Newspaper Page Text
H,' . DKSETITT EVi:NlJNU NEWSt "MONDAY. nrCKMimK 7, IBM. K UESERET EVENING NEWS. & ( u I hwitw h vait r v; J THE DESERET NEV3 GO. Hu tj i cuj.iii.rj w rcotosz, mnoa. a. B I .,."'"','''"' tall. Kll. 1(1 ! TIIK I'llMAIIINdlOCtlilUI'K'. 5' i Tun InTrstlgallou of llio ciio of j jj ( Manhal I'sraoria, onlrred by C'lilef kj JJ Jtittlre Zane In ctinaequence of tli t II I failure oftlie (tranJ Jujr tolmllct, bu p. K i ocoulonnl conalJerslile .ulill! exclle Hu ! J incnl. Nolioiljr tint we know of but K ; I ' spproTre of lliu action of tlir coiut K ! Whether Innocent or Kulll the tie- R jj entitled to a ImtliiK, nnd K(l H ' thopaallr, utter tin scandal Hist lies T J bei-ucrealeil, are entitle I to know the A fl I (ruth. li no doubt Hint tho In , ' y( TMtlgilhn will bo lUorounh, unit that i Inlli stilts will ImTo full op fc nit urlunlt to matte statements which I i f wltl tw clunrljr pcriitliilinl. Jj Whatever Iho remit may l, llio jrj fc count of the llctnllooa sheet that lits t il gloated oaer Hie dliiitlni( details, , ' 8 ti fiahedul)jr sp-olal iiatlierersof als- ! n j i cloiitmirsrla, cannot fall to refelte the n '111 coulemnallon of tltcant people. Not In content with etntarlne; III pagrawltti Bl Tllo mtlr totally unlit to lin In , jj family circles, It haa indearored to ill j Kwoclato with Hit umatniy mtiirs ilk the minus of Inllrlliali who have no A connection with tho csto, and who are n d Kroiily outrazo I ly these needleaaptr- Jf. sjualltlea. The whole manner of at- J jj UQkhaiahownniillca anl a auditor i ' raj! alanJcr, and themore he lloundera the jJB H I furllitrdota the writer ol the acurrlll- ' yai tlraeipoae lilt blackguard dlilllon ijl jj ' and aplteful motlrra ttj VI Todtylt la atatad that "Hie Nrwri jj) TcntiirrtlieiitlnlonlhatlnoiiorMct n V the 7H',hi hai not told the truth." jj B Then followa a lot of bllllnigatowhtcli I Jj f- the writer uiually inUlakna for argu jlj ' ment and which he lunqlara will aa 2 jj! . for a defence of Ida falifliooda. Anl IS he repeat! a number ol aUteiuvnta llj jjjj which twenty nwiilhi ago wero pub "jl fj llihed In the rltunt anl thoroughly rtj jjj dliprove.1 l.y the DneurT Nanr, an I jfl j then aaya, "We give aaray that much ll S ofoiircaaalliattherdltoroftheNEna In ".' may niakohlaprfparatloni." ti , ; In the flrat place tho .N'nva haa not ti , "rintured any uplnlou" oil the matter A lnitietllon,buthaatatvdeinihatlcally i ' that the charge conctrulng any ar- i ' raugemeut between thla editor and the J A Marihat waa utterly untrue. And we j at hall further couoi,rulu( the TrtLun Jl , "We have no confidence whatever !W i-J InlUamrtloua. We know that It lied IE about the Slarahal and Ida relatloua ! wltlithlaapr. We know that It hai I done the aainu In reference to other matter. Ilmea without number. We know that It haa no icriiplce when at I laiktug lraona who decllno to be Ita toola. eknuw that It la a atanderer from choice and the Ijvu of amut and ruirlllly. Theirrore w e dn not attach ;, creleneetoltaatorleanor f.el Inclined I lt copy or eminent H.uu lla lurid and dUtortcd allegatlona." Tint li tho klu I of opinion" we "veuturcd." In the aeoond place, tho i pllheta In which the llhlcal defamcr n mm k lndulgee.amiuutto nothing butvlpera I f p froth an I au Indication of the rage that J iii holla wllhlu the tuaoni u' an inel I H 3 alanderer. In tho third place, thla " JH alleged "glvlug away of hlacMo" la ol t fSf t thuaarau nature aa the orlglual falie- jjfi ' hood, for what hestatua now as though jljl . It were new, are tho aame'old