Newspaper Page Text
to i m H 4 DKSKnnT evening newsi wednkspat. rEnnrAKY n. isoa. H I UKERET EYENING HEWS B j JH ntumm tmi mroirt utima 1 S J THE DESe'rET NEWS 00 H 19 CUHIIJH W rtSIlOtt, IDITO3. BBB .djjB Tiwlnwilitj', B BH Tjir more tlio qualifications of the- H ' jjH reactlve cantilctatia (or niunlclil H , 9H office are canvaai-el, the plainer iloea It I11 1Bh becomo to reasonable people, that IBB ilther tho De-nocullo ortlie Ilcpubll bbbbh KMI cin ticket Is far In advanced tin- H riMf "" slale. Particular! Is lll H tftflj "' c" 'n rejard " nomlnrra foi H BE Xo one has Let n alio, jet, la all Hie H BR tlnmluK bixccIim of luity-volce-d ora H i 9t ton, or the Idlotlo pow oi of bur- H KM league Indians, to advance a tingle B BB reason why any business man In H H tbla ell should vote an H K autl 'Mormon" monomaniac (or BBBj iH Mayor. Whatever be might be (It BBB JMl (or lii aome oilier walk of life, It mutt asB 3 L twerldent to all who know him thai H 1 1 balib nature,) rorllTlllM,eirlence B and personal mannera anJ dlapoaltlou, j totally umulled to Hie I lace Into which HBH the Liberal" Iwuea are determlutd H to fotit H Mr. Lett, or Mr. Weill la to much H I more aJar,ti (or such a trillion that B I. tlio Idea if comparing them with Has- H jw 1. 1 ii la truly laujIiaUo. We know the BBB! I "Liberals" have itoun a great many 1 foolish and Irrational things, but wo cau scartaly Ulleve that th builncas mm among them, or any who hare 1 tlio InUre-sls or tlio city at heart, cau B carry their alaTllinea to pally m far B aa to thtuit euch l crnuky character B Into tho municipal exccullae chair. H Will not the letter lUiiuants of thla jj clly unlle sufllcltntly to ahow their BBBJ conlemit (or the Intuit which thla H 16 nomination haa put, upon the capable B JP loenaniouglhcni, and iiulcitlyaui port HHJ ' on Monday a man who will not It) an BBBJ ) angular and gnarled iost In a round ' and even holt? "Country lint, party BBB1 H Till', imil MTL 1110V. 1 The New Vc tk Jlmcs haa a very lenitlby tilltorlal on "Partlis In H UUh.'Mn which la given a detailed account of the hlilory of theillOVrent H lallllca) organlntloua In thla Tertltory. BBBJ I Thla la tho closing ragra hi BBBfl X, "Tliern In, llierofore, no longer a Too- I plo'e parly In Ulah, but In Ita rlato and ll daclailng Iho Mine policy aarriiarda llie 1 Moimoiit, who cooallluted II" mnjorlly, la a Homncrallo party. Tho Hlieral BBBm parly, huwover, haa not dlaaolvrd, and BBBM baa rtpudlaled the det.1aratl(ina concern. BBS Ing It undo by the oUlcera of lha Vm le'a HBVB parly when in tho fctt of tranaferrlng BBBB . thematlveatotbe DainiMirallt luirty. The BBBK I' preaent great tlealro o( tho Uuh branch BBBh o( the lleiiiocratto parly la the pamaco t f VBBb a Homo Itnle art which will BBB auaMe tho Moiniou pojmlallon BBBK nulllry Iho I dmunda BBBI . And, ofcoiirio.lheyileilro PihnvoUlali BBBH mihla a aotereltfii Kiato aa qiilcVly aa BBBB powlble. The uaw put? waa ftirmally HBBB i recognized and greittl encouraged laat BBBB J Ocloher by the tlallof a party of tllf BBBB tlngulhlied llcmixTHla from II o Htatoa, HBHB among whom ware CbatiucyP. lllark and BBVB 1 Ijinrence (Urdner, respectively I'real BBBB dent an 1 hmtetary of the national organ- tiatlon of liemocrallo cluta, Menalor BBBB Kaulkner of West Iriilula, ami Con- BBBB