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HBTl c , DKSKHKT r.Vr.VINa KEWS: Tim.Sl.AT, N'OVJJVllKll if, ism: H MONDERLHND I i Bn . Second South Shed, - A'extto Ciiltrn Hold. Hif,fmJ,tMiicMcnt Vn, - 1'iujit. . J. JJt, - Jlesliteiit Jllttnnticr. HfiKj rt3rn n !5iffir IPVT. A i'1 I -tOURIO Xf HiVTvI.'ft?-' X Another Startling Snrprisa ! Jootner Wonderful Featorj I t. j II telStSlllt 1 r5,l,,,!f'r5!rr2 MYSTERIOUS .-. SEYMOUR, IH 'i l'WmVW. I $ MwMwffi( flBv ' T "rV lr,'"'"" '''""' '"'tT'T ,Q Tho Marvelous Mind Header. Jw" ffm J & eaaHoi llH iViBC I'MBlilfc xliTJO m'A'yH'By.OW T "V T T ll W He HI. i you by Hie hip d end re1 your hidden thouo.hl-you jSSiv flh7flR ft WT 1 K IfsH S'PSf ISjIiSJw ,. fZ.Z.,. J .1,,,. U He nils You While Blindfolded rvrAy ; !fHJnr:i r BiY Ik, s Ihf &ir 'Wufa1 ftarlc n Vif'iVtartiMiaiii tW 7iulM.i,yiffii!!L.iwRuZ"nffitoifi?Jni " j 09 m rttmi un 0 jJ'SAwfcSaSiifcJlltfliiii' MUHfr HMD K SPIrli W& Y2 lwPSfer A pnnFECT couNTcnPAmr of n skyc ternicr. j jj MOST MARVELOUS and MIRACULOUS WONDERS JflajtOTftfc 'fsl 'sSB11, "itiiiVi nib in...) rafilEBwjBpy W,-1 Ki DOG FACE BOY BFFORE THE CZAR sKSraS&HS&aSS 3 Usual Ladles' Soufenlr and Children's Malinee Dajs. ifEEBgt , I ' t l.l. utiaArJIaara Uiaa hlatMlf, JlJ I ha. l pear. I by .pfrltl rva I I Tii.wiiit. ihininiifii ii.ii.i ... . ....... ' ISjlM ri 1 Mllitailli lui'il Inumllir l.,t )$.I.U-liit. Klena, W r A n l I OO I i"iM irin i.I'"LW,,.It,vJ,im."!!?f.1' r?A.LT " AUTIUM UNZIC. vBI I , -- 1 - t lbrll.7allla...e.riereeirrlaceM.t Mel.t,an4 aearir ei.rr Kate 1LC. ADlVllOOlUN. IUC. w"h." ""' '"''" ''" "" "' "nlii IHRHri I -ll..llf T Pk nine ftkd I otcbUtf. "" lwv" ... . ww a.fl mlrrrlir,'1 lollf V " w lUllinf yfl I It plrtbla ixti I, ,th kkkkkD M . t 1 -i v iirrti. awyw Vr Ao.lralta, oaa I tba fttaoni tbt.fa 1 a I r laa lata aad lal bu k al Hy U lliiHflnu J)o-liifcd loy. JO-JO HHHE ONE WEEK ONLY I o iw irr mtu k j wrecwMr wowr Mrw .tiwiiKni.ninicoair.kiniiiiij- BH 1 Soilb Ahliann Courtrmrr. WM I fa' Jiltvr IHirtl Actcc. Ks i Houlh AlaUma confrranc, lit 1 1 iur HT I ' Victoria, CuUVo county, Ala , on Btfly' b Hilurday nJ Hun.lay, Oct. Mat nod ' !; uT.llt,ll. BrXj ii I Tli conffttneo conranaJ at 11:W HH 4 s.m.Haturdty. M J Tlicro Wfro prraonl of tho l'tlt-al BK '-1 hood J.U Klmtall,itMnl of lh Foullirm Htatca mlailon; I.uman !. I, HIiuitllfT, irnldcnt of tho Hautlirrn r Alntatut confrrenco, audi Hen At frrl W. Pctn.on, John lVaraon. Joa. i I Harmon, Chu. H. Collain, Irank t Otott, Win. II. Aahby, Jr, ouJJoa. i t ConUla. Ariar IIik umal ornlni riatclira, 3 'tIJrntBliur(lia mldrraard Ihocoti. ts farancalora abort tlmo, tutlnir tho tX objact cf tba mMtlnK. fjj I'lMlJ.Dt Klmboli followtal, lpe.k. w Iniol aonio Inijlli on Ilia injnaa , madebythoIttrrdayHalnta In avt ! f tllDK up Haw counlrlca, and other loja 1 1 In of InUrrat. . Jjj I lara HoraiiMn, Aahby.Condla and ,! , Uroltalao apoka, apllnlnir tho Jlrat J r'lnrlplMOt tha Uoapvl and bratlng Ii hi ir tntlmonlM to Iba dlrlnlty of lh 8 1 tworlr. tttHK K'l (iiirlundiyniornInK tb ronfarrnra IIIH 4 waaaddrraard I jr l.Uer CotUm and H H 1-raaldanl Kimball, tha bialn trnor of lllin f it, tbtlr irmarkalwln nn tha tfachluta 1 ij! of t'bilit aa literally tllTd and M d (autlitby tha Lattar-day Halnla, In H Jf II tontiait to tha riaoda and tancla ot PPPPH Xll otlirrdrtwmlnaUona. 