Newspaper Page Text
fgl DESERET EVENM WEW&IJgJM! i . TRUTH AND MDER1Y, JM yo. in. AVKryi:si)AY..wriir i. 3sug. paii1 Is-aicis city tjtau, ti:himtouy. vol xxv 1 A STORMY SBASON. ,i!iiilrinl W'llMtHwii to ho Ittit ArouitlM.llir. South IMlola. fRCODVTCnlAN AND MCTHOOIST CHURCHES DAMAQCD X Jicmlicr of Itulldlngs 1'ntrr.jrd, Train Sfrtlco. Suspended. Tor. iimloand Ijclemr ur Turrirh ioilsnsa-si tiii: lATorKToiDf. lurlUrrlteporls orilie llamaae Iloue In 1 arietta I'Imm. Ht. I'AU.MInn,, April fi tester day's stoim passed ill over tho North west, Thecxtent of tho storm was but hinted al In tin. larll.r mo. ri.o I Itxnrtl continued most lf Uiu lllRLat. AruuuJ Miller, H. D . snowdrifts i iglit let! deep art no to Lo arm. Hun dreds or head of atoct waudcieil with te storm, many of whit li Mill rlsli. (Jnu freight tram Iim o vii Bullied In lhu snow tin re si nee yesterday. Thu unprecedented moral of rain nnil mow whit h has raged nt Alxrdieo, H. 1)., for die pist threu da) s teased rally this morning, anl tho tun U now shining I rightly, riiolull ufauuw la simply tremendous, and In cotitcquonce lhu lllltlUdSUIulltli Ul. Tim Noithwisl line mixed Iraliia oa the Mlluaukte rd lal I In tbu biiow nil yuti May afternoon anl night. The tlirousn Chicago passengir on tliu Soilb wettern Rot uo further tltAii Itedllehl on this Hup, but luriii.1 thrru uud vrcut lack. 1 hi- blockade In Ilia wont tx-lrrh-uced In a long tlnit. Wlillu stedlpg will bo B"l'y "It" Jl)cd, tLo farmers All J all others uro will sntlsriel, and Ilia acrearu will In ini.terlalty, asagteat encnurur'onieht la felt, iku country districts wl.l bu Kill nliili Impatsublufordays locomt. Alllud ton, B. I).. It It riporlid ti nt the snow toini yesterday nrirrnoon hloikatltd the west mid norlli 1 ram boa of the Chicago A Noiltiwealeru ItoaJ. Tliu north tuuinl main lot night only reached Itrdficll and returned this morning. No trains have Iwuii tout outer have arrived (rum tlio Nest suicu noon yesterdn). Tho lima In ulliirillr.itloutarooinii. HnowIugha And know Bhuvi lers aiu wotklng north and wot. Northern train iiioaUo Interruptoii, riio nlnrailwaa tlio greatest nit known bi ro In April. A lUIIIOUK IIU, 'Allll. lli.Ali Lai.i Famji, Minn., April 3. A fuiloud blltMid hai tun raging hero for tbo imfct lwtiit)ftur hqurr, and Is growing In vloliuce. It Is loan u ttif ra will bo lou of liro on arcount of thoniallFUply of fuilki)tlu rtAvrre by tlivlnlmUtantf. ULBlNhfcU tbfll I1MJ1 1)., H. I)., Aprils. A terrl bio ktorm of itert und litfti wind 1m pnTullInc, pnctk'illy tuaiKindlnit nil builioift. Ibu truln Mnlco on ttm Norttuvcktrrn li Hbaiidomd hirr. Tbiroli four liirlits of know on n Irtt'. Clll'llllllH 1U1IAIIIU. llRIWM-UKT, III., Atll IS. Tlio oychoo liit iileht uaniAKfJ tlio I'rii bjrkrlan and Mitlioillit itiuribiaaod rnl rtnlJcnro. It totally dr ruollihrd A numUrof lainr, kllllnif Fiieralhvrfeci. is low A. Coi.umi, us Junction, lu,Aillo. Tlio ocloiui jmitrday .Ititruji-d u munlirr of bulUlinia at Cairo, .N'o ono naimrloualy lijurod. C.UTII. IHIUW.NI n. OUAU.ALA, .Neb, April fi Tbo ftotuiytittrdayilrUu'd Ilia lattlouud llva Hock Into ilia I'latle rlvir. Many who chilled to dialli and tbo Ima will bo tuavy. IIOl'ACS 11MTIKA 1 II. I-ouiBViiiF, ICy., April . At llui.elivlllu lt nlnit tlio itonu Jn. troyod trrri, Icmoi, barna and liouna In a track four mllr Joui and n ti ral huudrcdjardawldo. I.lrla Hbolton'a hum) aa iKuiollilicd and Kato Hliul tou, a rtlallvo vUUIuk ! I Miveral booii brkou and nci IvmI dinkcroua Internal InJurUa, i:iry Vivmbvr of tlio family mcclvod Imrta and brulipa but nono wrrp aerloualy lofurtd. Tlio houto of Hamucl llrollur ford wai alao liiatrnjid, but nooco Maa luirt. ArunvAlio. Mu.WAiir, Vla., Arll 6 A tornado paaaud tliroutl Ornnt county Jntrrday Aftrruoon, lovclllng aorrial barnj, knci'", tolrsranli poll a, and unrooflni; liouati. No loiaof life ao far lajilioiu-d. A cicr.oi brtnat, Atk., AtllS A cjolono 1 rcd ovtr tbo noutluaamm portion of tola county ymtcrdiy. Uolu iiroAt damatv. No II vm Hiro loat, I u( ioiiio lulraculoua ticapcawtro uiudi. lllnl In imwlli. Bt I'aui. Apill 3. When HliorllT flmcarof Whitman county, Wiuli Inirton, waa wouudej In tbu lift tlJe f'lJaj, near DATcnpoil, In Dial Rtalr. ah "".wl'll" protrlod and llllwi AHcu, tho It adcr of tlio pang of borao, tiHlVta. I'rauk Young, a fallow inlcrr, llnl, Inatcad of atainlliiK by juiir, tipiuter'a woiiuda wiro not .cnaaarlly lutal, but, lolui; left nlonc, lialikil to Umtll, Tbo liorailblevia katbmd about and tauutoil tliu braro UlUMIilloliowMdyln. lllabody waa brouBbt to Hroknno jiatuday. teat luulnnitlon la Mt towarda ' lOUUg, I arlluii I rucl In Kaiilurlj, Covi.mitoi, Ky., April 0. A fac lou foud baa fiicn tlartod lu tlio linm. if ', f","1 L'oiluctou, which od. Joinatlilaclty. TlH. fluauVa oud tlio ntagsiiiborKB quarreled at tliu olactlon la.t Haturtay, and Marahal Ijimtaiit, whouitia Dunn charted with faor ,1,,B,"'H,tajsonhorga,waaUaij btaten. Jiail nlRht tbo hlaKgonliorira wont out ri r reviiujo, ond, v,olni; toonooftho nustea' mimii, fiorlully lialanddea Irojid lila place of liunlmiw. Anotlur taloon owniHl by dim of Iho llutna latllon waa vlnltul, but tlm owner waa latin. Tho ravouBiraanllafled them. !"" oy toinplelily ilrmollililUK tlio flaco. At a thirl ilom run by a brother-in-law of tbo 1 lumen tho Blag. tinborEamro nut by Iho former fae tlou, ntid wc r forced to w Ithilraw. N j i no una killed In tblamiitlog. I ur tliert-ouble la tiixitid, Inllla KllliU. CitTlllDl, Ukla., April S.