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Kfl I ( B TsKSl-TtXT i;VEKI3TO ITKWSt MO N "DAY. IH.fM.AntKU 1-1, lr.i. K i! sjwyiiiii r ' , I'l DESERET EVENING HEWS, Hg t 3 I ,1 "-tiiinai, . Ilrrcmlitr I40I HR f Hi Com lor Aell-tts-nls elk ua .11-etUj l HBl 3 I ' epprsr la U ttastse Sites u tnwa ' HHl fit i el .d-avakltt tioJl In lolHUita" d.psil- HQ R ) y " inoiistsriisnir,s. KH HI R.K-( Admtltttf IWftWiM upfl Mll,m Hi9 la 1 tsrciiU fur sd.snlssnunls usst t ea unit W, , ji l 1 BAOMeWTS. 'Bi JO I I TltrtatieroellU mml csveeaof dlph- m.'- it) Ihoiln In the Twimty-nM tverd, a ludl- ''Bf' 1 R twteri by ton yellow lleg. flt',) 111 i TllK Nandlaolin Pimnorata will wi 111 meet hi tegular session in lli eliio.! aexoaH Mki' III' 9 1111 tonight. B Lgfff $ lfl 1 V Kimis: number of local attorney-tarn sasaaxsB "Wit lit securing offlot quartern In the new Dooly i tJSq ft) 5 W". H'lVr I'll i Tills Tl.t-Usjolh quorum of Nevcnllea f i ' In I ! will meet this ctenlng In tlio Twentieth 41 f I'l I J ivaril Tflrjr l fall-iMt mtoii o'clock. HbB 11 'II TiirKoiirtliqooriiiiiof nUi r will meet taaxeaaeY'W III lit ln II' svmth ward meeting houte 1 Uft . IK It Till, this evening. H ' I'l IR Tim Third quorum of r-ovcnil will BaaaVwxsaxsW II IS "! I '' -rtrular monthly niettlrig In f lIB ' 13 'I! Um Vnrtcnu ward etiemhly room l B JHC 111 II' TiWlhlaMenlno;. HjR i In I A iii'iioun broke In lliirrr Ilsynei K id I tore at Murray few tilghlt ago. Ha 1 Mli ws frleklemed nlT bv Ilia ulahtwatck- HHi fs'rl ll"ln' NoehlngwaanUileri. Hrf IH II Tun county clerk granted merrlago cj lit' letmsetln .1. W. l'arrar anil liarrli, -l' W .5 ' Wi.ilhlnginni anil Alex. Hruck anil !jBn "rl; Hla-belh Jonea. JW .1 Till morning a native of tho Chines tK lfl Jrnpiro applied for a license bi marry an l II " Ainsrloau glrh bul Iba omnly dark , t I 'J icrtlnptorlly refused to gniul li jj) AYMoiitriclmeetln;frtrie.sewl:hg- Ha H l lanil Noclctv "HI hel '" Turmlay jll J fvenlng naxt Uroinlcl arraneoHioma laaaaaaafi I R A S forlbntUbrallnnof "I nrrfalbrra' luy" IbbbbbbbIj'J ' i la HlR Ji'imH Jjornnxmiiw laaxbcctoiltii ro- IbbbbbbV "1 i E li if Rf tnln bonia fiom Ibo oaat ihlaavaulnir. l 11 ('lift Ilia report In tbo Cbtirrli (wobeatpro. Um I it J n? tnnJlnjra will )a biniJeil In Tary abortly, f (nKu l..r fi'unly Clirk Allen lo II. l.Jmwii kkkkK ' Eal'llji anil llwlirc. HaiiaiMi, Taturl (locrUon. SI Ji. ami .lna JfUKni Oiaon SiHncraui J 'IbumM. Mrllta. I'liiK llKCKllt wa Uknn before Cominlalonf r NorMI on Niitirilny afinr ) noon, on nruitrK of iiellt larrany. Jle ' i tluiiianibNlalrVtlhyJiiryniUlioreriiie't L i waaiiranuxl, tomorrow Vplnir not fortba 0 A j examination. pHaaBBBBvi f n if ' Uii Kiiurdiy afternoon CumniUalnner B) fjN Norrall fluaJ llrnoat Hoyera, aonof Ilia Kt j fl " bonaakeeptr of the Imliitrlal llnino II Kll f a F , amtrotta, atnounllnirattoetl.ertoaii 40. u Q 1 lia oireliaa allejnul aKalnt the ilefauilanl I1111111115 "i wavtbatof "atapplnit" a feuiala loluata n, of Ibo fiiilltutton named. iSi Hmiu aill.n Walker Houta Iblaar- I f lernoon recanllnic fltnoral ('utmor waa J I met Willi tbo reply! "Tliero l no notlea A i il abla elianjia in hU conillllon." Tba J v la tleiierallaaolow tlmt hla dealh may or 9 1 cur at any moment. Ilia fiiutly am now H Nfl f ( all licre. H & tj r An eblerly womtn lumeil Annie B I'J ,-. . (Itilpc wm fiuml In ailciuenteitrondltlon 1 l ri 1 Inttienelitblitrbnoilor Liberty I'ark lat M K ' i lilnbl, by one Jobn Cbrlatlanwn. Mi" M ff u y waa taken to po'1' bi.ailnuarter. anil H II ! i later on a relatlira named MotIo pom- H , 1 fryeil ber to bar borne III tbofloirentli bbbbbbbbI mi l 2 ward, from wbeureabo bad wandonml. B jffl i A lx Weilneday inornlnx next tbo fur- H UFI & tlierbaarlnaof the tltd Jordan a. tbo bbbbbbbbi li ft a Niagara, ono of the mot lmiiorlant luln- V! ,l 1 1 Iniiwille trla-l In tbla rlty lor ytara, will H ia-9 ' im fel'miil beforo Judiro Anderaon. HjVJ Ffi i None well known experta will baoalled t a N i by the defenae. Many daye may elajma B Ir jk fjj 1 blforelbeend la reached. HH ifiL. IB I M T"l inorulOK we bail a rail from K 1 -V JB f. , Ilrotber Janiea M. Allrnl, of I airflow, q I i 2 I j ' Maupele County, who baa Juat emrrKeil Hf fwt F 'roll ( lienllemlary. where be baa bein i.i (511 ertlmialnoniontbv'teriiiroruulawrul B 'I Iff I voliabltailoii. Ilrotber Allml la ln ex- Y H cellent I10.1UI1 and aplrlu, and very li In. I'leaaail In airatii enjoying1 the auoelallou wr 111 7 of hla frlonda. m m 3ir. i:nu' iidtme. kS m! ' A largo aud riilhualullo auillioro J lit I $ atlendc-d tlm lecture by Mr. Cliarlia H9 IB 5 5' i:illa, atthaThealra Urt iilKht. Ilia H JQ i h lmiiurouariitiselitliolutaweraaplaud M 1 JJ a alhtli iclio. Tim Keiillininn viaa bH I ' H ; J IMeLedtowlUitloneaUenlloullirouKli- bH I bJI R 1 ut. (H 1 N A (oiinlj- Alloiiicr Mniili) Itralni. B. t mVt " ' repo'lwl on tbr atrret, and wu H A flt'S iimleratandlttoli-afatt, Hint Walter " ' 1 J ' W J. MuiilijTi proieititlni; attorney for IfV I III H" !Ib County, liaa reelane-l Me ( IUI illlec Woweru unabln lo learn the Hi lISl tMaorji for Ma taking thlatteii. 