Newspaper Page Text
I JUNE!j8501 JJlJjOJi! ILlJo J! Jul V mHI IJ.l MHj I tULLI V k-e II TtiC "ocky mountains. HI - " " inurii and . flUlii I s0 t itT SiVTCKDAY. MAT 14. llHIg. ijAl.T LAICi: CITY UTAH. TJ.UltlTOUY. VOlTxXV H ffASHIXOTON NOTKS. " ',0v1ofl..lUlilrJlUr.ln Ifca IIrI" I irIUn. ...IDtNT O.KIS- TESTIMONY IN '"nt YttlOWMONC PAnK. CABC. nlLWltol-Mle x.r 1 ,lw,lllf.1Kllr Trice, for tiipflocllMulr. ,, 'll:;,."n"r.""" Will" " , un 0, commUUi ".'Ml l which nu r' ' O"""1 ,r '.X Blblcy ln '"' u" f," ' InonlhuriporWf ,,, cl"'nll, ""Jffi wl 11 ", referring Hi" clun lo &7uc" w. Bta io-c. no, "'trie was thn secured ou the ,,.isof thelM mumouJeJ, rend P, Jiteli r.jlor, of Ohio, moved to L' ,L Toll lln,, deflated, further sZiwrltig v,aa Indulged In aud f,ll I o'clock, when HpiaUcr 'Stt Montj.oru.ry, of K.muckr, Sd the lloui; adjourned, till ,S,til.o I.eubllcan. t.-u. II utur.Jlj, though n low lilnca ttrt heard. iliniTIUTOB.1 BI TOTI U. Illtitatcilontlie mitliorlly of Hcc JiJl lain, that Jtr. Ju.llte Harlan of Ihi UDltcJ Males Huircl-io .'uurl, jlliu. John Motkau, United Hlalie "tstor fiom Alabama. lio been iTirclid by lbs l'rol lone m ntbltra. 'MtKt of Iho United .nt!uL.tli!g hea arlllrallou. linn.. slid will now appoint two arbitrators, sal Ui time n.ber ore to bo op mled, one by tbo King of Hwt-deii, .i.t-yilisl'iialdeiil ottUa 1IMI. (Ft tics, and one ly thu King of Itilv.niaklruMver. alblliBlots In nil. lon.UJ.Il."' Wnll'-l Hl.lo. ta l.ngland, bw ilmJcJ tit chief couuif I ou Iwlmlf of lliH UnlltJ hutti Uioto tlio Arblltallon CoaimUilon. TIIEiCI.U)roSB I-A1IK lVI. IIUA1I0M. 1'iMlJtiit 0Vn of Iho Jfortliirn lVclllo talltoaJ trttlflcd leforo tlio lluuiu l'ublio I.ici!. commlttiu la Ytl.Uii Hie nruutM of tho Yel rtoo I'.rk AM-cl.tloti. Ills ttitl .w,njr w lu rrsr J to knowlnlci) of llio tuns ut Hook, stnouutlni; to fJIM wblcb, II 111 sllcKcd, u id spsil for lluiicll HirrlioD. Ilenslnl lint Wsttrsisnio li Wlilr(too lo .Mitt lu kcUIhk Iho Iccits. ftp, howsTrr, cz rmsod iloubl to Rf tunc slcos to Ilia InUrlor do jirlmrnt, but wsi attslii thnt IhU rouMloirrurod through Kum.I1 fl.r rliuii, whcmtie (Wslrrs), nnd locoiuiuistlin for Hits ItsrrUos w U bT ioino stock lu tbu coupHtiy s.t iWs for film. UskiMissUhousicoo flj.nt tbst Hsrrhon was litnorsnt cf tlii fsct tbst uuy stntk wss s.t iuUv fjr blm. rbocitlllistrsfor lWtrliou Mcr.rfrsrr(i but net Iwucd on tho ground lust Hi. kaus iro obUlniid llhoutilimciiltY. A LOMJ lESUtsa coNTnovuisr BKnxru. Aulilint Ktcretsry Crouni. twlsy icttloj the Ijog.p tiding controiry f r ths rrlictiou of s. silo for Iho tuilciii lioum UullJInu st l'ortlaud, tlrb) dlrtctlui; thu luitt tsnvs of th. irouity lundrd ly Hovcntli mid sik ncd I), und U. strrsts, otr.ri-d b) J'linM Crsiksufor ll.osumol JlCl,. OH Thlilsthotltooililnally r.-com. atoilej by Trtstury AK.nt .McLcun. HJALIINSM r.DAll 1 . TiisHenalecoiuinlttpooii civil sor ilcvsnd rctr.urhm.Lt todsy ordrrml n JtiorsU. r. port ou Houstor Qslllugrr's blllrnialtlO); tlio liuuls of oiccutho ocparimdits lo dismiss from tho publlo nrrlco sll imi v. ho sru not cfllii lis oftfco Uiiltml aiat.s by nitlvlty ur wriiplti. iisturuliittlou, amt rolilbll Inc Hi. s lolntutut of sucn 1 irioui In ItllF, 1E8I0N Ari'llOl niATIOSB. Hrrsl.r Crltp lnM beforo Iho Homo 'Mttr from tlio nctlntf nnrctary of in irisiurj, Irsiiimlllliiitnn otllmstc 'iliodtllci. oylu thu si tonrlatloii nr Mnsloru for thu curroul llsesl yr, oil(,07f,n.', uud rtcoiiini.udluu tint InjulrflclHity bo lllppllt. I by ro sppro. fruilnu Iho sum from tbu iinosioud.d b"lsiicopt$S,83 U7U rcmululne lo tho ?, ls.lon for ths llicul jior nrivcFNT iircra ion tiii. FAin. TboMcr.Lry of Iho ttcstury of tho "nt spriroYid thu roiusltlou of ibu innj, t ,,0 Worlil' Cohiniblsn JJh;W"forlhosl.ilal Imuo of Si),. WWW llfty cent pios for uso at tho jy?"0"' "'"' ' l"'8 designs ni pro rrutstotbo ocrntloo. The uuthorltj r riuch sttlon rtsts with CougrfM. VJSIIYATI013 BENT TO Till blVATJ. TLs) followlni; iiomlusllons wir. H ,;1 ' '." H-nslotodoyi llioiiss J. ,u"' Unlte'1 Bla,, ntlsmey f.r 1 , ' .'.!'"'" '" iUrrielt, ivt. "trst Mlduletun. 'YAM ANU AlBT 111 A Wilt. OOMP. rMmt!Jf"1 """lion lmi ncolol n?.r?.,'iUMo,u '" I rllclto lu tho rh...l"?1 nnn'y lonfeimct. ,?., ,b I'nlnistrstloii, as oil rb?i'.l.f "'PM'Hun as tho l.sal of iht ,::"," ""'"" " "' nilliimw ftriBcs " i"l'""t0 Jain thu ton IliUillS.'1? '" "'d by Hi" fact that c m nfJ'"n.l?,,bl" lUTllallons sio.low rt?.aiihruJ",r" """ "y tlo 2i i .' InvlratloiiH wro seiit hi JH nilmcl Hi. b . i,.u!" mlliK nations will roj. W'IM Bhoill. Ul.lhuba if .?:."." l'" I'lu.lnlod with Urn n JV!!i ' . "'" ""-otlallons ul II li ih . ' '"""hiry co'or.uu tl n about July 1. ' Tin 31 riMimsrN ir ujitut. An linporlniil llianso lu ilia llliirr nrj l'o,....rll Omaha, Miy It Tho ordrr of Iho dsy, mrinorlai h rrlcis for lutmhrrn of Iho confrrenco who dld lurlnvllic )esr, nsstmitaUniiis lllsnoii II nr nsnliitloclislr. Hitvlns In honor of tho following wpii tin u rondnclt It John M. I'lillllr It.Y. II A Uivllf, l 1) (Iciirial I lllon, II. I'lrk. Ihv J. M. rmnl All, U. I) , lt r. 8 . Ja'ii,. Try, I). 