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Tr.TMVV TiVVSHSQ XTAVBt I'lHDAY, OCTOrH . ISO.. n r '"H DISTINGUISHED DEMOCRATS Iddress a Lirge Gatberln it Ogden List Hl8M. inn niiHUTioy hiohtiiisciti. U Territorial lldnnrrallc (ontrnllnn Tomorrow. Tie I nilnrnt I'nllll tltn mil lie l'rroiit. Knlhuilatllo Democrats of till city and Oj leu have for several weeks Wen mollis eilcuslvo preparations for the ircrlloii and entertainment of apart of tllsttni'iilsliml iiolltlclanji, vrJio liavo leen touring tint roil ntry In tlie Inter est of I) niocracy, A dolt gallon of probalilv two win drl anJ flfljr left tUU city fur O-J-u, over tlie Union I'aclflo If special train, at i VI yveterda aftir htiat Id order t-iLe present et the ar rlvnl of the v Isltnrs lu that city, willed occurred at Ti30 1. m. The tty wh composed of lion. Charlee J. Kaulltuer, United 8tatoe Hrnelor from Writ Virginia; lion. William I). llnum, rucmUr of Con KroM from Indiaua, on 1 Hod. Chauii ctjr P. HUik and Hon. I.atviencei (lanlm r, prueldcnt anil accntar' of tlie National Association. A speila! committee from Dili ilty, roiulitlnK ol Colonel H. A.Merrltt, Hon. F. H. Illcliards, Hon. John T. Calnc, Juiljo I.. A.Hinltll, P. la. II llama aud (leorgo Hlrlufrllor, were a pointed to asalet lu preparing a pro gramme for the remain Irr of thu vt rek. This committee wereon tlio Union l'a cIHc frlal, and lu addition tlurttu the follow lnvc vwoobsotvedi I'. 11. Iljer and win., J. W. Judd, Nathan H'lrn, I. T. Nj-itroni, George Oilltnr Hltnon HainUrgrr, Henrr Hlmol, ('. A.CatliiuMamrwIfr, O.W. Thatcher of l,"ianntii1 ItoLrlHIoaoef the Ijoffitiiouriiif, A. 1 fcl breeder, J, ltaullne, M. ll.Howlea, J. II. ttalden, It. W.Vouug and Urn. ('. U.I.Icliar le, 0. II. Hardy, I'rank Harrli. W. II. I Dale. J. A. Cunningham, Hou. J. II. Movie, CUatlMAilania of Iron county, V. V. Ktl.le. U. A. I'.tka, M.U. Dun. lar, Hon. W. II. Klnu-of 1'iuvo, W.l. A.kruoot, Ir . V II. t'aiady, ei(lov ernor Caleb W, Wt-et, tbalruian of the Halt Iake county c nlral coraniltlei, II. I'. ltt, W U.Wood, W. f. Mc Ktaver, r(l Holding, Mat M.llrlg liam.l.. A. Kellaud, 1. M. YVaddeil, W. A. Hodges, ai.d Judge Uiiwutitrry uf 1'rovo. The run to Ogdcn waa madn In seventy nilnutea without the allghtrst tinplaasanlneia to mar the ride. At the Union depot the excursion waa mi't by Kenl'a military band which filled the air with alralni of mining luuilc. A crorraalon waa iromitly formrd.and the Mill (link band which had alogono to Odeuon tho ftlclal tralu. took llapokltjon In the column, wblin waa nearly two biocka lonjr The line of march waa up Twrnly.flflli otrrtt to Waahlngtou arunue, along the latter ta rwenty.nnt itmt, then ty oouatcrmaab back to the llewd llotil. Uovcral jatrlotlo pleoca were (hen arllitlrally rendered by the bandt, altirr which the groatrr rt of the pitherlUK repaired to the dlntnji room whtroau vxrclUntdluner waaiarlakeuof. Hhortly before 8 u'clwk the cutlalu of tboUiiera lloutewaadrawn up, re Ttallng Hie dlntlnguUbrd vUltora stated ujou the ttakw. Anaudleuie of twelve hundred ieople confronted theapeakera. Judge Heuderauiicalled thetniitluK to order. HevinAobrletly n exlatlnK political condllfona lu thle Territory, and atated that the inretlng hadbtencallidto ll-teu to aldrvuee from alatf nmrli an 1 iolUlolaua of national