Newspaper Page Text
H ' tti, evening urcwst sviiiidav. .iwruf. a,;:. I . DKSERETJYEHIHGJE1K. H ! rrr for AdootSUoowsK sfckh ors tpwd u H' I sreoo.ln IbsBrisios Kisoon tho dif ehoaro- B -tr,4 ofcouM Vs oned la Is lbs eutsoM dfjW H tubiKtuiii i.osip l rUleosf AdTtotloti fcnstabrt srs arthslosa as-Call roe e4ado(SiotAI tolnl I OS sells l tut. B mi da, Jammer . l j 1RA0JUJNTS. H YaiTRnnAT was observed as a treneral BBB b l ny in tin city. H ln.irTT llrtoo., ID . Main street, H bare ruck far litcewbsr "Hib. H Mr Hi no promisee hie Isoture 1 the Bj Tt.eelro tomorrow ev vile TlinotHil5 H llli Utah link ml Matlnntvy coin- BBB n nv bate tho Lenfniy for Janoery. A H t o ullil number, M run Kureka (uwnoHo ceii, which BBB nieiicil stilish! liond Orflie on Triors- BBB dsylast In goof ior umll Tueslay M nexu TriK Hltttecnlh quorum of Seventies will inMiMt Munilir evcnlnx neat. In- I aliad or tlio eeonnd Momlov, In thu I Irst ward Meeting homo, at J.!. H Tul funeral eervleeinver Ihe remains V of Maier Mary Jensen will tx hall In Iho Vj nvenUi ward tnrctlnir heme tomorrow y (rlundaii Momma, at JIJi". rH V iminmir Ala.kaovarohoe waa loot this morning either near tho President's ESI nlllw nr Ilia U 1'. freight deimt. Will EBJ tbo nnilnr nlceio leave at Ilia 1'rool- E dant'a r-ITJce. B fctriniiTKintKT Neliit has an nounied lliat anuual nn I lima aooao, nrer the Ilia 1 1 ramie He-lorn, will I BS inod until an 1 Including January 1 tli of H tliopuoenl year H Tim members of tha "Miriam He- aBJ lieksh," Ia M.UII 1 . ha I a dance In H the uaw Ul IfrlloeV Hall on New 1 aar'a eve. Mioul eevsiily-llve couples bmk H rt in the aiTalr. H TllK Hunlar school rhlldrrn of Hie i I'lfflilrcuth ard enjoyed Ibrlnoetves In ihtiinnresnftledenco yoMirda. 1'hay t lailamHol time TLo party waa halt! In BVJ, " tbu Indcpenilrlitaclnvjl'houoej H1 C'itt Aaanauraml r nllcttor li It Clnlo ' anil aoraoor ami rnllaatnr of Watar H llalca (hrlotoplirr Ilahl hatn roinorail I their oil co Inmi the(ll)' Hall In tlio haotmant of the Utah tommarrial anl Xarlliga Hank, No. J3 ami .1 e. I'lral !Houlhatrrt. raiKHPAr, lalrn Xew Yrar'a, Ihe ' rrapirti-il lolfrrn V. L Ilunhtr went HBh the round of main nfhla peroonul frlrmU nnil rpiialM llicm with etrxllant miiolo Ironi Iba H-Mloll liu-pli, on wlilrh ha la I nnexrtliflformar. lloaoo vlalteil tlio hiuriltyfciiool foirtv In tlio Huh tenth BV ) th groat UHi:tit of tbacbll lrrn. H li Hie Tblnl Motrlrt tonrlonSa'urilijt BBB afternoon, .Uomi.ii W o llaillv llled a BBC (IvmilitiiaKe ault on I ebalf of Frank BhV 1 ttro ralJ. The ilmaii are alleirnt to BBh havo Ivren aua'alnaU to rhafffralu'a a- BBV loon biialiuaa at lludlar'o tnewery by tbe BhB buralln of a illieh In rarlty'araoyon BBV luitaummrr. The claim when pre-antM BhV In tlio 111 y Couui II waottflt' ravl, and now BBV the lalntlir la goliiK to ami what tbo law Bhh cah do for blin. H2.rrju ), Tllii'tr afternoon, at Hie Jumylon BBBBSgllllj of 1 irol Miuihaul Wrailampli trrea, BBBBBBWbjI a man namixl Morno watrun over by a BBBBBBVaB borae anlcart Ilia head waa bally cut BBBBBBhBB an la Ions gaob waa mali nrer ihe rliiht BBBBBBBB t0. Tbo annirer wao Irked up BBBBBBVBV takrn Into a nelithlmrlui: time attire, ami BhBBBBBBV blolnjurleo wfrothorentun IrtU to, iho BBBBBBBBV drlvt r Ihe mnt-ayanca waa arretted on BBBBBBBBV theapnt and taken in tbe ollatallon, BhBBBBBBh but imcliai;il waa prefarreil airalnot hint BhBBBBkB ahfil tbolnnltcrbail been Inteollgjlrd. "JII luarrlaeellrenooa krpt BBBBBBbB County Clerk Allen buoy ir a ma time BBBBBBBBh rn'lhuradayalieimttin. Tbe fillowlnir BBBBBBBBV cmplca aj lll fr to wf,It c. K BBBBBBBBB ri-ahrlahtand t thlll BBBBBBBBB YumnrliirKanil Ma A An loraoui llohert BBBBBBBBh llaon and Hello lomikltt't Jnoepti H and Marr Aim BBBBBBbVB I'lelralelloKll(ho(mamlfliiliplni BS I'el oiia John mid Marah 1 .Midi Of li Trail 0. U Uloen and Minnie H What U known ao Marlborougli t'ol- BBBBBBBBB ni t xiulh Willi loiit atrael, will BBBBBBBBB runpennn Monday, Jan eryllh. Ihla BBBBBBBBB uton, the adientoeiiieui or which BBBBBBWBB baa optUAiel In thlo tutier, takeo day HH t n IK nllnwrilireulh-. Iiooim. anil, III BBHVr a iiti n to Ito naiml cmia liaaevenlitjt BBB '"" I J. i jii for the arr until aht lou of lboe BBj vlioarti wi engaged aa In prnnm thrlr Itreilli ir ciliieutlonal otudlea In the day line Itliiiolhreodeaitmoiita rlntirv. BBB ouiQifnUlniiloolleglato rio iirlnoipul BBB loMr Joeeph hlleley, a gnnllemun