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'j ; 1 established lYST-a"!?! P V 1?I rfpTTT'n T1?WG I'q-ioII if II .JkJ mbiUii'.: I hS'Mi 11 RIvWo, i9tQ42JI ,j - - - -- truth iND nis' -y. , . V - t-tirili IS, iV -Al1' U,KK ( r-n.ii'i Alf 4pi;mMTov. I ii : ' ' i i ?'!' tfVV" ' '"' '"'.; , , ,,,,.,., :- . iJ ' ' ' 1 4 A I I. Extra. Special fiotiee! To All Conference Visitors, also the Citizens of Salt Lake: WALKER BROS. &, FYLER CO., , Corner Main and Third South .Streets, will Open to the public j 1 i TONIGHT and THURSDAY NIGHT, their FINE NEW STORE, 1 K which will be nicely Lighted, and you can get a nice view of this 1 $mk Elegant DRY GOODS PALACE. Also have an opportunity to I ttl I examine their hansdome New Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery. J jfi Cloaks, etc., etc. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Be sure JfJ I to visit our opening this evening and Thursday Night. We shall mm offer Special Low Prices for thefoccasion. H , $ SI I , Walker Bros. & Fyler Co. M A DUIU I'Allli:. A ( unnlng riiariiiactat .Ucnacd of TliUI. Ulualile lltu.'iliii. tutrrrd. Ca tain Donovan and aid. ntado tu euellent haul ol alh gid tlolcn pruicrty Hat night at the rckldence if ayuung daahlng druggltt who tuddcnly dlf nppiarod from till city a few ntglita agu nftrr having beaten bin wlfu aDil burglarized a dttig ..ore. HlucoliLdcarturu the wllco have leen Imektlgatlng til. atitecedaubi. They nved that tin Mr confirmed crook although he alwif,. npi car, t Jil the Uat nf aochlyand wore tlotho of TuitilonV liteet cut. . Ill, nnine I. Hilfett ant hi. ttnlilouiolaoiil.hiht Holllli Bin ft. Mote than $. IIIU worth of drug, wire found tectirtd In hi. Iioiih. Hie oftlcera tay lint Hi Iff It ha I tarried them home from Itolert. A. Netaon'a and A. (J. Hinllli ft Co '. Uruir .torn, n little at a time while implowd In thoRolcatltutlniii. lie Itaald tu have iono to Itiitteatul the pulico at that tlace lintetetu notified. IiAWYFIfJi A an dilUSH MASK. lip I, Meterljr Oiilnlltnl hjr Hie luu- nlii.' of halt 1 An and Ugdeu (Minn. ImmtJIately after the dlSchargo of Jacob Gordon, Lrotturof (he Uueahin Jew, who wai arretted tu tlil. city on' Mouilay latt by Onlrcr O'Krllly, iu In the Nrttsof that evening, howtnt Inaearclt of au attorney with 1a view to Instituting habca. corpua proceeding, tending to tho uleato uf hlalirotherlteulcu. riiultwjirwaa found and Hoikou lie cane jrumtly comuienct d, The illlcer. tut.cti-d what vu coins on, and when Jaioh Gordon and l.awjir Martin anpeatul at the Mar elialJanuey'. ottlce with a neurit to wo nn troii.ult with theraonir, they were informed that lie won non at. Ihl.ttaieiuetit waatnir, at nn olllcer had t riu .