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KY R . Msnnrr rvryiyo yinvs. TitrnnAY. yovi:aiin:n is, ism. I ml SjWDJMM. fLl DESBRET" BYEN1HQ HEWS. BBT'j'l Tfcnsst, w" " '" RP3j"Yfl Off if Aar1leiaaM ebkaaeaSTS4 r- LsbJ en, is is Insist lm sr iivt aMMK Sfi B """ U ,, kkllM" dsrrlaeel el HflfB IUKtAaeitlaf hrlMepsst'ln'-l. HH PH 4a7Cela en i4tKMMtt asosl t a sets Mli w . . . BJgB ' riUUMBNTfl. HH1 nH Iwal lrsdeiiieiirelsylng In large HVWl V qneiitlly of Christmas good. sMsaMf Ha! . K Tnglia will li a liiectlngof Democratic ImVoMM IS fV smikmsnat M K Hecond Wauth sire HH iTtf V thl evening. rffl iiF TiiaHynimnidredgowlllcs'e Hetlll hfi Si Ulrig lnetlglil by Judge llsrsob, if LaMsMs,i 2l ' li; Iho I'robet court. bMMB"M ' r1 I lturxnrr Lviu I iM occupied wllh H ;-f I Itio cum or Jocph ilellgaer vs. lb By ' ) oenilt Mining On. HHE9 ! Tim Tenth quorum of lovenlte will Bffl I, lie! I tbelrregulsr monthly scwlon In the MMMMr.atMI M Ninth ward meeting houiolniilghllSof. YJMMj I, P ' 1Mb l"ll o'clock. A lull attendant HVflflH 5.' 4 todealrtd. Hi Jffif 1- 4 MAIiaiagIIe havo been l.'oed to jjMMti I (1,11.1', 8olti,J A.l lellonc, IhitlM FJ ,1 II, Hall win and llilll. I'lckeilng Th Hj j Isl tn iMntid re sged nineteen and gHH ilatoen respectively. HflfiHui t Aapni-W IlhiXKif. manager of the K?) Tkmpletin hotel, lees brought suit In (lie MMMMLMJf Third Imtrlcl marl egalnal rumucl MM MML' ln-sbecklorecover.sionnprouileory Hi mki i """' HV!BK . TlirnungMsn'sM. I Aeecclatlon of H JMK! 1 ' tkiiifleMilb. went met lt Tuesday M-MHo?! I evening and organised The folio Ing LMMMIbMMm ". i ttlcera wart ebuseni J. llnrrnws, prl- MMMMMFl uf J ileiitfrtrMevsnon anil H. 1erenin, M lI ' nunsolnra, II, J. 'knung, erretryi H"! Cf Fugcne Cannon, trreatirsr, ami Ihouia 1 J l'jt lluutr,dlrccforofinnslc. HBB 1,1 I Jon halfanbonr last ulaht the Knntv B 1 1 j fjrd botrl aa In darknoaa, owlnc tn H, 1 . U I anina ilefarl In tba nlrn) Ibal oinnM BBBAl lift ' KltblliatlKtrlalltbtuntka. V iliaia Kjh $& i dynanin la, bolrevir,l(Vatl lit Ilia build N vZ 1 int furjiKlattrli amrir oetaaaml it a K j ' 4 oon rutin wmklon order auj Ibo place If l liable! nj again. HaHR . ft ' Yl-ari iintv afternoon a mnellng of Kr, ill; alorklinltlaiaofllia Magan Mining Co, H'J !i' tookrlora. The chief i.Wiwt nr wlilch II ki il'll waa rallnlraatha amending of Uie artl- fj 1 I claaof lai'Ori'Orallaii lir Inoreading tba CU iht iiumlr of aliam from ai,oiM to I,""',- l, ' '." ui, an I ! amMoillbal tlia r VJ ! ' j raloaof Ilia enarra will remain at (III K ' each, and II waa .Iccl.lM in illalrlbuve M iff Jdii,ml among lh atrckboldera In ropor- k Ml lion Ip Ibclr lill llnga, HHf I jit ft i ATtbaronclualoiioI.IIja Olr Council K Clfi, mertlng no Tuesday nlibt. Mayor Htt tlA etalctl thai It oulittHniTi"werr flr tin B ' lift onlcaraof tboearloiia niuutrlpal ilearl j) H1- InantaloiaralelluilinlMlugln Ilia near (1 El.) fulnnaa the Territorial lave provide Mfr I ft lliattbalirl'lallvaAaemllmuaiiiit Bb S'tf; Intlwnijrllall, llioogh It can fcljonrn lo SMVBB 1,1 ennrena aUawlter lhaL liowi ver, in H ) If' all protiabllllr, will not In d.ina. Ilu . j. II, tliercroro aluil that autborltr U8l"n H Uiy lilm to aNnirt pnter quartera for tbo H llf tcruiorarlloualedulUoara, Itwaeglven aalvaVaVaVaVamf ti-1l blru. HHHT jf j StiDdnjr hrbool Uiili.n, HHfl 'I? Tim regular tucetliKi ol tho Hunday j fA Kcbool Union of Uila HUks will br- HHH f 0 lifter ba bel I on tbu third Monday of HHf li ' thai montb, at TM o'clock p, m., In llio H7 liL' ' J-'ourtiwntli vrarvl MarinLly rootui. For HHi A a ) i tivst Slotidaj ulglit au ficillent pro aalHtiP O U? kranimo baa been prrtaired. Klder 0, HHj'' rt$5S f M.MurafordwIlidalleer. Iwturt. on Hfl', ' lii i "Tlio FaculUea of tliellud,and How ' lU ' lo Tralu Tliem." KUer U l'.l'arry H HH I wlllgleaan addreaaon MWliatnra tbo H a lt-al Incontleea to Hevuro lunotual Ml ,' WK i Attendance at HabUtli rlchoolT" and HM Ml vlll prvaent a, auramary of Itiniolata HMattL KM Irougtit up beforo tho Union alncethla iaaaa jM kul'jrri haa been dlecuuieU M tbo gen fwa raiiiiit-ellnn. !) Th. l'lllli Ward Hiinilay Hcliwil will v) v fifrtilab cxcvlleat minlo for Ilia oo )i ration. J. II, Paiiiiy, HH ' I Hciretary. ijjl Tlio"l'outrlbular"forlS'JI. 1' t Wi liaTa beforo ue voluma tweleaof tho Umfnoufur (1601). It 1 a mwt en- jl. tcrtalulln tooV, conijirleluj Kltlilii Ita (' liiii'a nuineroua articles of excellent III,. literary merit. It ! of value not jK, only u magailno euinojjliig Jif; Intelllgeutly written patiere U jlfi on current and liUUirlo thirarn, ijj tut la of great vrorlb for reference, ow- H ( IniC lo wealth of Important data 5jr bvInK coni rlied within lie rontrnta. 