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, Trnsnmvr evei-nci smvsi hhdav, orTonmt . .hi... , fM I F. AUERBACH & BRO. ARK ALWAMX TIM IZAII KITH Xiow rrioon, liow rrlooa, Our Carpet Department QfiiathoMrelclnteilfl.T3Mu,uettcal 00c. Heat Thr. l..alWo..Mc..nd,l.ui. Hhorl Iruirth, at n .kcrlnce. Hrlendldkiyi.ecflnKraliaat c.,Mc.,5 andMc llcau tltolTapntryCari.taat Mc, Oi. anil TSc. Curtain aud 1 ' at eery low prlcie for new and ttyll.h itoodi. I Our Domestic Dopnrlmcnt V,"?? ".!!' P';'"'lainbaro for $1.00. 10 yd. upTvmlh Uiibl(acbrdkiidllicarliedfr$l, 10 yard. Uriili f,.r SI. worth Sl.C. (Jrcy Flannel lo,c, worth Elc. lOyiH.ttilendll i!'0.l.,."!L',.,."0,.,:0'! s'' 'ni' -'" tot V W, worth 11.80. l'lnkllannrllSle., worth Me. HjJcmIM tin Wliltu al Mo., cheap al M. 1M ptrcra each Whim Idu.ii , U.muk at "., f 00.. 00c., JHc. and SOc. per yd., create.! tar Italn ever offered, soodorcn Diinitk and lluckabuck Tow t 1 at IPC, 16c, 110c. and Statarh. Th. 1.1. I no.clllee lu C'halrTliIlcaatr.c, :',&, KcSOc, Wc and lie.; tlierlrlll you. )Uaulllunblo!loih.ln'Iurkcy lied. Che. ullle, ruromuan, etc.. at (.rtriato ru.ko you buy. IlUnkrl. i atl.l0,I.M.JI.M,li,J.80and $2 ru,lott0t5 l" ' clelly reduced for till .ate. Otlon Hatting Oullt.. Tie. I 0&,l.uo.l, $1.-3, AM, $.:4 s.oo; nuVuih Value, iau b. found claewhete. F. AUERBACH & BRoT AUKksovr.yrrrittwncrr.ion , jXXouont a-ooclNilRonoMtPrloou SUP PL. BookS TOYS;; OFJFXCH HIJl'lr.Il,A:o tj'jla..i i m MB 72 MAIN STREET, 72 Di;m M. MclLLLlTElt, Mtnjfrr. mZm National Folding Bed, WiaCTACTCMD IT tin fcl'UU A Ml ItMHMP 1 LltMTt'Ui: CO -IIIUAUO a UB01 TlHlkTf rOR I UK AT S. R. MARKS & CO'S, tlpposll r Uipl. HAI.K OV Z. O, M I.HTOCIC. "TOTlut; i ltKiicnr (.tvirv, that iv X ptwsaanx or so onlay of ih rnlitl Lwurl uf fall l-ss L'ouoiy, Huh Tern lory, niso on lbs tttil Uy of l ttnbr, lru. In Hit mailer ot thawlaia of l.avlo U Itdataatou, dctu1, Ilia unilfrsljtasiJ. lacoirit at lbs ClUla Of Ml J dtCM., Will Mil III prHal sal, by ealeil bids In writing, lu th tHRlfit lidaer, for c, on Taeslsv lbs tin day of Ortnlxr. tul, ti 8 oiltwk pm, St lie Uw oUrut l.trUrda A lnrl. Inn) U? to W. thlM Hoar, VnuUUl Hallo,. f Nw lfotiihltn lit!, fll 1 ki tiiy, I ub.tbt rUoinf tronl jrttrtr, tfwat Ten ib4r (r ibvctpiUl ctiN-hot ion Co opt nut Mircaotita In ablution aSI W. US1HVH(K, reUtsrTlrlBf fitmlru of tUaKtUMbt Jit ti4 ILDouuBion, dcruu. !.osrnt HTOM'.N JttOM A 1'ASTlTltr OV WMT KI0I1TII 1 bireol,)ul north nt my rfinlaitia on lb r4n Ititrr. fourltrn fit Wttlirrt. Aoycyto tllt latmrnullo tour mint lkt Ueajp to aitha tUrdi llaitori-iodlMor ILn jur. Dt. tutnrivr will 1 tuiubly rawtr lJ dtl OLUKUBg. (MN.lON. IMlIt UKM'. AhRW rnun itiwMrii uuvnr. situat d nt ?U IS ft it TWI bireL In )tri;af rrmiici, , llw F. AUERBACH & BRO, 1J2-I-, 3 GO J2S MAIN STREJilT. aEEATEST SPECIAL BALE Of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boys' Clothing, etc. OdrHi-rl.lfl.lonlHIIk.. Our Hpt-clal Hilnof CloaV. 1 I'lr.CM DOOHt.r. WIOU CAHIIMIIIIK at 10c, worth 50c. Our Hcll Hl nr Drr'a Cloodi. Our Hxcllral of llo)i Clothing. I'KiI'lKL'lS I'l.MI) IIOIJIII.i: WIDTH at SOc, worth Mc. Wa can mention wry few iclalrrlct i nnly Our, at 0.10 livi. JSirj, IS). Jiin, fliki, IJ0 .