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HPtp- 1 ' diwekkt rvjiNTNO Mnvsi TiinDAT, yovr'M.Tmt is, ism. HM. I Valparaiso remit Ihe fnllosrlnt; ill. WM it ntlcli Itlsrsporteil to rmhtii num fiKlfiS'lr fti ofnumlwnof lb nrillln cob IHiS-Xll? ' rets'ehlcri dictator F.tuec recently- BUli 3laaolte.l, IBVp Wli IIAVr NitHIIIT AN ASYLUM laaKouIr' In dlirrer,tf.rels;n legations In ntode iHHCTS Janeiro Ureeuey-hatbecomealarrneJ HM ! t Ibe stale of airelra In llr.ll, and HS inured troern alone the frontier line HflSJ of that country. 1 auijuil In rtl,t n of a dlapelch from lluenoe Arret m which ttaleeon tharil(ht of NoTem. BfJ f lierOareroltwaeheeunlnlllodranJe H Ue Hal on I screed rapidly. At Iwt AH account! toe t;realer art of the HUla BBE , weeDM-niledhjrtlie rebels. U.nerela )fBBBJ FernandrtamlBantoAne are said to .lH ' 1-e al tb heal of the HeTotutlonlatt HKtfBa i and their rank, are repotted to I HajaaV . rrrelTlns; constant accessions The SBBJ if eirrliou at Vuiuarou, III' said, hu aBB joined Ihe liuurueiit.eni artillery liai J fSB n Veen pieced at the, lllliosel of the two wBE jf generals who are In rammand. The BBS jBBJJ re, ilictalor'eirovernor In 1U Urande Ue aH B lYs Hul, Castillo, deemed Uia reTult so WM ,t aerloua that be asked Ilia central H-IkB m" (OTernment lor reinforcement., 9rl fil renreeentlair hla poflllen e pre. IB, Hi ekV carious. In compliance I ooeca rv at once tent four nunlioale, three 91 ; an I two transport, loalod .JW with tro., lo the icene of the up. M rltlng, Tuetroopa will m lenrfed at KIH I the porta of ltlo (Irande ilo Bui, 1'elotaa K11 L end Ben Joao Del .Norte, at tbe mouth iH K oftae liar of Petet. nM :" Following upon the announcement NaflH) y of the garrison at Ylnguaron going m'"m' it over to the loMirganla comet word that It two other gerrlsotie also Juliet) Tim limn, rimcr-1 I In ltlo Grande ilo Hul While Iblt It taking place the reildenta of ltlo lie Janeiro eeem lo be kept In rfect 1 li(Dvrio pf these atlrrlng events, faiey believe .eerllilng It peaceful In tbereiobllc, and that tbe dlaointeot . f against otisr,a It not worth n tlolnr. I ) Tbelr Ignorance la owlejt to the fact I ' the government la tut preying all tele I arama that iliecrlbo tlie true tltuatlon of adaln In the Htale ol lllo Uranda do Hal. , The ohltfi of Hie rerolullijD aro atld 4 to be Vlacondo 1'elolai, lltron Jljuk ft anIOeneralt AilroillloanlKetararee, fan I; 11 Their object aeenit to be to lorm a uB . K national rlr In oppoaltlon tn the VA dictator. Tltla party It lo be mado up (8 ef Liberal! alii OonierTatlfee. The r3 prababllltlet are tbe aulhorlllet will I rl meet with rery lively timet In ltlo I jfK Urande do Hul. i'frtoua hllhena I t lioUlns otllce but now opKeeJ to :r Fontecaarelndertltuteclrcuautaficea. B l' THE SITUATION. f )4 NkwVouk, Jfor. 11. Tuiichlue the H n tltuatlon In Chile, the ttritr,i. f i taralw rtpreMDtatlTO aendt tlili; f .' There It conKlderalleraolnrM at rrea. K enl between the UiIMn authorlllea Q ( , and llrllUh Mlntnter Kennedy. II t ;) ' datea Irom Hunday, Nureialier I, All