greaauian llyntiiu of ludlitna fhteo BBBB genllenuu thlteil arloue plarea lu tho BBBB 'territory wliero liainorratlo club had BBBB J t Utll organltod, and made aleuchea and BBBB alio add reined a huto convenllon. Wo BBBB may conclu la, thar fore, Unit tho liemo. BBBB crutlo parly of Vtnti la an accepted or BBBB ganlallou, aud will bo oouulonanoeil and BBBB aided lu Ha local purpoaoa by the national BBBB i ' ptirty. AMiitthoiopuroaoa are la mado BBBB ' k aillllclenlly plain III thla hlalorlcal tleuh BBBB i Ita BBBBBB I I II There la no doubt that the Dcmo- BBBB , J cratlo parly of Utah la "au ae ti BBBBj , tnalltutlou." and tliaa Indlcatlona am BBBB 1 that It "will to countenanced and BBBBj aided by the national arly." Thu BBBBJ aamo may to aald of the llepubllcan BBBBj jmityof Utah. It haa already been BBBBr rnogulznd by tho national party and BBBBj Iaau"acicilcd Inatltution." Ithaaalio BBBBJ been "euniuraged by the viall" of BBBB) eminent Hepuitticna, who made BBBBJ ejet hea and were Iniirentd wllh the BBBBJ Important chaugca that had taken BBBBJ plant In thla Territory. In ttiero BBBBJ changee many of tho lata I'eople'e BBBBj party have Jollied thn llepubllcan BBBBJ party, and thtriforo the "irauafer to BBBBJ the Democratlo aity" which the BBBBJ 7lmrt aiaUa of la au event that never BBBBJ BBBBJ , And thu Ilniri ha made a blgmla. BBBBJ take In Ita atatement that thu "great BBBBJ dilro"of the Utah Democracy le to BBBBf paeaablll.bat will "enable the Mur BBBBJi . inon wpulatlon tu nullity tlio l:d. BBBBJ munda act." The "Homo Itule" BBBBI only doci nulllly BBBBk the IMinuuda but makoa BBBBJI provlalon (or the continual ce BBBBJJ I of Ita chlif feature, which la the - ruvl- BBBBJj ' alou (or tho unlahmeut of lj. BBBBM gamoua t ractlcva. Wo fear the limu BBBBJj haa neglected to ruid tarefully thu BBBBJj meaaure which It endaavora to irltU BBBBM cIzl, Thtrofore the "turpona" lu BBBBJ view of the irojoutora of the bill aru BBBBJ aomewhat inlarepriientcd, not Inttu BBBBl ' tlally o(courao;tlie imcalaa iry ir- BBBBJE aictable organ with Heubllrtli ro- BBBBJ clltttltaaud therefore luch dtalgn la BBBBJ out ofthuqutatlou. BBBBJI Hut la the New York oracle awnre BBBBM that there ta a bill how before Oougreaa BBBBJj called the Telltr bill, a Iltiubllcin BBBBJ meanure, which proioaia to do much BBBBJJ more than the "Home ltulo" bill? It BBBBK i not only would nullify the Ldmundi BBBBJJ I act but gle Utah tomletu liberty BBBBJI itHtatelu tho Union on an equality BBBBI ii with the otbirblatcs. What haa the BBBBB 7trjui tu lay about ths:1 H i BBBBB t BMBMBB-l.a4r Bk Thelrulh la tint good men of Iwth liollllcal I artlei have b coma thorough y convinced of the fact, thai the viry arge majority of the people of tho Itrrltory are determined to take a ourio which ahall give no eicuae for Hie enmity, preudlco and hoatlllly, hlch have heretofore hlndernl the recognition of Utah ai worthy 01 a lace In the Malerhood of Hlatee. They .re attuned that lliero la no tangible rea-onforrifu-liigto Utah lheollllcol Ighta and llherllra to which aho la en dtled ly numbara, wealth and perma nent liability, "herefore they are ready to promote auy meaaure that will had to thla end. The I)emocrala,rcelvlng Iho reluct ance of tho country to nccet the vldencei of thla fact, (avor tho "Home Itule" till becauae, while