Newspaper Page Text
. "- IL ' 'i 1 1 mil -ii i Him n .I i. aMtUMMMtMBHBHBBIBMIBBB V ' fi SESTHIXT EVENING NEWS. TltTHSDAY, AVTUT. gfi, ISO'-'. . 111 desereTmemihg ra' HK pDNMMSiniUFalikr '" IHlS I mrr i ,',?w'1i- rl tun pi, I. tlniM, r' '. ' "i "i", ff CI tt Til Urn UJ, II, riU ' '' 'I l.f' V TUB DUtntT WCEKLT Hfn a ittioifnrtnn''tk'krMtftftill1ila HWffi lot, Illrtptf ! IMtiliBUrt.ltWi Kff ALASKAN RAMBLES. H' j BXPLORINO THE LAKES Or THE H ' v TAKONS. IH mM biU. fcr iioninit. na riotiitir IHiby llmb.n T.ol ID Thlrlr MM.. IRBjji ' "' i "j" '' "'"' "- B)?9k r the T.kon. BflBfi ISO fl lolrrratleHtl I'r... A.wcLllfta.t HVH O 2tKWDK IIT RllKIL, IlWTI.H N w. jtJMj T , Jul; 1, 1S0I Tlio lt Utter lttl 111 toK,f tliefcliort.of Ahlc Iilaln or ICB tho 1 If I.U There on- rovrrnl AliW- , hH klnlni (or blfr lakt.l In tlil-J irrm nil I - AWR ' cailljr,, which wimM '" I" llfl . (ujrirt it that tho title U wily ilotrip- I fijn lit. .tier all, on I line not tlio full elf ' W I nlfirttlou of l r.pir name 1UJ m yHr i lelen tho northern pith at "Tlio Trill , jHBjl , UpllUcr1 which wo mo iio.r .loin 1 nHE Vjr ml.tnUo lt court, would lio led m mil wl 1 ' fJii I lilgl Imv WBH1 tit to another Ahlc klsla, wMeli In aim- RH ply tie largest of a terlf of laloa f u fHft that trail accord I n to lite lndtaii xtr fF i tlon. Acalu, Lako Hrnnrtt ( I ,B J named alter June flortlon ltnuvtt lu ' li-M' 16A3) la ALkklala to the Chllkatt n k 'i-IH , lamloCllfnkttdttiat.trule lu t1. In- pHl terlorbr a trail tLat Ukc thfm orrr )fl thUlaktana wvtrul otlirrs, of which HI llrDUttIaatnoDV tliu lirtfiiat bo Mr fifwS eral mwo or Im tlparlj tlcGncd AhU- Jb Ulalnt ItATo Ueu Jttjowu forvarjln MEff , fviiuds ai exlhOny hereabout ami EtlRK" aome of thctu Iuto veit WJBh, ' crept Into mtpa hut ncurlr alwajit Kil. M i-.Uo Ahk Uln (with wrernf nif Uim14 011 f of spflllloir U), u tautological trror FICh about eoulValent to Ialie Lius Qnlparlfl ijl;V ur IUo OranJe rlrcr One of thn at- I'Mji, tractive feature of lta thorn wa tho ftUii , UrffD numlr of wild rofce. irvn lu IIH Uooui and that crowded all tho opou j H apacra whern timtor flrcn had IclUM tho V tra and allow rd the aun to (rt frarly Bi at the toll Tho robin ami tho ut tjK wtre u pratf ful contratt to tho now mW 1. lunha and pUirinlgun Me had sure , mfm icntly left behlud Hut there Is no HE $ rs without a thorn, and there nero H' rertaluly athoutiud thorn In IhUuako IVfil for rath 1-10 If the moitqultooa tan to U ftffuratlvcljrtiKdtanof aaauth Tuoof ; tliaiarU tried to talio u ahort liiinllnir f ajil flkjiltif tour up the UUo and were VB ilrlvou baUc by these nuwerout pent. t-B, The ITlhof Juno vm pent In riff ll Line out the foldluir ranni boata fju tor lake navigation Makta vK and ilaji were made from ,lfHh x.)Aa and boards and flh allcker blank- ufflf tt were oxteaiporlied Into tallt. cry SLBi food our ere made by ltutsell from HflRt rough tlaba he beln; a carpenter an 1 B boat builder. We had