D Halnlt day, which waa mule the occ a BPL t tlonof a great drmonttratlon In honor l i Of thote who lort their Urea while In 12) 'i the it Mice of the Junta preeloutlo Wh JtJ , Ibedewofall el llalmaceda. A ireat H '1 tbronf edited the cemetery at Valpar. H M) alw to hear the flowery tribune on the V J Rrarra of the died neroet Amoni Immml . the eliltort waa lllnliter ICeanedy, who alas waa Intent on decorating pome gravel HU coach waa cauKhllu the Jam at tbe entrance loltiocomo lery. and ewlaK to tbe coachman's atubberneea a row emued, durlnK which ha found It adrliablo to leave hit teat and reek talety lu flight. Mlnliler Kennedy't coach waa atue What damaged by colliding with other vehlclea, whole occupanta Inalited on i Retting the right of way. Tblt uu. pleaaant Incident put Kennedy In an IndlKaaat frame of inlnd, and aver i tlnoa be hat evinced a tplrltof un V Irltndllneia toward the authoritlet - The oorreipondenlt of certalu Iu Q ropean newiipera aeem lent uiion I ! Uelog all In their power locriataa ( rn1runderitandln( between Chile and I I the Unite Htatea, and even boait that 1 , 'euch mollTii Itupire their artlclea. J I Tkey make no secret of their drilre to I i Inculpate MlnUler 1 gan In every In. J ' uendo that listartnlagalrut the United ' HtalM aud aay they will publlih eery. ! thing which In thelrolulon will give I ' the world the lm reeslou that the I American re reaectatlvea unduly sui 1 rteil llalmaceda. Copies of the i Jfcradloontalnlng the story of WIN ' Ham H. Uraoe's conneotleu with tba I shipment of anus to llalmaceda have ' j allattanlvixl here, and treated quite I I a ripple of eiclumcut In Chile ai i Lyre, the re reeenutlva of (J race k Co 'l Arm here, It a staunch lliltliber I and has figured throughout the late I war as the firm frleud ol the Junta Le lie hsa also made himself very promt. M nent ou account of uta dliaraglug re If rnarke against the American ole. U 11 f moil mi r. gBgf nli t Tko Jnela I'repareil le aiirreeilte lit 1'U) I ffl" ' Uunimn, ov. II. A dlilch front J Q at Hautlago this alterauon hrlugt lutein J M 1 gvnee that the Chlhan Junta is pre. L 8J i pared to surrender lit esecutlve au I Uf ii tbtrlly to the otwly organised Con. j If grtwa. On the meeting of Congri-et to. V V day, the JuaU addremU that body In ,1 n, a formal meuage It this llaett forth M the prlnclplea which had controlled It m j TB Ingovernlngthecounlrylntheateenca lit '. oflkereKulsrlyconktltutedauthorllles. i 7 It exlaloed the renent akluatlou of H f aCalra, aud aald that Inaamuch as Con J j Mj greet was now reared to aiauine tha tt ( F rtsponilblllty of affairs, Iha Juutn D) tyi i would resign to thla body the fuuclloua j 41 II had betu eserilsing. ! -fll The chief recommendation of the n I si f Junta was an urnent plea that rongrcsa 1 MUfl should at once Institute rnemurua look JB II, i lug to a thorough rrorgaulullon of Iha I Jf " , armyandnavy, gf i lLi Tha Henate organised ly electing kl1 9n ( J Henar Valdo Hllva at Its i rrsldaut. .11 ' V The Chamber of I)e utles electe.1 as Itfl i iresldlmr ofllcer