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4 pKSEnr.T EVisxryn- aroxiiAT, may 10. ise. I fl DESERET EVENING NEWS. 1 2SE , nf 0 (MCI. Pr9N a mnn ii matins it tyVMi THE DESERET NEWS CO. fl V HKjt CI1AKUVI IT, M3MME. IIUTOn. ' laaPl "nT.'.r.'ri '. Hv II, HI HiHGu', mm i'iiLsnrrt:iiiAX timtoh-s. Initio Oun Prttbyletlau frlendi who have 'jfflFffl favored thla city with a vlalt have been jlB-Tili made heartily welcome, and they de ?91lfllf part wllh the good wlihM of theped "IBBm"' pie here. We rxret that anything oo l-'IBSiHJ curred during their lUr la enar their ':: Hln plcaeurc, but rejoice Ihet whatever ni .yiHrch ulisgreralile did aol come from the C;v5t' permanent residents of IMi Territory. 'li'ldft' There were two Incident! of to. meet- lrVS' "' b,IJ ln "" Tll"u 0D S-"-J7 ' n!?fjHB.' evening wblcb litre occasioned much 1 iXfaVK'' embtlo comment and received no jWfHy little denunciation from member! of BF.lH; the party, both ladlei auJ genllimen. jjaiBIjK The tint wai thli lalement made by $KH3$' Dr W. O. Iloberla: SMLK "When I waa here before I read an ItHav article In a paper which l published In S.)IHX; this city wblrh said the sooner llie flsg ym&i ' of Ihe United HUM wsl traduced and BrftflKji' dragged In the duit of the valleys of tbe Kfibaef SI Wasatch ILe b-ller." JnJBrJy We venture to lay thl Dr. Itjberta fJETfca - did not read that In any paper that re 'EjIBr ." prelected the "Mormon" people or if.t'JfiS'' thslnentlments. lie may hare rent JJaJBEi something ol the kind In loma paper SKu' pretending to quota from "Mormou ' JKVHif f utteraucea or to relate km alleged lKMKi "Mormon"proccedings, but If lie did, (fuaBjBi tbe atatementa were misleading aad jPjH-V" falie, and he hii totally mlenppre- ftttfHM bended the facia. Ifliecau glreuilhe pljHm' date of lili Tlilt or of the, paper jKjtjHm"! In which he thinks ho read thore worde BajEjgl or anything like them, we will under MMJBi take to ebow that In repeating them hv BttKLJ nMi whether wittingly or not, uc. HHjn ceeded In bearlog fade wltneia agalrut KyHiV Lie neighbors. EP)Hffi The lact that the"Mortuon"brouglit CRJBSlit the United States flag here In 1517 HfHwS and unfurled It In tbeie valleys, when fS.' jK8 ': tbli m foreign aoll, that at the lame Ic'VLbTu '' time flvn-hundred of Ibclr able-bodied cljBli' men were carrying It Into Meilcau '.fSBv ' Territory u loldlen of tbe Union; that yKMBB lb Dae hai been complcuoui In all ISIlVF; public gatherlngi of tbe "Mormon" HuffHJf , people from the beginning; that fWl.'aeR '" ""' "" M1tf',t admlulon Into'liW.J, the Union aa a Hlate, and hare (. ' limj repeated that application, continually, lWilwf?j' are mattera of unimpeachable hlitory, iltJSWj The "Mormons" bare never fmfcfiaw. "traduced" or"draged ln tbe duet" iBKffiearar tbe flag of our country, and never de, mKlKilh ilred to do ao. And we are ready to lW3BrS itand by thle itate ment anywhere and twIfflKfn whenever It may be necessary. lIumbbbhiv n 'n'f unpleasantness waa tbe tJtHtffSTf' manner In which tbe ceurteiy eitend fisjiBs,, ed by the aged t'reildent of our iIwBRMc Church wai met In the motion JmKaaWH made by Dr. McNlece. The free uie IMiJaBaBB of the Theatre waa oflered for tbe HlfiyBoaff meeting, aa the free uie oftheTaber HmMBB cade had been lime time efo but not- nMB accepted. Tbli wai ant by the an BjnlVwPu nexed mottont I fflnfCT'l 'That we accept the motion with hearty I jHrWeali' tbanki, and that the meiuonger lo In VfA H '. Inetructedto welcome l'reildeot Wood ianJfl i! rutTlntu tbo rrcebylorlan Church when i3lS yf beglveetaoglbloovldonoo ot being a good i htH W orthodox Cbrlitlin." I rtfla! J We ,,'ou,(". U,T0 laken do notice of ojB thli poor attempt at a Jeit, or map at 1 lH ' the band that exleii Jed aoourteiy, or I HHi ebabby eflort to make a fling at au ea. I JB; teemed veteran and pioneer In thli I faawE ' community, but for the numereui pro. Sjk u teita which have been made In our feawMB hearing by member! of the 1'reiby VHJI terlan parly. Iloth ladlei and gentle. tpieBaam i& tu"n -UTe exprened their dlteeot In J9B I vlgoroui tormi, and their opinion ai to UBJ ffl the manneri and Chrhdlaulty of the uUHj 1 originator! aad aupiartera of tbli UaV a: motion. HoHft ff We are accuitomed to receiving thli SbttSIoWhR or' ' trcftlmeD from peraooi profei bVbbbh b's ' e "Chrlitlani,1 aud tobeao Raeee$ iurlor to a "Mormon" that they Hi'eR could not abide tbe Idea of going wfc'aKaL to the time heaven with a follower of 8ee? v BjMtS Joieph timlth. Ho we have uo reient tjjr'l ment at thli Intended rebufl" ner wlih Hjif to retort ai wu might If io Inclined. rari(Rt Hut we are greatly pleaied at the many B k lfS''I " expreriloni which tho motion H iiivn I hai ellolted front memoeri of tit Sim I "" r"' who' w''" fTolog the ! H14 prowiltlon to return thanki for tho if J -HJf , Theatre, were oppoied to the latter il iVaaHl partof themolleu, and entertain only H '': ''aaaf?r ""' '"" "' ,l','"u';" towariia 1'reildent RJB WoodrutT and tho peoplo of theie ffl'l 'aBV ' valleyi. llMBf ' Wu with our frlendi a pleaiantlrlp KnQ'blSr or,'a. proiperoui conference Ill'H '" ""' c"y' "J " ,,tt rcturn t0 lkW' their hemei In Ihe Katt. We SBi'.Bv ho1'" "" wl" 'f"k ' "" lElt' Wm t(Mormoni" ai they fouud ue, and not !HfJl,,ltS'. t from rumon and atorlee aud ttl'Uatur. IIhIm' rt (r4JuUlceit through wblch the I,at ItaKa Hi . terday Halnta and the good people of aula 'Hft' varloui denomination! havo been kept ilflH ' apart and prevented from arriving at a 'gnyrM4'' mutual underitandlng. iifx:. iB& Tliero are many eminent and cull! in'- "B! vatedjieople In tbe parly, and their F " jly f K01 wordi