Newspaper Page Text
HSffy I' ! 4 DKqBnri' visai-MO iraws. jium'ay. ma immni n. mm. Iffy J DKSERET EVENING NEWS. H-' J I j ",j""uu" ffi M 1 ,1 THE DESe'rEtTeWS 00. Hb t I i cntntmi w rxroosr. guTon. HB 3 1 ' Mi.ljr, Ueeensbee II. last HH 1 1 opncmuuiiLHAiLU Pflnj jl j ' Ilrn ril bol (, In Hie gas wells norlli HHy f (j f j oftlilsclty, In DavlsC'ounty.Iisjglven Hul: If , further hot that natural gas may bo BKr l olUlneil In such volume n to u ply LllaH'! H ' Hill l-ak with all tliat la necesMvy for Ul' Wj lljlitaml futl, vrlictlirr In liou.elinl I, H'ttl lr flf minuferturliuor uMI-uei. A full IKWfi -I jl iiljrwoullworle,a great Iran-farma HK !j i Honliero. It would n it only cliean (Ml !t "' m"", ,0' l"'tln "' Huml LllaiaV iTx. ( i II' nation, laitilo away with a great ileal BttjPy II i of dull, nt tie, mil other oflYnslvo H'JQ'1' a! mallet, anil give an impetus to all klml LyB ?, 111' ofiinnufiicturlnijliitoresui tlit woull HB3 jj f life t tan city, almoslat a liouhd, Into mWmV HI "" I0"'"011 which liu Ion R teen nntl- MflB i 111 clrvtJ for It. HH jj I lu cltlr vrhtre uttutal r Ik tn nap, HTHr jj j houses are lit by It at very (null i x HjjHf'' ll I'tiw, and nne has but to lurnaUu Kb R '. ; mul strike n match to klmlln a flro B ' 1,1 which, for heating an I rooking, leiire- Hi if ' feratlo In every way t tint from or.ll- IK.1 nary fuel. Urate are filled with balls '!j cr luni( of whltn stone, ftiul,wheii Hie W t gaslsturred ou, lu A few minutes they i ' j i become heated and llirow out a r ' warmth and a rlear glow that It both j ij -feasant mill lieautlful. It lakee tin jj A i lace of coal for furnace and engines, n i i ' anil great factories an I work may be iiKtf 11 8 S $ i ,uu w,ll " "' coraiaratlvoly llltla rout. V ' i S) 1 j If It ahtll turn out that the great HjB i I P euMerraticun velm or reservoirs of HKj I I li ' natural gai litre been tapped nfar H ' I H I.akHhorp, It will not only In avail H ) I I j fortune totho proJictora of the enter HB i jrf prli, but of Incalculable taIuo to llile itjj 'I elty mul InclJenUlly to tliewliolsTcr- G U i rllorj. The nuwi ett ma almost toj WM In gooJ talio trui. iE i Hi? NO kiuktion uro urtn. iK H idijt H Ih mi "Tin nit aro In tlila Territory boDilrpil HK t In n j anil Ilniuanl4 of woinon whobAvo borne Hj ijj F the reUtlou of utyyiinous wive, an 1 HS WH n tbe wornt enemlM to the Mormon rellff' Hl - 1 Ih j Ion never thought of relleollng uriori the K j c , cbsracteraof thee womennr etiitKeMtlnit K 19 J N that llicy were unehtite Whatever may ilf Si i ti Inpq lieen thought of tholr huabtn li anil H) M7- thenitlvealatlnthoUttor, tbe jur- 1 j.i Ity an I liowty or the M rmon nhra H f!J l liavenover licenratloil In fuefetlon( their iiiB ll-l L f vlrtuo en I rectltinle bolnjr conceJeil b iiiH Jr " Hremalno.1 forthu l'reelileatof the B till l' UnlleilHliitratoclMitheu omen with H 5fl ' the vllo crunturea who Infwt the national H jil ij rIUI, anillfromaliKxl for th Itopubll. H yi i i tan orKana an 1 polltl Una In Utah to H HD i '. ajiplau 1 an I onilorae that motAnge. Aa H Jh 8 hiituaii tuturo la theeimo the worl lover, iiivl rf fill tho rraU auuinea that lhee alainlere.1 iHl iTJ 8 women ao 1 their aom will not forjiet IHJ1 I3 ( thdrtrailuctra" iiBBi ffl I t - Tlirfforejoluglafrom the Bait J.ako Vj aLJIli Jhru'Jot Hunilay, Dec. Utli. HlmlUr iiBi Sr Sfl ff remarkaon thU auhject ftipiareit In Jvj n IB 9 the aamo uirier provlouily. Wo hee 7 ft , j-J no ilvello to takn luua with the pH I 15 1 I Jhratit, but think that In thla Inttanco iij. jfiS ithaimailoft rulitako ntui that there I IIJL jl! f luoruof Inaliiuatlon 'aKnlnht the laillta Bjkf 'Hhl of UUh ln IU l'nl','"l """ ""1 u iHn P!ij fouuillntho I'rLilileut'anitiitnie. The iH M ul UMLitrr Ntn It not rt Itrpubllcun 1 j