of BB liberal elmvllnn All ileolrnl rll ulara BBV caulieubwli eil iin&pptU&Uou tiibliu H Allretl lininlfilfllrri. m Thin urteriiKm thre ouu ruun iclrlni, tba tiannaof Malk Klui,', Win. M CrotiU and UtnrRe Talo vtoe taien H krfurv Couiiultaluner Clniunian B ohttiKv of liftTine hi Ihelr ivioeaoloti B und tittering ounttrfvlt colti $5, $lu H aiid:nii)llileiea Dlilrltt Atlnrnry BBb Varitttniarad In iroteruU; Allor. BBI tiry ri. II. I.uwla rrfreoentad the BBI tlefcudant Kluq; Attorney Wblltemi in BBJ" for Tate, but Trunk liaa not M K tnicftnl iixin'c). Tliiicnmnlnltit H mi loilitcd by Ollli er itellly, nwlni; to B lioo uUetu i today llin taoe waanu tinned until Wvdneeday timet, at 10 a m , thn honil o( each dufundautbtlug H fliedat3nh). M llrtline In hill. H tiLtar Dcurtt tVtar. H Dear Hit Tho i-tockholJtm nf cur H comiany tttatuii Wcdneaday aftirnooti Hf lo ecnilJer lliu proio.Uloii o( tbo ling. H llili aj nillcatu now boliig ortanUid to VJ jitiu'liasu tlio Hour milllni; rn a itlta HB if Ihla Tcrrllory, Tbumattir traalald BBH Uforutlioatorklinldrra In ilrlall, anj, H filter IlIiii; ilia 'uaeitl In all Ita howi, n reeo titlou wu Introduced utid car- Urled by uiiauliuoiii utc, riapvctfully OecllnluK to bvcoiuo ft jany to tho ittlOVIIlllllt, Youri truly, (J. A. dUDHHIWAITI', Ms . und 1' OaorM, Utah, Dcc.Sl, IBIil, -o It ljulma nieJIvta lo any tint u K lill,lily torutueud tbe nclluu alitid In JB thuforiitoltiir. fliu l,atou took tlm LUX Iltat pmnlum for lili;li urade flour t EI the racetitTcrrlicrlal fair. H I'iuImIc (unit. H The following huilnwa wni tram- m) j at-lcl before Judge lkirtch toditt Hr, 12 tateof Albloll.llnwka.dcowed; H' Lxnutur W. S Hawkea nj putred un- B ilti imnjotia. Urdcred lo cloao aatutc. HK 1 ulo oDd ituardl inililp of Wllllim Vl 1), Itibr ft ul., minora; Ouarillin V, H V, Jtlttr up-aiid tiudir htunni(iia. EH l'u-euu. WBL J.aUte of Tliomae Jewell, ilecHueit; H continued to Jiuiunr) 1.', 1S9! t J.atatu of rttviilmn lie t'urw,de- j rrtiaed; (itmri,o V. Ivt el aw m mi 1 1 x kiuluod, uJ tlio tUlm of tl'iirfu M. Hjj U111III1 and evtni olbrra mluwul, Em, j:Ulo of Sara It Vunipj, dc use I, WCKi continued tojnim.ry" ti. 1 fipjj' I aUlo of Jamea HliloUi, dcceouil, fjM, continued to January Ulli. I A KURDEROUS ASSAULT. Joseph Sitaoa Ctur0J YIlli Atltapl lii ta Col Ills WKj's Tbrott 1 ti:io of i:nt(ii.UH ciriuiiui. Inrt Ilriininion I Stja In It AUnleil In US-foil lor 1'orger; tlrmral l'ollce eit. H'lorlly Uforo 0 o'tsloek lat 1 Truing prreoua rmMlug In ih vicinity of Victoria Place, Hn alley runnb g weit frmi eotnt's litweon Hecuud and Third 8nlli rlrrrta, wft annieed by h family illolutbanc wliloll profnl to leof n eerloua cbaraclvr. The .rllnl)l In IhealWr were Mr. 011 1 Mn. Joli rilmotlt, A coUle whtee acllona Iiatu tnuro than unco Iwen a aoiirea of treuhlc lo -0le living In the mlgli Imrbood. Tho Hlmon n-iMenco win entered bj n crowd of men who found Mr. Htmou lylnKon Ihelloor laltli luliff and dtep aaili Imniodlately be low Dm led car, from which the blood flowed In a itream. Dr. I'leher waa aummoned. Uhii iuaklnganexamlna ton Dial neutleiilan found that tho carotid artery br I been nivered. J-'or a time It waa thought that lh vrouni woul 1 1 roTo fatal, nut the Injured wo man la now In lair way to recuery, thoirli very weak from loaa of blood. Itae.uia thai Ihe allalr waa the re. alitor a ipiarrel lietwim Hlmon and hlswl'e. In tho war ot worda that enaued, M10. Hlmon aremed lo liivte the In at ol II. Tills augend lier a. riady In urlated himtmnd, who allied a knlfo an I, It la allrgul, alii mplad to cuthertlfott. The allalr waa reorl e 1 In tlm police, who arreilid Hlmon and hwkiil him up on a charge tfa. emit with a denlly wiapnti, He waa ti haven hearing before Juollco Uit Ihla afternoon. llttllut.AIUI ctlTl'lirn. Alrlonf touch clmractera were rip lurrdli.t tinicerHluilleriiLdB'riieniit llrown laot night, while atlimillnt to lurglatlaa tho Kentucky liuuor abiro on tie ond Houth alreet. Thu faateiiliiKawiru pried from Ihe window In the nar by a Ji in my. One of tho rorlatora WAalu tlio oalootl at the time and dlocnveled the burglar. lie ellpd qulelly IdUi the atleit through the front door and Informed OnirerrihaiUtr, who quletl) made his wny to the back and held the I urglara under enter of hit revolver, pending tlm arrival of Bergeant Drown, who waa (h honed 1 ir. On the arrival of that cither the men were all inarched tolhot lly Hall, riieynre