$Vun, JT.oOaro tin ouimiJ AcV'iYf rWiXriiKi' i7":' ft'- - I'.r0' .'? jrtT .! i.'."? shnV,"?M":;nJ 1 " to wtl'JSt'm-: i? ii" , $, 0UIl,J L;A(,,I,' "' l'M.AIIAMM at 0.1". -SJc, BJIc, M, Jl 12, 11JW, l no, u,,to lj.oii N'oihlinr llko tl.mi to U ir linlhUcliyl vvA&snwH. m c0,ct ..,.d., .t ,c, .u. '.."rSfia -J;,:;;.o;o .siiSf-. L"IIM' ,,,Tr,y UI UlliaM fun. 177, fS 75. J-.M, $.0.00. SISW '''fK-K,!,?, J,1, ' . '" " S " a ull,nnd unwarda. lllitliul NoTillUt tliaxaian, facially reduced TAIIM; I.IM'.NH, atrilal iitlrrIII AJir.lA'XS'uilKlM OOOD1 1 a, I. 50. t, ,, ,; , J &T3, 11.11. PU..I: LI S LN S,?l,n; U T."" !.' fi? C"""' St t3.00audSIOH. Nnthlnit llkx tlieiu to I found elw where. . o'J In. Sue " mi' 100 J'll.OLrt l'LAH) UltlStS (IOOIW al 71c, worth ir,c. &, " .' VMlors to GOXVMir.XCK mill VAIII urr lin'lteti tn cult mid iimjirct our M.taxrj'ICHXT ASSOUT MVXX and HV.T OVIt XOII' J'lllCHSl Xo trauMn to nhoip (omit. w- ooivMi anuv.xtxj"v aivs obt piiist oxtoxop, -u A TEW OF LAST SKAKON'i OAIIAIKNTS AT IA-.HH THAN J1ALU I'lUCK. nvnnv articlc vAfinANTED as ncnnESUNTED on money ncTunNco. otic phice to all. ft a uilt Mia vu rnourf on ciry arltctt ou buy. txm wt'tton1 and fnftl. WAKEMAN'S WANDEuTnuS A VISIT TO 6TRATF0RD-0N-AV0fl. Tli Ilglo tlounU.Un HIT with 111m trla nu.l lU.n.ntl. Intf rrl-llrmu IitapliUr AMwlallB t f thaj ()1J City Al Rlik!p.iiV 1nnu lOofyrtttt. :l, bf r4tfr U Vl.riiMa 1 BiltAlioi.hox Aox, 8rfu. M-ir you cnmtottiUhrlD ly riiJ.wj.jrn4 iu In tfrmlmMt cjiiigti, tf Hti you Uttitfj of Alt urti i f taMlnbd toirai, from m lent SmIck with It uuly iMttUmpuuto UimlnjtonMn!. it mwlrrn uliurr, )on LttirucbtjalnpifsuiuKkimfluf cunfuilon not rtiuoU from tlit krrlr o( Orrnina. II K livroomIotli pltcutiili Uit of CDtof Lb6M.WmiiceneuM whUhlllo toTtrluua InU ot liittml tliroiitthout tti blr, jou will tutc ttn In nfivr hour yiicouottfiiivucvtMlonnf tlirnioktbrautlfal iuj tlreatuful cubtr;Bl(t jilrturv lu Yin laaj. And l( fon iboulit com on fuot for ltil)Tfn raltn.M I 1M, Alonni)iihnrtI, nLIt hUhwar from Wurwltk, titnlvrtimtli aq Imot unbrukau Arclivrnjr f iliti llirouulitlttcrl )tt drowj ntmM4ir tn KoslUtiruUlIaud nuiuinuiil uiunilbtt tbtrtttitlll larrouti'Hux T"' tli glamor it IwwluLictc iimtnllty you caquoi acl wouIJ DHliptL Turat lute Off tbU w Uchlotf wny, whit t lloo4othliVorl0mcinorlfiinM4 la taltu tLt brvAth ot th rmy mornlnitl llm upon Ibis Doblv tmlntnn, with bliturla CloptoulIoaMlolbt rlclitAnd UamptoQ Uirr(Atbtlcrt,UDfAtblb nrehluiCtlrrB UcAUfiblUieQMtEtttnpMor tti Tl!ejr ,( tb Atpd A BUDdreJ ItMcr tent vtr rfnr tU4 rtdlnrofrB rU anil fall, m If wltb tl itrebUna of ntlurt' Itrart, lulti fair. fr itwp. From twnr in tb north MitwtniUa'lhrtAilof ulltrr. It brtNulrna at It dlMppiri n4 reappears In lu cuun tn war J tb bflvru, ad1 U Uunll; lout a)m bltUlf, wbcrv.Abor a maj of tlratnl Mints ami red ttltU roof, iiv a ulnnUr ?tt. lb allrcry tbrrad U tbo Aron. Tlmasefel)uanl llmrs Andrcil tHM roofa ! htratfbnl. Tb lender kplr of lu Ilnly Trinity Cl.urcli marks