OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, December 14, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1891-12-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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IB affair, ...J lh HI lllndlliuiul.
H fjiieiiiconrrrinmiiivllinlrnK, ljr
fl not iroodfrinitliailrrlm.til.
il t "Mr. Tracy ami Mr. Harrison hate
Urn Inl Into rtrur concitnln l"-
R I r.lo an,! KorriiiniMt riicir Instllii;
H I Hon. of Innatttilltr '"1 "y " nl
3 U irtcoroillrtlwiili. rji7i.ilnow
9 l Iior Intra they lawn Ufore, iji If no
3 f toniiWntliTeUtnmJtiiilnrtifiti
91 ' inlnldrr Hint Mllow, Ills bcraure puu.
, 3 i . Ilo and notnrlotia facia In Clill. u tho
3 UnllM HUln . rouM ntitf r Iit
B It nitJeuw of by our coiifld.ritUl
fl ( urrnla. u when w.ll.slauliB lint.
J lUlnwewU'tiltuunJoiKlcoiKwatlotit
B i , mad. In Jumb .ml July, tit. whole
B f 'Hats' alTalr, the ticllon of the 'Han
fl i Kr.ncl.co' In (tilnlrroa bay tH U"
H matter ol the Uaula toinpauy are pruofa
0 I .. "It titta1 been urely mlnUttd
R '. thai tho American wUora were at
fl Ucke.lltiTarlou.loramie.ltHaau,e
V i t lime. No final nniiinlnt; up ItaTluit
9 I '. Uenconcluvle.1, It rentalna unknown
j I j who auil how many are tho utility
n . '"vmirr.icillenoy MioulU takit the
, R note of Nera,
111 a. well m the other note, ' ,'","!.
eildeuca which hi!M not IlkohmlTt!,
'J li allliougli he had mid that he ha
0 fl I'ooN 'o how the mat ten n nl
Sit other utility paatlwt of October IMIi,
i j (1 and aW all the other not". , our
8 f 8 Licellency ahould hate them trans.
K t i ,ted and nubllsliwl. In the incau.
D j lime tlejw deny all that appear, to
fit W the ntntrary. W " ' "';
! I puuclutllty. Mwm of tho right ati j
; 8 t 9 proprl.ly of Chile', acU, and gill
I 1 f 1 ilualrult,lnilieof InttUuea that
J ; j descend ro low and IhrtltU that come
i J i I frem en lilRli " .. .
y J In thl contlnnencT H.nator Con-
fl ) J dorlllaeaked last nlithtfor aiinplana
B r 3 tlou front MatU of Ida lelKrto the
ill 'I American unYcrnmint, referred toby
jl i J l'rtaldentilarrliion in Ida meaiaije aa
jH fl f anluaultlnKrelil. , ,,
31 MatU replied thai there waaitotlhe
II 1 fi leant truth In tuo characltrlnllou. He
J I W JtKtl It PS..1.NH1I AN lNkUl.TI.tU HI I'l.V
Wj 8 W to tit United fllatoa alinlnlatratton.
H 8 S On the other hand, Man's Iftlera to
;HlU the (,'hlkan fortlrfn ofWco were luault.
H fl K lutclnu mrk.il dw. Malta then
till N went ou It) imIiiUIii the truth of the
t ,i H UUa contained lu tho circular letter to
! H thtC'hlleau KKktlona In l.urope and
a ', S America. He a IdeJ.wllh Tehemencr,
5 6 that Chile would aU 111 )
fl J 3 with alrlct luallce, and acore.1 r.an
19 and ComuI Mcfrcary for alleged wlili
1I ItoldlnR of the eTldetici necmary lo
V i 9 arrive at arl.'U undenUnJInt of the
Uji "llaltlinnr''caw. lie adld tll.t uolli.
all) , Ion would proTeiil UhtlD Irom fully lu-
HJ 2 YCTlUatlmlheallalr punUhlntr IIiom-
m I , found RUllly, lu aoourJanco Willi the
JB ! Herr dutlat'hmlJt, the Gorman mill.
