Newspaper Page Text
Lfil THE ACTOlfS DAlXMTIlll 1 1 shotiM bo ...roost ifJcllned to curse yoi Mail, If you di-laach a tiling " ' Curse triel Oh, fjtljerr ' Ttare. there, Marie, Jo not ween. OfconrftiTdllntiaeiiii that Hat on! think lor many yean I hnro tad a regular eojf attune nt, aud thotiltl ham a, moue). If ou sltotiM so to the bunaffp r, you protKMe, ami tell bim that we were suttering. for fool that your uld fathrrwa lying rick In this wIm-ruble Mtlo he woul 1 tll ) on that 1 La 1 lMn lm rnvl lent that I haj ftnau ilered my tnomy. tin 1 now, in my titter helpl, I limit lufTer tho m TOtif net of rur oily rllitr yoa wen yourself wroni fully uu luto reared and e.ncateI a f toilly of three, an I fcr many year Iim carwl UnJ rly for poor mother tTen turoanh ill lU Miiel Hak" of coo amotion. The ol 1 actor' ihnsMer tat silent and thou;littut for time, bh was nvolv inglii fcer u( 1 awius timl Incident of vrlilcli 1 rr fatter waa tutlrcly Ijfuoratit, Let it describe tl ew. It w ai prl l three month, prerlons to the forfRuitiy conrcrsatLon Tl) mother lial Jit bn tail In tl cull Km, and the father vraa, M row, un nils to lean liU room Tho wolf was Itorertng around their door, and Marie, timid In action, bat hrare In heart, had rewired to assist the parent abo loved ao drly. It waa a Utter winters" trcnlowhtn iVio h't tier homo for tlin j nrpwe Tho sharp I hut tat hcrtothocrj she drew her tlila inuutlo arotint her lint the lu 1 rod In tho (wiper that rUI wtro wanted for the bnllct at one of the , t lira t cr. They were to at ply at the etagodoor that tnurntrtfr, but sb hal Wunnahle tolrarohtr fatltra aide at that time She fratol she would l-o too laUt UIIUl u coull but try On trarhintf the sUjfu door lirr lira rt altnust fatted hr but their liuuie ugalu roM up ttcforv her, and the ventured to uxl the. dorkipqr. "Want t e tlie atape manasir, ihr lea, air, tt yotiileaAe Bettor wait till tomurrow. 1 tried to come today, itr( but conld not JnJefJt Oh, here lit comii on rati flpt'y tjblw now rimt functionary 1iapiid to bo ixu iag, atd Lvartutf the word, unlorslood their Import ai cuce lie turned m aearchln; look ujion the poor girl, &n 1 wai about to Itt on. Hut bocauj,ht alKht (if htr facoln the gaMIght, and taldt '.NotUl looking If the W In rajp. So you want on FnK'lfineht, eli7 Ye, alr.if )-ou rlraw," tr HM Marie To pUy La ly Macticth, I u( itose "Xo.alri f6rtheUlI.LH 1 Oil! Hit r lw u tm tho ttae Uforer 'Onl at child, tr 01i,onlyitachlMl Pu) outing)" "ttt tlr very writ Very well, eo)uu thlnkj Iinlshtnot Oo)ouilauceT " Vc, air Kather vraa nn actor, and bo aayi I dance Ttry itill H 'Oh, tbeu )ou uiu couie tomorrow end try I UH I will U here, air." ' Drinir)nurprrpi with yon. 1'oor Marie 1 ci It a ted and the mnna her, obierrtn? this, Mill Ob, perhape ou don t know whit t mean 1 y rope Well, they are jour feather, jewels rlbUiM, Ucea, lUhta, allppcr, K'lovoi and eo nn o only f urnUU the lK)dy of jourdrea The poor rfrl ttlll liriltatfl, when the roanajer aiWl affiln, Can t you fur idiH your ouru ppr, 1 fear nU at first, air," wai the tlml 1 rfply. Tbfn we don t want yoi Tim rn-it ier turned away, nn 1 Marie eti;rrrd toward tho tlivir, half bllndfd with srlf I find dUii polntintnt, lint rro he had ; ! It a (p:ntlo tuud waa lal 1 upon her abouldcr, and a awirt voice diclalmed, UJr der cllIJ, come an I ace lue tomorrow u early at poeslble Hfrelimy addreii" Marie viewed