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Vffl DKSEHKT ISVMNUTQ yjSWSi '.'IiritSDAY. AlMtTTi SS, 1802. M Mm and plant the seed of socialism anil I Mil!, anarchy. Hut Lincoln, from II" Ma: povtrty of ft Kentucky raMu, and !! (Jrarit, from the narrow glfl of a Km (M house In IheOhlowllltrnrss, hecamr 1KB j the central flurra ant nrrmntallTr .S 1 Huron of our aire. They re ly of IkWI , Urn Rlorjr nf American clliismhii'." IH ( Drpew drcla.-eil that the rredronln. IKwra ant eiilliniit of (Irani wa family anil H I auJ horor. He would have prcierred ' .; Itlnirtiurlnl hytlie alilo of lil father Hi i nod mother! but, apt riclitltiK Hie E) J ihlni of hi country, he choi.u New ' j' Vork, ai hlallnal re-stlii place. Now (M r York In Accritlix the request, " . ( lumed a sacred trust. let Hie monu tH k. roent wlilcli will rise Un this comer- IK I atone I worthy of the magnitude 01 mm i ilia introili and tliocrandurr of lt WmT aullrct. (Jeneial Grant nrtdi no TO j, stately shall, nom.aslvei He to pel 'I I niruiory. tfaa IU utile V li hli memory; and lla history, during H , what must alwav. he Ita almost rrllt- .H cal wrlud, will le the itory of hla 11 dseds. WM Urrew then ikelchej (Innt'a career, Um ; and declared him a most nlf-sarrl- ;H rlclag friend and a moit geiwrutia 'fmm ItoT. Dr. Hall potion need the hene- ;W I diction, and the Run of tha "Mlmlo. IBBJ ' iiomsh" flrnl a natloml dilute. IH Hchoolbojl to tha number of Mm JH marchaJ y tha tomb and scattrml I ,' - floMcm around It. .Mrs. tirant, with H r one el her e;ranilchlldmi and rt L-"" arty of frieuds, oe-cti led lealtlon of oour on tha grand atand. Kf ' ' iAi aoon at tha cere monies nt tha tomb were oTcr, the rreildent and J" n,i larlj took latrlagrs to Jersey Ullyand left for Washington ut 0 3). Jli iiAngnr AT pw.MuxrcoM. H I To a day of memorable events the Hi J grind lihiu tat Dilraoulco'a tonight Ml ',! waa a auecrsilul illmal. Uclieul Mfj .1 Dodge prtsldnl over the table of honor, n and around lilullrmcrouiiwripHccri- I ) tary i:ikln, Henor Kimero, the iff Mexican ralnMcijC'omniui.dtr lloury Klfl . ' Krben and llet.einla Jlowaro, rkho- I'D 'J CM, i'oitor, and Hwnj nc. VMwnlhu ' l'liinlint lal'o.lui order, r.Iler ilhcus , alon f thn elatioraU im nu, thu bkkuny ' wnill'ed.Vllll liilnp, araoiix whrm B wufiMn. H. il. 1-ikim, Mia. . N. B 'J'.vt-iJI.i nnd Mtk. Ilorncn 1'iirtnr V AflcTk Irief Intioduciory addina by IA the r chairman, Beititiry l.lklni re- K, ;t auooded to the limit, ''lliu Secretary id ol War." Oilier toMta weru rwpond. mi ed to by (Janeral Tarter, rjeiior f, .llomoro, Ocneral Hchoneld and Belli iffi 'Low, ITIIK llAMUt-TT OP Till! AUFIIICAN BB I CUIM. I'lnirt'lic, Ai'ill ST. Tho annual ' bacquttof the Aracrkaa lteiiibllcan Club, la imnimenioratl'in uf fjeneral (Iranl'a blrtlntay, waa In Id at the MononcabclR lluuin tonlnht. Among thebromlnent ueiU were Oonrnor McKlrdey of Olilo, Ueneral Alger of W MlchUau. JuiJseTliuiilon of Xehrai. ka, Hon. John UaKell and Hon. ! William A. Hlouc. After doing, full luillce to the llendld menu, ) Mr. Orlady, tho loat maa ter, lntroducd tloeernor MoKlnley, who reinded to the toait "Urant." After detailing the iirluidul event In (leoeral (Jraut'a lire, (JuTernor Mi. Klolryiild: "Tho ilod of Ida l"r I ildeucy conitltuudoue of thoraoit, If ' not themoit, luiiiortant ir!oi:i of our National life. It would Invn been ', ulfUcult, embarraiilnK and lutardoui to any mao. Could auy man have doae battel? 1 bellere he waa the exact min for tho ) lace, and that ha filled the full meaeute ot the tlmt to which hla fellow clllitna had called him. With no disparagement to other, . i two naima rle al uT all tlie rett In American hlitory alnce Washington. They are Abralmm Lincoln and ' t' Uljt.e.H. Orinl. lUcb will bo re- . i membered for what he did and ac- comillihtd for tha race and mankind. V Urant waa not an oil una when he "i i dled,bul,anerall,shatacomdetelira waibli. Mighty eevnla and mighty ( achievement! w ere never rounded loto i A llugla life before. Atovu him, 111 ' Qhit chamber of ilrkneia and death, f hung the portralta of Washington and ' . Lluoolu, whose dliembodledeplrllilu the etirnal city weru Halting and (Aj watcblug fcr lilm who waa to com- ldale the linmorlal trio of Amerlca'a ' llrit aud I wt