Newspaper Page Text
8 g ni:.qi:nT .:v.:yiyo yi:ws Monday, may in, ibob. E DESERET EVENING NEWS. I THE OGDEN CONVENTION. , IK' Details ot be Important Democratic ' IK , Gathtrlog. inl J a HK, It. T. IICIDLUSON AM) JOIIV T. r'lit? cl""'n ' 1"1'lf, rn,1""'"m M MlM (Jilort-TlierummltlrMlltcKil. '1 'flirt A l'fi)lrclfil So.lou. I H Tin trip of tho UtlritttM to Otfl.n Sj I .IJSI u un.Tentful; II, howetrr, R' a lifi tlitm a tltaaw to circulate .rutin 1 ami I' ras "' acqua.ititi wl,h '40h ,,thr''"" fmh opportunity which tnanjr of thini lm , K prowl. The TnUfollowl '' '' T tlwUlOgJen-llw parado tltoatil ' tlooK W.hlnton Ateuuf, 111. I J yBfl ral .nttiiialaam and the "K.tliMlnK of "'Mt, lli.claoi"at tli tlrand Optra ou. f 'l aaaPS " Malll I" 0" l'1 l'IAt('n "' J 'H HalurJar, It cl.ilmt with the noon ifB rrcc-atan.r Hi. linporarjr organisation WH.. anil llialcacicimlnif ; 1 flH for candldate-a for the deleKalrstili I (Hi? I was tctlTv. if B 1' Tho convention raaaaemulni alSi, J, flB but u not cslll to order till "tout .1. j 'B uoDtorlvo otlha remmltttn worr c,11 pB Kllttl.Wlilnl with their work. Tho J ' WM ' band, playnl llTrl tin In tho mran I B,' ll"'i knJ ' "" '""" namfi Mr' ?', fH" JJorrill, ttmporarj chairman, an j; iHJk nounc-wl that as tho committers wcr. I , iBB, Hill unready, lion. David laua I '', would male a tt-h. That gentle tr 1 9K j man, outailnit tte platform, wai re el ' i'W j celred with applauic. lie iri eery Ttt?fWii brleflj, and cuneluJvd by calling for If 'Shi Hon. Mosw Thatcher, ho shortly H WaH' appeared and wai received with a per Hu tlB. '' feci hurricane of appUuioand enters, K PBK luting about a rnluute. The tpeech Bh JtfaBTf occupied half an hour In delivery, and KnB''' even It we wero loglro It entire, the SSfyiSk' cold type would dolt lojuitlce; only RW iBKi'. thoie who know of the gentlemen K'1 t' oratorical ability, hie rcbol.rly diction w ' . and rhetorical cllmaitt could then HJj 1 mi" form evon an Idia of lla ftTrcllTraw; B; ' H 1 II needed a pereoaal hearing fir Ita K; .B full MiKAaure aud capacity to be real- KJ JHr llkil. HI announcement that he Wat Bit k IH , Democrat wai received with a IP'! K, cenulne Demcratle hurrah, and " ' ! u he proceeded to eiplaln why he wai Btlli liffi one, clvlnx the delalle of bit political Sriit Irf! felthlneiieoeo, the hcugnlllon clvrn l HI llw P by the IliUnere wu that of until It. Kfj) Dili takable appreciation and at demon- tlvl Cflaf tlrallvo ae Itcurtomiry wlthlhe"un- all tjM . terrified." The tpeech wai relieved 9 l &? ', litre and here with llorld fluuna of V1 'jH! 1 tpeech and telling meuphor, all of K '( H t which were causht up and liuiiahed BIT jiiaV? over unilllteeemodat timeeat If the Mr! '1 5mW? aueote ot l'andemonluin were holding BJi if'aBj'i " unrertralned ceuncll. At thecloee BM m'Bmm' the demonttratlon amounted to a Hm T Bjl ' furore which laereued at the chair Hi! ' ( manvalnlytrledtomakeanannouoce- a HMH meat, and the audience would not lei BJf U(K-- to till the orator aroee and bowed hit ft f!MB)i' acknowledcoeate. Blr litiSB 0' The committee on rredentlali then jj )(lPBt i. reported, and to tave time the reading Kn 'Si SSsS ef tbe namea wai dliremud with. mfwi it. Ktlly fha commllloe on permanent organ). Blfit 'Re'SIj ntlon and order of builnera then ro- IBft t3larj ported the following: Hi "f7li Cbalrmaa-W. II. ICIng.UUh coun- B ..ffilMlii'' ty. B!f rfSK Vle Chairman Motet Thatcher, Bll '"?? Ciche county. Bt '1iMP Vlce;halrman David llvant, '. .WM,, WeUr oounty. R' 'BH-' Vice Chairman Henry Hlegal, Halt S ; iBBh Lake county. 0 :Bf Hecretary-U A. Hrallh, Halt Lake !