tb tomb and tbrla of th wurld h limnortal lard. A joudMcudlDio tbold town every tbtotrj tnn(iely iilll. On tlioway you a fW bUckblnls bopplurf ktly amouf ibtubbl,ilOfc to lb htltcrlnKbelift, I let and tbtr a wary bvaMtni UiaHim escaped tbenniwl autuiiinal alaubter h bUk l!lt' tb road. trcU alonfi tu roy Uirder fgrit IiUle.and tben as auddcoly aud stUutlytlUappfAii, Tb kin hr Uplly cbrwtdK' tbslr cud aklot tb Urniboutb)ra,v Afw ktuolta" of 1st Rtlbtud (rain ar buddleU lu lb UttU Cld. Tb euiok AKudi faintly from lb rbtuiue7vf cottk and balL Ibey ar Ut liner, tljfia 1.drIIu Mk, ami tb low sun U far up In ltsaleudir aroUfor dncller fii Uu of bolotf atlr. hrta ib sable rpokt (bat haunt tb ilvl tree AudbUbrfWlil cbln.uey of ntiaieLt niesnci, riA'sliitfcUbly from tbclr bldliu, wluvl lutly about It aud srttl down quietly aB4ln,Tot yet ready to untooto tbclr aaiiey. ebattcrliu tounut. . ou know, a ertribody knows, when you bar come to tb Ilttl clutely bedded, tiled bonara, w bcr tbo open highway ba uieiccd Into a lutifc, ptiturrwu llionuU bumbt street, tbat ucra jou to remain lu bt rat Turd for a montb1 1 1 mo tint could b only In it tbo balf doxm plnrt Ijjiuitd lately iJccHrl tli hUVu to vltit lb liou trher to m bora, ibo tAcantalUof 11 ItouM (Titer h lltd at Xtn l,Uvo,theburt.liwlia ltN burled. At) ii Hatha way' ruttaji, it lb iitfino tlal fountain and theater Aitdwbll you could wtb In aii boor' timf lit tin puke, now tbat they at hi nrar ymir kn, I to at old tbtiu, to wnmllranay ihroitKh thtnulorAl(ttl at Ural, and, .bakHi offthatlroAnifulcaptlrltyof Jt all, w try an 1 vcoiw luck to iboM ibj.ts and lc on tr on, wltb lnerar4aptlUHl and powtr of recejwUkiii aud comnanloiwblp. You ar now tn tb tenternf Bir-tforJ, on HUb ptreot. You kiidaUnly tb rurloua (aet tbat in alt tbeliurwIrwU u( JUifftlab town you bAteiUlted ym hat always founl a Ulub iret, and tbat etary pbw of lutret t l acrn a at Htratford, la only a few moment' ualk from terruihtf placr, tff or oil tbU old familiar Hitch street Hero la an novi. ipac, tb AtMUnt "inrAt Miliar." Jaflpwl. tUit thorouubfare Jwl i it from outlying pkturvwii spot ami i.tinr tr. All Alwtit arobalf tlmUml Iiwimv ttuJocttti( sUiry over Uryluti tbenur et pine, and you wonder how Imin bai lor, front aborr mi, tlty will tumble, ml roof flrt, over Into tb clean. x oquar Lalow Quaint tbopa, Jiit now oprnliiif, ar pltiebed In ltmn stnld old inaiiabin. Ilaudtwvea of Inu, aeore of thaui, eotiti timing to mi Mo lb other in curloii utmor tcuicliou auaumlToof th on memory of the stumUrou old town, apeclc thttray fM.nJra nlib ullt aihI tor. I)wii on of U Hw'vtrwu, old Henley street, tbniiish wboa winding a jjluip of tb upUud It caught, yuu know l to lo found the buua of nil otbra In Mrnt ford. Hut you turn In tliooppoaluiUrro tlon. ouim uu ancient Itiii nmI for tb bard. l-ch of lta rooms U kireu th nam of noiw on of tb clMraetvn h cr atwb Servants ar wltb a rwy faced burkhUr ovr th prloarr r&. table oulu torn fortabl porcb, OIdtiu Louse, wltb th oldfal of ieakt. (table and pent I outre orer buxooAleii doors, ar paaL At aom old luen and women ar