1 Tberu aro iiumtiora of CbifrIbfor aub- I acrlbera who take each Tolutue bound h. at Ite completion In I lace of lu irrlal Tty eliaiA. Th'ieo wbo do ao can I A now obtain tberu for Ilia prra. i'lf tut year, while I horn who uave H talm tho number aa laeucd ought to It': Iihto tbeni put InUi book form anil thua III V tinterre them. Volume tweleonm. i liracee rain unuauelly liiteree'.lng .,,('' biographical akelrbx, which aroal. ry.i wayaattrartlvorrallng. lllopraphy la HBFI ! y thoinnatleaalngabapoln wliltli Iile M ; if lory alwajaaaKoulntnl Willi ludlTldu- I ( : ' alltlca tan ba preeeuted. H j j Iliml HraJ1n. HH ! Wondertanil waa not (inel at tho HH i . uiualtmur tliUmomlusou nccouutof HH f j. npubllomlmlreadlug toet gUen by HjB, i ' 1 ' 1 l'rof. Heymouri who today o(ni upat HH ; H . that place of amuietuent for tbo next VBH t! v werb, A commlttve, prominent among Hj S I whom were representative of tho HH ." i I! Kiwn, Jltraltl and 7t"ie, Judge HaV M i l,amy auj llarrey C'olluiau (chief '. jl ft Sf clrtk of the Illo Uraudo Weetern), met lSHI I frit" tl1"' amu"nliut 1"" "' 11:30 tliU "HJ ('! niurpliigaiidnfewmlnuteaalterwarde N M 'it the proteraar atatted to glee aometeeU, jHa t . ! lucbaa finding artlolea whMi werv HB F , ', hidden. After tin o teeti h voumiltteo H jf 1 K nudouu or two otbera auutedoutto B'H I l I' liltleavmethlng, while two other geu H tllMi'li lleiuen remalneil behind at Won. vaHB n hil'il' ill Hand with the profreeor. The I ti HI nrtlclr, which wae a gold medal, LVLt tM A If wm "Mden by lire coramltteo PfM j, h In n lux In Jobnaou. l'ratt Jc Bvfl li ' V ('o.'adrugatorttiiuderneaui romeaoap. EIbBH f , II When the commllltia rvlurned to Ita avavaB c Jipl? ataitliig placu tho rrofraeoraei'ertaliiiH fffffffiai ll 1 ii li "lu '""" "' ho article hi Iden, the MB l III, if" H" number of theetore and thoelriel In MMMM V l whUliltlalocaUd. I'rofiMurrleymour MMBm V xi 'i then atei d Into an open carriage In I b which thocommltUmwaeaeeted, aud, it Ve i tllnd'olied, drove to the drug eture, l( ,!( kill When, holding the band of one of the MMM '! Iil.l I IJ committee, be wuut through tba etore, MMMI t) lil, I Arter taking the aoap nut or the box be MMM i , t lound tho mmlal, wbervuain be waa Mi it,1' f warmly applaudi by the crewdwbleb Hj ' J badlollowedbliu. iBb-t' "1Li. IHL MobW 'i ' r:LW -m MMkv- JiaMoMT iaMaL ANOTHER BLAZE. The Mtmt Residence ot Couraor T&onus Dimiti b Fire. SIO.MaMOtS (OUIIUSIIO1! Till. Clt'SE. rhl)H li Pull; Cetrrnl by Inmranco In the llama an I Oilier Couipinlei At lftM o'clock Ihli forenoon thn litodeomubtlcV realJencu ofUovernor Thimrie, ou Met Hautli Temple, wai dlrrori rel on file. Uoeof the female doni retire who i arranging her room, which li belted ou the thlrJ florof tho bouw, at that tlrno obetrvnl amoko tveuhig from n cloeet Ad Joining ber chtmhei. H!i promptly opened the door anl fount tberaftere and ttiMtlug of the roof In flaniee; then dubluii J9vrnta1r aho frantic ally InformoJ Ml riiomae, wlm ran hwllly Into lllihep Cliweon'i liouie and nollfled I he ocvupanta. Mr, Claweon waeprocecdlncto turn In an alarm when ivdtatHan who wae paiilng the City Halt accidentally aaw dene cloule of unoke bunting tbrougli the roof. Heat once aptrlecd the deinrtment, which Immediately rrepouded. Tim run up tbo heavy grade from the Theatre to the Kaglo llle on Hlalo etreetwae made with dlfllculty. The chemlial engine wm rlrvt to reach the ground and wae at ouco brought Into reullllon,bul IK eervlco wae of little or no value on account of the hoeo tielng too ahort. A long roll tit cauvaai lioae attached to the neftreet fir hydrant waa then uncoiled and trailed up the heavy Incline leading fromtheellewalkto the houee, then uplliernalnetalrway and through a ruimlicrof npartmeots until tho altlo wae reached. For a limn the emeke waebllnllng, butalflr It had cleared away by tho flamre belngextlnguWml an Ineprcl Ion of tho btilldliig.wae cul ly made. Tim exact catiw of the fire will probably never be atcertalued, but II le believe.) to have originated from eNintaiieoiia cnratiuttlon, ae tbo cloeet wai tlllril with nrllclee of an Inllam able nature, ouch ai nil painting many of them valuable a. hrlrloome caet oTclothlng an I a varh ly of lupcro. lurlng the early etego if ll, fire aovrrnorThumiowavilowutowo, but arrlvnl In time bv do guodecrvlift. The damage will lio moally from water, toil neither the governor nor trio In uraurv men, who were miklui: a cireful Inepeotlolt nf the premlvee would venturo a lUtemetit aa to the I roloiblu loeo, thoueli It U not likely lo exceed Cot), The building and furnltuie wiro Inmire,! for IS.UIW, dlilded lietvtien tbu Homo and two other conipAtilee. llieiiitMteeif'tioveaeel pereon abgut the hoUM waa tliagovrriior'edaughler, wtm acteil tba part of a heroine lam lite beglunlug. UK STUI.K A 10AT, And ITU l.asilfd lu I lie Clly Jail. Jtlwcllieiou. IVIIcaNem. I'a JJy Iloyle, whMe nanii wai flret