Newspaper Page Text
B ' ;K 2 nKSKiuyr evening irawsi vi:i)Vi:hi)ay, vkhhuahy , iso'-'. B V tint roioMd In tt McKlnlry hill, H 'B ' rather llian at uniform rti'. The H K I committee will, however, la-fore It 1 ' I jHj reachea any conclusion ae lo whether H IH Ine rate thall be lower than at reetit, H IH ml whelherunlforniorvarylDicnblalii B XLMI additional Information bearing n Ins H i 'OH quellonlnellltar.liaCT. Forllilarea H i ,aW loiiltlayetundt.ermliie'l whether or B ISV not Hie wool bill ahall bo Hi first lrltt H I US llll retorted flora the committee. m HH Hhould other bills which ire uf n leas B IH complicated nature, tucb as Ihoae re H HH UtliiR to binder twine eiidfreeliiuilr, H W be ready for union by tho committee, H B Itniay lie dicldcd to rejwrt first aomo I , ! H bill of lmpler nature than the wool H JM bill, n.l (Ive additional time) to tho H B preparation of thl, measure. Iho whole B I K fiuentloa till ofmn. H H -felorlena namlll B H Homa, Feb. 2.-A fierce) encounter H ,1 H with brlitanda occurred near Iluritaa. B ' M AlxidyofKendarms, Milsted hi ;i; B santi, routed the) brigand, ami killed J ' AB the) notorious chief Letter. Two j ,eaantl werekllled. HkV H Heel ln lllala. H I IH IIUDA l'MTIt, Fab. 2, Twenty J rauu, lost lliolr live, as the reiultof BV BV election rlole lint week. HH Br IHH ,Hi Havannaii, 0., Feb. 2. David BBB nt Porter, deiuly collector of port, offlcer BBB k in the local post of the (Jrand Array uf a" I w Ilia llepubllo On I rt irolIllnent OJd , Fallow i shut dead early Ihli in im Ine tiy hit ,ou. 1'orliT u beating hliwlfo. The Haaaee' lanse ftf h Uhama. BBB (lOTIIHir, O. T., Fab. 2. Tim Hil- BBB frame lourl baa rindered a decision BBB iin the clause of lha law oiiiId BBB Oklahoma, known as the "rloouar" BBB ')' clause, MVldllig that any eraou who BBB entered Ian I tieforn the hourof opening BBB ahould li i all ilithta to obUIn title to BBB any land whatever. H CalWnrnU'a riral While ftelllee HI Han Fhancimm, 1'eb. 2. Jacob I'. BBB a IiCkp, the first white aettler 111 toll BBB " fornla, died here jraterdajr. aged 82 BBB years. He came to California In 19-a 1 flnr halloa. In IfanleiMeii Nkw runic, Feb. 2. The Utralifi Mnnuvldm table aayal The entire lllce force lr thla city hate baon kept Imay keeping ordaron account of the rlotuua conduct of mon who will be BBB fit given "liberty" from the ehli. of BBB ' Admiral Walkar'a eriuadroii, now In BBBj BBB Newt cornea from Ilutuoa Ayrea that BBB the cruleer "Ariienlln" an I the BBB Iranaporta "OavloU" and "IJilinl.i" BBB aalled todaj un lar aealel ordera to ai- BBB I'ornpanjr lha crulwr " rnenlr.llllh of BBB May." Her deellnatlon U thought to BBB be the Blralta or Masellao. H i Iaelleinenlaltre.1e,lMleadM. BBBJ Ulnvkii, Feb. 2.-lxcllement at BBB Crede, Colo., the new rulnlofccauip on BBB f, the KloUranJe Itallwa), la Intaiiar. BBB 1 l'toplo ara llocklni; from all tiarta of BBB ' the country, and many rouKh-bonrd BBBJ lioiiRMhaTeirnniiplniiahorttlnie. BBBj 1 Themluea are asmethliii: wonderful, BBB1 and ahuuat equal lothoaa of Lea ItIIIb BBB In III beat da. l)a Id H. Jloflatt to- BBB day waa oflired tl,U00,K) by au Kli- BBBj lieu company to bjnd the Holy Mwa BBBj Credo, but refused to do ao. Mince the BBBe firitproiect waa atartel, nloe nnntha (. ago, there haa been tS.uud.lkX) worth of r ore taken from the mluea there, at pjjjjjjjj. though ererthlnic la underelojd a BBB set. Today 1j. Ij. Dlckaon, Henry II. BBB Wolcotl and K. I. Woleott, of Dauver, BBB and Jake Haunlera, of Uh'IyIHc, iiur- BBB1 chaiedalwo thlnl Intereatlli the uvt BBBJ I Chauoa at Credo for SIO.ikju. Thla BBBj ' I inloeliahlrplDif ninety tona of ore BBBj i which areraseiJliH) per ton. H Jl ' V leaaee'tliieelean rlt.lllln. B ' Iosdon, Feb. 2. The