Newspaper Page Text
Hi J fi PESj-HET EVENINGr KEWg, Till MSPAV. AI'lilT. gf 780'-. K I DESERET EVEtUNG HEWS. H El Ifi ' iw, lor A4wii"M i an r"' ' iKBUfl p.i ii.r ! '! H MS ,SVrf.ta.U taluMbhW loaiosti ll- iHIPJ'U r.,ln.ll.uIUilr.m. 1 r,l, Admtlone fumrtMl sees IT"',0 HC -C,U In .jTirtlKnm.1" tsaet """ VPi " liint-..rr, I April a. ""' Hfrg - rKAUUENTS. HMEi Ztruril l Trnitr Jim teen eH'- H cj lotlmwtor el Hebron, Waslilogton HnEs coiiniy, Utah. Hm2 Tu Null Leli llsrdwaro P,y.y ''J"! !l putcband llio inllro,stoes: ot llio 1 " ukVXSv llanlwrarocompsli. BlBll Tjik marriage, be ,?? ,K"T iSS ffill Inc. t Mr. ltussell '. Woudtolf and T'S MIm JalUl'lottnm lilmlll imurred III Kf J vt. 1'aui'a i:.Uroii'imt'ii nishr. j . ij 'flia nupttcl contract M IWIowl I fi t, auj llio Bood vilsbel ILnf Of a lioslof Irlslidi. "M-S Nrr less llian ill rnsnilorii el lb kn . "lleHI'a Auction", per IVJtfi, ' loriiio.lontb.lOMlUr.lroctiillr.J kWfyS hullied to il-atli III Ik """'l1.'" "J lB T.iealroetriillulellilelalnl.lit. Ialt HK laillculara will t found III our tela- HflQ graphic rolutnns, uu u,a two. HaHfi Mn Jn-utrn UHKiiiroen, llio hrolter PHH I oil hlscTlv. UoYcrwl,.l.mjVlll. ... I HHl liiaMlnewsrrfvltcd I' eat IMrasn I" I ' iKsB ' Tual .y of ll.. dealti nf u" '.hr,i ; I i StaBB Temnlemnre, Ireland. II was t' 'r I Alflf I miprei,ml lor tlia Inlol fence, "' li IrJBW liKTluii ln dviIHI of hli Illness, no i hHWI yraa about Uljcare of ,(.c. I IKiH AT 10 o'clock Ibis mornlni tho flincrs -f JBB .crvlosscivcr tt0 riuislns or llio lolsnl I ifK' .laugbtcr or Mr, ami Mn. J"W ;f; i lu.,,-lit ..oalaticei,orolili iffBH' nl the family ieldnce. Kealli waa dm i SbpB to imculilunla ami ordinal jeetcrilsv. I llm riieliarwe.lwr.n'aUtiilliaajriiiiMlby -. i&Tw "' " c' '"""' ' lhIlr anilctlon. I SE 0" Halunlay next Mr.Au.lrew Jirliwi, US I1 iiniMlatoroflhaCIIMHouar, will rullro l ironi business, haliiiiolil Ms lew on ,11' iba hotel named lo V. I. Clin, the ownor I of tho premises. Mr. 1 r I la-ai. w . Iiaj ! Inula (or hlnmll many In Ibla , HWBl I rlty, haa Ivan trfry auw-atirnl III bla tin. Iiloriaklncra. all baa atnnwnl conblar ablnaumof uionay Unco In Ural awr 1 barnlnlil. llfaconlii.alliiKlaH lollurono ami may iuuaoly Iaa Mil g faaaaaa winter 111 lVyl''. 1 VSij A STAUB1M1 ArritAY. I SI Odo Chlmmnn Slalia Anollitr In Uic myi Oriental HulMlny, mi l'lom BW' AIIcj, U.l MKbl. Si V Tlitrnwna a aetlout itnbUbRnlltiy VB1 ' In llieOi!iilnllullJlo-albrco rlory 'BIJ attuclute on I'lum alley, Ul nllil. Inl m Hbortly ntlartranla C'blnaman ru.lml aRlaTl! Inl "" l'"ro atnllou with blood hSHi courting down lila faca and gtriconla lllBt 'rom " u'y J J"P H"'1 )n "' 'lau IjHM of Iho hoad. Dr. Mcachini waa lm- IB mmllatcly noIlflM by laleplionu and IPBjBI aoon arrlrod t Iba ball, and uimlaan raWJ, rxamluatlon and drimcd ll cut, alter 'M) which the woundi-d celeatlal waa pan- llftwn rryed to lili iuatlcn by bla country Hill men. l'aitlculara of llio allalr K'l wtta not eailly obtainable, owing i IV lo llio Uhlnamaii knowlnu, or ratlicr H . pretondlnK to know, nothing about It. ,iVS 11 ar.atr, liowaTer, thai I.a HlnR rili V. llul, tbnTTlctlm, waalna room In tho ' !H bulldlnK whara the culllnE occurred H with two other Chinamen and hecamo W H Involvril Inaquarral wlthone of them. Hi Th third Riau waa elinaited In oiltllUK llTWf bamboo and tuddenly the knlle waa tjt anatched front bis kliup and luncei' AjVH? Into th liody of tlin irlilhu, with Ihv HK reiult atated. HH! Hie natno nod Identity tba fiollco VylS weta unable, to itcuro and hu waa raF tlicreforo not arreited. fill, A FOUL-)IUUTIIt:i IllllVCIt. iUH, Acta lVrfrtllr Ilia l'art of an lenora. 'V, inui on U.irr Mnlu hlriet 'Hf lciililj. . Pjk Tho driver ot ono of the city atreet Kfrll iprlnkllnK wa(ona mada a glaring ex. Hfl hlblllon of hla ignorance on upper mmi Mali, almt, about 0 o'clock tills morn ,11 log. Directly In front of llrooki1 II r jrecngioccry land vrn a garbago mH wagon In Hlitrha lot of refuto waa lH' Oalngloadtd He ptirpoaily drove till '1 Uara up agalntt the Kaibng convey IfVil vtitr, tbotoloof bla own wagou com. IV' iLglnroutactwIlk Ihoi'iidgate. Tho iKHi outfit waa tiu-bed nlouir tho ilieot for a P lonalderabloilUUince. Klually another BLHV team aud wagou wna crowded on HH to tho alduwullc aud pedeitrlatia ajK i aiatlered In all dltecllona to r-flB avoid llng knocked down and IviwJf trampled upon. A pair of acalea which 'traTaftil atood near the outer edgo of tho walk KflM wire tipped ovtr and badlr damaged. nfnl When a byitaokercnllvl blm to tank wf laul for n u-!"!!"