!8 i , later, Udolnir, all lu hla power lp at r up
13 I K III loellni ajaln.1 tho Unll-d 8tte
JH I 1 KOTtrnraent. It la ail I that ho prom-
14 i lavd the Chilean aduilnlatratlon the
111 r) t5 u port of the Uermiu fleet In the
i eeentof war betwetn Chllo and the
i3 ,1 United hUln. . .
1 ,1, ft The entire corrcepon lence ttwe n
3 Sr the Unltid Hlatei anJ Chllo on lit
II 'I political nfui(eeaud"IUlllnMro,oiit.
J 7 raiieiiuealloni, li pMbllihed today lu
u ' Iheoniclal orjiu.
H V IlltltfTHKIIlAilS.
H H y llerlln, DoclS. llermauy will open
IH i 71 I; nexotlatlona for a counter, hi treaty
K f .1 Ij! Willi the Netherlandaaul Ucrmauy.
8 ' J II Madrhl, Urc.13. tt'wOfiCounrini
I A R IfR the announcement that a loan of $l,-
j Li fi fljl OOO.OOd hail been arran(ed to bo laaued
I )- it ifl onthoSOthlutU
A V 0 J Iondon. Deo. IT lly the fall of a
I ' l1 Hit building at Newport today two aJJi-
1 i R w cent collage wire completely crushed,
,fl lJ ffi aevenly Injuring ten iHiraona.
SI 'lllli l'arl,l)eo.I3 MlaaMltchell.daugh-
J II I 3 ter of Senator Mitchell of Oregon, ay
it It Id iierutirrlageto UteDjkodela Itorhe.
' ' S3 K HI foncilt will probably Uke laco In 1'eb
m I lil I PI ruery.
f It a S llerlln, Deo. IJ. l'.nipcror William
I' 111 I ' ' l" Mecklenburg )eUrday lo at-
K R te M mo wedding of I'rlncu AlUri of
w IS I it lUae-AIlt rnberg aud tho Duoheaa
1 nifi Jlelenoof Meckknhurg-rllrellti.
SJh 1 I Ilruaarli, Dec 1.1-Tho congregation
Ij jl H ofthe Mongolian mlailou at H-hfMt
V i f,m J receleedntwa contlrmlog tho report
!'. U Uftl tnatSOUnatlToChrUtlanaweroniaaia
j nfil cretl In ration dlatrlct, and that all the
a 1 m Kuroptanaecnd,
f i IT 1 lilu Janeiro, Dec. 11. The city la
l nifl more quiet and tho ooufldenco or the
1 1 M KOI lluanciera Is reluming. Tho latest re-
'It rUDN lll about the Cutniaia affair aay that
ft Hi K9 'x peraoua were killed aud twenty
T in Km wounded.
lil TB Montreal, D'o. II. Chrlitopher A.
; lu I fl Iluckley of Han rranclaoo. who lite
jB a been n resident here alncu October lit,
an 9 left here for homo Jait night. IHade-
n pi r II iiArturu waaduo to the uctlon of the
t lij ' S Hu rime court In declaring the grand
,1I 1 I II Jury whlih ludlctod lilui Illegally con
li;' jjj I alltuttd.
Ttf fl J Weft lUyClty, Mich, Deo. IS. Mr
iK IS ' Flynn, wife and strcii ihtldreu were
J l II i lolsoned by tating liotatoeo that had
' i j i ' Lien cooked In ranch! lard. The ph;
I 1 E I r tlclan thlnkathent nil out ot danger.
' '.JfiH'il I) ty ton, O., Dec. Ill Chlofof Tollco
I J t '0 Freeman, a.lated by n tlttectlre, ha
1 y 5 JJ utitarlhcdnioatofthodlamoudarccunt.
i , t ly stolen tm the train hero from the
m n 88 T agentufaClnilniiallJewelrystoro.