11 li I f I A I'duuiHIo-. I fit 1 IiaitnlRbtlltotbor and Hitter II. A. 4 jj I Tiiekilt rteiivuiloJ to a Uliuik at tlirlr ,' lfl ilonr, and fouml a Loakel contaliilni; a k, IB 1 'y " They took tlio Alio P atraDKer In ntid tenderly carinl for him. , I jj) Tliey(!TelilDiaklBillyeltonio and 'J, 7 1 latiiidtorurailm. In tliubiuket waa ;I j ' thefjllowlngll'i'n K 3 I I Mr. ai.l Mr. II. A T--I ontruat my 'X 3a - preeloualiaUilo jour tender roru. I oaii. IM A E I not take rare of ll, bin want It ralaed well LK 1 , III niiood Mormon falnllj. Slay l id re. LA 9 . H w.anl jouniul aliu you ooiuforl and Inn- 11' B I llneaaforalljoiirtniiible. Ilornllec I lib, ' H ir 1 .1iiititnl tlio Tiiwk. 1 Rl ' 8 I 4 On SaturJjy cTenlnj, th, Well j, fji 'l 8idoIU(.ld car noa KavluK I m' it m tlie (virner of Heiotid Wrat and I.lglit 'I 1 1 Houtb iImIi on tliu luit ttlp, It bad i Mb K 1' on'' l"""1!"! fw "tla wlieu tlio 3 Tu i I m" """'B '"''I" Jump, the rear Jim If end laiidlim eouio twelroor flflettift (1 tv 1 9 ,ron "' lrac,f B,lJ lurulnit Imlf way H 1 ' if around. Btrauiu tu myt no aorlout If, 1 I Injury irrs done la tliu uar, aa It re- I' I; 1 ' J In un uptl,lit Illlou. It I1 II r t 4 U10U aevorul hours tu replete It 1111011 IL l'i : J 1 tbo truck. Home of tlm ralla wi re UJly W Ml j ' tAltliM. i ' j SUNDAY hhllVIl KS. le"'" l Hi llmin MftvlcvH wire In 1,1 at the It, Tatitrnado, Halt Uko City, HiniiJny, J Drcumber 1.1, 1S0I, ronnuiuclniral 2 ,, p. 111., I'ruldenl Alj-u. M. Cannon Iluddluf. JI 'IhucliolrainKllioliymubeijIniilng; IWU .1 , Clvr to Cod ea )iih, nVH l! V1 lilicaicBaadtarui reply. ' (JIlS C 1 1 ( I'nnr wm olJtreU by liltbon Jo. JRtW (li ii "''''' "'l,ur""ii m'ali fll'ril! . rl"' !"'' i"l congregation mug Hie t 'ShW il'i It liyinnt ifefVii 11 li llnwOrmafimBdallaii.'vaaalnitnrihaUril. 1 IkIbIkIiI M 1 bud terTourUUlilu Ilia aiculUalMord. ' llMliVrrul Tharrltathooilbrtlier.leventliwnrd ' t lRIW 1 oflloUted In tlio ndiulnl.tratlon of Hie l rfttf BlM K l-Ma'.-Hiu r. illiJliill 1 . 1 il vuiMilUNr uniuuK q. oa.imin llBWwMijlK1 addrratedthocoiiiiieBalloo and dellv- wRlMll'ik'l iii'lKii lnttrtlni( illnooiiiMi which 1 nillfN Mi waa H.teninl lo wltliclj.i, attention to I iSltfl 1 tho oni. It waa r 1 urtel In 'uil and t !TK' X. 1 will probably lioiaibliabediuorily. 'iri; WP 1 TbotbolraaoK thu "tlrant 1 I?' r 1 ua Vtaoe, U litird." 11 li J Thebcnodlilljn w- rronouliced til I ffijVi I Udu Andrew Jenwu, m W THE PARSONS SCANDAL. Additional V.'ltcesses for tho Dcltnsj CjIM Ibis Horning. SVM JU'irCRlU.N'S Telle 1hl lli Knimi Almul Atna I'rluille A l'rlrile llderllre'e I lani.-UivearluIoj a Oouiplracf. The UTond nwk of the Inquiry Into tho cbirRea laid airalriatMaralial 1'.. It. rareonaoiicneO llile tnarnlug In Com mlMlooerl'ratt'a court. The tame uld crowd of Ulera tioalegeil the npproaeliei lotlie cpiutnlulotier'a room for fully half au hour lie'ora tho proceeding Ikraii, Impatiently nwaitlnif the openlnit of the doort; but they wero tbla tlmo doomed to dlapiotnt mrtit, for thocommhiloner bad made up hla mind not to ndmlt them; to they hid lo In content lo remain cut aide and catch no much of the tctl mony as cuuf J be heard through tlio opened window, II waa close upon 11 o'clock when Iheroiitlacttlt'ddown to butlmr-saml countclforlhodtfuiiae plated their Ilrat wltiitufor tho day ujion tho ttaud. Tho prosecution was again re( re sented by U. H. Dl.trlct Attorney Vnrlan and hla nlatiiut, .Mr, K. 1). HtetJieiis; for tho def. tin Me.sre. )Uw llnaandCrltililow aud Judi(u Hender son appeared m at tliu preYlous hear Iiirs. Mr. J. C Conkliu, mining and real eatate, examined by Mr. Ctltchlow, said huhadrtaldel In this city about elghteaii years, lilt ofUc adjoined that of Martini raraons. Tho hallway leading from the main corridor waa qulto a 1 utile thoroughfare. I'eople wrrn constantly gilng luaiul out of I lie raandial'a cfllce, the busiest pottlon of tlio day being Uitwcon lOand I o'clock. When court was In mkiIou the tiafllo watgiraler. (lulls a largo nuniltr of Irtons dally llted Mr. M. Ji. I'sr amaat hla drsL In the