! fr UDd ungeiitknianly VfavZi' conduct he replied wlthaolley of lUlu 3llllngpgnto that ho had the right of R-flui a ay and meant to kiep II. Another IlKKill inetancoof repiahimlble conduct oc t Mavil surrod recently wheuoii of tho watur rJaflBj wagon drlveta turned the full form of Tw5 tho aprluklor ii on n lady aa the croesed ' ill. thoaldewalk marine l).rct National ' ttili bank, thereby tulnlog a allkdreia and wjgf valuable wrap. j JM , "WHAT'S IS A .NAME." laBv A ilamly Mm Dlth a I'.n'Mlclluilzrt ai-MB a Jeuelcraud llicaupafor 1K Oilier 1'arU. SHeveral daya ago a Nl"B reporter aictrtalned that a ycungmau namnl J. J. llickworth, lor aarao time a, an eiup!o) oof the well known hardware II rut o( Ooorgo M. Bcolt o, Coujmny of ' ttili clly, had ruildenly dUatpcartd for parta unknou u, with th charge of 1 forgory preferred agatntt film. He had boon recognlied by lili employer I aia tiuitworlhy man and hla action wasaprofoiiiiil aurfrlio to thtm. Prior , to bla departure ho Uaatd tohavu vie tlnilted Jumra (llindiiinluir to the niunuiit ul $1:3 by nlglilim hla name ti 1 nchetkwlililihualttriTarJKUOie.lid I In tawing on u Jewiler named ; Haiton, rvcolvlng In return a ring I and 1M In When the i awlndlewaa m(!e known It waa re. ' lotted lo the polite but the reoitera I Mid uotulug rtgariling the allalr, tbluklng m did the olllcira that II might militate ngllutt the ihaurta for I the ollcndt r't rapture. Up tu the t rn ent no trace of hla wheteaboutl liaa litonliarmd and tuo i Imucn lor lilm I continuing to enloy hla liberty are x , cetdlngly tjood. TeVllI ' rto aBBBBk aL' aaaaBm jBaHBm , THEIR VERDICT. Tte Jory Find for lie Fl.iat'I In Its Warner Case, At nit ini mi itiTixii jiisv Ml'.tlH IKHIIS. Tliflr pfli 1 irtitfnjri In Interroga tories llf Hie llefrnif. I .V W Trial Mn; I.a Had. Yiiterdf afternoon In Judgo An. derron'e court waa taken up with the additaies of rounttl and his Honor's charge lo lb Jury In the c.iio of lluili Warner vi. the Mutual Accidental Aa OClatlonof tbe United HtaUl. About 6 o'clock the caiu went lo the Jury,wlth luslruclloDi lo reluru n aealed verdict. Altar Ulcgout for acme llino Ibejurora cauielntocouit and aikeJ for rurthir Instruction oa to Infereiina lo bo diawu In regard to modern sulclJo or occl dmtal kllllrj. Judgo Anderson wna fetched, gave the teiiulicJ lutorniatloti, and the twelve uror again retired. At midnight Ibey wero still dlicuu lug, anil ntthat time It waa understood they wero 11 tu 1 lu favor of the plain. This luornlnc; at 10:10 Hie Jury filed Into court, having reached a conclu sloii at .1 n. in., and handed Innieilcd verdkl. They found for tbe lalutlll III llioiumcf f-JSiXI-1, being tllliflO'K) due on the liiiiimnco policy, and In tetul. M'iciai. riNuiMaa. At the iHiistof counwl for (he de feiidanta the Jury answered the fallow ing fjurktlontt . 1. Waa tbe death of J. Harley Warmr ctused and rroducod on or about March Mb, 18UI, lya liullel lemtratlng the heatl of the said J. llartey Warner7 Answer Vis, that li, the nglon of tho In ail. L'. DoToii find from the evldeuie that Iho death of Ihv sild J. Haihy Warner was caused or produced by a cunMiot wouudT A, Yes. X Was the wound fuuml In llierrglou ut tho left tilt pis or J. Harle) Warner pro lured by a pistol, tired by the aalJ J. llath-y Warner? A Dju'iknn-. 1. Do you find from the evidence that the raid J. Harley Warner itai slot, on or about March Slli, 1SU1, by an nieasaln or burglai? A, Don'lkuaw. 6. Do you llnd from tho evidence that J. Harley Warner was of a oheir ful and buoyant dlssltloti, and In good, aound health phyilrally an I ineutallf uit prlsr lo March olh, U91T A. in, as to disioellluii don't as to health. fl. Da you find front Iho vvldenre that J. Harley Warner had Ueu allllrted with the (Jl-rs.o called It Kilpr, and niuralgla, Just shortly bi foru his death? A. Yta,sllitlitly,ti wtckortou days lirloledeatb. T. Had not J. Ilarloy Warner been taking medicine and tiarcotlca shortly before his dfath? A Yes, as to medicine, a few daya belorn death don't know as to nar cotlia. 8. Djyou find from tho ovliencr thatanytiTi,rtwaimaJaby Iho helti or J, Hurley Warner, or any of them, to conceal or lUppriM tho facto con meted with bis death? A.-No., Foreman. Attorney llsldwln. for the difcud. ants, moved for Judgment on tho special findings, but the court overruled the motion. A stay of thirty days was, however, grauted to ptetiarn auttemeut and motion for a new trial. It aeema that in about five mlnutei alter retiring jeilerday nlttrnoon eleven of the Jurors had made up tlulr minds In favor of a verdict for the ilalutlir, but the twolfth man took a dlflereut view, and It was not until the hour otnuime round that heylelded to the majority. .IcTorc .luilc Zaur. Nothing of lmxitauretrauiilrel In Judge Ztnc'i csurt this moriilui;, th following belog the only matteis lliut engaged lit Honor's attention: UIUICTIO.MJ. Joseph Rlmijli vs. II. .V. Mo. II. II. Co,etal. In this csre there was on otjictlon entered to service and Juris diction, and defendants wi re al'owcd until May 7tli to file allldavlts In supjiort of objection, adiiitiu.nai. Tun:. Arthur MeaJa vs. James Thompson otnl. In this action live days' ad ditional lime was granted lo file motion foru now tilal, lltaUMMI. Th trial of the i aie of B. I'. Tiasiiel vs. K. H.l'arsonsetal,, which com mencetlyestirday, waa resumed. The point Involved Is an a'leged uulawful svlxureofcoodi. 