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H H p IHLd ' - K.- t . s ,a 4 deseuet i:vj:yiMO Mr,w8i 'humisimt, rj. ihhi. WhfM! " DKSERET EYENIHG NEWS, B) I - rriutfii tir - net mi & , t nrti rwct. EjT ' ' f lOTttB tVaLDrVU ftf Rgftt, THE DESERET NEWS CO. HHHPd 5L ' ramiijDi w. rrrnoai, ihitoh. BnH Jthnf), amtenltief H. Il HfXH AMIIIHI MOUWriT. H& Tun movement for the minion of B rW tbe Hill Lake City chatter It to Lo 9x( f commended. There have been o many jj i nddillowrlo Ihe othtlnal Instrument Li W i that It la difficult for lawye re, let alone E 'IK ' laymen, to determine whet rovl.lon fK If havencenaupercedrd ami what remain ffi j, ' In force. A uw charter ahould bepre- 1 ' jj trd, pmtoJyliiit nit the t?cntlt I ro- . I visions Milling, chatty dellnlniC tho H;f i IfteV iiweraJiddullfofall Ilia til offl. '.'4 J'- cll, mil fnlitKlnij municipal author- j It o meet growlo publlo require- f menui, And then the old cbrter with EH Itanumerou amendment should La H V' repealed. SE '" Tlila vrotk, It ma be argued, prop- HPfllN fit lielon( to tlia Legislature, end K1 I ou'lt to ho '''" for "'' Ud)' "'"" " KJ ! uuerable. Hut there t too much left i- " to tho raombet to originate anJ for- mulate after the Assembly If organ lied. A bill Ilka that which If needed In the present rue, require lornf deliberation an 1 ureal care In lit t reparation. It ought not lo be en dangered b the haale which uauall .,, Kt attends tho deliberation ot our Teril- V' 'i torlal Lailalature. livery point ihould Ba fj baacanued, and lh bearlogt of each HP l part oftha charter lo Ihe other should Hi' 1, well welthcd,so that there may he no V-? j contradiction anil no doubtful Ueflnl. n ill tlona. If ronipetentcomrnlUeete- Hfj J part such a bill, and tlio LegWIatun r? then glta It n thorough eiamlnatlon if ia both llouica be foia paMlng It, ma It anonably ho for audi met surest will mtt tha demand! of tha time, and the rnbablo rrjuliemanta aea iii of acouleof decedeaat least. R !', The ceiuttlltUea appnl"1"' n 11'" i&- pott of tha Chamber of Commerce md ) of tha City Council ahould loae no !j time In nrganlilug forthawoik anl Yi difldlngltupto that U mabathor- tg oughly dona In detail. .. j'l It would bo i good thlug If other Bl jly mminM neceinary to tia paneJ wtia HHw lt piflretl befoie the meeting of the ER IK Iglalatureliid lubmltled lo the el- Blj j u imlnatlonofroinpiteut ierwnt. The Hj I. fit crudeiifM rxhtbltiKlluaoiuaotthalawf Rj 'ijj Mnl I ofldeuca of tlia hut with IHH A" which they wcra formulated anil rmll- H j'l) roaded through Ilia Aaiembly. And p tha OoTcrnor la generally ao irowdeil Jjl with bill, toward tha end of Ilia atutoll j that though aided by any number of attorney lie li liable to orerlook In- accuracUa that ahould ba corrected. '.. I Wa hopa it thoroughly good and j competent city charter will ba pre- k J pared by thevomralttetapMlntrd,and jj ,' I thai It will rtielfa tha fatorabloaclloti ilJL, ofthalglililuraanlthe KicouUtv. t I A SKIMIICIM (i.tiiiiiinn. M ' r I That wat i algnlflciut meeting of H ' pg j worklngmen, held hut avenlug, In the M M 1 l'ederal Coutt room. Itwai a aklrm Bt UMj Uh gathering of the approaching cam 1 I algn for tha munlclfial election neat B fr Kibtuaty. It waai atrong Indication H , ; thai the cnntlctlon tint the Literal" H ' n f t iart liu been ilacod In tha talance H .vr i of publlo oi Inlon and found wanting H sL Hi ' cannot be eridlcited. Thla aentlmfiit B fwfty exUta among all of the com B w munlty, and I loo deap-rooted lo be 1 tidQ lornoutbyfaturefalkOreteu.e. H Mil jj ConflJvncaln pronilao mad by tha m JH 1. jarty whusacaudldatra have tun Ilia LH IRE Ls city goTeiumvntainca I ebruary, IhW, alai ! I Pri If '" 1 r,cllc'"'' " eilitcnra. On thla LH I lili IT ! 