Newspaper Page Text
DEsmiET Evixia xjjmsi rmruv, on'onut ... isdi. a j H IIUIIMMIULS. Barrel Ills Bcnlps Onehot summsr dataller clImMn. thQ oil ''govern inent" roaJ, In the mountain of AM tin-,, which wind In and out of thn pilcfir, hut alweja up mm Copper Jieln, my compauloo, Coloiel 1(Ikv low, nml nislf reachee! tlio coot ppiltiK which biilM- from tlio rock Just before the divide Is rract.el from wLicli the road commence to descend to l'rescolt, which I eight or nine wiles away. The mountains litre are roTrreel llh tall line tree which I print; from the ground covered with Immense grsnlle boulder. Jtesllnjourselvra at tlio spring the roloneliicliittU to n trail leading up tlio aide of tlio oppnsllo mountain, nnd ssld: 'A Rood many rears slocc I think It was In ISM, and when I hit niurhyuucgrrthsa now I came very near being labrii III I y llio In llaui up on the trail where It maa ovtr the divide. I'll tell jou how It in "I hail been dorrn to I'rtscoltfor a month or two, having n itood tlmo a Ith the lioj a until 1 liectme tirokn nnel tired of ao much hilarity, nnj t made up my mind I woul I atrlkn out for the oinip, which at that (line was nt the mouth of the Urtnd Wash, which Ira la down Into Clio llassa. Tampa, four or flvemllea below Coj ter basin. "I atari! out from l'reacott, and was coining on the other aide of the rlJgeovr there, all the time kerplrg my eye upon for Indlaus, for In those elays a person w. always on the look out for Indiana and ntways hal I, la sun rrmly for Inatant lire, "Anl cnuielirithe hill I notleeil a niovtiueent of Ihe boughs In the top of n till pinion tree which sleioel oil tup of the rldiie. Nut being able from my Joeitton to discover what inado tho rommollon In the pine true lop, I care fully mvlemy way up the hill until I hail a good view of the tree, an 1 what do you think I aaw? Well, an Indian had shinned up tho lue tree, nnd, with a long rib of a iaghuirn,wni knocking oil the plno cones which hoi I the eweot pinion uuta, "I fell Ttry coinfortablo wlieu I aaw the Indian up the tree, for I Imagined thonaultlf he had uaurjit me up tho trev I made up my mind thnthewna my Indian, for tho Apachea hn 1 nil lo thlnga particularly hot for mo on more than oae occMlon. Without any re car 1 nato whellur he would fall on a soft apotor not, I took good aim aud thin didn't ahoot." . . "No; what wa the matlet"" I as.ed. I "111 tell ynai why," continued the rolontl. "Heating n elUht noise, l looked ilown the trail on the oilier side of the hill, and there, not more than one hundredaril away, were coming revon or right Indiana In single file, and all well armed. They ha I no. aeen me. I auddenly concluded I ludu't loatany Indiana that day, an I I lay down In llie bruili while they loared along the trail lu full view of my hiding place and dlaappeared orer the hill. "Aa I didn't care to call a band of the red flendaiipon me by shooting, I luit crawled away from thim wlUioet letting the Iudtau up the tree know liow near hn had Itoii lo being my ratal, nor how near my acalp had litt n tohangluzto the Left of one of Ida tribe." A Novel Death Hentcnce: Ooe ot tho most Interesting charectrra of the ally hlalory of hew Mulco la that of the lain Judge Ilenedlcl. A whole volume could bowrllteu on the work of this man aud a moat Intireatlug book It would make, too. Dim of tho luoat unique atta ot the Judge carter wai a sentence lie passed on a Mcikan convicted of murder. We l ublltli It verbatim! "Jose Maria Martin, stand ui I Joao Naila Martin, you haTeltrtnlndlcted, tried and convicted by a Jury of your countrymen of the crime of murder, nnd the court la now about to aa Uu jou the dread aeulcnce of the law. Aa a uaual thlng.Joae Maria Martin, It laa (sinful duty for thejudgc uf u court of uallce to rouounco upon a human Ming the aunlence of dtath. There la aonielhlng horrllle about It, and the mind of