4MMW . ... MCrory Jfl(?rA. .., til J Itrr I alleg irtii g J t rant .m It mm tumori, H tho I utS albg Va vp StJohai 7tlata (lit Jilelnr MMrW, CVfAW ,rii ne Santa, ln Ot ep.M .m.-mm. MMAffnlafajft r J WiM --- HauJltlJ,rmtre9 Aadrra'lltaJ. HmtH Mm.m M " M J " mm MMM.AHMfria .1 (Jtrt lOamlHfa HMMM . m. -M.A)tN"W ltvra Jnn-WIM.-mm - ... mmAW niiJfM'yWWH.M..M. -m AaiwtMti Juan Ji-m m m. mm . ?f Jj'pA lrJjoi irtltiUKk ,..tj0kinAiKhtetAcitnn r III' la m. mm.mmm- m. i'rH-ff Oy I .yWion mm-m mm. M A(frJ JrM . MtfXM.M.WMM. Trio tuAo tiMca tAVot m. m - Yttaltir, lrUfi flMlVrntn mH .KMlfuM if4ro irtradt m.m TgntrPOtiladrWrrc tl U WriapHa . -, MMTAiriWe Jl'rrHraltrt ....-. 3W'W rwwi Cu dp - - - mmm m itoivf Jta AMtV MM.MMWM M M MM "Otfltf fT Ul Cknrlrt tnfg mh . . m ( afarj J Ifartm 1 H mmh -m. I trpfai VUf ClJUirtUI ..M.IrYnol, liniahro JinitUa. ..JL.Z'1'.Z Z.HrAlortiti I It iaaag H m. If 4ffcij irfUHIIa CO p m. mmmm VtlUrilla UUaf m , m mm irr Jw J 1 IPr adilM . mm- . - ircthburg t to Vartt WH, . -. ir(AwJ Miyii mi ro jA i Jfot. ,. m Hvojrtivif imw'lM tlA J It (VlV. .. - mm. - .. irahipto T II JIwiim - mm. fill nr. AtMaMff Jtrgtm, Jr IFovdraf I Uh re. ( (tik jyttrrt iru UUattmaa Httton Ua J ft) , Ifvoilrvf Iparkira Ar owi Co Tw 'tf Wf i Jf 1 irtfi I i l I .V itarfuii tUtir, FUr 0 , 1 a tfAiitt nmrtta roarar nrra. r k,, staiblook:. rrr(If.lCarnnMr.(rl(lr JlflarallM BBItt.-.BlT.-.BAHBT, . No. 54 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, iritmt nut cjtoirrar iikat arms skasox Anx xtrr ir rititn n nsrmatnATon a&d TArrAvrio rncsu aii jncr TflSIOlV alllAT aiAHHXT CO.. I'rou'x m, flotel Ternpleton, Hovi opoh. Oornor of Main mid South Tomplo Stroots. THE 01TLY FIRST-CLASS HOUSE III THE CITY. All Modern Impronmants R&taAe 1 H, Steam litatUi Rapid Elentor, Stier and Four Systems ot Fits Escapes. HUOHzo YoUf.G,i"Hai?a5er. . DiniccTonai . D. 0. Y0UHQ, Pre.ldtnl, r... ........ r .. ,. . OtO M. CANNON, Vlca PrtiMaaL CENTRAL II0TgLC0.,::tK.'''r..MA..n . 0E0RQE HAnDY, ritOIHIETOKB. ta AIONIUYQUNQ! BflTQGO PLEASE NOTE. WE HAVE REMOlED DACK TO OUR OLD STAND, o43 and 45 MAIN STREETS Wo Invito our Frlonds and Patrons to call and Inapoct our StocK ; Clothing, Hats and Gents' Furnishings ALL NEW SINCE THE HRE. BRTQ & CO 43 and 45 MAIN STREET. ' WHAT IS A" GDARAHTEE7 Atanj rntrrlianta Antl aalw men are In tlio liatlt of ln(llacrlmlnat.r7 "aiarantruliigi llielr ware. will, no thought of llng caIImI ujxmta inak. the "guarantre" kwkI. It la. trruMuua adU fiHiUU custom xaore roapcctrdln the Lrvaih than In UieoUarnaDcu. . A guaranlr tu havo any valtu, .houlJ ! made w lib know ledge of the meaning of the word and a act purone tu i arry out tha tcrtna of the Ruarautte. On fine toola the maltcra Inatructua tu Marraut,And we re llaoaany tool found linjwtftct lnuM. We liavu urhI our Wat J udbnu ut, aojulrtd t y a vouaUtmtle nr. rlanm, Inaalactlnethufollowliii: H.mi for nuratock and mil them to our cu.tomtra lth an Abaoluto ftuarant. that If thty do not pruYit to Lo All that we rrprctent them, we will rcfuud the purchAM monty lu full. T "Jewel" Blil ltanKe. A flnlaunl Article, irfitly proiwrtlonil, maJa of the Uat niaterl.L Don't fall to wii It. It will y you 1 CJulck Meal" 1.0 Qtn.rator, Ltajiorallng. I.lRht It aa ycu do your Itaaturour, No .mill. Mo dauftor. No conipllcatlon. l.viry otjen. tlon to the umi ot a (1 uollno Htore lon tway with. Think of the Ula comfort inlued lu Buuimur by Avoiding the heat of a big lCltcuea lurnse. 1 Huperlor" Cooka and Itaocu. Superior ru. Ikrra Huperlor In ecouoniy of fuel. Huperlor In dlii. Huperlor lu ronatrurtlon. Uuparlor in uverylhlnj that goaa ta make a perfect cooking u aratui. The "lootulltfrlgeralcrg " An Ireaavar. A lleallli rouiuler. Cellular atono lined. What la that? Iuvullgalu it. Itwllluiorethan npay you Our atock of Bulldert' Hardware, Ilouto rurnlililocs Garden Qoaa. IJlrn Bprlnklirr, Lawn Monei,iitc , la complete In every detail. r. a coffin jiAiwn-Aui: oo t iVroareia HuUMnff, Oinil.TOR f aa Aommr.Hlt.f o n.TTl.r ". nanxr, (, i l,,l.r, Aiiiiunt ltMi, """, A,l,J!J """ i o.. naU..r, Lumber Yard&Steam Planing Hill ' TAYLOR, R0MMy,B ARMSTRONG C0.f 1 Ono Block East of tho U. P. R. R. DopoL