rejuteaud to elect thlttien itelraatM to rrprtent Wtber county at the Democrats convention to be held lu Hall Lake city uoilHalurday nlht. A cumtulttee conilxieed of W, 1,. Mtjlnul.. V. V. Helfrlcli. John A. Ilorlr, N. Mootkoinrry aud C'hatUa Wright, waa a pointed to aelvct the delegation Judge Hinderaon then Introduced Hou. Ch. unify I', lllmk of Penmyl. anla. That ceutlrniun adeauceil to the foot llghla amid Toilet of a JUuie, He aK)kri aubftlautfally an olluwkt ul haee hardly worda to ex I reiat tho gratitude It Klvea tne to Ih lu Utah, If there l otii laco more than anothir 1 have Ioiik drnlred to, It la this fair ftrrlbiry. My mind liaa lung dwilt u4iu It. We have readied )ou afleralongand 'rtnrlnume Journey through the weat and nurthwrit, lu the Intenitof De mocracy. N have found all the eaentlal ingredlenta tu a growing and mighty auxiliary to and of uatlonal Dtatocraiy over the route we have traveled. And now, liat, butty uu meana leaat, we have reaihed frtib, lioxful and I romlalng Utih, ren Iv to lion thu robta of Hemucrucy aud be. i ome a great Mate, I fUvutiavelnl much, but itcicr tfi my uuiulcrinffatC' furt Itrne J Uen cun.nfnf uUt the tfottmrut that ti tt unjMtntte, fmnxruf c r cfAtrttiae iinjtru)Hr to tea th mirat or u In iMImih. leu) that It i uu. fatrlUio, unmoral unit UUruIsc tin. I-n r not In to a Democrat ur a He. lublkan. lUn of Utah, you cannot dlord to aland Idly by an I tee tula Kriat uatlonal controveivy going mi without taking part therein. It la your rerugotUe, your right, your duty, Utah will Ucomea gnat com luonwialtli, I nm euro we will not bu wli-me.! of her win u the lolna the (teihood of Hlatia. 1 1 la not true that JJemocratloaud Itciubllcan admlnli trationsarH eipially urn or ttually corrut. There are vital dlllereucia beta, eu them under all clrcutiiHtaueta and at all Huiih. I lie Kepubllrana couieu 1 that the iiprrtentatlvia of the governuietit can do whathuovir Ihey may eliit.hy warping and bending the coralltutlm 1 he Democrat! plant tuemrelvie oil the aieclflo gtouudeof the coiiatllullon and diclare II at any deviation thtrcfroni la an attack on that grand liutriuueut. Themottvrrlbla i-mer ever (riven to any nation la thatof taxation. When utjuitl) levied It liLouiteatiuuhcur alia burden. Die rUlit la given the kuverument to iu port Iteelf. Theru l no authority ueetawid tu tax one In dividual nr cliae to enrhli mmlhir. Hut Ihla wrong U indicted all the laoie. i waa thinking, aa I eroded the Da kotaa, how wrong It la to tax) on teoplo tut here for the uaeleaa cul defenara that vie hear audi a clamoring about. It only glvea eiuploniunt lu extenalve Mntractora. The Hvpubllcaua tell ua uavylodefeuJ ua, and that very uavy woul 1 U ome rutten tefa-K-neiiefd It rhla country will not fight any more with a navy! that day la at. 11 la money that will fight our futute ware. Ilread and other neceeaarlea of life niuat be had by all natlona In tlmea of war ua well aa n . Moat of them are largely deiend entuponua for wheal and other ro vMuoe. None of them dare engage In war with ua. Another thing, In caae liuatllltiea were declared, our raw tn&Urlale would nu longer tehtiped Into Ihilr poru and their wlieela of In dustry would ell he etllled. No Territory boa ever been aucceaa fully governed by the general govern mint. The condition of