Newspaper Page Text
DESEttET EVENING NEWSi "WEDVrSPAY, APIUL (!. 1G02. 3 M ' ANOTHER LATEMEETItlG. I Appointment of Officers by the City Council Last NUM. rixii KiMru is i.oi hi1 jisthu T Ailurll.. for llltl In 'i't r llarliag IreiMlnrf. - Jlnllniw, Jtcwltitlon an! llhr IUikihm linl nei. Tin City Couucll met In rc'gulu ifhIou liut nUlit, Mayor llaaklu I re MlnR. Tli" following immbtia re ipcnJfJ to roll call: lllcli, Kollanil, liar Jr. Kurrlck, Horn, Ltmftioufew, Lawioii, IIwIdk, llti, IttlM, Him cnJI, Wmntlaiul, Beartlalejr, 1111 autl Morau. Alaient None. 1 1 1 ITI0N3 ,,! real and referred a follows , Uecrfro Btrlngfellow autlo'liera aaVe-l thai Daniel Dunn I rilalimlaeclljr leiton. Committee on cemetery. J oli" T. Lynch anJ otlur rtuuralial that Gnon atiecl lw oinetl lo lull Utli. CommlUio on itroeta. J. H. Uniw and oilier uli J. that the Ureal r!lt Lake and Hot Hr ring UU- it company bo exm llcl to coni,y villi (bo ruiulllloti of Ita frauclilc, I Coiuinlttio on tlreil.. Trior. Ii. Jeremy al.ej lo lurcliaw en hall of lot 6 In lilock no, .lt V. Committee on nubllu umuuda. Tlio aiuio netltloiitr aaki-d for an iteiialou ol walrrmalui on Hlxtli WcBtBlreelUtniinNoitli utlSuulli Tmile atritla autl llnnm tl to IWh Timil Htreit. L'onimilua on Tbn llrlRliton and North lMnl Irri gation l'om any aakul for cirtalu nu , rnrelueula on IteilwooJ roJ. Com mittee uuetreut. lyinaiiHarrlMkvlthclty to re fjud tV'.i) on account of liatllnt laid it'lrlal!o elilewalka III Iroot of Ilia trutrt). lUcelvcil and Fled. Joeli Mulr, auiwrvtor of road Dlaltlu No. Hi aeketl nulwlon to lay a two-luili h t lu Iho Juninu and l.aku uiiml for iliv iuroo of nrliiklintTmh ri Mill huwi. ll- feirtil. William llldd ami other aaltcd that an elutrlollnlil iMtrvilnl attliecoruir of Fourth North and Third Wen alreita. I'niniullttu on Irniirimuu-iit. Jelleraon flails akid tor a mule on itdooii llcen.c Oonimllleti uri II cemi. , . Il.nry llarrlaon and other akil that tliey ha allotted lo uk terlalu liug rivr.ici on (;iltol bill. Com lulltea on I ubllagrotllid. J. H. Hill" a.lcd that ho 1 not com jelled lo ilialuo the loiatlou of lilt linker' van, iimr at 0J boulll it Teiuile afreet, llierred, Daniel 1'. I'orler aaked tlio city to rdeavu certain rtijrty sold for un aid uxm. llrtt-rrcd. Annlo 11. l'armer anil otbera aakid for an tutmalou of watirniaiua on Wlndaor avt oiif. Conimlttcuon water, work. lirAW mMur. lcDLthy communication from Jo.rrllll.r)uillh,(l.(I.Hyimf, II. A. W labor and J. W. (Irihamwaa re. lerri'd to lliu coininlitui on clutnii, w-ltli lh Mayor aHoclatrl. It mla forth tho foilowlDKi rhJt lu 1 idruary, IbUl, In acccrdauco with adnrtlKintnta In wrtfcd lutho dnlly nuwttiptraof tho city, for aoalrd kldi for tho ion. true tlon of tho rarlc)'a cauou conduit, Dukola and Wll'Unn, of Ih-nTur, Colorado, camu to thla city and rx amluiil tho lain nud r-cclriratloCF; that Mr. l)uliol, lorlilnmlf and ar. ncr, txamlncd tlio lan; that Iho city tnsliiier riprtntMl to Duliola and other 1 Iddrra thatthoiomlult would ba lulltovcr thallno and uay aithown ly atakia marklntt tho court of tho iinduit, and that It wai alioahown ana ar fraud that It would require but llttloor no elonu maaoury ornuyclaaa or kind, aiid that notuniioh uouitlle rKjUlrtd; but that tho conduit wculd l-o louatrutiid tluouishout Ita wholo lenBlh by tho txiaeatlou of nu opt n trench not ixctedlntr froai elx totlnht fietln derth and oir conijaratleely level itround of ay and liitxnilo ucieMi for both toola.Matulal and work; tint Iho prof oacd conduit woaao located with reftrouio to tilllo and othtr roada and brldRea