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JTU ' rHE KNIGHT TO HIS FICKLE LADY ir Dili lit Ibee.fatr null. In. lamia, tka Thr v tanari w. tron front th. rebel, la tpftln. (.lne, ftfert i Maknlil.ttYrr UlllMloualn. ircotuK T,li iu u ul rPlMt l,lrh fate! II again. ,Y K HoTUouah I 0 unlet the tltm. at th. pale, cf tt tlliht nranala, M. " Ata h,,i lhM h, Wtf4U lb, ,,, u, Initio' i,.,- Mr Cod Are, l-roteA It to mnnr . amith.m nrarrwi1., .! 1M " ' '' '1 "', n"""l '" ' law. t LI. V, 1mH ( I toil I let ..oilier now ,loth tbr beUat. IlU.J, ' ! todar la lb teurner I rnt lar tar ltsgerf, reo r t M 11. e aim. .motif maM. tlioit art troeelcf Vullef " a T.fl A rtl.Mlli.alw,.r,( inwr, ,' ,J ' To ratrh It an I tol I II alort are l Call, '!' i - Tlica lu Will 111 J aleetee oa Ma Mtr I. tie liarJT hall Till loral Retreat In LUwi.r,lr.rrr blinded later .V..( '7 ilrnia lli.t bilb una tboa .bout bill it ii- ',0,u """ Hi'l .1 11 JW-o.r man I,tiiiwemplr lh JJ M.t"ho wbo will illo (or tbco Mtir U BUrilU "" " " !' WiaUf. jg; QUIXAlt.VYiVS MViVL. Lu splo Tlio Utlb of h.finoor hsl two tJ'lJ mulit and lost. Mglit lml com main, ut mi 1 In thn old gray church of Vln dorian 1 603 of tho beaten rebels 1 tgr im prisoned, t Tlio .wene InsMo tho clmrch was m ful tco wtirl lmi.nMMlrtjnoiB. It flight H tw( im tQCU n urK of tho loAMuU (oth') H . : linKruo. Tin lurfl t,Uro of n fw I H . toixLufluIiIiU wvtm stock nt InttruU JH I la fl"a,mt tho p lUrn roTMlwl tho forms of j H llr inon Blitlnn nil 1 1 jiiu on tho imit aarl H in( jloor In orory nttitmlo of .hjcctlonairl H wl ('p.'ilr Up and ilatvn tho ublon tJ H m Iron h 1 lit da of tlto scntrlet rung uixn H hi Tuo gnnt r lvirt of tho prttoncri wen 1 H fl nlpiit, or onlj uiOAiilnK i Uli tho jula H cf r t.rnt itonudnt aoiao wont rnyinrfj " H ono w as rnrlOaT. in v "with torror .W, H in truth, ho unl I1I1 compnniuns hud t H J KkvI rauso far foar, for their conqiuror H i tos IVerHluimt tho gcnaral of tho H J It yatUt, whono only modo of dunlin, B i TitlianUl wuttohuiMC or hoot him H iritlioi t moro a lo. ntid who wot only t M iraitiutrf rtho dA)tn?alc to l.u ths H voile of liuuhtor A fow only kort ; H tliLlr n solution onioutf thuin twowlu H nro Ittiiirf ttiticthvr In tho hJtw of tlto lul it itit. Iloththno nun bad H Ixcn toiuv10111!11 tho fight, and both H know well flnl thty miut die at day M lliorU'r of tho twowai a man of H jibii.t thitt) fives Ith a powerful, H tl ickct f rauio utt 1 strong nihl nigged H f munw n Ind man to lure ngaltitt nno H ) iu mihht Nt UovnM ly train nliorw m h uUr, and u gnat pirtufhUlmsImt.3 JH fMR tybr(ik in tho Wild coltfluf ths H in irilu III companion xm wmo mIx or H c lit jomigcr. Ill llgurn m H tjdl find flight, but flucl landu an 1 hi f a wi Bintfulorly huadnoni. I Iowa .H tl oanirtrat runner iutbovreitcf Uu- M 1 nl, jArhnpd in tho xrholo Ltnxdorn. H Hi miuo wan Davi I Dare, that uf tbo H illor rami ua J Dim Qulxaryn Iloth H wcronatheiiof tho town of Axbridgo, H but until thoiliyKforo tbuy luidbcrr H Jtranrra to racli other. Chamo had H tnad9 thoin commie in tho enntoct, H T-hcro tl iy had fouifht tbla by MJo mi 1 H rl ro thu initio troupof iloj alUts liad H ir dthttn Iwth H 1iiotwoTerutlent. Qnlxanyu hid H pall 1 out a fhort blach plpu, ha 1 HIM H nnd lluhtctl it uuJ won nuw Kmoliii jl tranquilly, lit uminttuloi bit nbto H in It d out Fomeihing from hii breatt but it wai i ot a jii (w, it wai tho portrait M tit n Uat iful luung giiL Ho