the eitendedcard aud turnelhertyM toward the peaVcr hhe wai a trlllUnt creature, an I the poor girt trie 1 to stammer fottti a ret ly, but toul 1 uot Hhe le(t the theater and took her way homw ard, bhe could not help thtDklu;cf tUWntlM lady and Iter liiHRniriceutdteu iarklintwlth jewtli hat coul hlie want with her lunl rlht picture of tho future n 1fore ber virion, and thete dnllel the harpm 4i rf 1 r griff at the dliappotnt laent she bad toet with hhe did not tt-ll lcr father Hint the hal done, or tlut rlie had an eujfat,etne nt to meet one of thi cruat ladUa of the theater On the nest day Marie called at the ilace drtljnatrd upi the card. Her visit was n lengthened one, but wten ahe emercrd from the Ulya presence she louktnt comparatively happy BOne of the first thlnji Marte dl 1 aftrr rcturnlnif home was to Hud the half fin tthed (lay which hrr father was writ ing, and alone Itj lerown apartment shu paiod much ttioe over It She waa also from her homo a grest deal, during which Mine, her father luppoatl her to U at labor lu the tailoring establish i tent where she uccailenaUy found cm nlot rnent Hut 1( ehe became cheerful tmmedt atolv after her llrst lull U tho theatrl t al lady, it was not long after U foro she 1ku to be thuughtful thun mJ rJhe If came very i ate, and at the time the conversation ltn ten herself nn 1 father, lUscriU 1 In the first part of this sketch, took lice, she ljokud as If she ctmtl rr luro but little more, U!ior of physi cal or mental exertion The futhor lad obstned thelncreas lng piileiuM (f his child, aud It bal canned him much f,rif llut ho hu 1 sail uithlug of the inatr, for liedll not kuow how he was to remeily lu IIo lad buen hopeful, but now had almost jjve up In rtenalr I As ovealug Aproached tioor Mario (rrtw still pator, but shv spuku words of hope an I comfort to h if father, nn 1 that parent coul 1 not but look upon her tn a luilration ue well us j Uy Tie hour came whru business cnllel her away Bh p rented her marble rdd Ilpi to her father blow, hhe litll Us haul In Iit own lor a moment ant tear dru(i fell u)on It Then she sal 1 Father, the darkest lime Is Juit be fore the dawn Cheer up I will re turn In a few hours, and tomorrow wo will bt richtr tlmu we are today " The dauifhter left that wretcht 1 home Cat i o sooner hu 1 she taken her dej ar- tore thulr fnthtrbejan to think of i lcr lnit words. 'Ihey were Strang) hat coul 1 they mean? hat act did I Marie couteiuolaUJ At tint a in in sw pt aerw 1 1 wind VAirue-but gradutily amuiiUi fonn II t m thii ti ught pret4d u,- n bu brain Ulmmto ma Men bfm an! for Itc ors he tme vtmti hi-, und of iin calling for Hi cbllj, praying fcr ber safe return. Mltnfght came anl patml, and atlll Marie came not times the ol 1 actor nwdreJ to arlae and go In rearch of her, I ut hi 1 ai not strength to do so, and m oftca would fall back upon bU i Mow, groaning In the uony of Ida aonl flight came and still Mule had not Arrived Uut Just aa the ami began to throw Its golleu rays ovir the city, a carriage washenrd todrlreupbtforetho actirshouee He listened Hi heard a f-ot Tall tipvn tli- si ilrs no 1 ho reconlx eil tho footstep. In a moment aftr Mario bunt Into the room Hue rushed to her fathrra si 1e And throwing hrarmarounl him the wept The uld man did the vamei but he ol served that Maries dress wai now of rich tniterlal nn 1, putting bf r away, bo contemplated her for a moment with a