Newspaper Page Text
nt:sr,m:T rvxxixo sews, ti T'-'dat. novimwh it, ism. t . TIIK Ul UlTKIt IIK.ISIOS liLcntud Hi Ihe Joint tommlltco Meet leg Letl Mrht. A meeting of the Jolutooniralttee of th Clljr Cornell and C'hainber of IJommerc we held Isit nljht In Ilia offlw of Beereiary II. V. Mnlgy, to coutl lor the advliblllly of tkln Ilia Territorial LcjUlaUv Attembly lo amend or revile th charter of ttili cltjr. Ol Ihe Council there weretiree rot Mayor Hoott, Councilman Vouoj, Folland, Lynn ami City Attorney Hall. Th Chamber waa repretented lijr I'reeldeut Bloign, Vlce-I'reeld nt llonnellan, Hecrelery Meloy anil Mewr. Conn an J Wick". Mayor Hcolt acled aa chairman and Mr. Meloy aa eeretrr. Chairman Hoult stated that Iho b JcitorthomcetlllKwat toi-all out ail(f xttlloot at to the weyt ami mean of the roMOl oily charter, which h sal I was very defective In many wa ja. Kitracl wore read from charters of annrabrrof l.aatern cltlai and their luarlla anJ demerit werdleuttei at length. flie secretary waa authorized to snd far half a deien ehartara each of the rltle of Denver, Omaha, Kama aul Helena.' The following gentlemen were aiiolnlel ae a siib-ooniinlttca tj ilamlne Ihe charlela ani reort flu line and submit a tlau Ut the revltiou of the cbaittr of thli cllyl Vouor, Hall, Wllllaiue, and Wluk. Dili couiiulllo wai aulhorlael to iroure aucti clerical assistance aa stiould liatleameJ tieceeaary. An ailournineot waa then taken un- I 111 the Suthlnstaut when the o-nmll- tea will meet at Mayor rJcotl' olOce In the City Hall. I' lllinonrlc Itrory.inlxeJ. A ward conference oth lluntluf luu ward waa held Not. lUand II, AMvtlea Lyman aud Lund and the Presidency of the Blake were trunL Owing lo Hie rUiull on of Ulahou Chaa, l'ullhar It beoama necessary t nil the vacancy whlih remitted In the if IrUlou of l'etir Jobnwn, who had Uen flrat counselor to llttbop Xulelj her, with Andrew J, Allen aa (Intend J, W. Tt'lion at second coun selor. Illation iulilnher waa released with uhealty vol of thanke ty the pt-ojd for hi eight yeara' service. Apo.tlcsLynieiiepokit of the neeea 4 ally of having complete order In the Unurrh anl that etch oflloer ant member should understand hla dutlee aud privilege, lleeald "11 1 not well U have loo many men of the aime IMoodlu any council. He spoke at length ou Iho Uullee of bltnops and lurinbera of a ward. Alwatle I,und theu aJdressv,! the conierenieaudeipnaMxt hla lor the uully that prevalM lu the selection of bUhoprlo. He Loto a faithful tollniouy to the truth of the Uotpel, exorled Iho iH-upl tote united aud su.'-alu their bishop. lhere wore prueetitat the eiretlng: Hire hundred HUdf.trty.eU ieople. J. VV. fiux. llUNiiiumf, Nor. 13, I Mil. I Dear l.nke Slake. S The conference of th la Blake con. A Teued un the 8th and Olh lu-l. lu the H Tabernaele at I'arle. In addition to a the prealdency of the Htakeaad other La I Ileal authorltlea, we were favoreil with l. I thereeilceof, Youug, i nf the I'lnt Council of the Heeentlre. UJ The memlre of the High Council H apoke on Huuday inornlug, theaermoua B were abort and aplrlted, Ihe ri.lrlt of trttltiiouy mini Uon tneiu. The af. ternoou waa prollubly occupied guy I'realdentH. II. Vouog. The riabhath achojlt were reported l,y Hopt. tlalloway, the Y. l, M. I. A. H ly rlujl. Wm. Hyann, and Ilia High H I'rleau quorum hy lreat. J. U. Kluckl, j all III a ratliractory condition. The Keueral aud Htake aulborlllea were H (reernted and utlalned. t )u Monday afternoon I'realdenlNVu, H lludge dvllTered n yttft Instructive H dltcourn. H The conference waa Intereatlog .