1"'1"' "" 'I'1"" ,ut nlK-' LhHI ByH f ' meeting were unqualifiedly em l '' ' l""t'' Their ttatement can- BH Hmt 1 "ot '" """"'""J' 'efuted. Their HI Brl nraettlon ra amply tuatalntd ly H fl m p tha resold nuJa by tha "Mleral" ad- H IE M inlnl.tratloii of lifunlcll alUIra, BHl - 3 Pi 6 whoae employment of non-rnldent Hal I fl 3 I contractor and workmen hat been uo- I " J 'fi I torloua. ! 5 A point era mad hat night of tha il'f i fact that pttltloni requiring that Ball f ' Iaka people thould ba preferred In the i t eiuploynient of workmen on ubio 1 ' bullJInga, eto , had been treated with ii, t contempt. Jil Tha aania aplrlt that piompled thla j t action toward audi rcaaouable reiuet B j J I ( la now exhibited lowarl Ilia working H Hi ' """ '' "' "Iilbaral" oigau. In- H I 4) ' 1 ' ''""- ' BliloK fall and candid PH J j t leporl of laat nlglit'a meeting, that H Ijftl Journal hold the protredlng,and con- H. i ' k ftquently thomi who ptrtlolpat- m 1 t H 1 ad In them, up lo publlo tldl- M I'll'l cu' -u account It not entitled B P ! to l dealguttrd l rrolt, n II II . ''(I . la limply a clumay dlatortlon of facta t'i; Jumhlad together with faint (clntllla- UJM1 tlona of illeged wit. Thu tho "Mb. PJil, eral" Journall.tlo oracle continue! tho Sj 'II contemptuoiiittfatmentofworkliiiiuien i ti which baicharacterlieJ the admlnle- I (!' Iratlonof muulilpal allklr under It W 1 inrty. ft il Thwe who dealro to know what ft JU really took pine at laat nlghfa maa ft fill meeting can obtain the dealrcd Infor- f jlj' imthn from thla li.ue oftha Dunirr P . II Nfcwa. It lerifrehlngtooltrothat H & J , the worklutmen of Halt I.aka are H 1 1 l. i awake to tha fact that they have J-tt t?j if? iiithing to eict from a "Liberal" HI '! I (l ' admlnlatiallon of municipal bualnew alai 'fiU Ti ""-W .!" u "g'le-l with promlae . Ml Ji til which there I no Intention to fulfil 1 rlfl'l ll and to bare their rraaouabla reiiUMt IH Mil l) I Heated with ooliUui U ai l),!! AlOiniftl. 111)1111. Ak I? .Il M,- -IKXHY WATTMI90-I of IbO B lf !;'( J tburlcr Journal oflera the following H M 'I ttttliuony on tho recent election. HHHimll ! ' 1UJ lh .Uouioctulo caudldato for Hnllr vL "JBk fine rnir inlonailellTereltli apw hi onllT"rwhi h unile-l the iliym laa aachiiaetta, b oold not have on "111 tho lifjioeraUe randldata lor floTfrnor In laaatchuaeH dealt with ellTcr a It wa dealt with In Iowa he would hare tef n defeated ' Tbatlinlflcancaof thla la not what It afema to boupon Iha Aral thought. Itaeeinato that Mr. Hole otlowa ha been atuin ng tha eo la of hi Dial with tha doctrine of free illeer coinage nd calling It Democratic becauta tia knew tha majority of the roler of Iha Mala wera free tllferlte, anl that Mr. Iluifell haa lien priachlnglha opolte IJea ml call ing ll Democratic becauae ha knew Ilia majority of Iha votcra of Maaaa chuaetla wera goldllea. Huch an In lerprelatlon would Imply monrlroua condition of Ignorance In Iowa and Maaaachuaetta which 1 hardly prob able. Tha true Interpretation we believe la IhataoTernorltu-aellwa re-elected by Iha ca la ef Maaaachuaetta not tirciuaa ha waa a faithful paitltan on Ilia allrer queatlon, but becauae he had given them attyleof government that they liked and hla aorl of pollllca waa lu the main a lap led to the Interealaof Maaaa-chuactU- rhlalteiactly the caae with Ml. Hole of Iowa. Ungate the peoplo of that Htala a klnl of government which atllled them, and they te-elrcted him ontheatrrngtliof hi record. Ha nodoublgaie way to Iha temttallon oftha hour and tickle I lilt heaiera more or leu with theorlea on illver coinage, which ha knew they would a plan I. Hut It la not probable that an utter alienee on National lltlc woiil I lure changed Iha complexion of