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V'& n DESK' T JSViCNUNO 2TEWSi TIT.SDAV, VIATIC t i!D, 1BD2. I K$ C llcetlielu.. the If niniti f ! ;A K i piled Willi they will nt t tli tS'.JMi candidate ,'ilher ..-.J- JBf,vi ' ' "' HwM RV.-Y.lHK, J.-- Mrfcltointr Sm ' 'i'"!''"'' .'"'''""'' ""'',; Hojfe ' '"' 'Ml)i "1 iu JM(g .," 'tlli -v" '" L, ""V1 91 11 Moved hu ..Mil. Slu Ii.wndii H Ml uunK the money elm ft l'" "' 'jnll founding timo lor unfortunate wo hSnal A rnU wh Wamt MllMl tlemhlee. Bli I.lmteman, the crank who In IJefem. i I ber laat demanded IhB brelm of Cor B ' nellue Vandrrbllt end wetcmiimltteil HlH ' fur examination at to hie fMr, J lu.iin,ylngtbofamllyof JeyUould EMiJl' ; byrliigliiit boUllettherwIdenceanl If Km.niilnrlo tee Helen. ' '""J 1 i daughter of IN. financier, whore low MS' he declare! hlin.elf to be. " WWW . mud and committed. WiB ' mil in ! If A-rUim, M"hM.-tU- m'm tUrtt en 10 the rei. I"' conUol ottha 1 Georgia Wale Democrats connllon by cMurluR the deleneie. of "'Vim flrtt county to act. In !)! I J" they recooli. ttB.;-n of tcj mlild.wbo hu not .TrjutIcr.l tlirlr came and Irom whom they could tl Mi IE ' ardent lympethy, If not relit I. fj' The Peeinc Hall ''' I) Ciiicaik), March M.-S"," ' K'ft ago the l'eclfio eHeJ ? I feX'H relieved of lie iropoitlnu of the Ian- WK,m flo mall eubeldy.on the ground that B3 r& there wee no competition at the porta K W "''' ,'1"'- r!l" H."!l!!..ihr MUw claimed tlmllereaeuiitlon at Hoiiln- umW , rm California piirle. Tim commie. SS ' alontrtof thoWraltro Traffic ' "1- If! I Hon decided lo reilav. the J1"1'1"11 UXK PaellioaudBanUKo ol tbo Ml-I Ir KV i cent of their propoillon tacli. n) Anil ITehlbllUti ieeeliee anil Hem Wj . Lilian.. SB nil Dm MotKF, la, March S1.-Tlil. IV avonlne tli lUpublloan intralxra or HlfO lb'!KltlaturollUurl U irtecliMaud H(,Kl nnolullont yrom tho antlrroblHion Wfi 5- Iltpubllcani of liinvreut clllm. and, Ufi IS alter a caurup, apiulnlnl a couimlllra RHigH lorrply. Tblt reply will t In lino Uliii wllb tbo action alrrady UVtn In tno BllB hotlM, lajlUK that thoy cannot Sf'V Uekon thoMoitlTtnhy Iho I rly lutyoar, toallowproblblllou toimalu tbelawoftlieHlair. Hu m i A arayaal nor I'miierlT or !"" a " lult Hullor Cnr oi- Mimoo, MarcU Si. A toaudal hat arlttn oor tho properly of lili liullor, who dlnl widdtnly In Tucton, Arlwna, rtcrntly, whllt on route 10 California, liullor dad loriy, Intrrrau In Mexico and bail Utn litarlly Inltrnted In tho Inttrnttlonal BftflS) company of Lowtr Calllornla (HaJ'), SllfM aud In many railroad concoralont. Jit, Mltllii marrlod a Mexican lady, lilt etlato feU R 'aro, and by bit will ho I'll irrtain I properly lo lilt cblllun Indrrruany, herelolore unknown; near another wife baa appeaiad, an American, who I clalmt a portion of the property. Uu. . lor waa marrlrtl In the United HUlo,, and never divorced Irom htr there. Howeeer, the Mexican wile It, by Mexican law, tbe legal tpouw In thin ....,.. Tl,. l,ln l..r. alllnniilut jTo ! tbe will, and tentatloual doeelopmenU y IS rreexitected. VH( leeiueheu'eltealxoellen aternte.1 kflSi IlCKLi.t.Marcti Zi.Tltttrituhmly IjKML yeUuiig aaya that tbe Kraptrorhae re IubjLJ! n luted to