took a lcn look at tho lovely futo a luok H tu h Knl I fare w.U. B (Julian) n waUhedhtin. In tbo dim m II ut In which tho) nat ho could not wo tto features of tho inrtruit, but ho IH g tMHl b tr tho caw itood. M 'Toot fill ay." ho said, vltH mora M t nlornew tlinu would luno bfon ex- jH p cted from his loolu. Then, uftir a H lulnuto's Bilunto, ho wout on, nt much to H htniwlf as to tbo othcrt "And )ot in) H t jrtJiilnrdir. v,m In low lam li H Lvc, God hi lp inuloud 1 also Jiavo lur H portndt in in) brwut, hat wull 1 H Kive if I cuul 1 look on It ai ) ou can lw& jH onjoarsr H Uvrt looked at htm with intrroxt. H "Wbatr ho iftldf 'hao )ounlsotbo H amo troublo n jxyjr trl who will ft &V lUtrnctcd when tbo heam of what las jH lii.'x tied to you H 'Xo.v rail tbo other bitterly, "nha H -will not go dUtractotl, cho has hod H inouth of mo. Aul 1 Bhall Iiito tho M Iptin of dying tinroung.-l upuu tho H 'in iro who robbed mo of litrl" H It was ftrsnso to too how in a mo H hoonthi o)os had grown abluzo with H jKuiioa, Iho )wug man logked nt him H In iwtonUhmcnt H MNV)iowas itr ho Inquired. 1 "Wbovuiltr rcbocd tho other. Vi M 'you think, if I know that, that I should M now Imvo caum to writho at dying with cr)la inIU with Iilm No, I do (n it know him I only know (.ho lood mo that iho coolotl towanl mo that, vrheii I ankod hor iilatnly wliother fcho )i id found a oungcr mid better luokiu.. Ltati, sbo confoMol that tt was truo, mid threw hernclf upon my ttntrolty to wt Ihtr froo from our engagement. 1 did to in n frenzy of ma lpiWoiL lint who-i 1 lUilod her for his naino, bho would not t 11 me, food; i,;. I darotny, tliat I uilyht twlt his ncilr. 1 should soon have Ifuund him; but then thii wnr broko out, on 1 in myiugo 1 cmll not keep myself froni ruihliiff to tho (lht to tool l linyblool with blown. An I so hero I urn lioing to bo fthot nt daybreak. Uut 1 J twiar to luavcn. if 1 only had that fil- llowinmy power for ono bikf miuuto, 1 coal 1 die col ton tod " "You nro riKhf." "Id tho other! "1 should fed tUbame" (Jnlxamn drtwu portrnlt from h! breiwt, nnr! held It out to his companion "Look," ho snU, is this u faco to jilt n maar though it is ono to tlrho liiti crnzj, Let molnok at )ours it Ui.Ct tooio ImioctU thnu this ono, 1 daro The joung man took ths portrait, ral nt tho wmo thn handed luiu ids owu. I looked In tlloni at tli3 nortrult in Ln band in r.1 lento of ainazrifiLiit, of HuiKtfacllou Tho two portraits nptw r itl tho feamo ptintoul (Juiximyuwttt tho rtt to break tho tib rn.0 "Whatr bo s II, drawing a dwp br h unl burning lutonkw laii i, w d Hwas both II Konml ghl, )oti, t. is it? To think that tnnt I Imvo found ou uf Ur all) 1 ato is kiudcr to mo than t 1 fancied " Tbo other returned his gflzo. "WclI.H ho tftl 1, ' It was I, it uppwrfti though lrer know It, nor stuiioeled it. And," he adltd tlmily, "it lus boon no ono's ftnlt." "Noonti'sfiultr "No no oaos. Miry Stllon liked you but tho di 1 not love you, nnd when wt met slw found out her tnisiakt. You frlghtenc! her with ) our had hmnort. itliont mentioning your nauio Mie toll mo tlio wholo stot) You coull not mako hor happy, an 1 1 could tint tin whrdo case, uo )on blamo herT "No," Mid (jnlxarln, thrusting tli jortrnit Imck into bis brswL '1 don t. Uut I biro sworn lo bo wun w 1th thf limn who tuml her mtn 1 s.gilnit mo will mv r Iwllevo bo nrtod b) fair moans and I am going to do It Dtfm 1 our stlf 1 giro ywi warning " Iloth mont.nuig to tlilr feet At ths pjimo iastnnt and stood gluring nt enrh i tin r At tint moment' there was lionrd outsiJo tlio church tht ruttlo of a drum. Only tho rattlocf n drum. Hnt tht found it n irk ibvm tnotioidtM Hjttiro tnrno-1 to stono Xor was thouifoU on tMr coinimnlunR Imw rmsrkiiMo. 