loved. And, aahlaienie i j receded fiotu view and tho Inflmto I apiearcd, I lan Imagine that thoio I'. were the flr.t to irreet hla eight and J j bid ' 1m welcome." ; I llou. John M. Ihuritou enoke In rvply to the Bentlnienl, "The Itciubll. can Taity." lie introduced hli ad. I dicta with a klgb eulogy of the life . and character ot General Qrdiit. lie iioke ou the allrer qutitlon oa fol d ,0,": I "While Iho llrpubllcan rty standi j lor houtat money, and mutl necesiar t I j lly bo opiated to iucIi a measure aa ( 1 . the Ittaud measure, yet the best i thought ol thli rouutrr ought to be ill. I . ncled toadetermliiatlonaatohow far, ,f i I or In what maimer, American allrer At I can buplaied In circulation. For my. m self, I um In favor nf iurh legislation Hi; aa will permit an Aimrliau tu take 'l I one dollar'a worth of Anietlcau allver IfH 1 toamliitoflhoUultudlitateiandhave 'Ml' I theUoddeii ol Liberty Hampcd 11111 (Mil il' a on side and the American 1 agio utiou 'tHl'l 1 lb ctl,,r "" 'hlng li certain, JH 4 ; American silver mint be mude money exaji ty 1 or remain merchandise. 'I ha clamor- iSBl, J ,1 ouaandunthlnklngiabllecryforcheap tUltrf I money. What the American people ilvW'Jf want la cheap Inlerett, and any 'y w 1 ! tlon which tenda to chcaien the luter jVl fill ! rIt n ntl1 an Inoieaaed aupply ot auaV tw hoocst luoliey, ought to reiele the IDtM lareful aupurl ot all fair-minded Hl 9 , ,1 Thurston laid, rcfcrrlnc to the com. 1) (3 I I log campaign: "Ilia dillberalejudg. HfH M 1 j mint of the Auierlcnn people will not Mil V$ j try the doubtful experiment once more nfl fflr . ot turning the government over to Ita (I III I enemies. Hie Its) llbllcam ot the HV2l' Unlleil Hlatu Htwunltril aud enthusl. H 1JE1 t astlc, and, iiudtrthebaunir of union, JG, freedom aud AmeiUanlini, they will K go marching on to victory,' (leneral AlmrsiKkebrlell) In a most H iA ha; py and felicitous nmnuer. H 1 Oongiossman John Dalszellrispond. H U' edtothetout"renns)lvaiila." n .ill L'ongressmau William A.HIone. In 1 a iiumoroua vlr, replied tu tbuew h i9j ' ' Congressman" B ijfj . Ilielteek el Millie fans. ,!, Tenn., April J7. M 1 $ Twenty men lust night surrounded tho j '"J, house of ltufus Jellkllie, a deKed S 1 iidiilster, near Dandrldge, and inter. Hi I M ed him to aurrollder. He answered ') I M ""'r nmmoiia by llrlieg Into the iBT ' JH crowd with a shot gun. The liousti H , 19 SMleloii tire aud Jenklna surien I tiered. Ills face waillllul with amall 1 m shot and his body mulllatul by thu em 1 gang. Thu womnu with whom Jen. j f-J klm was charged with living has dls. I t Ifl amiared. In the mornluK W, A. BB 1 )..' tllveus, a merchant on I Inlluental If citizen living at Umdrldge, found ' R ' i-osied on hla door a document notify. Ins him to remain Indoors alter dark or he would !" foully dialt Willi, rim 1 WhllaCepi, who aie a porllouolltie r li JdmW'i III ' fllBS. antl-tuit and latlnesa urganliitlou formed in Jedirnn county sixty dai -ago, are bclleveJ to be cnnljeel 1 f farmers who have become tired of the way In which some resident! conJuct tliemiclvie. V nabamintilan Kaerlllees llhiMell In nrnaee, rjiu.AutiliilA, Apill 2T. Under Ihe liilluence i.f rellnl'.us Malir Bill, a Lieoar Hiker In tin llllllsli ileauihlp"Atigerloil," wlilcli arilveil 111 lt lodl), hlllgnl headloi K Into Ihe huge fumare of the ship. Il, commoii with nlnetetii clhtr Lascars lakin aboard the vessel at Calcutta, a few months ago, was Mahr llslx, a Mohnnmtdafl fatalist, and at 1 n j . f their ngular meetings, which togthtr tliey htldlnlhe holil, It waa dicljtd lhat the Inevitable hour of Hilt's fale hod arrived. Left alone In the furniru room, tha miperstllloiu Lascar spiling headlong luto the I'ery furnace. Ilia fate and upier half ol hla body were lerrlldy burned br the Manila, lut he might even then havo rtcoveit-d had bo not refused toalliwnmoretl or a drop tn puis hla l, Ibui wilfully itaivh.g, In older to fulfill Me ap. olidou time. A hi. I'nllt llnnk tlnea lis llnnss. Ht. I'ai'L, April j;, rnnC'ommer. clai bank closed Its dunr at noua today and a cardplsted In the window au tiMitiCed thatbusltues astemrarlly suiimnlpd, but that all depositors would Im pal I In lull. 