nottdlnff, even In tbee uiornlutcbonrs. ut th Opvit Wlndowa, Souii tbirni U A Vlata of tree sbutilntf out all Uyond aaro n Kraystott porch Without ktiowledinf Mraiford wpoicrapby you have ounie with unerrlnic lnHnct stralsbt to Holy 1 rlulty church aivl fcrarrfard. Au ancient wcer with now wblto hair It shuffling aluu tb lf sirwn kiio ment 11 (hium, and wtlli n loud JtntJtiU of bt bus key It unlock tb wicket, tbeu tba wide, low oakeu doors, and U shortly lost AUiou. the sbrulon tilililn. You steal softly after blnu rWmewber In tb dim i lac tb old man I whUilli k as If for company. In low tooe as Ueouio An old, old man, Uit somel ow it checks your Impul to enter, and you wander around and around tb shadowy sbrtne. bsltllitf At st licit lb .Ida of tb ehUCi neareat whtr you know that S!nkjir lUs. You lay your band ictntly ou th cold gray stonea as If uroplttR for th uth of a utr but nuirren frleod. How louit your reerry has Ueo you know iiot, but a liny, IconoclAsti epsrrow. scrauhln among th cranl at your fret, look so quIttloAlty Into yourfaco tint you hurry ohami. away. A few step anion.! tb crares t-eneath bui: elms brlnifyou llb rlecrslda, fur tbaArotib loved lave tba IJm of tho churchyard Malls. It 1 so attltnJ sllmt her you fiel tbat th very sjlrll of tb itresu Is bushed In ohriaiinc nnu reter anc for tba spot It waters ar paaalux On tb farther sU aro long, lonrMtc UMJI'H- l al.r I 41 tL ttir. Up ih Btrwiin li tb riftiL, abot th tduia f tr anU tile, loutu th huge. otm MemonV, Il4lf ion reaeni Uatyjil bkTtfalriAdy tbrelAway fniin ilwi perky MblttouulaltilniAlliw.,d High etrwt. I.eerrthinic titodtrti ber that Mka to inomufUliM waoor ioihi iim of toUy tbmuiili fa nt a tic meincriaU to tblatvry suuof thKuillIt rtc and tnoitn Jmru you with It benn Impvrtinenco You turn paaatbroiiKh ibaebuwhyaM, Aivl saunter aIodk In the t)uttuf MiIIIam. Atiu mid la a rauialiaAlemlll, aolaidy knowa Irfiw many eentuiiiw old. Th splash of thwhI baa a dnw-y sound, A fontpmh lead Uiiimwuy aomii n Itrriig, You rmu tliU, tak tn tho mmdnn a, with tie river, shuren and towu to jour left. au1 em tb nd to Skn tery )) n typieil Kiittluh illls( crlwioat I wltb artin- tvslla, atrl ldgM rut fu huh box ttUirin, and Uruwu with tbsiebvil roofa, ao old lli-U btlda abd Ptirm turn tuatu for l)ta,v.ltlwtld flrfd fliwrra nml weel f;iuw iiianrUiuilr uitositbeoi Instlneliew y yji apprOAfli tin ohJt nud qualut .eet struelnr InMiottery lis riI1 nTer bantflthelano It south siilo face nwaa of vIiim aud flower, ami four tiny win. do, bMMlMl by tb IhnU 1.Iuk. rp onr Into the IrrM-Mnnd Moohi t.l Auullath awai MrttiK A plMWBiit old woman, whom you fetl must bava kuowu ll v.aJU aihI th man, busilealeut, shows you Ui Interior, lit andeiit 'settle' when tbo lumnaklntf wa dune, lit TMiors' Iwol with lu prlie-leas autoarni ha, trtu lb belrlotmi of lluti, inoro Itl04 tbati HHity or evnotatib of stoue, the wutltt hatting cheerily, na If th lid of tint alwa'B opmixl utu her a iion a brlftht n-l stalale ptt. Hut you hat not hinl wbst waa said. Tho old lady' word bv tVnJrd with tb an tumn voire without. 