Newspaper Page Text
'l I 'I j , 391 - -.. ,. , hkschkt rVEVixq nj:ws; no x pay, may i, mus. e 1 1 M DESERET EVENING MS 1 I S fuoilh,UMaUpr wk, pitp! &'" ra 1 8 K DwwirTini-wEKtT nr-.. ffl ' iV IhB pfk, la ftJfMtt, pr jf, l ooj U '1". 3 ' Til UrM bmUi, 111 fMtpU W dtUTtnd J &2 ' SIB THE bCSCRCT WMKLT H A If lo 40 hi tn.iwn., lb lrtpMt til t" PSM? An Lawvrlhj LhlTf. Mr, Mr. Wood, w bo resides near Lowm- K rill, U the father of a vrr buulsomo K ( HL daofibtcr tn tho inorntnff this young 19 IV 14 attended Ban&iy kIiouI at a church m , m tf8tA,1Cfl tnm lfr l'0111- After VJjfc thoMuicn tliolotcrof the jonnftlvJr, 'i fl Hawed Campbell. apiaml on tbo seen ft i i Km n wrajwnjr with two companions, sml 5 I Ek tlie l1 ttrtoJ for 'h nearest raitroml Bit 4 fff- lUtiontoUko tho train for Wiuhlojj- at ' 1L ton woere '10 yoR coopt were to t M W inarrtfrf. Iha prmrmctlro bihlt rode :) mftii behind her lorcron tho name hors. m r4 BE '1 1) jroarift livljr'n father bcird of the i; H rnimajr and inutintlntf hli horso and K flft annliitf hlmwlf with n nhotjcon, gal fn t lopedtn pursuit. He overtook tljejurty fi mf near Am bent conrt hotuo and opened W! fire. The two companion of tho loren ft liiimndtate put pur to their Lorws ijjj' m and Iiato not lefii ircn Unco. Theotber n anlmal.tlnHloftarrlnKdoub1o.biickcd I W and the youni; Iitly. Jofflnit her ft'at, fell ' i I B5 to tne R"11111 lIor would tv ImAband I KV fiannn that he would bo riddled with , IS blrdhot, followwl hit t1)1titf chtum Into f KM tho Tillage of Ainbertt and aought -. ' S khelter taliln I a rock w all ( lE. " wn tt'rrwilri- Krrestod by tbo (J JM county authoritlet ami lined (.Mfor ' 11 Li dUturblnfrthotHUco. The young lady'i i-i iM father retummted his horw, took tbo 1 H yuuiitf lady up bubln! ldtit, and I'lacimt It "A B "la trnAtX weapon acrow the poruiuvl of fiT iy IiIr aadllo retomod bomovrard. Cor. ft j S , lllcbDiond(Yn.)Tlmcfl. Vi ' IB Klpllnaln Rttl In Tfrnoot- ' jt, Wr. Hudyard Klpllnfji In VancouTer H & Mi anattlnstheMlltniiof tho TinpreM, by M fmm hlch hound hl bride wilt go to Japan. ffi ' jjB IJo auid tbo woi loin Knland wero bv K 4 ftr lutf arooMnl to tbo tailzie and great ft il f ftfi. future of tbo northwest of Onuda. At M t Wf va0 t',D ft'utw iorance had pro-4 m f, Sri Tailed amonc edncatod Unitlithuicn ro- fl W gar Itutf Canada. They had looked npon m n tho uorthweat an part of tho American W M rtpubHo, butlbcybadanakcnod tutho f g act tbat a lioundary lino uiUted, and Mr B that the Cnnadlan portion of tho rontl- IH ' HP 9 nent wn tuuch tho more desirable foe ft & k lettleutenu I If Ue waa on bin way to Jndla, but pro n, I poed remaining for a tlmo In Japun, TO 1 i ' Cbtna and w Zealand. After liLe fj ft vUit to India It waa hta Intention to tako H Qm up Ida permanent abode In Vtrmont, U IS k &y A wnoro n)l ' bai1 