I alngla vote In htf caae. I loth tl.o lie mocrataand lttlubllcna are counting on theae two Hlateafir the l'realdenllal alectlin In 1892. The lie I iibllcan claim Iowa becauae It ha been the habit of that Btate to give It electoral voto to tho llepubllcau candi date In national eloctlout. The Demo crat claim the Htata becauae II ha elected Draiocrallo governor, which tha vaal hai proven to be far more thau a mere theory. In Maatachuaella Iha Itepuhllcana, while not electing their candidate, have realised a heavy gain In their vote, an I thlt It why Ihey claim Ilia HtateforlSO.'. riieuaanfMaaanchliaelU la tha worat oua aalble for polltlclana to gamble on. Tho controlling element In Maaaachuaetta Juatnow la reform of corruitlon. They no doubt elected Oovernor Ruaeell upon that bail, and If the Itepubllcan candidate fur Presi dent can pirauaje llivni that ha will fecura to the government tho punr Imlnlatratlon he will get their votea lrrrctlve of lilvlw on the allrer queatlon, Thla cannot be afely laaerted of any other of the aeven doubtful Htatv. Hut Ihecoiintry la drifting In that direction. Tha liiacllon cf candldateaou line of honealy and capability udlatlnirutilieil from service that I iuiely paitlaan la lglnnlng with the municipal and Htata election. It I lo be hoped that aonie day every Htate In the Union will be at lelo pledge I la vote to thu governororlhe l'rceldent that will give to II the moat honorable and economic almlolatratlon of Ilia affair with which these ofllcr aia concctncd. Wa shall then have a piowi wic)le'a government. Tilt: lAitsititv .M.niNCi: ix I'onnii. Of Tueeday, Nor, 3rd laat, election were held lu twelve dlllerent Htalr of thla Union. In five of thorn Htati govern ra weie choaan. New loik, Maachuett, Iowa and Maryland elflted Dcmocratlo chief maglatrates, wlille Ohio elected a Itepubllcan. In Maryland Iha rvault waa a foregone couchialon. In Massachusetts, though a Democratlo governor wa electcd,yet Ihercnialudii of the ticket wa de feated. In Ohio the victory for I(eHib llrana lalgnlflcant una. In Iowa the victory la atlll moru ao for the Democrata. . That Htate come within the realm of doubtful for 1502. Holes, the re elected governor, I a natlvoofKew York, who atllled lu Iowa lu 1817. Ha lnow Olyaar of aire, and n veiy popular and well known publlo man In the West, In fS'ew York the only remarkable feature of tha ilntlou waa tha fact that tha kucctaaful man dcvelojed moat atrength where It wa not at. peeled, anl fell off where liaat expected. In Kansas Democrat and Ilrpubllrana formed a sort of coalition In order to defeat Alliance men. rjoroethloi; of the lama Mud took place In KtbrasLa. In IlllnoU the KepubUcaue tevmud to have tha beat or Ihu lUht. Taking a general view of tho situa tion, the first thing that strikes tha ob server Is the absence of Influence on the (art of Ilia rarmert' Alllanco In those electlona. Ouly one year ago Ihl party controlled the pollthal dratlnlra of aeveral of the moat Imjurl autHtatin. It rtllred to rlvato Ufa at least two Unite I Htate Henators, Ilauiton an'l Ingall It u the mean of electing luJInctly two or more Henator. It sent tight or nine representative to the ('oujriu meet next nnntli In Washington; and In llieclly It helped to tend from flftiento twenty other arllnlly com. milted to Us rluclphs Us member ahlp, taking coguate orgauliatlouj, tmbraccd, It Is estlmattid, 3,010,000. In one abort year, thla onie ronilslug Ijarlhaaao fallen nwiiy that at the la.', elirllun IU ellecta were tcanely lerceftlble. It can nut le denied that the inten tlona of the promotura of thla party w. te huiiett I'llmtrlly they tiled lo achlere fn the 'aiming claase In depeuJencpof apeculatlra and mtnu facturlug Inttreata, A