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RstTbUSHED? lllQI?!!?!1 1lTilriWC TIITWQ. I THRUST NEWSPAPER I J une:,85o, i iPloiljIillj 1 lii v Jkl &i 11 liJlivYu, 1 n, aht 11 m J ss I TRUTH AND LmDRTY. " M - gT(r "' tt i:i7f)AY, mahcm id. ifeoa. sJvir lakh crrYruTAirrj:ituiToitY. vor,xxv ;S : TltL IN JACKSON. Aistnlly l)J (lorernor (deaf. Mt HA9 A SPCtCH TOR THE OCCASION. ril,,flllW, 1-0JN '"" M M Better lban lie Old mrao- crallo Willi. tj II ",h to la News. H.VATOU Hill. PBH HI. Au.lleuc. lorxet Tliei.iseltee, JiciW. MI". Mreh ls-7ih, Irjiismre met In Joint session this ,i8,,ooii and I"" was Introduced by ft'iaor Btonc. 1 1 III Introduced hi J iiiT 1T TluR tint from the Tut 'J?.i Mr. -teed, exsicaker of III T.U.MI House of lleprrscntallvci., .UIi no trouble In counting ," mm of the legislature. 'arm thaokt for tho rrc'itloii ho hi been granted, lllll ipoke of the sintages to ho celnod by n Inter ensure uf thoughts, not only licltreoit tlseiil-eiitof dillerout counltl"i, hut eltlieusof dirtorstil parte of tbu sanio Jount,). The D.mocrata of fw irt. said Hill, stand tiion tlin wholo d.nJcratlc tilth mill tradition, Mid exircsaedn desire to see tlio Demo cnu of .MIsHsalipl and Ilia wholo n til uiilln Willi the iw Voik Demiv rata and tho 1 atmers' Alliance alio aim Willi Iheni In Hie an roach Innontnt. Thou u victor) will bo will clow ii tliaUr of Mill y) will doom to flnnl dleln bastion a degraded I"ttyi ud HI ilvu direction In our political trosresa for aorao deeadea In tho ten urjr l conic Prlnilplo creates riiics mil Dcmoe ratio rrlnclpo Li mated tho Democratic party, vliUli In III unlun liaa gteaterslrciigth than all Its enemlia lonibliied can .r Dually subvert. prlauic It urvluseierydlaastir, It Is llio groat Ihioitlfll lent orgatl uf the oplu's ptwcr', ItM ronger than any man or kI fuen;nimaii Ii ever iiJUiti st ti lt n oe-. Prolonged np. i -el It la greater ami more power jui . auatiy class, huwevernunierous, Hi i f m It la lane, tolerant, Hiatal, i iilTt. It limiea to ll member i i Itac.n'rol, all who will uphold II mocritlc faith and tradition and lily thiui to tho iri lo'a noed. K itsuse. Hhall wo commit tho uiurt'tr our grcnt republic to Ihu supreme guldatico of tlraiocratlo faltli ltd Iridltlon? 1IIL1II. Alir MI.W I1UII1B, a) Iruty of them, Hiiro aru cNckod, dbnrlod lantfriis buriilnlitHl up to n$ new, plenty of tbm; therolaa young 1 niiror who mj 'I rulothU hlaU. Nrlwly ar. 1-ollow Inn." thttt ) n llitbi lalnud wbtru many ayi "The Klale 1 a llril rate enn Uirtcrr for dolnit anjliilni; wo llao IJi. Ut un i,rt hoi I of It and du HI vo ti.Iuk eoo1 for us Uxiy." Thcio U a vat im tiro whfio mauy otay anJ all l "Let uo tall llpou tbn till I lithfr, Hie Whlln r." Thi-rn h h rrfntrfiubllo ovtr II o watir, whrro nil li J I "Wemu.tnVhlouedaj. I.vt uiclvallour)ouni:iucuto tbo army ulUnaJy." Jim I doubt If tbero JiitylMt!KbIU.r than tbo old Ditnu rmlo HUli nn J tradition which milt 1 jltloiato to conaolldato and finploy Ibnwh In hytlral and nioril power of tb ioi lal uiiLrtiittui Hrit to rt-olat furtlciiaitroMloii; nvxt anl chlrlly, lirunniand unlili IndWidiiaUi; srubtou lu oidvr a? to tntahiltliaud maintain Ju.llcii tint all aball Ihi cqvjul. ly and forarrr froo ami iuruo!inl m-oaiwi will." Hoiiab r Hill then anoVn of tho eoclal adaption ol nun, whlrli ho aU limit Tary with tbi Ir (oration on tho arlh'a turner. Win lthodo Itlaud lluatud In MooKolla, her atont constitution Voul I not du at nil. The Uunatltutloii oltlieUllllvlrjtatia Would nut lit a newieiuullolu the lilaud of Mada. Canrar, TO 1 111481' Till IACIII0 COVCT, vobaro mado lawt rritrlLtlui; Clil r.i.j linmlirallou. Tbu only altiru tlou thus far made tu our iroi riimuutal itructuriilMviudU) theSoutli liihvr HO, luiiilty Willi ihu Afrkaut, wboio iJI-u ol clTlhiillou awnlta bbtorlo ItcorJ." llio Hrnator tbeu rkoof the on curauio of the ovtruitirut of tho Unite I Btatrr, cIIiiik niuiltlnne'a ro. nwli,thati "UiirUonitltutlou la anions be moit tonJirlul woika of clvlllzeii man, and the group of ataliinicu who framed It, unmaUho I In any other (roup of buiunn hl.tory." The lato IteiuullcauCongrru trlei to 1 'It nianaclii on aolitheru IluiU. Tbu Damotratlii i tirly auiw i reili "hhall tioriberii llmln then wear the nmo, or Ve,arnall friemen uow?" Novir I. in nth Ih ! ranupy of our iuivlvlui; Luiutltutlou uf au ludtitructlblr union tt IndralruiliuleHtatca, Constitution ijlor bliml, aidtiual laa with tho 1) mocrt y of the treat Norlh and the dealer Ve.t ooiifouul and ronfum jourpreneut toclal iroblini with tho littaod koiio political prolle,n. 11 rtioi aatho hl.toilo reinu to wllium Ihu ttcmt forKlni! of IhuForcu bill chalna. tllK 4CT10N Or Till. I1UI UIIL1CA.N3 lo tho hut ('oilRrtM lint Knitted at lentiiin. "When the Itopubllrana had coulrul cf Mh hranclua of CongriM andtli(ioxnutliiderarlraent,dUlhe iUr Ihu cqndllloiui of