Newspaper Page Text
T H (ESTABLISHED' Ilk?Gl?"0?T WV S P iI 1 1 C 111TWQ I OLDEST NEWSPAPElfj " JM I JS5- I jiJiJUJiJiiJii i Hi 1 hJi 11 1F lfj V V Us II ooHTj IRUTH AND LIBI'KTY. . . vWl INO. 270 IT HAY, oriHW:it 1), 1801, SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH Ti.l.i.lTOl.Y. VOU XXIV l ,- - ----- sLH N, Y, DEMOCRATS. Tliej illtmlilo In Ureal no.Wrl to Itillfc the -.tratoga Nominations. cx.pntsiDr.fiTonovtncicvtHHD pntciocs tjonrnor lllll Charges the HcpuMIcans HlllthrI.utvlii,err .otkof Ih-iHrld's lair. r Tsterrtea io .1 m A lltTII II TW1 IirCTIMI The llrtnocral timovloik Aaasmbl In Ureal Thretls Nl w YoiiK, Oct. 8. The Damocralt c( thl city tearembled In great throng it Cooper Union IhU evening tu ratify tlju nominations or Hi" Haratoga con vention, l.x.l 'rraldenlCIavclanl Wat ptetlder.t of the u line, and many other notal le Democrat were on Hie tlagr. Tumultuous aIauta greeted theBearauceof Mr. Oluvelaul, the auJIemu itanJIni up, waving hats and taiies, ami making all manner of demonstrations of enthusiasm. Clove Ian I al length obtained tiltuco by waving hi haul. Ki Vrrildoul Clevelan I, on taking the chair, acknowledged with much evtls'acllon thu com llmenl tld film tiy his selection at rif IJIiiRulHrer. Ha weiilon In lalkataomn H nulla about the Issue of the campalu. Ho scored the rotrctlvo latllT, tho form Mil, the cxliavagancelii government exeiiUI tuiif, ami llm arbitrary actions of llw Hi publloAns In tho In I Congress, inaile reference to tho determined Do-inr-rralla tullln agalntt those ahum latl fall an I tho victor which lulled. ci xv rLANU'a ai ttcii. "Intlmioiular Irancli of tho nail C'ungreaa llm mily WI1IJ1 lately nrro gated In Itavlf the domination of Ihat body will till hardly more lliaunnc fnurlli of IU mala. Democratln gov trm re occupy tho oneiuv monghold In Iowa, Ma.sachu.slt-, 0L1 .Wlsccm (In an I Mlchl, an l rcuutylvanla the election of a Uciuocrsllo governor t i resented conclusive front of HeruU llcan rorrui lion txseed anil llepub. llcan dishonesty delected, lint Willi all these result of u Juit and fearless Democratic imllcy, our work It not yet rom lett ly done, and I wnnt to euggrst 10 )ou that any relaxation of rilort within Ilin line establlrhu I by lliu National lltmocracy will IwafloUtlon oltlixilodiltaittiRaviillioMolliiwIiiri velmilfl thtlrco-oiArallon anil un iltrlook their catitc 1 tlo nt forget thai nru Inimeillately coiutmeil llli a rilata cainaliu. It atrma ' lue, Lowoer, that whllo national t'jtt(louaof therrtaltlllm;ortarn yet unii'tlltd, anil wenroon Iho wo of a national rotuln, In nblcli Ihvy tnuit beBRaln irttauil upon IboatU-u tlou of Iho loUrr, Iho iemocraoy of the itrrat Hlate of h'ow York cannot auJ will not liinoro theiu. If we fall to rctalu Iho ascendency la Iho tmplro HUlt, no maltur uimjii what lnue it la lot, anil uo uialttr how muili our orioiienl may took to itoU Krtat nuil IruinUnl toplca. It will Iw tlalniril at a ttrdlct of our ejpls acalntt llw rlnclpln anil the latfomt of tho 2atloual I)tiuoc racy. I am far from having any liar of tho reatllt of n full Utaoiiatlon of Hlalo attains but It doe not follow that llltwleolo rtRanl lualteraof ualloual coucem at enllroly furrlsn lo tho t,ml liiK rauvaw, anil ftpvcmlly to follow 11 e enemy In tlirlr Kali utlnly a ay fn m the l.tuea they tuwt fear, ami vi hlcll they have tUo belt of rollout to ilnai!. Tlioao who actwlttiua merely be caji the y tu roved Ilia rrtt.nt t. tlou of tlio National Democracy auJ tho refonna no have umlrrtaken, anil who o-Mtilu natluuilftOalratho He IHiblhan illcy and methoJt, anil who kill) think that the t-tato campaign wo have on hani ha u i relation to tha ' j tlndp'tt anil uillry they approve, aro ludariRerof fallloc Into a nrave error. lur orponcula hi the ttnillnit cauvaae, thouRli now tlrlvlng hard lo hldo their Identity lu n iloud of tluit, ralo I by tlirlr Iteration cf Irrelevint tlilnea, conktltulo a lariio fartor In tho irty which ttlll far from bariuonloutlyeieke to rrr t tuata all the wronjit ami al utra of lleiuhllranrulo In national atlnlri. In tho pre nt condition of allalra It la htitto Uirtippotod that Buy oomlateut BUd thouKhtlul numtwrof tho Uenio i rutin nmanltatlou cau fall tone that It la bit dill) toeh-frike enthutlatth ally ami staloutly Jnauniortof the ticket nml latfurm whirli rertaauU our 1 arty iu thlt mmalin " At Iho roncliialou nt lilt rpeech, which waafrrqutntly lnterruteil by ap, bum, IPcivrKfOll HILL AVI'UIII l and, lurulnj: to hhn with a bow and then asalu to tho audience, Mr. ( levclaud tald ha did not tliluk II neciHNiry to any more, and lio ci uld not toy frit than Ihat Uortruor lllll vrailhero. At lliu Kovrruor tlrptl forward ho wat i;rttttt with ap- lauto alml'ar to aud at j roloned at thatwhlth greeted Cloveland. Oovemor lllll rinftlrmnl Ihoattt. lule of tho arly on Ilin tarlil, and il In tuited Hllverat tomu Itnath, Uo tald, In Hit: 'Ourililform rovletva the arly'a lledilt.of lldillty to touilit rlucllra of fluanci, It roafllrma