Newspaper Page Text
I.1 4 m;sEKET rvryiKg ite-wi TnynAT. arAitrir str,' igns. I Jll UKERET EVENING NEWS, 9j rt'1ttl tVMJHtW Bt g THE DE3ERET NEWS 00. 3 ojihmt! w. inmost, innon, ft! ' 1n.Ust Murrh ats, I SO J lOXfUlKNfK XOTIIK. g Th HliljffconJ Annual Confer- 3 cnco ol tint Church of J etui Clirltt of X Lstttr-Jsj Hslnts will convtna In Ilia 1 Tsbemscle, Hilt I-rtk City, l 10 ffl o'clock cu Biinilsjr luomln J, April 3rd, I 1M5- H At noon on WrJnriKlij-, the (Hi of B Atll, Itierap-tlons of tin Hill l.sks H TemrlowlllUi 1IJ with i pronrUte W ceremonies. IK The oOlcrn and members of lii IE Church (renerilly iniconllalljrliiTltwl I I lu s.ltsnd th m-etlnss of tho Confer- I I enee, Alas to l instill on tlio oc lion of tbo ljlni of the csp-stono of R tlis Tomplo. ffi WtLVonn Woouni ri , w '-v Obokou J. C', X Jusxui 1'. Burnt, M First l'mldtnrr. S The Heml nnutl ineetlnx of the W j ofllcen nit teschers of the Deeeret E I Hunetsy, Hchool Union will let held t EH the Tsbtrnsclt, t 7 o'clock, 11. ni , Hunelsj April aril, IM2. A cordlsl In. ' Yltstlon to he preterit l extended to all vl l Interested In Bundayrlcliool work. j H (Junior. ). Uannux, j ! ' John Moiuian, ,A Oensrsl Huperlntendency of the Wk E.MretHundijBchool Union. fell WLSE IIIM'ATIIILM AHAIV. rP AHALTlkedliimtch totheetitern j3ra press, protends to gives an account of in tbo eiamlnallon which hai been con )M ducted In tlila city In regard to the i In legal ownenblp of tbo Temple lot lu jEj Independence, Jackion Count). It li :.m an Aieoclaltd l'reu telegram, and the 'm responsibility for It reels uiiu tho JjH agent here. Thoonljrpolnllnlt woiaro ll to notice now though the wbolo o m count li terribly railed ss II piiers lu I W the New York psrors Is tlilssenlence, M referring to testimony In relation to the I H prsetlrsi of polygamy In Ntutoot IK ladtrJobnllemJ.oUoaworeyeMer. , E.J ily that tho brethren were 'plsjlni for m wumenaml pit'emi' that llio principle M waa taught TftYelely." im TnlssU-einentls a thamelul fslse- J hood, ltd like many other dlepatchee ml imauatlng Irora the amo aource. Mr. M Noble U an aged mau, post SI yeara , H clil, who wal badgered and browbeaten H and tormented by the "Jose, lille"l- 5H leged lawyer, until Ilia heal ached ao 19 thelheeomctlniM could acarcely col- Lj lect his thoughU. Hut In liils psrtlcu. IK lar Initanee be waa not amwerlngln j reference to plural marriage. Thu lr M rlUtlog crwa-examluer waa prying d Into lili pereonal hlitory and endeaeor. IilI log U tangle him upon doitrlnu and ljfj practice In the early years of the 1 R Church, IMf Krom the atenographer who took the I testimony In full we hate obtained the j eiact language of the colloquy, aud t i tiere produce as much of It as relatis L directly to thli point! W V lj. "Whsn did you go to 'Caldwell Bp County!" K A. 'Ibsdlgobuckaudgetuoinan I B and marry bar." ' C !. " here were you marrledl" V A. "I went lack to my ol I plJUo wbore I resided ao long, by the hill Cu VI Q. 4,you were msrrleil In New !TorkT" A.-"Iwae." it' Who lusrrled you?" A. "Well, a l'reslyttrlan preacher,! orget his name, Q "Wow, when you was married was thoro any other mlnUtcr present except the rreibylerlsn pronchcr that marrlod I A. "Only the mlnlilcr." B n "Was It according to tho law of the H A. "It was out ol the hurcht that mi was, I eteppod over tho twundary au I took one lhat was out of the Lhurh." a BHrM out of the ChurtliT' rrM A. "I did. 