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MrRilN i c m:si:itET icv-kniuu ifinvsi 1 1 usnAY. jvj r rarnr.n a, isoi. K ; SECflffl EDITION, K , DESKHET EVEH1H0 HEWS. B -. 0i Tes.-la,. lltlrOMI Hf-1 R ! ! coir for (IraUuMi ellek ' eiu.l la R - II l ' irr' i " i'"'" " " "" '' "'" " Ml 8)1 rirHiWUllnWUI.Iklllmlilnrt LaHoH ' 9 I HHB El f I taro.1. toe rdrartasaeiaeu. ratal be ea earn EjES n i aaae. Ml' fi ' HUCMKNTS. H S4 ) J AmmtiT Nan-rot It confined (o lilt 1, U f rooinwlthaaeiere a lack or le KriK). 1. Ut )e hai been ailing for Mlno time. l'; ;i TnAcKliU-sn commenced on Ibo Hut LaaB SMl ' H ' Hotlines railroad today. Is le oipcclod K-i H - that liouollful will bo reached wllhlu ten eH l1! 1 B - I limit rotlaeil, will he li1.1 tomorrow bbbH)4b1' DM (WridiiewliylevenlngelTll'l Inlheorllco b-aPr (l iiflhorrishlsriovnfihoNlakc, netitloor Ml I north oriba I'rnldlna lltaboia orice. afcl J Jt'iou Axnanto.N B.ti.1 Allorner rO . H M. Zane went la Mlllbrl last evening. H'V , U They ctpcel lobe lark ou i-rlday even KjBJ' U Ingnezt, HPB li TiiBitnorrlofounlatlrin for the. Joint nH i 1 cll and ooamr building l" ell beta Mflf' I! I lal'l. Hlnno work will Win In low Htraam H . dajt, If the weather Is favorable. HH) I fl t. the Thlnl District court yesterday j , M , ' afternoon aaao-henl. a native of Iti-i EaeHl mtnle, end llnaenbiati, a native nf liui BHH- M' "' were admitted to ctiUaushlii. HH.i ' 1 Tin nn are mwiw at tlio ffnltrn nH I I Union leletrapholtlcu for Ira. William 'K 'a , Forties, t'ttes. A. taltntlno, Iklward H J I rtirnieoiiaiulMra.U M. lillMI "B ; K Tin Courtly Clerk laiie.l mtrrltge KH 5 f lleenrca veslcrday t ClinrlM II. Midler H Hi! ami Caroline Itobery, liotli of Draperi (', H jl KM. Mllnoaod Martha It. Dred),b..tli HHHJ U H t of Union. Kft 1, Atoillin slrel club wat nrgenlaoil l. II Q lat ov nlnir. ltconltnr twaWaTolnca n-j US wild J. T. Imnl-r m lo lor. Ilia nam iiiH'l "" V i of trio aicletx l "Tlio Cambrian Ulco v i an ciuii." HJu i N ? llrnnL-in ymltlianJCummlnRawcra H 11 tj ctanlajranarnoou aontcnrol l JilJffO H H M anolnihrMrctniciiili In tho wnltcn. H H pi tlary. WlllUirli. Ilia lionobrakor, liaa H ffl if , l.oiioupforMrlol of twojrcari. Bf ( 9 R CoMullniKn IT.ATT Ihla aflcrnoon W l j 71 5 j orcrrillcil tbatnollnn Tor arrcat ol Jii'lK- Hi I k 51 R Iticnt In tho caac of Mai llirl, f tr Kwp- M fl i liiK a liotiFO if lll.faino on rrauklln 8 j j. i nttnuc, auilacnfcnco waa att tomorrow H Jj alUrnoon, at 11.W. j! I lit rrrnio Laalcra ara licloit mt In tha Jj H'l i cara oftha Malt Uko Clly N'rtt IKIIwty Bl a ,f I Cjuiauy. Tlicao nppllaucoa prnluco a Hjf , j U uulfnrni warmth ami am ttiuah apprccl H01 Ji S atrU liy tliaputllotlurliijtlboprMcutoolt Ki R wtMlbar. fi i it j Tun Imanlnf illrcctora of tha Utah Hrj 8 I Kcaly XmlltutaliaTu acocplfrj tho ptani 41 A Vt for tho bollilinira to to orao'cl lirar tho V ri UothprlUita, I'tticnla will bu rccalvtxl ra ll L f '? January ItU .Kavornr applloallnua n '.U t for trcatitiflntliAraaJroaily born racotTotl. H ij ) A aoiAl. reunion of Ilia lauipla of Ilonoran.lTciiiiranm. will lw Riven in I, tna ball of tha riMnivtlotiner Ilia liv "v oral National lUiik,in Tbtirailay ervn i luff, loc. loth, coiiimanrliiic at ball pavt 11 MTCti. Tliu occaiun la tho fourtoanlh l annhenary of ttia aMoclatton. h Tun I.ycruin Drauiallo Company of i ! llilacltr will upon tho now opera houa , j ' u Ikmntlful on Ilio mill lint, Pliay will pnwctit "Tha ILinker'a lnelitor1 the manuMrlptof which they hare procurwl p front tha Homo CluU LyillaHnuw l'larce will aaaUt tho company. "YratinpAr afternoon aparka from tba emokCKtark at Mavou'a planing mill on l Houtlt Temple atroot. between 'llilnl anJ I 1'ourtli wot. ware carrlM thrnuali tha ventilator Inlo Ibo liAvlti(! room, ami 1 i auteil n aruall blaio which mljlit liarft . Ienacrloua lint for tho )ronipl!luilo of I 1'atrlck llarkln. the foreman, who eitln. uulahct tho llro teforo It batl calneil much beiwluay. The Uamaire la eatiinaleil utta. HjJ jj I A llniliei' Arusltil. HR . 