M !(''' S3 1 l'arls, Dec.lS. InleSHthowlfeofa
H K V' 2 9 ihojkeer named lloudcrdlaapiarared,
t ft'., II -j Ilouder Informetl tho pillcu that she
3 -afi fl S nas unfaithful and had lied, afurhkT.
ft. .JH J II lngaUeiiitodtoolion him. lUient
R- U 'Ml Jl 9 noiutiiunlcitlona ltd tho ptilbo to
H Hi 'it v I senrch Itouder'shotihe, where the twdy
B if' B II o' tho woman was fouud liainilng In
It fv k 51 i the ihltnney. The corpse was dried
H W Itl uX I taiatl blackLlied by the heat and snioko.
l( )' ! ;l 7 1 ' llonder mado a ooufenloo.
M 1 IhU London, Dec. 11. Mrs. Delia Par
Bt till Wi l HA m" mother of the lale Charlea H.
Hi II Vtl' I ft? 1 l'arnell, and her son, John l',trnell,
H Blif il 9H arrleediitMTercnltodayandrecelMi
Hi aUtrT I W a elilt from n few rarntlllua In I.lv
Btt u irpool. John l'arnell avol letl a1Ics
HB, i Mrs. ramellnnd son started for Dublin
m mWi N1 ll''' oeuiug.
WiU 'It At London, Ilrf. lt riie illrectnra nl
H ftllk 11 tin, .lonte-4 Itmy Mining Linptn)
B rn'ill Hi I'll whnuirusout lo Intact tliopri.prriy
H 13 m ' I," Hit, otiuWtlou of wltLli the vompaii
),; y'fM jl i ill hae under tonsllerallon, liavo otUed
la A HI 14 iTl nil nj rovnl of llsiurchao,
S I1, ''11 ! i '.ItJ llerlln, Dee 11. Tho sell nil flo Jour
Mib I Ma ' IIH nit, tho Uctttiruhten, has Wen selte.
H&'' '? Pitt 1 I i foroniiiii'iilliigiiufarorhly iikiii the
v" -4 all, I I B3 llmptror'a reC"tlt rellltrk, .S'.l)rrwq
B, 31 ill It id j All er tB'unai rt'H -
Jl j Rflifjl 'I I j London, D.c. 11. Tim Vlmniale't
Br 'v ,ilvl)l 1 IlumoCorresindeiit eayii I he IVpv
JK, P fUSreJ li liaa sent ooi Im o! uii allurutlntiwhlih
BV lit tf.ll'lli .1 IS ho will read attontorrow'swiiulatory to
HStl II lIllWli ' 1 all the chaniellorsofl.urue.It will tit.
Hko Wi nBUlZl l clarothat tholawof guaranties Is not
B. l' Oaf.lO tiillk'Untlo guarantee tho lilitrly of
assasW.' Hflllf( thol'o. riieuldrti has b,elt mod
aaaaaWl IS ISVfJlV I ! Iflr 'uc1 C'u,lt Kahukj'. retool
Jt' J, J 1 I h 1 sHech ou the p pal ipitillull lu the
BSi'i'!A!j jl r Austrian deltuollou.
HKHjflHWBSflBKK -j .,.
lhr UU( llisti Tlfila tr lriMhmf
AnlnietU Mak. Thtni- I rrlM
AttlipMirmrnf aSinotuo nnd Clay
itrta I i If ft Jojuu Cliiimineu Mt-ra
1 1.) ling fnf n iK'n.l wltJcnt In Urn 1m id
n( a (pi'iil (tylJler Ihi Lciut waa
liut In Mumi (t)iinty the imy br.m-,
Mul tlia ug riieu of (bo Cliliit-He, to
fctllnr with the ntrltM liMJIn, m a
ixMirw of tiinch niiiiiMiiic!it to t lio crowd
1 1 nit wllwted
Id irowntAtIvf of t'.adrpnlrd CIipo
Kttng Toug Milr wrratlirr mid 10
nl-i im n lJiiiil.Fr vt tliv lNttfrOr.8
Tnuif mid lth ridM ncro dilrnuliiitl
tofwuro tlinrat.
Tmi ilullari and a lirtlf wcro flrnt
otTcivd nn 1 mm tliltlio bldnralMHl to
Tlio old man who had tho cat incrcty
ml led
A truco wai dtared while the xf
of the fel Inn wai cxamhinl Mnny
grunts of approval uuiauAttd from the
warrloni w Iipii it vrm found that the
M.Idcnt HiufftL
'in dollu hats' Mid ono of tho Chi
"Hit dollft Inp," promptly caiuo from
mi), mix rot tho Pliit.