tho lounttjf i'Ulliey repeal one ol the iinonitltu. tlonal law. lor which they halo boon I Ira llni!, Ihu falie tirum of war. Ita I unleor, lla i ecnltU.; Letourworno IbauwortailU rily;let tho dlaordeii or cur currency an.wtr. Tby flrot iriatel nioro wer Into llnlr own land., then double I III proatitutlou lH4tiorof Ihu Hi)uit,ly Tlolcnt. uuiarliamenury pruiidure iiUmndoii tnuactunllyanulltu the fraj lulcntly large majorlly, all of whom follawod JduiWltll dojlUu docllltj,-il,ujb- In the Bonato alx now lUrubllcau neintbra wrm tiatml to lureaent amallai iouiMiun than tbo Ilubl. tanrnihuaiirtuncouulcd In tho oltj fAew York and uuo Htato wan de "audi d uut or Ita Demociatlo iholco. rh'lr olject wa not only to enact suoruand woiiouuconitltutlonal li,U. latlon, I lit alio to ut that liKblatloii lieyond Uio iivople'a amendment or re peal. Anni A T10I ENT ATTACK on tho McKlnley law, he chargid Ibat rihermnn'a rllver law la dialuitn; ol! our roI I to turn tutu a ttrnjy atream and drlf on head) tip; Into au exclu tlve lUvir in.).. Unity In the rank again ncelred attrntlon, lllll uritlm; niemtwra of Hie parly to aland by tho faltba an I Irndillom of tbo tarty, aay Iniriinlty will enabletbn piny lo fuice relief from unju.t lain! unity will en able U to call a halt In the tlieKruwth mil tpcad of ErlndliiK monopolies, will enable It to reticle tbu aouud, aafo and lufflclciit money of our fitberr, when i'vei dollar waaaoKoo I aa the Roll dallar. LlitenJ. roaopnrate and rpllt la I ow inadntM. Onre moroto the breech. Tho iw le'a victory rcqulrta hut union then It flam!, complete. Dlvlalou la do'ial; dlvllon even In MImI.iIpjIU nolhluj rl.o than a vote to i lolonit lit I tibllcan domination and retitw tint rartT'alife Aplii.i Thedeliatvf tho ltvUbllcan aity nut Noremlmr nieana lla death; it will dlilntcjrate, dlMOlroatid irlh. The rrljiioftbe autocralaand tlutocrata will hoover mid none, Tno lunattracr of tbu lletuMlran revolulhnl.U of the bll lion dollar ('oui;rii tn (ink tbla ltrcatexierliiiiitof dim cratKJuitUu oud lib. rly will l crubed. Wo shall awaltefrnm thla long darknena audita fouldreauia to auurlse, inurulntthiid now Hie. cilfpii JHtr. ciltru redounded through the caj ltol at tho tonrluslouof hlssptech and II Henry, editor of Hie Jackson Aae JxOstr, Immediately presented n resu lull in of thanks for bis insenoeln the city and earnest appeal lor unlij , Ills true the IcglsUturo was lns alouandMr. Henry was uotamiru I ir of cither brancii. but In tbo wild enthusiasm that fo lowed tho resolu tions Ibis llttlo parliamentary dis crepancy was forgotteu, Ouo wild uUlrruatho yell crrt ltd the resolutions, and they wore odotid wllliout thefoimallty of uillluir forn negative vole. (Icotrnl Hooker was callod fcr and niadoashrrlspcich. Senator Hill and tarty relumed to Ibo vxecutho mansion. I-ale In Ibu nltiruoon n large crowd a..emllcd In Ircnt ol the mansion and Hill was In troduced byUoTcrnorrltono, and nvalti tuadu n ahort speech. He reviewed tins principles! uf Democracy about as In his former spcechta and otic nioro couuseled the part) to uulty. His remarks were received with culhu slasi i and at tbu conclusion a brief rucej tlon was held at the mansion. 0ATHCP.E0 OH btPArtATLS C"SAM I'loi anl lee. or llil. Inlerr.llii nn I ImiurUnl liur lion. The butter exhibit at Wmorli showetl tho sutierlority of aopamtor butter. It nvonuied clxht or nine itnts htgli'i than tho pitlierrU crentn butter. An otluriMdnt l that moro butter Is ou tlined from tho mill:. IXhji Kiting cl milk liaa bocn known In result in nloM of JJ tr cnL of tho Inllir fit. In nib. r cttsoa Ihu loss has Uwu small. Uu thr the most fatorullo con lttlons soms milk will cream nuito closel) wlaitoct, but other milk w 111 not With the repa tor this dUTcrcm-o does nut txWt. Any tnllk can ho al Inimcil an ns to 1 nro not nvor one poun 1 of fat In l,0u0 of tnllk. illi Jersey cows, or c thcr cows gUinn rich milk, the toss In iKhi setting nei I not U cxcessiM, but with tbln milk it thin? but tho separate r u do tiior nunh work Jloro buttor mil bettct biitlcrnrothoiioluts in which tho tcpa rator excels. Tho Kulhcreil cmiin lan lm th merit cf lesaexpeuw. This In sumo I enlitioa still offsets the gains ly the a pa rator system, aud cuti leaean prollt. lAonnmy of otHiration must to xiioa duo prninlnence la i uttlnjr In ariwratonc, 'iheroUono actiamtor factory miming inUcirtlcM, la., where the expenso cl hauline tnllk Is clfhtccn cents per 100, tttid In tho llnshof the season did not tret l low tlf teen. Thla U too inuclu llo clilwi this, cicr)-thlnjr ImiIIo iititkt U convenient anl phuuM lo save labor. Good Uilxir Ls costly an 1 poor labor is nioro cost!). Cnnmcry Journal. Wltsl re..l Tnlk Attn ,1. If iieoplo only tall. oil about wlmt tlie'y l.uow a prufouuil eilciico ve oul 1 i.tlIouioiiwvcK'tyiunhil irKu ruwiml wutill boolTci-cil fur nn answer td