l'arla rorrea. BBBj I londeul of the IhiVj atatui BBBj i that a conimlaalon, compoeeil of nieni BBBJ beracf the American legation nnd re BBBj trcaentatlvia of the Freiuli (loverii BBBJ moot, haadevlaed au extta lltlon treaty BBBJ between Frauca and the Uullod SUtfl. H 111:11 r B HI. Paul, Feb. 2. William I'.., BBB1 patentee ot aaeparatur, haa been irlven BBBJ a, Terdlct for 11(1,000 ajtloil the I'dU. BBBj burx and other rallll. Ijee aaya that BBBj tlour mllla all over the country have BBBj bvon ualug hla Invention without pay BBBj ( Inuhlni a royalty, aud lie contiui- BBBj I . platea rviulrliiie other tullla to account BBBj'' f Jl to blm for the uau of Ida patent, H I Providence, It. I., Feb. 2. The liar- BBBj ' naby will, kuownaa the Chiater will, BBBl ' vrlll lie peaented to the municipal BBBjT t oourt tomorrow mornliiR for probate, BBBi i when thoee Intereated In the will from BBBl I ' Cheater, i'a. ,wlll appear. H Phlla'jahlila,Feb.2. Jamee McUul BBBa IouBh.tholataurvlvloB aonof thedla BBBjL tluiinUhed tratrdlau, John McCul BBBT lough, died yeaterday, BBBl Hau Francl-co, Feb ,2. Moaeallop BBBl klna, a well known capltalUt, dleil thla BBBb morning of heart failure, ilo leaves BBBj an eatate or f 30),O0O. BBB New York, Feb, 2. A rooming BBBl paper is)e that the terma of the iur BBBl ohaae uf the Klitabethluwu, hexing BBBj ton i. Illg Handy ItillroaJ, by tnv BBBj Cheeaiicake A Ohio, are made public. BBBb ( P Huiitlniton haa turned over hla BBBl 20,000 ahertHi of atock In the lllg Handy BBBj to the Chreepeake d Ohio on a Ivan BBB tateoua teiim, which the purchaalug BBBV ouniiauy extauda to other holders ol BBBj llkeetcurltles. BBBl London, Feb. 2. The Hantlago cor BBBl reaiondent of the 71rnea telegraphs: BBBj The Chileans hoU Hfatl rXaiunalbln B for thecontlnced waragalnat the Cou- B , atltutlonal ajvernment of Chile, bjt f their only actli n In the matter la to B '"'e him entirely Isolated. There la B , a marked Irnprovemeat hare toward BBB tho United Htatca (lovernment, H i New York, Fob. 2. A dispatch from BBBV ' the City of Mexico toulght rejtenta BBBm the rumor tulegraphed last nlghl that BBBS Colonel HeriunUez, recently aeii- H tincud to death In Montery, had been BBBV shot while attempting to escaiw. BBBV Pat Lannau. manaiicr of tho 7V(ontie, BBV h' returuol Irom Wuslilugtou. BBBV X Ictioli Trevi oelc an I aecretarr left BBBV far tho Katt this morning on mining BBBV buslnertt, BBBV Charles I. Moora, Inaaager ol the Hun BBBj foundry, Is In Hie elty, B Arthur M. Ili)ll liss gono out of tho B drug buslmios In this city and removed BBV tn BBBV lions. P. H. ltlchards, J, 1,. lUMIn, BBV ur,d It. W.hmlth have gone to Wnsbtug BBBV tn t'O't Hlth a vlow to ewurloir ibe BBV Tsaeo of the Caliin I'aulknor llomo Hide" iiiessiire. Ks.llovernor West, BB Judge Judil, P I. and P, II, B )i Uver will leave for tliol.asl forlluaaiue BBVB I purpose on rrldsy morning next. l BBfi ! tBb. IIimI I tiiumiH Himirllilnir Mr. Amra i K, Irr, writing In M pincott, (pittn jurrc to tho 1 1m lliaf this ti An Impolite njd W lme to tx in unthnmortil hnrry ttiro U no time for liru tiutntntrn aud n tlioronhljf faolito ttirtri of th cM n hoot woiiM in lorf NvnrrtlirleM Mm Uirr tMnki wehroniit 't nn 'esqnti-ito iwinc tbfua" wlitcli Ih tor) Kreftt loMlmlevil Weluu oftrii In-llrfvloAl wtrt tlumsht tho molprn ffenfmtion wnn pt lnt( totlicUoK-i prrach About thii "ex tUfnltinoniflliiittt wltkli tho fttea Im-I lout, but irciifvcrfltii Riifbolyvaliocnu dclihlt(reiMrbtti)hHrt4ilK. li m hntyn th- rift of thrm reul "iKidjtl tltnttrr " howtrtor, In the tlU cariltnit of tt wtmtorcr It li Blm tituli, that ccrtJiln gar nicnti hihI iTrotininif ttrv thf "Hvrti nnd l-iltJi" that krvp pxlty from fullinK topirti. All WW htw to u,iy, tlicii, U