gl'lng large maaaure of llbeily tu the citlzetia o( Iho Territory, It yet provldea (or national control o( the oljectlonnlle feature which haa been In Utah'a way lualatehood. Thla haa taen dono to meet the UMru.t which man good I ut unlufoiiucJ people and eeriprM towarda the "Mormon" Tho Kepubllcana of UUh have gone beyond that. They aay Ulah la ready (or aUtehovl.orwIllbe retly by the lime au enabling act can be act Inoper atlon, au I they ropmra to make a full end of her dUabllltlea and mi-it the Imuo without htiltatlun orcomprom I to. The Inlentlona of both I artlee are to aet Utah fne. Tho difference la, that while tho Democrat" jropoaeto Ita I up to that liberty by etagen-and that bec-iuaelhey think thu country la not rtady (or the complete meaaure the Itepubllcaua prolmae tu make a bold atroke and have no half way lueaturta about It. If the New York Timet really un ilrratood the altuatloii In Utah today, wutlo not think It would 0 io either plan, orallrlbuto Improper motlvea to the n-apectlve a ivocaUa of three I-olltl-cal movementa. "I inui ii." .MiMiLir. In Mr. W. II. Bhrarman'a letter, which apared In the Nruaof Tue. day, I'eb. Snd, that genllemau atalid that the Itev. Mr. llirill lliit aummer pledged hlrut-elf to work and vote for euch a ticket aa the ono he outlined In hla communication. Thlaallualon to the clergjman re ferred to revlvea a rug geatlve piece of hlatory connected with the relgu of "Liberal" mlarule which haa filled vary gootl cltlzun with apprehenalou and dlrguft. The llrat year under the Incubua of crime and Immorality, to aay nothing aliout the rulnoua burdena of taxation which (oll.ttcd, hid develoil to much rottennea, that the clergymen and other morally dlaiuiid illlrena comblnttl an I called a mau meeting (or tho puroee ol putting a check uptn the atream of muntcl nl flllh, whltli thrtatenel to overwhelm the coniutuutly. A call wai lieued, t'ii- re-ii It bring that on Die. SHh, ISW, thv Melhodlit church, In which themietlng waa held, waa jacked by au audleme compoaod almoal exilu alvelyof"I.Urala." Judge Itowman waa lu thoclnlraul laaao Hun, Jr. waa elected aecrotary. 'Hie llev. J. IlralaarJ Thrall waa, at that elgnldcant gatlierlng.anpolnted a meuibLr of a comuiltteo of four to draft reaolutlona txproattve of the aeuao of the meeting. After the ducu. lueul was drafted, and to ahow their necorally before prtaontatloii to the meitlng, Mr. Thrall dlncled atten tion to the (act that the "Liberal" olllcera had Ueu faleo to the I latforui and declaration of plnclplea of the party. The pledgee made (or good government had ttot been ktpt, aul the gentleman aald, "we have a right to loaUtou Ihclr fulfilment," He then read tho following from the "Liberal" platform of July, 1891. "Thatwhllo tho Liberal Jwarty recog. nlea lb- raot that there are lcea and crimen which human lawa and huniau tlTorla cannot wholly eradicate, It alao reuorflilaua the fait that lioneal fcreUtetil elforla un ler the law can break I lie oa er and Inlluoiicoiif lho- au I render and muaturably hanuteaa Ihoao who llto bythelolatloiiof law that the Liberal party gl lly and fully at knowlodgea the abiding obligation It la under, wheueter antttheronr It ahall have tho power eo to do, to uphold vlrtuo and morality and aupproa Ice and f rlmet that tho Ltbora! part enjolnaupou