nownwnlt. Ingtrlalforlurglary. itnr niiciiiBis (EMiicni. Jul 1. (.'otlluapleadKullty M aleallng 1 iiUAtllty ol utnifiwear from the I iiilmljle ('oHip on I Irot Houlh alreet. Hit waaoenlliiedloievelil)flvedaal iDinrlaonnii nt In thncllyjafl. Jnniia aalellu plead liullly lo a rlmllar itlen-n mid wiio glvul flit) days In Ihe eameliitlllutlon. run amaui.i. John llitrna li under arreat on n fhargunf commlttlni; an aoraillt with II deadly wrahiu on the tarrrou of one Matk MaiighAii. I PACK IIIMIIIIMIU!. Thomaa .Maughaii an I Thomas dnillli winiiach lliiodf JJ anl coita for die. lurbtni;thoiace. roil iiiKuiur. A young man ijuhlly entercl jioltce hradipiariero Uat nlghi and Informed Droit Hergeant Mil'urdy that he waa wanted by theOgdeii tflloere fur thncrlinecf firKery andriqueted that he lie loked up. Hlo rrjuel waa MutnlAiid I u will leaenl ui Ugdeu Ihla 1 veiling lutliecitetoiJy of Dei my City iMatohaKllelili. Atlrnpteil llurlntv. Ilurghra inn Jo a delermltiod hut tin tuciiailul atlinift to broak Into Ilrownlng Ilrot'. gun ftoleiarl) ea terday nurnitif. They Hut eudea Tored lo oiioii a itar window Lut wete unable lo doao. Tiny next removed the .kjlUht In Iho roof, lut ovIJoilly wcroufrald to descend, natlienuaneof tacaiie woul 1 be very dllllcult In Lose thty should be deli cttd. AMUllirHUNE. nouoebreikora entire I the re si lence ofu Mr. i:illi, atbJJl:. rJIxtii Houtli etreit, nn TnuroJay night. Hntrance waatllictidby prying onn wludow at Ihe rear of the lioure, during tho temporary atiieniu of Ihe lamlly. Nearly all of .Mr. KIHo' cluthea ha I lieeu plated Ilia lie on tho floor prepiratory to belui; tarrlul oU. The Ihlevis, howover, were rrlghtened away ultboutthe cloth, lug, ll they took a niMlderable nuantllyof allviritare with tusiu. Nu oiuv. Itrtllio'vl Item'. Tor the ttuulug jcar the Union IVclllc will sell M) mile tlckita, which herctofsre have lien sold for JvJ, for )7o,or ut tho rate ot :;( ctuU lir mile. Ihla ralo lo cood for Oregoa Wbehlugtou and Idaho. Ihe annual tueetlnj; of tha atock. holders of the (mat Halt Lake Si Hot rtpriugs Hallway Company will be held In this lily 011 January llllll, when Iho uleillou of ollliera for the euiulug year Mill beheld. The Union 1'aclflc hat been a lilted by the Chicago and ? that on unl after riunday, January 1, tulu .No. 3 will leave thu Union I'aclflo tmnifir at Couucll lllilla in In i. 111,111 ul preoent, nud airltu at t'lik'i.invllljilu.m , luiteal of 2 p. in, rtducturfihu tlmoluo hour, and ciiabllnif iaisongera to make rottnei tlous with e.irly udorugun tralne fur easieru iolnts. Under ihU schodule, tlio lime coiiiuiued btlwti u Hall J.nke and Cmcigo la lj daja 11 11 J llvu liottra. The annual complimentary paoseiuf thekialt Lok istrout rillway coujiatiy ure buliu distributed. luey Ule uf now mid ueit design. Diblulmllo.i of l'ii:ia. The riun I j) aoliMl ohlldreii uf the Haventa .iar4 were mile luppy yee tirduy by the di Irlhutiou or prixui oinmif lliouiucirdlngtoniirlt. riiuro wuaui nr a, nun. ir u luauut down with prtltyt , 1 c 1111 1 an 1 cuk u re rvi 1 an t 111,111,. m d umi lu(. In uu. I u ut ii, thu aftiru n nud ev dug muklug 11 day uf thorough oujiijluiut. TllK SKUVICKS llaM Uter Ike licmalm or rnktln X, Ahdrroou. Too funeral tt lew ovi r the reinlt of Ilkler Franklin M. AulTeon m belli III tlKittlxth Ward tueellng house on Now Yir' ilay.A long procession, cpmiwetlof nearly every jierrou Ini meillali ly oonnecIl wllh Ihe Dlf tlil-r N 1 eMiAbllalini nt, In audition to the Immediate rclalltea and ir.i'mloif the deceased, cecnrteit the liody fr?m the residence lo Ihe place of act vlci. This long line of (ample waa henteil by lllauup Watauti and caiitiseloia of the rllxlh Waf I. The moating houre waa ilenaely packed aii I quite a number were sllll unal le to yein a InMin A laran number of Luniitlful II iml trlbulie Adiriieil the raeliil. Am ng them wire 11 brikeii colum , irnm the Y. M. M. I. A; n Hor, Kundiy Hchuol; n broken wheel, young men 01 the iMv," illli; 11 haakit nf How era, ynung lole of Ihe NlMHi lllie; Ihituwere also, from 1 Iherr, 11 wn nth, an Author and a liutnter of lojU'Ueto. Hie hall wao molly draptd with while mat. irlnt. The oiitnliiR prayer wis oflend by CnunoclorJeeee Weit. rhe seAliera wire. Ill thu ordirln which they a MriMu I tho atremt lagi ; Klder J'lhn Nlchiloon, l'railjt-nt ('. V. 1'enrooe, I'teelJllit At'guo M. Cannon and President (leome t. Can lion. A few wonla were aImi