-' , BBS county. U, J,iBjjt AuiiUnt Hecretary A. J. Weber, Hi 'i VBf Weber county. If" 'BSJ1 Hergenal at-Armt George T. Jleeo, 4 Btf! Bevler county. c gaewy". . Order of butlnete Report of com. B' j . BMv mlttea on platform and reeolutlont. KHircflefa l.lectlon of two dilegatee u the &"' SHf j National Democratic; oonvtutlou at Wit SB La Chicago. V ' JBf 4f S Klectloneftwnalt4-rnatet. ffl JBSJ? Klectlon of a Territorial central com- 10 lafla" mlttee. Bx j fflfli 'tt Thereportwatunanlmontlyadopted Ba DKfltat' and Mr. King wat eeatml amid aiM H raBfll plauie. On taking the chair he made BD yBIrI' afewrouiirke,thecuncludlugyf which B Bjiyi wire well received. ' BUD The following telogramt were riad BFf kyCoLMerrltti Ba ' Baft WAtinvoTov, D.C.May 12. H '''I'' ilon.H. A. M.rrlUi Wm 2 Btf Cotisralutatlont and lwt wlibet for re- i !i K4. united Democracy of Utah. 1 t?HC i- ' CUnu.t u 1 (?Bn Waiiiutiv, D. C. My II. m rjj BlJt Hon. CI111. C. Itlcbartle. Democrttlo Con- m 'j .'jKl! ventlon, Ogden, Hunt 1 1 i ill herty ouncralulattone to Demoo- w( tiijrit1 racy of Utah, May your eounaoia tend mi r ! Iel(tf -0 unhy and enpremmpy of parly, both In .1 I 'f IMP tounlry and in your r.irrltory. R ! Il Bji ' Wasin-tuiox, D. C , May 13, WZ. lit l Hi' Tollon. r.K. Itlcharda, Ottden, Ulah- K 'BaaV A llmh of the ttincraucreende greeting Ift j IKK. to true Dtmocracyof Utah. W tJ-BjW w. D. nritiH, WH f ''Bll WAmllauro-f, May It. IS liBlr Chairman Democratic Convrnltoo, Og- StcJiiW lcn,U.'l.t BHnlTaSra Tender my greetlnge to Utah'a aarni- K? 'I '. Ued liemocracy. AMiire litem I ehalldo WX ,l SBJ nil that mortal can to give Ulah at the art .liWi1! ' eetlieit day pranlcable llmt lore) wit- Kit , 11K91 guvernment gnarautMHl by ourConatitu- uRl fit iWo -Ion and by nomocracy to every ciin- iiiin.lJ, i . nmnliy. J li tVAictiarov, llll '1 I lit i I Lhafrman Hotiao CoramlUie on Terrl- I 'ill IB? f torlM I fllV Uf t Va!II "OTPN, May 11. lWil ' Bi ' Merrll, Demixutlo Coneu. g)fj'Ht.,TOV Hon, HgJi n, Utah! nuift Ulmllv grcilinKalo tlin Dcmocratt of a'lrlM . Utah. Uy your eoHTention bo gtildrd L V-9 aHl bv hImIoui utid harinony aud ulvu Ireati Tip HI i aireugih la the cauae In iho IjaiiIo for 1 hl luire Itouuk racy and frtni goinrnmoiil HI , )ir Iliali. 11mi luauranrta that Hie Ht. Iluninllula bit! -Mil bo taken up by tbe , K 1 ', Itooaokoon after the approprUlloi, bllla Mill are dUpiard of. Don't tie dleroiirasftd, ' "lifre Home V.ule la not doiul, only aleeplng. ( I 1 T JoiiNT.Ctl-it. i 'jjn, Halt I.akf, U. T May II, lew. Uvit. Hon. Moaot Thatcher, Dcmocratlo Con- aVI si - P uillout li 1 ! JM; Hod It Impoulble to come Ood apcod l 3 I Sij.'l ,0' ' "' RU "T"' H I' ? i?-rf j The committee on platfiKm and rvto H' I'm lutlena aaked lor more lime, 'il 1 1 iff The chairman then aunoutuud that (j f the eleetion of delegate! to Chicago i r? WM ucxt I" order. , I BBMBBJir-- "BBL Colonel Ivtt then In n tiieech, which Ink unlvemlly, nominated Henry O. llenderaon. He took nc cation to refer to the vrutt breedt" of Indlant In Ulah, and anld Milui wai the beat place for all tuch roving depre dator!. Judge Hen lotion watmevldenlly the Chnlreof the houw that Iherillee were tuipeiidedandJuJgelleiideraoncht'ten byacclaiuatlun.Miati. Iit, ()ihnJ .Nor tell wete Mmt after JiiJite Hen ler a dJ In the meantime J.I. Iliw- lint wai called for. Ho tnaJe a brief lut thoughtful ipeech, wlilcti wai loudly applauded. Juj;e llenleriti here enterid and waa Introduced by tihalrman King ami I aplatle. He tab! hu the Iran with 1 ride, an the would go ti Chltigoand lay that bu wit proud totepreient n people whom hekntw would vole the Dcmocratlo llckt I and no cthtr. The t;nlca;o convention W0.1U name the man who would be , I'letl lent of the Unltnl U.ati-e for the neil lour ytart. Whoever a. named I fr.nri the