1), I.oy ciirnMin lllinn. I'.sy Our H. 11. rr. I) J) t.. SI, I. Dohsiil, 1) D; Ih-u w II Olln, I). 1); ltt. Jrn.. tsj Hiaart, I) I), i ud nn-iii irUl ii IdrriMiis i n iho llvs of Ur. riillllirf, (Knnl I mlr, I), Trim I nil nud Dr. I ry occupli t tli.j rtmslii di r of tlio tlinu u to tlio u i u adjouru mint, tlm othiri Ulnj pjiliioiiu till ilotiday. v ' Iho commlltco on 1 ilicorncy di cldrdtoulvht torici tho iho Urn of no niorr. hlhos at tlilsscMlon, Tlifissnioiomniiitio uli riroimuiiil cd that 1 lciinl n Uoncr bo looalul at Dttroll, lu th riltte or Veihlni,toii aul In I.tinpo sill Japiuat Ihodli. cr.tlori of ihs I Miopn. Tho roiumltlro on lllncinry ilicl Itl lo rnoniuird that tbu tlmo limit ho takrn oil thoiilanof lilncraccy, loAV Inir tho trnni'rr of rstirsrntlrrly to thu lutlRiimut of tho bshopianJtrc Ths I, .. l'nn AUCU iiia, .Mil) 1.). Ill tho genital ooufirvnco of thu A. M. I. ohurcli today, irsolutl ins utru lutro diicnl i riatltiK an Inti rintlon vl str.m ship lll.i, us a drpartmeiit of tho thuri h, providing fur tho lurclmi of n stoinistilpat tbocost of i3)t00J moro or les, with whkh to opin up h trado liro Utwiiu 7ow York, ilaltlmori-, Chnrtirton, H. C, or Neir Orleans, ond tho wistcosit of Africa, for Iho puriiomof addiut; to the dominion of tho church and Jiicnanliiir. Its ricilpls. Hi. lies of wl'dlnordor occjrrod wlitti tho tnsjorlty nport of proijrnis nai rrcclviufrumlhsconiml.tro ou l'l. cop ic , announcing, that tho inilorlly wi ro in favor of educing thrco more llihoi'1. lUv. Hurley ioeiitcd tho minority rerwrt, adverse to thoolecllou ofan) moro bishop, lllrhop HTiriounc I th anointment of nov. Dr. A. H. benlfi r to npn neut tlio ton f.rinroat tho (.moral conferitiiv of tlm Slithmllot ll'iosl chunli at Onnha. Tbu votu resulted lu Iho de fralof Iho minority report, and tlo I rattlcat decUrailou limt tlio tonter emu vriis In favor of thrio mora blih ops. Tin Krur lrlriioTrniilile. I'dutlani), Or., Msy K The Ore lonlwi albMo, Ida , rpii Isl ssy. 1 ho troublu bttireou thu Mlno Oh nets' AmocUHou uuJ Iho .Mlmtr Union of thoC'nurll'AliLo r.glou Is riplJIy uearluie a crlilf. 1 Ivo hundred ii.ti union into, who Istt Uututh ytstcrdsy, aro expected to arrlvu here Hiinduy night and bo landed lu Ilurko and Oem. T! o mlno owucrs ara d.ler mlurd to work their mlto ultU con uulun tuuu and will try lo r.Tuut union miners ttoui lnt.rf.rlaf; with them. Hhoitll no Iroublo ho rirl enced SilOO moro will lu llilprtd In snlut towotkntonce. UnltrdHtstis Marshal I'lokhsm Is hiro uuJlnuiii. .rvid today tton K. IC. Jirotnc, editor of thu Mullauu iVUuir, Adam AiiHbaeli, tilllor ol tlio Wal laco J'reu, Richard Cunningham, therltl of Hhosbono County, and W. A. Junes, i no of tbu atturues furthu miners. Ihoinltiors havoreiured tin attorney to ll?ht tho lexillly of the Injunction. Au attempt v. Ill bo niado tocjiivht thu iromlniut mlno owners on thu irroutid thst tho Induction wai obtained Ii) Ji'Jur). Ilctli sides aro itct.rmlued uud it Is vtry liuprobablu that tbu troublu will Lo amicably ud Jutted. Iiil.rualloniil 1-rliilrrV Prolrrllto MllWAiurri, Ma) 1 1 Tho annual roni.iitlon of tin Intitnstlonal I'tlnlwi' l'roliillvo Kratemlly cloiud luday after electing; William ! rases of Kauiaa Clly I resident. reiohitlou was issied declaring tho ordir A full Hedged labor orgaulzstlon, and that tho fraternity woul I, uudernoolrciitn. tlsniiv, nndir asslstaucc to an olllio h here a strlko Is I n progress. A Malerrspotil llurili. rum, May 13. Aii Immense watir snout bunt toda) In the inlti hurbooj of the tollurlis situatid nt l'ueufklrclien, In tho ciunly Ilsrnnja. A litio voliirro of watir Inuudaiud Ihn lurroundlng country and putirud Into tho mines, causing a tenlblu Ku of llfi. II uwstirpourij Into thu mines so quickly thst thutirfortunato muti re i.lvid no WMrnlor; of dsugvr. Tho water rosa rapidly on 1 In a ihort tlm overy avinuu ifrscspo was shut oil and tho men porlshed tnlst-ral ly. It Ib knonn that Ih.iiI) two men uru dead In one i it and ninny ulhirs lost their lives In dill... out points. Tho men who wiru uot wornlug In tbu lower lovels iscapouniid the) wlththoasslstancuof Ihosowho lluckid to thu m rtstls ol thu pits, went tothonscuo ofthomoulu the Hooded luvelf. As news of the oatsktrnphu iprraj, InmunsuiroHdi liatleutd to tht scttu, aud thu ititroncu to each It was soon turroundtil by Iho surglmr nnd wildly excited mass of tuoii, women and ihlldion. Lamentations of thorn who list n la tlvts or frlinds In the mluis weru luartretidliiir, nnd many iilllful scenus weru w.tneiuud. homo of thu hodlis nru nlready r.ojvirvd, nu I thu work of nsiuu Is UUu stindll) carrhil on. l.eryeiIott to pump Iho water cut of thu Hooded IcmU is I ting ma Ic. liilnifrliiMl ijunllllrs or III. ?trzr Dr Junkir fninioil a bnmonlitit faumlloqpiniou