3 i I William II. Umiulfcr, local bur. H I f i ' IvrapiaarcJ beforo Jimlco Geo I hit bbI 1 I .' J moiiiluic rami awnrn to rt comilalnt !M1 l.arclnx C'hrla Kelir. touantul r. jg J tat if IbeMaUtr Houto, villi tarr. j J I lui; uu blialuna on Humla)a. Tho ft a warrant ru ucrurJIuitly luuol nml Itt IP hiI In tho baude of ricrroant llrown (ill1 vboimitllt UK)utIioaccuiwJ. H ( j ff Van llmiteuN AllMnil. ( l ' S flL Inlhri,Krtof tliouraml Juay, rcf. 1 Ml iriitanilaloiifililTll In roanl ft "j n to Mr. Van lloutan'a marjop;eA-iriit of f n fir' tbccweraiiiepartrueiit. Ibahtnila aau J( M Ifli Ml wai inaJe hy J. A. Mcl'ulo'ieoil LLLh ' 'anil on NovcniUr 17111,11011 la afolluwa: iiH JI Vt i J A. Mcdtlrheonot lawfulaeilapnaea iiH - V 3 II' an.l aayalhatilurtnir tho moutliaof June, H Hjj v July, Aui(ualnu IHcptembtfr 1 waa cm- iiH 9 Jn plnyeil n a laliorcr in the aeHordeiiaru H Bflff nient of puhlla work of Hilt lakot'ity. f Wf ami ilurlmr "II llmo I aw ay t km athlHcwcrilipattniotil. llurlniraiililtline i . , Bur l'clerVan llouton ai aurhilemlenluf iiH ilrV n l?i (' I'eP4"1111. HurinK imIiI iiioiiiIk if-H w ? l rir au llnu'cn, name appcarcl on K .' $ III Mhi ' y "'"' enlHle.1 to l W per ilay iiiV A B Hiul It U lo lihy iieraonal knowloile that iil i 3S tI "''' Tlioinaa Van lloiltun wna Itt u ail I'll HI j5l tiianner connected with aatd aower ' loH I, r at I artment nor In any other tlepartirett OBI, I 1 91 nf puMlo norki, aa aaltl Thoinif Van J I V as HJJ Hoiiien.aon oratiul t'eier Van lloiitvii Bi , R.j 9 ijl vaaln Amerlciin l'ork faiiyou ciuiilovtl iiBH i :?' D uowk at hit father Iiiih H "A- jam ciucti) j. a. MctvTciiioi, H ll ' 'i,( 1 ill Mr. .McUutiliiniinIauuytliat wlillo HH Vi A all lio utui-iiiployeil lii tlio aower Uepurt Hfli I ' F B ill nient Van Uouteu ba'l lila teatii cm HH .It K 1 lojnl ut I5.BD f r day utlwaat) pay HH lb H the.drlTir out of that, but li(Mt- , ' 9 ' ii I Ciitchvou) tlruTu tho ttsm aeToral HH vv ! f werka and drew bla pay nt J1JKI per 3L f i day and Vnii lloiiten drvw $13) per TV !li tl ,ta '' "nklnic $5 put day for lilt HH ct, i IN tioiu. III a l'.Vl.NKtlli AmiUSXT. ft I li Mr. Crnrije Najlor llironn tlut of a j) I aml-eurrlj HmM. R" Mr. Ocorno N'aylir, LlaokrutUh, '1 vltoaoptaco ft builneaa la i ti Com 1 ' 11 merclal alrtet, but rialtlti In Huijar ' 1 1 llouio ward, met Willi a pilnfiil nix-l- ( ij dent mar fjidbo'j corner, nn f'lrt I f ''. H.'tilli duet, lut otciiIui', about 7l JO 1 ': I ill. llriHui ilrlvlnK westward on that j, It; I J llibruiKhrurs hIkii ItU lii re, wlilcli 1 .( J it i waaullached to k road rait, took frlaht i ilill'Sii ttanitiproachlnijciir nnd apranj Into I 'IlllffiM ruii.Mirowiiiic lilmout of tha aval. . ,.t rl 51 Uliu of li a fr t tkUKhl 111 the a of Will I iliil tlio wheel and bo wna drained, head TtVil I VI . downuard, n iioiilderabla illatauco, i L '. ' Tin. animal llten rro..e.J the tmck and millr' the outfit waa run Into by acir and rail"?' it Jiahl In (rout of It for two roda. I 'A41 l i (1 Mr. Najlor w ticked up by Her- l.''iil ueunt Donovan mid Uken Into UoiltHt 14''!li i'i I'HU & Co'a. dlu Horn where Itla fir wouiida wire alien letl toby I)r Itloh- lnli-il "'' r''" unforlun email luMaltu-J ?UliUi) two revere cilta on the forehead, lit (, 1 1ll1' I' alwcomplaliiuil of Internal I In. V If'fll h waa aiierwarda removed to Ui (tbliffnu'rf front J'aet 0 1 THE l'AUSO.NS' bCANDAIa. Ward, Willi Hie Intention of roklnir lilui to jrmlt Sim Mal r.on to come and ate you1 Wltnn N, t did nr.t I lol I War den Vandeti mk that I altouM like to mi the niarnhal The rea n waa tba I I wanted to oak lilm not bi krep m locked up Wltnma raid aha ill I once wrllelo Waitcriu from the eiillei. tlary. When tliu maralial acted lm roterly luwarda Iter In tlm cell, durinlieraiekiiiv, ehe held him oil aa well a alio cotil 1. Tiioinraliallial orderid lier to bu looked up lu the till. Mr. Ilawllni Who told you WltiiMii Mr, Vabderrook I"1J tun It wont I be well for tnetoatopln the cell until I could aeo the nmilii!. Mr. Ibiwllii Did bo ever tell you that the material bad ordered you lo te locked up In tba cell? Wllne.i-At thla tint.? Mr. Itawllna At auylntri Wltneat Vr, air. Mr. lliwllr,.-When? Wltneat About n week after that, I think, when I weal outaldu. Mr. Itawllna Dhlyuu itotaay In the preaencaof Mr. Htark that you would like to tee that old a of n b of a ntarthal out of ItlaollloV Wlllieaa (vmihallcall)-No, I did uot. Mr. llv.!lr,.-A.od did not Mr. Htarkaty, "Well, If you will ttlck to )ourlory llntcail la iljne?" Wllneea Xoaucb IIiIiik. In further Lroaa-riaiulnatlon the moat positively denied tiav neapneed heraolf InileirDtly to any of me fcuarde or i rui intra at the iieiutentlary. Mr. Itiwllnt-Didii't you ur beforo you taiuouowllMtlioKrand Jury lat riittJay that ou were roIiiii to have Ilia marrhal ludlclcd, If awtarlng bard eiiottjli ciuld do any goo-J.or wurda to Wllna-No, air, I did not. Mr. Iliwllna waa procredln further lo Inttrroiiate the wllue-i nn the iu. tlon uf her ritnllou at the poulteu tlary, aheu the Ctmniloluner Inter. w I, aa he did ycalorday alterifjou. Mr. Iltwlht. (Willi tome wanuth) I tln.uld think tha itovernmcnt, In thla Imiulry, would otiiiit tho lariieal latl time nl lnvetlalloli, and I Iml.l that wo are eutlllod lo It, Mr. Varlan nniwrred Mr. Itawllna byamylnKtliat lie considered the wlt neat It ail alretdy been tulllcieutly tiicitlund on the point uf Iter reputa tion. Him waa livru n heliileu crcilure and ointht to lie protected, Mr. ltawllnn Hbeltliot btlp'cat at all. Hhe lil-fought here at neword ti attack the lira eu I character pf tliu il. lendant. Hho lit rounht hero and per milted to aay, In various farmi, that on certain occatlona Indecent rotioaala acre niaJe to Iter tuch aa no man would nuke unleaan brute In human fiirm, knit aeltnva to meet llilr We liavo n rUtit to teat her reputation, I any, even uurluit the time the waa a prltouer at the lenlteiillary. The C'otiiml lon.