2 n the afternoon Iba rpcaVere vrrre 1 Mere lVaraon, IVIeraon, Trraldenta Hbuttllfi anJ KlmUII, who eko on tho ritoratlon uf theuoiprl, It dlvln. Itr and Identity with that taught ly ( bilitanlllla Atioatln, thi power of Hatan and tho lemptatloiia an I anatca he tbrowa In tho pathway of morjala. There vara thrra ronnoll nitllnc hell, In which tho 1 Ideta reorted their lalwia for tha Ia.1 yrar aud ri releed valuable Inatructlene from I rcatdent Kimball. They were ap ltitr-l to their rlelda of libor a fi I biwa 1 Mere Pearaon and Con llet t IlolmraCo.. Morlda, and (.eneeaCo. Alaliama; 1 bleraHorenaeu and Crcft to IlenryanJ Daloomntlea, Alabama, and 2.1 Inn Onttani and Aahl to Ixiwndee and Crenahaw rounllre, Ala I bania. 1 1 ler Alfred W. l'eteraon waa arc i poliil.l i teal lent of theronrerenre, In aurreeil 1 I Irr Ii. II. Hhurllltr.wlio teal i releaatd to return tn hla li'irue In Idaho. Kkank Cboit, Clerk of Conferenrr. Vicroiiia. Chirrs Oo , Ala., Not. till, 1SDI. Ilreellrrllnna of .Ir. I arnrll. On day, oeer twenty yean aito, I railed on laaan Hull, then leader of the IrUh l'arllamenlary )ntty, at tila real. dence, llenrletUatrret, Dublin. Ilult rarao Into tha room In hit I leaunt, Kenlal way, ahook ire warmly by the hind, and aaldt "My dear lellaw, yi u will hata to wait twenty inlniitia. I haeocotaaplen lid recruit an I I can notleaTchlin It la young Parnell an liUlotlo name nrdl tall yon what It It, my film I, Ilia Haioii will find him an ugly rmtomer. tlimii;h he la n d d tcwid looklnic fellow!" Th Ii wan the flnt I ha I beard of Mr. 1'arnell. Mr. llrlirht mado ono of hla Uit ivechea In auppurt of tha coercion bill. An Irhli member waa tut up to reply, lie failed utterly, ilio liljlit afWr. ward 1 aall to Mr. 1'trnclli "Mr. l.rUht haa not Iwen nntwerett an I hla apercli haa produced a ercat ellrctuon the Iiim.'' "Well, what du you wln m to dof I -ul up , ono of our beat men, au 1 ho failed. 1 tan do no more. 1 tlilte recognize that llrlalit haa not been properly Urall with JIa outht to be treated aa an old frlen 1 who haa none wrong. In fact, the atory of hla peat career ought to l told to lilm In the houw. Hla old eiwecbr ought to bi read to him" "Well. It la not too late yet." "Oh, yee,tliaethlngtoUKht ti bo done on the lixtant to ham any effect." Then hepttuMl and ad lots "Hut nally II dot a not matter. Thoee pro! don't cue for aitcectit-e, reaaonluir haa no elfect on them force hai. We mutt bind them by Ihelr own rulta. If ther ktep to the rulra of tha houte. they will lever ut tbla bill tliroujli. I ahall takacareot that. If they break Hif rulta thvy will Jnjuro tbtmailvea by Thlallngthe Conatllutlon. tn illber eaae we are galtiera. Wn ahall turn tha II umi cf Common! utldu down or make them do It. When we bate turned tho Home of Cbiumoni tipalde down the I iifllib Hle will think about home rule Vnu mutt beat an l.nsllahman to make hlmdoanytbli g. He will reepect you when ho flnUi that you are hit match." Whlla were walking up aud down one of tho corrldora Lord (Irauallle cameftbni', he waa lawu fallowed by Ior I Klmberley and other membora uf the Cabinet. "A Cabinet Council," aald Mr. Par Hell, nrltb one of hie keeneit looka, ' they are at their wlla'euda. 1 won ler what ther ir going to do? Homcthlng Tlolant. Thow mou dontltnow II, but we are driving them Into home rule. wautamu to atop tbla debate (on coerclAO) llavo you overheard audi lionaenaeT 1 iballholdaut to tho end. If they contlnuo the flfbt accord Ing to the rulra, we ahall beat them. If they brtak the rulea, and