of tltu Intiliectual H Jilitiuri nf tlm ii' to " iituunt; n lipin lio li.uiliil, niul pronuuiicurt thorn cnjublo, wlthuut ilotiht, ut lilUicr monil ilatlo,inient Ho M rywlioni fuiliid thu lilgllor ths sui prlnu'ii niul noble tho most highly piulim 1 with Intollectii il qnalltlvH TliU lm ntti il uti 1 1 tho fin t that tho nvKro rulir Is cutninlloil to think niul net in Ills cniutltj of jiuV' lii,ivu nntluiii tulil IIunulleoB t)(l tilt' MOll'll'tflll Illicitly of Hisiilioriilrul from tho tu t mcf I nit? ofnliotid, mi IvilMicil riili u il in 1 Tiutiiiiliut, lu tlitU puLliu ij,aiibliiw A JIUKDHKEI. CAUHUT. JmnnlhiolfJ, llm iiiinr1 sister of IIis. (uimi and llrr llan.'litcr, trettid. Ills account or THE AWTUL OCCUHRCNCC. lie rtmfpurs tlm Murder. I Mob CnlliVrrd mil Tlirialrmd to Mil lllm. Ily Telrsrtphto Ills Nsws.l jAiim imiiiii iii'tinrii. II. SiiWfiuriitls llreiV limn "ii.l u,ile.r. III. Unlit Const mi la, May 11. James II by, who I'enJlihly imiflorrl Mrs. Coju and her len,i 1 1 child lu tlulr hoiiu,a nillosjutliof IVuscott,!.., rtiuisKlny, oturol this morning In Vllll.oi. lUiliy truckid to tbu dcot a-id nrrosted whllu In tlio act of writing a tottgratn. Tho rovult.r with which thu rmirderwR. lotnmlltetl nan found In blsovtrcoat pocket. Dooluy Has qulvtly laced In n tnx car of n laisriigir Ir.tghl tralniiul troughlto tin- Coriiliin iall. llu ltlvti) do. hied hnvluf( coinmltiid (ho nmrdir until noon, whin he 1 roko drwtmul cjnfiiid hlgnllt. llomjs Ifuiiusr re'ed with Mrs Coon and struck hir ou tho liea I with u psdloilt, foiling her to thu floor. llniUuled ravishing lur, but thu position of thu t o ly nu I cloth lug contradicts this. IIu ra)s that tbu lltlloiilrl ran lu uud ho slruik hsrto thu lloor with Iho pidlock niul thtu shothor In thu furohiaJ. Thu uvlduuco koentoshOH, howuver, that liu killed tho girl after shu escaped from thu house, as tlio pool ofhloido'i thu tut ll lu of tbu licuso aul tbo billlitholu In. side the homo ItlUfisteit About U o'clock tho sin ilirtook Doliy Iron tho J ill tu the det, Intending t tminlolt him tosono wisUru Iowu town, rho train wa two hours latr, and, biforu Itarrlred, tlm dip tuossiiirouuded I) n niiunf n tliuitsand, who tbicatenud lo linn,: DjoIc). H.viral dipjllin woru .Horn tu and Djol.y wssHi'ity plaiodou Iho train fjr Council .Hulls. a ill ii u initri. II. li.nutl, n I lulu lllel, Istantl'l anil lllllr.l I.itii.i: Itua., May II.- Henry James, tolorud, nisdo au ustault on Wtlnesday ontho flvu )earn)U adopt id daught.rof Johniin, and then Hod Today iletictlves arrostuj the bruto aud I laud him Injall. I. sin Ihlsafieruoon n uiotmrgontsul, hut the trlsonir was n moved to the peultintlsry. At D is a mob a thousand strong surround. 1 Ihujall, but, on hearing that the trls oner was remjvod, dljpireid, bowleg vetigiance. At II. r3 ii nidi of about ono thousand m.u armed with Winchesters and rr voltrsreapu.nred and dtmaQdedal. rnlttance lu thu nltenllary, where it was Ul'nwl hu was tjlrltnl by thu sheila. Tho authorities refused to hi Iho mub In, lut almlttod that thu trlsonir was taktti by tlittn fur safe Kn lug and Ihat I hoy troal 1 Inrn lilm over to Ihu sin rill tt 8 o Vines this morning. Thu mob riturnid to pir ley, nnd, lirndol by a leader, with skilu hunituirslroku ojon the great Iron g.tej, vnt.rod tlio janltcul ary aul having sixurod thu prlsomr, starlet wllli him to thu risldvtue of Mr, Johnson, some dlstauie awa), where Mr, Johnson tdinllflud him. The mob grow lu numbers lo ni fm mens throng. It tbin nisrihud lu proicrslon to 1 if six strait and Mslu, In tlio hutt cf thu city, opioslto tbo Masonic titnple He was glvellieviral tntnutisto i toy nnd conftss. Ho at llntdenled his guilt, but Dually ul mlltidlt. A rope na thin thrown across the tross arm of n largu tsle i hone ol., and James w sssson swing login mid nirund rlddloJ by huudreds of bullrtr. inxiiiiliv. Thr I rntlsii af in. .nl mil Uriiiril.-lltui.liilliekeiisl. WAsniMiTiif, May It. rim rler and harbor bill wns re(orled I act from IheHenate commllteu on uommorci, with nmendnu tits. rtieiousld.rstlon of the naval bill Has reriimril, and the rejection of bnnatur Mcl'lierson's ntii.udnient, njr roprlntlng;.U,VO) toward ihu ton struitlon ul a dry Uock at Algiers, Ua. Itegularcouslliritlon of thu hill was ri sumed at tho olnt u lien au I ncn are In the navy Is provlJid for. Thu bill as It camu from thu House rovldes for onuarmoted cruiser tf about eUUU tons dls Iscernent, to cost (uxrlushu of urniatncnl) not mere thin $ l.60.l,U00. riienmetiUmtnt, as nirtetj iruni the rletisto ccmirltteu on ap ro rlailotis, irovldir, Inndillllou, for one tea going least lino liattlishlp, of about tiJOu tuns, turolt not excoedlng I0)),U01, oiio harboMlclinse, d uble lutntsblp of mmJuu t)u, of about 7'ou tuns, to cost not exieedllig I i,(WII,00, lour light draft Riiuhuats, of bin) to l.Wl oris dlnplsiimerit, to cost nut txciedlug Sloi),VUUnich, ami six torpudo boats, at n