Newspaper Page Text
T Tl f Esigr p i DESERET EVENING NEWS, lf!::"r3 I . .. - XKUTH AND LJfeKKTY. . .. 11 li'oTilT r""TTUIM)A7rT)J!JC;MnJ:it JB, 1M. SALT LAKlj" CITY. JCTAlf TiTlt.UTOUY. VOL. XX V. ,) H 'PRIESTS AND LORDS. Tho r.nrol Confcrcnro In Faglaml Im prest Mroig Sentiment Agslast those Imlbldnab. "down with thc church and lANDHOl.Dr.WO," Glulitano Cauer Emotion by lit- fcrrlug In III Aeltanrrel Age. -Oilier Itn.t. llf Telstrsiili to the KB. iniilisii TorirN, The Illiml l'iirriiee.-Mllone, A llnlrli. Iomijox, lfth rural con. ferencu irhlcli opened yesterday la I.ondon reptl-onlod wltll Absolute fidelity Hid spirit of Ilia agricultural eletrwntof Orrat llrltalu, the country would I on tho ovo of a social and I political revolution. No assemblage uf supiKted retrcitntatlVB men ever held In Hogland lite tlltpliT esl such lioetll lly lo parsons and land-owners. Dele gates bossllng themselves as persistent person fighters mid deDounclog squire tyranny wero cheered to thu echo, aud their scornful allusions to tho patron lung airs cl the clergy toward tbe rural luhahttanla weru keenly relltbad, Theenllru symatby of the confer sneo wat reserved for the motto, "Down Willi the cliurcli and the land, lord." Hut II would Lo misleading to lafrr from tho character of Ihu conference that tlio rural poor liavo deserted the cliurcli en masse, or liavu become fused Willi political designs against tbo squirearchy. Tbo conference, wbllo luttcalliig clearly and actively an existent force, to bo accounted wlih the oneoailng eductions, owes It great est linportane-o to IU forslisdowlng a fuluriiagrhulliiratpillcy. When Ilia spirit nf tbo ddle-gale M.-rineatc tbe clrctoralr, tlio hereditary prlvllegca cf landlordism aud ciiutcblsli will van lib. ulaiiituni.'h srr.roit today was a distinct disappointment, tinny delegate cxpee ting that ileflnllo assurance In regard to tbo Liberal programme would bo declared, and would Infinite aoiuo of tbelr nsptro. tlona. Hutno men, who uritel nn tin rncdbln application to l'uglaud of tlio principle's of filr (lay lor rent, fixity uf tenure and Heo tale, and others who wanted the abolition of prluiiKeultiiro ahdalitilltstlounf llio size of estates, Kot only enlarged allusions to thuNew tattle programme, Gladstone sioko thrutlKliout a a leader who waesym Irtittietlc, lutdoooied not to lead In tlio Btrugglu In which lila hearer were more concerned. Tim chalrman'a Inotdontal ruferuueo to' projected trlplo lllaulli. na "Jiuruey totliat beautiful laud," M liilsluttrpreted by tlio audleuce, nod brought tuara lo many oye-e. Uladetona'a own allunlon to Ihn lliul tatlouofhli pb)aicil piwere, and lila onllilllty of tlio illaadvantlo !u which hla partwa placed, owln to llle A Ivfllifcd years, camed rennn e 1 I SIUTH..N ASIUNa 1119 IIKAIintX. There were many c:lea of "No, no von will hare a lent; 11 'o yet, etc." (Hat'atoTioou'l hla wile will atari on their trip ''ii Tueiday niurnliu, and will reach i'arli on TueMUyuveulnir, Thonrraiiruieuta for the iuarrhi(e of thu Duko of Clarence an y A vundalo were, II la iludentooJ, illacunt by tlio citlilntt today. Althuiitli Hi ai't cf 18t0 lioar (iwclal itrant to the iliike, inlnUlora hold that a llow r can l voted l-i tbu I'rtucoea. tlladntnlio nml wlfo tallod at Marl 1k.ii.ulIi Ii'iiim to.lay touRer i-onitralu- latlouapii Hie Utnlhal. The Queen gut a ut VVImlwr toulidil to ih lluko of Clarcuoe, tL t'lluoeaa Vn'l rli Mary aud tlio nholoTock family. iiir. cuiikot irroniKa that the betrothal la due to Ihn Duko of Claieuce'a rililtii(a In love, under great opt iltbu, ilu not agrco with tho raimrip'iita. On llio contrary, It Ii liuowii thai tbu lluko of (llnrriKO hit looit l.eca enamored of tbu l'rlnceu JltlrnottOtlouLi, aud that two yeara ciro ho pereoually drolared bit panlou tothoOomlu do Parla and received arvumorea (bat the 1'renmn ilelane reclprncatoJ Ills love, and that Uith her Inthor ond rnoibcr approvol tho intti'li. lutlVlnceaa llrline then went to Ilonio to put tbe rpiett Ion cf n chnto of religion n to nn nbaolulu lieceailty liefore Ui l'ope, who told her that It ttoull l Impoenlblo that tuch n chanao ebould obtain hie remoteit eympalliy. Tho ixitltlou remained un tettlod until tlio Villi andl'rlnou of Walei Ucamo ularmul over thu cbauceof lite Duko uf lfa nearlntf tbo throno. rroasuro wai then put on the Uuko of Claroncu on avcry aide, family mid cabinet rc-uona leiai( adduced ncallmtan alllaniM wltll tho hcuee of France. Tills iiu-Mitre lud 19 hie ac ctptuneo of tbe I'lluceet Victoria Miry, for whom hubaethowu a cout luly liUlnir. IjorJ diUltbiiry lias opened tiegotla. tloiiswllh I ho French Onttfii mlulitcr forH utllemont of tbo NotffoundlaDd flahcrlrs dlspulo. It Is reported that Lord Uallibury, In return lor the sur render of all French rlgbls In New. foundlaud, wMim to cede to l'rauce the llener Islands and thu colony Of I'SgO, ClUditone'i crttlclsni of Ooscben's Jt nolo schoniu baa killed tbo chaucos of tho bill lu I'arlluratiut, 'Ilia l. Jehn IMi.irce t'aie, I)Sl)N. Die. U.