Out ivxipty iininl bo In n Uvl way In lnllf thliUHll thit holds Ittc-giltor. Mrs Ihrr fnrtlifr. U inrv tlmt wmnnn ts to hlnmo for tho lvMt-f tho cxnlrilto tvoii.rt(inj. uud ahe wntita tho aex to rvm li out ant K"t It luck Htfaiu Ao cordinl)- w h()x tho tiling .fill anuti Lc timkiiiK'itri npit-nrnnco tn .ety again. Whco found It ought to la pnt Into a gUM t.Wft eMrnntlmn It U not trne that ioltrnwi U cUIiniiitc Mtiiklnd IaIco nvilljr n morf kin II) Intirot in otw umHhaT's welfare limn tlnjr rrcr ildl l-pfare, uiul vrhf ro Root) will rU'la -olltcnvw CJin hut bti lacking IVnn;lra!ilt 1MIrlni I'nll.rr. Ou CtirtKtniM diy u nnino cclvbrv tlon iriw bcM At tho nticleut, tovru of Itothlchuin, I1 tt wn tho annivpriuir of thofonndinor tho town In 141, IV) jciirs btfuti by U.o iou Mcrarian trrthri'ii "Unltai rratrunr (Uotty of Un'tliren) they natinvl thinIrM Ion b?fort. rt llttln morv than thirty )iiir8 after their Ktw.t rrforracr. John Un X?x burncil At th ( nkf. Dut tho brrth ut ClirJutniH. 1MJJ. tho founding of ilothlrhvia trnco their iliariJj Uick to tho Ninth trntury, vrhon Cyril nnd tins prtsol into tho wivnao Undi of nnd .MorarU carr1ii((n knowlodoof tho new fait 1 1. Tho ilo rtftetii.od their notions of Iiinilth e Christianity tit rough ccntirii' of raocuthm until n. Iho beginning ol (ho Utiihlitnth emitury tho Moravian had iMtnj.tintwtcitoriiiinatud. It, tUo nltflitof May J7. fSii, two Moravian feiiulliw eioiaptl f rum their nativo coun try to the wtnlci of Count Zlniemlorf, in lSAiotiy Tho count ntutvod them kindly, und hlimwlf boenme ouo of tho Urtthrva of Unity iiud in time u blnhop IletJVt nil hlfurttute At the fwt of tho I'uitiw Krttrnm They wvro Ml Imprwwd that tho brvthreu hnd n limit work It ft-ro thviu in ChriJittunlzing tho hfutthen if forrijcn iamlt Arconlint'ly they tumo to America, nnd on ChrUtma-. day, 1741, named thi'lr tonnon the lhlj(li iJolhleboin, width alitnltleit m tho Hebrew "houw ot bread None who cuuie to tho wttltf inent was orcr refusnd bread. New nt tiers cuoio to them, bands of starring ludinna npptled to them for relief, troopi of notdlira woro qiuirUrfdon tho town but. in tho word of thoi-iutor nt iMh liheui, "Tlio bread newr tcive out" On tho t-ontrury, th- settlvrs waiod prov ptnnw und IncrwuM Krwitly. Once thuy nert In iril of exUrtnltiation, not from rilUtointtMirr.ntluii thUtime, but from Indium flmlr brethren InaiM't tlement a Tow mile owity had beva nus tacrod A jilbwold chronlclo of th )rnr HV mentions, two days Lwfort UirintiuM the (del-ration which will tnke phtiw on that day "If Uud will und wojtt llvo." Uravely aiiI well they kept tho prl nil tho faith, theto Morntlans. nnd mi ruled their own biKinr nnd ut rich. They did not make the noixe tho New England pilgrim fatbert did, becnuto it was one of tho tenta of tho Moravian doctrine that tho brethren tniul keep themsohci unspotted from tho worll, arart from l-otltical strife and government ntTairs the wry things thoNew Uuglantlfatbeis gloried In. Nouo tho less, hone, ir. dl 1 tho strong, unlet, gentlo MorariatM stamp thcbo-eh na on thla country 1 hoy continue their mi union work still, tt deavoring to infill Into otturttenomliiA tnti t.i.iu thflr UV.U Mr. Awakening t.'liittMl lifn. Tut. lll.lotl M.l. Out In tho lia) tstitmU tho "dear old Htirtford," and by ln.r sido tho heroic sNtpslu It lo lo hoped that both thewt historic ship imy soon bo repniroL All tho world nsMnlntiMtho Harlfurd with tho expluitft at Mtbilo buy. bat bmides thlilntt resting fmt sho bi ono of tho fow remaining and ono of tho tnot-t twautiful of her typo. Hers is Indued a heart of oak Sho is not "dead ."as an old sailor lately said with a Digit, hho only tliH'iM. Tho NlpsielsstilUtnnch nnd sound. A ship that could make her