Newspaper Page Text
' I Tu2 OLD FOR'i bQUA', .. j IJj iW'L' " Art 'hat i: i set 1 jw "H " . . ""'""ses. jjf I'Mmi 1,1 Hull i"litTto 'HI . I . Hlila fir Hit ( of ll'ttlutni I Mallt on State Mrccl.-Mlt- I ultaiirotit lliilucaa, I The City L'oumll wuciilled toorJer 1 at Is-V) lut night, Mtyer llnakln In 1 llioihilr. Thu lutiobert prevent were: I lllcb, I'ollanl, Hardy, Hutu, 11.11, I Ioollxiurow, Lawaou, I.wlmr, l'.vai.i, I If In, Morau, llearJilcy, Wautltiid, I Hluiondl, 1 inlUM I were riad and rifertcd at follow": I J. It, Cochran and othert a.kid thl I certain litigation dltchta on 8-venth Wilt elnet be ii paired. Committee on Irrluatiou. (Jodie, I'ilte - Co. aeltiil perniliilon tu pit bulldm nmterl il ut theretnet tfMalnoml Mttlrtjullietreila. Com ' Ullllte on Mlrrft. i V. YV. Itlvtit ruled llitl n eWlrlo light Ii- eelatllhcd fit the rafter of Koullh Houtli anil Koiitth Wnt ttAela. I'ommlltee on Improvement". I U. I,. W.Hlevena ailcl that rVjIli Veit,betmeii Fouitli awl I'ldli Willi alrtlll, to Utiidtd. Commuted ou itlllta. V. II, lljet and olheii wind for in Incrcneeoflwcjilj-llvellreabirniUxei. (.'oramllteouii Hia detainment. It. li.Tliomatolltredloiaiy S ISO JI for lilt eewcr conitclloii. CommltlM on aoweruje Willi tit) i iigliwer Main I- Tho Wtatern Cement comtnny aiUd to. rmliilon to uo I'lllli ttnl elttct, between,litll and Mlltll Houtli ittoelt until euilt lloie a tint illy may havo uie tor llieiaiui. (Join nilitcecntlicet". J. K. llll, le and olhett a.',cl llial a pavement yn le Lu tanbllihcd ou TintliWiitttrcet. lit. Uroite aUd that Die ordinance i rohlbltliiK tho lunnlint t large of utvc.lflt.retl dOti, to enfotred. He feind to thericurdir. V. W , lllun nnj otlieta aaled that the Old Kott Hiitmre. whu Ii w i li .ntlv eold lo J. II. Itionti. he named I'louetr l'irt and mnpailanl bfiull fled for p.irk iuree, Mr. Hat on liov. loRlalledlo couily Willi the eoudl-I Holia of linhaai. Cfltumlltto ull poll lie mntiuaa. II. It. Moth ACuuirtny axed tu t allowed to lriiiilirrl miorlh, naelrom 71 (Junioierrlalttrcet 10 1iK.mli NVit Temple it roll. Ceinnlltleu ol. Ilreuic. II. .M. McCarthy I Minted aaluil the exit nelou uf walirmalua on bilk I flTMl, Commltllenn walcrwollit. Htilnirfellow Hrothiit a,le I m,l. aloutnl!elulldlii nitletUI In front of thilnlole, I St mmll linilo tret. Coiiltnlllii iu ttnet. i J. HauMniki'lfora ninteim lliior I llreliM. Itufrllrd Minority alt iniey. W, W. Itlferiniil illirrauatilllut l-'oiuili Wit, Ulun.i Fourth and Flllll Vt tlieU, he staleil, Uolil Iilltlewniiftuelli. W, K (inMluau and otliert aKKfd I that Ninth Wwteireet Ktwotu lint ulld mild MltriiUIBl""Kil II, I). Clllt Kkketl iifiululoli to lay hU iwii ildewalSt. ('ommltlte in rtuil". 1 M. Ivemon n-lsd for the n nmval uf Urn lodrant Irmi 7JShnoul Hcuth itroet. t'oiiiutliUo on fire Uv tiartnient. J. I). h lftalie.l foraneateolon of time hi wlilililu uy lint for wtir main ittimlon. ( oiiimliteounalef. irk. H. T. l.iko et l, uked that Hoc ilia) ou Seventh V ft Hint Ittvirinrtio end Houtli and Hroond Noillillrnla ! Iimlrod. Cnuiulttte ull IrtlRallon and Jordan ralial. Jamta II. OilUlmlo j rveenleit a i lalin lor $1'.' 5d for uumieary woik allvwed toliao lieon dune t litlu III loiallne k mauholn on Market ttntt. ill" hiiin'i til r IT. On m illjool Homo lh claim of J. II. Walden foi liAiU lalary wat dlf ullowed. A Ml W UAMNK OIICIItK. On lew milieu Jatlou of ltccordcr ri'anlon, nuuiuel tlulleatll t a I olutid ile uty doi lax lollrctor. 