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HML jfj I HKSISKKT HVKNIMO KiiWMl JIOJiDAY, DJSCHMHiJll Jt, 1SI"; KU J 1 j DEsERET EVEHIHG HEWS. UlN , IMMIftita tttrj, J.J, -I !" "If" BDJRLf U I Bal1H pH. (10 W ,.!,, f LM HHHaU i 'II' wrk. K H t i iininrr ikct xcvra. Bj&j J L IMklbtiaJ ; Tuxlv ""? kTlp I t 01 'i p-. i" . r" . I ' mM, Ht ' il j ' L) frw ncHitka, U n.lU a.Urtrod 1 ' B 1 lrriw , 1 t me Btumrr wrintr ,, ,, n i , 1 Artwiorn'iw,tkcbtit(ia4t''ftii BBBBB H( J u,ttwitlj,l'UIIitliM. 1.1 dunn! HIH U tutor llWrto!ti'IMBtualM(lILo;Mf JU fl i ,nt, IHO; la.llil. '; 1 ' A JIL1NI) HYMN WlflTKlE. H V' n ' lj fl . ! FANNY CHOSDV, WHO COMPOSED Sftlwll fl 'WE IN THE AIMS OF JESUS" : V- MlWj f S f H A tVnman le.flte. mt AliM In IUr H nK y loiilli, lta ! Man Than Any Other Bl; jt I) One ler.iUe Make l.ellilAttrUv HV. H j nn,I Iniplrlnff-Slerjr f IUr life, LLLmW i T 3 The woman who has written mors Bun BJ i tj forMbool lijmna than any other ten lie 1 j! P InffwrttcraUsherliornaialMscltr Her Rjfl. ' fl ffjfc tuAldeu nam wm France Jan Crosby, BBft Jj I I andalie isalwsrs famUUrlr clle4r aaiiy iHsiH? Hi f CVwby, th nani attached losomaof lirr HLKHB jj I j hymns. lwoMI. thousands who week H'HL, 1 t t if ftlhK thewiyils sha has written know flHS fl , lWhUMlnJanabaaiViisoeersli.c iiR?) Hi ah was sl weeks old, throinih inaltrMt K If mentor t.ieejrs tor aom alljjht Ola iHfi TIB Bl la now altiyB jxs of aire. If, IJll Visitors to Hit rautlo publishing Iious K' Afi . that rrlnl tho majority of lier hymns way I J I m on certain (lay la the week a a bran ken if j Hgnr In a btae k dre and colornt upro- P Jj t ' luclea either fnurlnjf, (HiMc) byiomnoii ' i B i wtiolilriHiKhk lr from her tip town v. t II f i bomr. rr frellnii her way urournl nmoDi , j ) 1 tbn ileuLa nti 1 nvrnur of booka, l.Iiml i If 1 How an I then by tbi employee of tbo 71 U Mt who all II U Ihn Utile woman A Sj j itnlWi generally llghta up her face, And the !l B apcaktlnthfiTblee o( untwbo ta aebluni mrt luKB rtln rocklojr chair In a Uiclc m It i H fl n room I d'Ti tl to bcr tt, ml ih conies H l H a 3 ilown to ocxitpy It aavrrnl time n week. HB r J 1 jj rrolwibly iio othr hou In ex U tone has H f D 3 1 0 aorruHr nonijMTot oneklmlof writ B i a iJ n 'M hytnua Hbe farotdiM bycontrnct a H J fc II h H flxtil tiumbtr rnebweek, aonia o( whlib B 4 1 U ar rtt ou !, aomei iiut, Hh I ran- B I- n t i alilere! to huv a marTolon faculty for I-" I S j Limwlim what will "Iou," And tloea con t ft Q iMerabla irrUIimof the hymniot olhera M 1 R tomikBtbeTtuultablfor munlo. i1 I ffi 't ' Ml Croaby'a method of woik la unline, H fl eren forA blind person Whllocumpolnif, ww ' I tboatwajf holds clowly oer her eye n om lirok, ' golden " Jtymmi'MNlbithercbolmlfthat U at alia blc When the n,e la flnUhnl to hrr Mt- laMctlonah dictate It to soma onowho writes It out as "cony." Qctirrallr tb mtiilos couipo4l after th itanzai At written, tliotmb aoraetlmes ah Is rttiulre-l to mako verges foe tune, new ur well i, knowu Another of her Aptclallles 1 lbs an iv t-onirmUlon nf all tlwbynins an! rectu H) 'it tlonsiniulrcl for aunaala used byStiniliy IH j , Khools on ClirUlniM, Ji-ter, thlhlrtn' j rJ DiyAUiUlitoocaKlons.Ahdsumvtlniessh'i H J d! M terfi)rms this aertlw for tin celebrutluu of H ' 'A 1 ' ' ftuy spetltl ilato la a nttiict church. V ( J . A I1IIU. AT KIIUOU H if ,J I When fifteen years old Funny Crmhy 1 fl J wa4fTruoirlfroniherhnmtotbalustltti f li ' J tlon tot lh 1Uin'1, ttjU tltr' s,,a ""I'"! H (v X m