ao force the bill through,they won't gain much by that." Aneniiaperreporitrrameun. "Will rou apeak tonlght,Mr Parutll7""Well, uo not know. Thtre la, I auipecl, n Cabinet Council going ou. I ahall Juatwaltand ace what will come out uHL 1 au-wct they mean to do aonie thlnt vlAlenL" A ahnrt lima aflir. war I tho debate on the flret reading of the bill waa atopped ty the ripeaker, afler the llouae lixl U-rq anting with out lnlerruitlon for forty one hour. Mr. 1'arnell waa In lied at the We-t-rolnater Palaca Hotel ttarly In the murning when nuwa of what hid ha ined waa brought to him. "What hall we do now?" aald a meml'er who had come, "lie In your lacra at IS. when the Home meeta " aald the chief. II waa Wc-lriceday. The Irlah rueiu. t4ra were In their place when the Houae met, Mr. Parnell waa at their hmd. He alUckeJ the ojnluctof theHKukerliiatopp1igthn delinte. A warnidlcutllonenauel. Itwaaket uiiuutllollS, wheu the Houae roau. 2obuelneea waa done. Oliodaylaall tohlmi "lam Amuaedatpooploipiak. IngDfU'C'onncll'a moileratlon and of )our violence. 1 do not think you co jld, under any clrcuuutancea, le aa violent aa U'Coiinell He turned a roil n I auddenly (we were walking bear Charing Croa) aud aaldt "Ob, Inlrvll I thoiuht nullo the revene. Hut I ahould like to are U'Connell'a rivecbea. I am glad, however, that you da not think ma violent. I do uot want In violent. The thing la to It. forcible without lie'ng violent " lint omctlraea jou muit be violent. Iltlght oncn aald to me 'I do not object to violence, n vlletl It reata un a mural batla1" "Did Jlthrht aiy that?" "Vea Itrlght'a point waa that the violence cf tho Land Icac,ue doet not reat on a moral baala " "I un lentand Hut did Mr. Ilrlght are that the violence of the llrltlah government In Irelanl doeanot rtat on a moral liaata I muit go (Jooil night!" and wn parted. rheje nroxecollectloDi of nil day, layathe wrltor In tha forton fui. trated AVica, The time for willing of morn recent evenla baa not yet come Hut I mar rejeat the Hit word X heard Mr Parnell apeak; they ehow the dauntleaa aj Irlt of the man. It waa etl'ueton He waa on hla war to Ire Ian I. rtomeone aaldi "Well, Mr. Par. libit, I do not think you will come back from tbo generar election with five follower!. In fact, I think you will cjme back absolutely alone " He imllml, and aald calmly: "Well, If I tlo como back absolutely alone, one thing U certain I ahall thou rcpreaent I a puty whoao In lepmdence will not lie aapped " He taed Into tho train, find 1 aaw htm uo more. IllNINrsS i.lTU I'LLASUIIU TAKINCI A VUTI" Ut AN IHfonTA.NT (jUKiriOt AT A aWKI.I. t 11D1MI. frlm TrrtaaaJ The lubllme .train of tho -'Wed. ding March," playtvl on the maghlft. cent organ by tho eminent mualctan aa It never ha I been played lietbre within thoao wall pealed thruugli the church. Hlowly down the ale! cam lliu wed ding rty. Hlowly and In irrfect form the prlncpala and Ihelr frleuda and attendant ranged themaelvea In front of the altar and alood waltlug. I he mualo rcaed and a lolerau huah fell upon the aaeembly. Arrayed In bridal robe whose matly elegance and faultlraa title might filly environ but could not add to the charm of her lovely face and form Hood the trotting girl whowai about to clve, her tint i Ineaj Into tho handa of another. Proud and happy, with conacloua itreogtb aud manlr lenderniea vlalble In every feature of hla handionie face and In uvery lino of hla aymmetrlcally well