aioken by Ithl.op James 1!. Waloon, and l.hler John Have, In behilf of the ward Y. M. .M. I. A and Hiimlay Hiluwl, ex( reared the high taleimln nhllll the dtceaoed waa hrlj by all the memliers nf Ihoie luilitiitlona. All the remarks ofthespeakere wi re highly culoglollaofthe iliarnclira of lirolher Anderson, nnJ, while being luolructlve toAll, wire upri-MlVB of deep sym I alby for Aud cotive ed much coneoli Hon lo the tierenvod family. Tho rlnglnsi en reloea were excellent ly reuJero 1 by Ihn rilxth War I choir, led I y llrothtr Jamts I'uultou. The lieuedlcllon mi ronouiKcd by AposUo AbralAin II. Cannon. A loug line of vehicle', Iniludlng the "Utah" flllid with empl yea of the Xi.uatntabllhnunt, fullowcil there ualtia lolheiemitery.nberull ugrAVe waa dedicated by J.lder Mrhulsou. Then the l ly t-f a young man of tin iitu 1 promise und alerllng Interrlty was covired liy mother eat 111, toarVAU Iho call of the reourrcetlin pruvlJ.d through the merlUoftbe Lord Jesus Christ. A I outing AtctJenl. Albert l.ilward Ni-.len, agid 11, son nf .Mr. IloUrt 1 Neslen, of the Tweiitletb ward, met wllh aalnful accldint at about S p. m. yi elerday, January 1st. He was coming ou 1' strict 01 which the eled traok extends all the way from riuveuth etreet In Hcc oiidHnuth. In that distance Itcrossis llirenrallroal Hum and the children uilug It aro therefore exposed to gnat danger. lSert la a bright aa well aa a venturesome lad. Ashe was rushing down the hill nt a high rate of sjctd, Ihe ho,)s shouted And warned him ol the A proauh of a car. Ha took In Iho situation aud aeeltg he colli! not rtoji he concluded to doJee tbo electric conveyance. He ill I this succrisfulls', but In vtrrlng he collided with an eleitrln light pole, the niult wee that the lift able nf hla face was an badly bruised that tbo eye Is completely 1 loeed, while 11 number uf hla let til are uei ej. Ills left at Je and leg areahu Injured. Thn aor hoy was cairloi home ttnconsclnus, In uhltli c-otidlllon he rrmdlieil until near mllnliiht. Tho acildent gave hla mother, who thought at l!rt that he had been killed, a se.ero shock. Thn product Is, however, that Ilert will Iki about ajaln In a few days. llo mu.10 11 .0 I ..tin., 1. Ones upon a timo there was a bentitt fat InJInn maiden who waa compilled. by her family to rnjae hrra It to marry a hi leoni obi man rf her tribe. In her desperation she leaped Into a canoo And puihed it over the roaring breakers ot Niagara, preferring the angty watera to the arias of her itetestod lover. Hut the god of thunder, clonl and rain, who Vtatclits over the hsrvelt, dwelt In A caveliehlad the roaring cataract. lie caught her jnt as her frnll bark was il&shlng npou the rocks lielow and gave her a homo for many weelai In hla own lay terlous cavern. FVom him she learned many new things, among tlieiu why her ecple died so often. Its tnU her tiow an enormous snake lay colled up nnder tho grounil beneath her 1 lltago, and how he crept out and iiolsoneit the springe, ue caumi be craved tha flesh of human be ings and coaU nerer get ououg'i of It so tons as thsy dietl from natural cause, Tho lualdtn reuialoed In U10 cave until hor ugly old suitor was deadi then alio returned, au 1 the, god killed tho srrint with a thunderbolt. Tha great dead make was so lingo that viheu the joopla laid Its body out In death It slrctchel otu tuoro than twonty arrow Itlghta, nnJ as it floated down the waters of II10 NUgir.i It was ai if a mountain appeared aboto tbctn. Its corpse wa too large to pass the rocks, soil became wedged in botne-cn tin in anl tbavmtirs row over It, thus fashioning tho horseshoe, which remain to this day. Washington Star, l.un.1 la Hot II.. tli.,1 Jie Jefferson is n devoteil disciple ot IZAiik WeJtan. He always has nil eye oiom for fjshtug tai kle nnd wants to buy every new variety uf pole he sees, A few w eelta ago hu wns on hla way to n funeral v, tth his anna, when he hape neil to spy a irtiralurlr attnuliie flsldng rod lit a store window "IJnis," suld he, in hli lieel funeral velce, "I think Illlwrotliae to boy that rod lei's po In It limy not he there whi u we tome baca" "Hon rnmi laco Are nailb A Trio or I lorllo.l JeLero. The Into J rioreueo waa bait Lnow u otf ilu hige un a pructloal J deer. He rulii d f ir his auioeea npon hta cluver mil ciiilnl Ami it is nut rccordi-1 that I n vt r 1 uidti nn eumn) b a prtcti ml joke 'Ihlo Im oof uracthal jokln,; 111111I0 llin aud Imutlreary