-r I coitaldcr the ohjettlon by Mr. Varlan well taken and ahould lie ludalnH. The rule of law It tlut when the neutral ripuuf. lion of n wltutM for chaitlty la In volveJItmuttbemetby Ifcueral evN deuceand not ilKcllloacta of iinchae. til)? That It tho rule, at I uudertland It. Mr. Itawllna (ait teveral other elml lar iiuisatlitta to the wltneat all of which were overruled. Tlirie Included the aliened provldlne of a went key admlttliiK other prltouera Into tier oell, and there alto came an Inalnti atlon totheeirectthatthewllueaauHnl to tit In Iter cell In an Indecvut pottiire and amoke tluarrttea. Thla latter elicited an Indlnnitit look from the wllneM and a warm rttort from the 1 roiecullnir; attorney, who raid he now thought It quite time the wltniaa waa prolicted. Tho Commlatloner tald lie hail over ruled the putltlia: uf cettalll iiieatloua aln ady. and would now do tu attain. Mr. itawllna, with a proleat, then look tip another lino of crott eiamliiatiou deallittf Willi Mlit I'rln. illu'a convoraullona with Maggie raiilkuer, aa to tho nmra'ial'a in decent j-opoal. Hhe did not nt ull appreciate, the aald, tho mtlonot Mar. thai l'araolia In ordering her to be licked up lu Iter nil, but liecauie of thla the entertained no lll-wlll low ardi him. raulkmr.oueday InKovembtr, aald to wilnett, "What do you think ut the marahal? ritaold wreich wanted meto Hay with lilm rllit In hit ultlte, and be irled It on before that." Mr. Vurlau again ol.Jtclctl; but Mr. ltawllua anaaeretl that tho aoleiurH.e of Itla croe-v-taarulnallou waa to ehow a conrplrary. Mr. Varlan-Well, go ahead. Wllneira thin ttated that Macule Faulkner tntd her that Mr. Hilton, at Ihu ItelorniHvhoiil, commlltul an ln dicuntruuaullupon her. Wltueia wai not awaru that an t flirt waa tivluu; ma le all alonic tu Ket Marahal l'araone outiif ttllce. Hhe could not remember whether or not the riad the Unbuilt editorial accuiluif tho marahal of boatlallty aud ether ufTtnaea. Mr. lUnllni-Dldnottheieadlntiof that ndllorlal tluully Induie )ou to limkntheaucharKee, to Mr. Hlehellt, ajtelntt Marahal Taraona? WIlma-.No. ali; 1 malt up my mini, after itulmr lieforo the grind Jury, that II waa .Imply a matter of Ju.ili-o and right that 1 ahould tell all lliatliadhtllml. (loutt then took a rtcrra until S o'clock. ML. i'rlndla anawered all the qtlea. tlone put by tliedurainlaut'a nauneel clearly ami Willi ut Imitation, and never onco lllnclioil unler the nciaa lonalty auttrii tire uf croaa-vxamlnallon by AttorLey Uawllna, AMiLUMkJN Brfiaio.v, Uon llierenunibtlijuof the Intjulry tbla aflernoon Annie l'rlhdle vtui again placed tiuiJer croaa examination by Alloruey Uawllna. Ilcfore thla at prwevdetl with, tiuwevor, and auu. mtnt entued t-ttareou cuuntcl on elllter aldo aa to tho edmUaaulllly tf crttaln cv! tonne lu ruird to the wltneaa lepillatloil, oil Ibu point raited by Mr. Ilrtwlina. and overruled by lliecomnilatlouer thiimornlngt It waituw argued nn nrringument be twien couiieel anil waa In ptoxreta when the Xkw'ii went to Itai. Kiii trtiCD Willi Ilulil-Uiu. On Hundty night, ni Mr. Anton Orgron i f thli olty wai wntiltij; home, alicut Id o'clock, he waa arretted by a man a tbi rt dlabutie Itlnw the Kuiitt ford Hot.-), ami autrA-ctlpg lilm to be a 'hold.iip" be took In hit lierla, but had only run atiout niiuatlrr of a block when another man. evidently a pal of Itli tuailliiit, ateMhcd In front of him an I ttruck hint In the futa Willi a latol and commanded blm to throw uphlahamla. which he Itlld. Hu waa relieved ol $5, One of the thuga wna rather amail, while tho olhir waa of me Hum bright both bad muatarheit. Tliu) Mere trobably U lo 1,0 o.m u( i;o, TIIK JIA. I'MIWKU (AS.:. Ulnalle Mi.tlKtr I'mpT-r In llllju- liiin Itt Tire Ju lire Xtnr. Miner Ujil.r.. Attheoi-nltigof Hie rhlnl DMrlet court thli iniiriilng the tato of j:ra rbonion etal. v. DivlJ Ktalhetal. watrcrumtHl beforo Juuge Zane. Tlte p'alnllfla were rei reaenlctl by Murahall Jt Hoy le