good An education la this school that 1 i 1 . sbn Afterward tAught lLer KuctUh aram 1 n I lusr, rhetorld and Greek 1 toman and B y 411 American history for eleven years liefora B -1 J 'er ,llftrrll,K- Her at ft for rhymlnit N . hft abOKul luclf aarly, nud her first plce wai 1 a r compoedattheeKof eluht. Slaayslt fff HI, boa heentbs motto of hcrllfo and the Hrt ii. ft I crttof hercLierfulnoMi Mi ilfe-w 9F Uh.UtAbspiysouUAm, Mfvl ,A It fl;l 1 am nvwtrM thai In this world fl '(1(1 OunletHMIwlllUo B-iff W Hi 1Inw ,l&r' b lnif I aJey Bf I Tb'1 t,lh'r lMW,t,, riou ti f) l HI Tuwecpor!ihbccatiMliubUnd. H ft H jj I cannot nor 1 won't. 1 1 . (I J Villi a t.itber ih wrote words ti BM II j nisny song for fiwrua K I toot, toe well K It 8 known comiwtcr, Souir of them leoum H,I 3j 5 f TypoplArandariifMorltfssillIlAmoni: B U g J H lLrm "llaxrl Dell,""IlOfuilte, TfaQ l'ralrla I ! 5l S W V lower." 'Troud World. Ooodhy," "1 m Hi R Cnlntt llomp." 'HoDeytuckla Glen" and it J ,H "1 hero's Muals In tho Air" Tin words H ' in tor soma aurcvMful cumtat as, notably "Tb rJ lj n 1 lower (Jueen" and "Tba HUrlm l'a- D 7 I then," were Includeil In htr work. Hk fl Mlaa Crumby wu anlectfrl to md a rMtn t ffl H In thaeiint chamber t?ha was lh first L uf n 'Iff womnu to spcik there In a puhllotapaclty, 3J 9 I. i"-n urs wuitK, f ' VJjjlffi Her llrlur, laktliu work wan l(run In "& I SWI ,6M U ),'i,, x,,r ,fr mrrlag with K 31 1 Alvxauder an AlUtytif, ahui from tin In h at llfi atUutlon for the. lillnd. In that year, nl I, il ffil tbv iiotof William It Hradbury, th It H IBu famous comjioser of aacred tnualc, sb !- m I Q ffil Fn t0 wt,t Sunday Kliocl hyiima, nnd H '1 il B S fi"in l,fr reA ltr work Th Urt Il7uj" B P S TkAhmsboyoadlhslilM. H t f 1 CAinlDto rxlstenct th 1 'on ton hotel, :, i ;i' K rrnnklln ttrret, New ork, on rl fi. Hf k ?i UP A 1. and ever klnce Its author hssmrced ' v?i jfi'3 hrrllTlnf-bywntlnifbfmna. Inthtwio H I tfy V ty-toreii)rarsalactbeusbhuoompott H V ft fl J nearly 3.CW hymns fcr .Mr. llradbury nnd H X il ( t thi llrm which were Ms kuccrMSort Ite H It & 8 aid those, ah hudous the same kfnlot H li oik for mauy wall knowu men, I'hlllp H i B ft riitUlptftniOBj tberr.t, 5 f ! . Th hymn by which aha U most widely EM 1 n I n known, ' fk In th Arms of Jesus," w tJ ttU 'L ewmpod In W It la her own favorlu. KJt f 4 J J In lh saw yaar ba produMl th. wU 1 A ' hi kuown on UfclnDlni H i ''l Hi J 1'am me not. O tent! Parlour, B) If I If 1 1 Heariuyhkiublacry. j ft H I '' Ichucccdluff year Miss Crosby has B ; X f wrltttiilirmosthathsT auus thHr way LH IBM k lut0 nmDy Lart" "'I har Imtn trans fB Vfjjj 1 ru- Into many tongues. Notabl ammn Ul '' r-lri " tbettiAr Mttfwuathel'orlshlnic' wrlttea E 1 'IVt ii.J D 1Wh' Uo "foua, Keep M var th 1 I i P CrW,nU'KerpThouMyWay,Olord," Wt I I 1' li i-coupohrdtoaattthoinualc, Unas S I !j I I 1 ""'IforseireruljeaniAslhoprnyerpouitit B IDI 1 ' j ' th Ja)Howcr mUslon couticcte-l with . M ir l'lymouth church, Drooklyn lu ll 'Th B HI V 1 rlc Hrlgbt Forever" was written. In 1?3 B 111 I' l lift ' LIom to Thre, In 174 ' Come to the tf ' Vj I ?a Havlour," "Uk th Hound of Many H B v 3 8 3 WateTi,Mml,SiTloar,IolliAiiIifta B U U fl Mn" In 18T1 "I Am 'IIJi', ninl,"'rf) H PU II S artatbKlndom,HADd,UMy&arlour. I, "fl Hear Me," H I' Hi Kit, br" are Uik,'f Interesting locldento IB I ill 11 At connect! with anma of M1m Croaby's H Da1 I 111 LTmns, and thowwhluh corns t her knowl HI llim -t TM (lXaru carefully trartnrwl Hheullsthls H RH ,1? l" Jry of how ah cam to writ "All tho Mt WM i':. VayMy Bi.vlour bads Mat" "I was stt- LH. lilil it , Ml lu wyp on ht day In July H SLHLi1!1 -li thlnklmf BomeontMimilnHultcnverni LH1 IflB ) 1 ten dollarn. I didn't tpect lu Th kUt LBi iaTlB( ( -iS wk'"'tnlrluofihoun)it,ndlrnect. HLVi tftlK W '! Fill J but, atop by aUp, (lol wulNutlui( nve, LHL 14W liHl 01 "'iMld.U'rAlMGutlihallutunotavaany LH t tSnwN V 1 luor lUn I (luI' " U J, HlRlfllc M " J" rwnlly man thatf" hr Itearer HL' ( 'WllBIl , 1 Mi, aatonWwiL "Dnyou meAOjnuar HT L Pmii'BF '1 ' i ulml you ti,Q"t; ihv I'lffllllil S ''", J mtan just that," thiUul woman Hfe tlinfi'Kl'u't " woiUlu't clmiig If I co ill fur LB sJHlTfll i fUbUlsNa for in Why If 1 , ,1 not LH1 ' llW'I-ij A ".tublMIaUouldtHsverh. h.laiffMi LB o dQIVvQ ausIutaU n tmrku wa inniiy bratitiful LH V Bill 3? hln by hrt If I toul I ao rhnja I Hr R 11 "lilt ' Sdrl URbh to d0 iUo " I""1 LHV Plll ill , ?iw wnm If alooKti. street, if , i hi It I uw ltt wriu l m uot wW lg Rdiltfhtupao apt k to mm Ttey Hitch to mo Aiwa) ht sum theydn ititllkei to treat tli" an utUr way TUen I aliould n l Jut kiuwn mnaio m I do now."- hewlotk-un. THE OLD WOMAM5M YOUU05TCF1. The Kind f fllrl Tbat Unrn Melhsra' I'rlde and Tralnlef Makea. Tlier are mother's filrls sweet Ilttte dear brought up at mother kner. attd taklrji lu, with th ettraordloary quick heaaof a sharp wilted child, tmjlhlojt they hear mentioned; Much children l com Utile repllcrt of their ellers, wry their oonrrrutlon, their unsturra, their tonea, ldena, faults and fHh tdloayn craal t, Th parents think It to cute, so dinning nnd, pron 1 of dear Mary Jan' ell womaiiUh ways and implacvnt a(Tc taitoos.draff brr aIjouk with them whr ever they uo, And forrn hr npou their friends rind btr TIstton i 11 Mary Jan IxTuuiN luOatftd ti birstliitf point Willi theLot.cloutbt0f Ler own charms, nod tb family AcqualnUiKva feel tbat they wmlld like to Incarterate th "dear, clever little wonts a In aomr far distant apot, wit i re the babtea ce from troubling and th listener Is at rest. Mary Jana'aiaammtts always folntlflft her brilliant daughter upon Aticrnoun ttv Itors, who com at untoward times when tnntnmi Is up atklra la th comfortable f ezlluaof a is whit sack And a short white skirt. hen slie rcrelTe th cards ah becomes extremely flnrrled, after the manner of women, execrates her guest with tb true feminine hospitality, And finally tells Mary Jan, who 1 aUnllna about and silently enjoying tb brrw, to smooth her hair, pull up her stockings, an tpo down and entertain lb ladle until "mamma comes " Nothing Is dearer to the leart of Mary Jane l'laitcrlngdown her bang with a wet brush aud donning a clean plntforv, she trip down stairs and enters the parlor, Imparting to her back draperies ft gently iwiidnlaus awing, as she haescrii her Aunt lnuyd vrhin d relied up to luret her young ruin Mary Jan has a perfectly self pouetned and complacent manner, copied from mamma's and Aoot Kanny'a. She greets the gtiMts with gracious pat ron hge, then, anting on the edge of Ler chair, smooths her pinafore, rmeaes her ankle anl proemda to direct th coaverutlon I nt j lotrreatltift chauucls. 