on. of their platfurma put It, they aloud also al Iha 'education of the agtloultutal claase In the solcnco of economical government In a strictly non-rartlsan l lilt The worked for the develop ment of "a letter ttalo mentally, morally, aiclally and financially" for farmers. They went even further and declared fur "entire harmony and good will among mankln I and brother ly love among ouraelvee." A arty baaed on such I lank a these ileaetved better utcs but un fortunately 11 did not adhere to lie oilflnal deslpns. It demented the abolition of Itallonal lank., the establishment of Htate aub-lreasurlw, ani government control of rallroals, trlegiaphs, and all methods of publlo communication and tianspoitatlon. Among Its piloe Iplcs, however, wero wo vital lisuee. These wele the flee and unlimited coinage of sliver arid the abolition of protectlou legislation for iny Industry at the expeme of another. For them there wai no special necessity, In the Alllanco latfurm, becaute loth are live laauea between the oil political par Ilea. The ubtreaaury scheme waa per haps one of the most visionary and im practicable that any political organlat lion ba promulgated. It contemplated Iha lending of nnney by the Hlato direct to tho ile at a low late of Intereit, on non-perishable farm pro duct lo be stored In government ware liouaa. Thla alone by reason of It Irrationality and would deatroy any parly In the eyea ol aerial ble men. The rtsu and fall of the l'armers' Alliance, however, etlbr J a very In structive study to political scholars. Though It I not likely lo flguro a a fac.orlu politic any longer, yet oa I tallats, Induatrlallata anl ttateamrn ahculj remember that to a certain ex tent there were ground for many of the farmer' grievance, and tht mauof them wero alia produced by unwlaa Irglalatlon. mi: asTitti.nv mi nir. Titr Australian ballot la tpoken of aa something new discovered or Invented by the present generation. The fact la, the system I very old, so otd that It run luck to rlmltlve times. Of couiBewheroibaolutoiuonarchlie prevailed there was no need of a I al lot. Among the ancient Jea a, who In a meaauro were a self governed pen; le, at least before tho king period, a sys tem of casting Iota was observed lu the selection of iwrsoni for ofllce oriu thorlty. It Is true that even In this scheme It was lelleved that Hod would send the right lot to the right man. Anyhow, Ills lo Ihl primitive aouice that historian trace tho first Idia of a secret ballot, A ballot system ( revelled among the ancient (Ireeks. Originally a peb ble or small atone wa used. A whole one nuant an airirniallve, and a iiforaled bble a negative. Later on the ebb!e gave way tunnotilclal form roado ol broute and stem)!. There wera different methods oUtrvcd for the election of the varlouaolllcers. Kor some 11 was merely a show of hands, for others by lot, and still for others white and black btana were used. This latter system led to Ilia habit of calling huugry olllceeeeVers beau eaters. What wa known a oatrscl.m among the (Ireek wa carried out I a strictly I rlvate ballot. When a Itader made hlmaelf fto obnoxlou that neither I arty could tolerate him, a vote of exile wa ordered. Kach rson wrote the name ou a lece of shell and put It secrttllnua box. If a majority of the vole thus cast called au official to leave the country, lie muatdoso and remain away ten yiars. It waian tasy method ol getting rll of dema gogues, but unfortunately phllosoj her wrruthu sent away by the tricks of jiolltlclana. Arlatldr the Juat wo thua banlthed and he even, wiotehla own name on a ahell for an Illiterate lron, because the poltlclana ralsul the cry of exile for him. II was audi rate of Injustice u Ihl which finally led to the