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DESKIUST EVENING NEWSi AVKDMBAY, MA.101I 111, ISDJ. 7 f I LOCAL INSIIUNIC MEN T.ti the rrrllinlwrj Mf " In; u InJfmrlltri I'nloti. !. to lln or th. local In. ?," Tb.r.ere lu .tteud.m: Mr Coow.rntConwar A DomIUu, J:nieofChrUlM,lC,,Mr. ft V, IiftvrlK A Co. and C. H. "ibi'tiiwHiilCWMiiiHwi to orenpltii a loral UjarU f luiurftDie tru u ! aa TiSuJ in We B -! of thw UnlledttUlee. . , i. llucb Ahdron Wfc chewu cualr BU itui i U. lUK-r iciury. A "rrotlbo cuualttutluu and lol-Wi S llie board of tiiukrwritcia of Mnokanf, WmMdkIoi!, wa. lor lufor vSod,krJ l-J !! Kcriur. Honij iDfornml ellieutwlou lolliiwid, Mr wblcU a ccwtulitoe cuiulillinf ot W. 1. HaiMllry J. J. Color, 11. ri. Well, itioihtrJ to draft ncuuitllutluii ami I JJ Iw to U mbmilUd At tliB tiuzt H tctttlUK. Ilteluintil MUsIonarln. I'.IJer William O. Iu of Mill rlly, accompanied hy Mm. I.w "J l,Iplr iwycltlllrrU, irlurnetl March J3,W. from a nilloii to Hiima, for which the bolcUou 8iUniUr 13,19)3.1 r,rvtlifrlHir.lTJ lit tli flili fe-ur i nontba alter IJeter JoiepU 11. Dean, whbiu heautctettdai prwiltleulofttio lululuri, n nm1IIoii whltli he ocru( led i vitliiiinrlud lutein forjrwl fit!, until tionorl ly rckuud. tr fcLi ham Wn ui-.nctl upon ttm Mlrndly aud Hocliiy litondi, four I 1 Idin now UU.rliU on the leninr and twooiithelAttirKreiip. lu the early 1 tinyi nf ilia Chtm n aaumnful nUluii wm carried oil In llio lalutieli, tmt tlie 1 Nit MttcMitwfquLiill calltdliouii, ntidtlie IdfiillfUei Willi otter uViiomliiMlum. At re.nt u jtood wurk I Mnu don-. St.iiwli nro , tatauliilied ntil ll) l,ajifl li Miitf1 Inferably rewire I iiy many. ' Mm. I. hue ruCerctl m Kat dal 1 from jtlclfiiuM durln litraWenc, mid I mud itm nl ontf tmiv rriwrtfd UnJ I I ut iliu it non wtllaullitfUttroiiK In I lulndunJ bod. I Iddir Kl. J. Woo.), of thli clly, 1 UHBlHitieuhborlQe In thli romU 1 In field 11 Uft wild rtlurued In ' comiany wttli I.ldur Lee. flieDiiMlouMiHiiio oud aJ4eut I Uisiidi 1 nun (ruildud orer ly i.Utr I Uturgvl'. HmwiilUKCff (Mm. I I.o.iu Minium ('omnii). I Tlic Guueral L'kmi MUIu; Coin- I iny ba llltnl urticlMof lucrioralon 1 with Clerk McMillan of lh Tblid blflrlct court Tim ioin)ati li or I tii!tt? 1 tti carry crciral inlhlnt; mJnatllt.i; tiU.iLiiM. Ill oluuwutr if (litlnrfil lt;iiiiloduln tb Kftit riutlj nilulnic UUtflct. I In tUUl itw k U et U'it ii at $l,JO).U(U), dlvldt-d H lotufbareiof $1 rh DdUiutcrlbtd Ut iod btld m follows. M NtMl, So bhhtt. H ItilHitoflllt H3V1 H nnMlM rr .. Mi&t j M.ufision r"'...v."7.7rr... L I Urawn .. S4 H J lr (tNlwm -. , H JJCtthnK !" H Trtfttuij ilvM-k M. , W,(ui H rbvnfllcLri nru W. U.Mytr frt. dcni; Livl HchdflelJ, vlcvprerldetit; H C. L. Hrowu, Uoitkurrr; J. J. Coililnc, .rtttry; and tbea KVitUmau, wltli iBcbonttd, J. Morrli, J.H. Wlialon H aod J. M, (Juudwlu, form the Uwrd of llrw.tor. I .UcMenhlly Sliot. H Hunday alt r noon whiten party of H men wtretutou Welt r river near tbo jH 1L J uck thoolluKt on of the liumU-r, , fH Mr. Andrew AmUnon as ihot H lhruuili tlioltlUrr.i, maklru n Ytry 1 jalufulbut not diUKCioua wound. The IH irty bad bwnoiit Inn boat bunting, 1 aod bavin,; Milled up toihorewere M laodlng. Mr. Auderroti alepixl aiUore ; M anJ happunrtl to drag hiiKUtiovtr M Ibe iblu of the boat. The lumnirr M niiKbt, wai pulled back part wnynnd H llien relrawJ, the furco of tlm fall tx. H plwdlDtf a cartridge, the loa I of abot ko- H iuj tbroujti Anuirion'a lift fore arm, M ihalUtliJit the muiclea and IUh m