'Ihe family was all out of Jm the Church." tB ()-" Was It aeoordlng to the law of tho Hj Church that any mluliler could )errorl,i flHI A -"I was only on the thnshold of the I vB Church." jM Here the Interrotpxtor Introduced . fKk seTcral iiueitlona In ri;ard to Mr. HJ Koble1! trneli and doings up to (he uBH jear 1813, aud then caino Laik to this iHH the Dottrlno undCoennuts tlitany BH niliil.tcr emild marry you or perforin the BB A " It what on' o a mln 1 to," BV t 'That was tho doctrine or tho KR a "Oh! doetrlnoof IheChurchi It was Kg I ractlcv, Jut slmplo prsellee, no dourlno BM That U all the foundation there Mat was In the examination of Mr laffil Nobles for thu fal-vhoids thnt l ml have been publlahrd In this lity about tlBf thebrtthnulii Nauvoo"lcliig''afUr 'IJII women" aud "plajlng for wcKueii'1 jf' with "no doctrine nlmut It." Mr. , ' Kohlee vtasaniwcrlugiiutrtiona abuut Y) his first marrlsge, which took plate s long lfore thy dot trine ol plural mar. , 1 rluge was Introduced und with which Ithad no (onmcllon, und Iheuljeit ' of the Interrogator was to make It an lr that, In tuarrlng out of the Churih, the rrltriets was vh.lstlrit his religion and going contrary lo the iloctrlon of the Church, so at to confute him and make him as uncom forlabto as poialblo aod damage his evidence In chief. Tula was contemplltla enough. Hut It wm nf.tiodnjikitleai the distort Ing of the teslluion), and the false Imr rodon eonvryed by the dlipVrb fiend, who stma t tike tlellght In rpreadlng abroad misleading ltcma of pretended Information about "Mor mon" affairs. The press of the country should be warned against all his ecru munlcatlone. They are tntlrely un reliable. A iTMIMX IOII I'llMIIOOII. U.nce more tho doitglng, rentlo and altogether dlihonest IHiune re turns to the charge lhat John T. Crtlre brought home from Waihlngtou the Constitution of I SST, and all thM the convention had to do was to ratify II. We gave the facts In therasoon Haturday, and now the 7rioune re lends that we merely stated lhat ho did not bring It "lu hlsroat Ullck el," and therefore Infers (hat ho might have brought It "In his grlpsaLk," and concludes wltht "That kind of de nial docs not count." It then goes on to Intent a nuruUr of fanciful Iblogslhsteilitonljrln Its perverted Imagination, aud draws Inferences from thim that nro as false as (he original charge. It is generally scry easy lopruvothe wilful mendacity of the 7n6uiewhen It goes Into details or i-aclficatlons All we have to do lu this Instance Is to reproduce what we said, and leave the lubllo to declJu whether Ibe JViJune has not wilfully lied In limit Ing our denial to John r. Calue's "coat tall pocket' an eipresslon of Its own nunuiaotjre. This It what we said: "We happen to know tbst thero Is not tho faintest ebred of truth In the state ment It would not rnauer much If there wee, lint the folly and nonsense of the TVioeat-f continual atatement are patent to alt the members of that lonventlon as well as many others, lion. John T Caino dl I not bring It, nr sny pari of It, or any reference to It from Washington or ilsewhere. lie had no more to do with It than any other nicui her of the convention, and not so much as some of them, for, being president of tbo convention, he efas not even ono of the eominluce tint pnpsred it." The TruVune bsa not Ibe (lightest Article of horror lu a controversy, nor any ecrujlo about crediting anojpon eut with words he never urn! and sentiments he never entertained. Argument Is lost upon II, and Its tac tics are so suakedlke nnd despicable lhat Its nsrue hat Ucome a a)uouym for everything tinrellsble aud uu worthy of credence or respect. Tin: cimiUAiiL't ".loitMins." Ix referent e to tho "Mormon" col. onlea la Chihuahua, the .lnyIo..l,iin'. can, sjblished lu the City of Mextio, gives some Interesting particulars with favorable lantmrnte. The number of our Iole!li Chihuahua la placed at fWOO, aud the fact la emphasized that they own thi lr own land In severalty, "entirely Independent ol Ihe Mormon Church." The Anglo .Imertounedds' "The colonies hate recently pnrchsed KKI.uiU acres ot land near tho In ad of the Concho and Han 1'edro rlvtrs. Tho company orgsnUlng tho settlements Is IticorporaUid wltha iihnl of I,juO,UHI and Is a purely business entwrprlso. o dais or religions distliutlons are made, and rloofall faiths are free to locate among the colonists and may worship In any m inner that their