the court naturally revolts from tho performance of sutliaduly, llaiplly, tioweer. your case la relieved of all audi unrleasant features, and the court takca lllve delight lu sou. tenelug you to dtath. "Von are a young man, Join Maria Martin, aipareutly of goo I ttielcal touatltuuon and robuat liealth. Ordinarily jou might liavn looked forward to many ytara cil life, and the court ha no doubt you have, aud have exacted to die at a green old age, but you are about to tie cut oirinthecouatfiueucwof , our own act. Joao Maria Merlin, It la now tho aprlugtlme; In u llltln while the graaa will bo springing up In these beautiful alleys nil J on lliom brund lueaaaand mountain aldta. lawera will be blooming, Llrda will tw aluglng their aweet I uaturn will be putting un lur moat gurgooua ami attruttleo robtr, and life will buIiaaant and meu will want to alar, Hut none ot tin ae thing '"' "" '""" Maiia Martin. The llowerawlll not bloom for )oii, Joau Mail Martin, tlm blida will uot carol for you, Joae Maria Martin. When there thlnga tome to gladden the aenaia vf men, jou will heoccupylngaapain aluutalx feet ly two Iwnealh the ejd, nnd the green man and there buiutlful ilowera will Iw growing above )our lowlrhral. , , , " I ho ai ntonce of the court lalhat you be taken from thla ) In to the county Jail, that 3011 la there kiiit eafoly and riLurelj confliiad, In the cuitody of tho klurlir, until the day Rpliolmed foryourexeiutliyi lie very cartful, Mr. Hhrrlll, that hn havo no opportunity to racnpe, and that you liuvu hint at tho aiiluliitod laoe at thu aMiolnltxltlnie, that you I ao ktt, Joao Maria Marlln, until Mr. Clerk, on what day of thu mouth doe 1 rlday ahnuttwo woike from thla time come?" "March .Jl, jour honor." "Very well, until the M day of March.wheu you will betaktu ly the alit-rltl from jour tlacuot confinement to aomeaafe nnd coiitouIi nt aiMt within Ihe county, that la In your dlicrotlin, Mr. rihtrllr e-oti am only couflnol lutheltroltaof the county and that you Ihrru bo liangid by the nuk until you are dead nnd the court waa nUnt te ad I Joae Maria Marlln, may Ood havo mercy on your eoul' bulthe court will uotaaaumethe reeioualblllty of aklug an all wlwi I'ruvldence to do that w nlcli a Jury of oure(r have refuat 1 tj do. Din ,ord tuuldn't hii imriy un your nuul. llonover.jfjou bnve nuy ri llgloua lllef, or aro tounected with anyrellgloua orgAiiltallon, It might be well enough for jou to tend for jour f-reat, or your inlnMer and gtt from iiliuHcl), auth tuiaolatlon aa you ran. bui 'he court advUim jou to plaio no reliance upon anything of that klu I. Mr, Hherlll, remove the prla oner." J'lkc'a Teak Ooldt 'Way hack In UOT when bulouM I'lko wai In hew Meatrohemoi a carienlcr lu Hanta Kr, lurilty by name, from Piarrte town, Ky. 1'uraley waa working at hie IraJetrcauan he could uot get away Ho had In 18 r., while out on Iheplalna hunting, met with a r-erlca nf rolt fortunae, and found hlmielf In )! or 18M, with a hunting larly near the mountain". Tho hoatlle Hlour of the I lalna drove them Into the high ground In tho rear of IMke'a tak. Near the lira I watera of the I'iatte river IMraley found mino gold, llnrarrhd a Mil" of It In hla ahot iwuch for luontha. Ho waa finally tent by hlaconiianlona to Hanta 'e to are If they coul t trade with the Hpanlarda, an I choae to remain at Hanta Peln preference to returning to the bunting party Ho told IhurJinnhrda about the gold lie ha I found, and thej itlcd very hard tnperauado him to go and ahow Iheui the place. They even offered lo taku alonir aelrnng force of cavalrj, Hut 1'uraley refuapxl, and hla inlrlotlo renaon waa that he thought tho land waa on United Htalea Territory. Ilo told Lieut, rikolhatheftaredthatthey would uot allow him to leave Hanta To aa they atlll hoped to learn from bim where thn gold a as to !ofounl. Tbrae facta were nbllehod by l.leut. I'Un aoon alter