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fij I .13 DEgEKKT EVENING ITEWfli U:PM:PnAT. AI'TUT, fi, 380L'. Ii Western Shoe & DM Goods Company. J. poR GOpEREHGE WEEH 2 1 r fl I W0 will Soil you Goods Cheaper than New York Prices, Fire Stock Prices, or Prices quoted by any house in the country. The ,w I ''' C"" J I reason we do it is because 3 j! c fk H is Not Profits we Want, tat a Liberal Share of Your Patronage I g? a If '" I v1553! Ancl to navo you aot acquainted with us. It will pay you I 1 Q- II 0 X3 Yard Wlde SheellDg' 4c ws to Dress Flanncls ' 10c I Ca) m c j BieacM Mnsiin, 3c a w Gall and See for Yourself before Buying I m ( - ibc I 1 1,1 3 W OutlDg Flannels, 6C K kj - marsstisi.TA jjt wmm m-v yt l wMrrCTHTwv I - CO I 5 tf) Light and Dark Prints, 6c fl 1 i 1AWnrn SL n o Tin, A n (7 B " ' " 19 j Cheviot Shirtings, - 7ic I JL j l Weto & Tl) boodS TO- cas.ii.ion Chintz, - 10c & II " O Canton Flannels, 6c 1 fl rJ,,, ,j tflraJP Grenada Tissues, 10c Jr SO Bed Ticks' ' 7ic Vr J PBg Jackets, Gapes, M iJl Mm, - 16c h 111 a Bed ' 7fic Vfc . .Wraps and Shawls, iOiftL Printed Challics 4'c a crj . Best carpet warp, $i,40 Great Assortment JustlfT A Prln(d Cliallics- C S. j!! 0 Table Linen, . 25c Arrived. KlOfSil Boys' Waists. -26c p 111 Turkey Red Damask, 20c :tn infh spriupr hihiih oiimIiiuicw a.-f Boys' Pants, - 35c D"1 .. IH O :i(l ! lurlf Mlrcl CnNlmicrcs i2:2i L - CfJ IS la r Lace Curtains, - 7oc per pair AnKM-ic-im wi oimin : tun- nu onr GENTS' FURNISH P r ill' m Lr La Curtain Nets, - 20c y.V.Vj, fiVrS' -o,'!.f ?: 2 111 I Scrims ... 6c kiim 1NGS BEL0W C0ST' t0 ill ' .J ilK'll ItllK'U JjVMK'll JJLllliOilll S"l AVOI'Ill" B CD ill F" fi Cotton Batting, - ific Biadc sniw in an mnKcH oof, moi-ui Close Out. S r-h 1 wl Finn I I i nun iiifiriiriimrniTnTTTn miTniiTTTmmrrnrTTTnrTr'-T','-J'""""'''''",''liir'i,""-TTrT TTmrrnnrmT-mt TriT-iTmnTirmTiTmrtTif-irriniiiTniiriiii 'inwi iintm iijiir I -Hooper& Rldredge Rlqck.- ilHl Why Cllrle blillfc IimU KtnU. JHSlH boinallshtuittt prtrjxcf a i,rrat IHR' l wmbfrof world ne fftrUfurfMctorjr llr 1 l Hi lutf 4 of doowMild MTTita may 1m traluil fUjj B 1 runt A tlUcuutloa vt Ua mbjt lit a wwk f Ci Klrli' duU Uu of tltv KlrU thought HRvJ LsflrU drmirlukck to domntla iwrtfo) It HMi fcck U Indrpciufctire. On ftJUnioon lit a KjHJ tXand etrryothrr huuily wannlltlitf I'M KEi lUnrtithat a mll could rjepret, vrhlla In 1 V plj t i fwtorj ur fchop, though Um work mlKht n f Hi harder And I ho chmjcwi of tUudytiu IH L( floymMit InM, her Unio fcfu-f 1 rr ttay' OT ttl aborwtu her own to ind In rl,liu U jl f ireomludy. Amrthir advanUtia vt fo- H t t lory llfo wm AcoHiQUlillltjr luuiirnMu I X V inly, And ytuiuitlo wurL. In tho Umo- $JM H loldahawoutXte atthocommaulof ip- M( f kiMtUire or four, Ami lj obllfj"t Ioru fSj j from btr bnad bUnn to wnlt t u tho itoor, JB fei livt from