consciences die tato. The main principle of tho Chunh la obcdUuce lotho laws of the land which Ihey Inhabit and rcspoUtotherulersand governors of the coiiulry. The Mormon Colunlea sro not accustomed to Interfero In Ihe politics of Mexico and will only dovoto themselves to cultivating tluir lands an I Improving the portion of tbo republic w here Ihey are living. "1 ha beneficent Inlluuico cxcrelsodhy such a class of people on discommon wealth may bo aaen tit a glsuce, anil the got eminent may bo asiurod lhat such a class of emigration will lend lo Increase tho wealth mid j rosperity of the country." AN 1.1STI ll Illll'.-nuiilll'S l.tlll I'ltl 1'Alt VI IONS. Yl-.lTniut Mr. Joteph Hull re turned tu thli clly alter havlus made his twenty.llltli succetsrul husluets trip to Ihe large clllea of tho tatt lutbe Interest of this Journal, llefore start. Ing on the homeward run, he vlsltid the Columbian Uxposltlon grounds lu Chicago, concerning which he sup llia some Interesting Information. Many cf the buildings are In coune of conitruitlou, but the only one near compUtloula the nomen's, Ihe Inter, lor of which It now receiving Ihe lln Ithlng touches. Thoartstru. lure will lathe most Imposing of all. It will be comtmoted of brick, and the walls will be lite feit thick. It will be fash louid alter nn architectural style that wlllnudcrlt the gnat centre of at traction. When Ihe ixposltlou shall belnoieratIon, this liandsomo struc ture will csnUlu euormous wealth, as there will tu on txhlbltlcn lu It a mammoth colleillon of the choice a't siilmeui or Ihe whole world. Among the (eatlirts illstlaicd will I o an exhibit of the dlimond fleldi, III. cludlug tho i rociss ot dlamoud wa.h Ing. Ihe large inajorll) oflho bulMlugs will Ucotiitlilittd of llbtmaurlal. They are being built of fiame, uu tthlchUlatUlieilntl.nllalhliig,wlllch risimblis tiding, Ihe dlllerenco tilm thutgroows nre run along it to In j Ihe plaster, fhli lathiug Is covered with ttuceo, which Is, with a white, glossy wash, giving Ihe surface the on stance of pure white polished marble. The edifices thin coiittlluteil are being elaborately orna mented with stuicc-worl.. Allhcugh these buildings are light they are dr. cklffilty handsome, nnd are of Infinite variety of design. The groum', which will be formally opened lo tbo uhllc next ll:tol,ir, ate being lilil out aud adorned with run eiioiuiate skill end cultivated taste Among the attractions will U'arllllclsl puns surrounded with grassy slojes, bedrckt.1 with beds aud torderi of choice llowen, letches ot shrubbery, etc. lVopIe who have vlslled every world's ex position since and Including the Initiatory one at l.ondin In lS'il, n-MTt that, without doubt, ludglng from resent In Jlcatlens,the une whli h will o.en at Chicago In 1S1 will s fir ecll all others that there will be uocomj arisen between It and Its pre deretrors. In fact, It Is confidently expected that In scope, extent arid grandeur, It will hivo no parallel In the history of the world. The worker! no on tho grounds consist of ten thousand men, who are divided Into twothlftsol flrolhoumnd each, an I this Tast aggregation of Inttor will shortly I Increased to still greater dimensions. Mr. Dull stales that lilt lata trip was one ol the pleisaoletl of the kind In which he has yet engaged. The I uhllc sentiment In the 1'ast In referenco to Ihe ''Mormon" peoj le has not merely changed It has undergone what may be called a revolution, l'.verya here ho traveled he met ex resslous from In telligent eoplo favurabto to the peol lo of Utah enjoying all Ihe privileges en Joyed el. where In Ihe ltt-ubllf. As a business trljv aa already stated, hit visit waa a most gratifying success. Merchants and manufacturers every where whose establishments have Lent rcrrcmulcd lu the tlueiiKT .N'mvs for a quarter of a century, are continued In their opinion that as nn alvertlxlng medium this Journal Is second to none lu this Inter-motinUin