10 CIIAMH. TIIK IIMI Clly rticorderriltutoii dieted a rif ututlou chanitlui! tno night of the reif ulat nirciliiK of the toiimll from Tii"iluy to riiutuday ulnlit. The lesolutlou war, on motion of Hardy, Uld on the tal le. TIIOK MdXUM . The city eunlneer aulholllcd to iiirrliM tho mewmy hiLk nnl ilhet uiatetlili toettetlaundJUIuual of atrett monunienla. x tniK nwr. C'linltinan Halm of I lie lloanl of I l'lllillu Wotkl iiuuiuni ed that IhlMluli thoouileiy of buotllittudeut Molu. of Ihe Utah t.'enlial railway a trrclal ttaln will ho III walllUK at tho roiiii.auy'ailiOI, thin city, at Hi a. in , on Ihurtday next,to convey thotnem. Iiera of tho Council to tho month of I'atleyV cunj onto Jojert thu I rick nutl luiotouty loiduit Kvcolvoil an I filed, and Invltalluu aoiuitej with thank. AIDI1IUAI, III! I'. TheiltJ inalmet teiiotlid thatlio , employed additional iKbUlauce fot hla ofllrt' and aikeil lollflrinttloii hy lh C'oumllof theianie. Atloted. Tllh Jll'itr IA lull II. The Miuo ulhYer rtolted thatlio did n a I lil nit that the maulliii; of the j iietUlou of Ahrahbiu l,ewl ami uthela f i.kliu that llllrtl Witt Htteet lie. , twein Ninth and leulh tinith rilreeta la oiioliol wan of liuoh advantage at to ko to any eXMiliko In tho matter, hut reioninunded 1 It the prtlttonera ucro willing to do tho oik at their ownexienii,lhat i Ihe I'ttlllcn ho granted. Adopted. IllltlUUI All riKKKlT. In He matter cf tho petition of II. if W, l.nwroiicoand othera atkluiz that i certain ilterf I e o eneil In tho I'ourlh 1 ward, tho city tuitlneer called Ihe at tention of the council to the Irteau litrltr in the width uf the ttuett In the rotithwtttirn alt of thu city and tho I nectulty of loititi definite older for I action, Adopted. llu'Him. The luuie tllktr ulmllluj lor au proTi' proflln ihowliiK tlteet an' tlurfc.U Kladet oil JLe Jollonluij thorouebfareft f"'Ti J ttl ilnt I from r.lehth to ltin .. '-t, Matgaret dfeit from Kliihth to Mult h tilh, h.-i nth 'j'l itn el from 1 Ithth to '. itli - II,, Tweilth 1- .tire' fin, f:ihlh to Mnlh -S Tlilrt-.iith i ii i fron .'.i,hlh to Nlu. rf 'j, Ttinhthij .u. , nt' (toil l.i.l!, r,atl jtteet to the leeeivallou, Sunny Hlle Itvetlllo llom Ma Katot tlfeitto the riaetvatlou, Kinln Houtli ttreet ftonl Tenth l.Mtatiret to tho feaefTa tlou. ComniltUeoiilieiln. Tt ItrtlllUIUL. lleeirdlnu tho petition J. It. and M, II. Walker, nnxlnir to tie lelmbimed In the mini tf JI1M for elolle cmli ant tIJewalk laid hy Ihrni at the ll.ielMf tlon of l.a.t Trui la and Ullrd H mill treLir, the city einjlmer reitee, nte,l that II had lieeu the practice ofloruier adiiilnUtrntlont to lay or i) for ktich woik nud ho iiioiiiineiided that Hilt cae lai no extei tlon to the rule. Adopted and amount opptor rlatetl. ll'.OIHtTV l.lNlit. Willi referritcu to tho petition of John Daynea rvk!iti Hint property lint l olllclally i tLblWiul on I', tret I, the illy enjlncir rt,uitel that Ihe work could U done at any tluie at ltltloniMexpellite, Ado ted. ItlTAI.NIMl WAI.1J. The city i-ngltiier tuhmltled I lilt for coiittructlou of reUlnliiK wall on ritale iHhI. which aia at followr; tVlltlaui llrtln.HMtrtirr. 1er rtloi yard, ftt,r,,iieir, pr lineal aoceata I nru ,v n illi.m,- uae wall, II at, ruiuaa, I Hat Kunlcl-M..nrr. H, rAulaa, 1 i-anl, aiiutitaln Mine Uoinp tor Lebbleal .na Mii ei laa.rA.rtia J J I yon A Co M Joilart f eelm' yanl Mkinnrr, tyne A; fmtu, I -Ua.oary la.aS J n'llawA (a-aiiary. Ill ila(, n Hoard of j ublic worka. WILL coiilll. Hlrttt Huixttlaor l'atil reiairlod the Hall Lake City Hlrttt Itallwn) Com luiuyand the Utah (.eiitial Hallway t.'omimuy liittl atinoutiri,t their Inttn tlon to couit ly with the roudltloui tif thilrftanclilae. Adotid. rniTMK IIHAMIO. The committee on waleraotVa re tutletl favoratily on the txtltlon of Mr,, lulla Kaelilna. for an extenalon ifwalelinalna ou Flflh Wiatatrtet. ltto ted. AIIVKIUM KriMIIT. Tlieconimlttte on tlntntt reixtrte,! a(virly on the claim ol II. II. l.dy, acinic for atebateof lane. to i'ae citi cum:. Thec'ly tnu'lnier rttiled that the coof jatrlm; Clt) (teea-, tetaeeti I Mlth and rlitth Weal tlletta, wculd te ihout p J.I per llctar tool, or Silld lielblttk, lie aayal HIli view of the Itcttnat the atone work would require (te conatrucleil un a fotin latlon of haiatiitatellal hauled In, I l commend thalalumlier llumo coatluir alKjut$J er linear foot le enitlo)ed Inttful, If IheluploTeuieut