Utah In III la reaped la not ja-cu!lar. Utah has a rorroua, ludualrloua and Intelligent jeoile. They mud a pure govern inent. They can get It only from the Democratic i arty. The aeaker here created consider able merriment In hla Jocular atyle, I y elating that the lte ulillcaua were g vl men lu everything but polltlia, but lu that they wcro alwaya and holvaly uuacrupuloua. It waa ernlnei tly i roper to Intermarry with them, or mingle with them aoclallv and In every way form alllancca with them, bjt fu oII tire they were no good, Mr. lllack continued' There haa not leell a free and uro I'nldentlal election In the United Htalea for more than agtneiatlou, hut there will lai onelnliv2. There waa one In IMK) wheii'Thomaa Jtirirann waa electeil. The ldrrallata tried toruutit lilm out ru their aucceaaors did rjiimiel J. Til den, tut they were defeated lu their nefarlouaacheme. The iholce of thu Hiiple waa ilveti Its t roper lace ahd Juallce w aa vlndll aleil, On every elde, Utah wilt have the trgaulxed rdrength of the Domocrntla Nirty if thu United Hlntia to a.elat her. Ill Ib'JJ a Democrallu I'reeldenl will U elected, and more than that, he will lie aeatod. Ill-le haa Uen a llrmocrnllo Majority lu the United Htalea alnce HJO. C'oual lerably moru than lutiaaj alectora voted fur tlrover Cleveland In ISM, thin fir llarrlioii, yithv who waa thu rightful and ruireeehjl candidate w I, not al low. J to nil the lace to which the popular luart had tailed him. I dou't know that Utah will have an o por lunllytu give ua an electoral vote In lb!:, but aim can leud valuablo strength lu the Htatea around her. Mr. Illeikclo-ed Ihun I di not 1 ro fcaetobeaiuldlciakcr, I am Ju,t a eort of father tu the )ouug oratora whom 1 have with me. I will now retire and give )ou an u u rtutilty to hear the young renatur from eat Vlr glide, (Jharlta J. raulkner, and the gallant young orator from Indiana, whu haa a uumler of tlmia run up agalnat the no of HptaVer Heed lit tbelluuteof ltepnael.tallvra. 1 will now give way to tho heavy artillery. The ieaker waa ofteu lnlerru ted Willi ap luae. Artiralindld n-lectlon by Kenl'a military Mud, llov. M. II, Ul.M'll waa tutrodiued. He eald. On uur rul'aloii for UcmuuraC) wo havu met with splendid recti tloua. We ere uut liuretu cxcltenhlinoalllia, but In thu interred of education. Our urveo l to tall forth .aim, dlij a-rlouule die cualon. Wecau detain with our oiponehta calmly ou all polillral tol lie. 1 believe the maaaea are all honeatonly the leadera and tieueflclarlea are a t tu grow corrur t. There haa been a ihange even among our lleiildli an frtenda In late years on the larlll'. I'reeldenti Urantand Arthur and even (iarlleld did not hold tu the views that are now romulgaltd. In 183d they admitted the nctamlt) of tarl.T riducllori aud ar (.uliitMl a commlaaloii which made n reilutllonof '.M lir nut., but lu the Jugglery of lei.leIatlon It waslncriat-d I7rcent. Whelhir you area rilate or not you are atTected I y the same lawa as the roit of theiountry Is thu tarltrln the preaeut form In the Inter eatofallT liwaia r rent., II er cent, IS ir cent., till now It lall"r cent. lu lS57eTen the 10 er cent. leduc lion waa mado at the reiiueetof the manufacturers. Thu war tarllT was only a Uiniorary measure, least now we bear griater burdens vtcu than In war