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I ESTABLISHED j . BFQ'PBFT IVFNTIVft MITWQ ' . NEWSPAPER II 9 " 1KUTH AND LIUBK1Y, - - ' j l o '0'. 'i ri siu.v, Mill it 17, inin. rUi,i TiMCC cnV, utaii ii hhi'iouy. vor xxT illll IMOUB WAK TALK, The Fmitror of vnitrli Draws Hi,' Allenll ii to tl o Contradictory Slate of Affair. THt QEAMAN WAR PflTV 0AIN0 INriUCNCC 1 Attic on Ibe turopean Hoarsen Hal slan Securities Sl t to be Movl IltpreiscJ T Ts lci to IBS Xaars.1 the riHorri aitiatiot I adsasere ! ratify Ihe IAaalelau leeple lgiVA Not 10. M a Meeting of tin llulfl com nlltee IndAy Count Katnoky am irtal tt e coinnillfra tbit tt o 1 mperor apeec ti referred to bj tha TaytUatl ought to cauie no un Kill aae thAt although tha I ruperor drew Attn lion to lh contradiction I tween tbo preiaratlons for wAr And It e tAlk of reAca th government t otrt tt a trot lorn woild llnd a taau-vfil Mutton Itefsrrlt g to Halurdsy a nnlc ho Mid lha publlo did not AkeA leisonAtla view of tho lltuAtlou on aerlouswurd exaggerated to eerveg vala en Is waaaurilolenl la evolve An i uwarrat tod panic Ho Announced t vat tl new oomrnerclat Ireallre would so It to opritton rebruary 1. IkO" TIIKIANIO Tl Tiiatllutt today, notwItbslAnd Ing denials of Ita su rj published Hit ir itsy to II oefleit II ai the I mperor I Ad declared tt jroj'Ati situation iiltlrAl luelels IhAt Ita report wu strictly correct Tint report wu At tbo b ttom of tho panlo ou tb House Haturday lloldere of stock! and tot da fearing tbo 1-mperor a worda jreajgrd war n Ada a wild rum toaall an 1 Ihe result ku a drcllno not cfi tailed In many yeate Tho UtuiI,it at Ids received In atructloi a from the I time Minister leeurd a elAtoturlit declaring 11 era waa I o truth In tho TagetlaU i elory Tho Tagiblatt eaya tho language of 11 1 tn-eror waa drawn forth upon thaoccAslonof on Aullenca granted to tlio president ol a lollih club. It re Iterilta that In tt conversstlon II at tl a i took lace tbo Lmperor used tha worda attributed to I tin by tl Tagfltalt on titlutiiny, which In a ib atat ca waiu that tho fan Ii which now roTAlla lu ltuaila 1 ai greatly In creased the cl enc -a of war Ho con Hdentls tloriTeofart In tho rellabH. lly end truthfulness of ll a person wl fun lined tba Ii formation which I ad ouch aerloua results II at It bu asked tho iubllo prosecutor to nioko a oloao And aearrl li t li reitlfatloii ai to tbo truth of tba Aitlclo TUB )LL)nIf Kalnoky baa Aiioincod tl at tha Koltrrrln IroAtlra noull bo dlicuaiol IrtloA itrlauAud iluagnUu dele Katlul a conjolntlx inn WAU i Aim 0l TUI Ht I itkiubviui Nov 10 Tl o AuniUi drclarue tl at tbo floauolal crlala In llnlln I la developed a llll rat crlale tint tl o war rartr kaa call i-J II o upper I and al the pru tlci t IlUmarrklan llcy I aa been for v lti 1 1 tho frantic dnalro to atrlko KurfU lu tr mobient of weakneca Tllk VII -ifA uauiur. icnna fur 10 Tl e bourro I oro toda wai very weak and ui aetU 1 nrci "Alef Ato male In order toeet rid of loubtfut aerulllaa II mcariin Kollre lidrot.l 11 erreiil Thla evenliK alll ough tbo bo irso wai weak An I unae tll during tt e lay, the ton ItcauiaiotUr lu tho lte di-alloji And II luarkat clueed flruitr Anglu Auatrlanlaik rl area And IIuukaiiau sold leuUacloaed 1 er oent down on (Uaj Tin liniiNjmiuK. llninv Nov 10 Tbalo waralirge ail of foralen covornmtut aecurlilta on II ebouraelero today Tleaelllnc wai duo to unfavorable Advicea re relvrd from rArla, There waa a uno ral dcdli o Ini rlc, ran;li t from 1 lo 1 r rant Jluulau aecuntlca wero tho moat dapreatod Tlir FlllNKrOUT I OUIMt Kiiami roKT, hoy 10 The itock market to-day WAA dapreaied All for.lgu (ovrrnmei t Miouiltlee dealt In on tl o bourse fall ) to I per cout. A tleflalan ut the A preiue learl or II IHaUlel ! ll wkle. Waaiiin itiix Nov IS. In Hie Hu reino ( o ut of tho I) atrlrt of tol un I Ia today tl n dan urrer In the oaao of tl o Unltad Htatea agelm! CI arlea henton. charted with a violation of tl civil aervl o act waa overruled nnd tho cAfeo went to tho Crlmlnol Court for trial ( onimluloaar ri o up ton of tho civil service commission tils evening; said that II e Hui renin curt ol tl o Ul Ited Htatea In tl era oft urtla I eld tlatthalAwforbldJInr; Rovrrnrnet t eni loyra lo aolklt or re eel ve from each other maney for Willi raluriokAawuooaetllutloual but tho IccUlon ten If re 1 today goes much f irtl er and I olda that all aollclUtloua for political purposea within govern li eot bulldiniia are unlawful Tho eflect he thouitht.wlll be loj ractlcallr atop pollllcsl wi nei ta and Icavo lioveri met temj loves free to contribute oriotaslley tw fit, fl e'doclslon I a a com leto vln lloatlon of tt a course of tbo commission llie Ifs sm I llrlslian Teni ereoee lolou ItovToN.Nov 10 Atthotlilrddaya eess n of th i Natloi al And World a Woi ai brletlai Te ujieraiice Unl n Itleiu r 1 Klnretlli, wasoocuplal III 