Newspaper Page Text
pinnr.T evening yr.wst ttti:may. xovKMin.. 17. ism. g lill Kl IlUfCAN MISSION' .NEWS. Arrlllll, lirl'isM tnl IpailatnttDti of I Urn. Tlia following: It from thii Millennial Starrf .N'ot.mUr End, 16011 ThaOulon ilwnililp "Alalia" af rltui al LlVtrtwol ou Monday, Oetolwr in, 1itIiii( on totril tlia following J.IJiti for the Ilrllliti ralulon: ltloh M.I Wllllim ami :. A. Hlratfor.l, of OgclfliJ Thomas I. llotxlta anil Will arJT. Jon.s, I-ozau; J null). Uracil. n, Jr., I'lu Vlly: Usury llarst-r, TaylorsTills: Ul John,! l'ot(it-; Usury A. Wuoilrull, Virnal; Jotcpti CainilUll, I'rovlileiirs, t liatlta . K. Harris, Ilt-awt . Obray, t'ar-aill-i: SannUI Wraton, I.ako lowns CliallM t. Isunisou, Buarrioilstl W. J. K.lly ami A. V. Thorn., Halt Use City, Uatij ami li. 1). Hulonion, if Tajlor, Aruona. I1M.BA5H Ami ArrOINTJIKXTS. l'.lilsr VIIIIm OOfU U tiouoraUj r.l.i.rJ from Ills Morn Trllun J.IJtrlo ll Mauctieiler Coiifurancr, to Mum lic-me. . l'.M.r Mellaril Wllllinn, Tliomi U. ltuUrlslrvl IrfYlJohii to ariilntrl tolator m Tilln( VM'f In tl Wtlah Cntiforsmos. , Udtr Jams II. Ilracam, Jr., la p polntrd tu lalwr TiaTrlluc l.lder Hi IrialrlaiiConfsrriicr. l'.Mrrlltnry llarkr-rli appointed In lauoraaTraYallnnKlder In the Not. Ilixliani Confirms. l.Mcr WIIUM r. Jonsala lilntd tolainraa rravsllns; l.lder Initio lllr I iiilngliain Conftrrnn hldsrs U. A. Htratftird and Haary BA. Woodruff arsappolotHl tu la'wr as Traveling Klders lu tlia Mauohnlor Conference. r.Mer Jwepli Cam 111 anil Crnrlea iMIatrls ara a pointed to lair Tratellug i:iJraln ths Norwich Can fere new COUNTY lOUItT MATTERS. Tke Memorial Cur Additional lilstrltt Court Jiidfcre Mislaliifd. fcM.rtraan llarJy acted aa chairman of this County court ytmterJajr, Jud llattcli txlng atawnt. Tbo followlo tilislDr wai traiisactrsll Instructive wrro lauiJ tollioaur. srryor to male a map of the county B showing tho new road district. According to order inado Hcpleuiber Mtu, Hursoyor llrooka submitted map of Ilia Territory. Accepted and filed. The chairman wai Instructed to haw Hell llotea of county llt te cunlod In road book. Petition for abatement of lax by Itobert Haerwood wai referred to the collector. TlisjcumrnltU) on county Inllrmary bull ling repotted that no action had lai'u laketi by reason of a failure tu uo-oMrato on arlof aomu of thvcoui inllUe. It wax ordered that Heleclnian Hardy art Mllh llutler In aleuce of JUrlcii. The claim ol John 1'ilera fort.'OU waa ralerriHl tn Helrflmail Hardy. I'elltlou if Mary l:. Ilrown, nuking foritluriiof money paid at Inltmt waa referred to the county attorney, l'ellllon of Jotef ll .Nellioll ft nl. lull. M Inx fortbelmirovement of tha road. to lllii C'otbinwood via Cotter K A Krllaon'aatnre waa referred tu tlia H comir.ltlee of tlia whole. IMIIIonof John Uabbolt nlerred to the county attorney. The clerk wai Innlructed to write orderatotha Janitor to uiifty auiier. Tlaora Willi lumber and ualla when H nelid. J.lcenra to nil liquor waa vranted to It". JiBchmliH at Handy. Thecouiityaltoniay aa ordired to look upthalntateat of the county III varloue cnnala. Moved and adopted, that the rerre. eriilatlon on tbejolnt city and couuly bulldlnirba declarrtl vacant by reawn of the aleence of Jlldffa llirtch, and that aelecttnan IluHerba appointed on the 11010 until further oriitri of the ccurL Ordered that the commltlee of the whole coufer with tho county aurveyor ni to llnea on Mutb, i:ieventh auj TiilrtreMtli aoiilli. A. (I. Unt wai ordered to buy road acrapeii for dlitrlcU Noa. 7 and 17. The fullowlne resolution waa pre renleil by Heleclmau Cihoou and linanlmouily atloptvl. "That the county court of Halt Lake county, Utah, Join In and earnestly enduree the memorial of the bar of thli Territory lu favor of au lndaprnd. ont aiipreniM court aud aU dlitrltt JuOri'i fur Utah Ttrrllory, ae provided form the. Mil accompanying aald me- I Clioial Xorlcly ltciolatlom. m The following rewlutlona were adold at the meetliit of Ilia Choral Hoiltly lait nights 1 That a UtirerWn of the xKlety to anpiiliited to tlko charge of all Inmle. 