ladly. but rortunatvly not trlkln(; M tltberof tbo tinen. Ill companiou M ut htm In their wa )ti and drove ru M I Uljr to town. Ilu nm taken to tin B inicv of Dr. i:. M. Couroy In tbo OM Utah Io n and Trtut building, where JM the- woun 1 waa drtiied. IH Anderfou la a aricnter ly trade H who Uvea utiMlI (Irant avenue. Ilu jM wllltxitrlcnreno urloui riulUfroin fM the wound ticejt a limenean wbb h H limy bother him ome jiionlhi. Yn JM ttrday evvalnK the wuunded mnu was H reitdiKiapy aud iIoIdr a uellaaoould H leeiected. M I'luliatfl Unit. jB Tbo fotlowlutc biilmN wm tran- jH itnl before Judge llartih, ) eiterday: H TaUtuof Mlllen Atwoo! deiuaHed; fH flual arcount aud pitltlon for dMrlbu. IH tloncame on reguUrly. Coumetfor M Kloiencu Atwood moveil for - con JH tlnuauce. Clerk ordered to notify H cotinsol for tfttatuthat no further irj H ceedlnzkbulakunlu Ibli estate with B out notifying I'lorcnce A twu-xltbioujli H herattorneyi llrown uud JlruUt lun, H Continued to Marcb ff). M LnUtu of John WUMami decratod; H rliul account and itltl m fur Jn'ribu- H tloncame on. l'red U. Heath iwurn B aud eiHinlnt d. Account allowu I, d! H trlbiitluu takin under advl-nnent. j Jlu(H or Urn, Hhlviri. dt-cufin-.l; H rtturuof ailti of rml tftnto came on m for heating. W. ll.l.rurnur and Kd m ward Martin iKoru aud examined. B HMnconnimed. M LatatHnt Andrew Homer, deuused: M letlllunrorprobHtu uf will priHntoti. M I'roof vt ubllcatlon and o( milling M notlctaaiprovtij. JI.O. Vounc.LM. H harland IVltr 1'lke luorn and ex H anilitud. Ordtr mailu udmlttlntc HI H (u pro'jutc, I, M. Kul amtolntod ad H mliiMrator Willi will mini xk 0q flllmr B nbood jn tbeiumof $VW and UUIdl' H theoHth. Titate of Hiram JI. IJdrlde, do HI Ceniud; repjrtof -vcM ndmlnUtrator B raino on tiuUr!y I'roof of poitlnu H apiroTrdf Jutlah Harnett aworu and K xaiu.ut:ii, AuuuutulloHoJ. H DFiNIHOM3 CF A UUCH Tel ritrMlAn tonrntn f Wl.Uh II o.l rU.t r. Onlli) A l)n Ion wwUy iier Tit Uit. c f fcxrdnirlzn of ten ilullara fur tbt tt detlnition cf n laugh Tlie mow; m awtinlM lor tne follnwtuic An tniptlonof Jor rtlle rd br mx ploKion nt Mia month of ' tlm rmtnr Here are untm tf tbw brt iMlmilona ttibmittedt Tbnt by wbhli mirth pnys a mmplt im nt to wit The merry thunder ptal which foItqw tbo llalitnlnjc IUh nt wlu An outward Indication of Inwnnl mU fart Ion Tbo plijakal exproMlonof a plwwur ablo mental motion An mitl ljt Agnintt tli iulm of ntl' aucboly Aa broWty U tli luttl of wit. ao u I.hikIi Ii 1 1 hi ftotil jf oxprcwilofL 1 UohIi tl trow fat," m w bat Uu told, 1. it profM-b tnlMiMllr ImUi trti iixl nVt rnoft U wmna If k Uumb w iMdv At Urn vrrjr Utl vofidlmrnt vrbaa w rtl ilhtn, Tl-c muMo of lhn twrry, tint croak of i tbo aciimrnl nnd tin wall of tbo nmnlnu Tbo ontwaM Mlile aln of an limurd tiMblthlili 'Hit natural t bull It Ion of a jojuui heart ! A bitnlof imirio from tbe harp or mirth, limine! b tho lnueh of humor lliii "Volapuk" of mlrlli aud kumI ruitnro I T1i kevnotu of toana charm ter. tb ' tout) uf which prut en tla quality An npj rerlation of hemor conwyed wilbont fixwli I V i he? rful report from the irtcrlor XutureV mental mfdiclne. Uhl apar ' lmrly It icti m a pkntaut tonic, but Mbetirv.rtod to Iintm-lf ntcly it pura I) so nil 1 di grudoa tbo mm tea A tcninrary relixntlun from arnvlty, I Tho unly finally dottur who k! re lief In all uiN4 often ifTeiti liutanta- iieoni enro nml aenda no Mill 1 Mirriiuf nt a wnud.bnt derlMimailirt I One of ihxt grrntt blrviuira for ' teinornrily relieving thw monotony of I ourt'xIftUnco, I Ilravcn'a beat nntldoto to cire I Tbo luxury of 1 km lib an 1 tho greateit hcliitodhiefltinn Wh it a woman fa fvml of doin when I tho lu ot i new et cf fati fittk N'nturo a tonio fur meuljd niltnniitx. 