rkvthem (ri mis until the end of 8.1II11 ru Hie Tl) u r t mtliiuilli li)hu jnknl caihiii- n il otlir un 1 11 hu 1 .wiius th. j . t mv . niriim J ' m - 1 m 11 1 1 1 r in t ro a I n s ti in it ji rs in New Yof i llu )ir iiro. hew urk tsuu. 1IUSIC AMI llllAUA. Iticriileddrod al the World's Fair. lwal Annrseinenl oles. OOMfKrilluX AT THU WOAU tAIK- The 1'UcdiM U Ihe niualml win ixtltloiilurliig the World's I'alr, In which we bo to sea cur famsui Talemarle choir take an emlnintl art and carry home the $)) rUentlmst. An 1 xchinga gives the list nf Irc-e to be sung on Ihe ticca-Ion ie followit I. Choril conietillon(mlxed toIcus) "I Wrestleaml fray( Double Chotus), llsili. "Now thn Imptituuui Tur rend lllw.," 1). Jenkins. Choirs to number not lets tunu .W nd not more than w. First 1 rite, jsuun; tcooud, ililk) UoldinsdAl to successful con duiturs. , Choral comjetlou (male voices) "Camillas rng ol l'nulrm," 1. J. Davlee. "The l'llgllms," Dr.Joil I'arry. Choirs lo numter not less than fitly ami not in re than sixty voices. I'lrol trlxe. JUKIn. ncotid, JVW. Uoll luelali to suceeetful cou duelers, 3 Choral conlrelllloutl,lla voices)' "The U'rilaiiiyHhephirV'Kchutarl. Chdrf) in nuailier lint lees than forly and tint mote than flfiy volcis. Kirat Mli. JJHil; siijind, J15I) CI ill medals tosuccissIullAily ronduilors. i. WeWi nutheni comcetlllpn. I'rlre, ftut); go,d meilal to c inductor. ft (Jim comiiellllon In Wi loll. I'rlie $2d and gold miolal to ci tidiit r. tl. I'arl-rong comiH-tlibiri (W1I1I1 or Vtigllsh uorJs), "Pcao mi the 1) ip," 1'arsnn Price. "Itlslng of tho Huh," John rinimis. rnitli if sixteen volets, l'rlii . VI. Tor thn Iml ri million of Dr. J. J. MiiuuVdixl bo Morrl.ul," n qui 11 Ittte, 11 ititii ol JJ- will luinwnrdml, lcr"lllori nud lloiiot,"a ijuarlit, S-,; forUH lInaheoMiint "Lie In.lgki'r nverl," Jii; for "O Living lleait" (l')by UoiULhalk, $ii, for trvluilon and aria (ci niraltn) "Life Without my l.uildlii."(C)liyt(luokl.,0,forAsong (linor) "l.i-nl Me llilno Aid," by tJiiiiiiod,$.1',aliil fnrneoilK (liArltonel "Where lliu I Indon llloora,"(A Hal) Dulley lluok.tsi. JIJJ will be Awarded for the conuwal Hon uf thu best uv biU for lour olcee, wllh plauu aicotnpanhiienl, tu words ch' sou from Ilia 1'oaIiik; n coniptisltlou thatrnu be perrcrnml In 41 m tilitis. Coiului tor Hupbens la familiar with tbo two preat chnrnl fleces. And he bus ordered roj lea for tbe choir and the work to iimrtr them thoroughly will st on lomnience. Tho profeeour is also thltiklugor compete for the rlro oflerl fur thecactnia. "linn: UiltUVAUNTbKHOV" was 1 resented At the Halt Lake Thiatre fhurs lay night to A rather small nil dluire. It was refreshing to wltnrx, a I tsy of this iharaitcr and so well acted niter the Index ridable Iruh that re ceded It. "J'nunlleroy" Is a little dranu full tf touching Inclteuts. A molhu's love aud lliu purity of an in uocent 1I1IM are auljtcts, the loiilim plallou of which Is not only IcAilug but strengthening hud vlltiubtlng. The Cooler couiiany la fomjoevtt of uncnnimonly clever actors And AuT ACtri-voes. Little Utorgle Conorr whohAl the tltln rolo wes chirmmg nnd inhibited dramatic talent that tnuit !e loLtlderid henomenal Inn child or her age. Mr. Hood was n fine tufrlchtuiu of an Ltiglltli lord and MaUl Kulherlaud drew tears from many an eye by tier rratMlo acting In the Ural act. Applauiuaul ncalls re warded thetaleuttd layers. 1 11111 Mum iiniusiA.N.v. The Thrntru waa crowded last night. The name anil fame of Ihe "wUarj king" aie alw je draw Ing t rlhutlaetlo throngs. Hie trogra-unie Iat night couslotid of four iiarls, aud, II weuro iiotmlaluWii,tbu pnltleat oa well ta thu niott asionlshlng tricks wire er f rmed during the llrttaud last purti. Tho "Hying CarJs," "tlrowth uf Klonera"Atid "Hindoo Ta" wete wildly clitenl, as were In fntt mist of the pi iformatli es. The mhuii 1 itt, "Iilack Art," which rns concluded wllh the dicsiltatloii or Mrs. llerr maun, Ish ietformaniu whkh makes the sicctatur fanty hlmeelf ooufiuuiel by a hoit of hoi goblins. In ".ilroUl ka," the third art, a gcutleniau Is lorked lo a board by a lomrultlee of tut trout the auJIciict. fhe buatd is then removed and conctalid for a lev mlu uualchlndiurialni. Allol ihol Is find from Ihe lop of the curtain ar reugemetit, the curtalua are with drawn, uUr Allot tfu niuesrien lu sttad of thu gentleman, a biumlful young lady Ij ihalmxl tu the buunl. I hu proh reor will eiilertoln thu ubllu again tonight. Hveryhody Is luvlttd to watvll iloetly, buiauso "the clonr you watch, the leus ou see," M It. 1-uTTlll Ul 1UA9 will be roduied for the lint lime In thlscltyatthe theatre Monday nl,ht, Jan. 4lli, tbu vugaguinont tu couiluJu Wedtiesilay night. Joeiidi Wluelock, Jtllrey Lewis, Frank Alkeu und olhir noted 1 lofesslubala will Leanu lu tills 1111' CII0II1 U0.NC1.1IT. Lovsrs of i,ood niutlo nru 1 romhe 1 u ram Irrat on Tuesday nlkhl when thu Mom elsohl! IJululetle C'luli,ulold by IheTutcruuce ihulr, will render au ixceUeutprOfcramnii. TholcicaUoloIsta ate Mrs, Julia Hilvitwuud, Mr. (1. 