tho lSalloual Drmoi ratio tlaifoim of ISH which (Illicitly dionrea that wo hellevo lu hont-bt money, iho not 1 and tllver rolnuRaoftluiContlltuiton, arid a clr ' tulattriR icedlum oonvertablo Intoturli moral wllhoutltu. TlulUadrolara tlonif aduublec;iindard, lu favor of I InuuJIUm, lu lavor of i,old aa well m illtrr, and tllver tit well at uolJ. It lecoRiiiriHl uo liultlutlvo dUara(-o munt of iiuo metal to tho enlmuioment tf another; 11 makia them both invert Iju, loth Ureal tender fr tho l aymuul of debta. However tuneatly InUlvliiuaJaofour pally may dliror at lo tho mtana of ollalnlox Itrftct I Imftalllini, wo are all atroed urwn IhiiiUtltalllllyof atliluliiK Ihat end. Tho l)i ruotratlc orty of today folio Iho witdorn of It Kreat founder, Ihoiuaa Jtfleri3n, when lis taldt 'Iho monetary uult imi.t tttn I on I olli melalt,' Wo inuat notoiil) realllrm that mrt of tho de claration of tho national i latform of IbSI, but we go furlhtr, ami denounce tho Hherman tllver lair, not mi rely a aulhorliliir; Iho Miriams cf a nlver dollar whnao Value It cou-tiotlr fluitualluir, lit alM at a ftl.n prelenta anl an artful hindrance of the return to free bimetallic coinage nti I ot tend Inironly toirnduro a ilinnijii from a KOldtoatllvtr luonitnelalllam. Thus have we taken Imiregnalile rrrounl In favor of honotl uun.ij- riiro vth1 aoullhavs run in Intjcilll.iou wl,h our fellow IMnoiralt if the other Htatrt , and thereby democrallo chimtiforiiicceMln 199J lure had their laua frustrated t)ur Inform unltetall Democrat unoii tho com mon (round ol hnniilhimeUllloroln ',r. Whalnver mail d of altalulng Itifert blmrlallliru tho ImJcrt of our tarty In their nltdom may decide to ncornmenJ In eur halhnal jilAlform licit year. Ibo condition! will bo determined, mil we may anftly leavo the matter to their Judgment. We have not irnilllnl I lllll, p. nr,. nf m Inlim nil flint ,iti. .Iln.. to Intnr la In our onuncllt thlt lall anJ therely endaniter Dera i.rntlc aucceae In thlaHlatn althlt crlllinl elrttlon ' Oivernorllllltnldtherenltilty for tha hit of Iho World' Fair to Sow lork wot directly Iran-able to the ltpuhlcan candidal.- for governor an 1 the Republican l-adtr who dictated and conlrollel hit a.tlout. rm'ttt Itirlved New York of thoWorll't Kalrl-rcauta heillillknl tliulooalorll clalt. llolulel Ntw YorkUrauiell wt a Drni-crntlo city, aud tletlred to humllulo 11. lllll aim referred to tha rumore that at least two or fie I'htt tnuatirt, oam clatea of Kaawtt, were tpeculaltrt In ChlciRO real eMale and of rourto wi re atalnti Now York. I rt-lcrlcl. It (J-iii lert and othtra alto Bddrctttd Iho audience. raililliial-ielllel-eer. alutouu.O t, 8. Tho llturttc tiyt tttnl Jd.UOO.OJO MiUn hivu Ineii II Ijeudeil by tha Kovommtnt btiylnrr twd corn for the itfarantt of tho famine llrlcken dltttlcia. nnl lU0,iin roul ha will UriijiiIteJ tu furnish the fetarvlns it atant w Ith 1 read Iha linkear llanrliralrr III. Iinii, IKt.8. Tim llJkool Man chettrliirlllcallylll. Vrralliee Urpaf 1. Wasiiimhuy,()dI. s rbo wtvthtr bureau furoUht-a thi following bultttlui Wt alher rt port from I aniltl ma.Teiu, Arktnnt, Okhhoinaand Indian Ttrrl lory. Houlhern Mltwurl and rloutli l.a.lern Kawasthow Ilia oicurrincn ofthecilJtii for the Maton, of vtlilrh Iho weather tiurciu his hvy rtwrd. ICIllltifruoxurri'l. 1 net liarae Arralukl n llttl litl. Nitvv Yonk. Oct li Tliatxeciillvo rommltleo of the ISew York Hall club met thlt mornlii to Invettlirato tho charifoe of crooka.1 1 laylnnii the part of tho ISew York club In tha recent same with Ilottou Itlchardion, 1 wIuk, Cunnir, Clark, llutla anl llucklcj, all made anidavlta Ihat thiy played an liouett I -all ilinylm; tho allinatlins tf cronkeitmvii mads Ly Mnnacr Hurt of the Chicago cub. 1 ha commltteo will rejiort Monday The Urltieillal Imllltll. WASIllMlluit, Oct. 8. Ill the I'cu menlcal Mclhoijlit conferenco thlt morning llov. Dr. U aller, of London, read a r on Iho reteni tltlut of Methollim In tho eastern aectlou, which com lineal uropoandtha lllll lilideivndeutlti. Heahowtvl tliatlho church vrat luakloKuriat rorc.i In thlt territory. A Uorouiorlv Jiiiiiftt the Track. lllsunanTux, JT. V., Oct. o A freight wreck occurred on tho Albany and Huaijiiihanii road at Die' twitch. Thu hcomotlvu Jumped tho traik. tloo. ItiKimerauttalnelafracturo of tbeleir Kanluf or Patltertou wat killed, Jotenh Dyui h, a hrakeutan, had lilt lea I mxvn, o,uit firty.flvocara were wrtcked. Tho damijo It over tloO.OW. Hit I'lale t.Miui,,.r ami lliar. Knv Yuliif, Oit.8. Tlirco hundred flrrnt luthalln plate trailt, ruanufuo. tiirand oonauuier,werareprtMtnted yetlenlayat ameellnj, when thu as toolatlonof tluiUto fttuaumtri nt tho United Htatea tirnanheil. Iho object of the orRBiiltklloii wat Iho nciiulre ment of reliable Informal lou rea ectlrifr tha protrrca aud def elopment of tho manufaiiuio of tin lata and watch the legit! itlon aflectlut; tho Interott of consumer. Tliuleadlngcljiar inanufaclurrra nf thlttlly htldn mtttliuvuterday for the fornntlon of a irlirartiio tlkur truit, to Include all prominent cUar muuu facturert or the Uulled Hlate. It It ropoaid to oriianlto on tho earns llnoa at tho contnlUallou of tho letillnic rlKtrtlta fsctorlet. 