-Inthu HI. John dlvorco caso tnlay, tbo home maid testified that tho bad eeeu MlpsHt. John and Arthur Ooheu together un der eusplcloua clrcumtlances. The iiestwIiiKsi called was tlio tlieatrlcil dreMer omployed at tho Gaiety Theatre, WlllilM textile I Hut she had seen Cohen go Into MhaHI. John's dreailng room whtmliu remaluiil ball an hour with thv aclros, ihirlinf which tlmo tliv itor wss kiptcUs U. (JenrgoKd. wards, mil manager of thu Otlety Theatre, lestlllod that ho had never ai'uiiniiythliiirlinpruperbitween Ml: St, John and Udien, The ll! lrel.;, Deo. II. The hop croptf lbUI lacnmnnied by tho Now Ui.uleu.J w,llid nt H43.1U Ulea grown on 1)1 ,M I ocref, as iiiintarfl Willi 311,910 Inlet on H,M2 acres lat 'oar. Tho new crop aegrrgnlejEOj million tmundi In Now Vrk Htte. and about half this quantity In Wasblnglou! T,ilO,tW) pounds In California an I H.TtS.OM luunda In Oregon, a very cornIJi ratio Incrraie over last year. The Wlsoou. elu crop la practlrally a ftilurv, tiro thirds of tho crop wa4 already In second hano'e, bavin; len lol I at an avcragn of 101 r pound lo date, atalntt 30 tor tho last crop, Thc 7ooiclfearftepwtA coullnu thu earlier ftrelgu uliorlaje. lili:' ro.viuriu.v. Ten Thnoanil Aearora Want lo do to Alrlra. WA8IIINOTOK, Drc. 11. Hecntary Forter continues to Improvo ilowly unit ho was able to sit up for n short tlmo this tnornlog. 1boioatniaster gvneral has received a letter from Crawford, H. C, Aylog that ten thousand colored people tboro want totmtgratoto Africa, auda.klnjc whether thu govtrumeui could aid Ihem. The letter lias Uen re'irrtd ot Ibobtiperlntrndint of Immigration. The Ii.tllno of Hie r..ll,.r 11.. I. Tlnro Is nothing mi remarkable In tlio furnlturo uurIucm ai the dccllup In tin' demand for feather beds, whlrh linve chnngeil In txipnlar esteem from luxuries to nuisances In a comparative ly khort I--H.J.1. It Is wllblii the ei rierlenco f half the Fnletmen In HI. IauIi, when nn order fur a iNnlitead cmnplrto Involved tho iiipplvlng of n lnnl tuattress nii-1 A soft feather bed, tho latter varying In prlco nceordln tn Its softness ns well as lo tho quality o( tlio material covcringtho f ontlieni. Now, Afeaiher Led b not ilclivereil unle cpoclally unlercl, which tinieiia eel doin, oicept In iHirtlona nf tbu city whero foreign cnitouit prevail, nnd wbero tlio ieop!e arc slow In falling In with American cuvtoms. Tho Improve' incuts In spring mnttres4cs hnvo natu roily driven out tbo feather l'd, wlillo so far ns comfort lu sunimcr boon cerned the spring with hair covering b nn undoubteil linprocmcut vcr tho soft bed which rvfite tu let n man get ciiol. Inlerlew lu Bt. Luula Olobo-Democrat. Msirjlnf rnu.lo.. Somebody has written and niked about tbomarryliiffof tint cousins. 1 tun as unprepared with an) tiling to say nn that subject ni thotludo wai when nhked to say grneo at UMe. It may bo nil rlirlit tu hurry your llrit couilii, but 1 wouldn't do It It I wrro you. tilntli tics gn to sliqw that thero b n risk, and I would tukn no rlki In it uorM al ready an f till of rickety babies end con sumptive, crippled and Iiubecilo pro geny. You surely liavo loss rlgbt to rimnrltk In breeding an angel than n liorseinnu taken In breeding a horse. If I go Into my kitchen to makn cako and snatch up my Ingredient haphaz ard, not quito certain whether I am us ing corn meal or Hour, sugar or salt, splca or pppir, 1 liavo no rlirlit tn put forth the result nt tho risk 1 tnke In caI;o making nnd to Mil it over tlio counter oa n wboiesomo vbuiVI, It b ttum tho worM stopped In Its Lllnd rush and debaleil anrne of these quet tlont that go so far toward tho nianlng of Imppy liniuea nnd Christian destinies. Chicuo Herald. 1MI...,, i VI.. ik. Wlion tho Inientor is rsperlinentlng lio dons a lonir froak of cheokel olnu- ium, which button closo at tlioclilu und raaoher tn tho lioels. It Is nothing iiiuro or less than n man' Mother llub Innl, whleb lie puts on tu proteot IilJ cloth fmin dust nnd neids nnd nils. Arrttyed In thU, ho goo nrouivl from room to room In the groat laboratory, civerseetiig tho difforent ciperlments that hi Assistant ore conducting. Ho lias tho Muni littld atrxip nt Ids hip that ploiunon acquire, but ho walk rapidly. l Mr. lMlson has turued out more In ventions every month tliirlnj tbo last firtocn year than mot men dUoovcr In a lifetime, lio nwns between 400 and Sua patents. Druko'a M.iruino. aallrlrs ot Cliureh 8ln-f. The Mlirles iwlJ to quirtet rltigcra were not to high us sometimst reportod. Very few of the lady solo singers wero pall mora than (I.VOO n year, though Mn Imogens, llrown tlio principal sinyi-rof Christ church, b said tu liavo rnvivel $3,0.10. Tho lilhet salary ever pali for suoliserilon ($1,(00) Is that now glvtn to Miss liaVerc, who I cu gnj" 1 at Dr. l'nston'a (Prcsbytorlau) church, on Forty second street. Thu sahry pil.l to undo quartot itn- -ri 1ms ranged fnuii (300 to 41,000. Kt. 11 irtholomew's church some )ear agi hid a eolebrated quartet choir? tho soprano received 1,300 nnd tho Ui 1,S00. Interview In Now Yoil: Ilpoch. Uuy bsr sim). py the qiiHi.iiiy It yon wish to In truly economic!, gland Ilia bars ou edge, one abore anutlier, with a mueu otieo aoacii a possible U'tw een tbem. Tber wilt tlicu dry out and last almost twice as long. In bottling ketclmp or pickles, boll tbe corks, and while hot )ou can press tl.em Intotlie liottlcr and when cold they are llghtlsesM. I'sotholln foil (rooi com prvasod teast to coier the corks. Cow's milk most be insloly relied upon when an Infant Is to be nourished artl flclslly, And If other food U glien, It must lie wltll cow' milk. MluFrelilaV. Itnliuond and Mis Amy Crois arc to Nsw Vork women who hate succeeded In the exquisite art of miniature painting, In trrlh cutting water softens tlio gums and frequently stops the fretilng and rest-li-MlieM universal 111 children at this period. The proper way to put salt flak to soak Is nllh thn flesh shle llpnant. Ill this way tbe salt settles at :he bottom ot the !'" IIEXUV" L. NAIMJROSS, A Nolo or ll.itlen, I Mow Thocglit lo bt the Mfitrrioti llomb Throwrr. CLOTHINC, rOUND ATTCR Tilt EX PLOalon, IDCNTiriCD. hlrlkliig IttMmbliiire lie luirii n I'liolo grapli of Narrrosi and tbe Atle llcjtl. H;Te!eirahtoU Xawa.) Tlu: noun rifitoui:ii. 11a Is ."low slil Bo ! roslllsely ldeu- IIusion, Doc. 11,-iTliu Oluht eaya that Jlanry Ii, Norcroasof rioiuerviile, n notu broker doing builmsi nt 1" l'eail street, hat Lot been seen In his (.niioslucolast week, and ether oooti. pant of hisrlomsrvllle house say that liowasklllvl lu a railway accident about that tlcpo. New YorH tielectivea wero In town today trying to Identify the missing man a the mr.terlnu bomb-thrower In ltusrell Hage'aoflli-v last Friday. D.Ucllves t.roul,t Willi Ilu in irtlona of tho trotisert worn by thuliomb-tlirower, aa will as pb-w of hi coat According to the (jor, Iheso weru taken to Norcossf resldenco this aflernooil, and Ihu uuderclothlug pcslllvely Identlfltit by Mrs. Norcrou a Ulonglng loher hustiand, On tbo trousersof tbo dead nun were buttons fifsrliig thu print of. "Ilrooks, tailor, lloslon." I'iees of tho clothing wero takeuto llrooks' ntoro this arternoou. There It waa p-isltlvely ststod that the firm bad made for Henry Noruroa a costh of the cloath presentiel and also a pair of trouiers of the aamo cloth as tho other uieces furnltheil by thu detective. Ttiu tiutton Was alio Idetl. tilled us a peculiar ouo used by this house. Further Investigation tonUht leavea scarcely liny room for doubt that thu luniMhrower mid Norcros aru Identical. Ilia fattier, who "as seen tonight, Mlevetaucli Is thu fact. A phologrsph of the dead homli. throwervaa compared with a llkenia of Norcress taken nlsiut six months ago aud thu ie4oniblanco Is most striking. A Ilerrltite Crime. IlniniiioN, i:uglaud, Dec. 11. Last lilgbt JC lit Is Jeal, aed fi went lo n shop wltll her brother. Whllu ho was making purchase tho girl dliapiearvd. II,eollc wero notified by Ihu lioy's imrents, who this munlng found the girl's dead body under a shed lu a cricket Held near tho town. Mho had Uen horribly mallretted aud after wards stra ngleil to death. A stranger has been taken Into custody, charged with tbo crime, ilu had becu recently sivuollirlng money to llttlo girl to aoi-omi'auy lilmfora walk. Hlsiismu Is Wood. A number of cnlldren Iden tified him ns tbu man who tried lo etitlto tbem away. I'rauils In IIsm.IIInk tint lj.n.K Haohaiiilntii, Deo. 11. Tlio .'.cu. lay JUe print an urtlclo claluilng mat fiaudahuvo been dlacovcrui In thu locating and Iiandllug of Htata lands by John A. Deuaon, now tiuii-r lii'liotment In Ban Frsnclsco for frau I uleut land surveys, and tbo llrm of 1). F.nudA. F. Hyde. It Is maimed that 2IKI.IKHI nens liavo 1xm.ii lucnteil slnco Mareli 1st, mostly through dum inlie, school Uuda belug aulojttd a BwasjptauU. Allaire In Unaleninla. t'lTVov Mkxicu, I)c. II. Advices from Guatemala statu thst 1'riaiMout llarlllatliaadcclariMllliat ho Is not a candlJatu for n-ehcllnn. Ilcnl.u said that after his lour abroad, lie would re tire to prlvato life. The election excitement In Uuato mala Is Intense, tut theif I no danger of n revolution. Tlw fl uanclal UltlUul ties am dally becoming thick tr. Tho last Hpanl.h steamer which or rlvsd at Vera Cru had rnmllrrn aboanl. In IhoHtaloof Camiieche tho situation I grave, a tbu snialliox il-dinilolstlioro. Ttiellt.liI-Tl. I'un.l. lOSlxi.M,I)ca 11. lustlr. McCailhy, a solo surviving trustsu of the Pari lund, was served wltll a wilt at