-Tlie lato coManaja Atul ftorma liAvotAuaedn meat loaa of cattlu In tlm I n Hail Terri tory. In CliUkiinwOiiiity tlir l'r Aietwenly rr eii.t. In the Creek country hutidrrde aro dead and moru ared li r dally, and In tbo ('oniaurhr amlhlown reaereatlon Hie I jm li the xroattat, riiounnda have died and Are allll dying fait. l.tan.l l'KuMlirsci, II. I Arrll . To nlnliltliolaitiilort una inadoto talk tho voter if Itno o bland to tbe beau tin of i Ithcr tariff n l.tinur prottctlou. lleRirdliu liniorrow-A elrttlon the lltlcal iroihttaamauiuiwhat aln- aa to tho n a lit. 'I ho moat reliable Ita. iiibllcanrlaltr-r, coming from workera wlinojocoiiTenant Willi the dilall of atralrr, la that tin re will bo no ikctlon for tbo HUlo tin ri Tlio liemocraU will hafe a alight iluralltyui m "ino t,t llioiioinluiea aiiJ the leiilalaturo will loaotl I Iteiubllcau In Imli lirAiicbea. 'lhu IJeniocnta have adeanicd no rlilru, leyond ayluc that they will eh cl the riu to ticket, but tbeyappiar Tcry confident. Tho new oleintnla ontirlnit Into tlio pteiiil contit aro ao dlvorattlcd tbat ralculatlulis bahed upon precident uro not regarded with muck faith by tho leadcre of the lairiy. u Inior ul txiimmla. MlMtAUKKi, April S, The city oloctlon today la l.i llovml to Iiato re eukrd In favor of tho Iiiinoirala. I' CltlllS. ttcoour reinrla of tbo Hilt liilo niarkila In thla ltnie. Mr. J. l'.liArJuer, tbo atrlctly one irlco clothtrr, clvia a iinliue, noel nnd a proj rlato ncoi;nllloii to Con fermcowetk. Ho preaenta n leaull fully llluilratitl magazine of over HO liaxeelo hla f atroiia for one jeir. The rrgular kubacrlflloii la $J. Hee kla advvrtlaeineiit In anotlur column. Jlefieahruiitforthe lunir tnnu can not will In nijtlected durliiic thla ex traordinary wiuther. Onowlll iiutiiilia tho dellKhta of heme cookt ry If lie will vl.l. Muelkr llma. ilelhati-Min and luueh room, JU1 Htato alrret. liel-vein Hiinmlaoil I hlrd Hciuth. 'Ihclrcook Is rai articular aalho moat inrifutof houaovlvia. Hilt l.akiiX'lly niTiTjobbku centre Is yit lirlta infai ty; lut the many Icin nudfortilttbledliifeluiaa null who nro dallv la coming Inipmaud with Hand vanttgea will net leave It lu that po. Hon miiih lonuar. Mr. V. II, WlUilnton, for ao man) yearjiouneclid with litttle. Ilrunly & Co , and who la luraoni'iy known tu every crockery inrrchnlit In (ho Inter.inouulaln rectou, bns 0mU up an eiLlulvely Jobbing I uilneaa ut 11 wel,Hecond rioutliklreet. The boaluex lucluduo the lines uf Crocki ry, China, UioMwatt, I.imiaaiid IiampgoiJt. The Halt Lake IVpllUhle Coop. Ihroucli tkilr general ofllcera, 1'real tent Lanxlon anl Ylco.l'reildiut Nott, iziend no Invitation to all ilur. In; (onfertuco unb, to vlait their new and sjiaclous ralra rooma, cor. Pint Biuth anl niclnrda atriett, whire ludtiy batgnlna are Icing glviu. ThoCudahy 1'aiklng Co. nro Intro ducing tbilr famous ftrx Jlref l.x tract through Minn. ItoUrta A. Nel den, and aro udertlaln through A. ('. Hcultli .V Co. and otlur drugclabi. Mr. J. It. Kldd la tlnlr agont here, and has n wareliouao mar tho ltlo (irando Dirot. The work of paving Hutu street la progrraalitg r ipldly, atd that handaomo tboroughfiro on miles, at no distant day, to rival Main atrial. Among Ita rioat enersetlo merchants Is Mr. Karl D.Oroj KnuUford Thar, uuiUr Kuutsford Hotel. He quotea (ioodyinr'a combination botwa'er bag and fountain kionpe, klreSqt., at$J each, ngular price SI to tt,-; alio Ant , atilU eaih, regular priced o(l tof J. Hyrup karaaparilla, conip. with Iodide Imtaali, Including lioxlher pllla, 75c. lerUittle, rigular rhe (I; raliforula llg laxative, 4Qi., regular price fioc; gol ten whPu plno cough baliam, lc, rigular lrlcuSOa, It will ray to visit the KnuUford Pharmacy, The l'asteru Mlillt Clothing I'arlora at 19 1 . Hicond Houth, Is the IlloK el linaivo Institution of the kind Mist of Chkago. The plan of thla Institution la doubtless well known to our readers, and theriaaou of tbelrlon prkea for the very best clan of goods Is self evi dent. It will piy you ton ad their ml yerll.enuntln Anotlur oolumn, and to glvo them a visit. dray, ltosa nud WyAtt hiv pur. chased tbo ixtenslvo stock of A. 1. Hill i-erly .V Co, and will continue luslnena ut Iko old stand, 13 and 17 w est.Hrcond Kouth, near Culleii