1 scufnlon if tho leatlou wl at cacIi f the dei artmenla of the r lurtatloi il icr ip li 1 loatoifcur tho formation of total ntitlD ice tiabllt and aenll inentAntforlhollualoveithrowof tho drluk system lu the of ernoon Mrs 1 otter I timer irt-aMnt of tie hoard of lady imu ah is tf Ho Worlds I'alr, iud a trlvf AdlreM. askl r the ompcrallou of iro le i ill ver thou i itry 1 1 nitli lis Ho w mens exhibit At lie fair ao till n Hey might (eel r id of nnd f rlliar anuourcl a; Hat litem wo ll 1 1 e no eepsrato wo i e i a fepart neit I t that their exhibit woild lie displayed ullhtlosool tl i el Tills uvenlirf thete VAs n I r.qutt At Muslo Hall, Jar.oly Atteudad Mn -. It Ingallarertitloutho work AXAlost narcotics One ot the dealers told I er that I o a Id n oro cluarsttra to Kills than b 1. Tl o work tbla ear will look toward tl o lAtsAKO of a r Allot al low forUlllnn tlomanufactureof clgtrslln Opium It to U forbidden II possible Mrs Mary K Iwjvelt reviewed tho workof thadepartmai tof merry Ao ono reaull of her retort a rlelns; voto ran leranlng tho wearing cf any birds or aiy pails of birds unless oltalnid wltLout tAln was moved, trut tl o mo Hon did not prvvAll And was referred to tbo oooiiutttea on resnl Hons It was Announrt I that n belt ulnar 1 ad taen mado for a tern; erat c tam le in lloslon A LlTtLC SUHttAM Hhf Tira Cane UK Ike r-s at a. IliU i Larana It. r.ilatar I van In tha IIU t ( the frlmy rallroa I rnjlnrer wlota ailtto uo Is oiil Almost contbint tlanger tl ere some U nes falls n spark i f lll t And a ray vt liuinAn aunsl Ino llluoilnotes 1 la s noky cob ienatrAtes I Is grvAjy I louso And flo Is Its way leep down I to 1 Is I rertst A little I cldei t 1 appened down at tl " mole the otl er evenli g otter II Arrival of II ovarian 1 train wl I h tl ough of a si lout e will long I o ren en hered by a certrtln C 1 f ngl per Tl e groat Iron in r iter attacl el to tl train was throbMog An I pullli g After tl a lot tf ai d at uo s trip over mo t i tain tldi ai d rurky letlles treinl Hi g Iroillos i rul mars) y stratel ei Tl edlrt In tl lei t "AS lanfu ing I ut out o! II a ol am 1 1 sounds a sweet glrlUli vulco wu heard welco uli i I on e I er arrnta, til u I Ad arrlveil o i tl e trfjn. hho was a little got len l ilrM bea ty aenrrely sli jeers cf Age with ft quick I telllgf nt eye And A lovlt t hAtt rt t which abe gave full ent In tl a ro II.m t Al llmpulille way sbe waloon al I er fond arei ta back U last tl ey toot: I er I y tha 1 an 1 And roeeeilivl tuward tbo waiting ferr;boat. As tl ey poeeil by tl e eoirui. belonging to tl o train II a Utile one Ircke AAy rA i u to tl o black rnacl I a nnd attr-I tl dtlvl k wleels Allsctloi ataly with I er Itllowlllalunla. iAioklog it At tha si clettack aha aid ton gwHl if old Iron lone yo i 1 avo I rougl I luck my popA nnd mamma safe over tl s fear I it i lot n tains to tl elr Hills girl an 1 I wai t to tlsnk jo i, even If jou lontciref r we u"?auba I mn ao llttlo) mil joi too rl o eonthuel tun It g 1 r tunt wMfilly tuward tin grli y euglner wl r, was Ir g out of tl o cab wl i duw 1 lois vou liotli. riirli slo klucd tfrlaud tolliua dwAsgulo Ukx a ray ol n s) In. Just tl en h fleeting innbeam from tho great otb sli king down I ta tl o Golden Ostoramo steallt g tbruigliA ol Ink In tb demt Al d st lo by tl o en glneerlituhlaoAb Tl ero wain strange IfHikco I llfaceforau I tslant Al 1 All At nnro tl e depot was lark and loi r sou. Mien ho lined till head li t the cub there wem tillglt Siotio tl e rl esks ut I Is dust brgrimed fjee Oakland ((,! ) I nquiror Ah. IJL.a M.H.m Wee Moat of ns I avo taken i p tho bunlen of life thou.lilf uottof us run Alter lean wo i eu tl e b rden c f I f Is n ade tolerably easy to us. W I ol I onto It bera an we want sjt iotl y I it wo will st tl at tl e greater ru it of It la o i a man a shoubicr If a ynowspnper would p il lull It I woull write eol i m of prahe of tLa American man eerm chilly as lo I.dsi.lop-1 In thowuit, LclUrltlstlst i u are i tlci tlful out tl era or i ot or wl etl r It Is I o I as hud a mother wl o 1 us ti g! t bh i to cm sder womoo orwl Ateverlt la I don t know Hut I wai t to take luyAflldAvIt rU t now that tho woaterli u an ran 14 too Alt gat) er dallgt tf it tn wu nrn for Al y II Inj o tl a worlJ Ho nlwajs tro ti I aria thAt pretty little way ai If s a were a bit of rkl ia and was (.uli g lu break. I ai i fortieil to col fera I lot t know li all l.l avca to tlaa wester l wo en lot I think I a Is gu tie m ri o igli t treat ill women ali'ie Yc I adi t reclatlvo of tl o western ma i WheneierjousAagreatgbL, 1 si diol e igrr al la lorn wl 1 avo vogt o si rt ot an I lea Ihotjoi are An Atlroctlto wuitan egppoio joi let tl em know Hot you aiprcclato tl at tl o gl t Iw York CorhaisasClty Times. Llsei a r. Of Clropatra we base no aJeo, ate mate rial portrait uotblng b t rsprearntat o s 0 i cotos aod msdsls which Are oelthsr a.