( lOlallydilrCJlcd to lake the irl.oner to Ogden, where lie wa. turm I over to Mamhul Metctlf. It ua. tho Intinllon of Munhal Jannej to keen thl. act fiu'tt, lut a .uUirdl. nato oflln r .poko of It In audi a man. ner that the attorney letrued of tho llllle plot to trlrkhiru. lle.honeTcr, Uttermlnid that the o llci r. aliould not outwit him anil he n lord Inily took the Ilrat trnlll to UiUeu 'Hit. th Halt I,ika ofilcer. Iihoh and Immediately Uli honed to the Ogdell ofllcera who had the rlnouir In chargi. riiefo ueutlemen ijulckly kra.prd tho tltuntlon and (lorJon wai hurried to the Uejiot and placed on board u train, In company of an oillrir, lounifor I'rovo. ()u airlvluir at the "Junction Clti" the I iwj i r uw that he had I n rly lialen and came back without having a-coaii llabcd hit tmrpoii. A Mlxcurl oillnr 1. txrectid u, nr. rive In Oil. illy tomorrow with iul. tlou anra for tbu accu.ed. Al will le teen In another loJumn a diteruilned llort Ii bilnif made to aHUtaln the whireabduli of lh rlion.rr. lliicnUolo Women, The fullowlniibuilurM wna trnuiact ed tu the police court today UumIo Mill., Alice l.egrando and Jennie Franklin a tilo 01 dimel cleat jrc. Irom the .lumioflhe tlt wire fined S.'V each for roatltlitloli. A. they were without the inouiy in taar to i-n) their Unit, they wire ordered aeel to J nil for tHent)-llve Ua.. ! rank A, I. ton and Jclinl cut ack ale In durance vllu auuicd of utlugntrti. alTelHUuae. irink J.JJIn-loii ui fluo-i lllldii daa fordrimlontM.. Iabli llliiittti. ICarkll n nl II I 1 Our 1'i'iy taiuli) lllu oflvntlme. admit, of but Mry little Intercournu among the metnevr ixce;l .uch a. they hlu whllu iilUliK tcgutticr. Ititretlui I roaUfa.t tiie ulnlug room loon lOtnu to huvu anauilatid with Mum much that la t!iaantrl la family life, mil the tacred rllia of liot-i Itallty are largel) ulniiuhterei througli tlieglMngor looilnul drink. Hottialtiblo nmiintr. Imvu come to mark thu digrte of liliitemint tu whieli wehaveuttalnid. there ahouM le aontRtiroua nnd free, i ilther .lilted nor alleilrd, and In the training ol a Inuilly of ctill Ireu the haami.orgood luauiieriiii utliir and drinking become of the very tlrtt linortaiue. The ihurful, iiatly goo lmorulug cauuot bu ..token exief t by the ctuer ul, ha py child, and rtl fialuuaa trup. out at lliu tabli, tartlcularly If thu ouupiUr be greely und ulllih nt heart. A Clilld e.iu readily mougli plaj ihohjiioirllulii the urlor II he I. in dtapc.ed, lutb nu mi an. can he au readily te n hypo'MHe o. nt thu tabli. It l.iiulto mill ul thai thlldrt n lanirly thought tu curu natural ti lienaillratowardfeolflahuiae, an I tu ho thoughtful na regard, the lomforu of otbera. The watchful niothrrwlioiarnratl) dratli.herihlUrin ahalllu trul) le lined and at eaae III any roolal life, will Le ati'uat Hliiana riuard. innii uir.atlallr, bhn will tluiii lo laiiheerfiilwliile tattng uuliai liny ftre.utltirlug.onie; great coiroir, out even ttieiia. theerlula. tiny can be, und not ub.tru.lvtt ol their grlet; to be d fen utlal Iu their manner tu older jioile mid tu gileatf, tu alt down and rio from tbu tatilu gruiefully, ami with dl.'iilly n, well, to lai pitlent until their turn tumi. to lm helj ml, In bealtelitlvelu lliu wallta of oltiir.. If Iherubeuo tralnid walterr, and lolu nioJeit Iu noting drficl.ncle. If tluru are auj; not lo reai Ii for thing, lo a ml; In lattlie food 1 Uied ururetliem, or to ijuletly leave It u on the plain wllliout umarkor muailnglt abuut, lilt is not de.lrid. r tbliiklt u gooltlili