R ijjr llt which we refuted when they ' I j a I. were fir it told In tho 7V5uir, and I m I tu which wuarereaJy to rxpoie tfore a ? HI Jury when necemry. HjL i I ltlinmallyfalaethat theNrwahaa VlrV 11 It (0no llt-r,u to "aOtlell the Mar- li It hai." Our poaltlou lu relation to uli r ' 9 u cite haa been dearly defined. We n JJ V tsikmatjoklu the vile atorlea of the K n 1 7WouioconcruluK him, becauie uo ' " B kuewltliadllel at to All alleged ar- Ij L rangeuientbvtueun ua and the Mar Ck1 Lv ft alial,tn which there waa not a ahred or K . 9 ahadowol truth, and wo know that if SB Itauliiidlhejurpoie of that u would make the uott infamuua of $ chargia without aiiy fouu latlon ortx ' ruae. The DrJlliLT Nun waa the ' 1 i flret )aer to publlih tho action of 3 j j C'lilif Juatlce Kane In regard to the I Vii Maralial, aud wo have ndeociited Ida ij 6 ?A lunlthuielit aud removal If the s ffij ihargeaagaluat hlmare atiUtantlated. ' VtK Wr have not found him guilty before Kt li 8 L trial, wu have not publlihul dUguttlug II fel i! tti dUrepuladle fumalia, we jl L fl Sj haveuot para lei In pulllo the aeon u T1 iS : ol the grand Jury room by aubornatlou Hi Jt 8 I lrjury, aud we have not dragged f '8 I Into the oUeutlve matter rlvate per Si ' f 1 ""' w'' ",u ""' ,uvoluJ ! 11 o ,' if, 0 other Uuli jit but thu Halt Lake 8fa A Mtiunc lululgea lu that kind ol cou I Q I!1 templlblu Journallam. The Ugdeu mV Tv lli an((unl, In a teoiwrate editorial, taja III all outheaubjett. jj' fl (j I "After iiulotlyaubmlltlng during many Mir ''1 ,5V A to (hinre agallut Ida ol aractur Mil l a ! I li,Jol.yllioSll I jiUi. 7ili.iir lu teima Mil A tho lu.t brutal and dlguallng V 8 1l.lN'll il Marshal t'arhona hut planled ault affalliit Villi 'HI 'l """ ' ''"' '"' '""'' " '"' "" ,ll0,ll "' VfilllOf'll t theoaimattliUiatago of tlio protMllnga ll jj J li fj " ah dl have nullilnz to do. II la Do. 1 uj Kj 2a 'j ImproiMprtoaaj, lionever, that tho aocrot i&Cll irfl M of tho Tiitmnt'i hi.miiy u not far In j. ri'ji IS g U wwk.ltaattliulaaaa morallu la rldlcul "M ' '! l-HrR '"'y l"nllent, ant lla treat j ; u(n rB """' ' "' '"'J10' ' ltull-r "J 'M Enw lis fit rcvolilng In ihe uitrome Under 'KmI " "" ,lr""""""r. tho luarahal nua plpnpfif. j I foreiNlto keek Ylndleiitkli m u ault for LHwIJ jfjl ( lllwl,or coidma Juilgtmhli authlaoa "IK'. Jr(il ' 1 lauallon of hU il.lay lu taking Ihe altp 3HffI IvJfilil la rcaaonablo tuouttl he wanlotlo wall EFlTWa! ' until ihograud Jury had uaocd ujioir or luivllK 1 Unorcd tho ilmiiii That Indy f a.ftl'l.l f made all lliVkitl) ill man I refuaal to In i . ilti lilll dla, wlitruiii on llml ault waa prumitly RS l wf I begun," IlruUl anl dlagurdlng," "filthy and revolllng." aro fitting Icrma to diacrlbethenrllcl.a which liavoleen aprea.1 1 efole the pulllc.and It I thla that wn have deprccate.1 and dc hounced. The merlta ot the nun ale now before the I roir tribunal. It I dlagraceful and unfair to liifluenco lubllo opinion, In the manner In which the "Liberal" organ la trying to Injure the Martha! from niotlvca which are latent to there who know or the ambitlonaof juraora connected wllh the Infamoua concern. Lot the guilty be lunlahed, but let decency prevail lu Iho prcM-cutlon of the caec. Ilir. IIUtMl JUIII'S ItllOIIT. TliKteinrtof the tlrand Jury will (o fouu I In another lltot tbla paper. It lamuMuni In par i-o. It li well writ ten and will bo lall. factory to the Utter Irtlon of tho community. The aenaa. tlona redlcted about It are not forth comlnjf. ltttrlkealn bum dlnctlona uneipected by the wonder-mongera. The United