Hues. All branches of butlnies were reached then. The tlrat tax regaled waa the Income tax1 which riached the wealthy but not the laboring lloa.i a. All Ihla waa done for a home market the greatest fallacy ever I reaeuted to a aople. The consumeraareln the iiniutectiHl Hat. Not moru than five millions belong to the protected Hat. The laborers live un $1 nu tier day; but ralae It tu JioOor f 1 DO and be llvi-a much better. We have rieourcea fur production far aurj asslng thu demand. ewautto give labor aud employ mint a Held. Under the hothouse plan we can I roduce everything, built wlllbetootx4iiili. Why dou'tyou git rich on rtstilcttd markets? W are higher turn by 71 per cent, than llMWhere, but yet 'its tljei cbea4st In the world. Theru la something that enablea oura to turn uut dout le that of any foreigu laborer. Our opiainents Ignore the tust of production. One luan can do as muth now a a fiuu dred cuuU a few )eara ago. One Aimrlcaiilaborir turnaout from two to four tlmea the cluth that can be done lu l.uroia 1 he ratio on au average la threutooiie. l.ven where miiaiular labor Is required, wo git the pooriat ray. In the Iron Industry lalior hern Is aa cheap or more so than In 1 uropo. e sent a commission abroad to list thu steel rail ludualry, and found outs only 7 cents more here than lu Ian I. WtierociHsthulncrtaaer Protlt la the object. One million tuna of rails airollluf JID.OiW.IXKIalono was made. Why aro lluru m many of tho rich here? I f It 1 for awet t charity let the dollar stay where It belongs, with the man whoearnall. Haa una single Industry raised the I rice or labor? lu All I ranches title has been thu ruhimid iiottheexcttlou. lu the rotei led InJualrka they have gone down, even thu womeu an I children sutr ring with tlio other workers. I 'ro tei tlon la lonffeiedly a lualnz Ind ittry, one that do a n t ay of llaelf, Hvery dollar mutt I e Uken from the awiat of thubrow. As lu trade evi u, shall we cut nil the ImiiolUtluu of everything prudiKtd here? Trade la an exchauge, niduuhiwweluyweian'lliotosell. We proilure Kola and silver, and we mutt use It aa i representative or medium cf exchange. The llmuwlll cumu when we have JVM) lw)lo to thu arjuaro mile, that u homo market will txltt, but wo dou't wunt lule herultieu. Wu want plcea brought to that flgutu where cery man ran live but but make great fortunes nor great auier. rliuo Is ono good feature III the tariff, "free sugar." This la an ad mission at oncu that tarllT miana a tax uu 1 Hie t neuiy claims the en dlt. U e u ant tu give every man the necessities free. Huduoo the larlll to a revenue stan lard and that will be all that nee led Tho only reason we submit bi laea tlon at all la tu p retent thiseeilortlont la I ng mle. I lelleve when the UlSMie an aroused lu a full realltitlon of the tnn situation then we may hoi for n Her. Ue don't produce lu the United Htatea half the wool wo use It de lieiids on illmateanl toll There ntu one hundred and thirty dllTereiil kin Is ol wool, and we need all luequatllh to make cloth. We make an I cunsumi more carpcta than any other nation and all thu wool we can get from al road Ohio wool haa gone down time cents since the McKlnler bill waa adopted, yet we are told all wool clulli Is ihiapir, but must of It laraga an 1 cotton. I nglanl, Uermany and all the lend