accept tbe reelguallon of Mln- MNHH Itttr Von Voellicben. ajHlj murdered lilt ralher-ln.l aw. HHwII Hilmiiuiiu, Tex., MtrcliSI. Hhorl. iUlD" ly alter IS o'clock lul nlitlit, W. U ufllSf Kliher,oueoftbeteat known clllitut til Itt ' t Hill County, wa thol and kllkd hy mm lu '' Tbomat W. Math, lilt lon-ln-law. Au KmiUi air ol myttery perraded the affair and Klfli deeelopratnu of an lnlerettloiechar KB' aoler era exwcted. Kath la aiready K'Bj Indicted In the dlilrl.'t court foraa. eaultlnicand attempllnr to murder a MM Mexican omo twemonlbt itncc. Vfl 1 1 More I oritd I'aper. !aHai"" OLrvriJiND, 0 March IS. The t frleudaot John lluntlnztoti haee jutl 1 dlicoeerrd jaJ.OOO ol forged John Huntington rr alloat In thetlly j anoonr; uaukt, tracealile to the 1'alnet- uiBHr ellle bank failure. It la probable that lS;H A. O. HurJ, llunllnetou'a aon-lu-law. BafiM u will leave for i:uror at once and VRv contultwIlhMr. Iluotlniilou. VH A Uaarrel vee n illel. IBM CltiCAiio, March 28. J. U. Fiatt, a llraB Pullntancur roiidurtor, waa thotln ('iff 1 theeyolatt night by Michael llogarty, fcflBj a loekuaker, lu a quarrel over Itotu IS Keltou, to whom llogarty wat to be dl married II1I1 evealng. Theihoollng IfsVlM took place at a aoclal gathrrlnir, and. tllffn in order to reach Frott, llogarty had !Wrl fe loalm ovir thethoulderof one of tho Ijy ji girl frleudaot lilt afllauced. 1'rott will liifj probably die. VWFeVfl Anolt,trHiip,ee4 needier luilleleit. tSlui CmOAiiO, March 8. Jutt bufire jtMiMAl adjournment for the day. the grand '"elrSSu Jllr? lu the boodler outre Toted to ludlct AJiTfl Jlerely, who, betldca lelnK n member Ar$M!i f Ihe lioard ol education, It an ex PiVPaS member of the HlateHenalr. Tho In- (iITMD dlclment voted will not be relumnl HaiafftH Into court until tomorrow. Teetlmony slHHfl waa given today by Otlt Jonrt, who (tlxWIl aworo to raying llerely, through third 111 MM partlet, over $-dtW for contractt. IbIHJ r ""' ill Hi Blsu """ N' Y-i iH'cU -I-!' rr- 1 lilllH inlah Cotto, tho lirnornnl Italian, who iKlSS) murdered Loula raukettt In llrook. MH lyn lait July, wat eleitroeuled Dili 'vtiiPEi moruloR at lu.40. The preliminaries of rlil the execution did uotdlfTer any from T KOKa thote lu tbe past, rive ahockt were J liven the condemued man. Hit right eg, where tbe electrode wat applied, f HaHi waateverely tiiirneil, and hit facu wat mil Hsu horribly dlioolored, eveu more to than Dl luW any prevloutelrctrocuted criminal. B I Srll a.... . iii the, 1 Mt,IS AlluraTA, (It , March S3 lllthop H i aWT Jonrt, n noted colored mlnUtrr At If Sfr Allendale, wet aetuulnaled while III Ki hltpulpit, Tneniurdirereicaped. A IfflVp dlUereuce of faith cauteil tbe trouble. fl'lVR lleuuer lleeleeed tlniiltriliil. ll if ' Lonhoi, March L'S.-HIr II. A. Dn. tll I nay, Hart., hat been iteclareJ a bank- ft'l ' tupt, wltllllabllltlcaol;3l),IIUU. H X A Vfenllhj Ituiteher ItillrH. Bf ) O'llltlE.N, Wath., March M.-MIke jR). Crowley, a bartender, ahotwinl killed Iaal' lllcbard Ham, a wealthy rancher, latt nlghl, and lhi.neulcl.lod, A uiuukeu tight wai the ciuto, A IVniennry nf Mmirnlnjj. Thta )'rai M faVIou, thii -poph of tlio counlrr 'liat wb- mi I1tia, Wfart inourr.'t.t. Tno -witn will i nr cl! In blurk inntvilf. the hhq rill wear crip ti"l. till Hit vr tW irU. U nwrniii ibv k Hfffclfi im.vuAinpln.Kl ttal b wiWli iMffiviwr.r'i.'u tl.t(frth. chtdli r,jch.ntfl4 of JtitLlA, Mifl Iif'dnl letl.