tlio suit of Timothy Harrlugton. lltdmoml, Clancy O'Connor, Kenny and Hlchard I.alor, all.ol whom aru tuemtere of thu I'arnellito section of tbe Irlih l'atllamentary patty, and who claim that tho funds arosnlject to Hint In lavor of themselves nnd otliermembersof thu National l,vrtgue, Thn iietltlnnera riiiuest tbeiemoval of McCarthy from Ihu trusleetblp. aud thu aiqiulntmunt of n priitH-r trustee. Mrs. l'arnell It Included In tho vrrlta co-defemiaut a admlaislrattlx of Iiir huiba lid 'l estate. Menator fall' I'supusllloii llegartllnjr I lllia. WAUiismux, Djc. 11. A Joint resolution Introduced yesterday by Henatcr Call, nuthorltlug tho President lo opeu up negotiations with Hptln, Is Identical with thu ono Introduced by him last session, and provides that tho President be nquested tooan negotla Hon with tbo government of Hpilu for tbo purpose of Inducing that kov cruuieut to cousont to tbo estubllsh. menton thu Isliind ot Cuba of a freu nnd ludeieuilut republic; audi con sent to be glvua iiimiu thu payment by Cuba to thu governmeat of Brain of such a sum of money a may be equl valont, both to thu valuo uf tho publlo properly belonging tu eipalu In tho Island and to thu relinquishment of her sovereign right, and also the securing by treaty or tuch commercial advantages as insy I stipulated. Tliellroira Trial., Dec. 11. In tbo Uravt trial totlay, Hit examination nf Dr. Deadou lu regard lo ulioultal o!aon lug, auaiysb made, etc., wo con tinued nt much length. Dr. A. N. llolimi testified to his having been called lu to treat Mrs. Ilarnaby and Mrs. Worrell. Iloth laille wero suircrlng from Irrllaut po boning. Dr. Ilonrsbelle, the physlrUu who waslnaltuudancu upon Mrs. Ilarnaby whsu tho illod, testlliul lu tho most .eniphatlo terms, that tbu died of ar tculcal poisoning, I ThuilefenM askAt who lie gavo a crlirhalothal ileath was mused by rntigestiou of Hi longs. Ho replied that congestion of4ho lungs wot thu Itnmtnliitttisusu of c'calh, and that It was tbo result cdllie jton, which would hive rjauiNKI dentil had not enn Kesllontet In. Itllbre his iaamlni tbu wascnncluJoil tbo cuuit aojourn dl uutll tomorrow! I'onreU siullsn Lead river Thrni. VlOKKntjno, Miss., Dec. II. The wire and Infant child of Albert t'onun mau, colored, wuruvlotlms toulgbt of a dlalwllcal cutraet. Uhe and the child wero usjeep when eomuunktiown icnon entered and poiiriid inolton lead In lunar nnd tpattctHl a quantity ou the child. ltio w Oman's ear waahuiu. Fduutntilshowllldle. Thu child I tirribly burned, but may n--nvcr. tiii: oiiiJi;.araiii. the Comenlloii l rasoe nl ((king I'sntn s tur nu Airoprllloii. CniCAiiii, Dec. II. Twtnty-onu nations lu the Wurld's Fair convention hem talay vut-d fur tho resolution asking Congroei to apto. prltto t'uiii,iinj for tho uiposltlon. Five oth - rttatt drlegallonr, thst have no authority tovoteoa ttioh questions, put themselves on rtcurd Ituivldiially in favor of it. Tho n-solutbin reviews thu work tcconitillilicd floaiirlally and materially by Chicago; drlais that tbu city has muru than rulDlled Its p!ede; calls ntitutlon to lu ti n'onsi character of the ciimslthin, u-i I anirmt wllhont hesitation that Com.-rtkji.huil Id promptly approt.rll5,0O0.'l for tho completion ot mis national enterprise. Tho A.ivantsgtj, It tayt, aru to lu rciclnd by tho peoplo of tbo entire country, Tim pnplu of Chicago bare con. lllbund M.M'l.'MO, llierlt) if t'llloojo fJ.IKJO.Oou. and K certainly would bu reatunablo for tbu rostol Ilia cunlry In cuntrlbutu an ndJIIIonal F,i"i,imo. since tho ndvanuga to them Is beyond calculation. Tbucredltof thocountry, aaya the resolution, I at stake. If tlio fair fills, II will do u lu'slrulable Injury; II successful, Incalculable good. Tho Jar between the Htatu dtlcg.itts and thu Hoard of Control, a to Juris diction overappllcttlon for spaco and tbo aelei tlou uf i-lhltltt, M Anally BLttb-d by tho adoption of n reeolutlon declaring that thu National Coinmb tlou, or Its lloarilof Control, should nJopt such regulations a tuiy be necessary to enable such of tho Htate or Territorial boards as may destro or request, to Inquire Into tad con. alder tho propriety of all ex hibit that tuty bo otleicd by any citizen or ro.l. lent of tlietr resj-ctlvo Htate or Territories, Huch boird should bo eoijiuwcrod lo rocelvoauJ forward to thu director general all ap plications fir spacu, Willi audi re"on. mendatlons an j luforoiatlon ai they, may think proir. And, Incase any troiocd exhibitor rojille dlnrlly to thv dlrojtor general, tan ap, Ih-atlon should In referred to tliu hoard ot lilt Htate or Territory. t Tho Cistcaqo iilMctoMMuioellng lo nlght deel h-d lo asl; Cotgrea to glvn t.'iu i:x)tllljn W.W i.iiki, to.tsi renal I lu tho samo ratio as tho city of ctil csgo and p Ivato subscrlliera. This means that If thu Kxpoellton mtket enough to y thn sub'crlbers