1 lrt, she calls their attention to the new drape i tea orer the inantsl They were LapVtAte, "J I want r(t one day and ought them aMOonlhand, cheap, you know And ran mm a was furious. She sa any one can c tLar'io been taught afouudliand. Ill jtju think you would have guested It If I 1 adn't told) our o, perhaps D'tt " Theuhercye lighted on a all k aofa pll low, she deslgnatt It with a Ungul 1 way of th ban nud continues "That Is new too. Mamma's frlen 1, MIm O'.NsIl, made It, Miss U Nell, joti know, was at efibool with mamma, but afterward she didn't get murlnl, you , as mamma says htr olfirs wiroao poor, and so now she's an1 old maid and teaches inuile. She's worn very badly, mamma sa)s,and Is getting a llttlo short fnhe temper SheglrMme lessons Its really out of charity, for she Is nut at alt ngoo-1 teiichcr She also roma to dinner nor a week, nnd sometimes twice Sen begin nlngtolhltik that abe rotues a little too often, beaatiKn ws har to hv three coures and dewirt when she comes, and It dot make th bills run up sol' After this she falls Uick on the photo graphs un the I ible, and point tbeia out with Appropriate descriptions) "lhatuiau there with tlislJg roustacli UAunt Kanny'a beau He's been coming bcr for three years, nnl papa calls hint 'th forlorn hop I don't know why h dpes that. Aunt Tunny sits In tb parlor when he romea, and w all alt hern In th library and listen to Aunt Fanny laugh. Mamma any It's pity he's not so enter taining when be talks to us. II never makes us laugh at all (,lbfliiextinaa,lnth enamel frame,! Mr rlmlih. lie's frlcu 1 of papa'. List winter r lent pap some money, and It taut paid yet. As soon as It's palt mam ma's going to get her a set of cut glass, but pap aay she can't hnr on leco until then. Mamma areta awful mad when bo tell ber u, but pap ti4)e honesty Is the beat policy, And pstn saysft tMnrf. It's juttllkoth Modes and tho l'ruulins." Hera mamma, nicely drard up, but somewhat out of breath, enters rustllog. ! am afraid this llttlo chatterbox his bxn boring you," she m;. wlHi heitmlug maternal pride. The guests politely dls claim uh a polbllity In truth, Ihey bar len enormously ntrtaiud Sail i ranclsui Argonaut. The MneUenth Century lTwinan. Tliem Is an old belief et tb masculine Anglo-tfaxon mind that a woman, to bo lorabl, fcboulduavauo marked Indlvll iislity Hut with this world' rapid ad vanco through th Victorian age, woman basbeonm raorolhaa aror iierplexlngto th mal atom who poises himself for n moment tomnkan study of ber She no longer needs man a apparel to practice a proleailou or to Journey forth on foot under lb greeu leaves of Ardeu bhe Las grown self reliant nnl coainopolltan-equally At homlnthVhltoHouoroti the hanks c f th Neva. &h never plucks dUle and buttercups nowadays to test her torer'a af fectlon by pulling ;iari their itaU. You find ber, lutlead, ajraniilng orchids In a kIsss and making cynical reflections upon the worthletsnsM of the entire race, loll vidua! lov or hat In the opposite axU apparently hIIoo to her. Scrlbuer'a. )metle llertrla lump. An Kngllih rlectrieul Arm U Intro ducing a uuall pump, stitutlo for vup pljlnn thohouwtauka lit country di trlutawhrra there la neither ulDclint fall nur inaclilnery for pumping It con slits tit a rutnry pump, driven by screw goailng direct from an elect rio motor, wh'ch Is InlluencrJ by a primary buttery placed In tho ct llur N uw York Telegram. Two gentlemen, unlklug ulon? a country road during n muwitonti, aiw y,mt seiit(d to lm n, Kllnniur coming otit of tlj now fallen know It was I rently dlircournMlmtllio light en X loped Iho Iron tap on tho rnd lit tho en no carried by one of tlio pedr.trhn Wlun ho rabwd tho rnno In tho nlr lit th 'parka twined to danco forth from It Tho lunnu factum of bottles for pfr funirry glw employment tolumdnds of