tho conuiidrutii originally iroiKjiind ivlIiyIVntiiiIihto, "Whathtinllir I'iKir liuiiiiii nnturu lll;m to IkUovo tho Moiut eif itaUiul, timl thoro mil tlukuwlio feci iwruoually injured nt iniiM) uf ollicra. Ono touch of term ilul mnktM tho vrliolu world kin. Only oliibit tho vruiknowea of Uu mut n glow of hitl'ifuctlon tuf tiuoa Ihu faces of thu llttlo It U liroof isttio of tlio wholo el mho emtio iIoltiui, (hat "onu inau U rJ poexl na another nml better too " luito 1'nU ri WliallillL'tOIl. hinuii nt Junrrul.. In 1373 1 was tailed upon to oP.l elnto (fur it neighbor) nt it In n Ijncailiiro town. Tho rchihuw, workliiK jiouplo, but not ioor, ilu ulrcO mo to attend nt thohotiMi bo fnro tho pruouwloit left It. 1 found tho company ill inkins lomon Julco, with. nrm water, cote tied and spiced. Tho ool was 1 vri;o two handled iot mtitc, and tho rilid of tlio lctnon win wroathcsl from Iiaudlo to handle I found It would liao lmcn n tjiwit olTemo to refmo to drink of itr-Notou and CJucricM. I ITtrt r U iliilno i n laborers. Worhmon otcuplixl In tho inauii fnctuiv uf iiuluiiio nro eaid to nillor front n rwculiar cuttuieoiu eruption, which homo ehim in canted by thu Mijior from Ixilliuc; nolulions, nnd tliu Btttemcnt U mndo that ubout 00 icr cent of thoeo cneraged nro moro or Ice nlloctod Km. Nilr ln Islhst mrt o( innteriud man air, in nt whl h is of thoiii i tliniHr lin allii: iinilir s -sal It tLe mother, nurso and even W luuuvoftledulurH. TAKIst'DISCUSSlON. i the MimVil nt Hie llmiec (Mllng llrtijor II Itcvival of lIlC IllllTCSl. J . a pnteticAL jortcn and WIIKCR'S WATCH. Hill Inlrelucrd In the MoalO. IiiiIIiii Territory aud Statehood hr Teiecrsiib to ibo . aws I (OMIIIIJts. Hie Is llrEluulmr ' Tire llielluu.e Wasiiinciov, March IS The Isrllf discussion i. hcRlnnliiir to tire Ihu H6use,atidthen'lsa lack or Interest lu the troceediniis- However, Interest tolay was ruvlveil someiehal when W alser (Mass ) took the floor. A mint berotltem orals stirred him up wl'ti a lontlnuoiis crosstlm of iuistlons. l)uriu,r Ma speielt he alluded (o the decline In thu prleei ol walches, laklue bis own Urn piece out of his pocket and lacliiu It ou the desk until lead) l make his s int. II was a rroprlHttHl by a fnu'luvinir member, and whan ho looked lor It, It was suggested that hu (Wnlker) was fortunate (o keep Ihu chant. The conference report on tho itrgoncy deilclrucy kill was j resenlod, agreed to, and arcd. The bill aiprorrlalei J47UMI. The House then weut Into committee of Ihe wbUo uu tbn free wool bill. Combs (? York) coucludcd his s cih In furor dllii bill. After Ccmba llnlslieil sH'iiUn,:, Walker (Man) said that most of tbo statements made by the Dtmocratlu oraUirsou Uo sulject of a protective tarlU eteremt teen technically true, I he manufsctuicraof this country bavu not tho silkiest IntrrrstdlrHClty lu tho larll!;ltnsuulofthoallghtMtroterist to the maiiu'arturtrs whuthor wo have frwi Hade o frotictlou. riity were wnuoiioor thootltcr. If tl u tarlir was mt In thu Interest ol tlio farmers an J wage workers, then he would vote to repeal it nud aJoit fruo trado. Ujil.iTjr (Mltsoull) ulod Whether thuKetitlrroait mtviiit to say that thu manufacturers would In aa trospcroua miller freu trado as irttcctlou, ul.J Waikirreillrd liilheaniriimtive. Dockery Thou under tho theory of Iirotectlon the manufacturer merely leeomedlsbdrelug agents? Walker Dial 1 a mire fiction. Dockery That si cms tu be tlio logic of e our tusition. Walker replied that Ihe manulaclur. era of thu coJntry (what was Mt of them) wouM tu mote t rospirous uuder freu Ira lo tlun protection, ltut Con gress was tu tlcgltlalluKfer tbu in itiu facturirs. It was levUlnllog for tho farmers and ttAgv-v.orkers. this was tho lowest tueil couutrj on Ihe facu of the (arlh. Harter(Ollo)assurle. that In Cana da taxation vai twent flvo per cent. Ice. thait In Ibo Unlto.1 H ate-. Wnlker rejlled that Canada was a com trj whlih had failed lo collect Its taxes forltatxpendltuRaaad was bur dened with debts. Walker wm procvollng to cllo au IhorltlrslnsupiKirtof his position when Harki r ndvlml bint to consult Illalne. Walker Ion may consult as much as you like. I choose the man I w Mi to ci neult. (Laughter.) On luslners iurillcnsl censult business men, not jiolttlrlani. Walker theaenterid litton Rvneral dtlecseof Ihs McKlnley law, dielar log that In a jcar our fore fgn trade had lucreaied 7 i.r cent on account of thu Itw's proceedings. Bcott (III ) attacked Ihe law, liolelliiir Up lla Injustice and Itieuualltlcv aa Learltiiiii lie consumer, aud laying apt clal sire ss oa the uucoustltutlouallty uf thu suiv Uainly rruvlslou. Chlmau(Vlch )sald that iiotwllh staudlui: the duirrmu Court declslou, he was still of the opinion 'that thu counting of n quorum undi r thu rulua of the I Iftj-llnt Congrc.s was uncon stitutional. (Is then denounced the r -ti nt ol rotecllott as