lu full, tho gotcrnmsii'a gits It money baet-; If tho cnrnlnga are only Iwonlyllvu tier cunt, tbo United rjtatct gels half lack. A Peslriiellie Hind Nlerni. I)B ANUH.lie, Cal Dec. 11. One ot tho most desttui'tlvo wlud storm that hat visited Hilt section In years vlilted Iwe Angeles and vicinity last night and early this morning, ruaehlng a (illinax at 7 o'clock Hilt morning, vlii.ii thu wind leachol a velocity of miles an hour. Its severity seems to havu heeu at tbo gruatestnt Pavodtniaail Han Oabrlel valley. Ho far as repotted but two 1I.THOUS Wero killed! Mrs. llrowu, living near (llendale, was burned to desi'i, and A. O. Taylor, At NorwBlk,lh l..Aii(oln county, tho d-inisgn waa nominal. lUHnleua, however, n- lew foituuatt. ilepirts from tiiat plaro atnioiinco thu wreck of tuveMlctiurchis Hint thu delruui Ion of many harps. Thu ltaymoud Jlo'el lint aulicrcd severe hss; Ihu roof of thu wtst gatiel was carried oil when tbe gulo was at Its hclEht. Thu Iaymond waa ofM-ned tor tlio season Thursilay night. Forluuately no ouo iru In jured by tho occl lent to tho rnor. Ilesiieral lIKlillugtn IikIIii. IiMUON, Dec. 11. Tho viceroy of InJIa telegraph that llui.aa Niger trlbu men having menaced C'halt fott, near Ullgll girrlnon.w lilcli Is rum posed of Casbuieru lroo a w Hit llrlllsh elllcera i-ominauded l.y Colons! Duraud, who was tent to attack a strongly fortified stronghold on thu Nile on Docemlr 2. Dorato fighting ensue J, Captain Aylmer aud ldeutnuant IHIimiou and llabcock, with conspicuous gal. lautry, fought tbelr way In, followed by Hvpoys, and captun'd the fort, Col. Duraud was seriously Injured, Captain Aylmsr and Ideuteoaut JUbcock severely wounded. Bevtn Humya worn killed and twenty wouudid, Thu enemy' loss was severe Nino weru taken prisoners and one gun captured. Too enemy having retreated to the hillside and keeping updoultory II Mug thu troops again attacked and dislodged Ihem. In the engagement Lieutenant (Joitcu and eestu (Sepoys wore wounded,. an IMIIor, Oaui.inii, Cab, Deo. 11. John O. Howell shot aud killed It. H. Collin, proprietor of a weekly psper, August rd. It was aimwn on trial that Collin lwrsuculed Howell's daughterthrougli lotlert and In llincolumnturthopar, the young lady having refused hi attentions. The Jury this morning re turned a verdict acquitting Howell's, nrll nu III. ! l-iirk. IlKiit.lN, Dec. 11. In tho UelclitUg CbanceliorCuprlvl said, referring to oomplalnta by csrtatn flerraau pork producers a to the allsgf d discovery of trlchlnau In Pork Imported from tbo United Hlatts, that Herman)' ought not In doubt the goo J faith of thu United Btati lu exercising checks' upon tho extwtt of illst ased irk. Ulllr.llroiliif. Kvanbvii.i.i:. In I., Deo. 1 1 . Itobert lluttoti and wife wero killed thlamoru. Ing at r.rsklneHlathnby tlio Kvani vllluuud Term Hautu 1'iigltio, Huston I thought ho could crn-a thu track ahead nf the engine. Death was liutuntnue. out. HOW .C1IILHANS SEE IT. r Tho Otwill'mple of the Vnlt of l'Ara- ellso Think llarrltou Should Apologize. THIY BAY. HC "BTRtTCHCD TMt fACTO" And That It Would Kata llenn More Ilrcent to Await Hie Final !'- pott nf the Judge llr Tsissrspn to is Naws.1 eiui.KA.iH iviiiiis.ivr. I'rrslilrol llarrlsu' leae Hive n I'aluful llnrirrssloil III SalpMralso. IOHDo.i, Die' 11. The 7snui' cor rotudent at Valparaiso says: Presi dent llarrltun'a meesago Is cartaln to pruducu n sinful Impression. Thu small Anierhxu colony heru aru highly ludlguant at tlio a. tlou of IheAmellcau represebtatlvae, vrhleh they declare ara duo lo personal motive, gambling III cict. tiler, etc. Noliody had the slightest Idea that such iiiUrepreuunta. tluns a thtro runt to.Vinerlcn by whole talu at mound of October could havu been transmitted, much I.sseudorsod by 1'reeldent Harrison. It Is bod that I' ingrosi will demand all Ilia doc uments, when the raal truth will come out and a mrgeof apology from Prestdent Harrison bo uccrs-nry," "alllUTCIlKU TICK I'AOTU." Niter Venue, Dec, 11. The 1craU't Valoeialso cable taysi President liar rlson't mussagu to tho Amerioau Con grcsa I severely .'iltlclzed. It It the opinion lieru that llarrton rather stretched the farts relatluitotht attack upou thu sailors from tho "lUltbiiore." Ills claimed by reprossutstlvu Chile an that tho messagn sent to Cougrets contslnod exagtratrl statement found il entirely on ttfiartt evidence. Allreit Delano of i:iwanl' bank, (loo. Delano, editor of .