of encouragement and Vw cheer far outweigh any thing of a dlf Jf i ferent character which hat been aatd ', I', if' during th.lrvlilt. We have welcomed 1 lial them to thli clly; may tbeynow depart 'leWfLaVBl 'u f!, n, may Uod blem them In !m9JI1 all their .ll'jlt. to iprcnd truth and' fSli Swls benefit ru.nVlnJI 4 v P 'TlBf 't A ukktino of the Iatter-day Balnta 1 'I I ' m "' tb -"thteenlh ward will be held In Ml. . tt i tiChuil aUiauoilWfluxJoyeveu. flog. Itiobjectlitodecldu whether or not the e.uilnary will Im continued . . iixt ubool year, aud to tratiiactorthe fs buitneu. visit or nr.omiK w. Wk have In our mldil today the famoua Philadelphia editor, U. W. Child., a mm dlitlngul.heil for hone.ty,genernltr and philanthropy. Though only a private cltltr'n of the great llepubllc, yet Ihe bonori uiually paid toklngi, potentate, and prlncei are being acoorJed toblm In till tour through tbe country, Blncu he left hla home In 1'blladelplila on Monday, the Snd lu,U he hai traveled over S,"00 mllee, and haa vliltedtbe varloui large oillee eail of ui, receiving every. where pronouueed inarkiof tbe eilecm and regard In which lie la unlverially hell by the American people. Mr, Child wai born In Itiltlmorenn May 12, 1S29. At fourteen he moved to Philadelphia, where lie obtained employment In a bookeeller'e .hop. lty thrift) economy and Induitry lie loon tecamo uie owner of a book e.labll.hmeut, which waa located In the Lulldlng of the lWilia Utlger, then one of the moat Influential paiieri In Phil adelphia. It Ii laid that about thli time he ooncelved the thought of be coming lomo day owner an! editor of the Ijtdgtr, The Mca grew Into a firm reatilve, and never for a moment did he IweiUhtorthogoeliet for hti ambi tion. From tiook-eller, he ao?n be came publliher, au I with till partner, the Arm of Chlldi & I'eterun achieved a reputation aecunl to no other lu the l.ul. In 1501, tho J'uitlo Lcdgtr, owing to mlimanagement of eomo kind, fell a little from Ita uiually flourishing con dition. Mr. ChllJi then bought It, and ln a abort time male It more papular than It ever wai before In Hi hl.tory. Aa early ai 1967, threo yeara after he aniuninl editorial oontrol of the Ixdgtr, hla reputation aa a Juit and liberal employer wai eitibllihed. In that year be wai made an honorary member of tbe Philadelphia Typo graphical Hoclety, and In IVM preient ed It with a valuable tract of land In Woodlandi, near tho city, for a Print en' Cemetery, Thli hai been beauti fied and ornamented, and the ex peniei attending Ha proper mainten ance wai paid by Mr. Child for over twenty yean. I n all public enterprl.ea he haa laken a prominent rl. The clly of Phila delphia bean niany monument! of hla generality, Falrmount Park, the Zoological Gardoni, the Pennsylvania Muieumand Ihebkbool of Induttrlal Arts are more or leie the fruition of bli benevolent and phllanthroplo iplrlt. Hut It Ii In hla rtUlloul aa a capital lit and employer that the character of Qeo. W, Chtldi ihlnei moet conspicu ously. And what Ii more remark ably, bla business prosperity semis lu no way Impaired by hla liberality to bla employe.. On o:ch Christmas eve every work man recelvea a present in money, the aggregate amount being mauy thousand! of dollars. This la what be modestly calls profit sharing. Ho also pension! oil Mi old and Inflrm em ployee, j In 1670 a delegation of hla employe! came to him with the announcemeut that they were willing to have tbelr wages reduced fiom 45 cents a thous and emi te 40 cents, whloh then had become the Printers' Union rate, la reply Mr. Child! aald he received the lamo from the rulHo ledger, aud for the advertisement! In It as formerly. HIibuilncM waa In no way Impaired, aud tbe result waa that he declined to accede to the reduction asked for by the printers, and he Is itlll piylDg live cent! a thouiaud more than the Union rate. In 18S0 the International Typo graphical Union held Its annual leiilon at Pittsburg. Ou this occasion bolu Mr. Drexel and Mr. Chllds each presented the Union with n check for 5,000, without auy conditions attached. The Union decided that these donation! be made the basis of a fund for a Printers' Home. The birthday anni versary of Mr. Chllds Is May 12, aud that of Mr. Drexel September IS. On the former day every union prlater east of the Mississippi contributes the prlcu of 100) ems to this fund, and ou the latter day those west of Ihe river contribute a like sum. The result Is a migulllcent lulldlng In Colorado, known aa the Chlldi.Urexel Home far Union Printers. It Ii iltuated on a slope of Pike's Peak, overlooking the "d.rdeu of the Uodi," not far from the pretty little town of Colorado Bprlngs. On May IStli, Inst., last Thursday, Mr. Chllds was present and assisted at the dedication ceremonies, thuscelebratlng Ii a noble and phllanthroplo manner the 03rd anniversary of his birthday. Tim lloms Is a splendid struoture, containing 03 rooms, Ihe largest one of which has a capaolty of 100 beds. From asanltaty point of view, the locatloaof the Homelsalsounexcelled. Although Mr. Chllds presented the craft with a cemelery, lie lias alw done something toward keeping till fellowmen nut of that reitlng place us long as possible, The oilier acts of l-enevolonce, cbarlly and philanthropy, aud par. tlculan asMOlated with them, per formed by this noble aud public-spirited man woulj till a volume. We bid lilm a cordial weloomw to our clly nnd hope his so)ourn here will bo pleasant aud satisfactory. 