'I Ills action was taken after a heavy run continuing during tho entire forenoon. Thetrou. lie waa caused by a scare resulting Irim the failure ol Ihe Ht. I'aul Un man Insurance Coinrmtiy, It sterna that aa anon aa the failure of the Insur aunt tompstiy bet-ARie fcenerully kniwn Ihe country tank lgati to ulllilriw llnlr funds from theC'im tmrcltl lank. This started ugly Ill inois regarding the solvency of the ltt ter Institution, for width there waa leally no foundation, but w hlcli a read rapiuly. The dliertera tonlghr aioie the asieta of the Uut are SI Wt.hlt; Hal II lies, ;i;a,!11.', and that tho depoa lion would be paid lii full. tale or llUeuuul llltluesil. Iki.vimin, April SI. The Haul: of 1 inland lia reduced the rate ol ills, count t.) !! vr nut. from:. slew lerlt llsimbllean filate tnnseii Aica.nv, N. V., Airll IS. Win. A. HutherUiid was chosen temorary chairman. Ou taking Iho chair lie de livered au address upon thoabaolute leieislly of tairylng New York In order to elect the next I'rtsldent, and soldi "We are entering iiui no lioll day txcuislon. We are latlng a foe, tltsterate, unscrupulous, splendidly liUlpid. Wltliaiptlltrawhetlnl by tett nt and stolen nulls, txty are eaer rf reaching fur greater plunder. 'Ilia vlctorlea 10 far have even ly divided and Jt was now the Demo rratlo turn. Could the victory of ltS be reited III III).', It nsa n margin cf onl ouoer cent, lu the lle uullcau favor. Tin: i-ii 11. im 1 i'ii n inn. ae llure renlble Ihaiial llr.l Au llrllialrd. rillUslil-MHiA, April S.' The dctructioii of the Uraud Central Theatre by fire last night proves far more tenlbliUn tts.resu!la than nnllrl. ated. rill meultxll of the "Devil's Aurtlon Company" tie dtadslneatli the fallen walla an I nearly threescore of people In the hospital are sullerlng from burns. Of the men and boya In the hoi Hal seen areln luch a lerloui condltlun that their recovery Istloubt ful. Ulttie members of the audience, brsldis those seriously enough hurt to rtnialn In tho hosltals, fully fifty are treated for minor lu Juries, The memUii of the toniany who lost their Uvea ure: I homaa Lorella, Krolcsiiue, and wife I-tors, n tallet dancer; Vlocentlni t'liltten, premiere tlanseur-e, one of the Chltlen slstfrst Francheon Coulteros, a Jinenlle; Harali (lollen, a ballet dancer; Win. L. Ilruoks, thu leading man. Injured ami likely to diet flnrry Mitliwltey, Id years; Jamea I'lgeou, 1.1; Amos lliuchllnv, lu; Itnna l'at. tenon, Sd; Allert Clumbacktr, 0; Tnotnai Atchlioti, 37; Italpti l'ra ler, 111. Ilila llspiililleaui. (,'IRvrLANii, Ohio, April IS. At thu last moment before tun re-assembling of the llerubllcan Htate conven tion this morning, a fight letweeu the friends ot Koraker and Hher mau nver the dolegatea at large lo Ihn national couveutlou as settled by the airangemeut to nominate MoKluley, I'orakir, fluih. hell and Ilapu,thus dividing evenly, McKlliley lulled Hie oulivenllou to order and delivered n brief adilrtsa of I'ticouragemotit aa lo tho outlook for the comlug faiiiialgn, reforeuces to Harilsun aud lllalue being loudly apt lauded. The t'ommlttre on lulea and order of business rejioited, and It became appar ent the machinery lial leoil greased and uns ruuiilutr smoothly, for the txpccttd light ltweeu the Hhtrmau and r'oraker men did not break out. rha couimlllee'a ri-ort waa ajoiited without division, an was that of tho committee oil rt-aolullonl. 'Hie platform endorsca Harrison unmiallfledly and dwells on his piiltlollo and rtatetinan like l'lllcj; mdorsea McKlnhy and Ihe .Mckinley law; coutlemmthe Ireowuol bill isud by tho Houst; demands adeiuate rotictlon for word growers. The silver 1 lank li a follows: "We aro opioied to free coinage of silver by the United Ulatea under cxlitlug ciroomttanref, and wo would nctfitvor It excel ttiudir coudltlons that would reasonably Insult tho lualutenauceof aiubstunilal pailty lielwten lulllon nnd mint or thu money valuo of thu coin. Lvory coined dollar should have the Intrinsic as will aa u.ouetiiry vuluool every other colneil uoilar The lank, of Immlgiailon de inindi tho enactment ol lawa against Iho Inllux of vlcloui and crlmlnul foreigr era uu 1 contract Ubor. The following tliket was then nonil. nated' Hecrtturj or State, J. W. Toy. Im, HuiMiiecnur Judges, William I'. Knr, (legoinlimted), and J. F. Iluiktll; Huprimu court clerk, Cai lain J, II. Allen; lard nf publlo works, J. l Alex filer, II. K. Lybor ger, II. A. Aidlews, dele.