Ing nations wear all wool cl dhep I ng laud Imports six hundred million aiunds or wool. This la the nsloii fur aim p. Thu mutton la what they use III the east. All over this lab 1 the mills are closed, but In 1 urorettie re verse Is true. It Is a gruit Industry, and onu that the United Kingdom atune exceeds ua In by ten to one Thuepiakirdlcuttcd the' tin plate" problem at great length, closing bis remarks at In !" o'clock. Heuator J'aillknvr excuaed lilmaelf froinaddresalugthe luettlDg owing tu the latt neas of the hour. Iin.lJlATlH AtrOINTKll. The ivtumltUe a pututed to atlect Ihedetigatialo alien 1 the Territorial cinvenllun to be held lii Hits iltt to morrow, at 11 a in retained the full., Ing Hat of names, which wai unani mously e pi niveil II P. Hendereun, Thohuta V. Dee, (', V. lllcharda, N. Munlgouiery, Devil l.vaue. J, W, McNlllt, Jct-e Ilarlon, Mat. H. Ilrownli g, John Hra man, Charlta Parker, Jamea A. Thuinpami, W. I,. Minimis. Alternatea 11. A. Heed, J. M. Ker rlu, Ueorge W. Hramwall, Jamel Wangrgaanl, W. (I. Uraguu, Ju-e( ll H. Peery, U II. Hhwlea, f II Paall, A. J. Wiber, tl. II. lalaub, 1 mery Huule, tleurgu Allen, John W. Mc Maids. The meeting then adjourned and tho Halt .ako excuralonlsla re turned home arriving In Ihla city a fuw mlulllra before 1 o'clock a. lu. today. TrilillTOIti lt IU.W EMION ur lleuisrrata to ha Hell In Thta Illy at 11 a. in. luuiorruw. A Terrdcrlal Democratlacunvintlou consisting ofdelegale fiom the varl ua cuuntlca of Utah Territory, Is called to conveuo lu this city tomorrow (Saturday), the lOtli day of October, ISfl.alll uMock, am, for the lur laseiof organlilug the Dimocratlo society of Utah, Thu Democratic! counly committees ofllieillir.ruit counties have laren In slructed to latuu a call for nieetlngt to behtll In their resiieetlve countleeto l lert deltgates nu 1 alternatea tu Atti nd said convcntlou. The numtier of dele gattsilectid froii each county Is as follow si llus I filer eanalrHtr.7rr,7ir,,....M t larbseouslr ... II Heal. deal-.... a kmerr eouslr . 4 llras I iwuelir...,. ... . .. 1 IJerflela eoualy,... t einuril evualr ....tT."."...... 3 M rean ewuntr i j,.'...... ..... ..... J esBpelaceaatr......,,,. li I lah eoaslr .......m'!MnrZ7. tl I leub fouatr ...--. w a.bts(loa eountr a 'teaalclinouiilr .... .. . t eter teuaiy ...,,.... 11 Tout. ... . llT Hull. I'htuucey K. lllack, resident of the National Asaoolatlon of Demo i ratio clubs, and other distinguished Democrata will bu i resent and adilreaa the convention audruxdet lu the nrganl nation of thu DeuiGuriillo Hoclety of Utah. Till. limOM'I.'S VKKlillT. Jolm Jihlrr, Ilia I iiforlnhale llanrh mau, Died from 1 xpoturo and Eibauitlou. At the inipiojt held by Coroner liar rta)estcrday nflcruoon at the uuder taking larlure of Jctili 1., Taylor, over tlie remains of Juhn Mlxter, thu (lerman raucluuan, whose diath was .announced In yeeterday'aNiMu, Jacob H.Jenaouwas the first wltutss. He teatltled: Ou October 1, 1 waa tumtct with soma other l-arllee at CrUruon'e raneli aud hunt tattle In l'elley'e C'an)on. When we got there we found that Mlxter 1 ad gone ou ahead bf Us. Alter gelling lulo the tauyou I heard Mlxter'a dug barklog and called to Mm. Mlxter answend and raid he would meet me uu the rl Igu between Parle) 'a arid Mill Creek. After reach lug thu rldgu I