mournful esprenktou. Tin n he tall In a trembltug voliet Marie, my only rbll it jour tuoiher waa a noble Chrlitiau woioau, Bhe Would die M in she w onld kaowlugly commit a wrong action titio knowa)our aruggleri an I tem tat Ions, but will she aj rove of nil )our octsT Gtl and my saluted tnotlter will both a)tprove tbrar exclaimed Urn girl In ao tarntst and deep a touithatIt reilly startled her fatbfrf an I as sho spoke she Ml upon her kncei ao I raised hrr haul tollenveu I bellei e you, Mario," sal 1 tho father, "an 1 1 trust yoa 111 forgive mo for hir luring a suspicion fur u moment llut tell in4 what haa liat jh-ned m I wilF, father llut ) ou mutt rouilio lnndvanc) to forglvo me for all that I havo d ne without consulting you " ' I promise )u" "NeII,tlun,l will commence by real tng an arlUlo In tho m irntu? iapcr, which 1 1 rrnurrd as I came n'ong." Die tt refir t juur offalrsT Mtcxpltlninll ' Then let me hear It" 1 Here li tl e extract, fathert MA tnaia THiiMeH -Tk m r'y Vr tlnoe'tat lb tbtattr lul nlgM prottd tue one of ttm arc amt iuernw-s i ( (lit wmhi lis btn-Tti Tt9tt lUsrt U DittAali lbffnllr Uf aiiueu'l la Uullfultj attd isrillb fclliwiPrti." TllroirnllMrt;',repeattdtheon nctor, 'why tliat Is the title of my uu linMieitilay ' j c ur play was compWM by inywlf, dear father. aul It was ) our production an 1 my own which was brought out it the theater lait night, and with such no buunlvd success H Theolt mm wis stricken spiTcMeM fur a moment an I tlin the tears ttirtrd to his fv llut It wasoiil) upon tho examination of the tnanuscrlpt that ht coul t con r luce bluiMlf th it aueh was ually the fact After thii ilnt waa eettled blidadgh ttr sail, "lather, will you hear more of the articl-f v real- "I will Iff re It lit M niitt admit, hetrirsr.thst lb rrlQ dlltr rtTMtlt kihI dCm-iIiic wlln of tbe tlakHtUnln iltd ttmtU tolniure lit r rest sue tm Milk ttasM lo MifU, at sue Is called 'Marie,Mariet repeated the old man "Was It my Mailer ' e, dear father, ) our own toor chtl 1, Marie, li the nno hero spoken of And If my triumph tringi me greit joy. It Is because I can provide for ou now aud repay you, to some extent, for tho love and tenderness you havo always be stoned on me It U rot a wonder that father aul daughter both wrjt llut those team were of Joy and gratitude for the bleM inga bestowed upor them. Wit i wont 1 suitch thoe blesst i from the old act jr andhlsrhllU Who woull (totsoii their delljUta an 1 tarn their now hat py home Into a place of sorrow? Toronto Mall. U. Col 5t.i. ' Look herv, this la an outrage, sild a gentleman lu Arvstaurant the other ulght where a table d hote dinner Is served for a dollar. "I only ha 1 half hat youo got on the UU f faro here, anl youve chartred me twenty centi moro than thouzh 1 had taken the whole dinner very tru, sir, but tluu )ou hod your pick, aud w jou are charged alt carte. the diner dllnt see it. Kerr Yotk lltrald. "Ilatldlnge are golntt uptuthliport of the clt) with groat rapidity," tt marked the funny iectator as he stood t n tho corner watching a burning block. Ualtliar-ro Arcertcsn. jtmtttfs rterywlt.r. "Wo ma aay Uiat an amateur, armed with a telrifope, I to Iw found atovery point on our planet, rtady to observe a cdostUl j heuoiuenon. In Chill, Hon duras 1'eni, ICew Zealand, Tunlda and Tactuanla we ran meet astronomical amateur provtled with Instruments, who devote tiiolr night hours to con templatlng