not think the BK tipper end uf tho1oijr narrow lakn ua SflH aome may Imaplno from my I reIoua iffl attcrlptlonii, but on the w oft t era thore mft,. Mmo htnce from that pvlnt 1o de ifmEiX tennlue how far it wa to end and llM1 make 1U nanny complete, tho doctor Uwjgti, nnd I ktart d for It In a boat the after- iflrlvp uo m lll ut 'tor vl(j- Yiar& orouly half the aftoruoon afrtlntt n lSli3 htad wind, m were forced to turn iW Uok, the lake ttlll Mretohlnff out FRwSc aouUiwtrd around a tllffht bend it far ibT at thn eye could roach It vmii qulto J5j6 1 trident thnt the lake. Hhe tho rivtr wa t5x4S hod met on the Itultla tlope, a fur ''Iwilr! nbOTO iu '""ninl level All of theahoro d tfJ Una timber wta half under water, i acts' thaw hip that the lake bcich was will N? ubraorL'ed, and tt watonly ut the very r fffl open jduuen we could launelt or I VOh 1 luud our lontA fnvorabl). Hurley C Sh the day we aiw a heavy l iff tljfnal nmo'te fir down tlio lake thuw- UllW'' that bU tha lhtut bad not left tho RIBK rouutiy desplto the lnre numWr of J ftHr cutwartt bound fur trader that wo hud 1bW mct m '" on trnU ln 'Kit ! ,y" JwWF turprled to lind iucli u numbr of IHLdrii llinklt nt any vlan Uhtae nro tho IIUh lakou elan) malting tUtlr houi on fJeSw "i0 lIr"h Amerliwwi Inland plateau I Li IhS knew pertounlly that twcrul gf the I iHlB liana had trail lea ling1 thereto, but I f IfiBE'i luppotcd they only used them to make I B'ffpSf- fur-tradlnff excurUoiia to the Inland I'IKSmI tribea. Ihe laltona have u U,end, to B9&V 'T '"' Indian told me, Ihutull the M ' 1 "nklta w ere once 1 alt oqi iui.1 lived at Ul fflm friend in one I Iff vlll iffo on the btnkt IVilBi of tho lukon rler until 11 ttiici aliiuar- If bSAk nl uroe (it may boa waateof prlulcrt If M lnV-to ,utt) Ulpro "a u Wlni n thn kra WMi j cae)auct many wtrokllJedan Itnalmr 1 I 'lvffi therein At a consequence a iiiuubi r of bI llflf diaouutentrd paitUH rudlutvd out from ri L'fH lhU '-liuUlt Uabel and founded the rl 1 iff virlouclAniortub-trlocof CUIUtaU, IM Sin 1 fc-ltUa Kootrnahoi Aukt, Stlcltccns, K filw i lin utlcrs of the T llnklt tonfruu aHn From Ahlc Imln u trail, wuc;on road jiff , or iiven railway could bo mn priKtUal' jW ' h In uoy direction that bore Uio car rtfPI I dUal point of aitnrd lulttumiao Hi Tlio forenoon of Juno 18 we trot H If away under UcW tall with a fulr I fnit-tutle briCMi. ffomo tlx or ,B I 1 tewn in II en beyond t&uip theru U "1 f ft tumble down Indian ahatk ' uti tho ,SrT Pt bnnU that may bo Inhabited co lli M , ctulonally for 1 had found out by thla 'l ' tlumtl.atlowcvertlllapldaUdanativo LK , frrT?ltv buUdiuff lookud, viiNualLy ftLuut tU rof It wat no positive fclffn but that that pari may be repair dunumillf and at certain aentont It I ctnpil A heavy roaring tonnd from thla bank ahowed u thit quite ft largo rivercine ta b zt was altoul fifty ardt w lur, ahillow but rapid, whit It delta uatclrgrtved with drift limit r rrry where