laordtrtd. A uriilKO at Mltn Wen atntt will coat about JIO). Iteielved and filed. ANurnrii uMi. The ttme committee retwrted ad vetaelytm Hie etlllou of IN. W. Clay ton tor llml'ar tellef, Adt ted. CtN.NOT l11.ll. The cominlttte ou waterwolka re oued aleeitely on the petition of riiomni j. Wataou and othera for wad rniahi eleul n ou fat rieeenlli Muth, between third all I I'ourlh rtuulhttrteta. Adoled. uku ai w i ii umriuor. The comu.ltlte on i woratie reortiHl faomhly tu tho i nlarneiuent of the better dl-tritl. I.A!t.l ANII ai-ttPIIAUK. Inwaoii lulroduced Ihti followllij leaolutln attlctl taaaujopted. Wheteaa,Tlieae,ter inalna hate, fur a long time, beau extended Into and tlirouiib Hit llret Mjwor dlalrletot' Ihla lilt I and I Wliereia.TotlKMrl of health reeoin I mimtoil Milcuooauei Holla llierowllh near lj tiir hlnoet ami hero-ia, iatieli eounrotlona lure not la-, ii ou lei and Wheieaa, Ihtueueralliraltli and t lean lllldaN t f the llj render tilth rouiioellona luiiieratite, tlieralore lie It l.t-olted.Tlul the lmr,l of health lie InatmeU-.! to IniiiUHlUtelr tvuipel aoiwr lomiailloua to bo male In an I Ihroiliih atlilillatrlet. Ill IMIIIUM! Illh BIIIICT. The coiuniltlee ou itreita lecom mendetl that Hit Hilt l.ako 1'owtr, I.Uhlaud lliatliit t'oniHiiy loriotl Hid to Imi love the condition ofTllltd Houtli Htleet lietWem Hecolld ou.l unit WtatattiittwherelthadiricloJ KUa. Atlo ttd Aa-roiiM'v'a iitivin, Ataltlant City Altorney lMchnor rewned ittfollowt. That the iitillon of Auithnch llroa. lie referred to the tioard ofiubltc workitthat iuthocaiio ct William I.owe .. rin hakeClty wherein the plalnllu claluia (i.UOH damage', tie had filed a denutler tu IliecomplilntoiithelSth Intl., wlilili lenipoiaillyUltroaid of the nialtir. Ill I UY TIIL llilbl. Thocoiiltilltltu on fire dtpartiltent reiorlod favorably on the Million of I 'nit f ijtantou for the i urchhee of f ,00) additional fiat of hoae. Adopted. VMUnuik Till Mil i jt. The tointiilttee ou treiut enjoined theauikKllou nf l'tod Tilmmer Hut latupe he lattdoneltclrlo fod wlrta tvlieneecr feaalble. Adopted. in itso I'Aiiai, Tho oonimltle ou atleeta telrluWueuil. ed that the city atlorue prelo' ami the illy recorder lubllih (lor ttu 0)t In two dully paperal a notlte calllni; Uou owuert of alltitllTlilont to Itmnte f, urea an I nt'jer obatiuitlout from the publloatrtllt. Adojted. (TIIL 111) HoOltTl'a IBTITIUI, Tho You UK in Ilea1 Aid Hoi'luy waa Uranlod the prlMhi-e of ei.ulnn nud nialiittlnliu rtfrtvhmeut In Inderty I'ark for the eumiier nf the t traaiit year, I'lllWlS I Altull AUAIS, The coiumltltu on prlaon re leiontid final II aa detlrtble to pit the clt) I rlaiuierant work aa aooti aa iiohalblt, and that the mailer of liialluiiiultulle alltniiimeiita with the lallroat ionip.inlea for itrouml on which to woik. Tho committee auKueatid that the ground Immediately treat of the Oily Hull bo uardforthe purioae of furnlahlnt;imlj)riiontror theclty prlaoitera for the prueot. itock ceuhl bo hauled there ami prepared for nno iidamlilni; (uriioira. Tho loiumlttre asked tint It Le until rurd In pur clime toolt for tlutpuruoaouuvl that Intheiueantime I city ina-bM be tllrtcleil to emplo t city pllaoiitla at nedetmt liett. lit., rlisoitn v ittcrl. 'llch iifT'ied tl. tl iwlnx rcaolullon i'cIi wi. taid o the table for oho week! Ilteotieri, That 11 o rite rnnitierr It hereby lllatruee,l Ii, preatre all I auhtil 11 plana and eieelncellone ami adeerttae for hide for enmr-letioti of ihe -lailiu-t ou Hi Tamnte itraet Irnni triwtii ler ininuatoKlith (....! mi u I nri In Ihla Council at their ni&l resultr ineet uiu. l"OIl TIIK BIOK AMI .Ml 111, The following by Iioolhouiow uaa adopted) Ileanheil, that the hononlile Maerr beaud ho la hereby authurirr I hi m i 111 hiailla, retlon. ItieontiiNtlon ttlth thoehv phl-iiflau, in all mall, ra where Ihe appll-i-alion la luaite to him or un buhalf of In. illlfent eraona who ato ah k or In uritrnt tired 1 1 It cdical earn an I attention, bv aeitirllie the Almlaaloll of audi ttranna hi a hoapltal or etlierwlaa .anil lor ea Ih tieeen,lty of each tit-o may aeeui hi lo outre, unl that he report all aiun caaea to toe Louuut. 