Newspaper Page Text
BTvi Iwtlernient of msnkln I ty the over. BBBtrr throning of rnonoiolle. It was sail HLA Ij yutcrJay that HtKilliaorlh ha. I gone BBBBu ' fl to Central America, hut he was found BBSS' H hy lnictor llyrnea' men Koulli BBBk ! worth la utidoultedlyn crank, and con BBHtJ feMltlietheiiallinnnlnmitnf a f I iunatlo asylum. Hewn, take? to the BBBJ 1 1 ' morgue anl shown Die head ot the BBBjrl i f Uyiiaoiller, but Ml 1 lie hil never seen Bit ! II In hit lira. In that articular he BBBJ contrallcted tbesloryof Honif, who BBBKj i nil that tlio doit nun Introluceit 4' jK Houlhwotlli lo him at the niuieuin a "' "On'." Y.VM 11. B1..W called .t the 14 II I police head iiierlrre during the day R 1 and Identified Hiultiwoilh a. a roan BK Hi whomhemetOctoter Dili. BjBBf fi Boutliworlh unMdeJ 11 scheme for BDbLL- II tha orjanUitlon of a secret eoclil), BBBK A H wild branches In tho larfeclllrt.Bouth BEBB''' ,1 worth to bo Ilea I of the society. Tlio BJFBEJrV II i uilely westiiboof a political nature BBrBBt It anl could ironiulRete the lie of gel Bl'flJt'l-, n llnz Ilia votes of tlio i0lo to take BKBM ? H away all telegraphs, rallwsysen I other BJrBMu& ''J' monopolies from the Individuals an I BflflJlf'' j ; place them In the hauls of thegonersl BBBJEv . $ ' government. In this connection, ho BHiefBKu n referrel rtrentedly totlould, Haie anl bHhHP Ml other cellallsla Ha thought tliat K,Mi' 1) I people ought to be able to go lo Man BmjH 1 i Mencken for a dollar.aod Ihoughtthat HH It there sboulj be three or four meellnsa BBhM !1 I of 'be society to iret loople Interested ., MI, In the scheme. Ha wild ha owned t ! 1 1 iroprrty In Han Kranrl-co. Heverel BJBBBb .1 '. de)aelierHhaw received a letter from BBW t I ' Houlhwarlh, eiklnghlui lo meet bin BBBW 1 again.! "( oBimender BBBA at' 1" llill ol lh Urauil Armof batior." BJBJBI 1 1 l.tuloeni In till lelti r wai a leniilhy BBBB JB w (reclamation, braird "Overland for kWWf, 38 Una Dollar," and ilRUad In tlio aamo K JS J cbaraoltrlillc wajr. 1' 1 (jj Ilyrora learned that tba man ratno !S -I f! lo the city about two month, ago aud Ji ft rnltolboMaionloTrnilr, Then b W w unfol led aeclittrue to tnntth chart 1 S JJ table oridnaiatton. lie haJ. tie ealdi l am ?IJ thocoKiieratlouof Henator Htewart of r Ml Yl evJa andtliulaturifnalor Ileantol Jl '(? Uallfoinla He hal Joluvl the An U m archlila In Han Iranclcoaud rinelTel l In1 Ihreo dag reti, tba blue, tliu white, ami K !) t the re I, the led Wlnf the lilithmt ml A Krali. The rlnclpl.i were ao atronic tnl ,i a id radical that he coul I not coniclen Mi W ttay In the ( rder. He did not H Jl) deny the rlnlit lo kill, howorer, to H luff tarry out a aifclal Ilea. PPpH Iff lo Hie morgue, South- PjPjH I w Hi worth waicloaelyiiueatloiirdby llyruea PPH . Jij M aa to till na.l life. In 18SI lie wieeni- biliiiHl ill wL llovedon tbaHtn'untOier biliiiVl Ol it and made many atechea on to ha of PPPH ! W M tbeday, eeclally tha labor iroblera biliiiHj wSivL Ho Ha. coniuilttrd to the Iniane a.y- PPpHi ril f lum and rimaltieil there ilxmouthe PjPjHI 1 X fj 'ft llyrnea lolay rrcelted Ihofollowlni; aaaHl t JM ')' from Han I'lenrl-i'o: HH M 1) Will I) Houthworth l a cWII en- PJPjV jra Ml Rlneiraud rokldrd here between 1AS1 PJiilHl fU HI' and less, aued 43 yeart, wtliibt, 1117 PJPJW m ID lvluu, helnht, 5 fret U llichee. He PjPjV J J I was. rlrate aeorrtary to CUrenco PjPJBt' JS W (Jrcath ui.f, manaitlui! editor of tho PjPjuS la .'