brlgnt array nf nantet woulu ricelvelhiiauportolUuliDciiiciry. the Ju.lue and he we. utllciilArly Iouu to iMfCllOM-n III t4len, hrutllae I be gientmt-venient lu Ulah ttariod In I Weber fiiuuly. rue Democracv of ' Welirr might well feeltruud atlhey looked uvtrthle convention today. He Ititdean earnest plea for Home Itulu I ixut llta BFUU1D 1 ICI. Judge DuonUrry aro.eto ujmluale William II. ICIug.uf Utah Couni),ai a Kentlettiatl rvpreentltig o f of tlie banner countheof Dunocracy. Leliiand YuUlig, 1,1 a Itiuughtlul tletli, nominated J I.. Itawlln. I'ref. J. 11. I'auleald that Die mail whom he wa.alKfiitto nominate wa a man whom the ie,ple luvtJ. lie wai a man who had workeil for the a-oplo an I wai a Democrat, every luili of him. Alter a very el fluent ecli he placed In notuluallon Hon. Moaei rhalcher. Mr. Tliatcher, In a few rcnmkt.mMt pO'lttTeJy declined, aud hla name wai wltlidrauu. Hon.JohuT. Caluewit then put In nomluhttoh by teveral delegallom. A I allot a at taken, the mil being called, hut before the vote wai an ntunced all tie gentlemen name I withdrew, anil Mr. Calne'i nomination waamalotiuanlmoui. W. 11. King, ol l'rovo,aud II. W. rlmlth, uf Oguen, wero elected titer. Iialet. ltwai now time for the it cord re. ct-ra, but before It wai taken, H. A. Kenner aroao and laid! "Mr. Chair, man, I move that the committee on reiolutlont lie reiueteil by IhlihoJy to Incorporate In the latrrm au In tlruclloil lu the del, gate! elected to the I klcagn contention to then anil there vole lor tbe nomination of (Irovor Cleveland tor l'reildentof the United Htatea." . Heveral delegate! ihouteil"I)! MI" and the cbtlr wat about to paai II ny, laying be heard 110 tecond. At once teveral delegatet ecconded the motion voeldrouily, hutltdld notrcva I. Itereea till S .nl., at which time the platform wit road. Lack ol aptre pre ventl ua from giving It. The lollow IngceutralcommUteewailhenrhoien: Hewer John Ward Clirlillan. Iloxlllder-11.11. Ueatty, William Hone. Cache George W.Thatchcr, Charlct H.Hart,:. II. Oweu. Davie D.J. llrandon. Umerj Ik P. Onereou. tlarlleld W. l'.rlargentit. J uab lleorge l Wliltmore. Millard J amea A. Melville. Morgan Bamuel Krantia, tit, I'lociie la, U. long. Illch-Anaon Call. ' Ha'tHake 1. M. Wad Jell, FS. Fern ttrom, W. 0. A. HmoM, 11, A. Health, It. 11. (Julnn, II. U. Lett. A. (1. Norrell, Caleb W. W'Mt, V. H. UlcliarJa, J. 11. Walden. ante W, V. Woodrlng, I'eler (Ireavet, I. 11. Madaeu. rjuminlt John Hoyden, Jatuet I', llromley. Movler-Iaaac IC. Wright. Tooele Thomaa 11. Ml, Ululab It. B. ColletU Waihlnglon TliomaiJudd. Waiatch Thomai Ituyt. Wayne W. K. Itoblnaon. Wtber A. J. Weber, O.J.Hwenion, C. ('. Itlchardi, J. U. Tyler, John A. Ilovle. Ulah J. 1). Irvine, W. N.Duien berry, H. A. Deal, A. J.l'vaui, Ueorge V. tJboret. Tho big convention concluded with "Thrui cheeri fur Dunicrecy anl drover Cleveland" that fairly ehook the raftert In the building, and Uie audience dlaaetted to the ttraluttol Dine" by the band. After the couventlou the central committee tnttand elertel C. C. Hlcb ardt chairman, aud K. A. Hmith ieo rotary, l'xerailve committee, H, C Lett. A. O. Norrell, W. W. Woodrlng, J. U. yler, It. A. Deal, . W.rjhorla, r'. r). Itlchardi. Tin Model ullcbrou. J.rlt,ll l!trnWrmit. Atllebrtn, neat to Joruaalem, the moitglorlouaof Jewlih cltiei, one tau find now the iooreat of native dwell. Itiga, n few wretched batari, rather rude Inhabitant! lu large uumberi and two ijeclal lKiluta of Intereat the nntuue, lioldlng the tombt of Abra ham, laaaoaod Jacob, and of Harah, ltetekeh aud Leah (Dr. Tboni4Mu till ok tblt claim not without rtaaen) and the cak under which the father ol the faithful entertained tbe angela, Itutllncethlatuta-piela