1 hor was a im inetitt tilenco In the chimb Utvpa-t the allunco of tho dead then a wox oimmt b im thrill of liorrr Tlint I cutnmoiu nwitit tlmtday wits brtakiuir Mid tliat their hour wm como Tho gnanl tt lust-intty to work to i I repsro iho lint bs4ch of prisoners to 1m ld out cf tlto ohiirch Daro and Qjitx nrvjn nru among tho first Mtxk ithalmut a doscn otlivrs thoy wen mm-choil into tlrtopeti nir Tint gru; ilawn was scarcely glvlia ) totlit hrst stronks rf sunrlMi aa they njiscd ) out of tht churchyard yates, hot tht I whohoilbgo was uldcnwakoand in a tumult of uxclteintnti indeed, thero had Iran lrtllo sltop that night. Kvcry win duw wo nliy with terror itrickuti f,nxnrs as tho parti of doomed mm, mu rounded by ti band of soldiers, wero hur- ri tl through the narrow streets and out vpoti tlio open moor At tlo bonier of tbo moor tat an olU err on horseback, sitrromnll b) n troop of sol Hers Ikro the uty hatted, au 1 the gnarili NiluteiL 'Iho ollkbrwos rt DiKii of about fort), whOHodandUlod an pisranot, whloh riw as trim as that of I toy sol Her newly patntud, showed od Uy In tht mtdkt of soldiers stained villi bnitlu Till w as Lor 1 Vo cmum i a insu in whuso tuituro aulty, tnlloiu ctst autl lorv of plcasuro v ero about eaallyoouibinod llUfaoowusgn) with Iftssuct exKt.tAtioi da thorobels wtro tlnwu up beforo blm. FUood'" ho remnrkM. "fhosowcro nil tinglenlers, woro tbe) Sorgoaut Joto, ilr.iT. up )our firing rt) and fcltOtt down every man of them." li rdr wot Instantly oboytd. Tho fMagpurt) wudrawuui thoprlnuirs wttt raited in lino nt ft f jw jwcW dis tnnofc At ouo extremity of tho lino kitl Daro aid John Unlxarmi foui.d theiuti cm onco mora sUo by sida An (filcer who sat cu horseback at rcursttunt right ban 1 observed them 'l know tboso two." ho sal 1. i-obiting to tluffl with Itts 1 ngvr. "l'tty two such f tllowi fchoul 1 In dono fur Uno of tboiu 1 thobnt runner iu tho country tids uu 1 ths oilier tho lt rider Lh 1hutv Nild lovenlinm, stanl' Ing upln his stirrup Hold thero i innmcntt lergeunti 1 spy n cluuito of f,sll mt ift. What s-'iy ) ou, major a ru brtwrni thrso ti. o across tho moor, tbo ono on Iw tho other mounted. . Ill you luck the runntrr Tho in fa was a man of somo human It) I h rett 1 ft r n moment, Arfreodf he will "And to insuro that both ttll do thitr lcst, let tho wlu l trlmo thsjtriMaiimof hU life" roterthniarecuivtd thisprujiusal with 1 y no lunini goo.1 grace, fur to pm a rebel hurt hfe to tho soul Hat the d lUUlfnl pctesct cf toeing two incii racing for thr lives, and cf Utug able nfter all to tttot tho loser, nt Imigth rvcouciled hiuto thoschemo He gnro Us orders n 1 too t o risouers w ero led out of tho Hint, Out upuu tbt xaoor, about n quarter of ftinitoawa),stcolatolitary tree ibid was selected oi tbo tlartiug point. A do.ibIo lino of ttttpera wis driwn tip, stretching from the tree to tlio wt w Ik ro tbo gent til was stationed, leaving a into between ibtni liico n r u-e course, somonrds wide, At tbo ml of tbb conrte I,oerlnta and the nmj r tat op posite each other. Whichever of tbo two compttitoM taoutd piss Unwiiii tlumilrvt would Urowurded with his life and llltrty. And what w tro ths