-atta at urge tu tho iinllonaltonvtiilioii, the four nanus already given. Atler Choi ling two presidential electors tho couunlltjn adjourned. The Sltssuuei llenbllraiis. Jlte-iiu-ox Cm, Mo., Arll 58 Thu platform t ndorsis He. adniiulstra. tlon of Harrison as wise, eiutesuien. like nnd tatrlillc, seji daily in the fonlgu policy, couiliiu Ibe uauio of IIUIr.eMllh Ihe latter, and Initruits he dtlegntea for llarilsnn, and en dorse the MiKitila la On the currency rpi.-tion It say H. commend Iho polny f tl.c lli'i' lltaninrty 111 malntalulng an bones' uirreiiey. We not only fa Vor a legls latlou that will maintain our gnld, ill vrrand ar money on purity In valut, hut also favots an international monetary syslini a tbo only etfo lolu tlouof theelherqu-fill'ili. 1 he platform dt uoimci Ihe Mls-oufl leglsLtle geirymaiidtrand the nivn llulAlloti of Ihe Au.tralhlilallotlaw, aoaalo dlsftaucl lie Ilia lnderudellt votcra ot the titate. fnitsllcalln,, ef Ihe Kejafene Hank lallnee Wasiiisutun, A) ill SS. The House riiuimllieu mi I suiting nr.d currency yillerday liegati the Invwllgotlotl ordi led by II e Mutchlt r resolution Into Ihe fallute of Hit- Ketstolio and Hprlng Harden National llauke of 1'hlla del hla. Andlew J. Harden, assistant book keetr nnd toileitor of Hie Keislone National llnnk, awore lie knew that there were but ka of Hie ballka In which false eulllei hail bseli male. Willies said Liwrttice, one of the employes, kept the hooka. In part of Will ho mefo forged balances. The amounts were detrensid by rubbing tliemoir the book ami making false ocarges. Hsrdeu said hi saw l.nuriuci make an entry of John llirdeley forfliV"' or fVi,0nu. He sold they put 111 111 out of the t auk one iitglit while they doctnud thebotks auil that Imitations of his hand writing had Ueu on the liooks, wlilcli, Uou setilig them at first, lhe thought they ntualiy were his. iMir Tlniilisle liMlnslry Wasiiinuiu.v, Aill is Ira Ayer, rteclal agent of the lleasury, has sub muted 10 Htcretary roster an ex hatisilve rcort on the tin plate busl neea of the country. The luauufanttlie ofllo lata an 1 growth of the Industry masvi thu (1 llowllig sliowlni I or the quarter euled rtpt. in, I Mil, llvo insDUIacturerareii'irieu, linplates 1ft..',. 16J pmin s, 'erne plain, il74,tisj guilds, total H-iT.iaKi h,iiiiJ For thu iiuarlir cndil Dec. tl, eltveu iii.inu lactuirra reiortid HiiuUIm, :iu,vnO utid; (emu lntii, l,10l,ixl.)iiii(l; total, l.llu.oto iuids, for thu ipiarter ending March ", lSi.:, nine teen manufacturer reported tlniliu-i 1,1011,0X10 sounds; term ilatu Oiil.tiuu aillbd; total, 8,uUi,tnM K,unds. Thiso nguriadonol Include thu production ot sheet Iron or shut steel used In Iho tnatiufaiture uf article tli ned or terno plate, estimated at V.WI.OK) poiiuJs. Ayer figures that Amcilcan iniutifacturers In ordtr tu lunluialn Hie duly oil tin 1 l-ttca niter Octolair 1,1b7, must prodiiculuonerf Hie six years ending at thai dalo SO,. blKIXM pnuudi of tin and terne plain, welgbiog llghler that alxty-lhrte uudato the njuare foot. Ayer asja the Indications uiidi r the ixlitliig con dltlons are that the production of the country la-fore thecioaoof tho second flscsl year will be In ixcesa of an annual rate of hi,OU,ujo pounds. Tldluas I sum Als.ka anil Hie Ucrlou Wasiiinutiim", April 5S. The lira sury dt pjrtment hai Just recilvid the first tluluga from Alaska and thu UcrlngrJeathli aeaton. The advlcis bear thu date of March 0th. At Hint time there w ere Hal vessels, known as seal poachers llylug under theAtueil. cau or llrltlsli llsg In wattra contigu. oua to territory where seal nbuuul. A llstof these cratli has lien sent to Keciotary Kosttr for his Inforiuath u, with the name of the mastels of the vessels and Ihe complement of ich. Little leallug has Lien attempted, although a few sea otlir have hieu killed. Ionise an lllnn.l Talk. Xl.v. Voiik, At ill ii. The Ktw Yolk JltruUt't Washlngtotii "Fir thuaakoof a few New Lngland luug. wurn; as aro likely to lose 11 numUr of Dtmocrattoailver tiulea,"deilared Congleasnian lllam', lllaud lias, aj liiraiillyatandouid all hole of silvir at the rrtseut et.cloii of Coiignss, lledoti not admit till lu 10 luauy