oloujf Dm thore of the lake thlt dilftl inUrwatlolotoen ttheneur we tried to land th t driftwood nn lli lake ahore, at thlt hlrh at go l water barred our way more or lent of tflutlly, and we were lucky imiord whore the driftwood wan wild, nnl we tould curry tho huaU nulure fr m Hi outer margin In nlnacaeaoutof ten, however, tho outer fringe of lojrs wrro Ioxmo tn tho water would roll over when stepped ur.n, ami thl ombinfd with their allppry, alimy aUlrtmade luntlnrfun aihlclli! nndfrUUIntr nil ver ajfreenhle In our atlffcncd conrli (Ion, after leteral hour In the U at About noon our wind died out and thrreitof the day we tpmt nttho uar. Tlie middle of the aftcrnooun wind act ju atjllly f rom tin north nnd delayed u u great clcnl I hit ntternn thn of forenoon nnd afternoon win l In tippoalto direction wo found to bo nultetoinmuu but with conhldcrablo diversity a to tho tliuo f diy wlien the chanr ttKk plae. About 1 oon w e taw a larifo river comlnjf In from tho r?at Ur oclock wo reached CHIT I'olnt on tho eastward the llrtt tibnipt promontory on tho lake that wo had met Itwa pra mt e, tumo 75 to Km) fe t pcrnlliiilaraud imiwl ilctttr pmiuo and oontphuniit brvak to thn Lrntlo irrndlert mi iharaeterUtto of tlo thorct of Ahhkluln There were twenty thue wnnl bl(f mil- to our credit tint evening, a dlstam.o that appear Insignificant nor looklnir back from tho land of rtllrmd nnl tHeaurrcyhojuda, but tbatma let a nip teem like a foreign country frrtin tho place wo had left In tho tnortiinf by Louiparlscn with our former Klt The neit day, Juno 10, wan atmoit a re pet I thin of ll c one ilefcrlbcd About noon that day wc tame abrrntt of tho Carl I mn ranpo, to raited ly the Intlant Ihlt I a iiiostoouspUiiouR tnsultled utustcrof twak on the wrst thorp around which thn lake llhtl 1 ml at if divh'cd at UiIijHjIntlnlotuoifnat arm, lhe Ant day lraattni had not (.Ivcn u a alnirle ' rlo with thrrc Ire II Irtfr Hue "t out, but this day when wo saw soma flli Jumpluif, thn troll were strain tail and two salmon trout. Ultba tiity aeven tulle record that dar wo felt like camplnirenrh, but the tlrfftwocKl ictoed our e (Tor la and wurntd u ttmlnclntfly that If wo wantid to gel all wotk done tefo-u dsrUweiutut hereafter seek an early ifeinp tn tompensate for time lost in this w ay 0 got anay caily the )lh a a snsnklnjr Lrocro mir nay lndukud us to prcs matte m while It laatc 1 Alniuto we pnstrd the iroutli of tho Keciihtaln ((Urn river In Tlluk It) or Ilifr niver of tho Indian. It com-a In from tho rnst an I is JW to 15? 3ardswh1c lttvallty I conspirtiou andean te traced 1 ail- Inland tot t rly to fifty mlUt laigr snowclnd hill llauklntr it u thu wuthn est It I evi dently thu Isrjfe-it rlier draining Into Ahkflalu llerun couple of lukuu In dlaus, In u light birth bark cam, pid bled over to nfrom tho w rat aid nav Uii prrvlooaly ttgualled us by a (run fthot Theyhnln.meuntuvltliiir dried mocAo-meat with thum I ut we bought tho btst looking plmo ainunr the lot, they, ut usual, friAtlug the test en 1 of tho bargain lhatevrulug meal had tho Ust the market nirordod, tin re b tng gull egrt, mooMMLoat and titlmori trout, with iwrk and U in furdesnert 'lhe record for the day wa twenty fnu miles, tho grruter urt Wlnj done ly good, huet rowing, 'lhe neit day, lu tho early aflemoon, tho liikeT be gan to nnrniw rapidly, and tin outlet touhlbo Men among a h t of white brokin Uuk. At 4.0 we tn tired tho ilrnlnlug river nnd oiKO morn took u good gait without laboring for It Ihlt thu wouudo twenty mile ou thn Itke. or nlnit IUo In all It 1 therefore tafo tu uswrt tint Ahk IcUIu it over ono hundred mile lu length and will therefore take its place among tho grtat lake of the llrtllsh Ainerttan Northwest, a Inn t faniot a for it largo lakit 'J he latidof the 'Inkoiit mav br said to end w.tli tt tho fi.rthctt Inland of any of tho '1 Hit kits et I came tn lontact aetirnl time with the fact that they knuw aomethlng of a 'llinklt band, tho HUgVecut, allowing that & probable In land communication exUled letween the in Tlie btickren country I around ftruiro 11. AhuUa.lhla town deneudiuj on the a Oisaltr inlues, roni.had from truufcllbythetlakeii river, aid stream is mtvljrabld for 140 milea. then then are aome seventy tiro miles by iatk train toDeaso Lake, and twenty LvftmllrsoTPr IttoCaulnr All through this laud the btlckeans have I een tin ployod (tut may hae extended their trading 1 aourslou to the Takou laud of lakes Kat-o-shau, tho pith ent Stickcen chief, garo inu Int tcrertlug Information as to tho uo tn which the Tllukrt totem pole, are pu an I regarding which there arn a num ber of conjecture. Ho said that ex- sC5SiS" tfW'Vnm-Pr' tn wham x sttai tux cunt, i ravatlon ln them aro often mod a burial plruvn for the atl eof crcmaUd Indiana, while other are gtncologkal and itUtorUal. TIicro Indiana have a legend that tho great Utlikeen glacier ooce reathtd ross tho river whhh lUwed und.r uetlli Ih rough tho ley tunnel they onro soot au old mail In hi cauo.' Jo corroborate Ibo first, thera tan atlll be Men the rLmnmituf u gUo'cr oppihlte thoronln mas of lev, but nnUiinfr to corrultorsto tho tietond txtept the limply Inherent tuennneis cf tnem to do such n trdk, esperlall) If the old man wat a decrepit and lalnetes -.Uvc I wbh told that About the latter '70 bhot rich chief of the ihllkatv, of whom I have already itpoken killed sixty alau before r hikes chief of tho htlikeaitV who, not to bo outdonoln abolUbltigalairry, slew sixty fi-,e lo fore Shot rich Then the two tlan foushtand thaKUtkeenawrro whipped, my Informunt adding that tjhakts com mitted sulcldo iu u rettjlt. I'ttXrSIllUH HUTVATK Cem'd cNTI t dgr I. pditIou. lTioIlrynMawr iclleuo glrtiMeir Jocg flovrliiK ruLes and inortarlmnrd caps At cllflr the experiment hi Uni trlttl, I ut with partial ue.e tho cap an 1 t,owu llag rtlcgatcd to oliHurit) inept ft-r i u cjalifscjluui. . y Tf