way homo (half nnmnd tho world) with a storm twUtvd profiler such as brought tur up from B.iinou aftir tho ttmpoet of ilarvU, 1WJ, is not u ship to U sot light ly luldo, U.IU rruiitixco Cor, AugiuU. Chronlclo. Nut tt- u..n j- Af,r All. Asuppol prtctiuil joker went into tho btatuu ltIund feirytilip on Saturday, iindoxhibitlngttblAi.k ba,; dtx.larod it lonti.lnol djuainito aud thatholnUnl ed to blow up the Imllding l.crUl) luado a break for tho door except a po liuemaniuiUizeu'atlothoa, whoknotAod the mau down und (.aptured tho Uig, which wiit fuund to contain nothiur d tugiroui Ihu practical Joker had his jaw broken t, tho policeman's blow, Now ork Letter A hirlkluB Jury, Without doubt tho most uniinA strike on record was tlwt which iuterruptel tho trial of tho Join s venm Gordon dubt cano tit Ujrlingtou, la Tho jury had armed nt a .erdkt but rtfusod to re l-ort till paid their fves. Tiio plMiitliT who had dtiuaiidtnl tho jury. wa4unx iutin to Uviro tho verdict uud iuid tho feen Much to Ids ihugUn thu .erdlct wiM ngaiust him. Cor, New Vork . World. I5ATTIJMMMTII HATS FIERCE aTRUOOLE IM A CVE ALONO ROCKCASTLE RIVER Awful riptrlnr nt a llnntrr llmt Au1it-rrn4ii I iflomtliasi -lluw a Man fir Anx llonli uf Hungry .m. I Ir ft,..f--l (rrt(nrr.. Near Itf-rkeaa-tte rlrrr I a famous tjrmip of wild, rocky, tfu, tore.l Mil ln.lj known w Hoimd Stmnj Knom Aiotiplr of dnys ago lr J. J, KHe, n prominent rmintfritMill-it, vrrlit with ri.f(andKMi Into thrtt io-itllli to rho.t (iiall. atvl fur a time luliAtlf-Kcrth'nt sport Artmtt tMwrfj buw rrrr. a tliundtrntufrri rame np hikI he rnttml ndrp, nwky r nttti tb dmif cf flndlng oli-Itrr f nun ll,e nirtia haelo tnent-i. Herluan ajwrttirf In llrct(it on Mt left hn etitevrrii (t, iful wan (.iirpriwM to fir.1 t.lincir inn UrKf win lii.Hf.llM; wilii Mp ami cnKaiy all or. .Ith-r "Idtt nnl with a tuf Hist to n m-ti sitlrrnlilo iH-iitht Alxrtit twrnir ihi rt fnmi tlia?sfitrr.nrewAinn4iJfr-twli(il. iir nn-tol Ma atlrntl(n It Wat it ici,.,..! UiVtUltr, oltluiift In thapt nnd iltfliin hun liTils of ton, lying In nn fliti',iif p aEllcn on a li.tfli Jiiitltig ledgf, with Its l.tiitt' crot tipnreil Awful); Intoitap la t..ecArrn-.ruif. It l.-X.-l urn lliongh n alight shock or the tnurhnrnmeddl4ioiiinhanltnUhtlit tare It and rn-i- It to eotoi crrulihitt ihmn In dmt It .. un of thwf frltfltlfnl dntth Irai-i of hHltir, fcrlni ami alnlater anio Urn fcnitiJ ti MiltterraiHAn pn or lxti iKKI precfpkia. lr KltclofniiAdvmtiirfMidl-p((ikn aImi lieiaAl.HlurAliv.tiuid gmlUt o( no siuaII trpuW Tho iirlly and m if uw tit frit In ptiMtnttltKa; the iiiirM.l.,r,-.l. mj f4adimtliiK to daring cplflt Mlluml ntid emUildetitdliiiii lWIt .ing that lip-l."iit.l tnnko soma intrrt Mint; d.M-i.,i--a ho a I Vniirwl rt-M-lutrljr Into (I rut. ra An lip dl 1 no hUfnlilifal dog mi lib ulr curlrd it- tail bartirrrti it Irgi and inaate n i-jKly exit. At 11 e Mtrnu tlmr the d.-ttor aaw ivtu firry ejrta i,btr1iitf from a dark r irnc r Arrvchrn n. ht Hastily raWng Ma gun, W l.-xk dfllltr atoalm ajmI lit go bulb lmrnlt nit nitia nmiihty lit tivrer knew wlmt tin- nuiitiid was or what hA-I U-coiat of It urlioiti hrtukl din Hint UlluHcd and riUltmiil through lh ra.tiu waa follow td byanaw fctt crnh, nntTw aling colmun-i c f dunl and drnae lUrknr. athl he wo thrown talent ly forward attl ahnoH buriol Uurath UlAlaaTvatf f 0 tlHlt MIhI lie Krtiiiil.l! tul.Lifttt ngnln, bNnllnjx aikI gaonlng for lrent h Trrmr stnn k i d Ahpalltil. la renlliMl thnt the 1.uh l i Mor Wo lnul Nth privlpitatv.1 Into tin pnt. awr. rotnplett ly bloklng the rvrrl lr nml thutting Idtu, lik thft ilfHm of n twndrroua tomb, fureTcr Cnintliolltjli. lb- taw n way of rcn,N A Plutonian d.ukrii-v. m r.ivtt him Mnrroir, a (Aft tnlw of Itats. dMurlxtl