. tjamintr. He wa. a crank 011 the HIBJI ji , auljicl of railways aut their ramaje PPHfll A t loent. Hastartel a ema'l newspaer 1 J II and adrocated RQTtrninent control and I!J ; aratoncro.sllieuintlnentolll While 1,1 ! In tho city be was suljoct to craiy 3 J eiwIUaol woull often eply lo tho jj , tllyprleon lobe looked up, owing to a B Ifl !S fearthat In hlttonir madness bo B Iji ia uilsht kill eome one. l 1 51 I1' Harry Harne, the dime museum j I if man, csIM at headi) latlors thlt after- mWI (Jj .V miou. He aud Bouthwortli at eucu H J ;.i recognised each other. H W II Tonlitht Iluuell 8sKe Is slid to bo LLX I suirerliiR from the electa of the shock B l 1 Ml caused by Ihoeiplo.lon, more than at 11 .1 111 any 1 rerlou. Ilniii. U Idle he does not Ba 4 j) sutler much .In, be la ure.tly proa- I JJ) ! trstrd, and It will robably bo several J 1 N ! days before ho nsumes actlvo bust- BMl 3C i m SH nM1 Hago's residence baa been be- Spi-I IS ffi, sieged by callers all day. Hi! iS fffj I'rlnee Albert Slrlnr Slelrnllied H'n Rloll Inii-, Ueo. I). l'rlnco Albert 1 j B H Victor, Duko of Clarence, el lest aou of ( , M the rrluie of Wales, on 1-rlJay l- h, III) came Ulrothnl to IrlnceM Victoria Hw' 1 fl f Mary, the ouly dnuuhler of the Duko K I 1 Trek The match ha. plowed the mem Vit : U v rl bot1 tle fumllles, and It la said t j. ' to be iulte a loo match. The mar M i I II i tlaue will probably I ecelrlratod at an 1 ! ) latlyua). B I I jU lUllwarHeuallrl.taiien ltn. Ir I B , j I ''. HulllTOS, Tel, Dec 0 The Kllev- B . j H J' ancrs bitween the rkutlieru l'acltlo B In ft and oonluotora ami brakeiuen ha B U teen amicably aljutted. Under the H t I ji fl termaof tho agreement 1 aieongvr con- B 1 I I I Gi ductors an4 brikomen it 1 11 it receive BB 1 n ' ) 'ff fw n!nerra.e of salary, but are paid for BB I m'f A 4 ,xU" ruunliiK. Ireluht coinJuotors BB I m R a H nl brskemen do not receive any mm I H ffi, Kuarantres, but ato promlied all tho mmJ ml n II PV lunnlnir they can do and not Inter. BBi m & "l 111 fere with their ml. Ihey alsoirom- IwJB I rB S Iseil that no nine orews shall be ut avBl te ' B ffi ou illvls'oti than are neces.ary to BjB 1 8 IV handlethebuslmsaeiprilltlouily anl IwJB ft Ql are granted llmo for delays on the LBJflf I 5 load. BVfl'( fi Stt IIimk frlinlim lleurii.illnllraslt H ) v 8 (r 1'aiiis, Dec. C-Callo dl.j alclico BBb Uwk I S It from Illo Jan. Iro ray that the nswe of BBl Jiffi T f "'" ,l""1 uf 1)jl" l'edrn met with BBT I 4 tl nocniulalreioirnlllonln the lliatlllan BBl II 1 h cajltal A r umber o morihants and Bfll ll I 3 1' shopkeepers In Itlo Janeiro