-. throughout and a very eicellent aplrll H irevalled. T. Minsos.HciII. . H far Hnusoluiinoimifnli. '. H Kilenalve alteration and Improve.' nienla are heug made at the repair ? H ahopa and powrrliouieof thoBaltl.ake H Oily Hallway comiany. A car home of iOOitijriel, which la principally of f m corntgated Iron, ha Leeu erected aud - H haaatorago room for lorty.llva car. . H The old tulldlnir. will accommodate E thirty. Machinery ooatlug upward of fl:,0UO hla alio been pul In, Flvn hull J? n tired fret of extra, Iioae, which ca i uully U oounectod with Ihe fire - hydrant In lb" rnslne room, UauUhar valuable addition. . The Slht ufa I'ralrle lire. 11 lMliaMlMmHnt H "Yr,"he continued, "Hie tight of I ruch a fire la luterettlng from Iho I mirely nclaiular olutof view. You H luveneu the l.lam of light which H icnerally arrompanlea the preeenla. ItnVS I lonofllieeceno of the deilructlon of H Home, That acenel nothing to a prairie W ll tn I u lie lirlKlilueee. You ttand at a s given pOlnl, atve you Ibe deep Hue On k),forll I deep blue, .lally at I I I night, lu Ihe portion of the Inlan Ter- I Nil. rltorynrwhkli I am ptaklng. All I 11 II around I one mat of red flame, now M" al.-uo.t touching the ground, aa " It tiara It way along at fiercely m the wave of a ava; now ,- s rlln, a If ila fury had Increatrd L - in lotie new oljectl caught In Hade. elrutllve march. Ho It ke rltlug nnd falling all along the line, and the whole plain lie ItillhtnlM If H wciu llghlrd by rlectrlitt). It I curlou lo i nothu the Imtliirl dlnplayed ly Ihe ' B rallluaiidlior,aharpiiedalt la by I tngexirrletiiH) of almllar oulbieak. They it logrthtrln herde and xikout U a i r atirller Willi mucli urea U would man. Hhelter I generally tn 1 U found lu the Iwltoma or at the other n, I 'Uoofrome rnrk, anil thither they s, I Dock, with the retult that very llllle Ck I alork I ever destroyed. The Inlelll. &$ n pence of thcie prairie hore cpeflally H li runarkable. In cerlalu counlrle iV d'v H "' refrwuenlly attacked by wolvta, jfAHJt II ami when Invre la nochanie of night , I l'y form a clrth-, with their hludN.t , I tonuiy, Theykeeli their el- rtllTrli tloimhuiiuialled, and kirk away un t '"bey wluorfalllutlleatUinpt." Ji TO SAVPtL MILK An ratf ITaf U tai a mrtlef Tafce D.MilbM, The noit reliable method of aimpllng I by the iiv of a aanipting tube, whkh tale ont a core of milk from the top to the bottom. Thl Minpllng lube can I made by aoy ordinary tlinmllh by tak log a lece of braa tubing- an Inch li diameter, rnnnlug a wire throngh the length of it, terminating at the nf per pirt In a bead for handle, the other end of the wire being eulderal ln.o a firm ihett of Iron, which I coterrd on lu npper inrface by a piece of rnbber pack ing Thl Iron valve hou! I bo a trllle larger than the aire of the tubing The wire I hrl 1 In the onter of the tube by a email