bull Jlng up tlio lew at thuexixnsoof themnti. Dcckery (Mo) mid that tho Mc Kluley bill liael only Increased the farmers' burdens mil that tho re ciprocity scheme would rovo fjl laclcus. Tho commltteu rose uttd tho House adjourned. Till I..NATh. Senator llerry Introduced a I 111 fir thoadlustmeintof Ihu rights of thu In diana lu Indian Territory, with a view ofluvlui; the territory admitted us a Htate. He nator Morgan Introduced a bill to lncrrase the fscllltlc of the tostolllco deiarluient. I'or obtaining Ibo usoof buildings for iicstolTice, It Is proposed lo Interest i rlvalo cat Hal In tho construction tl poatolllcu lulldlug on long terms of lease. henator Pefhr Introducid a bill t? regulate tbu value of colna and lecsa of tnonc of a certain kind, t) itlvo all sortaof current muiey a lignl tender quality, anl to t uiidrevent ulscrliuiuatlon In favor of gol 1 coin or bullion aa money, Tho eon irincere)iortoii tho urgent deficiency IHI was agree I to anil Ilia military academy a) proprlstlou bill Afler an exocutlvo session thu Sen ate adjourned. AniHlirniuitletl DOM IN, Mnrdi 111. The Jleralil enouncea Ibat the amalgamation tf rc-mnn's Journal ard Ibo Anfiotiuf I'ntt U ceiaipls li d. The dire e tora aru Messrs Murphy, Ncaly mil Dickson, members of Parliament; Cnttatu O' Connor ani Mr, Uray, Sllnres Heard I mm I'oiit Tow-8iMi, March 15 I ho latiet udvlcea from Alaska aie to the edict that Ihu nilulug iiilnera havu been bsard from. Just aa the stoame; "I liy ol roieka" wsa having Blika en the last trip down, Monla Orion, Ihe losdcrolthe i arty, cauieahoard, Hu halctmelii n sailing schooner from YaketatHlillon, where hu hu I Ion thu intl),all uf whom he reiort4 as welt. Ihe mlnera have Uon absent almc last November andhavetulliridniaii) liurdshlps. i rank J, Myers, editor of thoJuneau Mlnlrp I'tKtd, and C. II. Hehofl, ndlurcf .uiiHitka AluLuii, Inseleen arretted by (lovernor I,) man Kna(p cf Alsika, who alleges that both ro lilnieila nwsiuier cllivlin to the (.feet that Win Knaip was not bril liant iju'uUII). The lls.irrTln.llll"". W'Amilliinox, March 111. Com mlssloner Itaum was ciamlncil lfoto Ihe House liiveellrallng (uminlllra to day. He wns questioned as lo his cell iiwlluu with tho Oyum mlulng com lany nnl refuse-J to answer, saying lhathowoulJ not answer niiy tuis tions relating to I rl.nto aftalrs. Mr. Whnler said theto was lower te comiel testlmotiy. In answer toa (juration witness sail that ho liorrowed jW of Mr. I ck wood, which was paid In tlireu dajs. 1 his transaction had )io relation to thu prnuiotlcn of n fenialu clerk. 1 here was consl lernt In testimony re garding his (Kauri's) iromltes tu varluuaiersnna that reus eases In which liny were Interested shoul I re celve attention. Witness olfcrcd tu iroduceallthe letters aud ordeis re garding such from Ihu files of bis ofllfe. Witness, In answer to a question, did not recall auy coso In which hu had given a Deinxratlc Cotlgreasiuan an swclal privilege. Adjourned. eiolu.l J.i.l ret eoila. Wasiiimiti.v, March 15 The Hen ate lit executive session loda llsteuei for two hours to argument by uor bees and litrplo In ipposllloii to the colillimatloit ol Judge Woods and au hour's ilelense of the nominee. The Judlclar) c mnilttec. In lis retmrt. place I Ju Ign Woods name at the head ofthnllslof circuit Jud.cs, so that It was in t tweslble for any of tho othir nominations tulai acted upou until Woods case was disposed of. Hie Hoot lllll. Wa9IHnutui(, Z-Iarc.i 15. At a con fireueeof the Dratocratlo memUrs of the ways And means committer today it was iircl ieel not to preou the votu on the wool till la advmioe of taking up the olivet special orJcrlul i resume eonstdi ration of the bill efui Ihosi clnl' liter lehetlve to thu llland bill Is disposed of. Allorlte-llir Wild InNlow, Mareli IS. At Hedncs, loerth, Delhi MentAuo, a t egre t.1 tacboufa met ngerlr, entered a rago containing Ihruu bears am n wicked looking hjeiia. The animals attacked Ihu man, and he waa only rescued ly his comrades afler a quarter ol au hour, barely alive, t irti and bruhed (rum heal lo foot, ant cenij leltly env e reJ Willi blood. Hu w Immediately moved to an Uuti 1 and luodlcnl anlst aucu sccurid, but, affer llugerlng lu territlo aguu fur utt houri ho died. I w na nshfng for Ixim ono tliy in iUiet mol ott nkhorn creek, iicitr iraid..ort, Ky , on tliaputir rimol what U known oit'Oflttlt'il lien 1. A fcwjnnUaboco wheru I wiuatind frsj? kue ilicp in tho vntcr, was a brornl bhiillow, wlicro tho current rippled ocr and nliout en littsiroeko before aiils-idliiB ill tho (In ik r waters of tho 1xj1. As I drew my halt tcmptitiKly nctom tin) jiool in Hurch of n hungry brum, 1 noticed it jellow liutte'rlly winint; IU riipeac Might acroee tho thnllow tnciitioni'd, and clruo to tho aurfuco of thu water When Ii-ilf way ncrovt, a nnnll Imuki, probably not oer n quarter