hla rtlurn, but not ono took the hint, or the rlak waa too groat, nnJ Itiui tnoro than half n century I aed before thoe raniu tlrh Held) of gold were found andoiitnod to the world. If t'uralty had been ome what lew atrlotlc, and had guided the Hpaidaidato the trtaaurea, the whole hlalory and condition of the weatern tart of ourcoutlnentinlfiht have bi en i ntlrcly different from wh it It now la. riiatriglon would havoUtn a pait of Monro; or Uraln might bavn Ueu IninaKMlouof It. owning California, and, with the gold that woul I have Uvn amrod Into l!irco!leralhavelccD the leading nation In I.uroiieaii atTalra today, Wn cau taally atn how Anicr lian and I-uroeaii hlalory In thn nluettentli century might have tiecu changed If that aleeuturer fiom ICtu. lucky had not been a true lover of hla uatlvo country. CuuMii'l Sec It. The wore altllng ou tho forward deck of the "Itoae HUndlth" the other da J-, drl&klnglu thnfrcah and bracing air by the bucketful, and icatiulug tlio "rettery ou all aides, says the ltoelon Atut. 1 ney were not loirt Iher, how evur, thtao twomt n, I tit lliully one of them ski ned across the deck to the other, and lld. "Jleautlful aflrrnoou, lan't 117 Ho clear and bracing, eh?" " ni" re lied the othcraenlenlloua. ly. "rine scenery In this harbor?" "Urgent"' "Saj,I'vobten trying to rocolleot wliatftremladime of, and I've Juat struck It." "ludeedl" ' Vo.' It'ajmt like the rulrance to Queeuttowu hatlN,r. Htme sirt of coatt, don't you think? I) Han't It re mind you of 11 very much?" "H'm' ( an'l any It doo.1" ".So? Why, nee the curve In Hip land there, aud how It rl-ii gradually from thn wattr'a edge. Dotan't that recall the pi ico lo you?" "Not a bit!" "Why, that's strange! Don't you notice any nautnblance?" "So, I don'l!" "Why, how Is It that It aj peals so forcibly to my uiemorj , an ( dot-au't convey the leatt recollection to you ' I should think that any tao oplo who haverecn (Jueenstown woul I notlcu aonin reaemblance, I'uiauret" "Very llkelj', rv lied thn other man, "but, rr, ycu aee, I've never been out aide of Maaaachuauttaln myllM" And the I rat man.lurnlng a mild look of rot roach upou film, seemed aliout to Jump Into the sen, hut turned about and walk I aft. lilt It CA11IUI0V-, IIIIINM. a from oi' aii aim v iDiintii r.u IS Till! MAII 01 ISl'.. INoelvr. A.'orcfrrl Hardly hal the United HlaUaiuu llahed Its declaration of it ar with ureal Urlialulu the earlj' (art of thla ecu tury, than tho stiller along the Ohio Itlvir ha J to Iwglu atreiigthanlrg tin Ir ttileiiMa. They did not liar the llrltlth. for they were not ui thoix. jtcted tattlo ground, but they kuew that the Indiana would take up the tomahawk against them. Within a few rods of a small sultlement on thn Murklngum Itlver some i lonerrs had erecttnl a strong block liouie, isrv euougli to shelter the little commiinltj . It wss surrounded by a stockade of hewn logs hvelte ftct high, aud I hneil with loor holia for rlilta. Tho uiipi r storj overlooked tho alookado on all aides, and allorde I Ihe deftndcrsa good vlowof thesurrouudtng country, Juat beyond ono side of the set tit incut's i tearing lay thu a. turage for Ihe ftw cows held lu enmmon. It waa tho cutoiuou every night wheudaugerlhreatenud to bring Ihe llllle herd within Ihe Inclosurr. Miun Ihtre waano dangtr thucalllu wero lift toeijoy tho rich grace end wero milked lu the paiture. With the first reports of war, tulblllcamo rumors that ludlans wero Vowlliig ! Hv ntlghlKirhood. Hoon sevrial were aton, and the women an I children worn hurried Into tho block home. In Iheticltement the cowa lu the pasture wi re forgotten. At mllklui, lime, whon they wtre ie numbered, several men went out to bilug them in; but they aoon catnu lAckasylng thut In liana were hi Hug near tba tattle. I'or the two next doya tho si Ultra were coo) rd up In thu block Iioumj. They kuew thut Indiana wtre lu the