-itlsractorr nor conclusive Hot this mat ters not. 1 lottrcb rolls us tint btr ties t tj wllbeut bt eg lacen parable waa moat seductive ber face ebarmlox her wb le person full of graoe IJleu Casal a Add that her vol -e waa losMlous and of 1 1 fl Ite swas aess Ant what stroogsr at tra tlnalatbtrel wo ao tl a i iteel arm ot voter that rsrssl of gilts, white, holds tbs besrrr sps Ibo nl and encbaoledt 1 laewbrre we read tbatsbe waa j eeu ot atoks en i ress of gsulus moat erudlt ladj laltlstnl lalo I lie UJstsrlss of oil rgrpt I lldsr of tsniplrs aol palaces rival of Ms. ' lllsiory rrprsscots bsr as tha aupatb heroine of tl a luoit drauiatro lore to tnaoce of antlrioltj Aol so tbelatuaof Cleopatra ba taseo Its place among tbose nan es loagolOee t sod Voluptuous tie 1 ir oonlo gr ping of wb ate sjl selrs a .rilalo rsverla suive llralaullual uous vblons antrlnkeatlesouvel fr or lo ll lout plant us glorified In t rn ly legs I aria 1 hUlory l Iropatra ts the ua e of one f Ibe ( est lovers bra tlful accorilluk lo tba Oeib of ooaof tha wo ncn lar i to cl am rn-1 ve Ullth Delllal bain e llcleu All vsla lbc-tor Of Ha brlsf asaoc stlon of atoms thai formel these orva ures Here ni ped so etbl t Idra) w cl to ualns lu the dnian a ot poata an 1 1 a llstbet enorjof l auk ud Arouut tbese ua nta wa una ce trate a our cu eetlo a of ra Ij gra e as.1 ctlve char u 1 1 our Imagination their vanished liear ra appeir m l Irl bs t Mlta Irl a a at hbakeaiiearo Buys C ropalra was a ui st llalojat lady b t what I attars I er lbs loyalt)r ga tann I wllsr ber lor c ilou sta a ber Indol e ar str Ibe pottA cannot forest bsr glortr lhaojo a a STitAM)i:i) sim1. Sailors thin Ion Tltlr taplaln, Its Wit an I (Jill m a litre I two dayo or TcnniDLC nurrtn INOS II r suriltora are llnjllj Wished tsloro an I s rrnrrd 1 Irlrndlr It Hans UyTsevrstbl'ttheNaivs. KiHAttlil V Mill una. Tl er Abanil. i Tbsle entaln null Ills la ItreinisSVresh icruniA II C , Nov loV-One sif tloMirvlvorsofthacrew of tl e el l ' riaral ."wrecked At ( nrli lali 1 ill I Noveruticr 81) I as Arrived here Hhe wrnt on A rook In A dense fog YV lilies tl ostcoud Disle and i Ino n en wero lowering tl a lot g lat,Ca talu tlr.el I algh hie first officer and fo ir ti en tllod to get II wl ale boats oi a of tl o sAllora WAsknoekiaiseifceless And one klllMiai III oloi z boat doe Ua tbo l treaties of CaUlu (JrceohAlgli for them toaavo his wlfo and rl lid Tl o remalult g nnf rtu tiatea stood two days oti tho trenl sitTerl g terrlt ly from cold and wel They en leAVored to make a raft on tt a etcondday aid wl lloengsgedlntl la wotk al go wave swept over tha voa el carrying oir a sailor tamed n otn ton It also shifted tlowlalo host so Ihst tha s trvlvots wero uualla to laui ch It and tl ey were WAihcd asI ote wt ero tl ey wero succored by tho InJIsliS until A tug tiros down frorutl Istlly nfur II em fl a lien wl o left Hem to their fale wore also picked up by a tug AMrnlt SJ I AKftl Hv. lulsvesflna: inaallna IMaeuaiet Ar Ibelrllvgaalaalleiia iNllfSAfulla Nov 10. 1 Very knowi i rgaiiliatloit if tie Ai erlatn farroerelolls some sort of Amertlug horotble wiek Ouuuf tbatnost It trrestlug questions Is SI all nil the InteriBlA of theso concorna Im merged lutonle"" H indrdaot delegatoaare alrealy In Ho tlly Cou,rssi nan Jerry HI npeou who arrived tolay spiakeinoai favorat ly of HoAIIUnrv 0 HlooL 1 reel let 1 1 crrcll of II a cult frJiratcd Inlustrlat orgai litthns, con Using tha I am rra'Mul ml lltn -fit As clAllon, tho ( llliens Mil j i n. tl a Knlgbla of 1 ab. r and tl o Natl it ai Alllann, salt of tl a oljrrta of tl u tneetltrl Tl o urpoaalslii Uko AC tlcti toward tl a unification of All I ilmr Intrusts, ti nlojtn latf lit that all II e organizations In II o ooi f -deration ca n aim d oi so tl at by ttullod Action they n ay rocuro Ihr IrglilAtlou thty de net d " Tho question of con I Icing with otl er labor organuillui s la not 1 1 1 taken up ut HI Ho ltlnisry men l Tl a I Aldeet iOlltlfal fight will U It Ua on tba eu lorsen out of tl a I eo Ir a PAtly ly ttoAUIatce Hocoiecnaus f opli Inn of tho delrgatca alrrajy 1 tratelngtlattlo Alllaico will not endorse ti o tl Ini tatty bit will ou dots II it leitty wl oso latform most cl sely i roclaln a Alllal ra i tl Klplra. Itesliltlt lolksallll at wl Ha tl a Alllanco la otposlng Cleveland, It Alio o ae.1 lllilnr llsnlaon illll Aid Any otter man who did not Advo cater Alllatcs nnc!p!ee lly II o way "I r addnl no loiibt yo i hava I ear I of tl a grrat o nhli a Hon ot Htanford at 1 1 oik for tl e I ia I of tl e third t arty ticket A I y Htat ford? Htanfotd would Lot get one AlllnicoMili for cot liable All tl ne Atllclea circulated Uri.lug Htat ford fur the 1 realdei ey on tl e ri Ird i irly llclrt ura all boon era for till Ilia rlrculall n bill was a a.rulcloie meaa. ura iropoaed to ilegraju thaiurruucy frouitl