region, while new atront are also nuking the same discovery. A IMM.IItULs (OHIIIMTION. Tnnclllrens of 1 tnntylvanla, New Jersey anJ New Vork, are consider ably agitated over the developments taking j lace In the recently consum mated tombliiatlou, among the prin cipal railroad corjoratlona engagid In Ihe carrying of coal. A liw weeka a-;o Ihe I'hllidelphla and Heading rail road, the Lehigh Valley, and the t'en tral of New Jersey entered Into a form of consolidation by aeytlemuf Unslug, which though technically not a trust, jet is contldered such by Ihe iwoplo ot the Atlantla teabiard. It le claimed that this combination can now control J. r cent, ol Ihe total anthracite output In the United Htatei, and Willi Its allies Ihe Del. Lackawanna and Western, the Del. and 1 ludson, and the Iehlgh and Hudson, can coutrol 0J rercent. of the eutlro product of an th nulla coal. The nglon imbraced by Ibese railroad systems comprises the whole country Irora lluDalo to I.sko Champlaln nnd nlong the At lantlo lo the borders of Virginia. At IluiTloand Uswigo they havo dis tributing jolnta for the lake Htatee, and central lines of tleamertfor the trans portation of lokl. The magliltuJe of the Interests Involved In thli dial naturally make It one of thu great Issues of Ihe hour In thu Kastern rltates. The fact that the domettlo supply of the wag.worker'a store at well at tbeotierntlnglucloltho large manufacturer may be at the mercy ol one management at tu thu settlement of prices, occasions much alarm. IVunsylvaula, Ntw Jersej andNow Vork have already taken official cog nizance nl the matter. A committee ot the New York fccnate was author ized to Investigate, llefore this body several railroad olllclals Uatltled. One of these, Ihe l'risldslit ol the trust, was asked, would not his company control the rlco lol coal? lie said: "Well, we mUht to tome extent, yis, to a considerable extunt." The courts In l'tnti.ylvanlaliu.o the matter In hand, but It is reareu uui ine Attorney Oeneral favors the coal combine, and that It will lrluuih there. In New Jer sey tho situation has astumed an entirely dlllerent phase. The leglala turuiaaiod a bill legalizing the com bine, aud thu little commonwealth which la said to be outside the United Htstea Is seriously agitated, l'iteous apiiala are made to llovirnor Albeit not to sign the till, while chargta of the most flagrant corruptlou are made egalust members ot the assembly. It Issald that it corruption fund of J.100,. OOd was cxpendo I at tho Htato capital during the progrist of the bill. Une of the a pen's to thu Uovcruor ti) s. "A trust In coal Is almost, If not quite, as menu ns a trust In bread. Already (ho ctTceisof llio combination are ling felt, Latt Wedlloediy Chcenut coal was ud vancel In price In New York ittcent-3 ton. Threo collieries operate! by tho IteailluglUllroi I were closed Thursday and l.onO men weie thrown out of work. T he .Sow Vork and I.nko e'rle Itallroad has, UUlsilloial, Jollied Issue with tho eon-plrstors Slid thus aiiotherrourea el rcluf an 1 bopo h is been ahsclndisl " There la a irobaulltly Hint this movement will lead to themiistluu ol hlu'eowiiirshlpand operation of rail. roads. Beveral ery nhle mairnrine article! nave lien recently written ou tills lojloby men of acknowledged abillt). Thu Heading combine will brlu. the W.iie direc ly lefore lhi 1 uh. in, an I peu,ie will nk whethrr the Mate lit inn i the rallr ade, or tho tnllr itili mtiLiire the MlateT A I.IIMT I tin MI'S Will Tils late Henslor Joseli I:. Mo Donald had a national rr citation as n lawyer anl legislator, yet It a pears that Ida last will and (claim lit Is nlout to become Hie suljtct of a trial lu (he courts which promisee to excite an Interest that is without precedent lu Ihe Htate of Indiana. Ily thu terms or Iho will, Mrs. McDonald Inherits the whole ot licr hus haiid'tiroperly, about lUO.Ws) worth. I Deluded In (his l! h rtrlalll piece worth