marshal's bfllce. Mr. U. Vau llu.klrk, mlnlii;, real (state X Inturenco ucont, hat rcaldeil In tula city abotiltwuoira nnd Is at. toclatud with tho last wltntM In his butltiens, lie said he waa usually In tho ofllco after one o'clock dally, Lut souuiluieaof a mornlog, and tbedoor waa nrarly alwayaojM-u, except In tbo rolilH-ason. He regarded ILe hallway loading from tho corridor Into tho marshal's private (Dice nud Into tho public oflloe aa qulto a public thorough tare. A uuinbur of araoua werecou stautly golnir to and Iro. Clarence W. WolfUton, formerly a lar-tunJir for Mr. Ham Miwlirioii. waa next called. He waa ro engaged for a week uuly. Judgii Henderson I)j )ou know Mia. I'tiudle? Wilms I know n wmitia mmej "Anna" who used to bu around tho Iluo while 1 wat there. I did not now at tho time her uamo was L'rlu die, lutl hare heard so sliitc. 2- LI -you know her general repu latioiiforclia.tlty ant morallt7 A. I believe t do. J. What Is It-good or bid? A. It Is bad. Crots-xmlncd by Mr. Yarlan Witmts waa nn "extra" a year ago lust IS'onmUr frr that one wtik, taking the idate of Mr. Matlerton, who had n erralncd wrist. Anna Mat at that limn takluK lytuwrlllng lit.ont. Mr. VarUn Are wo tu uudirsUnd you tu mean that Miss 1'rludluwaaa publlo womauT Wlluces I don't with loconrey tlio taipreselon that the was at that lime, what would bu ulled 11 public prosti tute. J. A private protlltitleT A.-Ve, that U about It, I think, fniut whut I havohiiard. (J. And you gather that from her general n putatlon? A. Her general rrimtatlon was eald to bu bad. ( Who hxvoyou hoard talk about lie IT A. 1 hate lie-ird a man named 1-owenelelu. (1. What Is his other name? A. I don't know. Hu Is a tailor living herein towu. Wlturu, luilliur quettlortd, tald be had heard a tnuu named Hehell aud ul.o a prlvu'.ii dttecllvu uamed McCoy auiung others, talk about "Anua." The latter told him tu "ep hit in itltU shut aliout her." J Where did Unit convertallou take iilaiti A. At a taloou ou Krauklln avenue. !. What brought you there? ' A.-l wtnt down to see a man oa Inikluiea. McCoy ealJ he was Inter rated In the cute for the prosecution ugnlntl Marshal 1'araons. (. WholatblaMtCo)? A. Ho la a aort of private detective and "rune wllh anytxnly,1' I.. Did yuu "keep ycur mouth shin?" A. No, I ttlked to othtrsnbiiut her. 1 have heard men, at dltlereut tunes, time and agtln, talk aliout her; I have alsu heard Jukisabuut her going around the slttln,; room. Such Jokes as are usually made about women; A. I suppoaejouaru "properly on?" (Laughter.) II. JJuyou not know that Miss 1'rln dlu haa nurewl .ioi le lu this city, Hint she larloiigs to a u uctablo family, aud hse lived la ritieituble f jiuIIIi.' A. 1 havo road something about It lu the nowt.aprrt. Mr. Maaterson al ways said she as n "squaro" woman. tl IUmi you tried to s.y auylhluj galuather? A. I thlukltwould Imlmpostlbloto pull her down imioli lower tliau she was at tint time, If you a.k me. Mr, VniUin waxed wiolh at Ihls re ply andaaked llowdld sbo come to luterett you so much? A llocsuso tho claimed to bo tak. lug typewriting leajoes, and at the same tlmo she ocoupltd a great rait of her time In tho wine room of tbo aaloou, drinking; and I thought It rather luullar tlintu woman who waa taking t)cwrltlng lettons should be ilrluklnn lil. ky Hint la what tho drank 111 n saloon Willi others. (1. Where la the luiln m?" A. 1 think It It H.I) West Temple. J And It wotnyeur ngo that she did this' A.-Y.. t) -'h.t wnt Matlenvin' saloon ? In fusilier not Tiaralnotlon the Wltni ald llievi-.luaid nnytliiug njalii'-t niiaxr(i Sa to Matl-uemi, beyoudwhatmm have saldtlu.o this 1 u-o tame lip til at arreslu I at LtAd vllle, t ol.. twoytarengo, lur nuirdei, trn 1 an 1 ftcqu .(' 1 by tbo pi aft 1. 11 uilnuu. I waa In the rnuiily Jul here from thottlef DectinUrof hint jiar till the 19th of J'( bruary, I ! Ileve. I e,at charged Willi un atau-lt with a deadly wiapon and held lu answer before the grand Jury, an 1 tho ci'e wasdlsmltHd. TuJudgo lleudersiiii A man hai ImuIUid luy wife, nnd I struck him on thu held with m gun. Ihat was the oHetue charged ngftlntt tile. I saw M. I'rindlo go down Into tho wine mom nf thn saloon n good many lime, talking lumen an 1 drluk Itig whisky with them. I have teen her doing au Willi Hehell. Ma.lersun, and one day with two different men whom 1 rantnit now remuular. I havonevorstenhor lutoxlcatiil and niver rerolleit seeing her -miking. Witness liken lie aald that McCoy, the detective, told wltnrea, when they wire together at thu Htuwart ealunii on 1'ranklln avenun, that he w at going In seo If ho could not have Marshal I'arsona "thrown nut." Joseph Wa-hliigtiin Johnson, it guard at tho lehltentlary. waa re allcd Ly Judirf Hendcnvin. llu'sald that frum hla sentry hex he coul 1 see Into tho women's department. Mr. HUrk recently cautioned wltuntt not tonlluw men neither trusttte nor anybody else tu go tu the womon's cell windows. After that he saw Mr. Ilttrk himself at I'rlndlc'i coll. To Mr. Vallate Wltuest on one oc cation saw the t rleoner Loomlt go tu ono of the wlnuowa of tho women's cells, and he ordered him away. t) Have you uver been lu tbls "laitli r-e" before? A. J.'ever. I). A nd i ou ate put on the wall lo look efti r the prlsouert7 A.