1'nor, -Tame 1!. Tai.maui: will lecture In tbo hlsth Ward mooting house to. morrow evoulng, on "Modern Idolatry." l-rco to all. A Mono the visitors to the city who made a plea-utit ilml welcome ctillatllio NMVNOllloelhil morning Mere llie Itev Thomas Tyiu w, ot lllulu's Tower, X J. OnlonM w. II. liiruoil, 1'rMnrlck lty, Md.i and Mr. I P. Hprngue, nf Auburn, N. Y. Tbe la.t named gentleman Is a (ollegA mate of tir. llcnedlct, by whom be was lutroduoed. SUNDAY SKIsVICKS. EMrrThirlrs. Vf. Prnrd-e lllieia Lucid Kilanatlon of the 1'allb or the .kalot. l'rrsldrnt UoodrnlT's Tes timony. Itellgious servicea were held at the tatiernacle, I.nVo City, elunday, May 15th, 15M, commencing at S p. m., President Wllford" Woodruff presiding. Tbe choir and conf regatlon sang tho hymn commencing: Mow Sib s roandstloo, ys Sslsls of Ins Lord, I laid ror tour fallh In Ills sirslltot word.; Prayer wai cflered by lllder W, C. Dunbar. The oholr eang tbeanthem: O, lati, (iod el I.rssl, Iss bonl Is ear lle- The Priesthood of the Twelfth ward oMIcialed In tho admlntstratlou of theKacrament. The Tabernacle wai crowded In' every pari, a large number of the Presbyterian parly now on their way to Portland, Oregon, were preient CllU.ISKUin CIIAHI.K1 W, 1'K.NIIUHR delivered the following address! I have leen requested to sj-sak to the congregation this alt-moon, and I rise to Uo 19 with pleasure, aud also wllh some timidity. This Ii generally felt by our brethren, when ddled upon toipeakln this larn.e meeting-bouse, from the fact that It Is notour custom to prepare Ulacoursee for the occasion. Ho, like my brethren who aru called Uion from lime to time to occupy Ibis Hand, I have to rely upon Ihe filth and sympathy nf tula congregation, and upon the Holy Hplrlr, which I pray aud dealro may rest down upon me and upon all who are present, that ourmlndi may be mutually enlighten e I, that we may he able to undentaud that which Ii brought before our atten tion. We have met thle afternoon ai Ii our custom on the I-ord'i Day, to partake of the Holy Hacraruent, to worship be fore the Lord, losing Ills praises, aud to be Instructed to have our mlndi drawn away from the common thing! ofllfeaud directed toward! tho object of our salvation toward! Uod and Ills Hon Jesus Christ, and to those Ihlnge which have been revealed to us for our edification and obedience. The Laltcr-dav Halnta are a body of wonl.lpoll who believe In OoJ. Thoy believe In the Uod of Ihe Illble. They believe In Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus of Nazsretli was the Hon of OoJ. Theynlaubellevethatnll nieu and women who dwell on tbe earth are tbe aoni and daughter! of Uod; but In a special sense they be lieve In Jesus Christ ai the Hon of tlod. Hla only begotten Hon accord lug to the flesh. They believe also that by obedience to tbo command ments which Uod glvia through Jesus Christ all mankind may be saved, and that without obtdlenco to those tulngs(lhey cannot tie saved and exalted III the presence of the Father. The Inttcr-dayHalntibelleve tbatlulheMdaya, In Ihe nineteenth century, Uod haa manifested Himself again-ai He did In times of old; that Jesus Christ who dlid on Calvary has revelled Himself, and that He haa re established His Church In tbe same form and after the same pattern In which He established It whenliudwelt on the earth In tbe flrsb. Tbey belltvo that there Is but one Uospelof Jesus Christ, one true religion, and that If people desire to obtain the blessings of Uod In this life, and to dwell In Hla preaeuce, to enjoy tbe lulueas of His glory lu the next llie, they must'be obedient to that Uospel. At tbe same lime, they accord to all penons. every where, the right to worship Uod according to the dictates of their con sciences, to worship as leemi right In their eyei; to believe thit which commend! Itielf to their ludgmrnt; to form religious societies, to iiubll.h tbilr oplulons, to preach what they think Is right, to build up their societies according to their beat Judgmeul for the good of mankind, to be perfectly free, ao far as conscience li concerned, and In the ipreadlng forth of principles which they may be lieve to be rightno matter how erroue oui tbey may aeem to ui, and to do all Ihiugs that are deemed to be rellgloui, so long as tbey do not Infringe upou the rights of othere. I have with me this afternoon a small card con-alulug the Articles of Faith of the I.itter-day Balute, which I will read tolhe congregation, as there may be many present who afenotac tiualnted with our doctrine. Nodoubt all people have heard something about the Latter-day Halnls, or "Mormons," aa tbey aro more commonly called. Theyhave beard, uo doubt,a great many very foolish things about us, a great many erroneous thlogi, because I know that misrepresentations bavo been made concerning us, our faith, ourileslgns, our course of life, aud our objeclaln being herein these inouu tain valleys. These misrepresenta tions have been ai-attered broadcast throughout the world. "Falsehood," we are told, "will go a league before truth csu get Its boots on," aud this haa been thu case very much In re gard to the people called "Mormons," ur Latter-day Saints. The term "Mormoa" la not the name we should be kuown by. The disciples of Jtsui Christ, tbe numbers of hii oburch. In early days, ao wo read In thu lSew Testament, were first called Chrhtlaua atAntloch. 