to the Moa lemi tbe mwit lacred tHt of earlb, It muit bo kept undefllrd from the touch of tintalievera, and the neareat that any auch on come to entering li to Ihruit bit arm through a hole In tbe wall. When the 1'rlnce ot Walct made a Irlprcund tbe uurld, few doon were cloeed to him, when he aaked admli alon here, tbe itory gooi, he wai told he might go In but might not mine out. 1 he uk W a loug walk from the town, and tome of u were content with a illitant view atul Ibe auorui brought ui by the rverlng one, but while retting In a Meld we haJ au Intereatlrg aikht uf a different tort iDklred ol a look at the tree tnailbly one thouiand )ean old, una at the modem tuu of the plttv, They crowded about ue, meu, tmyi, and glrli, and bocame griatly eioltea uver wonden of vlilona revmled tu them our fltld glna-u; ibty tec tiled hardly able to believe their own ejei, unJluaJedua with floaert In return for tboia amailng tlghti. Our drlvo home wti enlivened by the Jeilre of the driven to race, and litaplloof the moil vehement rolcili that we could Hilar 111 Arabic, they rorilttrd In trying the rj of tt e lionet until our autl'iue charloit tbe Cror nauie for them la not yet knoau 1 ua collided, and ae Jut cacti vd having to walk the reel uf the tvey Wo have tlnco learneil thatabrealt down of the conveyaace li a part ut the programme on 1I1I1 trl and thai Ihettiaugefoaturuuf bur eipvtltuu wai that thev did hold together until we reached the ally gate, n lib li 11 at nearont't door at one can eailly le driven In Hilarity. JtAHEliY tUMDtXEI). PHYSICAL AND MORAL COURACC SCL COM FCUNO IN ONE PERSON Uranlee or 1 l,,.l. al tuui.f-ll. lie. wnnta end It,nai1l-rfller aiotlle t I, rat (onraie aiiit tile I.Jni) Tlial It UMen lltlnga I pun II. I o.e.r. It It a raro thing to meet n ja-raon, either mtn orwmimn ulioctunlijnpa in oiruUjth ph)iral mid moral couMge Hcntal ronrage la a frequrnt thing to dare to have nt iniotia, tu dare tu ft llmv ont their cntiaequcncre In one a loin,! and Hi nbtenco U alKart pltl tblo vaIic-io "Iho pir heart would fain ilmy, I ut dare nuL" Dut uiontl cmirnge la n fur rarer qunlity, nnd It at much lilglcr Hum pliralcil courage at the aottl li liUthcr than tho Ualy 1'lit alcal cnurngo la Indeed the enmnnmcat uf the vlrtncti., Moat rubllira lime It who go Into battlei most mothers hat o It na they approach the greit galea of liuttemityi the clulj lia. It who goea to U.l In the ilarl.i the KlVwhu chulletula tha l.ier W,e L,, flghti tl.o girl who tlrlrna tho cattle ItlatroelhrrMaroinetlilngthatpaaeea I ftrplijtlt'alcourag.ivthlcli U not llmt at all, and which. If It la not curtly j moral cvurngc either, la n courage that deac rvce n iiaiiie 1 1 III own a dUregard of une e lowtr aelf n pride of nno'a lott- titrttlf, that fa fariiotdertliaii any mere fenrleaeneae, width n d(( can ahnro an I that la tho riirr!enrv of a ilcndl) ttmir lieforo any net, but tha ilcilrir It nerrrtheleaa. nimntllng the terror nnd nrhievlug the reenlt. Thcro la the heruiun in that wl h laVrl one to tho ttako. I'hyalcol contngo la at, t to ilrinan,! op plauae, but tournl conrngolnAtMctiry cunaldrrallon but truth In the lank gruund, and la more IU.elytu bring nue than mlmlratloii. Willi nionil courage one ijnkt one a mind, one gnoa forw anl to irtie'a conception of duly, ono trenila onea choaen way Mlthutit tlie tlionglit.and eo idlliout the fiur,of con-te,!uue-a, or ien if with tho fiar, Hill trcmla It Juat the patnc One dcK not pamw to runro iho puMlbloaitctt tijainounaHelf Oueduit and M uliat right and the inimi. nt re ipdre. Ono it nut intimidated I r tho frunu, tho l.roUl mtil, tho threat, the blow, llw j rulwble Iom of prratlge tbe force tif nu contrary dplnliin, publl, or