-Y.t. Ju Jge Henderson Vou arotlmply n Cuard there? A -i-Yct. , To Mr. Vatlan. witness tall ho was standing on the nortluatt corner of thu wall nt tho lime Mr. htark wxt an "Inside man." Jte thought It very lining" for Mr. B.atk to I'.lve him that order and then fi to the window him self directly after. It being now 1!! o'clock thu court took a recess until 2 p. m.. Judgo Henderson lutlmitlug that lie had two moro wltiiessea to cill. Oueof thotu would be Mr. gxni 1'arsons, the new warden at the teiilunlUry. whom ho desired Ut riiettlon at to certain datalta about that Imtltutlon. AVIfH.StiUNlritelOK. When Hie court re-attemUed tbla antrnoon War leu Htm II. I'artont of the penitentiary was recalled hr tbede ftnae. He raid the gentral ( nice waa on the lint Hour. It wne u ubllo olllce, and there were two doors leading Intuit. The central buslntssof the tnl Untlary wnt trantictoj thtre, and the guardt nud others were frtiiutnlly go ing Inane out of tho room. WltUlM was nextqutetloned at tu the women's Ueiatiment, tho cnn.lructlon of the eels, and the kludcf windows there. Tho till doors, he satd, were six feet two Inches high with a small window In each. Tho halls In the warden's hou.e wire covired with mailing, at also wtra the stairs lea Hog from the stcoud to the third story. Mr. Vatlaii Inletrogated tho witness ns to the situation of thn msrshal's dike In the Watatch building, and the way by which vltllore usually entered. W. Wat the rrltouer luomla the mau from whom you got this key (meunlng the key Introduced Intu tbla Inijulrynu Thuraley lost.) Ihls direct itue-llou wis objtctcl lo by the coumel ou the otlur side, and .Mr. Varlau atked Have not there been a lot of keys found lately? A. No, sir. (J. Were not there a number of kejs found on the man who was killed the other night? A. I U'llcvo there wst. Mr. Varlau hero remarked that lie had a right to lualttou an auawir to hie former uiiietlon and asked Wat not Locitilis, l.anio Xlanks lover, the Irfirglar who waa sent down from Og den far twelve years was not bu the men who gave you this key? The witness did not reply and Mr. Vsrlsu aijienled to the commissioner, who said ho s-tw no harm lu the wit uess answering the question. Witness leiomls waa thu man Ihat showed mo wheru the key was, but It watln a plai e where he could not gut It, iior could be hate put It Iheru. J He wat the mau who gavu you the Information? A. No sir. 1 A "trusty" gavo you thu Infor mation, then? A. Yee, sir. Title concluded thu ro-examlnstlon of Wardeu l'urtont. Attorney James A. Williams, called by the prosecution, wat examined by lit, Varlan, laid hu came from Ken. lucky and bad been practltliig In Ihla city for two or three years. Annie l'rludle uuriod his friend, tho late At toriu y ICooni", I n hit Iat film .. wit niMliuJ prevlout to that time been Introduced to lur, During Mr Koome' sickness her conduct wss qulto lalyllke and she conduct ed herself In every wat that could Im deslruj. On hit return from the Katt, after taking home Hie re mains of bit late friend, Miss Ptlndlu called onwltnettou several occsslous with regard tn her profemlonal en giigemenls. Heiionlthelydenledbav. lug received letters from Mlia 1'rlndle Inviting him to meet her, aud declared that he bad never tieen ou any. thing mure than terma of ordinary ampialntancewlth Mlaa l'rludle. Wit. neas desired It to be clearly understood that he was not the Mr. Wllllamtwho wnt said to have called upon Mitt Vrlndle at tho Uelsy houte. In reply to Mr. Itawllns, witness tald he know nothing, to bit own knowledge, of Miss Trlndle't alleged unehastlty. He had not talked with 1 i-ojile atMiut her. Hhewas lntrodtice-1 to wltneta as a uurteby Mr. Worthing, ton. 1 Wi re you not Informed by Dr. Worlhlngtoti that she was a womau of loose character? Mr. Varlan objected to thequettlon, which wat not presrtd. Mr. Varlun-Mr. WIMIaiut, you willingly camu