1'lie com llmllon will lucludu Iwentv-llva thoutvnd manufucturera, with an ag iireiate caltalof Iwenly-flvn million dollar. A commllloo wim a pointed, an I orrana-emi nt are well uudt r way. It It rooiod for thocumblne to butt Kaf totmcco direct from Ibo planttrt, and tavo thu middle men' irjflt. Ill llralhrrhiHMl or rralitiuiu. Uaimiiuiiu, 111, Oct. 6. Tho fore noon ttanlou of Iho iralumeu'i conven tion wa consumed by another Rprtch by Und Munter WiUlntou In vlu II cation of lilt aitlon In illnchargliiK thu Krand tru.ltti The long coutroverty oudtd Ihl afitrrtoon In a comleio vindication of Iho grand mailer and Uraud rit crtttry riheliau In tho matter of thrillscharjIUK of IhuolJ truiltea. T hu tuktalnlng " le wot IM to HI. Tho oil Irultioe tall Hint they ant ted the ileclalon of the convention III good fnlth and shook hand with llm uraud on teraaa an evldmroof restored harmony, while tho convention a( lauded vigor outly, A Tola! Hellion Aace n I. auir.NDi.lllt.Oct.8 Juat aatho lalloouou Ihe lair rrouudt atcundi'd thl ariemoou Alex (lorJou, a counlry yoirth, trleilto Jump airots tho row lilt fret lu iue enUugle-l lu them and lie wae tarried rtldly up, tianif Ing with hit litad down. In hit truggliatoetcaiohe ought the ropo Ihat rtllovta tho ianubute, which throw him and thu Ulloonlit lo tlo earth, about eighty feet ii-low, killing tho balloonltt, William KIerofIul vllle, Ivy., nud breaking Uor I n' leg au I arm and lorloutly Irjurlng liliu lutcrnally. 'PAKNBIif. ITBMS. Tlio Time an I I lico of the 1 onrral lltclilcd I poii -1IU Last Ylorttt. WHAT 0 tlHC THINKS OT TKC OCAO MAN Tho Cllr or IMIilln I'atset Iteaolntlont or llrgrtl. l Stn trailer. fly TelctTaeh to tke tiwt I'limii't i air nimnt. MMf' I ate Mr atleaite suit Ihe l.l.l. I'.nnl..- IrfiNlxj-i. Oct. 8. It hat now been itoctiti that tho funeral service of rarnellwlll lie hell at tlltecoevtn, a vIllaguBthott dhtaurtj from Dublin, nursunday nut. Thu body will ar rive In Dublin Hun lay morning, bo taken lu state to the city Hall, and the funeral roceed from there. Dr. Oowort, when asked Iho reason firtheMist ni'.rtem, aald It Is to ba undo at the with of tho phtllclant and with the content of l'trnell't frlcndt It wat nut ortltrccl. Iho dot tor a Ided th-tt during tho patlonl't delirium tomu hour bWor ho dleil, ho talked constantly of Irelaud and what ho would do for hi r If ho llvtd. In n biloriiKldliilervathu laid, and they tvirealniMt hltlatt wordri "Let my lovo he conveyed ti my colleagutt and tboIrlllat)le." I.uta tonltl.l the )i) alclana decided not to hoi t h jvst.iiiortnii Tho re inalnahavsu ndergona a ra I J chauge, so r if I'l, In fail. Ihat It tins Iteu fouu I advisable tocloio tint icadin coflln. rinto will be no religion ccreuiouy hen. U'CIIIA ISTPtlVIFVM-D. During au Inttivlew today, Cat tain O'rihca decllneiltudlflciisaall purttosl matter. Ittgsrdlng thu oltlral lasui , h thought tho death of rartiell was Bitreulll B Ultadvaulvgo ti the Uulnuisut, but ulllinateljr would re. illlulhureunlouof tliolrlali Homo rultr. 'At lha last convention but one that I ever hid with rarotll, haataeuled, wlthubvloua leisure, lo my uggi lion that, amoug his iiolltlcal frleudi, tha fsltaat wa Dllloui tha lowiat HealyandT I'. O'Connor, and Iho niostcoutemptlhl Justin MaCarthy. t'iriiell was nevtr arnan of ldia, ha was not anorUliinl mind, hut he wia llinmosttklllfulaaalmlLtor of oltirri' Ideas that I over met " IIIMII UTIDNS Of UHlKKr. Di ill it, Oct. A Maineelhigbday of lha coriairatl n of the illy or Dot tin riiwilullontor regret at tho dtalli of I'arnell were paased, and tho Lord Mayor and member or tho corporation emiiowered to attend thu funeral lu their robt a of atale. A NfW Atameetlugofllia I'amelllis parly of Wott Claro a resolution uilllng John Itedmonl tOBteumatha lealerahlp of tho parly wat ased. llesnlullont of deep regret at tho dtalhofMr. I'aiuell were alto unani mously adO ted. Most ot tbo store throughout the lutdlog towns of Ire Jan I are closed. Timothy Harrlngtin and other promluent mumtwraof tho lMrnelllto I arty icfuaa 1 1 illtcuu the lollllctl sit uatloriBtprocent. i-susrri, situ iinii.t-tiien. The limlsi. "riiu.." tuiameuls on llte llenlti ribe ItlaU leniltr, lwtlRis, Oct. 8 Tho 7imci lay,: . i Although the )wer of 1'arniH aud lha unique, commanding position won by tho shrewd inanliulatinn of his iiollllcal passion were lost booauso of hlavlctt,)et ho retained it tower of considerable lmiortaiKe. Like ltou. linker, Iho roilinalo cause of hit full war Indulgeuca III Illicit aasloli. In ouo case, tho patJlon oi. rated to I initio tho man hlinirlf. In tha other, It arrayed hi foe aud rival ogalmt him. . "I'aruslliiiwed his tuccetslo hi iwer lu nolo and hi keennet In trading Uion tha wcaUneAa aud vlcet of hu. msnlty. I'or rneiiand women, whether Immediate colleague or