W,i uriiau,iior an aiolol.t for l'rcaUctit '4 jif !! Uarrlnou, Hit It Uooi not bellevii any PH f jil fj benefit will arlan to the I cople of Utah 11 fi from an erroneiit conception of ihn Sattltuilo of the 1'riaMent of the Uultcil HUteti towan tho cltliens of thla Ter ritory, lleru la what tho PrtilJent (aid: " The Attorney General an 1 aUn yhe Commlatloner of the llatriet of toliim bU rail attention to tho tie fcLllreneea anil lnattrqu-u-y of the law n lallng to erlmea airalnm tha.llly In thelliatiletof I'oluin bla. Aatrlnutntcoile lipin title auljett boa leu provlJcil by Congria a for Utah, nnil It li a matter of aur rUo that the nueile of thla iiutrlct ahouhl baro boon ao bntfoierlookoil M ajaa. pi jji u u Now wo Ml to ii-e lu thla any "re- H'r ".I. jj n lleollcn" ujion tho chaitlty of ilthir aH fnt V b S t0 WOIU9n or la lneu 0l Utah. aH lK I 51 S Kvcry BUlo In tlio Union iiaa laa aai ult B ti 4 almllar to tliow which thu I'rcilJent aa l 1 3 "-" "'" Alt0""y'i;,l"Cl'111 miJ tho bbh d IK -1 B 'l CommlMloner for the DUtrlct of HI If I I .1 Columbia rwtt tola laclilnu In that aKj li j DUtrlct. It wa certahtly rro-ir fur HJ if Bit hlai to call tho attontlon of C'oiu-reiia to bbb ra M E 0 OIUta''uni -0' Congnai hue "ox H jl l jj j J clunUeJurliillotlon Inall canoe what- Lib '! if 8 kouth" oer the District of Columl la, aH i' K fit "nl "" f""ru ,0 '""u't lllw" ' ll1' bB Sf 8 ' iliaractir li majo all Ihu mora con EX $ i aplcuouiby the mii-u of "aatrlnii.ut V. ft f j iMleupuntlilitutJeot"for Utah. The B Hi at I ' 1'ri'flJnit call attention to thla illi H If' )( I crency anil thla illaiilmlnatloii, ami aM H ik ' i 3 thero lino more liiilnuatlon or auzsts H H Jp , , tltm In It niraluat the character of tha bH' il'i V : I women of Ulali than there la ucMnit LxW M r ' i li thu wlviaauj UauKhteraatiil ahitera of Bxflf w K t ft i thu Rn at men of the nation who reside bH L 7 j J 'a In Vl.llllllCton, 1). V., LxH H I Hi Uuearunot mlstakun, tho Jltrahl bH mm' I li Iiaa Hwlfialleilatlontlou to tho.fiut H BHf ' l! "at vvll" 'P'Clil lul have hern bK Sin 'i 111 framnl by Cinureei Mjalnil certain H Wvfc' '' ' -'ll otriici li Ulih, the DUtrlct of bHf Unlsl I t I'olun I la, whero C'ongreca elta, baa BlBt' li'lil I ll' Ixenlelt fno from rucli iiiaitnioiiU, bBki tll'lf flW i "'" t",,'l'rr Nl w '"" ll"d lu LlR d 3al 'tliJ-il thotoHrbturraanl hilped tothow up LibsI li 1.v I ll tapirfitlnlnuerlty of the pretend H' (J jl,' jiillil iU cliaiu) loin o( morality, In tliulei;l. aiK ' 55 IlliA 1 PI U'liiijagiluitonVinea lu dlitint Utah biHbV BOB which who lift unpiiulihed In the BlH 'llrlll t national cu, Hal. HbL nliaB Ml Hlliol.ljiiainy thattliol'iislJtnt BB SlUm ' 1 riftrato lu Hill inrtof bla meeaige. HjB,'."nj'KM i i That ktoucla'd iiKmiUewln roln the LHbBi miffK' Uoiunient, It Is other otlimta, named BLB 4 IwM 1 In thu l.ltnen la linker ait, that era bVbVsMiI Cl ilfftt alludi I to, ami wMchoiihl to bu made bIBBA i If Pi liinltlvu In the UlsIrM of Columl la iBBBKit it l 1! .utt as much sa In Utuh. rtiua there ifL Is no nllualon whatever n I he mear;o lo "the honcly mid imtlly of Mormon v. Ives," nor nny supuc'tlun as lo "their Vlrtuo and rectitude." Neither lnu the President "tlatsed thtm wllh tl' vile crtatun-s who Infest tho natlinal caplUl,' nor lias he mentioned or al liideiltoorhlntedat them al all. Ho there need bo no error! to awaken tha Indignation of tho women of Utah or their soiii on Ihla matter, and Itaflurda no Itj-ltlmato capital for parly clrcula lion or matter for party crltlcUm. There are points enough In the 1'rM IJent's mcuago for both Ilepubllcan mil Denncratlo oljectlon, without ilrawlng Inferences and conclusions which the text will not warrant and vehlch will not stand tho light of com arlson and fair dlicuxlon. Wo