and reijulrra all thoae v. ho have been or may be t leclod to olllco by It, that wheuotcr they have the potior au lo do they ahall without'iir or favor, hi guthl filth execule the trnat ooininlltoil to them m aa to rid thla com munlly or all Ihoao who, without fur ther enumeration, lite by tho hitaklng of tlio law and reylog upou the community." Tho reaolutlona wire rtad ly Mr. I', U. Urtgg, aud ador ted without dluenl. They ttirtma followa "We, ellllena o( S.ilt ULo Clly, In pub lic nitiolliig awemblttd tu eonatder what can be done lo realralu the lawtctimoaa, lco and crluio which ato ilUgracln,; our clt), hereby ilcilurei 'VI Irat -Iliat thofo ttho iouiMiie our reojt city government were elected to omeo Willi thu eiplltlt uiidcrMamllng that they would tufort-o the latta agilnst vice and crime, '"eeoud 1 hat tho preacnt city got em inent, tthlloprogroaalto lu o her tblugt, haa b Ita rev-ant latluro to tuforco the latvaagaln-l giiuititlng, brothela, thn aalv of liipioi tomiiioia, anl tho nptulug of Mtoonaon HuiulatK, excited the appro hcualouauf many of Ita frienda an laup. jurltra, and la thereby Imperiling Iho canto uf morality lu thla city 1 n lew of thcae faila (1) Wo hereby tall upon our worthy major nnd bla a-tiHlalia lu rot ceil lit onto lo tnlorcu i rolupiiy nnd ttiorouglilv the latta iibote leri red to, iiaaurlng tbeui that lu o Uoili.; they ahall hatothu hoarlr auppirt and ro-operallon of iho liiiral anl law-abiding dllena if Ihl rouimunlty (. We hereh aprt-al to the Cllv lounoll to KfuM to grant tlio applliatlon lor llrrnae now beforo It for a aaloon In lha tirlnliy of, or lo bo run in connecllon with, Iho variety theatre on I rauklln Aveuuo. JoltvT. Iivaill, J II., P. Il.Oliron, J. llnAlitiiuTilnAll., Coniinlttee. The mult of thla and other eOuiU to clcar.rr the flllliy munlclial plaltcr were utterly futllp, tho Ilccuio ol Jcclr-I to waa granted and mattera pro ceedetl from bad to worae un til the eltuallon haa become a etencu In the nortrlla of every iltcent cltlznn. The clergymen, Including Mr. Thrall, were Informed by Judge I'oHera who waa nld ten tliotieaml ilollarafor gaining, (or iho "Literal " tho election In February, 1S9J that It waa not ucccatary (or Hi" clly to ho "toogood," He alao Infoimed them that lu running that cammtgn ho not only contulted with tho mlntitcre of religion but alao with the "aaloon kieieraand gamblere," whore wlthca had to beconaldcritl aa well aa thelra. Hut what la the uan of Mr. Bhaar man oranybady olau mentioning Mr. Th rail It. connection with aulnalata lice ii) on the lentlment of the law and order mettlngahell toroteat agalnat "Mberal"mlirult'' Wherewaa'he when thu tale "Liberal" city convention, waa held? Ho waa right there, among Ihoearue old crowd which haa plunged thla municipality Into a vortex uf vice and crime, run by theaarueevll gonlue who haa, aa n paid tool, worked In calculable mlachlof In tho community. Mr. Thrall waa there (or what I urpoae? Tu preirud toeollcltthoillvlnr tim ing uou tho mob of howling, Idolater oua Tuacarorani and upon thtlr de liberation!, which ruuat roeult In foat i ulnguiiou Halt Lake Oily a continu ation of the cvlla and wnnga under which It haa during tlio laat two yeara. What n ipectaclc he pn acnUI MINI I) I MllM',M.511.r. The "Liberal" organ la nothing If notlnconalalent. When