abolition of the cuatom. What la known a the Australian ballot among u waa Introduced Into Home two centuries before Christ. Kach voter received a wooden shingle covered with wax. On this were writ ten the name of all the tandldatea. The voter then made a hole In the wax In front of thename he wished elected lo ofllce, then placed hla tablet In the ballot box. Hut with the fall of the re. 1 ubllo passed away the necessity for a ballot system. During the middle agea Hie ballot was used In many of the Italian rrj ub ilc,and in other governing bodice In vnrloui countries. It was In those daya that the system of lectlng the l'opo waa adojted, Phi embrace a very rfect ballot a far a secrecy I con cerned, Hut It la entirely too corn( II cattd and technical for )0) i.Iar bodies, In tlectlng a Doge of Venice, perhaps, thu moat chlorate eyslim of voting eer adopted wo In vogue. The politician made himself ao pou nl In Venice that ull sorts of schemes were tried la bailie hla trickery. The plan nlo ted at lest was en complicated and so full of nonaenclcal ditall that ll pmhably hastened Mm tell or the little reiiblle. The Hungarian a cvntur) ago voted with sticks elx feif long, I ncli voter w given n slick which ho laced In a compartment that Urn the l me of hi favorite landldate. l'lie Uigeuosa or the slick wa adhered Ui, n-iaus small one cuuld be com ulal, uu thu the s'ufling business lu rairlcd out l'l iluillot-ar wimpI there In nearly en ry country a system Iccullar to Itself retail.. In (litece at resent llllle lea! ball ate used aa ballots. In Italy stamped nillclal paperaareglroii to voter. In franca the ballot aytlem Is aoniothln the samel tha older forma In the United Htaltt. England use the Australian yrlem. Aliout Iwenly-ctghtor thirty of the Htate now use some form of It. Hut l I fai from being modern In vention, and In the jait It wm nut fount equal to the ttookednes of Illllelaus. uiihi.y iiiini: niiinv. Dck A Co , In their reotl for the weekending November 7, 1301, state that the strlklngevent of the week waa the failure of widely known lloatoii bank, Thla failure, however, causext more atonlahnunt than disturbance Withdrawal of money fiom New York to fortify lloslon liavo cajsed higher rates, 0 r cent , against 3 r cent, a week ago. Though the Hink or l'.ngland I largely losing golJ, yet It dora not change lla ratce, Hupplle of money are roinlng stea Illy from Kuroi. The otllclal Trraeury rejwrt thows an ad dition of $Vt,tH)0,U0i) lo Hie actual cir culation of all kind In October. The report ei)s that It la a reassuring factlo I.aalern capllallata and Invest or that Western election have resulted In the complete defeat of those who ad vocated wild financial schemes, so their power lu Ilia next siaalon of Congress Is likely to ba much dlmln lahed. rhomb the failure of the Maverick bank causal some unoaslueaa In llos lon, business I steady and litnllhy. The wool buslnee I flr with rale of 2,100,000 pound. At Hartford, wool I In moderate deman I, and at l'hlla dclphla belli r thau It haa lean for irontha. AtChloago the recilpta lu hides and wool hive been 31 per ct nt. larger than tbeeeof last year. Hpeculatlan ha lilted wheat It cents, though the western rccelpla continue enoimoue. Kxpoils for the week are about equal to those of recent w eeka. Corn lias declined hall a lent. In Hie main labor I well employed, with few controversies about wage. The treasury continues lo ad 1 new noli lo tha circulation In exchange rolsllvrlllchaset. Huslnts failure for thu week men tioned riiimltr In the United Htati 223, anl In Canada 43. Kor the cor reepandlag week laat year the figure were IBS In Iha United Ktatea and 33 In Canada TlIK clthenaofrialt Lakeahould take note of the fact