10 QUII.T TITLE. Uauiuel I,. (Irren m. (1. W. Kartell (rrobatcjudr.el ttal. Uicrtu quieting title toccita) n laud. Jmle Anilersou'n Court. In tills court today the following matters were dbpoied of: eim.U) AMIOAIILY. Hamuel J'.wUuk vs. the Union raclfo ltallroad Conipjiiy. It was stated ly counsel that this case had Utu lettled out of rcurt, IIVI UHULKII. C. M. Hammond vs. Thomas J. Ireue; uppujl, The motion by pUlntlll todlsn.lnawasovirruletl, and thu trial proceeded, J, W.'llall appeared for theplilutlir, ar.d Judgo lluirlsfor tbe delendknt, 7 be claim was for si rvlecs reudeird by the plat HU In the man. agemeut ii'id supcrilitelideniu of n butcher's store belonging tu the defendant, Ittween Ma) 6th ami June lOlb, 161:1, nt u ilally wugu of 1.1, mak lug n total of (117. There wn, liuv. i vur, a credit oi J W Icr meat un hasi d by tho Plnlntlll, having the balance now claimed tu leduoSS, An mid rota cushion is a 1 irgo square wilt, i inbroldrry over liatf of It and imiiikio slU lull In tiny plalls mcr Hie oil., r tin mi it. i'tis meet dlitgonslly In Ilia center t'llliecu.lilon. Copjier may Ueelt ined by aiMlog n llttlo soliillou ot bl liron atn of ljtxsh to dlltiti il bltlloadd. TlilsrlU'Ulilbeuu.'duUbiJUA I CATTLEMEN'S CONGRESS. rteparalloas ttW Made by 0dsn's Cllliics. HIE I'HIMI (lU.MIOI IHMUsSl.ll. Tlir I'ropnslllon Is f .incMercl 1J the Cool ell of Hie Junction Illy. Tho ierc Hon comralllec of Ilia ratllrmen's contention, of which Major lurnerul Odeu Isrhalrrasn, appolntcl Hie followlpg sub-commit tentauieetalllrslnsbegliinlnj today: Uuh Central. J, II, l.-ingsdorf.II. I.. (Irlffln, Wllllnni Harcombc, Jehu A.lloyle, II. II. rJiencer,(lcorgoll. Djiiglt.s, D. D. Join. J. M. (Irabam. Union i-aclllv'. Justin Wltherell, It. C. l.uuly, Djii Msgulre, I". J. .Moody, A. II. JU) os, John Keck, 1,. W. l-huitllll, Fred Toy. Ucntml I'aclflc-J. 11. McMllltii, J. C Armitronir, A. II. Nclaun, John W. Mclrslf, Den I'. Illch, DavlJ Kay. llio UranJii Weitorn. Fred J.KIe s.1, . II. l'attoti, H. H. Hchrsniin, 1). II. l'cilj,Hr., ThtuJcro IloUsoo, I,. H. Mitchell, Hansford Hiiilth. Ulali.v Noitlictii, R.I...rmilMni, Vf. J. llowia, John McManlr, Trunk Cannon, II, I', ImcU, J. 1.. Coolldgr, Ad Kuhn, C K. Ilinnls'.er. Committee mi llitcl. J. It. I'.l llott. J, Wltherell, W. A. McMillan, William Chnpmau. The convi-itlcn will In railed lo ordir at eleven a.m. tomorrow and will continue In union Wo ln. Delegates arrived during the day Irom all or the surrounJIng Hlalcs and Territories. Till! I'AVIMI (JUIKTIUV. The Ogiien t.'ny Ccuucll lasliiven llif met tu s4tlalitsiloiiaaucuuimlt tee of the whole to consider the uv Ing rjuistlou. In thu nbtticu of Motor Turner, Councilor l.lllott took the chair. Thire were resent Cojii cllora McMjiiI, rjpencer, (Iraves, Alll son, Cunuun, Hhurtllir and Calvert, ami several cltUens. A general dls tusslun of the question was railed for. II. I., arllllu did not fivor stout, blocks for thu teuton that they were noisy, rough and hard on horses. Tweuly-flltti sltcrt, bo couUnled, was not luavlly traveled wilts draya and largo treli-lit wagons, but was more of n passenger thoroughfare. He desired nianidain, for tho riason Ihal the material can be obtained In Utah atil thus furnish votk for homu workmen. Heclted cases w here macadam Is used nud de clared that It gives better satisfaction than any other material, l'aved atrteta nr called a luxury when In re allty tbeyshoiilllxia net-easily. The properly owners nn rwiiitylilth had uoc.ired themselves In favor ol isvlnr-. but they want something which Is nut an t'Xrlinunl auJ souit tiling which will please them. Tliey would rather iay doublu than gctmimtthtng with w blcll they could not lie t IraieJ. 