1 bo volet )ouhav hoard mm trrulillug dowu tb eilaore of mora lUa 3U )irs, and yourlivartliaa thrilled unutternhly Interna, for a truh ment, an clna haveoomu that iUy to this tbotetwotoyou. Itaek acros tb Avon orer tb fireat itou bridtte, and a few minutes' walk brlninyou to humble Hruleystreet. Iher la still tb seeming of ilrcamfolk walblug alwut In th B-itt Autumn air. Titer ar few of them, and tliey seem either very f IJ or very yr.unm '(ualut old men nn I urai. dauia ruddy of face an.1 whit of hair, who am to bav slepad out of tb oIJ-q time to loox around tbtjr former bauui furnlUil. and verygulet chlhlrru with tlemuro old vtay. You wonder If the In Uuencoof mi uraliigitBhrlnguthU far among Stratford dwellers, or whthfr It I tb glamour of your nwu faney t ns M you stscd lefnr tbo hlrtbplM of bliakeapearw a sprue cnou.h structur sine lis 'retoratlou," with gabU I imrrb, AU hUIxabwllian wtudowlu lt hast story, andapoakrd dormer window nutjuttlng fmni tb slap pllehNl roof nbutvAll v lib a pretty ginleii at lb aide and Iwk It seem a lo.g tlm Ufor tb JjUkllu Ull tBnaWfrL rinally auoibcr Iteainlng old lady ap. rar and you follow br silently within. 'ibt r li very Utile to see; Inoominublcubl' thlnga to fwl. 1 ber nrolwu rooma Ulnw and two above. On of tba latter U n aoit of muwuni. aud you (ln.1 little InUreat here. In the other tb bard wan Iwru. Which fact thrill you moat lowrrfully that hei Cnt saw tb IIKbt of day tb great rvvcaltr of humanity to men, or that the ono Vrblt wall la blaelt with tin name of tb groat and tiilfchtJ nf nit lands aud clime who liar com and rtwrtmtr leftine) alKbauf t UUi toUalwMu Immortally niVMltill Ii i aa toouaih una l.aj for lb first Uka coin Into wondrous eommnnloa with (bem all, and It Is now tunr than vetr a dream, asru turn from tbvspot and hyanduy awnkeii to tboonaliutit' thttymjare but on of a lwrd of HUH ma, nud ar agnltt paaalng hcuMilitho portal of Holy Trinity CbtwaX Yet bow Ifrlla i for simply tho to look uponl-th luttlor of n iiwl atchureh of th TbiM-unih. mirteiitb and rifliPOlh oaoturi, criielf onu, wltb eeotral tower ami aplre, atvl alsUa to ibo na onlyt a u nr row eliaueel (Mllolng strnngvly to tb north, atieknt nkcu pvwa, w.tlioirloul laned Mferrotv h in ath, n went win lnw mpri-a-ntlug th twelv aotMilea and our I.ord' Uprtami A rimury Iwnutlful y liupnaed on tlm an ! balowt a north rhancc) window, th gilt if AmerlMiM, tlttiatmiing frwm ".Va Yon Uko It" tb $vn gm of Xo; a fw AtKlrrt wMIIa or prloata' scA1, an etttablatur of atone. In wbleh I art Uia pilntnl atnn' but of pUasoat fatwl man. with twirtil miutaebulaMMlaluihi, (adnteil beard, ami Uluw a gravi., with fourllneaof Inscriptive supplicAiiuii that tbodukt aifl bonm lanwaib sbtll twrcr uo dUlurhwl by morttl man This la all Yet eterydayof every ywir men and wnnwu In Inrrrnaiug immWra eom from tho aarth'a rmotat ttoumJe to stand bld tbi allrut but never vokwlrsa tomU 1 1m itty poaaea and the shadow lengt Mi auiontoa lime. ou sbrlnk irtonoi tier betieath protecting pillar, and a, still a In a dream, tb motley throng, from penaant to priuee, eomo aial go, torn aiwt Ku, a If