IntnlU-d on the walle of tho Interior of thncltyjall mote lliau ten yearaago, end who baa rrtlJod wltblu lU walle moet of tho lime alnce, waa again taken Into cuitody thli morning. Tlile time lie la ahargoi wltli ateallng an oil tanned leithci oil, mall aa li generally worn by nilnrre. The artlilowaa taken fruin a ilummy In front of Ilirton Jk ('ompaiiy'e ilotblug atoru about II o'clook, when the able walk waa lined with pvdtrlaii. Of couree the theft waa Immediately do teited anJ I'addy turned over to an ofllcer. lie acknowledgeil Ma guilt and replied that he had niw aernreil lodglugefor the cumin t winter, lie will ba tiled for petit larceny before Juitlro (lee tomorrow, ORlcer K-llnger atre.te.1 T. A.Orr an 1 W, (J. Norman, membera of the cierk'e unlou, tavt night ou a complaint aworn to by I. IL iarnliam, a mrroliant, wtio allege! that the accuaeU have been In terfering with hie builticM by endeav oring to boycott him, lloth mengavo boude and wern releaaod and will bavo a hearimt tomorrow. They will be repreevnUHl by Judgo l'owerfl. John Marvin, an ex-couvlct, wae arrtated today for atralltig a can tf oyatero from VIoomb A iio,' grocery atore, llu la Injall awaiting arraign ment. W. ll.Camibell, the colored porter wbo waa arretted yeaterday. Iietfll re tained In cuitody on ouipfclon. Jatnea ltrown w(aa convloted for ob taining meat uuder fatee t retenara amtwaaflneilt-S. ltaymond Cuiter, A.IIalland Dan. Harrington forfeited 3 each for drunkenneee. Albert I-owe waa fined J10 for drunkeuneu aud reelitlug an ntllcer. A aheepherder, named Wltbam, got Into a illincullr with Mr. Kuwait, proprietor of the Franklin avenue theatre, laat night over a olieck which th latter caabed for him, but which, It le alleged, liore evidence ot being purloua. The money waa relumed auilthuaflalreettlol. Ilrforo Juii8 11.11 loll. The following builnew waatrana acted tbli forenoon: KtUte of Alex, llrluker, decerned; rejioit of comml-aloner In partition cmeonfor hrarlng per continuance, l'roof of jioillng notice approval, Hiram i:, llooth, r.M, lllahoji utid F. 11, Htephena aworit and examined. Decree tua to lonllrmlng rrort nf com tnlralouer appointed to partition citato. l.itate of Judith Timplu Havun, ileceaved; petition forletttraof admin istration camo on for bearing, l'ronf of lvatlng nullcee aprruti-J. V. H. llurtoiieworn anl examined, William r), Uurlonapiulntedaanilulatraliir on filing bond lnaumof J'iW aud biklug oath. Ijtate of Hylveiler II. llrown, de ceased, hearlug on petition to appoint coinulMlonera to partition eatato camo on per tuntlnuance. J, A. Wllllama aworn and eiainluod. Order maila apiediitlnir N, Worlhlngton, It. 11. ralallaiid Harvey Hardy ae comrula tionura to partition aald aetata. I TIIIM) IHSTItlCT 101 UT. V I'ery lalmiiorlaat Sltllog Ihlt Mornln-;, Tb only cat aet down for hearing tbla tnomliif lu Judge Zanej'e court wai that of Uicar it. 1'etlU va. K. II. l'ar-one; but when It Ml raileil on Altorncy C'rltclilow, for the plaintiff, moved for a continuation, which wai granted. tli divorce cau of llerryinan va. Iterryrnau again cropid iii. tin ap plication nf Attorney Crllihl-iw 111 healing on the iiueellon of alimony waeeotfor Hatunay. Walter HeynoMe, -n uglivbman. now ieldlni( In tbla clly, aa-admitted to cltlaenabl Wbeti the foregoing raatlero had ln run through Judgv Zin ad journed court until tomorrow mi ruing. Judge Antoreon iriimel the trial of tbo action of John W-'iiMlbwalt ve Johu T. I.yncli ct at. It hat occui led tho entire dly. a, OOl'HT OTIil. Attorney Arthur llrown bat taken a Journey cavt. A meeting of the member ufllie Itar haa Uen called lor tomorrow night with tho ol Ject of liking alii la memorlallxe C'ongrc-e to Inrreaaetho number of Judge for Utah territory. The caMoflheOnat Halt I.ikeauJ Hot Hprlnga Hallway Comtany ve. While A bona C'oniny, In whlih the plalulliri eeek to liaeo property owned by tho defend ant coulcmnai for ralla-ay fur. iva will L heard In the Third Die trlct Court on Nov. SO. In thu anion for pvreonat ilatrjagej bmiigbt by J. J. HulllTiu, .filch man, agalmt th Illo (IranJe Wwleni Hall way Company, In which (aaetated In yeUrday Nawe) damagea to the amount of S3 rxl were claimed, the Jury awarded !70n. In Judge Zane'a court yttderlay afternoon,ibe eult for damagra brought by Chrla llbludbacher agalnit the Illo I Ira n ie Wealern Hallway Company 'ur l.'J.OJO aaa to have l'en tried; but at the hit niimonl pUlntlll'e attorno) aakiel permMon to amend Hie com I taint, which waa granted, on condi tion that the cuo be continued at pLilntlfnacont. rbi foil iwlng cue were continued, lu Judge Xane'e court, yieltrday alter iiwm F, I). Cllit va. II IC. llloch A, to.ital , John H. LlnJelry va. Wot- rn Union Telegrar li C'om any, I'. K I.loyd va. WlllUm Ulaamauli, W, A. Hey VI. Oreo II