prir tte, the taavlbla deiirinitlon of uftli e or nf poaftton OnutuuMlutt bin long been knot n at the courage of Dne a cxm. tlctloua, anl dure uluit cue thlnki li right or la-at or even only expediuut, withiHit regard to U ar or foior. The mornl nmiico that ilarea to con tradict the village Imtly ilirca no leaa to tell n king that he li lu tho wrung! larea tunrrc-t thevrretili who, whip In hand, nbtuei hit latat Uiu itiuro Imut tlutn the other, ilarre, too to ihlrM tho culprit fruut tho ttruug arm, to Intcrpuae inn. a aelf Kiwicn thu vi, tint end tho t pnaHir, whutln r the vl.i tlm 1 a chll lln echuol uc u whole pc-o plet cUriM always to rcUt trraiuiy. It hat lawn (iliyalral ccntrage if coarae Hint hat fraight the great Kittle . f tho ,world-laittln, i rtiliably.tliat the world could m Mill haredimo tlihout lu-til ar bitration Ueu knu'an but It li moral cuunigo that hu Imtigatcil nml inrricl fomarl enrj reform, anl dono away villi crrrj iprniIou that luu already vuulaheil. After nil, nioml couragj dora inoro foritt poKacaaor than fur nnyuuotlae, The l.nitc-a of the Held lime hy!cal courage, but the other 1 longs only mnniiK Hie altltndci llftt and , xinnda II e tonl that haa It and that tiara It, end makea It, une dircm to think, nitty a lrt tie loiter than tho nngtla, Tlity that haveltneirr know vlun Ihey iiroUnt 111 lnfiic.1 Ihejinnnutl'ilvatiu Tin y n turn to the attack with all tbe prUtine ilgor of the llrat ont, nlth all the force thut flnt IiiiihIIchI IheuL Women, with thtlr fivble l.JIn nnd InauAkicut tu, imt uf protection or of av lult,are notorioindy dellclint In aid nml courage, that rallant niuroge and undaunted ipirit more than In woman coimuonl) iiaintbut they are juat ua notorioualy rich lu tho ut jaNiite direc tlon, nnd poaaeaml of great moral cour agethat In, thuwotuitiof tho nobler tort. It It they that ii hold the lnuda of others, the) that neter falter in thtlr pure, they that will alia for their luto or tluir 1 lief not Ihey nlouo, bin the) In tho great, r number, Apd it la tin y that, b) handing this trait don n to their aoni, Mill lift the race constantly to greater heights of lightcous will and itrcugth, Harper's Daiar. Utilitarian, la ll,la Ounlrr, rrofeiwor Mogyoroaaen Arkud, now la this city, who la prutuluent in the incur ment to nrgatdie nnd conaulldato tho IlungarlAiis, wua fonneriyu tlaclcrof thu oriental languages at Allcgliony city. HeisUnietea tho numburof liis countrymen in tho I'nllol btates atotcr 1.0U0.IIU0. lleanys the Wars.whollie In the mountain regions uf Hungary, aro lamr. Illlte rale and uneducated, and it is this thiMWbo cotno to thlsluud tliat are looked uprm as the standard e f tho true Hungarian, whertui Hie) are tho exception. Tho troft'ssor Is cuu ducting Tlie Onillla, n pcrinlical in tho anthracite coal regions fur the en lightenment uf his euuntr)meiu The title name li (ho Hungarian word fur Independence." rhlladdphla I'm. A I arse llRutl Kaar, The largest Imtul a.mlng machine In tho world bus been completed in ftig. land anl Hut to TicawanU Tbouu chine tan wv through u maximum depth of tctcnty.flro Inches uud the t ar riago will acaiunnod.te logs flft f,t lung nnd we Ighing alut lift) tons It Is ut rtixl that this utr cuts et en fustt r llneu n circular saw, whllo wuating 7 1 r e cut. less wood New York Tlini Tlie Ohio lrgialaturu adjoumeil, in tuuo fur e-urn planting, thus eeltliu a) Uhiatrlous example lu the uthe r eiatee. xMv'X-XKat. UuilV.