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hHB H PT:qi:in:T irvism.No yinysi satimiday, jamtaim m, iso. UKUERET EYEtllNG NEWS. Hl t bum is sittr -tmit iatnf H THE DESEReThEWS 00. H! CBAatxa W ruitoat, EDITOR. H Jannar, J, lam H Itl v(ll MIO. A oiii.ATUrnl of fuu li made orr H New Vcar't rmlutlcilK. All the tame Hj wotulnk llix nrv very joml thltiK. H U oj litti ntlona aru of torn.. Tattle, for W the are ovllerice of couiclrntloui H ffrllliKand ailralre lo do itstlit Wu H Uoutl Ilia enrrrctntM of (lis adat;n which tayi a c. ruin hot iiltce It iil B Klllilhrm. Tliey are the WflnnlDg i of Kuotl dixit Tim Intent irtcitle H ltetoliitlont lo ut away vll and to H Ityholil of koo-I are irortr t tiy H llmr. Tlirrarermln'ntlyioatttiel- H ginning of a new jrtar. It It llkv Bj oicnlng afrrah pate lu a ledger, com- ffH mericlng to write on a clean tlieet of KHj r, villi dnlrv to fu tioitrort H aud to nuke no I lot. K u'h'1 '"" U tliat many who KjQI '""" retolutlont Willi tlielr ll, fall to HHj made tbrm realltlei lu tlielr llvnl HH J.reryboily need not be no fickle an I to HH wialc. Ho we hope that a great many HH Rood ret iliitlont lia e teen formed for BjBJ tho yearlSOi, and that larife ro- HB 3ttlon of llirni wllllwkrit, HH Tomorrow It Holiday the ClirMlan 1 Hal bath, lilt the day for rrtt and HH worthlp. lHtthoto who hare broken It HB before, bcirtn the year with a tiilrit of HB devotion, ko to lilietlng, partake of the HHJ tacranient, tHin'eMlne tint and fulllet HHl In teirtt to the Katlier of our t Irlte. flj and rmiiln tu do thoio thlnict that HHJ ouicht to bo done and eeaao doing thoru HHJ tlilqire that ought not to l done. In J the Mine way put cirall th folllea and HflJ emrtof the !, an I faro the future HflJ with riaiolutlon and datermliiallen for HflJ the right. Then th year of uur I.orJ HHJ elghtein hundred and nltiily.lwo will HHJ be the lift you liaru teen We Ii0ie HflJ that In Hilt and In titty other unto it BHJ will prurea rery liapy new year. H llli: M-IMAM.A (.IIUIIMJI.MIII'. HBJ comet fr in Washington that J the Huremo Court of the Unlled BHJ Hlatet wlllthorll) Itiue n Jeflalou on HHJ the rate of the ?tebraka Rovernorthlp. J It will lw remeuilre I II at Jauiet 1.. HBbisvrr-K Ilojd wat elected by a majorlly of the HlMMk Toleaoftho loople, but oljeclloll wat BHHHHJH raked on the hit non (111- BHHHHjH lenthlp. It wet claimed tl at he at HflHHHH an alien lecauw, while he wiiii tu Hilt country In early boyhood, ltcculd flHHHHJ not l roted that lilt father lookout BHHHHJHj liltieconjiapetf, tin ugh hehadcer- OJ talnly mado hit declaration Inten- J tlona J The ca wat taktn before the Jel J fakaHuireme Court pud adrrltlon J wta aiUerra to lie J wat accordingly outtrd, though he J alter hit rleclloii, and J Governor Thayer orer l J taute wat deiiJed that hit J tucceitir bad Iren dulyiltctrf J nualiflrd et Tlitjer wu uot J ITeuaiandllalnattbeelerllon J The Hu nmu Court the United J Ktntir, three miralert dlientlng, now Ji hull (hat wl en Nvl ruU w u tlnto Ihe TlT Union at n Httte, the ait admitting her w iu worded that It ma le all the In- hallUutKolthoTiultor) clllieiuiofllie flat.. fl llojd wat tl e Utmorratlocandldate. It It tome time ttnee Nebru.kabal a B Deiuocratlo Uoeruor, and the j arty will U lubllant over the riMilt. Hut Hi let la not a matter of arty iwllllce lilt a quettlotl ur rllltl It.. lljyd B wat a prominent retldent aud rrcog. cltlteii of the rilali, and It win