think the l'rrtldent wni right ln drawing tho attention of Congress to the iltfert complained of by tbe Attor ney Oentral, and wo consider lie put It In a very striking light by lacing thnnlrliigentelloils of Congress In re lation to UUh lu contrast with lie utter failure In reltllon to the District of Columbia. "SW.T MM. un Dill I1V This valuo and benefit of home manufacture to any oommublly are thus commented upon under tha above healing by thu Omaha ll'orM Itiratit 1 IVirhaps tho best Illustration of tbe good effect of jalronlslng homo Indna trln la tho growth of tho city of Nail take. When tho lodi fsllgablo Mormon lea ler started tbetrainalt colony In tho now bloMOiiilng valley where tho city of Halt I Ako atan Is they w re somewhat In the posltl in of tho Creator at tho founds Hon of tho woil I. They were not exactly called tition to build a cltyout of nothing, but they lied lory, vvrf raw matorhl to begin with. Thoy ha I rock y moon tains with gushing streams an 1 e-iudy liottom Ian Is with Utile vegolaltou. Thoy were cut on from tho clvlll-oil world by a great deMrt waate, uncrossed by any lino nt communication oxcepl on end e wagon trait. They were forced by clrcutntttucct, tberofore, b ill that very thing which Omaha shoul 1 do from reference, namely, to bull 1 up a community within themselves by Industry, energy an I en lerprlso. There was work for overyliody an 1 every tioineln luslry Masimlront'od, bm-auso Halt Ikewaatoo Isulatcl from the re-itofthe v.orll lo take her patron age elsewhere ll soon became the of H-iH take City that her poople coul 1 protluca anything, from a horse shoo to the great pl organ In tho tsbernseln. t'mrrie wero opcnel an 1 a elty bullu Tho utoiintsln streams wero selsiii u-ou and oomjHitted to Irrigate the dosert volley until It beoanio a garden Agrl culture and mauufsctdro worke 1 shoulder to ahuuld'-r. Traloanl oommerco with the atirnmn ling regions utokty fol lowed, and a groat community Ihue grow up hundreds of miles from any other of lmiortauco and In the very ml lit of wlul ha I boon a desert. "In the strictest sense, Hall Lake City waa built by tho patronage of homo lu dtiatrles. the spirit that animated the ico' te was a aplrlt of fraternity, and the liol ! Intelligence of llrlgham oung and his Chunk gavo an Irresistible Impulso to the lnovomont to develop the com inunlty from within, and to ullllto the energy an I Industry r f every man In the community for the j rodiictlon of those things which tho community needed u. great many Industries have grown up In Dm iha and a good deal of menu factoring U dono hero on a small scale. Tho moro producers wo can keep busy In this city tho greater Kill Its prosperity lie. We cannot crest a ell) with con sumers only or with Ira los peoplo only. No community however blvaswl by coin uierce, can luis be) end a certain point of davcloj ment unless It produces And ore atoe quantities of those goods sibkh It aniiuilly consumes. ' ( hlcao'a first growth was duo to ooinmcrce, hut her second greater growth hasbee-iduotomsnufai.tures,and ao It must be with Omaha." Tor several years tho slrlt of en couragement to home Induitrlia lu this Territory seemed to bo Hiking a rest. Meriantllu entorirlsis huaniu all the rno. Various speculations wcru startod. Htal estate dealing mtlnn teniionry boom. And to homo manufactures dwindled, and It was m much aatlioso who wero Interested In them could do, to keep tin m alloat with anything llko fair returns. Hut attention Is now being returned to this lniiortant matter. The sugar factory la an Indication In this direc tion. That Is a tuagulflctnt Illustra tion of what can be doue by faith, energy, determination and the combi nation of small capltalUts. Wo hO-a to io a thorough revival of