sensations of tho pair whilo thco j rep.xrations wcro in j rogrcss? .. Dull tvro, stanJlnK before tho in as. ktUof thollring party, bud heart tho rtrango proiKal with a suit len thrill i f linpo m koiiitlutltttstnlinoht like n puln. Thin for u iuomwt M imurt Ml ngaliL lIoknttwhIscwDi.putilof fo t, but ho knownl-o tlut sgitust n lUet horse, urged by a itkiUfnl rt Ur HpuiTing fur dear life, his ibaneouhkil) to b small btlll thoiuwos Lopy iii;iiii, and ho could do bis lwt Mrt h conl 1 not do though succssmetat Hre-aii t lifi with Mary Si hh n. At tht 1 itt thought liH ojtni glitcuod, nnlbtftit0cduinho course U two on his traards with thv kucnuess of n hound in leash. In tho inenuthno a troops bad dis inounteil, nud O,u.xurv)o, snncil with w hip and ipurs, I a lug takw. hU ptaoi Iu tbo f uldte, tho horso was led b) a vuuiiltj of ol liors to tho Btartln point UnlUo his rlnl, Qjixorvyns fai cbowed no elation, lor onmmitnt, on hiarlng tho pioposal, a glaum hod como Into bis oyos, but now l ry.1 . Itli downbent bin 1, naif lost In thouftht A t-entonce sevmel to bo running cons ant ly In hit hood tho stunoo uJ ly Dire In their quarnl In tie cLunh, "You could not make her hjppyun, I coull'' He muttered tbo woriU our twenty times. It was not until tho mu was roncbud and tuohori Was halt I with his heal towarl tho 'potwlcro rovoraham, dUcemiblo fir off bctwu tho lines, att walltug, that he ttart 1 rouH 1 himself nnd lookod (ljnthhn DiU Daro was stau ling on itbirlslt itrtppnl to tbowalit nnl without fu ho"t, rondy fir tho starters nlgnai (juixarv)iis guards dmipil thokorsax bridlo, nnd Burgoant John, who txt lictweeii tho two co'npLtitni urwy u Utol from lilsUH togio thohigna, Tbo oxciti nient nt that moment was In use. Not nwinl w is b r I in luo still lnoruiug 'fltr; but all d u th donblilln fucrs llxi Hn ttlyoa tho two coint tltor, lit in. and thninaor withblanscatth trncsQt motlonlf s ns statuia. Lvtn th con doiuuod men, forgetful Cf their own Ap. troniliug doom, sin vhM tin ir mns to catch a gllwp of tho slrnngo con test on which depended lifo and death for two of their cmnpuninnt The icrgeant raised bis plstoh The report rang out At tho same Itumnt borso nnd niaii shot out together from thn mark At first tho runner, practiced In Hying front tlto start and having In imuK-ntum than the horse, drow out in front In ft few seconds ho was twenty jnrdi rdiead Then tho gp brtwwn them ocaed to widen, thin it was tu to Ht decrcattuf, tho hone whi gaining i-lowly at first bnt gitnlng mtah strihi Ity si.ide V'beti Imlf tho c-ourso wm fovensl tho h' mo Ind drawn up Iivp! nnd then came nirh u run nt hnil nivp ht been swn I or a hnndrnl yard nn 1 morn tho two run loiked to, iiicr ldo by lido, the rnuir idnunt living nv.r Iho crisp turf th h iro strcti In 1 out in h Ilerco grtliip wit i tin ril r nt indln ( ln thoplirrupt u t now tho j,j.d wai oil) fifty nrdA tw.ia),but tin gnurs drew it deip lr th an the biw that now the hnrso w in gaining waa draw ing uut In front tor an inibmt it soeuiM tbit all wm o. i.r tln in it to Ud traiiiMXuinint, thoy Wcro roust toiu that tbo horn was fail lug Then thy saw a gnllint slghtt ttwy snw ttio runner ner o bttnw.lf to tlto last (Tort nnd close upon tho goal, dush pnd the borwinnl tw tho julgosaol fall hendhuu nil tho turf At tlut scene In spilt of disci) line, a f niitttc chot r broko ft rth along the lint I. von FeterMiam liiiiinclf tnlhd riml' as one who, though be had Jut