iMrMin All but tho cry fancy cine urn inudo In this cutmtry. A fbw como from I'mnct' mid Hrlgliim. The kh a-topper art nil Imported In a crude khnp, but arftUtilalKil hero. llntOr Made q Thj War IlMUlta nt tho T. vas oxpcHtuent tn tlon conocrnlnjr tho ulua of cotton wait im-al In the dairy rallnn show thnt I wlitn the. c rou in U nxtrantvJ by Iho I rcntrifival nmthol a much larger I Biiiwiut i( tln both r tut U extracted, j mid In tho urmlty uudhwl tho clmrao 1 ter of focrd j ji a very important part I on tho Qu.ount of bun r thit can bo 1 oh -iimd trow thu milk. Kuw ork I TllUOA trnynrds trellireiteOet In Time nf lre. In one rt pert tho old feather Uil bei all Imi r iU munta. nnd thnt L Its Cup. i It for takii g core) ol nioty J)J ,aluaijlr. "ltt-ltick Uinks." ft they nro called, nro very nuratroiis In Houth Ht I-otils, nnd thy ronKt ot liolhlng but stocking and leather bngi contnln In tho HoojicIaI wealth of th houe liciM hi Urn nway among their rtathei. A hair nnttrrfs won't nnvner Iho pur pow ns readily nnd It U ecldoin ufed for tho imrpofw, and tliat Is why. rr IiaM, tho)o who Imvo no confidence In banks do not tako to harder Iwd, Any inemVr of the Hrw department knows how the family iMther Kfl Is n renMiwd And when one Is hurled out of the wlndnw during n ftnt anietn ber of th family botow all undrrktan 1 why uu i fT--rt It made to aaw it in prcf rn noo to npiwrciitly more tnluable article. Money hi Imnksof this kind Is nearly nlwayaln thoehapeot gold, an 1 when curre ney Is received It It f-ert-crnlly chnnged Into (fold beforo depos Itod Intmlow In tit. Louis Ulobv-Democrat ftnbiUrtces In the Air. Not only mineral mbrdmicee, Lut largo qunntllle of ,egetAblo material )lkewIo nro always Hating In tho air. .Aitrtinomera hae frnjuently uilitnkeii such organic IkkHo for meteorites as they rassnl acron tho ueffl of tho lele acoio. They were finally dlscorred to l mostly tho feathered icii of plant carried by the breere liming been the AM to find this out, W 11 IUwcs, ot tlio Uoynl Astronomleal o clely, juljtittnl thofocusof hiilnitm luent to as to e in mine the weds, which ho found llong tomnnydElfercntkltidf of plants such as thltU, dandelion nud willow. Waihlngton Star nt.t New rniUnJ Iresth RupenlllUns. fllnrw tho ilayi when the Million ptentel New Kngland opinions, and rnpled the sky with witches anl tho gmeynrdi with atrnglngspetten and nttributoJ ni(Ht nervous diveaws to ob session, many curious euitorni In rt frortl todeithand burial havoproalled In thomiperslitlous towns. In (ho old colonial houmon tho wit, tin wootl tick was held tol a death watch j nud on the decease of a member of the fain Uy In rural neighborhoods tfio nearest relatho went mil told tho bve, mil sometime trimmed thu ttnw hire uu der tho rjtilnco or petch or apple trees w i 1 1,1 rrnpe It was a touching tight to co n.n aged woman go out Into th Tp(n yard nnd knock on tho hhes, and give tho flml wont to the golden Inhabitants of the air an 1 Mower The birs In Ihufeiluniestla times, like the cnt nnd do, were a mrtfil tho family nnd were tuppoiM to iottf ctcrult knowledge, nnd to to (heo in) a tcrlom IratanlKs wt ro tuUen the atnd) bercaumenti, liio do; howM when death him approaching' the cat saw spirit and atnrted up and ran, and any unusual occurrence fell tinder the Hwpli Ion ot being n dentil fetch. Hei ckhh Halt rw rth In liar per. "August Flower" Mrs. Sirali M. Bhcfc of Seneca, Mo , during the put two jcars has been affected wltti Kcuralgli of