the IwauUeaot the starry vault and to collecting oUcrratUn which ah ill be useful for the advance ment of scleilce L. MtMten In l'opular rklenuo Monthly. Iveliln t luti' lu 1 thel PI I you k );f II Haul-1 did. He waa awfully ttirr with me Hl.ol-Well. he couMnt help It 1 ho poor man has tho rheumatUuu New ork Ktoeu. A TluM Mn Etp4lnl. A timid nun living idono la the out sklrU of Hartford, 1ms lilt uioii a de lice for scaring away burglani. Caoli nlfcht upon retiring he placea a lmg) air of baota outside of eviry ltdronni door In tliu lou to convey tho lui irrssloii that every chaiubur li ocm pic I by nn ahlbollfd man A bur glar who happened Inwoull thTnk he had struck a hoteL rhlladblphU Led uer. Lord Sinlnleli, win was a great lov cr of imul s aud f repiently hail t r trrlos Mrfonned ut Klnchlnl rook, was m iiiainotfd of the thundir of the drum that lie h vl one ft lo of his inn 1 hkui ptralnM with par hraeut which upon biiiigsudde i!ym k lAlnrrce I tho ua in puny as tu Uu-uff uuuiy Into at. IN PtniL IN THE K It J rtUf Th nrtiiplvl Kit Arail I Ml-1 l)tlnc m eudiltn 1 IL "lliere Li r me kin 1 of a fatality pur nilng lit" ' remarked IWfwor Mat tbolomew to n reporter llrst, Culo was hurt, by JiU imn fMly, however lu monl eying oti lib parachute when he wiu aiming don, then llogun wai kl'lexl; Miu Larmo drops wlthlu ten fet of an uufathntnable abyss of mud In a sulphur marrh, and today 1 have met man who dimmed the nuwt iiarmw wenpo from death t vcr ha 1 Tho Inel Uu referral to ooeurrod two years agj at Terte Jlsute, fnl 1 shall ncer f rgt my existence -u that day A number nut! lore lie) I theropwof the balloon whllo It was Mu Inflated and nno of the men amufod hinifelf by tying a big knot In lils guy I did not reatlie the danger from that knot until tt cauie near lut ing tho cuiito of my deatli. My aireut was unusually hi Ji on that day, and It was the ueatis of sAlng my life. "I strad Utl the liar of my parachute and launched myslfoiT 1 felt the torJ which hi Id thf iwirnchtiM to the Imll ion snap, an 1 a secon 1 liter there was an othrr'tug from above 1 lookol up and Uiere was that knot on the guy swung Around six ot the iarnrhute cjrd, foniilug as neat a half hitch aa Voucher saw In your life and holding mo to the billoon u hale notleei that there li a weight attached to tho top of tho lwllfioii which turn- tho U(( upnlde down aa It Is nleael of tho tho weight of the aeronaut Tli(guyroiT wlilili ai half hitched arouu 1 the strings of luy purachut, was aImi fastened to tho top of the bl loon, an 1 the latter tumtnl up nn 1 1m gan dlscharg ng the hot air iintntitly at 1 J unjicd The air cJMped gra lually an I ot course my paMchute derc ndeU ery t lually at llrt aud not Intlatli g low n I kept coming tho guy rop ireventlng the tarachute from Infill ng mil I hftrn uiynetf tip ailut, I wound my leg aroun t the rtf,es i f the p-imchuto trajieio and htit my teeth The shh1 eomiiioneel to bofiarfully aocelwrateJ ami 1 was nuiw that I hal to die, but 1 was cool and retained my Hoon the talloon ha 1 em f tied lU-U an 1 romiusncr! tU ( log Ita huge tud In tint air with Awful aUhea. Tla lMlIyn welgheI over W0 poun la, on 1 wm uImi ulled down by tlm CO huii 1 sauJ lwig It raute doati pa I hie, and aa the knotted guy rojxi slpjet down the lines the lurachute cpencil with sue! i a t'erw snap thet It weiuel ae If tl e rop.s wblah supported mo would glo wii, Tim rproatling of the pfirn cljute saiM tuy life for the 00 poun 1 balloon kept on down and Iroko tho alt rtU hsld wiptlve by tho guy rtic a If they hal been jack threa Is. It (akt u long time to tell the tory, but It all happeuetl In halt n minute 1 whs within 400 feet f Uie ground when tho ImMooi tnn away, I ut my fall was eheked an 1 I Ian lrd all rkht Lverybody thought I was a goner that day, mid a more excited cmw 1 than 1ml uithmd around when 1 was to luo fallen ou never ww, llie.