10 IMlMSII A BTA1HII NT. llanly otlired thufollowliii;. V.'hereaa, Your ciilutnlltra. ou nnaniM, haa auted In Hit Ir re-olt mid naanumell 1 retrenchment in tho dlirerelit olthot of tha eliv (oirrnmeiili and A hereaa1 hey mnke no th Ilolta refill' iiHidiilon for tho city eolleotor'a oltlioi therefore, la! II IU..1H0.I, I bat the ctly auditor he In atructrd Infilrulili Hictlty C. 1 Hell Willi a full alatiu 1 lit 0I11II mom ya patd to tho aaaaaaoror colleelor, or milted or re tained by him ei free Inr lite tear I- '1, together w Ilia a detailed atileuieiil ollhe inniiey l 1 by the city f ir aalarlea an I other puriQovcolitui ed eUli tlio lilaln totianre ollhe aaaeaa ir Mil I illeeU rail tlta, and rt initio Hue t'uunill mxt'luui day otiilu-. a 1 loin 11 jiu K, Mr. IlaiJy alao Intlielucetl Ihe fol Jowlmit W hereaa,t.'oinpIalntt have been ma,lt orthoiri'ioachuieniN of tint Matt 1-ake City ltrowliig 1 ominny tiroii the tide walkaaudalreeU with their bulldlnut Iherelure be It lloxilted.'lliatli'iny nro Inatrtlrted In rt nuitoall biilMlnua oil the tmhllo hmh way wlihin alaty da) a, or ir they reluao to do an, that legal atelia be taken lore mot 0 the aauie. Al I ll'll J Ibaa-IM. II It alter... -Ilitrn liaMrtt lloavi Hal HM. .. It OJ Ih.i.iiu.. IUI Ill 01 at. Mark a lloeaiuu. .... nM .1 al HellyAlo ...' aw 71 Mra M HeirlUH HHM. .... alt V 1 II. leneiaT'riZ!l!."""T....7r.' on ai 1 eu II -run. . el on II. Innaowlay. .... ... lot eu Telal . 11,11 M Ailjuuitieil until Halurday nlicht neat at T.UI. A a-eclal ineetlnn will lo held uii thatda'etooomlJer thu rcirl of the lliialicoconimlltee. IN MHIIIII.IIN UTAH. I Trovrltt'. tiiriculllea sunny Ulilc. Hit ISeilrrllhrr. irffor ;rcl .cu 1. I'ioui tuy eai rleuiu durlui; the paat twelve da)M I have come to the coll ilualou Ihtt a winter trip ftom halt Lake City to the extlelile routhetll I art of ourTeriltory It anything hut pleaaaul, tut that it iieMttliehit tun liu nicomfllalicd, evtn witii a oni horau tarrlage. In the motuliiK of I'elrnary 10, ISO;, which happened lo be. a cild, mltly da), Hell the 1 ii Hal of Utah, whlth waa iuveloa.d lu n thick, 1I1III) foil, while the ground vat coteitd with auotr,itband frtixeu luuJ. Ilitlavelliiic Halt Lake and Utah countlea I fouudthe roadt tolerably Kotxl jrt cf tho way, nllhouili muddy anj broken up In i-iauy placet; but after lta liU Hatitaiiiln and 1111III I rt ached Ho nolitt Cedar Itldso which dlrldea Juab from Haniiete county (about tin iiillre of l.evau), I found my eelf ttileavorlnjx to make heailwa) under ixtreuieditllculthj. Tho mud In plucia ttat eimply awful and at t tlur polnta, where euow a-1 1 1 1 coieied the greuiid, I had to break Hat k for nillia loiitthtr, Iher-i UIiik but a very little travel on the road I took part of the way. To a til to my dtrcomrori, 1 lott my way traveling after daik from Nejhl to l.ivnn, andlnileadof arrlvltti al llin lath r I lacu at th-, -.a. lacttHj time to litilvoa kind leceptlon lioui old flltuds I found mytelf at n deteilttl ranch mar tho foot of the motiutalnt, but finally made mr way toatheep herdci'i lump wliltlur thu road ltd, and there h arm d what nave nieHdeKleeof lliclllelitaiy tatUfactlou, hat beahha intteir aome thirty or li ity othria of tho travillnir publlti had hem there lifolu mo havln,: laken the wronir road, .Now, if the road commlialonere of Juab county would Juatiri to Ihoamall ex tia of putlloi; up 11 itulde lioaid uf aoaiokludat thepolnt where tho road fork a few mllra toulli of Kephl, they would not Incur the lint Itnaautmaa of betlljr called toctl liaid liamia at aume of the teamklera on tho road.wht 11 they liet angry urdltappoliitid.arutapablo ofvliluftntterame to. After croaalni Cedar ltldgo 1 1'uiiuJ in)ettr