itikautt. serving aa count! rain hla aami , ho had nothing but frigid ajathy and cnu temtt, which amnio tliallaliaiil on tholiiiUlkea of mail I well I, tied to Inaplre. riiatwltli a lUUy repellent he aucceetled lu lnplr lug actual entuuelasui, It the highest evldtniooriha grenlueai or lilt Intel, lectual ability. "It wa combine 1 anl c a) related with au entlro Indlirereuce for moral rratralnt or every klud. Although ouco fully iccognlieil by Ulndatone, Ihl peculiarity wat convtnlenlly for gotten when It ticcainu delreabla to ca turo the rarnelllto vote. "Contrasting lilt character with that of the leader or the lloute of Commont, dying un tho tamo day, we flu I an kolute houeily of purpota and un twt rvlng regard for gnater aud imaller riilet of conduct making Hinllh lit to work for the I.ugllth at a peo le, pur lulnglinneattnjaln the spirit ofaub ttantlal Integrity. I'arnell would have failed for lack orHmllh'iuaillle, had ho not beon dulling wlm men oon tra.tlng lu vvvry taseutttl rtspect with lliu general tenor of Uoglaud'a policy aud conduct." A laaltlerleitl tottentlil. imxiv, Oct. 8. It haa Uocb de cided lo hold a iiottniortomozamlna tlou of Iho bo ly of I'arnell with n view of settling, definitely, lha cauto of death John Dilhu and William O'llrlen were atked for an eipreulon of their views lu rrgurd to the death of far I ell. Itolh illatluctly rvfoiiel to any an;ihlnguon Ibaiullect. A dltpatch from UrlgliUni aay tho doctors' certlflcuttntatt that i'arnoll a death wit caused by rheumatlo fever rtsiilllng lu au uxceealvo temperature and failure of tlei heart. 1 1 w at decided ut tho family cou ncll held this afleriijon Ihat I'arnell' re main bo acourded n a tit Jlo funeral, Bodlhebol) I a Interred atAvondalo, County Wlcklow, Ivlaud, where tha dead leuder wat born. The titrates! It an Irslau.l Iter lie I. Ouaiia, Neb, (M.8.-N. V. Oau. non, rtuldont of thu Irlah Xallonal League, gtcatt) lancnled tha t'ealh ol I'arnell au I raid! "He waa tlio grrilett mm, In my opinion, IrelanJ over had, In a rllsmetilary sense Hn ha I all tho element which twtmmnd altcn lion and win tho reentct cf the lilsh t-enple llecarno of n family noicl lor patrlottani oil llh sllea, Uo was onot, ralciibtlng, far seeing. Ho was h I'rotwlanl and for that reason alone hla actions endeared blm to the vast ioaoilty of lilt countrymen who were and am anil ma that re ligion f. 'di shall not disturb or thrcatintbeoouttaoflttelrMipollthi. t'eraonally, my. conlldiiiio In him never wnertd,Jjiit now that be It deal, 1 deem It putt of my duty and irr itMrlnilsm I cleeo overy nvcnuo cf dlsoonlnverthegrsveif n nisnwhoeo limitation will grow strongsr aud brighter as tho yeira go " rue tirct oil tl i Itwgiia will In to unlrt all irllea and fvillons, and II cannot fall to bring about unity of tlioao who wire riletutly bitter to ward I'arnell In hit Lit r lir Neat setslon ot IVrllaiuent shoull tea n unltvd rtr, and will ste It, If the .1 trtmlals will agree. It lHtt of pru denco lo utter nothing but gool of the deaJ." Patntll rtalit to bear a llrre.lllaty Mail li.mll. Nivi Yoiiit.Ott 8 Jlsroll Frttler Irks, lu a dlntch from lomionto Iho 7imr, snyt of I'arnell! "He always looked eixlninsly fragile, hu I In tho t ally ilty tho dtntar of collapse gsv much com t into his party Hut when they harm I how and where his long absence from hut post, whlc'l ho e I laltied uti thu scorn of HIIiiaIIIi, was iiwll spent, Inctvdiilltyastohla con 111011 sue -elcu, auu ail linct irawi thl liking ir It Tha truth It. 1'arusll rims from re hereditary mad family. Wlicru I euiltle a xlsts In tho t looil, on It did In lliu iittui of his family, n m 1. di ii sclzuio of thlt kind I I wked for. l.vt ry alienist know from ti i-rUnto how ho passed, iu thu morning Humiliation, au apparently healthy lalltut, only to Iw hurriedly sum. moneil In ins afternoon lo see him drlng from tleurlty or some cordlao atncllon When ins mini la off In b ihnrc, the hyslquo It squally tail of liotae. I'arnell alwa) a led an Indolent life. Ho took very lllll" tzercltt, shooting over hi Avon Isle reserves only liti! or alx dajt In thu ear. Hence, when Iho tuhl'hlcauo with thaiiectstary strenuous, cinttanl as irtlou, hu waalinallatostan.1 It. Hu ai inrct U 'ore tho audlsnca at Creggi In Oalwoy with one arm In a sling. Thlt, lalfr, It noems, devel ipeil loto re-rlcar llllt. No one knew that he was III till startled by Ihe tl llnga of his dcutli. Naturally, theiearo storks of suicide. There I., of courte.a wi lllty thailheln tensity of Iherheuin itlo paint r trailed him to tho ujt-cailvo uso at ruillietlc. Iiut there teeuit to ba no ntLer ground for thu rumors, which vitro suggested, doultlest ly llm vtrangu coincidence of Ihetulcldea of llalnuiedannd lloularigir, almut tho aania lime. ' rariiell' death relenaot thu l'atlt f uud hit li McCarthy will at unco ap. ply to tha auccr ol avlclo 1 tt nanta. I violalu no conll l,jico or canon otgood taatuln oaylng that Ilia lea lert ot tha Irish trty am fully 1 rrrmred to find