thoevldenco aipeared to bo concluilvo that lleorge Ulacn, onepf the camlldatca for Coun cilman from tho l'lr-t ptrtluit, had lt u a party to tho manipulation of thu fraudulentbond-glvin by the contrac tor (or the erection of the Jolut city und county bulldlcc, that li'r Inalaled that he rralgn. In Ihoevmt ef hla not taking thla action the orinn rv-t-oiumenJt-d that hla name be wlpel from the ttckit. It tloua not appear that Mr, Olaon haa either rialgmd or that he haa been re movtd from candldaoy, yet It la not denied that hla namo oncaraou Con tractor 11 wman'a bond aa a wltueia to aignal urea that are claimed to be forger Jet. Therecan bf-jioquiatlouaa tu the fraudulent lharacter of the bond ttow, teeing the Mayor, In lilaannual rewrt, rt contmenda that It be act naldeaud the mntract be taken from Ilowniin. In the (ace of Ita former repudiation of the "Liberal" candidate who la ao cuaedo( having been a I arty to the fraud, nnd notwlthatandlngthu ncom mendatlon of Mayor Hcott, the follow ing a peara In a lei ling editorial of the Halt Luke ftiouiie- of tJla morning, In re.eiouiototbe "Liberal" ticket aa a whole: "Wo aay that the ticket nominated lu tho convention by the Liberal la aa good a lit ket aa could bo aeleclcd from tho body of tho town " Thla la a blanket endorecrnent. It covera Olaon aud everybody elm uu the ticket, and If ono of the rouHluat Jokta on the "hotly of the town," and eat tclally upon the "Liberal" larty, that could well be ertrated by auy body having clalma to aanlty. "At a "Liberal" rally In tho Tourth I'nclnct, luldlait night, Judgo Col lorn, ouu of tho apeakeia, gave a atrong, hearty and Uttyirllkoindorae mvut of another of the wnXr.oui can dldatea. Ho aald: "He knew trod fouard In 171 In Toiaa wlero lie waa a mllnnl Indian llghteri and later lu the march oter Mar tballraaaa pioneer In (lunnlaoii, Colo, lie came here In IV", ami haa done no acton account of which ha cenuot laco the publlo." According to tho Tribune rrrt of thlagrand lulcglumglt waa followed ly au outburat uf applauie. And why not? Why ahoul I the cltlzena of Halt Lake be unreaaouablo and retlllo to congratulate thtmaelvea at the jroa pectof tialngao glftttl a man aa Mr, Leonard In the clly government. He can fight Indiana, ho made a record aa one of tho men who tramped through Maralmll'a 1'aaa and aettled In the Jllage of Gunulaon, Cotorndo, nnd haa rtehled III Halt Lake three yeara, be fcidea being unknown to the co- le of thla municipality. Aru not theae magnlllt-ontquallncatloua to fit a man (or the Important tualtlon ol Aiai-esor anil Collectoi? "Ho haa Uono nu act on account uf which he tannot faro the public." Tho Judgu might have admitted that, having only been here thriu yiare he haa hardly had iliuo to ahow what he can tlu lu that line. Tho "Liberal boee" are de termined, however, tu ;lvo him plenty ol futuruo portunlty. inn. is. (iiin.tM). HrNATolt 1)AM II II. llll I, of New York, muat bo credited wllh being one uf the keen, it, moat euiceaa ul and moat Induatrloua olltlclana of the age, ftw yeara ngu he una unknown out aide the word In which lit, III id, ami nut unautmoutl) kiiottn lu thai Si u after u term a lltiitnunt t m uud two a goMnur of Hit I ni i; Klile, he la I the United MtateJ Hen ale and an avowed candidate for the rnaldemy, with chaucia at leait