Htatee Marahal'a oourre In regard tolaborricema nilied up wllh the doluga of othera audit dove not appa ar how mucll lie la lint dialed. Apd whatever etlJelice haa come to the grand Jury haa not been deemed auf ficlent fur lila Indictment. However, Kllaa II. I'araona, In Ida I r I vale ri acity, haa been Indicted othera have for renting reroUea which have been ued for Improjir urtti. Aatothekuowledge of Iheaccuiidln relation to the.UH-a of Uiix premlara, that will come up In their trial and will determine the Mtcntot their guilt. The deacrli lion given ol Ihe con dition of thla city under "Liberal" rule will not be at all comforting to that faction nor Ita vituperative orgau. Theiifficlal ttatement In rerardtothn polygamy iUcttlon la valuable and will healeo very unaatlafactory to thoae who aro corialantly alrlvlng tomlilu form Iho public on that auljcct. Therefdienco to eundr) abuiea U timely and thu rtcommendatloui ollereil are practical. It la tho moat conilae and aeualhle grand Jury rcpott that hu been made for many jiair. Tin: nniioi'MMi or Aitis TOLIIACI. Tiieiir waa In thu Jferald of yeater day (Sunday) morning, an excellent article uuder the head of " The vice of Arlatocracy." Itwaaauggeile I by the Ijirl Ituaaell dlvone ault lately con eluded III Iwndon. Unoof the oluta made I y It waa that wealth and the It laure and epeclca of refinement which lmtmhinv II. ten t ui aocial demornll r it Ion. Thla haa Ueuj roved by revela lloua during the latt few yearaof uu merouelutlancoaof the moatdlaguatlng Immorality In arlatocratlo elicits lu I.ngland. Hut tlmllar reaultv have ac crued from the aatnu cauaea all along tho line of lllatory. The exlateuce of I pwfHrpml ..lavjina. aa f. mittep nf rnuritt.. la an Inaurmouotablo barrier to the proper unity of a commonwealth as a whole. In theory there are no arUtocrattc dUllnctlous within a republic. Prac tically thla la an ahiurdlty, becaure the people repudlatu thla fart of the hemo of of ular government, aud, na a natural remilt of what they long for, eatablllll alrongly marked claaa dla ttnitlona on tho baala of w ealth. There la uo titular arlatocracy In tho United BtaUa txcejl It be oiuuioaed of tboiu whorade tefore the uhllo bogus military, Judicial and other profeaalonal ireflxea to their names but thiro are ) referred ilaapt a on the batla of dt grece ot wealth. One of the grealeat aUurd Itlea connected wllh thla social alius tlonlathefact that aome of the moat clamorouaajvocatee for iopular Inetl tutlona aud the reservation of the natlou from ttlaru tlon are the moat Migrant supporters of social aecllonal lim. (lulJirallli hits this defi-ctlvo spot In clvlllMllon atmarely when, In lila lueatliuable style, he depicts the care and anxiety with which the allghleatpaln or mlatorlunoof the rich la made n matter of ubllo notu and wldeaprcad condoliure, while the worthy Knreudiiro the palna of alcL ueaa, (veuury, Ureaviment and thu agony of overwhelming inletortune without their woea being deemed worthy of thuallghteatnotlci Why not bring the quiatlon nearer home, and aalc whether or notour own comuiuuU are aaalng through one of the moat dangeroua condltlouaT eallh haa Increaaod of late yvara amung a iiumeruua clau ot our leoph. Aru they not In danger of lilting iiK)n the rook upon which othera have leen atranded and brobeu? l)o the priaent condltloua Indicate the vaa. blllty of brtaVera aluad? When nialth, honistly ol tallied, la Joined by wide human tyniathy and a due du. grt-o of humility In Its poiaeaaora, It becomes a poll ut factor fur