1 lu bMt doctor fill J tbe cUenict mfrl fcliio.nlhouorhL i A iiMk from tbo lira cf llfn. i TbeKpni) from tho fountain of mirth, I or a Imbbfo from tbo Moll of icvni ' Ihoflimxhlitoof tltohmrt rtlbctnlin tho fai. The Mfity ahv of mlrlh, the pun iinl of derision and the inoeJur) of dej-twlr i AnohteiitAtluiif UUjlay of onoa own' aeuo of bnmor. j Tbo oil which inaxo tho limp or lifo burn trljrht and clear Tljv oxploluii prutliteed by a UmIi of j w it. , Timixl Uoii. At tbo Zoo a ) mm lion from Bokoto wiM much Intent on breaking In tlmlitri abutter whUh aeratea thv bmuo ft now iK-cm lot from It former quarter! next tlir Apai t f mm tho t-r) proper wim to uticrt i ilrfht to lt fonuer ilom- kfle. Ultaltbo Irritating atluiuliia ui lilie.1 bynu 111 tempered anl riwreplt I did lwifinl which wm Krov.llmioii thr , other aido of the abutter, and t u went o fur a to Inei rt one of its Ion! tnth 1 Into tho crack bUwwii tho nbuttrutid tbo Millm n remlulrr to tbo lion of j whntwai wnitln for it oi tbo ot'ier I eld. Tho lion ha rfUiMmr romitnutbvuiy j How a on tho door, mid wn Milnttntou ilu ot Liip.itl m us to dtiretwnl tbo call uf ' italotiKr. Ibekitprnpilctlt attrnited ita ntt( nllon by ultlnv tt tuil! and tbe lion nt unco (ltitel, rnblxl It face nnhiit tho Uh jor a hnu 1 an 1 1 ty down to be utroUil, luttcil aud !m Its njuuo rircftitel A erj lautlfnl pmu-iLluite 1 y exhibited all tho pb ueure of a frhmd lyrnt at being ttmkol and the tivr from Turlwtnn allowul bliiiwlf to bo fondled lilu u Uj dutf London Hioctn tor. tonllftl llr ll.m. 1 Ijirlyoii morniuK, rwintl), I cnllo-1 to teo a geutlmau w bo lad nut ) tt Itf t hUUd I was met at tbo door by a woman whom) fduovo wtro rolled up, win woro an ample uprmi um whkh i viruvariouaiHU cf tUur ntnl whoo fato wai not (nllrrl) free from MmiUr ajftta. It al"ako da.Hbnt ibe did not emlmmvj me by uuy rofermro to the fact or any Hjxdoy na to her appear uuie. hbo aviod mo Into tbo pirlur an 1 lifter lend in j one of tbo thUdrtn un ftUlr to notify tbe father of my ri ence, rocnturod tho parlor and chatted until her busuaul apiwired about tart out topic In nu ntertalulnir, cny man tir, quite astlioTipb ilo had lvti cv Ixctlnand waaoll HxMup to rmclto mo. Itwuaelniply delightful and my ptvflt Brief Is that 1 hno no auukient (ruMtoinuko auullur early iuoniinj cull ut tho lamo homo, Detroit 1 ro "rtM. A y ortuukltitf lliulvnl. The nero ilatstof Jamaica uicd to rtjfard raU m n dainty, their tmttoM not provi linn them with any other moat, Thtir inUhodof cooUiu the toothaomj rodenta wa to linjialo uich ono tn a bmjwood u skewer, nftir clounin tho unlmnl and cutting olt the tail, iflrufttK It brMdy around our a lire until tlu luilrwHf all burneil on" Ihui ft wuji Kntpoil until fne from fur, nud tlually tbo nd of tbe fkew t r w as ktink Into (he K round, lucllniil toward tho bro, until It wai to.iNtd ilr and crip, tlmi bclnj inn lo nudy for tho meat Wafchinton bur. niack itocUhirfii nro npttu nuiim? a, frrecnlih Imk allir repented wahlniri. ii nro lol 1 th it n limplo w i vt pro it rvluj tho color I to wihh them f n Hoap fifoof huda.ond iiitholiHtriuninwator to ad I a tabloipooiiful of roahI vinetfur Wriii,' tlum out nnl clip tbt.m luUi lb ii" A hot Iron tend U dti-oy th I color, partlculutly