wcrus, Isit dot a nut talk hot. fully of getting a bill up again In ihe House, aud he knows that there Is lltllo chance Hie Henatu will take Ihe Initiative 111 laj.lng Ibe bill, lllaud u a uikcil what Htate the Democrat wire likely tolosothl fall, Ucauseof their failure total the Hllver bill. He named rsorlli Carolina, Ho'itti Carolina, Ueorgle, Al ibama, MImIs.Ii ( and At kanaas. "What du you thluk of Hie 1 roinsttlou for a monetary conferi uci?" lllanJreielveJthe suggestion Willi n cornl u I inlir and said, ' I hat doe not foul an) bodi , Thero will 1 e no mine tary ronferenre. The I'usldtut dois not v. ant a monetary lonfirence, Eng land doea not want n momtary conference, nor 'iw Lngland; dor Mo the bankers of Wall striel. 'I his I merely a ollllcnl trick on Ihe put or the t'lesldeot. Ilellmily wants lu tide over the situation until Hie next electiou. He haa no cxjiertaHon that there will be u monetary confiieni'e, nor have 1. lllaud said the committee on rulea might bring In nn order call ing up the silvir bill again, keeping It before thollouee until dlsacd nt, but when asked If he thought liny would do It, he replied, he could not tell whit they woulddo. 'Ilu-o vlewi of lllsml stem lo be hired by l'tighf Ala.), an ardent silvir man and a elroug opponent tu the nom ination of Cleveland. He agnei with llland In thinking n num. ber of the Houthern Wlatea doublul with an antl-flee coinage candidate. I legrea further, nud Inslsuthat .Vorth Carolina and Houth Carolina will be carried by the ltepubllcanaat the au tumn election, If Ihu Jlrniot rats re. iioinlnateChviKnd, or auy candidate wllh di elded nntl-ilher views. "Humbug" una thu emulation of HeuiilorHteviartof Neodu,wliiiiaikid what he thought uf tlm I'rialdeut'a llau for au Inttruatlonal silvir con fereui c. The l'rt il lent talks about thu enlarged use of sliver, said Ihe N nutur. 'heriiiau te no iiilalged use ol stiver exiept to li' 0 It for uonty. He Is tilling lionsor.M'. I luti-nd lo milio n sech about It at the Mist opiortun. lly." It was paid Dili mornlug that the sintluient am iin; .the delegate a tu the lte uL.lli an convention Is so get cully for Harrlsuit Hist It would not U tier iseary to Instruct the riutlouotdvltgaUe for lilm, Chairman Ilrniiktleld ui thu Btatoeomiiilllee villod the uouventlotl to order at noon. l lulil III.' In lew Uili. Nl.w Yuiik April ! A tiro In the Cayui,a I'lata nut ii'trl itreet, this morning reiulled In ihu hiimlng tu tltinth of a man and woman, rho bodies were iinreciignlaublc. Bceral other were I n dy burned. Huisj.s, Ohio, Atrll Sj. A fire this luoruing diiroid flltini build ing in Ihe luilnr" portion ef the town, J.o.i li otni. The llnielna Telal. MiLiHiinvr i ril -1 The Judge has i ,r . I " Ulther pcslpoiie. merit ol the l. mlng trial. The .Sfnr,ifirti announces without lisrve that Deemlmi has confessed to Iho l.iwyei and jiton who exnmlnej hlni tint l.e conimltted a msjoilty of the "Jsek the lti r' irlmea In WI1II1- Clujel. fin article lias ores led a ren.otlon. lieu mralgiiel lor trial today, lie, showed miiih denssloli, Alter Ihe sehrtliinof llujury, Deem, lug listened closely lo the prosecutor' I el-ell, tiuitraj log hla crime. LATEST LtirAli 1TKMS. VAMIALS IN TIIK TOILS. Itfcor.I of ttr.-nr Vrn tn lulle ui-1 (.'onrt . Irrlt . Thoniai hrfoiv Jul(ce KVotrf 1M tuotnlnx uu a cliarKu of nmlUiuUimln.liU'r. liaTliiff, it li fttttRMj, wlHully (Jriuo.lili.Kl ttiu wlndou unnr "t pcIiooI tulldlop, Tim cao went ortr until tomorrow, ht ti it will l tnnf) fmly TLntlhUJ. Jnnd AUami, utio (n! nilmlti (IirI tm U KHtutlvr by ptofrJclou, anvl OlttOliH'ti, why dtcUn-fltlioi h iiiokcn Ills iMi.gfuii mlnrr In fmrrhlnc for tin j.r clous iiiftnlii of UjetitiUi. wvrv tbkvu In tow lit nn crljr hour tUIn mornlutt by OPU-vr Ut(hs. Hittr nrrrstj. wvrr ilut totlx ItrlttiMchBrtfrs htl It-en prefufcJ iRslrtttliMii for (u Urrrnt voutvot thtflrirton Juhn Killy, 11 fttivk thlof, w con vlcted otslmtiixt a lair of bot, Lut ci)Unc wns uiMiidiil until Junu Oth. The cite ftftinat C J. KJdy for petit Utt-euy UiuUlriiiltfrd, John Monu wh- dm ! $tu for tlftink tntiiM. Jehu Jvtuu irckmiwleth,vt1 l!ci. i;tilllyra ftoilUr t iTeiite, and won mulcli'i lu (liomm nfH. l.h. Ktlly. Jtihn Johuoii slid Joint Ail.;... hl all Inwn out oua I-vrlodlculilrliisiliiK