ti it not exrcidlng Jl lO.OOn i rah. Htnator Mol hoisiu frotn the Ivaval crmmtttco 1 an amendmiiit ti thuHinate amendment, providing for thrio harbor difenso turrit ships of tbo monitor typo, Instead of ono a lp Altir n long discussion ho modified the amendment so as to slrlko out 1,110 Housu trivlslon fur one tirmoared iiuUtrnndlbo Honuto provl.lnu for one sea NolJgtonst Hue of battleship, and lor one haibor difetisu cloiiblo turrit ship, monitor typi, and tulnll tutu thenfor n, irnvlihn for tlmii liatbor difriisudoubtu turret shlisi of tho monitor 1)1 1. Hinatordornian srku of tho great niUMtai,o l'i recent .ar In estsbilth Ing steel plants. nr vessels tould liu built hero for within tight I it tent of thu tost of building Hum at Clyde, fills irognwi wasiluetu Iho polity ol building new navy, which iiolluy wan luaugututed utiUir thu last au. mlnlitratlou. Hu was thotefuru ire. pared lo otu for n j rnpurtlouatu lu. crime. In tho navy. Ho knuir that tlio financial problum was a strloua one, Btid that Congriss was being crltlcli'd for thu nat nmouot ex. 1 1 uiled. Ths t x 1 uudlturi ha 1 grow n from yinr to year, aul row loonomy and tariful apt roprlatlou would lo tho order of tbo day. If nt, Ij- oissrl inxslloi wcull f II w. And b III ho bn.w of mi kisater ni iropilslliin Hint could lis ttlui. til without .toiplmt tl'" great Harks ofthu govirnnientaiil wllli ut (istruulxlni-theslril Induttrlra of tho tiiuntr). II for one, was not pri. pireil, until the oiuntry flu u'd havon u.vy iobioud of, to nil ib tlm cry ofitinomy lo provent lilm fr.mvo lug for 11 proirnpffoilulnfor It. Senator llornisii frutil n t.l.lo sliusrltig thu lljiins ol the apt roprla. lions for vera! Uongrrtn- and sild "riicir uss lam an liutt so ever) year, uo mittrr what admlninratlin wa In litv, mil as the loiinlry growr,atiil)o(icioii In Ihu tomtrui Hon if your navy, and opt n hatbors ind dein rlvirs, an I maku glial gutm fur nrnty mid nav), tbest ex Hiillliirisniiirt liicteasi riiaSmi tor from Mlislsslp) I (Uorgo) asks how tan they be rodui ud. They can bu ie ducinl when u lulch the p Intlwhlcll will bewlihln a year or two) ol slip, ping tlm lurllisr eiustruilion i f 11 ua) . H In 11 ) ou lisvo on I aud guns though tu pltco In the furls, when you horn mougli torilo Irfiat. to look alter tlu hurt. .r-, mi I wluu)ouitip )tur ar rnr nations for rivers and harlot". vl eu ) ou come 1 1 lonilons, thuixinolliiio for them, outrageous as It was lo I'utuiso the pensions lo mill nu exit nt must tot tlnuo until time iratis to rlui ' Hit in II nil slits of the chamber mint fuiu Huso klubburn laits Iho Hiuulor from Tixus (Mills) has i.uilnJinl ins that Ihu Inoaury would U without inonoy today but for tho fact that H had taken thu money si taal Ie lor the rrdemi lion of nallonal bank ui Us aid for Iho sinking fund. As thu sun his Ian Ihlug uf the s.t, I.017 can tin lliltlg be bittorrd7 Wo are poHerl.M now lu this ( ougrcss to give nllif from oxlravagant t ptui tl Bllousor frmi unjust tax laws. Thst rtllef ctu only torn, whin wu shall hxvueviry irantliof thet.ovirum.iit. Anxluus as 1 am frr economy, nnd llrmly as my party bolMes In It, I utidtmUnd my pirty tu ineiti by tcono uy nud itlreiichmenl that II is In favur of uvor) ) rovoslllon trial loi ks ti thu develot m.Lt aud glory of this Cr at count!)." Aftir Iheililiati, and without action otiHetator MclMursun's ametidmeut, thuHinnlvaiJourued until Monday. Till IIIVIII AND 1IAKI1 II llll I. Tho BttiAto cjtumllttu 011 commt rco has reitirtid bnca Iho rlvtr an I harbor till Willi amrndiu.lils ImrriNliig the I ital ol the 1 lollru bill I y J II mjo llol. 1 he most lmiK.rtaut luangia uru tho aldltlou uf tour coutrait Kctlins, re I .ailni the yearly appro) nations 011 pnitlits of thu Missouri rhrr, H. Johns, 1'ln., thudreat'KaBawba, W. Va , and fur boat rillwft)SBt the lla. Ire, Or. In the litter cue the tital I'lUtrailexioudlturuls not to txuid f 2 K l.tnw. ThoH'iiia'o conimltteslncrtaiud the BprorlJtloia uiado by the House by thi following amotluts lu the tans mentioned, Usldts mauy ctbers. liar tcrsof Csllfurols Wlltului,toii, $.11,. iwti, IKtplIart-or HurvVy (new). J.V u-JO. Oivjtou 1 t.nluaTJt.i'" In.'toii (Jrs)'s liurbor, tu,uui;OI)m. tlu, jIulkHi; l.aku Washington Canal (ut w), s.ou,Otm. HImis In Oregon Tho Dalits luat rallHay(ncH),, the mouth of theColumblt, fJI.UUU, the lower WIN Ilamptto and Columbia, $3u,tAk). Wnihlngtou Hwliiomlnh Hlough, JIu.ikm, Columbia at union vrr(nrw), jTl.uw, Wllllparheraud harbo., lid,. iiOO, u per Columbia survey, 51", (km, Minnesota Surve) of tlo l.aku hiierltirand Mlit.sslpl csuil (now), ilii.uoi, upi er Mluurl river, $'hi,(k;ii. rho followlu. apiropr.Btlm was trlniu uul: oija rlv.r, Arlxiua, Jlu,. UO). The b proprlatloos msdo by thu House were uicrtatud br thu follow Inir aiuuuuls, among other.' 