2-Thnt ai.iillrutlou blanka be furnUliril lUfinlMra for iho purpoie of aecurlnif adillitnnil ineintar Tliat the addna be preirmnd of each alnirer In the city who would be deemed a eultable mautber. 41tjalmiiN0!nlralw rw-elril with. In ninety dare or any concert nr feitlval. o. Tint none hut honorary Mm!ri, liou.ruildant vlntora and tniinbcra of the preii be ailinluetl to rebaanali. u-lhat a raiumlltnirf tlirra or mora bo apMlutnil to name a apctlil nommlttee IWireiiiii' the builnoii )ortlou of the Lltr tr honorary lueinber. 7 1 hat im perion who U a mhlent of Silt Lake City be Invited li alnir any olo at a concert t the M.c4elr, unlua li or ihe bo a regular tttinleroflhf ao tlit. luiiiuiM nm xons. Montana'! Wold'a I'alr Comuilulon lua kI uldu VU of the r tile's appro priation of Si.OOi) for the uie of Iho women. A iplcudld inhibit from Auttralla eeeiui nfured. Minerals, education, M furwlry aud mpeolally wool are tu Im re reivuted. S l.elih 1.) rich has been commlistourd H by Ulrector (leneral Davla to the HoiithHialtlandaln the Intertill of D tho 1 xpuilllon. William Ordwny rietrlJite, the great I iculptor, hea aikcd for space In the 5 Art I'alarv for till atatue if Hhkke. n rpi'are. which ha Is now maklug for l.lncolH 1'ark, Chicago. j Mr. Hell, the London aJvcrtWnc H (ent, has applied for sice to iihlbll I l(liifiina of all Iho lea Unit newt. I luuvrs of the world which have been I tinted during the tail twu ceuturlea. A The Illlnnhi lloanl of World's Kalr I Couimlsilouere hai ordered lUclUwi- ttousforthaarihlterliiral renrmjurlliiu lu uiawlnta of all the Illlnoli Slat" In tlltullona and publlo buildings, sixteen In number. One of Ihelnlereitlngeihlblla from Montana will be a relief map of Hullo, the greatest mlnlne, camp In the world. It la reported that Montana's epro prlallou of .'0,VOO will be doubled at the neit session of Iheleglilaliire. The display to be ma le hy the Chi cago Paper Club at the I'alr will show the actual manufacture of er In all gridee from wood pulp to the highly nnlibed book, and the cihlMt will lie conducted every day during the lime of the eipoalllou. the finished pro duct If toberuu thtougb a perfictlng preaa aud printed and aold ai a aouve ulr. Commliilooers tlroner aod I.lndsiv and Directors I.awreuce and 1'erk have been appolnte.1 a committee In call on PreslJent Harrison and the Hecretary of the Navy to anerlaln what, If any, exne of the naval rendesvouaat llaranton Itoada and re vlrT In New Vork harlwr In April, 1&93, should be borua by the cipoil tloti management. Many are uf the oplnloi. that the government ought to foot the bill. Mr. TnVahlra, Jainne comul-geu. eral In New Voik. who was socially commliiloned by the Mikado to look Into einsltlon miller., hai made a formal application to UlrecUir.tietieral lvl, for l2l,tJd viuare fret In the several buildings and on the Midway 1'lilss.oce. The Ijotidon Tinv has comjleted the IslMlcallon of asetlasof four arti cles, aggregating nlno columus, about the i:inslllon, from the pen of Joel Cook, of Phlladsli hla, who Is the chief representative nf the "Thuudcrer," III the United Hlatub Mr. James Dredge, who accom panied Hlr Henry Wool to Chicago from 1-onJon has begun the isihlha Hon ef serlci of Kiltloiiarllclii lu his iaper, ljtmnuting, the telling pa-r of Its clau In the world. The chairman of the World's Pair Iranaportallou cumntlltee sa)it 'The trampirtaltou problem as regard! the World'a Pair Is Interesting. Carriers