Henor llarros I.uco f4 r Hvoors Hllva and l.uco, toieether with ll( II Admiral Jwrk Monti, the newly ijlil i elected 1'resldent Of Iha republic, were A' If tba men who constituted the famoua Jlj JunU of the Congreeslonallsbj. Ad IMuli mlral Montt, who waa nominate I a H ljr few dsj s ago by the J Iberata, the doin Mi luantarlylnChlle,as acaudllatelor f7i ill the presl lency, and whoie nomlnatlcn U Is equivalent to election, haabteu em. I! ill 0ered lo aisume all the duties of , , l chief eircutlve of tha lleplibllc, until ?f ' it' the muting of the electoral college, i 11, which will take ilaca alorlly, when li sill Admiral Moult will bo fcimally eleit. hW 4 ' 'fl Ijl The lleelleu llrenll In lew il I J Dl MoIMS, lOKB, Nov, II Tho i ' nl Sititi Ltgultruu cumlcta returns lo ir nUhtfnmi all Cvuntlet In the Htate It) l lletaal rote djr governor was H I :H, IU'i i .. he larteil vote ever tail In the Htate. Jri'W " Thehulol)emt;crallo ticket Is elect I I el Ililes' plurality for govirnor It 7m rnlt It the blkheet on tba ticket, s IP eao'it lley for rallrnal commlMloncr, m ,Jr whisoluralliylslO,17S. Irtti yi Miiwaukile, Not. ll.-llio first 1M( I 8 snow ol the sraiou lu Hjutheru a "A Ifl .outlnoaue today, !i gfaHgtaa'aaMSlgBgkstw JgaaaK ' Pll VYi:,V0J.Iv M)PLA THE ARDUOUS DAILY ROUTINE IS CATHOLIC COLLEGES. A ttMr-M ( MmAf J Tralalm Thl Word UmI frani tl rrU.lltnmt J ittm Uh Art !tt r-Ml "- mn 1 it tillltl Xtl I UIm rotl an 1 I rtiy-r. ht kin t or Altfe U It In rnr col Ifffpn? Well, I rttmioM It ( moth th-s Mme m Ihe life In cnUrsei which r not coillaaitlcL Of coanw. church taJf nU hT rony mora prayer to My, ud re cipcclml to iUtre the rnlM with moro fUelity thin othtr itu lcuU. Tliey riw earl In forriicn llt(f itt Sin fViuUr!). 0 lu uminer in m-irt Losliih collru at 0 U th yptr rwiiul Hfcjfu hoar li 11oit for ilrreelun aftor which kII no Jown In viltnc) to tb church, w htre mornloif. rnyrfi r mI 1, nn I int'liUUoi. ti hl 1 for ht n huor onfome Ppiritoul inbject Mrlltitlon tifollowrdliumrillatflXbr tho wlfbrn tlonof laiM, an 1 altogethrr abanit ad hour U nont rrtry moniinjf In vHrltunl rif-rclr, Thrn folluwt tn.l till break fjt limrf at H. Drrakfast cnnilata of a bowl of coflpe or tra, with 1 trm 1 and butler at Jlcr tlon In the home collm, whllo abroad c no ban a rhtsloa bvtween colfoe, lutllc and chocolate, but the bread innt be eaten dry h.i wondeiful what a tub fUtitlal mealoan W inrvUof cotTro Ar.d dry br 1 when thre N nothing elfn to lio ha 1 A fw minute for recreation areallowM after Irt-akfMt thn work got on till dinner Urn, broken onl 1 j half an hour a recreation At 1 1 o clock rLAU riKr. Dinner, which li eat'n at 1, U al way a Rocl, nUtautUl inetl auJ Ample Jn-tlce U done to It after tle rattier thin birakfait No itulr 1 at lonrd dtirinrf the hour at. I a half fol Jowlnifdt! nrr, MX who are well ruouith in tint join in the luUto iiiea, whku forthetnuotiuttaro ilytdwlUi great ilrit An 1 kernljr mjoynl At 0 oclotk thu ttudlea roinmenre attain, and clua an 1 lecture or repara Won for them, with half an hour twt at 0, po