The othr el Ij hel t a cotifcmieo mid
ratted the ftinotmt another dollar
At,1 tho olirto of tlio tMiitot ttio rppn
iontfttlro of tho IMinf Orirf tiiAirhM
proudly Awnynitli tho Im.MaIIM rnt,
after luring dctuilted tlftwii dollar
for It
'That' nothing," ml 1 the qunil il
dW. "I loiiu IhiiM get morn tlmn that
for 'cm They cat Vui to get
That night about twenty inMiitM
of tho Pint Onu Tong vorlrty rented
tliniiPcl.Mon wildcat, and ronwipiei
ly liipraiyx'd thlr lrnv cry.
Tho iMMtom of mtltifc gn. lloni
and otturiiuhnil of Ilerco imliiroby
tho CIiIiicmi dates from tho day of
Moy felnp, onoof tho motlnUllIint
Chlnauioii In Han I'ranclxco. thin yao
hi opinion on th tubjccti
"A CliliiAinafi hrllmri that If ho cntn
n jMirtUm of n Hon or tl:r the bravery
and rournof tliennlnml slll enter
Into hi fyUm and bo Mill iKToiuodar
tug In Chliut thocniAlleit plfce of u
thjtr I vnlualilc for thU rmmn I Imvo
eaten lion limit, nnd tho JTict li to
tnnkonitia'i try Urtwc Hero In Call
fonilawo vat wildcat and f oust, and
think 'whmevrrwo mt of thntlWhof
dthrr kind wo Iteoomo bravo or run
tilng like tin) animal I think the
limn who ol 1 tho wIMcut to thoire Chi
imtiRii made thtui U-ltovo that It wa
n)oting Honor theywotild not liavo
liltl m inuch for ft, IsocAUfco tho .loli
of n w II lent I not of near n tuucti
aluoA thutof n Hon." Hin rranciioo
A IIUikI Trtfcrttl.i
A friend of mine, who ln telegrnh
ojiorntor, tell mo n itory of n fellow
optntor In akiiiaII Connect lent town
with wlitfrn ho lud lecn working on
tho miuo wlro fur nimu ttmo. "Ono
day," ho y, i wn pllwl up with
biiKlnuM and wiw feeling rathe cranky,
audi Jut Vuitu-r him for all I wa
worth. Ilonuvir bnikt. anl gave O
K for tho iinittage, and I utartod In to
work with another ottlctt on thenamo
lino, when thl Mlow called mo that
lit, bo bmko hi ou my tending and
wanteil mo to repeat tho mentao that
I ball but a fow moment lefiro not
"Well, I related It, and when I got
through ho valdt 'You will pleowju
cuso mo, but I wroto tho first lmiwigo
on tho bock of n bl ink, an 1 tho loy
rouldn't real It t thero U printing on
thelxuUof thoblaiik. Ill try to bo
luoru careful In tho futuro ' I thought
It rutin r qinwr tint nn operator vvotil 1
w rtte a niM-umo on tho back of n blank,
fo Iakid him howhocumo to dot lint,
and ho aMi 'Why, don't you know
I'm blludr I found that bo wan really
blind lio tike bt mowuiges oil
with a pen, but employ n Iwy to read
tho incM.gc to him that nro to 1m wnt.
Ho diMHi im gjoil work a any of bU ftl
Iovt ojerator." llotou ow.
Wlttr lit- llttllot rm Frniu.