M butnilliutechnlcallly tliatjeoardlzu M lilt Halm. Whenthedecltlonlt ub- fl lltbed Iho nerlti. of Ihe care will no doultloniorn lully eiilalne.1, llojd I will have many cougutulalloui on it E liapi new ear. H mouth iihimj. H Osh of Hie wortt petti ever known I luthU region It the codlln moth Utah J plet wire Hit I et lu the world until J f the Introduction of thlt Int. cl, which I hat t read over the Territory until our I aj jle crop In mo.t lncea la very lu- J ferlor bccnuie of the p rue tiro of a J worm In nearly iviry arrle'i heart J If the proilohtd taken Iho alvlco n' H '"' l"lt llrlgham Vuung on the Ilrtl apjaranceof llieiit, and cnmblmd firlttdettructlonat hotugiei.ted,lnnll irobablllty Utah ap let would have krctalued their excellence aud rerula Hon. We refer to thlt matter Jtitt I cauie we tlnllnthe()dtu iluiiilarn 7 remely for thlt aHllulou to farmer j which everyln dy C4ii uae If he no il r klret, rtml It it mi tlmple that It It a Itiuit worth trjlng. It It thlt "A fruit grower In Unntllli (liuntj Orei.011 ilaliiM t . Iimo ilU.m, ro 1 in u . ord ilganarolh the deatrile lln o.k lln m.ith Hi ll la hi. oielmrl o.r. tiring, an Hilt ibe r) It ihal iho ui,i t I Itdn wiol whin real to Irvivo It. ii. J tr .uirlm In Hi. grounl. At pro. r . Hut Ihla heltlpulont ho tUtea llmt hl ( ornliard la no troubled, I ut hit nelglilmr. T' aronbllgul lo t ray their tren nma $ a 1'iiurn: iniiuhp. That wat alieny ribuke which a t urorgaeto Iho Uenver luwjer on f Ihunday In Iho trdluut (rata te m" The trial hail wiuplid a great man) K ' ''-"yt Ihealtorney wai tjHoklng f r M tludefinte. lilt client wat airme H f murder It wat clalmi I that I) St Jravia oltoutd Jim. Ua nul;, mm l he evidence wta nlly ttruug agalntl him Ilia Inw;r not inly abuieu aoineof the wltnettet quoteil a rlrture and oralid afttr the ttyle of ordinary memkeri of the bar, but told funny ttorlettokiep thu Jury ulltuanden. chain their attention Tl en one of lheurorieliclrllVd Hie court and all I retent by Informing the farellnia IleaJer that Ihe Jury bal b.trd ttorlet enough In the Jury room, and that they would bu glad If countel would confine hlmaelf to the law an 1 tho facta In the cue, for tiny were tired. Thil riminl tuoh a tumult Ihal Ihe court had t aljourn to thlt the lawyer could retume lilt argument another day. We think thlt wtt a proper rebuke Hut It ihould have come from the court. Inouroilnlon too gnat Ulltude la allowed to membera of the 'bar In their harangue. otiul werofunny ttorlet out of t lacu on to gravv a caie at u charge of murder, but tho mlmlck. , lug of a wltncaa aud Iho terrible caitl . gallon letnwed upon hlui were of , tucli n character at to require a reprl- maud. Attorneya often act In a mott cow. ardty an J alKirolnatle manner to wardt wltneiaet, who have no oi por III nlly to defend themtelv.a agalnat abuao and mltre retentatlon. 11 haa often appeared to ua that a Judge who t reclatia hit owu dlgulty nul the cltlmiofjuitlce, might to atop tucli ebullltlor t of malice aud inch defam i Hon at frequently dlagrace the f.irendo elljittof lawyera hired to roaccule or def. nd BLOutetl icrtona And Jurl.a ought tolo rolected u well at wit neuiafrmithu volume of Irrilovant an I neeillett verl I ige whlcl It tome tlniet joured lu iijtin tlitui lu a tire tome deluge. The Dtnver Juror did a goo I thing, If II wat out of tho common way, and It la tl I e hoi e I that gwd will come of It. I'reedoRllf aioech Nail