M. I'etllt ct al. I u the Third Dl.trlcl court yealerJay atleriioon. In the illvorrn eult of Hleanor Tulle vt. Ullitldgo Tull", a demurrer having be n auetaluud and ten da having elipaed, order of dla ml-.l wae entered. In tho c-iof William Wall va. 1'. It, A, Franklin, It waa ordered that certain deiejeltloiie lUkeHlfori(lranllI,HmltIi,a -No-Ury l'ul He, today. OommlHloner .S'orrill'a lieallli It on tbon end. In Hie rhlril Dlttrlct court yeaterdav arternooti n Itimlan named M J. Illllim waa admllU-d to i Itlietiahlp. He la now a rieldent of Kummit co'in tjr. Nolhlng doing biday before the Unltrnl Hiatetcommluluuere. Judu Miner I In the city today. A 1'LCASANT KSThltTAINilKNT. Tvkcua ot llevprct lo a Follhful and I'nrririlc Iburch Hurler. The young ladli of the Eleventh Wardarraogtd a very pleaaaut enter tainment In th meeting houee la-t evening, I'.lJer Joeeph II. Felt, I'rel deutof lb V. M. M. I. A. of Ihn Blake, having been Couuieior lo th lato lllehop Moltio for over fourtwn ) tare, ervlug tho war I wltli a fidelity ami teal which endeared lilni to the llUbop and tbo peorle, It waa determined to give him a token ot tho eateeni In whloli be h hel I. Tbn meeting hour at half jiait aevcu o'clock waa filled Willi both jeung and old number ot th ward, and HUhop Hobert Morrla hav ing led Hrothtr Felt umupectlng ly to the aixit, fairly (uabed blmln, to hla great aatonlihtnent amlconfuilou, where li waa reoilvud with general applauie. Mr. MaggI Freeze llauett lojli charge of the ceremoutee ami con ducted them wltli onmmeiidahl digni ty and rare ability. Ilia number ol niuilfal aelectlone, vocal aud tnatru mental, were rendered In charming atyle, reiltalluua were given, aud envoi bea male by Counselor Joaoph K. Taylor an I (). W. 1'enrnea of the lltak I'reildeucy, Klder llrnlney C. Iladarr and HUhop Hobert Morna, all of whom ajioko In thu highest terma of the labor and Koodnualltlcaof llrother Felt. Then onrae tlia feature of the even ing, In the reading by tha lady chairman of the evening of a biograph ical aketch of Ilrollier Fell and the presentation o' a handsome gold watch anl chain. Tha reclilent waa fairly overwhelmed and melted lo tears at theeo tokena of got feeling. Tba blo grat hlcal aketch waa a bap y mingling of history and cloutieuca written by Mrs. I.lly l'reexe. The watch waa do nated by tho ward, and tha chain and charm by tha V. I. M. . A. f the ward, ltith were eultatly engraved, and will ba a constant remluder of tho good wlsbe of tho Klevenlh warJ to the recipient. He responded In a feeling speech, and, after tho benediction, refrisb ment were iaed around and tba re mainder of thu evening wat apent In pleaunt conversation. Kvurytlilng passed oil In an orderly and entertain lug manner, and we Join with tha other frlenda of l.l.lcr Joeeph II, Felt In commendation of hi faithful aud efllclent labors. Jlrtrlilnrrr llnll. W have received from Messrs. Fmxer aud Chalmers, mauulacluri'ra ufmlnlng iiiachlntry, steam engine and boilers, Cblragn, a large llttin grahlo reprtsentatloii of Machinery Hall. It will lw ono of thu liamlsomrit buiUluga In tha Worll'a Culumllaii Hxposltlon. In this atrucluro will I exbillted tiiu most modem machinery connected wtih every ludustry lu exlsteiue. Conspicuous among It will be Fraxvr and Chalmtra' machinery for milling, concentrating, amalgamat ing and smelting, whltu will bo of steclal Interest to western ptKuile, I here will be lu o rratlou In tha build Ing on of Ibo ciUhrated lmprove.1 KW) hone-power Corllsa cngluoa of that company. Ainilirn'riil. lnbaiior ba t J "f Hilsori" wa given by tba Amirlcan Kxtrava gantaComieicylavltvenliigatthaHiU I.ako Theatre lo an unmually good house. It 1 a sctaeular entertain ment, something after the pattern of tbe"Ciyatal Hllppcr," but lar excel) Ing It In rlclini-w an J splendor of scenery a well aa In oilier artlillo iar tlculars. In the first net the port of Ilalsora I seen with lie hl-, IU flower girls, Ita fishermen, and with It Untitles ocean ilntclilng far away in Hie distance. lu the Mcond thire I a tableau which pretnla sunktu veesellnold onain's de th. ThU i very iirecllv ami waa vigorously anlaudnl rno Iviry I'al-iuv, with its pri eealoo nf nitlnnsand thotransformailon scene, fiiriusa eerie of Mure that fnrannli spli nilnr can liardly be rxi ellej. The company euibrsct nunyofthe best iierformers In the eilravegauit liislneraof the country, and Iheyrii terlnbi their wurk with n rest and vigor that warms up the nu llenc. It la thn largest orgauliatlou of Ita kind thatlia ever crowed th continent Tho stagu mounting Is gorgeous In tho oxlrcmr, and th costuming Isbuttful, rich, lrlllliiit and In strict conaorjaiico with tha color of the scenery. This pleca will hold th boards fur thn rv malnderoltbe we-.k, and atUie Katur day matinee- For