wire loop at the top and liottoni, near the end of the tube Ut uihlo J down On the ban lie the valre It carried away from the bottom of the tnbe, leaving n place fur the tnllk to en ter While in toll ltlon the tuba it pmhod down vrrllcallr Into the milk In the weighing can until It raaehe the bottom. The wire U thin pulled up, cloelngthe botlom of the lube, taking with It a ooro of milk from the top to the bottom of the can. The bottom of the tube U put Into the can or jar In whlchtheMtupletato be kept, an I by luoetnlng the valve the milk I allowed to How out Tlirni idcli (ample will fnrnifh enough milk for aiulj'H. anl wlllgiie a eamt.lo that U a correct airrage cf all Ihe milk. Unt even when wing thla It Ualvlnbletotlrthlnllkwrll with a illplr befire taking the aample Of cour If the amount of milk U email 1U0 to 200 pound end It I vlirred rrty , thunnighly with a largo dipper, It can liemiaed o thoroughly tlut a correct kaniple may be taken out with a illpr Care mmt alway be um-,1 In taking a eaniple, aud It t alway advleable to ue a grod deal more tare and palu tliau It riKiu iwible cau be needed. Ily tuing sufficient i are It It luetlble to aample a large amount of milk J.ooy nun It, for lindane and get tereral ililtrrent aaet rlet that thall not vary In cotnMHltlnn more than one tenth of I pi r cent, If, then, the cieamery roan find that hla eamplea do not agree wilh each nlher, he can be reasonably tnre that tho tronb'o la with hlmirlf, and that he ilora not ne rnuiigh care In taklug the aample Crtami ry Journal. int. r Miia Tiii. rrui.r. The patron! of the.oiidrning com. panic of IJgln have K-en couinlilng re garding the price for milk for six montht IrglnnlngOit I The general opinion eccrn to be that very much higher rate unit be hid tbl winter to enable th tiroditceri 1 1 make aoy money nut of the bublnetl. It I Mid tho rice mutt fa vorrd ll au averaieof l OH per can of light gallon, or 13 tent prr gallon How tho cumpanle will ncelvethliaug fTcMlou ft ta llnioe.llle lotay. There ecem good reuon for tho belief that luilk proilntion will coat more win ter than lait, but whether the colidf in lug compatile will concede the ndiance named Utobeaein. On tho day for elgnlng the contract hit iprlvg at one of the fartorh- tn New York, the anxiety to get their tiamea down before the (nil aiuuuut hm contracted wa io great that tho door had to be tktoed to preieut a mob. Thlt, ton, in the eut where freil, both that rntae.1 and Innght, I worth !3 r cent more than here, and farm land are higher, 'the price named, f 1 W r can, 1 an aterage of ( l.CJ per hundred, which woull mean an aierage price for butter of altnoet thirty-eight cent per lound net to the cre-uuerj . Thl, from reeeiit inllcatloii. will U beyonl nny flgure obtainable TI.e factory and irenmery iotereit In thl a-cticnarea4iimch tnterrate.1 Inecciir Ingbettrrprlcei a, the farmer. High price ttllnnlate proiluctlou, and the larger Ihe reei Irl at the factorle and creamrrle the inoro net profit, Dairy itcport. A Ml.rn. .,.. I reaiae,;. A writer lu The llalr) Worlleayahe ha breu examining the ireametie mound Klgln, 111 , and found moat of thaw lu good condition and neat, hut In oi o the condltlou about it