and P. la. Wllilamr, while W. II. Dlckaoii, Arthur llrown attd Iletf netl, Maratiall Ji. Ilridleyaipeare.l for the uctvti lautt. rho riilowlinrlurora ware aworn Im John Darker, Jame.i Dourne, William Hlewarl. A, A. Million, J. A. r.ldrrdge, llAVldJohna. Xtliiini l.ager, Oliver S'eaell, W. V. .Neallli, V. II. IMr 1, 1'. U. V. lUlMitand C. U. Jluiuell. rhetiiH Involvtt the iiwnerthlp of Tiiuablu ntlnltu iroitty nrar l'ark Illy, known at tlm Maslliwer, Tho cte wat III rogreta during the entire forenoon and only rour wllucra-t woro cxtmliul. Tn oy we o Andrew l.tin. ileou, John iCordttrom, Ilibert U r Husky and Din I. The ti all monyof upwardt of thirty wltumet remain to tie taken, and II It believed that the caae will occupy JuJge Zllie't atlentlon for at leaat ten daya to come. ti.Tt roit mat IHIIIAV. In the caae uf VI. la. I'lckard ti. William A. Hllli et al., heating on u Hon tu accept ehccii wai tit lor Fri day, December lltb. iinio.i run KFiw miAb. I ll tho caae uf the United rjtatct Va. Ueorge r.tchell rtccittly coiivliled of fjrnlotlon, In the llilnl tll.trlctoourt. tentencu and motion for a lien trial waa act down for the 18th lull. UiKiiloiinrii. The next regular meeting of Iho Hlgli Councilor the rialt Lake Hlake of Zlou will be ItilJ at the onlce of the I'realdencyoftlieritike In Salt Ink City, on Wedttral-iy, December O.h, 18JI, at7i3)n.m. Membeia of the council anl all (.there having bualncea to plewllt a(e tetiuatted to lake notice. J. D.H1IHL1MJ, Clerk. J. W. Tijpjlid KllleJ. Tliu followini; tilal lelrgrain lo the JliTitttl waa rectlvud from 1'reauo, California, laat e nlng. W, i. Trumbo, one of the proprie tor! of the csiifectlonery tlore known nathe"t'anJy Kitchen," wat fouttl deal In U-dyriterday afttrnoon. iln aiid'liltbrulhar George occupied the tame room, tjeorge came down to the Hereabouts o'clock in the miming and at bla brother did not come kin tiecteJ, be relumed to the liuueti and found blm dead with a bullet In hit timjle. A revolver wm under the covert at the foot of the lietl and a bul let hole waa in the window. Two chamterauflhe plitol were imply. There are two throrlea of killing, one ttilclde and the other inurdar Trumbowaaaiimliicly in the l.vt of rplilti, and lilt brother hat prna-rnl lu bnalneeri, aud tofarai known loth wtru liked by every clllren here. They were quiet aud or. iterly and their hVlta were of the Utt. Nelllter of Ibe I rotbera wai ever known to carry a revolver, rhebullet liolela the window turttlnt thu theory nfmurdtr, an! II teemi that after thu killing the murderer crept In through the window and placed the revolver In tboled. Di-ce-ued waa about 20 yetra old arid uumnrricd. Col Iaaao Trumbo, the car Italnt of Kan Francisco, li n brother, lilt mother nn 1 throe brothert are llv. InglnKaltl.tka riiednetaej waa until receully a rctidcnt of thlt city. IT IIEI.(lX(iS 10 ANOTHER. II. Y. Hampton ot the (Inctr of the l'rtiicrtv Named In Hie luJIcl- uirut tgalnat lilm. Itcgardlng the Indictment, by the izraud Jury, of 11. V. Ilamfton, for the alleged ownvrablp aud leailng of a certain houauou Cominercit.1 aienue, for uf noitllutlon, that tcentlcaian tald to a rejiurter thlaalteruoon: "I am not theowutr of theprnjrty In qutillon; neither did I leiie It to the partlet now In tuaittalon uf It. The facta In the ca.H are tbcte: On the ISIli day i.r July, 1S91, ai airent for tald propett), I leased II to li. I.. Ham. tHner, lor two yeara, dating from An. gnat lit, IbOJ. HultillelltlyMr. Ham. lwrgerBUb-leaaedtheprr.irlty tu l.laie AlidirtJU, allaa lil.alo ril. Omar. Thlt womauaub-let the lltat "tlory and baaeinent loV. II. Ilnfeithelraer, who, 111 turn, leased Ittu II. K lllock & Com. tany, making three aub-leatti after It left my twiMuaalon. On the 4 h of No temtier latt thu llrlgham YuunTrtiat Company, by lta agenla, complalntd to nioreaidlng thoibaraclcr uf the In. luaU-anfthetwoUier tturlet of the bitlldlng. I Immediately went to Mr. llamlergerand lurorined him that the owner of the groiiul had lodged a cou)iulnt with me lu which liny allege 1 that the uiper putt of thu alrucluru waa lelng uai-d for Immoral tiurioietj whcrcuion Mr. llimberKir at unce cancileil bit leaiennd wutliinlrumer.tal liiatscutlnts the cancellation of all tholubUaita, which action took etlect nn December lat. The CAncellationa wire made on .November 10l!i,und were Immediately placed on record lu thu oflb'euf the county ncorder, five dn)a beloro the ludlclmvnt taat foitu.l. 1 have on teveril uccaiiont rtfusttl to leaauthe pniriy fur tlte purpose which the In dlCllliont chargel." Till. INIMOTJIIUNT. The grand Jury bat flloj the follow ing Indictment: llrlgham Y. Hampton It accuse! by thu crand Jury of thlt court by tiililu dlctuuut of the crime of kkellr u hauae of Ill-fame, committed at fol lowtt Tneiall IlrU-bam V. Hamilton nu the 15th dayuf November, A. 1). le'tl, at the county of rUlt Lake, tu aaU rirrltoryof Utali, waathuowner of a certain nouae elluatmi ouCoiiitiierclal avoniie, which tie knoalngiy I..I and li-uaed bi one 1. Iilo Ht. Oiunr for iur posea o pruetilulliin, and which raid iiotiui ani laoe on Iho day nforeaal I waa retorted tu I y tllverto pcrauut fir urtioseaor prostltutlnn, etc Mr. lIaiii.on, learning that an In dictment bad ineu returned agilnn lilm, went befnre C'ommlielotnr Greenniau yoeienlay afternoon ai .t (avenbonllii Ihettni t J50D to cecum hit autieaiauce for trial. UTEST TELKQUAMS. (IIMIItlAH. In.l)' rraereilliia. lu Hie tlenaeantl heiiale, WAainuTuN, Die. 1 The Domo cralle raouatora ut the IMUCUI Ihit morning unatilmotialy re elided Hen. ator (lrmau chafrinan and riuiiator Irijiim.ernvrtUry uf the caucui for ehaUlLK term of (Joltgreta. IIIKel.XATI'. Iiumcdlalily aflrr the rradluz of the Journal theoatha wtte ndtnliiltieredio Jourt (Alkaniai), lu-ellclrtl; Dulalla (Idaho) and Call (Florida). riiepaiert InlliniiutUr ul Uivl.fat.u (claimant (or Call', seat) were reftrreii tn thu ooiutntlUe on rlvllegie and elocthna, lllilnilriiclloiittoreiit at an tarly lay. A llko tefrrunie waa made of the pain In tbecaae of Claggett, claiming thu teat of Dul ol. The Heiialo then look a rectca until 2 p. ru. tiik llul'sl. Whin the Homo lonrrned Ills mornliiu thtre wntnltrge crowd ret rut. At noon Clerk M l'heroii cnlleJ that body to order, mid on motion of Holiniu, the election t.fH.akt-r tin proiiedcd with. 11 Imau placed III nomination Charln K.t'ntp of Georgia. Henderton (Ml.), nomtnaled Thoiuat II. Itietl aplaiiso mi the Itcpi-bllcau tide. rtliiinwn (lit.), iioinliiitcl ThomuA. Wuttou ut U. orgla. fell era were amiolntv.1 and thu balloting commencKl. The roll call resulted: Crlau, S2S: Ilcctl, b.l; Watiiou, 8. Mllli and Hi ringer were heartily a lauded when the recorded their votet for Orlin The clerk having announce! the re tub, declared Crli duly elected ripnaVi r, amid a ttorui of applauat. rbeclerktlten apsDlutei Mill, ami Heed nt n commltieu to itcort the uowly elijotcl Ureakir to the cbalr, an aiiHilittment that wat received with npphure, lint UlimlxeJ with laughter. In n few nnmeuli Crilp entered with Mllli and Heed aupiit Ingblnt on either tide, . d his march down the aisle wai a imrfeit ovation, the Dcnocrala en mis-n rising and ulvlng him cheer after finer, and the Iter ulilicnu fnembera rlsliir alio. Whelititilct Wfttlecured, Crisp tald. "Gentlemen of the llou-at of Ilepre aentntlvta, for the the griat hon ir you havecuiferiid U.ti me, I return my heartfilt Ihaitka: 1 thnllendeaver to tlltchtrge the ntllce of Hpeakir Willi rourtciy, Willi flrniutti and with alao lule lniiartlallty, Applause. "Let ua unite In II e lin'ai that our labora In re nny naultlnthe advance nient nf the prostA-rity, honor and Klorycf our beloved country," tAP I lauae. "1 ant now rr ady to take tho oath of ofllre." Thaottliof otllce hivinz lieen ail mliilelered by llohnan or Indiana, the wotUotawearlng In the inimliera of Congreaa then began. When thla wat concluded a rianlutloii for er point ii.eiil or Kerr for clerk, ruder for aergcant-atarma; Turner for tloor keeper and liatton fur i-stlruaiter waa presented. Henderson of Illlnjla,uu"eroJ at nib. itltitte a rewdutloii for the a, m!ii. roett of tlm ireaeut i nicer! vritn tho txceptlon uf i haplatn. for which oillce Clurlea It. Ilamtdell wxu nained. Dlaagieed to. Till. 1 lillbi..Ml'a MwaAlla-. A Wotblnglon ppvclnl tayt: The Prrlldenl't ctiming intttage to Cub greiawlll have out aentatlonal feature, riieClilleaii chapter will be the nitt vlgorout utteratiie that hat been run lalitud lu an executive tueaiagt fur a long while. II trill thots that thu lerlouinett ul the tltita. tlon hut at no time Iweu uudero.tlmaUdliy tho riuMdont and rtcrretary lllalne, there will be no hint uf ri-calllug Minister l'.r-au. Ir aiiythlug latolAtaill on that point It will be mure likely a word of praise than anything elae. The iiut ttlon on wlilcli the Vietldent wanta lo give to Congtesa the full iH-tlnformallourelateato lltea'lickon the aullora uf the "llaltlmoti-," and Iheuiiaallafaclory nillou nf the Chi lean goverumvnt. The dihVreuce be tween that attack and the New Orb-ana lynching will be fully explained an lllicnn bint will li given that It may yet become necestary to nrvteiit an ultimatum to the Chilian governmi nt. Kvrry Naval command ant In the United Hialet Into recti veil Instructloui to rit cut and put In com mlialou all the tea-going lying In American watert and the remit li that two powerful tleeta will now have thilr bowt turned toward the Hoiith. The I'retident wlllirobably ltlntlo Cougrtai thei'ept ttilch It may 1st ncctetary for the United Htatra to take In order to luaure reiaralluii.tbe mean ing of which la lliriHfold: Indeuiiilly for au outrage; iiiniibment rnr the uUendi rt and aioloi;lc! to thu flag lu aulted. rosier InipruvliK. Wahiiinqtuv, Dec. 8. Hecretary Koater'a ciau thowt a dicided Improve meutlbla morning. TlieM,!.. I',.. I, lent lleslxua. nutNF.Drf.S.