Hotel. They aro Jurt. lelvlug largo lnolcefl from the east; ull tlio latest styles lu their several lint. We will liavo something to siy of this new and cuterprlslutf addition to Ibo buslnisa community. Mr, J. V, llliUe, an extenslvo rial ostalo dealer In Dos Moines, lou a, nar rowly esciqod ono of tho severest at t( ka of puiiimoDla u hllo In tlio north, em part of that Htato during arer-iot blltiard, ) tho Saturday Rciicur. Mr. Jllalzo bad onaslon todrivesov era! tulles during lhu storm, and won su lliorouglily ohilleil that he wsauna bio to (.el warm, and Inside of an hour nflor his return ho i ns threatened with a eovero ca.e of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. lllalro sent to the merest drug kloro and gut a botlle of Cham. lirlnln'aCou?!! Ilenudy, of which he hnd oltou hoanl. nud look number ?f largo dores. He says tile elfict was u underfill nnd that in a short time ho was breathing qulto issllt. HoLept mi taking lhu luidlclne, uud thu next day waa able to come to lies Moines, Mr, lllalro rrgtirds hla emu aaalmply wondoiful. fin cent bottles fur salo by '.. 0, M. I, Drug Drpt nil II I it linov., SIS Htato, make a seclally of Hue Colin. Hirvvd with hot usllleaor eako of all kinds. fLclr linker), liiiiich Hooin and Delicatessen Is tbu OLly place of tho kind lu Iho Inter mountain region. Oieu until midnight. TIIH AXAKCIIISTS. llielirilrinrntlnllie SnanMi Capllal (ontlniici rnsbakd II Seems. thc public ntcoMitia indiq. NANT. Tlirj- Drmand that the Arnrclililo Mioiill It; Timlt'l as MIM lleaiti. Illalesrsetilo His Neus I it mm nt i MAiimn. AneriliMsKl.iiiilil lie Tteelnl as It II. I Iliail. Miimiii, Alrll E. Tho ixcllemenl madoby an alttmrt jesterday tobltw up Hits tulldlog In whlili thu Corles units ili it not Abate. On the conlrsr), aa further artlculin of the outrage Ale learui d, the ubllo becomes I ndlg. nanl, anl runny threats aru ladti'irt I In. It Is tin light that the anarchist) have been allow id too much lalltulo In spreading thu tern ta of tbolr 1 1 lief, and that beueiforlli the goiertiu-nt klmuld treat tin in as wlU biustr, lu bo distrojod on sight. Threoiuoru nturclitit liavo becii ar ristid. rhototil iiumUr of the pis onus la bow thirteen 'ill lilt 111 IIIMI. Hie llrpiilillran or Hie lluilse lltsni I In II. W ultmaTON, April 8 Tho llcpbu. Ilcansul Ihellousi, for lhu lint lime this nisloii, rraurted to lillbiisttrlng, and the enormous lleinooratlcinnjoilty of the tuo-thlrda found it Impnsslole tooierrumothe sklllul tactlca of He. lieientatlve llurrous, and forced thu1 1 rre Wool bill to a vote. It has bleu rumored tor some time tbat tb" Demo irn'jiwoullaltinipttopasathiiHpiluger bill leforu tbu closu of Iho lenlslnllve I da) , In order that It might liavo llll inl edict in aiding the Democrats to i carry llliodo Islaud. Whatevir Intui tions them may halo bteu some days ngo of rushing this bill through Hie lloute, there Is no doubt that thu plan waalliully alinudouul before the ile jarlurm.r Chalimaii Hrlngir jtstir day for Virginia Ikarh. Uhal bten generally understood I y I thenitnibtrsthal it hal been agriedl ly tlioioniuilttiiion waa noJ mians, Dstnoi rats nod niUblliana alike, that inuuedlaWly utter the Houiu well! lutu t uinuillliu of the whole a vole ahoill 1 be taken without debate on It. Mr. Ilur rous's aineiidmint, which was iund ' lug, tostrikuout uools fioni tho ilrit sictlou, and the iltect of this aim n J-1 ment la Intended to strike out the ! sense of tbo bill. Hut u hen McMlllln closed tbo debate on lhu ilrst stctlon, limited to ono hour, Ilia Ilepulllcana moved that Iwn hours be nccorJid ruidlugthu discussion of tho quia. Hon, Hjeazor Crisp spoke sharjlyti llurrowa In a manner which .iLnt i genlk'nun rmu'.ed, and liunlled the Itipuiiltcina to nsort to Illlbiiiteriug nisthuJs to accomplish their ends. Unfertile rules tliu Dsmourala were , iiowerleis, and the IIousu finall) aj. i Jourind. ' There Is no Intention on the I art of the commlttco to risoit tuthocloturt, nnd tho light will contlnuu tomorrow, with both sldianrra)ed as they u ere when Ibo flag of (ruio waarn'atd this evening, Till. M.V) 1IIIIK 1111111. 1 Marlllm trriisellnii Isnln.l Iho Inllre Isirr, Nnv Viiiu,, A rll 3 "Ihero la at liasl $T,UOU,ukj culleclid aunuall) from the krelra of concert halls, gambling dens, saloons and huuses of lll-reino and distributed amoug the mtmters ui 1 the pollen drparlnu ut. I say at hast $7,000,0011, for a calculation shows that ; the amount is probably nearer ,lo,uJO,. uou, according to a morning j ai-er.' Hiuay M. 