ba I a coul 1 tn, A rotten floor, with a ttlll mora rottrn mtxtnre of milk an 1 v. itter ooxiuc up through tho crack when any ono walked arrant. Implcmrnli jnorly clraiiM.1, when cleauv.1 at all. Djora and window opi m tile In abundance. A man tmoklng a ttrong pljio while standing around th tank, and even tho cooling room wo damp ant mint). lie did not simile the butter, Imt It raunot l-o expected (hat tnch u factory would pnxliu-e n gilt edged ankle. Crcnmerle ahould be lnpntnl wilh at leiut a much csie a the oleomargarine factories, and there ehuuld bo law for their government, Uliif,ent enough to i lore at occeuny one of thm that I managed Inlheaboio fahlou. Mieu txwple buy creamery butter! hey certalu iy hare a right to Inil.t that It ihall U o made that It will be il.iu and nbol. "August Flower" How dooa ho fool ? lie fccll cranky, ami is constantly experi menting;, dieting lilmseir, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooling, the dishes, the hours, nml runner of his eating August Flower tho nomody. How doos ho fool7 He feels nt times a gtitningi onclotu, luiall able appctite.nholly unaccountable, unnatural and unUealthy, August Flowor tho nomody. How doos ho fool ? Ut feels no dedite to go to the table and a grumbling, fault-finding, oter-nice-ty about v hat is set before him hen he is there August Flowor tho Romedy, How doos ho feol ? Ue fcth after a nx.ll of tills abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and dstestatlou of food; as if a mouthful uo'ihi kill him August Flowor tho nomody. How dooa ho feol? He has Ir regular bowels and peculiar atools August Flowor tho nomody, j BROKEN OUT 1 iffjpf III m How often d wo eco lliti rm Ihn fact of t hildii n ami. nlna, of pi-oolo viho cithcrwlw rue liculihy Wfat lallMMltr Tho thought litcrriltet Iho troublo bwnrw. o icillnary help rim remmo It It ro ifiln Hiimtliiug uniiMutl. Pa u-i I iko i hini urMrilUi or U'l mi ller. loiiiiiifelliAvufonuUilnxthnt IxMinitin H mcrln I'iiIi I umi nml Alnielca. Ilcuiral AMieali-roIl lenn, of In Ion. eayat ")ly ex. tii mil H Iho I jigllth nrmy. m v II hi In Amerlrt, neiiliM-ea mo tlial tidhlivi to throughly pin I dm Iho Itonl.tirnddal.itlin hmlih, ligornnl life, a lit Ackirs 1jiU.1i Muud Thlt irranil Uixlr la eoll by dmc gut In all i-aru i f Aiucri. n. It 1 n Kmfcl, Urc, luuuat IIMilin hdiv lillllllllMITl THE XrTA.YZ HALT MD TABBD 1 1 .M O W , T K F R ll D ,'. T O A L A T mTLMIXOlS.MlOfK.MVUEMEM (Mrj l4rriO TTIlk the licit Geodi la tho UerlJ. All Work (Jiitirnntood. Homo Coinptny. Homo 1'roiliiollon. Ortlorrt b'61ioitcd. IjhI linn to Kiirnlalioil Froo ol CIiutko. Oulct Room 233 Constitution EtllUuJ, i alt ijxk crr. JOHN BECK, Pmldint AURELIUS MINER, S.or.tiry. IIIIHIIIIIMIIIIII IMONIBUlt FfflTllEEHCO. WILLI B8 North Tempi St., Enet. OrrlCCl 21 South Temple St.. We.t. BHANDS: High Patent, Baker's H. I, Baperliae Wliols Vilicat rionr. HIEHESTCftSK PR1CEPAI0 FOR WHEAT. I'U rlkM Jtl. "fct Ifbeleu r. Ll UK MOKIIIS, I-rof rlttor QUONG GHONG WING, ChlMM, Jipinei. tnd Ornjinintil ftnty Qoodi, Hllk Kml rtiUrrf rt lltaULtuberftt, Mlk ! Cre bttMtlrlici 01 .....!) Nlrrt l 1 1. Haft H7. Null UkflMl. I 111. WESTEKN mnsm .QOJLVATXY. (Imttrptrutti. Tho Only Bill Pontcra, Distributors fi null- road Atlvortislnr; Agents In Utnh. mini trr::n limit trri:n it Sail Laki Tbiin. CFrFiiiCil; Milt UU CI) JJ LUtlJX. 