tho manufacturing spirit and the tslab llshuieiutof new lnduilrles,'or Ihu em ployment of labor, thu conservation of money for liomu circulation, and tho permanent firowth und welfare of thu Territory. not i nit' mini. A Firmers' Alliance circular, Just Issued, seems lo I at Its advlco to farm era uon a state of facta vt hlcli cannot bo set aside. It iirgea those to whom It Is directed not lo s.ll their uheatnt presold, lut tn hold It for a rot)eetlvu auil Inest ablo rise. rhero li no c,ettlug isMay from thu ground Couutrlsa whlih han hrretoforv elilted with thu Ullllcd states aru out of Ihe inarkut this er. Tho demand of l.uropo will bo tar In exec of what America tiai cajaclty to supi Ij . Tho result mint la , as con sum) lion -roceeds ant thu source of siippl)dlmlnlihes,that prices will Jump. Heucuthunilvlceta fanuirs embodied lu lb" circular to "held your w heat What will ai -1 ulsuwheru uu this will have uu u j lioatluu hern. Wheat Is being ehl il out of Ululi lu Urge quantities and conveyed to I-urope, If this drain continues it will lie but a short lime until not only the entire surplus will 1 gone, I ut there will not be enough bre idlelt In tho Territory to supply the peoplo until another harvest. When the end of the rope Is reaihcel the process of re-shlpment will have to l Inaugurated. This would 'mpovcr lah Ihu people and probably b'rlng con siderable hardship uoii them, because ofthoconii-mient rlso In rices that would ensue. Probably many of tho farmers aru compelled to sell at present, In order tn meet their obligations and rrocuro necessaries. Then would It no! be a good thing for moneyiil men to com bine, tairchaso breadstuff's and bold them In the Territory? We well remember Ihe disastrous ef fect of shipping whest out mid then shlpi'ngback again, mil never wish tnaroa repetition of o situation so rul cldal. Thoiiusellon linolvi-d Is one (hat should receive serious comldera Hon. IOUK 10 lOUt I.VIU). Till, coniumtllon of polk, In any form, and esieclally lu cxcessleiuMi titles, as an aitlolu of food, Is held lo bs oppoeee! to health. We bellevo this to li true. The cotnparatlvo Im munity ol Hebrews from manydlseaaes that are common among either classes of clvlllied lnoples, Is cited a evi dence In sipport of tho theory. Ortho dox Jew have no use for the Amerl can or any other hog, and they aru noted for health and longevity. Per haps (ho pig assumes the unit Injuri ous form when he appears In pastry, as a shortening lugrodl-tnt, or when usol In cooking other article of fend. Many of the symtoms of lndlges'lou which appear lu tho advertisements of e-uack medlcino proprietors ilcIi as Hosting siecs be fore the eyes, UU ofthu"blues"whl(li cause lieoj lo to I lni rewseU wllh tho Idea that they have no frltud on earlli, and that overythlng In nature Is wrong en I up, etc. are doubtless caused In many Instances by thu consumption of food heavily permeated by the product of the rig. The case narrated lu tho dlsj stents if the poisoning of Mr. an J Mr. I'lynu and seven ehll dren, at West Hay, Mlclilgau, from eating potatoes fried ln raucld lard, la suggoatlve. Of course, they ulll fe cover, but tliey hive passed through u terrible onlell. If people Villi uie that kind of groeso they should see that It Is fairly fresh. It Is bad enough, how ever, In any condition. 