light, but 't tliould havn lit limit-, an I courla ought to keeu valuable attorneys with in decent and reaainahle lioundt. "Till (OHSKKK miJU' Tim may truly I called the age of literature 01 the making of hooka there It no en I. riiey 03me from In uumerablu i rlntlng rreaait lu aid: lorrenU of reading luattir, that tbi worMIt fljode.1 with them an I lln mind of lutn U overwhelmed at tin bare contemplation of their Immentlty and varlrts. Vet the i uruher ol really unexciptlonablu and Ural claaa worka, of Iho order of light literature, It comparatively email. One of the beat if Ihla liana that In,, come undarour notice It The Comatock Club," written by Judge 0. C. Hood, win an Ilia led by tbe Leonard Tub lla'ilug Corn any of thlt oily. We gave a viry brief notice ot the look on receiving It a few daya ago It It worthy of all pralac. While II hat tcarcelya thnnl of ilot, It la a con neeteJ ttory, not In tho ttyle of tho or dinary noel, lait let of Interne In terett (rent U glunlug to u I "The C'omitockt lub" la the tale of; an organliatlou of iSovada mlnera In earl timet men of education, bmlna I nnd i iitcrprlie, who, far away from Iho cenlrea of civilization, formed a club and tpeut their evening! lu toclal chat and the relation ofleraontl ei Iiorleucet Tluto form thu gutter portion of Ihe book. Iiithem are In troduced n mingling of atlioa and hurunr, of trllllant wit and thrilling lnoidentt that It of rare (roductlou even In thliapoof autborahlp Tluru It nu originality about tho work that It itrlklng aodiiellghtfil lit dialog le lelutlllatii with reartei at tharp at bladeaof Iteel, Jet leaaaut an I Rental In their lui reaiionion the realer, and free from venom whllo full of tanattn and Iron . Tho lentlrueuta the book conveit are of an eialted orJir, nod there It a lendernett an I Uauty In thimthattouchiathetoul. It la full of altercate laughter aud There la not a dull iit In It rhu ttyle it Inthe wrllii' vetn and the languags In lacet reai hea tin aul lime. There aro blta of drirrlj tlvo matter that are gemt In their wuy, and In the whole work thero Imiilrlto! humanity and love of all that It t,i-n-erout and noblo an I heljful, that glorify the work aud apcik lu tho hlgheat ti mil of Ita author. Thla book ought to have a wide cir culation It will take Immmtily on theraclflo coait.aml It only ueodt to he juahed by llvo bualneat energy to iMComoono of the moit 0uUr nul widely nad workaof the new jcar. mi iiiiinit iii nu (i tun ii. In dlicuaalug tho origin of ordert a niarkt of royal favor, Ummicn' Jour ml aMiim. a that tho cuiloni revallpl in 1'luraoli'a time, for that monarch took otrhla ring It ni hlahand, am ut It upon JotepliN ban I and arrai im lm In vealuritof linn linen, nnd Ml giy 1 1 linln about hit neck." Of nulern c-nnitriit Iiance am l.ugliul havi iuarn, imrlup., Hi iwlfiviri orlertnfillatliiitliii I ular.apeut r'rtnt.ili far alio id ev I) iglan I, In the latter nuntry lb llli gorier are now llmltcl to tei in I of thewi tin m t nncleut ni I Highly irlrid It 'The nitl nohl Ir hr of the Gaiter " Tho orUIn of ord. ra and oni anion hlcaubetraiiil lail totliechto thu eighth i.ntur. ( hlvnlry lu nl ill i lendor then eiltti I. I nrono wa iwrruu ly wanleilug advinturer. eager for rlrhei an I fame In p,rll. lutentirpilatt liny Mould comllnea rghiiliitl it entitle I Coniiaiibrw Krnternltlit of rma I vcnluu" lieio oimeJ fratiriilliit Ucami , jwirful that fellow uipln thuuwj highly riti! I, an