If they aru wet New York Journ it. Ilo.r I'ut wy Mlnlrr t lutho. I nri mid w onion gnwU nun 1 thor numbly and rftttly pnitiitixl from moth) by tying them up uiu fully lu n'iU l-iper, Iwuiiirf no rrotka or biftikilu tbo jhtrcili anl then pittinr on n Mton I wrupfnir of micr w 1 11 aoakoil tut npcutliK lliii laaunrt!iaiilu.,ct v. w Ui r tob i o, i inbir i In ntd, i ami ,l "" or nn othf i u-uil t'xp dii nt Of i our tin ro lut it ho no moth lit tho gartmuti wbttu thur uro nut awuv, lint t SU...1B. Ui IlilUn, ' Tlio Inllnnivft nstur Uy i r ilvubo lmt iitdliiK hiiliuivril nrai ir j il unir fr-jni tboeje of hiij dIi u rae He lit I cullrtl tunning i nfi, tnon - rewntro fulandrrml Ho be hn-ln tow anl tboM wliu hute tntids nu iml hn bii ctittldeuce anil filvmlmbtp di-i u n thim oAVivd by cntmlant -(l tru im him from hU country drp d ui twn piUnuiuate Mm llo t m t in na Imv nwt alwaya bit oftfii the viry reterae cf 1hH thinn) Plicvhlm now iimler other ttmilttloim. rut him In one f tbe inw it(j tmeb bfm A pride In betaa a h!l. r if theifuv eminent, and that the xernnMnt re Ilea on him for 1U aafoty and pint ot t ton tunko blm feel that the white aoldtcn rtrmuid him art hl uuiumli and he a fouil hn tht-y explain to him tli rMn of thfntf atvo blm hoallliy and con KenialviiipIomfnt, treat him a, an In diivndeut ruttonal belutf and it man, ceaa trying to iiroinote hi conUdnuee lu you and bin irutfroaa by UfKttijr U him about hta ronl-and you will oua UMbiiri-Milt nitontuhlntfly diiTi-nnt u tbe acittTl I Ikh of Ida raw tlu who cuiuitutiidi theat1 people Kit muit be at ruputonalv jml, an t kivp w er promt o u far n lie u.u Hi mutt feel a Kenulue Intoreat and fnandjihiii for them for tin y are quick to datect ithtttu. tin iijrut nt lint be patltht and hiiitent.puulihlntf umiall) onl) u(t r ro km ted caotloua nnd explanation ami uf Ur he U aura the itatui e or the otfeu l uiHletatool II inuit Imvi Ui Land lerceptton of t lmratt-r, for lnlian cltt acier la tm aa aa the white, an 1 treatment that would do for mm man would break up Urn troop tf appllM to othura. LunUnntit h. C Uolwrtaon hi UuricT'i Weckl) l'oflt-J nnl llrr..rfc What I tot try anl aeiilim. nt Ilnicer a r oi in 1 the old fathn. ned firupbn ! 1 Ier tbe fAinilieaxntbired, down to tbe mil die of tho century In mam cow, lU furoonoof them In Kentoiky the Iwy Abrtham Ijincidn lnaniol lo ma I Xn bntlu which be lived Iwinic too joorly fumUhed euti to allow him the miucvr of luM with lira b irnimt lampw h k Hunt' lux then in. Hero tho aturdy mauhootl nnd the buxom womanhood litvd, luml an 1 dif-l, loarned, dreamed nnd went therefrom to make name tin 1 fame or t phtd on through life in a humble ta iHicllr. Ibitthofo data are Kono andtheolu fanhiono'l tlrfoUtco la a tiling of tho int, exti 1 1 In remote rt k'lw t whvru the apirlt of proffrcM luu not et iHm.tmtel of cotiraon groat dal of inerr dqMtrtoil trltli tbe auUtltutlon of itotonfor llr llaiw, but thlalilirgolyni radical nnd a utilitarian atfe, when in atovea anl pnwy comfort arc couldrl uMinl prtrfernblo to finm.rLi an 1 the imowl. bilityof leeptu warm without lhur routed Thonujotitj of Hoplu totbty, If there were no other objoctiun to fire itat-va would doubllcM citecm tbo nvt tal one M lulii aufliclont lhlUdI 1 Lla l'rcwi JrncrMin'i luUIaita I font. ' Tbo winter homo of .loatpb .lefferaon li on Oranjto ti!md. New Iberia, Lo. Tbe boiiM ii ono of tho old manor, r I modeled an refumlithe'd by tbe actor. Ita couierratorle abound In tropical frnita