1). I') per, Mils Louie l'oultt n, Mrs. Itrholu Diaii AlliinianaMr, Morunl lliumas. Hale nf miiis uow open at Coallur A HnelgruVe's. MdNDCnliANI). The 1 rog ran me at Ihla iopular place of ainuKDient Is full ot lntiTeilln ftaturea this wetk, Tho stocli ooruo liny Includes several g'jod louiudlnus, and thu pleces-Cuufuilon" liu laugh able IIUlo farce. lu this Issue Mr. LhvIh L. Murdetk pruenta a uituber of fails und ni proprlulu aiiggeetlotia In rshtlcn to "Liberal" oolvtiliitlun rut n part bf Uie nijiouolilin iniinlolpAl cluctlun ctun lalgu. Wu oonmiend tlie gontlcmau'a LouiinuuloaUon to the ttiouglitful twu ildetatlou of our readers. : -awra as. Ill 1 mi ua -In lite RlghlesBth ward or tills clly.Jujuoi, in, Itin, Klla, ilaualner ul W 0 auullsry 1 oter.sad wife oru 1 Iiuiblilge sloi!ttyfi,i,swoBleeaii!ll dars. ruaerol set iutr 1.1 II , trurs Jtishtsenth won! muollug liouie i rlsado of toe fsmllr UitlUJ A I' HmllliA ( o,IlrnimUl, uaoi t cr ltibtiii'Htsiriuii 'lu 1 . Van II t r ) tm da- a ura. Hil ilMe, Lcononlkal. I LATISJT TELEURA.MS. lllKleeolil Ilnrfiii,Jan. S King Ieriold's Atliok uliniloetiia Is only slight. lileil i.niilp. WAiilixilTO-f, Jin. 2. Oeneral Moutgomer) U. Meigs, nf the Unllitl rtntio engineer corps (retired) dltd IhUiuornliigof grip. Illoaolroiio rlnn.lo. VlB.viA, Jtti 2 Dliastrous llxids aru reported In uporr Austria. Iitolitnllr Mil"!. Oiianii JUftcriox, Tean., Jan. !!. A coustriictltin train at ruotis, llard man county, I'miieieec, wasdiralled yeoterJny Irotj aoins unknuwii cousi mitt ttmei evro unlotis of the Illi nois Cinlral Ittll.i.iy Ikyninny were luslinlly kllkd. Ilnonellllioouii DrAil Ciiioauu, Jan. I lloowcll II, .Ma son, luiorof Chltagual the time of the great fire, tiled at his rceliiouie, ol congiitlou of L1.1I11, at midnight. he Itiinii.r uf ineUIMIng el llitn li lleuled. LAIiruu, Ttiss, Jan. I Colonel Cirnii, ol thu Mexlratiariu), relterattv thediulalof lliu ravull ni Mlcr aud the killing of Ueneral Uarcia. Tberu hASlttii tin tliinoiislratlon on the Mexican side for some time. All ko) lu 011 both ilJcw of the river ate lu sympathy Willi Ualui aid II In ltilte ilblu t get nuy AMioianoe loiiklng to ward his ui tun-. It Is said Iheilethal fntiy la behind (Jans, furnlrhlng lilm with luom, and thut ni soon aa hu tnll'io Hu men, liny Mill fiiniMi h in mlllli) a to curry on his aim liigu. Nclll cr (Urza nur thu main p.tllol hla folluwen nlu on thlaaltleol the rlnr. rney haecrovMil Into the Hlalurf rnmuuiliainudarcniiwltilhii ruountalne. 1 hn Mexican givurnuicnt has olleretl n reward of $3U0,otl for Uatxaa head M f ir Hi- M xlrans lisie killed over a liuudied men ou su lilou of lielr g revolullonists, and this has temlial tu Urle other iiiurrnnthirs to Jolu thu revolt. At t'ueblo thu 1V uiucu has revelled and every prltst has bteu 1 laced lujall. rrrrel r the llnlilln t.IUt splooluit Dliilii, Jin. 2. Since tl o explo sion 111 ilobllll caotlu Thursday last, tho pullet Iiumi been vlgiUnt lu watch logt rsueieited dynamiters. Thu iiioVomsofllcers, too, liavedevcl optl extra Activity lu seirchlng the etttclsuf ikiueuLerslandlngal Qttisns tuwtifrom the Iratisalbiutiii steamer. Theyalwaia made 11 njadut toeilze under the law any niiinii nmmunlllan brought Into the lountry by either risldeiitsorfonigners butslncuThuis day's affair luey aro sirliter than ever. I nomas Ityau, the Utllrd HUles army insluner, who Is a paioengeruu thu Cuuard strainer "l.irntla," which utrlved at (fueeiistown, was taken lino lu. biily on a charge of cunceatltig a loaded rsvulverunda iup)yof amu nlllon. Itatlrned eliops llpenetl. T.tttill , Jan. 2. Tho new Kotthern railtlc railroad shops wire ojo-ned here lnt ulglit. Largo crowda were present at the txt rclees. our trulsei. Han nitau, Cal Jan. 2. Tho cruisers "dan I ranclsco"aud "Charles Inn" aro bulb In harbor here. Calatn lteiny of the "Charhston" said hu knows nothing of the Chilean situa tion. Howosordered lo come hereto receive ammunition and suppllta from "Han 1'ranclsuo" and to await further ordeta, The irulsor "llatllmore" la exiccted hereon Monday. the (Irln Air.clo the Itinooo. Han riiA.vci30i,Jsii. 2. L grippe, which has teen irsvalenl hire this wiultr, has begun toAllect the horses. Mol Utile. Hr. 1'auiJau. 