lost t lf9t, hft.1 gained Its fill cm.alcut lu j-Ioasnral lo excitement Tho winner, Ahn lud falUn psnting nn I exhausted, win into n sitting: jiOAture b'two tiou)urs ouo of whoti jtOurcd n draft of brandy down hi" thiout Thoptrltiintmot Instantl) ro vlvod blm, an 1 lu a fuw setond be wnrf nblu though utill wiak nud dhun to stand upon bis f t and look iiWut him. A fnw im-os off Ids bonten rival slool Ivsido his horse Daro looked at bin nnd their e)os met Ctxarvyns face liore nn nlmust iui percept iblo siullej but it was not this, hut something lu bis lok which tho other coull not lmo dtllned, which struck hhn Wckwsrd likoa shock llestaggeml iNhkitrace i-r two UwlldorM by tho light wliltb upou I Is mind Ihon bo ste pod up to his rivals tide, nnd the guard, wbo saw no cause to Interfere, fallln;; hnt k a llttlo, he put hU mouth clew) to (Juixan yu s enn 'Von pulled that horacP ho MliL Quitonyn lookeil at 1dm, but an fwervd nota wonl ou let me win," tho other went on, his voico breaking. "For lur wko )ou did" Qiilxarvwi droo his nails Into bis t dins be had ncied, he was avthig, uot wl lontaMttercost. Mako her happj M ho sal 1 briefly Ashespokohoturnodawu) nntstrodo swiftly to his oil position nt tho head of tho lino of jrisonorf, boforo which tbo firing party was ugaln drawn up. Darolumod Ids Uck upon thesceno andthmsthis Uiigeraln bit oars. Net (Tttwlna he rout 1 still hour with hor HI lo dittluctt.etM tbo sergeants loud, clear ulco,wIth in interval Utweea tho wordsi Ilendyr "l'rc Firer Almost nt tho worl was dven cams the crash nf tbo riiott Moed by nn impulse which he coul I not conquer, bo turned nruund with ft shudder. Tlio Noldters wcro lowering thtlr wuoklnif inuki,l(and n thick white clou 1 bung nUo tbo lino of prisoners strotchod ujrfm thogrounl At the rxtrumit) of the line (juixarvyii lay upon his face, with his rig It hinl ilcnched ui-'ii ft portrait which ho lu 1 taken from his hruiftt.nrd with n bulla through Id j,irt II. Ore u hough bnilth iu Htnnd Magazine II m IUrr..ri uf firt SrortH is borriUo. I ay It ahlsed ly, J iwalcwlth tho roAturel exirl enco i f t no who luu seen an 1 taken part in sport of many nit 1 varied kinds la many anlwiriod part) of tho world 1 can handle gun and rlnV as will nnd elllcienily aa most "sporting folk," and tow women, and not many men, hae li lulgcd inntlthoof thu shooting and hunting In which 1 hao been injured U th nt home nnd during tru.cls nnd ex pi lltions in far awn) Inn Is. It is not, tl ere fore, as n novico that I take tip nt) ptuto record why I, whom soiuo havo tallihl n ' feindotliur(Hl,H haooouieto n anl with nbwluto loathing and detea tnt Ion any sort or kin I or fonu of spurt whhh iu an) way is produced by tin suir rinj of nuluiiU. Iad) iloreucQ I Dixie Thfl tiit.nniftnlilo lir)taiitl.rmtititk. Tbo JnianuucltD -'00 color ailotlea of tho ihOMMittumum. of which C-l am )tll.wt H7 white JS purple, 80 rod, .11 pale pink 12 russet nn 1 1 1 of mixed col vn A fsne) iroiulls in tho count r I that ln thii (lower tho same tint Is never exactly n i reduced, and tlut In this it remUM tho endless iultty of (hi human counu'uaticc Otrden nnd For at The fact that tho fleet. t Atlantio itcjuners are nt-w using to some extent l ou thorn coal, from tha I'ocahonlaA fill Is, for the Ir fumnies, inoator tho Lnglish coal they t e hitlu rtn cmpbi) txl to i rotucoHlotuu, may iiieauioattbUii to Ire-lult. PffllTllMILLCi, MILLl On North Temple Gt., En.t. OhFICri2l South Tamnlo St , Vo.U mtAKDai Hici Patent, Baker's No. 1, Bunoriiao VlioloWlioat Flour. bieieIt ejsh paicc paid fdr wheat. 