-H Moroni, lar 7, 1, Ijirl N. Ilrienl lorn In Satilni, Juna , ll:il tinl. rratPtl In t ulli t ptt-iawooil In tbs year lea', anl loot a 1 In la. fl le Morunl City hero lie ro aisaj until lit, ilfelli IUvraaniUo.1 on tin. at WavS. tcantlmwsn ten l, plena C0 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Foit suc. Miuii iionsla wi iii eowa it t X rrllaraadaaturtlaratiaeTiltilaglaeil MIST. A Attar, r-NCMMVII nlTlllvtl JV. anil ollitr ar I I Waalrftbe at enlar Ir ranilrmen eh h, rn-aoilea Ita wbrte aVtnta, luieirn io una t flics en U atiiiaUr reearla Itl.Vt.MIDI l T01T. MAY I 1.0 OSf III.AtJK IKiaaK J atnta,Ml lata a , eeltay Itnraai ,paa onnerh. Iiaaaaial ni St this OiUce abil Lt rewafleti Vllta MAIM I L. POVM.I.b, rpPAt urn nr nrisAUTr nittioti J t u'tars and VI alien IS g laird Bnulb iiieei ttotiin 7, Tr iMa lirck JOtlt'flt W MI.tlV, AorfT eir tun miitAT wpatrnH Manitraetonaslta t,aa rhaosa.1 Ma real Oaarete VC K Siais ra.l le annnai tec Taa ear on a ihcr saeosd or Third benth. AOKNTH WANTKD riio art t tur patist c.AUi'ciiiMir.T 1 (laaaergiala a, a atil no hunilmi eery uAQ.taefcr Iwr aamile l:.) aiampa laker, at out, AiiArr tu . henoaba Ilia HOTEL .-. TKHPLETON Corner Main int) South Tempts Slrstli. Oppoilti Ttrnple, -SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH AI.OSZO 1IIIMI, Manager. WHITELAW BROS. Oils, P.-ilnts amlChemicals. acrrtaa ioi-. Mil" VrillirtN And IMI'JIl lltNI. ItntllFIK, It 111 llll 1 1,1 and I11IMI (ilMI'ttlla. Y. wutB, xsietrjoUKi F. Iff. IHEia, VS.. D., 25 A 28 Walhet- Clock, Corner Main an J Third South Strcati. .- 1h Donor hulil .went; ynr- of ir rMful ?T.vrt c, tiflehtT mg brru rtrvinr y.M mtftom of no l tin word 4 umo Hif rl wmui AitKxnon mm ., of auftr, Tuinirti ) lurfii lHttn, t) finat wmptiitai dMcuciifCB ur ,-f "-, --lJ - , - a-as ;" flllflHAM & A.M01T - ' PflAOTinAL I PLUMBEES f J a as riTTvns, I 130 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET. J '1 amjiMt pr. timifjia. . 1 .(a. 1 jiiniMt. r- lAVID.MiEWIU Photographer & PlcUre-Frans Maker mitltliarlitrf. I. l (t uni A li eclair In nilJTrt ltw, rtutdoor iiiuapat lr. atarortatti from lb tvDala iDf MtllPincau ill ! (if bin ttfintM to, A lino ito-k of Moaiilbrtto irect front. H.LTl..KniRSEILY. nAin UKnowr noLr rrtorniKTOR of tt.t)ttAtNsrrrr.lvm now brr tirttln furvhh lrli,hliiif nwil urn i'M(ITrNM,lrlrn.. (f ttiqiMr mdit ori prrrt aritrT o unit ouib of tltf IliolU, oi but lla 1. .MViun ci.nivio: LEOAL NOTICE. In tbe IrvUt Court ft Iho Lnantr of Bull .Ufce. Icihtorjru Ltb. IntbtmttttrcrttaaKililact Thomat l.irh tnlaon. IfKtHMil. -vroTicr i iimtriir isHen, tiit X Jolio II wlkrr. Admlnlilrtior or th v UU of 1 hotiiM KloiiarCMo. DtM-ia.iot, haa rtr. tiered forMUIfnirat and tlM luaaMoouiLhia flnal acrount uf hU doiiDKiratlnn or tn1 cmtat.awid neiitlon fnr I aiitointiuanl of rotowiit tuner in parllllon and It. r llual Uitrl taiMa of tho rtalflu ur aid hui ainobi u ieraB ataUtet) ilicrttu; and llai Tpr.tiij-, ItiOKIil 1f nf ilij.l?;, at 10 ..'riot, m ni. ailba louti It iinoraaidlouri lauoUouitr i ourt IIoiim, Mil lako (llr and roonijr, Luh Trrriu.ry baa larrndul; (wttaivsl liy lha Joleo ot iatd curt f r the ttuitu est of tli o rouat, ami heanair Mid leutioa fir ttio t )Nlnliatat of rinmliiQrn la partition ant for ti h Umo an J j Ucv anr ixrana laUirata l in mi 1 ctilt mT aplfiar and ahAw cauit, II anr l en. , wliv aai I aNHmnt ahrald ttotlteMitifx and AOTet an 1 miumlailoa ra m 1 artiuoti air nted and final d ilrtbu Hated Mar lute, II rj.' r AUKH, Ocrkof thelroUiotoort, t7 CltfTEt mum he, Jib. Icputy Lter LEGAL NOTICE. la Ua I'robate ( oort of the Hounlr of lilt Lake, Territory of LUh. In tU patter of tha cMate of Aadrew fttcr -VTOTICK IS IICnEBT UlVIf TffT X Ktariea 0, Irt'raMt, adnilriatratna of ttia ca au of Aa4rw letrraori ca-tancil nf rendfred fur aattlvnent -ad b d m aatd roan ttirlr final acrouni ot Ur amain utrattiB of taid aitaia and rat tion I r And ditriuUjBOt Uia reilda of aaid