1 do not know where tbe Balnta wero first called "Mormons," but this is the naruo by which they are generally known lu the world, because they believe In the llouk of Mormou. It would belust atioiitaa reasonable toi-allus Pauls or Peters, or Jamesis, or Johns, bet-uuse we tielleve what Paul wrote, what James wrote, what Peter wrote, and alsj what Mormon wrolu. llul our proiier title Is the Church of Je-us Christ of Latwrilay Hslnls. It U His Church, built up according to Ills directions, nnd we aro called Litter day Halnts to distinguish ui from the former-day Halntx. The proper name by which the mrmtieri ol Chrlst'a Churoli were kuowu In tlieol leu time, II we may bellevo tbe, both the old aud new testament, was thlnti. Thoso who believe In (,id and keep His commandments, who Itvo lor lilm and lor the truth, are railed Halnta; and we are desirous of U-lugHluts, of striving to be Halnta. We do not pretend to be very much better than other people lu the world, Uitwearo Jotmd together In tho Church of Jvsui Christ lu order that we may tiecome Balnta, be pre tared lor the l reseuco of OoJ, to en Joy His society and the society ol Ills sou Jesus Christ, and all the good, the noble and the best or the earlb who will U saved lu Ills glory. Ho llie proper ume of this Church Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Litter-day Halnlf, and these are tbe A nicies of Faith of that Church aa arranged by Joseph Hmlth. xnru 1 1- or faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter lltr Kulnta: I. We belleta In (11, the lUornst I'ather.and In Ills r-on, Jeius Christ, and in llie Holy (lliml. i. Wo believe thai men will bn pun l-hr-t for their own sins, and not tor Adum'a transgaretlon. 3. We bailor Jllist, through the atone, ment of t'brttt all mankind miy lie s.ited, be obedience to the laws and ordi nances of tho (lo-pel. 4. We lielleve that these ordinances are: IlrrT.l'alth Intbe Lord Jesus Cbrlsti second, liepen'an-'i third, lisptlam by Immersion for tbe remission or lnt fourth, iMylngon of 1 1 suds for Ihe dill of the Holy Uhott. A. We lK-ilcve that a man must he called nf Uod, by "prophsey, and bv.tho lay ing mi of bsud-," hr Ihote who aro In authority, to preach the llo-pal and ad mtnltter In tbo ordinances thereof. 0. We believe In the eime organization Hut exIMod In Ihe primitive rhtirch, nantelr, Apimlles Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Krangetlste, etc. 7. Wobolleve tn Ihe gift of longuee, prophecy, reveUllon, visions, healing, Inierprrrtatlonof tonirues, oto. 8. We believe tbe llible tube the wortl of Uod, aarar aa It Is translated currently! we also believe Hie Ilook of Mormon lu be the word of Uod. Ii. Wo lietlavo all that Uodhaa rovcittod, all that Ho does now reveal, nnd we be lieve that Ho will yet reteal many great and Important llitoga pertaining to tho Kingdom of (lod. 111. We believe III the literal gathering of fsraet and In the restoration nf ttioTrn Trlbmk That '.mil will be bulltupim Ibis coinlnent. That Christ will reign iersii ally ution the oar.h, and that tho earth will be ronewed and rueolro Its para disiacal glory. II. Wo cUlm tbe privilege of worship ing Almighty Uod aivonhng hi the tile Intea of our const i-'iico, aud allow alt men the name privilege, let them worship bow, whero or whit thoy may. 12. Wo tielleve In being anbect to kings, pre-ldouu, rulsra and magistrates, In obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. 13. We bellere In being honest, true,, benevolent, vlrtiiuue.andln doing guud to all men Indeed we insy say that wofotlowthealinotiltlon of Paul, "We la-Hero all things, we hoie all tilings," wo hat e endured many things and hope to bo able to enduro all things. If Ihero U anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, wo Mtek after lbeolhlnga,--Jr.rrii hvitrii. I think If these articles of our fallh wero scattered a little more exlenslvo ly throughout the world, tbo erroneous Ideal which n groat many people may have eutertalned concerning ui would 1 lotnowhat corrected, Aa I before listed, we believe that tberu Is but ouu true tellglon. We l-elleve that tcaute there Is but one Uod fur the Inhabitants of the e.rtti to worship, when thoy worship any thing but that oue truu Uod tbey com rait Idolitry. Wu Uillore that this ono true Uod has a religion which He deehes the Inhabitants of the earth to follow, which He revealed It, former limes for their guidance, aud which He has reveatud anew lu these latter times, (toil thelnrliiltf, Ihe r.ternal, tbo All Wise would not make a dozen, ur a hundred different religions to con fuso aud bswIIJsr pair humaulty. There can be bus- one true1 religion, because there li but uno true (Jjd to wonhlp. At the same lime, nil people on the earth aru at liberty to receive that rollgion or to reject It, or, If they so desire, to make other religions. Ilut torthlsthey will have to answer tn Him whou every man liudged according to his works, 'either can they receive thoies Mea ling! either In this world or Ihe world to come that they would have received bad they obeys J the true Uospel. Hut wo l-slleve that therowlllbo a period In the hl.tory of all men and women when they will come to au under itandlng of tho true gosiet, either In thli wurld or In the world to come. For we believe that man la Immortal, that the spirit of man will enduru when the bjdy com tntothe grave,that Ihe body will be raised agalu frim the dead, aud that In Ihe resurrected body each Individual will stand before Uod and "give an no count for the deeds done ln the body." We do not believe that thli mortal iphere In which we dwell Is all there Is of life, uor tho only plnco whero the mercy of Uod cau reach Hla crtaturrs. Wo believe that the tender mercies of Uod are over all Ills wotks, that throughout alt His unlvrrse His power reaches, the lUbt of Ills truth can penetrate, and His salvation can be extended, and that those who do not have the privilege of learnlug and understanding the one truo waynf life while they dwell In mortality, will And the opportunity hereafter In thearlous