I finally a tjatrm of military ordera wat inatllultd In Lngland Ihe Order of the (Inter lirucit highly valued. II ditea back to the time of hdwarl III. fhiroarn varlout veriloua of the ttory aa to how tho garler bioime a tymbol of the order. One, however, It taken aa the mott prabiblc, becauae It the moat ro niartlc. During n featlval at court a laly hapjaMie.1 to drop her garter, King i.lward look It up, and oli-ervlng tome ol thwe iriaiutimll li gtlgulflcanlly he utterl the plirnie, "Hon! tof r;uf waty ptnf" "l.vll lo him that evil thlnkt," nu I then tli-ai Ihe garler aroun I hliownkuee It It tu pote.1 that Inward, about thlt time, ha I In view Ihe lintltollm of n mw order of knliil la, after the altirnot thoioof the Kjuii 1 Table, aud adojled Hiegartiratlheenali'ii The gutter la now worn on the left leg. That worn ly Charlea I at hit (Xecutloil Wat Inwoven with a)l) diamond. The mantle accompanying It It of uri le velvet. The collar con tlattof twinly ! golj pleiot, tach lu tbe form of a garter. Atlhotlmoof thofouulallonof Ihe ordir lta knlghli nuruUret 23, ex cluilveof Ihe King In 17.1 1 the num ber wai enUrgi-d to thirty-two. A tec on 1 enlargement touk lace tu ISuVi, aula third In 1811, by which Iho lln. at detcenltntt of (leorge 1. and George II. werelnclulel. The order now nurobert llftj knlgliU,aud hat In Ittrankt I mperort, Klnga, I'rlnui, lldet Dukee, 1 aria anl Marqulut Hlnce the reign .1 lluiry lady uiih.ii tlie be Ihe reigning (Juieu, hai been conallired eligible for the decoration. Adml-.lon to II It now n ttrlilrdtothonioit noble In thu laud, therefore lu Kuglnud a member of the Order of the Garter may bo tafely roll ildendlheacmoof the blunt of blue blood. IHNOItlMI Mi 1'tlltLl.lSMSS I IHJMAIIUV. iTIhegnat controvrrty relating lo tllver now agitating the country refer, enru la made frequently to the demon etlrallon act of Inn. Advocate of free anl uullmlted coinage of tllver claim thlt thlt nit waa turret tltloii.le aeahy goldltea.nul that the loun try wai not fully aware of Ha rial na ture uullliomeyiartafterwardi. Ilia almllted, however, li nil ban la, that a all ver dollar lu 1871 naa worth three rent, mire than a gold dollar, Thu antl free tllter nitiiiUIni that Ihla act had iiclhlng ti tin with the ileinomtliatloii rf tllvur, and Ihal It did not Intirfern with tho ttaulnrl tllver dollar. That la all true, hut It only authorlted the rolnago of tllver Into half and quarlor dollart and illnnt, according to tbe ttandaldof 18.V1, aud Into a traJe dollar aluvn Ihe tlau lam of Iho unltdolUr, and rohlbilcil time coin from I thu a legal tender for more than live dollart lu any onejay. ment. The act, It la true, contalnel no change In the old unit dollar. It Imply omitted to mention It at one of theoolni to be ma In at the mint. Hectlon 17, of tho I III real,. ".No colnt either of gold, tllver, or minor tolnage, ahall heraalur le Utued from Ihe mint, other than tbote of the denomination!, ttau lardt, and weight-, Li rein tit forth " The unit dollar wat not mintloiiel In the lilt, therefore under thlt cli no It coul 1 not he laiurd from the mint. From the limn of Iho paa.agi.of Hill bill alive, legan to di iKlat.,anlnl570lliquittlouoflhlt ilemonelltatloulecameatolo of ilia cuuioii throughout the national Itrgi. In a lengthy nddreet on "rillvir money aud Hi rotation to the com. uniio anl progreu of the world," al Colorado Hprlnga a few daya ago, the I lou Charlea H. Thuinaa touched on Ihe bill of 1SJJ llo tald that for a rlodof tomo tlmu yeart thereafter, Ihe gnat majority of the leading men of thu nation wiro Ignorant of the fact that by it tllver ha 1 1 ecu demonilled. In lb7l I'retldent Grant did not kuow It, nordllHenatora llawley anl Hoar. ItilSTO I.audert of Indlaoa, Garlleld or unto, Hlainu or Maine and Coukllug of New York did not know It, and openly confetti! 