lu a warmer country, and the roalt dry neatly all tho way; and uu iinKIng at Uuuulion I wltneiil the i0le eintiKed In al lln plowluji. riuhlnn op over n ttlll letlir ro,d, I nnlvetl atltltliHeld hi tiuiotoaliiul tho late tonfereuco held nl that plate. After the conference, I heldajeclai inoallliit with the Hcnudlavlaii Halnta In Itlciitleld, l.lalnor and Monroe, amteabletolhe wlahea of A0lh A, II. I.uiid, llefore kavlmt Monroe on the mom Imr of Kelruary Wth, a tnotr atorm ret in and while ctoailuic the niouu talnain irrliiijoTer In Mirytvlllo, the atiim wot ulte lllnjloe, and II10 tratiliittf nlto tieiame heavy aud ttdloiie, nntl I had to make a new irnck through the newly fallen mow. )'r m MaryavlllovlaJuuitloii tu l.'lr. tlevllle, anl alel lhlouKli the long (anym alolt the latttr plate, the route were noarl) all inlre an I litul, hut bttauie teller at I 1 10. teeiled towaiJt l'anituluh. From thla place tho roitda contlnura 11 p Iho eolith fork of tho berler for ovi 11 mltet to a 1 olnt where a left hand rood tekeaotr tolhoeaatanl ha J. tlireuuli lied Canyon and the "I. an J ork" to t'annoiivlllt and l.aialante, while the light-hand ru, I cuullnui a up the river thrtu mllot foilhi r to Wllaon't ranch, where 1 elopped ovtr nlht and n cilwid kind Irralment from one of the fltnll) whoroalloatheto. E. I ho next nurnluiil elarted oir f r, what I IhotiRh!, ninnj Unit l.Ul.t mtUe over u muddy aud tut-up road liruiiitht mo lo llatch'a ranch, which cuuilate nt a clutter of houioa uliel) e,t mini at the Jtinttiuti of Mammo Ii ami Vol' neeaa, whl h two alleem fo,.j liieA-vler liver. I'loctodh it five 111 Lea ft -'he. n tho 10a I tip Ml rmnlhelniiUllUlli wioMa.llilolieh mud nud nilr kiite-deep In hen, 1 nocheil Aaay'f much, auotbiriltii tir of houiea itilateil at the juncllonof Aia)' and Minnie ireev.. rheao threi" placla ( Ha ,n'a, Hatch a and Aaay'af lottetbir Willi a few foinl Ilea who live III a eralteret col dillill , ve , dlflerrut air-nma utilnif mtu tho main tilbtttaiiea of the Holcr ilvri, Ulonit to the I'anuultch waul, lmtexectfooii to have n wardornaif liallou of their own, at tboriilnteoto now tiiimerout euoujii toau taluauili an orraulaatlon. At prtariit meitliua and Bunday aihia,l. at well at da achoola, are belut: lifll In all thru, ihcit, nnl the icot!u at em to te healthy ami cheerful, iiotwlthataudlmc accluded altuatiuu, to mar the tort of thoniotiiitalna. I have now, on thltanU former trlw, fillowod the main wlmiluire of the Hevler liver, and from Ha luail tu wheio ildliapiiait lu lltehovler tlnk, or lake, lu Millard county, uml have learned from actual nltrr atlont that thai, faimua tlieam la Ihe Inll7at anj lu wt Impnllaul river that Utah ..m. at her ix clualve 1 rorty. All II euther nolid atieama, except Jordan, Welnr aul I'rovo Hlvir, which niethownon Iho map of Utah, rite loyomt thelltnllaot nur Tenltot) (Snake anil Hear Itiver, ett',),wtillo the lariiear ol all, Hie (Jinn, Grand ami Colorado Itivera, timely tiaaa through oil then way tolliel'a i-illo Uctaii. Hut the Hevhr Illver, which rl, 11 ou the liollhilopeuf the teuth rlui oflhabaaiu I'll illy 101 un tun chalne, manhrr with in trllti. tarlea, IU plica more ettllenu I.U tll'.ll watt r for ciillnai) and InlKullon put iioma tlialinny olhet tlitam In Utah, the Webtr not exctod. wo fln.l oil the eouth fork, bealdra the Ihliv email tetllenienla that I luteal, tiady named, I'aujttilUh aud Click villi; ou Hie eeat folk them la Marlon ward, luiludluit a number of rtnehoa above, on tiller 1 rat Lttt litch la a ttihulaiy of tho 1 ail 1 oik, la lluir vllle, Kooahareuialid Iwotitln Itmalkr tlttlrmeiita (til III (Haa Vallc), laj. eldet talichea. At the ilnt whern Hie l'.kil mid Houtli lurk utilluntetho tu lilliltloni(iait and will), Iho lounty rent of l'lule count), aud Mnljtvale, further down the river. Then, In the lower Sevier Vnllty wo find the follow itiil ttrluK of eetllemaiila which all wntir landa from