Kjimd weight Hinllinlj leajical from tho water, struck Iho bitttct liy with tmenliii; aim, and fell luck with a hploieh In thon'iullona. Thu butter 11 wm hit hard a. it fell don lor 6tunneel in tho btrentn nboat three foot f Kim win ro the lnuen had inter evptcil ita flight, but uuforturuUly tho llttlo gl idiator failed to iwcf lilt lnUc, im it lloated uulUturbe.1 down into tlio pool hclow. l'otwt aud .Stream llio lllat. la Mururco. A llttlo oernlimidred jcni ngi) that is to nay, in tho) ear 17f tho then reigning aiiltau of Morocco took aa hU ifo n rtl Itilroel and Umi ejesl Itiilitrlrl, th(i)uuiig widow ol n nerKeant of eii(rineeri who had died iuM lrooeei ThliCeltloliulyiievtnlto lruo If ftnfamo'.w record Uhlud her. bho rule-el tiO aultiiit and not Infre quently rodo Into Imttlo nt tho litad of lu r lnuband a trooim. Her will, known an Mul .1 Yczzld, lnhetlteil inin It of her pluck and tmlrit- nnd wmln open rebellion ut thotimoof liUfutlumdoatli. It i uvri o(e!i question how much ot tho blood of this Irish loxdo niun in tho . cilia of tho preectit sultan o( Jtoroceo, JIulej el 1 1 iin, but it U til luaot intoro-tiu;,' to nnsiimo tli it tin! known imlllallty of thla ruler for tlu IlritLeli nttion is duo to tho romantic tuilliigu which hia nncewtor lnudJ o er i contury ngo London lljaro. llrroioluc iJ'fl It ill If I Had l.iil). Thin) juant iiKon Juun.; 1 uly o! Full ltiur, JIiwh, wan lilt ilium tin left sldo of lur hea.1 by u fallliii; bIku lei nho win ualklu,' along a iilreetlu Ilmton. 'lliia wna folio ie.1 by l.nitu f ut or. After homo w oe ks alio w us in Well in body mul inliiel asovcr, hut ftom n right luiidcsl iicrbonaho hud Ixxxnuo no left hnii.lo.1 that bho coul I nellher cut, new nor M l -to with lie! light luiud, lint found it unay tudi alltheao UiIiiijh w itlt her lefL II. I right It m 1 wui jiut alwilt a. useful ns her left hid Ueil wm hurt. Wlmtlrtsti iiugo it tint, with ro nvoiit n chungo in thouaoiif he( liunda bho nutcr iniken annUwanl motion, nnd Is us rruueful in tho use ot lier h ft h mil nx if tho hud U-eu bora lelt Inndud Iljstou I'oot. l.ll4cl4ll... eiloira Uniliwueil hid gloccs may Iki eh unveil by wohli g thtm in nnph tin Wash on tho Itimla and liuu Ih m out tn tho all to dr). New York GA1JINET MliKTINU. Alt llio Jlcnbers tllfiil I wept Secie- (nrj I'lalne, loiter mil Nutilr. nccipnoeiTr MATTtnS PRINCI PALLY DISCU8SI0, Tho llcrhtg hea (hirsllmi Iiirldf ntullj Itcfcrrid lo.-M ailing fur Mell-lnirj. 17 TrlcirS.h to tho Nsws.l .'.iiml r hi rixi. rroelsiieotl, ,,a ol Itrlnllnlloir, the l'rlnelt anl,rrt r lilseiiaaliin. WAaitikcnuK, March I. The Cabinet treellni. was attended by nil tbu mtintara except Illalne, 1 osier and -Noblr. Tho Issue of roclania. lions uf retaliation against the coon tries which have refused tn elite r Into reciprocal trade relations with the United rllatis, under Iho terms of thu McKlnley art, was the sub. Jcetof discussion. It waa deeldoil to Issue roclamatlona of this character Iblsatternooiiiicalntt three countries of douth America. Huso aro under stood to 1 e Columbia, Honduras anl Venexucta, tut It culinut be slated prsllhcl). Ill accrrelnnco with llio revisions of Ihe reciprocity liglslattoi Jauuary 7Hi, lllalneaudressedlioleato tho to tiesentallveslii this city ol Austria Hungary, Colombia, Hayll. Ilnndu ias,Nicatagus,r.ialnforthu riillllili.u lrlandi, mil Venecuela, Informing them tint, unless some unler standing was reached as lo a commercial arratgeimnt beforu March I Hi, the President weul I be coni tiled to Issuo a rochmatlou Imilnglbudutlisl1llil 111 that sec tion on augar, molasses, cofTeo anl hides, rin. commercial arrange me nt wllh Nicaragua la aires ly published. It Is understood that a similar arrange ment Is agreed upon with Honduras, o!o that Aiislrlvlluiiga.y haa ma In a Icflnlte iropoaltlon, likewise! Hpaln risrtli;g tbo l'tilll Idc. Islauda, tvlilibhsvu the I runllse ol an early and satisfactory a IJuitii. nt. I his leaveaunly Colombla.llayllotil Vene tuela Aalothcsueounlrlealhe l'r.-l-de nt ti. by IssmihI a roclamation du daring llio duties asl forth lit ace tlou 3 lit foreo oa to sugar, molasses, cellee and hides. The tiering sea question waa re ferred to liicldenlallj. It la t relty well settled that nothing further will Lu ilmiu In tho matter ttnlllHallslury re ) lira lo the I'tcaMc id's note of the Sill, Imlstlug on a renewal uf the modus Vivendi. If a nsponso from Hsllshury Is not soon recetve-o. It Is understood that tho I'leildenl will call the altelitlou of the llrlllsll minister hele lo the tart tint the government' leplj, aud askln; that the mailer ho brought to bis attention. I lorU-.m I. mil AsniMIIl. N. ('., March M. Ilciatbllean Nallouel Chairman CI irk son toelsy sold thst (here was no found ation lor the reports Ibat he is a candi date lor Ihe Presidency. Asked his reference, he said "As chairman of