tlioweekcointneri''lng riiurlay, NovcmWr i:m, Wouderland ha. a complete change of trogramuie, Mret corce Jo-Jn th Hussliu rloc-laiavl My, sal I to bo onu of Iho 4iyslcal rasrvsl of tha age, Hrymour, tha!or, l another ol Hie wondnra this week. Thero are sereral other at traction Indt pendent of the two great itaoliawa lu Hie theatnrluru. iVriuiial. llx-Senator llelder, nf tllenwoo.1 Prringa, Uolorado, I regtterel at th Kuulsrenl. A. V. Wev, mnnegar of the McIrmoll llmel at llutle, Mont, and wife, are guesla at th Kmitf ird. K. W.Hmlth.or Uad'llle, Col., I alop plng.ltlie Wfilia Hans. T. I. 1'alen, cf ItillaJelpliU, a director of th Niagara Mining company, la at the Kniltaford. LATEST TEliFaHKAMS. THE I Millall HUE, The aterm ami lrevalel III SJailth wesleeil Ireland. Ijtlsiv, Nov. 12. Though at midnight last nlgbl the great gale-In r.uglanil aubtlJed, the aUrm la still prevailing In aiuthaisiern Ireland. llpatcbicontiuue to ! received giving the Uelalla of havou wrought aloeg tha ciait by yeiterdvv'a atorni. From Hsmsgate, on the eaat coavt of tho Isle of Thauet, Kent, four fisher ermenwera drowned, There Is gn at extllement In' Houth imrt, on the Irlh Hce, over tlia hioba ble drowning of the enw of a llfeUiat which went out yesterday to atlmt tosavothecrevr f a vnasel In distrr oil I hut place. There I liaraly nny Unubt among thus aciiuaHittu wltli lhadaugsrsof lliecort that lb llfo boat h foundered, and every aoul In herfouod a watery grave. Tliel'apenilllUlfklut. l'.liua, Nov. IS. Tha I'opu haa re newed hi protest lo th minister of worship against supporting th posi tion takeu by Hi Italian government lu connection with tha revwul pilgrim Incident In Home. I'nelnaneae ITarstllp fee Itrnslt, I.lllwi, Nov. 1:, The Fortugueso government. In viuw of Ilia gravestatu ufallalralu llratll, baa ileclJcd 'ihavu some warsbliatoprniectthttl' it urse lulerists In that ci.untry. Trlrklete In aneelen Park. Iainikii, Nor. 12 The CAi-unlo' this riiornlngannoiintK that Irliblnn have leenfiiuul In American wrkat Hollugtu, a town or Ilbenlsh 1'iuiila, lliilan erl nl Hi llilue ll-ir.ter. 8t. l'lTriiuiuiuii Nov. 12. Tho nuthotlltcaoflhu Husslan war nfllca liavo reaolved U cuiistrucl a linn of furUalongthaChlLeia fn.ntler, nu I tu Int rease lb nuin bar of ofllnr lu Cen tral Asia. SlIallMlcs. WagllixoToi, Nor. I!. Tho chief of the bureau ol statistic! reiurtaa 'tital value of extort of domestic breadiluDe during October, 1501, tu the amiuntof KI,IJJ,!UI. Thedlnxtor or tha mint desire to correct the figure isibllshed In an ab stract of hi mutt aa to tba amount of the return movement of gold to th United Htalea from July 1 toNovom-t-r 1, 1631. Tho amount returned wa f 22,3.".,,771. Tba mistake wa madu lu the nlllclal copy furnished tu tho preaa. A TUAIM llllllilLHt. Masked Unlit I p and Hub vs IIiIcako I tire. Mtt.WAVKiK, Nov. 12, The rnlJ night train Irum Chicago on the Milwaukee and Ht. 1'aiil road waa rot bed by masked men mar Weatern Unlou Junction at on o'clock tills morning, Tha train lial been out to Iho Junction I2S mllee south or thl place) about half mil wbeu Flremau Kdward Averlll, who wae .ultlkg aoma coal Into tba furuice, wa atarted by a noise behind him, He turned aruund and dlttovurrd two masked men clambering ever the augluu lander, lloth leveled their double barreled guua at tho fireman an I Huglneer "lull" McKay, with thu In junction: "Don't mole au till wo tell you tu, or wa will blow the top nf your bind tir," l.nglueerMoKayillieifed tha run of llic train to will. In a ptAui ot about cue lull" from Western Union Junc tion, Here ho wa commanded to atop, lloth men were orderui to step down out of the cab. They were marched to tho express r unler cover aud then Ilia work of blowing open tbaaxresa car began. Hovcrui iiomba, the llrvinau ttiluks, wera thrown Into thu tar aud tli'Ljexploslons weio terrltlo and must ball awati ned aviry iaseiiger on the train, but uo Iwdy aptcaredoii tbo scene. Tha rob tier wera uhloubtodly tint lcaa than six orsevrn In numbers, Judging from thominuer In which they conducted tuooiatlon. The trainmen btllevo they had a team cloaa at hand with which locatt away tha aafr which wero taken bodily out of tbu car, I'lleman Averlll'a story Is trio moat comprehi ntlvc They made in walk abend of them to tho express car," ha ald,'and they gave tneajlmmy to pry open tba boxes, lhey got th messen ger' key though bawa In no hurry tu give them up, anil they will havo no tr utile lu Krtllt a away wlt'l all tlm money The train wo lis Id foro er hall an hour. Tha entire cllortaof tbo robhvrs contere-j on the axnrria car and not a insstuger waa molcstod. MnwAl'KlK, Nov. li A gni nf maiked menstopil tlioChlcaco, .Mil waukee anil HI. I'aul northbound train near Western Uulon Junclioii at S 80 this morning, aided