mansions pre pared tortho children of men ijlieii tbev tlenart hence. Wo believe that all people will at somo time hear the Uospel tbe Uospel of Jeiui Christ the true plan ol salva tion. We believe ln a "defined plan nf salvation;" that It was prepared by Uod; that true rellglouorlKloates with Uod tbatlt comes fromUoddownward to man, and not from man upward to Uod. Though men may seek out mauy tnveulloiis and make many religions, jit Ihe true religion of Uod must come from Ul; tho religion of Jo-tis Christ must come from Jesui Christ. Chrlit aud the Father aro one, notune In per son, but ono In mind, one In spirit, one In doctrine, oneln principle, one la nil thing! In which two or more Indi viduals can be perfeotly aud entirely unltod. When Jesus was baptized In Jordan, ln coming out of tho vt ater the Father spoke from he.vtn saying "Tllll Is My llelovedHonlu wburo I am well pleased," aud thu Holy Uaost defend ed uitou him ln the form or sign of the dove. This shows that lliey are separ ate aod dlstluct aa to penouallty, to sulistanceand get ouo In essence. In prluclple, lnlslth,lu doctrine ami In allthlogslu which dltlerent persons can I-Dnslbly be united. Well, then, the rellgloti of Ud Is the religion of Jesus' Christ, and the religion of Jesus Chtlst ll the rcllitlou of tho Father. It la sail He declared! "My dwlrlne Is n it Mine, but His thai seut Me; and If any man shall do Ilia will hu shall kuow of thu doctrine whether It le of Uod or whether I speak of My self." Truo rellglou, thou, C'-mrsfreui Uod, through Jesus Christ, and all nuuklud may be saved by obeying Its principles. AU maukiud, except those who are unsavable, will at sometlmo beiavedby theouoUospel. Aa Christ preached it to men In thutlesh, when He dwelton the earth btforellli cruci fixion, so alter Hu waa slain anl His body lay In the tomb, "Hu," ns Peter njs, and "preached to the spirits In prison" who were "dls. utedluut In the daya of Noah, while the ark was preparing." He went and pri ached to them the same (iosjiei which He preauhed to men In the tlt-sh, ai we are told by thu lame Awstle. What I have Just quoted you will lied lu the MM chapter of the tlrat Kplitle uf Peter, 10th nnd Con venes. In the nextitiater auJ the Otli verse we nre told! "Fur, for thli cause was tho Uospel preached alto to therulhataro dead, that they might 1st Judged according tu men In the Hesti, but live according to tlo.1 In the spirit." They were not men In Uie flesh; they were men lu the spirit. Christ weut and preached to them while Ills boJy lay In Hie tomb. "He Ing put to death In the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, He went and breached unto the spirit! In prison." lledescendeillntollsdei. He said to them In darknen "show yourselves." "Ho led captivity oap. tive." Tills Is one of Ihe prlnclplri of our fslth, and we expeot that tbe time will come when the heathen nations that have not heard ol Jesus Christ will have the gospel preached to them In Ihe spirit, as those people did who dwell on tbe earth before Ihe days ol Jesus. There are the millions of Jews who havo departed Irum thli life lu unbelief very much through uo fault of their owo, but through tho vrrori . Of their ancestors. Kviry soul of thorn, according tn our faith, wIlMirartbeaospel All men.lii order to be JuJgeJ by It, must hear It. Hut "How cm they hear without a prvnoher, and how csu be preach except he lie sent?" He must l-o sent nf Uod, not of msn. Meu have a right to preach; they havo a right te lecture, to publish, tu spread abroad tbelr opinions nnd views; but to preach theUcspeland Administer In the or dinance of It wllh authority as the Lord has appointed, man hai to be. called nf Uod, to he appointed, to be ordslned, to receive authority, or his ministration! will l.ol be effectual. Aud the time will come whin, aa Jesus preached to tbe spirits ln prison, so His servant!, called, ordained nnt ap pointed of Hint will go to the thousands and miliums of those who are dead aud publish the Uoi4l of tace. Aud It shall come to pass, ns Isslsh ssld, that Uod shall "Punish the host of tho high ones that are un high, aad the kings of the earth upou the earth. And they aball be gstnered together, as prlsmers are gathered In the pit, aud shall be shut up In the prison, and after many days they shall ho vlsltod." Iialan xxtv, ;i, IS. They also will hear tbe word of the leord. Ai Christ went to preach deliverance to tho captives, the opeulng of the prison to them ttiat were bou ml to declare tho acceptable year of the Lord, as Isaiah predicted (III, chap. 1, 2 verse), so Ills servants, clothed with Ills authority will preach the Uoipel to "overy creature," until "every knee aballbownudeverytougue coufrsithatJeaus Is the Christ to tho glory ol Ul the Father." Tint Is the kind of Uospel Ihe Latter day Balnts bellsvo In. They are not so narrow and contracted lu their Ideas ai some people Imagine, The Uospel that wa have received Ukea In all humanity. Those who have lived upon the earth In former day a those that dwell among tlieuatloiistoxlay-hcathens,Chrlsllans, Mahommedaus, Jews, all people every .where, at some time, whether In tills world or lu (he worll to which woare all liastenlngwlll hear the toun J of the one Uoipel and have an opportunity of recelvlug It or rejecting 11 for tbem solves, of thek own volition and through their Individual agency. Wo also believe that In Hill ouo Uosjicl of the Lord JesusChrlit there aro lawa arid ordinances aud precepts which must boobaerved, or the blrsttiigs can not come. Ws believe that all bless ings are predicated upoulaw, Toevery law there Is a blessing; anil also a