-!! An rift I'rtiiei. -r-1 tttifttn. liuHta k t tHs mom of II, ItmxaU tin :.. Utnir II v-tf i. imitll And wwik nntlon. UmU lnd inmnt to gohUo it All tip for lifrIf, Imt i.ivot.rtr iftwfniwmM iot IMm to iMi, ro In or-lrr to qafet tlin the coneHUti! lotllriilo. An iitr ltck a 1701 Hn4a m at work iugtt l'okiwl. An urmytfiit iy Uio grrat CAtlMnttH Trfttclrl ortT ttit I-Jjsftt flwilMfivn which 0rt Stn Iamtii -ij-vu (lio Hi run u uf I'oUikI In that jwir HUnUlatti vtm th tuul of CattictliH nnd the Uyjitirta i f ltr iwMim kt Mm oil tho llifun Ah unnyof 10.(KO HiinUiiK ti'tundiM In tlio catmlry. Vo M rHlrlrt, nt the )a I of thni IWil I'teUw&l, rotwInAftiM to tlrlte th Hit ftlAitit from tltHr laixl. Unthminc caIIM lliU rcolntlon ah1 rfVlHmi ftiel t- U li thn $Tult tllflt tlI-Jvlllct rrrt ' triffinli " Tl utratvirlo twllci ml Ttilir tli1mnjvjr tint liare rliar ACtortft-! HniwU rrw Pinr were mwrn tlntp 1-nrtijfht y r will, felt tlicir frw Oknivt tuiluiiijr IMattt, In 1W K rintko tok the lraUml liurhl all thu forte of hplftH IVhiul Aifslmt IIqmI.l Unt It ww hi Aln,fiiKl I'olAnrV itur ft-mt iloim Tlirna prnr ration ltarn an thwt tlifn,)ct today tlirloetr lil-rtyln m klruiis tamiiiS Itulnn, AuHtrUu at QrniiAii loli( nnil tho lurrov for their hut nntmtuiiix i m Lnq m ever. It onghtto hoAlfrtoh nml n WArnint; tj (trrat itatre lliat Uko nrmUi of Ultlo ktatc ami blot litem oat of exUtoiico by ftltni'le right of brlnKlhentroftfrr. ltu '!will haeablAfk rcckonta to iy Kinw day. To Oct Itlrli. Mr. Ems to Wirann l.i lrrn telling yoiinz intn how to get rich oyaln. Tint of all yrni nitmt tirvcr ffo In debt, iierer, uiibu )onrati IheTebyartalnly imm ImmMiate ud i-rodtnlile rcinnn. Then n ymr crodlt. lint oihcnulw the ir lul, who t.oiR in debt jwrne hU future. ItJeVltitf detirnitincU to keep out tf debt. Ihui Wffln to iato tCKiilnrty iA j rtciuatloally. Tor thl imrijMHiotli iriif li lurttrr thin to Uy up jutir eivihg in n Iftun Aivl bullJJnst iallun, ralltl in 3Iawk)ium-iu u ofMwrinlire lunk, lilih It a (pwnliuim. Tlw t-ombineil rnpitnl of bullillnjt umxij(lotii fn thli country rrnU thnt of tho national luiiikl Tho next Kdp U to petholdof HJiuit land, a lot noir n fro winy toe.71 ortity, IfjuuIWeln tlio country ainl ranuot gtt a town lot git u farm or iMirtiunof a fjrm. Axritnltnrnl Iambi A"o lionnd to trcoiuo valuable won, l8 rati there are tho now llrltif wlm willttco in tbUrountry a pPimUtiuti of 1 30.000 000, All of whom man lio fed. If. hourer. it In i.utcomitilef.t to get land In uny nhnpe. thra intent our mr Injjtiti iudutrlftl itocl. of Mino kind, aa, for inntance, the great oil, aujar and lend luduitrlei. CorolHnill.m 1 tlio or der of the day In the bmlneta world, Atul thoaowilt make fortunes who Aefie on theKjiiritof tho time. Then, nys Mr. AVImin, watch tlm first iyinjitonta of economic chaut- utid go In on tho ton .au. Till i all my fine and wie. At tho pamo time many of tho hrgo for tunc hao 1kh: made liydureuAnlln ettry ono of tho