becn ,x,rn Us ji Ho had parcbasod aorue property there ftf I ft with tbat object In view On bis llrst I 1 W visit to VancouTor ho bad come dlru-tly ' B from San iraactaco. Vanccurer Talc- if cram. i, 1 m I Jan lh WlDdsw Biuatlicr , rJ? A woman ha been arretted at West 1 S Superior wboU thought to bo tho erratic 1 m I Hi and notorlona window itmuher known 3 tjm iu Harriot Doete, who created eucn a n aft x nuatlou In Aablaod recently bho waa ttj it PS noticed acting atangcly in Towor aro- f Jt ? jiue. In front of tbo oRlcea of Dra. 0. V j I M hd L. W Hoobc, and arretted on aua : r I -Vm plcion. tibe told thi atoryi "My noin iV 4 Jd P'"4 MaryUDrlen, but my real yl tMt namo l Mr. IX J. Haluy, and my hut H ' IW 1 camo hero to imuii Dr Carl Ikwbo'a H R1 4T" Indovra, Why do 1 break window? H f ftf Ob, J like to bear the crub and jlnglo. HI M luioa atone liko this." producing ono B I 'Jq froiiitborxMuuiof bvrtlieM. 'I bo woman ft 1 4j is wull dreuod and nuito good looking K J p; Cor. bU I'uul Uiobu. !r M IjumomI Mountain Lion, f V Anavuge mountain lion waa turned looso at Hldgeway. and two hour latr ky a large ban 1 of borwmen and a pick of BlI jS bounda ttegan a cliato. Tlio lion 1 ud B rt fi Iweu In car tiTlty a year and a half. IU B ' f $ ftt wore tender and limta unuied to B j ,j excrciw, and It had trarelod only a few H I I snllo wbeu It was trued. A cowboy v 1 tH lantoed tt and pulled It down from tho B ' st "i Xteo, and It waa taken back to town la H Cj ft wagon nnd ngala placed lnlUtac. B fcj v lltocbaM wiu wituo&MHl by many jeo B SJ j li from Ouray and tho en tiro jwpubi MS B tlon in and nround Ittdgewa). Onrny It I (Colo ) Cor bL Louis JluboOcu.ocrnt. HI J f 1 A lniU with mi Alllg-lor. W;M t rV A boy Hulling dlacoired an alligator 1 ft' inaditcb botwten LakcaUoroandMtn- f mal I X ,i niw 'Q tt0 MUttlCQJIteru PAr of OrtanJa !NfflI - ft 1 1J muud an alarm. Li T Knbliamo By with a small ropo and ImsochI tbo sau 4 w rlau. A torrlrlu struggle then began. 2rY H i Mr MMJlohlluf nmoil prountly Ills LtW 4 I tit liX ttu brought Into play, and novum! Lfl 11 im large ga&hes were cut lu tho reptile's m li I 5 bead. He measured eight aod a liatf Aw rr ' i fet' " rwponiibl for tbo Jom of aft n many ducks, dogs, etc Cor. riorida B Ui TUuvs Uulon. B 41 " i SP Ooai l Bcliuul I allhrutlr, ftsi H K The crown prince of Jupan.whobcan wi A 1 It theuiiphontousuumaof Vonhihlto liar- Hi ixl B unomiya and la now thirteen 3 ears old HtJ l I B Is made to recognize tlint there is no ftiJv R royal road to learning Ho attends tbo ftft 1 ' ' fv n ict)00 m Tokto, n n bis school H I j, fcfl! report of lat tenn particular mention la lefts t ' 1 T made of his diltgenco nnd of the fact B ''i 1 tbat during tho whole of lant year his B If imperial btghneiMi did not intos u elnglo j . I I J day's attendance London