the Head, Stomach nud Womb, and writes:' "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe tite was very variable. My faco was yellow, my head dull, and I had such ruins In my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have n flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensation around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blade, In the left side, and down the back of my 1 Imbs. 1 1 seemed to be w orse In the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and whenc cr the spells came on, my feet and hands would 'turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August 1'low er Then the chingc came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the lime I lu e it and is w orL ing n complete cure." (D 0. G. GREEN', Sole l!au,fr,U'ooilburr,.V J. Graefenberg PILLS. Thoy euro Hoadacho, Oil llouonoss.Llvor Complaint nnd Indlgostlon. No 'grip ing or nausoa. Tlioso PILLS Tono up tho syatom and rostoru hoalthtothoaa cuf. forlnu from gonorul clobll Itynnclnorvousnosn. Sold by all cirugglsto. 2&c. por box. Best for Women. GMEFEIOERG GATHOLIGON Ouroi nil furtns of Female coinphlnta, ttraktirns, ner volumes mid gtfuoinl debility, dold 1 all dnih'sisls. SC C. M.l. llrue l)ut. niiolcial.'lst. DR. LESLIES nPECIAL M 0 PRESCRIPTIOlt IS THE ONLY KNOWN lltMEDYINIHE WORLD THAT WILL ABSOLUTELY SICK HKAUACUEI iisriuoHt W. Tt)t A ( ItAUKOltO, OonmtiHvH Mrkti mt Mtlerl I SuQHng MattnL liTt noi,cl,Ja lllh, 11 trig ft ittdMnt V t ifT.. V' urs t is iftth rereueti I sball be fttad lo il vaij la ptenllair Ik sal ot Hr Usnes epevial Jic-ripUoa tedted tatMlnf wit 1 1 luv boaitkt ot jeu lallt at r a years lits t ttn ivra ti, mTelf katliif leea eon-lety eared susr a hfetim of fcesdarhe, ss I ab I jtisftlf rurilfy. Aheal t ten wnie to etiber Or Mark'll or lr kluna, of ihiipUee,Tii nwtPltt it Too Caiw roap. as lg lb ssrrriiir ol loor li tela) l.ssuipuon. ieursuaiy, I'rlreSl Sent. BOLD I1V AM DUUUaiBTd. MAX GEISLER r.rroti, Cjmrl.i and other Slnalni. rancy nj Talking " iikI HARE .4 V 1)1 A LI. I. all lubmrli.. m olri MIM tw tiKciiii atr-iMniorrrmuii "J M.tfcoml Sontli1)!., Salt UU cilx, SILT LlKHUHSEPiY. nAVJVO nECOUR 'OLE rK()PmTOB ef ik Sail Mae Narttrr, t am e pr3 karsd l furnuti mil, .' nud utiM Mriitel 1 ree nnd Ahnibe, ef toil : sad at lowsit prtres. ' w ry mils loath f miy Units, oa lit aUKTIf CIUiUTOl-JIErHEt. DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. Conformablo to latost Territorial Statuto for salo nt tho DE3ERET NEWS 0FFICF. ItAIIIIOADS. IlioGriiiiiloslcriiiliiHwayi aTAHOAHO OAUCt. cuititKNT Tiau: taiim:. JiiJ nrrlJliliMlnr, ,.,f,iWr I. I,ftl. Ar ajff Uke!.'."Z I w f w 9 o a n " f m Ivkaltlak aniliiw 9MAHi tupn ArlToro 1 p n II -i Aia.H Up in IvlToro T ITpml 1 loan II M'm at 1 nuiie ...." mp in' aj p mit ftai Aieallaa."'. '""" " J w""" Ivi'ternlilT'"' Z,lZ Bajtn ft 4 am Ar Utb J June t a I . iW ml 9M a ra 1 v.lrand Jnaclo. .... Kip talo ia ta ArOleoweod i , Hiiut lllpn at Uaiitis.. kk.Am TTOptu Arlneblo ...U .... Iillpml t Warn Ar f ola. erriRKS.. J . . t W p m IV a ia ivliea'ier ,. 'MHHH 1 I W a ail " ew p m 1 vfoto 1DI . v taata t tvpm 1 v fn.oin .... ll no amll Upm IvUadfille .- ,. 5 4p m I Um lTli1viw(Kd HHM. Mpiolo ts am Ar (ifiBrtJoticm ijuaml tiiapm Ivi.raed Janrin ,. loo.m'lwpM Artlrren Hirer w-, I SOsta, 1 llpin 1 v l.rjeo II ver M IS ajnlm7pni T vIjor7"..7at i 7 10 a nf7T......V i'77 Z LvManit ... I a fclam ... !.... Lt Thxil I 1 1 p ...I'fl fl a m M Iffta Arlrovo H i Mpwljo lam.loMpm I v lrovnnwH. u Up rn'io Uam'lo Upn ArMnUke . t sipmU eipm ll wta 1tI(Iiii isapielll pitlrUim grjUt-tten .... 