knit frame atood tbo vxullaut young man who had choaeii lur from the world aa hla heart' mate. The clergyman broke tbo illcnco. In deep tonea ho began the lmrrnailve, tlme-coutccrated uaordlum tliat re litrea the way for tha lej,l aolemuixa tlouof theiacramcntot marriage and proceeded until ho came to theao ever memorable wordit "If any man can ahow mt cauaa why they mar not lawfully bojolnod 1 together let him. now apeak or ell hereafter forever hold hli pence." llo iauaed In Accordance with hla habit aud the rnjulreiuenta of lb ceremony, an 1 again n deep huth fill ujnn tbe ongregatluti. The itlllneaa waa broken by a tall, alendrr man with eyeglaanra anl a hollow cough, who roie up In a back atat. While th audience la waltlni," ho nld, "I abould like to oflar rraolu. Hon la tho ettect that It Ii the aanta nf llionitetluglhat the Worll'a Colum bian KtaUlon about I not be ojiened. HunJay." HOULII'S lAlUMirES. Thu numbtr of InlenJIng eihlHton ' who hnve a pile 1 1 r apace at the hi. HualtIon nached 10.1 ou Oct. SI. One aero of grouud wltliln the Her tlcultural building hai lieen retervetl for an orange grave from 1 Iortd an J tho aarao amount for a grove from Cal. Ifornla. lhreo truea will be brought to Chicago nextyear and planted, ao II at they will betr fruit while the Uipml. tlonlaoieu Ttieae two a-rea oonati lute two Interior court of tho build, lug. Wlamniln'a bull ling at lbs Hxpoil Hon will be m) a 8 feet, three atoreya high, and of thoQueen Auuu atylo of architecture. h lorlda'a l.aotltlon building will U a full iliel reirndiulloii of horl Mar loo, which waa built at Hh Auguitloe la 10W, and la believed tube tbeold ett I ml ling In the Unltc.1 Htatra It Ii of atone and covt ra a apace of about 150 fatt t'luarv. I j ! EXHMINHTION y H t (1 Wo (Ind that n groat many linos of goods nro tlimnsod to somo oxtont by HJIOKHl This applies moro particularly to Whlto and Light Shados, In noarly all matorlals, and If such aro pormlttod to romaln on tho Hj i , shotvoa for any lonKth of tlmo without balng oxposod to tho air, thoy will bo tn a worao condition thon thuy aro at prosont. Consoquonlly I I iWTt HAVE DBCIDBD H M ( i To plnco alt thono (joods on salo this mornlna, at tho followlnp; dlscountsi H I jl SILK DEPAETMENT. j aWR I 1H CoIOml Dras Co0tlS ,to Yiir,! M kmM Mm ' jl ' TWENTY PER CENT. DISCOUNT fSlKm iSSil'iH 1 AT A DISCQUNT QF 20 PER CENT- - . llragp Lni WWi4 ?f Tablo IJnen?,,fapkinsJoM Bed Spreads aud All While Goods H M ' COESET DEPAETMEHT. 'flMl AJ A dcount of 20 per CEm- B A ' All Lines of Whlto and Licht Colors 'lj.1 SS '&iPp3n IMB' " ' "T B , , t'lLS5!! Ill vjJArPJw J,IlsIill Sheeting and Canton I'lanncls If AT A D'SCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT, ip llj AT A D.SCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. fl. fi'1 Misl Dd.(iw d MW WhiU Dresses i 'Ws)iIxP'SlfV, ;ryi m mm i imt -in mn cub, im, mi en jl'j AT A DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. J llSffllw" i AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. 1 1 FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT--., Bg Si! 25 52S. j LiUDllUhlilirilLliiMMLiliiiuJiljulll t-Ji'.M i i 1 . i Lj i Lj 1 i Lt i LQT3 Jj 1 U I LU LEU.! I G ULLi OjUxj i 0 1 1 JLXiLlJLJLQJXIXiXnTl 1 1 i i 1 i i il 1 ii P" GOODS INCLUDED IN THE SALE ARE SOME OF THE CHOICEST NOVELTIES IN OUR STOCK, iit ' Tjj.HJiijuuiTjir(QiiIiIIimLUijjjIiird J' ifcSiSS "W4 Gipoesbeek St fLonahioti. A ll-L