that lllchiid Harris, allat"I.lltluDlrk"leflIInver)esterday for this city. He will be n Interest ing addition to the "crook" fraternity alrrady located here. He Is a cracks man and wa ordered out of Denver for the good of that town. The opIe ought to look to their door and window faatenlng, and keep Ihelrahotguu In shl. Tilt! Lancashliu (I.nglund) Jbaf, conclude an article headed "Mor mon Knteri rlae" In thla com) llment ary statemeuU "The skill of the Halnti In husbandly, thcli commercial aeiileri rises and Integrity, are iatent facta. They have Irauaformrd au arid and I arren valley Into a firtlle land, nd Halt Lake City la a llourlahlug ttstlmony of Mormon thrift and eneig) ." AU.vruu.iix SVSTEJI Of llallotltig I iplalnrd by a Corrrs pouilrril M hn haw It Operate. I went to Haltlmoro today, to wltuesa the Australian system of voting, and to take general Itema on election day. I obtained ruiIslou a a newpar correspondent to enter tho room and wati h the proceedings, and stood by a well-informed lallceofflctr whllesev eral cltlteus went through tha "or dial," and ao obUlnel a pretty thorough understanding of lueeyaliui and 1U practical workings. rbo Ural thing that attracted my notice waa the fact that J had never gained Uit the crudest Idea of Ita oper ations from the lungthy descriptions of Itgtvculii the uee.spaira Mora the electlou. Well, Ihl I how- It I done. The lino forms out.lle Ilia building, and ItasMue between lao!dlct.ulun at the uoor. ltunntng acrrw the room Is a wooden I ar In which a section lilt up, Just uuulde the door, to let the voter through Into tha polling place, one at a time, Iho first voter In the line I asked hla name ly ono of Ihe ballot ulerka who stand at thliotwnliig, and who a toon a tho name la given him, calla It out In A loud voice. On tho rlt,bt ol the vottra ire the Judge two Ilemotrat and one He- Lubllcau. The Hriubllcan Judge site etwecn the other Judges, so that he can keep one eye on tho poll inok and wltli the other watch the manl illa tion of thu ballot box. One Democratlo Judge ha charge of the book, and when the I allot olerka call out the name of tho voter. Ihl Judue look lor It on the book, and having found It any a "HI jlil," The election clerk having each foun I It on their rupee thai books, also eay "Illght." The bar I then anil the voter enters. Immediately on entering, the other ballot olciktheru being two or three na well aa mo ehctloii clerks hands the voter a tliket, folJo.1 and marked on the ouUllu with the clelk'alu Itlals. No billot will Iv couutedlhat dee. not laiar till Insignia of genu. liaues The voter then enter one out of the 11 vo compartment ialhU booths Thesenre like a desk shelf lu a tistotllce on w hlch thi lu plicant fur 1 1' O. order llll out hla I luuk, only H 1 divide J i ll by uprlch Warding into l are sullli Irntly larue for ono je re in 10 stand al no Hero the voter la riqulr ou i i ul a triad oiUe iw hi name far which In l.ln lu vote, iiiiIim lie v us an autre i kct,lrn ill hcasuhe .ll tlen r Tin. uf allliu ton of tin t r il id I. sun lied with I uhlcli tuiujke tual mark. I should I here rxi lain that Ihe tickets ate nliout a f 1I ami a hail mi h way In size, ota lleiilgrcd color and are fu nl.tiedby IbaHtatr, and only lo be obttlnetl in trio iclllng mom from Ihe ballot clerk after lhuoter Is admitted through Ihe lr. ro give one or these ticket out Ida or to Imitate them In color la a perillinllarrolleno... Now Ihl papar contains all the tlckeU In the field, and also a blank Jacu for writing any names not (tlnlud on either ticket, where Ihe voter may Inaert hi choke for any crtlco on the Hal, opposite which lie must put his mark lu order lo have II counted. Ha then fold up Ilia taper It wa