that all thu material could behaululon thOKround without the ueuaelty of tho lontractora con trurtlnit or lulUIIng any uddltlonnl rt&la. Minr. Wllllmni i. Ilubola rut In a bid for tho work and rlxid the. irltoof tho ronoacd work with dlrict refer nte to ciinatructlus Ihu tamo over tho erounl and tho llnoat that lliuetitakt-d tut. iurtyed and examined aa afore- inlJ. After drscilbtnx arlou4 chansei Iluada In tho orUlnal tlana oil I pio Kiamnie, tho pitlilonera further ahow that tlio (outract furthor provl lol Hint tho lontractora ahoull ilo eiuh extra workuthoilly eiiKlnetrandlioard of Jiibllo works mleht dim I, an I If It a thould l of ii ualuro for which no irhe wuaatalid III Urn contrail, then iliecttyiuirluierwaato llx tlio rtc t furaaldwoik. After tho couoult had . lawn conalructed nod built til tho oioll 1 lor over fuur nilba, tho routo i waa materlilly Lhaued from iommrx. . IWtly level ground, orn water i:rile, I loruoha way aa to requlro lla con- v atrualou through deep ravluia and n lillla, wblch rciulrid oileiialvu tun. iiollnsaud tho liulos of inch tuuuela vltti inncreto manonry, and Ibo ion nrurtlou of lari,u nnd ixpenalvo out IMug culttrta, all of whhli la of a liaturofor whklino l rim la allied In Ilia contract aul wlilin mini I e tail fur at Ita leaaonablo olui. Other ixtra work la ill tailed at leuitih, and tho tlltliii then aveM liikithoilty tni;lueir, ularicardliig hit Uuti under tho inutrml, baa refuil kiidatlllrefuiialorlx any roaenuahle I rlco for audi extra work dmn luion imilioii wllh tho i-outrait under thu I inilallun detailed, aud ileclana that tuili ork ! rcironably mth iu foUomt rilnwal atooaraaa nri I.IJU I'lrJ.uni "S3r iV'a "' , " f rhoietltloufurlhiruvera that they ntro toniHIed to uihamu a larte innouutofraouey uverand aliovo tho i-inouut Ihiy r.ctlvnl from mouth to month ou tno nrtlul oatlmatea made I y the city mjlueer, unl the city la till) Imlrl ted to thim lu tho itiiu of IIII0B57 ll.llnit luero haa Uiu liall l una. Hi J fiunl ratimit. of tho city tujlmer tho turn of jlld,4VJJ'J, Itav ln dueand uniialdlbiKOm of tlfl,- M7.ll leiej t.12 so, cement told to oil (,'liy Council. lnvlivr ol tho fact! I renenlod the petllloucra I ray the ealil cltv lo iy them that amount. Heftrrexi lo the board of tubllc: worki BTBKrr HATTUta 'Ibo cotntiiHUi on Mtrcele recoui mendid Ibaithoklllof Mutton, (lard. ner A f mjiauy fur 77 loada of roik aplnwla be paKI, that the city attorney lieriiieeiedtn furnlali au opinion eii to the power of the (louurll t j rniorcei lhoalin of rlalo nl!ryv.ay;tbat the iitlltlon of lvo l-L'ohb an I olhera oimiitnlnit coal of cout'rucllmr a to lalnlmr wall onriudeBtriet lo reftrroJ to tho board of fibllc wotka, Willi the city engineer anl tho city attorney aaaoilitoi; that reirardloif tho matter ur tavlny, curldriK and uutterlua: on Itkhar In arrtet It ba doll n aecorit ttneo with the ri tommemlali ilia of tho cllyencluiir lltnlvednnd tiled. IT HAS Ml llllllir The city allot my Milnulttu! an uilnion luih muter of tlior.Mihilion rilatltnf lo the ocni)aniy nfivrialu lortliina of Houth rcniil rlint by the railway trarlia of the UiiIjii I'acl ftp and IheH'tltrtlr Compi.iilea.lfor-priiienle-t that he had tioen ulmiijeto llndai jlhlmt tn tho city recnM that the city nt any HmeKraulol the L'tiloli I'aclllca fratithtaeMbereb II waanlv eu any rUht L nm or occupy any portion of the atrett, and tloil iiiiiry he hat lieu i mlltaMy In lotmthl that the only tlirbt that the coni an haa to the aire t la iho claim of nlviraolioaatail in. fh' H.l4htaiil tell lei ly, lie aald, ill aillllollllra urn that the