nearest llmtrr waiting for some une to exioio hlumlf, but tho iitmut cautl in was cxi rtl'ed by the devoted Hill" band. At lart u boy named Dick Cullenion, 13 joara old, u fearlos Ud, declnnd that ho vtoul I go out and milk thocows. He waa moved to do thla larlly hcrau hla little I rothrr sa sick, an 1 Ihe w attr I u tho fort was ud fit to drink, I'terjhody, ofcourre, tried to dla. suade Dick Horn his undertaking, I tit hn had set bis mind ou It, and hi. father nt last tol I him lo c i en ihogaUs nnd let thorn out. l'rovl led with Ida two heavy woodou jales DlciC was rooiibeysnl the storknle, with face turned toward thn dnugeroua ground. 1 ew III the blot k he uao e xpelled lei see him enroo back He went down tho path nf tho cleorlng swinging Ihe palls as molly as If there waa not an I mllaii within llfty miles. Itaosiiu was set ting Iieliln I thu wood, the shadows were long end dark, lut the settlers emild set every step Ihe youug milk man look, They fiillj execti I to Bee niltxsii ludlans srlug up from bohii d thestumpaln the olearliig nnd sur round Dick, but not one palnttd figure aipeartd. The settlers could see, too. the cattle as they roved hither and thither lu the plain re and by aud bye lib It waa li t ' to view ii cannlt meajura the anxiety that filled tho hearts of tho oecui aula of the fort. The brave boy was walched from every loophole, aLd when lie dlaa tared ail whispers were huahed "Hurrah! he's coming back"' sud denly shouted some one. "llut look at thn big stump tight be fore hlml There It an Indian In Ihe lull grata about It." I. very ono looked at the slump which Dick was Hearing with his heavy jialls, and some raw a dark ob ject In tho gran It waa with the ktralest anxiety that nick was seen to e preach the Indian In hiding, an I what waa the horror of all when he t thu palls on the ground forn mrtuenl'a rest! Tho next instant tho warrior spraug up with a suddenness, that brougut a cry ol terror from the boy The redskin waa a big fellow, half naked, nnd woieaheal Iresaoffeathtrs which woul 1 have wado him oens lo uoua nnywhere Dick eoul 1 Im scon stan llngbctweeii the palls nair In thlr defense, but no ouu lu thu fart could hear what ho was saying tu tho Indian. Htiddenlj Dlek stonped and caught tiiioue ofthe I uck els. " The Hhnwnre has alki-el Dirk for a drink of mllVI" eiclalmed tho lay's father. "Dlek knows Utter than lo refuse hint, even II he drains thu tall, llut tho father waa wrong, lii'tanlly Dick dashed the bucketful o( milk Into the Italian's face, caught utt tho other i all an I ran fnrhlsll'o. It tojk thu Indian a mlnutn or two to get Ills breath after hla iinexrteel lath, but when hn got It he suited after Dlek with aljud whoop. ' Hie tin athlees eoleln Ihu fait saw that the race would soon lermtnalo In tho warrior' favor unlceeff Ihn Utter was chrrked, and so, when ho was within rllle shot, several rlllea spoke, aneltlmmilk.lessltered Indian elro)-IH-d. Dlek contluued hlalllght towarl tho fort, and In a shoit time wsa re ceived among hi friends with about ef Joy. Ihe defenders of Ihn I lock house bclieve-el the Indians hnj liiutnt not to molest thee toy lu orelrr to draw the men Into ambush, but that this one warrior could not curb his t agernei-, a recklessness that lend resulted In his death. Out of revenge for the less of their comianlon (liu luillans kilned all tho catt of the settlement that night, lint Dick Caatlcmon grew to manhood, nnd long after his adventure waa com Xllmentod In (leu. Wlnllrll Heott'ii report for traveryon tho battle fields of Mexico. BtaliCractoFairy, iu wet act cut or TIU Silver Brand of SnovDakc Sodas i-iivi. OAicr.H, hrkrit la I and 2 I'lnnd Holes fur FIc-lc rirllei.Traielerl and lainlllu, SOLD UY ALL DEALnna WII.CK1.X & S.IK1.TS, LIVERY, PEED AND SALE STA01E3 AKD.'.FARUERS'.