this fund smaller than I'arnell rc re tented It, and to discover cljttns against It which hitherto vrtrt li ubeard of. lis had lieen lavlahlug romlaea t'i tlevlio moani lo divide tho bulk of thlt fund among bit adherents. They find theintelvet now In a most iloplor. ablo state, without a leodor, without nrty, without money, and bitterly hated by every reiictabIo elemeutlu trlih life. Only a few of them will Istallowed to return tuthe Nationalist folJ. Othen may detrralely ttrlvo to rally tha dregt of renlantam, but tho utmuat they can do la to keep Ireland dlttuilied during tha wlntar. l'eihe a Ihey will not even try to do that. 1 doubt It they will try to make Boontest In either thu Cork or Kilkenny vacnnciet. In fart, Iho faction fight In Ireland, which yeater lay was a plllful, v el tixatperat lug allalr, It toJay dead ai Jullua Lit tar." Alter a sttapaver, (.TfCINIaATI. Oct. 8. (ioveMor ramlwll, through hit attor-cji lu Cluclnuvtl, hat uow filed twoeuitt for damagta agalntt tha Cbmmerciaf Uiuctle, i sell for IW.O'M. Jlotli are I aied on tho publliallout concernlug the (Jovcruort Indebtedntss, and his )ayitientofthoexensea of lliu Ironio cratlo club from f 'olumbua to Cleveland atlhollmoof lilt nomination. It It tald that hocontemplaua vroceedlnga alai to bring criminal charges ajaliul Ibo luauaglug editor . A Vloinait Arrssls.1 lee Mblllsin. St. I'kti mm mi Oct.9. A profound tontutloii wat crtat d hero lojty. A young woman from Moscow waa ar. lettnT, charged with trltu a Nllillltt. Hhoconfeesed and nlmttled that tho left n trunk al tho homo of a well known coniker, tlltxuunoir, lu which vtaaa rovolullouao proclamation. Tho lollcu Immediately rooot-led to tha house or Ulaxouuolf. Ha vehemently i roteatnl til Innocence, declaring that lio was utterly Ignorant of the contents of thu trunk, lie wot, neverthelias, romialled to dipotll at ball lo.vuu rouble. A lainiiiollou la wlae rlrrtee. Nkyv Yonic, Oct. 8. A apeclal front Waahtuglon stja tha announcement that Uonvral llo nton It about to aover hit ronnoctlou with the. Commercial Uaullc of Cincinnati, with which he hat bt-eu connected alnco tbo war, haa created a commotion In uowt after circlet. In ansaer to Inquiries dene ral Iloyntou enlli "My tiounettfou with tho ivomnurciUI Uwtla will cnl next week. Of course 1 shall remain In Washington, vvhero nil my Interests centre, anlooniluuo In lournalltm at thoold Hand In Ncwapaperrow," Itead lionise toiiu I rurniviiu,!' ,0it.8. Thu bodies of four of Hie Itlo lardaou colliery vic tim! were fouu I lu the mine at Olcn Carbon laat night. The bodies of thu other two are not 3 ot found. I he laet of the victims Wat taken out Hill evening. Mere llnbliery. Pas l'liANCieou, Oct Word was received hero that tho stago waa robbed between LakevlUe aud Lake View by two men. It la not known how much booty thiy tecured, but tho Imalli aru said to have been left untouched. THE .MUTIIOniSTS. tile Ilf pmtntallf t at Iks lnmri,Il Corinrll Talk Distil Their latin tore on Hie liorlj. eihop rovLCn a coipcl in a NUT SHCll Mllltisflrrattlaselloiiaor Kiting thlt World ore UodiiwJ li lilloat of Monet." II Telttralft toltiNBwa.t Till I (111 111 Al. till Mil, IU Melhallals lleslert III IIUIaST ami I'reseiil Main, at Ilia keel. Wabiiinutux, Oct. 8 Iter. John Medecrafl of Mam hitter. rr resenting Iho Htlgllsh Melhodlatliew connection, folluwcil Dr Waller. Ha aald thai Mtthodlsm was rr(ormlng agrmlund good work lutho whole wnrl I outsl lo of Amerha. qiuougbout the vast regl ma of l.uro. Asia an I Austrvlls, Mtthodlsm was exerting a greitlullu. vnce. nkv. JAHM 1HSVII1V of Newry, Ireland, vice reldtntof tho Irish MetlmJIat Conference, aall tlitt the church waa In danger fr m tho llrll of nil glory. In lrelanl Metliraltarn had never dona much 111 growing timber, tut It had brought forth much fruit. mi. iiduii imcr iiuuiii", of the W.l Lou lou Mission said that tho Church of 1 n-jleiiJ Itaslt wat In a ml'.itrlty u 1 nglanJ A cruel law funed non conrormttla to send their chllJrrii to church echools. A mllako was madnlii not taking Dr. Arthur' a Ivlrti twenty v ear ago aud rsutbllih lug non sectarian school. Ills own church lias lnauoraied the movement. Ill V. J. .HAMS, a rrtmltlvri Methodist of I nglaud. snoko of the educational Institution of tlie country an 1 congratulated the church iiion its growth. AT Tim litl llMHJf S13.S10') Charles II. Kow Irr, of rtsti l'rsuclaco, roail un essay upon tho intent status of Methodism lu the Western Ameri can section He nil J' "Methodism never whl pad aOuakcr nor burneil n witch, nor Unl.hod re lls list. II liiory tails us that the pres ent status of Amtrlcaii Mithodism Is lha result of unnunit--risl foro of heart an 1 brain, time and temjiest. climate and leiuperalutt, transit Bill eellse, through counties ages. A hun Inntv oars' grow lit on this toll an I In thlt free Hlalo hat rodoced a cou dltlon of Ufa dissimilar from any other ileveloi ment uruoug men. A bundled years aii there wat but one Methodlet denomination, one