good. When It la united with pride, vanity and tho couaequt nt lo,e of dlaplay, the ellrcta are dlaaatroua to thu community nt large, becuute thla spirit la autbClula ttau an I dlvl lua the people In aentl ment aa will ua material condition, roiiderlugacimmoui)mlhy out of theiiietloii. When roclal gatherings In whLli frlipda ineit to ewud afew hourato getherart nmde.liithomopt mluutuotid elaliorate detail, mattira of publlilty, thununoula )Uln the wealth ofthe lartlclpanta. The effect of such ar tUtlcally drawn Icturea of tho advan tat,iaof rhhua hia Ita due edict upon uthir ilapbisof thu feofle, hading them to bo dliaatlafltd wllh their lot, and i-uliaja envious of their moru fa vored fellow-bclnga. If thu jmpresaors of weatlh were liaa lain aud oaleutu II lua there would le fuwer converts to aoclallani aud anarchy lu our goodl) laud than thire art. rhe rac;e f r ahow and notoriety hade In rlvaliv which Is ificn ru own1. W op fui la Iho fate of the man of llnilttd means whose family calclus the pre vailing spirit In this direction We do not with for a moment to dispute with the person who eaya "My money la my own and I can do what I pleaae with It." That la not therolnt. It la the ortenlatloua dlrplay ol v. hat la done with It that to n great extent works Iho wrong. And It ought not tobedtnled that every cracinowts It aandulyto tho community In which he Uvea, to lakeacourau In life that will conduce to the general weal. There Is In one of the revelatlona given through Joseph Ihe Beer a i clal warning to the Church agalnit ertcr Ingtho worldly drift which mattira a.nnlo lai taking In thla atagnofour hl.lcrj l "Ileware of pride, teat ye be como like unto the Nehllea ot old." Thla admonition lm His a prwlblllty of Ihe growth of rlde among the Haliita. If thero la evidence of lis de voloiruent, lofar aa Itrxl-lalt ahowa that the warning haa been unhcedtd. Till: llin-sKOMi tUXIIILS'l. Tiik Drat aeialon ofthe I'llty aecon I L'ongreaa oieued today. In many rcactalLlaC'ongrees dlflera from Ita predeceaaorr. Ill the Home there are over ISO new memberr, and In the Henate about alxteen. In the fifty flrat Congress as cooatlluled at the second rciudou, after teveral numlcra had been unaeated and ri laced ly otherr, there were 19 lteUbllcaraand 161 Democrala, tlio whole number lilng M.'. In the pieaent Congrcsa the llouaeconalila of about 1131 Demo crats, 8S Ileiibllcani and 8 I armera' Alliance mm. There are over 13D now members that la members who have not ha I seals In the laat revlous Congresa, though many of them have had Congreaalonal exicrlcncc. Among the new meiul-rra of the rlcnalo aro aeveral who are men of lncro than ixitlonal cilebrlt). There are two eiCablnet cfflccra who, aa a matlrr of cotine, will attract mora than uaual attention. Mr. Vilas waa l'oatmaalir Uenerat under Tnaldent Cleveland, ho eulera the reaent Congreaa as Sen ator from Wlaconsln. Mr. I'roctor, aecn tary of war under the prejent Ad mlnlalratlon, entire aa bmator from Vermont. Three ex governora of Blatee hold teats In Ihe new Henate. They aru Gordon, of Oeorgla, Palmer, of 1 1 II nolp, and lllll.of New loik. (lordoii hualriadynrvcda term In thu Hen- ale, from ISil to 1S7S. He la an ex Confederate Boldler, and conaldered anableatatcpniin. I'almcr, of Illinois, la now aoventy-four years of age, He la an ex-Union aoldler, u i lomluent Democrat ami vary popular with the agricultural claatesvf the North, 1IIII of New York la apokeu of aa a Prepldentlal noatlbllllv. Great Ihlllgl aro exrted from him In hit now career. He la conaldered