dried their Bfll Ol I I1 1 llaoeafjf bislueMfortheday out of re BBl fl t 3 fl' u.ctforthaii.l,inieror,lutolherwlae EI ll T- 3"' ll" 'l'",h ' '" ("tuiir ruler uai BJN? ,l 1 ll lifl marked I y nodemou.tratlon, BBl I! lull TheKliiK of I'irtuital, laatelrKraiu BBJ W''i 0 4 f ton Jolence, oilers tho Una of the BJjJ I 1 1 vault of the llrsirsusa family for the BBj Li 1 I ft burial of the ex-l-uiperor. BBj it 4 & a "m l'lJrg was fully poisesieduf BBJ tr fitfi his moutal faiulllea to tfieetid. Dur- BJ it fc, lij Iur bis lut hours the ex hmperor re- EH f Wl :! ill leatellyelhortwllilsbtlr,thel'iiicss BBJ. j J91 P )J Isaliella, lo tray with tilmfortho ace BBJ II i ''if aulirosrerltyof llrasll Hlstudyhas BB P JR. E! eu embalmed anl otter I reparations B9 ft.?'' Hrt maJefor the funeral, which la to be M if'tJri1 v hill on Tli u rids. 1 HalH ' tli Thi. loiljcf Horn l'rdro, sttlred lu V IH if I '( the uniform of a llrailhan ittneral. I. BBT Hfl it I lylDK Inrltatoln tho room In rhich BBJi ItV Ft ! Ill Indnd The King of I'orluual has BBj Hi, ij I ill nr li red rojal honors lo bo )ald tho ro- BBj Bit ' I '1 ill mains, BH Hill I rheilukeandilurleialn.lttthntany BBJ affi) I til polltlial altltuJn Is likely tii HUiid the BBE Oil 'J I i-oveinniintof Uracil. BBJI Mil ! I I "om Pedro lift will, it H 3 Iiiulse AlUnu, the artist, com- ' " 5 UtUploturoof Djiii l'ojrj 1 1 fore ajjjfs wii t 1 ll" lied BBl BU ' I ,. 1 " Nkw Voitu, Dro i) The Jltruld 1 BBs? lM 1 ltloHpeilaltaisl The iliath 1 f D til BBl IBM i 1 Vri" '" slucerrl) fill In thl. illy BBJ crfllf' Hi llusllicsa wa. Hlrendel all du) anl BBj ,?ilv, ill ' llait. weteat half ma.t on the nialu BBM, Mi 14 1 11 i A Ixilldlnes BBT j llSnkWIl Asuteentlveaud cure for iruu, BBR I r.lBIl.Rv' it R 1 Cliainberlalii'a Cuut,h Itrmedy lias 110 BBj! riIV aS ,,,l- HI', l fact, thooulyrenml) BBL 1 ..ifS.Iil iill that 1 an alwayabede) udnl uiun and BBA flHH mH thatlsilrsantanila.ifetjtake There BBl ilV;'t'! 1 Is not the liastilatiitrrliihlvlnitlt ti BBk 1 'IW'l'S'i dilldien, as It LOnUlna m lulnrlous BBK. ' filial 11 .U 1 suUtante 1' r silo at ll rents ler BBBV ffliB ill: Uttloli Z. C. M. I. UruKHiou. ds BBBBBBakflak. jbtL HMkBBlBffBBH.MB.MMM ll lit.! ftijill-b II tn lnn I fin TIj r 111- lYfm-nl 1 nr tion wllh tlio 1 iary piu t cinliii in n fev rrt! f On tnustlAlt iclutuc in tl rvtn t athAtft Ij niiiht ifUt tan hyl,. I ii kv Us Imi liivl uMly ill- iiitit iitt rtTit w n our ) nM-l, ctuiin Ihtlrconflilfncoof .emlttM ip htt x if iviM naturjill it errn hx k in ctuiMvjnfiic? trout all Account! t)io Ia ml in swell mob U awlnif through a l riol ot xfilinf ntnllatn. An n remit iu iiifa.hloin dbroftl liao not btiu w uiim ttlnl lu flftj )vant. The liftry iwelU contlDUO tfniirnf ftlmlfMly altfr the tlu.Uo InaotutioiL lor Hi' If InJopcnleucej at tul llmo, thctvfure, Auierlcin bar caua f r tlf conffrituUtlou the toor irtlculaily no ou iicoount vt the rrj" clIrcrKtit clinrnclr of tonn rf tho foreign nltra rporulatloDa. AlrauceJ coilcn t tie rrrrnt Iyin Ion ft Is In Ctuta anl