auuual confe rence. tlghty.lhrro travellug iriachert and 1 1 Vit inemtiers iinay uiiro bio ni leulldeuoislliatlonsor Metbodlata, the one nua cno.'eranca has uiultll lied Into about two; Iho oh-tily-lhrc trivtllng preachers have luultlplled Into 6l,7oo, liesldt-su,) local I risacher, BUd the 14,1)38 inemut rt, actual cominualrantt, have multiplied Into over 6,0isi,0ut) Hun lay school children, un I a follow ing of over -1l,0uV,tW) aou Is lu the IVe uh)lc Methodism crossed Into thla century leaning on a tolltary Half Hhu will cross over out ot thl cutury with mwro than two ban Is, U sides ttocka and horde of canielt arid aue, for alio haa over M,O0d churchea anl about n.000 parionaget, with church roirty worth more than two buudrod mllllout ofdollart. Thullrit act of American Msthodlam was to ordalu B college. 1'ubllo oilnlou la the power bark ol the bench, Ihe ih It, of Lai loll and ot bullets, rho great problem of govern ing thrie mlllluna of Amerha It Iho ihuple question of forming jiublla oilnlon. Metbodlim, having nearly half tho Ioplo of thlt country, haa ouly to Is woithy or hi rdod to make thlt laud a laud or pioinlso ror the Ignorant and oj pressnl,aud the aiprosihlug century, thu colden age for tuo rare. Illshop fowler spoke of Iho vigorous work of the dll.crrut tranche of lha church, and aald. 'Methodism It uirnalurat(oril)e It n .tiling. Iu the chilling fog of higher crltlclim, which li higher only luiiamo anl tessumtlou, all the warmth anl wluaomcncss of Christian ity Is destroyed, The grtnt center and secret of Method lam, tho reason of hi rex late nco, tt lo I ear leatlmony to a knowablo religion, toiecuteandlrpeat a willies ot the holy Hplrlt with our rrlrlt to our r reent klato of grace. Our next need 1 Ideal. We inuat reach out in all directions, we ought to tajture and utilise every si crct that I rlnga tuccrsa to any other church. Methodism needa tho couragu to aelro au 1 ullllro all Ideas; there must bo uo ower too great for us to nutter. Again, wu mutt light forth centers nf jiopula llon. rlio clilea are tho forts. Who ever holds them, hold lha future, Tho church must thus tattle the labor dlf. Ilculty. If wo allow any other agency to teltlo tt, we mutt glvs lace to that agency, and seriously rodure our use fulness amoog men. Another want Is concentrated money. Already all tbu great question ol saving litis world are reduced to quesllous of money,' The blshopln clotlug said that unity la alreniitb, and thlt law holdt with uuakated power over every branch ot Ihe Chrlalleii church. Ill-hop howler wa greeted with prolonged Bplute. UltllOI'UAflWVAVOs' MIMIHUii, representing the M I. church Bouth, dovotaii hi remarks largely to the subjott ol tho ilahitof Methodlim lu this country, aud, speaking for the Houth, tald It had a rich McthodM heritage. Thero hat lieen a healthy growth In that division. hkv.mi iiniaas of Toronto. Ont , diicrlhtil tho euor tnoui boundaries of ttie Dominion, Ihe Mewth t the church In Canada, etc., laying It wat the largest In member ship of any I'rotcatant church luCana. daandlucludiHlone-thlid of the l'ro. terlant coaimunlcants I lailOI'AIINIITT riprisiullng lha Afrh in Methodlit l.iliooial Church, rcmlndod hit hear r Ihat there wot a dark at well re a lli,bt side to every qutwtlnu. He re called that tho colored jwhla had ser tlclalcl In every atop of thogruwtli of Afrtlo'lltm Thiire weru -cullr missions for tho African Church. It hsd to Mhow the negro, not only how lowstr the golden stterovrr thete, Unhowlogtt aud wtar hta ill iea un l'timaylvatila avenue, that he should I e educated, should earn ami keep hla money, for by a fal M-ket book would ho find his way lo Ihe Atijlo-Hason hsirl. llicst laughter. un 1II1JSAIU1 of New York diwlU-1 the work of the mlatloiiary oelet In ilelall Among other things he sail that every tuo years the Methodist Church wa r ulld Ing ne many churches at tho Itomau Calhollo had In all lands. Ml, 11H. IllDIOtS deerilbod the growth of Methodlim In California and the Territories In eatly day uud Ibo difficulties encouhlerecl Aujuurued, lllslrtilrlliliallaii. Wasiiiiuium Oct. 8. l.xHcnator lllalr.ef Newllamivhlre, kail today that lua reslguallsu aa mlnltter to China was accaled yesterday. Hu sal I that he liked lha lilt of going lit China, liut when thu Chinese govern ment, Inlliienreej by lies, refuseel to nre-lve him ha waa ttndy to retire. Tha I'lealdent. he said, vtaa w llllng M El ve him an cfllce of cqu tl dlgiilty, lait edld not care for anything elee. The Itrhrlna -. TSSIlble. Wasiiimimi, Oct 8. Treiaury Agent Williams hat nialo a tperal reiutttotheHe.ret.ryor the Treasury lu regard ti tho allegation Ihat thlt government violated thu rovltlont of the mo lua vlvrnJI In allowing tho North American Commercial com pany to i atrh seals In exi-tia of the limit, thu report ikowa that Hourly IKas) seal were lken by llm company In Iheeevaon, but alnra the dale or tha agreimrtit the Mtcli lio been let than tOftl. kifnei I ! le.trtitln. I'lllLAtlgUI tA,Ott 8 Attoda)' seeslon nf the general conference of the llraiigelloat Asaoclatlon, a rert waareoelveitfromtba siieelal commit tee appointed to Investigate the tase ot Iter, tlreaay, iu,in led I y lllahop llrimuau. Tim reirldectdl that the suaenslon waa unlawlil. 