Whrr dll tho IvUlot como fromf
fslko Tojwy and moxt other human in
ftltutlou. It "growinl " And In It
growth It lio takiiiiuich orlod f orm
Itwllliuako an IntenMliig tudy, Of
coum, lu tho good old ttmmi, win n all
rlvlliml roiintrlt wero governed by
kiiign, there wai no ite for n lmllot. A
primitive, .lf governing tribe, llko
tho of tho undent Oinnaui, wiro
hitUilM with Ivu vocu voting Tho
Jovvs, beforo they Imd king, might bo
called a clt governing people,
strictly, howev i r, their theory of gov
erument putevirythiug hi tho hand of
Uod, und hi technical term waji a tho
ocmey, If a puhllo olllcer mutt bo
choeten, ho wo named by Ood'f rcpro
teutatlve, tho prtett or prophet, or !
luti wtro rait, nnd It vvn exptctdUhat
(lOilwoull reul tho rlrfht lot to tho
right mini It I not unllkily that inch
riutlugof loti gavutho tlrntblntof a
H-crtt ballot New York 1. veiling Sun.
ftanlliiirut hi rmiiif.
A lecturer on farming topic kayn
"Hiiiuo farmers aro wont to think that
what thuy call Miithueitt Ulongi to lit
erary poop!- alono, jreoplo who wr
long hair nnd iino a good dial of hair
oil Hut If you can put right iventl
ment Into a fartair' Hfo and muko
him fitl pni lot hi buIntt ho will
do Hint buMueiM tho WtUr for It and
rucli Miitlmdit to him will prove a
paying aciptUltlon "
A Tim) kugkoflon,
Callno wiit a f rli ud of hl u number
of kiuull nnd light urtlclwlua Utter.
Ho aKId, by way cf iot.crlptuiii,
"Hti very taruful how jou brtuk 0h.u
tho enviloi-o." Im Caricature, "-
Ihungrlcultural burtuu In Valiiiiff i
ton U Uuvotlng much timo nnd tare '
to.Hrd etiltivutiug thw haiulxKi of
China It U tho most uwful variety of
that clam uImj if m known, and II
ii ti i liter Intu riiuokt ovtry Indubtry
lu C'linu,
fe Httt tnt fiMnlnlns Wilr trttm
VV-ll Hi n lil.Unr-
In replrtoftiTfioest furlnfirmaMuna
la conveying water from n well lota te I
4W Itf t trtan where tho wnt r is w anted,
OhloTflruier llluivtrati the two llan
following) Tim first of !.. U to rut
a plpo from tho bjttom of well A i
liown In Vig 1. to pump D, whhh
feiiil About four feet below tliopnrfAco io
as tolmUl jw frot and k" vrorkliiat room
forvftlve, Tha eieavalion Umath tho
pump, In ca-o tho noil I notiuflu-iiutly
loose and ioroa to admit of water re t
Hy leaking away, I to b filled with atuuo
or gravel two or th eo feet In ib pth, a
how u in cut. Tho whI' r r ft rml to in
tint which would eap fr m a lnk
valve hi tlio pump j.iti In low tlit) surf u e
n very IiuporUnt featun w!in front I
trniiblewiine. If no tnmble I f an-1 f n m
Ihl Bouroe, then make tli" excavillon
enly i.t-mt four fv t At K Is ph "1 a
tiuatl ir chmnU r to act im ii tniuion to
tho water lu starting aud t pptng en
Account of tho ipiantity to bo inovwl an I
Tlio working of tln pimp will, aiJ
fromtlie length of vulamo aud cou
fluent friction, ! a u as It wo ill
wero It to bo ,biced in n well dlnfly
under It an 1 with water stumling muilii
(Ivo feet of tho surface, I e , wli n th.
water U, a stated, Uu fct detp in tho
well at A. ,
' A
nu. i coxvrYivo watiu roi a m--tac
Tho second pi ah would be liko that In
Tig 2, and would opera t tlio samu a
luTIg l,exctpt that a siphon 1 cm
ntaiitly In tiwt here when tlio Water hi'
wt-11. V, 1 lowered below that In A
Howevt r, In this iJun no air t hain1er ft
required, and no long Uxly of water I
moved an 1 topped ut each stroko of tho
i timp hiadle. To nnke thU cloar to all
it may be sUteI tbnt the ipo 1 con
ducted from thy bottom of Well, A, a
shown, to tlio bottom' cf reservoir, D,
which I not quite a low as Hut of A
Hero it form a U, tlmlwttomof which
Is a short length of I Ipe, atuut eight or
ten Inche In length, anl somo six or
iltfht or im h holm drilled In IU sides
to R-liiiit suClcleut vvutrr to f.ll tho J Ipo
when I miaptug
To i ut thl In opt ration, 1 iy tho rfpo
as shown, being sure lu each coj' to
bav e it irfcolly airtight at joints. Thru
cle thew openings at lottoin of U with
woo-leu plag. which can readily bo re
moved, and start the pump, anl whin
water has Gltcd tlio plpo from l tit torn of
well, A, to smt of pump at 1, tlnti
rvmovu tho j lug au 1 wattr will How a
nn. ti coNVittiMi watch ntoii a tu-
a blplion until I) I filletl to a K-vtl with
tint in A. Do not start )onr pump
aiolu until tho water fully cover tho
holes In pipo, a air won! 1 lo drawn In.