1 their Ignorance lu order lo ihnw that thla wat thocatc, Mr fhomatquotel a Ulnloguu which look lace lu the Unlled Htatit Henate on March U), lt)7tl. II readt at follow i Mr Conkllng ill tho Senator allow nittoa.khlinurtomo ilhor Senator a que. II. mt la it trno Hut thero li now by liw no American doll ir? An I, If to, It It true thai Iho oirmt of thla I III U to bo, lo nilUe hall dollara an I quarter d ill ir the only tllver coin whiih am bo uaed aa a logallonder? Mr Hherman I will auiwer Iho Sen ator from New "l or k tint Unco tliol.iv. i( ISM tho uao of the tilt or whole dollar but leeu dlaoontlniitil, anl none haa been l.auidi tl at lu. been ao iluco lal. Mr tonkllng-It there power to Itiuo If Mr Shcruun-rlierolano ilor, and 1 aa boon iiono. Mr lligs Tho power to laauo exUted I rnm IS3 m Is" 1, bill liiu 1973 1 think t lien. lia t en no ni er Mr Mierniaii liioru hat beennotllver liar laaued tin m Js&l, an I my !m r, . . mil lln Iho Ian or 14VI ill n,i e,,i,f,r iio Hiwor to Nana II Hio aeuutorlhlnUa I dldcinrertho)er, but tho law of l""3 cm ott tho power. In my Judgment, ltUciUlo.1 Mr JoimolNoialt-Ilio law of IWI ithorltod tho vohuge ol Ihe tllur ilollur, mil It waa ,tiir dem nitlol until 1 obruary, I-T3, hut It nmn iu lawlcprnent)lofrini wilnlng m. li a I. liar for u. In but new, tin na umlhir dollar ti Iw gut i or Ipil eont cheaper I lio people ill I, In I.C anl up lo In 1 Inc. th I m tin, i II b an I r.r tin it I fill u l lit liter I II r n i, ' ik. n n 1 flila lute Iho turn in u iin hill, u II thowt roncliitlvcly Hint the ttatrtmen of twenty yeart ago did uot give that attention to flriauilal and currency quettlom thit It itevolol to them to day, Anl when tucliamtnatltotcoe lonkllng waa hoodwinked, It la little wonJir that Hie ltcpr.i. nUtle.e form Katitaa and Tixaa were alio mloled. Tbcruli another thing dltcloiedty riN:tnt dl.iuiilon of Ihl tuljerl nud tint It that national legltlalora like thoio of tome Hlalta aud Teirllorlei give their tauetlJii to nuaturea of piramount Iniiurtauco without under ttanllng their true Inwardueu and thilreflect tipiii tho puipln whom three lawmaker! nrechottnto reprc tent, .Much cirleuueii lii leglilatlon It luly depl iri'ile at I o m 1 1 ll l I'lle. M)IUS VM) UIII1IIM. Weareileatedtonote tl o fact that a com any hat been Incorporated with het Iqiurtera In Chicago, and a ca Hal thick of JltH) 000-whote oljrit It to i lore, Invettlgatoan I rollict, with a view to tho acquirement of Informa tion concerning tbe "i rrliltlorlc tacia of Amorlca " The lint Heidi hi be operated under tin. ocujlca of Ihe organliatlou are Arizona aud Nik Muxlto. Thupurpoioof thocomiany It one In which all Intelligent Latter Ua) rjtlota mutt nrcctearlly take nmorethan pttalng Intrrot. Wenn tlcli ate thereault of the labori of thote uriiotngagu Initio, pumilt Inquettlon will U the bringing lo llghtufaldl dotal torroborallvn ruoft of the authenticity of the Hook of Mormon, which glvea a Malory cf Ike ancient racei or thltcoullcint. Tim opening, of the llrlgham Young Acalemy, lu