one of tho threndrtt pollllilaua In thu country, and In Hlate atlalra la universally no knowledgedan able man. The two 1 armera' Alliance members are I'eilcrof lianrna end Kyle ofBoiith Dakota. The latter waa a Congrilta llocal mlnliter when elected to the Heuate. Pi tier la editor ol an agricul tural per In In ajpcarauco both men aro diametrically upioalti. Teller la Urge and murcular with long llowtug beard. Kyle Is thin, angular and cleau iltavid aa a monk. Calvin Ilrlce, who la alienator from Ohio, la une of the moat piomluent Dimocrats In the country. He Is chairman of the National Democratic Central Committee, and a viry Ikh mail. 1 le aid (UO,0UO for a realdence on Murray Hill, New York. Itlaex lusted that Ida mlertalumenta In Wathlngton Ihla wlnterwlll rival any thing lu that line In the aocial liUtorj of Ihe capital. Three of tho new Houston began life aaprlntera. Ilanabrough wboaucneda l'lotce from North Dikota traveled the oountry nan rluter. Huowii'sainrer at Devll'a Lake, and In addition to Ida aenatorlal dullea will write regularly for It. (lalllngcr, who aucceeda Illalr af New Hampshire, legan life aa a rlnter, tut now he la a medical man, and la upually Addrctaul aa doitor. Kcltou, who auccetda Hearat of Cali fornia, Is a man of millions. He began life aa a liwyer, but abandoned the rofeealou and turned to bualnera. lrly, of South Carolina, la nmarkable for nothing except that he haa served In the Cuufidirate army and fought duels. White, of Loul.Iana,' who auccorda Kuttla, la aald to have more thau iiiual ability, invldaou, of tlorlda, aerved lu tho Confideratu army and la allll a flghtir. Chlltou, of Tixas, began life ua a rlnter, Hu la aald to bu a praitkal I uilniaa mail. Glbaou waa appointed I y the (Inveruor of Maryland to fill au unexpired term. In a few wtika a Heiiator will be elected. The Henato aa comtllutid, from a arty Kilnt of vlow, atanda about furty-slx Heiubllcan forty Dciuocriite und to I annua' Alllaucemeu. Tint full intuitu. hip of thu Fllty-atcond Congrena la K3J Htate and four Terrl loral ltepriacutatura, nnd eight -eight Benatora. Uudir thu new rtarior tlouiuent tho next cougnaa will coiulit of .150 Btato riprtaentatlvia, Thu I'neldentlal ikctlou mat year will Luionduitid uudir thla rtrjpnr tloumont, u that the ilcctiral college will coualtt nf u total nf 41 1 voue Ml.miEn-.if Hie hew I nulan I Chili aro I ually iiganeil In inaa vmraiik'v liicnta f r tlio Idbrat on f 1 tin r 1Inj,w, h Hunt ci ura i icr .lat, Ihal il.UO b In I Mm .in,,. , iunllrg of the lui u.a u, 1 .m ,.1, Hoik. 1 AN IAI'MIUIMi tM'HUTID.N. A l'arty of I ntrlprlaing 1 il It cli n Inltnallig tonnlij. During the I ait iiimmer a syndicate or Northwciterncailtaliata and apecu lafora conceived thu plin of a survey through thecountryuorderlngon either aide tho lino acparatlnT our country from Ihe llrltlali iwMlona nnd some dlilance Inlaud, northeaatetly, Irom llelllngham Hay. Tho olject waa a ahoit lino of railway and thedlicov ery and location of what ever natunl wialtli Iho country might allord. Thu ex edition aa headid ly 1'rofiMora Houle and W. i: Harlow, of l.lgln, Illluola.andlt left for Ita destination In July laat, going northward an I taking Ihe Cana dian Pacific weit. Leavlni; that route at the .)lnt or Ita Intellection by the lhdlliigham Hay road, Iho litter julnt waa made nnd tho iqul'tniutof the company comt'iUd Taking a boat Ihey then ro ciided due north to Bumia City 01 nee ri-chrlateued "illalne" we be lieve), which only twapea the llrltlali Hue by the trllle of two rod, so that