7 he cost would not be half that of any ctber material and the lavement count bo uitd as a foundation Incase any change was desired lu the future. Mr. Urllllu futlher stated that he brtl talked with nearly every (rojvrly owner on Twenty-tilth street aud the itsneral reullment was against atone blocks, John Ilrooni followed Mr, Orlflln and auld that gentleman had spoken his sentiments, Hu presented written slatornents from four property uwuers on Twent) -fifth street, irotcslitig against stone blocks. Ueo. Coonley had favored paving from the first and was willing to pay for It, but lie did not want stone blocks and retiildercd macadam the riroir lavement, lloeltlattd at some length on the merits uf his favorite and was docldudly of the oi inioii that inasmuch oa the majority or the Mrty oh tiers had ttltioued against the me of stone blurkitlie Councllshould respect their v. lilies. Caleb I.. McKce was ono of the few wlio had opposed avlng from the first and came as a representative cf rer lain proM-rly owneri to ghe their res sous w hy Ibey w ere agalnit itone and In favor of macadam. 'rwentyflllh Ireet at prerent is not ready for n per nianent pavement, ns the cross connec tions for the arwori have not yet been tut In andtbetc-ofloare not irepared Indolheuoikjuit now. Hooutllned apian by which the paving ijueitlnu could betakentronitliuihoulderiofthu Clly Council and put Into the hands of a eoninilltru chosen by theorle. A. II. Nelson stated that he had visited California re short time ago and was more In favor of macalsin than ever, rjtono pavement la dirty, noisy, ii no von and slippery; wagons break t . pisceaand horiei aru ruined by It, Macadam pavement wnulil furulili work for Ugden's lalwrtra aud thu money could thereby all bo kept at homo. David Kay felt like the previous speakers and was much oioHsd to sione llocks, prlnclully becsusu of the noise and the manner lu which It im-d up horst-s and vohloles. He favored hltumlutus rook or a lultutu and consldrri d Hiat Idle the price of the last named might bo eoniMeroJ higher than that ol anyotber matcrlnl, Hie durability and convenience would more than re ay the clly. Alter anmo more discussion of n similar klnJ, the Council aojourned until Monday night neat. Hill. llM'AliTS-.NT. The lire depattment was divided up csttrday aud hereultcr II vo men with two teams and the steamer and llyer wllloirupy tbu llench lire station. At Uliu o'clock tin entire depart ment formod Intollni'JieailtH) by Chief llbodis In lili new Magon, and pro leeded to tho new house, which Is unu of Hie most complete ilepsrlmaiiti for Hi site In the West, All alsim loits are eonnrcted with thu station and tho cltliens of the lleucli u III III the future be amply protected from the raages of the tire 'I he t err outiel of the new de atlmollt Is ns follows: Moore, aialtant chief; West, foreman; Mcli to.h, driver; Hay, dilter; Cliapiel, liuseman. A I. In, en Hue Shores. KhiT Toiubrano, ot llillnrll.irl, one ot thoUilbirtlsUiudi, lus arrhtil iiitsin l'rancisen The Is of uiasslio build, Ulng over six fe'ct in height and w Ighlng .ol) pounds. He tnmlo tl.e voy uge out of itirloslty aud to see tbo tilunnui cnmtr " IIo Is atcon panlod b Chief Autlb.1 uud amdhcr I subj t Mho clli lilia.,ef "Jack tho t'liut" aiu rraucUjco L.tter. ' I'lire ,.,., rt U '!( ilii-l .1. v ii I'UMlt-lifr. c intfilnu.Kirit h mn 1li " tli4 lir ' ni ,kif oucjuf tit. tMik rnif Ihy Mur.ttmit!i t-cnt ii"' lKntltU?M It 1..U Intemt our r t in r wmta tliliig ufthccaaTof i '. U tlMtTvforo qtwto ! v ,ri.'Mi Wfl oITir ih ftpulogyfur l r Jt writer llft Of ClllH0!l, It llI-Ti.fotlllil ai lit tli-JUcliU. 'o i-rinlt onmhw cnl to nsmark Unit If n v. ikijicr iun lia 1 wmit.M to a) that mniMi UUefi ftmong munltlnd mbnllv ,nm from a (X'lnmon nnl ihrcfiiri likely to contain inon-it ." VAitiKl limp Mtil it nnd Iii-prtl. lint till. It how a RTrtrt .liil'Moplicr My Itt lIuvrvitPwrvitMtmait) 1 mimn x Urtwmr, wi nr Inft-p tLt His. DTimliiiilost from vIOnI ftivrlvfirta, mi-I thnl Ihcv nrhrtrftllf mntlril, m,. tkr-thttl- -"nlnln. MM tuall araooui irf truth Vm mi j ism tltl ttiott- rrrtA!lr ( b,M Inlirfi whfcll Kit lrctrlj trtUiUanlivil l'nrt.ter, If a now tpopur vrritu-r liot. In-cii ofAtm; to ay Hint 110 intin'ii joJfj; lnent Ii cithrr aluaji cwrm t r fllifayt uroittf, I.p vvuaM liit unit, juitt thit, no 11 it Hi-. KtM-l howjuu imtut l "it It If you Qro5t'rv.t tlilnlifrj s.liftl) tutt rarlof.e itrt-ti'i itfltntml r nti lir ptl uk! vt I-- 'i-1 Utl tail. tt-K flisttl rntWr ivtm-M thnl mm nn mnpWflj rlghl u not. r riaijl tt, nwit. As for Hie following MDteuct. Kt It (i-pfllc for lUtlf i WffllMtM'f CWOrrptrTtnf III ffVU-rfeit tbAt lh ntv ontult on!) i.lHtili.t(rlbitfiI thofshjrft i otM.'H.'Mt un) of nvli tiitnibor tnl kltil llit itii-jr run tu it rrriit?d InruBM-Ioa-ir- m hmrlr t lit win limit h lo fwu nil pftwttt ittlwn tlmt v.licntbnIJsefnir4us Ut or tHrtiim vt lt hil lotwlml ti finiM Mr? utrx, trhtr ta..l rtloo of lu nttri1ilM nuibntUmfiMof ftl ti nntl th roti i-H(oit f'irnttMlor 1( tlmlFrtnnrMiiijul eqtulr M ta b n tnrrs ) n.Ul IhM, iwrrnlie !, mrh FjrmUiitle nw ffilitw, Mbh-ti Mt tas-llM-vnMbl lu p-nrrt Ihlttlslmt, iin Iraill ttiAtr. imvhlf.l tlt hjr MHiin cnttuilmim m liHllhtl r-- uf l hoi ik 1st, or hy tLw fit, fill rat hi of I-Tlii-tlntU Iw -l on Itirrp, n 10 awQii) ourwlTMtbat lb IoihI fm urtaull !Wt IsttttbraMliHi our )tu mIm -iitirtlifl rMicli thnl nutmimUiimtr .mlim-irixc rt of t bought enn 'u.