everyitott.' Annlsrraarr af Ike Preelai tallen or Ihe lle uklleal I mall, Iliu Jakijiu, Nov 10 Tho second anulveraAty of i! o proi lamallon of tl o ltrpubllo of llraill waeobeerved today Anlllury tevlewntd fetsawuti I eld lu I o or of II o occasion lhu day tinsel quli lly, He ubllo taking but llttlo Inlrlrst In tlecelet ratio! Ho situation In Halt 1 aula Is dally becom Ing morogravr lavlera llrlaia kw ii kic Nov 10 Governor Iorler ti I r later to Italy artlvoj ou tba steamer Normandla today on a slaty lays IrAve of Alaoi io llobas notlieanln Itouioslnca J me An 1 will itoUbly not return tbera until the ltulUn governuent Is represented I i WoallnglonbyAtilnlster llanfusod todtKuss He NewOrlesis AtTalr fur tl er tl an tn lay tl at I o I as been treated with tho ut uost courtesy by King Humbert He rlmo t ilmst r aud all ottisr Itellaua with whom ha CAnia lu conuct TberaialaeluHuasIa Ht Utkhsiciui Nor 10 1U orta from lha famine stricken districts of tba cm Ita cot tlnuo to alow tt u da rpalreul sutTerlng eulalleil uu tha poorer claaeea I y tha eecAtclly ot food 'ibagovenn tit la doing everything In Its power ta help Ho slflsrera Aa Already elated tl a Czar niadA a large donation for tt a beoeflt of tho Buttered from 1 la rlvy puree lu Addition to tun It g over tlo sum of mot ay re aenled htm upon He occasion ot lis silver wedding Tl e Cisrluu, too 1 as flvrn freely And other members of tt a mpirlal fa ully I elped tu swell th. fut I for tl ore) efof tl o poor I trgo rta tha sul srlplloi s Are tl oy are but a ilroi liillonceaoa of n ouey that will be require d to carry tbo tl o taande iif oiithouieudaof suflersra tl rouh II a winter llie Anil la llerr Cases. Wabhimitov Nov 10 Ariuinent begun lull a UlltodBtAtra Hjlemo Court today lu tl a autl lottery casus In wl Irh tl a cor stllull nal ty of tl o recoit ontl lottery law la involve I Tha a Ita wero tl ao I rougl t by tl a United Htatea against Job l N 1 e ler, pilll.ler jftle Moullo 1 ijinr a d ileotgo Y Dure i I Infer of tl o' NewOtltaus St ite i, foru vloUlli ir of lha law rrol bltli g tlo set dlug tl rough tho tnall of newsjapers coi IaIuI g lotterj a Iverlleem nta Cujn ael bavo Alriady sub lilted brlcfa giving the lit a of arsurreot Aid tits I avo Let n ibl sheil 1 1 He press The first qmtlou camiui wlen (alter Hie mil kn wn aw otk lawjer Aiketltl aiiossuta of tleioutl as t H e time tu l Allowed for Atg tmtt I rita coutt euggce cl threes ho tra for II a lott-ry i-"l le, a d two for tba Miref! n et t. Tf la wna hat satlilac tort t attar, wl o wanted live I oura aid ttori ey (loierat Miller sold that tl a Ut Itrd utiles and tba eo le I a I un irh i latest III II a iaeo aa Ihe other sld and tl o ighl (I at ono sldo si out I lot have more lima Hian Ho oil er, th ugh 1 a I touably would i ot wai t mon tt an twu I ours Tho coutt dlioctol 11" Atgumett to r reed ai 1 II wo Id, If i cceissry tab nd II a lime llauulo C Haylur ol tol Ha opanod tho argument for lAler llrat naete aa Laaetl. It I AS atakya serinsd lo mo (Let 1 la eerie succee., as wslliuhleetret srtl lay lillskeeil itlnrtlvolnscllt Into tl a rrsot al el arAtar ot tba Now 1 ng lander lie I ad by M rura a create 1 tl o Yankee" In literal ir. uslll r I a I I a lieen tl a first l I so tl s a kea dialect Judge llallhurt a writer t f I on t ni ill tied hog leli I loo-l I ad nlrealy trawu Ham HI k b t It vena II a Tankn fegarded from Ho o t tide is h was wont to ovgreriliely ren t I luieelf to tl e I f Irtrl g Blue Nos an I Altl u gl tbo tlo I ire v.ns i ut wttl out oeriai al gn re fut ai 1 noetic to id es tt e try at I gnexo mfrlttf lie Judge ll.lib nous ratter Hi S iHlleks III ay 1 iteraet tl a e iHo it en tr-r tu co nfara Hie pretty t rose fa ry of H it HII.-L s lrwi i Uli tl ft uU o t! g uf HosMllghiwaCoirll a llr Jilli Mnrgervl Atoel I fear 1 1 known to ni -t I ngllel ni-n ni nlren ly a Nowrgla Ids., law li li.illg low wss bom It Was s dil't ro nAnre sonnlt elal Astoleoalii tin li trlllg t le t men tl e aierugu netl cnireAderl itwltllelt woim teil with aoao. flJsri t Itn elulra i a wascotiicnlloi atuid lmKrti L It ra I a ncd for llr 1 v. II al a to lis rover a I portray lie real lot ta ll t w lerful evotutimcf tho lig I li I uritin nill tl f r ns or I supttatltloi I ot t ever tl a leep t vlouauetsofU 1 -Ur tllorte liNewltevlew 11)4 aol .Ha l.kaeaH la lis a a. lnlaeltyli to ooi try n ivinli Is I) tvusl go n input t of 1 gs Kr mi a a et i In biviele-d I) II Ini ao- I lUuI lie ltdlanvllago at H ka To tla casual observer by dvjllgl t II esod gs oro m iltlt Hi us u cugh I II they 1 1 am u li fill vagina ul car Ino beauty alet g nU ut i 1 1 igl t Ai J tl ey ureierbiir ly asi tuoruus ts tlio leiros of AtTlnbroao. II era U e o bleased pectillArlty About tl -so ilni lit n.rtlner t fact nl h lo lu ds Hrl s so uctl li g tnoro tl an li roe t i ett. M lo tl o within the i noryuf mall lias tl era beaa