-e IsnomUtake about my Ulug imnj that day, but 1 MM my parachuto and baltnon mi co lly m If n tlhlng hud ItapptuM and wrut to Ul for tho re tuiilndtr ot tho wivk," Detroit ree 1'roM. . iBpjms VtmVu IJarly writers maJo use of linen or cotton fabrica, of skins aikI even of scale of flklua for writing l'or a I n period ipyrni was iu1, the hooka lieln moilo In rolls, being about 1 1 J ftwt wide and sometime fifty feet long I'apyrus was a llag, ur bulrush, pruning ellit or ten feet hlcli, found hi tho marfheiof Lgypt, from Its Inner pith the form of p-ipor colled iap)rua wm made. rapyruJi sheet were neatly Joined, at tool ted to a stick an 1 rolled upon tt (ihen we havuour word "volume, from the Latin rolrere, to roll. Th titles were written ou Urfs attached to the itlcks or Inieribed on tho ouUl Ik ot the rolls The roMsweru kept hi round wooden boiea nsombllng the old fashioned bandboxes nn I mut 1 easily U can led about 0. A. L)ndo la HU Mcholua, Am Aol4-l.t Cur: A kenUAmau was sulTering from ou ulcerated mm throat, which Anally bo came so swollen that lib) life was do uUrel of hen hi household oaiue tu Ma bedtlde to bid hhu farewell, caeh wron graipeil his hand for a moment aud then turning went out weeping A pet ape, which had tuodet!y walled tilt the last, tlfn advance J, and graip lug his master's hand for a lulnuht, aUo turned and walked away with hi hands tohlic)es This assumption of deep grief, which tt U hardly poIble the animal could havo really relt, was ao ludicrous hi IU perft-ctloii that the stok luau was lxod with an uncontrollable lit of laughter, which broke the ulcer lu Ids throat, whvrvby his life waa saved Amtrlcuu Notes aud Queries Tba rlt !.( tu Acqtilrs. Probably the easiest uroptan Ian guage Is Italian, not so much on no louut of Its analogies with IatUi M le cause of Iti t honttio character And the shnpUJty of Its rules Anl afur IUI Un, hi theordirof eow, tint ) resent m rlter would be In lured to placo Kimii Ldi Huston Herald lilt .el Was Mvtleal "Po 1 tiro youP bedashed, nfter speaking for half an hour of hli hoi aud aiubltIon ' Oh, no," she answered iweetly, "I have b-u iul.i,M Harf-er Uiur Whr Woui. lu i Harrr Mr Andrew Ing has written A charming iay upon the text, Dont Marry Mhrnry Men ' The aul vie rtms wholly uunoeeHary Women do not marry t they are married Men d t the marrying The mWnw of that word marry' U vry common yet w iiru Riirprimd Ut tlnd tu en rt fill n rit r I as air Luug ooumlttJiig tli n'i Itv "Wed li a much butter uord lluut MRS. CnAllAMS Cucumber Eiderllower Cream t eel a reamttlc ta I tit mss in nMeb that lrw is i pwlsnr " "imrni j lsa ties. iirrsslSill, rUtr vrttelf sits snd iv'sily as erseo ly ntalts lis rmtlrtlAP f ttl tsJei wl iur ll ta a Con wia4edwrtnlt ueiaift ! f k , sM h aril - will tn ro whl foa & II ItrleiriMlha 1st Ur lller llisn Mlp Sirf walar naertal a" "M- y ia pl ti m s itmtirerrnta ihe farn it a if i nk e, Itsifvtlh fraasaeM.r