by the drtotmtltm if hU icun nnd llio iihlftltig Miiml, la. tin n to bm arm along tho ivfmige, tioinlarnt cf 1 linn alighting on hi i-arrwin Tbi y wi ro of r litrtrkabta slie und nTCtu-w ami arrtn J dlpoMct to attack Mm. Po Mrloiu did thiylmmo that ht Haa forrnl to tlvlit thftn otT by tft movrtnf r.K . f 1.1 Imndn. Tiny airrpl forwnril In rut muMia flurka, nt If tora,vii himI that fuartrrnf tho tat rrn i tiilckly ntlro ultli lU in. Htuiimtl aud tally (Ntrtly nnuNl frmn their ncuj-jr, lb Himltpriflpltated them wrrs Agalnit the jutting rotka and frit upon the floor dead or Happing nwkwnnlly alomt In their woundi-d ngouy. Tiny swanned on the clwtor'a lnuk And neck Mko huge U They riahcd ngidnat bta faro nnd clung to hla ctoth, hla hair nnd lis Uatrd. ahI ithlrllng winga, bel low ktlikr, hlrlrtl tba dry dut ( et utun About In t1ouJ,Kiiiaiily Irritating Ibt huntrr'a nlrvady rxbatitiil lunga. n.T litis; Tu ma hut, I TlireateiiHl with sulTocAt Ion, be Inrnnwl 'tho activity of hla mornnriit-i. 1U ..truck, aavagely aim I hurled hundreds of tho KpifAklng barplra uoii tin earth And trainplett Ihem under Usftrt. liwcav iru'i rocky bottom U-rnm ao aabpi-vry nltbthe blu.l oal MAttrrnl tutruils of that bettaild aranilyknp hU footing That h ahoul 1 prorrro his equAidnilty under such toituro itwuudrr ful, but that hu did 1 tnuhlf.nt rota what uow trauplrod fihaktngoiT hi flrir tormentors for a mouiiut he ptillral Ml his coat and ; uniting ovrrltt)iroiiibn-tiMeroiitentaofawIlvky 1-xtlMliKli horarrM In hlahlpiMxktt, ha Itmlu-d It with a niatth, an 1 na it blniM upUbigantoMhlrl lt,nc1nlecr hi Ing Came and put. 301.1 unokv, aU.ul Ida hnwl 1 ho rlTitt was magical Th bnta, nn 1M0 to the Hutit anil tbvfumc, jir. tl tl t-Ir wlnga atnl Ugan a prcclttato lit Jtt to other iMrti 1 f the r.f.e. HurroniKbil by panic sttlckrn bint, even undrrthosprctrnl light of tWtureh, Kite nrf ittctl the apptarauio ot something lu Lutnnn, ghoolUli, drnunlieal. luulng from the cx kit t f bis burning coat rould b hi-nnl tho sound of bnrtng slitlls, which mlnttlcd strangely with his unenrtlf ly rrloa. 1 llliig and nnddng from ciilo to ldeof thcavrni,hl4 bafr tntnMnl over his rot-then 1 lu tangtr.1 nitivn and liU faro dlitoiicil with fury ntnl.lfpnlr, ha wlilnkitl tho tUrybranl atMiut, scnrlnic, icorchlug nnd burning many h)Iti, until rhu viut annytf horrid ereaturf". had livudrlteu back into further rcif-. of tho uuder ground rhamtnT HAMt wukk inn unntrr. Nearly exhausted, hi rlottea nnd Utily tt with awruland blool.he Ngantocon tvldir lie oo-L-lllllty of .cni-o from hLt priM 1 Iiuikc If any aviimo or taenpv our thuatUHiidotKiboHMer Atlllexlstvd, which wu would hav lusu inadnrM to nt It mpt to scjiIu It In tho ibt p, ltlgnlng tltrkiir. He ttvnfur aUw dolH-d Jl hop. te.ut I.leit, And Sought to find soma vulm rablo jtolnt nt thi aido of the set mlugly liupuMutble it ono buret, r Uy tho lluht of a Mi kly blaxu which plajM over tho smoking rnnmntof hit till burning venlnnut, ho ptcki-d up hi t.nn nod th ninths UrreNiiito therrum bling earth ami atone ut ono aids cf tho Liim rock The imua yleldwl by piece meal tohlsvxrrtlona. aq! with thetm-rgy of h man entoinUtl aIIiv and defprrate for lllwrty, he worked hendcnlly, tllgglnj up tho earth und prying away gnat frag tutuuof rocka. Hope nen r fcrn-ok him, nnd after nen louraofiurt-aot labor, during whbh the wurkof n Titan was pr formed, h sm ctIttl in making au oieulng lare enough for bit buly, and thruimh thii hole bo squeezed hliua-ilf In hla blmllng And blMuml haiida hu Held tbtUMrd and bnttrml remains of a gun, und Jiut ns tho cold but friendly moou armo Uhiud ths tAllplui-aouttie opCMlt iliir ho pawc.! out, pale, haukanl and grimy, into th-s chilly iilukt -Cor, Chuiiitiutl Cotnun rcml