2IUIII. IIISIL'IUUMIS IN lltl.l.tM). This wires bring mi account ol another brutal aud bloody Irish row bctw.en the two political factloua I'arnellltei and McCarthylles. In the melrupjor Mlehael Davlll was the victim of nneof tuofjrclblo arguments by which tho contestants aru seeking lo establish, home rule a terrible blow on the heal with a stone, lleforo bclngsuljectol to this specie of logic hohad mkiauphtimliid no! to bu a candidate for parliamentary honor from Waterford. Hlnco Imvlug Ids acalpcut ho lias changed Ills reaolutlon and will take tho Del I. 1 1 Is only fair to rlatu that In nil the ills gracelul political riots which have recsutly disturbed Ireland the Parnelllle havu Invariably been the aggressors. Tho deceased agitator seems to have Leuiathed his tyrinnlcal spirit to hi surviving fol lowers. As these barbarous rcene-s continue, the sympathy and active aid of Intelligent Irish Americans will of course, bs withheld, III accord wllh a latu resolution a loptoj by a representa live committee of that clan. At res eut thopejpleof Ireland are engaged lu allowing their unfitness for the self government for which they aru clam orlug. nun n tiii. -'eUsi.or.M niiisiu In the United Htatee wuare In tho habit of lolntlugto nihilism In aa a necessary result of the exlileucelu this advanced age of an unmitigated dcsfiotlsm, which Is the extreme of po sltutoourown. Ai ieole become en llghtcnud they becomu fllle-d with an umiuenchable desire to domollsh tyrau ny an I establish tho principles cf hu man liberty, and do not stop short of murder and self Immolation to further or accoiui llsh tho aim This Is the waywu talk, and generally wind up with a llourlsh about the stability of cur own system. If murderous nllillbtloplolsgrowout of the exlstencuuf tyrannic rule, what is thu kind of soil that geueratea nnd produces almllar soelal enormities lu this nation? Take, for exam) le, thu e x traordlnaryaudsterlllng Incident that oecurred lu the ofllco of ntisiellHago the ether day. Of course eomeiople will brush the matter asldu bystatlug that the explosion waa merely the act of a crauk. Hut wlut about the numerous crop of cranks of a similar klud who bind thomseltee tinder Iron ilad oaths to establish their barbarous Ideas of freedom by thousoofdjnainlte? Hero wu li tvu thu most glorious coii-tlltitlon un I thu freest system of human government th it over cxlsteil, yet uithlu It Is the same sinister, mur derous con litlou that agitates dtsj-jllo ltuisla. Andliiuvery elvllixal e-oun try betu eon these two extremes bf gov urmnent, thu simu dark tin 1 threaten Ing soelal uuoiialy ruvall lu some form, toagrceteror lu extent. This being tho cis, It Is not tn-tessirlly u product of an Mnl 1 giMrnniLiit, lut an outgrowth uf Ihu gene nil eomll tlonof huuiaiilty. It Is a i lis if diabolism In thu be iris r mi , T;ol u eeltlbleto tradliatlou b) uuy re ju able recess, for II Is lmmalblo to give those ossisaid of It satisfaction. rile evidences of tho exude nie of Iho dangerous class referrel to,- In the United ttatos, aro cropping out numerously. At the heels of Ihe terrl lie outrage In Ilus-cll Wage's office comes the sUtement that Governor lllllhasa luly guard consisting of three detecllvem, who keep wllhln con vchienl dlslaucess of Ihu dlillnguisheJ ortlclalwhenliolsbiit of doors. This Is a duplication In miniature of the situation of tliu Cor. Attempts aro now aud then imJe to settle labor dls ule-a by tho aid of dyna mite. An incident of Hist naturu Is minted In tho ttlcgrsins as having occurri-d at tho Pratt mine, near llriilLln liana. Thu fan cylln. der waa blown Into aetata by a bo-nb I incevl neir It by strikers. It waa by the merest accident Uiat human llfu was notilestioycd ly Hie explosion as well. I sthe country aj preaching- a telgnuf lerrci? If not, whit Is going to slop the tendency lutlint illree Hon? III.) I I0PJI1 MS AT tl. JOIIN.S. Our corrcsndent J W. llrown, writes from HI. Johns, Arliom, isuder dstea of December sth. ' Th is farour autumn has been mado up of si arm and balmy days, but yester day an Arlrona aoulhvrentern struck our town, cooling (tho atinoa) hern rapidly to aero. Thcru has bxn some sickness lu our ml Ut recently, caused