at large will do all that la reuulred of them. The rallroala ruunlng to Chi cago will not be foun I wanting. Tho rrobleiu to be overcome Is a local one. t la that of carriage between the heart uf thecltraud the grounds. In tills syateni the Illinois Central railroad en J the cable llnea are the greatest fac tors. He sufgssU that the city give facilities to all local transportation j items for enlarging their tarrying capacities. The Council of the Hoclety ol Arts, which la tho Ibjal Ilrllliu World'a Pair Commlhn,aner listening to the highly favorable report of Commis sioner fir Henry Wood end James Undue, relative, to their Investigation of llspntltlon matters at Chicago, de elded to ellnt cotmultli es on fl nance, fine arts, In linn, colonial, engineering, mar ufACturw, electricity and other de j artments. The eipoaltlon attractions In the vicinity of the main lagmin entrance, Juit south ol Die great Manufactures llulldlug will be a pcrlalyle, M feel wide and GOO fret long, eltendlng north and south and spanning the lagoon entrance by a grand anh. Hinged along Hits pcrUtyle will U emlilematlo column! representing all of Die Htates and rerrllorlis. At the north end of the peristyle will bo placed the Mualo Hall. Md by UJ feet, large enough to seat WW triple with an orchestra ol 79 pieces aud it cborei of MOinoni. The grand choruira aud bind con ceittue pnular uuslo entertain nianU will beheld In en amphitheatre atviramndatlug lfl,o people or more. Thli will belli the eilreme southern part of the park and, after the cloieof thepnjected luuilcaf programme will lie traLaformed tutu a livestock show ring. 'I()M110M'.s"(!AM1. Se f 1 "Another robbery this week, boys,'1 cried Hill McUec, the proprietor of a small wayside hotel. "Who and where?" I exclaimed. "Two miners on llruih creek," wai the answer. "Tell us about lt,"aaldMorliy."Waa II IxiugTontagain7" "Vm," was the reply. "Juitaathe two got to the top of Mlllaap hill Long Tooiand twoof his hand sprang into the road from Ivhlnd a trre." "What was saldT" eki-d Morley. "Hand over that slant, or .we'll blow yeurhcailaotr,"rsplll McOru. "And they gave uji, of oourio?" I crle.1. "Wai, one of 'em did, and the other poor fallow tried to diaw hla t Itlul." "AndtherobUrs?"! aiiod, Interest ed In the result. "Plugtfed him full of lend and came pretty uear arrv(ng the other In tho asmeway. He beggul like child for them not to kill him, so after tali, log his gold they let him go." Iturneal tu my companion aud eilj, "Moiley, we are In for It this trip." "Havu you got muoli this time?" asked lllll. " r only thousand dollars," waa my answtr. He gave a trolougeil whistle, aud taking our heavy holsters locked them up In a little cupboard la bind the bar. It was the only place In the liouaa that had a lock and key. We were glad to get rid of the gold for a time at least, for wehadUeii tarrying It upon our backs all day, A few words will explain roy sltui tlon. I hajbulltuiialucrativeeiprrsa butlnesa lietween Marjivlltc.lhe largest town lu Northern California, and the various raining aui on the head, waters nl tha Sorlh Feather river. The region 1 liadttilravemewaaawlldand lonely one, the rood leinga ck trail along tho narrow rldguuiam whloh thla small hotel waa built. 