l-otit, iui'1 (leUnl pullly unj fmly ailmllUil tlirlr tvroin; iIuIuk, tttiU thry Itft tho courtroom utiUir a nurijvitmou of vutcnc. lrouitc roii 1 U TLs ful Jowl uk UntiifM was tram iicUhI bfote Jud? Usrich todi). ltttuautl Kuirdlanttilp of Goro Hurler, au taunt irnon; petition for CottlfromUpof itrtaln nolo duo raid Hiultr ramn on riulrl-, OMtr made Rtintlug jvtlttou, lUto of Curollim l.rlckfon, do CM-d; lltlon forlrtlers of dnilnl. tratlon camo on rculirly. rdr nisdiioutlnt A 1. ItLUhtrom ad rulnlttMioroii DllUKbouU la sum of fO.lHVOBnd tnkltitc fiith. KutftUof ItuUrt l)yv, dtcrsicd; rr klguallyn of John ItrtjTtt, ncutor, irtf fctitrd kiiil Brer, (ud ou tuotlon or B. W. Dnrko, fittoriiey, Ksuto nf Jm." OIde, dfcrad; Jcrrualu JVt'olutt;Juttorut)y to r Itnvnl minor heirs. l.itato of tIo. l.ckmau, litcrurd; final sccouut auJ pttUlou for dlitdbu lloucsmoou rtKUlarly. CoUluutd to May 3. KUit of Altnn Charlou, decied; return of al of real citato .tnu on rvKulnrly, If. V. Iwrnupntid Gvo. M, C'sunon sworn and ixsmlotd. Order madi-oritlrinltiz ale, l'.stat of Win. J. Shiver, deemted; flnil Acconit mruoourttfularly. Con ttuutd tQMa;4. In thu luatlirof W. . L'otrrl. to hruritllttonfoT rr-tnrntlou to unity, cor.tliitirt), to jvar Ur. MrHLhaui nud othrrsa. wlltieMt. LaUtiiand RUrdlnulili of John II. (ilLiomtal, minor; aicount cauifon ivvrrontlnuancc. Atcount nllowrd. itate of NlfU... Kkim, dviiurJ; orikr mad allowing final acccuol. J.itituoftl ho run nu.,Sr.,dm.vl; ordt-rol lutlliatlou of notice to credit ors Hindi', JUtu of Hthi-vcn M. Jonts. dr.' etnu-d; ordtrmndaaipolhtlnicupral tr, aho of notlrv tn cndltor). A.NoMcCllt. A ihUantliroilc lut not wealthy lad of this city has fitted up a wurd, at thu Ducvrrt HchjIUI, rouaUUiiK of oho ted, a h an dunlin hraif and Iron b-dt4d, wlrtt and hair mattret'l threw iIIIgwp, pair of hlauketi, com fort, thrwj ohveUp, six Jltlow csm, stand nnd covirs, tolIt and chumher rt, cabo rutklr g chair, towels, imp tln, chln plate, Irirup and vntirtT, raltnnd lt-spr, silver knlfi and fork audsi-ooii, two yards of rarjt, and ten tray, rihft awu Intends replacing any hroken or worn-cut artli!.sth r-by kei'tdtijj hortflft frt-o. Many mm fares will smlloaml irhajs to lenitfd tu thiitp fooj from tbo dainty tea M.t aud I les thOKlTtrof u Ix-dsoeomfortMle. If this excellent examplo wa fol'owoJ, the Hospital would ! ittww ifjulrted aud tho bit-Mint's of the lick and In Arm would fall upon thuhtadsof the donoti. Klixt Kd-t Tialn. Tho Kt.WS ailtliuwledgis with thnuki the rvcilpt of an Invitation from (Untral Hurlntt-ndei.t Wlhy of IhellluOrando Wtstiru for one of Its rtpruentatlTra to nccumpany a jatty of promlut-ut railroad and Luil neas men, whkh will leaTe Ogdcu Sunday, May lt, ut7n. m., forOmnd Jupctlou. the Invitation Had; "riiii Ira vtrv Imtwrtnnl feature I u fnut tram nt rvlre and Is of Krcat lnlrtt lo Utah. hpi Hint you will Uks tbo samu lntcrttttlult as thu railway couianUv, asthi pull ly as well as thomllwuy mall H'rvlci will bo irrtnlly henelltod by till arrangement," ''Wf-wlllarrancetolenve Hilt I.ato C'llyon the midnight train of April iOtli, hoa to come out on tho limited lu the morning" 'InfouiiJilluu Wanted. Mrs. t Canham, 111.1 Fulton, ChUajo, III,, d(lns tool tain (he ud dntnaol aiidojn up corrttondenco u(h rtlaitveikunoi!(dto lu In Utah, who will Mud It to their advantage to communlcstn wllh !m lltr maiden name was Kurru lVtra (IrAiidal; she was borp In Urainin, Norway, and whs llvln with her uncle at the time he and his funlly lolt ChrlstUnln, ,Vor. way, and startiu for Utah and inn, as fur as Chicago u 1th Ultra. Heruncle'a name was Hrnry Aulersn; her uiint'n m Udrii nauifw I.oulna KJul. stran: her brotlur's uaruo uaUu.tael Janfcuaml he came from Btravangeu. Mr, Alfred Jay, IIS Houth Ulvlmu. Ht Auburn, .New Yl,rk Htate, dtsfr.s Information Cuiutr inj( the where .TxiutMnf hli imcloand auut, Mr. and Mn Harry Olllanl. who Itt UrUtol, i ok., almut thirty yeary no for Utah, and are lUppmcd to bo aoiuea aVtre lu thlaTtrrlury now. IiOIMIi UHKVITIKS. Tiikhk nre nie.Mtri nt lie Western union releBraphotlkoforldATowryaud (2ixrte tlur. Jon. Hut i -, a hot-trrotH son or Krln, w arrentnl hv Ofliwr ArmiroiiiC U'1" afiarnoon on a chare f drunkpims. A. L Iir.i, one of the Uh.im1 