mite laid down by Mr. WimuiL On the other hand, thonaandi wlinlta.o (dwerved Mi n-t iinjiurtant rules nil tluir lhei nro na poor at 11 ihnrch inorttw and hkolyto remain no. OnoLnu'talwnyAtdl. Uiiaoudftfiilproce-ta.lhatbywhlch luirroli and raika are now mud 4 dlrvcll,r from ill wood without tho atATca Mng lint made. A treo i rnt into lrmgthi nlta! lo for the lulght of tho Uirrel Tho abort log thru formed U InllM thnn) lioun In w liter through which a current t f ilfctrUity 14 couvlantly tiaiidng. Tho foftinwl wool it tlttmcut It to lajeruof hert thu rlftht alro fur thn Uml. Tho kliM t- nro grooved for tbo hmiU And nro prvwM lu a form which givea the projr tiller. Jit of all tho alnsle joint ii faMcnctl together and tho barrel U coin-plcto. lomJnnetlt)9t,t,f.lanuary,lB9?,tll,. f3 liig verw exatntucd undrr tho lien went inspection law. Nearly D per cent. of tho awlno wcro ufTt'ctcil with (, which hhuwa tho neetlof thonewlu;; law. Of cattlo, S,atV,?03 potHd tho lipid examination now dcminded by the Unital Htubn government, and of theso Ky than one t nth of lpgrceut wro found to t imbetUhy. What rormtry conld maka i tatter allowing than till in tho matter of healthy beef? Kowouder our meata nro getting a good Iiamu ubruid at last. Whatlmlldcri want now In a (.troun white ufiiiiMit, to boiuetl in tho malting of white artificial tone I'ortland co tnmit giTFt a gray culver to tho itouo nb wuya. When i tho man who can di. cover n white ccuunt? tf,.n intirit. Torct twtna nrnton-ncct-i trum tue wrtn nu uownwAm nnd lia o but ono pair of letfa, Unt they mo dUttuct itoiiincha, hiniru and pain of lungt, The lint ntatchuti wore piece of wood about ix inchen long til with ml rhtir Tliey tvmght tiro euiily with a (ilcce of ItiiiL ItliMtluutMtlwt In tho htUvclve )Hirn l'aii lu Tu.LfO ou UtU(-t uud fSO.000 on ornamental fuua taina. llr)Ml i- hi ,ik Limartino, tho k.e.i lrii h ixtct, mr tt .1 iul m irri. it and r. t-i 1 d gn a aid I . l.Uwiru in all hU undeuak- j U.w, Writer. wmjs sdLi) cinjAp. j LOV lt!DS OF NEW UJINCA Df .' Fon A AX AhLuw 1 A.l. at an Amrrlran trlnlM Am. .ha Parntto m lira atlt 'AteT Itaint n npnrntm A I Vf-lnt ffluilni to Marry Hiirh opja-tthnlrian tir lnatrlmcn) a ww n(Terel m In Ntw (Julhfa t r ' Tearv au I never mxwl t miM 1 my jonr.itiy tiTimRji the Inland t th PapnAM waa male for tlm itiirpt- f : CoUntilnft ppeilimita of nil aortn, kh h a 1 a tiAHnUUr atrka to n)r hut the twujdi ihemftelvware tlM-mo-t lnhr-t' ' Ititf tnYAftv 1 Iwt err met. The ity n ! and ih.Mrvn ro nbuut i-ntin ly tiliol, wliH(lrvi womtn wtar onl) ilmrt iftfiu , lttlciMta, 1 emploml a youtig tl . ' frjluw ntM-t Kat-TOi- to hHp tiM In my work. JIU hair wat a Miah ,t kinky I fin and atnod up ou hi lumd in n max a big a a half bttahel mvaaiin, X ' found out that 1 wna in hf, bnt bn adinittol with a nigh that 1m wna too jioor to marry th girl nf hla t hoh r "Yon are ytmng And itronw,' mM I "Wh do you n"t gn to work and am enw(h to support yoiirwlf and yonr iwcfthinrtr "You dt not nnderatAnd." h rtpltfl "IhlTtsugWedginbti that wouM ann ply wlrtt fno-1 c wanted, tix,lr Iiaii throw IIm) ar furtlter Ainl truor to the mark than anynilivr man in thU dia trVt.a-ithat I ran .get plenty of kan Knrvm and 4ga. Hut Ui-y will not buy tbe girl ller mother want an x for her, and that Icuuiict jrr,w ia mr gar den or hant in Iho forvat with my I-tjir Tho l wor fellow groaned, made hi cral deai(ring rrmarka on hU itrwpfH-tira lui.ther-iii-Uw, and finallr vatd lhat if li dl'l not Into tho young woman no dmrly hu would go away and nerer oomo latck again. IIKLttVI A XATIVR TO MAtltlV "Itat, my bov, yon iietd nit dw(lr, Midi. "IftlwjM.tonof annxwill Hecure)ourltanpiiMMi I will ghu you one. 1 jny jrtridlo Hnl, f'r lu lay country pw-plc think nwro tf them thanofnxr lfjonrill lulp tnt gt oainany binbi with tlie long plnmaa m yon huo flngf on lioth hnnda yon ahull lwi0eiuiixii the day wp get tho HetMTeptodthla propnalrloti ddlfiht oily. At length, with hla QMauct the ten good Urda wrri rocnrM and the ax eurnnl. I waa jtriiwit whN Itaboor botiRht Mawlfowith it Th".v wrre marrlwl the following i rning, lh 1 ceremony Ultigronrludinl with a wild dance ami tinging by a chorna of girl At we. wcr 1 rrpnrimc otirdiniwr ono aftanioon 41 titter nml a giggle wero wnfttt.) to our vnr IxAing armind w1 N held Loliler In tb mldt of a group of fifteen or tt entv girln, many of tin in if aupi rinr l"Wity, who were langhliig and lat ring at n.ocrruh tlicr'- Aumlh r. I They all worn tlowir In thlr hair and In, in N of gn-u Iww aitonunl their nrma and ankle. J.4ch mildim liml on her larat tripl petticoat and Mine, woro tifCkbict of doga terth. At laiigth ladder, ono of fay ri-echt gnldea. atcjiplii fi rward, mM that bo had tari a aig wi),bad l.K-d tho liigget town of Ida country ami hod brought bark with him tlrtPot Imn tlful womui of hla nation. Itv hotd w would each wh-ct oni thtit woull pbao u. marry ber nml nettle down In S'w luitna. The (virenu of aome of tho girl lad com nlwj an 1 wero atund Ing In the Imckgronml. Oir frMtd ex plained to u that tho nrlce wi ro high. iu they were the flmt g!rl In tho laud. umo cr ivn iiwOroaitM HonrrangM thvin nil in 1. flggllng llnr, that tlii'y mUht 1m arrit to tho bott a-lvanUdc. Ikglnumg with tho flrnt, ho tol 1 thtlr namoa nml ga.o their dllTer tut nccompllhi inula. 1 not lend a la-AUttful girl whom 1 Juvl inct whllb out houtliig among tho num ber of innuhna, and 1 wax mix hum to bear w luit Iohier would My uf her, hhn utill woro tho airing of taA la 1 had'giuu her, and looktl m pretty and inodeat na a LideU Wheti hv catuo to lior bo Mid "ThU la Lnei na. Ia tho not lurehT Her it run am round na baud 10, her fonn la uile a the climbing lnei h r akin la amooth m a onngUannni leaf, her lialr U aoft iu apidrra wit lnr lyea are brlphtAi dew in tho morning hho can aing Uko n bird and run fwt iu 11 k uignroo: rhu i-t n goial houackMpir, nn nlfiitlonato dauhtt r nud comew from a good family, for her father ti a gnat warrior." Tlio t aim m t upuii tho i-'ntity wna an ax, a knife, u jii'vo of calico and nitriug of ln-ad. Wo Mood ndmlrlng 1 r, and Iihlor tho'isht he hid luado a Uirgaiu. Wortallzodthattha affair iuIrIu turn nut acrluuidy, a?rliai)H, but wo tamed tho matter oil by declaring that wo wero unable lo niako a choice among to many loely treat urea nnd roteeding todin tributo preut litarally. To inot of lhuglrUwtigae gay colored han.lker 1 hU fa. with a braxa ring and a braM button in oath. ToLuoina wo olTirtd a looking gUu. and tho young women danced for our iimuMeuicut whilowo ate our dlnnrr. arid aar)g n rang, which they toinpoaed aa they went along, doatnb ing tho wholoft.ruonnd complimenting tuupim our (jfiioroaity. Toward teu lug they bado nt goodby nikl htartM for hoiiH-n.