ieu ally. Ho that obeys tho law will re ceive the blenlnr; he that does not obey It will not receive tho blessing. There Is uo favoritism In this but thu principle of law, nnd obedience tberefo Is rtitulri-d. He that wilfully rejects the law of Ood, that closes his eyes to the light, will not look upou It uor try to receive li nod comprehend It, Is uuJer condemnatlou and will be puulsbvd tor his trarsgrtMloiis. As I have read tu you, the funds montal principles of thli Uospel, Its be ginning., are faith In Uod aud lu Jesus Christ. Next, repentance; then baptism for thu remission of sins; then tbo laying on of hands for the xlvlin; or Imparting of the Holy Uhost; and to lilm who receives thtsa fundamental prtnolplea will be added line upon llue, preccptupoo precept, here a little and tberu little until he is thorough ly furnished unto all good works. Fallh Is the first prlnclplu of (he Uospel ol Jesus Christ. Without fallh It Is Impossible to please Uod; without faith no one can approach (lod proper ,ly. ItlibyfalthJhatthn bUatlugs or Uod are drawn dawn upou us. It Is by faith that every blessing pertaluing to the Uosd of Jesus Chrlit Is Im parted, and without fallh there li no true rell -Ion. This (fslth must he not limply nn nseeul of the mind to the foot that (lod lives, that Jesus of Nazareth wailllsaon, but a living prluclplo In the soul which la quickened and aroused by the preaching of the wori Faith Cometh by hearing the word of Uod. Wheu that word li preached by authority, under the Influence nud luwer of the Holy Uhoat, faith li aroused or quickened, er brought forth lu the iouI ol man nnd ho l led to Uod his Father, and to believe ln the Lord Jesus Christ, Actios upou that living faith fur "Inlth wltnout works Iidead" hegoeaon to tbo next prln clple, which li repentance, nnd that mean! not limply a lorrow fur sin, mourning over past follies, but a fixed and firm determination to do right In the luture by the help of Uod; to urn from evil, to put away error, lu depait from all that la foolish aud vain, nnd lay ho! 1 upon that which Is right, nnd true. This Is real rerieutance. Wheu a person believes and thus re pent! lie li a fit iiibject fur baptlim, that Is, to be lulled In water In thellkeneiaof the death and burial of Christ, to bo brought forth In tho like ness of His resurrection; In that here cetveslremlsslon of sins. Not that re. mission of aim comei froJt the wuli lug of water or from anything that la material. Herniation of sins comes from Ood by Ji-susChrlsl, through Ills atotiemeut, He dying for uurilus, He paying thu death penalty for us. Ilut lie has only paid the penalty for the actual transgressions of those who will obey His commandments. Christ's atonement Is perfect and complete (or the transgression of Adam, which Is called original slu. "As lu Adam nil die, even tu lu Christ shall all bumvle alive." As through liietriiisgreislon of one, death has come upun the raoe. so by the atonemeut of Christ shall me ttle resurrection of the body come to nil tho race Ihe gooJ, the bad, the In dlllerent, the black and the white, thu bond ntid the frie. Kvery eon and daughter of Adam whu sutlers death hecausn of tho sin of Adam, will bo raUod from thu dead by the righteous mis nud atonement of Jesus Christ. Hut In regard to actual transgression, Ihe deeds we have ourselves committed, lu order to obtain remission of sins, wa must obey Ihe comuiandmenla of Jesus Christ. He died for the t-ans-gresalou ol Aiant unconditionally; He d)d foe tho psrsoual ttansgreaslus l of all meu conditionally; and the con ditions nre that wo obey Ills com mandment! and tecelve Hit Oospel. And so when the reientant believer Is taken down Into the water and bulled thereby one who has the tight to use the name of the Father, and of the Hon, and of the Holy Uhoat by ono called, appointed and or pained, who so nets ou behalf of Deity when that repentant believer Is thus hurled In tho water In thellkesesa of Christ'! death nnd burial and Is raised up ajsln In the likeness of Christ's reiurrecllon, lie receives the remission of sins through his obedience tn that ordinance. The remission cornea from Uod through Jesus Chrlst,and Is given In baptism. That baptism Is the ono appointed by Jesus Christ. DlDerent baptisms have been appointed by men. Hut we have one Lord, one faith, nnd ono baptism, that la lbs baptism of repculanco for the remission of sins, and In that baptism the Individual who Is properly bap tized, having fallh, and having re .pented, hss a regeneration worked upon hint by the power of Uod. UIJ things have pssned 'away; all things become new. He Is cleansed, he li purified; he comes forth clean from the water, and though hla sins were as scarlet, they are washed whiter than snow. He li a newborn bibe before bis Uod and his past slut are blotted out. Ho li then ple;iared to reeelve the Holy Obost, which "dwelleth not Inuncloiu tabernacles," and by the Isylngcnof tho haudi of men called nnd appointed for (list purpete the Holy Uhost Is Imparted to tho bap tized, repentant Iwliever, Now what Is tho effect of thiiHplrlt upon thli iiersoeT ll Is thli: He la "bornofthoHplrlt." A bit body was enveloped In the watera of, so' hii soul Is enveloped In tbo Holy Uhost, and he li biptlzod wllh divine tire; ha Is filled with light and the iower of Uod rests ujon hfm; he re ceives a testimony thai ho Is accepted of Uod. Doubt fleea away; nil dubiety concerning hie ncccrtance with Uod la gone; he Is a new cresture In Christ Jt-aui, and henceforth hell expected to walk In newness of life. Ho Is "horn of Iho water nnd ollhe Hplrll" and rasdeacltlzeu of the Kingdom