hero to set yourself uver this nutter? A. Yes. Ca.o lu progress whin wo went to pttss. llcilst Held. Jo.eph, thulndltldual who wat nrreeteil on Thursday Hal, for cilmlnul assault upon n five-jtar-old girl In the Fourth Iwnnl, win belorcJutik-e flee this moriilng. Afier liearlng the tittlmouy nf Hie wllnesats, Including ln statemeiit of lits liltltt trill ber.elfTtbe luttlcewat duliedly of tho opinion that thu de fendant wan guilty of tho crime charged, and thereforu held him to await thu action of tho graudjury. Hall was 1 laied at 1 15lkJ, Tllllll) DbTllllT CIlll.T. Tho llrrst Mining Cdie Mill lloforc J.lJge Y.nv.c. Mr. Mattliewt, tho wltnnti under ix anilnatlon In the ml Ing cate 0 . Satur day ittleriioon wheu the court ad loumeil, took thn stand again tbls morning, lie lied with hint several ttclment of oru tifeeit from thodis putid projierty, which were han fed to thnjury and closely examined. Mr. Matthews then polnttd 1 ut oil tho map the varloua points from which thu sivelmena In nourt were liken. (Jll ter tlmexamlliatlouof Mr.l'.tley Wllllrun. bo related the result of htttluvestlgn tlons lu the l'jrk C'lly al uei. When taken In hand by Mr Ulckiou the witness did not get alonj so tmoothfy. Fin illy, be wat Uk en Intu a Inrphyry djku nnl nbstmso geological theorist were broichml, 111 to how this orpliyry catr.e to rest whero It did. Tbewltncti watonthe sland during the wholo forenoon, aud his testimony wtt lu ptogre-s when the cbiiil nJ Jmrncl. A Unlet Jl.irrlnc. On Thursday evening latt ct the risldtnceef Mr. Wm. Urotsbtck, Ihlt city, Mr. Amlirose Mason, son of the hie Mr. Alums Mnton and Mrs. Clara 0. Cannon anil steieen of President Angus M. Cannon, and Mitt Hopbla Christiansen, whoso boniu is near Chester, Utah, but who has for some time putt Ueu residing at Mr. (Iroet beck's, urre untied luiiiarrltge. l'rcel ilent Angut M. Cnnnt 11 informed the ctremony. Tho reciidlon was a unlet nnd uupretiutloiit gtlhorlng of re lallvia and li.tlmtte friends. The Kku'lolnt with the mauy aciualn tanetaofMr. aud Mrt. Matou In ex tending congratulatliinv. IS'u cards. I'ollcp Court. ' In Juttlca Ore's court thlt morning, of tbote under arrttt charged with criminal conduct, the following bad their cares determined: Thomtt llarber, 8. Jtlchardsoti nud J. II. Bmltb, who had left IS each for their Q Karance to atitwir lo (he charge of ilrunksiiues., failed to re sjioud whea the Juillru tnlleil Ihelr nanus. The riwjctleamouuU were declared forfi IteJ, The number of persona laken In lately by tho oltce as vagrants amouut lu seven. They are: KHlater, Jaunt Murihy.J. O. Hell, K. Meecham, J. A. ltsusou, II. AlUrtiou and II. Hussey, (leorge Wilson and John Burns, for Imbibing too much liquor, will Isbor flvu days eni.Ii upon the publlo works. Tho name of George W. Glhbs, a member of the fire department. It alto tim thn Police coutt register. Hlinrtly alter midnight HtiurdsyHergeantllan dolph caught him acting aa messenger for a prisoner In tho city Jail who Is sutiected of belonging to the burglar fraternity, nuntvroui In our city at tbo I result time. Olbtn was promptly j laced lu Jail. At the time of the act be was under the Influence of liquor; but tit la did not excuse him lu the eyes of Chief Htanton. the latter removing Ulbbs'badgoof oSlrewhen he learnid of hie trespass upon the rulet govern ing prltouers. The "suipect." confined In thn city ptlsoii'aru Urorgo Wllllarut and 1'nt Currau. H. Carlton watarralgnel and plead uotgullly to a burglary charge. Trial w at set for Tuesday. A'iiluluinit. IntheHevei.tceuth ward last night l.lder Waller J. Ileallewat appointed lint couutelortu bishop Tin gey, vKe Klder Albert W. Davis, lately ordained blthop of Centre Ward, l'realjent Oeorge (2. Caunou de livered an appropriate and highly edlfylug dlscuurae suitable to the occasion, Of thu Htake Presidency, President Angus M Cannon and Cuuntelcr Jostpli 1.. Taylor wero preteut. Ncir lllibonrlc. The I.atter-JtyH slott of the newly orgaulied Twenty-third ward of thu Hall Lake BUke of Zlon aaatmbled In their nuw mtetlng bouae on Hunday, December 13th, at 10 a. in. They bad worked with extraordinary diligence aud teal to have the houte In readlnett for tbla meeting. It la a large and com modloue building with a rpaclout plat form. It Is yet without j littering or telling aud It will take considerable work to complete It, but thtre U uvery protiieU that this will bo at once forth coming. Apo.tle John W. Taylor and the Presidency ut the Htake were present nnd addreeed thu meeting 011 appro priate tutJecK Geo r go It. Julian wat