the mm Jtib, Monroe, l.hliiure, liivorurr, Anna U.lle, Hkhileld, (llennock, Vermillion, Auroiu, Hallnt and ItedmunJ. Uullle Mtullcli Itiver (and Iti Irltutarlee) which pula Into the Hevler, ntar tlou lilaoll, we htvo the aetllemenU of Mlllaun, Kalrvlew, M nut I'lrauini, HirlnirClty, 1'eui.lalii diet n, Moroni, Walea, Chtaler, l.phralm, Mautl, 1'eltyMlIe, Mayfleld and liuiililluli. Ilelow the latter I lace la f till layelli, and farther down "Murker Town," In Juih count), aud luamluitton, Deitrtt, Oaalt ncd ltlnckliy lu Millard count), not lo mtttlui the fututu "City of tratiemli," which la lu comae of ereitiou ou that 1 xtetulio ItMlaiul f, rtllu tract of count!) lylru noitliol Dercret. Thlamakiilipwarda of foltyiettlrmtntlof tbebalnti width Ucpvllt ou the walrra of tbtHeler river aud lit numtroiia trllutailei fj their exlateuie. From Aia) ranch, nlnut twenty lllteo mllea a ulli of I'aiiKtlltth the main road lea la up Minnie ( reek, two tullce tu l.ttlle'i ranch. Fniu Ihla point II it flvoimlea to the muiuill or dlvldlni; tlilfc, or Ihe Ultu of 'he llaalii. ThltdMincel In, I lo travel lliroucli mow three fitt deep, tut 1 Until) naihed Ihe lop if lid lu) liorre In n very fatUuet coudlllou. Hero I hidexieited to laihold a Lew laul cato openlni; up to tho aoutli, or n kin 1 of n'ump oil', down to a Dixie land, almllir to the 1 lite wlieru I waa "dumped tir" from 11 mall call lait iter In Kolint down In Cannonilllo. lint III Ihla I wnt Ulia lailnltel; Inttead iiflahoUluiElheluuny H.ulh, I wnt hammed liiun all ldta hy tnow.iov itcd motiutaiiit, and In ivlndluit dow n a canyon throuuli which I toon law a email itn am lea) Inn over Urn Ire and rockt, which proved to IV tho In ad water of one cflhe tllbulallet ot the itlo Vlriiiu. I wnt aoou to dhoover that Dixit, white the tleetalo alttadv lu Lloom, waa )it a lomr way on, and when I arrlvi d at lllihop Graham .MoDiiiiul.l'a ratuli ecviu tnllti down the Iod from tho rim of the hailn I waa vtry thankful for tho irlvllmo of tittluj; up for Iho ulirht, allhoui;h ttlll within Ihe llinlla of the mow and lu'tiutilii plnea. Tliltuioriilmcl conllnutd my Jour nty tlowu theuiu)ou for ndlittmeuf tin mllea and niutiod the ctry little town of tllendale, where 1 commmcid my historical Ittaitt. A.Miltrw JlNfti.V. (Il l-Niiti f, Kane County, Utah, I'ehriiary U. UtIJ. DILiDFILJJIIlUB, Corrhe l.ullrn ltoJ nllli Utilte htnlrit. tsiiirrrliitc 1rlul, Curcil t C'lUleimt, Hy tllfac (1 irnni) flr-l troV ftu u tor Ifll rtifvl,i rriimtt . urn w, ui nolroritin irjUif U mi IhI nycvci, ojtlisi h)ii 1 1 I out't 1. in uty fiif(ii KiK(ttr U pre0 all utr tnv Mtyn&ttn. be I. noil my liiir I (rll out, htffc c """ B11lt ' oul '''' uoul un Sil r h.r, hf-1 na -l.nilrimi v - iHiu M woiU II10 MlllU ,7L ' " l11 'ontiAiilij from mr T t 4t iouldkiiifiiriti Die A , ikm wuuia n.i-itn u,i t , .WirftrtMlUwl irrrtiht (HVi- Atltr iiinHliitt ntnjr (jun vt " 4 ''I u' 1 mm j n. n utiirJ 11 uribli' Ilotril or iiivPi m i v ittm iir bi mi it ntr tu Uiitus 1 1 rt un. KtMiLVKKr luml 1 e n iUmti bal ftlitr 1 luO tahen lonr botlira I waa ilotuii mul Mbru I liavlualililollirtift uif tniiu mNi.LMr,oDabn...r i tiKiMiuiia iitt orn t4 rttiu, I w-eui-t of l ilratfHul fJifa-olriint mhirhl hluRrrtl lor r,cnr Innnoi ctirflutTiUi iniwliat Iurlri4le0ti r uln tin UkUKdira Itny nvUnytirtttanlirtllt in diiiv ui reruni m ndtUiti. Hjbair u r.iort4 at k i aa CTtr audr tanivrvfa-irM ih t.oiuiHi iow Cutlcurn HcsolvenL, Th nuw It u.ul I urtfltr lulirralty to i If 41119 Ihal-lo. Inf-H liu) untlta anil ) i.uti u.tln 1 irtil.) tUTKl H. lhoitrivi.iftl.iii Hurf nti I (uiiuuaMiu au,mi. lo Hkio I muurlrr tverpailr uu . Icar lb Un ftn4 ac p an 1 1 atirili4httir) raftj rural Uiuuiant ol ram ba ia lb a iheilJinir 1 f atal'imaaaurvU ijuart Uil tin Liu r kt Llcattiuj turn tif ati I ii tlOKilnitat iti.onil t luram. Iiair htctett. oralltTut ulfrrltftWrrltta h4ett tr Ifiu MJ evoryivteri 1 rtrg, CuiirLUt, Wr ui-, I3e ;l(tll.vritr II 01. t rt-itarHtivito ll'lw 'UU" ,l,,,,"'l, ,"l,'.lN, tf icii1f.r"l!iw i. (urotitln l-iaei " rj Bra BUhl idi, md lu" Ic.UmomaU pllfiri-'' Mi itif4J.