'labor, foreman of the March grand Jury, luado the above startling accusation in an Interview lasloMnlug, "Against what members of tlio ioll(u do on direct your accusation.1" "Against thu entire force, from Iho lut rinleudi nt to tho patrolmen." the grand Jury win, not able to II n J evldeuiu luiulpatlng tho ioIlco com lulssloneii aul Mr. TAbor was Asked uli) the grAud Jury did not find in dlclnieols In I lace of an Indefinite preseutmi nt against tho mllce di art. luent. "We bad Chief Inspector Ilyrnrs nud Inspector Williams before ur. lloth tluse olllclals weru more than a match for ua. They know how to lover theiusilves, and to usu vulgar ism, they 'tloortd us' Wu had pro, kumtivuevidincu enough to wnrrant the Indlctnu nt of many pollcoolliiiats, but whllu tlioovideiuu was louvinc Ing to Ibo grand Jury, wu could i ot rely on Ita nsiniattoii before a trial. Wltuessia refrained from giving evi dence for fenr of vengianceof the ex jioicd (Arties, n, engeancn In the exit Ltitlonof whkli the police uould give every opportunity and a&suru altoiuto rroteclion." "Djjou Infer tho witnesses karud usbBssloatloi.?" "l'orhnpi I should not go so far as to ray they feBroddcllticrateBiniisslnAllon, but they certainly did fiar bodily harm. At all ovents tho police system In this city Is audi that no onu tun deny the danger ouo suljecti himself to when 1 o !ms Incurred thu enmity of Bnyniembtr of the force." IrceVtoill. WACiilNimiN, April 3. The Demo cratic members of tho wa)a and means lominlltiu held n conference this luornlug, and discussed themtthols by which u volu might be reailitd on tlio wuol bill; butiAiuetonoconrluslun, It Is their dtsire to bring the debate to a close us soou at possible, llllllriilllis In it I iilversllr. l'llll Alii.ll iiia, April 0, It has traustlmd that rriMdout Pepper uf the University of Peui sylvanla has niknd fr the leslgnsllou of ltov. Itobert r.llls Tiiomiuou, professor nf history and t-olltkal loouomy. nud six mem tiers of the faiult). Ail except two re fused 1 1 ri kUn, 1 1 la aald that the most ter!ousaectof the wholu affair Is the strorg oiioslilon by tlio Wharton tthoolot nuance against tbo memoirs ot tho fatuity, whuie lioads aro wlshe.1 to ho,i, Thu opioslllon lo Pro. fissor lhimin Istald to be ihonio-l pronounei-i, ns heteachia thitrolec ttonlst theory In ellllcnl ecolijioy lu all students When thtse rludenla go le'orelhe Wharton schiol, free trade doctrines are roiunded lo tlirm, Illllr.t lur lleluatna la II Ut Wjiihimi, V. Vo, Allll 6 Win. Mler.anegro, shot and killed hla wife lietause she nfUtilliO kiss him. The murderir isea;itl. Ileal, sale Jill HreaLeis iNMANAIuLla, Ind, April 3 A simlnl Iruii Anilcrsou, Iud, tothe Anisa) tlcolgeCox and "Hholly'1 Hells, twool thoiucst drsrerate lurg lars oier nitured in this couuty, trolujall lieu thla morning. II, HUH, is t I elieil Ml.i.l Han 1-iiAr.UKo, A rtl B, Phu ion firilnn of Join. ll.Urimtli, llialhe was lint llrttnt lu the I'ixley Halo n bbery, Isgrnernllydl-ciedlteil liere, (Irimui U of unsound mind, and has bten run. Hue I In mi Insane asylum rour times, Hii win slilnd en ii vrhahr In the ho-u fiat a sia voyage Would do him good, and It Is thougLt that be was rather more than usually Insaiiewbtn humadotbucinfisilon. cr was ana. lout lo git away from thi. ship, A luimillllee m tl.ilsl llrlni.e. WAslimmiV, April 6. Conntor Mills wustoda) alfnted as n riirlu 1 er of the commltttis ou coait defenses, mines uud mining, stents and post, cilices, to fill the vacaoclis ina'ed by lhu retirement of Hut.ator Chlilcii, hit trdcccisor. Mul Will oii Choose? Mine. P.ittt Iim prceeneil h r)ontli and her golden volie to imst the ngoil fifty Cor twent) Die Jean rlio baa U-en tlieqtituof long Uovi does slis dultf hlie Una iiosociil M iiotlou be yond that uf it's ordinary furiue r, though she iloe not Itfjlu to work su luiil. Sim notvr "unikca n night of ft for Diet would nun lierioipt. bhotal . ilcnty of alcfp i my if caerclso tu thu open uir nnd lata the simplest fisid. lui uflrr )cur she puisnes Iho sumo tnti regimen us to her mode of Hung nuur oiloijiig herself to fell elm nn into Hon iolci.tlj-, Int it crnik her to a nnd Ulnir a flabby fold to her pcirhvi throat There too itMlllanilnmll.lnturonn renliuofsonghkinltouiirlialevl.uiidglr In r pruuib-e ot renulnlng so as long ai Piiltl hits .h no Lillian llusscll Ima Win singing li ii or tu clt o ) eats, und gro-vlng haiKtsotner und sweeter loleiil )tarby jii.r alio Is sulci vast to li tlio must Uiiiitiful i.oinon In Alociito. What uijt l.llllnn llussell? Itt.aLanlliri.andllisscrril of ki-rln.tlt lip IMI 1. H .r. r. U I. In IskllK rats el on., Kir Our tiivds an Iron ioru,lliou, a li slsrl situ, I1M fstire II In ulit, baUis. 