0m -!al lani suCAL smricx Lint, AiikniCAN ruax .raovo aid sratxa UaTSStttUke (.in,-fopm. ant QJ p w i arrive eali Use 13 01 noon, ant 1 ju n in Arrive ral Lakstrom 1 rovo and eprmivUls, nnniuu. Tesve dill Uki M a mi rstnrnlaj arrlvo Mtilakee-ropni II aiHIIibCJLC. WKLUT. J It I1KNNETT lien. kUoiftr, kueu dso I rt I ai.Ast M CfiilralMway Ini:ileotAprII lNt.lHOt. I' is f finer TtaIii ITl It mi. D.lly.l.e tweenHnlt IakD aud l'rk City, a fcollonst SALT LAKE CITY. 1 inn I travel Itn BouUi Ula St. at fMtn !. - s uo p m " M.ia FAPrTciTY. 7ifcia 1 arrives at farkUity 1&30 a-m -a - uwpm s Icavu M a.w M I " l4flfp.OI OiVe ILd Uepot comer Itn Bouib aadUala feUisk X.J.WAfKINTOan, u. r, A 1. A. ro WE QHHE wlif TXIU Denveri Bio Brande Bftflroad TWO 5UPERBLY EQUIPPED TRMNS DIILT T&AVtvKSIXUTII GRANDEST 6CEM HT OF THE ROCKIES UlaiiMoott, Aepen, l.lvltle, Pnelil loUrAdo Aitrlii lHTer rttm SlttptH Cart, Cvllmi TvuiUt Sift ring Car, Ckjir tmrt (yen ()rrartw Cart, Afftinl V-y CtMicAtA Tor fnrtbf r lofortoitiou tail on ar address Y,J fllOTiTCLU bSBsral Ascot, U Vt , bsevod iwutn 8l A 8. JIIUIIK9. Traffle Waaaisr, bsarer.Ce n. tVITir. nen. Manseer. d x, uuuiru, u,r.r,A. HANKS. I UTAH C0MMEhi;L AMI J Savings Bank, HAT.T LAKH CITY. Capital, - - $.0O,OO& Qurpluo, - - S30.000 GENERAL BANKIHO BUSINESS. flu P.lilen Sjvlngi Dcpoilli, CorrrounJed Tour Timet. a Year. Mthlb SAUMI SrAJICS lOIt NA1.V. at run kak on j.r or ITS AIE.Tg iS'xit.Ttia a tuvcM Atmraon, v. r iuwiy, l). Jot. . I ictiimit, T. W n.Lt..rcr, nouAn nontntt, Tnut, Jtm n.t, OidK II. lUnur. (IHIIL, U. I. CCMHIXIt Wttrosii M oomutr, D ir. scmtTLi.., FmUml. Jul. CmiUir m savTngs bank TRUST COMPANY, No. I nnd 3 Haat Temple. Stroot ritMUM JIM, ItcorivnUJJSSS llllll (TORSI 1 itroati WoouBtrr, yewrfntf, UKOROt, Q, lAXkOM, l(CS tfttUtnl, Joitru 1. ftutTn, Amrs M riMKOir, MuIrakpr Youao, JtMKI JAIVT, l.lOROH l(K1IOLnS, T. (I. ITKBnRn, CiuhUr. II. It. CtAWIOJf. DOES A GEHEMLBMIKG BUSINESS Day ray 0 Per Cent. Interest on Bavtntr Deposit. ajrrrr vrrostr loxes ron nrsr, DepWMionalBank. ai,T i tun I 1TY, Will. Pflld-up Capital. - $600,000 00 8urplu, - $000,000,00 in ill fToitai Joni fliuar.Vfiitfrar, Mom Tiiiicusa, Ut rrnUiot, w r. luras, J it tutiiE, J. T LllTIC, J t, Jiurs Biuar, ittsar Miwoopcr, l, ll I at at, I. W.JSJIXIHOf, Gsoroa uonvir, J R. WISDIR, I 8. HILLS, CatUt. II. 8, Youmo, Jut, CaiUfrr. Receives DeposltsTTyabU on Demand, ; eel Fttit ritkmnyt on Av ), 5 J'roaWjf, Ckkaffo, iL Leul, UnaAe, Mm UTulaUtktrriclitl loHttiuntal CW MTfe I'cposit stilts, abaolatelf bur laranil Breproor. Jtents tS to iU er jsar. IfTflE STATE BANK OP UTAff, J I ( HALT LAKK tlTT. or- - aoo,ooo. uinr.ii J ARANI, ne1dsal. I VTfcLll IKKariW vice I1slde I I niLDItBM waiXil, faibler ; DIIlMOTOnU. 'JmrhT Hmlth, ( bss a oertes, . Wu. II. Kwte, NepbiW uiavMa, Abran II. Oaaaea, rraak Y TayW vsa-rOiasOB, i hUor rarotwuelb. Kl as Morm, lUcberd Vf , suusf , llsnrr A. HTvollsr ' Itstelves depesiu parable on d tot a a 4. Imars moatr oa appro ed rtrniy Prawi ssctaamsee a.lpnnnpal polats. OenpflBtidnniereitlkefFo rjkarlerlj'. Aid wtaU roar beilBa OnANCC DLQ3SOM. IjaJlta turr.rlni; from mny form rl (tnia!. Wrnknuu, will rtnil a tiir euro In "Ur.ngv llloMom." Tor lull Articular, rail en lh. (Irnrr.l Annnl, in Wot, Third Houth Htntt, Halt lBa CMljr. Joseph William Taylor UTAH' tCiPIIQ UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Mb Cnrrjr IAS Lfffut nJ Mvtt Cvmplttt SjwJ o COFFINS, .