choteii JtUuupof thu ward and I'raux H. Femttrora and Hugh II. Fohmm at his Counselors, who were ordained High Priests and Bet spirt to these calling bythu brethren atiovo named. A good tplrlt prevailed and the jieople of the new ward appeared highly pli aied with their tltuation nnd autloi I'lie oil Wfst Triuplo Sit eel. About 7i3i) o'clock lott evening thi retldenU of the soutbwutttrn part thu of city were arouie.1 by the occurrence of a 11 to on West Templo Htttvt, bitween Muth and Tenth B.tith ttreeU. A gentleman realllng In the Fifth ward, who happened to be reluming homo from tho Bunday uvoiilng services, was one of the tlret to discover tho flro. He battened lo the locality mentioned, and was tbo first one upon the premises. Thebulldlng-vasufbrlckiinjan tinconi luted one, the preparatory work fr plastering the Interior being undir way. Tho flames weru making great headway upou the partitions and wills wheu the gentleman arrived. Ihu windows had beeu closed with boards nailed on tho outside, an 1 theto wire promptly torn nil; but It was dltouver ed that nothing eould be done to save the structure from the flames, The second ntrlval tijioit the scenu a gen tleman on birseiuan, turned lu au alarm by ttlephune. Wheu the Hie flrudeptrtoicnt arrived, h weor, tho building wnt so far dettroyed that they did uut deem It neootary to at tach tho bote to the englue. Tho property lelongt lo Mr. J,. N. Jenkins. Though the hull ling w nut completed, Mr. Jenkiut had foitu nately secured an losuranen iiulley upon bit 1 roperly, Tbo lost It p laced T.lWlll.ido (tltilr. Members Kill 1 ai b-ar lu "lid that lu order tu lako 1 art In the coat ing coneert with the MindeL-snhii iilutottiiC.ii.. 111. only rtasonabtoto Insi.toiithelratUiiJanteat rehearsahi during the three nights now liu.tveii lug. K. KlllMI-MI, Ci uductur liATEST TK1.E0KAMS. The luvstlahl low, Im.NUj.v, Dec. U Further Inter vlowe regarding the working ol the recent copyright lealshtbiii his beeu .eiuriilhy the Attjrt Util J'reu, Tho culiHUfUsof opln lo 11 seems to to that the act It nwt eliciting any change In the commercial relations between the l.tnillih nnd AmirliMti publishing boutet, but dlffercncu of opinion exlta as to whether literary elTorln will bu stimulated by II. A (iilhllelllsliui.titrieliilrd. I'liAtntt: Du CillK.f, Wis., Dec. H. ltev. Father Hlnelwil has reielved a cablegram from Iljme, notifying him of tils Biisilntmeut as bishop of I.a crossodlocete tn fill tbevactiiey caunil by tho diath of Hi. hop I'latcli, I I'lar I.lH'llf.o-r, Oi., Dec. 14. W. A. Mummers, agent of the Ocoigla road bat dfsapi cared. Foul lay It sut- peeled. ' A nrtlant. Atiikmi, Dec. H. The inlnltter of Marine resigns, because be Is not per mitted to build several men-of-war. InUnsuaa hreUln-r flauldir. I.0NI10N, Dec. H. lleporta of the ravajes of lutluenia In various paru ol l.uroini ore being constantly re ceived. It Is spreading rapidly. I lie lUtatet ol (he la.l Nluriit In tlreal Ii.NixMi, Dec. H. Tbo list of cxau altliB caused by tlipitumu It gaining fresh nicestlons. Tho most serious of nil dlaottera wat thu wreik of the llrltltli ship "Unterklu" oil Itamatiate, t-ounty of Kent. Thltty llvet wero loii.ciriry person except an a; preullce boy llng drowned. After tho "Unlerkln" struck, pert of thocretvsuriteded In Isunchlng a boat and got clear nl the ihlp. They wcreXn.ost Immediately thrown Into these., swamping Hie beat. The toy li tho only nun of tboto nmalnlug 011 board Hie ship who neat ed. The rain lit 1 hern to heavy In the llstrlclt drained by the Tbamts, tbxt tlio river Is rapidly Using, lu some iltcet the low lauds are Inundated. Tin; s'ores at Windsor Castle nnd some Irisof tbo rot al park are submerged. Npal.i and His rolttereln. iMtmt.Dte. U. A illtpntch (0 (he '(. ct from Vienna says: Negotia tion, with Hnaln looking to her Joining the ..oUvtreln will commence In Jan uary, .I4..MIM.M, Dec. II. A illtpslcli to the Aerts from Madrid styit It It an ou sicrctthirelbatHlu will ultimately adberu to the ZvllTtnln. Ila.ltl mill In ll.e ll.ld. Dunu.s, Dec. 14 Despite the In Juries received by Michael Davltt at Waterford yetcrday,that gentleman la .till In the political field, and It hot been determined by tho. McCarthy, lie leaders that Keane, the nomlneeof Hie McCarthyltes for the seat for Waterford In the Commons, made va cant by the death of lllchard Power, should be withdrawn from the contest, mil Hint DavIU hlmtelf should tland at a McCsrlhylto candidate. lhlnesea-e.