tlo.tsw, and It Is claimed that It wet Intended for Iho Heuatir's children aud gnmhhllJieu. The will doit not to specif), but the contestant! allege that tile will hat been tarn lered with. The ersau who, It Is autpotcd could settle this diflloully, Mr. Htilchlnga, n ouflilentlal clerk, Is now lu tho lunatic asylum. The deceased Menahr married late In life n vcry beautiful woman. Ills family did not Indcrte the marrlsgr, aud harmouy does not prevail between Mrs. McDmald aud her step-children. Tbee-ase excl(e unusual tlitcrest, le causeof tl,u prominence of tlieparttet It It a thoutsn I pities tint these diner eneea have arisen, and It Is to beho-uil tint a setllemiut will be arrived at without further strife aud Ubl icily. ritOll.tLvilW IMIIIIIISM. TriEanarchlstt an alarmingly active In I'arls, They are making sclenllflo Invetllgatlont with a view to discover ing a lson w hlch cannot be detecteil In thu human system. The object of this pursuit It In use loltoil as a meant of murdering op!e condemned to death by Ihueonsplralois. Thegrotind of this proposal It thai dynamite Is not tudlclenlly etlretlve and lltni pllcallou Involves too much rltk to the utcr. Dynimlle has not yet been abandoned by the anarchists, however, na the liuritlng of a bomb In Iho house of M. Ililiot, yesterday, testifier. The hull). lug waa wrecked and icveral iiople werobvlly Injured. II wo merely read cf tuch Ihlnga In his tor lu placed their I clngcurreulln cldenls, we would think that the times In which tbey occurred were thickly Impregnated with the most horrible features of barbarism. Hcelng they nro matters pertalulng to the preseut, they are dismissed with a tasting rerUillon, except perhaps by tho iieople Im mediately Injured by Iheui. Booner or lalcrlt will dawn ukiu all people cap able ot aerlout thought, that the sutject It oue that will tome llmuatlecl the whole civilized world, from the fact thnt this social excreience It of rapid growth, Conditlout of a threatening character which were scarcely thought of and hardly anticipate I twenty-five tears ago are now remarkably common. Tin. is jtiAiro. A rw dayt ago Hie New York Ihrahl published dlspatchcl from Hill Diego, titling that (licet llrltalu waa scheming to secure the harbor of Han t.uentln,lu IowerCalllornla,foracoaI. Ingtlatlon. It watalsotullmatel that Kngland contemplated making this n naval station, so that lu the event ol the comrhtlon of Ihe Nicaragua oanal, she would have a lasa of tut pliet betwien lit entrance and her tioascsslons In the north. The harbor Issald to be the best on Ihe Pacific coast arid admirably adai ted for forti fications. Groat llrltalu, It It true, haa large Interests In this region, and thero ma) or may not bo iouio fjuu latlou for the reort. At all events, tho Ametlc-au lubllo ought by tills time to know enough to take the llitald dlapalchea with a large nllowanca ol salt. The ferufdmaJea formidable revolution 1st of Garza, It started a number of queer rumon about Jny fjould'e recent visits to Mexico. The Pally Anglo Amtrlean, published lu In the Clly cf Mexico, rajs of these rijorts. "notlivr of those foolish reports alsiut Mexico appears In our teloraphlo dls- atrhos today to tbo etlcct thai Jay (Jonld is not going to cross tho line bocauie he Isalrsidof being captured and held for ransom by Ihe lomirgcnla. Tho j aper that primed this news first In Iho United Sln'o must postoM nil Ignorance about Mexico an J Ihe affairs of Mtalco thai Is lamentable. Tho ao called revolutionists ore long since a thing of Iho osr, uarza the crszy leador of tho sniue has disap poare.1. 1.0 ono kuows Lis whereabouts, nor Is thero any real evidence cxUUng to prove he 11 really nlle e. "a a matter of fact, Mr. Jar (iouldtt moro likely- to be salcr hero IhsulnlU oen country, ktsxloo, like other coun tries, certainly sulfers from many otlli, but Iho socialistic, tomb-throwing, mil llonalre-kiltlng crank Is not ono cf them." Tin (iiiiit..iitMii:ii. In hit last mesisgo to Congress .'real lent Harrison said: "I have re ctntly been advised lhatlu ono county ol certain rUtls, threa dlstrlclt lor the eleetlon of membort of tho I.eglilatuie arecouhtltutedstfollowt, one has (.5,. 