tbaHreatwortl b.rt puthwl Ut strongMst. warmeatttiiot unMteHogpul satlon her, Tb cvealug deweods, mwl th last soft footfall baa rere4 1 Is worn stonethroahull and paxed Ilk. a wbUp mirth wltl strfwn llmoleav lyonL Tlrtaocleut vngtr dona hlahiat and J-wgle bis kays, tAkm m wraith ot your own dreaming eeir you mm swiftly to tlrtcban eel ami km el lu th ilarkeiilni;b church besld on krav for a moment alon at iiiAKsrgAbi.'a Toun, Oao lr a ssray rf a vU Uoem lttibtt o rr lur sai4 n wall, Tbf rv eame a vafnuit orlol Ta flood tb ravelof bla anal full la my optU'wluoua a4 rooou A trtk t,( ril. wltb vekeof Isle, Itblu my ratwitwat swua Mr own sweet iirtanaed slntioff.llrd- MvMtritNiU.hlrhtbMt4rsUrre4 Uft It achast aad uul. Tbs ram LI Clbt and eattltle, lloodtBit MmCs iUwb wltb Itaf. Thus , n thrill ao4 trlllsHrtlrrvd. Uk my pnnr prloot slnitaK'Urtl, I altar, ItWviUmb aJ stllL KtMUIt U WACLMiS. (Iroaondatot that CauKteU, icrtlug Mr. Thomas Haudly, Midi "My dour ttanJby, I ta gUd to sm yon, I'ray, It It yuuor jour brotherr" It HaaAHjunlard who reiuarktvl lojentouklr that au au tbor should always write hla own ln4c, let wlio will tvrtla tho book. Hilgewurth relate the story of An I English shop ktir who i'.I-I j retty well lu Iho dlroc tlon of the bull j)rcier, when, to recoia inmitl tho durability of totuo fabiio foi a lad; ' tlrt ho uiJ, "Madam, It will what forever and make joa u iUl(.oat aftwrwniil " Thlsleqclte ciiual tollia Irlhmati's roj-o which ho4 ouly on end, because lb other hod been cut a war. 'I I n1 i:M F. AUERBACH & BRO. j M trrcui nit roK this irtrx u ' Hjffl , Wlt-o TAIilC or tlao TOTtnff, 11 ncn 9ra1 Hoys' and Children's Clothing Dept. . H I Oirrra apl.ndld lieaty tulla at $I.W. $2 00, K.K, J2.73, ixi. v UM ...i "d Mpwarda. Hlyll.h Mrercnat, at M, SS10, $5 7S i $..$! DO, $.1.00 and upward.. Men OnderphlrU, arey CafH '"'' at) cent. and upwa l!oy.' Orey Undcnhlrta ' ,H , Great Cloak Salo. " VI U'o hiv. Imporlrd thl. yr a larger (lock of Clotkt than 'Hi h.n tvir b.for. bt.n ihown In IhUclljf. irBl I A Una lf Clilldrrli'a (t, an 4 In 14 at $l.0. Laillea HI Wlnt.r Jarki-ta with A.ttakhaii TrliunduK. at t2.m I.ll.' I'ur. riuihand tlenulnx lVnlan mnh Trimmed W I l'luli(JaatM.). l.allc-1 HatidHimo Trimmed Ulitera I 1,UflfI In lleari rand lUjonal, ln.(. I.mllp,' I) Itrtlen, I' 7,aBBf( aHtlal llargaln at tl.M. All H'ladM of Ijldle,' Hllk I V Jlatlni. WalMa at $i).oo and upward.. Our alylia ato rqual . H ' and our 1'ilr. lower than Iboto of tb. beil llntla.. huuiri r BBJ lutor Wett. awsr I VUMrinU Hcnr rf ltry Kb,i nSi-tdaUy, i Hfft Our ..ace dor. not iirmlt m.ntlonlti onu hundrodtb kA pattcf tho tarialiMwoliav. to utrrr. BBW F. AUERBACH & BRO. J M ii ii r moitx tr riirm mom that a nwt NiMEic sixrtf.cE: is ncn En than a slow siiillino. 