tip con) liuiltii-y t--ii triM UHlli-nlj- ou til" Now utk put Ii-, wool 1 bat i rtt ol alinojit a riot In tho trr?t. Tlio Lnn Hill im-rll, be It known, can ilreta him wlf up aa bla famy dictate anl the yeomanry make no ontcry Now that we baro thrown oft tho MincklVa of tlavlili emulation nJ blithe- I lynclt or reject what e want, or what JotM not null. t3thoawnsoof the . filufM of thlusa, tho 1- nslidi fa-hiuii framrrwlllcomo down from bla oracu Ur eminence an 1 In the future pom) with wuelicrMol ilfiotlm In tho light cf guide, phlloeni her anl frlcnl 1 am aware that tho acntlment nboro Mt forth woull hare bef n rrifanleii a few )iart Kgu rank hereby, but they url I fy tho nphoriim or Hrer lUbblt that ' 'the worll do luore " ClotUItr urnl (urnUhtr i An Ini-nliiit I rUn-itr. It 1 i ellotit that m conrtctturni thn boura of hli enforce-1 con flue me tit to auclt Koixl i unx-w at un I innate of a 3Iar ylaud I rivu III term of iiuirUomuvnt U j thirteen ) tan, on n conviction of bone a trail tig, of which Ii ImliU be waa In tiocvut liy working orertlme be h m riruel inch auina of money ai to enable hi in to piircbnuo tiooka, of wblrh blacxll contain over Aahoit lime ao, when dectrlo lllit wlrea were being Slucvllit the ir.pwn, bo bvcaino Inter rttM In electricity anl taught aotuo atin hnl work j on the aubject lite n ault wu the ctjint ruction of half h Uozvii dlllertjiit electrical apj, Inclallug a burglar &1 inn, which ho bai joit coin I lvil for tho bedroom of the v-arden of tho l ri-un. Another rMult of hit litdtutry U alock which It ao arrangel that hammering on It drlrta the bolte defner ln" their ftuu t I'll lu if. JI exhibited a mold of tufa lock to tha warden, who waa ao I leaid wild It that It wnt at once adopted for tute In tho prUoti Cattluga for the loci were in tdo lu the prlion fouu lry, a lathe waaaetuplu the irloneracillaml be w relinved of all otber ttuka to that bla entire tlmetottll lwdtvulid to the man ufitctureof hia locka, with which In a abort time all tho dormltorlea of the (rUun will bo ruvlded bachattge. lh lu.tirMr Iwmptmj A merchant who wat a member of a mutual atxlltnt iniurnnco nmociatlon waa killed, while buutlng for rtcrtatton, from no accidental thoL The aiccU tlon i rovlJed fr the j a yment of anim rati it Inn from 3 0u) to tJ-iOD, according to the occw jut tion of the member, Mir ctuntV certia.atea call for V 000, but tho coinjmiy paid the benttijanea of the in m In que-tlon only jOO, ou the atn ngth of a t rovlilon that nr y member receiving m injury while engaged torn t-orarlly lu n not her oecupttlm more baxardoua than the one ((Hen lu ltta cer Utk ate, be ah all bu iatttlel ooly to iuui mm aa provided for In the oecti) atloii (u In which bu li cngagid at the time of injury. The Ultnola aupreme court 1 eld that the benflcli.riea were entitled to the wholefl.OOU, a, the word oraupatloi. lntheb)law lua refcrenen to tni !, e cntlon or roftMlon, and dor not re clulen member from tho performance ofRLta which ore ilmrly Incident cou liected with