TrSz' PCtlCTnATlNC UlCrU LeMSEIbJ ,-ff tj(UIJl iTunfn. m.tiio i AND THE I t'f'i'.'i.c nr. '" .UE A DoWood's pusiir. b- ,-VS H IVulriil.., 11.. wyWfvvv "X11 iitoa.u. I MiritTAItHlS. xsTAnnsato, net gWepIj E. JBajIoif, Pionoor Dnilonakar ol Utah. Ibafirfiffit mwsm Ulmtfmtfrrr mi4 JVIt i At Kt4t ititti IU, Ht4 unit llotS Co rti COFFINS AND CASKETS.' I all Linn nffomutiirtil-itiliics kepi j ftUphnl Ttt grvf OrJrt prvwtptty V irll-'4?r'ti o in lhfllJ.JtKciCJ' Uou witnoat cur ctar-is OPEN DAY ANO NIQHT. I !lgl;rK.rt, Bo. 253 E. First Ssalt, On. ud.h.lf tl.c. ei.tftt Tfa.itr i TKLCrjlOSC Zt. 10. j Joseph William Taylor UNDERTAKER AKDEMBALHER. Crrftt rffiluaf ivit CoapUlt rtotttf COFFINS, .-. GASKETS, A-d Undertakers Good In Utah. trelf ! VMEJ it imrtmtt T'JaiJ rrutt twee thnerrvtr cfrrtUtn t(4 lOTSHOSMra'i'.tW"- J 1 ertr$Jll tl Ptp cr I tght tn tt 8rttt IfUltbt tint, onici mu witiaooHi narca cloisd. i Noi.2I arid 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. r.U.li0Ci3. ItlerfttraatCl ' IIWK4 I wiLruati Wn ttmvtr, lxo, M Ci5of, fnttdtnt CatUtr CaibCspUiI.llOOOOa. UaihSiujlni f-WOM. MS SfflCS llffl; TRUST COiMPAXY, No. 1 and 3 East Tomulo Street, i SALT I A KB cirr, VTtir I rtraiiLitiiKP lt73 incoui-ouatcd 1J43, 1 DinBCTonsi Witvonn Woanatrr, rrr lint, Cltoiaa Q CAFOrf, tie tmldnt Josxrif Y. aHtiu, Ixihc!2o tsaxr, Axaitlf Uashox, rn(.iM Ivmav JUPCrt J 1 ittur, AMON II. IlM Jamk Jack. 1 totitu u itxuor, Qiumi UarKcLss, T U VTEuiiKn, II. U. riAatoy Utdeet Nailni tinuk In llnli wilts flvpntli giesler llmu nil elhvi) tuttiblor! -pftf Ucpoilt loses for rant flsvinjti Iiroma tn ar son (rom II CO rp rtcmt i nl in lire t allow e 1 ( ft prr cval i r sthBta.eompoun Uillparnmfi s vjir t-r-rti-iosaerre i irimd.sixl snv iuii forwarded bj toubirjr Uf ioiutri csrcfjlly attcniJeJ to Utah commercial AMI Savings Bank, SALT LAKE C1TV. Capital, . - 620O.OOO Surpluo, - . $30,000 OENCHAL BANKIN'Q DCSffiuSS. Five Pr Cut. In'orcit Tildon Sivlnjl D.poilti, Compounded four Timet a Yrir. MCKI'I, SaMMI JiTaMI's roit SAtC jt ijii jmaa- on Ahr ur lit AUel3 mituoToitii. HIKCtl AltlllTRO.O. P. w MADI.W, Uk. Jot S Muillil, T. v, nuiioici, I UUTAR ItOBEIITI, lllO. M , Jllllf Mill, o,o. II. luuir, e.uuil Mclmici, U 1. ODUMI10. DeBfEMionalBanlf, A1.T I Alii, HIV, CTAII PalU-uu Capital, - $000,000 00 Surplu., - - 6600,000,00 linn i roil., I. !" IIILU, rnmltiit, llaic. liutcu.u. Ik. Prut&it, W.IIITII. J It 1UR1K., J T LllTtc, J 0.CUH.1K, J.uKi eiuitr, HewkT tiitivooiiir, i. 11 reinr, 1 U JCXVI1.0I, uior,c nor, J II llnnir, I IL I tnuti "Ji II b. luivo, t v.M. , Receives Deposits FajaUe ca Demand. Iti$ n4 St! i rxthanyt c f Ttrk 1m Yi fcfUjo, CXIt go, 8U Loult th i4, tndo an J allt rrindp it . itiutntal I Ut I tfcST nsf 1 epoiit buUi, shiulntelf J ar tlif and flri roof. Itetis tl to t& prr tar IlOgp, GEMERAI.VBANECIO .B0SINES3 AT Ml. (10 MAIN HTItKKT, (Ojyil . (A. C. op , anil PAYS INTEnFST ON DCP03ITS, 1 UESJUI 10UU ItCUlkll, DAVID JAMES & CO. J Plumbors, Gas and Steam Fitters j DjiALiimn ik kA Piumltn Malmal, Pumpi, Pipt and Ttlthgt, Sltam lltalwg iupplui, Jftii and Iron Roofing, Calvaz- Ph ftJ -fton Conit, Qulltring, Kit. -j GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN GPniNKLEnB sV No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. gOLOMOH BRQTHEBQ I I Tho (lost Succosaful of all of our ( J .CT HOME-.