Ironing to dinner KUtlnif, Imv ill H UiJtk ot ou" k1nd hU 'lll,",l t( 1 Bin til If lmt her Ttli " w tUlmcd, WAJ i J prvarlujt to mind and tempt r. fi Othrr UlMdvanti;M on th i1oinrtlo ( ' lMowrro tboaocUl dlfTerrnca that mubt )jH tM rontlnuallr Ml, and tho contrau of If Hj the dally 1I?m ot tbo iMfrrant wni hrr iuU- Ih ' Ucm, IiiNfactorr It hclulmM that tho I jH ) rounjt Rlrl f hi lieriwlf a part ot the world ivM of work without thcM ilinrp contrta. tjM J OnojUl Ullcvctl that factory irl iiuwlo IflB If LrtUrwlrci,"aiithryiAfl nowr llrrd mi JH In ilrlolu )jrr," ant didn't compare tlirlr Iff f ' homrt with palacra that tlipy Lml llrrd lu. nW A girt whu fmortd dommllo ntU mmm thought that no woman w bo lived In hrr Sff own honte, and wm tho right kind of Kifltt! duugbUraMaUUr, hwl all luruxii time (Hill fend w lrfrciljr liidrpuidoiil. bhe lw l-JUKl' lUod that a girl with QmuHMi nerd look i Viiw V tu l,ut ono lRa,t '" tLo LouBchold, an 1 thnt Wlfllm tlnnnlog wlly tho number of intr- ViJlBrM ! mi tioua that Ibtrrftrvd with lucuiuphitl Fit IS I 1 wor cou,1 Knatly reduced. Mora fftl f, I luonejr could alio bo urcd than In orcupu ijMB 1 tkua where low wage hcto tatd, (Uorx Id rUM forrlothlnff wai not m gjfnt, and ISl I tborinidojnitni Ualthful. Itwaoliiiho llfl if aluiploliouuholj, where not more than une KT fi ortwoacrruuta oro krnt.tliat tluwiRlrU jl&S H j Iwllorrd than wad tho moat MtUfArtnry jtdfl KJ 1,fo fur tU" l"tlc Wboii a vute wiu ifnmmai taken a majority dtclartdlit firorot do IflLH H tneatlOMVYtco for thtoMl o hwl nohonu tMn? ' or wbno homfO tots not aatUfa(.torjr. IHhiL t har ot)l l'ukt. 4Wvi Too much, attention cannot 1 Rtrrnto iffih thetollcU Hy thl wedn nU mtan Uiaay ! tht tho girl who dawdlei Uforothe mir ror for two ur three Lour I tu bot-uni tuended, lut cm u her Cftke 1 auprrlorto the cno thnt maim n tout at txliigiiblu to tlrtwlntcnurtlfurii uilnutor A woman JHT i '' Mho Ctta yet tn In tUn firnlnK and 1m JHl i rvody for hrvakfatt In (KU-cu inlnutcawe I HuJ fcro uvtulu ucglccta her tollit. Jn tho lint IHIj IiUce, tiibejvtfectly rleati ami healthy, n IIH. iaUi raunt be taken urcry moruliiK a IH(j Utb, toarm ur cold, bUhcver U Ut lHh.1 oulted to the ctiimtitutlon, or tho Mfmt Kf' futlhamtLcU of all, AaiwiibQ lnlh ow, 'Hij j It U prrfutly Impoudlilo for ou tojr- jflRi l' 1 form jour uiornlmi ablution, rkaiimi your HV ' itKiitfi thuroughly, iimi tooth, null aud h Lalrbrimli in the abort iro uf flfitcn Ki) tnluutM, ami unleM ou do f pnrtlculflr Huf attention to each cf ihne dctalU your Hj tollttU neglected. raEj4 How many girl who hove (o labor for IHBt tbeir brcutl urnl butter 4uitncro thtlr UBni Lodltadallyt -Not one In Iho h.niJr-l wo (iBBm lauanfilyaay 1 viry muriihiji they wiuU lHU their baud and f ot a, tla lr tura And iiecku, HHI and that aiHUd from tnuwrik'a tnl to SK auotht-r Dov nit the