1 u,l all Ike rest I tan. an, u.v.r ,, birr II so lLnisluLe,sl,ilaiu careful about iallDjanil itrlnklnn. Icsl,ktthnt she, loo, hat regnlnrci criiso In tlio open nlr bho takes long walks und horseback ridit. No soldier loulJIUo under luoro rigid dlsclpllnt uud trniiilng I Icr fool It liken Uo plain. Uno tna) tncntlou al-o (Iladstonc, In hit eUht) .third ) ear, tho lender of hti party und tho greatest tutcaunu lu Di rou. Kren lilt ilijsml uctliity iutt to slmuio many n mm of lift) How haaUlidnrno kept liliusclf joungunil lu hla lutilloitual pit-no id clght)-tno' Abuin it la tlio sauio story, told ao ofliu aato grow tiresome, tlio simplest fool eotin In lory inodir.tto quantity, legu lur habits, K.rri'ct cloanlliicu of tlio alia nnd abundant i ii rclio lu thoonu ulr, 'Iliowooalcliopperof lluglaud, with l.lsnscello llfo, bl Is fair to outlast tho great but gouty and Uir guiillug Dis tuurck, inorothan ilglit )eurs younger I'attl.UllliiultnsscllondUlnJstoiieluio chosen wlut the) will halo lu this llfo, and liavo been w llling ki lay tho cost of getting It, On tho ollitr tide, scleral many mil lioncU men might bo mentioned who be gan life u Ithout a doll ir 1 hey l o-vc-1 lo becomo tho iis isors of tuuncuio wealth, to bo tho tlnaliclal lenders of their Bcnirntlou. for this tliey toiled and schemed craselvisl) Tlioy lay liuako nights thinking how they coul 1 becomo ticlicr tliau other men. Tliey vcro not nlua)t scrupulotia lo the means iul for wealth, flriir lairetl miu, paiqicr wldous, liouielcst children some times revnll lliciu with thoughts Hut are not blosslugs. lint theso, too, got their wish Tliey nro powira In tho financial world. They haio aa much oa the wealth of n wholo stntoln their oh it poosion. Yet tlio ile-ep they robbed tti mielres ot, tho conscicneo they druggtil lu tho days when tlioy wero poor haio their re vingo. Insomnia. dt-rintaia hvstcna clatdi tliem like furies tliclr ojulghi, llulr bodily uctivit) falls them Willi mined hcultli uud restless souls Hiey waiidir tho earth our. Who sbull know tho incuiorlci, tLo rigrctt, Hut haunt thoin? The) too, mudo their choice ntul (mid Hie cort In Ibff tlio impropriation for Indian C'luciltoti ii .;0,000 'Ihla )mr It Is (-',-'00,000. Public seuliuu nt has sttuJ lly grown (ii fuior of educating) ouug In illunt nulreil liming 11 out from thu wild ktato in i.hlch, with I resent surround ings, the) fall low. rnnltlow croud uro uliliHaeo-toi.Ulir.atl. n TloviiM lut Ho of Texiui nro Uitu, gradually trans formed Inhi lif iiuiui ii.. tliat u oulil bo n nollt tu thu Kiutueky llluo (Iran rcglouf in Hmo tho liidutn, too, ma) tu truiisforiuisl hy e,ltuution, tuorul and Intelk-rtii il, lutu n riMhtnl nun Hut Itwillioquirotliuoanltlioiapiudlturo of mone) , nud that in ncy shouU lie up. proi.riatM by the ,n ral fo eminent Tlieiu uru utwllt 00 UOO Iudl oi Juulhs i'l thoiuuiitrv, ouiltho r)itupo.t thing tu du with Hi, in l ill koto tuh tin lu tho Uireo It's und troetv ot i.ea o Hieu. UTAH AND TUB KAMI. V lllll tnlr!iiot l,j llslrgalo I nine I'lnrldlag fur llfprrirntatloii for Utah. IT lOrAVORADLY nCPORTCD IN THC HOU3C. II Ippiluls a (omiiihulini ami Appro prlalca llfl; Ihon.niid Ilollart lor I, Ir TeteirsslilottsNBwt. Tin ii uir tin A lllll llr,rlr,il,i Inuttess I'm. SMIub tat n ln,ui,il..lnii Waiiiimiiun, Aitll I 111 order that Utali may not go uiirtpn Bellied atthe Weill's ralr, Mr. Waihlngloil ofTeoneeste, ihalrnun or the Houiu coiiiniltleii on rirrltorles, repuiled favorably a I III Introduced by Hrkgate Calm, providing fur the a pulnlnient of n commission to mo thai Utah la I ruierlyre resented. Tho bill atpn. I rlalis fau.uifj for ri mses. I lali I'nliale Jnilsra. Wlklil.MiTov, A til 3. (' llonsi Judge! of robate lu Utah A A. Haitch, county olrlalllaki; W. II, I'llk, county oi Ilox i:ider. TIII..1A1. IIIMIMIII" I' tll.rxlirgr ts.mib llt'lfiuj, N, i , Aitll ft A thou. rnuJ men bearing banuers und trans lreiiclea and luaded by a lind of muslo i aoorlrd ex.Hecn tsr) Chatles N, I'nlrililld, ixalayor William (IrBie and Hon, Prank I.. Thornton toulght to Muslo Hall, where Mere gathered jyi i-ole to their retits Agslnst the "suap convcntloti' Aud tbilr reaiona for revolt against tho alleged bunslsm which dictated and dominated that convention. The assi mblagu Include 1 many ladli a, some lleptibilcanr, and n few Hill Drum crats. The Minting was radically of one mind, houevir, anl the only dis setitliig voico liiatd was ralsid hy a semi inebriated Individual, who waa I roici tljr ejected. Much enthusiasm waa thuwn, i attlciilarly at the trench anl.sallrvot Prank H Thornton, whoso limgent orator) klndlul the aiidleneu to fevtr liial. John Inlander, presl dent if tbo I.rlo Louuty Dcmoiratla Cluh, a new oranliatloii formed ty Cletelarul men, called the muting to order nonilnsteil ('bailee II. Ills hop, lhu ma)or, to trIde. His honor t'Mku hoi-ilully of the grtnt luovunt nt I stcure a rojur rr rrstntailon of thu Democracy as a party nt the .National Cnnviullon. Ha briefly revkuod the litsiory of the movement which 1 romptrd this tmetlng. l.x.Hicretsry of the Triasury Pair child waa Hie tint speaker, lu l alt huaald: "Wu proiiose to rovo our raru ly laolngki the ieonIe, hy going lo our conslltueue) and asking them to glle us our credentials u Ith which lo gu to (,'lilcago torapreteut them. We pro rot.eto present our case to the No Houal (onvenllon; lo