0 . The Olil. Old hlnry. On Hi Minn iiiolit, rwantly, In two different if a rily, Iwu firmer, were robbl. nearly Imtrn tu daath and left on Ik. ,ld.walk for dead Uoth had Wmitlit n flaavaann loa.1 tf rudor in ninrkirf. Tli. fenlklnnn from th. rural dlrtrlrti wl.) eorau tc th. dty and riU robbed of all button, and nearly murdered Uuhly let. faralllil to new.iMper rawlra than tl e. Indlrld bjI who Ii bunkoed ur In who hluw. on tl jtm at a hot.l, perlnj th. t who tin Unui. on tlw kitrhni rim ltjtf.noii. af theM rainllbr ninili rrerdo any guol to t!x ik,ii win. d, dm to ae. Iww It la liluuclf. In ia. id , tbainral man tlw .lory la alnnyi tba m antntintlally. IU Mil. UN prod ' c, ntota the rnaney. and then pi ont to "Uk.a itrulL" It l n littli l I that Ida fancy for t place tu "Mr. II in alxayaluida 1dm londiitrict nu i rmidcnt or th. city wuttld tw oj t iut i t iinlc, h. vm lr.nnl. or Mooraianlhl uy j u p.,llr man mia-I llu.l left all lit. vain , Id., at Iwuia. lint th. irMloleMiunt i Indlrlduol 'Irr.lU" luto tlri noior i 1 IvkuUh irsion with bia pucaat mi ii inorwy, jutt aa If b. had inner r. J.I n In I.I. Ilf-did not know b i v tu rnul. In fact. II. lc ttraiu ri "trfMt" lilm. Tim I tnat. tr.uj'r. pnll. oat a "roll ot bill.." That 1. IW en.1 cf Hi. atory till iirn. illcnaau fln.1. hlui, bleeding, atrlnnlercn hl clothing aomrtiiEM, aal lri mucIcm on th. aldewalk Tlil, 1. tin old .teryi tivi luornl Ike rural IdiIItIJua) can 1 4c k out for Lira ulf. M. I .ml., dtotia forct, aru fonml In varloti. Iirt, of the world. In many oami they aro hardeiied by aomo t.ulfarlly of tltu nluiotphfre, nud urn found ttandlni; w.r. wlm clotlinl with ween foliniro thouiaitiil. of jenn ap). TliaIJttl.C.loradorlrerlnArl.ina.h. Iiiiik lii famuii. m a locality for .urh ' llnd), nt on. placo mora tiiaii 1,5'JO i roril. ot aolld tlono Irco trunks el tlona. llnibaand found byllio j Kuriiiu.nt.ur(cori. Mot of tlumj wera alhcinetl . many 7 to 10 fivt In db ' ainetor ami from JO to SO fm In licljiM aolOKlH y that tint itillled trw. ' d III. Little Colorado were one. cov ; ! rrl with mail ur.r 1.000 feet In deplh. Rum. of the trees liaio bun chan.1 I to Juper. anl Iut. rafiiineit arluuji title.; other. raeniU. il, ni,.l, when lirtAcn open, tlw cor. II often foil hi lined lilt ery.t&U of th. mnitUautl. ful tint.. bt. Ixiul. Ilrnubllo. Ik. ttall.r'. Arl"tr. Ilnngry OuhI (liiintkullj) Yon bav. forgotten atveral thlnj. Walter Vcrry aorry, aah, bot you know iff a good while linco I took our ordvr, aah. Ouod 2,ca, Till: OKY )1 M1M.IU.NH Iji',1 foir. my n.vcict Aswi tnir it how, SSJ 'j lout IT will- . too Utl SM - I tie. lrouU1 .or...i. .ui, UM... .ii.. .!.... ..-i a. t. BBM: IrlH a.r t.ta.ei'a ..I BBBV . kite .tvxkt al. fr. BVK i ikr.Kl... will.".. r.llr. ihil Bw.l U. l)lholJlirillw....e.rl.,lfm BBrnTa a errr .. aliaa .immi .. r.i,.ua i. la aatk a taanaar BBBTri thai I ... b..t errr Wa.a I .al BBBrJ ma la,.ie. BBBVr .In., a, la .at aa me flalara aaa hia. . BW latlilan.a .al In, viui a. i ina nilLU fclliVkr TrA. u 7r ! , lar 1 liaaiadlalelr eara J t aBBav.V kaaeM ailne taa tva. ll a.4 aa j aBHc .Mai, in a law da, I an haryr mt V aatHlu uia taellaat.awaa IailVcfl '" laarataaaa tfe. laa 10 au aOiel.e! 1 0 BBBT.' u a, TuiTin. I yiij aBH frerri.t"' ,h 'tanlal tut.t, I Jtihff BBBB Mala .a, LU. ifDr pmma NO MOllK UAOKAOIin Bs mtr a.14 Wtaloala al kalaU k aea.a, lkatr'ai lcuncs Catarrh LaawG lluenma(ltiii,Koornl(la,Cara. aaBaffJI HKOaCHI. aa. aLlpain. atBHI T.. O.Uf.r.t. ftittlT. aa4 I,attff . feBavS rr.KOTitic coann cunn .bbVbI cmr.coiDi.cionr, rm.nomoT aS OnANQC BLOSSOM, aBBWBW I.adle. rurTerlnic from aqyfacm aBHalai of I enial. Weaknraa will' flud'a. BatB rum iuio In "Orange" BBWiaa. 