Vhn the water In tho two well his
iqtiullzed. It will so coutitue, and the
pump will draw it wattr from wall, D,
through these hole In tlio plpu and av old
the vxtri strain of starting and stopping
a volume of water Hourly 800 feet lu
length. And a tho water lower In
I), more will 11 jw lu from A, tluroh)
Living a double rem r voir It I ad
vislnot to mako D leo tluin Ave or
slifettlndisinitrr, a a largo suijly 1
of tea of great v alue
A Nubtllut rr Tile.
A Vermont i orrvipondent tell In tho
Mew ViiKUnd Homestead that thow who
have uulTJrainlug to do and aro not
able to get tilo will find a very good sub
stitutoinbuxeHU.Jof fir or homlotk
Inch lumber. It will hit n lifaimo
where tho subfoil Is clay or b ird pan
Tor main drain havo &-inoh tile
and7lnch tops, anl forlaternl 3-Inch
ilJe anl A InUi lops. Tlio buxe can
bo of any length, and from eight to
twtlre luche does very well. For
tho umler lde of tho box put on
cleat six (nchu wllo nt etch cnl nut
in tho middle. Have tho drain dug to
thattht.ro will bo no dead water In
laying tho Uiie sink tho cleat down to
tho Ijvtl of tho Ifottom of t'io drain. In
filling tho drain pack in tho subsoil first,
a tho boxes wilt lust longer lu that thin
Acrlrullurst Nutei.
Tor llv stock premium at theColam
blan exiMxriUon 15),OO0 ha been Appro
prlated.the money to be dlntrihute) a
follows) For horses. $i 0it for rAttle,
t30,00, for swine, ifJO.OOO, for sheep,
CtVXWjfor poultr anl pet stock, 1D,
OUO, for dog, f 1,000, miftcetlaQeottt, ill)
Ilio lecretary of the ttato board of ng
rlculturu hna made tho statement that
ajtTiinlttire in Mnmtaihuwtt I not de
clining According to the tamo author
lly. iu both jlcld and value of tobacco
per acre Macachuett stand flrnt und
Connecticut secoit 1. In value of hay
r acre Alawacliust tta lea Is.
The American Saddle Homo aMocia
tlou ri'ctntlyorAtuilxeil with a capital of
,l 0 000. Hwrttar, Colonel Charlv F
Dc. II W, Wiley, chemlit of tho do
par tint nt fiom Meiliclno Iodge, Kan ,
aiiuouiice a aucoewful run with now
machinery uud under thu nowuhohul
proteadeveloiretl in tho Lhimhal illvl
ion htht wluter lio report IStl pound
firnt sugar pec ton from tho aornlmia
cuno, and fstimutm that tlio molnw-x
will give inough mora to tunko (tnr
i veil 1500 jMiiuds per toil
The Ham stato board of ori culture
f cstlututos tho w he it crop' f that iitato ai
KMOuoVO bu.hfli, ag limit J3.000 000
biuhel last )eur mil JJ,lXK),Cyo bushol
lu 1WJ.
A Qur lllnl.