-rt-h OummUionvr Bher man 1', JVritou Ui Waihingtou btar. .1fi.ior. ll.-l II. I. It lorlh flUer, It luw boon diacuTcnl thnt tllrcr rocUUln tho nUion of "two olciniK-a In tbo Andoi of Kniidor, in Botitl. wrnericn, Tho quantity of allvcr li vrcivillngly minute, however, bolnj alxnit two-tlftlia of nn ouaco in a bbi (if ludtMnt Cotop.ixl, nnd iilwut Urn o tontha of nn ounco tit Tuuguiaguu Now York Whtn Mlrn Iratv. In Germany nil iho inlto quit 0 hoiiM whou tho family living hi it U thnntcwd with oxtlnetlotit but whether tho deal Urn nro thoaouli of ita former iuhahitnnta or merely onlltmry hmwo iitrltea twms rtytibt' ful. Loudon Xuten nnd (juerlo. A lilt of MUllnl Imp, Do you know whit a "pea pod h in innnne pArlAnioi1 It la n Itmit much indrumnd umong tho Malnv lobht rb.'Jiiniun lerlnKnlU,t'nt loth fiidi nnd . 1 Unit Tout -i it f- vt lotn; on top built of with uiU Umber Lun utou, I "August Flower" Mrs, Sarah M Black of Seneca, Mo., during tin' past two c.ira lias been 0 fleeted v.ith Kcuralgit of the Head, Kto-rficli and W'ouib, and wtitca: "My food rfid not seem tj rtrcngthen ne at all nnd mv oppe tlte was very variable. My face wai j cllow, my head dull, anil I had eucli piiiis in mv left tide. In the morning when I got up I v.ould liavo n lion of tnticui In the mouth, and n bad, hitter lT"te. Somttlmes my breath became abort, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around tl cheart. Iaclied alt iky under the shoulder blades, in the left tide, and down the back of my limbs. It acenicd lo be one In the ret, cold weather of Winter and Sprinrcjandnhcticurthc spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief liefore using Augmt Flower Then the change came. Ithasdone ffie n w ondcrfuf deal of good during the time I lm c taken it and is worlc In? a romplctc cure." t C. U. CltKI S, Sole ManTr.Woodtiurr.NJ. EWTBU j. , G3 j-3 S J Gi... 5?!j4 1 1 if) itlii s DMTE SJJTES GldSS CO., line Crrilal ami lolorrd Glati TabU Vtare, I ar (faotli, Jar. Ioip, tic. 10th fiiitnzr, kk riTTvtVAa, pa. Pkr twit tjr Z.C.MI. o-l tfM'rri g tnt, mil LT"LKniliSERf.""! Havivo iikiaur toLK rforniirori ef th fii .. a NrMr. 1 n .0- tiW irv1 l turnuh I rult(Httd mm flrattM raritlatl IrtrtauJ fttirub, tf bl aointy llIHWlprir. ""'k'li1 n"1" mlk 'fllf U"lls ait uurnx cumiTormckiix " 1WINKS. wool oaos. 4i (k a UP, MA HA? i Pi f!27Ci. 2 OMH, HID feSALT.LAKE-"' .STEAJr! DYE WORK?, 1IIUH. MeKHI.VIK, I'r.iprlelor. , Ladles' Clothes Cleanod aad Dyed. Cents' Clothes Cleaned, Dyod and Ropalrcd. ruTium ci.1 jtn.mkiifcuiiiiD. unieelnKiilllli,araelerr,S3 IT llrtt mini, eieerl. Work, OS. Weil Tern. yltairett,eppoll titttl't Llitretlt tit, . . ant Uat cirr. f StarJIdrseNails 1 Polished or Cluod. T Bit! U told by Z. 0. W. I. fr or i II jr-iM. Thj nr lb lli Kaiis fld, n1rvirtBtJliT tktbi i it ttiifutioa. Will feeM 4 gb94 B lati Oiib or oihtr. I UNION HORSe'naIL CO., V Ohioncro. 