1'or full particular, lu. BaHavl (leueral A unit, HI Wa.t, Third BBBBBBJ Hoilth Hlnat. Halt l.aka CUT. BBBBBBJ M11ICK "l ntiirnT tin rx that tiir annuai, '.BBJ I intrtlua ff lha klpmlra tt Ifta .ail llBBBBB Late I lierary aa. .riaaiifle aiaaalatlaa, tl re. I BBSS. , ire titer, pin at the JiuirJer Dlrecior. aa. ! BBBJ 1 In Irani. ft anrti bu.l.. aaeiarrraV' I . bbWbL- errri'iaat.ali rait, wilt ta bal. atllialiarjia I 'BW IIiiim ealllAlalilv, na taa4ir,lb.lxibf I aBBV llttuWar Kl ta BX 1II1IL I). L.INMJV, rr'.UaaL fBBS J U Cla. ke.V dli tU . f BJB PIOICErt ML wmmwvL , I MILtl OS North Tempi. St., Eaal. 1 SW ' OrFICEl3ltSoutiTmpl.8t, J j , fBj BK,AJtTX53: j ! 1 '' IHch Patent, Caver's No. 1, Ml M, Onpetlluo Wholo Wheat Floor. : J I fl EI.HESTCnSUrBlCEPAIDfOBWflEJlT, V 1 l'Urt'1,11.1111. nlrar'.aeaar. ( d 91 hUXi UOUL'IS, I'ruprltlor , JH illiin.iaa.aliae.iia.iilllieiaiia ian..iaiai.iMiM w 11 r"" I .aniai.l.iaiiaiiiiTmni .mm rirn em ir.iiaiii... .ai..iiiiiaa..wmi..ii.aaM.i.iiaa.aiM.a.i..aiiin.a..wwaf iliaiin I iiiiliin n mil n I in .i.iwiawiia.ieawiiB...aiiaaaiaa..eaii..ia.iiiii f I rBmiBS .WIPR. K. tTHOMHSl;?! iu,Ai -rt-ji rMM-r.l,iM- iti i ibihi ! iii 111 ii iw uusiiiiasmi !" ""en an mi it l nan s line iisiaiii iiiliannnmBiiiaBWiia iirnsniTiTTrimaii alius swiwi awiMiii.wiiiis.aiiai irnsiisis naBiaWiiiMiswiBssjuiiieiji 1 H j"coME m M.'Mi'Mm, v mt:t as w&MnmGDss 2 j we are f AND OLOAKS. irri SIIjICS Deter- fl SEE nnni nuv Your Clonks until you havo Boori our Stork. Our DARCAINS 1$ W JJ About r.00 yartl? Inoy Silks In Stripes ami PjalUB.itt only 7Co., worth i S eaHH " ,Ji fh7r,uchout trio Territory. Wo nro iro ng to porpotunto this Hopu- ;, . 3 "".ao A Black Silk Dross within tho ronoh of all. Wo will contlnuo our ,,,:1 H i V YWefj it cm ?nSonCy ill 5 nU who ?ca l on us this wookuan oxtri EooU ltAltaUiv. j A R V. ii Salu In Blaok Bilks, which has ploasotl so many Laillos. that thoy havo tnkon 1TI neCl S i j Wltal US! Wo havo (iiu Oootla artU nro ablo to do It. i.liU advantaRO of It ilurlntt lust wook. Como to us for your WEODIrJa DflCSS. 0 I fkH t. -n m.i. aniinai.'" i.nai..i"i' k.M i'.i.i le" iilmawul ..ii n i..ii na anTkataMl J Bnaataiu g' .riawi.M ainn.aaawfi.wiiii.i..ili. . Trr-eTnMarbtmamJ iaia...iiiiBaa.iei wiaa VaWeHBBl f30T SPECIAL liSz ' PRICES. 32l 1 BV-,-- t -r.& .mmMMnrimnwMllLmnBCUrTrUiVtrTr''"'v" ,IIM""M"1" '"" ' " f"riiaiirwiiJa-.fcaUMiii.ii '"" "''"'..waiaiii i-nrni iriaM laTTiiiMim i .-,.,-n,, iniairTBBwnBl im 1 ' ltaJMlannBa lrmSTlb3Ft3S3eS GOODS. 8 l'ltirr.S C3rE5Ira7J3' mTJJEVNX&S3LTlSrGr I To tM M LiK-- u)rnly S&y, Please WdM your trade, SESSfe , !!f ; J H"1 H1 ,X,ov,! ,i ; .Jill pT?i,T:m"T""',Mla," NOTIONS IXnilVi'IOS - f r- V-jJ VaBFaaml ? PI wirTTBttaMM1vayyTTij1ieTlyTnr ' " Jaa"i'TMat.wrrBiawa !. mJSMMgaaaariiwiii i ma i, "fl rt i JHlaBeBBi Mj r. . K. THOMHSSj Hill 11 , ' l ilaBaBBBBB.