by two confederate on tho train. Tbo ex press c ir a attacked and It I rerli-J ilia messenger made a diiernle resist ance, liut was uvrrpowered. A large amount of money wo taken from th nxprrsi safe. Tne wire are In a had condition lieoxusa nf tha elimi, and the partiiubtr ate nieagr. Tbn fMsengcra were not molieled. A private ilKpalctt say the uptesa car wai blown opeii with a ilynamlta bomb. A Bbtki nij spmt un. The) tint news u( tha rohlry wat brouglittn Western Union Junction ly a rttgaiau. Tha Milwaukee) and Ilarlna rllc wein telrgrni bed lor Int. mediately, aud De'actlv linn-en waa provided wllh a spoclal tralu on wlikli lialeftatldo'cloik. "I,esi than five minutes oat ol th" Wltli rn Union Junction," said Mrs longer Murphy, "tbu Inln slimed un ii Idenly, A musket wa joked through the top wluJow of the car, an I a sec ond later, a terrific el loslun occurred that kuocked twill myself and Mr, Cook In a lieoti. Half n doteti moto n plosions followed, aud l III doors Hew oirtha liotU. Then two men wearing big black mollis, dun, beted quickly Intu the car and covered ua with muskets. Wu wera cAUtloneil to maintain sllenca on lenilly of getting our head blown of. After Klaui'lng hurriedly atvut tha tar, tbu robbers faatemsl their eyia on tholwo Iron boxe of tha Atutrlcau F.xpre company, Tha rubtiera brought tha ilremsn In a littles later and went through ail Hie boxes. They compelled us to hand over tba keys, rtiry durmwd Iho boxe out en Ilia road lent. One cf tha robber kept ti covered wllh hlstnuskul nil th time, wlill tha '.Ihcr iurlntended the cperatlona of Ihn fireman. Mmen-rr Murphy staled that thn total amount nf tho roblxra' Iwuty will 1 robably amount to f li),ntM, aud poeal fly more. Aintllclalof IheHt. I'aul roadsali tha train wlilcli waabslduu waa onu which generally carrlidall tha money received by thu Mllwauke baukafroott i rutin the morning. Agent John F. Hell of the American Kxtresvcomtiany, aald to a ripnrlar Ihatau aprroxlmato atatemeutof tho amount taken by tbo roble-r coulJ not li learnul. He said t-'-0t In local linkage waa certainly gone, bcetdss the autu contaluod In two scaled en velors. kuik I'AahiuiurKa Kara kotiiimi. Homo of tbu passengers, who wera asleep, did not k now anything about Iho "hold up" until the train arrived In Mllwankri. Homo lAisuugera thought there M ere twiMyor thirty robbers, others thought they siw only a dozsn, while others said thorn were more robbers than lssengers. When Ilia trsln atarled upas,ain the nsscngera aaw tho safe lying brelda the track, but lhaiobbara liaddlsappiared. When the train arrived at Ilia Union ilejiot at E.2J o'clock, tbn cxireee pre sented an appearance that would In dlcala that It bad been attacked by heavy artillery. Kviry door and win dow waa blown, and the i latform and walla were abattred In half a dozen tlsces, while the content wets piled ludlscrinilnatetylualieaplii the center of Ilia car. Messenger II. O. Muthy and tils tuwiittnt, 0. 11, Cook, were round gathering up fragments of way bills aud looking over tbu rsmuauls luftby IbarobUr. Wntneira rres I Ink. ItOHTO-, Nov. 12 The lltst annual convention of the National Federation of the Womeu'a Frees club 1 lu aea slou here, Th prlncip! business was thu a (option uf a constitution aud the election of their ofUcers. Mrs. Bailie Joy Whltofllosloiilnaa chosen t rial Usui, Mrs. Martha i, Lincoln (Waih. lngton)vlrni,resldent,Mrs, IM. C, Hd liorn (nau Franoisto) recording eecrv tary, Mrs. Fanuy II. ItaaUIIIChlcago) treasunr, Mrs llvlva Luckwcud (Washlngtou) auJItor. tie missed llauisless br I Ire. If aumiw, China, Oct. S. Nov. 12. A fire l,a deetrcyed thirteen hundred house In tills clly an I rendered thir teen thousand peoil bomeles. It la lellsYed that a number of wnnen and children I-ist Ibelr (Ives. Two diya afterwards, two hundred mora houses burned. rerila loutpanles, Boston, Nov. 12. A mortgage cf fK,vW,viXrhasJuit btn filed attiulTulk cuunly registry of dueda. It covers tha proierty of tho Uoiton Cordage Com j any, Htandard Cordage Compmy and other cordage mauufacturire, and la on ru coiling In tbo trust proceai, by which all concerua havo leii toadn Into one. Tha mortgage I given ly security coritoratlooa of New Jen y to the Manhuttau Truvt Com) any, New York. Tba Iran by which this properly waa turned over lo the National Cerd ago Company waa attached to the mort gage, lly Ita terma th latti r I to pay the Hecurlty cornoratlen a semi an nual rental of tlefl.VOO, and also to III sinking fund a a-inil-annual payment cf tll.',600aud hag tbo irlvlbgn of put chaoo under certain condition. INtOIIHATItlV. A I'lol Again! Illnr llsarge of I'AntK, Nov, 12. The Jfmrof this cltypnlllibtau dispatch from Athena which contains tnlormatloiior sUitllng Importance. In sulistancc. tho corre spondent of 