unlveraal 'tub iBBn' bUht' proclaim the fait tbut a weekly Vlyf tatU from Itead to foot la nil the body trrr Mfti f rjctlvwi U u auy wondi r that futeo look 9U jt P fetid IUiWm aud fraiuio Ikxoiiio ton M weak to bear the burden uf the ilajf 1o I J liwUby yon mtut Ik, dean. Cltanllrt m r f "ttt thli' tobu luuaUind about the toilet You mny ataud for boura puttinjc un thflnlhlii(tuurbt4iA,ftiip that I to aatonlth aoclety, yet It will all i;o fcr iJiiight If )ou are nut absolutely clrin underneath the allken ifuwn of htvatatjltf. -rhllwMphU l'rcna. Uhy a 'ouiig Wnnun m Honored. One tf the yuunent women who lla crcr ricelrel the cruna ut tho Legljuuf Honor 1 4 Julletto Dodu,acrwU lu u;j Mini', IKxlu waa Ulegrnph opurator il lltblTlrra and Juliette waaberaMlttanu In Noreiuberof that year the lrulnn ofl rtr. whu wrro rhtabllabiil At Orlvnna, at ut n lelfgram to rriwo 1 mlerlo I'harlea nt l'ithlviera, drorrl bloc tho Md alttia tlon of AMrt f the trench rrmy which wm msnbliig on (tleu, aixt aUi thu iini im huh neary to aurmuml Hum lho I'ruMlauM, ou Ukloif MNwuMtoii of the telegraph oilUr, hv coullnol Mlh. I-lu to ber, Ibrough thlaroom, Loever, tho tcb graph wlrva piuMxl.aitd JulUttemul thul'nilan dlojiatrh hhe realised that to tuui4r with the wfrca waa Auait for whit It ahu might bu ahot, but ahedlJiitbaiute. hho wut a dUiatrh to tho aul prefect, who oeiit It to the Trench coiurnnudrr '1 be lmanlAn motemrutwa ntitlcliMitnl.nrul the French tn 14 were mvi-d Hben the l'ru.Un what Jullelie bl doiu.kho woacun limned to Ut abot a n apy, but 1 mlerlo Cbarlta (Htrdonol btr nil I coinnittiHlod her 1 ravery, Fharecilvnltho military medal, ami lr 1S7 the h ranch gorrnunettt gito bir Ho crowi. HhelaiiowanliiMpvctorof prlnuy Khoolaln Tads. Iua rtuiliua DcLonea. An Auerlcatir.lrl U Ifa Kiiereeded. JIIm Mario Hurrougba U u atrlktntt ci ami lu ot what ran bowtomplUhwl byn woman endowed with Aiuerkau pluck, lock id by latent and common miiht. Only a fev jiara ago alio wm Aathoutglrl In Hnn I: raiiclaro, hrr mtlve tlty, uid wlilt otbir thlltnu waa fond if pla) lug truant art! repairing to the Band lite, wlureahe roriAtructwl Imaginary tliwiti n ami j la) ed tho rule of Julia iiul r.iullnoty thorn tlroaatUfacttotiDf bir youthful umiwin. loua. bho waa ktiunu then a I llilu.n rlttgtun. Now ahe U nightly divMltiK tl a 1 ouora with one of tho fotemoat hi,llh acton, aud rett tree tlOO a wm k, Onuilay the wo at the aniul lota prao tlclng, trying, May, Tybalt, May' anl rrNatul tho Injunction ao of uu that an old cirprnter at wurk clone by called out In 1 uiuttknt tonea, Uti, give Tybalt n rrt " That dnhbM me," Ml I M(m Jlummgh when nlatlitf the lurldent, "anl I wi lit liomu only tu get aroldiujt from my moth er for beiug art ay au long " Uitrott 1 reo Hngr In Wemit llitua. Ho long aa tho bouao U unoccupletl, there la no danger, but wluu