1 always went fully armed, and on this trip had it companion uiwn whom I could rely, yet lh rol here had every adiantago nf ui, for the trail ran through a deu.ely wooded region, whole It wai ImismlUe toeca u half ihcu rods away. Within the lialt month this route had hill In fested ly abend olhlglijmnundir the cumniand of a ver) till mm lulled "lioug Tom." A number ef men Im I hreu stop) ed and 1 felt lint Ihn Ueit day woull be perilous to Morley, my bompuniou, and I. "Wai, you are safe here," said lllll. coming from behind the twr. "Aim now 1 will tell Hob to hurry up tup tier." Ha went of) lo tho kltcheu, where a colored man onlcleted ai cook, leaving Morley aud me lo discuss the situation. We had tu (an through a narrow hall lortacli Ilia dining room, ndj were thus some distance from where the gold had I lllll remained hi watch that while we ate our meal A a w arose from the ttblu 1 Keut tu Ihe kitchen a niomeut to eeo about im wily breakfa-l. On my return I luouiut I heard the murmur of volcva. but iiipirwd that a new arrival had 1 come, aiil thtew 0eu the har room door without Ihe shqhteit suspicion of danger. In an IniUnt a pistol wai aboved Into my face, and the harsh voice of " Tom," the roller chief, crledi "Throw up yrnr han ll" lusteaduf Inalantly obeying, I moved my haudp towards my shies, where liung my truaty revolver. I'.ro I could grain It the stern volco a the roMer crledi "Up with your hands rr I will blow your trains cull" A tingle glauce allowed me the folly nf resist ance. Itoth of my comiiantoua hail Ik en car In red and their arms re moved, while the room wan rilled with half a doirn highwaymen, prepared tu shoot me down In a second. I threw up my hinds, my weaieius wire removed and with thote of lllll an Morley placed on a liox In one corner of the room, nnd then the leader said! "faka a sett there with those other fellows, and don't try any tricks on us or you'll get a dose of cold lead," To say that 1 fell irettfallen and humiliated would lul faintly ilp'rn mylhuui.hU. Taking a wai by Mc Ueel said In a whlir, "How did II herpen?" He replied In Ihe same lonet 'irwuol'eni came In preteud InitloU miners and called for a drlak. Aa I lurmd lo get Hie liquor they covered ma with thi If latoleaud made me sit here." "And the others?" I aikcd. "One ol the two ran to the door nnd gave a signal and In a niomtnt the four othencameln. Two of 'em slol by Iho door and cauLbl Motley Juit aa they got you. Then the captain and that other fellow with the gray heard bmkeopen the little cupboard an I got Ihe gold." "ilobbed of $24,009," aald I with a groan. I thought of the miners to whom It belonged, and how I would tarenlvcd by the m on my return. At this moment the till cat lain tuimdlo lllll, and salJ, "Call In thai hied, cook of yours." McfJee gavo a loud call, and a moment later the round, good-natured face of Itib a eaied at the door. The outlaw muglit hlni hy tho lira f, and shaking him, roughly saldi "Now, you black whtlp, 1 will give you Ju-t laent minutes to ou-ksup,r for six ofm." The black looked al McOeo and said lnaiiBesllng way, "Mai lllll, alia ain't no way for deie yer miners to treat dls chile." "Miners be hanged," roared the cat tain, shaking lloti till Ills teeth chattered. "We ale no min ers. I am'liug Torn.' Did you ever hear of him?" The poor fellow rolled his eyre up and cried In a tremulous voice, "Fordo love of Ud, maun, don't hurt met 1 haa nomouey," The whole band laughed at the dis may of the datky, lul the captain gv him a shove IniUo the door and cried harshly! "(Jet that supper at nm e, or wa will have your Inack hide." Turning lout herald with an oath! "You keep where you are an I don't move or you will heir the balk of thla," lapping his revolver In a significant manner. In a ihort time llob called them to their meal, and tho cat tain, two Mexicans, auj one whom I took to be a foreigner, went lu Hie dining room, leaving lit under the guard of the oldlilt man aud a com panion, who, I think, was also a for eigner. When the door w as closed the old man aald! "Iloyi, you are In danger; the cat. tslii Is half drunk today au 1 as ugly m old Nick." "Whatshxllwado?"Iasked. "Will you helpuslo escape?" Hoabook his hraland replied! "No, tin; you keep quiet and don't make a move, for Turn Is roajy to kill you In a moment." This hint irobablynved our llvis, for several tlmee during the evening the Ull caj tain turned on us and gland In the most tlebdiili man ner, aa though the slightest retell would answer Ids puiioae. After supper the outlaws galhtred arounJ the table, all I lloll this they piled Hie enld Ihee ha 1 stolen and then sltdowii tugamtle for It. Heveral bottles nf liquor suon InlUmi-l their passions, aud at the end of two or three hours they were exceedingly quarrelsome. 