by fever. Itrother Markor II Peterson baa been csllesl upon to part wllh two nf his little children, both glrl! and brother (len. C Danatoat hi wife, a good mother and I-aller-elay Saint, who left a funlly nf elx cblt Ireti, nearly helpleas. If Ibere la one con lltlon In life, moro than another, that ahould call forth Hie aympatlilcsof a coin intintly, It Is when a family of small clill Iron are left motherli " 'Someliiiprniements aro being mate here, sshlih will give more atablllly an I crmeuency ti tho town Hon J. T. I.esneur's now brick reside nee. Just near tng completion would do e reillt loanioia pretentious town. The lniprnvemsnla au I extension msdu to our 0. M. nnd M. I make It the formest mercantile estah lisuient In Iho locnhty, au 1 show that tho company means busliiees, "Dr. Karl (1 Maeser'a visit In us last -seek, whieh was greatly appro-! ito 1 by the Saint hero, was llmoly. The Instruc lions be gai o In Iho four meeting held bylilm, wero aueli aa b) Inaplro all those present with tbelmportaiicoof ourdlu cational organl-Atlon, an I of the neeea slty of cur young people being properly educated. Our j iiblio schools are all In a ptiNron cstidltlon, and aro condueted, 111 most -Instances, by competent teachers." MJMITIIIMI (HOLT M1II1ML llaMeS. Tins annual report of the Cenip Iroller of thu Currency to the flrit session of the I llty-aecoud Congress coutalna mauy Interesting artlculara relating to Bnance. The number of bank! lu ixlstcnca In tho United Htatca October II, liiOl, waa 11,(191, hnv. Ing 111 capital stock C3I.7H,8U, lands eleioltetl lo secure circulation (lo;, 113,(01; bsuk notes outstanding, $171, 3i)S,9I9, Including 1M,JW,721 n-ptc aentlng lawful money elejioslted tu rudeem circulation atlll outstanding. Thu amount of circulation secured 1) thepledgeof United Hlatea bonds Us Incrtused during tlio year 111,70,101. During the report year 101 new banks wero orgaulzrd, located In fori) -one Htates aud T.rtltorlis, and possessing an aggregalu oa IU1 of r:i),70D,0ni, During the same time 11 bap s went Into voluntary Ihiulda Hoiianlbecamu Insohent, lesvlng nan net gain for the rcpirt yiar 1.7 assOL'atlun, with n ca; Hal of !li.',o"i3, OOU, which Is, aa lo number of Lauks, I recliely the net averagu of yearly ln cresse durlrg t he life of the system. The nuinkrof batiks now lu 0ra. Hon Is greater than al any former period. The liicreaaolu thn totals id capital stock, surplus funds and un divided irofitshaa been satisfactory, riils Is also truu of deposits, loans and discounts. Of the 103lnklngassoclatlona enter ing thus) slem during tho year, till, or slightly more than one half lu num ber, are located west of the Mississippi river, and V) lu the Houtheru H'ates, Of thu total number of banka In oieratlou, Pennsylvania has Ihu greab-st uuiuber of associations, Mossa chuselts the greatest ax grcgatei caj ltal, and New York loads lii-amount of de posits. A cucfully riared table la given ahowlng the number of banks organ Irod, failed and In voluntary llqulda Hon, and Ihu net Incrcuso numerically eaetiyeur llnco 1801. A nolablu feu turuof this table li Iho large numlsr of I. inks wiiiih havo become insolvent during the last year. They aggregate twenty five banks, with a capital of t1,au:,lW. Thu year 1871, however, aiieara to have been the most dbas Irous lu iolnt of capital, as during that period thu failure of eleven banks, with n capital of sH.SJJ 01 J, li recordesl. In 1877 ten failure a occurred, rej resenting II c Kill id iail,IXM. Of the tHenty.llvu failed lanka of list year, thirteen, representing $,1 17, 0i nf eaj ltal, vsero locatu 1 ln Ksusas and .Neura-li.ii. The failures In tin no Htates vsero attrll utable muro to bid trope aul unl"o eculatluu lu real estale than (o lack