heard sumcunu down lu Mill Cretk culling, and toncludlug It waa the deceased, 1 returned lu the ranch with Mr. lllcharda. Afttr u arda I learned that ether I attlca wi re driving the cattle. Nothing waa hear 1 of.Mlxltr alterwards, and finally Mr. Pearson Uoame uneasy about hlm,and yealerda) we started uut tu search for him. About lu'elock In theafternuon wu fuutul hla lifeltea bmly lylliic Wslde the trail In Jump OU Hollow, In Parley's Canyon. Krom thu potltlon aud ilriumstancea I should say that ho Itoau.u exhausted on 1 laid down and went tu sletii While asletp he irohsbty diet. He was about fid years of et,e an 1 unmarried. lleiijamln Pearvon lestlfledt On OitoUrl Mlxter left ('rlra.oii'e raneli for Parley's i auyoii to hunttattle. In the evening Mr. Jenst u returned tu the lanchniid fctate that thiy had heard Mlxter up In thu hllle buldll notste him. I lilt thu ranch that da), an I when 1 returned yesterday morning I foun I that Mliter ha I nut Uen then , and of course I Uuamu uneasy. Several of ua went up the canyon tu fin 1 iilm, and Mr. Jensen beard Mlxtir'a dog hitklug. llv went up thu trail mil found the dog keci Ing guard avtr Mix It r'a dead body, t should say Mlxter In came exit tutted and chilled 111 rough an I lal I down tu rest, lie ruhauly went to etet n and died Wlllard lllthardl titUfleal to the same eflect us the r rectnllng wllneauius The Jur) which constated of P. J. . Held, l.mll I.bll; and K. (J. Iivlue, re urnelaverdl t setllhg rortli thaltht It i- I camii fa Ills dealh Irmilh , Dei 'a of exhaustion anl exjKMure Mlxter was fifty yeurs of age and un married He waaa tlirman, and came (Dthlscuunlry many years ago The remains were burled today. annaelenlliu. I.llloe Weadeerll-e at leeeiil fur a firm whose rrairations have Mven tu t e alltbeyeltlm In ouruwn family We rifrrb, Chamlierlalii'a Collr, I'holera anl I)larrhia lttmedy. We slant up for this medicine because we have tested It. This la not au adver tts-ment fur the medicine, It la simply our leellmony rigardlng It artirafatr trial.-Jfouff.i'e(y w ) Vbttrier 1 ir sale by Z. t Ml Drug Dr t. d kt (Igr parttcubtra about the Weekly Ten Prrfent Installment I llil at I.. Hollaridar'sJiwelryHlore.lfoMalnrl. Ietruee It llsreee lavlita llfliiie. Ur. M. J. Davis Is a I romlnent t hy slrian of 1 ewla, Cam ( ounl), Ioa and haa been ectlvi ly cinrori-l In the iracllceif metllclne at that lot for the taut Ihlrly-rlve years OiitlieiMtll of last May, while lu Dea Mollies, en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an nttnek of tllarrhiea. Having toll ChamlierUln'a ( ollr, I hclera an I Dlarrluea Itemedy fer thu astteventeeuyiert,aDd knowing its lellablllty,herrurureda'mAietitliutlle. two duai s of which curuiletely cuiml hltn. J-orealu by 7.. V. M I. I'tuti Uet. dAe FoirrunNiTunc Carpotd, Wnll Papor, Uphol story, Curlnlna, Polos, Shniloe, otc., call on NCVC A. CHILD, ll C. Flrat South. Tits. Ilixs) Piano will be given away nt the lair Oil,l-r Dili byHeuctr,v Lynch. Whu will bu tho lucky win nt i? Iluv your J r.u s I on the W M KI v Tel PHI ClIT. IWatAIIMtHTPlA"'. at I,. Hotlander'a Jewelry Hlorr, IH Main Htteet. dim VtAMKII. AiiiMin i.i ill mi uiniYs umit.iir buuts tenrk llol wane. a4dra sir. J l alanine lis a Nlalii lti at. rt. ViliKlli I. llil TO '"' nrVXKIL leo.aaotk A Ir at tau em HI A (Jlllt, lot! iTlNKHil. 