the dally life of lueu lu all juraulta. fit LoutiGlobosDemocrat. liuutcniwiit for Iti lUbi-. Mr. alJrtgtaurprlaeJ bUUbySun day nlgl t lie didn t lutcud to aurnrlae itf bolnteodeil toamUM lie bad Win to church, an 1 on reaching homo drtvs bl. revoUerfrom hit pocktt to pnt It nwHy, lUbrenchel for the weitjion If bAby wanted It, baby tnuit bnvo It, io j apt took out the rnrtrlUM-ewry one of them and then to ahow bib) how to one.atutholoy. )m pulled tho trigger That w ua w hero the baby waa aurpri wdl Jt woul 1 anrprlae any baby to two Its ivijiu ahoot the rook atove on a tiulot Hunday night with an uuloaded ro olvcr, wheti the co k aiove waa iiultttly puna iU Ita voi ittlou and dlgi tiug bard wood at the ntu of an armful (n hour -Mutle l'olnt Weit Oreonlau S'lkiJr TEH POUNDS kj: iJnfyTwo WEEKS WKlfTHIIIXOFIT! As a Proincer there ean be ueeusitien bat tkal "" SGOTFS EllLlil Of Puie Cad Liter 0)1 ani II)pophaspMtes Of Llmo Anil Soda Is wttbent a rlrol. Hlsny have Ba jsda psuaa a day by the nse ol It. it cures CONSUMPTION, iCHCrUU tlRONCtllTIV C0UOHI I Ml (otoi ako tit. rdiMi ( nsltin pis HIES. IH 1 II II4IUH IV.III, llnur im u l Ufipnl ' Ikm r 1 orlmlmUt - QUONG CH0NG WING, Chin..., Jioinn. and Ornimsntsl rsner Q001J1. Ir klml,. kill, llaiilkrrehlels ee nilirul le,e I I. I rer- lulu llr..u... Ir Wrj 1 1.. II t. ktcoBil sr ih sirr i rait Ull Cltr I" U UOI047. Hood's rrr," v t G' rsaparilla,!, ". " I t e so tb rtouiitt , s t! "I ft-tr vlt rr in a snallli k 0.Mll!n linllettis Ml .1 ly sTCItlllur lut r I Ur In rr ellu T"n lpularllTanllliowllhi.lllsieit V a.ieet any irrparsUnn ef ll. klnL Itoolf ,u 'M'"' " "rr 1.05-I lNxauieltllciUDUproTlng 1. that It tiostr.wa IUTa, anl n iiofi accontr'U.tiehatlietiilinodforlt. OXrCngllli Hmj, Kirotailtls t?MM-h.f ly It 'nPt Hiat tt Economy, ,; lym i, . AMJ llfullnrl i, littiatlon, rrnimr Hnll linn anil Irenx.kiioanenly til an"Jlft ,lMa ""apsillls. Lsurativo j,atr ini uiefu Pnu,av me" I " I er f Sit UM rOWer ni, ur I , J I. retained f ff uuryeltiy.e. Swa-' ,i ,,, ito try le.llly to r terful bilieDI ileitrel UOSBS ft m It It jousillir from Ono Dollar ..U"' ,..:; Bn CM, Ir 'r"" M l " U Oil U lloo I . Hila;uill a. ToCetr,iSyn0fj5p llPVllltl i I HIMIII II II aS -WSf Down With High PntM. ZZWSSi THIS SEWING MACHINE srMoiNrrj"3r cvtp fl l!s7Xl MaVIk rawvarv tVt4 M 111 alPBBTTl " afcl Vi cneaaai iuc9,cii4 Thomson&TaylorSpicsGo taiporUra an4 Mtaifietanr of tha FINEST SPICES, pimvoniNc dxtrhcts K. SO try TO TIK TRADM. mprutort tft raw Bntn4 t mm oitoss iyi";. r.llchlunn Avnnto, Cor. Lako aiiioA.a-o. WStarllorscKails Pollaliod or OluotJ. nif teia "I4 Ij r. a M I. (or oTir J 11 jfirtv Thtr ara Ida Ileal .J, aBdauuiataeiJioitfa tatbeil Saf lufMUajfc. WUI tioli a tba aa lot lit iLm aay oihtr t OHION HORSE"ilAlL CO., U Ohicno, HI, D HUT tea atLa art c m. i and I aiutst.K aroaaa PUGASD "EfrtHMDHn laatwa lUUCarrj a Con pit it Liaa of Disslons1 Celebrated Saws, Ceaiuiiif la rlt CtO'tCt, Draff Ont.Vnn Upright JiU; Jlanl !, Vinet 7enon, JVuafM, lXnfll IMehtr, OsOk, hryhote, ilc,atto