n u ud d gl anl I In i tUnor IUvli-1 lly anl lonutlri I HcAl d nuo e f I ydroil t bit will In tl o Ul lis of Alaska, (he i olive, an I r n gl t In I rrot oo tact with II ' el n,i at d In He tl ei i frarlruly And j tbera tutistbo nu y Hues wl nil j am Iki lly bitten I ut lever si fsrai k own lavoiuir ill re. ilia alt let Hew ul Wlotlartllelieowinkto tlo rlli ato or t souo iMH-uIuvrlty s ' tl o d gs tl emwdres li unknnn sa.irt till 1 1 nmtl.ntU n I s to tl i u i of tl Is III iuuu ly fn u ot o uf tl e u uvt trrribl illewiaes wl Iclialtllel but n ly WuulJ bo li t leath g tj Ika MoskAIk I lit at. far a Italia, kl I C ton relal d eaeter tu Al y inrmla i lliaellll fmirllyls as great A lligrncoaaorlialstnAr yotlerfar lly rl Is II o ntleutae! llAi-oluitavdallotlisrl II I tu er Uli e xlstoi co Ills oltvu pt at self leetrue Hon follow a 1 iImo i jkhi J vss ol 40 000 UU0 frat es nn tlo U dot mnr kct n o Alt tutt u n fall ire n I In tl t r i eot recn hie 1 I Is iec la tl t. Ills waa nut tlo tint nlldr ul tl o kl I 1 1 tha Itulhsel II I fn lly lliron Joins lellotlichill crate 1 ly 111 1 ick ao ne tl na bef ra I lew o t I Is I rait s In tl i teset r, ul I la u.otl er C noln all 1 q Irrr Vl.rj lotutrit s. I)r Jvesry a writ kaowu 5Iitbo.II I prea Irrlulbetoi her II klayinouu tains use t to ttll u any atb.llo snroto es if Heeageresaawltl wklcb lhe.1 It u I krues crowdeit IbiaII eseboole vital I sbe 1 ' for II e rbll I su of tl e tread nen of er the rlvll war On ono occastoo going I to tl a renin where the school was btld le fiuud II a fore usllian bocrul el by a row of wblle I jlre.1 Id rwfU ta b t u abllng over an alphabet cant Tba lead era uogglrl lookelonloilinisy lis to cbtd a I old man oath, slo I ler In are at liuod work Untie lieu, II lalyoura.s ell worth vbllsl LncleUt cat aco ttojptuous glance at Hebe ults Mllof hllilre lfj h was agyanletiar Ilka ue doctah J m I kuowdst da ote peart, trees wasda ia-altol bearl auyohnull t woata all Jul I i rsoi leyou k kl a u n.s Id rsgros boast I a4 In It sound Inuuoofo r l"s srataanl rlllea Ihe 1 la ot t nlven ty exleusl i ltd ru a I rla.wa so Icag la use lu ruglaud was Ired 1 va-rla I d ff rent brm I es of ku wl eilkO ttllvernl roorsea of al ors lailures I 1 stories) sc ml I arc) naaluglosl au 1 1 l erarysubjsts Ihrlri .t sager bvsrvrs i ere ed ca est wo e past n delta ae wl tee lives Lsd loo besu dsvote 1 to tl t r ell Irtn line f the women said U slitytlo worl I oi a bef sue fuller a I n ore liea illful ever day 1 here Is so I ueb for me tod for aslf and lor i ir LI I" Sorely ll s better frame of I 111 oil eg II unit. wblh f rose t.u fold our ha Is a II i o r f lly hook p i o rjo.lll wl a we wait li lie res for Tl e 1 1 i u el lienr g nal Ir It tit wl I t a ud water kud sou kuUlbal. U.1I4L u I.AI.0K (JULSTIONS. II r ki ll Is Ini .1 Irr I ' lollons I re snlcl I j mnn. 11 rl Ha I Tri rrrio e I nl ns TMEV WANT THE fAln OPtN Otl 8UIIDAVS AUugllyMalrinrttljl ntrrljMllli lfrfrrriirc till argrs lln u.1 1 Against III i nvT. tmvMoltsMwi I K.ifiTtra eir i ineni Uesalatla isf arle a h IteAsastenltr Tiiikki, o Not 10 In tl Kutgl u of iAlvr A Moral ly II a first buslt eaa was Ihu conal lerallon uf riso lullouapnienlej ly tla UorlJs IV T U at 1 lha National W C r U Tloaa wllch drmenl i ual lay for e iual work for wo net . wotna i suf frageandlbaaamaslai larl of sjty for I leu ai d women were al onto agreed lo Tho lesol itlon den andlug Ho iloelng of Ho U ilia a hair rn HunJaya waatijrcte.1 HaKnlghledr clarlug In favor of 1 avt g lha fair opei on Hunlaja f r tl a ad tcatloa ot tba n aeaer, rovlded II at I o ol a e n ploye I at the fair si all wotk more tl a i all dayar week IT a assembly le ell ted to endorse tl e resolution tor tho f level Hon cf tba sale of II lor on be wot! la fair gout ds ri a last resolution diked tba en dorian entof o tltlon to rrol Iblt tl a oala of Alcol ol oliniAtd otl er ner rollca And to ralie 11 a ilandar t of II a law everywlen to tl At if ( I rleuu morsli Tl la was relenod to n com milter At lha Afternoon session lien ttAl Mailer Wi rkman I owderly mado A let git y slalom nt to tl i Aaaen bly Willi re It rel -atn tha cl argre agaluat I Ini i ada by 1 x Sectetary Tun er In varloue rewriaprre tbrougl out tl a I ast yestertay sir 1 owderly vigor ouelydenlea all of He tlarkcs anJ ciHirut tl a fulleat Inviillgatlou vf I Is ovary act thai I A sat Uadminoiux, Nov 10 Acting Hvcrrlary Hpa tiding 1 as Ii formed a Han llr i tl at In Ha event of a ttlni4ellloii of duly on sugar fro u tie ru any, All audi sugars Above No. 10 1) wllll.esutjti.1 to lilies At tl o rati a reicrtbed ly II o tirin act. A At I III til 11 I 11 r III I IIIIIT II luvolse lie lu aleutllwu ot Die (II ... UeslrlelL Ate. V. ahiix ii-uv Nov 10 ThoHi pieiteCouriuf tha United rilatia to daj planted an A lloalluti for a writ of cottlotarl to oumia-J tt a circuit court fur He district