-llllMoml.ix. PoitT Tow .Nsfjeii, Wn, Dec. 14. Beventeeu Ckluetu were lauded on tho beach near bore la.t night from Ilrlll-h Columbia. Tliu customs otllcers ar restinl tcu of them, but the blhere c.cajHiJ. tteKlnler Maalbe II. Ip. Ciiioauu, Dec. 14. Special dis patches Iroin a number of thu larger cities of the country from New York toHin Francisco show that 011 ac count of the prevailing mild, damp weather, tho grip la again prevalent. At soma points It It qullu sevsle, while at others, though ipldemlr. It It of a tnild form. Governor-elect McKlnlcy It tutlerlng from au attack of the malady at Canton, Ohio. Nprlnger on ll.e World's lair live union.. Washington, Dec. 14. ltepresen tatlveHprlnger, of Illinois, In spik ing of tho action of the board of con trol of the World's Columbian Kijo-I-Hon, tu deciding to a.k for an appro prlstlon of n.OOU.CHX), Inttead of a loan uf that amouut, as at first contemplat ed, said: 'l do not think there Is any good reason to exct that Congress will maku the appropriation of thu amouut specified, for thlt Cungress will bequltechary In Itsexiiendlturea, Cougreta will, however, 1 am confi dent, maku a.oatitu the buardtulhal amount, for guaranteed aa It will Lu by the recelpta which will aggri gate three Units the am unit naed, there will buuo failure lo bavo It repaid. onATifn. Jcuis-Al UiiIiib, -is t Laks enoaty, Iioa. S I. sm.,froDitriesffoctt of totr. Ittftrtraalhttrttroablft, trier en lllatst or ten u weeks, bael's, dsssbltr of Jaiset b. sail llsria Jsioes , lorn slay 31st, MX Tlit dectttd was aaubadltnt dtaxktcr and muititicliivelbyiiar awonlttss, botli la Sua. U-iyerboot aadslutusl Iiuprotcoitnt a.sucla- UAIIUI.I-I A.M. NritUKN. mi rerk. lite. II. ansa. liar stiver. eii 1 rnrk central. . istf Uonsr -...a.,..! NaiiKtlma H 70 looapon. Its I hsrta Aisflriesa ttff t-ssiflotvs s latino Mail ts. AtckiMin It. Ibieklslsid re e antral fscitit 1 i, SLIulstsn rr. llurlibSH'S... . IS SI Caul AC man B-tf tlo llraada.... , lu , Tttssl'aclQe..,.. Uii NorlSero I'aelflr Vfi 11 aeon CaeiDt. . . . 1 1 l-retcrred ... 17 rarxa repress . It Nsresweabira II I WM-BrrT llnloa. tllf Stocks dull, aleadr al ejienlng fljarts. Mlly l.nusliter'a I lie W saved by Hood's Hartaparllla," savsMr, 11,11. Jones of Alna, Maine. "Hho had seven running sores In dif ferent places on her body, lut on giv ing her Hood's Horsaiarllla there waa marked Improvement and now she la well, strong an 1 healthy," Hood's Pills cure Constipation by re storing tho peristaltic action or the allmentery canal. They are the best family catharlc. a Jli'V our Iron Wagons, Hocking Horses nud Jllctclrs, Toys, etc., at tliu 1. L. Co-op, and savo money. Ulcheat f.ll Jn Leavening I'm -r Litest U.S. Gov't Report Rctll Baking !'4iws. Powder ASaSOUUffiEit FWRE ALL THE DOYS AND GIRLS IN TOWN Aro Invltod to brlnp; tholr Fatliors, Mothers, Unclco, Aunts nnd tjrown-up Cousins, to boo tho tiroat show of Toys, Dolls, Ploturo Books. Gamoi and ovorythlna; ulao thnt SANTA CLAUS hna In stock lor CHniSTMA3 PI1ESCNTS, at tho UTAH Be OK & STATIONERY CO'S Store, 72 Main St. Cvary nrtlolo nt LOWEST PRICE3. Corno now, don't wait until Xmas Evo. Suporb display of Flno Art . Books, Cards, ate, up-stalrs. DUNCAN M. MoALLlSTER, Manaeor. Wo havo Two Car Loads of TOYS nnd TOY FURNITURE. Soo our Mammoth Show Windows. H. DINVOODEY FURNITURE CO. rilKSIDKXT IIAItlllMIX Forgot to mention the An llttarln bit message but lest JQU should Hie A'n.lel aul 14 Main rln.iU Holllay Goods are going fast; reriaon, the rrfce tell Hum. Grand Opening Dally. Couio l.arly nnd Often. C. It. Havaiii-, (len'l Manager, time. I -mil., Has removed lo her New and Klegnnt Parlor., ti Main Htrect, where she bos the finest stock of Millinery fvr Win ter nnd Holiday Wear, west of New York. A. C. HmlUiJt,Co.,Drutglsti, agents foj Itoberts' Hesperian Tonic. IIIIIII.VY rXClltall.. lltTKN, alt. ll.e InUu l'..rllle. For (lirl.lniaa and New ear's. (ha I'lilon Paclllc will tell Lxriirtlon rick els from all statlous In Utah to all points rill IlirSrstrln within S.VHnlli-s,at Single Tare fur Hie Itoiuid trip. Tick ttt will be sold Dcc.S Itn, Satti and Sill, nud January 1st, good for return until January 4th, 1S9J. Clly Tlcktt Onice, 2ai MaliiHtrcet. D. H. inmi.Kv, IJ2 Gen. Attl. P.issgr. Dept. Dr. Ilurrows, Oculist, Aurlst aud Op tician, hn'ctacles flttud. Commercial lllock. BUY HOME MADE Llnsoy Shoaling;, Blankottt, Tlannols, Hosiery, otc. JOHN C. CUTLER & DRO., No. 30 Main Stroot, Tub P. l:. Co-op are selling all thtlr furs.plush garments,ladlis'and misses' coals at cost. All now uud dtslrable goods. A I'reteullte tor Croup. We want every mother to know thai croup can be prevented, True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom Is boarscms.; then the child apiiears to have taken a cold or a cold may bavo accompanied thu boarat. nrss from the start, After that a pc. 1 cullar rougii cough la developed, whtih ' Is followed by the croup. Thu time to act Is wheu thecblld tlret becomis hoarse; n few dosee of Chambtrlalu's Cough Itemtdy will prevent theattack. 