w.iunu) coull acqulm uo Hiibtortltletollio aireil by auibad. Vera faaeaali It, therelnl hi. If he vtiiaoorreit, wae of tho ijlnlon Ihel Iho Union l'i JtloCamriaiiy alDuldiw oomillei 1 1 ebllt lie. tri k au.l in i upy only auci airllonatlleieoraatbeCoun. ell inljtbt rrant. ItecelveU au I llleil. iaiiu" mm ami l. The mail nllli ml reported that In III ruatur of tho txibatiKo of landaaltu alad on Capitol Hill, let cell the illy aud Ii. C. Trent, that the iitcviear) Ikijoin bad Uell t-rejiareU. m'Oi Tut BTKtirr hh'Ihvix.k. Ibonrorl of Iho atrett en Muz March SI, 1SH.', .bowed tha'. i tlio llel tXliuaeutuouilteiltoll lell. I Ilicilved an tiled. WAlRllUUIllta. I The euptrlnttmdent ot wateraorka aut milled n rewtl for tlio aoltie ) crlod. I ltauone.1 that Ibo tXKii-e. ol u.alif lalullllf that diltirluient a $IU IWH till. Heitlvul and Iliad Tllh uitVii aici. The city auditor iiibmltte I a report labowtnc IheamoiinU paid tollieaev I t ral b(e Itala for lit latlentt for Ibo JeirlHII. It allowed. Ilvlrl'io.. Ilo.rilal 11.5131 m l.i. llo.olial .... l..i.l 11...1..1.1 ; a J a llall.ell,M Ii . - ' T-.UI ... .1 ,IU H UndtfUlara lillla M .... l.ii 00 l.taail lalal. . ' ltacilvedaul filed. lllf MUSRII'AI. M. n. TbocllyiliyalcUu reported thai bo had n'leod.-.! to l.'l city patlente, In- iludlitc i.i Uinerridurlnic tho at tune montla. II nlved and fill J. 11)1,101. lulliT. The police Juatlce leporlcd that 1W raaeebod lcen dlar-oaiHl of lubladi pattmoutdiirloK the laatnuarler, and tlialJIJUol In llnee had boiu lol leilld. A VIIILAllII OlItllSANCI. MiralialJinuey reported that onl) nnollmilu the city waa cooipljliii; with the amokn conaunnnt; ordluauic. C'omuilttee on lnunlclpjl Uw. TUT. CIT'j( I1.K1B. The do lax colli ctor ri po ttod thai ho had collected II Ilea for llfly-ull.o dofa $177. Half Iho amount haaap pro) tlalid to Mr. Ualleaul Tin: uas f.Aiir iiisih. Thottrt-it aut-ervlaor waa nqur-aled lo withhold Ibe removal of tho old iraa lamp ioitt for the prinnt, naltwui thought they could lw ured oaatuet llltli (ota aud Ii Iter box atl. THAT H1.I1L. The reiart of the illy engineer on tholluiueouNotlh lempletlroet from the i ave aqueduct toHlxlh Weal wuf referred to tho board of ubllo worka. 1IIIK I)kl'AIITll M. r'lreC'hkf rilanton'MiHiintuuiiliatlon 111 n'ervlico to the extenalon of the fire llmltawaa riferred to the committee on Utetrtjiariinont. I'AUIht's OANUV LAMl'l 1IJI.. Tbecllytulneiraubuutli.1 u com munication lu refirence tu the lanu alldulu I'urkj'a runjoii, which waa riftrrid to tho clt) eugmetr and watirniaiter. will, caih tO,OiW. ThoiUKiueerreported that tho coat oftrluitliiKl'aatOupltolavoauo lo u reimineiii ttrude woult coat not kaa than liu.oon, Ikloried to the com mittee oualreeti. TU HAUL llAlllltlll, Tlio Itlo (Irautle Weal trn aul mlttid a rooaltlon tubaul tl i citj garbae to the dumping Kfounda at tin nitc of ItOiMir cxr, irovldliiit tbtro la not inilo than one car, for eat h additional carSJO. Ilelt rnd. luiMiimvuiii, The bull Hug InaiActorrei-orlidalxty-nlno latimlta bavlug Uon l.aued dur lugMiirih. Ho alao atke.1 for elation. ery for Ida ofllce, aud that tho bullulug lauatHiuiueuUd File I. 1111.1ft IKAVIII (IIII.NTIII. The committee on publlo worka re imrbtl favorai ly upon thortqueatof J, II, lutiy Hiidoihira, aaklng thatturb lug be umlttol from enlraniea to tho hiihtl Hall allyanJ other atrnta on Htutottleel. imm itMi bust Tnniavliigil Illcliirda elrtit waa rdcreil under the until reaolutlona. 