the cominollout new building of the luitllutlon al Provo, will net u r on Monday, January 4th We have alnndy lubllilud tho ro iramtne, and given other i dctalli. Many guetla liava Uin In vited, and H It cxi ected Iheattendance will Iw large. It will lu a red letlir day In the hlitory of Ihe Acalemy. Huth Ihe U. I'. an I It. 0, W. cum-1 I anli t give half faro rati a to Provo and teturiiouthudayof the onuliig. The Vict roy of Gotgar i vldenlly hit aneyetobutlurti China haa uked hlniai to which nation Ituwla or l.ngland he prefer ihould pottn the I'amlr region. He omj hath ally re fert Knglanl, I ecauto lu tbo event of thu region railing Into the handa or the Catr, Hi u trade of hit wi Iv with In. illawoulJ leoomrlelely citliiguhdied. That It a tlrong lnt In the dltpute InravorufGreat llrl tain, but will Itui. tla permit the arqultlllon of the I'amlr by Ihe Hrltlali without n tight? H. think, htrdly. Hut llrltaln ins. la It In her buil ten, at a bir to a deacvllt of the ( zar on her In Han poaaetalont, which are lomieillatrly cuntlguoua. Mr. Charlea I lilt' lecture announced for next SuuJty evening at thu Ihea. tre "The rilatlon of Gjverfitueut to Hoclll" will doubtlctl bo one of murh Intereal. There la a tlrong de tiro on tho art of the itaji le, Incite I of hte ivinu In Ihe hlttor; of the commonuialtli of Uluh, to ajulro lu formation concern, n. thu prlml li t of civil government anl the dullet of Ihe cltli-u toward the Hute. We trut that there will be a large attendance at thu lecluru refi rre I li, at Ita i uriue It by convey Juitiucli Informational It In dentin land which ihould be pot iivaed by evuryhody. Turn out aul hear him nu I you will not regret hnv. ingdonelo. Mil the liounl Adltpatch from theCltyof Mexico throwa a damp blanket over a former occount ofu light between a body of Garza'a bandlU and United Htatet troops. Itaatirtithat tho Garza crowd, which look Iho Initiative lu the con flict, numbered tin men. A telegram from another tourcu ttatea that C'a t. Mi Nell aud hit rangert had a routing fight with Garza'a tolJlert, In which i oimnf Ibe latter' lionet waa captured Iitceoii lo have been rather a one horn aUalrall through. The recent dynamite explosion at Dublin Cattle It a terioui Incident. II It claimed that II meant the return) Hon of the "phytlcal force" tact li of a cer claaof lrlth ntllonallttt. Thlt view It ttrengtheno l' by the fact that lrlth ecrct toclttlea have been active of ate. Ilowevir, If the opinion Is cor rect, It will not bun great while before It rccetvis nrapla confirmation by a tuicettlon of other ilrullar outrage!. In tho matter of criminal eccentrlc lllc Amcrha beat! the world. Thoio who aru Inclined to dltbelleve thlt ttatetuent ought to conil ler tome late ranaaitlom near the Canadian border. UH Holdlera wireingaged In tmuggl lug Chinamen ror a lontldi ration from the Canada tlJe of Maf.anlier lo that . United Htalit Alter they got tho p-jr ilgtallatothu Amerlcau aide the tmugglert wajlald tin in after dark, held them up, robbed them of nil they lial and left them to ilettlr end mltery. Thlt line of ratcallly hat not I many, If auy, ira!!tb. "I tin j il ' Ulonlnllon. Corretpoudeuce of the Duriirr Nrws A large gaii of workmen are ojri'lugon Lasttioutli lemjilettreet and on ttreeti running no till there from, on tewer tnuchet At tucli a teaton of the year aul during tucli tevire neither It occur! toacatual otterver that It li a very exmlvo 1 1 lece