11(11 aewtinh. so wt.mte, sin n nm Sofia, ua L)l ilia inn A iioimi siiiimii. m ttail neirfl relesserli I.Cstaler's rafUa, or I MladeleliMi. um-MMse lo ntMa a i.tietaa Aea hjmt oa Uoadtr, aeleaile -IS, 11 hearing I. triltr SAM U be lite puelry uf lu-llnn It rerlalnlf a eerjr beallbrnlsal eisrelul aeenwi llaaraeel, Tb laaosa will be ar.t Leslie a I efleeliaelii tbtaeflbaia'lae aal eifl eml rare a aanetr el eery eeaeeTal uia f r llnrni .ne -la Ihtsre 1 .rletneisal lutllerlrlirmilion srelrujU ln,i II Nalh as.teu.el,ealltAet:iir. dim T"7.,"v imatriAai MkTittaa l.VJVJV rc million Arete to An tlmef at blah Humetertlal I'.nV. ee SI liars, 1 aetas lustier A Hull 1 fix lo ansar Kill nut:. aonn viLkixiua inn in itKMir V X rsske I. I rbirJ atreet, asll ltls til "" "sflTAMCI). OCT. l.r I huh Tlie itx-IMvcr or Juha Ja tse, tea TUr4 eirael salt late t ur oas beowa Jaraarnoar. niarts-1 with bole tarlfhtaae.BBt alilanil endefbll la lelt ear. IranleiiaiaiiuinlToa leltbiii an.l a ..a nut tlwulder ItBleeeelsrete above ail Inrta anil be tailably rawarde 1. dlw IIIIIS WATkl). V'fTitf la iteiiiiii oniv Tiitr a aealed iroeotata arllt U reeelael by Ins eadertlaneil, I e lie ereelloa or a e-h,oi luillnarr lb ml scliaul liutrifll aalt bate Counlr. I lab. botb lor the , Btlntstrarlure suj eebarBte eana ol tba aettral worae up lo 1 l....o!lklL,l.ll laal, si Vo.SU tns.lila boa liaildisr. er at tba lacidt Loraber Le , wbera tbsr w lit bo e eas-i. llanasnlaieiarsieinausebe SkaiBleeil at Iheoflleeer I seiBo I Ulster Ca,baear llenio tlarl salt lake Uoeetr llah Tbelloaril raaaraea lien hi to reieat ase Bail all bide. Jilll llltl-l H, juhn a rlill Aim JUHN tl WlllTthSIt, tloar I of Tl Dtlaea t-ib febool I, .trl U SallUketilr.eeiLB I' I. all NO 1 1( I.. inf Jurttan frrijitlon (Amijkiny, rptit i i-iiui an m r i t I v ri nr tiil L aieckluttdara arul be bell st tbs South t.,tlonwui-l WardilouM be Uosdar.lhUibar lets, leal, st II a. raH foe lha purpose 0f ntBr lea lei arte and auradisg li snyolberlutl peta Ibel loaf be becet.arir for tt a In ere,t et tbsConSnr 11. tt. llllllit , erereui f, a-jlliUell)aiil O n-r (lb 1X1 EXPERT DR.T.1L COJlPv! Sets of Teeth, S3 00 Teeth Tilled, 00 Teeth extracted, - 25 Teeth Cleaasd, 11.00 Troth lxtrodir) tuiliitfl ullliont I'ulu mini ix iTiiAi. iikiik, o 14 l Bam a I aonth eireeb Aoreea tba alreet Cruui t underlsai RREADY EFEEHCEp. Tho Hmmml nilltlon. Enlarged and Improved, of this moil excellent work, has lately bean published and Is now Tor Sale at lha DESERET HEWS OFHCE. ItU Alinott tridi.pB-k 11 to KlIT Home and Foreign Missionary, And la a dradnibte ec il-ltlon alao lo every eJltideut nf Tbeol v anl rlher jmnton who valuea the imaua ol alvo caulug anl defending Nilj lurally anl lllsbirlcally tho l'rlnclpl - f tba UopM. Tho wlahoa nf tlio e uiipllera, that the work bu nubllatiod wltl mt protlt su as tu be will hi the rea. h nrmery Hrtc.iidi airing It, havu boon slu 1M In this at welt aa the Itrat edllluii, an I Ihenj'ure nu dlaotmnt eseept for coat f latsge La al. lowed luddutera, '1 ho bonk Is Lmiihi 1 In four dirforiuit slTloanlenntMtlail lu any addrost al the pillowing rnlljjj), tG conta. and SI 10. AJIfUltNTa SALT LAKE TIIKATKE. CrVvfl at it-effo itniiti r mt rouifv Hi iitsi WEDNESDAY," OCT. 7th. narlMeeftalnritar Onl) FANNY DlVEHPORT areroatn, ai Mnlhntlt iii At u'llowi II Aad IIKIIllWN IYIMI M a i-rlha a sa MAPC08 It MAVBB t'lMDAY Mfill I'.Ort II. MArtOOU s OIj1--C)PATIA. lit Irr .!