eilnla oiM tbe ierona aatiUad tnereio and thai Ibuiadav.ltol tit dar ot May A i, imfn U orloti a. nt, at Ilia Uart mom of ?a 1 l Aiirt. la tba Uorin.7 t oort lUaar.rjalt Uka (Itr d tVttrtt Ltah Termrv,ha bea on I. aitnit,ted lTuiau( of aaiifarwurt forma tltlnaeet of ati 1 artoimt aed bnarinf eald e any prraoa latarratad'ln aatd oatato mar ai-rrar a4 ahowraufOelf a ylU.ra If hT .ml ar rooal abi;ld aol leaettled and approved asd taal trntina made aa tirejad for. laledAptlifl,liVi. 1. . a E. AIT KM, Clerh of tha I robMo Huart. Uf Cirarm Uxowar, Jb . Hrpair Lterk. ADMINISTnATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, "M"oncn is nnir.m on ns. that jv J.A j uraiiaora of a order f the I'robato lourluf ta!t late Lounlr, t tali Tiruwrir, inada Ann) M, wi, ilo ondtralf itd atlinmla Iraiorbflbaeatalwof Je.nual arkt-r davrraael, wil.onttaturdavthu Hili dar M Mar, lvj, at tbe law oiliro f Harlow enni-oo,ro)ia33i, l.n-iiiuuou lluUdmr ait laka l itr. at II oilork BoonofaalalJar. or atirr aailtimatJ athirh th aale luar i ront trued, aell at imate aale to tU hlbt ludder. for iah, And autilrct td (lie roaSrutaUon tr eald t aurt all Iht rliibt, title, inlr r( and eatata ( tl aaui Joaliua larkrr atthauiBaof he death ur afinrwarde, of, in aiidloiliefuUuwinirdKrriiidr'al eatatr, aiv uattdla halt Ike Uountf. Utah lerriinry, nnd 1 ariirularir dracrlbrd aa to lovra, t wit He ittuniet, a,f rtnU wrt antin rod aouthof the uortheaa corner nf Ike aoutliwoat uiiarter nf MTtiotisl. TounOiii) one. Kuril! if 1 tUKOuua, wrt ot bait UU Mnnd an tnnBra Meat 14 . roda Ihenra north 37 k retja, tlteore taitllJl ro U, and tkeure unit It It i roda to I tunnlm l.lUluwri.ii-EWt.ltereroiiriontbe alu 4 Ji ri(ed tattd tiih r at aaid IU a, or thu dmlni-iraturof aaideaiatt it lu tlie tin n of aaidaalr, JL aLUUI ItllATs Adminuin. 01 f aid f-ute lUnxuv. rLSt,tui(,AUorLrxlairLiuu. Ci 0tf UNION mm mm PYSTEH. TEE TimOUCHJAn HUB. nncrnc m.u nt, ivj. Ti flint -mr mutt tXpari mt Jfaff atX CVy fl'tWlMif AltltlMC rrm ill raitero roinia. Itff a m I rim Itut.a.I'ottlanda&d Han Iran lark tllrindUarhaViilldj "Z lillia Trvm all taaiern potnta -.. - 11 OOnoon trotn Carha al!e and Of den m T 10 p m J I rum illllerd and inUrmedlat lotcttv.,.. . , CilOata riotn Joah and Kuraia w. I o p ra rrouTriniBuaaB4uart,aM,...HM 4 19 p a hZVAUT. roraii ratrnoiiiia. 0 CO a m lorORdenanJ InlcroicdUta point. TJDatfl lorlbltf, Ionian 1, fan franHarq and Car he alley fta n For Cttbt Alley and I'ark City 13d p ut for all Kaalern ikidU aa I tan lian frro W n ra trr.rJuH,urtaand.llIforrl T-Ma n Tor JpaJi an 1 latermedlala r-cinta.. lUpn rorlJarfleMandTermlnua 73 a m Daily, Hon tiara ecptft ITraioa belnaea Jaati anJ Milford do not run 4ii in iii r on 11 r, not jupiv .r 1. K. I.UHLKr.noal A at, I'ai(r DtpL .II II tlABK.Mco rfa,nlCea. Wfr. -lMUMMif AaaltlenlUxr t. L. laovtx. U. 1. A T Aiteat. Pni RI GRANDE K WES1ERN' 5owwiy 8!jndlrd Cuio. aJtiMeOtofay enrmwr tiui tasli In I fleet lnr t, . IKiVK flAIT lUKb o.l-rorrroTO aa ma. f. ran I Jane- ItinandalliMiRU fan, ... I ft) a-nv So. 4-Tor 1 roo,tlrnnd Janetwaaatl all i-oiivta aat,... wIV)pin, No,l-Tor lTuTO,layainat.cLBrtia Itipn. No r liiaibam m t 10 a m. fn.S-nr)dena&dHet .... ..U pn, "iOel-lort't lenanMhtWret HMltiUa.m. No. 8-ror Ujt len and Hot Spmifi.... SO itonti i.r iak Vo 1-trom Irorn, a!laa t.nnl Jm-rlro.. nd tho f aat. U C3 am. ho. rrrm I r 10 Urtnd Juatiton and lh l.t. . 11 tap to. ao. T lroni iroTOt, layatm and . . . rurrtu-H..-. Tto.1 t-rorn Kiimhan. ..., 4, N.