on until ? or lialf it, when thirty ininoUn are nivrn to iruer and the reading of the life of aviaeaatuL After th prayer all co to tho refixlory for tapper, which, like dinner, U eaten In fiance, broken only by therolooof the realer, who read alond aoniebio Kra, meat or hlitoricaJ work After iuppr there I r term t loo, anl at foreign cxjII'wi thl li always Uio farurtto hour of the diy, Anl ytry leaat It I to hear the freali yimnrf Ttilofa anl merry hearted Uotthler txho Juk nlontf the txtllrtfo clutiter. At 0 the big UU rlnc uutafnlnfor tho Utt time that day, and atlUflnt jral the talk and Uagh are htuhetl, the group Irmk up, all profeawr And tt.driU alike make tlulray to tho church t rtdat prayer. Prayer orer the i-uint for tho next morning mMltatlou are read out, and after the ilngltiic cf a hymn all retire to a well earned ret, whkli In tnoet cam U only too even dUturbed by tho noiiy cUnirlngf of Uio great brll lu the early luomlujf lux noiuc u hard. OC oourie, every day U not a itudy day. Sunday 1 alwayn, more or 1pm, a day of ruat, aud at leait ono afternucu every wevlc Uileroted to ouUlJor recre ation. let, Intplte of occaftloiial nlaydayi, a they amcallwl.anJ the hul I day twice A year, tbe llfo li hard enough. It muit hreMrUy goon for aotne dozen iar lxforo the etudrnt I called up fur ordi nation. Tin life of a Catholia J rirt U fnlrvl one to which many are called, bat few are choen A gaat number of thoM who go to college, At tho ao of fourteen or fifteen, with the lutiutlon of brcomlog rrlfiU, do not rvaoh the hoal of ordlnatioo lu ume cojci health break down, many grow wiaryof the routine anl ttrltt dlKlpllne of the life otlier dl rorer that they hare nocalllug fortlto t-olralaitlcal tate( and go vut Into the world to begin life afreah Bo, from onecatue or another, the itultnt llnd that by the time he U rraly furordl nation he hai hot tlie conjjwny of many whontoud bybi tldowhen he entered college Of lx who went to college aotno eermtoen year ago with the prcent wriUr, one 1 deal, one I practicing a a doctor lit tho United Butt, third li manager of a Unk In the north of 1 tig Unl, another ii aervlng a a mounted pcllcnnan In Buulh Africa, And only two aro prlcita. A Cathollo Trivet In Lon duu Tit Hit. ha AuluaiU In Ilia lUj I aria f Cf-i Nii unimal whaterer are founl In tbe drv (nut of cave. Dunpnewi, or a cer tm degrvo of moUturo, eem to bo oa eential to tlitlr exlitence, Unler the tone one (Ind whll, eyelear worm, an I tn thu damn toll aroun 1 about are to b discovered bllo 1 beetle In little hole which they excarato an 1 Imgi of the thoiuundleg sort Thera thouunlle t ug, which In the v per world derour fragiueut of dead lfive and othtr teg eUU-j debrii, nutaln life In the CJiTcmi by fevtllng njK)H decayed wood, fungus growth an 1 bnta dung Knenling In a beaten path erne can mini bent of them gathered about haMened drll of tallow from candh-. There aro plenty of cricket alo Va-hlnKtn Sur. Uur Il-llfUu. !