( .Iftrourioand other prominent Chltejtn told ra they tbotight It would liavo been morudo cent to hare awaited thu final repoit of Judge. Foster la-fore concluding, ns they believe ttiu Presldeut bnsilone, that Justice will not lio visited upon thosu iusju wti.we resnonttbillty It aliallbodecldultofall. Tho "Itnltlmoro" will aall tomorrow for San Francisco. Allsr a I'lly Alloruer. Bam Fiuncihcd, Dec 11. In Ihu Hurlor (Judgu Wallace's) court this afternoon tho grand Jury II led a pre seiitment agtliisi John II. Djrzt, to re inovu him from tho olOce of city and county attorney on thu ground that hv vlolateJ hit duty by ei.dor.liiic certain illegal correcticill lu thu assesaiucJt roll whereby a number o' taxpayers aecuted a laru reduotlon of thu atrsi meDts. It Is ttatol thst some too cor rection wera allowed by D irsl, aud In nuo luilnnco ihu reduction aununled to SIUD.OOO, Durst said that tbe correc tions wero mado becnuso uf clerical error. A Hark I'ouuilsred. MAnaiiriKLii, Ore., Dec. 11. The baik "Oeueral llutlcr," froui Port (lamblo, Wash., with lumber lor Ban Francisco, foundered December Bin, 1ihi mile southwest of Ca) Araago Thu eroar and olllctr loft In two beau. One Iwal roached Capo Araigo la.t night alnnst extuustod. Thu other boat with nine sailors, It Is feared, It lost. I'lcke.1 I'll l Hen, Ran Fiianciuu, Docll. Informa Hon la' received Hilt morning from Vaqulua hay that tho steamer "Magglu lbe," from Coot bay for this city had teu towed Into sirt by the au-amer Wllllaiutt," which picked her up thirty mile south of that point, ll-r iliM'ktioiiMi and boat wero gone. On b.Md was found tho dead body of a man tuppoted to he Btewarl Anuetou. it I Uilfeved that thu boat wero taken by thuoruw, which unmoored sixteen men, end that they wero lost whllu trying to reach shore. liistaullr lllllel. C'mCAuo, Dec II. Two women and an Infant weru Instantly killed this evening nt lloiuowood by a Dig Fnjr txprvs train on tho Illinois Central Hacks. Their name wero Mrs. Mary Wilt and Mrs. Anna (Jottachalk and tho Intact child of tho latter. Mrs. Wltt'a eltlerdu-law rocaped with slight Injuries. Tho Hires women wero w alklng oil tho track Just nutslJu the village, roturulog home, and did tint see thu rapidly approacblnj express train. . !,., Ilunilrcl unit ririr l'sople H..I.I.I,... Nkw Yoihc. Deo. II. Two bundrtd and lllty a-op.'u wero rendered home less by a fire, Just Miro midnight, In thustx-ttory tuueuient at ftM Dslauey slreut. Hi rapidly did Ibt llanira spread thattliuinmate-a had to run for tbelr live, leaving their valuables behind. u lives wero lost, but sjmo tenant tutl'erud much by tmoko and paulc. - aitiitica A.MMicitif ir, llelalU or the teeiUKiellr llianii lueulsllel ween lie ri e uutilrl, WAautNuitiM, Deo. II. Olllclal correpoudtnco baa la-en madu publlu thl afternoon, telling forth thu detillt of tho reciprocity arrangement uutorcd lutobttneou the United Bute and tlcrmuny, whereby tbo sugar of Ihu latter tecum o nitliiued froo admiasloa Into thu Unl id Htiito-. and a roiuctlon la made lu thu Herman larlir ilntlea ou Ametlcan wheat of SiO percent. rye, 30 per unUJ oals, 37 per rent.) oirti, SO per i ent,; butter, IS jair cent.; salted and pickled (writ mil beef, IS r centj wheat II mf aud corn meal, 30 ier cent.; barley. 124 -r eent.J malt and malting btrluy, 10 iiere-cnt,; luli ber aud timber as follows: First raw or rough hewn und oak sttvet, un. chatged; aecoud, marked Indirection or longitudinal axis or reared or cut, itherwhu than by rough hewirg, liulit, fellows and t kes, 'St cr cent.; third, Med lu direcllou or longltudl tial axis, uuplaned iioarda, etc., 0 per cent.', meet, slaughter!!, fio.h and dresred meat, with tho excop lm of bacon, flesh or proparod, lf ior cout. Thu correspondence made public consist of two lettera Interchanged belwoeu General Forster, Pltnlrsotcn tlary In behalf ot the Unitnl matt, and Mr. Von Mumin, Chargu d'Aflalreaof IhuOi'tmin Irtietallou, al riaratoga, (Ktoher lllnd, Ivt; also a further communication, undir elatu o( DettmberlOlli. from Vou Mil mm to tlio Bi-cretaryer Htate, tr.inimitttrg a Ishle, oonlalnlng thu Austro Hungarian tarlll' concoflona granleil ly (lermany which, In nccoidanco with tho ibiclaratlon mado on the occasion ol Ihu removal of tbe Herman eltoree forbidding tbe Importation ol roik of Aluurlcnu origin, are- likewise tn accrue to the benefit of tho United Htate. Thuarrangrmenta wero submltteHl in the (lerinan Itelehstagnlid, lfap,rnved by that body, will ho Into eltect Febru ary lOlh urn. 1UD0CNLV CIIANatO HIS MIND.' Mad by a Slaeall-t In TrloJ lo Te.eU n Ksrlttss f-.,n. An nil KCiitKiiiiuii. wibli an appear aneo of authority. sti4 looking nt n nnmber ot workmen that were pnlllnr; up an cnonnoeta building. He in&nl-feaite-d a keen iutcreit In what was go ing on ; ho examined beams and scru tinized the great atone that ate tu form thu an-lint tlw entrance ot thu inam litolli stiueturc A thoughtful fellow oamo along, nnd, rpuaklng to tho old gelitleuiari, (itkudi "Would you object lo giving mo n low moments of your tlutor1 "No, sir." "Willyou tlcpoeerbore, tUtn, out of Hie wayr" "I wllL" They stood apart from tlio liusy w orld nliout tlietn. The old erimtteiuaii Icoked Inquliliigly at tbo thoughtful looking