-.CMPIHG..YiRD3, Old Tithing Office Premises, Cfe-U' 7-ir i7les. Terms Ilfseonable. Irenrrty Safe. aibiiLn iiou'ia, mimiti uu ei'iiuica run urns at lOW1T MATH tu i xriaiMix-v xvjvcuMauri CALiiwpiw. lager nncn, alc e. ponTnn, WhstrsaleA Relell. wo . rimr jorrn iTt7. " SILT MKUIIIISERY. "" nAisa nrrnsiK wui noriuncB af ihtViliUvt Nu rr,Iaiketrir. f..ra U lurnub trull. Hltft( wml tir nt'itiNl I rrrn Mti I brub4t ol Iftti i&iiir kUdftt .WJt prirM ' hur..rj b otil 6olh t eilf liniu, ct litultutd. it WAttTlX CIHtlTOl'iJtmRK. Lfi LYON & HJSALY FTfl t " " .l,,,,l t,r JjfiKH M$TJBL1311XD, 138t Jouep! B. W, Pionctr Uflderwker ol Utah. jl(i TrfjlrL IiSaflCafl'i! v Xamifaetqw ami Dmitri Jl JHd4 f U& in, Hv4 ornl Lletk Cvftrcd OOriMNS AND OABKKT0. i lull HMO or mn Innilalilus ktit tlephot k T1f irtpbOrdtrt iTonpllf 1111 De4U rrtitml 11 tHr AmtTl CiM.iniii, (kilAirul ixf ri (An ft or-xor rA.v iw2Ci Fietory and Warerojns rf,lSa,iw f?a sad a Half Uloets Kiel st Tsta-io. .t) iov A' m Jos. William Taylor, DKDERTAKEH AUD CHBALHEIL f Cn7 tbtLr(it ti UoIOiaIctl Slock el COFFINS.CASKKTS And UndertUfri' Goodi In UUli, WttclttuU t Jtrfn t t Jmmtttii I Mff J rUM Lwrr than u rr 1 1 tr efirt U Vlh LOTS AND CI(AYL's"i,r".r,,jl'..i.,sar All OrHen I'llle.l II. r or Malt la ISa ISsn est I enaible lion orrica can wasesuoms ssrea 01x8x0- II AND 33 WEST TEMPLE STREET. i'.O BusM llleimtiis W. "August Flower" The Hon J W rennimore Is the SI critT of Kent Co , Del - and llts at lo;cr, the County Seat and Cap ital of the Sta'c. The riienff U a Kcntlcmm fi(ln!ne jcars of a&c, and this Is wlmt lie says : "I hao " used jour August Ylowet for $cv " crat j cars In my family and for my rt own use, nnd found It dots me M more good than anv other remedy. " I liae been troubled with what I 11 call Sick Headache Arnlucomcn M Itf the back pirt of my head first. " aud then aoon a general headache "until I become siik nnd om.t. "At times, too, I hac a fulhieM " after catingt a premuiv after catiuc "at the pit of the stomach, and " souriie, when food nccmed to rise " up In uiy throat -rnd mouth When "I feel this coming on if I tale a "little August Mower U relieves " me and is the best remedy I have 11 c cr taken for it. Tor this reason "I take it ami recommend It to "others m a great remedy for Dys "pepah, &c." (D G. G. CUtt t Sole Manufacturer, owlbury. in. Jcruy, U. S. A. UGAt fJOTtCE. la lb 1'rekit (trt fn I fr Ft t lakt Vtvntj,Ttttiotf vt tub. In ttf UHtt tkn utt of Usibtrk MiliUt N M'W deiul, XfoTifr is uiurur okv that i!N llvr-tc Odmuinri il tain itui tor wlitt itinUliI ohisJ. pf th ut or luratar HiV.M n MM .U-f mm, tat ifBJtrJ fur Mil mti!l 'I Ok t In it.14 (ourl, ! Bnal urtMniut vt bit t uUirtitam of ttl-1 utioJ 1 e-tttwa f or Siasld'atntvutlatiefilvt Tfflluont l4Ml4rlKmotc th rrt ) t?n Iitlt4 Ihtrata, In-I ttl Ma4ajr the Wtlt tin ot OoUbff A 1 J at I, M lu erlwrk h. M . t Iho Murtrooirt ( till Court U thCoatr Oawrl II uM Kill IViCUjr fta. Cimtr tutiTir riury. hi L-n dolT pi "(d by lb Judf vt fllun for Mttiomtiinr u4 k roubt ..1 Skostrloir rt"t.qn (r dmribti lion tl wttif b litnt) nil friar atT ptfMn iMvr t4 la atiil tat wf atttar aa-l afaatr cur K any thf r bf , a acABOnl Tinl4 l 1 1 n rlUr1 aa 1 at i r 4 aat fiaal dliuttitc Ui n mad a rf'T l ia:d MtftcoiurtaSrUi tPi r Ann. tTtrk nt bm r tai ( nwiL Ej C I. BfillW. Dfpiiij Uvrfc. d tl LEQALJJOTICt. In tl rmlttt Otwrl in an4 for Uht CMintr, Trrrltor. or Ulh Intho laattcref UxitafaUot Alfred II Uia, DrfwaaeKl, Order ti ahow rait whT orUrr nf til ()( Ileal t alaia alwll not t na I rIUABBT A. VAtsr, Tltr AIiHlMA M imi r ut lhtm Alftul ll. .!, ira.ii ttatiHcaisXl bar intton, Haljr ten del r) mr for ao wiwr tf a c of a part of ihe ral rlal nf aai t (fert?nt fur tin arH mi th iioMitnrtn itla ttrr(ora orderwll) Itm si a Ifn i f aalti tNturt thai ail eraona intenatl Inila t ar nf ttt !: i-ear Ufit ll.aaiJ t'roUatat-onrloii lrWf, laa UUdijr of "cutl-tr loorlk tn lie tureaoun nt aatJ day al Ihe