f iHlita. fti e llowart for lh fIr. !VM9 . t it 1 From tho roj l nnircrii'A for Ireland, Hr I 1 U I Jo,lu 'borpo, of tho I ureau of tloncnl- Hi I ft& turei uni1 WelTfd Information that two Im ! camsiontaining 1,&5U plants linto been H 9 khiirKMl to the Worlds fair .Mr Thorpo M B Ullcves that hia floral dltplay wtllcclipHo 9 Wi ) Hii)tliit)gof the sort which the world B " Wk has er seen. Byl ' Sft W uinn w"1 Kuillotimnl tn Setter land lB J. pj twntiks ago for murder It w is the 1 3 lb I' tirct eitH.utluuln tiwitzurland fortwen IB ffi it ty live) eaVs, capital punmbuitnt having VH " V leti ululiibed in 18.17. und thid tiiuthod iftB fl fi of Intlittiug punishment liaving boun ro- ' w I I ' 1 f ( snmod only recently i V f ' "" T 1 ' Thus far the Unltcl btates fish com- g : , intuiun has not 01 tended its operations it witbrtwpctttothoaruticialbiwdlngof j Ji sulmon into Alaska. IU nttempu lu ',l 1 I f J thla lino bavo boon limited to tbo Co- I If" lumbla and bacrumcuto rlvcra, llD)lg- lUinpl In llnnKMrj. At tbo ioetofflct whero to went to toy our fint Ilungarisn stamp, tbe gos siping old tniMter and hj wifo characters not unfamiliar In tho rural offices in other countries were soever whelinM by tbo client of our rtiuli meuts and the mimlwr of onr letters tbat the wheels of ofliclal machinery refnsod to work at nlL After they bad care fully read all tho oJ lressea, and bad marveled long at tbe range of our cor respond encc, wo succeeded In communi cating lo tbolr dkicd seni"s tbo fact that wo wanted to bur a stock of stampa of various denominations. "Wluitl so much money for stamps! Jmpusslblor protrsl tho ol 1 man and his echoing wife. "You are already sending away Uorins and Hot ins' worth un these lctlcrsr "Hut wo want n stock of stamps to keep for our convenient u," wo urt,rL "Vrs, yes. 30U want to use thmi, but why don t yon buy them na you need themr waa tbe reply, as ho shot the drawer under bis ilbow, apparently loath to part with any of Us precious contents. Arguments were uls,ard we gave up the notion of securing n rarlity and tempered our demand to n bumble re quest for a few Un krcutitr stamij f"r foreign postage. ' 'Ah, nor be said. -Icin't lot yon have any ten L rentier ttampi, for tho sheets haven t been broken Into ct, nnd It Is near tho end or tho month, when I make tip tny books, an 1 1 cm t hnro tny accounts confuted by selling teu kreut ter tarn pa to any eno," 0 com romiicd on a doublo number of Ave krintier stamps, tre vno In tuu for local pontage and ornamented our envelopes with tAHgies of Irani Josef until they looked like the walls of a cbromo dealer's shop. 1 D liillet In Haritra. A IUI Tmlt. The absentmlndM writer, who, after filling n sheet of paper w itli what to him at lout ti valuable literature, tears it up without knowing what bo Is doinc an t