't ajlce thecal tain Interfered to settle dls4ce, but at lenitli one accused the oilier of cheating lilid. In a inomiut Hie lie was IMi-cd and tulll men sprang to their fret ami attacked each other Willi murderous kulves. Wa aw these knives bright and gliamlng one second, and the next they wero dripping with lacli other'a blood. The other robbers lumped up and tiled to Interfere, but Wit men wero so ma Idsncd w Ith drink and rage that neither would listen to reason and saorn they would kill anjnne who touched them. A moment later one fell italbed through the hearf. This 10 eniagrd hla countryman that he drew a ptatol and wounded the nuo Hint struck Ihe fatal blow. "Hoi I," died the captain, springing betttrell them, "there has been enough of thla," at the same time catching Hie shooter with the grin ol a giant. Iho eyoa of the former glared like those of a wild liraat, and Instead of complying he relied his pistol and shot the leader turotia-lt Ihe body. "Whall"trled the caiilalA, "you Imp of elau, lire at me?" and Willi this ho clutched the man by tho throat and forced hlni lo tbo tluor, whore he slowly strangled him lo death. We could hear the under man gasu lng for breath, hear hie groans aud witueas thu frightful contortions of hla limbs, but weremwerlesatu luterfere, and the members uf the land yet left uninjured seemed stupefied by fear of their excessive drinking. While the captain and the others wero in gaged lu this deadly rttuggle and Ihe eyes ol all lu the room were filed up on them I heard a slight tapping nt the Utile wludow behind us, and leant d back an aa to bring my ear close to tho sill. "Mann. Whiting," said the voice nf Hob, the colore I cook, "1 haa a pl-tol; does yer want II?" Willi nut turning my head, I reached back, and lloti raised Hie window a little ami passed lo hi" a navy revolver, leaded end oa lied for Inilant me, I wiiiirered to my corajiatiloni: "Now la uur lime; Jump fur your wiaeiie." Tiny In-unlly tusJa a dwli for the corner ol the room, where Ihsirplilolslay mi A hex with mine. Ae they darted lorward I cocked the revolver I held, Intruding In over the old man and the other guard and pre veutthtm from shootlug. The click of Hie weapon waa, however, heard by Iherai tain, and bounding lo his feet he drew Ills weapon with light nlngllke qulcknesa and fire. I at my friends. I was too qulikfor lilm, however, anil shot Just as ueepraug tu his feel, I ii 11 Id I rig a wound that wts not fatal, tt severeenoiigh to prevent hla taking accurate aim. lly this time lllll nnd Morley had grasped Ihelr plstoli, and for the next two minutes Ilia lltlng was en rapid In the lllll" room that one could not count the Ilhota. The rcvolvirs wnto eieodlly emptied, and then we all rushed for ward niid attacked the ban lits. The old man waa the only oue uot Iwounlet, and he was s, frailly over ion ne I The till cap tin r lie if on his aldi aud got the revolver of the man he had strangled. He ralttd Ibis lanieAtua,hutthotullels dew wldo of the mark, and the next sec-uid una of ours crashed through his skull, kill ing him Inslanlls. Thlainded Ihe fight. Metier had been shot In the shoulder anil Morley In Ihe Aim, aud though their wounds wrreliifiil,ihiy were not lerloUs. I lad trae-l un scathed. Our goud