Court li.t itf aal 1 1 rntiaia t.ourttatt.t f-ourlr (tourt IImim in Itariir n-l t itintr f talt fjil t lab TurtuMy tn ahiw ran uhy an order klwuM ao le irania I itha aaid adMlaHtmor lo actl ttmih nf 1h tell etaie 1 1 trmathl dar .! at rlrate alaaMbtlliMi utrrmrt anj taut a mt'T of I hi order ! uhtube I at rat fur mr-i. wtrla tn tha 1 LaKtiKT 'Teaii Si, &tarririniel audtiabluhatl ia aail mj an1 riiiniy l-audacitcm-trlfl,.. u. w luiiTni film livbata Judga SUfcMONS. Id lb TtUtmt Venn inaa I far tha Third Jodioui imitiei at irnhlarriwry VwtMfvt fallUae, I Ilea DortiUiluiii, I Ulotifl, Tho ma i HurnietDau, Defradaat II a of U Trrrltorr of L'ub ol Ureetiaf Tn Tbotaaa Ilaralajil am, 0rtndinti 7UU AUK IILltror UKQLHiruTOAI' L peanaaaaiugn i rout.iaeuurt ynalf tba iloM aawaal t-la atiR in Ibe 1 tttiri (Jouil of Ihn Ulrd Jadtrial Inttrtct of th Irrrtlorr of tub. aid i aniKtr tho ewnplatnl H a l tlicreta wiuin Ira Uajra(aielBila of ilaoar of aarflc-e) allr r artrtra u yea of III uti suoa tt aeitrd w illalbla roubtr ur if at r ted ant af itiletunir,tut imliadimi l, Miihia Incaijr djai oUianvu wititia fwir dij, or Indt-vent If tittault will tf Uln aairai yoo, aceordlof lo the irajerbf ia t CuiaiUIIL laa at id artiva I tTootLllo fcita adtoree of uu court d tilling tho i-ouaa of matntaos-r tliliBg Uiwean iUi-hiB and dnfaftaacl awardiatfi p'alotifl t rar and cato-)T of tha ituilnnri,htlJran. itiaecr ull mairui award aa li jlaiauttaUo a amail brim ., of fnurraoma, IdI the patrti rf taml-at. ut two aerei u wbltb aatd houia ia aiiuaied be tar lb oo.jf ptevtnf f da'a dan t altualtd lihlatlajBrl1itienof thtatmurt and treat.! luKlcr am-bpihiraailioril er relief aa may i e tunable a abova re (ef l ravad on the croon i tbal la ,annarrlHn WRde aaU rrok ilalnnfl.eal taa arer ainr riUd tndaewrraidea oeulde wf the lailrdMiln, and Inrtbar, that !- eaiJdMrnion detand ant baa fatlad to uyplf plalntm MlUi aoy Andyeuara fcereby aimStd that If y fait lo ater aat aaifter U.a aatd ronulaiiii aa at,o,rmulrad the laid rUl&iiS will apilr u Km culm for th reiirf detaatsdavt therrln Ultneaa. tbe lt t,harla a an Judfo. an tha bril af t) a Diilrlci Caurl nt ti 1 htr I Jaiicial tlttrlet la.aod fur thaTrmtirr of tlab, ihUlllhosrof ljtriibr lulhayaarat nur url Db tiooiaiei algbt hundred and 7aLli0' IlkNItrO M0U1LI.AN,C1CI .'UKU If LuoMif. ntutv cillu Airawtwtliiu SUMMONS. la tha Mainrt Couri in and for the Third ludKial Dlatrkt cf Uun 1 err I lory, Coubi;ofa!l,Ua. CjreBt lUrda I lalntiS. JatncaJ llarde.DffeiiltBt The rwiia of tbe Territory ot Ltab tend Oiveuttft ToJeiaaaj Hard Petendantt X70U ARK UlsLKBT UVQLinPIl TO AP. X pear lu aa artiou t rvteht attaint! 1 ) tf tlaato nainodiiaaUal miba Uiiinct Court ef taa third J a J ctal l-i.lrlrt of It a territory ot Utah, and to aniwcr taa complaint 0 1 tbcrein within ten dayeteaela.ha of ll a day of rvlee) after lb emir on you vf Ihi eunitBona-tf it rre t will ia tm nouui-. or f axrvod out of itiieodinty but lutbudlitu i wilhln tTtaaty tlayi, iharwiaa wttMn forif day?, or Mfnent -7 difeuli will be taken arnat yon. accordm to u rayurof eaid Ike at i artlan U In tiflhl to hare ailrcrre of Hla court n.iioltinf ma houd uf nialr unp rilatiualctaran i la ntilt aal dctaadant Bad awirdter to Hint fl th uiwly of V ell m net chit Ireo , latua t r eail muriae renmit ttj ilfealaalti lav mta r urt a raaatnaUa un todafraytha (oa I IbU ciiu,od lr rouneel fao ami I yto I'lalnlill aufb, lur llrr ama aa allmuny i l Ih'e hmiii may if am UI fr hr eot nrlduriaf tbaj eienrv ul thla ar-itun aa l riartiPK pulmill rcaeral taiitt, abtiia relir f t rayed a "' en-utid tbal n a lllr aaid Marnai dnfep'litt taa treiud pUtntlH tn a rru1 ard inh imaniraanfr, tj tl a riiaittel eana har treat bodlij iniury and laaotal duirraa And jou aia l erei y notified that If r on fail In imt an I am war the aa I cotapla nt a ah vanuutrr-J the !! I 'altitiB Hill am