-1 as In MctritUn IbMlt.m ari vorrt mllntr M-ianltlkr, toi ny I mtlrtii tw mi. fttlfitlm-nt nui I Turn tbU, ibwt Ibajr r it- jt lhr v.clou ami lUmli-o an I In un Mn) .ILtlngtiUUiW frotu pun? Oclloii. Wo think tbo plitlMijiiif r hwo inmna to Irt m Lnuw liovr wu tan trll vlwn n innnb Irltiif, bnt wv nn' not rcrtiln. I.v.ry runiler will lktt ft, tlmitrofinilHy of tltu following uWratl!Mi I.-.l-rM-ktj-. Ullr ll urt.fRr):.ortH(ht. vtTl,ilbalarHim ti rn.tliat urt- nrrflm. Ho to itiii (.Uarnclur f ii unlUant lutlt toirllll.-uit tilitlrr Hltl b tl.r) uslti Hh Ul irronlli U nt utirt. a rrtjv irnt and r rftmw ( wmHiI itnn-M. Tbfliirluis? wlilrli tbHNMrrttiontlH iwtturttt nf lu imllt, KMt.iaswIaaiirtWaMWillcbUMt HnlU MPft Oil IlifitvesturTitsf tin purlt-l) lnrcMiltly ctoire .' In 1 rmtlnit new tliKtU. Ooro more: f)ibrllilofc-itidtivtl'til1,-lllH tlmt am null .rm lu firudtarm am ubfavombto U mhUI I "WW-. H(roIr.dUi?,liOttriT, thilt li co.l.if'i vouonlcrthoi.!illmti)Lurilll not pit It Into La tint TliDtlmlro in approrrlnto anl to Itrp Aliltl.Ii. Utn ar-f-tv-ii 4(-tl He lerp. net in liutniui nature only, but lu ai.lnikl tiaiurt. Ai to t-i litixt 011c though, tho mi trn.nM thliilt?rUnctqiittoiurinhoil.vr Utro.(irnuti Hfttm It fi.Ilown that (.1im-1Ii- ntwlt.f- tf rflailmi luai'sw iarrt snx itfil urtttMw..iil banniU'ii-lriiTlurnilinrlj'laa Ut-nt ubjctli-ii tartlUM ( f ui ritu tth nt ll 1 v taut tomti. tutvitTslfiicinlnrdfi-rininf tbutialil trmlucol 1) Ibxraol-llncpf Tbiubi ni"iu Tit lint, fvit'l tlmt II10 ImtrnvwlttiUlxfif latirlinff llitw., Iitv. jiiM li) tit liicimHr.blei.M of Ottlrinn Hot), t a ruartt f irarrriitlnirtbtuiu true, V.I.UU Iminvjaiurallr iraiiM-fitdtf lu.aluvany bllrr oauntblh!i tuyhn. Odo mciro mi iaotc, fu tlio liopa tlmt it will N't nt rct Jimuyu Mifftiu doubt In tho liniut of the cotfttuun iiulirlJital Mh'M.orki for Ut living Litmnm-l It n il thank l.naren wo lle In uu njo of printing mid of ihilwuphura wliu cmi til'lnin tiling! TbiN.i,rlii..f n.tlit jnrt ruerf t-rolu tlntilittltttpiiltlillritlon of i-rt-tt,f.Ml tUt 11 1 tmrrivei-a. la icwufiwt riftil j rourtyilitn m tbo lirt.r-aict,tjiir uvrtiruM Kruitter. in nut only lu lav rotAUUbwl JuililcUrcl). but Uf "If OuriUt fruin tl 1 tlorpnt of alt trutU. Tbo iriilltjl.rol.un of rffi-ta t a curvlUry from tbe irrblcn((i of forro. 'v ftl wo j thought not Acurloas tin.uiust.vico h?q rUo lo tho rt inrt that the typhiu U vr mttaiU at Now York wero nlmml ami K ft with but fool, Tho t)thii-i fuMr intlpnts who niontly ltiuf.tau Jim, tho trlctvi-t t)iH. Tl.tlr rlitfIon fuibu.lo Ihi-m to rtt nnithtn fukeJ in titrni-tN that Iork liml touched, or to tnke thtlr fool from tlute vlikh had crr lielJ it. IVually tto-y wouM liaM 1IU1I lufon lu.rtnVliijf uf any moat that was not "koilirr," that i( nnU pure ocj conliiiK to undent J u wish orillnanc a. TouU, utensils ami nil imut In) "kmh ir,1 or they rouM not i-urtnlco mill wonll not. It 1,01 nonw tlnw Iwforp tho Xortli Urolhor i-lnnl nut hurl t it im.krfcttxnl this nnl it mm nut till Hil lIcbrivClntriUf iikVfvoolntlon xcut full ttij'IliM of platL-t. utentvilrj nml meat fur tl.flr tiHo that tho dilemma wan nitt. Thli wonl "kinthtr" ha often Kn heanl Im.a tho Uimlau Jlehrow luno U-gtin to toino to tu In mteh number. rooilamlolicruiiCL'i.thitnreiH.nuUtuil aru "kohher," a Yrav.tny litrunt who ilwclt near SlirlnjillcU, O., his ktartoa for wUrn Indiana with a cart mada from old butf Cy wheel and nhatti, to which ho lilm iwlf a4harm'tl as though howiw n horw. A laric Uotf ottfOWianlwl him iw aliodjffuiril. x u jkt ixm. iLor-lathirtftcFnliiwritff thli cttj, of Oro,ty uttJ lieirt illniic, AgnM JamldMn Wllpfln.wlilowof tho Into AleuJer Wllion, lrrtl-ssloMirwaltcni, AjfrMri, FcolltinJ.Mirch 17m, 1K37) cmnrittil t UUH IVlobtr llih, 10 J. fbilTCCitrt ion ami tuo 4AUtllrr lo nionru brr Ion. Bin died ai itit) hi 1 liud. afailliful Utlrr dy Saint, "uoar-il crviro from bor Uto rtilelenco on . o.oiitay, it l o'clouka lsiya-tCoyoto,Ulh1 Atnt Clli (Iho diy if lUIr Llrib), Mirfcarcto an 4 l ttbtr Uitat twin tlauglsteia of oluejr II. JUrU K, King. Iiamtot i,rit 13, at Cojoto, Utah, 'f rho lemlntiiitum, Amer h .daiijUur of I'clvr I. an-l01atlntl4 A liruDtoui bornScuwUr Ibtb, lil. hlo- AI Coyoto, I tab, April II, Jolin, ios ot Culborl ami Ltuabclb Auti Calliater h tng, born SJarrhldlli, 1T0 Tbocauioof ttbia train fc , tr, alter nearly four wont I luBerlog I Utah Book & Stationery Co., ' 72 rain St., bait Laka City. Toy, Vlliumd, Porlotllcnla, School Dooks, Novolc, Suppllas for Officos nnel Archltocts,' I'urcon, Socloty Stationary, Church ant) Standard Works, Globo Lottor rilos, iV.c. DUNCAN M. McALLISTCU, Kannrjor. ffitS?