fortune wastosome extent to be attributed t the iltunkrn condltloiiolouritiemlis while tiring at lis. Ilolll of the wounded rohlrs died during the night, sMIut out nf the baud of six only line was left. To this mm we fell under obliga tion fur Ida limely watiilni.aiidnheii daylight came we told him he might go fnc. The color ed mini an 1 1 dug a large grave and Intuit rolled the bodies of the outlaws. Al Hie l.iad cf the grave Hilly after wards erected a board upon whloliwaa marked a brief statement of the num her burled ami the manner In which lliey met Ihelr death. Moiley and I rrachel Maryivale without any further delay, and such waslhedrcaillntflmlby Ihe killing of this gaugnfrobbcrs that for several years the route over the mountslns was uno of Ihe safest III California. I.llrr.iry Xotn. The November ntimUr cf faAioocf clone the seventh volume ol that standsrd nursery guide for parent. It ciolalnsan article on "riie Pamlly Mesllcllie Cheat," by the Inedlral nil tor, which gives pit die Jndrurll'mi aa to what ought tu las krt on hand In eery household for Use In anemefg ency. At the aame time Ihe ssrllrr ailntaouttha daugrra or Imllicrlmlii atadnmeatlo doctoring. Other medi cal articles of tnt-rest to mothers are! "Ihe Care of Dellcalr Infants" and llethlug for Hick Children" llm "Nuriery Table" tells how tu reiaire aatatalilanutierydlshre,and the "Nur sery Ilelias and Novelties" an I "Nur aery I'riblema" furnish u Jul hints ami advice concerning the niany er pletlng iiusstlona which trrnla nl yuumr ihlldren have lo solve. In Ihe "Parliament" the mothers discuss the habit of rating ''lietwiTn meals," the homesickness of chlldrs ll, etc. Baby hood 1'uhll-hlug Co., S llrckhtm HI., New Vrlk. The Nuvemlier numlxr of rufri nrrf's -tunorif lloril coiitalns, Wsldee a large amount of Interesting resdlug matter, a new pong, entitled "(lohleii Itod,"ind four new piano piece". "Will u'lhe Wisp" by JuugiuMiiu, "Cam in etta, No, ft" by Hullari.dir, "The Haa"liy l.lchiier and "Hecollectlotie ofllome"by Mueler. The H. Itnln. ard'a Huns Co., Chrari, III. To IU. ii .loiiriialUt. Slariy )uui g issiple am taming an eager eye to the ticwsMiprr prrea, nnl many are writing letters asking whal thuy ahull du tu be successful Juurnalisti. W ell, lu the first plao. Is rti sure ) on would rather write fur newsisipcri tliau du anything else fur a living Neil get a thoroughly good rslnc-ithai. Hod out all yo can abunt trrry dl-llu Kutihe.1 Indivldnal, evciy nallon ami goreruinent, every social, economiu and iulitlcal qnrstlon of )our own time, aud escrj thl ug else you can a 1 1 besides. Vujl cannot kuow tui much, lleml a giaid, rallahle tiewfpnjr thrcugh every day. Khuw as luticli aa salbK When yon liegln tu write, tint have something tu say, Thla Is Important. Put It Into the fewest, plainest word yuu can. Keep ymir tyo open for the humorous Ihlnga. Trula joorsrlf tube able to write anywhere, at any time, miller all circumstance. You cm do till. IKi the Inst )uii know- how and net cr nlluw yourself to fret ami f uinv or Ullcntrriuiich about yonr task. Keep good tunjirred. The newuiiHr writer wliniloxetli most uu I the la-ttworkli theunowhoinaltvallnil aat fuas about 1 1. Whatareaunruhaiicnof saocees? II you uru re-illy detrrinltnsl and mnku ) ourx-lf a flirt ihu Juiiru.illst, ) uu will Oiully get ll place. lie I has,.. I Ills SIliM, "Jack I It true, lUnJ, that uit lino giteu up all thought of making Maud your wife I Harry Well, I should say so. Jark-That'lslralge, I thought JOU were su niixluua tu get her. Harry 8u I wus, but I've changed my mind In that qtmrter, I tried to frt hertnglie me a Ms, ami slu re fused, but In Iras than ten seconds after refusing to kls mo llm klascd that pug dog nt her ut least a iluicn times. I till uu what It U -elieu a woiiiiiii prefer Uie wi t nisxl of a dirty pug to Iho tidy mouth of a live man there Is a screw louse somen hrrr end I congrat iilata mysolt on my n&rruw crcaue. 