-Dr. Willi, thel'rul diutof HalUirlaiid, hat realgued, ow Ing to the pit bi. rile taken n few daya ago which rtiulted lu a malorlty of tho eleitora vollug agalnat the 'voveru mont'aiiuriliai.e of tburlwlaa Cential Itaihvay Utparttnent I lit MalirleU ate. IiO.tiaiM, Dec. 8, Thu court of ap nea la hai ifecldcd.lii thu Maj brick cone, that the Intur-tnco company mutt iy tho amount bf Inaiirance to the exi-iu tori of Mr. Ma) brick, IioIJIuk that thu iiollcy It only ia) able to thetitanl not to Ilio Ifo't atnlgui u. Mm. Maybrlck now tervlug life tentunio for the mur der of lur husband, the money will t u paid to theexecutore of the dcciaaed, viliomuat llntpay tlm credltori'ittnle, and then devote the tialante to Iho ihilJieu of thodcccaiod. The ulfu'e asalgtiee, owing to htr crime, could ruieito nothing. Ttiel-ltloiial llaiiliieralle t'onveiillea. Waiiimuto."(, Dec. 8. Thu execu tive cunimllti-e nf thu National Deru ucratlu cotiiinitteu ha. decided to call a meeting of Ilio national notumllUo at Arllngt'ti holer, Washington, D. U January -I, ItU.', to decide uts-in Hie time and .at.e fir huldlui the Demo cratic convuutlon. A 1,-eiieliauii.iil Kitted. Maukhi, Dec. 8. A illapitch from rau Hahasiltii, tin Important ort tu the province of (Jul) itaecoa, nn the bay uf lllcjy, aayt that tliu nblef cllaniel I'trof tlm department of the Krcnth outulate there, thut and killed thu 1'renih Consul Do ril. Haiiveur. He then shot lilmti If todeath. No reaiyi la given for tbe crime. tlrurn'a aaetil alraetad loTnlparalae. ' rtAJt I r.A cr ro, Dec - .'an lh r I ner tiecial agi ill fir nnrlca to 1 Knijra gun wotka of l.. runny, or rive.i inrtfrirn Mexico tudty. litre Ived a cablegram from thoKruiii lominny InlormlniT blm that ir wna prubatle that war would hn n br.ah out between t'blln atid'lho Argentine ooi frtle ration, anl nr leruig lilm to rocced lo Vaiirtlsii at once. Ilafiinae by Hlniin. rutTi,AMi,0,ii.,Dec. . Tho rtor-it ltt iilgbtnnd felay nil rvmaldiribie damage. Many treea wero blown down nornta the nllr il tricrtt. riev eral washiutt wero enoouutcred on lha Lake Hhore anl Hattern, anil the tralna weiedtltyeil, Ihetnnw la Melllnt It iln, HpuitAtP, Win., Dec. 8. The heavy tnowitorm which prevailed here de layed the. tralllo mi the rallrendi for siveralhourt, tut last night n aarm wlud blew and the mow It molting. 'fiirdrteil li. Jf.,1,. Coiumiiia, H. C.,l)oc. 8. Vralerday lkl. I.uirj) , colored, wai thut In tltnllt In Jail l.yniiioli, for the uiunler of JaiutaOux'ji, son of thethirlll of lklgo. fit Id louitly. TlieArtalr er llie AtrlibUlinp r Ala. l'Aitia, Die. 9. The Pope hit In ilrtnted tbepaiial nuncio In i'arlt lo tllaav.iw the preient action of tbe Frenrh blahopa In the atfalr of the archblsliopof Alx, A I utiHitblata I aiioslllan lu a.rnoa. Hour, Dec. 8. Coimnltleea are organlaed lu all Ihe prlucial towm and cities of Iuly for the (turtiote of I romcllug the holding or nu Italian Amerlcau exiiltlou In Genoa In lbUJ, lo celebiate the fouitli centennial of Ilio diamvery of America by C'oluin but. Thli propoaed ixblblllon It not Intended lo lii a rival of the t'blcngo Columbian exhibition, to lo held 1893. Ylclnrr foe hpniilslt I'risleellonlsla. Madiiiu, Dec. 8. The tjpaulsli gov ernment hat concluded the delalla for a loan uf -Vi.UO'l TO .rlaa. Tbe Upanlth guvirnment la pretarlug a tarlll Hit with very high maximum duliiarnrtho mvlluui not tiogollailug ttrntlee with Bpali, aud iiiliilmum du tlea forth ibo .iiplyliH for reilproclty atraiiKeiumlt, rfpaltt prceertta her right to concede rttca befuw the mini, mum to IIioih nations loitseiiliug to reclprocll) treatlet itltli tho Hpnnlih govcrumeut. rite new treaty It a complete victory for the irotectlonlili. IMIIAMl llt.MIMI. Kelillera tVanle.1 l Ibe llieyeline. Aaauey, Mll.ra ClTV, Mont., Dec 8. Ordrn have be.n receivid from hiad'iuarttri lu Hi. Paul for the troO-a at Fort Keoghtogoto Che)ennu agency, ai the rtda aru il slicing lu vlohtloti of the orders, nnd have riotirie.1 the agent (bat they IlileuJ to mtkunil atta-k. Unite tlie urusr uf the getirtlll land ollku, allowing thoae aet'ltli who clalmisl prior rlghta within the rearrv atlon to make final proofa theriou, ttuuble la foiled aud thu InJUca have luado thnali. An Aerlttenl In a I'lautna- Mill. lIUIfALO, Dec ,8. A fire In the planing mill uf Hull nidi Co,, tbU looming cm-id an ixplotlon uf Uusl, wlilcli to pled over the wall on to a .umber uf workmen. The ttcaplng tleaui envelope-j the burle-i workmen, killing one and badly. Injuring three rthert. The namo of tlio dead mtiu it I. .tils I-oiiltrh. x xi .flv'r xc aa . MACkAY. AtTATloraillle.aattLilttOoQal--, Iteea-abee lib, Left Itaroliaa, damliler of little! aa1 Kllaabtlb Miokan ate4 tvtar, 10 months ae.l 10 mja. luueral rreai Nona Jorilta ward liouat, v tiieailaj, lleettnlHr lib. it It a, in Frleu.!a art lavlltd. Ilntiax-Iallrttlilon war J. tall Late Coon tr. Cub, lib IWI, or Ifhol I Jiaeu ruonis, llianl- ll tlautbler or II, 11. aad I Ijdla J. llrown jaced llvcara, 11 nvonltia and I data. Fine Ptrfum at. Jrl ntrn, Pratt AU Snail lske jtillalile I ti up Will remove to their big new atore, corner uf lllcharda' Avenue and First Koulii at toon aa completed. They are running a big Kcmoval Hale now for IM tlayt at their aturi a IM and r,2 Market Row, I, a Ilea' Coals. Children' Coats, Men't and Itoya' Clothing are tielng irl veuaway at I en than oOo on tho ) I .(Hi. You ahould notmlsalt. Drugi, Hlikncaa, Death, versui No Drugs, Hialth, Life. Couitliatliii, l.lver Com) ialnt, Hick Hiadachet, etc, relleveil by uilng the treatment un folded In "Dr. Hall'a Health I'nnitli lei." George (loddard Agent. U Xmaa I'risenta. Johnson, t'ratt'A Co. Ilenllaley. 1)11. J.TllUMAB, HUltm.lN Dr-rtTlaT, No. Ill Main Htteet. All work guar anteed. Anntthetlca adnilnlalored. 1 rlenda and patront Invited. d III Jlillslaii A Ill's. Hclal Hlllcoh Toilet and all rod ml Heourlng Koa. A Ut th Production. . lliirlhy ef a Trial. If you aru troubled with rheumatism or a lame back, bind on over the tuat uf tain a piece ulllanuel tlampenod with Chambirlalu't Pain llalm. You will lai turprlae.1 at tbe promt t rullef It nf. fordt, CO cent Isnttfia for talo by K. C. M. I. Urug Htore. dt nn: iiititiiiAsf tin mi Arnicnr. Tho Acalemy at l'rovo City will oi-i-ii In Hi new building January 4th, IBOJ. Un ant after thlt dale tuition will le Iri-oln the Normal Dipartmeut. Au entrance feu of tlVUO iiayahla but once, and au expenau fee of V0D pay able every year of attendance will be charged. The Normal Department la enlarged by tlioorgaiiUiitou of a Nor inal Training Hchool, and regular coureet areolUred leading to the de gree nf llachelorof Dldactlca. A Department of Military Hclenco la eatntill.lied,oirorlngall nttilo ttudentt the orlvlloge nt military drill. The Commercial Dgpirtmtut li well tnolpred, and nDorilt tirlal a Ivan lagtetoull dcilrlng a biulncu iduia llon. I It order nf Hie Hoard. 1C. G, Mamfii, D. Ii. D., Prtnolital. H. Cl.uil, Jit., II. M. 1)., dUttf Aialitant i'rlnclral. i oit m:sr. VNfcW KHIt UOilMMI IllllOir COT laaa.eltr water In Hit homo, la I am leit I lurt, elxltk aonlli AlreiL, oilwt.o llaln anil Wa-llempletlrieia. II. U. LlUUUIl, l.IISltlt.NkHI UtUct. Illphmt of J In Iivcnlnrroivtr. LfilcstU.S Gov't licpott RrSf Baking iXi&sxm, rowaer aiBi505JUTELV PMRs 3,000 PEOPLE Attondact SanUtClaut' nocaptlon on Monday oven Intj, Doc. 7, nt,tlto UTAH UOOK & STATIONCDY Co'a Storo, 72 MftlnStroot, ami tltoy woro nil highly Jo IlKhtotJ wlthtlib CrflnrJ, Display or Chrlstiiiutt HollUny Goods, thu8iilo orlwhlch la now busily uolntf on. SANTA CLAUS will bttjon hand Cvory ttvonlns This Wook. and tho LITTLE FOLKS aro all Invltotl to co mo anil boo him and Lljllo Lord Tauntloroy. I 1 rs- Wo havo Two Car Loads k of TOYS nntl TOY TUnNITUnE. Seo ourjlaminotli Show Windows. H. DINVVOODEY FURNITURE CO. IIII.IIIA1 IXirilklllN HATl.t, M.tllie liilun l-.ullle. For (liil.lntB. and elr tear'., the I'uliin I'm Ilio will aidl I.xnirslini lick rlt from all atatlont In Utah to all points rtt tlie Sj.lnu within S title lure forth- lloiiml Tills. Tick itt will lu sold Dr.. lltlll, Wlh and alal, mid January I tl. goal for rtturtt until January 4m, ISHi city Tlikit Olllcc, Ml MaltiHInel. D. 11. Hutu t.v, tlJ2 Pen. Anl l'tssgr. Dept. Dr. Ilurmwt, Oculist, Aurlat amtOri. tlclan. HlacUclea CtU-d. ComniercUl lllock. 