ly ti lb court lor ll -a ef daman let lberiu Hltrtaa the lla 1 1 arte a aue.Juia. an tilic mi t uf tbaDitli I Court of I lalliini Jul ut in mi t tn f r l-.el.rrt r r t tab ihU -rl tar of June in tbn yrar r cur laor l ou tin-u and c jful buudr I and tuninit, .irN(iri ., untlVUeri h (.10 it i jMk Hepulytieia Ct u. i. V llut Aiigtuirtrl-Ulctia. dear w aU A35ti..M'A. NOTICE. Uvlr nu . . t o t a r pilar p. I -,. n(ia rail XTotirr t iimilKy". ty that at iC MtMinf. of it. irh4l l of Truaieaohel l .inthfnli day of UaM in at fllt Ukf I ur, I lab aa at-Mn.nt s a af twn eaia irr ehere wMkrirl t ifar rapttat alma of Ue roqeftrativn iayl tn in ihe rtarr, with tnlhlrirdayalrtjw l-. mm d( at No M MHritrrrt nltUkaitr tUh y atera opontahttVi ibie aaiti meal remataa naiail onllattairlay nf arlMl-r tMl will h le liniiarnt and adttrttWHf r Mia at asbli aur lion anlhulcearafwaniia taa1 Lfr witl ) told oa the Slat da )nlr ml at the lieiar of 1 nVlork a n at tlf -wnri iWHa. Iteuirt Ko tin I on i -iiioti lltilMtnif alt UtelrtvUtah to ar I t. turntaaen r, ta, tf-Ketlier Hlthooeu fad. rtnir anlet-aia i ""!,,,,,-,., I W J lit nioN errretan UeadM M ad Meat tttiavt. Hall Uk tlty, Wat i)k;j.mjui:nt ontK. Tfeetietlata.llli-iXlir nfCotapanr lea i Unet of iirlex' oat ifar of bailaeta ft.n UkatltT. tlab to tea of Uiaa tad Uork Mlarral till) Miniea Imtmi, Stale tf I laho. N011 K-THMlBI!)TnXQUrT Vl' on U fotloKiaf der t atKk, on ae rtmnl of BMeaanoLt of lhltl(i rvnl ter )liat letledeMitltelHh rtayof Aj-tlt ftl lb arttral atonal (etopiHiNUBantr of th tetiMilvenartbaidr aaftMlraw ..y. lift. f Off NOsllf -,-- W"1 tif at, r-barei 1 tbte II Or1rire, jVriaeiitt ,A ,,AV1M lir.Wil.Ur, 4i l.1 lAM 0 P. ltct... " Jtl-nT lUtBB, U l.4 tW I. II KaM. ' M MM CliU IL Ulfl-t,, (Ktlif.J W.TW MM)! GeterHak. SlST-? I w M M kaataear. ' " t,K CMC H Bhaaihaeaty, tn to 111 I mim taMLM Truiiec lariaatrtl ",,' " rM lata i- i tm I.A litrrM, it fw liifi J l.llertoat in l 1 ? A P.ltradMitaU l I llfcM t U TMr W tiv H A w 101 J PM K 11 Hareell. I ,e NctM li I V.rhalar, W f.H iMtfli M ll lloaawB. U 101 Ma) A. J , .IHadBlrt-vt. IKS IttkaO l v Wtluhr, 1 li t-a latwe, m .aw Iwoo J.IUrntlt, M tJHr M r 0 Hau PM IMt, f I.TH 1 1M (i lHehl. 114, Ul CM M J i) luttf, lilif.aan aiM ll k ItaiM. I'M 1 MUM tl U Oobklin, tf Kai l-eo J B rirlaw, iSiSfJt M ,MM l.A.neata t, Ml V9 Vaibnrlirown. M tO Ui jntoacariea, VAlttt"! w ,MtM Aa i In aeeoriatr with law aad aa aHer ef ttfJloard "t Imettert mad i lb 1Mb day of April ll e raatiy dhare of ein-b if eel ef Mtwk aa may Im f.eeeeirr,wilt t i at it oae f ihafotnoanr in eU MkeCiiy on I tiday tb tl itotnn imi.biji tn it tayia ttclitHfaeai at-aiai tcrtiaerwuii ih ei Af attain. end eaptpira ef aat. l)f.ttdrcf tb Hoard ef tnractare - i r ft 1I0MV, AHiac Bea'r. nit t rttr t til. July It oi Alaaein t lbrr.orl f inrtoraof tk ti lef hiah . Miaird lwuiar held m a day lb ltvnrpmeniolthaWilarr.-drt ll ent ! waa eklonrifj from Iho tflb iarv June l! iith ihh day of Jul.lwi. at Iho aa hour ant place ttertaruf tbe IkuM f Inrrrtora. r ie. IIUUM, Acting tWy Fai t Lakr Oirr I tab. July la, Iwl. At a A., unc ol th Ituirl lMetor nf ttifl liolltvtualdabiiMinlnf t,eHiDU7, haM Ihl day, tha la of lartnant of lHa nbvfo de amiss iMm luenf tliark waa rileatad from Ibo 1 th dar of Aupivt. ll to ia ltl day of Attaint, 11 attltaaiMi.wraa lplat I ). 1101 V Artlajcberretlrr Halt l.i m tTiVt,UhtJn1rl4,lii At a iMMllaa; of tba Hoard of ItlrrMora f tl a Italia u Idanu allalaa tlm any. Ild ibta day. Ili data f tajiurnl of tba a' va d-arlU-( iinaiaaalatwfin waa ei tea led from tho Mat lay if Aujiuai, iiiauth -layer ttftem lur left ttUlatait-v) IWur an I I'lac. Dy older ol llonardof Ihteetora I u. Jiul.s, Attinxeacretwy, fif r Uktit itr, Jniy ll, 1L At a mrctlaa: of the Hoar I or Mrerltre of tha IMletual UboUl&tBRCataitaar.ftrld til day, tha due t aynxrnt of the aWta dtacrlbo-l daliMuant aiock waa cilatsdivd from tt e lim day im Mi' mbr t"I toth ith dayof Urtu ter 111 al tha aim tiur and ta. Ur order fl ll Ihardof I' rvciewi r If llOltf, et(B.f Borrclarr. alt I tF i itT fUU. Joly It, t'H M a uivetinv i f Ibe Hoard of Itlrartore of tbt reilrta I Utto liiniBtr ( -ompany, he 1 1 thia tUy, tie data of a7mMtof tb atmva iltimtl itTaiuM loTii tvatiialH tmmt iba Titt day of Orlol rr, 1J. to 111 ta! day of utcni br, ltl at !