guotl. It la clalmeJ, however, even lyeomoof hla frienda, that he la crowding mittera a little too fail; that the paity'a lecognltlon of hlmitll and hla reivlcri haa act far been ample, and that ho ahould not, by reason o( hla prominence and op lrtunltlca, undttlake toait aalde the I tor rlellea, and have hlmiclf made tlio national nominee by means of win lulling. The New York Htate convention to elect delegatea to the Chicago gather ing Ii let (or the S2nd of thli month, and thla, It ta alao claimed, ahowsthe direct handiwork of Senator Hill, who realize) that llll brat chance for lecun tng (he deltgattou reati un an early convention. All thoae opjicd to bla attlratloniandaoma fiw who are not, derecate this I toco of flucarr, and ahow that the I eat Intenata of the arty demand deliberation and aran Ml aurvey of the field, They would like to have It lulprcaietl Hpon the DemocMtln mini thai, whllo the exgiivenior la a "truly gnat mau" of the eelf-made tattem, Iheroare several others who constitute available timber, and all should bu considered together, not unetolhe exclusion of the othcra. A (ew daya ago It waa glvuu out that ex.l'rcalJcnt Cleveland had decided uiion withdrawing (rom tho contiat. Tnla waa (oltowcd by aatatcuinton the -art ot some o( Ills (rliads that while tl was not ellogelhir corrcct,and that he would run If Iho parly dc ilred lilm to do , hu waa till somewhat wiarleJ with having hla name couatantly handled In cor iiectiou with the nomination only to be overahadowetl nott-and then wills the Hill boon). An earncit conference lrhata mora than one of Mr. Cleve land's supiNUtera has lately U-en held aud a dlttiositlon which rronilicsto grow Is manKest, to thwart the scheme to have the Henator ciqturo thu prize (rom nu uutonteatcd field. It la not what might nropuly bo termed a erj Uilty quarrel aa It ttanda: cu the con trary It la a very awkward ono (or our friends the Democracy, and ono that they would tlu well to settle a eatly as they cau, iiiitiiUiiux in .Mrti. The census bulletin pirlalnlng to Irrigation In Montana shows that out olnloUI number it 8,0(11 faima, 3,700 are Irrigated, The total area of laud upon which irope were mined by Irri gation In the icnausyeir i ndlug May 31, 1MKJ, wa3oO,SS2ncn, lu nldltlon to which there wire a proximate!) :I7,0U0 acres Irfignted (or grazing ut pores. 'I he aviragoslze of the Irrigated farms on which crops were railed waa M acres. The acrage drat coet of water right Is $1 Gl jier acre, and The average coat of preparing the soil (or cultivation, Including thu Hicham, o( land, la JO 51 per acre. The average relent value of tho Irrigated land of thcBlate, Including buildings, etc., la reported aa$l9o0eracrt', shottlngan njparent profit, leaa eclat of lullJInj!, of ("VU3 perncre. Tho average annual coatof water la nluely-flvo cents r acre, which, detlutted from the average annual value of iroducta ter acre, leavea an nvtrago anmul reluru cl (1201 perncre. The total Irrigated acreago lu crop In Montana Is M,6W aorta, In Utah ?, acres, In WyoinliiR 20,J7tJ acrea, In New Mexico 01,70 actea, and lu Arizona 03,321 ncrea. In Hie number o( Irrigators Utah stands first with 0,721, Montana next with 8,?tl, Now Mexico .1,080, Wyoming 1,017 and Arizona 107V In tho average annual value of products per acr Ulah also stands rlrat