tlure cannot lie much apnadlng north ward ot tho placo without dialing probably an awkward Jurisdictional meatlou. They then look to the Nookuchk Itlveranl maJe their way up It till airlvlng at the Uaclal watera of Mount lltker, proceeding thencu lu thoreoflhe glacier ol Jlouut Hulikan I-rom thla lime on, thu trip waa a very dinicull not to aay danger ua one. Klpally they wire compelled to abandon thtir aik nnlmala and a wn waa heacd through Ice, mow and other oUtadei, Mmetimea .moving forward handHivirhaiidunlllthe circular and cil aialnnllaof aolll Ice atanllngup vertically from the atreani actually for bade furlber I rogri'M, ilnco uo nuiuuut of englneirlng skill or tiathegonlua aided by whatever degrte uf hardihood and nerve could enat le a human being tuacalethu lielcliU. Thla waa away liejvud ludlanalgua or where an In dian would care to enture, aluce the larly'a hewn path through thu soli tudes waa fuit-two mil. In length Involving the hardeat kind of loll, in numerable hardships and no I tile Inventive appllcitiou. lu places they felled tries across tho glaccal water to permit a aa fagofiom ulie aide bt the atrcaiu to thoothcrlntrJir logaln a llttlu iro grera, tail had reached the "end of tho Uther"wheii the great white wall, without the allghteat degree ot xalla tlon frvni the U right flood out t rlahtly but forblddlogh against the Itaden iky Olll lOIbiUUIUKl HKIUIltUD KMUrU Ikj Uynud. riioro who admlru tho grand an 1 1 in raenaeiii naturu'a uulrowtha, nllilt lnealid with conditions and clriuin atances 1 recludlng comfort If nol safety, would doutiteaa bo enraptured with aucb n view aa 1-iy before Ibtpo exilorera when they founl their jrogrefaall at once and couclualvely cut oft. Tho water lluugea limill down from giddy helghti, Jumlug from terrace to terrace lu thu chatma which Itself haa cut, anu making In plaice more than -UO nether feet at a bound. The glachr moea very slowly an Inch or ao l k Mm... but vrlivn It doea miva It makes the; aurrouodlng ground vibrate as II In the grasp of a violent lartli quake. The arty wero "treated" to oueof thtaemoveineuta while In lied at night, and thought at flrat It waa an i arthquakr, liut the truealtuutlon soon dawned upon them. The waterot Iho atreama Is almost pirficlly white, being thuioughly lm prignated with chalky mineral aub atancu. The r arty foiilnl some little pold aodalite, also matigaui-aeuli hur,4ita dam aud aome other Inferior mlnerala. Tin re are Mine tliea from eight to ten ft et in thltknt ps.muctt of thedlameter, In moat , retultlug Irom tin iiiisi uhMieverynhiiels luxuriant loan umipialedexleiit. On some trees Ilia four feet thick, and thero are vast bed of It upon which large treea hau grown, Ita Ihl kmaa Mng ao gnat that the roota of the tmaliae probably never ei connlered the eartli lu their ramification., but have dirlved their tuoliture and auitenance through the capillary qualities nf the inota liaelf. As woultrful and forblJdlng aa Is the entire face ol nature In thatvaat fcrrd tficonffa, It cuuld not entirely ovirawethe veuturjua-.plrited among our race, aa at the iwlnt whtru the fait commenced ita work of he!ug a raasi,e, n )oung man an I htj wlfo had made themael via a cabin houie, where the snow hai I ein cleared and the natural warruth of the toll ha 1 actually enabled thtui toraUe vtgetablta. A atrange location to make nu ablilmr t Ucu in truly, and ct theyreemed to preftr It to any other, ltallireateaatralnof thought width luhihtai well bu derailed tint aa laat. Ihe Icaauru of tho eiejitHll tlon at aeelng their