tiOJcite. Kerotnte ( leHn a ToUtlU. lo a tisikcttle tnkeltawAy frotn the lire ami want, off with a rng aiuyi hi ki na. 1. Tolloaitt by n nibblug whit. a tlry flannel :.otb -Kxtlange. Sir. Jtri-f. iu.iiiUiifti.eo. Idttlo Terror ilnmniu, ilr ilwk's nkiu is tiM finoutli as iiiitt'it No uuikrtunil ntall ilanuna--Junt lieur tho tliiltl, Mr Mcvkg. Offum-botlicroiuutio limits ou it. my -.'t. Uttlo ToiTor Hut you twiUl tho liui-i hud Utn itctkliiL; Uim -Now Yoifc Wuokly, EViy Serves Are AH Right And 1 have gained 10 tim.1i In o months, M tho ot tax in, M.xxl MtrMrl1K urs Mr lU If, V.w ot th" Hnu c.f ltoso A Wdy, IWhMttr, Y I ha-1 alirunt Chronic Dyapcpotn Mr digestion KInc vrrr ba-1, ami t vtm 1 token down frtim ovmiork o llwt Ieoult iiot sleep nlfhu. but mr ilomwh li now in prrfeet roMiilon. aihI for all tho atwre linftt mjr gratitude It thie HkkI' lUnaparllla.' "Wntor-Draeh And dyipepu troiitiletl me for 10 years, auj afur trrtag vtrkHH thintri I eimetiitled lo take Ilooila fUrsapartlU. The rfftrl 1 Mnr-vet-m as 1 aeem to be almost enllrelr curs.!" ,1. ix, Jogiaov 437 loth Htrept, Tolotlo, Oblo. If v.... anlTcr (rotn ItullRontion Or ilyspeptio tronlri trv Mocl AarstpartiM. It irentlytimoa anil Umitintr tho ttimorh, SHti tllfMtlon ami etrati s art aj-pet to Hood's Sarenptirllla AnitirallraaUii $nttt$s lrprt anI tjV I lt(M)IaCt) Afotherarw ltll. !. IOO Oobou Ono Dollar run Thomson &TaylorSpiosGo., lrrptrtfr aa1 Msaefkrlurrra of the FtNIiST SlMCES FUnVOrlNC EXTRACTS AMOn It TO THC TA1DC, l'rn ristois or lha rimims Itrsaj ot nui v cHoss . ja u. Mlchlpnti Avcnuo, Cor. Lnko, OBCIOACl-O. S rf?S?V OowiiWilhHlRkrricM. vvgsSrf TttSEWlH8MCKINE ' csi:AS9s.aice.lVi's WStarKorseMs y Pollthocl or Clued. i irifitrta sDlitjz. a U. l. tor etr M II Mitt ThST Sft th llesi Kftll, JU nle, an4tamawt4 tn nt Ut ttt y at MO taction. Will aoj atat ta vl isr tta a&r etatr w nt ot at ttto I UNION HORSE NAlL CO., W Oliiono. 111. U EST ua sua av a. o . i ssd I aaiscil srua.s GUNPOWDER Jrthfnn u'iaArt nnr .A tUf r Ami him u ha uln-ayi AU now fn-4 Mr mtrt. IIAK4HI.hl.tekyl:i1s" IlA.UI)'l 'TTpl,hCKrtlnrH It AT tUt." Hurk 4bUHlDf , IltXtHir "Mtiiof aal Dlattloc IIAZSIUt'A, the tuotl reUablo tntlamarlitt. TnE li7zARDr0WDERrC0HPAKY, Haiardville, Conn. 'fftff. Paine 3, Lyne.igili. Wi TO (1I.1SS CO., line t'ljstal anl (elorril l.liil TnMt larr, lar llioJi, Jr, ljuupi, ilc ;oia srnnvr, s. n. nnsuvmi, pa, ivr lilt frjr Z.C.MI. antliirs'rrs ,ilra'v aVaftaaj .JJS f -U.1-J tilg t 5 &z sl!Uff s-saaa-a. aajfj a a a- tnh'A c mil's "pUBhsH"n3(V-EBElf Tklt e. sull Osttv a Uwuplst. Lis. at Disstons" Celebrated Saws, Ceaitntiegla Tsrtaf OOU Cbf, Drop, Ono Jfna, VjmffH, .Vlf; Jitivt Jitp, itntlt 7enoii, J'tuhmy, IVmixiis, llHtchtr, (XeKt Keyhole, Ye , alto Clrc.lirolh Solid ft Ctiistl Point Tcctl And TniUMPH," ror rsMi.i Trsss wiltii a. 4 ars B.lllaj si low tit miCAl TIUS MUM .liOsruilSIKl,! Ih.U Rtnowntd RSPS aV FILES iIsiihiUii so. o. xut. I. ---- VjLrJ I CANAniliSII MM CIAI, IMtltEH on (Irrmiin Cturln. al.lss.... J0) tomsl.s .ll CO I'Vllllall (n.eptl'ssisiolor.J) 'sl la DO r,al(s U 10 Eurnpsso fikUrks. UoMDscbvs. lsrllnxs '"vaMur.,,, MsKrap.anil Ksilursssl Uoblas sr. nnsr Is lull s in Ai..illocli0l,r,l, .oJ., I irj, v.m"c l srrot. from lx ej up. aaJissea faoull Qoldn.b, UK ai'lsra. '"''...;, ivv,;:;.';.