AYhllo a genthinau wu out hunting
near Craw fordvilte 1 ut w ek ho n it iced
I something curious swimming just under
the water. It didu't beem. to ho a IU.
nor jot a bird Trtsentlyit uo. shook
thu water In in It wings un I start d to
lly w hen hi shut It down It lud a heu 1
hki aturtlfe wiiiKsllkoabat aud a tail
sc.lvlik Av.ari Thirowero two fut
i webbed llko a goo
U--j (o fttiwr mcoifin- evrr
riODJ t jh. ii i fi to ruhi
I Otne so Utnrotiatitr as Howl fara
S WrllU. From a imall llonm Uu
nnllllnv lr4WM rat slrailllr
rOCUIlur anJ rsrIJIr IlKt-awl In
"f1 tt'Pulsiltr kinlll i iwllhasthshrftit
v ,R 0 auy piriw stlun ot III lio L
If erilf " K"'" " ''" "" ln"'''
lloUII tcaute It l coiwtanKjr rotlnj
I Uial It )m I!It nier au t
II dots arcctn Hilt a list 11 chltiwtl ur It.
oirengin, ni s.u.iriiit
tconomy, ,. rirrar,i tr a
A .1 l'wullwr C inbliiali li, fmi-or.
A II U ll,,n anil I'nHM klioa II Mil; lo
CsUlUll VO and ur ttllch tin lu-l
nlunl, nmlldiwl lmcr rt all Uia
rUVVtl tncrT-ill nta uicl H rruUnftl.
iam TUoutil,'riliuilarjttltnws
I JJ all or r ttv cottDtrf twlirr to
1 .unilitiil ofmflt Jellrftt
UOSGS (t aii ii II you suffer from
Ono Dollar .SJeu'i."
CJO OUlO iiuai a mapitUla.
tTcill 'lAwcll. Mas HlUvlll O
Al Down With H'jk men.
rnrotrxair tip
VC yjf T,srutitn nmiwti as
1K-jhAA v.iHlifBi-ia.ia,ta
Inpoiltrt and Mssufseiattr of Us
Jt.soir.v TO Til THAU.
trtprMrt aIVf nwl Brat a
mzn onoss ivn,
Mlclilrrnn Avppi o, Cor. Lako
Pollshocl or Dluod.
Ilktt bes Md bj Z. 0. M l fr etf r
il vtira Tlf srs IM llesl .tll
kf ytntii, satlinsrsstatd toi utfcfii
Jjj ef istiitaeuaa. Will tolJ s ebos ss
N Huiirrni
W Ohiunso, 111.
U BO sva ia man in
I aaaacit Itoaas
Tbsl s iUU Csrrr a Oootplsts Liss at
Disstons Celebrated Saws,
CSMiftiaf u rrtet
CtQiCut,nrcj, OnMnn Uptight, Mill,
If anil Itip, ttnett TenOri, tuning,
CompHt, liuteS$r Cook,
h eyAott, Wc , aUo
Cliciilir.ustu SolldS Chisel PclntTcotb
far r.lli.a Trft -na, sa1 sis Sclllai u
Lotrw rmccs than turn
AIM a tll Stick bl thttr
Rmownsil RASPS i FILf 8 alw.r. aa aaa
tg. O. M. I.
C3 kip a s
letltn no ihnAt ul. ai r Mil Mori,
AikX kin afco alirayl ika new iVhJ 11 pwrk
IIAXAIII' KSBtuckyltllls1'
ha Aim ft "Tisp a&ooimr,"
IIAHHItlln' Puck bbiMtlas "
llAZAIUIMMMloliif ananisiUaa"
1IAZAUU II Innil,, tks mtiitrsllUls
la IB. laarkuL
a .IKI.""1" " u'1 Polno & Lyno
A n nsusr. ' Doxoi
MiBufaoiurt rs ct
Flno Cryatal anJ Color.d Olass
Tabla War., Uar Ooods,
Jars, Lamp., Eto.
loin Htrttt, s.s. 1'irrsuunn, n.
r ir ials kr Z. 0. M. I. sal desists icosrally
UOLD MUOAfcTyXttia, 107a
. ll.VltKH A-' CO.'S
Breakfast Cocoa
'JW'tWU bu Un ftnwvJ,
J25 j, ah,oltf j,r um.I
nfi fV Mtv1!