- CROQUET! SMs7lIAMi0CKS, etc. -a Wo Invito Innpootlon of OUR NEW WALL PAPERS And BABY CARRIAGES, - At 07 nnel 41 C. riflST SOUTH STflCET, wffoiu oan bn aeon a Choice Lino f CARPET S and FURNITURE. Also CUfiTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, POLCCrtOlc.otC NEVE tSi eHILD." Tho ANNUAL CONFEHCNCC SALE nt tho People's Equitable Co-op. Association 7 eV 0 Main Stroot, from March 28tli to April 12, IB02. Hoatlqunrtorn for Conforonco Vloltors. Vo havo an Im monso Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoos, Gro cor.on, o'c, to solcct from, ' $10,000 worth of Mon's. Youths', Boys' nm! Chllclron'o Clothlnn will bo sold at loos prlco than any othor houso In tho city. Our Shoo Dopartmontlscomplotoln Men's, Doya', La tllo', MIsaeB'ancI Chllclron'3 Shoos. Our pilcao wUI sat Isfy all who como. Stnntlartl Prints, 40 designs, cut frcm full plncnsfno romnants) nt fJo. par yard, rogular prlco twolvo yard! for $100 G-lb. bunchosbost Carpet Warp for 31-30 bunch. Doya' Shirt WuisU In Indigos and Flannolottoe. 2Cc.o ich. Wo cannot horo onumorato tho many Cariralns wo havo to offor, but Invito examination of nur uoodx and pricosat tho P. C. CO-OP., noxt to Zlon's Savings Dan!:. H. J. FO ULCER, Miinnaor. Te (Ic.l.M, tl.M for rnumt trl. en A rll Silli anil SVIh, la Itles llMiitlo Welti in. Trnlnl ntb.fiOa.m,, ":1unon atr.1 lirjl a.m. Tn llailet. Nii.l Ileitis,.. 11.50 ler the rcuuel trlii on A rll tstji anil mil, vln Hie Urlou I'dclnc-. Trains nt 7:0(1 a in., K.L". s 1l mii.. 0:1-0 f. ui. Tlctels c-noU for re turn until May UN. lrr.eklr.i- Clio Male. Till. IlEtrr In the wurl I for Cuts, llruli.s, rVjns, Ulcrs,' Halt Illicum, 1 overrkr.e, letter, CliapeJ ilsi.ils, Clillllalus, Corns anJ all HVlu Lruftloiir, atiil Hjltlvely cure Pllei, or lie y re.iilre.l. It Is Kuatantee I te Klvrerfect satlilactl-'ii or money re lunilrel. rrlre'JSeenM tier tiox. Kor lalely A. C.Hinllli i Co. A l-reol lleerneilltlnr. Dr. Uurui'almjnmill.lver l'illsnre aturecurefor altk lieaelaelie, bullous rtmpUltits, ilvisla, llulli-t etlon. ceillvtniis, tori I1 liver, etc. TIum I Ills li.sure lerfect clii;eitIoii, ccrrect llio liver ntiil slotiiacli, regulate the lv.r!e, luilfy ami enrlcli the klowl anJ make the iltlii oliar Tluy alsu 1 nature a rocI netlte, Invii L rile and striiifttlieu the entire syitem oy tlitrlr tonic action, bold at 25 cents, a Lex, at Johnson, 1'rnlt & Co Halt Lake L'lty (Vera rsbr wsi sles, ws rs.s tie; Clitoris. V, bea slw was a Cfctl.1. sl erle.1 ror Oasseria. ebui she e-iram Ulss, ill elun- te CMtoela. U Ua lUo Ud t,tlli.-sB,sns jsts Unin Coilerbv J)r, Ilnrrowi.Driillit, Audit and Op tlclan. fjcuclea fitted. Commerdil Ulcck. Mr. A. !. lleckwltli, of Kvanston. Wjo., the noted hneOcr of stnedvd bred irottluit horses, has tuelvo of the I ett slallloua of hla stable In halt Lake Clly ut the new Halt Lake Urlvlni; I'aik, treat of the Jorilnti river, where they are In training for the June meet Init. We learn that Mr. Ileckvrltli has consenli d for li la hones toierve n lim ited nunit er or itood innrrs v. Idle they are In Halt Lake City, and would ad vise these evho may wlili lo breed to the hen troltlufc Heck In the weit, or for that mailer, In the country, to lm prove tho oi'iortunlty. Mr. I!. C Yorki hischnrt'o of thuhorsia In halt Like ('il).aiiu all u i llcallona for lervlce ihoulJ be made to lilm at the orotiriils, or address hliu tare of U. W. 1'aiks, Hecretary of the Hnlt Lako Drlvlun Talk Aiioclutlon. He not deceived by misrepresent lions. It. I folk V Co, will lisue the Halt Like City Directory tills jcir, re Krdleti of cx en se, Ion or f-aln, state, meiits of anyone to the couua-y M.t wtthilanillni;, When slKiilnic lur City Directory see that ouriiiineia on Hie order. It- !- I'ol K .V. Co., 7eraMlIiillJlng. TryourHeett'lckli.H.L.rickleCo. .Mini r. Tlie anneal miirtm- of the aloolc liol.i.'ii of the Itikllin Mlllitm LU will be held 111 the olllco of Will. II. Preston, Hal' Lake (lly, on Moniay, May Cm', IbtJ, at 10 , fir the l ut ir.u cf elecilnn IHict-tor and oilier olllceia fertile lli.lllbK a,,tn lnur thu Hcrrilor' Hep. rt mil Irnusnct any nlher buslnc-is that may It hrousht liefure' the nie'e tlnp. J ah. Gn, Hecretary. Try our Mixed I'lekeli. r). U Tickle Co. The lost sprint; nicillolne is n dote or twoofHt. l'alrle-k'a Pills. Tiny not tnly hyslo but i Irause the whole ayi I.lii ninl rurlfj Ihiihl-ol. Porrnloby Z.C.M. 1. Diue;l).