- In ItUMla. M 'livaknl, a ftuwlsn writer, ha pab Uiheil an luteixttlng work ui-on the ouri out rellglou ocU of UumI. from which It apiar that there uro not lea than 13 OQO.Ou) follow en of tnaiit au 1 cranky notiou in tlwt entire Theae com munltlMof derout anl deliiM Chri ttatitt are corutantly ipringlug up In , ite of all the effort of ltiualan detut to lii) tluim down eit. lQuI Repnbllo. Uptowtthfnudecudo or lea tnorl fih were not contldered odlblo, but now few alt water 1UU command a I Igher I rice ThewonlfihteaVaredvlkijtu and bring from flUti. to twenty lire u-nti k i)iiul In the ntall market, tiwordllal, are found la ouatern water, from Block Winn 1 to tlie Canadian line lluudrod of men tUvote the ummer months to raiturlng them and tuh for olhor apotlee tho remaiudsr of tho ) ear INevr Vork rtWrum Iba UHsht kite Y.u.l itiiyi1.W,,r i,tvjii a foul of mo, air YoungbniWn I That will bo haudy for yon now myd r Wiclti do n)Uy thing to k -.p the baby amiued. I ixtvr ork LkIl Mr.. iAM, for II .u I nnii wllhy nr n n t At li 0 e writer I Y i I n (a in at hating ex a " it il Wa fomb j nt i ur g w. lor that 1 to a t th u iar" ii I wHhyonrtn ml 1 " ' if gxl 1 actnally i r n tnri nt An t better than - wng vrhi 1 are not first rate, I a lih r f hainl'fH riifl chicken, the .Hie th fi-li an 1 tlie dn'k, these am the f ur hero?.r the table &-A slag and Mr In nrat hate tHacharaettrlfltlo of their own They arv but tuurvtr in the house. 1 once dined with n frienl wlm gave u binla met In bowl like Ynl holllng each about four ounce of the lain ixiiM article Thther gueta ap 1 1 m lctl vlgoronikly 9 it 1 -roiled and sail I came hero to eat 1 1M twit, not to take delivery of It wholesala." Templo llnr Han U tequlra leralaa -f.baiUr- IVrhai one of the let way of Rtux tho word and ldl nni of n language In oneamlttd 1 to tesch them loanmelxHly ele The learner shotill try lo Impart to some member f 1 1 family what be bftAlrcdy mastered Heh-ml1 abnru all, seek com man 1 flnt of words lu fa miliar nte, lea-litrf to ft ller u.te of hi progrm the formiof llterarv txi rev i ni hi first buflneM I with thu i ui mon object ff dally life, hi Ut bun! news I w ttli general term. A be rill At hhdeakhn uoght to be able tn nam erery artkle alont him Junt a win n he I riding In the atreet car r on the rail wiy lie should bo Able to m nUily ro a I tbe equivalent for every deutl lu the moving tviuorama of obJetU, lXtjn llerahf. tmtal I.U., Tlie frosty narice of glass wtl h wo often tw when It U deelrable I" ktp out tho sun or for u iroti-ctionagtlmt InquUitive eye, 1 brought about by luing a paint co(npol at folio ti hugar of lead, well gnm! in oil, ar flMtl m other paint, then iHuudM wh I fresh with a wad if balling li Id U tween the thumb an I finger, after v. hl u It I Allowed to paritallydrv Then with a straight edge laid upou ihe uh yon mn along by the idle uf It with a stick harTted to the width of th Hue yon wish toappesr between the diamonds figure or rviusree Into which ymi chotM to lay It off Dettott Kit Pre, A Lllll llrla. Nearsighted Ioly Tho boy who li trying to tie that tin can to that poor dog stall ought to bu thrashed within an liHh of hi