addnss ourselves to Iho reason and Judgment of those who sit lu ludguient utam our cm; and, too, we propose to al Ide by the risull lo) ally and fallhfull). Allwea-k of ou r oi pooents Is that tin y recognlxe ourrl-;ht to j resent our contest, anj that tliey be irareel, aa we are. to abide by the decision of the last Irlbu. nal.' l.x-Mayor Orace of New York was Hie mat sptakir. He ssldi "We, too, are Dsmoe.rats,but we think Demoiracy stands for something mote than out ceaa lu n game whero prisons! advantage la exalted above priuclfle aud where or ganlzatlou is extolled as tho end nf turly tflort and tho meaua through which tho political i-piiscleuce of the inatsea manlfeata Itself. Moio tliau fifty thousand names of Democratic voters rsstdlng lu themilroolis will, wlihoutdoubt, signify their desire to ho ret reseuted at Chicago by a delegation who will truly and faithfully repn sent the roionvli rating maorlly of iho Democratic otera of tlio l.mpire rllate." Hon. Prank 11. Thornton was the last ti taker. Deferring to Humtor Hill, ho said: "In his rrckkss ram j aging after a iiomlualion, he lias shown himself ready toot struct and la'ttrwllli larlll reform, andlotamier with the stability of honest eoplo'a money, to the Inevitable destruction of the Democratic latty, and tbe Irre trievable ruluof tin. bilsluets of the country. Within tlielaitthreemonths lie hai teen for tarltl reform and ognlost tarllT reform by a revival of Ike Republican ambition of 1651 agalust a"nibbllug'Msrlil reform, and for a "nibbling" tarllT reform. He has lien for frio coinage and again.! II, und has iti)sterloutly straggled "Duu south tiy norlh" iifiou It. And so this burlesquu political skitt-danitr cav ortr, and kicks, aud twists, and turns, aud bous, and smirks, nnd throws kisses at tbe ollllcal bal IheaJ", aud trtestoialinhiniielf oil as an iuuocunt young "Thing o' lauly andajoy lor ever," and a Delsartesn dliam of gract, when all tbe whltohelsslnily .making an liidicent rxpoiuru of him rolf as u riolitlial street walker, otlerlng himself, bod) nnd soul, nt tho low price of a volo or a delegate," It, I.I I ells ull Ilia I'rsalileut Wakiiimiiov, A'rllo.-Mr. While, law lteld. United rilalis mlnUIrr lo rranu, called oil Iho President this morning, In roiupauy with Herniary lllalne. Ho plesented a draft of Hie extra lltlon treaty loncluded with 1 ranco, aud It will Ihi transmuted tu Hie btnate for action. IlilllMl Hlill. Il.lrii.lluir Ills Honor. HT. I'll U, Mo, Arll 5. A special tuleirraui fr m lltlstol, Ttun., lo the Dlrfuleh says At i o'clock this morning, J, It Jordan, a furniture dcalrrof this ell), shot aud killed N, ('. Adams, the hutlaud of tils (Jor dan's) luramour. II set ins thAt Ausum was trying to keip Jordan from the woman's iitdrootn, whin the lattir I ullod hit pistol and shot him dead, 1 he lew l.tirtlhe. All ANl)iUA, Hgypl, April.1!. The Turklth luinnal yaiht Learlug the Iicial envoy with the rlrinau of In vettllure of the Khedive, was leeelvcd sssSSL: cv V5-I this morning. II was recelvrd with military honors. Ike envoy at once look the UaIu for Cairo. lie lens i,r Ilun I nlliin I tploile M, Pniiisnuiiii, Airll 8. Hve tons or gun cotton In the Htate lioeiftr factory exloded last night. The wholo illy was shaken, the bull jlug wleil out of existence, and there, mains of nine workmen eniloyid In the factory scattered tu the winds. It vi aa nt first thought that Ike Mlilllitt bad Uguu wotk again, and n iulc pr mailed till tho truth was made known. The adjolulng factories was irrrntly damageif, and file workimu hurt, llliilslrr I xan I. els I rnle i,r ll.senee. Wasiiimiiov, Ai rll 0. It Is said ut Ihefei ailment of HI at.) that Minister 1'gan has Ueu granti J n leavoof Ab sence to visit the UnltidHlati-s, and lint McCietry will act at PnlloJ HIHib Chnrgo d'AllAlri until the tnlolstir liturut tu lilt -nit at Haullagc. A l.miir rat,l Miari.rr.. ( lUCAiiii, April 3 -11. V. Heinle, proprietor of lhu Hotel ltlchtlltu, baa dltcliareid Manager Carlson of the famous hostelry on aciomit of tho 111 tir'ssusf Irl'iusi-onriettloii with a gum: of card shtipr. Hi. story Is told that ( atkon liitroducttl looio of hla gutsis to tour shnriais, who aan-.l as rich Chlearo tncniiauls, and who Ittrci I llulr vlillms ly means of matkud cards, fake tables, etc , out or tU' Mr. Jlemls admits tliat Carlson was mixed up In a canl scra, lutlesaya thai the Amount of money Involved uaacomparatliely small, rwowialihy ( uban tobuce'u raisers and a rich Mexi can aro said to have bten lite looters. Tho names or lime trustors from Hie far West, a wiAllhy Montana storxi ra'sir and a number ot tick l.uirllsli. men are Alio saU tuloon thu list of victims. The I est spring medicine la a iloio or two of HI. PAlrhk'a I'llli. They not enly k)slcbuttkAiisethe "holes vs. le-in ami putlfy tliehkod. I ortAlob) .