imbraclig tie I atlDo Coast to cattily bilhlsc ittthaoaMiof Atllieeo luiwrteruf 1 urilvt d Or wlo wu relived Admission lo Hio V Ileal HUtts Alter A ttlof Visit to Cl II a rtarmitl In II o opinion of Chief Ju.ll a fuller aaja It will lo sren Hat Hi ia a Involves tt ouol Iruclioti ot tl aCI II raa re-tltlctloii act at d tl trmtlts le wean tl o United HUtei and ( I It s Tl a Chlaeaa restriction Act aa a I ended I lade 11 a IdentlDcallou ot I I It es , it er tt an 1 liurrrr, wl o w era el tltely exclu le I III H a i loda t ro-Tlde-d II o sole vv Irl oof II air right turttrrlloUtltalHtalea Ms Ifestly Ho csllcn Involve I as to wletlir II a act l ould U coustruni lu vtavr ot Ro treaties Is una ol gravity An I Ini laittAt co a dlnv Ivta a mailer of III leroallol al e-on eru Tl a rase It I olds I is uo com tollon with tha Cl Inrla case I eretoforo decided a d rilled upou to exclude Hew, forll a ti aai n H at lu that rasa tt o man w u a lata ivr aud tula netrl aut Tla court la llrtcfure if lleujlulou Hat a if flclei t gn ul ds Atu ahuwn for a w rlt ot ictllotarl A I f.aklva rire Srw Yumr "vov 10 A flro broko 0 t At S 1J tl ta morning In a fo ir story fran a house lu Brooklyn Wt en tl o llrtn eu arrived Ilia building was filled with amoke anl Han a tut tla luendait el Ittot I Aided A 1 ntwruf people to cm a Tbo lira Is still turn lig aud It la lnoaatble to learn wl ethir oriotAnyonalsautsslug It was repotted At nrst tl sleeve i llvoa wero I st but tl la Is H ougl t to bo an ixagg rallou It Is feated 1 owover, that son o a.rsoue may I avo perlihcd II IneteArraslel WAttllN m Kot 1 1 Tl a lieu liry Uetrtn el 1 1 aa been infom ed of II earreetal Walertown N . of four t hi amen wl o were making an at ten 1 1 lo cross tl o Canadia i In t ler TbeluspeilorntUgdensburg N In irp rlli g tl e rase saye I a has Informs Ilou of He exlslenca of a const Ir icy to smuggle several hundred CMda men Into H a United Htates fro h t anada au 1 1 a IseudaAVorlng to ae cutaavldencaagalnit the Alleged oou ipltalora. levita n, Nov in Tho leani corrtsi ondri t of II e. mica lays "Tl a irgotlatlonl of Col (Irani tlnllel Hlatsa it Ulster with tho Austrian government In regard to the potk i ro 1 Ibltlon I avo ma la a ich good ro grrsa tl at altl oi ,li tha l artlc ilara are kr t secret II la rip lad tl at A fnw ilsys will ereailoflnlle aiioui vnisnl ofllor.wsluftl o irallblllou ot Ho Importation of American potk A llatslklaAnlelle Wll KI-51 Alllir, I NOV 10 Ul Ruddj Aged 0 trlurue I I o ua Ibis i ortligond lorrifledAt flidlt gtl at I Is ti ibor wudtluklog determlnol toet II laeiialatia Ha potrod coal elluverl latlolbea set flro tijili.elf ai d than atabbr 1 hi u.ulf Just nbovo tUelciit. Ilo died Ini orrlbla Ukouy Inn short II a H. ill slat I luOATKMa) III, Nov 10 largo aiooi ti'f el itlois coin I ru been In elrrtilatlon I ere Hi past few lays. Most uf it Is lollstsAiul matters, wl Ho u uciaaluial livid II r gl I lro tiriu u tho eioui turfolt on ran y I aa bten bi tr lot I ait II al til nievre I avi InsUtulod a irarcl II It tl ought to bava bsen lasted ty two iubu from Montau, who bavo bueu lu town several days but roull not Ini fun 1 1 toulgl t wl eu wanted Tl o ait otltles I no ato acting In cool no tion with Moi tai aofllclalsln ru icing tt counlurfellera luwn It la tl ought 11 at tl o money was n ade lomorrl era In Montana s. (I lea. a lllasarit Ciiipaii), Nov II Iteporte. fro i Ho alia Dakota, Minnesota Wlsrnieln lowaan-l Illinois lay Hat a gurral t 1 1 wave la prevailing Allliianl la raglrg through totthetii Ulscot slh nl J Mini eaola. aciv niini J I y bill d It g snow InCllcagollotvt t-raUiri lalallllgratldlj and He win I tat low ligagate accomianlidbyllue til id lugsuuw Tear I I. la. iNblAiAivna Nov 10 Mis Id garlleorgo t II n ker Hill ltd, thla motilng gave I Itlh to foir filly Uo veloKd gills Tha fall er la a farmer wllfla... Ka An erlmn traveler It reipons ble f r 1 Inlluwi g story OnUiywh wo wero traveling I v steamboat ii the river 1 tlio my fatl tr sat 1 wn un a large wooden cl eat but 1 a had not orrut Ir I tlili p'ait I g !a f irr I a f a n I tl at A lantlty of yellow it fl was ootli g nut bcl iwoutl eiltk llr I ad bee i elltlt g 11 a box e t eggs. II rating n la.lyrelrrnt U tl o ex Iretna I nt tha Ijoat I o bega I In a I I Ire 11 r seel ery when An ultwei a II o owi er ul tl e eggs I u 1 I It i e t At J I itlsUd i ii I Is urcl nslng tl u w I tile raw My fall r npnl .gli al 1 t M lain 1 II at nl i o il out 1 ly sto I a I Igl t In Ilreetleli It we ul I lav Ira KH Ible f r I lai In make I aa f llftiwn I nln I rgga. Tie ill wo i an w a Ir to and wane i f rtablo l( it 1 n rnlly tl a cat trlli at tawrrd myli l y III ly A I tl Ir k jok r. sitting on tliat box of rgga. n I fear II at some of tl e eggs by ao cl lent wero broken H l'u.vlble I far ti a iwntr I aa a iffere-l loos " I aaltly" Would It not bo .oeetl lo to