I U I ' Hi " ti-r (A- (Ar fl., M
I il ' IM Jrrs?'A r ms tulivl vlih
flit I It Burrh .trtvwtM or Pvigir,
Mil ' sialUltrTtrorrarnsorttco
I il I I I BoiB-leail, fitlt hit Mil on
Vllf Ueoti ltlallclou,wur-
itioPtTip, uJ Jrnitbly sUlAtl iwtr ttUJ
1 wsU Ur iHiriott In tUfc
lli Ir tMrrMttrjIffcfM.
m AKlt&CO,I3orchettr,Mai3i
I xx.vaaT.xv3r TTiruvcusrinrt
IILT Ukl iiir
Ulinlraal and It. mil
j A cc tjir iirjr tovtu stiiekt
asphalt in ran
it.: jow.nirrisio.MO.'.ni
VIVk liie licit lioo.li In llis ITcrll
AU Work Quni'nntoad.
Homo Cotnp my.
Homo Production.
Ordoi's Solicited.
EntimntOH Furnlshod
Froo of Ohurgo.
GQce Booa 233 Constltatloa EillUcJ,
JOHN BECK, PrsildtnL
Tho Only Bill Posters,
piatrlbutors 0 Rail-
road Advertising
Agents in Utah.
iisuii trntti 111:: tm:t it
M Lib lb1. yarTOhtkCiij
Sail UU 0.11. Jnd LOOjy.
s. n: AXfwusoy,
ctsziui ujxjat
a sjotro ruaaraa raicnctD bt araar
A tHrlmiAmBrioo Cooled DiB'O FT .
hit rhsnrbteKTvrrHarttKssan OC.
Onittri in frrg ttylt bkort trdtrt fuU li4t
at nil kof I
Ni niMjii lot". Suppllu mtttaft flrukt
Strvttt uttetigi pumpt 111 llnlu NirvaU
3. ic, aiuon,
VTell isowo In LUb-DOtOrtst Bros.
Utah Cracker Factory,
m MAxirAciUhii or llltt.
riNli OAKUS.
Packet! In I nntl 2 Pound Doxn. for
Plcnla Partlos, Trav.tora and
' Pamlll.s.
8TABLI3HED 1000.
Bookbinding and Paper Ruling
covxTr wonK,
Lx arsciiLTiii -
tutas roamtuip o trruoaiiaa.
Or ad. cf Matorlals Usd to
mak. our work Uurabl.
, rot; cjy nsu souk or rnr
;v rnir )
Z. CM, I.fc
IN RUaS-DaghttlinMoqu.lle, Smrrns, StistptVIn, China Goal and Angora
IN DOOR MATS-Cocua, Rubber and Wire, ol all tiles. '
IN TABLE COVERS-Valour, Chen. III.. Rubins Sag., Silk, Derby Satin, r(
lie, (or Dining Room, Csnlre, or Small Table. '
In LAM8REQUINS-Wlnilow and Mtntl..
IN AFGHAMS-Elderdown and Silk Duin. '
T. l, HI'llll II, Sun,
iw BEST MAnr
SSm ? 61-63-65
Aro nboutto mako EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS, and
In oritur to carry out our plans) vtn must IIEDUCC
odor to ovory purchasor of Mon'o Trouaors, Suite,
Ovorcoats or Ulstors,
offor will stand Rood UNTIL DuCEMOER 31st, anil
Wo rravo away last month 430 Coupons, nntl nro
OR OVEnCOAT A COUPON entiti.ino him TO
A DEADT1FUL PRESBHT on to Year's Morning
At 10 o'clock, with A rtOX OF CANDY. JnTREMEM-
tBMI I'll ItlllHIIMB
DERI No Lottery, DravIng or Chanco Gamo, but a
Prosont to ovory ono holding our Coupon.
o43 and 45 MAIN STREET.
Wo Invito our Trlonda and Patrsns to call and
Inspoct our StoaU ;
Clothing, Hats and Gents' Furnishings
43 and 45 MAIN STREET.
aSBEt.TUUO':lI!U,UWsmbl.sTk. tiles menWr x l "I

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