llfe-the honil little brute MaU It's your boy, mum. "lly boyr "es, mam ' Tell hlia If hell stop 111 give him some cuke," Oood es. ITrll.ita U ih rrf The bullfrog 1 n combination of pis ratorlal, venatorl-il an 1 a piatlo dt light rrom lil crslle to lit grave hotaau nrnameut anl an hotiur to tho Imd. Tht re U fine sport In the humltig of him anl the outing of him, and it Ulwtli i-ollcy and Juittlceto irotect him from the onslaughts of ri al and foreign bull frogs. iMUisrllle Courier-JouniiiL A rnii thiia My ol Jeit boy, w ho has not yet rrAche.1 the mature age of three, has 1 think, a pottlo way of exj retting him-wlf. Thus tho other day, on noticing the rlpUa on tho lake In Central park, caasol by the wind, heexcjalmed "Mnmm look see how the water is laaghlug h New ork Cvr, iJibyhood C llh aatt aper la la rrem 4toa Tfaa. Thu par tmo of the bout It tea is a spn le of the innlberry Its inner burst Is sodtftloAtelhat A soft anl lleaaant feeling cloth U made from It, which tho n it Ives uio In making their best suits," It Is alio use l lu tho mamtfaUureof a very flue iradevf paper XhiUdelj hU Tlmea. In the ab)ftei of the oevnus, 1 flow 500 fathoms, many animals Im.e either Itu rxrfect cyee or Dune, rhelr cutidltlon In this hgard affords a suggest!. e pur alM to that of 1 4YO life, and llm tauet are , roliaUy the aiue, Hrlerice Is of the 01 Ildun that U deep iwi llfo orl.iually tmf.Tated from tho shallous. AwrlUron social affairs In Iceland says there I not a single prison on tho UUud, that such thing as l.)ek,bolt anl bar are unknown, an 1 that there are uelther watchman nor policemen In tho line nf eattng the Mauchns who have rule! tn China Mnce II cun quest I yth.iii some SV ycfirs ago, uro strongest lu baited meats. IubUiIuvmi excel lu SvUlu. Oil French forts are lilngsolt very cheap A I rench artl.t lias bought the Tort da Uuescliu f r about 41 100. They go from a few hundred to 1)1J0. QfttARRh Ii a spsiurbUsns) tnj ( a local dliesie sni Ucmrs It cans it u euied by local SppJeitlm I require, a enn.tltuHoma) rmdy Ilka IIo1 Sift A, Mil 4, fuh, workiot tttrenKb the bU-rt eretlieate t Impurity wtlch eauies anl rroimtss Us tlJMia and ScU a Hrtuanrst cure Th'Uiamli of ,ri tnury it ltt iuom e( llootit rUmpsrtJl si a rnnatiy ht cibrrb when uiher rr)iuUon4 L4 1.M sd. HtnnViM'p Keeling. I will My I hsv been trout Ip t for ist era) year with Uist terribly tmurmM dltew cstanh I txtk lloo4 birup. till with lb very beit rtiuils It eured rn ef tl st conUituat dropplns la my tUroat, snd tu!t4 up frrlinz It ha Ho tt1p4 my mother who bs taken it for run down atata of tivattl, sml kldi cy Uiul . Has V 1 Usstu fytnam, ujnn Sarsaparilla toM Sj illtivriuu. II ,u r,J, frrilrel kro.i iioontro9A.u. .m., uii uui IOO Pnnoa Ono Dollar elt.TmirorTllt lUNIIXUHTAUa Tlielllsiory of the llanuock Uuie, eiui)llei ly Andrew Juusop.aiKl lata, ly il IUIiM u Uio DnilltT U I.KKI.V, lite now beeu Itbueil lu inimi litcC furin, antlrartnow bs had at thu DkaKiut Iii.vriloIllcaat3ceDtaier(xiy, Jit Dli. LESLIE'S QPEC1AL W 0 PRESCRIPTIOlt IS THE ONLY KNOVVM HEMCDV INTHE