000 lupulalloii, oue IC.IIOU und one 10,. not), while In another county, detached, noucoutlguous tuctloiis have betu united to make a leglilallve district." This llliislrntM what li meant by Ihe term "gerrymander," and ns applied lo political apportionments Is usually aJoi led for party advaubiEtrt. Ily U thu Deniocratlo dlstrhtt can be made ItepubilcBli, nud vice tersa. Too nine h could not bo said III condemna tion uf thu practice. The w ord Is pro uouried with a hard G and Is derived from the name of the lullticlan (Jerry, who Ittr iducrd Ihe listen, Short.) alter tho grc4t pollllcnl rovi lulioii fu Wlscuuiln alwut two yesrt ugo, thelegitlitureiuacluJ a new a po-ttonment law, salt to I favorable to the Dctnccratlc parly. The ltsj uh llcaut w, re Indignant, and charged Ihe legislature with an ntleniit lo steal the Htate by gerrymandering. The Democrats replied by saying that they only a Ihered lotho policy adole!by Jtcpubllrcins since 1878. Che miller wta finally taken in the sui nine court of the Htate, and on the 22 n I Inst , at Madison, the decision of that tribunal unanimously declared Ihe law unconstitutional. The court advised that the Governor may convene nn extra Mtsioti of the legislature for the special purpose of cnac'lng a hew apportionment la v,or the districts may remain at they weie before tli law pined by the last legislature. The ihcliloii It explicit and la already attracting wide attention. It It based on Ihe theory lhat the coiiuly It the primal territorial unltof ripte nutation, and that In Iho formation of at'cruldyiliilrlcts counties should not I e dismembered. That Is, no assembly district can lawfully l-i formed which embrace! territory In two or more counties, unle-a the whole of such rounlletare Included therein. 1'rac Mors of two or mure counties or one county nnd n fraction cf another county cannot comprise a constitu tional nemblyUlililct,whlch It Is de cide I niusr be entirely bounded by county llnee. The law In question dismembered a) counties. Many IX-mocra'a as w ell at Jlepub llcans rijelco at the decision. Anl lolli agree.! In slating that "gerry mandering" prevailed i rcvloue to the apportionment of the last Lrgitlalure. It It tald IhatGivernor IVck will Issue a call for a special tet tlon, (o contlder a new at porlloumciit meaiuru In harmony with the decision of the Huireuie Court of Ibe Htate of Wl-conilu. IS iriHLtH (fcjUII1IIIl'l A nil t. of a rather peculiar charac ter It now pending In Iho House of lte resenlallves at Wathlngton. It provides that the rostmaiter-General shall have power lo exclude from the malls newtpapert containing Hit ad vertisement! of medical specialists. Tho menu re purports to aim at tup. prosing Ihe Indecency tometlmia em bodied In those advertisements, and for this pur-ose Ihe Postmaster General Is to bo undo sole arbiter, In terpreter, and administrator of the law. Tho supposition It that the bill Is lutilred by that wing of thu medical profeulon which It oppoied lo advertising. II must In admitted lhat there It a good ileal which It repre hensible In much of the advertising matter pertaining loinedleal uostrutnt and latent anaeeaa for all the Ilia that flesh It heir to, but It It qucttlouabie whether tt wnntil l. a wI-m i.,-.ltnr. toglve the rostmatter-aeneral absolute authority In determining what la aud what la not Indecent. The bill alms at a vital element In Ihe rovenuu of news papers, and If the Income from adver tising radical specialties were taken away the prosperity of many a country organ woul 1 be shattered. A EW dayiagolt was announced that the HUndard Oil trait al a meet Ing In New Vork City dltsolvel It seir, A decision of theOhlu