(' M. I. Drug Dipt A travtlllignian whui lianeid to be In tin' tloru i f );. V, Wioil, At 51c Kits Ilockr, Pa., says while he, waa nailing to see Mr. Wood, a little gill came In wllh till lil ty bottle Pileleil "Chamberlain's lulu Halm," and said "Mamma wants anotlur bottle of that mrdlclnt, lhu in) a It Is the best me lit hie fur rheumatism shu eier unit." "itlli'lil Imtlles for Salu hy '., C M.I. Drug Drpt. t li is. in i rt'ii'Mi I ra. Klatihuod. Chinch nnd Hlale, Our Count!) As It )r, Our Country Aalt Hbiiiild lie, Utah, 'Ifto'-d. Prliei Ally rrnta rr set, first four for folly nuts, J7.l ler lfsi coMit. Heuti) mall i n n ci Ipt Dfrrlc.'. Ad. drett. DlJ'l.l'.n Niws Co, Halt Lake City. An exchange soya ol tliite ltctuies: "Thu to les ate llmel) and t-srtlnvnl nod the luallnent ol them Is fuel I nnd origlnal.Mr. I.llls la ore ot the few nun wkosu lulutea may Lu read aa well At listened lo, trrcauiohailotinotdeiend iil-oii rounded crlods ulonu for elicit. HehatlJeas and A hajpy faculty ol elolhlligllum In lirse l.ngllih. lie sides, be chooses siiljects of liumedl nteliileristandtherel) rliets and te tAlns Hie Allenlion of the utile. N 11 I I A I.. During Confertnce, A rll ."rd lollh, Intluslve.thn lllo (Irande Western will run Hpeclsl Trains I etween Ogden and Halt l.ake. Train kaveaDgdeuate. SO a. in., It-.ives Halt Ijko al p. in., luaklng run In una hour In each direc tion. Other trains leave Ogden al 8 30 a, m , 4 VI p. m.,8 in p. ni. 1 oaloHalt Like h 50 n. in , i:.l: imii., 1U li) a. in. Hfieilal TrAlns from I ioshen, 1'ruvo And liittliiuellAlti -oliile l.nqulre of Agent, mtlilriia aielrit l.lls. Tiil Hi-st Halvi- In the world for Cuts,, H-irrs, Ulcers, Halt Ithllim, pevtrHoris, Tetter, Chapi-ed Hands, Chllblalus, Corns and all Hklu 1. tuitions, and osltlvely curi-s Piles, or no lay required. Ills gusranti-ed to givercrfect sallsfacllou or money re. funded. Price Scents tr box. 1'or isle ly A.C.Hmltk A Co. Ilntlliialen Tieulr. Wins going 1 astseleillhe popular route, tho llurllugtoli. Tuo dally ves tilaile trains from Denier with dining and chair carsaud Pulhtiau steeierFl at tached, for Ckleago, Prolla, HI, IauIs. Kansaa Cily, HI, Jotej h, Atchison ami all olnta esst. Au I serllsnl lleok. "Hutdeu and Iho Hordes," by W. W. Thomas, United Hlatea ISIlultter to Hwodell aud Norway. Professor O.; I.. Hlxtll HoutkHtrcet, It tho Agent. Ueod Try our HweetiTe kleajl. I, .PJtkle Co, llr, lllisstlle tliliirs Ills Alirrrasllll Of All ill.esies of the IhroAl And lungs, catirrh, rheumatism, nriiralglu, scrofula, soru and weak t dealness, diiiastaof lliesloinaek, liver, kidneys, heart, bowels, nervous debility, loss of manhood, aral)sls, Ills, Insumuls, tarsi worm, fruitions on Hie skin, sores, tlleirr, discharges, etc., all female diseases, etc., nomatttr what yourdls aaiels,gcat!!ltrehlm.O,ilic,;.!llooper building, Last 1 Irst rjoulh ttreit, be tween Main and Htato streets, 10 a. m. to IS a. m., 2 p. in to i p. m. dally, excel tBu inlay. Consultation frti. e.Xenllabressbkk,esgafslis Csitorla. W lien ska ess a I'eillJ. slio cried r r (.'sslorls. Wbeo kho lssnis MUs, sks eluag In I'sstorla. W kra ska had Clilirtn, alio tsi s Ikeia CsstotU flood news to Kldnev Disease Patients; luy "Dr. llnli'a Hialtk Pampklet." Prlee$4iio. Utorcedod dard, Age ni. 5 A litem litre II. . Urine. Dr. (hum's Improved Liver Pills are atiirmurefor tkk hiadache, billions lomilaluts, d)siepsla, Iniilgestlon, co.tlieutrs, torpid Ilur, etc. Theso tills iDsuro leifect digestion, corn it Hie liver nnd stomach, iigulalo the bowels, putlfy ami inrlcli the blood and maU Hit-skin char. They nl.o iroduiu a goeil uiitlle, and invlg 1 rate and strengths ti the entile s)sttm by their touli ucllou. Hold at ii tents, 1. I ox, nt Johuiou, Pratt J. lo Halt l.aku Cily, COXUKKSSIONAIi." Scimlor Morgan uir,ra , .tmcnilmsnt B lo Ills silirr lino- !1 I11II011. I THC INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL TAKEN UP. B The Ihlnctn I lllll. oilier llutlncss TraiKArleil by Iho HI Senate. ff "T Tllltlln to lha Stvri 1 liiMilll.ia. 9 Aeualiir neraan'a tiiiruilnisul lu Ills '8 Mlwr lir...l,HI. t WAalliMuuN, A! Ml 3. Senator f Morgan ofletid an amendmint to hla !r. silver risu utlon, which was ordered to C le rlnttd, ,1 It InstrurtsthAfinanco committee to w rirtnllll sulimenlary to the act A. of July II, U'Jii, which shall irovlde t forthogoldanlallvir bullion ou equal ' terms aa lu itch metal, and for the ; lisue of treasury noli-r, lu drnomlna "i llona not toexcetd $5utl, and upon the same terms aud condltlona aa lu the act i of HfW, uwn nil the gold and sliver p bulll in thet Hie United blAtet may ao- ' quire by urrhBke, and that any ile- ,' lltor who shnlldiposltlD the treasury .1 gol I or sliver bullion to quantities of '; not kss tliau JlOlln value, the product ' ermines In the United Hialea, which ' has not ta ell revloualy coined, shall at i Ills oj tlon reeelve toln