111. I Car tea tia it 1 0. . 1 in ANOTHER CIIANCK J J'rlrrt ill tub, 60c. Carpets now 40c. 76c. Carpets for - 60c. GLOVKS. SI Black Kids for 60c. 31.60 White Kids, 75c. LADIES' F1KE PERCALE WAISTS. S1.25 Grade now SI. $1 Waists for - 75c. MUX'S SUITS. $6.00 Reduced to $4.00. $11.00 Suits to $8.00. Men's SUIT Hats. K UWAJfU NOIIIIV. $2.00, prico now $1.50. $1.00 Felt Hats for 60c. BOSA FIDE IlEDUCTIOA'S AT n it id Thomscn ST aylorSpicsGo., Inportere ttd Uttatartaretttr Iha Finest spicks FunvoniHc extrrcts mown TO THE THIOt. rrorrltten el lat rttaout nrtnd or ED VOUQSS .- IYE. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lako, oniOAao. S &Zt? Down Wrtl. tllxk rnM. o3SLllils sewing machine cS5wc,s1j'!E' dip aM .,,tau.f iMit ejt a& vtigai9i0MaTekiHr EnnwrtY wui.ctTSTxixx. I lit! tta. cirr. CAUMIOiWIY. LAQEn BEER, ALE AND POUTER. I WlioletaU end lleUII. fit. tJITjIHSTtOOTn ITJIilT. THE PEOPLE'S DRHG ST0R"n I JOHNSON, I'll AIT &CO., JL 32 4 34IM.IN BTMCCT, if StTauTSitrt1,':.'! DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Patent Hedlclnts, Toilet Articles, Orulhei, Combt, RubberGlovei, Suipendert,etf iNiteitmlrljltA'eeiiite eullM,4hrM.-lni tLECANT LINC OF TB'TO'IlIiIlY, jBKNTt iOKTia crimnAT?t r r r-rnct.inTio.s. Everybody Well Treatod by "Tlio Doys." Glvo them a call, imL lie'HJ'M. .outer BPrrsa, , ev JUT. DIW1I:.IIAT:.I1IIIIT, No. 54 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, irutxx mil ciwicrsT ukatb ov rm srAtiox ami simx rnzia rzsi si miair.Ai tin ,i.r wjniuvri.i mesa jsd jvict. F.AUERBACH&BRQ.r GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL I IMI IDIlf IM SALE Commencing Monday, March 21st, 1892. Wo offer you Cnrmonts at loss prlco than tho Mntorlal to mako thom would cost you. Then why tnko tho troublo to mako thoin. . At ir. ciu'lt. At. fiOc. ciu'li. inn I imi loxtisiH ok Thla I.lnool Umlerittarla err Ha. (.hlMreu'eranlalela.eaib l;o lrateljp inaJe ami nnltlu'1 tiri l.aJlet' CbeiuUe, tarh. ..IJu 0uM aell eltewliero lor Sl.00 l.t'lUe' Drawerr, ench 150 . I.adlet' Arul'. earh . tC I..JIe.'t;.l(;oeer.,,. I-.C A(j 7-t Wl(l,u At "iiit ...wilt WhowiiiU,Uii,.Ruuttihtt it,a i -DC. U.KII. actual alueortiiSI.2j. AT TIIIH IHIlk MM iiaen I'hllJreli'a White Nalimwk l)'M. CblMren'tColorrcKJInitlitm Ureses. 1'iir Itl.IKi La.liit' t'nilerw.,. Inranl'traml.rloHllrt. Inllil;n. AViih Wl.fio, Chllilren'edlnthain AiroP. I",,,, mi n . ..ii...p I,-i Ijaiet' Nltht IIMa CaiDbrlo ItulTleJ in i '. i.u. v,.ll iii "id""'', Lulle.' MrM llnli, l,tc onJ 1.I1I. Innll"l"' Wiim Ml...,. trolJerjf Trlmmeil. lif el..tO I.illn tlnilern, I.nllet' C'lieiul.r, ljnlTol.lery anil lualleielet. Wiim H,an, f.alle.MIra.em.Kmljroiaeryandl.tM iJ, Vi.lV. v,.L .iu 'i"'1'""" Tllmliml. innieieite. nnni...,ll, LaJlet'CnrielCoeiri.KralirolJeryaiiil l"n MU.OO fiallet'l'uilerwear Lace Trimmed. lunllrljlti. ml Ml.llll, llOilli Tliren 1'lvccn of una Jitiul to a CtlKloincr a i Do not tall lo Imped our line ol noiellr Garment! In CAPES, NEWMARKET M ,. BOX COATS, REITERS AND CLAZEHS tt 20 ver oent Chtaplr thla Eliewhtrt, We have 1BO Imported Samole Oirmenli that w M olttrtt 30 per cent below value. OOO Stmnlt Rttlert H it J5 00, 17.50, 110.00 anil SI2.S0 eich. In the latttt ) ' cuti, Horth, In actual value, 80 per otnt more. Muwt DRESS GOODS DEPARTHEMT. i',eaiik(iim1.5.wJoI ft TlieAtlractlODalntliaHllk anil J)rcr stcelaml lk'a.1 '..amenl.rlrnt.73ii H UooiJj II, partmalitt lor tnlt week ale: tboinilLi, lerrr.l. In MrlecetJllickHallaUlioJanie.. .