-, max anana, tj if, j, ,j tJu;t sui m& CATARRH Illienmnllsm, Noiirulrlri.Oorsj, HliDiOHI, -J AIL PIN, ' I. c.i.rmis r..iui. ( K.i.tiTi r.iF.CTRia notion ovjtn ouus com, csonr, oossuMrT(ai. A Warning To Horse-Owners. Tim Hpllt Nail In tlili Hhoo aorIonIr laineit Ilia lior.o from vrhteb It wai reeenr. lv taken In Wort-ceter, Mats. Ono x.lnt ofttia hall earn out In theroner ttap fr elanvhlnir, awl dnct-i wt tliO black' atnitli Will bIkxI tlto liote. J Urn other tmlnt mt lii tlio direetlon ahown In ilia (Uiitrailon, itlerrlnt; the ttmler iart of t tie Toot called tlto iil k," from Which itjoliuraoM-Akiuaile uuQt fur uoa neatly two wnla. , Yhfai not aaanitutfus TM iim, tht f l ike envelrr Knar tfit tb rwittu ate rrUI to (M Ves. Th raaw la tvtu,ir , tlsaarawt. it ntraeiw.1 U ibltmaanair lilvl f-rflri 4jtil. -Olvar IimH & It taiilti ! ni'm i.t v.' vsri si? rV'Viw "MiuiiV l llfifitl 1 lttaUusf CvtMUd, aU HUI 4a)tn The Putnam Nail csN(rriHPMT,&r.tvnnoR!iiti:K. It Ml.- ot.h lfot-rori:eIaii.lllamiiier-IVIntf-t llnroaliite Nail lit tlm WnrM niailntiy ma lilneryln trecle1r tho same tnanosras tlio oM futilunoil tianimaJo nail. Tlio Unite.) Slatea tloTemment r-rnlerti pro-.Tntof lli-vtr tnanufsetnre tlinmitli ' J -i lent, an.I other ilrini who inako r I a.lvrtlMi a MorthQrt Nail aa hero ilei rrlla-d, are snlltv of Infrinueinent auj I Veen ring I ht ihttc, AS YOU VALUE YOUn MOR9C f ln-.Mt on jour JlUeVmnllh islnij tlio l'Ur.SAM. ltiaAtiwlutelysan- rr sals bf all 0alf rt la lltirtfoh Villa. feiintilajfrrtbjiuail JUmtimn thit taper Pclcom Mall Co.,XcpoDStt, Boston, Hay DO YOU VALUE YOUR SIGHT? A. MEYER'S SONS, Manufacturing Opllchns, ' .10 W, HC()M MHrill blltKKT, Call ths attaint lea At lha pn'jilo lo tLtlr , ABSOLUTELY COniUOT METHOD OF I ADJUST1NQ SPCOTACLES TO QUIT THE SIGHT. i ' trwr. Qtitsu .(tt vi n uir. LtAsirs , WHY THE OESCRET NEWS SHOULD BE SUBSCRIBED FOft HI pnEFtncNce to any OOtER PAPER. 1, It la tho Or;iii of tho Church of Jeans fjbrlat of Luter-.hy Hilnts, and the authorise. I tb rough which Iho Iowa. Mlbeaanl Itittnctlonsof tho CIiu.cli AuthirltiM ro Liproasexl, At.J BlritttothoHaliita. ?. It may always lo relleJ upon ns a 1 vo-tiUnir or iKrunJlim tho rlk'ht olilo of oerj (UtNiUoit roior for jiubllo Journals lotroAtujiotu 3. It ts devcted to tho Interests of the YsadtlortJay Halnu authiu, frouitteltic llou, alUntly dtfemlol their rUMaand advufated Iho prlnelnlea In wlilch ther UIIeei an I otory I,aticr-iUy Batnt khnuM therefore fwO utnUr rtMlRitInni lo it i hla ;-url lu litlplu.' lo ausUIn It, 4. It la not i-ut-ll-hed for ejn-rulatlon, Attl never lias lioon, but f-r tho uoo.1 t, lilch it U etirMible nf ni'ont,tihlnin tho I roHts, If any there be iterlvixl from It, telni;tITOtol to rxteti'llnj lUs)-huro of ttwefulnoan, ami beneuUlux tLa von uiunltj. ft. It la iot?iff Its utmo-it to eatabllah homo indiitrie, amonir w hleh are paper inilcltif; and typo-founding, ktntyplnz And electrotypltia braneliea necsary tothodorilopliivutAiid Itidef-endviioo of thomnnnuultytbut wkkti, dnrluif their Inftnty (which in this Territory th hat o not yel j aod). tau iLly bo carried on at a i-oounlary If-w. , 0. There Unndsngcrof Any eiibaorlbef tothoN'lwa falllnK to lfti what ho euh acribes for thrmuh failuro of iho business and a ampoutini. of tho publletillon-a result In tho raso uf of news nper venluna every ) eur, 7. It la now prlntod throughout In new oud roadablo lyrai, ao that een Iho mud can ioniao It w It bout dlOlculty or Uausr totudr uyo-ftlshle 8. It la free from ohjoctlouabloadrer tUeiueuta. ao thnt no patent need fear that his children will hate thilr nilnja cor rupted from having acw-M to it) lu futt, It refitaMM ihouHAmla of dollars worth of tho bent pAylUif Wortiwuitnti anniully, Ikhiiuso it U dovototl to tho moral And spiritual Internal of lu readers inalead of to L'tttlnz Biu Attbolretptnao. 