1UAS MOnitlS, TrcprMor, SILT LlKEJilllBERY. H aviso ur y ort riiirmrravs o( taa s u I Ma Ka.jrjj P? ' ""I'lil I awl i.a"l.'rpU, all".! uVUJ "l?VJ-l'o""" 1 S' "r UIU .1 titakiiaii uumjoummm I tjerman Syrup" I tcre li an incident from lite South Mississippi "-' fApnlpi8jo, imt aftcrtlie Oilpi liaj liitcil lliat country. " I nl n f"rracr, ouc of those who hac to :ic early nnJ norlcltte. AttUclRlnniiiircflast Winter I mi on a trip to the City ofVicksbtirg,Mi ,wl trcl rotwcll ilrenchcil in n fhowcr of rutn. I cnt home nml wnfoen nncriciMtl ttlth a dry, haclinp CuU( It. This crew vrone ecry Ua n itil I had toncclc icllcf. IconwiKrl Dr. Dix )tt who Ins ln died, mul he toM ijc to ccto lrotlloof Iio"-licc tCcrman Smp. Sloentiirc ri cough pew ttoncandwoneaud then IhcGnpfc came nloie nud I caiij 1 1 that also very icveroly. My tu u'ltion Utcn compelled me to do somithlng. I mt tno Iwttlesof Ccrrun bjrup I iMeait uslnir them, nt illitfore latins inttcli of ilte secon 1 bottle, I was entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so long the Grippe, and all its hud effects. I felt tip-tip and hae felt that way cur since." I'h-TRr.J BUAU,Jr.,Civin,a, limes Co . Llist. a caLNOTICt. In the frobat. Oonrt in and r r all !.aae luauly, Trr,llrr ui tialt In lh MalWr et U. "-alilc uf Slary l'at. order t. ahr raqaa .brcrtffir ir Salt of IIMl I..UM .tltt.1 1 . it ba ma la. J ooii u I tk mi i iiiiu mircv Mimd.lla ailuilnlauair if II atl rf alary 1. la t!er4l havina Ak I II vir tllUnu lamnaitljr varllUjul ratii gt rinirtlcnf .ata ul lh. Teal ff.iata irt .am tlawn at lirlatiur KM Ihpraln aal larth II I. IDi rtl ire ut4are t I jr the Jndir. ut .tl raurt. I nt .11 ar.nrt. In larcalait In ll. a. ale vt aid ileceaMt ,afar IMfereila aatd lnpall nt n m Madaradar Iho Mil il.r of Marrll. I,JJ at Itlorliva In lie tnraagn l aaal lay atliatcibll II Mm uf aehl frotatl. twin, at llio IVtunir twin llJ. I. IIM rlly Md ciiu, iy I lal Tarrlldiy. I. hi- iu.c why hii nlar h .Id n.' la irantct to tht atl mi i.lra l r. 1 1 aall M ra.en ut Ir r-,l i.tale it the aaid daraaaail at I male k ni.lti arr. a,y anlibularuiin t liilavn'.r iuliluaail at lean four ..rCMlra rak. In II u lir.KKIT I iKaiKilMna.a n.wrlaririnledaB4i ub l.hrdln.. .Icnr anl nnr """"""'"i,. IU..T.I. tH 1 r t m hiAti UOAL f.OTICC. la lbs IrotrAie Oourt or u ountj ot Skit lkt, Ttnlioryol lub ta Ihs Jlsitffif a hui ot luelrl eaKrtn iltKcSAWL vtoticr is iiMtrn .irs. tht i i-iiuolll llilt ftlMliiMin ur tlhr l,lot Uvtetatl rssuet. iJrriMf.l hM If n lere I fur ruests&t, sad fllcJ in ! Court, l.l Cni.1 aerounl et tut S'lmintitntiinn t Mil nu'iiuit (Ultosfur UmlddnlfUii. tiwf th ifiltlbt ur t I Miittp mmottg ll er a en tltld llM rvtO, IIMl IhH CilD. Uf ItiuS Hi lr nfMareb li 1, l It orl n 14 ,-l Hit. I ourtrooin onrc In tb uui it 1 fjil llsuve, fcH Utt U y s.o 1 toonl ub Tcr niorr. La ten. ditir auiftiaird it tb Juijcs ot irtl-tirt fr lis Mltlfimi vt Mil an (untsnd Inmi-ic ai 1 itiiiin f r dt Irliiu ihn. si hKt) 1 me im,Uci ar l rwn inicr titl in 'd oiks ntkf npftf-r vl obw roe, K Snr Itttr l,tl.)r a.darruaiil 1.m.M neiLaietilsdsiid j r t4sd1 Cnltl.tribu UoniiAiottiirarrariir V E.AMFX, Cltrh ol the I rol al ourt. IlrTil sriOf 1 li ME JnUJpUITtlrrlt. tCQAL NOTICE. la ll.triotn.ta Omn ef the ouoty of fait U.lrtiiloryft Lus. Is the matter of tl e hlta of Caroline K, HuuL.i n, !!.. 