ClrcnUr.botbSolldACbisel PoIntTcoth And "TRIUMPH." r.r relt sg Tr... with, a1 srs Siltlif si xciirxn rnicis thj v itiki aim s run sues or is.u ft.nown.d RASPS It FILCS slesy. sa ksas a-,, o. in. I. rVJaa JJ a tZ! lsj 2 IF Bin" GUNPOYDEH. IM klnt nm i(mI . utvtrtS x Itfort, An4 kim mha mlteogl thui nam ieW U tr H4lA.Hi MKaalect7 III fl . ilaxaitti H'Trap aacwtiaif, li a 7 a im n "imck abuotina ItAZAMDK1! iDtof aaitUaitlaf HAZ4UU N VraaJi tfaanoitraUtiJa mtliaiuarkiu Mtavraciuaib ar THE UAZIRD FOWDER COMPAQ, Masardvllle, Conn !,?,"""" '"'"' h Palno & Lyna GEO. DUNCAN fiSONS M.asf.etorr. et Pino Crystal and Colored Glass Table Ware, Uar Ooods, Jara, Lomns, Cto, 10th Hlreet, H.S. I'llloillKII, FJ. Cor sals by Z. 0. M, I sad dealers s.a.rstly JOLD MLUAU rAHIB, 107a W.ltVKl'HMU.'M Breakfast Cocoa illnJivT 'TfitwiaHi, NltivL 2?o Chew teals mi I 1 i " "" in " ,,,ftt,,, ,l III I I Xf rrH, Ar C oa ntttd l a twll 111 intur ltU41lclbui tij smfiZi lib i u nn$ nlrtr, iHit ltlLlTKll i i iimin h kUj 4 f r 1ot:u m will m f-r H-f" l"llb fi 14 1 Un-ffM Mrrjtibr. W BAKER&CO,DorchMter,Mttii. ikhJ mki cur CMu imifiiiiy. LAOEIl Bt en, ALU AND POflTEH. Illtal.aaUaiil It. mil jio. c$ ejsr finsr j oi4ii srrsiT. IIII1IHI1IIIIIIMI U33CS TJT.A.I7I HALT AND.VAHHISH li.-.aoi... rairiain. BITBinOlS. ROfk.'.PAlavUQT tOtfnrs S 4 5rmfl TTIUl U Heat (Wli In tie Wlrl. AH Work Gunnintood. Homo CmnpiTiy. Homo FiodttotloiL. Oitloi'M Solloltod. IHtllHtl tun rui'iiifilioil Tioo of Cliurgo. ODcs Roam 233 ConstUallos Billlloj, IJIT Utlt CtTT. JOHN DECK rreild.nt AURCLIU3 MINtn, Sscrstsr. imiiiiiimNiiii WEST URN ILLSWITO COMPANY. (Inttrporiteil) Tho Only BUI Poatoro, Dlatrlbutoro 0 Rnil- road ildvortining Afjonts in Utah. cstui eri::n nu:i im.u a .ill lib Ihlr:, CihrrFiriCiij air -a. aii j.j totrj v s. Jf. Axonnsox, Cr.SIUI MAJMt'. 1 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES, Conformnblo to Idtoat Tiirritorlal Stntuto for salo at tho DE3ERET NEWS OFFICF. Moirrn Nniru si a iniirntT. A Tery Itits rrstlnK aud Instructive 1 lecture by KMer Andrew Jetisoii, la tuimjlilet form, Juittlie thlnjrto aernl at rva I lo ftleods or fur hiMonarlee' um. Ot ly o cents r copy. At IJ13 EHET Iit ofllre. lIAe ki6 iBWy qnl'-k'.s'j. H'lJ 4aWW rorSslehyZC i . Ir 11 I RREADV EFEpGEp. I'ho Hoiioml lMltlon, CrtlirQed tnd Itiprovsd, of this noil oxosllsnl viork, hi. lately batn publliheJ.ndlmowFor Ssle at tha DESERET NEWS OFFICE. It la Atmoit ladti)ttaatla t liary none and Foreiga Missionary, Anil Is a de.lrabto acquisition alw to eeery RluJent of Tueoloujr and iilhsr l-non w!io values the ruoAiis of sdro Nllnj anl ilefenJlnir.Srlturalljr ani lll.Uirlmlljr the 1'rlnelple. of the llospol. Tlio wl.lie. of the oumi lien, llial tlis work xi puUlaheJ, wlllioiil profit en as to levlllilnthereaeh of ery iwrson do slrlnj It, tiavo lieen studied lu till, as ell as llie first edition, an 1 ttierofora do ftl.oount except for oo.t of poiUKe Is sl ewed to dealers. Tlio took Is hound lu four dIKiront styles ant .out poitjuitd lu any address at. tliw follow Ina DIMPUC' 4(5 conttt, GGconts, rJUOtJO. 