nnd Howera. Artlfichil puiidi te m with trnnt and black liaaa.. Jako Biniutictte, near by, ultord tlio finest ' f.liliitf, while ono hu to atep but a ft v anl from JeiTLioir hroaldo to find will fowl lu abmidatce. Luxuriant trroveii, containing thouandi of tree of tlie inaiilarin and Brazilian varieties, mrround tbo houe 1 ully ono huu Irvd lucuti and tbo Mime number of orinuo i tre)feld lurculent torin )ir!j In lhopilureniothoflnet Mjclmena of lluUteimt while fn tbo itabloa aro . I numlierttf the (leeteiit roaditeralu the houtlt, The niHirtmont of which Mr Jefferaon i i roudeit i tho Japincwi room It in of nmrvetoui beauty, and tUitnra comet from miloH nliout tn na& on the Kor-oui fiirnuliiin,--. Clia rlci tuii ( and Cot rier. llie Sl.n ur th 1 urlh. ! IlerearoaoiuonuiwtrAgiteii byyouim I tcholura In un oxttinlnatiou i guMtion-Wbat U the ihape of tlie faith? Uiwrmittiia for )miruniwer. j AnineraTho ihaH of the mrlh ti ' round. Untune oucau aeoit, ncd feu oudly liecauie tho map telbt )ou The ihapo of tho earth li IlLo an or ange, au 1 It hai a polo through tho mid dlo. Tho ehajH) of tho earth la liko an or nne. (tn 1 if jou put a --lo throuii tbo mlddloor tho i irtb ) ou will too it U like an ontugo Tho lnHjof tho earth ti like an or onxe, ant I pnno that It law ilioj, Imybuo when a jrar puti-ei It toinui back again London Tablet I Moklnv ti. ,i fl. O reat urt i npiU it o in niaLluj alloy. I It ii true .mutiny nro readily formal li; nu Itliu metal tOKLtlrr luu crucibl) I or In proiuriy uinstruLtfil furnace, but ' it ti mtefcNiry to insure ierfei.t fusion (ml to retention. Zinola ft tolitilo, ' tntUmmiblo inotiil and cusily intcliei tire ludood, it U not nt all uucoiiniiou tollnd thit two alio) of exactly tho lamccompumut pints dlilur ry uiv I t( rf illy In i roportien, tn eouscquuiLO ai udlfltrcuLoiu thomodv of pi-uparatlou or In the earw boktowid ujwn It Cluiu , Iwu Jouruul. All Mo.l.n. tHil,lt.i ,trn lUnit. All tunttod ihipa nro called monitors after lMcwon'a celobrntil ship, Mon itor. All modem wand ii i8 nro tiifunt to mm, ami to thatnd nro built with n pmjtcting prow inner water etttndini: to n ooulderablo difitance from the rorf nhr Iww tine. Tbeio are no tewU known n nun iiowndnj n, l,ritMuna Monitor wai not built with a ftrojectliu pmuorbouk Ai a mutter of fact, all modern ihlMof war am rami In cury thliirf but name. llrookljn Uigle Nut IIU 1'uMl.lmr. Ambilfoui Wuth U that man jon j(Ut IxuYiHl to ) our pubhiher? btnvrtillurf Author No, that a my pawnbroker New Vork Wooklt. Iluvr 1 H.Hr h H..n. Don't 1m afraid of watnnrf to) oft en, Iju t fot thohormi netvtiry thtrMy and hu will not oterdrink, Dout trito him fwottld waUr if on tan Kt that which In modurate in temperature Ioi t walor him when Iiu it otcrbeated Xtittr ht Idtu Into too mnrliwati rut onit, i ajMt lullv if 1 10 1m ury thlrnty, alto him n littlu at u timn an ottcu aa he will d ink Wh n he hoj cuoti0U ho will Kfttav muru. ' Ainenraii play .. - e.oiuplalii i it tm th n rno' m i f ii plant thiira. Tliey i they tm g t n t te oKiiitloii at all from in , u coin n I the tlttuter rrtuwnt un lh hu-ou la simple aniltWto. ., mtli t ttotia, AmerlejiiM d n.