polios ofllwrn. Im. eUtItitint a ileHNtUo amnnv wllh unniDre m rotmi of the ( Vim in MnHjil I, ock. U. I.M.vit and Clara K Ilniili wcro married t tht rmlriei nf the hrMo'e paieni,ornr ofK and stub utrteU, by fUHllce trnt K.?r, ltt ntpli'. A tut it ii.lllturv- Mil and hannml willlMRUeiiliil'rrt YiiiMKer's lUllto uiorniw. April 'J'th. by Ntlt ULo W--Won No. I. IMt, h. of I. To nranimodatQlhoM' who tlnlro to Blirn.lttiftM-.nmlc relebrstion ntojilsu (on)jjtit, or the catllrim n' mnroutlnti ou I ...lay, tlm ltlodrtndo Wfricru Mill run a p-i till Mit Ml 0 p. in., rMuriilriff alter the bntiquoU f-ii the nrroinmotlfltlou nt thoe de al rlna to tlt nt l-Mfitt cait nf, lit tbo Mtlnilyof, or atOmnhn In May dunni: the tpon of the MrthodUt ftentnil mn ferMiec, tho t''jtcinf will MFlllUku t i ma bet km I irturn at otio fure for the round trip. Ticket on sale April - to l tiirliihhPtllmluxltoJuuvl, Iia Tin: me of tho People vt Iwli M. KrHiiitx,thnalemauof tliofAsiidontsiIor lt.if etniblhlimrnt, wlilrh waasitfor (' (ork ttiiiiurruw, h txen conihuml for onoTArek, or urh tints m the mounded tnan-ChirlM l.vano Mill be niilllnHntly rocomiMl to appear In court and htitlfj, 'Ihe iH)t-ciuetin-tit wi inft.lw n reeoui liiendtluiior Ilr. SUtidardt, nboasylt would boextrernoty elapse rout to excite tho rttluit nt the pretHiu Jrnoi I.ikm cxiwU to leiro for J'tiroi-o ili .in n Kok onuuexleiidcl pi uMiirn tr j It h runi"rd In lensl flrcU that li Intend to i uihark on tho sua uf miii!. Iniony urnl tnko with him un i.l alt Uke'e IwIIimi h bride. ben be WKiirtloue.l by n Nt wt reporter thl aftcrnnon a, to the correct i-cn nf ibe rumor he rrptled latiKhllnply Hint Kooiier or lator he would emorice from bit pro trscie1 Uts of Uoltolorbood, but moro than that he would uotaay. l'ASttT -In Ue Ninvuriittt ward, ll Uls (lly, .lTii Kith, lUriht Neil lirrftt, ot tlrpT.iUerfcallIncia6l lliree innih. Tbt d ccairtl (tn orn at 8iratrorl oh-A ion, iaUinJ,JiUfi.tillli,l!lt.l, tunirr.1 Mir, ir will Ihi I etd la the Nine t until wird mtttinir lioiue on I ri'Ur, April -7, JJIUtmmtmt Star, pltt jij, linin.f,-April tb, la lb HsteCBttl ward thu nnjr.Llaraijio Jsmri, n of Alma and Anal rownj aad Mvcateea monlL. luotril rrlc at lbs Lit) Cemtierr it morro. LuTUitf will lMe the iwraDii' rei df urt, TM w. t In I North ittvct at 1" a.m UAUUl.ri. .IIILMlKIiN, aw toaa stocks Tark. Afrit it, ttKn. nar aiivrr t rk cnwai. .- It Montr .... r MSTtiation ., i lenaimna U ) rtn mrieiti II, Haf.oca'i l-aeiaa Ua.1. 04 Atthi.rtn, SI, P Hirt UltrU as Uaual t'wiae XI I r)LJaul ACtntnt IT', HttrttriMa J , Tattaracidd. ,. t llo Unnl . tl ftloa I'ciflr., ,, ,t aoHrtara J'Mtd' tis lri Kii rw 4) trv(rrrl M , Wt-urn Untoa W NortawMlrrn . t I . llj iru it.iintjr flavor, nnj f lUom fiorii all uliji'Ctlon.ilile fmt'trr-J, iimko !t it fnreuito with t.ll iihi iniokiri'. Clooil j'.ulK" riiy tlmt tlio aroint nml nicely lli'iuluil Ihvor of Miullit I'iiiR Cut mnko it miicrior 'u cicti Ilutant C'lgnr. J. II. Wee Telsieivt Co., Uu Uinnn.!, Va. Ai.rllont Anrllont M AT Ml. UI I mitLUT. On Battirlay, Aitll Mill, at 10.3) n. ni.( I'arlor, llml lliim auJ Dlnlin; Jloeini 1'iiriiltiite, Jlrussel (.'arsla, Hlnvi-a. line llnl boiiniie, iiakt.'liaintier Het, Clulra, Camp lUickers, Kltclieu Bare, Curtalim, l'orthrs, r.U: A larjto lot uf home tuatje I'rulls,, V.. M. Union, el!!t Aticlluneer. 1)11 III HI l-illH Open A(rll JO,' Moating, music, elanc luir, etc. elS iiil )it:iiiiiiiiriji iiki,iii. 1 1 in ci. ' Al IIIiirIim, Siny, IHIlj, l-'or tlie ace'oreiruoilalldii nf Ihoanele irlcir lo visit lit imlnts east of, lu ll.e vlclnlly of ur at tlnialia, ilurlnit May, Hie Union l'acllio will aril Hearts at nnnfare for the rouml trip. Tltke'a on rale A) rll istli tosuth Imluilvr.llmllul loJuiml, ISOi 1'eir tlokrla or aildltlonal Informa lion, apply lo I). l' lluntl'.v, tin rial Aiteut Uulou I'ucKlo Bis Inn, iul Mali, HlriHt. A travillngiiiun wliotliancril to ba In tl alore uf li V. Wood, at Mo Krca llockl, I'a., lay Willie lie iiiu waUluctoseo Mr. Wooel, a little till came In Willi an empty boltlu laUleil "L'liamUrlaln'a 1'alu Jlalm," ami aldi "Mamma fcant another bottle uf hat ineellclnr; she snjs It I thetrt mellriue for rlietiinatlini she evrr Usui." SO cent uulilra for sain by 7.!v. M.I. Drug Deit. " cxjTonvorTiir. iiavomaTAna , llielllitory of the llanuocV. Htaler, eonipllwl by Andrew Jinaou, and latM ly pUbllshul III tho DEalllltT YVlEKLr. haa now Ueu llsueil lu ijiujpllltt form, anil can now be haa at thu UMLlilr' Hs.