fellow and Midi "Well, slrl" "I bavo cnlle.1 you afdo to speak a few acrlou words to )oii. At lint It nay strike you that I am praeutnptaout, but niter awhilo you will rev that lay motive. If not commendable, aro at least honest. At I oamo along there Just now I saw you standing In self for getful attention, gating at tbu progress of IhNrre-iet building, anil I wondered It It Imilevereiocurreil to yon that It will lint be long unlll now pardon mo the great himso nowijoingupwllt lio long to tomo ono else. You am going to protest, 1 ie, but wait n moment Yourrnroln till Ufa Is nearly run. A few ilu) mom )em, a lunnlinuto tu one nt th'Ms foundation ttonua, will sink iH-iieatli the surface of tho cnrtli. TlioaJiiiuty ynu felt In tills great bull I Ing will be goiio all wltll )uuwill lio oer. Pleas wait until I get through. "We will not spoculato n to tho f u tnm dae-lling plooa of your ooul; no will not hint that your deeds liavo not been noblo and geuernut e'liougli to In turo you an eternity ot jMsael', but wo will elo this i Wo will iue.tlon tho Judg ment ol a man, with ouo loot on tho crumbling brink of tlmo, firing up lib fow remaining da) t In irazlng with lu fantllko rupture at n building projected by greed and oxeotited In vnnity. Far elou me, If 1 sm harsh, ami forco upon )oursolf sultlclent iiatlcnro to listen to mo until I nut done. A lew mora hours and the world will movo ou wiMiout you. You won't lio hi it, it tlies vulgar tnyliki goo. No ono will nils you, In n sort of sell congratulatory way. Y'ou will bo mold uring. " "Hut, my dear sir" "Hold on," said tho moralist, mildly protesting. "Walt until I liavcuttorwl it fow iiuiro word nnd then I will let you return to Tain ooottpatlon. Now, If I woro n weulthy mau, nnd knew my tlmo on Ofirtli wu abort, what would I dot Put up a great building und act ..MuHuunl... ... llv.. . .!.... V... 1 would do ume real gueal with uiy money; I would lon behind mo ouo mnn at least who would bold my ini-m-ory dour. I would saleot tomo poor, gratitful fellow now, let in tell you," lio suddenly broke off "1 am tho most Knit) till man In tho world. In tho Jowelod framo of memory I now bold tho ploturo ot n man who iraro luo ten int H o ) our ago. Now, let tn liavu llvodolkirs, pUkisc." "Your talk b wnrtli llvo dollar," sold Ihu old gentleman, "and Flu sorry you didn't let mo iuo It for you." "Buee wlmtr' "Tho talk." "llowainaltt" "Ily Irlllng you that I'm not pn'tlng up that building that 1 merely atopped lisru to look nt tho workmen. 1 am tl.j pallor of tho Third Presbyterian church and won't you stay a lltllo longer! Not Well, good day, and don't forget lo bo fruitful for ull you (pat In this life." Arknnww Travolcr. A I'r.illdrIUI lll.i,itllon. A curlou story come from Wengh. slang; The town auffe-r from liiunda lions of tlio Yellow rivor, and two )ear ngo a movciuout waa ttartenl by tho local magistrate to build u breakwater. Tho chief dilllculty lay In tho want ot sufficiently largo atonoa. Buddi-nly, however, to llio tutonltliineut of tho community, a heavy storm uf wind and rain deluge-el tlio country and brought down an cudlesa quantity of lingo tbouit exactly suited to llio purpiiM-. Tlio people naturally retrnrded tho In cident u te direct manifestation of di vine power In aid ot u great publlo un dertaking, und tho governor of thu dis trict cite a fart which conclusively proves tlio suiMrnnturnt origin of tho urent. Ono of tlio atonos, he toys, whlcliwusa larsuasn house-, wai In scribed wilts re-id e-haraoters, two of which, meaning "work" und "stone," respooibely, ho wo able to elocinher The I'Heliloie to Cants. Cuiio viiiiilthlng b n thing of tho p.i-1. Tho luster of tlitwexal may bo gn.lllheuiigbsleutd Biuouthliest tint cnrdul oiling huinrts, and tho stick, whether bnrk coorod or not, must not l. I''ht lu color.-Clolbler und Fur. TlMvMKXDOUS KOAIt. ! H , IH Tim ('tinniWr of llr put In, Hie 1'rrnrU t . M 1'engrrsi, b llio Ncoce of a H lll.lurlnucr. , THC PRCSIDCNT 8AY0 PIUO NONO M WAS A MACON. H Ho b Called a "Mar," and tub It H Signal nf a llaltln Iktnrcn tlio J H lilght and Left. . H Ur rslszrssti to Ih Nswe.i H ei'i.r.aiiieel,eoiTiioll l r. , i flttB A .lloiu,, r.ieltie,Nenllunof lliiirvli lllvtB ,! aeseeln I'sauee. BiH l'Aliit, Dec II. All ecclealastlcal HH controversy caused a great disturbance IkH In tbu Chamlier of DeJtlsa today. IrTH Hubbtrd Introduced a motion cou- litH Uemning tho hostile altitude of tho (! H clergy and demanding that step bu jtaH taken for a separation of church and iattH tat. . mM la reply to a question M. Floqucl. ' faB Prctldent of thu Chamber, said that I L i Jl 'oul'iui had given lilt authority to I'lLgl l-iee Maaomy and wot himself a Free WoM Mason. I bH M. DuCaaiagtmoand M. d'Asson ln ', iRaafl stantly Juuiitd up and called FloUt I'B a liar, A tri-menilout uproar ensued; 