2. Contractor James Culleii nrrlveil from Went Hujerlor, Wis., Ut nUbt and sajs the lalair element In the town Is In the control of tbe mob union plsoterers and that he an I his men were taken from HI, 1'aul a few days ago, and driven from town, one of Hum being probably fatally Injuud. A lljhl Willi olara-a Men. IjAlitlKi, Texas. Jan. 2. Colonel Canurou of the Mexican forces In N euvo Laredo, lias rect Ived a telegram from down Ihe river on tho Mexliau side slating that a fight ururnd on this side ami that two Unite I Huloi addlerswereklllel. The loo to Ihe rovolutloulsbi Is not given. Itevnlt In slerueeu. OlIIIIAITAIt, Jan. 2 Advlctt to cilviol from Tmigleni, Moroi co, report Hist tiling of that nelghliorhood lire In oiAtt telielllon ngalustlhoHultan. TLu teosuti of this is thought tu I e thu re Ctir.tillslnlsialllidhgrateat DtX, of all the Miirocooau mluletirs nud court ulllclals. A Ilrltloh Mint out ami crulitr hnvu started from here to pro tect the llrlthdi lesldeuts and lnletrsU In Morocio. the I) lilu I oiliest. CiLU 111 v, Ohio, Jan. 2. Tho Hoiiatnilalctmteslli reaching n crlsti. ltlsliclliedthat thu close of thu di will And the contest iilTtit, Lut until thu Huusu aud Hitiale taucus tbla ndernoon la out of thu war. all iridic- tlons muil bo act optud aa ebullitions of untliu.laillcaJliuinU id tlio can II tlutis. 1 hero were al out suvon doubt lul ntitniblyinen this iiioriilng, mid nil wire claimed by both candluatey. Ih surprise of the morning waa lh deilarAtton by Ueprirititathtslteevee nnd Williams lu favor ol 1'nroLir. Aa a mult nflhite di (.hiratlona the 1'nra ker nun wiru .oiy tonrl dent this morning, Hut n visit to Bin riu ail's lioadiiuarlers falliit to reveal any cheerful assurance Ainong his followi rs. l.veryliody iiou rules that lliu ovtituit will be a llosu ur.i, und it looka ut this hour ut Ihough 93 vntoM of the PAUrui would huao uvenl) itlvldutl that the victor will liuvu 11 msjorlly of less than I11I1 u down. 'Ihe Alliance and lather peo ple were .ndeAVorlnij to make m m nreseloii on Bhenntn, but S) jiarently tailed, I.OI, alKlilllll hi 1 (ill. Ml AflK AMI 1. HuireKlnte nniiiK tiiillotSli rollaj IU11111I lliu tlus asQte'.oLittsrs til tlio Hum ut llmar Slm)ieiiii "ill Mlllli.. 'itnr nir.i 1 au im u iirnioiior ' 'im "l 1 'ul ,"ie'i",' , tma nt ed 1 I. Mtrclllll Mr r ui), I . X Royal Baking ffowder Has no Equal. The Ilaliing Towtlcr will male tweeter, 1 jlitcr, finer flavorjil unl mote wholeiomc bteail, litcuit anil ctkc than by ollur leavening, 'M agent. It It of higher strength, and therefore coo jjllitr in work anil jJ i. more economical. All covcnimcnt ami tcicniific Ictts jo lo tliow IE tlii). Koyal DtUrg 1'ow dcr ij a liat cninj agent bil)tolutcly illiout jfi an equal, Wi UU8II MCDICALCOLLncr.ClHlVGO. v..' "Aa tic result o( my tcttt I find tlic Koyal " IlaliinR Ton dcr superior to nil the others in c. cry ' respect. It b entirely free from all adultcfatiort and urmlioletoine Impurity, nnd in liiiing It (lives offa greater oIumc of leavening (;.ii than any other ponder. It it therefore not oiiV the purest but also the strongest powder mthVhicli I am acquainted. ." W.VLTKU S. UAINE3, M. D ," Jh, cfChimalrj. ' Ciiicaco Cou-Ecn or Pharmacy. "The Uoyal Baking Powder, which tests the highest in strength, Is free from lime, alum, lime phosphates or v other adulterations. Its superlative purity, the entire l wholesomcnctsof its ingredients, the scientific manner ' in which they are combined, together with its ir.u:h greater strength, mahc the lioyal unquestiomhly tupc. titir to any other halting powder. v "II. D. Gakriso-V," rnf.cdmatiy. h llreun'a Ilrnuelilat Troches for Couslia, Colds and all oilier Throat Trouble, "Pre-eminently tho best." A'ee. Jlcnry II urtl ,'eeeAcr. Dr. llurrows, Uotillst, Aurlst tin I Op HrlAi). Hictailiafllted. Commtnlal Hlock. 'I)r. I tail's Healtli Pamphlet" ought to be In thu pnsotnlon nletery family who values cool liinlth rthuSt.uM. CcorKedoiltlard Agultt. 