- tarn buurand plataa. iy order ul tl Itnard of utraeiere f,i IKMtv AntlUffhaerHarr, DELINQUENT NOTICE. TirKYMM umacouiAN u.r i nt n oil ribeipal tdars of baeiaee, I arte l ny. tufa lcMten of wine r-naka Urerk till lag? Inelrlci tuavei luntf, Ulab Nulia Them are dullaqueal up a lb folhwlaf di.nlrllrkon aeooubl of an aucaaweat Nu 3)oI1fint'tertbre lavll on tha b day tt Anrt IW1, tba etrralatvounla ir tiiitoaualbanawe ul tha rplha abar boldrra ni foilowe atuaa No of A, bt Aia t CertJQmata Hbana. im J r noUaioo. W 10 1 CO im ia vui Mrr tVwIar, 1H IM s o llni littler, in vt 1 .! II llarhaaaa. U. tfti 0i I I IjaCotnpl, Iti mi 4 oo J II thtUI, tl tt.1 I'M A J Wtil. w ltu 5ooo u law an ou M J KIM WW Yt VOMt 4i M Ure Urn-iD, a. i;if ui Aa llnacreirilanrawlUilan, anJ an ordrr rf II e li -ard nf Trtiattr made t n tba eih day i f UIU-1 lMl.e-imaayabarrof i'h i"l( aurbai K-kanayliirraaarr will U aoi at r eiiiNo Sioloatiiititioa I ultdier, aalt I ak Liiy 1iah at th hour of loa.m .on lb Clit d iy ol ( n-lolsfr I "91 to pay dflliuquant aitria nrpta lleieot.. l lher Mllh tbocoaUof ad vert bIBK anUtiicnio-if eale W. J IIKUiuN ecreary OlwTH Ball Ukati J, tub, Oraefenberg P!LLS. Tlioy euro rloadiclio, DIN Houbno38, Llvejr Complaint end lntll03tlon. No'srlp Inc or niiusoa. Tiiosa PIL LS Tono up tha systom nnd rostoru lio.iltlitotliouo our forlntf from nonornl dobll Itynnd norvousnoiH. Sold by all druuglets. 25a. por bOK, Bost for Women. GMEFEIBEHG CATHDLlGfiW Cure, nil furitu of Tinnlo comjililiitij, ttLAlfiieua, inr eoiHULjs unil Kenral Utblllty. dolel ly nil dniffslst, Z. C. JI. I. Uruz Ucvt. Mholeaata lit. , ' jK J , M & 5 3 b pavoy. W$2 '"hr letrlfc 1 IfrSarex'Jl ' l't r. ' Ijmt T il.t ll.v'e.'"!Aj',rgTi1 LibIbibH ii l 2 SJwSi in ffSraaw n 1 c a 1 SjSjSCTIj i Mr: f tT -tfj", w . w t Hi This Meek. 1 DRESS GOODS DEFT. All Wool 0 ilit. Width Drown and Grey Suitings, 30c. Liletl Sljla ol rialefi, Couble VVIdlti, 2Sc. Fancy Cmliroielsred Suits, J5.00. HOSIERY DEPARTME1TT. Ladles' All Wool Black Hose, 33c. U1TDERWEAR DEPT. Ladles' Veale anil Drawers, SlOO.reduced to C2Ho. 7&o., reetuceel to 42ho. SOc. reduced lo 23c. Chlldrcn'e Veils and Drawers, V,Mt, Btl.'.c, 13c. and 23c. Scarlet it 13c, 23c. and 33c. The above ar, Jutt one half Ihs regular price. RIBBON DEPT. mj1' One Lot hE'T Faney fibtioni, 1A 2 to 10, hBs from H-"' Ic. to 2Soj 9H ,.' per B r See the. Una It you-tt.nt Itlbboni. H ii . i w GLOVE DEPARTMENT. By One Hh 4-Uulloi and;-Hook BU KM Gloves, Hv :so. W,' Reduced IromSI 00 and 51.33. sH We have a lew Hl"'i CHILDREN'S COATS and M2 CAPS D Carried over from Laat Which will be aold at Hill Prloe. H . GROESBECK & HOUGHTON. H ffiil)ow!!ov'efomii5&mo , & 'Of Jljcair! I lol bcljlni me -J '. rv-HcroecljviHjmcslill.. (.'ijil rVJk ffjl cJhc&lwayslooks5oliuy(l(lu W 5T-7 ,brt'SS W , t ll 11 Z. C M. 1., Solo At,'cn(s In HulL La Ira City I M iiilll ASr ' ll light S JfflKlHfi ! handsome gMmK I3QILIHB ! WHOLESOME feI1 f DURABLE SD PHESEHVD.Q 1! 8T. LOUIS BTAMP1KQ CO. Stefffr MaoC ,or. th. m..w gM r, ;';' anAv " ,",H"1;Ji J"" I vM DAVID JAMES & CO. 11 IIT Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters :fi -, i J IT ijpl iiA.i,msi itv I A J j f1 llumltng ilatafol, J'umju, J'ipt and Jifd'nji, Steam ' U B I 1 1 I Heating Suppha, 'Jin and Iron Hoofing, Galrcrn '' B I I p xud Iron Cornice, Gullmng, Etc. 1j j B'f ' j OAnDEH HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS ,' ' M kS I No. 67 S. MAIN .STREET. , ' im