-pt. TOH $20.00, You can got a Sprln Suit Mado to Ordor from Provo Cloth at JOHN C. CUTLER i. DRO, . No. SO Muln StrjoU Wo iae money to loan on real es tatu hnd coiumeri 11 iutr, lonir and sliorttliuc-. Waiiiiimn llmiy,, . Itoem 41 Central Illock. A.C. Hmlih.V.Cu,llruKUt,,afoits tf l'.ou.lts' llnperlnii 'Ionic. MOCK III Ht. The Kill Like City llrstvlhi; Co's kcuii 1 ediiltlon of Hock lteer, older and litis r than any ollur niiuufao lured, Hetid 111 xour ordersearly, from Afour-uallou kictii ncarlosd, J.tcuii Mbiinx, Teh hrne 17. (lentral Mauaerr, SUMMONS. la His M.ltlrl t'ourl Ti sn-l rr Hie Ttilrd Juuoisl imiilcl nf t ili Tsrlllurr. Luuntr ol sstll.s.1. It. I. Mrnek, t'lslnurr. It I. 'linen, UstSMlsst, Tl feopteor tin lernloif ct Uuh na4 Tel. I. Slrrlcl. Iiercaassl -irnir aiu iihiuin iiryi Mini to ,i. 1 leir lq sn setion Mvusl I sasln.t jou by Hi. "bole tismeil plslnna, lu tl, t.u trli-l Onurt ol lit riiir-1 Ju.ll.isl lo.irirl nf too lerillor, of Luh, and 10 smwrr lliu eoinplstnt It c! Ilicreiit eiilili leu ii.vs ol lbs ilar l ssmio) sllrr lU ..rilrs en ynu ot lull auiuiiiuui -II serieit wltbin Ibis riiunln ir. If .ervsil uul l in. e ustv.l'UI In Ibis ili.lnrl, witlila leeiily d.. ollur!. allhiu lflrl iljri-or l.y d.laull will Imi isle., Issln.i rou. sihurtlinir I . ll,..r.yi-'0l."ijrn.nrl'ie " Tbs .sbl srllnn 1. brouhl lo bsveailerrrn of mt.eoutt lurstrr ill.MlemK lb tionq. uf Milriiuoiiy t iisnua iMtwesn i ulniirl sn 1 il. I.nilauti slnvs r.ll.t .rave.l nn lh arum I tint on nr sUrnt lbs ymr iwt. lbs drt.nilint w sn.lstan eoso i llil.i Ulsl It sml b.s eeer sines eunlln. npinlnil..rnsntl sban Inn bin ssslntt l.i. will staJ wilbout bis, sn.t lliai its rmilanlhaa a Inrsn sua Ini om slibls l.tniirr snlrsu.n.plslntlll muib mental si gul.a suit AU.I riiim beirUT nnlin.J Ibsl If tua Isll lo spi ear sml sniw.r lb ai,l romiilaini sa abut rt.iii veil lbs .all Malum! will o lb Uurt lor ln relist .llinan leil liier.ui. Wltni-i lbs Hun chart., a alts, Jmlrs. and thi- ,ral el It lii.iml tjoiirt or ,ia IblnlJuiliilal l.tri I. In snJ Inr lb Tsrrl lory i; Utah Uu. J. in illy .if April lo in. y.brnfour .en! oaslbeuiani aiaai lmnjrc. ,ui.ny "'ilrAnt II Ml MII.UN.CkrS. lire, so li,il.oulr, , uesssA tlcstlH,Atl.irn.)-ariirirsnilrr. Baking Dtd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the StandAri A Puro Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Delicious Calce and Pasltj', Light Flaky BiscHlt, Griildle Calces, Palatable ami Wholesome. No other bakinjj pov.dcr does such vrcrk. MJiirK. i" ytir, to bear tho -vert art . itl . . ..r.rbVi,..o7. ,.eh,MJ:'",' "i"i ii rc.unirii.a.r,... lEOALNOTICI:. la Ihs rrnbsis Cunrt In sn I r.. s.i, laal,,Tsrr ffry Jl till,""4'' I.lh,r.1.,.,o..u,.MJll,,u P8S!r. , J 3& Wl!5 .:pa" A,i"MiiT,?e"ii'iri;,.l,:h.;1"' 'iir. lleu.o in rail Ul. cuy 'S i,'!. '" ,!T uKViK":..' vSflU'-tt: T- "'' l--tltln ol llorarn cnismlns. pra.ine ,f f, a.l,ni.loii 10 probal or a rLri,iU . ' lli.rswilti,i 1 urnomna v t. ,. .' "' win .m1 tmi-humV iY .luiRn mV; 'J:1 reaMHt nhNitMHi irakll ic r. .- 4, inif ttiutir ml twt iha tr. i- ! ! wtirliflcrnnHrnof rI,r, . .J.r' Mn o ).-) rfriniriMisfiii 1 '" n h"ti siiVfl v.'.VllV.L,"t!,lktl! darot tinl.A.liLlw " in. m . if j f f'lfrknt the I'-. Ii.tii ,U LEGAL NOTICE. " In Ih lroUte f no it nf thft I .ttuvty ot Pill fn (ha mattrruf ih mi. . r ,t '' ? it TOTICE ! llfluitr (Ir THAT lull t.nftrrc. for .ctttrmffM ,', Mil rutiit .1. tr final .r . it ," litratiwu ftf Mtj etUl urnl , 1 . (In 1 dlttriltilMtn of tb ..ii 1 f 1 I ., ta INO tt irrtsiO fttltlcl li T 1 BL 111! I eurt, Itt tlit roviitr uttil i 1 . unit Ut t ttj-mi'(!ftti l ItihTcrrU t !. 1 ,. DpfHitail I v tl t-itiitir-' . 1 f 11 fMlomaMtot'ets.iLlac-' 11 m 1 1 1 n t tllHilt T(-rtl(lrl-UMlit.,M Utu 1 . pri t . muni .lioiilej ni'k Mtfitii tu rt orttjtBi r r Attk, IUtU f Iba In "ft rir lAMHtt r i'iw. j . wt i LtU C notice". " la tba l'ioti; ( nun uf 11 . nmtr ot fill lj.kf, Trtriu fjri.t t .li. In tli M merer llio rtit ft ri'lrtf N Max-a-rUt. .de-iiii.t -VrOTHT 1 lll-UM Y (IKV THIT AA Mt4til I . rtslBtliin- X- llltll riiif trtittv-itit fur m K ntfii a hi ti 1 ij it t ' Irrll.-I .,. itm t 1. r tr nil 1 aiiMni ,i..i..i...r i.lfl. n 1 not in. rt-.Klqcuf 4t I alei'nr th , U'lnl th, rrl anlimtUrli. ! . tl id. at Ajif.l, ti Itu; it 10 0 t ik-s. at trt fvurtt'Min of Mil (Mart I Ihr-1 -h,i ( irt ii.... n ui. 1 1 r r, tu ( ull T;; r lerv. lu tfrn Julr nip I fit ret lr tuo ' ,. nf A.i.tiirt fur tlr m..-H.fni nf ait r rminti,r..l tra.tnx - I iti un. I r ,1 r lui,MnbK) 1 at- nn , , i.otlioliUs1afdatjr tdani Cnalw ailv If ht..a-trrtc.fur, litU ..I'llll, inn v r Atirs, rrirh Of bo I r,i .ta oort tlrt'iLIIf. 111. HUM Ja In g y 1 l ,t 'ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL CSTA1C. VTOTICI It IKItHl (,)MS TIIVTIV u- tnr-"iar.fasi, a ,,,,., , ,hr, i-p Ul lirrtii Mil IsAln ivum I tab TcrtiUrr, mult- tnU 3.1. wutiht ti irr 1 t Miitiiiaia trklnr f lliital. kIJ .ua I r-lv til . v(, ltUl,unMlt,Uvihr lltlli.ic .1 V Jrt al thUw . (f IUrIvr 111 j (niitutiiu ruiiaiinr. Aait iittt tiir, t j it's Inrk unm or al 1 uar. r nrr on 1 Un a In wlirh Iba iM l roMlaurJ, ll at I nvaiti Mlo in u 1 title! bi.ilrr, far lr a'uid (-url, all I ho tlili. tiUr, int r.'