of Uod. The Holy Hplrlt li dlvlno light. As the light of the sun revials the physical objects of creation, so the Holy Uhost roveili spiritual things thu things of Uod. . They are thin made plain to Iho soul of rain. That Is Hie Hplrlt which gill Ji-s unto all truth. It takes nf the things of the Father and of the Hon auJ ihowi them uulo hltn, and alau roveafe things to come. It makes man!. fcsl Iho past, makes clear the present, rolls up the curtain which lildea the future, and be la brought Into communication with his Faihor who dwells In heiveu, and he Ii rre pared for the ministration! of the Hou, even Jesui Christ. The Holy Uhost which IsrscelveJIn tho Uoipel of Christ Is not merely an Imsglnnry Influence. It la not simply the good feeling created In Ihe scul by the acceptance of Dlvlue truth, a' aome peoplo try to make out. It It an outpouring cf Iho ;tiwer of Uod upon the Individual, It Is n dlvlno manifestation tu htm. Thero may be nothing physical about Ha edicts; he may not soe nnylhlug wonderful with his natural eyea, or feel any nbnormnl power restiug U-ou him "to affect hla body In n aujier natural way, but he has within lilm that "itlll email voice" which pene trates nil tho Innermost! of the heart, which manifests to lilm that which Is right aud true, and also that which li untrue, that ha may be able (u choose between light anddatkneas, between truth and error. Uod will give unto lilm luch gift! ns' ho seeks for by faith aud prayer. At- In the oldou limes when the taints wuulJ meet together, some had tho gill of tongues, some pnrhecy, some visions to relate, some divine dreamt, some a relation of tbe hual. Ing iiower luado manifest ln their behalf. Hi "tho fruits of the Hplrlt are today" not only love and Joy, tbe peace which "passeth all un derstandlng," patience, forbearance, brotherly kindness, charity not only these, but tho gllti nf prophecy, of tougues, of Interpretation, of heatings, of visions, of the manifestations uf the iower of Uod In various ways, and no gift that was bestowed upon the early Halnti ll withheld from the J.itter-day Halnls, according to their faith And their diligence In seeking It. Theie nre additional witnesses to them that they are accepted of Uod and ln Hit Church. Now, I repeat thli nternoon, from persoiuit knowledge, I know these thlnga aru s. This congregation are my wltuossee , nnd thoy exist thromth out nil these vnlleyi of thu mountain., nud they have ootno here tiec-iuae they have reoelved tbesa things. The 1. Mors of the Church went to tlioni aud preached faith, and repentance, bsptlsm, and the hying on of bauds, aud they saw by reading tho Hcrlp lures thai these were the uld doctrines, that this was "tbeold path" restored, and they commenced to walk lu It, and have found "rest to their- souls." They rspenteJ, they were baptized and received Hie Holy Uhost, They knew they hsd received It, and that Is why they aru here. That Is my testimony; that la why I am here because I bo lleved, and repented, aud was bap tized, and received the Holy Uhost, and know that I had to celvod It. I know that tbla li the i-ower of Uod, that It Is the itme Hplrlt which retted upon the poor leof Uod ol old, by which the scriptures were written, by which holy men of old wrole and spoke. It Is the same divine Hplrlt. and It Is free to all who will obey the Uospel. These aru simply Ihe fl nt prlocl pics, the fouudstlon of the doctrlues of Christ. If any man has this glltof the Holy Uhost he la prepared to re ceive every principle ns It comcito hltn, that Is true and divine. When Ood ipeaks, His word will find au echo lu the heart ol lilm Hint has that Hplrlt, When Hie light of Uod comes down from on high there will be something to iorresioiid with It lu the eoul of tbst mm. The reason why there Is so much confusion aud strife In the world In regard to ro llgion li because. Ihu Holy Uhost lu the samudi'greeandmeuiuroof power ai given In the Uoipel of Christ uf old, hai not lieeu among men for so loug, Ilut It lias been restored la the dsy In wblcb we live, and this la our testi mony lu Ihe world, Thli Is what we are here for. and our mission tu man kind Is to call upon oil people every vi here to rei-ent, to obey thu everlast ing Uospel. forthohour of Uod'sjudg meut Is at hand. A great change Is al out to coruo over this planet. It Is about to preparci for Iho coming of Htm whose right It Is to reign. And as one ot the signs pre-cedln.- His advent, "this Uospel ol the kingdom Is being preached lunll tbo world for a witness untu all nation be fore tbe eud shall oome." Ma-1. fl, 1 1, I lar witness or It todav Io in I gregstlon. I know that tt I."',1' I Know that Uod ha. .wVenatV'0!- I the heavens, that v.. "h frit. Church again u ,,,. .h.V,.1,1l "5 I Uospel wui,,,, ', , i,j;,,,Mr.ll,, HI.. The truth " it ',,,, '""I'd u my whole being, In ,,,.?" ! I I know It ' U ro, I loul.Ifeel It In my &! t I Uod. And IhUU xStt.S. ,n I nil th. f.Uhfui Lali,M.taM,ll I This la why we are wli iLl'"" I things, lo enduMsd hR,''"'! Uoipel'. eake. Al 1 re" iffi "' haveendured a great m.iy tj" ', e i wo hope to lie able to .n,i '""J thing,.!; WeareglS'-Wl lime when we tan take5 jcT-J, , spoiling of our goods. W- rather n hard thing (o bear; butM?" beginning to see the hand of Ood In n mill irelolce In It. "'"oain Now, we tetleve wn outkt b. i,. the privilege of toibllshlng Ihl.n "'J We do not wish1 to In" i"i "?!