Ihunatluial committee, 1 coul I not I rorcrly tale sides In tbu matter. Hie llli-.le I. loud llriinlillrau Mole tuiiarullen l'lioMin tck, H. I., March 15 Tbo Hlate Itei ul llcan Cuuvenlluii met this morning. Thelalfoim adoleat op lores tbu freo coinage of silver, i u don is rcclprocll), thanking Illalne therefor; declares n irotectlve tarltl the carulnal ptliiciplo of the lte uIk llcan arty; approves the vigor, wisdom, courage and Amttlcanliatof Harrison's administration The fol lowing ticket w ae unanimously ohoeen: Govern'., D. Itussell llrowu; Idem-teiiaiit-aocrrnor, Colonel Melvlllu Hull. Secretary ofHUte, Hon. (.corge 11. Ulttr; Attornej-neneral, It.Uit llurbank; Htalo Trea-urer, Haruuel CUik. A Koulli Ken I.U.,.1 Msjtslr In aau Ban riiv.M'ieo, March 13. The trading schooner " Tarawa" srthed to da) from the Booth Hsablsnds, having on board Kliu lonbranoo! HuUirltarl, onoufthe (lllbeit Islands. Ihu King, who Is a largo man, oer six feel In he Ight aud weighing J. pellLds, made the vo)at,u out ol curiosity and to ho the "cvhlta roati'b country." He w.u nccoinJinled ly Chief Anilbla, nod another inlject, who styhi himself "Jack, Ihu I'tM." A Mile ou lire. Ban, March 15. Tho barketitlno'Troilo Illrd," which ar rived from CablU and Iho Mauiuisas Islands I, rlDs,a Inlormatlonthataboal'a crew of twilvu men, undir Matu Hurrlug, from the III fated Ocrmaii ship' ( laru" waa liiitul fromBydney, Australia. to Ban I ranclsco rr lib n cargo of coat. When sew ml wceka out the cargo was diieove red tolou Hie. and, though the crew fought (be Ilimre four ilsjs, tbo)weru llually obliged lo Icavetho vessel, which turned to tba water's edge nineteen men under Cat lain Kuhhiimiu were picket! up by Ihe ' Ciiliterula" and brought lo this clly, but, up to thu time or Iho "lioplu lllrd's" arrival, It waa sup. posed that thcolher bout's craw were lost. After man) hardships, how o.uri liny htndidat lalaTal, where they weru found by the"Troplo Illrd" and tukeii to Tahiti, where they tlilt ped on dlfllreut vessels, one of Iho new, John Nelson, coming to this clti. Ihe lark "Jtavenswood" arrlud from Hull Ibis morning aud reports that alio sustained severe damages, which nrcesstatid her putting Into Val(aralsi) Jauuary -th for re airs, lour aptreu Icea from Iho Diltlsh ship1 tllcreor-i," which was nlsr.. done I oil Cagai Horn, wire fuuul el alpralo havliglcrti ilckeil up ly llio American batk "ltosc,"aiid lani e.1 nt that port. They wire brought lo thlaclty ty tho'dlavenswood," which lialsoownelb) the I.lTerjnol owLers of the "Ulencurto " On I iirup"" noiirsr. I'Ai ts. March 15 llio lloursu was uiisettltd today In consequence of tie 'allure of Ihu (It. l'etcrshur Lanier. Foreign sccurlilea Uropl rrcepllbl) riiesamocondllleii irevallcd nt Her Illi. liNpoN, March 15 l'orelgit secur ities were Hat today oil lie mock 1 I ohnlige In roncquctir-i of Ihe eundl lion of the I.urupvan Iwurres. II. hun, March 15 1 urlhrr par llculsis regarding Ihe falluie or Uiitnit-lo-rg ntbr, 1 'el. r rl urg, show that It Is attributed ailly to govt nimetit anl moslt), which hampered the llnanolal latslnissof thelKlisc. It Is exraeteel that the iredltors will lie ulllmalel) (OKI In ful). aira. Ilrllirrliielox ami Robluaon. 1 HAM ill, Pa, March 15 A let lirtecelveel today from Ihe mother of llclhelllglon glvex a history of the Introduction mid acqualntaiie-. of Mrs Hrthellugton mil Thu hlllilcii ..I Ihe I. Iter Illi) thu ellert that ltoLlnacn'o attentions urru distasteful to Mrs Helheriegloii and alio re ulicrteil him to cease Ibsnt. Hueon. linued tu force himself Into her pres ence whenever oelt)c. Bile tohi her liushAll 1, who cxposlulatid, ami Hob tiison said ho would leave the cuuntr), He did ro, but oenllnu'sl tow tile, re celvlng to answer In hlsleders, which were returned, rind llctherluglnii, heating ol his return, shot him. The letter aiidalliat the re la t ii doubt that HetherltiKtoti will lo aiultted. lln"ll.lrr.M liONDoK. March 15 The four steam ers which hnvo bee i waiting to assist lu Host Ibu "1 Ider" wero obliged lo ahau lou her today, owing lo a heavy gale. IVrtlons of Ihe "1. Ider" were torn by tbo heavy sea, au 1 It Is now thought luipossllh to si. e her. lliolalliolleltrllrr Ael luMijr, Mareli 15. In the Com mons 1 altlckO'Ilrleii (I'arnilllte) In troducod a bill toaiiieinl Ihe Catbollo relief act, In order lo remoe the dis abilities crfAlhoMrs In Knglatid nnd Ireland Imposed ly Ihe act. The measure tarsed Its trsl reading by an ovirw helming majority. The House ul-cnrsi-l a volo of 10, 15 to I e devcted tu rcllel work In Ire land. llslfuur, (ho governrrent leader, stated (lint uu fitilhrr rxtcnsluii of rillef works were required or con tcrutlktcd. A Moiileloilo lion Momi: I Aittai, March 15. An exciting row occurred today lit tho gambling saloon tf tin Caslit there. A man cllondcd n wouiati, whu boxed Ida cats. Thu