-r rm lluiHynntaaD lOclau. ttMa-tn. No. f-l rora f)dea and tho . f ai, T M a.m. o. I tout OfT'en and tha WraL-a. tOlsW. I'll 1 1 in an IMtafo t)frrm on all lhrv.uh tra aa horhaacaa cloaaconnertlona, Baftty. i red and comfort MrhrinnirF--...? ll.. i,t. D.C. IOtnjI.i.E.ur.LDT, J II HltS.TT itu, Alaoaicr. lupL Uea.rrt.41 m a SColoraJo Mil Rallw yxmfjy too rT troTdmly rcn km' S""7 vis 'si"1: tprlnca, Pueblo, bunver, Kama a City, Omaha, St Lowla, CMcae;o, And nil EailarnCltlaa. Ui 11 P tt.aa m 4tFra m4 KrtttJtotesiaI IUiilAkaChf,itra.a. D-itci C vafenii if Ci onu 8m 11 in Ctmtv 01 l Tratae and Tbraata. Oara K.C.LUK.SLrr.talArt., SutLaiiCitt, nit: iiiKicr iiiitiiuim iiir $- 0 1 1 T O V. O Otjty AHD ALL POINTS CAST. etreiara aat liiaiuc tara, eatnact o. etim T.:",.,?Tr.r " Haa.. UaaiaJ. as. ail pulaca 11 tt ueosals am M lcmtaa TUreaih aleeeara Io Ik 1 aoriTtl Ita.iiaaireclran.clKia,otIi.u " aliaacaotaand Iialeta rnr tlrkcta, aKafilas ear raaariatloaa aa. alt farormallon, a plr at tar efflt e, or 10 jVaVcll, KT'",,fltl, Caa.ral Atral, aaJt II . n r n, Traeellag t'rtllblaod Paa. atmerAieal allUlauiJ ' '" TlU-at';.'..!."4' ' """' ""'"iwaaa TnFa FAVORITE ROUTE lor ill Totals fait ana boulli IS Vl MISSOURI PACIFIC RULWAY OMT OMC CIIANtlK OK OAItg, UTAH Tt) ST LOUIS, and that U made la lbs darcine asd la a loum llepoa. tlCQANT HtCLIMIMQ CHAIR CARS rraa to beldera of rtxntir trals tlesata Fu II eprvuMra,MlJaaeaJ4rua V, UltltrUll, Lomiaarcilat Aieat. Ullll r KraLrvYoalrarllajr Altai I roiraai liulldiac, ealtal ut II. 0. TOWMkND, tir.H.i, riuLoulr,alo '"' y"" ""'" Bllbil Manufloturlrte Opllclam, An, Bll It. ni COM, .Mil; i, ,li rT t-a 1 tha sltaBtlon ol tba uhlie to laalr aUo. lalelrearrart raainea or sdm.iu:.- at.eclailra to .1.11 ita , ate, f Wa mud u. all vui E. K THOMAS ' "THE SILK HODSEJR 211, as, ao. jw i;ast rutsT houtii btiiuut. g) j tSt JUJ irnni u i m iiiju fjtlhi i iTTTTrr OUR GREAT ANNUAL " KTHE BiadEST OS HECOHDo OOMMENOES TUESDAY, MAT 17th, ANID ENIDS SATURDAY, MAY 21st. i iiiiiiMiiminiiiiiiiMiTiTiimiiTB TUESDAY We'll Sell PARASOLS nnd CHILDREN'S LACE BONNETS nnd HATS. l'AitASOI.9, ut.lfic, 0j0,7rc, Ofioniul 81.S5; worllt exactly tliri't timt's tluxo jirloo CHIM)Ki:N3 A1USUN HATS for SBo; worth Tfxj. CIIIIsUItEN'd r.MimOII)i:uy and IAC!: HATS for COo, WOllll l.t!.'i. ' Your Oiolro or our liitlro Stool; or CaifiDIinN'S LCK HONNr.rSlot ftki, tvortli fiom $1.00 to .20. wbdwesdayT We'll Sell EMBHOIDEHIES.RIBBONS.LflCES HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. Our IJitlro Stock of KMimomlllUKS, l.UUISGS and 1'I.OUNOINGS nt Imint-nso Itcductlon. ntlinUNS.Gc, Olonml?c. LADIIS' iIANI)Ki:mjlIli:KS, 2oo, l.lo, C5o, G7c nniKSopcr ilozt-ii. OlUHNTAIi riCIS13Jo, iOJo.aOoitnaaSoj almost notlilng lor tliviii. '.ic!i yottrscir lo our IITiACK SIMC LAOia at Special WOOL iAc'ES, fic,8Jo nnd luo. AVNOY COrrON LACK, fo, 8o nnd lOo. l'ANOY BO.N'Nirr ItlUllONS, nt Cost. THURSDAY We'll Sell SILKS Cheaper thnn Silks Iiavo ever been Sold before. SeuourSUllUI, nil colors, nt itxs. IMMNTr.I) CHINA HU.KS, Utiidsoino Deslcrtrj, SCo. OnrTCo I.lnti or l'UUUUi:i) INDIA, 45a. Our $1.25 Wilt) ol KiaUKKD 'DlA.UCo. M our 81.20and $l.r,0 l'ANCY SILKS, 75o. FKIBAY Ye'll Sell GLOVES, HOSIERY, PUHSES, HANDBAGS, JEWELRY, Etc, Etc. Li)ir.s kid oi.ovks, ono. 1 Lot A assorted IIOSK, l'.'o per inlr; wortlt from 2So to COo. LADI1S' HANI) lUtiSniid fUltSlii Very Cliettp. LADII)' LINi:N COLLAllS.Gc. UINOHAMH fxj and, Olo. IsAOK CURTAINS Very Cheap. SATURDAY We'll Sell it Lino of OKNTS' NKCKWIJAH, Ilotvs. Tccl! ami I'our lit II mils at 2So; worth from GOo to $1 MlaNB' COlTON I-'LANNIUi DHAWiniS.BiTo. mi:ss' .ir.itsr.Y iuiihed UNnr.u-visrs, sno. fiOdoren MKN'S I'ANCY IIOSi: nt ario: worth COo. HOYS' SUITS, $1.00 and 1.25: nSiilendldHargnln. l!OYSSTItAY HATS, 10c. BOYS' WAISTS, 2o,2fio, ilOo and 3Soj worth doublo. LAU11S' Bl.ll'l'r.HS, $1.00 and 61.2R; 7orth from 1.60 r3.20. It K. THOMAS