oricrtlflcatis i for tlm samu at lhu mint value of Mich ti bullion. Tlio Indian n proprlatlon was then takin iiptlhn question t-elngoiiHenattir ,ji Danes' motion lu ttrlke out tbo re. f-ll tlslott fur the assignment of atmy , ofllrcrs to Ihudutks of Indian agents, al Willi an amendment attached to It , ollcrul tiy Ilnwley, that, wheuever , the Presleivtil shall to of the opinion Vi that the good of tho service tpci lally i requltea it, he may apjolut a civilian , Heliator Pettlgtew moved lo strike out of tlio geutral provision Ilawley'a , umindment, and to Insert In lieu ii Hie riof the followlugi The President IsAuthorlxtd to detail ofllccrt of the United KUtrs army to act aa Indian agentt at All agencies where he shall deem tucli action for the benefit of the . stivlee, Henslor Palmer Argued Against the policy or the House provision. In the ,i i cmne of hli argument, and or the In. teiru llona or It by other Henatort, he appeared to bu slarllnl and surprised 1 by learning that there were Indians r wku were United Htalet citizens and vcters He WBelnforrueJ by Henator Pi ttlgiew that tbe Hlsselon Iiidlaus In . Houlli Dakota weie cllUsns of the United Blatcs and votris, havlngtaklu ' their Isnd In severalty, and )et they i ka I agents over them, Henator Allen told him how, In thu Htate or Washing. 1 ton, theio were alx tiundrvd on a re. '2 aervatlon Immediately adjacent to the city nriaeoma, who were cltlivnt of the United Ktatta and totert controj. j ling in all local affalra, even down to l the precinct and county matters. Henator Palmer confessed that the fact that United HlAteacltllolia had agents ( oter Ihein was startling to him. It might be true, as a matter of fact, but j It was startling as a matter of law. V heuator Manderson alluded to the charge that rancid tacen had been .! supplied to the Hloux reservation. He W rial ad ofllelal report ot the board of I. survey on Ihetacoiilu qussilon, show. 'II Ing that lha first lot (ll,000 pounds) 1 waa not of this class, and that (he tro I ond lot (117,000 pounds) could not ba i Issuoil In Its entirety, liecause It was mouldy and in a rancid condition, ami 1 that the third lot (121,000) was, totally uufltrer rood, ' Henator Dolph moved thatllie House. t bill loAlsolutely prohibit the coming, ' or Chinese persons Into the United' . Hlatea be laid before the Henate anj p referred lo the committee on forelgv relations. Ho laid tbat the House, lu. I tleal of Acting on the Hsnate bill ou 1 the sul lect, had passed an independent bill, At II It was the Intentlou of the 1 House lo prevent Any leglsiAtlon. Thu- f aulject of the bill was relerred to the' tommlllin on foreign Aelatlons. The question of assigning army ofTl. i cert to larform the initios of Indian i Agentt waa risumed, and Henator Cul. loin argued against the reposition. Heliator Dawn also argued against , tho proposition, and, lrore lie con i eluded hit addreea the HenAle Ad Journed, i rill.NIIM It hCIATORV llelesnilued lo I snrrss lielr Tlswt on nil.rr. i Wasiiimiiov. April 3. At stAted ' liy Henator Tiller yesterday, lu the rourse e( his colloquy with Henator rihertnau, the silver senators are do ' termini d to exiress their views ujiou tbo subject of sliver In open Henate, i Hi and tkeie at pears no wAy to stop them, k Tke resolution ollerid today by Mr, i n Morgan as An Amendment lu tke Bet of i tj lesolutlons which were yesterday t !( placed oa the calendar, while not III- I Is troducedby Mr, Morgau with the In- I V tentlon of causing further debate, ) V according to hla own stalement, taay f still serve for at least nue day as the I V; basltforany tithis that the silver j t meudeslruto make In the Henate. II -i would simply be necessary to call up U this or any other resolution Introduced i If today aud j rocecd to discuss It. 1 i'l Hiuator Wotoolt, through Henator ) t( 'teller, has given notlco ofhlslnten ' Hon to speak on the ellver question to- I j, morrow. Heretofore, In the history of , l the Henate, allots notlco bSB always fk f j U-un ngarded as an equivalent la H A elicit tuunuctuul order for the Henate, p : and the body has such respect for the U e. pru tsiint that It would be with reluc- fj Unco that auy Heuntor would luter . lose an ol lection ir Mr. Woolcott at tempted to siveak. The indications are fj that the r-.nslo will allow tbe tllvir sonatorn to express their views lu the j' form nf speeches, but will Immediately i negative a uollie to call in, an) pro. II millions oil the calendar that would Hi lindlo a vote upon the silver question f' j on ita merits. feitilels llsvoll. MAiimn, April 3. A serious revolt I occurred among the convlrta In the fj I irlsoiiAtUranadA. The gen d'armes g wire called to quell thadliturbamn i ami flriHl upon Hie prisoners, killing or I I fatally woun ling luo. Therrstof Hie j 1 prisoners returned to their cells. 1 ,' i : f k- . if. r-., r-U'