berorr, with tha lulllal on tbo oulalde, mil without HI. laying It loanone, which Is against Ihe law, Hand ll lo thejudgc nl the I allot box This Judge take it, ind ia soon a Ihobooklug Judge flifdt the name again, drops ll Into Iho box, when Iho Itepubllcan Judge lace a rank on the book at the end of the Him, signifying that Hie lierson named ha voted. The Demo cratlo Judge having cJiarge of thi look walche here iho mark Is I laeed and call out, "not Ihero," If any mistake lealnut to bo lu In In matk lu, which happened twice or Ihna times while I wa Iheie. Of neceMlly tho marking of the ballot take some time, II having In be done In Iho poll ing room, and every volnr muat uo It himself, but In laaeof hla lulng blind orunabletodo this himself, the two ballot clerks may assist him. These Ulng of dlirerenl panic, neither can take any advantage, ao thu result li atl-iiilory. flio voter then ue out another way. nud can not again legally enter the building during tha voting. Tho procea I haatcticd by the law only allowing two minute to each voter lu mark hi ticket, but the rule it not enforced very rigidly. Hcnrcely nuy of thu voter lake mora lima than lo mark the whole ticket at It hc.vl, while a few evidently dl I ill Ihe ecratchliig." Hlxty five persona voted lu au hour at ihla lull ing place, of which there were nine In tachreclucl. Hi Is system require the voter lo bo Intelligent and some w list acquainted with Ihe tin Ihod Iwfoiehand, ol they would make a sorry run or II, One man came In who showed Ihla vny plainly, Artrr I lunderlug through Ihe gate anl getting hi ticket, he called out. "What am I to do w llh thlalhlng!" And would apparently have voted the whole business, and thua annulled his ballot. Hula Jndgeealdi ' Uo Into the booth mil mark It." "How mi I to mirk IU" ho asked. "The billot ilerka will show you," said tha Judge. At which they stopped up aud helled him "Ox" hla tlckel. Then he looknlaltug-aarcil look, anl walled till ajudge said, "Now give ll to thai fenllemau," mianlug Hie Judge It tho nllot. Ux. Then It was found lo be folded with Ihe names outside, an I he waa finally ronvluoed that he should gu and refold It so that hla vi,te might bo a secret, aud the clerk' hieroglyphic la the only visible ear mark ujon tha ballot. The ofllcer were glad when the got rid ol that fellow He was more like a clown at a clnua than auythlng, for folly; ex cept perhaiai Ihe aarly savagia wnoni Mark Pwalu Utacrilcd us coming to church In Christian clothlmc Hie first Hunday atcr a distribution of wearlug apanl. I asked the clllcer If Ihla mau was a Democrat or a llepubllcati lu which he ret lied, "1 guess he don't know himself." ( MA. W.HTAYNEII. Waiihmitov, 1). U., .Nov, 5rd, IbOI. W DELICIOUS V FlaYorin Extracts NATUnALFRUiTFlAVORS. Vbntlla -) Or porfoot purity. Lemon -I of eroat itronath. Almond I onom,l,.H,.,ru,o Rasootcrj flavor oa delloataly and delloloualy ne tho freah frulU AUTIIORIZBI) CUV AQEXTS -ro TBI- Deposit Stamp System 33 i.l 31 I". riri hisMlh Mr, Kl WrJto ej,cur Mi. J.. I auMih honta i. V ilruokk, cor .iboundaih ftNt '; -. K Ititel krdlTA Optirrr. rash Mbin M A limit twiIu,.ur Ir4 WtilRDiJSrttlioittii J. oj-m na . in w, lib Ntmr. 5, U'l l.( H f rm HI H luHcit II J MUrJilUIBf, MH, 11 M M Mki llrant C, MT tb Kat HJIin.