1-ven alter n rough cough has a;--peared thedlaease may l prevented by using thlt remedy at directed. It hut never lieeu know n to fall. CO cent aud II liottlta for sole by Z. C. M. I Drug HtoroDepL ds A Sure 1 hrnat ur I'liugli, If suffered to progress, often rutults 111 an Incurable throat or lung trouble, "yyruuii'j Ilrvncldal Troeliu " glvu Instant relief, lined l.olis. Good looti are more thau skin deep, deroudlnguioQ a hcslthy condition of all the vital organs. Iftbe Liver be InwUve, you bave a lllllloua Look, If yonr fltowachbe dlsorderei ynu have a Dyspeptic look. Heoure good healut and you will have good look, Klectrlo Hitters la the great alterative and Tonlu, act dltetitly on these vital orgsns. Cnreo l'lrojlee, UlotcJun, llollt, and glvea a good complexion, fv.ld al A. C. Hinllh k Co'a Drug Htore. oOc. per bottle. 4" Xma Presents. Juhn.on, Pratt A Co. nuusiANT Hti K or Drrsi aoode at P. H. Co-op. Ileal liargalnt. Fine Perfumes. Ji.lut. ,n PrallAito, You can buy A Hums lur a enel tt the P. K. Co-op , positively worth from J I to 7 each. Ji.r l.lie.lllir.i. Throw drugs ai d nicilclne tu the dogs; all diseases lurial at little or no cuatlhrouirhlhetlpatmtntaacxiilahicd 'V,".1!.'' iVMm'11"11'" Healilil'am. ibIiL" Oiorge Goddsrd Atxeut. 7 Dn- J.TilutiAa.HuiH.'kuM IHntist, No. 18 Main btreet. All work guar' anient. Aimslhelica admlnliteroj. I rlends and tlroni liiYltml. d 111 Jiiiiasna .1 im Hfwlnl Blllcoh Toilet aud allrnund Hcvurlng Hoae. A Utah Production. lor sale In prlnelinl retail stores. Tin: 111111111 im tot mi t. The Arab my at Prove Clly will open lu lis new I ulldlug January 4th, lot).'. Ou nu I after thlt date tuition will Us Ireuln the Normal Department. An entrance fee of (15.00 I arable but once, and an exuse fee uf ji.W raj able every yiatof attendance will tlU charged, .tin Normal Dtpartruent Is enlarged by the organization of a Nor mal Training Hchool, aud regular course are oil. red leading lo tbo de gree of lchelonf Didactics. A Department of Military Hc'encel established, dieting all male studeo.ll the privilege ol military drill. The Commercial Department I well cqulj jed, and allords ati-ctal a Iran Itgesloal! desiring a bu.lbvii nluew Hon, lly order of the Itoard. K. G. MAUi'ii, D. L. I)., Principal. 11. Ci.uiv, Jit., II. M. I)., dJttf Assistant I'rlnclral. If you want Htyllsh and Durable Hboes at a Iltrgaln, go to the P. 1.. Co-op. Prices and goods sre right. llep.l.s., let anted. From a letter written by Mr. Ada J- Hurd, ofOroton, H I)., we quote; "Was taken wllh a tad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set lu and finally terminated lit Coniuinptloo. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not llvo but a short time. In"0 myself unto my Havlou, determlued lfl could not stay wllh my friends on esrtb, I would meet my alent ones above.My husband wat advised to get Dr. King's New Dltcovery for Con sumption, Coughs aud Colds. I gave II a ttlal.teok In all, eight boltlesjlt ha cured me, and I thank God I am now a well and healthy woman," Trial bottlea free at A. C. Hmlth A Co't Drug Htore, regular tlte 60c, end tl.oo 4 MJIICI.. AvturriNii r th TnokiKii.iri.. ht Ilia llu.tir allalnt I'inpanr a tiiirlf ealled, ai d sail tneelins will le j II ea it' 7llntl;erjtniiarr, l I al lis Sour oil 11 e Y nc. si ins ndlr. er t si I, II A idsn s an t lets.siand.l tnlxulh-pr n s, Uke.ul7,lniit,,tsioiimv t'utlmi ' for the 1 urpDM ,1 'imendlPir Aru le X 11 I Articles nf lnurKrsmu or stld enmi 11 T I makluglUnsuniliernl .li.rr. or 1 1 llal s k neeci.srr Islel .Id sn I nwnod lrui h'ddrr is ijualilr Mm In bee-line in 1 m er r irustte In sal I e snr leu tliannio m dr I siisrcsofcapiutstork at now rr , un d 1 j aid I lis ssnusl incdlux nr tin. Itorttiold-rl if isid eompnnr tur ihe I Ireiion ofTrn.leeilt servsfor iseensiiiosltar. will Is held tlllis 1 r'Kivsplsce, oujanua 1 lllli !-- ate x lent- Mtl.tMHIPIIA.r. dlt eiirclair He, Balcisig Powdec Ufrtd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A Purtj Crctm of Turtar Powder. Superior to every other known. Dtllcioui Cake aud Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Whole-mine. Ko other bakiuc powder does suclt iork.