-. right, of others. W, belf'vo T,I,'.5 peoplo ihould linvo that freedri tlS Ii part of our fallh. Let meVeaM vene or two from the llxk.iu'2 trine nnd Covenants. This bnV.i ?. I hold In my hand (the lkJoW1 trlneand Covenants) we real ai .. the Hook uf Mormcu abd a weo?.? Illble. We boiler; thst lb. ?, ,! written In tbli book have cous . i!' Uod, for Ibe benefit of mankind. SB we do not believe that we ought to Si tu force these things upon anybod,." ' "Wobellore that religion Is lnttlii'...i or Uod, and Hist men are arnerSffiJ lilm, nnd to lilm only, tor ihJ12t" uf ll, unlets their religion, i oVEE" prompt them to Infringe upon the 11,1. luidlilierllesof others. Ilut wo Vo' i' bellsto that human law hat a rlehl ?. lerlero In preiwrlblng rules of worssjau bind Iho consciences nf men, noroX, forms for publlo or pri rate ile.eUomiiu tho civil iiiaststrste ehotiM ; ZS crime, but nerer ooulrol eonsclsno-, pS Mi guilt but net cr suppress U, Jfir of Hie soul. "Welwllevo that sll rellslous soclsu hivcniklillo deal wllh their irSS for disorderly conduct, aoeontleg to ol rules .and regulations of such toshuV provided that euch destines be forfeltoS slip snd L-uod standing. Ijm . dji believe Hist ny religious soolsli ui authority o Irj' men on IherigUtufrC erty or life, t lake torn ihnsjifc world'. gon,ls, or Io put Ibein In leootrt. of cither life or limb, n-ntioTnS any physical punishment upon fa they can only oxcominiinloat. fro lie rsorlcty, oud wllliilra-r from J their fellowship." Neclkmciiiirii, " I read Ibis that our friends ,,,,., may have mi Idea of what wo Ininkws luayilo.anJ what wo mi gut not to doc Mm to show that If thc)se who lelci, to our Church transgress Ihe mine the Church, they can be dedi llh f their fellowship, aud for that only, Ws du not believe that we hare snrrlrbt tu deprive them of pro; erty. IVscs not bellevo that we havo a rlild to punish Hum physically. We du ret bellevo that wu navu a right l IriK-t any penally upon them.eiceituuin relation to their fellowship. Tbrrrtti bo suspended from fellowship, tt tbtj can be excommunicated for trsnigrtt alon, and that It the end of our power In this Church concerning Ifatm. That Is what we believe. Tbst Is what ws practice. Now then, while we claim tb. iljht to du all these things for ourtelm, te cause In It we lufrlnge ut-jii Ibe llzlti of nu others, we else extend tttla prlv llege to everybody else. Aud wudoicl tnmk It right for any gsveriiment, ct any niclety, nr nny ln.tliutloa tn Interfere with that full Jrer-Jon and liberty which the Lord hu given to HU creatures. We hell-re that governments have a light tu pua Ith crime, we believe Hist they hires right tusoy whttli crime. We also believe In tbe rights sfcltlrtnttoccii teil liefurelhecQiiittof their toumrr every 1-olnt nf dlff. rence tint llity may hutu with the Jan .making powtr. Hut wu lieliovu that government., societies and luatltutlor.. should not try to Interfere with rellejoua ireedotn. W believe III rtllgloua lllierly In lbs fullest am.e of Ihe wort; not In 1'c.nss, not lu triaktng the. law of etir rout.. try, not In doing tint which Is ettrs tlally ovll; but only lu doing toil which Is good. And as tu Hie ilibt ol belief, we belle vt. '.hat Is of Itself fin to everybody. Wo do not bs'lere tbst governments tin Interfere with that If they try. Hu when tbe Constitution of the United Hla'ti, lu Its first amendment, saja "Congress shall stss no Jaw respect ing an establishment cf religion, er prohibiting tbe free exercise tbrrecf," wolhlnklt momijuit what it sa),; that ttdoei not simply mean the rlgbt or peoplo to believe what seems lUbt to them. Pool lu talk about tvlltivlcg whst they please. People rinnot do that. They cannot believe what thty pleaao. I bellevo some thlogi tint don't please me until I get to under stand them aright. I dlsoelliveroros things that would please me, only I rind out they am wrong. It Is not what pleast-l uie, or what suits Die, but that which teems to be right in ruv eyea that I believe. It Is true, its rsa close our eyea to the truth. Wi can shut up the windows cf out suuls, ns we do sometimes the wlodosl In our houses, and itill down Ihe tllol to shut out thu glorious sunlight, fur fesrof spoiling toe carpels; but II let the sunlight In-let tbullgbtof tbi sun cf rlghteousm-As nelrate our souls, we cau see and undeistsnd that which Is true aud that which Is right. It Is by closing mir eyes, by lovlog dsrkuess rather than light, that bring ounelves under condrmiistloa Ilut aa a rule people believe that wblcb leenia right to them. Wu accird that right to everybody. We are atrugtlliif for that ourselves. And ln all that a havo done to battle for the rlghla cl freedom In religion, we have bad u much In view tho rights of our friend. who aru not of our lalth aa our on rights, I can say this for Ihu leaders of the Lattsr-Jtv Hnlnts. I am nciualntud with them. I knuw (belr opinions and vlewi In regardto thli mntter, Our ds.lre li Hint all men shout 1 be free. Liberty should prevail everywhere. There li iiobonJsKoln thl. Church. There Is no oppression In I his Church. 1 sop" nrenot here, aud are not kept here, t; tho power of man. Thoy aro here, at I have told you, because they hive re ceived the truth, and tho troth bat set them free. They baveturned their bocks on their native lands, they bats left the graves of their fathers, they have forsalen their relsllvsssnd tbttr kindred In distant countries and hare conui up here, as thu Prophet Mlrsu saw they woulj lu tho la.t days, Into the tops of the mountains, where Uia house of tbo Lord is belug reared In Ihe latter days, that they lulgbt learn oflllru: Hut In tho last dnjs It shall coral to pass, tbst tho mountain of thobouss ihe Lord shall bo established lu IM tf oftheuioiinlalns, aud ll shall be exalted ubove Iho hllbiaiid people sbalt no unto It. , Aud many nations aball come, on