-INDUSTRIES . JUL Istha mnnufacturo of DootB and Shooa. jti, UnoxcollcU liy any nro thoao f of OUR MAKC. -s HE LSCTIIC BISTOF I.EITI1LR AD U 1TERI IIS. Mj Our work Is tlono by linnd and wnrrantod. "m " Wo enrry aloo Cmnploto Linos of "" 8UiIIob' rino Footwojr and Mon'u Glovoo. A f OLOMON BROTHERO Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES. BRUSHES, COMBS, TRUSSES, BANDAGES, ' IMl'OHTED rrairuMKs, DftJIESTIO AM) Diroro CKiAKS, CHOICE LIQUORS. j PJIYSICLIXS? 1'1,'J'JSCPiIPTIOjYS ACCUU VT1.1.V . COMl OUMII'O .. I10T1I ,, DAY .. AND .. MOltT. vxxoijES-tVi-.ii: v.aXi jx-jstjcjlj. bult Lulcu City. I 1 rr n a.,. n.naMi'.'.i tiii.m .umi rgnjiTrmg.ailniM'..LJ-,iiaj.jij f OPP03ITC SOUTH TEMPLE DLOCK. I I WE LEAD LY LOW PRICES, j I Fueititurs, Wall Paper, j I Lace Curtains "-Linoleums. BABY CAERIAM COST. S 'Tfi,. fl. i tr. V fM$&m PERMANENTLY CURED OR 110 PAf. IV-PlSSlii. &T. Ko it. Iretliinrwni IimIiimi. t Vf3!Tr v 0OnSlcnUliiHiM,l.iirCiitonilimnil.l.. . YKP S?V 5L LJ Ui'iul lUnk. In li.m.r, Blu StttornltL a Co. MyC"i f l-nkM, Stall I-lik.. NL, wWTrt ft. In. .tliat'iniriiilhivl Wrltl.n CTur.ul to tUn. ItAfAt 'A J.ulroiiMaltHiil.ilKL'P'111 l,(lK.U,.,j.i iilth- A Smr- U"""l,"eMINIOMIHK. mfcjfL ' THE 0. E. MILLER COMPf, THI. STATE RANK OF UTAH, IVirnrr Main an I IA Ttmpte fjrrtlt, Sill taU tVy. Cpllnl, - I1C0,000. Wiirnln., - fOI,uoo. '" " J UUASI' ttMg.'fe.iiiWrtS!tJMl,tt"r' "" ' "M- DiiincKouni I Jcr r Kmllll Ch 1" imrloti, Wm II lira. .M7 tl.TI.o Alr.lolI.L.nnnll, tT.nkV.T.Tlur, rp.BCcr i IkWMB, I btl.T l.rniworlB Elli.S Menu. r l W.ll.t. Il.nrr A HooiUj. '""'. Ommm-fal iitl, . H U4 llranfh'1 Jtconnli Soltcttti Largl ani SmU. lAiirt iiiMtii Bourn nuirin. ri h STAR -" , block: Tkt fllk erf fsi Ul U fftt thttr Mtitt at tin Mi:,liT:.MIffll No. 54 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. irain . ilk mulct r n i r nt rut it ima am Acr i Tiittr ni n umi ii mi in irAuiAMi uniibii imi jiici rpHE PBOPLE'S DRUG STORp 1 JOHNSON, 1'ItATT & CO., P 3: i. 3AIMAIH 0TRCCT, " S'r":iu'.r::r.V.,i. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Patnt Miches, Toilet Articles, L'ruihei, Combe, RubherQIov.e Su.penilere,''"') .'"''" i miiinfn J.n(...,.no inu.... ELEGANT LINE OF VX3-V(rS2MjX.-ir. aucais rontiiit crmnr.ATrit i r lumirAnATioM Everybody Well Treated by "Tho Doys." Givo them a call. o fl K , m fttc otc y Hr ? Z. C. M. I., Solo AKcnlri Ju Suit Lake City -s4W&K ', JaP " 5 A Bttfll & CI. .Clearance Sale! CLOTHirofi , HATS and GEWrS FURNISHINGS Preparatory to Stock Taking. 45 ana 47 Main Street. BAIT0T& Ci - -