wonio THAT WIIL ABSOLUTELY CURE SICK llBABACnB! riatl'KiMai's Till) A cuwtioim, CVien(lolr.e. J lilir M JlHltl ieMnel. saars ituii,cL(Jsa lnh ml UaeU-Yeur. el itt Ilia rrriliriL I Itlll b. U4 lo till.! yit Is reiHillfIS..tsor I UHMs lie. Ill Irorflrlo. I eeMI M ektl I ke eol nl jea la Ike . iietf f islt e. kte s e aw.r, mti.ii hi IM la eomelilsr "' after a I Irtliee fl kxdlrh. a. I ihilfisaiT oiilltr eieeM inonHMsiUerln "JiltHer lw ; etlfciaiLr. T e retrtlr toTietaiw mm, mi to Ut suirteilir et yuar ttenl r,...r,,m,a. ''""Vai TUD rlreai lenlb BOLD 11V Al.Ii TmUOfJIBTd Itip KiiiiJi tt, lartauaCu. W2 DswnWIIhHjSPncet. JawWTbllSEWIKSMACKIIIE S tJjiXAW eerwi,l,iMM SX caieasiQaxsce.?uM Thomson SbTaylor Spies 0g.9 laipoi lers aat Msaafaeisrers ef u FINEST SPICES pUflVORING HXTRRCTS Kiotrn to Tfl riM m:r ouosh lyi:. Mlclilgnn Avonio, Cor, Lako OIIIOA&0. ?SiarJorseMils PollfthotJ or Dluaci. HsfiUs sAidVyZ.0 M LNrever II years. Tlr are tss riesi llt liarfe, asdiuaraaUedUiltt the but I SI aaUtftcUa Will tve.d a Ala sa i laiiiksa saretasr UNION HORSeThaIL CO,, OllKMIO. 1U. D3T sua sua er s o. u u ssd aassca iioats " Pi 88 it muHrStjs PHHAGH RUMHMDHR lkltws itlUOtrrya OoBjelitt Llat el . Disstons Celebrated Saws, CesaUltagla rsrlst Crct Cut, Drag Oh Mm tymgkt, AIM, Hand J r. lnl, Ittton JYuntHf, Vompft, Jivtehtr, (Jtos. AeyAofe, Ite, alio Clrcular.botbSolld&Chlsftl PolalTcolb And "TRIUMPH." for rill at Tim Willi, 1.4 sis talllsi SI low i ii mien hiax trim Alia a rail 8tek er IkiU ninownirl HASPS A FILES always ta kit. S3. O. P.I. I. GUNPOWDER, IH Mn a ,!.! irt nee ,l, itor 44 Un mU eirs W eew Ii4li4 em iiaxani, n "a.oiotiy iiu WArauiia"iri. iux,- IIA IHI, N Jeck Skootlftf II txaillilt MMlBlessdUla,Ula" IIAXAUU H krand lbs eteiliallakls ,a Ik. M.IS.L HiNCSiCTCBKn ST i THE DiZtRD POWDER COBPABY, Haiardvllle Ton . ,Vj.'""l""tt"ll''Palna&LyiiB HOGAH, EVANS HO, IJiIteJ, feutrtiar ! Itauat . MtfrraCTCasas at Annealoil CLIMAX Chimneys fcnnii tn alar Olotaa and naaoralors ol Tlisaa Shadaa. Miss Tahi fitU Oil, S3tl ill filti.Ul lUirtt IX1TUUVOf -w. 4. If HBIIIT f B PS0I GEO. DUNCRN 4 SONS Maavf.clui.ri ct rina Crystal ami Colored GlAJt Tablo War., Dar Goodt, Jara, Lampa, Etc 10H. Ntrrtt, H.I. riiTMiuna, VI. for ills by Z. 0. M I. as. d.llsra literally " HOLD MUiJAUI'AIB 1078 W.JIVIiHtMO.'S Breakfast Cocoa fwn frutuallehthf siMorl jRvS KoChunivulH fill 1 1 Utl hiurb Attv'v l " Huvar Nil I D 1 1 UUeCi( - f 41 (AlIM "' t taTkb, an aJnlraLly a UPUJ fir luvallJa a 111 uli tr"iia In heal () tal4 kr OrMtrt aivriaMra W BAKUIl&CO.Doi-choiter.lIaic. Two Gar Loads of; HOLIDAY GOODS Just Received by UTAH BOOK AND STATIONERY CO., 72 Main St.,- and will be OPENED Soon. The Finest Line and Lowest Prices ever seen in Utah. DUNCAN M. MCALLISTER, MANAQCn. reCl tiSw&i? "" Ia1TVtt 1 ? alia t It I Ur.nrk.tore. .' " a.eel. Ur . I II ... ""SrrXiib'jIii'Sl ",rrViTtTll : 9Si WHY IS THe VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CrrltmiEN TViDC3TaHOCmihElS0FL3l0UHUMT? litaawawtsKiki - withauiavh r ifre! 14 hart la I H irala vl I - itwl fia kt j iHh pm4rlkiiiH .cisMtssan -str ttMiLtUleVivi ) w.4 Mtititj f n Mvu ss.