1jinlon TU lllls. He It unJrrlO"d tl-sl no Te-an ever nm the eiprrasioii "to hum, ' w Idch wa put Into the mouth uf a lutlvoot tills stiln by a Yankee novrllst, A real Tulail lalll Ibis Trial dUlcct from Ca;ie Cud. THKyL PENCTnXTINO -viUIlll tstii H ll. oik. la ' '11 I V "' ImtrtisU. sierll VWna. Weilcslretosay toour cllliriu that fur years we havu la-eii aelliug l)r, King's New Discovery lorcciisump. Hon, Dr. King's New Life I 'III'. Hurt, leu's Arnica Halve and hlectllo lilt ters, and havu uevcrhandled remedies that Bill Hi well, or tint Imvn given em Ii universal sntlitaxUcn. Weuo not heallllotuKiiarailleolhrnievery time, and we rtaud rraly torrfuud the pur chase prh a If satisfactory rrsulla do not follow their use, Tlieea reuiedlea have won their great poiailailty I uiel . on their rnerlls. A. V. hmllli v Co., diufglsla, I"- lliere Is Mono llellre. Dr. It. I.. HI. John of Howland, Putnam county, Mlsiourl, takes n tclal lrasiir. In iri'ommending Lhauiberlaln'a Cougb Itemedy, U. oaussi he know It tu te reliable. He haa uivd It In hi practice for suveral years, and luy there Is none utter. It laesprclallr valuable forrolds an! a a preventive and one for croup, Thla roost excellent medicine is for sale by i.. C. M. 1. I)rugHloie.d re leaf I'lMrns Abrrl lis milt. AsApirventi earn ure for crouj Lhambrrlalu'sL'iuih Itemedy haa no rival. UK In lace the only lilmdy that ran nlways be iirindrd upon and that la plrtanl and life lo lake. There Is-not the least dinger In giving It to children, as It contains no Injurious eutetiiioe. Pot rile al r rents ir Utile by '.. C M. I. HrugHtote. ds ertea 1T sl ess hat Csaear., Wliro ah ess a ra-.l f sr rsstorla. W Las sli hivsse. Hess, SO etosf lo Castorie. V. Iwe th ks I iMdrre, ska lts tbsea Uaalwria Dr. Ilmrows, Ociill.t. AurlstandOp Ihlan, Hi.-claclia fltleil. Commercial Illcck. A s,.i. insealMseal Is one which Ii guarantied lu bring )ou isilsfactory results, or In saae of falluiv a return of )urchaen price. On this sa'e iilan yiai can laiy from uur a Ivertlnd ilru(gl-t a tollies uf Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Ills guaranteed lo bring relief lunvery case, when used for any af. fMlloti of Throat, I .uur or Chest, surli as Coiiaiimptlou, Inllar-imallotl of l.uugv, llrmirhitl. Aitlinia, Whoo" lug Cough. Croup, itr etc. It la pleasant and agreaalde to taste, tfrct Jyeafisand ran alwaa lie dejended uon. Trial ladtle free at A. O. Hinlth 4. CVs drug store. I for runNiTunc Cnrpole, Wall P.iiior, UplioJ Ktory. Ctirtalna, Polos, Shatlun, cite, call on NtVC C, CHILD, 41 C. rirst South. A.1II JIJIhMS. WONDERLANr etiR or t suuur iiviHiti i ImJ .!-. I C. Hie IHucl'atTil llij. Kci iiiiiiii-. I'auinua Mln.l llra.trr. t;iSV.ti:, Mhllr Almrlghial llsisulf. lOo, AOMH38ION. lOo, AfiiNKi Ti) hits n miiii-T Tiug j1 inr, . o Allium, I'OIt K.M K. SI IK k IX aIT l-lkl. IIMI AMMIllur I" A sslsssis istrsiassl. AJj lo Usui Mtltat ma Mm is.ieirc. Oik as ii I- ami is it r. i sise, le l . imon Are X '" T U W' II liusrr. si c si I. ai IAfT. fs f.t"ii miv uth liinvrr.x nm W OA"e,Uoainsrelsl Slrarl, reauss aloa tlrst enslh at sae sir ttitfsscs si sis. Ill aisililasisirrrl, uu pair i M auoa Ii hint I rTa. lias si wna IHsnMSOs anil "a, hlre! Hi" flerrr will t'aass return tVlissf'em eaas'a cue and rsrsus tile no rawanl U HIIS.S II. Iltttt. MNtWKD. I'lIOVI THUS. MATT IHU , IV TIIK lrril t earl.NAv.llli tins tsr mars cell. slsr .a foresee Is nt,stlis el, Islulli lo ossrr, J . lisle SIS t Tlheaslh. Ilsaalj d OTICC TO CBCDITOWS. rstslsof llNipsoe la llasatrr, Wceaanl. X"'iir:i urngrit iitvrs nr thi. UN. 1 dllseU ssscelors ut Ihe eslais of sisihii Ii llsltalsr. iirrease. le Ihe rrrd, tsia ol. s4 atl I er-ssa hasls llaiua asalnsl tbssais Osreasad,ta elkibil Ibssi ssiib Uie seessiry vour hrr.,vluila lea mualtts slur lh run alflirsnoe t ibssaliles tcuiols. raise! "an IC llislot n.awoo.1, la lh csaaly or rslt Lsls, t lab Tar I atctl Noteiuksr lllh. IV1 inciir.iM ii Ht'irAM.!!, iiaiiiiu iuhmiin. iirui iik ii utuiiiVit. 