8. W. AXMUtSOX, BMttKJI UAXAOe uinoHrnrTiir. niMvnrunTABa Tbelllatory of thu lUnnuck Htake, conii lied by Andrew Jenou, and late. ly ubllihed In thelJUMllT WirKLT, ha now been Ittued In i ami hlet foriii andean now be ha I at the DiALKirr Nkwh ofllco at So centa ir eu( y, d&s ORANGE PLOSSOM. Ladle iuHHd from any form ol l-iinal Utahnrx, will find a ani euro In ()range llloksom.1 lor lull larllculsr call on Ihe Central Atent, I'.S VWit, Third tiouth ntiett, Ball I.aW City. WHAT IS A GDARANTEE? Uaay merchir.l and eehwmtnar lutli habit of Indlcrlmtnatt7 "nueianteelne," Ihelr warte Willi no thouithtof lln calle.1 upoato make the "ituaratite1' koihI. It laa rulc!( u aud foollth cuiont saw re kit In the breach than III theoiarvancp. A (uatantr to have any value, thould lo ma I with knowledf ef the meanluit of Ihe word an I a eet i'urjxe to inrry oat the term of the guaientee. On flue tool the maker Inattuctu to warrant, aud wo r I lace any tool found linift-t In u. We have lived our Ual Judgmrut, aculrel by a conl Itrahle eipa. rlence, lnerleetlnj-UiefollowliiK Item fur our ttock and aell them to our cuelomers Willi an abtoluli n.uaiaiilee that If they do not prove lo be all that woreirmnl theui, w wlllreluud the lurchateinsney In full. Jewel" Sleel lUnce. A rlnlihed article, rftctly i roport!ond, madeof thelwit milerlal. Un't fall lose It. It will pay ou. Clulck Meal" No licneraUir, lawrllng. Light It as ou do your (tm burner. KuenHI, Nodamter, No coinplh alluh. livery olJw lion to the urn ut a tiaullne Hlove done away with. Think of the dla. comfort misted In Huuuurr by avoiding Ihe heat of a Ug Kltohen ItaDKe. Hunerlor" l!ekaiid llaofea. Hiiilor at lakrrt. Huilor In economy of fUel. Hua-rler la eletlgu. tiupertor lu coititructlon. tluoerlor In everything that pie t make a rrrect co-iklne; aiiratu. Th "Footu IMilfrriier " An Iceeaier A lliallh romoter. Cellular elon lined. Whatlathatt Iutnllnsle lu llwlll inorelhan nyj you. Our stock of llullden Hardware, Hon. lAirnlihlmrt, Oanlen Uoaa. Lawn Hillnklir, liwn Mowet,ek'., I om lele In every drUU. r. t. corny jiaj:iwai:i: au I'rugrcf lluttdlng. t ECLIPSE! mmm 77.- gentnti vrnilct it that the JkUpte Grocery a'lJ fruit Com jwy carry Me very Ittt ffvoJ In Umr tine to (VounJ anyxchtre In tfttiity, and that, wuptfl with the cuttrtevut treatment anil vbligiw tninrirri nj their tattinien, tnnke it on of te tmut attractlet jtlacet of tiurinet$ In tomi. )1 inette our jrten&i and the public generally f otiU atul M for themtrlret. i sV . .-i7i M "nut! n i ' irrf n li Lk ' AflfrAr flsn J TinV! II lfAd ttjrouflfi Hirtomaeli.Jl'JiJ fort :; IsiTwl , c wry good ploii! ' V ?m Itni) n Sogoodm&n. Ill marry you Miv-,?;N!il A A If you II give me a home. VK Wj' . Will; A CHflRTEROAK If) If. tT iW$A MJ-d III bake and III brew. ' viw0:;;' $& A III boil Anti III slew i.rV llA E?af "nt) 'l;v,dAlntif'iwe'irfr'asfoD0'ji..lj' Wfl . . s&nevtrb??w i.,, ? TvS T.ft for JI? food jtjat was runcd r.V-.V-- WH And lost hcrelofon5,".w;iL If- Tr)?r? ran be no excujc. (L it,. W Gy vvilrjirjatViRcOaujtOoortlSSfii&i POE