1 A-alht r I loud.. J.. litis.. it, Pratt it Ce. Ilui'i.len'a trnlra NiTere. Tin: llktri Hai.vm lu tlm ucrl 1 for Cuta, lliulaia, Horre, Ulcvrv, Halt Ithtum, I everHoree, fctler, Chapied Ilnl.ds, ClilllilAlut, Corns ami all nkln l.rtl Hour, and IHialtlvely cures Pile, or no .ay ri-ipiireil. It la guaranteed Lo glveirfi-ct eatlsfactloti or money re lundtl. Price -to csmta per box. For rale l.y A. C.r-nillh A Co. UUY HOME MADE Llnsoy Shootlnc. Dlnnkotu, Hannols, Mostary, ote. JOHN C. CUTLER & DRO., No. SO Main Street. For Holiday, en o "The llojt," Johitann, Frail st Co. Flmit awoitroint In theclty. IJMalnHt. -eoi.oi.eril lle.rl...., rl Narad. From a litter written by Mr. Ada 1". Hurd, of Orotou, H. D., wu nuule: "Wattakill with la bad cold, which eellled nn my I.iinga, cuiigh let in and Dually termlnalul In Coniiimptlon. Four doctor! pave me un, paying I could not live but n abort lime. leave itijirlttipto tny Havlnu, iletetmlned If I could not tlay wtlh my frlenda on earth, I would meit my absent owe ubovr.My huthaud wat advlaedtoget l)r KltiR'a New Dlicovery for fun. ruimllon, Cttighiatid Colda. I gave It a trial, took In all, eight Utiles; It bat cured me, and I thank Ood I am now a well and healthy woman," Trial bolt In frro at A. C. Hinlth A Co'a Drug Htore, regular tire COc. and ll.Ou Mr. I'. F. Uow, or thlt city, wanta to know the whereabout! of Mr. Van and, who left the Hjieui er House on Monday evening, Nov. SJ, 1691. d3 looLeT Good look! are niore than akin deep, defending uron a healthy condition of all the vital orcein. If tho l.lver be Inactive, you have a HIIlloui Look, II yourHlumachbedlsordtrel you bavo a Djapertlo 1-onk. Hrcure good health an I you will have good looka. Llectrlo Ulltcre li the great alterative and Tonic, acta directly on theae vital orgaut. Ciirea Plmplea, Itlolchee, llollt, and glvea a good complexion. Hold at A. V. Htuith rk Cu'a Drug Htore. 80c. ir bottle. 4, Are lour llilMrrslraiibieri le I roup Ai a preventive nnd i lire for croup, Chatuborlaln'e Cough llemedy lint no rival. It I., Infect, tho only remedy that can alwaye be del ended upon and that It pleaant and aalu It take, Thiro la not the It aat danger In giving It tt children, ai It contain! no injiirlotit tut stance. For talo at fid cenla pir bcltloby C. M. I. Drug Htore. da (Omffauiifronl l'urjt.1.) DELINQUENT TAX NOTIGE. Salt Liat Connty, fct tlia Veir IS9I. Totrtlirul. lrm nu Mllflol Vei:;',! V;," lalia. lax Vfllllaiaa, n.tlJJ m .. w ma, Jao tv i . I: While. Jao is ! W.a..r,lt.4l m I ! tTauea, Hrab r II rl w llllams, .Son K 11 i , nblla.ji. li j Walktattkaw, Mil , , 8.',r;re,r";Ti'r"M" ;, i'la i-, , w eurati.t j , it i ': Uia&er Ji... tUr i, ., I naeeLllari n WllUaafyi . I alert it ;, Woolf.lli.W " traiaoa J. . H , Whltaeae, t atr in a H hhai re. susaa t. I9 WenK. laaer u . wanaey, ITA t taillhuu, Mart V ' te I Wnliaaia, llaaaaa , W Itioi Kiala .. . Wliaoe. II II u " War,J...O is, , Mbneaere, iittterU ,. Ji.l-Jta iei, leuai.nrtaeta le u tenet, Jtba m m oeae. alary K i n s-aeattr, utiu u u rlh Jorilan rerlurl-lrknolltrlcl ! ISO. tt. AilAraa.l.J ai tt Araola, laala Halle 17 srabtt. Ileary tli 1 hi I a lealt, k IV is 1 liarr.LM 1 1 is llrnwo. WIIA it llrlalon, Ilarkl It Cst mt Cuil.JonaA 11 ti rhaflaniaa, Utertt I J (oli....lir. Ktaii.all -. lie rarnllli Jama, wrtaboto, J P I J litf rlmla Ittaa it . n -l" 4.1 lllbaun. leaantir t I J 1 llailbrr'.Jiitia K 11 11 lltid.aer llolietl II) I isl ma.. Uui.all IJ-1 I, i llrilir.l.ainuJaii II .o lildninill. II II V lloa.eMaill II I, I lliroiiKarraJr 111 tie ..SSS&M li 'Ji JnrrM Auitustlt l JoftM ildrr k taj lclMnlHTiri IT J Hu ntMl Vein )T Tf ltrhetilJ.MI' II .J SoUn Jftb L I I W llanJuhil., AmctU t tU lit u Uctl.i'roW M li i; -rlm.lcll.Kim li li njure, M.rh 31 SI HAWTiilfi.A.fTr IT 0) llmibiMli.UtnU 1171 9 V rl..r.NIlia.J "I ' WiHJ'J.VlU II II 71 vrnirr,lJim M ." Vrtnr, Miruiaai: IT to Wttnrr.U U U Wiiuim.ttin l Mi) lill.JLrV.1.. tn log W.-avW-.J, II 1TJ IW fur tnuliti fccllo-i It cf Chuier XI f lb liw i( lh Term try of tuh, i-A.-iod it Ui twrnty nloin -ioit ct lltn U(ilU AMmbj, lltt tinttrralinoil. II poiirrinr ft it.!, counir of sH lath Territory tfnro .itl. herftjr mvn nutira ot imitlir.tun, l Its th-i baiioitt nint-tl l'vrat ru urJla Unl lu Ilia Pit) mrnli I roirll irUl, MiiNil,rnunlt f imtM ul dliirK I krliiMil tit.-i in vald 1,011 nir, ( t tha year livi, to tlio amount et 0unia lhir Ilia .Atria will tut MpaJ fir tIo l lb frnntiltHtrof tlmrtinntyl urt lloutf, In kHI 1..K tnr. on iho .hlrd Won I ly In I im ambrr. I. o'rlnck nuvP. and tha ! wi'l lta rontlnutxl from ilfty tu iity anlil tha dtlluiitut "'- KU.HAltllV. Collector. Hull Lk.t Cvuai, UUb. Baking Powdes: TJecd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A Ttiro Cream of Tartar Ponclcr. Sutiorlor to ovory other known, Delicious Catc nnd Pastri', Light Flnkv Ilisctilt, Griddle Ctkcrt, Palatable nnd .Wliolcsoins. No otUer bakiutj powder docs such work.