uw (ciiiaiito takeiKMMeliiiof It, thuywlll do wilt W takothe prcf-autliiiitolmio It thorouklily alriil for nlnoilaja previous, bate tli til hrtKnnod, tin diiilnpltHia txaiuluttl, the IiMk-taanlattlcarUaiied uixl dUlufi-iUil, and n general overhauling tlTicU-d M iru or Ie rifnw N always lift by the Uu oc cuiumta i f a ltiUM, i.ud ua tlieao uiHleigo putrtfartlou, while the w Indowi uitd ibwra are tightly clu-wd the whole hu'iwt be cumealifM-ted 'UU izptaliuwbyfetera nnd ollur germ dim.oA uuft iiiiriftetvidi after tfwt uviuputivu uf a niw houj Uoul UfV.lli. nouieu'a Haji. Women bavo tluir own uuji of kcci luj; thtlr conarltne a clear mid tlnlr in In J freed from all micliarltaUcucas. Ono woman Uu alio tncouriUra n dlh QrjrtouUeiHraou poca off Intuition r uudcountlofT on hir finger the nrcc nUo iHKph Bhe krowa. TliU ahodoea -otlnillcct, Lut llttrullyoj iho might tell licr be ii', mul tho keep en ridn , It tmlU the Imugo uf tho iUaaricaUo oi la iffnccd. Another v.x)m;n In tl a ;ppinco of ti unuatmlly uiiiiojlng vo ulrTtMl tu tiulioolc and nhuok Ur Kuwn. Tho rcliooklng inlicArrktl ut trnl tlmre to her sunt ImpmUuu- Hli Vim iihk(HHb thin bid alio unhHikc1 it. Utrnnawtr wuj tint hLRwdi,)tr wtro tho mnatdUn(lrioaUolhliif;aewr taunted. Quo ulwjya Uiui Ut hook them in the mlUU, uud tho ihnurv, ito ten tu orw that )ou liuktd th wruu ia'.r. Cut thlj jou did not know until you wero half throivh and an alio camo out uhisil. bo ultli tint mul tho atriitn ni-m )our ilngi ra, j i it wtro imlunilly ciiwpir itl, and ns tiny u i ro ouly hooka t ye It illdn t inuJi liuttt r what ou wit 1. With tho clmnco to fn-o jour inlinl other tliwunwulo. thtiua aocuiotl nliiKwt l Uaannt It wllllxioWrTol thatlt otciirrMtu neither uf theo vvomen, who wero lolh nllgioUM, (o fall on their know mul nk In tho old fuahlonod way to bo delivered frounnger nnd ill feilliu'. T1iIhui nut becuuw) they dlitnistid tho tPh u ; of thiaim thud, but atmpl) iKtauso thoj lulu tnt tho moment, un I aldom hod, tho timoor jloic. Alao, loth iHlnjfaih cntlfla lutndutl Iho ono knew that in thought m In phnloa two U-inga ninuot occupy the eumo awico nt thu wuno tlms. nnd au iirletl out tnw thought with an othr; whllo iho other, ly altujlj Iran muting lar nnryfuKo from nu incur jxtrrul cTinso to huoa nnd lym, liil tho relief of ita expyn Uturo without Ita alu, Xumt York r.vrnlnjf Hun. nurli r.iiiaar.lte AIHilr. bhawumcomHleaciTit fnnnh(,ripl , and a alio Icanit backinthodeptluif bpr wmycli-ilr Mio jlijcd with tho roaif in lit r hip, hl(.h had Uon Lruuht her by thu 1IM ftlhr alio Imd Lmm uldo to rcc Iv p. nn I imlliil u t r amm aloriia ho wai tiHttig htruf it aiinitner nt will, wo 11 only nay ut a rrrtuln farthlonnhto watering jlaco on NarragaiiiMtt bu "Omi of tl u N auth w houi I uaod to wo at tho laaino H m I le, "wni n )ounjr innrrietl UIIo ubmit twenty thrvo oi