-i . rtt i i xl pi yflfnrbpi author in r ij'ij ta riling l lrtW nearWwh ri n ii hrt-ffttiita a Whm s m v 1 Him ii a tin ro tempi n ,tiipt ti. m Who trad an Amnrloan xVt (Xmni or hoint drama are nmtrurtiHl but thev lire tint food riiouiflt i tbe mi Jdil) o'taHOt to pnt up i itf mo. I We have far more a -A m ilrmi , ptaem than play Tin-, iinicam who hire provot their n itiit hi tbl. , til m.t Ion flroneon Hownrl D M J1-j and IIoUko. bydrwy IbmiirVi I nod Thom.w hciw no lack of i,i ulon 1 to timiplain of riienter nana? ra nn tery nla-t to get a takluK mw pint They wvlmtH H M a publUhiir dor a UMng new bo Tiidwlup tin drn tun tic literary gmlna thnt ta tn this nt tlon tfint la all our playwright barf to do autthoy moat keep uu trying anl falling till by and by "oma one of theiu riil aud bmly ""I ring A ureal Ameriuiti play on an unaxpfctlrig world. Thlaii ure to cctne. .Notv Aintrhatt Klilp-Tl.t p4r. On the ooaal of Mattte. at UmUhi New Vork Wlliiiliijtlotiaiul IWllnrnn-mi the Atlintle ahoro of oarcifitry h laiilding it arte. 1 oat mtite thf er At IWh, Me., a wmu t.ut wilt W the lirgeat Ain 'ricuu aalliuK ohiii I a limit ii lielng oottatructnl It U a I mh. ton veavnl .ll!i fee-t toiur A atenm whul r will poou le turn! out from lhn kuiiw l-nrt, nnd It bi bete Hut the nat al i miaer X tl l appnuehlng tomplntn n On the. Pacific i-oaat the ihlidmil line port are 8nu rratnico anl IVrtlatid. At Purtl md tbe attempt will Im made to com t met aei)gr thipa of the whalo biuk attem. The wrrk at Sin Kran clco.i largely coiinertnl with tboUnit ctl Htatni navy, Uit frreat activity ti manlfokt liven umru Intereathig nnd luiportHiit fa iwrhulM tlie imuticril pro. reea luado on tho hike, ltutfalo will turn out tlila J car a .ttMou hteamer, tn well ai an 13-kuot twin arrew tcaarl. There boa lately bven completed at Ht troit a Lurfona iteani tew 1, deHlgnxd to run altogetlier under water The. ntu un cr U driten by rovumble pm)eltcr, w orkiiiK amiiUl Jp-i. Tbee n1 n gul ate the depth of linmention of thu 1km t All then U abire water i an otwrtiiitf lower tvto fee thigh. If tht Invention lsauieaful tt will Itentaluablea'bli Hon to tho Amurtoan nut) I itt or all, at Went Niptrlor, Wl .the nitito homo of tbo wlmlebaelc frlght Llp. the orhjl lutt comiHiny that built thU tye of tee k1 lprviiirlnzallectofaixf;reat whal- 1 Iweka for th Canadlau Pa Uio 1 tompany, A M)urloun l)lip.turatice Mr. U Juuui Monabun steip! out the door of Ida anburbaii Philadelphia home nt Vt Choater on the 31th of last September mil reinarkM that bo willing to NcwVorkiHi bniuw.1. Ho fcal I the aame thins to hi bunitni (i.irt tn r mil weitt away. Tlmt crinlnjfho telcgrnpheil bii jurtuur that tlie bui inM tveiul l ruipiiro him to rem tin in New York till next dt. It w.n n,.t till Mttral diji paiwed that' any anxiety wiHrilttfiirtrultuhlm ThMithefam tly and pirtm-r lNtiumo auxlouinitdhU brother unit to Sow York. Tlie Me pram Moluit;liiti lml nnt aevvral tlai Ufuro waa traced ton hotel aulfouul to bo genuine Thunt e on hu w ti ai one dead Not a ku, not a trnco cotil 1 be fuunloriifm IIii necounU wire oxamined nnl nil foim 1 correct IIii hrniio w an lmpp aud hli habit h t.eroetumlar). Dt.teH.tlte, tho bdft tn Amerii i, wero jmt on the taae,bnt all wv no Rood Mr Mm ughnii wanlxliotM to Into Ihkii mnr ' thnnl In Nuw York. And ut length when all hopu of evur aewtn him nlh had Un abntitmied came a cable di jatc'i from Mclhiurne, Amdralii, date 1 LXhj. 3, nuyliiff that Mr. Motiaglmu troj there aud In good health Later came a ihSpaUih that he would Mil for bonrj In January, which he did Hla own ciplauatio i noun li viniplo fiiopgh It Li tint while on the t ergo of lunacy from Inioiaufi lulml wan dered away, hintly knowing whither Ibtt thoitory protee that, t ten In Dili ago of photograph, telegraph anl dv tectitea, onylxdy cm