2-clutr state that a con spiracy haa boou dlacovercil In Alheua with ramlrlcatlona In other portion of tha kingdom, having for Ita object the ovetthrow of thu preeint ruling dynasty of Greece. Among prominent menaalJ to In dcslroua of throwing aililnth government of King Uuorge, Is Trlcoupls, tho well known (Iriek sUtunnQii, wbo at oua lluio bold tha insltlon of prima minister of the kingdom. UAHKsirn Alii aruiiia, saw roaa arooai Van rorl, Nor, K, aios, nar aitrer i Tsrsissusi, ipr llosaf ,13 I Nsvicalioa H 11 le.tposM 11 I KortnAiaartean ll'. Csoiaoss.... ,. II raelQe Uul .... Kiv Afliljen 41 Bock lslsid I', I otrsl fsoiao li SLIxmisAttn fr larlvsauis , IM' I atlsalALiashs SI Mo tiiasls..... Ill lasul'aslti,,, li'l Nortssrs 1 sma i cud Dslss Hacuts. 11 Crrferrs ;u I riri t Bxrrsss sv1 Norisweslars ,H II Wsvlrrs llnioa sij Btoeka dall sad suxatnt, at aiaall fractloa tstlar lUauaratirlets. ijht of all In Lcavctuag l'owtr. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug ,, f4j, j&em IwWClCP AsasoumainY xjaays-s-ar ea tllDhin -lathis cur. VsMiatertl, at II IN T ei ol iitne.1 poison eg llsrry, the !lt4 srarf it r aa4 tan 'islladillsr, seal I years sad lid tt raseisl will b htM frlitse, KevsMtisr tltti, rem restilfeee ot esrenu SIS toatn Tralk Csvtstrevl. frlead Invllstl. Or.n.rxie.-!n this any, Nnvrmtir II, all am , ef klUont fstir, Msry lltrstsar, jl M yesrs. taaersl will te bslit st rssttlaaea, tree Motta ! af Jorlan liver, ea 11111 MnUi steaa. rrklar, hovrisOsr 11, 111, si 1 o'rloek MA. s"mnda ef His fsmlly er lavllsd to atund Ilisio.-Al LIS mldeere, 111 aixtk slrset, Nevsmtier lllb ISJt, Tbstnaa J. nker. The runrrsl servlesa will U keld la tk Msik's Lstlisdrsl, aitardsr, stlilsp-la. TkHe wuhlette view the rcmataa nay de sat lbs resl-leeee. si esikst mil net l erased In Iherhurth. I rleods of lbs tarn ly sre respactfalhr larlied to sttend. Tli Dsl tnlbntlllee, Huch a Dr. Dla 1cwls, l'rof. Gross, aud oUivns, agree IhatniUrrti Is not a local but a constitutional dlsiase. It thertftfreieviiilrcancunilltullonal rem edy Ilka Hood's Htreaparllla, which effectually and pnrmanlly curaa cuuirth. Tbouvandi praise It. HooJ'a Fills cure liver Ills, Jaundice, biliousness, sick hasdaehes, consti pation aud all troubles of the dlgcstlvo organs. A I1M.T ail lis Hlitlll Alll Hi ti nj. Via the Union Pacific, lor th Mining Congress. Tha Union l'aelflc will scli round trip ticket to Denver and re turn, on Nov. Ifllh and let ts, good for return 2U days, at rata or lil. Tickets good for eteriovrr al any polut on Ilia return trip. Trains leave Halt I.aku al 7 a. in. and 0 p. m. equipped wltli through aleei-crsand day coacbi. Aee luur Atillilreti knlilsel I en Ainprevvntlvu aud cure for croup. Chamberlain's Cough Itemisly has no rival. Ills, Infect, tho only remedy Ihatcau alwaylntdeiuledUonand tliat Is leeant and aa'n to take. Thira I nut thu least danger In giving It ti children, as it coulain no lnurluiu suWtance. For sale at fit) cent ler lttleby C. M. I. DruuHlcrt. d A Interlle ltetnr.1, Chamberlalu' Cough Itemedy Is a favorite during Hie winter month on account of Ita great succea In the cure ot colds. Theto la nothing that will Iv'iern a seveto cold no quickly, or a protnplly relieve tho lungs. Tlieu It itiunteracta any tendency towards Ineumonls. ItlspUsant and safe tu ake, and fully worthy of, Ita popular ity. For aala by .. C. M. I. Dmg Htora. da There le Xu llsllsr. Dr. 11, U Ht. John of llowland, l'utnain oouuty, Mlaaourf, takea es Ievlal pleasure III recommending Itiamberlaln's Cough Itemedy, be cause lie knows It to ba reliable. Ha haa used It In his iractlce ror several rears, and says there Is none better, t Is especially valuable forcolde an J aa aprovinttva and cum for croup. This moat excellent medicine is for salebj Z. C. M. 1. Drug Blot. U Tbe Mew llliensery. Vou bay heard yuur friends and neighbor talking about It. Vou may yourself b one uf thu many who know from iereoual ext,rleiiia Just how good a thing It I. If you have ever tried It, you aro one of lUstauticJi friends, becauso tba wondefful tblug about It is, that whuuonoeglvena trial, Dr King's New Discovery over after holda a plaia lu tbu house. If you have never used It and should be af flicted wltli a rough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, socuro a Mtl" at otic and give It a fair trial, It Ji gnsrsiitc"! every time, or money refunded Tilal tattles freo at A. 0. HihIUi i. tsWi Drug Htorc. 