1MI ICr" AI'lolNlMI NIK. Alfred 1. l.nkluuit waa made a lolheiuan, Juhu tJonovau wai ei jailnted ia Ulu uf the pjllce forci, nnd (liorge A. Hlieela waa inndo ll air gvttllt I KIN ATI All Ml. The city attorney waa retpiaalcAl to Hlvo the i'ouuull hi. opinion n Ii the, lower of Iho City Couucll tu louipel Iho paving of pilvato alleja. rill Till 1TI UI1A1NIMI WAI IK. Ibo iclilluu of Ivea I), (,'obb and othtra, osklug III Council lo nfund them lh llmlead of biilMIl g them a retaining wall ouKtato alroei, waa ri feried to Iho board of pul Ho worka for Inviatlgatloii. i ASliril. LIIUlllMU' MVITCII, The louimlltt on alrtala recoui. men ted tlmt Augell llrothire Ictllion foraaido track on Third Wi.t atrtet Le adoltd. THf liutireji'a nuife'. I The city engliuei ' rti -e wa ordered loialed lu the large west rouul of the lity Hall Ul 111 II' 1 1 l AM a. The reoordtr waatnatiucled to have all Uwa relating to the city codlllcd and collatctl. Off OlAlllb. Tin claim uf tleont I. Woolley.fir tlaungeaaiiatalnod b fulling down an uupioteited atalrwny waa difTllowel Mretl. W Hn. Il'a claim aliaietl n aim liar fate, aa did aleu the claim ol 11 ward 1. hcuvlllc AM Kit H 1Kll AS1I lit. Tho city attorney ra Inatructed lo lnveallt;atilhenlln;el unlawful tacu iauryof city tttouudi In l.mlgratlon taurnn It Tilt liiniir.-n iitiii'Iii. riie city matabal waa luitiuittd lo ordirtiioi rntTrtv ow nera In Hie dual. lieaatlltiatallflll the hi Ita lu front ntlhtirroi-oitj. UlTlltlPr I HX.UMItMIATlllV, riie comtnltlW on (titnetery niiotteil Uil. Iho letlllm aeXlug tint iMnlel Ililiiui be rtlulned iu clt) aexlou, I wllhoiit recomuielldatlofi." Itecetved an I llleil. a limn. rhftctly ntiotney waa liutrurtiil to liitcftlxnli. thu requcat of I uglneer liireuiua foredi-ati to iiroj-eriy of the lalaloU Mm lotigtroiri .Til KMIIeK TIIK IIHAVtl. Illlia. I he illy iwrahal wa orjuoj lo build a ettltplili, fanct aim lei the lit) gravel leile, tii 1 1 ana r IIIK TITII Tin illy nltorne) waa inaltuited tt I I rfect the lllloa to all plena of rial i-lalu lliat ha I Ineli told lo the oil) for taxea. Ttl UK vit I in 1 1. riie Seventh Wiat Hlrtel cjnai waa orditetl HIM up. I.I l.UI'KIO t Kin r. An i Ittllr light at t rdered lit ml on Mitlket Mireet midway lielwuu l.o.t leiuplaalil W'.a' Itniplc. A l (JTII 1'KHTIOTr. rweUuhiludleil clllxeua rolia'ed agaluat the lllllng up of the Jordan aud Hilt lake 'liy caiial, or au jor tlou uf It. lUferred UIIL Mrt UJilHII ir. Ihe aia-clil cuuitmttee a ainte.l lo examine Into Ibe ndvleabnllyol tilling up a lellaln (.rilouol Ibe ball Lake and Jordan Cetml leliollid adversely on ino eame, ituanllng tlio hettiith Witt alrt tho qutitloii Involved aiiiuel to lo out! or gtadlligaud Hit of dralnaei. Alontet. 1'AMMI AMU lllll-IKIII.NU. Wantluul in iv. I that Ihe ell) at. torne) he rMtitd to preiairo notltta of lutentlon tu cover the work if taxing wllh Itouti block nud . lll-i turn; alio eulblug and guttering In I avlug ulatilcta already etublhhed. Ado) led. 11) OIIAIir BliWMI MT. I.auiou iillind a rtaoiulion (livid. Ing for gradlnu and ltu rclngrkcoml 1 .aat itteel. Itefemd to the lommltlio on atreela. A ojmi iihi lu I r mt UJlFli. I.oolbouti w olTereil a le-mlutloli au I thorlxiiig the tmploymrnl of a compe. lent ta r.on to 1 1 mplln tlio llatl.lli-a if the Territory anoctlng the muulclial govemmtiit, nt a coat not to exited 7 perdfl), Adoted. IIHIATtll WUM.ANCl. lllijfini D. l.awaouoirared a reeolution luatimt Ing Ihu illy marshal to ttqulreiuch loillt eman to 1 e lu oonttant mirrh over Ida Uat, ixiet at auih lllutaoathe latia of ilia olllte rnulre Ida olllce lu other wu) a. (ommlllt o on I'OlUe. iiaiiiiaui: cm jiAiimv. Ill compllautn wllh a riaoliillon of firetl b) lliarilaley, the hoard