own kind In audi an out of (he way aput was not In tho least dlinlnlihtd by the aldltlonal pre-ence of a few wteks old baby, horn to the hapiy couilu lu their atrangu habitation. It waa, on the who.!, a trying anl hazsrdouatrip, tucli aa no onn ofthe tarty laanxlotia to repiat. Mr. liar low, through whoao affability we ob talncdthraedata, la now In thla illy, having arrlted here dliectly from Ida trip, afew da) a ago, Hla wlfo haa Joined him here and they will remain till firing, lie may undertake something In tho line of exploration In Jess rlgoroua locallth-a. llu apeaka with tho tri t dom and llueucy uf a man ot talent and education and evidently Is a matter of Ida calling. Tler.ire 1 uu lie I Vew et ' llouka,. Don't fall to call at 81 Connuerilal lllock anl tuvittlgate mytheiksya teui nf nccciinta It liaa betn In u.u from elx montha to a ear In a nuui I er of well knuwil bualneaa houaes, among whlrh aru the Ksrla furidturu Co , Johnton, Pra t Co , the Utah Bugsr Co and Joeeph Hlmon Ax Co , any one ul whkh will tcetlfj to Ita de. ettfed ndantagouvir the old method. Aiiynumtcr uf our lart,e Mrma hau placid ordira for the llrat nf January, and ly that time It will U In u.u In not leia than 25 of uur largtat bualnera llOUlea, IlAIUU 11. IIIUJWM, Actouutant, f 1 and 60 Comruirclal lllock. ntablli.lui lhS dwAa Waiittd, Balikiutu uerynliiro for nt w metal ef t clalllt s for buil m aa men, nl.u allu llnu fur dniinmere, llgpa). at lid for atmrlea at mice. iwui.iir in Park it w, N, V. Sirc ilmant or mgli, Ifsullerol to pr s inn r ulh lu an lucurnblt i inr ul ir lu g Irmille "f roan's,icAii.f Iiocim ' gle luatiutrullof. V DELICIOUS Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FtAYORS. Vantlln ) Of perfect purity. Lemon -I Of rrreat atrength. Afmond "f "'"""""y "" RosoetC-fJ rlav"' n0 dalloatoly nnd do'lcl jiialy na the f roah fruit. AMI IICMIvMH. SALT LAKE THBATIUJC ciua b. Iilmtom . ... Utxtai. MONDAY ..AND" .TUESDAY lK1 Mill 117th uml Mb. ' The Crii tatitb 1 rofcirr tad lura Cart (or SWT" THE SUCCESSFUL COMCOr. IroA lh Utrdn Tbfklrv, Ntr Tprk, DR. BILL! irr xixitxin a.otu. THU rtHOOIlDl sprnio Minira IV i'tm. ea-xio MtllltN IV liiMinv, SPTIIII miiui-iiv M vt tome, rrtatnlatbyan LCrLllr LUllI'VM. I'pleea, J.)r. loe, Tir, tl, X1I3C1 AVl'llAOTIOWl ;itiHMi:itiin.ti).v'iiaM Tbras Nuhta aait aalurdar alaliaae.eooi. inearing llaraiatirr Uth Hui'iiBToinni TliUTlillr, 1IIK 111 IKltAII mur rritvtiur MalaiJajr, IlKACOx 11UIII5 ltlti,r,MW,-v (1 lalaolaaalibfilai ttiilnaijar liiremi creib WONDER LANpj JOHW WARD, King of Smko Charmrrt. MADAME flEYNOLDS, Tho lron-Jad Woman; and along Hit of Brilliant Attraction i. lOo, ADMISSION. lOo. WHY THE DESERET NEWS SHOULD DE SUBSCRIQCD TOR IN PREFtHENCE TO ANY OTHER TAPER. 1. It l Ui Organ nf tho Churc'j of Jpftut CIirlt of Ial(eri1ny SIut, riiJ tho authorticvl inMlum through wlilch tlM)lWH, wUboiiUat Jutnictiotiof tho Oliurch Auihorltfet re cti-rot!t nl glTtu to tho Salute. S. It may nln-ajra bo rcllfrl i pon ai 1 vomtlDR or (UfinJInj tho rUht to uf ty'vry emotion prvptr for puhlloJuurnuU tutr(uluiun. 