0 ii.ii.y"siii lllVs.H Alls III II II V, Via th Union Faclllc, for th Mining Congres. The Unlou I'aclflo will sell roend trip tickets u Denver and re turn, on November lltli and 10th, good for roturudl days, at rata of JJ), Tli-t. la good for losiver at any olnl on the rtturn trip. Train leave Halt Lakaal? a. m. and (I p.m. umlppeJ with through sleeper an 1 day coaobes Allow tan to add my Irltratatolhe efllLJcy of Hly'aCriatn Halm, I was siittsrlng from a severe attack of In fluenza and catarrh and was Induced to try yr-ur remedy. The rtsult waa marvelous, I could hardly articulate, aud In lees than twenty-four houra tbn cataiibal symptoms and my hoarte neu dtsap) eared and I waa able in alng a heavy roll lo llran I 0ra wltli vok unluiarvd. I itrongly renom mend It toallalngera. Wm. II, Ham ilton, Leading llaaao of tbo C. 1). Heea Urand Opera Co. nuv your Jkwxt.nvonlh Wrgki t Tri I'mi Ckst. ItiarAiLVENTl'iAx at U Hcllstidei's Jewelry 816fe, iii Main Hlreetj jib LADIES' Houso Waists and Boys' PIrat. oil and Plain Waists, rnado from all wool Provo Flannels, At JOHN C. CUTLEtt & DRO, No, 30 S. Main Stroat. Tiir. o in-, rtitim ItaHF.MOVi:u and are how com. fortably I caloitlti tlia largo new store lottweeu luu's Havings Hank anl z' C.M.I, riieliullillng la two aiotlri nJ a basement, an J It one of Iho but lighted Hon lu the clly. The com. tviny ha all Iho iloun complettiy filled wltli au elegant Una of V Urol. turn of every description. Also a handsome selection nf Carpets, I,s.e Curtains, Wludow lllludo, etc., elo, This company enjoy Ibeieputallon kr carrylDtJiubitaullalgooda of neatanj modern ttyloa, Tliom who entnnt their patronage lo Hill company miy ba assured ul lair and hourst treitment. The principal ofllceia of the company nra: John Henry Hmlth, I'miltm, Abram II. Caunou, Vlca-1'ieeldeui' Otain II. l'ettlt. Hocritaty and Treas urer; Wm, N. Wllllama, HJpl. iitf atl lake linlukl In ap Will reiuova to their big new rlors, nirnerof Hlchnrds' AveuueanJ Flrit Houth n soon oa completed. Tbey are running ft big Itetndval Halo now for no days at their slurra M and SJ Matkit How. Ladles' Coats. Children's Coats, Men's and Hoys' Clulhlng at tng vlvenaway allese than Wo ou the l.isi! Vou should not rulsslU Allllle Ulrls raperlence Ian llsbl, I Inuse. Mr, and Mrs, Lortn Truacott art keeet of the Gov, Llgbtbouae it Hand lleach. Mlrh., and are blessed with a daugbUr, four ysars old. Liat April she wsslaksudewn wllh Msai Irs, followed with a dreadful (leash and turnlug Into a Fever. Doctor at horn and al Detroit treated hi r, but la valu, she grew worse rapidly, until the was a mere "handful of booss" Tbsn she tried Dr. King's New Die. ravsry and after lbs us of two aid a half butllea, waa completely cored. Tboyray ur. icing's new iiucuriry It worth It weight In gold, yet you may p-t a trial loltlefreeat A. C. lullb A Co'a Drug Wot. e Dr. llurrovra, Oculist, Aurlst ami Up. tlclati. HlTclaclca fllted. CuuunercUl Ulock. vrarlhy t n Trial. If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back, bind on over tbe seat of 1 alu a pleca of tlaniiel dampened with t.'hamUrUlu'a 1'alu Halm. You will he surprised at tha prompt relief It af fords, oil cent bottle for sale by Z. 0. M. I, Drug Htora. ill (li-r iwrtlculars about' tho Weekly Ten 1'erCent. ImUllment ilxn at L. Hollanders Jewelry Btore,l li Mala b'. . The rirel atep. reihap you are run down, can't eat, can't slop, can't think, can't do1 auyllilug to your satisfaction, and you wonder what alia you. You sliouU lieed thn warning, you are taking the first aUp Into Nervous Proitrstlon. Vou uel a Nerve Tonto and la Llectrlo llllter you will find lb exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to II normal, heallby condition. Hurprlalng reaulu follow the use of this rn at Nerve Tcnte and Alterative. Your appetite returns, ifood digestion Is restored, and tbe I.lver and Kidneys resume tiealtby action. Try a bottle. I'rlco 80c. at A. C. Hmlth A Co.'el)jrug Htnre. 0 airaglk anil Health, If you are not feeling strong aa healthy, try l.lsotrlo Hitters. If "La tlrlpt e" haa left you weak and weary, us Electric Hitlers. This remedy acta directly un Llvr, Htomach ani Kid neys, gently aiding those organ ta tmrfonn their functions. II youorssf IlletvU wit Hick Headache, you wUI flulsredy and permanent relief by taking Kleetric Hitters. On trial will convince you that this Is tba remedy you need. Large bottles only 5J al A. C. Hadlb A Co' Drug Htora. 0" Good new to Ilia allllcte.1. Those who are surfeited with th coat and llMilesiuea nf drugs had belter socura "Dr. Hall's Hriilth l'amphlct." (lourgu IJoddard Agent, a blckiitu Ai.ionc I lilblefU, I'speclally Infants,, li prevalent at all tlruia, but Is largily avoided by giving proper nourishment and wholesome lood. The mo-t tuci-rfut nnd rellsbl or all Is the (lall llnrdsu "l.l" llrand Condensed Milk. Yuur gna tr and druggist keep It. Baking Powder TJued In Milltoui of Homes 40 Years the StatuUnt. A Turo Cream of Tartar rowdcr. Superior ta every other known. Dellcioui Calcd and Pastry, Light Flaky Illsctilt, Griddle Calces, ralatablo and Wholesome. No other baVinf; poudcr doecsuch work.