9ttaH mtnibrrior the Hlght shouting al thu H top of their voltes various opprobrlou ii.'itl epllhela at thomembelt of tbu Left, i'LtH who rctpomled with equal vigor. I iVal When the clamor sul.Ue.l. M. Flo- ibIbH quet reuiarkid that the chair wai l , 'M lowerlisatoihal with nisof rntitnrss. j : ItaH Minister Fallleret said that the gov- I H ernuienl was opiud bl a separation of I atxxH church aud auto, but would shortly WM Inlrodurei a bill dealing with tbu tub- mM Ject of debate. ! It Is rer!cd thai, alter the. delate, , TM FlequetanJ Caasagnao oppolnlad see- '. fftxtal onds, but Cleuieuceau Interfered nnd iibI tuweeded III averting tho threatened H leunl.lrh, Aslsailae, H Nr.w Yokk, Dec. 11. -A Ban Hilva- H Uor Uliteh says: The latest newt H fiom llouduras Isqultanlarmlng. It I H Ii reiwrted that (leneral lllrrrarl la M headof llic revolutlotiagalnstDoiulugo H Vuiquezt governor of thu provlnco of H Choluteca, General Hlerra hat organ H Izedanarmynf lbK) men and al ittlo H Ib now reotled lu progreea between H thu rcvolulloulstt and forcet of fjov- f H crtior Paiques. I'olicatpo Corlla haa H Uen roclulmed prealdent by thu revo , H lullonlsta. Therobgre-atupiiotttion lu H Chaluteca against l'retident l.elva,whn H was lately elected, and of this optiosl- H tlou lloullla has Im-ti tbe baler, Tbo . f-H opposition claim llvnbainere auto- H mon lu the hands of ex-1'rctident H llegran and ItarlUaB aud profeeeta fear 1 H Piai togtn may attempt to becomu ' H dictator. Ptealduiil KxU,uf.BauBl- 1 H vailui, la maintaining n strict lieu- H trallly. , H A 1IUSY H0M1X. j H 0IU Of Tlin DUT1U OPTIIIIFJII'HIiU I I H OK II1IUIA.1V. . H ITrvy Tiss. ' Fortunately thero aru few American T. i aatl women who would exchange placet with the proudest sovereign In tlio t H world. Hut If auy daughter ufColiim- ; H blaetivletlio Kmprea of Uermauy bH ilia will erase tu do to when tbu hat . sTsH read Ihl narrative cf Hist amlabln B woman's dally duties. 8ho rlsea at & i H o'clock Initio motnlbg, aud has ao- H coinpllshvd half a day'a work before 'oH ball thu wemon who aru not queen r H arooutofbed. Nuwlfooftho present j ,H circle Is tupposeel to look alter , M lier husbamPs linen; sho Is loo busy tM Willi studying ilrowiilui; and 'lolltlral economy. Hut tbu faithful -. . kalserlu lilt la-isoual iharg ot thu ' linen U-longlug to her royal tousu aud Ihulionoroisrwlngonabuttouorput- , llugafewtillrhialiiaii luirrlal tock ' tone rarely cove lint by Ihu maid of i honor. Wnen una rune minis that ' this august person traveb with twenty- 7 two tlu case contalulug hi wearing t V ' aiparel, cocked hale, hilmtt and unl- : , j forme, und rellects upon thoamouct of i ,: linen required, It may le Inferrud that t thecaruof IhuJlDen 1 no easy task. 4 I ,1 , One servant lias chargu of tho head gear, another menial, of tbu boots, tho 1 . wife, of tbo royal stilus. And what I f ) the F.uif'iee of (Icrinany doing Just now, whculhenvcragu wlfo hat tout ','.' ; IierchUdrtri to tl.clr grandmother or . Jias lett tbem In vliarzo uf malda whllu ' 1 heUaucea from ouuelellght to another? .' v Thu F.inirtssbat Follxetowowllliher ' '. ) rivoboys, leaching Ihem, or at leattall ., ; , ofllivnitnatcaunavlgati,thniiobloart '.' ' ofswlmuilbg, alwhlclitbu It an ex- ' I perl. " 1 , ' I ' i PAillOS IX .SI1IKII1A. ' I AM AUKD CONVICT IIIX'oa.MZl8 HIS j ao.s a om: uv 111.1 uuaiiud. llenJeu 7's.VrrepS. An Inleresllug account of a tragto meeting Utwien father and ton, who, alter a long tetarttlon. descried each s oilier standing on dlll'rreiit tides of llio 1 linpatsablo gull Ihnldlvldct thlt urld'a ) sheep from thu goats, bssjuit leached i us. It occurred near tbu cllyof Via. illvosloek, wheiu thu coiutiuctloa of Ihuni'W Blberlan railway wat lately I commenced lu honor of IhuC'zaro- 'jaW wllx'a tIsII. ... V Among thu workmen or bolobj, ' whosu guerdon It nuny ttrlei and no Jft lay, there aro tome thousands of thu I,t least criminal convicts lu tlio country, Mooyofthem aro known toboluno ' lJbH centof Ihu crlmra laid lo their tbargo, J eH wltllo others am Ulng punished lor M utla which havu absolutely nothing lu j ...H commcii with moral ctlmc, ' 'H Among thu latter wa one hoary old Ji ! mail ot venrrablo aspect, a natlvo of ii ffH ' Ki.oruk,Wbohud deliberately troddeu H I 011 tbu chain of tho govt rumeulal tur- Mtttl veyor n ho was measurlug thu ground im .1 U-caueo bo wassuicteHl of an Inteii- 'IvTbI Hon to transfer sumo ot tbo pcasahl'a 1 -JtH land to Ihu crown. !!' H Tin Imprudent act wa lalefed iJH "violent resbtamu lo thebwfuUy con- MM slltu(edoutlioittlie."tbuold man waa Mm found guilty, aud us tho rigor of a '' I Hil'eria were decme'd Inadeepiatu to r gbu this daring tplrlt bis due, hu was . . I deirted tn tho mora terril lo Itlatid of IL'atl iWhen thu security of frru workmen Baasll Uiiuuto bu felt bu wat takeu from Kl