2 "riuViliTiiaTVeloT J'.unnerafor Ilucfleo, Carls or Da lively Waitons; thu nnat telfi-ct tlilm jtl. HIcUlis-HiiiMl llodr and l'ort and Cutters, and n flue linu nf Hug Kles, nt blt'liKliAlmt Lino.". Ill Jllllll A ISH Hfiolal Blllcoh Toilet and allrouud Hcourlnir Hoas. A Utnli 1'rn.tucllon. For sale In prlnrlral retail stores leroeeoullpeii n New M-l or . Don't fall to call at l5 Commercial ltlock und lnviattguto m) ihetk sis tarn of accounts. It has been In uou from six months ton ear In a hum ber of will known business luiuit, amom: which aru tho Litis rurtilturu Co , Johnron, l'rott A Co., thn Utah Hugar Co. and Josi ph HImun A. Co., any oho uf whkli will leotlfy to Us tie clued advantage ortr the old raelliml. Any number of our large linns laie plieeil orders for tho first uf January, nnd by that time It will lw In use In not Iris thatl 23 of our Unrest butlnees houses. llAllllV It. IIIIOWM', Accountant, .j and 83 Commercial 1 llui k. i:itabllshed I8SS. dw.Vs Wanted. Hatesmin eiery where for now metal sieclaltlea for buil in sa men, alio alJo Him for ilrummirs, blt uy, eud for sami lea nt unci'. Wltll.HT MFO.CO., deat fit I'atk Uow, N. Y, Toysan J holiday gooda luot arrive I; M trrcent. Iiss than anybody At the Halt Lake laudable Co-op., JO and S2 Mnrkrt Uow. An tvinuptUle llellilor rreoent Wiuldliunueof thnon l xcellent iluggy , Hugs, l'rlcia Iroin tf nu up at Hillln MAlcni Hiicm, I BUY II O M C MADE Llnsoy Shoolini:, illanlcotn, riannols, Hoslory, nto. JOHN C. CUTLER A Dt.0., No. 30 Main Slroot. bUMMUNS. rniitniToin in iTAif,(ot'TVnrMT 1 Isle lo Iho Jaotli'iiot.illrtUiiiiiilalB Hell Ireelnet llrfirsWnt II lloritr.Juotleeof lle loses. Hu hard Wintlinlll. iUlaillf. ts. Jula IKve.UeteniUnt tleniKtiit.lAuu, lnjhnllw. sreetlni toil sre htmly ouisis ids 1 I l sn I sppeor teroro me the, st ntr nmce. In lltlusuia Ho I Ivei trtrt SoltlJIhe I iiutity, reintorjiiC 1 uti oa tho lllh ilot of Jsntiori', 1-vl sml snower A eemi Islnl Hie I sasiaoi thu l,y the aliovo lisme I lalnllfl oil lusailldsvnt lloeeiittier, 1-sl said a linn li bmurhl to recover fnin yoa tha siri nrtlvufi rdsnioseo.iliinetiy tas foil twlrji tleoiriliel solmsii unslivht re4Cuw,aTeois uld nrst l nut silt In rlatal eor irvuiltsil litooaiiesraoi anm (Mitel llin tilt will tsls Jo Iftneat sxslnol jou lor Hie sum or II M su I roll. Unen under niy lian 1 Stole 2nd dsr nf Jsnurrr, A II. IW1. "M. II IIAIIlii, dAs Juitrs of the 1'sscs or said ITeotsrt. bUMM0N3. ritiimrrni'r or ithi lOtiNTVor 1 mii Lake. InlleJuollreotoiirl, lloun. tout liell rennet. Iiorure W in IL lltr Ir. Jtio tuieltthelrare ll.oris K Nsrlnr.l llintllf. lortrobnliooderrndont.ienisnilillo. Tejubn Isie.siotilai loners lierebf onminone I lo .,fl Lo anil a I'.or I in., Ilm nn.l.r.irnnl. si ifcSi nr oni-e in llounlsla Iloll lirerintl In i-olt BTffi LVs Intinlr. lenltoiv ol l I.h.tiii ihn litis BUi rti r of Jonuorr, lW and anotter A i-monlolnl fSBBBj fllcil Sf aluot run lir tbo alxiie not tr 1 1 taibtll BS on tbo sl.l ilar ut hieember, o-JI said scUon is I ronslit 1 1 recover frtnn you Ihe sum ol noe ilolloro fur damiies tloeo by the tolloa ma doirrilieil animals line Mini Coll, two jesr old lo innoir.trsnd- ed 1 oa lcrt ihoulder. One Ilsy rillrf, ttru v.srol I In inrior I rsnde I 1, on led ihnal tor, olilln let! ear. One llluo bone, s jrtaraold, Uarnlsd flxura V on lelt slioalilsr. It Ton foil lo sn nipesr sn I snowrr, tho I Isltlnt will Isle Jndsmsnt sxomit lou tor lbs sunt uf rivs tl tllsro ami tAolo lliv.n under Iny band lull tnd dsr of January, AII.ISV.. H II IIAIIlii. Juallcs of lbs 1 eses of n! I t'rerlurt. Wo havo Two Car Loads of TOYS nnd TOY FURNITURE. Goo our Mammoth Show Windows. II. DINWOODEY TURNITURE CO. to" THEPUBUC 1 Wo again rIvo lioarty thanks for tho sonorous pat ronngo oxtondod to us (lurlnfr tho past yoar, and ospoulally tho prpsont holiday noason, nlul wo cor dially wlbh ono and all a Happy and Prosperous Now Yoar. Good rosolutlons aro In orclor, and our rosolvo Is to moflt n contlnuod Incrtiasa of btmlnass, by maintain ing a full ctocle of oxcollont Roods In our linos anil , Goltlno; ovorythlng at lowost prioos. UTAH COOK & STATIONERY CO., 72 Main St., S. L. City. DUNCAN M. MoALLISTER, Manager. BaKsng Pwcier. Used in Millions of lToincs ,o Years the StaudariL A 1'uro Cro tm of Tartar Pom dcr. , tmixuor lo ovi ry other kncwn. Deliciottn Cake and Patry, Wflit 1 1 ilrv B!ienit, Griddle Calcr-t, Palatable aud Wholesome. No other liakiiij; powder does such wcrlc