throws the bits of inpor in a wasto Uukct, recently brought confmiUm and horror Into bis exuttenco byonorfhli thlnkleM actions He bail completed an article of several thousand words and had ftnUhed looking It over" and inak lng changes nnd corrections In It Then 1c sat back and let bis Hi Hid dwell on tbe subject npon which ho hal Ueu working, and working very bard nnd for somo time tuo. As bo mentally .0 vltwed tbo whido article bis fingers le gun to do deadly work wlUi tho maim tcrljt. Tlieytorelt alt Into the finest bits and throw them away Then the man got cp with n ilgh 0! I content that tho V urk was comj Wtcl to Ms satisfaction Kot nntil tho next day, w hen ho w cut to bis desk to tako cut the ' manuscript, did bo dUcovcr how much his terrible vice of al ntinlndodneM hal cost him All bli tabor and piini were gono In fragments of worthless pa per, and the thought mndo him faint and tick. And jet ho himself Vc.ares that there Is no help for lihin Ho con siders himself n ' hopclcf-a rawj un 1 trie's to mako tbo best of n had trait a strarlng and capricious mind Now York Tribuno. m-UrU nirMlon. Tliomace Is an emblem of authority and uo In our congreas as well ai in tbe J-ngUth pkirllament, and though It Is inertly n symbol It commands respect, but It was never so insulted as when Oliver Cromwell stalked Into the 1 ug' lUHhoufto toilttpcrso themcmliera and dlisolro the parllument. Tito inaca lay in its regular place, and when Cromwell aaw It bo must hive sneered at the petty symbol, for be called Kno of hli Kldiers and ordered, Take away tbat bauble, " Ho, as tho mat o was tarried out, tint doors were locked and parlia ment tdectuatly dissolved. Tlie ineMago of Commodoro Ttrry Ii better knowtu Tho lutttlo of Lako 1- Ho bad taken ilaco, and tho IlritUU licet were dcfeatwl Then tho commodoro sent to tleneral Harrison, raudfnther of tho present president, his famous dis patch, Wo hao met the cneni),and thuy nro ours, It waa but a littlo longer tbau Caari, 'l camo, 1, saw, 1 commered " An Krgll&h general, boweer, made tho record for brolly when, after lo had conquered tbe provluco of Bclnde, In I ltd li, ho sent a punning dii -itch In tho one word, IVcsavi, which, as our young Latin students know, means, "I have slnne-d. Harper'fl Young roojlo. Tha AatuutRBM of OIJ toitnm. Wo should liko to call attention not only to the plcturciqueucss, but to the rouvcnlcnco of tho male coatumu dur ing tbo first twenty (Wo - ears of tbo tilx tconth century jdony of our doctors nro assuring us that un extraordinary amount of pnlmouury disease to duo to tbe fact that men nro In tho habit of going about of an evening much more lightly dnssed than during the daytime, wiaringwalitcoatsof a thinner material and oton tn front upon tbo chest, pro clntly the part of tho body which should bo most protected