SA.Xj3D BY Z. C. M. I., Solo AkuuIs In Bait liko City FRASER ft CHALWIERS, f OHianoo. L. a TKKNT, Hull Lnkr. Olty, Utals, Coutml Western Mnnaijcr, Iluleiin, Menatjuua MIIVIIMO ItaClIINICl'tY, UDQERWOOD HOISTING ENGINES. ELECTRIC MOTORS-K Elootrlo Licitt Pltoito, BNOINKH, HOII.KItH, HI.UVATOICS, HAW MIXTA c? i.OL'OMQxjivm. wxiiiii aioToita. fec J' J I I'S'rV'v ' ' N V UE) (0 7& 0!1. VIUMUS' INDIAN PILE OINTMENT 1IIM 13 If V, will core HUn4, Ulee.lln aid llrblLK 1 Ue. Uaburoatb II 111 tA M tumor, l!!i tt a lu blue at oa , eel a a ooulUce, elvt IMaV Km W lu.unt mitt Ireiaredo ly lorllltaaollutlrirot tie. H U tit fl r ivauitaiu. tvarjrlMXlswursatcL Jtide loon, of H n k UavillUo k. V tui -r IMIIIalue' Indian I'll Olut. Htn.-.B Vi 111 incitcuredmeafter iearor soBerlntf ' rvU bv tlruinriit H U9U BHI He sbtby n-aUonroieljtof orloe. MiMuttaudlLWperbox. 1 OU NI.K Ilk ..O. M I. DIIIIO IIKI'l. 1850. )80l ! ;; --s-"THI3 - i , 1 DesereNews. 'ill Pioneer Paper of the Rochy Mountain Country. L'J H DESIffl Will IIS I EIGHT l'ACE9, 3CVCN COLUMNS EACH. ! M luico ivaat rav, axcarr einotr, li l2H Ilai an nxlciinivo unci Itiot-ooHinu; Olroulntlon, ; &VB And a a NawmArtn and ADvaantlvu Mkoum 1 1 IcLLLh 1 l IT-HAS-NO" SUPERIOR. i fijH u colchs coaraia f , tCJ I ILL Ti.riinti-iiin I ' J ' SLLLIAIIII 1.111 l. trtHV, 1 111 lHI roulltii iKHitial-iiilirvrr. j , I IIICAIIIIVAI. ailHIICLTl'Btl. 1 fH IIUHU1IU I It' SH WM SEMI-WEEKLY MS. j I UIUllT l'A(li:9, i:i(IIIT COLUMNS UAOIL 1 t Published Cvory Tuusday nnd Friday. I 'IH UAB Tlia H LARGEST CIRCULATION tf UTAH M Aad Adjoining Stitli and Terrllor!st ol any riper Publlihid, u H And has sdrsnlairo which iinm.n I It to all who i annot afford or are not oonvaal. t r !' eutly ltualed (or Ukluf a Dally ar. It vvlitaln a unilory of th If j H 5sns of Ihe Week, Vonrtlle aad liMl H Tlnraphlr, lerrlro Xftii, I l'l Local, Ldllorlal Artldu ' ' Kliccllxoioni, I'nen TriaipLrla Eretta, li'ill tnl I lu tvry partlcuUr i' M ' A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL. !' H m DESERET WEEKLY !i I .IllllK l.t, lM.-.O. t 1 T I I U puMlihM , try fcUurvJiy. t 52 lu 40-rnta Migtilnt, mM m CU11UKNT II 13- 1 11 J 5 '1U11V OP 1 Hi: UlUUeil. tit 1 or tU. ltiUri-.Unjf nnr tLroujh llL S wblb tlii-M.ti.( tbla rtulun r pow "lnff j III . !i without ft ri ml, Tt.tG.utiic, licu r9r IlS'VALUAHLl. ASA WOKK OV ltEFEREN'CE. Ifi f t 'ft 1 TnnMS ron the dailyi I 1 orrr,onTr ttoet j i j Manemls a o , I 1 Ibreelteulk. II Sit 111 1 1 ' 1 TERMS FOR THE SEMI-WECKLYi ' ' ll Oaa Cerx, line Tear MO ' ' - hla Jluelb 1.1 J , ,1 -mreeHeiill, .... IN j jl TERM9 TOR THE WEEKLY! jM' UaeCwpv, line Tear (eiHbr.eirTnu letniue) , SSO !A la nentb ..,.. U , ' 'k 1 ' d Ci AM THE 3VI3"VS tlH Book am Joe Printing Office 11 mtaMMj u onb or furam'l lJ The JVIost Complete in the Ulest I ii'J Uict well equipped wlih Ihe Latmc ain Hut trrta ov Ttrn a i I'i I l'ULktk, aud olhcr Itral-rlt malarial, w are If H (re-4ted to do j ll' mM ' ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTING in tho BEST STYLES, j M VtUh 1'I.OMIT.MH and DWPA1CH, and at KflSOyAllI.K Ul ,M 1IA11.H. 1 ill 'm ltlllCBS OF l.L SULS.rrom Ihe imallrit Handbill t the Iaristt JtunawtJ j fB we ar iiuird to ititi. Ill !fH .iJSl