matM sse ! MM.f k etbal yart hrt ka a Wt1 f 1 1 Mm ltf tfiftrel4 e tn ia stall s II lifts s more ysmiafsl e l any U4v ' ssi tint rmaenir I "' aa aoll, t pwr alkali sad ta sal irtea at ewatl 1 taUnhmaal, 101 I fit f r etri ITaa laco, whets aha Ileal lad Mlf all I lew ihet 1 1 lb la or r' I J" t a tl aun't tirsiad br Icier ftaJ tiawpfsr htr lulls Wvk -'Haw taballeaalful Satliplo DottlO tnsle4 fre ta any 1ierenr-plf utt tut tviUl aa-il tfllas lUlf aau wasltd MRB. OnAHAMS pace Bleach Co tea tbe wert ete ef Tit kit aa lra, e-altoaseit UMh atlraea fimftea saJ all iit Hen. ahe a rrlc SI.10 HarmlMt aal efleei ta. e ssetf i Is tf SI tAdy Tho Orutfclfit a Ut lwa U frit twlert slllal eny rerrstailrst mil lal hu aa-ae a14el 14 ta a S1fM t nM, Mf preparatKtsa are lef aa bf "1ea! ilraes ! ta CM aca sa tterr Hf wtit vf lb " ugaInoticl la Usfratsle Court rf tbe fo sty cf fait lJtU,TtrilurTflt llak. la Ihsnstter ot te tauis et MtaryMuefe, Xticp in riTitir nvrx that J Jarats l( kliyle SlniaiMrsmr ' ti a taunt at llenty Auotr dnetiad hat taderel far Itltlrmeat. avt XlM In a aid rwarl tit Baal senvent tf It a s1ri utratioe af said ealata sal hl titn far Ha aid all aatumof II n e Ina w aald tatata anase lt I raa M t M therein aad taal 1bnraartbXrtdsy ot lremWr ,Klwit at laorfoek a m. allhe i viMltvoi af sai4 roort la th tJounlf lonrt llmtie "all La la lltr an-troanlr.liiaa Itrr lory. Utbeeb sly srpmnle I lr th les f sat i rnurt, r tl a tfilement of aslf seenaat ard rit tig tall Ittllia tot rtttrtt'lkB at brii una asd Ur ant I ero n,tereiM Is ta d attaia inar aif'sraaj ahrna rant If an tfctra be. why tail aermial thoHll al L settled anl i tratsdsat flnsi CUtrimUca nsl si )rtvd "ldKetitLT;tb, I C a. AtlFf, en Uterk of tHe l rvi-aw iHrniL UOAL rtOTlCE. "" " la Ihe I ifrMle IVuil f li l tasty ef tall Mha Tarrit rywf Ltsb. la U llallef of tba Kttata ct Uhtl. liafsy. dtw X XTrtti t nrukiir iimx tiht i AwtlilJ Tey win t i suit it ihe eMau. 1 1 l.est a. IMwr, l, ,.,j iu ttu rt frail fr tell omsal a 1 1 t r I a tat I twuii. hae final aerMual ol tier a i attal a vl eaij eatai an I UlMt fee or.a . i t ubflla teiitluourartd eeial an ute lb tere n en IHImI lbietM,aa.ljls f e I y IbeMHeav t f t emi rr A t ! al li o -r urn al l a loniirooai rtf tsiHV an ' Itl nntrlVturl llntiar fall MkalHy ai I I tuhlar r Itrr tat leen dale app irir t ? Ik Jfl tf aaMUnit.(vr lb tctll e ai f aaid aa ri-btilsnd leartDS rllil nil H r HI lilbtt Itan si wawlt iin noil larr st r lierawn later ttteal In MM etui i tr ajiaraad ttaw rsaae If say lbetele,wl y taM ' unth nil kwl I seltlaal and trr" fl sad tnaj dUiriltti lim madatarrayeltwr Sibtstl iuibrll,mt V B. All PI, rtrrtot tbeir il aari, tier r-fvainti utmiruinK. ati "moticc to cncpiTons. laUleet letcrll lhoinatn tecaa-l XTicr iimnHivdivkMir thkln XN tlttt sl Ut llbpraaewn dutiiMra tur f lb atila or leier tl lbetn-tarn.dn reasel to llariewiiyrtof and sllier aa mi iur ciaitn stfalaai lb aeld deae4 b i liiblltacn tuia tb &eetiary toat bare tell a In Manila alter tlm dialiuhll stun f lb bailee, to I La said 111 f 1 1 vtnaaaan, st Aa ja 1 it) m He rousiy of bait Lake, LUbTtirt llat 1 NOV lIt, W! HIOfTIIOMAMrv Admttilalritr rt la etiatt of I tier O. Ilnlnw trtfUMin and Jaha U LaBBoa.At Initityaf r Vuuiaiitrsmr dlawiw AtM JtKfT VOI ILK Larky III I tl n nt Company Ix-altnn ot I riat I al 1 a of Jius neaa I a k tllr lis lra oa of r re Saata 1 -eta itiaiBt; tturt t U