(10 Colore,! Aiiluued Trlmmlnict C0an4 t, no piece lllai k toil ColortU Ton. JI.3J. HI Kce, 47) W Jpleii:ototel Buraht. 471 Hleeil lllln .. Wo to 11.75 M 4HilectalSallllMarTcleut. lllaek Nallbeail rilnimlni;e...lSo tootlo ) fflff'iaillRllSSiia " Another Great SaleofEmbroldtrlt. , Aaffl!leTr?ja.S "' 10oI..mbrBZ! .'rletfor.... . wide so ISoilaraliiirijKinbrolderletfor..... 7!o ) 1'rench ciVill'leVnt.'."..- .''1 -"" "amburir Tmbrolderln lor.M.Io H' 00Mece.ilve"oM-;;i;tier..:. . Wollai,,l,-ier:mbrolderl..for I., ' st.finitae.-ieiuiifrrire ii.i H'Iu Iliunliiint l.mbrolUerlwi fr..14ii n CO lurli oeleieU Iniileu lliood- 0o Hamburg rmhrolderlia lor....'.lo HI1 ilotb, Inrlom,... .... 1.00 iiMlaiiiburi: r.nibiolderlea ror......ja HH TbtiocwdiiitetiierntoMttim ii) itoieri r)lere,lbordereil Handier HPl Aneleittuleuaolllneutol ellleli ehlefn, SlflUox. HI i atiern IiretM t at JiM, JJ.60 to SW ileum coloieU-htrilerrd tcalloiej W.aieebowluillielitcitamlllmtt tlaodkerchlcft bloeaib. line o( NoMlly Dleea (Jooile, Krrpcli ;30lliil-n plitn while tcalloned arnt H Cieiore, Whip Cordis HeJforU UsrJi, henietllcLeil embrohlerlij lltnii. Canitl llalrUearra, etc. ti rclilert, rrular ril" Mr, tiltl Hi . ' j rlee Wo loi h. H ' 75o ClillJlin'a Cnahiuera Hata, S3n iH nrctuuturi! nrDlMTMrnT fl.OOC'bllillen'l Burali Hllk lilt. 0 1HIUKIHC3 UtPAlillltni. 7ooClillUreii'iriuraliailkLnib.ll9vU iienl New Drctt Trlmmlngt ; -KM each. MtunlflreBt Aetorlnient, Latctl Tail. II. Ci ClilMien'a Ruralt Hllk l.mb. U NoecltlM, Kntlrely New. HooJt.SOoiaih. H NEW SPRINQ Vl ASH C00D3. The prettlelt ficrlot ever produced kill U i,m,,o.n",:.oclk,.,,"k- 0,hmjLhi,x-Auaouii',-xixtsi'. OTJn G-REAT I BANKRUPT 8RLE I WlMi CONT1NUU JUHT Ossr-IHUH BIY5lJDMBER9 IXCI.UD.M1 SATURDAY, - - 2.IA1.CII 2(Uh. tOT In Hit remaining time ofTereJ to all claaiea of purrhaien to arall Ibeimelvea of an opportunity to procure almolutelj Decenary tlilnn", nay cmpbatlctlly, tlaklnc our repuUllon for veracity at recognlted lu tbebuilneai coinmunlty, that there It a Uenulue llargilii In eierj arti cle placed on aale. Keep thli fatt iippermoet In your uilndi Thla ttock It NOT Bll r.l.KAVUUN. It la not a fire fair; It It a U)iu (lilo 1IAKK ltUl'T HAl.l; of new gooJe but recently urcliun5a by tlio ilctunct Ami of Kiu,( ,k Yeukee. riilt eale iucluJn lino MfimTOYESJIIMS, c3-3Jft.nsno?3aw-j?k.mD, ANII All Hinds of COOKING UTENSILS, All kind, of nulldtrt' anil I,alrerToo!i, Oinleu Imli"Xcntf, J'anMorrt, tbelamoua "rllbtila" HefrlKerator anil the unrivalled "While Mountain" lea Cream l'rreur. Tho lino of TA11I.1: and l'OCKUT UDTIjUItr It wellaMorteil and prnUlcallyiiiibrokeii. A few of the Tcell known 'Xew Jjyman" GowjIIiio Btovct yet unaolil. lilt! itock of Rnllf, all eliei. lltiueniUr, tlilt sale la In eXlIXi: IlOl-iIVEES liOOIv.i- E, C. C01I HARDWARE CI.