lallsty lirrr I ermld luirdly y for fltlwu I u i lrr.1 eggs." Ol lynviKwis, Hlowoilliovrr ClaTt tl At Tl out owi urliw illMtl.fyl err Wo ll tola l aikd.ll Ijfllnceit.) Iw ro si lereal too ti i rhr O l ark vas u ta nil gly nflrrnl tbr e 1 1 w i ai an 1 oree t v with ru fusaipr lestatlvtuolgratliule. Ileal Ilea I la Ml I Ha tile Tl o HUerawea In tl a un el ire of tl o nrtrrlee rv 11 tllnukh II ey liny t t be rnrrletl su far aa to lei ote illarvr l kl lie I it i utility years l irl l ro Vulnerable tl in tie joungi nn aid vul erabla In raolai ly U a orga 1 1 uat rat Hal ta I fa It II In fact tl I cart tl at s illera hi rase e ( forrnl rvrrtloii tl a ii luaai at res I f n elrllrlil t rlasllo Ity ef tlearierlrs. llisrllotlr men slot!! tl en foro fnieupAlliierclM-suf i.vm1 1 kn r n nlng n 1 all tl wt In wl Irh i orctIn rlTirtsilonlle.tusieal Ilk I ruwl g In I itrl es. A o aea n rn f e 1 1 Hot At a were f rral.tAnra cert tl Irgtolrnr tl-oei nlara f smltlltlrj nnf rlj lliajeareill b t It l will 1 1 ki w I wl I lite ro In rlmiil t .1 Ip f its lite In Ufa usually on Is Mm j t fr-a tl tt a f II o I ourt nro o r acq er -cs nt e xrrrlaoa e r labi ra tl at rXAforritte II a ctf rt of that organ It u e i wl u liuvu method l at rity 1 1 o rai tril organ e f tl u clrnul.vtl ,n cam t bo eubjerttal will oit lai gerto eveashow ik wl eu ts lay Is t otaro e 1 vl I y tl a elastlo forco i f uu in I n imlrral arterial ajstai wl en It la n rtlj il rlie-et uf 11 a roil for-emtnt wl Uli Is loi t It by II ceo rontrartde rl nn wis, the ofUra t wl Ich III II a rlrc ilaliui uf tl o I lood I as boon I a t lly d scr b-il uy glvli g t) ci i as i wl olo tl a i ail a e f tlo 'rlletla 1 earl I 1 ular bcl incoMoill ly IL. lir tl a Na.rallt. Woi llr 11 ii wai I W p nf flloireatir le was eavaslo ally a suf fenrfn 1 1 tl cl e ai 1 rcsurt al ly i edlc-M ndtlcr to nareotlos torvlleva ll o 11 1 Ooi n I g alter n i Ight of gnut sifter ug le left tUl i- tn co uult tl a doit r tine Tl un u in tree Hi glim i t tu allow tl Utter tu wr be a i Aroot r tu It AtTnttsl lis brulifor so b I uurauftcrwordi Oi I Is way tl o bis. opt et tha tvoalt iai wl i I ai dod blm a inrys r i vtlopo. He oivoi ad It In tl a atrrt t an I reil to bis suri rlsa an I gTatlQratlu 1 1. ap ailitino t to He we if i tic Ho jtnit t e.1 luick to co mm i 1 1 1 Is wlfo tU oicltl g l s ki w loexcUlmel nl at do you thli k I rta l.ppenrdl 1 aji nltb s iu uf "lurk 'lUi-rol there lla rajoll eat wist I 1 I ttll vutl 1 no liern takl g that I orrl I t trootlo ncnl i a 1 are litenitof jourl 1 NurtliAiaerl ra i llevlew A Tepee Ite.ey 1 ara.lla llr la II Clltto tl o Mace n sole i Hit, I as lctei tod a w liar parasite )) li I f-else r paper i io ey It Is fuu 1 l wt tra else ud 11 uugli It Is 1 Viable till ei aisliteJrj ties II mot ro i tltlrllesat nsuri rM j rate aud li very i irucruus. l)r Clft u oouitulSogilof lieu on nu old flta d liar I III He mill tlo t oivatm site Is an acir ts ai 1 rloaely r lateil t) tlasj-llerfai li lfiapearanel by l i l ua l I Biidvou v 1 1 sluine It Is oblo k ar 1 flat aid lias fourilu ivy legs InslarpblL Itlst everkt o vn t I all up.i.n i wll I It Uvea m I I 1 1 eco ea a pvr site o tl tt 1 1 lan bikly l '1 NN oit tliAi seof buuiorl!fiicuM be unuurakltj. - ' IIIM NCWS FKOM UKAZIL. Orirhl HI i ifcbti and 1 rlrale Ttlo jlB CM i Conditio 1 1 ( Ito Ion Iff (J Ir.villrl ry SlAtcmrnli III ill THt BRAZILIAN MINISTER RI- lllftf CtlVCS INSTRUCTIONS j III ,1 Hl'l nlrl rs I efcrrli g to 11 1 llrrolullou ' J WU are Iiitrrr'i tr 1 1 y I onirrAa j I f HII (.'ourunrnt tllrll urTtensahioibsVaw al Ijll'lll Till III4ZIIIAV IIIVOIT IIP IM lleAdllcta Aeear a Ileal tealradlea lerylharaet.e ill J Wtnov Nov 18. Nawafretullra. I Irtll llcot tlnueaof Atnoet rontllcllngchar. Illlll I Acter. oflii a) ll.tcbra flvui Itlo la 1 ( Jaielru aseettllgwlth tineiiulvocat III III (osliiveneaa Hat tla country Is aVo. Ill lutely Inn iull wlillti talegrama irem Illll llueuos j res anl Hvnllagireiant lira I II , (I tors with Htaeisl n nn.l siitxli u. illll r lha aitual facta will robot ly uot at iUu ' known iitlllualladvlrtaeAtalecelvod llllii An otllilal cauwrst i nvinu ills I lift lAtchea tot A I ved I J II a govart llflll S I rnt leacllll g liru. Ills IIlrRi S knot kl own how such dtaiatcl isnacli IliiillS I urloaAjtea nnd Chile Tl a latest 11(111 initial ndvlca from llrat I stales H at ill VI , Ua troulle In Itletltanlodo Hoi Is Mil. I .1 luelylAil At I tut Hogovernmett i It LI W of II a Htalo Is I ov, In It a I Al ds 01 A 1 1 til H rovlslol Al Jul ta It la II fatted fio l IlLiil X tl la fa II at tba autl otlllra at Itlo jiff I vl Itnar I tl eJutila Insyri tally Willi lha illll 1 lentral guvetuuienl I ui ibis II eury la lltTIl cunlradlcled bydiiatcl a from Hau t III vfl Hako to II a lima Tl rta dirlara tl at 1 I Kl l tl a rovlilot al Jut Ia 1 AS takcu abto- I I HI all lu aconlr I ai d nasetl