.t Dt rUl nt ttfi rati J hu hr.r atitf Uuiot hi ilut U or MirrarJt.f. m fenrttu Ilia fill iwlttcdf nlU iral ltttf, ait uiinlln t-iit Ia t till UtatiTi-mt n.nT.l irinutar yiUnfttltcA a U ui in wi U (kniii if- r ilawrelktMlTK ristUauuthtf lb mrtlifa ruriicr uf it.. M.uii.rrH u-n.-r f rrcitti S, 1 (tn n-ltin inc, nurlli of 11 irtpr nnit Mi rtalt ILa ilfndian, tlmnra ttu.t I iittird north 37 n. , Ihrnra rn ij llinrMuttiT to-lti tm-vIi.dii g littla in vtminar w II 1m wane I a lb ai n ilFBrrtl tl lai il rlths-r fel rat t r m r . 1 I tha atminUtrtturot tallroiaia cpt. ib ttrr-r. ct J.W (;JdUllllt-s Alniii.liiri'.rf IK tf IIUIowriBnnoi.Aln.rn.f ftirltloi ' NOTICE OFSALEOf REAL C5TAU. XTTICI. It IIKIIHU I1IWN. TIIATIt I unuaiira t.t an .rilcr nf tl a 11 1 ai t .-tirtut thaLtjuntj-ftr fall I air-, lenitorf of I tali, iuv! fin Itm SJthiUT r( Mirth, livl, la II a matlr r of Ita e-lata of Miry I alr.ilr r-t, lha iiL.lui.irn-1, 11 a ...Imii. tralora i.t lln m-l frHfela, III r 11 At t rh lo lit. I reatc'l tlt In writu-ir, lu II a biat fat 1 1 1 Ut for ra 1, aa4 ulWltornnttrniailun ojaaitl lTub i urt dtt lliurnJay tti. Mtt tlar f Mr. I-" 1 -1! nrltck m at th law oQ. f Itlrh id A tlii)lv, mutiia ta; 0 Con., rut on Hui uax, 84 iMiuth Main Hreot, I8 alt l-. 4 ttj, I 11 1 Iharnrtit titlr.latrrrtt and ralala ut tlia till lair J fet tl a tim f brr ill atb, aJ all iba ritrt-t, iltle, an J Inu rrt that tbt an I t' oiM ration of law r ntliarwUc. bn ai-qalfrl rbanir la il UUcn lu that of Iba au4 klarf 1'ala at II a Urn nf brr tlvatli, la al U fell I It at 1 1 nam prri-onal 1 roptrtf aa I real tnUdtficritrl unit bvtiDdatt wtt ih n rorit inilafv ' if ' and nuMy-ruM btintirvillha ( HI i l mil ouih ami HUrrn (in- nda wc-t of nurtbi-til rorcar uf tha rmribait quarter ot frctsoa tvf fBtrra X (VH),lwobii twii (.J.flouth tln iiioOlKolsiialtULe nfrldian.anl tuaalac thcncA uritto a aUkj fourl. rn and Ott bunnrrdiha (II CO) rbftlui. tbont-t ftnulh focr dfitrerall-i.wcot ttl.a an -J flTtjf vht l dre.lthi (llil rhataii tbonra toutti twoaatf una Inunh drprret lt),twit aairn a4 OKbl lunth (7) rl.ain.-t Ibantt ntrtk lUbir OKbl an I on bait (wt dfjrian, rot iixu ami t icnlba (7"! rba nil Hi nm attutli t-nm denrcot r ran OfO (1) rlWBI tbCllCO luuttl ICTK IflilM dorma 'tr) rait two and iitno ttntl t cbinaillincanurtt.evfnir ont an loot hit (l.'r.rtMS.u l,)ialtlir(ifeiidlliieMontlia ll nam, lbs-lit r- iiortli lltir ttirra tlcicnt 1 ri rxtaii and lira Imndrr llba (it A tO)rl.lnt lliinra eat una (1) chain tn nertl'ia m tba ntttti on Mcittun una nlna aitdetpht-irntlia ) 4llHlna, fitirandot f rU atmrfa.iti4j,rilfouruii1 Iblrtyllta biinrcd 11 a (I 3sijCi.aina.tbenra nortb lailiai Ut not ' lirnintcii - Nnd Ihrra lonlb J- rhaias ttaato In tb Uiuatjr of halt 1-al.o i 4 Tun loryofUlali AU11 tiny S7 htti ot alock. -P n.l ( lot.".. bay lrritiaaud.imuUiot.1 of aula t n tcniM rrulnf llarurrbaku inotirrtoba fcll r-n IM day of aalf.lalanroftH MitiArinMlcn at lilalr IrubalitourL licrdalfiprutrxf ur butr. .iMimi; I'aii INUUtHtlllrkNHOnp. AilinlnUlrilOM of the r atalo oC XUir !' SHERIFFS SALE. 1uittsUANri( an uRiieuuritLrTO 1 mo mrertciitjr ll.a iiiatnrt court of IM tiftha rorrilurrdiuk I hall fitter at public t.l, ai tint front dtxr i f U o Cut my 1 mirt lluuai, In tl l tir ' (oitny of bait 1 ako, I tkh Temt iy. iba Will da j ut Al-rti, 1K.. - I ',' ."? ah tan riftbt, lltlfi, ci I and lntertt 1 1 iu I r lira 1 Jr., urne Jirljtt (Ma wifa ; ' " Iti-illy.niioinaa hana, wtnra tindtrllio it mint f It.lly AKaJii, tlili Naliankl liaBk. lulLoralioi.,. W frvara, MiUmlo IttlU UW iu It, 1 rait, oninma r.JTr 11 1 "" -Pratt, I mil hcrklas narah K U". --. '' II. hiallurd b ( fmy. Annio lloaiiiB, J lark, litjriiiiti lrtti, It- I mtrruetl. kliirmi 1- IVklt. feuj An.j.u 1'ra.t. but wif ( W lork, Idvtlu Harmon kiul II 1 n n a. or. In and I Hi 0 detcnUil ir , irir aituate I, tjtii fend lir.K it. tb- l t, 1 B,J loiintr nf Hall 1-ak ritrttoiy f I 'i"' '' t fiiindad and purtit nllrly daicril td f' ' louit llnf ltU. M, It. i It and I, il vk lil"J,"ikll l-l Clt im w 1u bo toll a. Iba vr.. 0 ty if P" " liciiirlli'imia ltai.e,pr,rtAorri mll-r Iba w namtirf llciilyA kii( Ut-b alloiikl H k bio 11. l-ratt, (intrni. V I ral t m I I rati J-oiiia- M'Um, 'wfcii i; " ll,7; W II 11 Mall l, O ' Ittibbina J J I'ail llinnin Ut f- liuUenlrlO.M. I 1'rattaultaral.tvi '1! bt win tyril lnk,diit lliiw J II IiLUrlon.atl.ietui.c.t Alr-iii inaJcr '"'irrmaof Mlr ( li , , , tim lUmuw FumuMii Att'y tor V 'alntlfl fl Uuttid ftlka-t UkaUily, l'nl Uli. 117..