with J 1 8.01, Arizona next with $11.02, Montana third with S12.0J, New Mixlcn fourth with (12.80, and Wjomlug 13.2). lit I IRION IN IIIJiMt. In the I'reebyterlnu lYfrfcw for Jan uary the ltev. Nicholas HJerrlng haa au artlclo on "llellglon lu lluaala." Thu flgurea which tho gentleman quotea aru thoae of lb"3. Whether later reliable atatiatlca were obtainable ho decs not say. In thtt juur tho ritate Church cinalslek! of oS,2V1,0iiu menibara. Thu ellasenters numbered 15.HH.001. The latter we ru composed of Native Human Cutholiia, Unllcd Clreebawho acknowledge the supre macy of Rome, ArnionlaiiH, Lutherans aud Haacolulks. Theao last correajund In ono seniv to the rroateatanU of Writer n l.uroi,but In another senau they are diametrically owlte. While secedli g from the Btato church and I rutrtllng agslnst some uf Its usages, their prolestatloua nre against reforms of any kind whatoter. They date back to I'rUr the Ureal, nnd had their ori gin In protesting agalnat reforms Intro duced by that monarch. They are now irry numerous, and stand first numer ically aiuoug dissenters. There are In thu Htnte church of Huula about 0o,00l si cular clergymen, about 7,0m) monks aud 0,000 nuns I hesu are tinder the-tllrtclloii of "The Holy Governlug Bjnnl," nu Instltu tlon Inaugurated by I'ctcr tbodreat altir tho abolition of tlio patriarchate. All Us mo t bene nro apiiolntid by the Czar, nnd curry out bla will to the lit ter. Tho quistlou In Ittirela Is nut Church nr.d Hiatr, nor la It Church oTcrbtali.liiil It Is Htntu uver Chinch In every articular. 'Iho Ituialan tiltstsati tiipiHieu-t to co-ufrate-ullh Uu I alien In all matters, and If cm shtuild dieo!) it military or civil oil) cer In 'eljlig to dleeloto polllli n I -itf, a clII in borne itlanu, or nu ex iuiiwuludioru v. jul.1 be hla fall. utr Aimintri Milium "- iTlle-thnaledbycarefulsUtlellcLina that the ttmu gnnt l.uropean wen espiud annually (or military purpoiis tllO,O00,O0O. The aggtcgalo Iace ollectlve lorce of theae nations com I rlse-a about 3,000,000 meo, inJ It must le remembered that Hie sum men Honed op Ilea only to the peace-footing of the arhllre. The annual outlay by Ituaila Is OSJ.OOO.OM francs on 787.0JU men. T ill sum Is equivalent lo about tl01,000,000. The ence army of j Trance consists of SI7,0UU men, maintained at an annual rx lense of 8S9,000,00J fraud or about 1172,000,000. The eace armyof Ucr many numbent 607,000 man, aud iobU i annually SI2,000,UiXI frann or about 1100,000,000. In theae figures are alao Included nnalou Hals uf thu various armies. The regular army of the United Hlalra consists uf 10,000 men, main tilncd at nn annual expense of I'M, 00,1,000. Hut the e oilou Hat aggre gstes aliout $13.1,000,000 annually as It standi at resent. This makes a total ol 1103,000,000 lor military .urpoicj In the United HUtta III times of naie. It will bu seen from Iheiu figures that we arepijlug nearly as much In army expenditures aa Trance, mole than (Jerinany, but with Huula a llltle ahealof ua. In the cuuraeof nature, howoer,our prnalon Hit muat decrease. We owe something to our penaloncre, therefore our money la not sacrificed ni lu Hub sla and Tram e. W DELICIOUS FlaOFiii$ cau mi HATUIV.L FRUIT FWVOnS. Vanilla -l Ot perfoat purity. Lemoil -J or L-roat ttranglh. RosootcrJ Flavor no ilallcatoly una elolicl . m- no the fresh fruit- I Imo U'li i U1ererrmdry 'turli f, r nn.ry a , mil tried many rem, ik lu in ut- '111 in ru ii ucli be lie IK aa I ly's Iran lam. Itcouipltlely iurtint M J. Lilly, 30 Woodward Ave , Hoiton 11 gil-ina-, Miv. I llilnl. 