thAt It I ua An Mil ft ainiyof u Kri men armed with titles I 111 Ulaalortof aitlllvry at 1 1 as but oi a 1 m war vi-atil, a liver tuoullor Hit Hy III; allied ' i J; mi. iiiAriiiAN iiinihtiiih ivantic i i ifl TIWA, i J 111 UAiiiiiuTiri Nov 16 -Honor 41 Mendoi ia ll a llrailllaii minister here 13 laateitlvid tlo lollowlng lytAbltw , Ita kram fr in tl a llrazlllan minister of I km Ionian trlstloir daleU November lllht I M IUiiu Uat conilete Irsi lulllly I W reigns In all slate a ear) t lllodrande ) Ell wrtroctl flirts itovokenlby lurslloiis (H pstlalnlui tu loeal tajllllrs isvsoo fall linn J wttl wllch lu virtue of tha III cotslllullon tla federal governmeut ) IP could nut Interfere Deny 11 a nituora i ut leiiialuti ri a Idea la cundeuiueal i re by all llratl lans Alllrmtl at no stale I, j tl Inks of secidlng Iteny II at men (41 beiaof tla UUsulvevl ( oogreaa aro lu Iw tla fotelgn legallooa as refugeea I ii Nearly all II a members of Cot grree ,j hAvo ret mad to their autre Tl aw , j lu wl o lemaln I eta ko about tha city J til Atllbetly Tl ua tar tliogovoromri t ' lTl hss liken no violent nitai re A day ' CM will lai sit fort) a text election And it ! Cotgtris Is convoked lo meet Im 'I HI mediately alter (Jet eral Dewlorn will if hy review tl etrcotA tomorrow, the Aune If ij vtreary of tha j reclamation of tha ri 'I Pi I utile I b f J Tla old llraill minister bu alio re- I i'l celved private InfnrmaUan to tl a ef I lu fertthaltlal ogth lo wlilcll tl A la- t IM jairlrd ravolutloi ary movement In tho 1 1 Ul I atata uf 1 Ala I ad col a waa II a adoi 9 IIIJ II nly He elate aasan bly of a eat of , II resolutions coudemi li g tba Adlou of I Ml tlalretldent AulArovlugthaeurM T Hj' 1 Usui I ty coi grrws CAI UMt A SMALL A VIM I It. Mil Niwiuii Nut 10 Tl a Jcraf la Hw si al.ralauiablasajAll atadvl ealrom Uj I lllojal ello elate tbal r nun tuv IH rl eniueiit lllntstccl!bg All dleiotrl ra M 11 lefertltg be tho tavululloti lluenoa MI ll Ayr-arvit(atl o karrlaou at Yaguar B ill ttiatotlnajmiAll y Willi tlo revolt 'J I onlsti llcraaio dfvsecilona lu tl a nj ranks of II a tevol illonlata owing lo lu . A dltlcieiiriofolnlcuAatonllry All fl U II a tavy, nitt two il Ipe remain Iv vl loyal ti foueeea, A I imberof Uru .'I- . , jl guay amy tlllrira ato Joining tba 11 flR lovolullotary forrta Tba sl of jj JH comu ai drr li chief I as leu ollere.1 u Ea1 10 A HtrnJIHo He la consider M Ul Itg tla itoaiallton II e involution In avi Isle havo occi)ed tha town of IsttA ltaqul b t II a gartlsi I of II tea ll f tut lied I en teinAl i loyol lorotiseeA jv j Aid Is vitrei cl ed lu tha afsaual Tba Lf i n i tnai der of tha Uruguay river li iiuadron II reateua to tamtArl Ita 11 towtiutleta Uu tniurgeuta lay down 5 II 11 llr anus llelilaUlaileategnit l I II ly alatu ed Com tela AUArchy At 1 jjfi : tl scord Ato said tu exist tt rough tl a I Ifl I Hlsta At Ilo town ot ArtelAS tba j If ' I hi lir.ofll u nntloi elkuard will lot I Illll i fill tit tha govel! meut trooa Ato aeut alirl ' AxAll st tl em Iscut ta 1 alotaa I aa lift b!ned egollatlona wltli 11 o dlclatol a I H t goven tuei t. tAlllug for mutual ou i Ms r isloi s n is Is owli g 1 1 tl a tardy l Illll aeteislon oflrooA from I oi seca It j I If Istouf! lently txwtod II at tlo revolt I 1 M will tutu out to t oa pu rely I caI llgl t III - Aralllt tlagovertoruf IteHtAte Tie III if ' otllclala get t rally are uot sslnet I U II onlecA . 11 Itji i llaAalsaltan Ar nr Tlaat.l j ( V OviAIIA, Nov 10 Captain llattle . ll Hiullh of tba HaIvaHoi Amy who I 'S j waa slut tail ulglt by Nellie lielJIir I IfU 1 waa rati oved to ( I II la loapltal esrlj I'll n Iblamonlng t"ne hyilclana are etlil ! i to think si a tannol Uveal III! II ou,hal ale now doing well IK , rl a corunei a ury toi Igt t rendered II AVrnllitlntlatataof Neltlo ileldlcr Jr wloslotCAptAlnllallloHmltb of tha .11 F HaIvaIIoii Army, nud tl rn suicided ilil " luttlgut verdict of death by sul ill A i Ida waa rrlutnrd Captain Smith la ill fjt At tLa lost Hal reitlnkeaay anl may lit' (3m r cover It waa Itaiued tonlgl t that itl Ifl tba llltdlar girl bad n ada careful pra 'll I stations Ufora leaving hone for tha IIIJ H e-oiiin Iselou of tlo devil i lacing her it E tl Inga lu order an I destroying every ,41 5 thl ik that might give a due to tl o I cane I ill. M KavaA8( n, Nov 10 IaMarch '" J. il ala tlootb Olat lorn weut through 1 era I Q MaaMj oulerway tuNew .oik Tba traro ' t kM n lyalUmAha Addvil to tba bardiblpa ( ftaj of II a rereut call palgu irovrdraoi th .fjj II au abo could rtau 1 aud shu was com j Joe 1 pelled to give up 1 rr western tour t; j Mm Ills. I IttAlll rlllUN fAITlf fl'j iMt llr llelaiaUel. InAu ia Aaseudaieuls t If K I lalkaUeiail 'IV I Nnv Yomc Wov 10 Tha New i l I N irk I rtabylery levoled today to tbo IS. IHh io .IJcutlou uf the leporlot the com. ' J laHfl mltlea on rovlilcu llr llilijgs and , i Bl 11