Now tbo doublet screens tho chest from ever wind, and cnnbemaloof tho lightest material In summer and of tbo heat lost in winter. It Is (juito true that the legs weroinore exiocd thin tly arunt prisenti but at tbo same tlmo if we study minutely tho drawings and 1 ngruvings of thoblxtcenlh century wo (bcrto that In whiter tho men nro rep rckeutcd us cither wearing worsted stocking, gaiters, or long boots Lon don Saturday Iteviow. nuipnatoot soua lorms witnearbol 0 nclln harmless compound. There foro when n K.rson has bwn pobtonod by taking carbollo acid into his stomach hm 0 him at ouco drink a strong solution of sulpha to of soda. It w 111 1 er fall, but may bo clashed as n rt liable antldoto to enrbollo acid puUoning, it is clalmnl MONEY FOR LAUD. MANTrKRSONB WISH TO SElt. T1IKIR Und, tut whn lhy flud anllllng pur (Lttr,lb lit) to cUlm kol vrfect4 tfWtnf loll rtc&t act tarlBf Un obuimd 1 tta tb pmi wrl to u la a $t hurrj SMlMiitltiattliSpitcBl till t itcurid ta uea k time, which cinnot atirtj b done Wbf tot lettus Kit your euro lbroDa now and ifcd 70a IL vlnl at toon u itintl? HtDjiutyour Uoil r ptor tbe tmmbt r t four rntry, sad lb iddran frbiri you wlib n lo csdtbipatff&t, 1 will Ulead lolt 1 romptl lorjou. iddrim C1US. W, BTAKKU, Attoroej at law, du Eoii;t.jvitacitoo(u,u. $500 Reword T WE will rrths ntv rewird for Sftf r a( t -iter toinplsmt, Vvptfit, Urk lUa-lifbt. anivflfr.1 Ai; i;?:" .".w:uit" VnK mhtn tbo dirt rttofi ar itr-ellf -n Hffd UB Uo IboitiBaiao )d br JUIINOt, I IUTT Uw.,Mttidl Main Sln-st flt I ika t itr IYON &, MEALY, 4 awu niunjiaj wwt 'i AdJra. C1IILAUU HCAIK1U- IhUacn. J. 2T. MOUSi: .0 .SOiYaV, COAL AND LI1MH CVmoi', Hair iTjjT, Ornamental JJrttl, JV Brl'l, WrriftM Jiick ijor patinJU sfHtr lpet htntlUpff Hooti,cfa (ifflr SO Mnlnil , Wnaateh llnlMInt, ifitho an, anii iUf iij,rih ed. l lira's $10, $14 and ?13 Suits, Hill Mlt ASH until Wrltt nat oora ndw will ifnd joy out do enamil4 0f hkmI a ir ntftiimeni ttank anl iat mkiaro 2TXTX13C Wwrrnt feuds ad tuu Un- wufimtliljt Snd Bt hu rtll, T. HI" I , , IImtIdK ail rood trirtir tnr rub ant In ltr-rnu"t tirsllian anTUhcrln nurlinaen allr o In Oder ntnf cih barfaina BaJp rroNcbsbl tij aar oth-r hmf Al pnmu tnariict in ilals Hsiira Usa jrlrt lo all bloof refualM al all time if uod ars aoi 111 nJ in ilemret nnrl llllljao Vh va s v., , 11 vm 1:31 n i:it t Tfcil w .1111 carry . Comtcti Llit cf Moils' Celetaloi Saws, coRiiarivd in riRT or rr.t. eul, iimtr. on Uim VrtrrBhr, Kill, IIHI..I, II li, l-aurl, T.nni., rrtinlnff, unpmi, liultbrr, I.1U, ICjIiolf, rr alia Clrcalar.tiGtb Solid Chisel PolctTooli And TRIUMPH, ror r.ll M !" wllA, '! ! Ft'lla, Luircr. mien tiuvkixil Ala. a full itork of IBctr Ar-n-WRAIPSanJ FIU9'ir.lMkmJ TiisfliiHaylcrSpde., Imporlrra and Uaatfaelcmacf Iht Finest Si3ici3s FLAVORING BXTRFICTS KK3WH TO TMt TRtOC. froprkloia of th anoca Itial ef ncD v onoba v lve. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lake, amoAao. Unlike the Dutch Process 1 No Alkalies 5 Oilier Cliciiifrals VriipV 1 rf I arativn ol flpreakfastCocoa fill III nUmor'thanthrrtttmi'l UiUfi fjjj ' '"!(. olcamiiit aQa?-' Si ar, ana U far to ii rco- iomleab cwf(nj U than om etnt u ruii. t I lpitluiia, iwuruhlor, and lOJUT l-icureiv . MM bjCriwri trrjwhtr. W, BAKER & CO tEorchtatcr,HMi. p :OMAHA3 OMAHA, NCB, Southern White Lsad Works BT. IiOTTID, Vaimfactvrtra of IP WHITE LEAD rpirn fioirruiKv -vvinTK levd - U manufactured entirely from the brat refined Plir l-fJ anl U gruimd In luro Itoaved Oil, nnd as tho company manufacture only Htiuctly lt it k, pur lieu 1 uylng hlte Tead 1 randed ' Houth ern Cum pan y" are abaolutely suro of obtaining a rartuiLY Vlrw Auticlu For SJltliy ill Dealers inBhltiLnl 17.1)1 llTAItI'113. MirjitisniD, ; JoGpH B. Wolf, rioaoor Uadenak&rof Utah. Vmrcttrr Prarli At Klni AfKl- COFPINS AND CASKETS. rail Una ofl oflli, 1 ntnl.lilol. lupl .alKKllr o ' JWrfHt .! nlfftk CtitrttroKftli fit.O. Mr JVHIMtrtaamillnUitU' alBralCalJ Ua. w tbotttaitra claria. OPEN DAY AND NIOIIT. r.".';?;.7. h, 253 e. First soot&, 6ae and a bait Llscfct il of Tbtitra. TMLzritosss. ra Joseph William Taylor CTni tntii4 . UHDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, (Vt) IU Lwial find Melt Umfltti Sletl COFFINS, .-. GASKETS, And Undcrlikcn Goods In Utsh. m il mtd tJttmt ft ImHtntrtw K-Utt tricn, Ltnttr f tinn wr trtr eftrttl in VfJL LOTS M EIHES -Vi'.'i.VT,.0 Ml ritrifll f Mr " MU In IAJ tkmUM Ivmit )iMi orrioi and winiaiKiiis narsa otosaa. ind 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. r.O. Uos t3i. Islsjkoas &U HANKi. waromi Wouuroir, tito M Canho, 1 ntUtnt, CiMiVr, Caih CarUal, t KO.OM. Caih finrplai,, mn SAVINGS BANS ISO TRUST COMPANY, Not I and 3 Last Tmplo Strooti FAIT Itxe CITX, VTJlt LSTAnUSIIKD 137 J IKOOttrOBATlU) 13S3 DinCCTORSl WitTonu Won ncrr rrtiti, Uftnnus Q CaiaoX, !! trttldtti. Jontl 11 1-, I'M IT 11, IxihS). 1 bv rf, ,AborsU CiHXux, luiscuu Lim. Iltora J OBAur, Aaron II Lrsu JtUllJlCH, LeoxasuU MAkDr, atoaoi. UitNPLpi, T O vrsassa. II. lit, CUV SUM. Ulrlet Hatlu? liNak lw Cluti, wlrt ftpll. uiwiltr lt-u hII ollittS cwblnrt. a-tafty Hfpoiit roira for real. Pamir IVpoilu In sr ita from flOOnv wmou ai 1 latrrt allowed at prr cast cr annum fomfoiio lod fourtiinaa a ?ar t-r rttoniltico iritrd.and air am forwarded f wuBtry dfilor earttulif ailtndad to. UTAHCOMMERCIAL AIU Savings Bank, salt i.akk an: Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 330,000 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Flvt P.r Paid on Sivlngi Dtpotlla, Compounded Tour Tlmtt Yair. aiciin, iavimi srAJirs .on mle JT X1IS laSX Of. Ait 0 ITS JVh.T3. amnoTona, rtiirrl AimrKOvi), r. W. atAnai. Da. Joa. a nioiitiKi, T. V. KLLla.cC noUTAn UoatRTa, Tnoa W JsKf aoi, UlCA. 11. LUJUir, BAUOIb UCIMIT.., U X CUUUI.Ua Deffer'Bt Wational Bank, riaiT lAitr. 