of health waa authorized to udvrrtlae for blda for the building of n illy garbage creinil lor). IIOSI 1TAL CAM3. nlli nil u reeolution Imlruct. Ingallcll) olllcerahavlnitJuiUdlctliu loniid all illy allriile ti Iho Holy (rta lloapltal, aa tho coat of caring forllu-ui nt that Imlltutlou waa lui than at any other. Till. PL IT 1 milltitl! A long and ledloua dlaiuion no lurredontbo flat I. muddle, whit Ii reaulled 111 thettlf ollituientot theilty emtluier toact In conjunction wllh u cilliiueomimlltie lilt.' II All. HA I AM .MAlllll. I.oiifliourow mova 1 lint the mxtlir of thtttltloutothelty ct the 1'eo. llo'a riuuclhuiii for i-alerhe during tin lime they were unlawfully de. irlielof llulraean by tbe"I.IUral" touiicllnieii be referred to the ell) at torne). Curtlel. At IIII.NTMI TS III' llVtlCriUi. 1 nwaoti uoiuluall I C. V.. OUelibai. Ii aat It) lexloll. Karmk uoiulnattd J. W, Col IN. Itkhaall there mine I lubeu 1 10. lared liatof lumlnaitout. He hud nut t veil olio of thoeo who had lieu favortd tj nt- It. M ran luoxeJ that the nomlLatlooa lotltud nolllltiatoJ the preaeut III lunilwlll lo ailecetd lllmielf. Hole- ftrred to Ibo work iierfoinud b) lilm oa being the vtry bitl. Tho xoto reau.ted uafollowa. Djiilie n, Cutllo T, Oirenbut h U. HMLI II UK WMMHia ANtl MIA9LIU1. Htlamannd II. ri. Ihouuaou 1 olutid iioniliinteil H. H. (onuell), llelluamidJ It. Montgomery. 1 lie vulo waa. lhomaioii 11, C'ouuel. I) .1, Monlgoiuer) 1, Ihuniou waa Ut t Urn) ttt-ited. liLiLuiriti ir-i iCTun. Atbtltlirro) Haiullton waa e ecteil building luaMCtor uudlf a auaiioalau iftbellliee. 101 KK Jlelli'K Hell nominate.! Tred Keeakr aa luailt'ecltheptiie fir tho lllth tn t In. t. llearjaley moved thjit Juatlcu Cleolie continued In olllce. tlna vololwlng taken UvertieiMd lx bullota nu I l'rtd Kcatler nine. 111 3lIISIIAl 1. M Jauney was eleoted illy mar ahil b) uoJiumtlon. mil. uili 1. Major KUutou wua oleited llreiblef tlnllUll). II.IIU. COSHIlllCtlOS, A.M HbtUoli licollid evMDoll uaatlperlbttiidtlit of rewer cuuatiuo. tlon. rt. I', riguinn re tlvid eight votialorlhoaamerlllio. UAlblDIAHlllt. For wateriuaaier 01 Ci uucilmaii I'liidltbiu recilved three votta uud J, M. Harvey twehe. ClllllaltUlllll lilt III. waa tinnnlmotialy t-liilctl bi tuccvid hlniaelfaai-olliciornl i Her lain. II AUl AUATll t. W H. llyau w a (tuilbuly tkcltd uptrlnteudcul of w.tww ork.. I iny ATlohrici. l'ir city attorney Morau nominated 'ltli'h nouilmle.1 W. 0 Van Home for Ihe aanie Glllce. Van Home ruelved volea and 1.. Ii. llogel'J AtiimiUL llert llajlould waa ilimnlmoualy elected ilty audlior. I'M'MniMi l.iaitiniK. J M Hapilty -a delicti lulnblng lnnur. Till aAl.lAlK ItAILWAY flUM II11C agulu came up and waa dlcuaatdat length ard Dually dlaaeil of on a nu Hon by lioofbourow lu Imtiut I tho clt) mthnl 10 notify Ibo Union IVcino Hallway (iinny lo rimove Ita track on Mouth lemple utrtetfer tnough lotine aide to allow tbeKiltalr Cotupiny lo construct lie track over the aaru llioriiugbfart, and In Iho event if II ref Jaal that ll r ad I e lorn up by the city marahal and hlaalda. TIIH UAItllAUK OUIWTII 1. Ilearibby KtibiMtteii n conimtiiilca Ihll from the Itlo Cfraudo Weelerti ltallwnyioniny, In which It 1 Hera 11 uuderlak In lrouairl garl gi IMin tbl t-lly lo lllogham can)onforJl luroar firraHli trl,nnd If more than iilieiarlB'Inipedat Ihe aanio lime, tiioh eildltlonil lar will tetakellat J.M, 1 nivldeal 1 nI r n t ei tacloa lor Ihe irart-aie, etc., nreaupi lied I y the clu. I bet I) lolMltiig!vbuoil,eecurl!K tin i'uiuauy from any harm from in dlitmtiila or proaawiilbitiB that may arlar from Ita undertaking bi llorm tile eel vice. Ilefeirrd to thoaanllar) mn.inlltet, with the nia)ornotlaied, wlih wer 10 ait. a( 1 Mil iiiATiiina. The MIoA-lug appropriation, were nrdenall J c Mteaae.. J lie 1 (irtMn aeeeoet) w .. na 1. ii'tr'MoMrr.T.TZ.'