-. GASKETS,. And UndirtaVeri Goods In Utah. m6tttt and Mail ml Jnmnitl rduet4 PrUt, Lwtr viTt tttr cftrtdi VUk, LOTS INI GBA1E5 "'W.'A.VJ,.0'- All vrJtrtfled Daf er Ktgt in tU SkorUit Joiubtt lit, orncB ad waatRooys krtxr oloieo. Noi. 21 end 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. I. O. Pea 01 1, Tslcpbon 331, KSrjttLtauxD, m """" aToepfl B. JBaijIoit, Flonocr Uiidorukor cl Dlah. ilmnfattwr a4 Ptttlrrt A1 JTI.rfi . Jlff.l. COFFINS AND CASKETS. lull tine oriillln I Mrtilvhiuita kepi Ttltpkon nvf Ttl ffrifh VrJfrt t-nutf'tg fillii 94 II lies reserved la their Natural Condi lion without extra charge. OPBN DAY ANP NI0I1T. WrW.r5V! Ho. 253 E. First Sontli, On sad a ha f Llorks esat of Tbcatt. fU'WWi A. 70. ra.t far ante in wr pV nlk " ' Jn,-'TAiiK VtV MuEAeVtTa. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centP4?men TljtOEST(iHOEIIITHEMLSICUHEk.0Mlr . Itlf iMntlP .t II AIMWWIIIU wl alll'ltrt " i."1' " '". '" "Iww'lV'b'2 ""( n" n " if1 iTi ,ll'"ljlJ gtJOnjltlS,,nii(,g'lknn.llt.lf I sT.aH"""'r ii'lii;'? ,'iir,i.'su salwVHiiiri'irfeT.lT B!iR"s:A,wn ixiw - J9 ffi.,,'f""l "l"r"li.''frolI.rll Jfi. tl. mI-m liw,i .III m,lu !h... Wat. wnfl Uu t it c-iimf r a mtvIo. CO JJ "J Si BO Mirll.T.Zn'. ihw. p5. .r. irr, .ir a. n I iltir.lU lhci WW I elnnlbn.lrll will wmti iMli.rn.h. .i?X" .""'"V'''T"""l'i"lrll ralh.r;l.tlU,J.fc;ll.,..urMI.,b.m nrllrJ i1 . H"'i-.'w.J i . iw.t taMrSISalliTi'ltflSril tMtnrh 3-iil'ri'ltilinli V " Kit T '"' '"" '" nii'l.iit. Ual n'r SI'ii," , t'.'ui t1MWtttJIlo,tii' m if .ii IV Ll' t ULAN Pniwn, Mint JEROME HlRSCHMi-, 160 S.HalaSf QUONG CHONG VING, Chln.t,, Jananet. and Ornamental Fanoy Ooodt. rnp Klinnl.. Kllk ll.mllirrrlilrr. lt,trr t mbrolilrrril ltMla. I orrf. Uln llruiitr., nr. Wr, Iim. 01 l f.oinil Aoulb direct tall LaU Citr. V u Hot UTT; VZA&rgtr lu. 4W& Ii..uT.ilr uimwu a ? lYfiM&HtAtV CHICAOO. KICHAK"is & UOYLP"" ATTORNCVS'Ar Liw i :....::: 'iarringtoT" ATTOnNtV.T-Li . ,,. J ,. i 'UM- W n(..,j" SL W DARKb, fTCAHKI AltO COUN.Clon twtuf. . t.u Cv, T. I). LEWIS. ' AtTOPNtY.AT-LAW. JOHN M. ifANNOM. ATTOnNtr.AT.LAW. IMUIW """" RICHARD W. YilUNG, ATTOnNCV-AT-lAW , Tltrd Ftoor, CvmIUhH A.irfiu m.mj r. C. il. I. "CHARLLS M7CiU.U DUBGtON.DErUIST iTwi 4M and 407 VvriMrtto IhtUJlm MRS. hTe." VAIUJIT "" orrirs-iat. ats ru t iUt, vhmu, Liwaf . novna-t ij ; .. r, 1 1, t , CHURCH BLAHKS Prlntoil and for Sftla at TnEDESERETKEWS OFFICE, SALT LAKE CITY. St. nprri , . p 4, Ward lOporta , wa, Itetlef kodMj npeirt tie, frla.u AMttlatln BporU .,.Ue, tUU,l A. hrparii Mi, M Y M U I A -iwt. 1 IJdsn' CtUlfl'.tM iv, niliVUeooiiitain4-,bi.iklo( SO,1.! t 11,71, nituirr AsmkUUv Roll ea4 lUenfit bxkt, I Lid, T, I. M I A. It-til and lUmrd IHek-, 1 30. Wrd llwinK 1 r 1100, a v lli)t 1 qrH 1q, lllb rrlMU B-nr J Made lo Or Ur. I'mUh' Beeorda UJe te Order, cr a S.od 1;ibiHs3 P3 i S !-S i a tii!iisgl GO W i 2 SeISS 3 iXS-oiPtismsiEi S inS loiiMfi In c !iniwEH- MSI SlU)g,r.0 IJirflls M l2 1 a s Sile-t-a e "BOOTS.' QiUBBEES'SH0Es7 Ken's Call BOOTS, OflTflMniVT Bin's Bolton SHOES " StOW " rJUijUMUlN " KllW&" " Lacs " " BnetleX" m.2 MUlllJillO,,-:: " RnM " 70 Ualn SL, Salt Lake City. W' " " Ladles' " " " Laca " Misses' " " vdTTPPPTrC; St. Child's Ballon " Chill's " " StfLiAJrJXia.P infants' " ", -y -. ' "yfllslfe-. I WlTHtiCHARrtCAuORE, j "THAT'WmGAUZE.DOOK..- $FS&$L ... AN0VTH REE'n ERRAai D3 OF DEE-H POE SA.X1SJ BY Z. 0. 1M. I., Solo AkoiUh lu S;ilt Lake City