allklr drew ever)otic' attention, mid the ftlettds cHlic par. lleetocl. n liand lu It. The genernl row whlkh followed waa ouly quelled ly thuaipearnnce of the willei, who arretted all tho (arllce lu the fracas. Amoiil' those In thesalnott was Lady ltaiidolh Churchill, and during Ihu light her pocket wan ilckeduf a largu FPU THE COOK. How lo Holt 1 1 so, In Ihe Ho.1 A I rorr.l Jlsooer. llama era tioarlyalways ntulerlono, aid therefore tough and Indigestible. The hiufth of time A ham rhoul 1 lei kef ten the t.roluttt Ini dehruillic 1 In each llistaiioe by theslsuof the haul, whli h shoul 1 In winked in mil uat r the night Ufore it Is cooked In tin liioinhigtlie ham oh nil Mpiitini II wnt r wllli a little vlmgnr or lb r In It nee er iii ire than a lew np full. '1 In it llie Willi r should tsi permitted to sloe. I renin to n boil nn.l tho kettle rem nod to tin biu k of the stove wh. n. It nun .ini. iiurf r from funr to eiglt hours tu eonlliu to the sin of the ham Win it tho ham has Ikhhiiiio coll lifter Ik Jug Ink. ii nil tho slot. , the s'lill shoul I I to re liiovid and tliooiitnidiitopliuspriukl d with gritcd bnMl Iriwtt sin. ir ami st'iie mil the ham put hi the .ivm until it hu br wiied on top. If It Ue Inte l lid In . at it hot it sh ul I lie w n 'si win ti taken from tun oven, but if it lo Int. inled fur mid ham, lliuit thu knife shoul I n.ler ton. h it till It it nully loll nul has at 1 at liuit twelee h Miraufttreeuaiitg front the uveu 'lu winp u hum in n w mown lm wluu bolliugitgiiwlt itdelliloua iUtur. low I in n.irslo an 111 I C hair. Only hard wtx.l chairs ore wurth tlio I rouble, uu 1 If Iho wood la mih gniiy it la beat to sen 1 it t a cabinet iiiiiknr (or It fatootalilblu to take cliauum with. If Itlaoakorcherry.sentbittlioronghly with snl aoila utid water and Biiiilnqicr nil the ol 1 IUli cot Then gl .e it v erilc nits of Ilnglisli enamel point of mi) tint desiru'l, allowing can It com to dry tbo next Is tut on, and smoothing each ono lifts r it Is dry with Duo asm l)i tiar, Dinot try touphdstcr it unlcM ) on know tho trulo of tiphol st rj, but nuik'.u fancy cushion of ue tuiiuoursllk aud lay it or tie it oil. Hi", I )rt ! tre Male. Tlio Inc. f gliisa which am to In m lo into h uses for epoclnclos, for ml c rest Otoe smatl tclccopM mul llio liko am I n.t grouu 1 into shatx1, ronglil) by is iug hi id agnlnst a cast iron tuul like a grin Mono This of course is carted tu gie tho lens the eajncevlt) ercon v uxity eloolrcl 1 rum Hilt tool tho gl isa lulssoa to a lino tool, wi enlli 1, of siml 1 ir conslructlull, lint mode of brass an 1 eoe erc-l evith n line powder of sali)iate if Iron calcined uu I frunnd Jewclira cult ft rouge. 'Thin a third tool, like the . i nd but i oi ot ml w illi cloth w la Hi r uglily powdered wttli iiMeil for pulUliing Aft.r loitli si lis haioUin treutcl lliua the luliH he cut lo the required shutv, uval or n und, with n difluioo 1 glass cutter and steel i ln e rs, mil the elg. s anl grounl smooth ou ue 1st u bo. is A new procoM of obtiilning cobalt, liy w hlclt grout eeviinmy la shown, is lis followai The ore Is touated with linngunoeo aud common wilt, then treated with siilphuroUxl lijdrogen torunioo tlio copper, while th ore Uilt In precipitated with bUlphldeof bcKlium rrtrnleuii srt 0 tonesrl.lie. A Ouiiiuiu uhoiiilat has luunto.1 ll mi thul wh Moli) i tinlciini mul win liar liquid h)divi iibouaeuii burin I dered iwuoxiiljrjito - Juw Vorlc i Journal. A RHIHN (IF TKHHOK. 31 I J n r,ii lljnainlte Ihlcirs at Mork la trance ' TRJ I; reading Terror Aroiiml Sw j I' ,,it- 'm II A TCRRlriC CXPLOSION AT THC Ijf j LOUOAN BARRACKS JM I, V I. Ill for .Mnlhi? Ilctrocllon ol B li ! I ruptrl n ( rime 1'uiiMialilo flB j ' by Iiralh. IH - i-fiB S ' by Ts'riisnn to tso vsors SB ufi iiH t'llils in M-itrl uv. B A Trrrlllr Isplo'lu',, at the fflHli V llarrarl.. iSn 1 Pakia, March 15 It Is evident that W?t" I , tho ta-rsoiis who stoju thu dyuamlle rK i k Cattrldget frnui the rtrlnei quarries are M ' .jv ,' endeavr ting to Inaugurate a reign of w JSt terror In this city. About Iwo o'clock 'J ! 1 this morning ti terrlflu explosion occur- W H ted at Iho l.anlsu Urraiks, cruikil yM' . A by Ihu Iteput lleau turl, ndlultilng '"Rj'll 1C it Hotel Dovlllc. In n moment the Jft1. t ,' wildest excitement rcvalled. The WOLi 55 a men srung for the ilooia jBl ffi I aud windows, thinking that TBI w jl thu wills would come tolltig nSt ti H doirn tifiuii them. The slrerla In tho ,St U il vicinity were soon filled with nu ex. 4 , H ? cited ciowd. It was found that a ' i m 81 d)iinmlta eatrldgu I td leen placed tT ' ! KF & Uou Iho hilpe of Iho window In tho ft T H miss room. The Uusrds, forlunately, jj fi y wiail without Injury aud the only ,J Jl i, harm done was to thu tarracka and , I 18 is biilldlnSB In llie vicinity, which was . ,. great. Hundreds of wlndowa were ,f w 1 shattered and the walls of the I arracks s t Jl A mid other buildings wero tadly slut. rSUm tered iSBl A Cabinet council wsa held thla ' . ll aflernooii at which President Carnot j , mHil SlKllid tbn bill Inlrodllcltign clause In ' flB3 Ihu iensIcode,maklng wilful destruc- a SB tlonof roa-lly by means of explosives JB ?,K'J iiinlshsbleby diath. Tie clausewlll Jf iM'i Isilnlroductd In Iho the Chamler of -"& 'j(HU Deputies this afternoon. It Is believed ,3Mm lite anarchists will gnln courage W?J from their Immunity from nirest, SlK fur the lollco have not succeeded lit H-V dilicllng the aulhora of any cf Ihe . 