of butlnea. With frott out of I Ihe ground an I mil ler weather 11 will be readily a Imltted that a man will do twice netnuili In lhotprlugailieuatl bly tau now under auchadvertuclr cunittanie. Then why keep tucli a lari,u number of nun imloyed at work now when It could be douo better and at one half the coil later on? Iletldet, there It no Im mediate neceailty rortewer connection now. It will auawer Juit aa well, If not belter, next March, ArlturMay. riirnwhylt Itlbat Mr. Van llouten keeaiaucb a rone or men there doing conitaratlvily nothing? Are thu revenue of thu cltytj gnat and the collert to full that the taut moat be iquauderiNl In thlt waj? Or aru the .ule living along that way aa rich that thty tao atlord In pay now doublo what It would oot later on? There mutt be tome riaton for tm I toying a i many men In audi iiiUrment weather, anl iirlini whut the writer heard In i aialug alonib on Teuada) aud Wialunday mornlngiof thlt week will revial Ihe 'hlddoumjilery." Uu tho morning flrtl aliove mentioned uno of thu woik men arroached a tub Ihin anl waa heiirltoia). "Well, whiru do you want ui to go?" The tuUlvuaiitwer rd, "Go U. oil the hill there." Tho ail ewir wat, "II II, we'll freeze to death " On e.ltiday inornlugtwo men wereemrairetl In tunveraatl.iti ot I i thu Ilaie where the bl. n aredlg glug aud one of them wat Inorl aay Ing to tho other, "II II, here'a auotlier gang cotnlrg anl I havua d d tight more men thau 1 can 11 nd work for." Ilieeliaulututruthor thla can m at. i.ted ly another bealdra tbe writer, whowatalu an auditor of tho eligant I language ti at etnauated from tho rt glom of the tew ir trench, tan It be that "Liberal" col mlza.. Hon It going on again In the fourth preiluu? Of courte the inunlcliwil ilectloiiit nearathand and the con venation nlaivurerli I Irokt a long way lu that dirt rtlou. UI at a gov ernment our city ha.! I xoilltant late lnioaed lo bei a.uaudirid It remind uno of how Lord lb-loam-Hi Id charanli rlriNt tbe I'.ngllah LIUral guvenuueut In ISTd, Metal I that their poltryor almliilitratliu had beenonu ot "plundering an I blunderli g How long will Iho iTOile autinlt to tucli Incomiielent admlntttratlon? I tuppoau wu thall n fuao at i atloual aw llattit to unite to tecuru good government and thua allow tho traui, thugt an 1 colonlzera that maiihal under the name of Liberal! to Invo a walk over In rebniar),anl ruleanlruln our city anl bia.ilu fair name for two yeara more at liaat. Aa a tax payer and irotiert) holler I enter my tolemii I rotettagalntl criminal lucomtieteucu aud extravagance. Ito.pritfiill), UlviiiL. MtiiiKX-k". Differing in Every Respect. Dr. Price's Delicious n.-ivorintf Kxtmcts diffcr in every respect from nil others. They .ire more uniform, more economical.' beciuse it requires but a sin ill quantity to impart the desired flavor. 1 hey are true to nature, as they arc made from the fruit. Their llavor is most delicate and pleas m to the taste. They are not the cheapest but they are the best. Try Dr. Price's Vanill i, Lemon, or Orange Extract and we gu irantee that they will prove to be all that could be desired by connois seurs, vu.: perfection. fliuSiLikcKuBley Institute, For the euro of LIlDPIUMJOBACCG, OHLOML&COCAIHB HABITS i..7t.7urnDXT.',ra HOJ. At the r.AHDO einiie? n i P?lio"la J munry Oth. Al Corro3p0n.loncoolf:uYonu,TITUTC Salt Llku CV' 'Christ inns comes but oiico a jour; lint niton it conies it brlnK rikkI oIkti'I'' "T