tairhl'onair t sh. VTmiiok ia iniikUY iiivlk, i iur at a inli g tttm lUfSnl Ol 1tul t- 1 r d OBlbcllMdar t loler 1I su (e.amtal ten, )of lhiehiirbai tBtat4rn 11 ipialat b t tbe roii-vrattgo lt)sll taitb n tbttiy datt In lb eaiteury si eel I at (liy.LUn. Aattl upMh blbtaaitt latnl tearramaia tipaloii tb ll b dav of liorember, HJi.wtll lm del aqueal and adter tiaed lor aa a al l ill e auct oa sad alaa i r tarftlietasdLefn tIIU a. 1 1 ot lhbth daTof J as it srr. I J si Itwi a No-tlJ Umtl toiort ltuildtnir "all Uk Citr, t-Uh tuiir f tnunt sitMtroenta, 0 xrlUr win lb roaletrf advcrita ligasd aiiraws of tala. W J JillllON narrtttrr eali laa Lltr, Utah. Ittdnee IK a second VVsttwu dlae tu SUMMONS, la tb Piilnrl Oart is nn1 for lbs Tklrd JsdwiaJ Uttrrl of Ulsli'leirUury, CoBhly&f BaJiUk HfaritiuUrhsr, iiaunn, Ulcbssl MrUaf, lKfeadaat. Tt faopl ot Ut Territory ot LUk ta Grtua To Mm harl UeKsr, Dafettlaati rou am iirucur itrgtiBiiiTOAr X pasr la aa at la arou m ast att tan by iisUvli4Btad Uatiifinis li w id t Court of is Ulrd J rial liialilrtot Ihe Termor? of UUh, a ad to ssawsr Iba nm1aal ftlad lbrtta m J lata tcs dajt (esclsiha of ibeitay f eervlr) after th aeriir ua yoa ef ttu tumrsoaa If thread tininlblt ratiatri or, ll tertcd out of iktratvair Ul la rfitrUi, wilfcla latstr dri) oiheraiu w lb a fnrii data r Jul br dattBll will b Wlfa aidlual toil. acuilSltf to U brsrarol aaid CotepltlsL . ,. Iba aud artlas It hrauebtlo bar sJeci'i of lata court d Iriss lb tanSt vf atnnt6aj beita vlanU sad dafeadaat sad adejr tlalBta la aurbeai wada ad prvTiladj liat tb a court allow U I laisuff auab a ibwar at war U Jual lutktr with reaaaaatl altor Bert feet aa U caia sad charrsof lb I ami. BBdiuebaUter sort proper ral.f aatttht roartuaraaeuilntk AUat tal ttt rated an Ihasroanlisalettor Btoutth apnes ntin fault of le SI S deirrttd aud bUaasa4 I la n'lll and bat tier a ae I ttd tepareleaaj anailfreai btri aaltliat alaaatd Tear Il e.f eadsst baa fa lrd lo tupplj aa jlbltf far Utt support ot lalal or tbtir eaid cl llt Aad rod are be fbr b Mad tl al If jou fall to Bpow an 1 aaatear II a aal I r rapla al at atmt reoalreJ. it tat 1 plaint I will aptO? Ui tsa court I or tba teller drmaadad Uia n Witttae lb lla. Cbarlea a ana Ji dee, and lha al ef lb tualrlrl Louit of la 1 btrJ Judcul IM.trirl I Sod far lBTrritury ol I tab blalUdayfJur In Uo ar of out Lurdon laouaisdiiibt busdtid sad ma tlr "i'iULI ItMRTO MOMIL1 AM Clerk kyUaO I) Loiuit DtpuirLiik mfml GATARHH UliouiullimeiirHlla,CorBt, HCAOir-Ht KdllLPMD T1.I OtllhtiU r.ihl.. u4 K.rilln riTTJIW C0V"U OUHH I CBIE3 oom, CHUlf, oosanuiTiox. IIM(S Zion'uViqiifj Banlj Jrust Qompaijy, tlo.. I nd 3 Em T.mpl. Strut. M)it lilt M lnutfrmtUtlil uiKltion.i If ti4.D Wool rrr r, tmt, ut olm q Ohio, tk. rr joi.rtf r phith, Aktfr. M uai.n. lout., Jim. Jtci, U.O..I JllfROLMi 11 11 CUalU DOSS A G&HERAfTcAHKIKG BQSIKESS pas- Pay. o I'or Cant on P.vlna. fcAiiT in iMmtfpoar rnmiiiT jjeseietHalioialBasl HALT UKK CIT. UTAH. PalilUnCanltnt. - aftooooooo Ourplu.. " toooouuoo, niHri rott.i tnt Pnttr. trtiUnl Mm., t.irciii, rw rntUt W, M Hllia. J H.IU.M4, i T I inn, J CCtntki, jium Imir, IHimT lu.woo.trf n ll I ii.r, Eao.V J It luo. Reteltes Deposits PajiMa oaDsmaS. Aetl anl "till XrJUf e-t JTete reel, 14 Vanewe, CUVee, Af., OeteAa, Aea , Mt U Me . raJ Ceaitaeafaf CVUe. SfX" Isf tepi l Vsultt sntolutalr tat j llarssd Ire proof. Itetta, 1 lo til ptvysar m STATE