( rFl"ruu ii iiapiiTl $? '' "n'fu'cr.nu41"..:;!,', 1 iffi Mrv.'T7v'T..v;,.'-.'i. I l-laatir, tie. he Hah (II.,,-,,,) i.r.,rr Ui...n, I t letnovetl Ha itllce to lu nur aetiia lu KtiKar ltotlae Ward, Take the Itapld 'Italiill Hlrttt (,ar malkid "Cah.ei'j Park, I'oreat Uilc, or lllh laitHtnut" I'oat (Hllce, Huetr, Utah. dAi airn3lhan.t llralM,. If you are t.ot feellm: a' and lutlthv, tiy I.leclilc Hitler. lf"U till) iv" hat left you n nnk And wtary, Uae X.lectllo llltteta. Title rtluedy acla directly on l.lvrr. StomaJi and Kid, litye, Kenlly ahlloff tlloat. utili.i to lierform their funclijna, It louareaf. Hided wit hick ileaiiaohe, )eu will I1lidalrdy aud lmanelit relief hy liklri; I.lefttlc Illllen. One trial will rttivlme )..u that H1I1 Ii He tenuity you lieod. I,trt;e lultlrt only joe at A. C. Huillli.t Co'a DmcHUire. t't LirHiir lomlorl. Travileralo iindfrim Utah will be pleiuKd to leatii that Pullman I'alafe rile, an now run thiuucli ilelly, with uul ihautro, lilwuii ( hlca o ami Oltdeb, ovir Haliti 1 i, lihiado Mldlant ami Itlo (Iralile Wnlein Una; weetleiu lid vtn( ohirado etprlniia, unl itallaiuttd vlll Colura lo Horll at and Denver. The true acenlc foutt , t lenty of time to tee Maulloti ami M Ii lly. Dcnlile dally panai niter teivlco be twien Denver and tydeu. Ilimilteof bianat HantR l'e lltlllo tiikil arntfvr talee, aheir teeerva lloua, eto. dtw "ill. Hall'. Health Pamnlilt" UUitlll to la, lu the inaelllon of etet) family who valuee uood health I'llco 1 1 Wl. ()eote (1 aldtld. Agent. S ttr-en llabv eaa atrk al aatllMCCtitei-U. , lieo alia waa a IWll, the rrtol foe laaaarta. Wliee ale, Iraaiiie atta, be lo Caitella. nhenatahaaCUUna eUiaielhemCaatorl. Dr. 11urrowa,0ciillat, Atirl't anin llclau. ftectaclea llltod. Colluui loltl lllilk, ai I'MiiittMi 11 urn. I' I.. It. Duvost, lle principal of the rilibrated Ilialltulo for HUun. mtrera at Ilitton, Ma,.., la now at the Culleu Hotel. Ml. lluuiont will le. crlve n llmlled i umtvr of tiplla a hllo InHtlt Like, lilt tuiceee In corn ctlmr imia-dlmeuttof tiieichhat nevtrUen Hialid, ami all Inteteatid tlituld maku Immediate pj Hi alien, U.V A. Mill 111,1. laoerleneeTlla Ll.l.l. lleuae. Mr. nud Mrt. Imien Tteicolt are keel!! ol the Clov. I.lrhthouaa at rtind lit nth, Mich., and ale bliated w Ith a tlaughttr. four ytart old. l-att A nl the waa taktti down with Meat. In, felliwid with a dnaj'ul C'larh atnl turnluir Intuu Iever. Dictora at homoand at Dttrolt treated htr, lut In vain, the new w one tar Idly, uutll iho waa a mero "handAil ol benet ' Tbeu the tiled Dr. Klig'tNew Ilia cover) ami after the uitol two aud a half t-olt'ea, wat completely lured. Theytay Dr. Klns'e New D'aiwvuy It wntlli Hi welrht In roltl jet you may eel a trial lottlefreeat A. C luilhiCo'iDiuunturo. jt linrklen'a tinlra I,.!,-. Till. IlUT MAI.VI In the wotl I for Cult, lliulari, H-ilea, UlciH, Halt llheum, 1 eiirSorea, Teller, Cliappeal llandi, Chllbltluf, Coma ami all Hkln 1 rilftloua,ard a.tlllvely cunt Pilee, or ro 1 ay required. It It ruatanteo.1 t-i KlieoriHl aaliafacllon or momyro futiletl. l'rlceiCeuU iar Imx. Tor alt ly A.( Hmuh& Co. New lleatiliislen mil, I le Ale not ilow about Uklnir hold ot a new thlmr, If the attltlo hit merit. A few inoiilha rno David lljete, of that 1 Inn, I ought hla lint itctk of fhtntlntlalu' Cuuitli Itemedy. He hat told It all and ordefetl more. He ea)i: "It hat Klven the liett nftatlafao tlou, I liavowatraultd eiei) liottle, aud have IK I had cue come back." nl nrt and JI.O.l. botllrt for aale hi Z.C M. I. Drni! lhpt. di erelula I errTl In II Hmilee, Mr. J. H. hlurlevaut, tdltor of Iho ie.i (Wit.) Jolt, aa),. "I.,t iilghi I lituilerlaln'a Pain Halm cured mywirocf iicuralfcht ot the face and tooth In rlftteu iitlmue. Uu would not I without It,") cent