( tt i.J yrrit v ua Cr itf f roxxial tuecrtliuR ' J-'ANNY OAVWWl'OHTs OATUROAV MATINCC "ftOORA N411ll,t.1 M.JIir, a,r.l.Hi LA.TOSUA! IklCRk II V II DO UJc. IV MOI. NMITIt xtVmniMTi, ocruinit li, nmiei ii V ronooftil rlloi. .... t.t t t iHspn vtiurvja-- Oct 1. WONDERLAND Urrle Miirg-iiii, trmlraa Wnmsnt Mirrhriarala. Hand ma 1 1 Irs-lora; Sari lii'a Uu; llriiiti "ri.nitlll.i, Hiiirlcaa Mam, Mnttii, lljiulng ttvTA I. M 1 MS 1 t J lOn. two i.Minie i iti'M ti.ipwtiii ( ItOSSllltl l HAMH atlll errlee at OllllKt rrum rallfuruU Del. I till Prices rraiuuable Itauis elr-in, s JKWHTrAtO. N O if & i J H H Cl r, !5 li M c-3 kg J ij r i i i-S- i2 W Is I 00 "angi ED -s a H H - as uj 23 J C J rfl D ALTUOHIZBb GITV AWEAK Deposit Stamp System .TAB CSHUttAL AND S.WIS'.'S SAVS UJ .. 31 K. r.F.t rhttnlli htrrol ICfh Wrd Vo pn , cor tU F.t In 1 4th (ati. il r nrtMiki, wr ltBBtk4iihKut rular lirotk t, K Ktrtwl tud tl . mTT7, - I.U.4. Utlrt Mm A I .lr..flk,ctf lrdS til r irdHoutti Hm.r.Wlir.11 114 H. lift Satin rib .Tn-j noi, no w ia ,( mm u. iiiii. 1 1 n em win h r , . in p ii.iv.ii ll j ibiuamr. . ui n. un.Mi rravnk lltil f MTb lib Kn.l ffi Jwr.r Uroi , Til F- Ttti louih Ull ft llvifn, Cei.llllt.dll1bM0Bta. J Imii, i T A. f M rm IL II lnrla .mtrij Aired John II m, PHK vi-tfoii. ArihvrrrteTiR. r W.jvtul. rtmi- A UaWtoiftii. IjVfrtylirk aloDaa r Ur, tr tnlr-ooit, airt Kn J, uklirrMdritri ItAMpatftAKibc, SIT MlfVpU J W limn, tlUitT I J I - lfiiibYwtl Ktrbarll. r4ln Ueiietiifi,. I aeili 1-untHr A PoUdlox rnp'rt KoKtr Janes .tlM.B. li $ VKnmty i t ry fati! a, - M It Lrtait J t. IWbBWH ' -aW.Btrl 13 O. I'lT"-'!- ? b Pi-"' Hank or lin r-l it ff-t ) Um lb aiottunl rrarhct II lh dtiaatait-tir will it rrMit Rltittl llirrxe. ria,Kt-udtil 1 litnat m fear Genaral Danklng Uulnea. DHHTOff-r Anaairoai,! t, Matffta. Tloa Is fclti-.bfflt lielitar HUrU, lr Jo. liKharda Ifcvj IT joatEn o ll. Hardy ' V ft. B..war Hrli ltr Ii-iiIIoh lt rriilrliiK iiiriil Ur li lOr Haa-ya-.C I I lift ,B. jcKVMA "XI I. llrt Soiilti Mint. Zml&j HAIR Di?ESSlHGM,PARL0RO 11ANOU OUT II tilt ILIllll) IMlMMlll). U Shampooing Dona la the Istett and Moil spurovod Manner. CMIdren'a Hair Cultlng and Dratiln a bpsclslly. 4i- loos, tMX III, toBHIlailoa Uolldisf. reUAtltl.r. Ults Ull EllJllalUlOV AND j ii IsbbbbI Conference Visitors ! COME MD SEE US, I '1 i n w v; Am: makixo jixtiia pjuwahatioxs SB ron you. i rw jmiiiinu i mnmm i iJJiJiiiii lm All our Dopartmonts aro Crowclotl with IsS. 4EW GOODS! I AT PI1ICE3 TO SATISFY YOU. H , I We are Determined lo Please You! c r: H Comti proparod to buy your E WINTER .-.WRAPS I FOU YOURSELF, H YOUH DAUGHTERS AND ' H YOUR CHILDREN, "B For wo aro coins to offor you soma vory H Tempting. Bargains In our ' IK CLOAK DEPARTMENT. jE IWEWffl!'Hiil 1 Y All avo sihIc Is for you to moo our fjoodH V y 1 jM i and not our prices. Wu will bo Balls- -n J l V- Hod Avltli tho result. i j il ' 1 1 n H loss- You will be Treated Right. ''I . I SELECT .1 li": C01 M THIS From tho Largoat Stock In tho West, ' 8rf AT in wM iv m 20, US, DO, 32 E. F1UST SOUTH STKLET, tSm Half Dlock Ea3t of Clock Corner. I ) S Hit nil TioTi iHili JTiiP iiTj iiuiiiiiijJiiM Am E. K THOMAS. ' j;l