dUapptar If be want U and nobly can Uud him 11 ot In tlnkr a tliH Inhume. ItuLId u httxifi Unnl ahanty with a i-lrons floor, not tight, nnl cover tin Ibor bIt Iticbevt thick with aadn-t. Pile tho blockt of Im on thli, Uatlnrf a , ipacotf Uu or Iwthu Inchew Ixtwitn tho ho mil tho walla of th. aliHiit. ThU ppacti U to lo hlbd with wiudiiht ua thu ton ti 1 il.i.1 up. Whn a nuilii lent quantity of tee la atomlumr It with tutwdutt vUt or tin luchea thh k. Tho houim hhonld fctlll U large nouwh to af ford free ventilation uterall. Ice will kuep t.elt In such a lion. IIUW llMIS tt tits. Tablof mortaUty dltTer aoinewhat, butaiLuiufulan utemgo aa luu bu hgureil bi uio of tbo latent, Aceordiii to thU tlio a erao life of it e ivflUoJ hu man 1m fng U 19H4 tear. OioujNitiou ban miuh to do with tho ilnrallonof llfu, lannemlho 1133 jeir on an uttnnio anlilerkaonl) 81 W yearn dinientira live 43 .Mjutirs and print, rn onl 31 M Among tbo hi-atthler im. input ion aiu tho!a of tho dou.oallo, who llteH 4J Ot ttan, tho baker, who litea 41 W eara and tho wfcivcr, who Pten the auie length of time. II. .w In I ut I nnl I Jubt-llitr. Almost utertlN)1y hua dirlltulty In Kpelllug nt IhueM I.veti tho afiuplixt wordtwlll aomutimM iHtther well etlu tatodpetplo, and tho ri t puthu uf ull nro thoao tint Into lor lulu tlotau hllablu A Himi lo guido to the np liiuit oftheM) I thu obuotloH worl'lhe" 'lhuhutufterlbo 1, ami o aftr thou. Hmli ord ut "hlli to und deceltu" fallow how Hi nil w oi k aud fun great uaiorit) oft s th t h buutiou will lu tvua 1 to fallow utin r 1 to u, KL IfcoMPiiiirs njU s ;. jk FxWofPtef TECIP FOR MSII OAUCE. ltlh.lf kutt'tt-aiii ot Ritnr la pleatr ef tutir u'lypiioM ili mo t UtHi'f ' r iirnf Mm ih re inira tuti til veil in n nlmtr nt rttt, ? iflihmi Ji ir knl r luu prmuttwl miaa. Ml iho iiu tarn imttlilv oflcnwli I If la a uukitar ut tHitin I r imh I niter aeil aa maar yHku( rfi.n. nr .tuir fci ruhdf IB aaaca ratasrthirt Th MUvrHI rnwkbir eoaviy i tti sm wan i. i ,f ,nHr it noold tb i avl b itif rM,ml a tittle Mr. an) taf the ftr itt lmt,rrr ihRti ttUa lailvdlih, BE 5UnE THU YOU GET THE GENUINE kh HIJIPAAY'S Extrart, mill nn 1 1rtlc' lir.utiirt on lli Ur, ui tuuttli iibufc. S f3, 0nW.lkHclirnc. 4AffiSf TklJSiWIIIC MACHINE c2fpNi'T cap 4 ilnit9KUSColiH ""SIOKS? FOR LAHD7" Msr rm oa"ttMit to t in uu mud Im rhia Uuy iln I nttinn ur rhkrr. Mm III tto D i mim it nwl rrfmiul iWijr.olbi!attrt BilUt vg brrn rtta-. 1tia tht sriui wrt atn m la a nai aurry ndlolMth neiHtPht t)ll La mtu red in nrh h lima wlirh rnnot ftlajri ln dun Wlyaol Itltnr il yi ur ruN ti retina row kid. rMl )uu M ilnt a Men hi itr Iftxlnmr r lind rtel I or laa h ubr ( )t tnby,knt lh aJ4roi whrrt ywu miiU hi 1 ttnd lb i KO nt I will alien I la It runitly tor)u. jildicMt (HAn W. iTWSrlt, Attorn j at Mw, dif ItmlTI U .!! to a I V " BUSIMESS Dlllffiiom, Walker house iS Salt Ijiltt- fay. fUROPEAN-.' PLANT sTtturn " ct i -v HMtWI . i ao tm WJHt In etniicelUin wllh ttf rnilr two rt ela )(cuarnta lu ike niy, tinier njr per"nl upmuloD 11 I Mil, I'r.ipilrlnr tv. I Join. cw art 4tm MIh tIAKIt li I', riu.Atnti. Ut 111 MAUI t 1'tniIUAt L tuture ttiy i.jmuattc anl t.lru tiuu, sit a flit -ir.n. dtf MURK Mlt. r a M(Hoiih so muhm mrnotilof, and all r'twii arc hrreiiy lurwurk tubfl Iurnilird ly nip, r he luiaoj tutiorltr indole EI.U5 MUKHl" tlb.lL lH. fAtirir AtlPNTH WAMM) rito irittnr iatlm i AMrcntuxrr 1 meHtr rill at tlaht Nn huulnil rerr fa uuU)tr Iljt e4iu I 1J tiiu tlllt. AiltXKS CNi hcBob Mil IIOI'sK