Hurenie court, It Is said led to this dissolution, which many newiirt claim It merely formal. Thli trust hut ald twelve per cent, for thu last right ) cart on In nominal c-v It.llutllon, while Ha certificate) were recently quoli-J at 169. Two hundred pertona held $30,000,000 of these trust certificates. The following sketch of Tammany Is from the liotton Traiellen "Near Iho close of the lat century charitable societies were organized lu various cities of the Middle Htales, which took the nimv ol Tanuuauy, a Delaware chiet, who la said to have lived to au extraordinary age, and who was noted for many neblu qualities. Only one cf theiu organization! long survived, and that waa the oue lu New Vork City, which wot established In 17S9. The majority of lis member! were what wero then called llepubllcans, who were cppoMdto the rederaltsls, and who subsequently became known at Democrats, and were the predecessors sf thu Democrats of the present linn. Thruugh the Influence of these mem ber! tbo society was changed Into a political club, which gradually grew lulo Iho powerful organization of our day." V DELICIOUS V5 NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Variilrt A Of porfect purity. Lomon - of great etrongth. Orarit Almond - Cocn"'J''" their u.o Roio otc.rj Flavor ae dellontoly "ia elollcloiiaty ao the f rosli fruit criTnnr ornir. nei-rorrr anno The History of the llauiiock Btake, oom lied I y Andrew Jeniou. nd lates ly iibllshed In the DraraiT Wri irnr, has n w Uen Issued in ampblet form, arid can now In ha t at the 111 6wrt .TiLYVti ofllcu at ii ceuta r col y. d&a K X U !J I - A GENERAL INVITATION, Wr. IIAVI) HIT. COMI'I LM D TO MOVI. OUIt CROCKERY & GLASS STOCK TO A MOM'. tOMMOMOUS IWITION is oru General Retail Store. MICH AUDITIONS IIAVI5 HI.I.V M.M1L IN STAPL1S CllOCICKKY, DINNER SETS, TEA SKTsS nnrt FANCY GOODS 1HOM U1.IIMANV, rilANOn, HNell.ANI) ANII Till'. 11IHT VACTOItll.l OF TIIH U.NITKD STATIX.thatwew.nndeutlylmlte purehaseratu rail aud M Btnr &&.D2s i3:HA.r)QTjarrjrTj-Ejg UST.G-LA.SSAVA.'RE! 1 Wo cxh bit a I'ull Mno of I'lns Cut, Moulded and I aney flylts, Hj Aleo LAMPS In Croat Variety, Flat and Hollow Sllvorwaro, H Assortotl Jowolry nntl Watclios, Tlnwaro, Cranlto H Ironwnro, Clocks, Mirrors, Bird Capjos, H Dovvor Pots, Hangliiif UaskoU, HI And Ten Thousand things whlehlllsluiinsihletoadrertlie,yoa canonlyti&d Hi nut by lu-pcotlou, Dl tar iny tii-. iv-.v iMiifiu l A-IhIi."?!?) H m! FT1 1 j. t AJ I iiiot-oiiii Ki3AX)OTJArt.Tmn.. HJI :is35.o'7577"Krzrr-ar eros 11 SZfoVi V ' WHOLESALE AND RCTAIL. H yC7 l'XV W 7fiS--Sv Bicicles. Trlcyelei and Wlocipeetii, HJ -iyAvVVlTX rithlno Tackle, Case Dili and Lt.a Hi H-SSrfiKaKr- 7-A v ' 1"l Ooodt. Tenll, lUmmockt ind Hi ll -CiZ!s is) lL ? I) Sporting Qooot of cetry detcrlplton. mm VtVfVM 'e II All Kindt of Sporllno and nintlnj HJ vii-Jii V 1 1 -JJ ,-"T. Ctps Fuse, elc , etc. Drop la Hi naTsTii i , - ---- and see Ihe .'(illonal Typewriter, cnsap- UST plrrff Semi tor our New Cttt logue, Ireeto all. Eta's Auction Sale. HaTlag dcciJcd to rctlro (roa tbo Jewelry easiness, will Close Out ay Eatiro Sto:k ot Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sllvcrwaro at Auction. Tlio opcalng snlo to tako place on THURSDAY, March 31, 1892, nt 2 ana 7:30 o'clock p m., and continue until entirely Closed Oat. Ladles particularly invited to attend aiternoon sales al 2 o'clock, with tho assuranco lhat tho utmost decorum will bo enforced. Quality ol each arliclo guaranteed as rcpresedted by tho auctioneer. O. L. ELIASON, 220 South Muii (Street, - Suit Lako City, H. C. 0 NEAL, OP CHICAGO, CONDUCTING THE SALE. ?!TOe Brags, Chemicals, Patent Hedicinos, TOILET ARTICLES. SPONGES, BRUSHES, COMBS, TRUSSES, OANOAGES, impoixtbd S?Eniutvins, DOJIESTIO AM) Hll'iro CKU11S, CHOICE 1.IQU0KS. rn rsiciAxs' prescriptions AfCl-IIAir.l.Y .. tOMl'Ol Nliril .-. 1IOT1I ... HAY,'. AM) .'. NlflHT. WllOJijKSAI.JO tVrVI) J-saST-XXj. bult iuku Olty.