LAHJC OF UTAH, 1 SALT LAkK CITI oiit.i , IHtfiltU 4 (lRAtr. rreeldeaU I Wtl I" PAMItW Viea ritMal Ubusltu nrUJ.ta.tuer i niiino'ponni Jvi.fhr allb, Sia a liar!, i Vt tn. II Kowe fpbi W lattea. I Abrsnll I SBBOB,Piaab T Tajlor feUMMorra RwVanl u"Totji " llearf A lonlly , Kee tet d oitla parable oa ilemtBB. taat uKtner oa appmted aeeuntf ! I rswaesrbasacotisllprin ipslpoisltj Part s p-r eeal. (,? aft p iu Uoatpaundataie atilBaraoa (lastlarlr " KfCHARDS & MOYLC." ATTOntttYt-AT.lW V l" c.iaa p.uji0 S4S Mil nm uik9 t&r DANII I. HARKIXGTOV. attohncv-at'Iaw rtmtsjt 4 w aftfrt iKmi'm-g A frg 4 tn elr Slli:rAKD,CIICKK.SIILPAKD lAWYrns Mnl IT, I '' CVvaml.1 Mli iLT L.Kt till, " S. W. DARKE, TTOHNtT AD COUNSClOn. n tf " Mtiu im 'I. U. LLWIS. ATTO nf4CY-ATLAW. rtnijf SIS f Vw tthtHn fimMlng JOHN 11. CANNON, A T T O It M e Y T L A W. Dmlll II, TOi lr, (VaaMba 1.4,ii richad"w. YOUiNG; ATTOnNty-AT-LAW. i a u i DR. ll S, WRIGHT. orrrCKi rmiitijtm .(.wif Ktnint icm no x nm mm. Til- ft.. Iff UlAKt I-S M. CANNOnT- BUnOEQNDKNTIST. dAa " M'RS. M7H.VAN.M. D. OrrCJT-JK Il Tlra ri9r, CWattfwrtea M(fiff ItOVXM-S le 10 at. ex., 4 f f e. xxxjinxixtt -vaTA-Ca-iainri -a-siLTwiia crrr CMOItNiyilfflEKY. LAOCR UUCn, ALC U PORTER, Wholesale Hetall tO. A-Jir. flMBT J 0t7r A MTMSBV, LT, ORINK AND DC MCHHVIM a atorro rwasvaa ratmctD ur ivatr PttatM or ink FOUmiX RESTAURAXT ja.ts z,urroir aounrsiii, 113 MAINSTHECT. A UellelMB Aiatr nan iVwlrd Iiin-fV f ner baaiablaeTerryb?ltQ(ja 11 JJ aal I 00 o sloe k, for only v-r w a MrkCtAtrtKHi Jirmihit end Aaraer Oetlen In everp tfjte iVfcert orVeriaaJI kiUt J T'ii'ee (! 'a, gufflin Vapi Aek 1 feretre ara-attpreMpf ll ffnltt nireos. r. oitiou, Well k e In llth-aolUrlia Eros. I " j CHURCH BUMS PrlntuJ and for Sala at THE DESKHET NEYS OFFICE. SALT LAKE CITY. I ItAie lUprrta ,,. . . Va-perdM j Hard rV("W ,,! ft ta- -j IUi-,1. . . 364. pr iary in. aUon llpina , ja. " j II.MU lUpurla 4 IUUU porM. . I r-Mart OerUOfAUt SSo. 111 Jt fUonif n ie. Umke nt SO, SOa itflATM Pnw- r "-" IV U and liar, r.1 lw k II T L it. 1 h. II ai l itet rd boou, tl - IWdfUt r,l,r n aq M, 4 V 113 it Iriori llats 4iM JabfDrder, r Ue kteaurla Had la OttUr, TALL and WINTER GOODS j H I IUY PKFJAREl) roiTm DE1IWDS. , R I OVERCOATS al Popular Prices. SI Men's Full Weight Winter Suits. M Carpels, Blankets and Rugs. n, Boys' School Suits Bottom Prices. 'jljl Visitors Imitoil. Citll jiihI :ainliic. ililW ' n $f IJOOTS, SILOES AND ItUliBEHS S narAr iitmiiii at 1 TEASBELS8 ' I -maw I j i vC DAV1DJAMES& C OT ! j I Plumbers, Gas and Stoam Fitters j J oiiAi.miu in It ly. IHumUnj Hatirtal, 1'uinpi, r,pt and Ftllinji, Sliam . 1- lltaUng bupplui, 7m aud Iron Hoofing, 6'oitoiv J Eutil Iron Cornier, Ovlimng, He. li I I fit nl CAHDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPniNKLEItB ' 8 i I! S j No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. ( (I MllJS fLLYOoLlOHU M r WHEREOF lM IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF. HER BEA'UTIFIO ( ue' ,?n .CU0THE5, 1 II 6utiP'T00ONfH65EC I A CHARTER OAK 5T0VE$ , J THATSH0W5HE BECAME f , J I F OE. 3AIiE33Y 1 1 1 Z. 0 ai. 1., Solo Atronta lit Salt Lalco City ft! I a f t T"P ' ll ail E-H ! PfiiwS HI CD S S. jlfl P4 gs -Si jipll ISi JZrnJ pH 3 o tie s"fa-oJ S2 ill : C 4. S c UM& s i i i !. -$ r i nai c fA. lp H S fiS ls . iSHSa? Ill ' r ioS?M&i1li?Si ill r!l b i s r "Sir35M " I . iEh (Mg'SiQiiii II P his 2k?aii!fff3i , ill 'I ail