Mllea for lalo I y X. C. M. I. limit Dt. di A llmlled numUr ahttet lu the Dtierit Minim; Company fol tale al a tiaaiinthle tlKtire. Tor lartlciiUre alytol.llai.Motrli. dlw A. C. Hmllh.V Cn.,I)ru(:clili,atU fwltobttu' Hctpetlan Toulc, Rail lake luxulv llen,lilleau I ou. A Iti publican convention for Halt I.akn County it hereby callid hi miel at Iho Pedeial Coutt loom 111 Halt l.ako Clly un Hutu rday, Match Itllh, IbO.', at It o'clock a.m., for the turpro of ilecllnit I'J delegate! to a If, publican ruiltotlal couteullon to be held at Ptovo, Utah, Iho tint tlay of At til, lhu,( to vleit two delok-atia and twu alltrtiatta, lotho llepubllcaii INalloual Colivenllon to la, hild at Mlnurapollt Jtinu 7th,U!iJ. ald county coiiientlon will conilktofono hundred und thirty two delegate!, allritlett to tho loltral Iticlntlaal fellow 11 rrda I. Ifltgattl rinl,all tale Cur ..n lf,aM,d baltUlallty ,. .....II riilrj. Mil Ule lilr It t north, eali lata ilr ..- II ririkaaii loiaatitr.. -it Hurt oltMawuuJ ,,,.H wm 3 Itmaliaru I II ull Halo , I llrultua .... 1 I al Mill "neV" '" !!.""""t 9 ilraeilt ".,.7.V-"..7. Z.V.'.V..'.' '..''. t I I tie uetionwuoi.." ''t't','t'J'""'. MilltTtet I MullBlilB li.ll i nrtli Jonltn . . .... .. a Nollliltuipi , i I leant t Urate , J lllrrllan , . , s nltrr "'.."".".""' .' "'.'.I';.".... I eeutn ilototiiaooj.... n I aeiir ttouae ... . .... s aanly a 1'ul.oi . 1 W tat Jurilaa...... WM a 1U Hviubllctntof thootitaldo ;ricliitle nlllmiitallhtlruiiial llluit plana to elett thelo (IilfRaltt nit Mrndil) evi nlntr, Match klat, at 7. 'Id o'clock, unleioioil'tfwIiiidealitiiaUd, or itnleia tho chairman of the fleubllcau re. cllitlutitanlxallou Kibllhet notice of mtetliiffclM'whtn. Ity Oldef of tl- enulltv I oliimlttei JAMt., l'e vim ( haliuuii, (Jlllltt.l M. t ISMlN.He, ). Ihe 11m pticlmlt of halt l.uke Lit) will unit at the l,detalt'oiiitIl m tutleilthelt deltgaleaon He ivelllllj; and at Ihe hour above it. ttd. di ,Vi. id RK.TH0MR8 k an, us, :to if .v.- v. must south st. jW 'ijM i llllPlllllllllllllllllHIIillllJlllllilHyljiiilll 2 1 Otr-laargaaxrilaiajMatBtTgNrjfxWJ fMl'I H I THIS WEEK II tiw!T3cixxiTaT?'r!Ma8aciat!xBij ,i'.,tl,(i S 9 iTiiiiiiiiiiiMihiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii? f l 1 vi: iMaAci: ox NAin ouu stock or Mi -! RIBBONS !K- !j No. . Otlnni'in Sntiti IVl(,til, OJc. per jtl. or fiOo. liolt, !,ilW Ko. fi. rnnoylilgu, fit). iHTjtl. orSSit). bolt. P'1' M 'o. 1C Molru Otlom in 11ro, 13Jo. imtj.1. orSlbolU ?!! Ko. !W. Jloiro Ottonrin IMgf 10c. jiorjitnl, worth . 1.1c. u ta,f No. ".. Sill; UrooailvtlSLiliii IMgc, 10c. iiurjtl.or fitlo. bolt. ?JU ll Ko. 10. I'aiioy Stilln Dlgu, 8Jo. jut jtl. or 7DJ. bolt. 'nwfc J Ko. L'.'. I'mioy Hriix'il, U jf. iitTjil., wortli 75a, MM' 1' WitlullrooftiletlSllkSish ltlltbon, :!tX).iiortloitli OOc jVI J OB V luiertll colors in tlionbou munbers. !W'v MI Oui otock of I'anov lli.ACk lliimoN'H will bp lncliitlctl in wffl l n LADIES' BELTS." Bl Wo Imtu .Itiat Upcnetl nboutSOi) tlozcn Uitlica' 1MU in -Hh 'JM' Ciiiiih, Uiillii-r nntl MiLil, nil titw tk-slgm. Woulll 'M ft f B uell tlicm tliis tuck about one-tliiril thu itsiptl price. "i ' BLEACHED MUSLIN "" j Jj (jowl fc'ort riiiMiotl yartl wltlo llloaclteil Jluslia tor JijL'i ' 5c. per yard. Jflrf Yanl nitlornLtory s ff lU 5 Cents. ItbJ'fl 8-t Dlcailtcd Sheeting illj'f.ll 15 Cents. ilnl 10-4 lllfiiiluil Sheeting . ' ftfltf IH SCents. ' ' '' -lI'Sl l'rencli B,iteen( short lengths, Mlfi 'U 10 Cents. ' ' Bftl Outing rhnnt'l, worth Id)., tliii ee'.i ' f K m 81 Cents. til, l ill nrlelti'l'nllU, short lengths, ' sffl ' 5 Cents. Jtjjf! The I'lnwt Iilnn of Cluliloj In thu city, - J ! jjl j 5 Cents. ' jF 500 iiiocei Zjph. r (itiigli'inn, COo. Uooilj, this wei!( j j y 12! Cents. R i A llnttiif Seeiituckor QiiifrlmnXfiroitlilSi;., tliH week 1 III' 81 Cents. MM SPRING JACKETS on Sale Tills Week. J 1 1 iiiilli ULLilLllllU 1 1 P I ITQ u j I Tl I ' i : Mj l RK.T1MS iij jt'; ? k