-Sk'i'riWaritw rsftStfttsU gy WiV.w-;r.'i v, &?iJ. '& r.r. Pt) lab HstMtxrtablaaaildHrabki. 1ImImI Wms fit ttp-rfil al M ! im aiatlaaaeiaa C3 wtl I'M r( .ii iiftllw'artbrisi ba eJf( j eatiUesS sjMtettlh I -lJ tr f ttU bWs r IllH CiiTJrafcT'TrVrrJhr-aw Jabs IM m tl Mill r-wiUtaM Uea j 5jo,"jiaaJ,Vi lio' Ul'lu'iaVie. . tw &A an . ry MnM a hI drtU lU N I wrniiseaiillii I wraritMlswrinaath aUUTU ar.Tnlrfitti t t itlaalMll mlh.Tr r . pltr letf a HttMl Wt w LnrilP! kwt. M"eatiai?JI "UUIwa ItataataU tt Miiishif laaUrmiaa In p.1t-lM,.lif,T.J(4Jll i tl rarflra ti Oil ,4 St 11 thna tn i:iMsrllMU4n siLt tttvU.NC.1 kaalalual'K aailaa -e-.l tj lm ..' aam ail J I USa.Z.AKataAa.UaM JEROUE 1IIRSCHH4N, 1(0 S. Hsla St wrtllw National Folding Bed, xskcracrrssn tub m (.(i k mi lEMioitr i L'UMruni: to -tlll(.4i- i usee vikiari so am at S. R. MARKS & CO'S, Oioall leiupla SILT L1KU11RSERY. nanvo riE"pe ot.B rmrmro el ,k. Ult. N. .irt, I . ... irJ V.rel le rttraiak rruK.hliede en. Urpe. m.Mlel I re and attriae., cl ke.1 a.all sat al lew.., prlt... Nura.rr ea. mJa aeatk el city tlnlla ea llilillwl. ail muna vuiiLaioruttiuci, MttitlllllBD, IISI Plonoor Ondonatflrol Utah. MnvfAttlttr m4 tMtltt la an IMi f . (if, rTifs. anaf CMS Crtn4 001T1NH AMI OASK1.TH. U1 LlltV f NlH ItatMl.hlUI atert eautlautl Umttt Alepksas Tslf r ask Order lYsnpUr Ulsd. tsW.l FftuntJ ft W yowrai CtmHtaa, h'ii WU ur tlei ft OI'MW WAY a NIOU r. Factory and Warerooms n'ilu'lv Oss sstts Halt lltbsla Kait ct ThsUis. '4hLKriIJM , to. Jos. William Taylor, fMU 4 ttvilHta . DUDERTAKElt AND EUBAL9ER. I Carry Iks Lar.aal aat Uoat OeKyWts lleel tl C0PFINS.CASKETS And Underlakers' Good! In Utah, , srkelM.X Ullll el lmi nit IHJr.4 rnta i.r laa .r. nn f.rti l d. LOTS AUD CRAYES.'S.''i.iS.Y all Orn.ri riliej lwr r iibi it tb. lain .11 luallbls Tib. , orrica aau w.tiauHi earsa otoian II AND 33 WIST TCMTLE StntST, Ml CllU l.l.pksss Hi. H. DIHWOODEY FURH.BO, rUENITUHE, CAIIPETS, g w WALLPAPEE, g HEPEiaEEATOES, w w BABY CAEHIAaES, 20 HUGS, 2 h h 8 LINOLEUM', S g ? OTOTAHSTS, S 3 DRAPERiIES. CDOOE MATS. VSSSwT li Vii," X f .",2ifi"'ls:' CS Sco Our Ulainmoth Show "Windows, H. DIlliTFOfilCO, BflTOJi&GO PUCASC NOTE. WE HAVE REMOVED DACK TO OUR OLD 8TAND, o43 and 45 MAIN STREET. Wo Invito our Frlonda and Patrons to call and Inspect our Stool.- ; ClotHng, Hats and Gents' Furnishings ALL, NEW 81NCE THE FII7E. BfiTO & GO 43 and 45 MAIN STREET. r )Sfe st3 fr I JSRl m f H JENNINGS BLOCK, 23 W. FIRST SOUTH, M III ahoej el Hielr ew alete. I III. en I explrle I lee ef a UK! Tills, ! ii-uouTlui, Ar Lomar I'ltuca. ajsaj-oiu. al " t" P1B H 0k. DP- WIlllaMS' INDIAN PILG OINTMENT Hl W S nWcnrol!UJ, Ulllin and Iteklsir Hlea. HelorM tta S M M SK1",r.,;al".?1" M H loaUnt relief lrerejealy (grilles etc! IKUarel ', lU I P Wl rrlaWuia. Lvsry Iwx Is Wranle.1, JuilotB,ol Hi I BMtsims,k.Y,.ajl -Ur WllllainaPln l'a1rlrtl M L.ILI1 laofileumlluounerjeao auri.rlnF"r3uWM2rnjlt SB SH t seutliytuaUoiireoultulprlea. WcuUuilllwi" wa 1 Oil 111 ..V. M I. UIILH1 lll.l'I.