.'.'.'". J in II II ll-keeaar ...- .. I i Ml 1 1111m. l.atd ii (Maiiar.. la 11 liiinna .. . .w Ti ue TuUl If-tlii. AdJ turned- ferote wiek. I 11I011 I'tellle lemaliiH Nittea nil Aipiiiinl Inulrrrnre The Union I'uclllo ral.wa) will Mil eicu'alon llcktlalobtll LtkeClly and telurii from nil elallati aa lar eaat aa Itawllna, tiurlh aalar 11a llutvi I Chii ) on, from alatlona 011 Hi Urt gon Hhort Line aiid from allalalloualn Ulah at exteetllliKly low tatea, on ainmut of the Hilly etoend Aunilal C'olifereuce. From nil polala aouth l t'rovo llcktU will loi roll from Maith ilatti Arill l'i from all rtationa norili u' Ogdeu from April lloArllu, aul from all other atalloua roiu pril - ti April Bluclual.r. A 1 tlrkeU will be good for rilurn till Afil 1 ite Try Till.. II will coit you nothing and will aurely do you good. If )ou have n ' Cough, Coll, or any trouble wllh rnroat, ( beat or l.ungt. Dr. Klng'a New Dlacovery for Conautnftlon, 1 ougha nnd Cold la guauntecd to give relit r. or money will to abl back. Huirtnrsfrom Iii-UripefuuuJ Itjuat Iho thing and undtr lt.iu.elnd aefcdyaud terfect ncover). Try a rami le bottle at our cxeme aud leiru for )outaelf tuat how go da thing It la. Trial bottle free at A. C. Hmlth &. Co' Drug Htore. Large alia Soo. and JI.OI) , 8 Unit 111 tin in mini , l'roi 1 A III .trd to tllh, luc'ualve, Iho Itlo llranlo Wifttru will have it Hpeclal Iraln leaving Hilt Lake City for Ogdt ti at o M ji. in , In addition tu rtgular train at a. in , I! IS p. m. aud Alwaya fitalt I'uklia from H. I.. l'kkloCo. l eellnen t.araw H. II. CllUbrd, Now Caaael, Wl.., waa troubled with Nttiralglu and Ubiumatlatn. hi Stomach waa die. ordered, hi l.lver waa atTecU-d to an alarming degree, niitlle fell away, and bu waa terribly loduicl In llreh and btrength. Thrto bottle of l.leo trlu Hitter cured him. i; Ward iV hud, Harrlalurg, III, had a running aore on hla leg of eight ' )tara'itandlng. Uied threa bottle of Klectrio Hitter and aeven boxt of lluckbn'a Arnka."li-,aul bli Itgle Bound l.nd will. John, Cat. awba.l)., had five la-ge 1-ever ore ou hla leg. doctor aald ho waa In i lurable. Olio boltlo l.lettllo lllttera andouebox Uucklea'a Arnica Halve lured him entirely. Hold by A. C. Hmlth A Co'a IJtug Htore. nitll I neeil In IT Ml Mill... Mr. J. H. Hliimvaui, tdlur uf tho lluujrCit IWlr.J foaf, ayf "Iiatl night hamterlalii' 1'oln llalui cuiet my wife if ntiirnlffia of tho rnt-o and louth lu f.llt I II uii'illler. We w lilt lint lwlltultll,Jj tint lailllea for eale I ) V., t . V. I llnm Ik it. d Webati on ban I a complete line or thu II ihu in tho ill) lor nnr I oufelelite trade, Vlallot will ilo will tu call on ll Itfolo going tlae when. JAMIJI (1 MOlklVAJIlCANnv Co., lletwttli Wtlker aud ('Ilk II uie, Main Hlrttl, Hill Lake I'll). Spoolnl Btmalns In Mllllnory nt Mrs. B.F. Doal'B during Con foronoo, 43 hoiiiI) Mnln Strout, nuar Z. C, M t e -ir 1 Thirty Ihouainl choUu fruit, orna mentkl and ahale tree, ivergreeua and rnata, ihtap, at 1. liAMItM, 81.' llaat IhlrdHiiiithHuetl. r Hh.IiIiibIi" 1'rliit, I'enple Am pot ilow aboul taking bold of a lew thing, If tie unit le baa merit. A ftw month o IJald Ifyite, of 11.11 1 late, bought Ida llr.t .link of Cbaiulirlaln'rt l ouxtl Iteinedy, Ho haa aold It all and 1 ideretl more. Hn bbjh "llliaaglentlu hi bt of Bailable (loii. I bae warraniiil ivery liotll. nnd liuvc