1headoi llou of thla report I rouitdrrpl by eomo as an In llctllon of what lha ver dict of the gent ral conferemu will be In rwrerveca lo lha caseatf lllhoi Itowrnari and l.aher. The body decldeil to dlamlsa Ills charges usn which Dutstwas sua lndeel and he i 111 hu relllataleil. Ihrr and llowmau were exeloil from the church. A kirlkelei I tence. I'viiM, Oct 8. The tinertllvra of overy buttle factory lu 1'ramr, with Hie i aci itlon ot those at llituiy, have struck. ThlslsluoUalleiiro Innrdrr liauol by the (ila.a W urLt rt' Union. Jalin reranseil Svlelatlaaa. liMwt. Oi t. 8 I n Iho election tor Northeast Manchester, Hlr John I'er. guaou, constrvatlve, recs-lved Is'iS votta lo Jim for Moolt, odllor ol the Mauehcattr lmirttan. the liberal can dldite. A klartu' Soyax. NW "lOllk Oct. 8. The alcainihlp "City of I'arls" airlve.1 today afli r an exrei dl ngly stormy voyage. Tuesday a hugo wave camu aboard, severely In juring a numls-r of the crew. I1 tot Misriuaii neaniitenls. ClllCAl.o,Ocl.8. The Hoclety of the Army of Tenueateo reaumct lit station Ihlt morning aud reported llml JI7,ilirl waa raited for a monument to Oeneral Ia(sii. The artist la uuw at work up ouadislgn. Ht. leiuls It llxoi at the plaoeof tho next annual mooting Otueral U. M. Dodge, uf Iowa, was chosen proildeut for the dialling v, .ar. The comuilitee on a monument to Geneial Klitruun rttsomniendod that It be t reeled at Vas!jlnglon. The recom. meudatiou watadoiled and a coiiimlt tee B liolnleit to solicit fund all I Bak Cougress lumaku auaiproprlallou lu aid of the work. Ilreta-ted Haw I-liAKciMX), Oct. 8. Arthur Ilunster, a prominent real estaledealer ot thl city, and aild to have tieen at one tlinu a member of tho llrllltb l'ar llamont, fell lull tho bay today mid wasdrowned. He waa aged 13, unil ho ha I considerable protrty hero aud In llrltlah Columbia. Ho saves a wife ami four children. AHlireraaerla llr. Waiiiiniiioi, Oct. 8 Mr. Clark, sou tonight 1-euMl u call fvr a meeting of Iho National Iteiublhan romnitlttn In thu city of WaaUlnglon Jvuvembtr UI, to select a tuccestor to Chairman Itutyanddeterftilnelba place of the uexl convention. Ciilti.ulit.ene,l. MnsTUOMinr, Ala., Oct. 8 Tho storage vtarehouk of iluritcr J- Co. Bn I Ike comi ally's compress at Ihe foot of Commt rce street were burned thlt afternoon with Joo) biles of cotton. Lost, Jia.OKO. A lalal lire. Dk-riiuiT.Oct. 8. larker, Webb & Vo'$ lacking hours wat damaged Slno.nuo by a tiro thlt morning. One man waa burned to death and a dozen cilbtra serlouily turned or Injured. I'ealelllrte, WAttiiMnviv, Oct 8 Tho follow Ing l'realJentlaliottmatters have been anointed. Tin ollleea aflecttsl In-caiuo Presidential un Ihe lit Inat., an I tho at imlutet were tha Incumbent at that timet California Henry K. Hmllh Han Jacinto; Charlea H. (Jrny, Han 1 eandro, tlcorgo W. Hcmlnway, Winters. Watulnglou Hamuel A. Calrd, Houth llend. tlorrlsrarte liars. Nivr Ym.u. Oct. 8. Seven furlonc Hleliner won, Wutdcutter sveoud, Qutenatown third, lime 1 2S. l'lvofilrlorigi-Ilellaorl'.llhanidllly) won, Alrlni(ooli) eccond, Kllkeuu; third, llme-luu). Mile I'ortohealer won, liilty seo mi I. Lltilo third. Time III.') Hlx furlougs-Ht. Horlan nun, Aclcr reesonl, li ouanill third. Time 1 1. 1. Mlleand one eighth, County C'luu handicap llanquet llr.t, Honorlla aeo ond, Canonii third. Time 1 Jo. Heven furlongs Arab won, Daisy Wnolruf) second, Klrkover third. lime 1 .H Tll! TARIFK DKKATH. 1 Camphrll Ojtent the I Iglit Hllh aj lt'1 Atlatk on Ihe "Momtrr" ' H (ailed l'rotcellon. k HH ' KaH MAJOR M KINLtY INTROOUeCD Hl AND CHCCRCD i H lit --peaks on the nillont or Milter rH aud Taittloi. tree H. t'oliutp t KF hI9(. ' hr Tssstasa satsa xaaat T H y I V-II'lll It. AXI tl'KOtll, I H J Ah llllertatltiaTllel.ata ait a KlnnulasT Rtf '""""" Witt, Aim, Ohio, Oct. 8 The union meet UV Ing wnt held In lheBiiihlthealre In B thu fair grounds. Ilreatfasta was die. IH Mayatl liilhadettirilliin. The altlll. IB try wat railed Into re.uiltlou, au I as JUKI thetwndlillngultheilliMtlersBpiievrrAl trm, In sight, Ihe goviruor'a salute wat RTawj nrrd. It was l n when the meeting !Kj was called loortle- ly Itev. Campbell, IliBL a I'rt.ljlirivn minister, nud at thai tmM .' tlinu full 7iWl ien.i wen. on tha TS' grounds The clerical kenllemau lit UBi'" lro.luo.