9S ext loslons, and serious a prehension Is j ' mBe felt regarding any action they may ' fy tako on May day. The .dlco are V?'lm$ working In the dark, and tracka of the I jMr authors of tho outrages are so well ., ft'll) hidden that thus far It baa bee n Ira- lsSB p.sslblii for the best trained etetecllvei hHi ol the l'arls llco to follow them. 1 1 W all.ieiilsau.ernite.1. t SU' Bt. 1'lvh snliiii, March 13. ,1 TlKij Hanker J, 1.. (Juunztiurg has lusjened 'K liifSJn )o) nn nt. j Sir '4 TtieSeiiuiisrelalTrealjr With I'lnnr., o!l4-! rams, March 15 President Camel UJ Inday algued the commercial reelproc! I Tl H ty treat) with the United Hlalea. ''iH AN AlllVI. TI1AI1III1, Vli'l A Clerk Alioola Three I'eraana anil t HU Kills llliuarlr. "HH Tims, Ohio, March 15. "Waller J M Btiyder haa shot l.d. ay lor, Hurt A & ft Crobuugh and Thomas W, Downey m JKJ and tilled himself," was theaunounce- W meat that greeted tho peot lu of Tlfll ll 3 t H going to their laccaof buslr.esa this , M H morning Bnyder, agial .forty-five, j( j F waa unmarried, and waoneof thu L ffRs most iular men In thetltr. haylor T i L Km mid t'robaugh were memliera of the. v I jkt llruibywlilchliewaaemploysd. Tbos. ,lti W. Downey, a fellow clerk of Naylor . I J and Cribaugtt was rrcently admitted S f i AV to isirlnerahlp with John M. a)lor ' ' i I M lu thu hardware lusliiiss. They weru l M Hi clerks U lore and comment wsamadu j! -, :b thalBuyder was not taken lu. Ills '( KM rluio h anio.l that Bn)der, though ' vySfl worth petharaJSOjIWO, bad Ida money ij I'M so Hid up In real estate that he could j. tM uuttskeany loterest In the business, vj (M andltseimed jerfectly satisfactory to ' ! "m .Jl him al the Umi, but later It iffl Ijfl Iteyml upou his mind. Hu Sf H entered tho store this morning I ) . 4) t an I fouud the others already tbere.lla I t made npn tense of desiring Crosbaugh I !j ,iik and Baylor tu examine the contenls of . 1 tmi a lox which he had Just received by I 1 - express. When they were at Ills side n L IS hcrhot them both and Ihenturned the : IB revolver ou Downo)i who entered to j( ii 9M tavelliolliesul tho others. Crosbaugh r i It, ' WW will recover, Uowtii) was hit thrse ,J j I "I ! times, and recovery Is not probable. K I. . ll.llro.l Ir.i Haul luerraae.1 lVaxes. $ . H , Wt Winniiui, March 15.-Wllklnsou, 1 I !. , Ml chlefollbellrothirhoodof Trainmen, ' I (f j(S aod (sarrotsou, grand senior conductor f Q EVfll of the Order of Hallway, ' ''! "( aie here trying to get au Increase ol t J 11 LSI wages fur the men of (he Canadian ; mi Pacllloimloyed on the weslern dl- ' I n II vision. They anticipate nu arrange- ' K M merit, but havothe ocr of forcing Kfll strike. Ily Ibis evrulug a strike or rBI seltleliunl will lake place. , f too lll.tioislu en lauaelleal la.. i i Cl ivi I.ANU. March IS. lltshoi j tVmi llowmanuid J sber wtreon thestaul . J U, 1 today In the Lvungelicel Association I ' J1 suit. Their testimony was very Inter- v I -fl I estlng, eulislstlug of a recllaiof the i 1 I,' 1 exciting sctnea at a number of an S ' uiial eottforoi eea where the minority f ( i inrty refused to recogulio their au- I,! J thorlly. l H- f lliirliersle lleArreslo.1. 1.1 ST. lxiiii, March 15 (lovernor if ',', I frauds haa ordered the sheiliTlo sum- ; ' ' J. moo uikisiu to arrest all concerned lu t ' J Ihemitrdernf nepulyBherlirWIIllams j i :, 1 an I thu lynching of ltrlght In lancy j . .' fl county Baturday. The governor )s J ' . ' K that il tin she tin Isunablu to ket a 1 ) 'I ( J! s.e, he will send Hlalunld. Illood- J f j ll ihed will utidoublcdl) follow, , J, 1 liupeaetilileul er MiConulrle Is ll t ' li Talilr.! j Q WA81IINUTJN, March 15 Thu Ju. ' Jl ' !j dlolary eomiullteu of tho Housu has ,j agrteel to report a recommendation to I i'B Bja lay upon the table the resolution look- I ,-X Btfl lug to 11 e Irupearlimtnt ol A. P. Me- J W if Mm Cormlck, Juduu of Ihe dlitrlct court for ' J If S lit ILenortlieru district of Texas, 'ft iri Ciiioinu, March 15 III thu re'llni. . A , m Insry examluatloii of Dr. 11. M. I H EI Hcu Ider for the murder of his mother- 'I' n lu Ian. Mrs Duiitnu, a servant lu the i J : house lislirled that she raw Bcudd.r 1 i ! Mm sltlke Mrs. Dunlou on Ibo head three ( US fL i i fit mSck' fm . KT n, ii . , ""BRai iJmm. 'immW