nit ha I one t-omo back." M cent uud il.llu Udllta fur Bale by Z.C. M. I. Drug Dei I da I Mll I'tllllt SISTI.II Nixelnl fraln nervier llelweeu llmleit auUBiNll InUe lliiffluglourvetiiie. From Airlift lu 0 Inclualv train UlwieuOgJcuaiidriill Lake via the Union I'atiflt' will rim a follow: IIOIMI I BB11UM1 LfnOgJtn AwlllaU S4tllt IrWeafJeea B ni Jl a. 1. T a. lit la. la. B.lia'in lot) u'lltop 111 IMin 1) M' i" I1U1 111 "I'm. l,.ni lOlim 1 N p. in a 1. . IIiiIiiii tut a 111 m m' low haa 11 llnm Faio for round trip, unl) 11. Oil. I), 1'.. 11UIILI.V, Uon. Agent 1'aigr. Dopt. Halt Lake, CONFCHLNCE VISITORS, j j i titek ftjalriil nr aeeennl j It In actual uae In uvel -1 of the larg 1st buBlnea of "all Lake ( It) It la the moat conn rebenalvi Ulior MVlng and lln le method of double el.tri laiok ke-pgeer inlrotluceit llAlllt It IliiowM Arcniinlaiiti to mid mi Ccmtntrilil lllock. MrleeenefB- ll.el.iler Haul. ait I ! II ii.IUii.m alkali I eh) till Iry ourTlorie itaJbti. H. U I'ltkle I Ovor 100 HntB, from $3.00 lo S5.00, Uurlnif Conforonco, nt Mrs 13 r. Denl'a 43aoutli. Main Street, nsarZ. C. M.I, M..1111I A tlilHIu Have removeil lllelr Cral O lice In 1M H. Main Hlreel. lelnh nt IOT Dr. Iliirrotr,ilcullt, Aurlit and Op- tldau. HMitacloa fitted. Commenlal , Jllirt. AJI1 "lltll.MS, SALT LAKK THEATRE. cm, f lit mot. Max it. ml COhFEREICb SbTSON SPECUL! THE M dill Uttc ur lb Mwlitoi "tuii Thktr S , tiraii lal Am rifBti pu of ESMERALDA! liooi'iy, Tuesday S. Wcdotsday Ev'djs, nell III.. Aili A tllh. HELD 3Y THE ENEMY! THURSDAY APRIL 7lh. iinTirrihi u oi iui(ui4if h.hii ttit iivitrin iriirliim Oity Tii Mil. 'lIMU'tlli pnllMt, IUII u td" Knxmr Jnl I 'th, hmrf4!q 'tir lrir Ir ibfikitcmj" II (i. UllirNKl MAAMrr IIATiliAN NI IIAHT, lntliM" I TlltUN 'Ii4y pnrlMaiur il.T. tprll ll. Qimh -4mr,lr Htinr Itvantlar ru r -! ol ! I., k t TliUrf . day, Apjjl Ih SALT IjAKB'tTiEATKeT hub a. Iiiatoa tliaxita. wroru . Ninirrs-wa MONDAY, APIIIL 11th. ft nif f mini of hi I i-ima Urnitft Louirtll , MIBH AGHESMHTfflGTON i it ru I v tirr nw it i ii 4 1 a ( t, Marcus R. Mayer anil Bsu Stern, i t I J, lllfalll) fatlt llf.lMM.UT iriij.l1iiiiUotia's of "Lhltmi , tt Ntriraoil laletOncia ' "PAUL JONES!" Aierlilnllr irracnicll) m llitatltif ton 314 1 ntM Iim I'niM-a ul UkIm Ihcatr. l-oa nn k t V mtbu illbej llrukdwaj Ibrktr. Xtw .wk nu iikiiw Miuiir, "CAPTAIN TIIKKKSAP Mlcdf mttl rfirt HaiurJar tnu WOXDBULANJ) 1 1 Week of March 3lll. SJ Iballaaaer rnrairiaenl MILLIE PPICE-DOW. Ill llrl.litr.t aiar if nl lOo, ADMISSION. lOo. - No Iliac i.IVk. Ketimls AMfefvllLY A UUNDRr SOAP, PURE AKD SAMTAHY ' DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. ! IIEALTIirbl, ACRCEABIE, CLCASIG. j Cur. Chanced llai da. iCanmla, lluru, 1A4. II. n a... aai 1 ravtaU Paajraff. Southorn Whito Load Works tJT. IiOUIrJ, WWIIITELEAD finu: hoUTin un wiiiti: 1.1 vi l mimifrtciurfrl ntlroly from tho trnt rtliil l'U lt"l mil I k round lu Tare Ui.mimI Oil, mitl m iho company utuiiu fatit rti only hrnicnv Punt, imr IIvh buylntr Wl.lto Uail trxntlo.1 Soiitlt rn Oomjuny" nr ftlj(.lutly mir of (LulnliiffR l'mrim-. I'uik AiiTHtt For Sale by AU Dealers fa W<e Lead. ' ''"an" i UailJ RK.TH0MR8 1 an, v.v, .10 .i .r: ;. viitsv south yr. iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinjiiiiiini!riiiiiiih' U OUR GREAT SFM I -ANNUAL fl iH WlSAIBrre I ! Ill COMMENCES V TODAY 1 1 1 ' ''la And Con 1 1 mi ci Until April 10th. i ImJ rilillllllTllillilllilJIIIIlllJHilJIIllJJIlIlflM M Wo miiko this nnnouncomont aarly that It may roach !m to tho anil of tho Territory, for wo iloslro that ovory al liuyor In fair Utah should know thu propor ptacu to buy i j! tholr BoaBon'n supply of "' ltt DIY.