ziciMi; i Cilen iitocriifully lo "iho Inner" at will at lo ' thl Outtr Mtn." 1 IIIIIL IS Till. IISTMIOM IPOH I IIC 'I -GROCERY DEPARTMENT, f j Luxuries! Comforts!! Necessaries!!! OHvcs. Fnnoy Blsculto. Stttiri'dOJItcs, Kiv.vnn's. l'lttttl ' Anemoon'lra, yilw" " 'lliliiWatir, V until " riinoi, f1?.l'l4h, " IIikiii tick's, Uiiirtirnit " z. iii3 jitttv. Jnms nnd Preserves. Crwsr & HiMcku rt-T.'s. " IJnsjibt-rr Jim, " fctratt berry " " Ilhcklii ny " " 181 (Jutrtiit " Jllack " " " JJuii'ifrryrtiitl Cttrrmt iMlxuLliin.1 (lOItliOY it DlLLUUIITU'rl. " htnubirry I'u-'intM, " Itispbcrry " " Aaiorlul German Preserves. " tint blr.iwbirry " " Wliltubtrtivlnrry " " Itcil lt.milM.iry " " WliHuClitrrliH " " llitl ' " Wlilto CurnnU ' " lied " Wltito l'oiirn " IllMMll 1'oaclKi " Clarrkn " Ainctils Pino Apple. Wliolo IMito ipt)lo. Unit tl - ' billed " l'rupn Lit " Sauces, Etc. Ill A it l'Hlltl.Y'rl Worcester b nice, (ilLtidni's " WATMN'rJ Dlgeitlto 1MI1i, ftiffllsli Uellsli, " Clttittiuy, Chill Sauce. Pickles. Ui'cosi .t llr.ACM i tL'd. ' LliuwCliun, " (illilltilia, " Al!ul l'icklcf, " J'ltklwl Wuliitits. " " Onloiw. Caiiioiimi (Iooih. " MUeil Pickles, " Chovt Clion, Tiny '1 liiinij, Htnmilei. Dresoinrj. Ditlki'is' Stthtl nriasltiL', Ynulit " " Catsups, 0 A 11. " Mitsliroom Catsup. " Walnut " " Ancliuty Since, 'J'otinlo Citmip. Oinge7 l'rescnetl In pot, Cryhtalleil in uiih, Wliolo nittl (irtmnil. Now Rnisins. DlIusiKiUIiib, Imist, liomlon Iilm, I.ooso Mincnttll's, kiilt.iii'i HilaiiiB, Untluris " bewlleis Ctllturnh Hiislns, Peel. ' Ciinilliil jAinun IVcI, " Ormgu " " Uitiun " Currants, New mid Olt-ined, the lincat In the tllv. Spices, WllOll avii (Iioimi utma., Allspce, Mrtce, tiiitiitnioii, Clou's, (liiKtr, Prunes. Ctllibrnl i Trunin Uerinin ' fctulled t'rtntli " Figs. 'IhiiJiHi at (au Jinpoitid. biifTir V!irin,lbrted, , (Irtliim " 1 Oitiueal" j Cooo.mttt Mtcctronn. al llume.innde (.'nol(tir. y! Vlncgurs. Cituoi .t llr.AcMU r.r.'M. " Mill Viucgir in Uottlej, " It istil)irr " " i Drnnntli), Milt iiml White Wine. Extruct oMSccf. Iilebij,"s, u)j known, j Armur'ii, " I' Potted Meats. 1'ottcd 11 tin, " CliliKcn, " '1 iirkej , ' 'loiiKUe. Jtnhit Cut lire, Ciinned Sliritnjw, I'reiunid l'lgs, bcolili.Maiiii ilule. Ncvr Nuts, In nil tnriLllea. Fresh Fruits. ' L'AMrOltVI (lui)IH. " lVii.hea in cans, " li irn, " ' " Strnnberriej " " Itaspberrns " UliukbirrkH ' " MiiteClurrlt3 " lllttk ' " (iriica (.tuBC1t) " " l'lnms, " Qtilncid " Julil.3 '. CunnccI Meats, Jlomil Tiitkoy, - " C'lilckin, k Cliickin Siulo, "J JMlltdllim, H 'iiukey, V Chicken, " 'i'onue, B Trench Kutrtcs R Prepared Soups. (iiiui'liirtluboiip, Mock " " Tirripiit " MulllgititMiy " 'i'omtto " Coinonii) " JullUniiu " OMill ' Muttun llrolh. Sardines, i l'ti licit, Anieiictti " l 0-ttij;iiin " lloiulisi bmokid ' S MiWird " I (ormtl lint, I Ittmst " Jttincli ToiiBtli-, . I Coniiieail Hum, ' " l Fish ' ti Salmon, wmu Miclurd, i. wiiiti! rjii, . I Muckeri 1, txilt, I - H " '1 oiri do reiuco " B lirook'irait, g Kippaett Ileiridj?, " Job-Ul, ii m Cmb, ii Clnitm, l.lttlo c', M Vegetables. ' n ('""", CHI Orl, Attparugin, -r Toinitto, m Wnn Jle ins, ' 'a m him i, i m biiitntasli, m , Sliislaooins, ' (, W Ciiecbe (Iloiiiii-ti lij) a l'ilio Ainle, itt uiloit, Id mi. Ntw Yoa Ciiiii. W Th. Only Plioe In thlt Oil, ,hero you cm get I i I VERY FINEST TEAS Am CO FKES, '""i,,, 1 t room (o mention. ' a ro,. u.. o, ORMMENTAL WAX CABLES ! Z.Z2 jj 1 A MBRBY CHRISTMAS Al A mAli. 1)