1 lit MishJssIj I I river from Ihu hi a I of thu passes la tbuiiiotilli of the Onto, Including liar burs, 1W.I0); tho J lusoiirl river from tho mouth to rj iux Clly, IV) 000. Hen ator Kr)t, chsltmau nf thu commit tec, suhmltttd a d.'allcd rtport on the bill, showing (ho wlsJom and necessity of tlievxiulllures for rter nnd harbor Imprrmmrnta The total ixi-tndlluresfnr water liuprovrmcuts on the great lakes smouuted to about t3t),0i)u,uia,oronellftti of Iho aumial saving elleitcd lu transjiortatloti. The report rlatis that the Imirovr. inetits of thefu watvrwaya hnve dc. trtAhd freights on loriifruui lfli tents IierhUsbtl In ltol) lo I lOtenlsxr liushcl In lSUJ. The report then .risks of the .alue if the Mlnlistpi I riverhndlla trlbutsrhs to commeree. The rtport further sks of the cM cary nnd henctltsof rlvir and harbor Improvementa on lb. 1'nclllo toast, und mtntlona )arthularly thu wutk Just riachltig cotuj lotion nt the mouth of tho Columbia river. Tho Hoik of lmi rovemeut going ou there u III give tho Columbia river 11 depth of thirty feet. A Itlrjr'lrTi.l lllile, t'IIIOA(lo.Mu) 13 Therels) bliyolo ride from Chtiugo lo Ntw York, by mi una uf which a government docu mint slncil b) Majir Mvnerat .Nelson A. Mltis will be convi)sd from army htadiuarlcrs at Chicago lu Major (loiuralO. O. HoHjrdat Nuw York, will be ftarlojiiijo'ilock next Wed. muday a'tirnoou, r.rtardltHa of thu weather. Onuof Iho chief purposta of thu trlAl Is, If iHisslble, to maku a record aurpoadng thu osslbllltlcj of horse manship In actual military dlstatch work. ItoLliers I Ire I lu a Train. Ban A.moniu, T.x , May 11. Pas. singt ra arriving this morning nu the International train report that It was flrud iii-oii I y robUra Just us It was about to stiip fur water at 11 tank mar Tmiplr. Ihoiuglmer did' not stop, but threw the I.V.r so as to put ou ell the steam )Ktlble and got away, hut tho xrisa car wai badly riddled. Two 1 Mongers were woundod. On., whoau tmiiiu coul 1 nut be 'etruud, ha I his urni shuttered; thu other, li. (I. Towtiiend, was eh t In thu fure, I tt I only rtctlvedn nih wound. Hiviral uthcr 1 aasinigtra had narrow usispes. Thu ladles wiru aulo arltkcu, and thrio fainted. I'arler Assise. In llatr, noMK, May 13 llnu. A. (1. Toiler, Auitrliiiu mlnlstirto Italy, arrlvid In the clly today, flio mu n Hon tf lull dlrTotuatlo relalloua Litwun llm two nations is riari)id with iiiclal favor by all clanis lu lUly, FLOODS AND KAIN. Tlf Slfuiltoii Mcig lti UWrr at hi. UnN (.'ri-uln; Mono 1, llonrlj. A PECULIAR NATURAL PHE NOMENON Attroonla! !lo!M. IEu-Kit Col i nj luumlntfi Tlio Mis (otirl Hiirr. aiOIll I I HII1. llm llUtrnl l. I mil mill III -lit k. Mtirr I'lncr hi I'Miiirrr. Ht. LoLiMay II Thurfnr ut 7 u u wed Uiu uaustr llitfuudli ttlll rUluK Thu hUuiIIui) uloiitt tho rlvir ItontKrattn tire liurl, llm WlifRlii'itiatifc'cr ynttlsare frutn two ti ttu Ktt uniltr wMtr, Dm miUIi men itnmt heotc dtip to throw I lie rwUclti i, ami Hit iu,;liita uth Jonle-tl criM with louj tialrnof iuiilii bt tftn.ii ilium ntnl thuuiikUit, tn order to ktup In th Mm I low water and ie Mitt IXUUCUlllln tlirlr flu. lVtruitt'sit-luuiior Ii now tiK) yird In tli rlvtr, ttut mrn-undid u dnl WMtir nud In llulu diuxer. H lli t,u wurku thu laiilkK utu cavlnj In, ami a tntllluti tint tlit of cok uro tlirmUiiFL Aretml Inlnml In waili Inaway rnpMljr. Mote or Iwi othir miuor dauiAKu lia Iffn dunu ntid thrtatutind, but h far tho Krvitrr for itun ol thu lulury to buMiUMitu, cuitic (roui hlndnttiru rather than Actual Uuiiiace. lttvurmrn IntUt that thvllxxlof lStS ullltb MirtKd,and It laott now ui tf thpy njKn lh truth. OntbuLmtHldoth) UuatIon Is nlio I a I. At llr(ckl)u LO) ntuittttiuck imtchiK nru tl rpnt. Choltau Ulaud In unJfr water, tlinu mtulutf Soijo nam ' tf fanulnpr land for Ihu ncbion. , roiift Ulind cf ISM ocrctt U Uo undtr wttrr, (arr Iilaud U tiiundatud, and thu jwoilu llvlu In all tlirtr I laiii urt lti indent ii0!i thn iitkh-l-orlnn- urUlciuuiti fur Ahi.Ur. Ihu rlrt ) v'dIuk' mi Inch mi h ur. All thu KUtri" iruLltukiilnloiiK thulevtf, nud ctllars aru full of watir. Moving 1 ion- thu urdrr lu thu vicinity uf thu, tat tho i-tojlo Iiluw i.ot wlut tuuy couh Tho md of llm rho It not pjtK.clcd Into Ifforu Tucidu), If then. Iho cotton 10111 1 tvM r nru rrniovlUaC thu cotion tu the u,!" 'lr nud h oto avuIJ itrloui low. luaddto thuUU tltu u noilh ht. lit'uU, ino lari;u u vi ra Imvo hrukeu and atu now Biding tOflosd that etctlun uf town. KUKUATIOS O 1Ul(IUlrf. Wichita, Kan , May 13 The for mation ht turnudji m wltntuMrJ huru a tout 0 o'clock this ivtiilni;, two alia ut i ix intltu eouth, uiJ at other hboulthuBumo dlataiuu northcattt. A ul,mch from,AU4UU,1lUUcr county. MOM that thu in rlheattru "twlitpr" ulrutU thcru about d o'clock, tlemolUh liitf niuru houftm and wrrrklnt: thu HruiU t u tlock ut)-. V. H. Klliworth had u Iitt Irokiu and J rtnk Marh wua bllshtly Injure. I. Nearly utl the people lu lowjuaw thentorm ttt I run htug nnd nought kholttrJncyiJoiiu caven, Vthlcti, tt 1 thiuhi, ru ventiHl n RriatloMOf llfi. Ihu le'e Rrajh wlrtnarotlown, an 