-. GOODS I Wo qIvo bolow a row prlcosasaoamplo of what wo nro ' IjfU tiolng. It only hlntn nt thu groat aurprlrioi you will moot I' fit with at our sloro during thu comlnu fortiilelit. ' iAjM '' SI I . wrll Ladies' Plush Garments. Silks. m1 Tor thin txonslon we tiller lln- luix .vanlt printetl Clilin Silks Ml I'rfliiicii if tiiirfctnclc ol I'ltmli in nil tin- ninv coloringi "ml iHIl WrajH iihil .luoki-K Your litwt ilenlmift, (JOo goijdt fur IB iliolcofur ST.ft). Kotniitirti- tlilmionimloit 3fio. g'V du jiniiiiK llu in tMirlli Kmi Another llnu UOo goudj, tho li'31 limit IC IW, mill from tint tu B.1I0 ftflc. MB S'JI.OO. 11 oiirnotifiunli Silks fjoat jjM irmdurtiiK tlilswlu. m (Ladies Newmarkets. . 3. mi Our mllrti lino nt nctiinl cost t,1,r53, US. . AM lliiv mir rhlMriri'i mxt Win- J-"Kl'S" I'1"-" Mohtlr worth El l.r(Vit iioa. You nun trot1 r'"i I0'-'"- , , , W& Ino iiuilM fur the price or 0110. 1 f-lrll' Wool Holiru worth SIM, Will 1 I llrc. l' Spring Jackets. Ai'ontfiotiipccanssoitfiiwooi ' W'oiiNu Iiitludu In this mki, "? ?l,0,!j ! 1'1'U m.l tl ffrthtilifiu'litorimr I'otmln 'I'w orlU 7Bo, thin ucca. m IMlrtma. mtr full lock or B10" "i0, M -prun .fur kutx ut a trillu uboi a Pjjujjlg jER I Kor 1000 rtntlltit. Wo bought fl 'Ladies' and Hisses' Waists, w'iiy t ""losins out tuiu 1 -e.. iii.. .. w, 1 ij r. iej, '" """ lork unu tltoiia.ititl f Mi ..11. lllo.i .ilota fur Aa. .lr0H,,,,ri.h ,N0 wlu olk.r ll ai e 1. u i',Z' ""rl'iK this guIu ut lesd thju I Wl Jet Capes. Mbbans. . I Ii Ritit ItMtUHlHtpo rorajl.lfi, i. 10 j(oIr0i nl) coIors , 3 oilh K'.3.1: a.l IIkiii.4 I8J0. No. iujlolro,iill colon, Ti (itiufoi J.l()j .J.reU lletiliil only Ifijc No. l 1 .tnoy, only i Vw tor?!. IK), rj (.nu llontu-a yjc. 0,r, l'icot rjrru.onlyraj, Ciiit. lor xj.Sfl, mitl ho on WMo tiuli Klbbon, only 3oo. fl lliiniiglmul IIih rnllm rttnok. , M IIiiiiiUoiiiii Silk Cupt'rf, .1 7fi, f77'flr;ri Piliriri; 1 4 HI worth f. LW; lluml-omt. Silk ?a, ,,,.. Mi C ni., ein.iKI, worth '.'(. UO; Jtnial (ilnKlnmsforPo. iWi II iiitloouiM Silk anitH, 17.00,i I ln ewijr UIuru.iiim In li!5J worth 11.110. I l'liUHf chivls ttntl strlpej, Vj. ihwip tit lto, thla occasion $w Buttons. Trimmings, etc 8l; , f- J .l....1.aW..ii..ntfrHi.tto.,(..l nXlul' "' ' '""' '1 hiu I..111 hi.1,1 for . mitl, Dott'tltl'llo eco pur lino or ) ' .r... p..rilnr...i, now 25c. lorn K ,.irta fl)r jj.oo'ciullles 1 cnrtl of t(i ilutn Kulliei' .It'rsiii lllliliwl V.t4 1 V (lolil mill Silt.' 1 'liiifil Tilin. ijerh ' I uilnH, wt.rth fjir lo 7fe. vor liort'. Knco Sults $,i2S H .Wit, RoliiR nt 1Jc. o arj. )0, ,, suns, aBtH 4 to 'i thiItlr,...'Hj.ic niitl hmhrol.' )(, f,,,llU ,,? 4.00, II , tlnr) Ilul-j mill f.i nt SPc-.uml $7.M) suit tor Sfl.dO. ' i ,i ;,ik'., worth twice its lunch. i,,j.NBh jJAnoAivs In our C Ladies' Belts. o.u-i'miiw,it,Da1M,imciit We Ii no Iho 1 irgesl linu or ShCBS. ' PMl Li'itthi-r, Uiniita iiml Mutnl Uur Shou Dopirtiucnt will 5 l Hi-lta uur liouijht, Koliig nt rumbli Kiout Uirrplnit ror Uili B fll oiiothlnl iulit piicu orciiiioti, L 111 S HE W II AT W B ILmrFoiV 0 CENTS" ' J j hiuW I'lt't Illjck IInu fio. (iood t-lsoTt tlnlthtil bliMcli- I Jl latttili ' Duuhlu I'liiiusfio. ul Muslin fc, fl U I.hIIi ' liliifii (.'nlliirt .V. (total Htctory , Mini wide, Tie. Jj I SLiuiliinl Citlicouri, flu. (Jlnglllltia, Pc. k 1 ChillU'rt rj. 1'ipirtnl Dol.ino Taj. i lli'iy Twilletl Toweling f. Murrlmutk Slililiii( Co. 1 1 i j i f 1 1 ell i i-Lii i n i rj li u tttti i Lrio i nr 1 1 R ' T T n iff TT O t 1 K K1MR8 if 2 lis IllUlsliiU M I ('ft'