-lll-, 711 K Tit) ticmh Mr 8 liora, coi,Cuun j Ilihriouit. Kmlr!"t w "omu llll in in ' . iv bUMi John U M-t filrooi" rl.',"rI,l"i prthltpi A 11, WowraS, . iJLrrtt I ark JPbn r l ao r li f Poatb au I ird La.i Ifpblna'm A Kim, MI Vmi,! J Tt llarri. floOKirr! J',.l,JJJ. ' H Tinl4I4W. tidliard iJtnlB, VguBtirlil ( tkirrvt ltUovtit ttDtcrtilie J"nf Jin lnikir A Halldlef Comp'y. cut r Jaliica NaUain. u tottoqwoM f!l:v,, M.HLt J I. UolJuio. a lirialcjjrtaa Oo. Dnniin culipudi aithtilirnh tl ia."r.!'L,w1.,Kfn ' 'll1 wt,," bin.iul ncl. loBiMdtp.K i r win rrl I rrca KlctUl)ro 1 uiiuaut)al I Itiuti . Con -ml Lanklfitf nulnt, 1 mitrtoh.) . r Arrattrcaj, p W Madtai W I" ksllolirar t.utitra Dr Jna a, '. .' '"' ,T t J;tiif O U.Uwd al - ls.alIbfalilifcUlslClllUf4. Mc6mfortA&7 I th en thlna desired br many. ." Other prfer ' 5i ORiVUIEAT and DECOKATI0V n ' W ",,r ,0 '" ,,,, lis nnrA 'niU MWi'tiTUDE RDGSI V orofih.r.w. Ay te RUGS! m lADDDfpo CEBiTi Smyrnai Rt i flLf Ti...nitni n L 5nmZ miwi'" IN Alt. (IRUIES AMi A ,... l At burrs. Sfiejclal Attantfon la cflracl Crumb Cloths. . i " iim m NlXtXRM1U,5PMS Renascence, IIKI"'.."."' i AND N,'W I'AT. Inslr Points ! tj.h.nh. Tambour, j A RP-T m Chcncillo IM ml "" v i Madras fnJF Sr K"1'"'""' CREITLT IB mi j i!,C.h ItaS X FE Ulltil Reduced if A CURTAIN POLES 'm. Pieces Ivpaffl AN0 SA!H n0D3 m ImmenaelJoeerCiirlalnlHipa. J Flljl IISO PLUSHE5 Ulill BMFHIrA t B I I x !! stilus ju counts. ft) B " C0ME ND l00K ovt" T"IS L B I I STOCK, then rnik hem cemforlsble, i I B 'ol ,",r",,olln'y huy our 0A1?PET SWEEPER MStify M On of thi Qreit Invention, for noourig. no Vyl 3 IS' J th ritldIou' or h Ovtrworkid HOUSEWIFE. e? 4 6 r. cv. tvunumii, uupi, FMIMH1BM GREATEST SILK AND CLOAK SALE xi v ran A.rtfTj-oTTivroaTi'. Nolwlthsbndlng oar silos aro lar ahcid of last season, over crowdol shelves and counters lorco us to mako this silo. A rjlanco at our Cloak Room will convlnco any one that lack ot space compels its to mako unprecedented reductions so early In tho soason. QILKilCLOAf -J SALB. IX. 1,000 yaidof Taniy Weave Novilly llroeadoHllk.lieat qualllle and rfiolcrst dislxns, at Wo., tl.OO, JI.I5 and l.'-S; positively woitli from J1.50 lo JI V) r yard. I'lllle francalse, exlra quality, 13 Inches wide, at OTlc , worth $t0. 8,000 Clilldrtn'e rind Mlases' Ci ats, at fl M, 11.75, JiW, 12.73, IWJ, $ I :) and 13 0(1. A tavlag of 30 1 er cout. Ijull.anJinltlllaa ws.toof tlmo slionplnx for lower priori or more lieautlful ilylie, nlUr looklnit at 1 , Auertacli & lira's. I'nr Trimmed L'aruols Hair JatkrU, valued at $20 Ik), for 12 0). Thel.ateatl Wlncla llenyallm, at 871c , worth JI.SJ. tU (HI all Ullk Jdatalarse Jackets for IH.J0, Illack Amiure Hllk, ISO yards, at .S7io , worth fl.W. I.iXki j aid of l!!ark Hurah Hllk, at &3o , reduced fiom Oln. All Hllk C'rtpedeClilnr, lu lovely evenluif shade, at 3o., valued al $1.60. SO (Iters 30 Inch Colored Hsrci... former price 09c , now ouly ll); I all wool. Hatlu I.uxor, 100 yards, it 071c , reduced from SMI. Hatlti Luxor, S.M yards, al J I. ".3, valued it JI.00. C'aunl. Hair 1 lftttNovoltlia, 10 In. wlde,attido., would la ohssp al flUO. ... (100 Kovelty (.'nprr, 1'ails made, at G3 00. A raro tarnnlo. Illack lrt (Irnlu Hllk, S00 yords, IS Inrlnv, at Mo , rrgulsr rice S5o Hnllu Hbadaiue,liUO)ards,:otnclir, at o7c, rtaUaluo 0CV. Ilenirallne, Ottoman effect, 150 yards, at U.'lc, alued ot fl.ll. I'allle J'rancalae extra uallly, 23 Inches wide, at 071c , worth fUM yarda llUik Ilrocado Hllk, at 73o , reduced from 1 1,2 1. (22.C0 4Mnrh 1'luali Uoat for tlO,10. f Ji.110 Mater I'lusli Cents, iltgantly lined, forllJ.O). flo.lfiriuih Jacket, Hatln Lined, i no. Magnlllrint f M no Hllk Down (Jullu, nt 115 00. They'll eorUlok. Uu r $7.3(1 rur-Trlmuied Reefi ra are cheap at (10 00. $10 Ol Challle JY Clowns, sightly fadtnl, for $.1.00. II. I'llistley.V Co'aUenului Hllk Warp Henrietta, Melrose nml Kr- lululo cloths, Crepe. Camuls Hair, llrocadea, etc., otc, at prices never beforo a rosclied. Our leaf) au, Ladlia' Bulla andWripiera are netllnK crushed aud muraed for lack of room. A reduction of one third will eeluhem quick. mr ourTad'ieshoe department A OhtUltlAV &OMII JiMf. UAIMAIA). F.AUERBACH&BM