-viii oniceatS5ceutaircor). e!4J f econrJ South. . Nj , c -- ,r-"""- """-"" - "J:i-Ml,, u-ju:k vommuxcisg Tumtsu.iv. .tpj.-u, Woitiloi'H i'va,x ntVoti.loil ! j in. iuir.ia Mir.m. ur un a,, ,, Indian Albino Child ! The filter frodly of I'arenfs, Phjilrl.tns uul hilentliti AntonUhed. JV- Ileal wl-st tha Md rranelaen On W yi of hiit fw rnarth ludian hutlian 1 aixl ntfe, tAjTothrr nltli their ntna tnonllu t d i tl i ly ahlrb l a .nr Air Inn, hlTfl I ern nromlnj tho womtcr nt viallora tn th Art, i r or Knura&IUMuiiiiltirlnjrihsfsil tbrredajrs Tiliogin ron-ildOi-dion tboft. tn tn larrnusmnill MomUd fopff rnlortil latliaas, wtla lotta black hair wiil irtitirj rt,ilirU mallTt)odcr ttialiheirbaij li tuuad urcot laterett lurtrtli and hair aro white a. Ilia widci of a tfAre.altriouxh ita fciturtaarstif i pure Indian tr lis tj-ca, howticr, ntf tha grtalMt IbUrcit to vhyairtSB T. rt arereaiUDUrontheiiioTe,atarthlrtiUanuntlt (or tr the rcaioaottomr i nrnea Uinji mi aittlrteU that tha tj ci aia ruharl aeitaiUTS to ths -VU of Sni, au tlsiifheefPf Altlao are (iiiltr)lnkt-h la color, aurbia not Uf iat mih imia Itoirlaao, by iliicli aams ths Indian batijr i . alUJ, Th color of hla olk. chai aa khi ttiejr at 1 1 sl from .9 rant u tithit.. Tba eotors thT uo aro inV, t no grcta tndyello, lla U an uunatullj bright baby, a well dovaliiJ yuunimr, aaJ p trerr rrorutie of a ictant tthtn lie attains bla fit I frnwih. tbo (wither H tKlaan and tli father e xhteen, U Mn lha Italy wai burn thl ralcfi rf tlio IriUidcrilnl It naa aa o.ncn uf iM-luck ant docllei that htUo Don npj tM i bIM a namt) nhmrd rtiu. The rither and mother tl I not concur In thu. piDluo.tD I r. eaMd ta Ibe nlht from lhe UiL, oarryinir tha tutj wtlli them bvmlaiw it Uv no r la dlan Albino rhIM f er irn Hutory ha not ifoordcd another, and lo all ban, ib Lt. audi a ci.o will bst r occur aitam. bOillNOO lIICHkUk HILKONMlrOMMLriU TlirhMUY, AI1.IL t rvx os TiiK'-oi.r. rMsttnov a ikmim Tiiuurn most "ot.Kiuut.i Leach's Plantation Pastime Company, TUB LKIIllVU KXtllVENTaOI'MultOCOMKDl' AL L1SAC1I, - ntoar-'OLK VIllGINNY," IAIOU KTIIUTHSt US IIIOM llllt AISOM COJII'fM I Saturday, April 30th, - Children's Matln'oor" Helta free for the t'liiUrcn. B Wcdnoad.ty, Mny 4th. - Ludlos' Souvonlr Day. I1 rirsantKotncnlr fur all I.nly Isltnrs. lOCs AD1WIBBION. lDo, ItsStlTSjafSll. 1C Bltrnilbani llr.llh. I If you nre not frellni; ajtron anil hralihy, try Kleclrlo llitters. If "Ij 1 tlrlpiai" hsa Irft you weak anil wrary, Use l.lictrlo Hitlers. Till retueely ncta dlrecllyen Uver, tilomaoli aoj KlJ. t'js, urntly nlJIn thos orrrana to perform their functions. II you areaf tlktetl wit Hick llraelachi', )ell will flnel irmly ao.l rmautut rellif liy IsklriK Diulrlo Illllrr. One trial will convince you that thla I the riraenly you lieej. Larae hottlra ouly 50n. at A. (J. HmltU i.'o'a l)rui( Htoro. 0 '- REGISTERS Stop tho Leaks. ..,'Call or arlts for llliuu.led California. I'. IS. IVIoCilJliSIIirCi Ps.asisa Bit... SALT LAKE CITY. rt to o H yCKiSs. h rU " Tl If you Intend curving a Now Spring SUIT, us villi furnish you with stylish, rellalil, goodi alvtiyi giving full sahi, for your money. J. P. GARDNER, 141 MAIN STIUCT. GUNPOWDER, iwl Art'i b Ao iifu tl intiiatS ,Hton if r t it i'a htiiui-ky K19 I IIAtltH'S "Tripflhootiof iArani'4'iu h5hoUnc, llAaiur tinmrtili Udi l HA7iltl'4 Irinrt" tho Inoat te ltt I I in the market. -uiLrAciuiiiD ar THE HAZARD POWDER COKFiliT, lliicrivllle, Conn. ; i. Palno & Lyne,l?:i. tj-,rmr,t mrk jfuR' OMAHA, NCO. -siSALT.-.LAl(E STMHTEffMllfi THUS. JIflCKl.Vli:, I'roprlelor. Ladlos' Clothes Cleaned aud Drci Goals' Clothes Cloauod, Dyed itad Repaired. rtATinr.s urKi nitiiiv'icn DIUESInuirillleclaslerr.tlvr rlrsl koittli Sllrrrl. Works II . Wsil Tl' llsatrist,ophslt Orsnt's UssrySis bis, . . kit LeaiciTr aMffi" a Wffi'ft- TAYLOR, HOMlTfiY. ARMSTROITG CO., liKALKKB 1)1 (XLUiViBER! Sasli, Doers, MonHluss, Etc l'lsiiliia lllll ul TerJ, lies " Last ol I', I. Hall I ak. till, Hall 7s'ffsVtr """p ajMsT" Altars ts all rcrrssi ondesrs ,, seVi, joa.e ju.i H.a.uih imiis'""