1 ly's Cream Halm la the lealr nuily lit calairi I evernw. I nevtr took anything tint re-llevi-d me so quickly, aid I have 11 it fotsowell (or n long lime. I used lo bo Iroublect with lurvrei hialachia two or three tlui'S a ick-J, A Alcorn, Agent U. I'. It It. I'u 1 a on. Colo. AMI NKMhM-S, 2 SALT LAKH THVTmT tllAi. , n.UIOI MiJUOKtl lur'niitiiTTioiiTs: -ur-tiijinio- MOHDAY, fEBRUAPY 1, Aoicrl ftaliTorlt" tt.In1mtuilCoa MAGerll'TCHELL, In iNw V uie1y, urUlttt f.prcltlly tot hv-rbft 1. llAltl, fftttlUJ, 1 LITTLS MAVMDK" UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MR. CHAHLtS AtlDOTT. llcaa-3o.,Wo,;se aadll AI IT ITT ICTIO I t.i am i.reiniiit atmi'txr lUraaNUtuaaol Hituroay Matleae, com mviirlna Than Hjr. I eo llll I irsaTulkl Tluirt.Ur Man anil filnrla; aUlluxe. -IIIlCO. IrlOav Nialil -TDK lliiMioMrll't Mlurttr Slulu, -liolto-1II, Irleea o . ' . Ilw llto. eala or aata I enma It edi cailar, lull. 3rd. WOiVJ)MLANTk I' Week of January 38lh. &) im.uFbT nrsT or Tiir. skao, LILIPDTlSfilACOMHY Bar- one wrrK omy i nry m) kxtiia miliar: i lOo. ADMISSION. lOo. UANIItiTT r iii ton i:r..-niKvoi:. is cimici. m 1J ealur el tearMilillnn Iowmi rice and I'Mt, Addreea N lll.J, II 11 IW, ( IIJ dim A(1KTS U.WIKI1 riio am.Tiir patknt lampciiimm'y J (Isaaar.atlla al llalil Mi luiiburt iTrrr louteeiiilr buy aampla 13a., mniia llllt. AUrvTUN O'l litootha It ll MIljCK, rpiii, iiun irirriviirTui btock L he Irteraor lha Ulali -inte ant llardaara I" ."ill la lietd at Hie Furniture store at r. It Madfpu. n Fridat ib-uaiy Illb.alS u In Ii rlha elarllou il t era an 1 the lrr.a si tlon or audi I u-inaaa aa mat- niiii bvtara It. JUIIV II. VflSii-rl,jr. recielirr car, oniNK and oe Mcnairitl a norro vnaaviaf raicricau ur avaar nut oi ur Tiif rOUiTlli RESTAURAHT .Wattl I.TJJV03I OCVJV'4.'lJIlt IIS MAIN STREET, A Uelldoa- Amr imn rook a J Dmo r? - r rlin'i i Ttrj tr in twueo ri l . BPUItimi &rtfatt ttnrf Fjtpr t thtttr V f M$itttl bhvri rult kind F 'io i I m, SurtilUt atirpui fruM Stic ufir yi p t;l II. If kIii hiri u it, ic aitiau, Wen l- wo (u L. U-notUrUi tua. ks Our Stock I Spia is .von- . wSW We ar W" SUPP"ed SEASQNABLEGDQDS SPEINO PURCHASES AUK AIP JIA.VI7 UAVL, ASH IIV-' fVI.I.Y COVXT O.V OFFI.niXU TO 017! H1IIXD3 A.l I'ATIIOAI AT AX EAM.V DATl! AU. The Latest Novelties I that nn: ui-sr -v.4KAV.Ty c.i.v .sitw.i, ,iv to H STYLE, TINT PATTERN AND FASHION I AS OUU N11W YllAll 01" IIUSINIVW USUALLY IIA'IH UtOM STOCK-TAKING K I.OOIC lOUWAItll HOI'KfULLY 1-011 A Successful and Prosperous Season, IIIl WHICH Wli AIIU AND SHALL llll AMPLY rui.i'Aituu. 'X'. O. MTUIIKII, Hupla TEASBEIi'S. I i Men's l'lusli, Seal and Clolh Caps. $1.00, - Reduced to 70c. 65, - - " " 40c. 1.25, - ' 90c. 1.00. - - " " 60c. 3.00, - - - .... i75 Ladies' Fur Cans. $1.75. - - - Reduced to $1.00 2.50, - - - " "ISO Ladies' Woolen Hoods. $1.00, - Down to 70c. 1.25, - - - " " 90c. Men's Ovcrcoals, 14 lo 1-3 Off. LOOK 0DT1 BEFORE CLOSING OUT SECURE) YOUR CtRGlI.M jioka mm itv.nuoTioss at TEflSDEIi'S. g g S.B.UIKS&09J Opposite Soiilli ol Temple Ulock. BIGllfllSllTURE, j Fancy Rockers, Toys, etc. I