1 raerutnra an Truslsrs el ths esut f Slain AirriioiuzKit mx mm -nl 111- Deposit Siamn System UIAS C9!fVEl:iAl AKO SA7IK3 4VE. tdh n r4 tjo v(i . for Hll rul n4 4(tt ylk u r.meokt, cr, i.iioQii. nn .t.u roItrUrn, K flttfal Litai ? a rfTr. oufl Htt rt A Hltrwortl,,tor Ird VttH n4 tri aVxitli IttH HttrlMui. ' I. lV .t iU Mr V liui, til N lib'.... II J HfeiniPlBf, 111 N. IllVTMl ItMhatlMUstf, MI lib Itttl rsllJktMBf Uf til r TW OUll, Mr. lion, riasuiaii'ltlibHtu iMrrAM ill W,ii.miW JAU.lrTU. - TMMdtnt ll If.ltTlM. W tril lM, Jolatl .9-m, . ll.E.adsWoU Atmif rria, T79 M, JrU Trmpl A M. TrMdr(. Utry 1 ark Jgknr Im, Mr.UrlolliMlIfcl fc.i J VT.Iwimir., rukTirrwnlrclor J.W. lUfri., V . . 11-Umii.i i f. ti.ij r.)imi.i-.i tlichtrat ImtrfJli, t t nimilt U op, CtMUrvdi 1 icjia ( aratitt & BalUlOjj Cmp'f, -ijar JtM KtlltCB, IU CoItOlWtMxl i.. .r , Miller.- J ., Uobiottvk rafwlajjujx, C2o. litpoill ran '! Ih Haai of wup aaffl iu if'nu, aa ttaaa laa imoual riat-bcafl Vi iba drHilir will r.ft pvrraal awtfl liifMB, coaiyiaOl I tlinl a f far, 0nfl Uanklrtf,Duslna. Plkicroa -r. airnntroar. 1", ' Ma4ia, TiMa w hUMlrcb llolivar kalrrt. Ir. Joa, L lucfairtl Tha W Jai, O 11. UardJ KXHsItT DESTAL COJIP,.. Sttsof Trilh, . . J5.00 T.llh rilled, ... go Teeth Lxtriotad, 79 Taetti Cleaned, - $1.03 Tcelb LilracloJ Ahar.lutrly n Ithout I'aln uiriri IH I'iivrnsi. iiioiu, Ks.1 W, SscobiI Aobtt, M,. Awosa ths Bllssl fteui Vt osililUbi. RKThois I ii';, as, :io una ;;? vast vutsr sovrjt nt., . I , j 1 HALT liMCi: C1TV. l H u i.i 1 1 muni i iTiTi 1 1 1 1 ijjj LiiOIilDI M Tho uiinii trnithrr Irntc hd Uxiilcd tlmvn trlth a . f, Gvait SuvjiliiH of K'liifrr uihIk, trltlcli mutt ho moved f j H before the llntlilitli; llierefoia tea n-lll mtttia tlio 'y ij H j GREATEST I SB REDUCTION Ii - s.ajii:e k- Mm CVllll KNOWN, ; ji'JI I ; , See Oiir Prices on Wraps liH ; ibH Cloth Wraps, $3.25, worth - - $7.50 H Cloth Jackets, 4.50, 8.75 H Cloth Circulars, 3.75, 6.00 ' , H Cloth Ulsters, 4.75, . 9.00 H Plush Capes, 9.75, 21.00 j j , H Plush Wraps, 9.75, 20.00 H Plush Jackets, 16.50, 30.00 tH Silk Wraps (Fur Trimmed), $4.75, $15.00 (! H !r;f;::t;' Cloak, Children's U., Misses' Clcaks, JM DOWN I Al.I. JDOWNt 1 ' t' 11 A IfaumK.Mntor0Uo, NEWMARKETS, 'LaZLlna ; 11! H SHAWLS!! SHAWLS!!! 'II Tiini:n i'iuai:s. i ii H .H Beaver Shawls, $5.75, worth - $8.50 H ; 7.50, - 12.50 , 1 M 8.75, " - 15.00 ' M M r,() ricocs SII.K PLU.SII at - tfic. Jl rU " Fiuicy Volvol. - l-ic. tt KM) " Plain Volvcls, .?1.0() yd., ' J worth 1.50 ' J j Silks! Silks! Silks! I; i:vi:ninohiiadim, whitiv, ciika.m, Wb I'lXIC, ltl.Ui: ANH A Lit DP.UCATK HIIADKr). w .51.00 (JoimIh for . - '15c. .mryuril. Jf rancy Sllka, 4Cc, worth : - - SI.25 iljlll " " 7Cc " .... I.CO Ull! ALL IILACIC HILKB AT Till: leOWIST NOTCH.) WS 1 DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! s 100 pieces Wool Plaids at 70c. yard, vortta. $1.25. fj 100 pieces Plaids and Stripes, at 4!c, worth 75c. M ! fy,-r?arVi Wo muat tUrn th0'i0 tloslrablo goods Into J Ll (tljjSHt? monoy at onco.ancltho purchnslns publlo j Jj, VwWBtS' can now roal' th0 ('roat aclvantago3 wo S II as58kfc)t2r nro compollixl to offcir. Ijij CALL EARLY AND WE'LL SUPPLY YOUK WANTS FROM ALL M-lji DEPARTMENTS AT BEDROCK PRICES. jjrl M 1 1 m 1 1 n 1 1 i n 1 1 1 n n 1 1 i n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 rti .uiilildct II I