four, I ahoull think, nn I lar huaWud wna nlamt Ixtj.nml it wn gTiiut fan watching thuu, Ihero wm ciuli u X1 atory, Hlo truth It w h, too, abut engaguutnt Ho i allot nt her homo i nu u i nlntf and ofTt reil his heart, hand und fortune lu rorruct Mylu. IV.tty .MM llnd Mil rho '1111111 n-lc mnminnntiil cojly ttippfdupitiilni to iiiAimni, who hid her tint uury (fit. did not Kct audi n ih tucu iu that, nnd uf tourho aho waa to tuti pt him. ,(l)ow 11 the u 1 nt, i lotnriiu the anient lover an iltlng hr return with mixtoui, throhbli)(r heart audfovtul tlioulduvu tlnnnti roinfortaU) ublnji lu tho big. Kvt nrmcluiir, while an ocunaluiial anord ntteeUnlto thedtptb of hU ilumlwra' 'llio-) aim dldntUAko tho our oU thing up, ' aal 1 tho lomaloacent, wheu alniKot lit r bit nth njralu after hue huglu 1 Oh, yea ahe did. Catch her lrwlng that chanul bho woko him np ana tohl him H w u nil right nnd thud luvoldux." Uohioii Uaturday Uazotte, Tlio worM will bo nearer right theiittiwm liiut lcAmcd to laugh a littlo 1 nt bU tioighbor'n troutlrt anil a littlo tnoro ut Lu own. IStailorseMls i Pollshod or Dluod. V BiTalita aoldbyZ. O. If. L far eitr i 11 Ti. Thty are tfal neat XUo tlKd, aad fsartDtctd to five u tttl rj ef aliiraction. Will Le a Skoa aa rt tBf aaa any Mhr. H " at TUB 1 ON10H HORSE HAIL CO., v Ohlonso, 111. H fSCT fO. ..LI ItL&H t Anp That w. UU ctrrr . Cofiiplet. Llm of DisBloDS1 Mratd 8avsy coxmtiaa 11 naTor luf, Drag, (inn Inei IVrlghf. J1III, Hand, Itlp, I'anel, Tiimi, 'runlng, 4 nnipm. tlulelier, K iinh, Urjlmle, etr Uo Clrcnlar.Lolii Solid 5 Chisel Point Tooth And TRIUMPH, lor Fell nx Trtia m Wt, ami are ellisa; al totrrnrntCKs nu AUo a fall block of tluir VaewneJ nASPS tnd FILE3 alvaiiM Aiit Thoniscdi & Taylor Spies Cq., Importer, . 1 MftnoUcturt r, of th. . FlNlSST SPICBS FUnVOllNC EXTRACTS KKCWN TO THC TKIDI. rrrrlclrr,or Ut. r.rnc-u, Brand of rtUI3 VQlOS3 V LYE. Mlchlpnn Avonuo, Cor. LaUo, onioA,T-o. WESTERN HLLNSmfi COMl'AiVY. (Incerporjtttl.) Tho Only Bill Pewters, Dl3tributoi-a 0 Rail road Advertising iigonta In Utah. csmi ctr.::i iur:i cjj::ji it Ulhii IblM, Cia Trcr Pirk Cilj ctu loi. cj,. j4 loajit. B. jr. AxnmtsoN, BLIMSON'S j J p; ; ' I feffitv! If i --- - wjiJWw I i V 1 & .w aS T ELIflSOfl'S AUCTION SflliEI Having decided to rollro from Iho Jewelry Business, will Class Onl my onlira Staclc ai DIAM0MD3 WATCJIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRT anil SILVERWAHK at AUCTION. Th8 Salo to tako place oa HONDAY, APHIIi 4th, 1002, at 'i and 7:30 o'clock p.m., ani continno until ontlroly Closed Ont. Ladles particularly invited to attend atloincon feales at 2 o'clock, vitk tbo assuranco that tho ntmost do coram will ho enlorcod. Quality oi ojch arllclo fluaranteed ns represented by tho auctioneer. 220 South, Main Street, - SALT LAKE CITY. H. C. O'NEAL of Ctilcooo, Conducltno tho Solo.