M I or I OK (l.. Amw Koeisirn ittjanc nouir mi Ia,i M MJt,lit, out rroiiltanma oi 1 root allay in bwl atid 4ld Ira live ApHy 17 N, Aiktb tt rtt airrtu dim WANTI l. -ova ttlnH. who oas sir ah J (i.i)Kli at..! d" .nuia tnatar. atM a ll t i aa landrir W oi un A) elf l Wt C I I iv. -M S Matiatrutl dl Vimi Vht t inn Mtnt7 Manufacturing Oplioltm, so tt Niintii, miii iii inirr ( 1 Ut alt nti n t th nui ii to tht. r aUo. luoly .ur, i methyl ef arijuu hk P-ptrurlra liuitti ilii. 4 W Krlnl t-iil all eur IMJLIllAliKKS., jj$ Joepfj B. UJagioi, rioaoor Uuilonaker ot Utah. Itanufmtttrtr und Dtattrt 11 IWi MMtl V, trtoJ Mi CitrfA Verttti COFFINS AND CASKETS. lull LIu.bDuIUii i.....lnllr .... ...... ftltflmtmill lltgr i Cr frl J-rof tlf jt lltX r n Mki I r.ttrr,J t. tb. r Nktural Ivnai. Uu K ItJOUt.ilr. eJi.raa OPBN DAYAND NIOHT. nVVJ.";.' Ko. 263 E. First Soctli, On, a fc, I llta, till of Tb.alrfc Joseph William Taylor tmu'i tsibiKo UMDEHTAKER UNO EMBALMER. COFFINS, .-.GASKETS, , And UnJtrtakeri'Coadi hi Utah. in U a id JlfUml mi huhkIi HJ4 ria Uutr tianwtritt$r cjcrif tt LUk. llOTSiVJWSrAVV'"'- (t w 4trJll J '! vr A'f W tm ( Skerfaal JlM'l&l 1tt orrica o waheuooui aaraa cloibo. Noi.Sland 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. 1,0, Lea U J A. aiittuatWX, ISM. 1892. . DesereNews. jH Pioneer Paper of (he Kochy Mountain Country. ja, M isiif lyiii in s m UIGHT PAGES. SEVEN COLUMNS EACH. fflffi 1 iwfi-n M,,T uat, Eicirr udat. PRr. " Ji lias un Kxlmipivo anil IihtchhIiil? Olrculutlon, Sj i AuJ a Niri4rm ,nj AbvkHtitia Mldiov H i 5r IT-MAS -NO "SUPERIOR. Blf Ilu COLtUN, CVVTAIN Slffl ' cBl'' 'i m n.'Lt. TiiriiRti-iiii) iiri-unr,. WSr- i ffi ulliauii mid. iroii, 9P i oiiiiiiv i.iint sinxni m r, Pui tji iiuiAiiuAi, AiiiuiiiTrnti, I fl U4II.1I tV AMI &jku M IIUHLMIIl XEM, BlB'! II DESERET SBMI-WEBKLY HS. KI01IT fAOKS, i:i(lllT COI.U.MNH KAOII. fW ' IS Publlshod Evory Tuosday nnd Trlday. ' M $! LARGEST CIRCULATION If) UTAH IliM And Adjoining Stilt, .nd Ttrrltorl.i of ny Fp,r Publlahod', KKV T 1 IfiSf AnJ In, ,Jvnli:t,nhlchimm,Ddlt to all Klio cmnot .(Tonl or r. not convonj. 'I'll' I Sltt , mlly lilu.lfil lor UUu u Hljr wr, ltooutalu, uuuti.r' ,( tb, ?M ' flj .ini or Hi" Mrk, Uumfillc noJ -jl f (MM TIiiraiMr, L lirtlcu fir, '!: '' tjSJ Loral, ldllrlil Atlliln jj- ' fHkl Mliitllancotif, j l'poolrnilrIos-Etcit i ' MnL and i, m trenr tarticci ku 4. tlfjM A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL I jij '1 DESERET WEEKLY Hi UMtnUiiHiipii .tiiuo in, iMfso. ;; '' i jj $ Iipulllilif.lttry'JjliirJay1a. nJli(0 joMaglnf, nUiaCUntir.STlIIS. W ' I l li TORY Oh Tllh Llll'IICII, anil or lh, lutrrintllit: nvnta llitougtl j f JB IJfl wLUli Uio 4l . f ttil, trulonar. uowaaluff, J l.f ' jS UHlllioutarliAt. Tb tuluiuiM, ulicu " i ' INVALUAHLi: AS A WDltK OF ltEFERLXCE. ! J J TERMS TOR THE DAILYl ',' j'li 1 0aiC,r,0n,Tm .10 00 j'J I jf'l TERMS TOR THE SEMI-WEEKLYl ( 'ill TERMS TOR THE WCEKLYl ' 'j I'M Out Copy, ! ! (rltlkrariuc 1u lulinurs) .9. ( , V 1:1112 KJEAVS ji ' , 1 I I'M Book akd Job Priktikg Office ,i The Most Complete in the Oiest I if I j I'll 11,1m; Uiiilri,"l "l"i Hi" l."T An llMTSrtira or Tirk amd , , l'iaku, nwlollur nim-ilMimairUI, or j f litiulloJj ' ' ' I ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTING in tho BEST STYLES, 'l ; Willi I'ltOMnNllM nml nlT'VTril, anJ at ItUAtOS'AJtt.B , 9 II Alia. , I j rOSIEUS ur IM, tUV, Imm l!.c hmallnl llniulllll to llic Urtt SamiuiiU ' if W11 aio 1 t.jurvJ to l ilu'- I IP m - -ay 1 A-J: m