85 conts. and $1 10. PLCASC NOTE. WE HAVE RE0IED UACK TO OUR OLD STAND, o43 and 45 MAIN STREET. Wo Invito our Frlonda and Patrons to call and Inspuct our SlaaU Olotiiing, Hats and Gents' Furnishings ALL NEW SINCE THE FIIIE. BHITO & GO 4U and 45 MAIN STnEUT. OlFltCTORB. I 0)ss, r sjJ." Ji" il'ji'o".? I e II T.yl.r, A., m.l, IV f.Arw.lrons ' I aeo K Homs.y, Ley, sadTrstssrsr Lumber Yard&Stoam Planing Mill TAYLOR, R0HEY ARMSTRONG CO., One Block East of the U. P. R. R. Depot. jMjmt ittritaa. r on eat nrjatta, , , mat stab.-looe:. lUrtfltK ' (on' Anlnlrtl OIim.-.IIAT.-.IARKH, No. 54 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, iriicm Tiir woiiEAr siisat orint: smuw jni kcptiit Titnn rixM nHIUOEIIATVIl .I.MI WAIIll IS I Lri IMKBlt 4U JVICT. U.MOA AlKi.'X' il.VItlCli'X' CO., l'l'ou'r. f Oh cmh i;sisS 3 i: o ions: 1 Qs3 IA "1! II H -SS35JJ. g I E-, 'CNl ul I1I15I CJ-5 i Sim' BiiltiS DAVID JAMES &l CO.' J Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters J r sii a. x. ua tea zn jej JHumlity llctirial, 1'umpn, lHpt and Fittingi, Sinn i Jlealing Supplta, Win and hen Hoofing, Qalvan- ? ueJ Jon Cornice, Qul'tring, Viz. 2 OARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS S No. 67 S. MAIN .STREET. WHAT 'IS A GDARANTEE? Uu) merchants anil salesmen are In the lmMt of lo'JIicrlmltsMj s'KUaranteelnx1 their ware, with no thought ofLclnic tallwl upoala tsake the "gusrantiei ooi. It Is a rrulrluus anJ roollsli custom more reiecU-l In the Inacli than In the observance. A guarantee, to hate any value, shoulJ l niaJe Tr ltli knorrlodra of the rjaeanlQtf of lite word nml a si t purpose to tarry out tho turns of the guarantee. On Hue tools the inakrrs Insttuctus to warrant. ami wa re .laoeany (oolfounil ItnperfKt Inuse. We ttaTv useil our Uet Judgment, acquired I y a consIJerablo eipe rtence, In selectloK the followliiit Items fur our stock and sell them to cur customers wllti an atsolute guarauL-e that If they do not prove to Le all that no represent thorn, He wlllrtluuJ the iiutilissa money la fulL , "Jewel" Steel ltange. A finished ettlclo, perfectly 1 roportloned, made of tho tnat material. Don't fall to s It. 1 1 HI (y ou. ' Quick Mi el" Tin Uenerator, IWaporatlDU Light It aa you do yout gatluraur. No smell. No dauber. No computation. I.viry otjeu Uou to the use of aOasollne Btovo done away with. Thlnlrof thedls. ixinifort ulseed In Bummer by avoiding the licit of a Llg lUlolxn Ilanao. Burerlor" Oooka and Ilaagaa. Hurlor aa lakers. Burorlrr In economy of fuel Huperlor 1st elaslgu. Hnperlor lu itmstruitlou. Duporlor In everything that com to nuke a ift cooking apiurstus. Tho "1 ooto llefrlgeraloia." An Iinsaur. A Health i rumour. Cellular etonollued. Wltal Is that T Inirillgatolt. Itwlllmoiethsa repay you. Our stock of lliilldtrs' Hardware, IIouw rurulshlngs, OarJen Ucu, XAwn Sprinklers, lwu Mowrrs,etu., Is complete In every detail r. C. COFFIN JlAlinil'AltJi CO., i'ruuret MuiUUns- WMWwaaMaaMamMMMMMMMmmmmm