1 VTtlICK IS IN tlF.llY litr THAT iA II W CU i uyeu I Imtll -iutt M.ettu cir(.r tbuMif tti 1 an I Icaument uf It rule 1 Hull li -on IrrvAard. latotridrrcir rirltlrmnt and Sit I Intaij ruurl tnoir flual a vuni of Ibclr altulit oUation f -ml t late 1 ivllltou fur flit'ltiitirtliui iiitf tl rcaidns of aaid eiuu tuoBf Hie lrru- rtlillfd tl irel , Kill II at I hurt a. dm nn darf ril V IV nw. atliociixk s tn SI the Court I m) of aa. I rourt In tie t ounly tiurt M io Milt I U I I y ard rounly I tan Tcrnlorr, Itaa I .m dnl) kf Hilnltrl Lr ll9 luditi ut aald nntirt, for t) .;ttlri,r.Dt ofMll iTuuit at t Ixarini- aalt I'laion tor dotribnti n at wlh'h tlbiii an J j lar tnf 1 ffion tnlt. ei 1 In ! 1 rtato inir Mlpcsratid Im auic II an tt pro Itr. why Mid airmit altuld Put l- actual and ap trtelaud Haul tliitribulwn 11 ads si rsyeJ IiattdMarrbMh, i'. an.Aiirv, Clerk of tto I rotato Uuurt. I r rti nri h wn Jr lcnctrirt. LUGAL r.OTICC. In tbs 1 rot ate (ourt it tie Cotintf of halt lVe Totntoryw Dili. In ILq matter ct ihel-tUlacf t I ward Drain, YTOllCr I IIMilllY Islt t, THAT i Ai nlP lira n tCiiiniUlratrU. (tl. i I tto if klward II an. dtrei0 hat rvn ier'lfratlttnirrl and 01elin aald c. url lir Anal aeniitut t her ndn luiaKa. -n if tail ntalr.and uu n dr t - i poiutn cnt rf mu miMkorra hi 1 ariltionauJ li r Hiisi d -tn luilnnul thD.iWiixof aail MlMr.winilU 1 rr na ei 1 1 til tl v t and Dial 1r.ur.Ui), liif-ih dAruf rrtl i-Hl at i tj.loik 11 nut 1 art It uf mm uurt 111 lb ti urtv l ourt lt mm a 1 Uhr ( .ly an 1 1 uunty, I lali Tamior) tiawrcn luljf a oliitr I bjr tl a Judy if --Id utirt f r ilia tttnlru xnt of a-il ac roni I and 1 1 artrr al I cut n lor the ap luilnlmvi torn 1 n i.l utt inartiUi n an Id r tlatrtli uui 1 Ml nl iiniQanl 1 le any trun eatiir Itmiv tlt-n l- hut aald arr untM alt not I xrit tfd an I n r mat an I ci wmlMiun t-ra in ariilion ai 1 nlul and Dual dakU'lm linn inadoa , r ed f r liatodMairu lub, liJ. V AtT t"lcrkf.f ihelroUloUiiiit. J!fCl aiiclliiouM. Jit,Himy tier NOTICE TO CPLOITOHb. r a ate of John K. lUws Lo. eared vTOTicis in nuiKur gik nr Tr XN un ltrined 1 kiruior 1 f the lat Hill an IteaiainriiliifJol n ILluvl ilp-fftd in the ria liters uf, and all im-utu Imif rlalnui RKtinat tic twin dnaiael, to rxl ibit tLam wall tl d b etaary foutlicra.wtthin Irn nor iha tvflar tb um at uiiorttia botire.tutia at I exMLh r, .fo r . add I A Ada na.nt lrneya atintftti i.t tlratnnih Mral. xalt Utn tle.ouLl) b( taltlssv, Ltali Hated teUuary .III) 2. llrMt It ItAllhlR riculir tflle 1 at nul aid ictmnent of GHURGT1 BLAlKS Prlntod and for Sale at THE DKSEBET BKWS OFFICE, SALT LAKE CITV. SUko nfort . par d, ward Kojiortj , JSd. IUlla( Smtty Koptii J. Irlmary Aatoclat ni, lupwrta ,,,.. Si). B n.uiA n.ijn. xt. V M U I A hiot, V. m 134irs Orii' . . " It i op lUr m jt, 1m iti f 60, S(k ot I0O, fl I wary Ata .! IU 1 an I ll-rt llookt, tt4 T L U I A II i !! dlttvasllMl. Wardlu rd,lii Ifi wiaMr 1100, tvittai High I rlaaU' Uncord M t bi Or tw, tat auUta IWuldi Ki U C Jr, J iBIltSSSSSSSSS! A Warning To Horse-Owners. Th. M, lit su hl Ml,, Hhw, ,.!,! laliiail tin. 1, . ( W,Ph lt w IWm. ly taken In w ut, , ,r M.U, on. point VI lh. K mm M e I n IM-r lara for tf.11, I1I1 j . , , i,! fl,. tVk aiultli lio all J ili liorw Tin otliiT lailtlt m lit III III lire, II ,1 ,,nn M ,),. lllllalnillmi ,ler Irj Ihe Inn trr part uf tlinj-rt o.ll, I lie U k fnni Mli.ll llibliorNo waaiiiaJo UllUt