1 UrlaH-i are unottalnublc. Tuwaiida, n fuw mll-ra nctlliof Aguita, TrTUAali) vltllvJ b a torna to and half a dcxeii houiet ij-t ujollihid. ruwandiinaji totally wl.iij from thu faiu uf thu t arth by ii cyil ji u lu Mnrt-h, and a number of loojlo killed nnd InJurvJ. Ihu cltltm hid tho t uurai;u lo rnutlii nudlulU the'r .irurci-, aul tt ete tulldlnas wtru tlowudown thli -uvenlu,'. U la not ktowu whether any one wm hurt. In qulilea at iurral (niil aouth uf Wichita fall turovtul thu (rack ULen t y thi two othtr tortu. ItlflleirLid later Hint three chltd rtn of 1. C. I.nrnod nttu Ladly hurt HAMAUb to (mow i.n a ciw i A. Kanhab L'ir., 1 uy IL Thu IHr Muddy" UI 1 not ru,iUurtmuih of it rl9 today, bultliu rain coutlnutu, nod the riwptct for a turthcr tw Is Rood. Thu water lu thu trteti of Armour dilu Itthrtefntdrejtand has ouhjJ much daiiiine to j ro rrt) Thu Dghty nud rwentfounti ttrrrt IrllKia atu la danger of Uilng a ashed away. An AaioiUtel 1'rwa dltntcli from r.caTeuwotth, Kan8,najg that much damage ban bien duou lu Kfowln cropv by thu protraticU mini. Thu Missouri rlerlin Iroken Into Hucar lake, two miles north of Leavuiworth, and tlurr Is Imuudlnto tlantr that thu chuunel wll tut through thu I ml, roikrltu; thu It-wk Island bridge at l'o tt J.tavonworth um !-h and Iftvlnj; thurlly a inllu Inland. Thu Union Tuclflu anl thu Mlssojrl raclflc aru thu only railroads making nny irtttuheuf rolllnif riRitlMr trains Into tho rlty. Iho roadbed of thu I tuck Island, Chicago, Ht. l'aul A Kauhas City are all Isdly damaged, In thu Immediate neighborhood ofthu Ittck Island & Mapleltaf they have bceiiuntblutjdillTtr mall to somuof thutowui atcuiK tlulr luutcs for flvu Usir. The bottoms are tueiodwlth ruihlnR valft, an 1 (,rcat Uimstiuls bclutfdoiit. NfK"ftt UamaRU Isuoue lo tho Krowlntf crops. At Ludoru. eljit mlko tttt of Iitwrt nee, a waou trldifu was cashed away thlsatur uoo 1 1 and It was n i-orted that tuu mu i atwotk on tho brldtiu Mite drowned, A largenronof couutr) Is under water and treat damage lmi resulted to croj s audlleto(,k. A COLON IV UlNOLIt. Tuim.a, Knii , May 18 IhoITuf. slau culom ou thu Kutth HMt ImMJ Uun fnuid to Uavufor higher crounds on uccouut o( the lloods, and llitlr en tire ik tieislous are under Hater. The river Is thu hightst It has biimeluco lSo1, uud from j restnt luJIcatloui will LOiittniib t rlK. Thu Union raclllc bridges at TerryvlHeand UjkvIUo nre nald tote In danger (lrao .minor un o villi w itruenterttlmd here. Till. MK0U1U IUHl UlBl.SU. Omaha, Ma. 11 Tho Mlnour river .Mui fiotutKA elow wakr, and rtrlui? tafldly. It has tut uwny ahuuditd ntrts ou Uiu .t-t UnU above thu i (ly nud Is within llfty fiet tf Iloreiuu Jake, If Jl should rite ituothtr U)t It will brink IlIu thu oil ennui and 1 sweep down through Omaha mil da liurnl it da or ttiui nude of dollsrs worth nC dntiiau. It would learn the: manu fncturltiu subutbfl of Omaha on tho Ultud. Iiillrtfsl lor CiMisplraer CiitrAtto, Msy 13 Abraham Tell ofll iilulo, ont of tho Vahahani I.ackawnnnafn'lfreliihlllnc, wa In dieted for i-unsilracy by the 1 udMl Kruil Jury. Thu rniu Is thu out Krnwth ol tho recent luvtstUatlou which rmulteil lu thn Indlctmuul of thellxiickltitf llrm nf HhUUV Com any for rttelvlng rtbaten of fnlght from the Lackawauna. It Is allegid thatrrbate cf & centit ht hunUnnt wai nakl to A. II. Tayrt affunt of Hw.ft ami CcnijJ.ny( undertheRuliuof coin iulflou Hits Is Ihu Itrnt cau where tho l-eJinl comj Irncy laws have Lciu made to aptly a it I n it t a rallrusd olUU-il for violation of thn Interitstu commerce law. The etialty U much s vercr than undtr the latter, afluui f not ItMlhati $5JJO,orlmprluuniunt at hard labor lu tliu ptultanllary of not I the than twojuat. Tl.i. Unli.rt. (111... C'liif i(, Mar IX Today's session of tl u Urmrul roileratlou ut Women's Clubo was devoti I lu tho const h talioti uf amendments tu the nomtltullon and ly.IaMn. Thn toiiitlltittoii was auieiidoJ to nlnilt uf the blUctrs f-t-rrlmftno term-, and thu aJuiiltfii of t tubs tovIdt-J for In thu blawa bynu AUitiid.nnit to thu ilkct that nuy rilate or lerrltortal nutoclatlou, wunien't tlul, nm, upon ai plhatlon, bureeelvt-.! Into luemler hl I he elettlou uf tfllcers and a Itoarri ul dlncturs resulted: l'risldent, Mrr. ( harlolti I nier.oii llravn of ow Jir-cy, ecrtlirlee. Mri J. C Truly of New Vork, and MlisMay It. leiujlx of rutititnn; ttmiutir, Mr. JsnuO. (ouiir of Ctlirsdu. Amomr tlio Iward uf direct rs aru Mtr. JulU Ward Jlout of Mauchurctts ami Ml l,)dlu W. 1'tlets of Uallfornla. Alum five niIuutL- talk ly Mln Kuian II. Anthony, (iiul a niKP'-fUon ly Mrs. Mary Wrllit HmslI that a l In bin tifuby erUblMied, thu coucu liutl iitjourued slue dlu, talitr 4 mu I Nri Vcmu, .May H. Tho will of , William Ii. Aotor, thu provinlynn uf I AhUh utrutrHCtlcally stnti t lu Ihifu dtripAtihts, was llleil lor probate today. Viilliar Drojtonnor hU wlfu will be btlu to touch a rtnti of the ttnle. lliury