-l Ihe two lesl llligofTlceni ot aTOu the nulling, Mnn Van Fleet for wl the Drlliorrau kill Howe for Ihe lie. &W , lublleaoi Chairman Van I'lcit, the . Detnocrnllii pteildlng nDlctr, mala a !'' I rht bjscIi of congratulation to every IBs laid), anl Biinouncrl that Oovemor IH' t'tnipbell had gained tin. irlvllegeof HV llll'-;nlligai,dcl(lng by lliu t-vllng H V. of lots. ati 1 let comuillled n sllghi. lH bull hynllu ling Inalvi rtentlyto Major H y McKlnlay res "Oovemor JkKlnley," UW M and the Itepublhani cheered luallly, WtLA while lha chairman blushed III cou Vafl mmWi Uovtrnor Campbell, after being In. HV Irolurul at oue ol Ohlo'a grealeat UmlM governors, lf -itiirii into Tin: uciiatk. b Oovemor L'auipbell'soi.ulugsech Hi Wkt llstene.1 to ivltlignat Inlerctt by ,, Uiih irtlie. He ligreltid, le aahi, HlJ' that he bad not timet ij roorly leatnt rBlk thelndlclmentof that great monster. H , vvhlch, luaHpreradlng In the garb of rH'u" irnlecilon, sulrslvU on the wage V worktr and Ihe ajrlcullurltt. A mM i phuie M Ymny, farming la growing mors R un rofltable, our ronnnercu la swept bLB'''x from the test. Under irotectlon, tha aHsJ splendid alaret ot the i rolected man. atf ufacturera aro crowning the hllla, ffaLVlfl while lha lmiorto.1 lluna, llallant and BH llohemlan are dls; lacing Ameiltan cHliena. We aro ra Idly a proachlng BH thucondlthn irrdltled by Abraham tH Lincoln when he soldi "Ai a result H t f tho war. tornoratioii has been en aH thromxl, an era of high rice will B follow; the money ower will endeavor raHL to prolong Its rrlgn until all tho wealth Jj 1 ggregalrel In the t.ande of a few, rHI uiiilhelleiubllolaloil. HU (amiiuellcltaalBn utterance of the Hfl Iteuibllcan Congressman llutterworth, H who aald In Cougratt that he oould HH iiu the flngere of hit hand count Kl the men who had added more to thtlr Hl wrallliln tha latt ten vein than had I ten nd led to tho weallh of all thu P agrlcullutltlt of any slate ot Ihe Uulou. bIHm (Oreat Deruocrstlo applause J HB ISDICATIOVaof DIX-AY. BM He quotwl from an Ihutern apcr that ' HH when l.gyi t went down, 1' (ier cent, of 1 liar people owned nlnety-soven per 1 tent, ol her wealth. When l'ertla aaH wtutdown one -r cent, of herpopula H tlou uryicd all tho laud. When I ' HH went down 1S0U men ownel all Ihe IIHH known world. In 14.4 In thlt country, llH the callalltta owned thlrtyeven arid I 'Hlr a half per cent, of her wealth. Today 1 tB they uwn mora than twice that VK amount, ytt he who goee before the J ?Hi eOln and lnt to thru factl It ' ' HRV ueeiedataaaealamlly croaktr. BT' llequoted a galnot 17 ier cent. In HI the mercantllo failure of the United ( Hlatca for the nine months of thlt year, i H' cuniured with the tame period luat . 1m year. "Thlali unler Ihe McKlnley . tt III. Where la that boom McKlnley W JHi I redlilej If his bill pasted? Werolt j I, IB ' not forthoahunJautcroiatbe fallurea i t K- would bo a great deal worse than they if s ! are. J J The governor went on to anxlyie the j ( tS1 quistlon uf n tax ou thecouatiuier, , fli irestntlngllgurealothowtbat It wat J1 Hj such, i M . He died various Instance! of Iho ' fl euormoui duties which muat be vlaltcd 1 'H uiiiilheciitiauuisr. I ffj The McKlnley bill romlsrt that 89 i M 4irccnt. of tliedutleon tome arllclot (HI shall be refunded, provided thoao ar I J SI Helen aru ex)trtrd. Lutt year the j , B ! blandanlOllconiuy lmiorted Unto t J ;! thlt touulry, Usu which they raid v 1 HI I moru than n million nnd n quarter of ) I iHIJ dull. If theydll not. If tbefoielgner f I 'Hll Htld that duly, then the Unllodmstra i, -! I utll ban I In our oeketa and pro 1 aonle.1 Ihe Hlandard Oil ooiunauy tf BM with a million aud a quarter of our hi HH money, for Ihl auiouut wa refunded y tolhe HUndard Oil company. It Is , S mU raid all thla Is doue for Ihe up-bulldlug I i mM andmaluletiaiueof themanufactureri. Jv H How long, uh Isonlt f H now lonu, mini, run ui.iiuiluinci '$' fM no dm; f- IB Oovemor CamrlaU road a loiter, ' aVfl wrlltciiliy.Mr.lllalnelu which :ji H Mr. lllalnoialdi SI HU "It It a Tact that tbo coarse r deicrlp l ,HLV tloua ol cotton and ration prints, l-oola k fBs and shot, ordinary houaebold fural , ,j Vst-aV lure, barncu lor draft animals, agrl. n WH culturalliuleinenlaofa)ldescrlpilons, y doors, aasbet aud blluds, lockt aud i fSfKM hinges, silverware, plaieware, woodou. J VJKfl ware, ordinary a(r and aper hang- I HkaV. lugs, common vehlchs, ordlakry win i H dow glas.1 and glassware, rubber goods, k H cotlikbrctece, whllo lead, lead pl j ; H audarllcltilii which lead la the chief i romionent, tan ne and aro produced at At !-- chvai ly In tho United Htatea at in any .UH I an if Ihe world." (Aplauie.J SlMu9 Oovtrnor Campbell weot on to cite InM tho iliitlet ujiou thiso urtlole, under , .a&usfl the old tarliT, au I thu lucreaie under IE.bkH Iho McKlnley bill. tKr Wktt (llaaswaronf a common kind, tor II f flj IWl itanco, which wat taxed IOircent. (11 ATxIl under the tarlu" of ISS3, Major MoKIn Mi M fli ley raised to 00 per cent, although Mr. , 'B VI IjB lllalnu tald seven yeara ago that It o tFIKtaVl loull le produced as ehoaoly here a .' llvlivjBlVI anywhere clae In the world. Yet ot) y flRlfl per cent, of tho rormertarlllwaa added fawBileal lu 18U8 to rolixt It agalntt a tompe. J SlHM'n tlllou which does not exist . !, J Hfllll li la oltliisrel all over the world (Ap Kll lauic lu the twenty. five Jeit lii i tSH I ilucu the war wu have doubled lio. ' ' , L'K I m