of honest and ifll clniitmauagcment. Mr. Comptroller I.lcey's report mike a pirn- hlet nf elghty-alx iages. (t I- a iMiiipriheiKlvu Htato documuut, ur,d ileal In n masterly manner with iho phll ij i), jurlipri leiuumidtta tut i 1 tauliii Institutions mid Hielr relation t i industry aud commerce of thu country. n?.PRICft y " DELICIOUS FlaYoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FIAVORS. Vanlllfl A 0 perfoct purity. Lomort -J of uroat ttrongth. Mwltd Z ,"on'"nj"ntliolrus0 Hoses etc 7I flavor at) dellcntoly anil dcllcl nslv an trio frosh fruit. CARPETS AND CHCNCILLn CUnTAINS At GronUy'noilut.otl Prlcoa for tho noxt two wooks NEVE & CHILD, 41 C. Flrat South St. Ilnrl.'ieii-ai Arnica fpsle. Tin: liLHT rlAbV k In the world for Culs, llrulses, Huresi, Ulcers, Hall Itueuni, ! ever Horn, letter, Chapiel Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Haiti 1 ruptlons, nut laiiltlvrly cures Piles, or ho pay rcqulrial, It Is guaranteed to glvuperrecl satisfaction or money re funded. Price M e-eiita tier box. lot lalo by A. C Hnillh A. Co. A Hare " la ono uhlch li gusraiiteeil lo bring you sail-factory results, or In erne of folium a return of urchase rice-. On Ihla safe plan you cou I uy from our alvertlii-il druggist a Initio of Dr. King's .Sew Dl-covery Tor Coiisump Hon. Ilia Ruaranie-id lo I ring relief lu every case, wheu used for any af. fiction of Throat, Lunira or Chest, such aa Consumption, Inflammation of l.unge, llroiiehllls, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough. Croup, etc., etc. It la pleasant aud ngre'sable to taite, perfect. lyafu,anil can always liu ilependeit Uwu. Trial lttla free at A. O. Hmltli A Co'a urug rtirr. Is tf Sllns. Woeleslrutosay to our citizens that for years wis hnvu been selling Dr King's New Discovery forrrusump Hon, Dr. King's New Life Pills, lluck leu's Amlra Halve and Uectrlc lilt. Icrs, and have never bandied remedies that aell as well, or that have given such universal ssiUfactlon. We do not hesitate tu guarantee them every time, and wo stand renly lo refund the pur chase price If sattsfartory rrsulbs do no! follow their use. The-eu re medlea havu won Ihelr great roiularlly lurelv nn their merlta. A, C. Hmltli A Co, diugglsts. ! 0 jailonln)ejo3. ill pn noio sii e-oiwi s,t s.poojr 'sa "'ll jo uo0 ojtsistsil eiii-o sso jfq Mnu ) UOid)uo,) JJ)inl poon 11 nin t ij Mon t111 sidsjSH s,poo osodjiil sun "A a.sp 0l) easnej l3li rio MJ tuoif au; puv ajnd kio 1 oqi 1u Uai Xq i-iniK insaiud ilea iusitnnat- og ianqns en oqae osoqi pni 'ajno naqx ' AMlnr'IKNTs. 2. salt Lake tueatkb. ClUB S lIlUTOKMtH.HWW(.U&IAUIIi: Tbree Nights and"wTdnesday Uatlaee, MONDAY, Dscpmter 14th. HIM Imlrr fiwgtmrnt r Cha$ If iutt. EVERYTHINO TTTTinLLY NEW. a ri'tii o ttuwt Mmniktn vnr f. ptxi4ttlti! HrillUnt (.alii ltrtit UO-l'KUIMiKINllTt.LO1lANV-(10 4rTM Ijireit Rpeuiutftlr Oriavolrllon in ni,rtC4f 1b Traniititrnt nu IlUIn Tronisfl-MUt A4l CBiiilu,Lrit-r I.ItlltUI II. tltttlH, lAati li aHcrf, 'V II Itki iao!ciiiitvT, rTteilisi tnl Ditny bthcrts The specialties! T,!",""r'.Vl ir-uillj, I Uli lu Mmibtr, -Nftlwllliil-tjJ nit Iht ImincBiitr of thU rRirrulnniflutll tu rrjjjuliir tict wltl W" ONDERLANpV ui er TMumii, ut 10. LJ 3VXXSJSS XSIOXjXU 0-l'ts.1t-Xs., Its lAdy wua a Itoiss s alaac WILLIAMS' wonHer WORKERS. .1 losii imrot t,jr attiuctius. IOo. ADMJSSION. lOo. RREADV EreipGEg. Tim Heieidllil lltltllin, tnlirgod and ImprovsJ, of this moil axoellent work, has Istsly bsen published and Is now For Sale al Iho DESERET NEWS OFFICE. Ilia AtmoitIa1upeimM to Efiry Home and Forelga Missionary, Anl li k (loalnblt) iuv,ulltlon a1o to every S(uint of Tlioology tod itilur Ronton who TNljrt Ilia inosinv of n-Jvit-imtlntf anl Joftjudlng hi rlpturtlly fttiJ lllxtorlotlly th t'rtnoliloi of