Astnr, IhutestatjrV only aur lvln hrothrr, Is II dually cut (11 by Ihu t rovlklon whlcli says 'ltlsmy will uud liiUuttuu thit tulther my brother, lletir Astor, tinr his lffttui flinll, mn heirs at Uw or next to Mm, rt(.tlu any wrtlon of my ibUte" Jltury Astor U thu trothrr who nmr rkila trttty touutry U U'sttratliu to thu family, lie was cutotThy his fslhtr with armnll patrimony and hat In t n lMnrf hsptlly up In Columbia county eversluci. (nrnrkleiHierl I iuiatir I Imllrd. Cn risANii, May 13. "Iho Clove laud IxwUr la informed ou ood uutlinrlly that a tomhtnatlon of the rruater a uaru ef U.i JmatfntiTiaj3 lu which Androw Caroecle Is con icrutJ Jit lo bu ncrftcted Julv 1st, to bu known as tho OarnrcloHlrel (Vnipiny IluilteU. Amoujc tho tstabllshmenls t l-e anooclatu-J together aru Carucgk, rhltl'sXC'u. llmlliii, nmt Cariirtrle )tro; , Jl Co limited. II C. Trick, thetdkuniaii, holds bJjc blocks of stock In both compauUtf, and will he central mansi;iruf the new conipAny, Ihu JCeysouu JlrlJdoComiuiny will prob aLI t-e Included lu thn toiiihltiiillori. 1 hu a?sri i.atu caj Ital of tho compauka UJ1U.700,U0.). Auollifr tuniMue. Tiicnton, N. J., My n. Troml bent ottery men lu this city madu the nnncurtemunt toulkUt that an 1 ntc llfh syudiialu had about itmipMed nrrarj t-mtnts for thejurohase of flvu potteries lu this i Ily. I hu ndluit . Is re( rifinled by Dreicl, Morati & Co , aud thutrausfer of thu roj-erty .nay U male In a week Ihe rk-tt Is slid lo t-unuarlj J3,WJ,i)itO. In Detente urMlrr. WAimi.v, Ta, May It. I atu hot nUht HavtrcfUatfleld shot and LUUil Churles Jlerrlufiton, au excou ict. Six yturs ajfo lltrrIutoii ab ilutttd tht) tblrleuuyturoll sUter of young Haver nut Inducid her to Ilvu with him. Herrlnston was arrested and srnt to rl-wn fur fuiir jtan. Whiu his tirm expired hurrturnud to (larlleld aud llinatened to kill thu Ctrl If tho did not h" with htm. llu wni nrrested again and i-eiit tu thu f nil Imtiiio furfllteun monthi. Husworu ruvtni;, and, when ruhaied ft few dajiiaKo, went to Oat H til, and lait nlltht called nt IUer'i( houtuaud tie msndid tuace thui;trJ. I he tloorwas closed upon hluinud tin pruceidud lu trtaklt down, whvu yuuiiK lUvrr lookailllo and shot Mm, thu lulkt tnterlui: hlflhralu Haver Knu him self up, but thutorourr'rf )ury brought 111 u MrUlct 0( nlf difeitvu. A Double Tnurtlj. MltwAUM, Mni 11. ranJeltn Ilarttr, fireman lu thu I'ubit bulldlntf, shot hlmielf Iat eviulug btcnuse uf domittlu trouble. This mornlnc hU wlfukllltd lienulf. taking poltou. Klvu chlMrtn, two of them deaf mutes, are loft tottruitgluwlth tho world by thu doublo tragedy, Cf urrrnln Xttou It lmi leti (Iciuoustiatcvl over and ocr iirfuh, mj s Iloanla lUirjmii; rirnt That thiiu has bctu lio.ayet ilUcow1 ml wh nly tin) in m. Lo hp itch or poor, tan Inmost, rhclkr ami kern from Vtis'o fodder for ccwh, hithtr fowor iimm,iHi theapl), ti;eilUiously ami ttriuhily us t) Morln.r sumo in a silo. U hilu Uiu prct-oinh ruucu of Wet I Is rix:M?dl) in fucr of tuttiug thu torn onluvcr or .liatocr nuy bu pit In tlio ttlo, It U iieerlhtlt4tru0 that not a fow farunrsirtifir to put tt in whole lu the Utter cjuw ltv?illbo uumcicuMiry toLuj urhlnwituttir autl pov. ir tu mu It, uml this Item of cxpeiuo m ty bo tk ftrrosl. betend Om aao of com will U m u nn. luttrr ked whm pit la sili Hum two utrea of muudow or thrtn aerea of iHiluru. fhlrd Uoud, awn t niloRi, lu qu uitttlw from furty to sUtj i-uuiiitrf ptr d ly, mny Imj fwl to nti lnnUh tow ithuutlu juriu0 lur null. tv n) pirioulint ttr, loiirth The .r nmi, or all oth u, UUnvm who uiaLwt tiTurd tu tW without ukilj. LONDON PAItAGKAPHS. IHI I'reparlnir lor Hie 1 lecllon (;Uilitono iH HT " ltclnslatcd lu fiH SJB THE ULSTCFIITCS OPPOOC A DUDLIN HB (.okIhii Slltntcutlio III ittrlalllc (on Hi fcrcuce. Tin Coutuierclatlrr.itj H (onftnncoatMAdrlil. asHel Ily Tetenstn utna v.wt SflHeB rM.ii.ii iiriTKN. eafSfl llnlelo l,a I lie I a lr,i,,t rl.r- & ii.Mi-rn. u.i., tliion. vJiVI Iainixim, .May IX Ilalfour will taBESl Hirer llii ('ousrrvallva.Incllonacinla lH .'lay list, Hheu a iltllnlto lullcatloli iHBMB will lm clveli as lo Ihu Uatt of Iho 1BMB Krueral ileitloii. In thn meantltun SMISI ehttlou nunila swarm In tho loht les of SISMH tho (omnium, terlng niemlwra to QaBM taiidllundlssolullon. aBaaVHl It Is hinted that Ilia Government la HH ftvorablu tn h liil.l summer flection. MBH lull tho Cabinet dtrlaloii I. miuoiiii. aMeSS id tlm iirtlia around will ho Hilly pro. ! tared aul uvcrytlilng will lw In rtJI aVaaaaaVJ rtn. crown bllli. will dispatch Iho faaaaaaVJ ilntlon wrllswlthliitweiilj.fiurhours ItaBMl altirlholn'linitlouof thu dlssolulluti CvaBl I.Klveii. Dtllters Inihari;.. of rlvMe IrMBeJ llll. Ill thn I'uulnioti. nro lllstruillnl to iVaSaS wlnjiitiihelr husliirs. aafar as pus! JtsMSa blolyJuiinSllh. From this tho 1.11. SaVSaSl i rnli reason Ihat Ihr- urlt. will Is SMlIB Issuid atiout Juno Itlllt. Two weeks SOpeSJ later thu IkiuioukIi tlrctloiis