gfor Ihe little oneg t early icine to the family tabic, 'IhU aruuktuivit tiachialhemtiKat In colli any with ilderp, and lu.tlll. grace and ia,e of mania rai na ainiuut of itlier drill lando, irovldlug alwa)., tbatfatlir an I inotiier rove the drill ma.ter. en Hutu occaalona. nutlclng little laulta ifthuracter aud maimer, jet with" it tonatnntly nagging the children to 1m I love them. ItOAL NOTICE. " ' la t&. I ip at. nun t r !! Uoualr cf tk t 14... T.nUoryot Utah. ta Ih. Mailrrer tli. 1 ilate of dJicw N Ma lurlane, doreated. VtifE i' mitun niticN tiht 1 tlli.lrtl, J Ma lalla.e iiruiniillU ..late or Anrtnu N U, Uoecaac I ha t.nJered far .rlllemf nt b I riet In .i I ( vi n, e, fln.l a itvum uf I er atlniuiulr it i r ,.l I eatataatil .lltlt a f r llnal dulriban nwf tli. IHIH II crrl an I that W erfi r, laj.lh.t III ilar it Atnl, It Iter .1 liatUt. 111 , al Ihj ii .I..HCUH In llntnunlrliiTI II me.lall UVal ity ai it luuliti.t lililer rilvry I a. I .en duly a ii mini 1 II a Juoit. f .allium I r (I .1 Htm .1 1 1 1 aanl as rvunt al I li.arlnit ft.l 1 et Hull tor ul.lflbu II a,alwtlll, tineaudt lara aeTirr.i ualer rll in Mil e.uio !i.r ,Vr an I ,lio cauui il.i,ll,r.lf.h,.,l,lom.unl.l ml in 1 1 a tettlr 1 an I ,11 r ,ed kD I Ural dittnvu II niixloaairarrlfor baled rtltlti, Icy- o r Ainu, Dirk I Hie IrulalntoirV lljrtil ail N IIIU I K,JU, llci uly Clflik. !? I Vl$ 'aM r g 3r ara-aanai ? i nui ""n 1 1 ;:hm S ' Sill "9-1 IIKHIAM & A.MOTT I'HAOTtOAL ' j PLUMSEES : GAS riTTVIlS, J' 130 W.HRST SOUTH STI1EET. ,, j SH3" J " sr (unlifc i . rTTTT'---T t - t r SILT LKEJURSEliy7 cf Ik. li I ... Su.wrr, I am now pre) l.rad t furniak riiill.aha, le enit (IrHa aaeulnl If.Maud Nkrutia, of baat aaaUu aadatlneailphra, It " aiiam cujiUTomzittix, . if-- rt .." V i. I .: u . '? J I i Y Ml mi mi in f W in'"B.ML ! HI BANKRUPT SALE ) WILL CONTINUE THROUGH CONFERENCE, IM I Tjieludini? .Sfihu-dny, Vpril Oih. 'M ' fj Inlherimalnlnglimnollerril toall claa-e. ofurchaier. tu nvall tlieni.rhia of an opiortunlly to procure m IJ abaolutily ntiiin'yllilina,we mj cmliktically, .taking our rr utallon for ver.iltya. recoguired Iu thebualntt. i 1 la loniiniinlty, tliat there la aCenulne llanaln Inevirj nttlcle laced on .tie Kep tlil. fact upiormoat In your i V nilmi. liii.kloekUNOI Hill l.l-.U DII.V. It 1. nn) a hn .ale, It la u bona fide HANKUUIT HAIill of new good. el ffl but ncentl lurchated by thu diUnct litni cf lilugA nltee. riil. tale Include. Hue VV J Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, firaiiitcwc, If i And ALL KINDS of COOKING UTENSILS. J.! N All kind. t( lliilldera'nnd l.aburen' Toola, (latdau Imrlemenla, J.awnMuwera, Ihe fainou, "Mlberla" Itefrlg. ' i.'tll i M eralor an 1 tho unrlvalhd "Wlillc Mountain" lie Cream I riuir. The line of TAIII.I. ant roCKUT UU1- fl I a I'''")' J'wellaiaoried and iraillcallyiinlroketi. A fewnf the wellkiiowu ''hewl.yman'' (Jaiollno rltov.. yet i t VI untold, lllg ttock of Jallt, all .lie Itemeuiber, thla tale I. Iu ' ', THE HOLMES BLOCK, STATE ROAD. ', j oE. C. COPPIIT HAELWAEE C0MPANY.o I ' S I 1 1 r a B 19 ' I 'Ai. . l i Gil W,r 11 pi