th (lopeU Tlio wlttiM of tho omp(leni,itiiit work 1m publUIiol without profit an to Ih) nllUIn .berairti ofuttry icrtott do Irlnj; It. luvo loeu ntu lld In tbl. nn il m ttie lint Osl.tlon, itni Uioroforo uo illioount onHjpt for uot of pouUgo U al IgwotltoilotiWrM. Iho bock U boutil In four dllTsmml .tyluwunJ tout poilpaU Vt uny udJrou tttliofolluwlnj PPIPPQ 45 contw, 6G cento. riUUljDi bO cuntsj and $1 10, MirlHlimiH ronif'H but ouco a year; Hut when 1(, roniuH 11 briiis ooil cIiccmM1' Caters mcceiifully lo ''the Inntr" at well lo ' the Outer Mm," nun. istiii: TivrnioM limn mi: GROCERY DEPARTMENT, -?- Luxuries! Comforts!! ITocessaries!!! Olives, Fancy Biscuits, btuUud 01lrc, KiVNUiv'fl. 1'ittul " .Altcriiooii Tea, ()iui'ii " 'Ililn Water, 1 tench " ranoy, Sp.inUli " lsintrcl:'s, Uilllurtitt " J-jilij ri ttii, Jams and Preserves. amlmiiV" aS8rled' UitodBi: eV DlAckwm.l's. OltlllCll" " UadpbitryJ.ini, Cooinntit Mnccaroon'. " MrittlKjrry " lltimi'-iiintlo CmchcN. " lied Cutt tut" Vinegars, " Jlltik ", " Itr. wikwh.!.'. " Ittsp'ierry ntvl Ciitrmt " Milt Ylnojjir In lluitlc. Mlxiil Jam. " lfcisiibirry " " Ooiinox ei. Dn.Luoitill's. Dnmottlc, " " fclriwborry I'lisirvii, M lit Mini Whlti Wlnt-. " a,ry :: HiKjiot rfBoSt I Jjleblg'B, well knutvii, Gcrninn Preserves. Armor'-i, " " Jtiil Blr.wbtrry " Tr.s..i ur,.s " WhltoBtrawbiity " 'Pot1VcAI Menta. ' ltlRisi.bciry V, lcd '1.".m1 WhltoCliirrlw ' y,Icl" " Whlto Currants " r""'K'- " Hiil " " Jtutsslnn Ca lure, " Whito Tears " Cniniul fclirlmiu, ' Hiiaxdv lo.iclica l'ridinuinpf, " Cherries &0.1I1 M itimliulo. ''' L" Now Nuts. " Pino Apple. IiiitllMtriitlis. .rl'nlV'M.1'10' Fresh Fruits: Mlllll " " C.M.I10ltNIA (loOIM. l'lwwcii " ;; !,L! i,,c;rs. Sauces, Etc. " btraw berries " I.1A et l'HHIIV's " J.t,"l;"f'M " Worcester Since, ' "'i''i1,1'114, '! Uk'ticnni'd " ', ,l'l to Chi rrles " WAlklN'rl lIlltlK " " DlRestho Itellah, ' tirtjies (Muscat) ' liiKllsh Iti-liili, ' llJ"'", ' " Clmtttuy, " Qiilm-w " Chill Eitice. ' sluillus " ( Pi cities. ' Canned Meats. CI.OSSK ; llLCMVttI.'S. O'1"1 'F,l'l' " ChowChon, ,,, -uIi.Kiii, " (iliciltlns Chickin b.ititu, Mlxtsl I'lctslei, Dcylletl llain, ' lVklcd Wnlnuls, 1.!,,rl,'- ' " Onions. Chicken CAUloltvuGooin. , ,V01I8''0. " Mlxuil I'icklcs, Irinch l.nlries. " Clum-Chow, Prepared Soups. Kne"""' Ou.. Turtle Bo!.,,, Dressing. Tirripin " Duikus' Eihil Drussltig, Mullljiitwiiy " . Yuolit s ' Tomato ' " . Conoino " Catsups. Jullluinu " 0 .t 11. 0.Lill " " Mushroom Catsup. Mutton llroth. " Walnut " -. " Ancliovy aiuco, Sardines. Tonnto Citrtiip. r-uc1 fairulnes, - American " Ginger. Koreetiiin " l'reservetl in pots, Uoneltss " Cryttalizixl in c tin, femokcil " AVItoIu anil Orounil. MitsUiril " Now Raisins. Coriutl Jleir, Dihes 1 Italsins, lluwt, Jto lst, , " London la) 1 w, JsunchTonKiio. LoiisuJIusciteH's, Compressetl lliin, fculttini ltaisliH, ''""" . Outturns " Fish. Seiilleas Callfomh Italshis, Salmon cannetl Peel. Maokirel, ' Candled lecmon l'eol, W!ilt rWi, ' " OnnKu " Mackunl, a.ut, " " Citron " " Tomato Satico " llrook Trout, " Currants. Klimurud lleirlni;, " New nnd Clcinetl. ljustir, " tho 11 mat hi tlio illy. finli, " Spices. aams, Mltlo Kick, " . Wiioih avp Oroiwu. Vegetables. -Nutmeg, Allsplcu, Corn, canned, Maio, t'lnnninon, Clou's, Asparagus, " Cilngir, I'eppers. Tomato, " Prunes. f i.1"3' " Ciillfiirnltl'hmei, lelm'n, " " Oerninu ' Htuco'tash, " StiitUit " Miishiooms, " rrenoli, French " rr " Cheese (Iloiiio-mitde), Figs. iu Apple, Hoquelort, Mho llnest oct linpottul. I!diin, New YorMjtitw-., The Only Plioe In tlili City whsro you oin git tha VEKY MNRST TEAS A1VI) COFFEES, And oil other QROCEfllES nnd PROVISIONS, whloh wfl hav not room to mint. on, a run nn. of ORNAMENTAL WAX CANDLES 1 ah p. 'L'. (i. 'WlllllllJll. KlllU if"