will tu mSmbSJ cum) Ii Ud, and within tbliu wtclia His IH loiliity eleitlulis. .VMbMI As the pen arllamtnt must as VH emblowllhln Ihirtj.nvu days of tho flH dltroliitlon of tho ncndlnir one, If iho BaH Silielal eatlbtlon la fullllled tl a lint wet kin Auijusi will seo (Jladstons VlBBl reinstate I In power. flH lha Irish larty taltultfor granted a lclalsisaloiilatolehc!d lu Norem wBVBJ b.r aud lie w III rot cud with the homo IljMBj rulo movement, aslulSSO ho sulhrud Eaaaaaaal from hallo In lis irituratlou and lis h&i declartd hu will not maku a BBBVJ similar inlstaku. ntaaaH If Iho Literal rrovcrnmi.nt conitl. TflfepJ 1 itod lu tho utitumu tiavo no policy IH llll. IIUJII. IIULE lll ought to lit fully dovoloted before tbo KH Bti.loii of 15t', luVBBj luthoclectorlalflelltlio activity of jHBial tho Iiidepindent labor party Is a VBVBj starlllni: phenomtnon. No less than ! ono hundnd aud slttyflvo candidates H am already In tho Held, backed by RbBBI subacrl tlous from trades uulons, local S.aaaaaaal sttletlia ami Tory donations. Iu thu BVBBJ dslly lucreasltig number uf districts BH thn worklnumen opioso Liberals. '1 Uladsloau's liriiallvo opposition to " tho payment of thu ruemhtra of the SSHB1 tho eight hour movtment WaC&iSaBli vir.dlils Itidlllcrrucu to other artlcltsoi w9JnHHl Iho -Neivcull. iroKramme, has alien. IIvSmI atedacooaldirnblsmassofthorltctorr. BtflBBl Douills eirrsaid In many quarlira - riKsrllDKllioesmnlnin of thn Ulster JBBSI rnovcineut, and this lias Incited tho laBSal lia lira to violent speeches. SaaaVBl At tho Ht. Htephens club dinner Hindersoii orinly proclaimed tho In M tcntlou of tho Ulsterlles to resort to JH armed forro lu loslitanco lo a Dublin rarllament. Ho led, hu said, ths IiBBbSJ lamest united sictloii of Irishmen who tfBBB wuull liunble, If they wished, to wreck ataaSJ a Dublin, 'luieo declsra . lions wiro received with intliuilastla sVBVBj While tbu lor I chaucollor censurn IH IhulaiiKuaniiaadauRtroui, tbo theory ImBBJ. of lilt lllon la heard lualleuci Hevrral io."aBflj mitnUrsof tho tallnet stilu with iho icsBflj lort thancullor lu also condemning AvB Hallslury's iniitimunt to civil war, I.SBJ Hut thu uisjorlty of tins torles at rovt. ITsBfll Oa thn whole the convltllon atreuiith BTaBSJI ins Hint tbo Ulster coiixentlon will Is U;Hl A llltrTUHVUAKIMJ JVS.NT. sV Thu opiosltlon leaders ha.u decided . 1 to leavu thu Irish numbers to niovo tlsBBj tho reduction of the Irish local gov. ilfiBBj triimint bill, and Hexton, In the all. IfBBVJ rencoof MiOarth, will take iho lul IkBBB tiativu. jwaVjl KITotta ma lo today to sound Uoachen sMBBS aa lo Iho basis of thu bl.nietalllc cou apSBn firtucu illilteu tho rcsponso that ho jBHl will not ieak on tlio aul Jut whlla JtrBBBj itj;otlatlousaru In regress, as thu so- iH luiloti lo the prol lem mliilit bu com ilH I romlsed II Intormatlou was jlvuu out jitflpB now. This wum occur ted aa Indlcat aVvBlS hla Ullef, that thu tonftreuco wilt TvBI not provo the futility that tho mono. SiaBB(( metallsts prod lit. Whllo Ieadlti IfluBSjj Iroudoii nt era nro against the coufur ffiBVSJ nice, irovluclal Journals acclaim It, iLVn rlnanclal awra aro dlscussltit Hie Irali ratio Ut wuon silver and cold In thn jj9BBfl evmt of International at,rei uients bo HaavSJ ItiK riathtid. flH l.i cite II. H. Urenfell, and Baniuil flH .Montagu, concur lu expressing tlm luBBfl opinion that Ilxlnir the exact ratio Is SBBBJ not thn tsieiuu of tho question, and ItBBBj that any ration, approximately occur- jiuBBS ate rould b maintained undtr Inter IHI national agrtecieut. BBai Delrgatta to tho commercial treaty BPafl conferinin at Madrid rreseuloda ti ISBJ tort to thu Iward of trade c.inmou VBJH treaty committee, aud state they re XiBB ganl thu jrubaLlllty of au agreement SjflHi hnielusi. Aa u result Ortat llrllalu lu OntBH July will lo shut out from Kpaln and aaWjBBJ lur colonlts 'QBjBBJ Thn l'rluco of Wales, presiding at n 1&BBB met ting tod.u,ap eared tobualtiEelher nBiH In rol ust heillh. JBBBfl Oineral H. A. Bandersou, Uultod rjaBBj Hlati a consul at Cairo, en roulo homo sBBHfl onliavoof absence, Is seriously 111 at BHTil Liverpool. flU Henry Do Vern Vaneof I'aton lace, rVjVJjM llnnover square, a cousin cf thu late laBBMJ Dukoof Cleveland, haa formally pri IB aented a ittltlou to the Queeii de. svBBjra t taring his right to the baronetcy ol HB llarnard and the estates thereof. The 'sBBBjl utltlon was referred to the House i7 avBBB Lords. 'fnaHl A l.arful OBll Ottawa, III., May 13 JuituaMoss, llVsffsBl a nioul ler at the Adams factorloa at UHl Slarselllts, dlsarpeared today alter BBBBr I erpttratlug a frurful doublo crime, HBBH He wint home drunk aud, upon his JBSJH wife rcmouilratlug, gave her a meril. aBVjLTl less I eating aud Jumttd upon her. BBBmI Tho woman, who was In a delicate 1 BBBJl loiidlllan, gavi blrlh to a prematuie j HBB7 j ihlld, which died, and thu mother, rfaw I alter terrible lullvilurpi soon lollowcd, 8BBJ