9. Its tons la uot refiulaled by pubUo oplnluit nur tho Lotto of tctlulnir aub aoitberaor adtertlaonients. It advtxvttt'a that MhUh la right ani coudvtnns that which Is wrung, rrardlcas tf rotult. lluauclal or cthvrnlso, 10. It nevir nauaeatcs Ita reador by paltr.lna off eolunins of aolf pralso fjr now a llitna. tl. Tho Ni.wa prsctleoo no doeiptlon and reanrla to no snhterfnjftj to Indouu la-ople to autawrlbe, but on tho contrary, pttrira tu sun I on ita onn mcrlta iu the peoplv'a uowapaper, with u pronilw only lo do 1U utmost to ulr 0 lu -n(rona the full oluo of their money a prom iho which tl haa endoAtorod tu faithfully kioplulhtt pant. 12, lQuonclimlotlfAlaAltertlayHtlnt can afford to nilwcrlbe for only ono now I a) er, that iier ehoal l tho DnsiiiKT Nkw s, And If more than one. tho Xkwa should Inturlably bo Ihu llnd, aunuitipriot hut ua: 1 Yr, G ilo. fl Mo. Mo. ftitiv, $io to $3.oj4iaso fi.oj .smi-JIVfiy, 3.00 1.75 1.00 ,-KJ IhtaitWtiLty, 2.(0 1,00 Addrraaull CotumuoJi-utlunato iuc iir.sKHirr .snwfl co., Ult J-jkivCU), UUh. F.APKBACH&BBft uoiini or "WT2STT2SK .-. OOOI3S1 At SO Cmlit on llif Driltm; lent, tn onlcr tu imtUe room our imtifiiio Siirhiu Mori! Vallir Arrtrlut. ,tT We price. Itiawe.p mil mi r Hitir. rttnclt of Wtnter,J have Cut 1'ilna tlKhl and l,fi. CARPET DEPARTMENfT"5 W!rci-Mtqiitle Cart I 15 sl Ojr llrat MieUu (Jnrp. U ...... 2 ID i ul llody llruila Cari t.. ..... 1 Go j 01 ltobuiyTasUy Carpel I III (,, V.hst Cartel , I 61 M TaftlrxCarirt H ....... e- tj Taiiatry Carptt T". 5.1 Union Ingrain Uart Si .j Union lnrraln(&ritelH H 01 41 All Wool I'.itialiii-rnlii ". im All Wool Ingrain t'arit hi u.-, llilrn Huier Inxraln Can el Ill ;, 'riine-ily I'.ilrn all WonH'ariet I lu so Thrcr-i'ly i:lra all Wool Cari tl 1 2.1 pt Hmyrna Mat. i" Halll Mala ........ . ... 1! All n) Kklu Mat .'..,.. .1 Ml 10 Wlnlicr Art Itun s im) 1 ii Klnjllia Ilui;., 13 x.H ..... .... I Si (,-, Hinyrna, Ituja, SI x i) .. ,, IKl 1 ,1, HiiijrnnlUim, jiix Al .. 11 1111 1- Hrajrna Itujs, nil x ii 1 A I i, Hmriiii. IIjbs, Mil 71 .. A irj j .j ar Thlx In an opiortmiltn to .Sfcttivi Ol niter Jlitrgnln Until mre Jit'i'i. ojfrml bi'ore. t LINEN DEPARTMENT. BOc. lllrac li l.lneus lor Mc, Aim ilinn Turkey ml Dm II.. ic. Illeacli Talile l.lnvris fur c. at ... I'.e. trrilc. TJ,-. lilt-aril raWe I.llien. lor.....,.'(c. SQOCct. Oololi.l llonlvr l)olie. TOcrHalln FlnlsliTal.lel.lnn.atorSiic. .1 . l)iul.le DaiuasV: hr 75t. u)c, uim SaiiTi I lot'"... ' 11. I l.Aii7JliHhl)oullulUmkor....ii..i. 7Jc. I.lnvu NaUlna for. """"lc." .H.c..H,n.wi,iieTu.i.i,,t,,iv,nic. Wo. Cnam White T.lile Iilneii fur Mc. t, , i,nr n,,,al , for. a. 1 1 1 1 k-. Cream JW, It Table l,l, h, .-J 'Z" N. k ,, foV". ' .. ' W I !?Jf(.:T!r:.:::..:::::v::.& mwSKT I.J.-. IH Inch Crrah fo 7i . '".' " Wd. i;urs llravj all Muni TellliU 1.00 10 4 liuk ml Tau u for. Clash lor...... 10c. tr.'r j. Turkish llathTi.wela al... 4V.trilti il.0 3-4 Clr.-I HoriUr Tat.!. Turkish llalh Towi hat. Ji)p. irili. Coer for i,, Turkish llaihToweUnt....l(io.iucli f l.IS IIM ColoreJ DonlrrTaUe Tlilklsh Hath ToMrtla M ISjc. atli Cuvera f..r JOi Jloueyooiub lU'.li Toivrli nt JI.L'S 1.4 Ci.l)riJ Hurler Talle 41p. tr ilor- CuMrslor. .t llonr)i'omli11itliTowtlsat(lic.Hrdet 7...1. 0 4 Kancy'lahleCiivirar. r,. 8. AUililM. IsxJS Daniajk Too el at vie 7.4 Fancy Table Covin for,.. COr. . . lOc.iach BO.71 Fancy TaliluCoMnfor. iw, two Jot. Knotted irlniteTewrla $l.ol llaw Hllk Table Covvrs atlAt. vach H ard,nuarefor. Hoc, 400 Ud.18l.lW Illicit Towel, Willi JJ.u.1 llaw HUH T.LIe Coira km, Hi J Irluijiil IMc. uauIi llyanliinunie Tor, 11.1) OddaBlideliiUuf4Sc.Auc.Tuvtila IS.7. Clunlllu Table Coma I) nt. . tli. audi )ardai.uarefor Jju i n 1 1 1 ru 1 1 1 1 nTrrTTTTi-rrnTniTrrTTTTT A Large Variety and Ml Supply LATTEB-DAY SAW IRTCT'S! Published and for Sale at the mm ins office. For a few cents any person can obtain a supply to send abroad to friends, and theso silent messengers frequently preach the Cos pel as effectually as missionaries-. Try it by buying some and mailing to your friends abroad. i n i mrrnTjiTmTnm numnmnj iiui iniag