fur ua. uttttl. Uulttlks. Tat. I. not aa auia.l e.ifc Th. ttnf lata. f 1 a r, aa ri Maay llw, i ,U. "ratal,, a,a f.l.l la Ifca Mr Tan eauM I. raillr a, limned. Taeellireiedtinrtiieer,.el tr3DAWCER0U8Ki:,,V as-ard trm. irasu in tat ataaner ti alnuwt rrttttlatSam MN.r or Inak nliVa ItSMdfl- InUtaiP rMth ttnr VajldackwIiMtirM tanibtaMtkiarttiMU tWf ( tHoi. 1 Tr I-" r-ia-J, aa tu aaakia The Puinam Nail CANNOT HrilT SIUTROR TlHKA.C. It lath- !;. ir c F. rK'il nn.l Hammnr. rolmsft llrriliie Nml In Hit Unrll mad fy tna hinrryln preeliM-lt theMtna liianntur sa tbo old faah.uut bsn 1 nuds mil Th tnltil RtatM (lot eminent protiMi the i.roi.i-t.f lhi Ir nunufwiuie in rough InUulat, stvl otter llnnt who hiako vt slo1l-ea llorwwttort Xnll aa hem lino irlfrtvt iirt jpiHiy of Inrrinsemenl and Jtrfiit iff tht iHiWi AS YOU VALUti YOUR MORBG tnal-t nn j our Ulnek'nilth ualns lb Till NAM It 1 Atwolutoly Mfe I nr ! by oil dealt ra la Hot awe Xalta af r frt by ai-ll Mntlm iKit rrr ?atoiahallCo,,K(po:sft, Boston, Ut;: GUITARS I MANDOLINS Tho Mnrquatttt f Tnr t"'MW . . "haTLuVesId a ,',Tr.j Ar on,' '(1 Tn Atlon. "Tta AMort. (j Tl-i-Conasrviilorr, wTh ronaaittct. "llOft IViULT, leiTu 164 tUlabC UlC-iO." halt i.aki: sii:ai rARPET CLEfflliir, U- t'OUKB.-""-U .'llllIKIs A. IN0... rnirIrlort Cor. Eighth West A South fcmplo Sti. i W I ( VnfAT Itenm ttinff II Aife out Cetera1 .u tUrvngKl re- Vtfpets ttf nit math ;rnnfil by Volt lltnt jiritc ut fvf crhtotw 4tatm. Oitff QareJuUy tclnlJ (1 II TtTf-es, 0 K ROVVKT. frt Ut gte id jy4f TAYLOR, EOMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO., oLUIVBER!o Sjjd, Doors, Honldlntts, Etc. laiilor Mill Htl lard. Una III art. laelvi l,IMIrpal,r,all lk. illy, OUT. IIOMM'V, Uluucr I) II llOMMT rrf',aii.rr AMbManafer FaJa Ad Ik .. all corrr.pen lenra 101, III! A ai tl .uulli l.miile hlreel WE'LL CCTTHIINJA'.rLACC or SArtlANOTMCN'tAVC THC Ipj -a, i 77 I'ackcil ill few2 Patent Cloth fij Pouches and K In Toll. WESTERN muwE 003IPANY. (iMorpuMfrf ) Tho Only Dill Postern, Distributors e) Hutl- rontl ildvurtioinrj Arrcnts in Utah. it:u :rr.:3i mt::i irr::n it fait lah lialn, .itaftroh.iCitj ill 1,1. CJi JuJ LOU A a I a. if. Asnnnsox, 11 1 i m is.R.MABKS&Co.S fi j OPPOSITE SOUTH TEMPLE BLOCK. M '' ' flBBBBI Yi: LEAD LY LOW PRICES. I W 'Wt Furniture, Wall Paper, !H Lace Curtains-Linoleums, i A H BABY CiliiUT COST. 1 ' Al 'JbbbbV TEABELS8 '1 FRESH EGGS RECEIVED. vw wM s isBi Prico for this Day: wLH SEVEN DOZEN F011 1.00. ffl Call before they arc all gone. alfl, in TIASBIL'8 .1 Mm WTn-r7W-rTryrt'fr."r777rTi Ttr ft i ivm nvnuv' trm flU fIlTTlE-ANNIEOONIB jM (DONXiTAKEMER.FOR v j .IjB iM, ' AJToonie) I WM MLDHERSWEkTHEART.' C jfl WA CHARTER QAKTQVE ' 'JM tS "WITrLAJWIRE WM i " ;oauze'door H AuST'BE'Ay-XEOACy before' j 0 If 1 WE'WED-OR'WEMUST'PARr i i Ifil 3TOE. SALE BY IbM . C If. ., - Solti Ayriit In Stilt l.nlto City. f9i BARTW k CO. " m L III Clearance Sale I ,111 cloth m im HATS anH Wri GENT'S FURNISHINGS 1 i $ ifll Preparatory to Stoclc Taking. i , I 45 and 47 Main Street. ' II BA1TII & 1. J,j THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORT? J J JOHNSON, 1'llATT cV- CO., J Lll fl JtL a: & 34IMAIN STRCtT, " 1 ' M BH "Itl,'i'il,,: DRUGS, CHEIiIC.LS, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, (j 'Mm M .! . n ElfQANT LINE Or .T33A?ari3rjX-V". 1 Mffl SSJ aw msioi Till ciil iai it ) .- i.iiu tii4iio . 'liu.M Everybody Well Treated by "Tho Hoys." Give them a call. i A Mj