8. It t iU ctfd to tho IntiHf ti of tht Ittffrtl y Hlnt an 1 La, f torn It lncc tln.i, j.itlyiWciiJcO thftlr ilnUtttua n-tvopaUHt llio rhiriplvi Ju which thy Ullnrj mil ctry lsltrUy Kulot 1 thertfuro fwt tinliroMI(allou' to do Ui urt In ht-lliij( to ui-, t.i i lu 1 It li not j utllNl f 1 fbr itilatlon, and novir h 1-crn, tut fr tho rmi hhh It H vniMhlo (f . rttupll-slilnj; tho I mill, if any thero tw ilrrhM from It, MnirtletDtM to oaten lint; lu l hero of tiMtfulneM, and btntllttlnR tho cum t nu nit). t. It li ililns lt uttnoit to homo lii-Juttr!, nmonit which are ixfr iimlftug ami tyftunJlnjr, Urcut plni and elL-ctrotj) luff tranche neery to Iho ilorrh i ment mil ludf (urtuleiK-o of thoiviiiniunlty, hut whlJi, ilurltitf their Inftimy (which In tlili Territory thry luo nut yt t iAkeil)t tun mily to carried uu Ht a iecutiUry Iom. fl. Thtro liiiodiinprof MiyuUcrltr totbeNiwa UUlrx l Kvt Utho mib Mrltvi for thronsh failure of tlm t un!nei anl h Huvjmualou vt iho j iitllotlion-n rtviiltlu tho cams of hun hod-, of nowi pm-ir entaro every tar. 7, It i now prlnkMl throughout In new and rcaiUtla tye, no thut eeu tho i;od can erutvo It m Ithont ttliTltulty vt danser lu their tyo-alghl. P. ltlifVfn from oljcvllonahloahir tUomeiiU, no that no imront noed tiar thut Uichlttrcnwltt lno their mtnlt u r rupto.1 from liavtn,; HCCtxt tu It, lu fact, Itrtfu-Hirt tlioutmndt of dolliin worth of the Ut I..j Ins a h crtUcmcntt at inimll) , Ikh tuny It U tlovok 1 to the mural nnd 1 IrUuaMiiteretUofll-t rcnderahutvihluf tu Etttlnit kIii ut thtlr eijcnt(c , U. IttiieUnot rcituUtM ty public ojlnlon nor tho hope of K'Olnff miI acrlUrooradertIMiiiontJi. U od0(ittr that Hhkh Ik rltfhl mil iitndcmm thd which I wrtmut r.ifurdlu4 uf irmilU, iluancUl or oUieri,lo. 10 It nocr nauHeoUa lt reader ly pain lug ml eoluuiQa of cltpralo fur uo, lieiui 11, Tho Nkh iractlfTi no iHplIoii uut ricorU tonu auhterf.iiCH to Imltuo j-eupto to vuWrllioi tut oil tho contrary, I iffurn to atun 1 on t' own lucrlti m tho I I oi tM'tiHpiiKjr, Mlth i romUoonly tt do lu utimnt lu glto ll jvitrona tho tall nIuo of thtlr nioiie,- u prumi.o whhh tt lm orod to faithfully koeplu th pitt. 12. Incomliulou, IfaLattor-dayHjlnt mil ntlor 1 to milwrrlUt for only ono nvr paj-cr, thut jmi-cr ahoul 1 to the Usvcni t Sr-WHj til If inoro than quo, Iho .Nt. th mid luturliibly ho tho flrkt, iticuiruov uaimi lt OMo, 3 Mo. 1 Mo Jityt loou j w iio 51 oj VcMMIWij, 3 00 171 1 DO ,U ItrttrttMcektj, JW 130 Mr iw nil Communkatlona to .UiL ULSI HITNI Ni CO, ball LukuCil;, LUlv. Z C. M. I. WE DO NOT INTEND TO MOVE Dut wo Must nml Will Movo Our Cntlro Stock of CLOAKS, GOATS, GAPES, GAfiMERlTS. And all our NOTEM DfflS GOODS. Wo shall thoroforo Soil this Lino at a 330:rV.A. 1Tii13 ItEDUCTIOA' or 25 PBPS CET Aa la woll known, OCR P11IC.ES 7VRJLALL MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES! So that EVERY PURCHASER CAN SEE FOR THEMSELYES What thoy nro Duylntr and tho Prlco. t. a. -wuuann. Hum. FALL and WINTER GOODS AT & I IMllillIEII I -4 i4 FllLLY I'llllMRED TOR ALL DIIlItt'DS. OVERCOATS at Popular Prices. Men's Full Weight Winter Suits. Carpets, Blankets and Rugs, Boys' School Suits Bottom Prices, Visitors Invited. Call and Examine. FUIilI HUI'l'IaV OK BOOTS, SHOES AND ItUBBEltS lllirAT lltlltlllH AT . TEASBEI$ M FRASER CHALMERS, KS U O. TIU:NT, Halt Iinlte 01 tj, Utah, GcutriaJ Wr-itern Mnnngcr, Ilolonu, Montana. ivriNirco iXA.ciiirfiDi.Y, .IDQERWOOD HOISTINQ ENQINE3, ELECTRIC MOTORS4i 31ootrlo laifjht Plauto, (.xninra, iioilkus, elevatohs, haw aniit-3. I.OUOMOUVUL HXILUU UOTOUa, fl& EME! BMg EELJii ' 2Vi tmerttl tnllet h Hint tin JMtpn Grocery ami ult Owi jHiaj tarty tltourybnttwdi In their line (o I Juuiul unyirhtnin Hit city, nml that , cdiiijIiiI Kith the courteuut trtatmtiit 011J oMtpliiu manner) o 1ti tr mletmen, make It one of fie mnst nltractlee pluetl 0 tuslneu Oi toim. We tin lie our frtemiiwul the fiuilh fienerully -' call and tee for themuhet JAS. SAVIll-E. I r lit. I D" S EMERY' M3.M.BAPL0W. I """""" " I fcH.WMLM. pf