1 ti v, orAii. Paid-up Capital, - $600,000 00 burplus, - - S0O,O0O.O0 i 1 it ri t 1 J. II DILLS, iTHttfr.', lloiEt iU4i.Haa, 'u tfuUn, Vk . W. luraa, J It, tUaV-Kf, J T. IIITI.E. J 0. CVTLKR, Jiyct Suiar, Ilium Disnooaiv l( lasar, r, W JKN1II1( (icoaas Itouttar J IU WIROER, K. it, riUktDGB II , '0l0l Cathler, Recti? es Deposltslajatle oa Demand, Bui if Stilt rchw on Art IW, Ban rrttit9t Ckloaat, St IpvU Otn-iKa, London tattthrrincput Conttutntal CtiUt. JJi"" afa Ptpci t anlu abolutly bor iar siid flrcf roof, RolU f to its per yttr. OMpE GENEU AtVD ANKIHO V BD3INE3S AT NO 00 MAIN STKlCKr, lQppUII4 Ccp), .ml PAYS INTEPE8T ON DCPOSITS, XfEam. TOC. accoo.Ta. " CONWAT OADINEr C0'3 C I tE IiailBD Eaelwood MANTELS me tsar iHiiw norm. WATSOH BHOSS!f;,,.S!i;i;.;iS.a AaaanLlf nail, a,u Laa. tltr, .oi.1. AIIIVMS llMtlAU ritdl'KSSIONAI. RICHARDS & MOYLG, ATTORNCYS.AT'laW 0JTa I. CcaififaKMi ptmp $4 g Afal. 5M AaUtaiffClv DANTh HARRINGfoJ,, ATTORNrY-AT-lAW fioomt 91 A alt CvntiUvtion flIVI-j !kottrf tltU in tjtf. D.'crniCHNOR, ATTOnNCY-AT-tAW, ISO S JfU Strtfi rvrr VfffHft rtfr in Jt.Jjt HrKJ)$ OJf. S. W. DARKE, TTOnflCY AND OpUNStLOR, It H n Mt. BM LU M1 ' T. I). LEWIS. ATTORNtV-AT'lAW. Ctr ml! It Hi OaiflMmUM ItlCliAUD W. YOUiNG, ATTOnNCY-T.LW falnf 7Mr, CHMin tvlliit tfftlU e c u i JOHN M.CANNON. ATTORNrY-AT LAW. iau HI IS TUrt Unr. Onltjultt A. E. PRATT, ATTOnNtY-AT LAW. r.t lloorr Hal ( ftlUlt CUf TYSON & PECK. ARCHITCCT8 AND rNaiNCCRS, 609 C3ntltt i Jlmltd g DR. J THOMAS, " OUHOCON DCNTIHT, NO 10 MAIN T. 11 imrt fyra(it .l.,Ulc, ttlmMMm I jfn. KEYSOR, OINTIST. CHARLIS M. CANNON, aUftQCON-DCNTIST. lten 408 anJ 401 ConttUution itJlf. os MRS. M.i:.VAN.M.l). Cfc4 at rulJtnt, tC7 TAfrJ Strut, Hrt, from f fo J p. m TtttjtXoni A'o, S19t sxnsro-xL-v x-ATxarormix iktr ukh cur.---- CALIIltNIOlll'lY. LAQEn nccn, ALt AND ponTcn. li.l,.l.aiit ntlall y lAtT, fiesr tovrn stxkmt. OUNPOVDER. ( hhn new ihnol tcho nrt iAo( Mr A tut Aim trAo eturryt 1A0I nii thot,t f A mr. If AZSltU M Ka&tarij III Hi." ItAXAItn a 'Trap Sbooilns " II A Altll HIilcbb9UtttV', IIAZ4Ula "lliaiaf sad IlluUof UAZI1I'A brndf tha inoit rtUabla inibcmaihcl. THE HizATD"pOWDE"cOHPlHT, Hilardvilla, Conn. """u,."ir"Paliio & lyno,H;t.H. Utah Cracker Factory, MaMAtrritncssss or tiii SILYER BHAHD of SNOWFLAKB SODAS a .iB-. PINK OA1CCS. Packed In I and S Pound Doxaa fof Plcnlo Partlos,Travolara and ramlllaa. oorr nv jsx Z3iXAisna, SALT.-.LAKE-c? StEMllIEffBllKS T1I0S. MrKKI.IIK, Vroprlrtor. Ladles' Clothes Clcanod and Dyed. Gcnla' CloLhos Clcauod, Dyod and Itepalrcd. tCA TllMXt CLE J Villi, lit XI) f ci rtto. Dinr. In lulttlill Ml.rr, al W, I Ira I aiitilh air. rt. oikail 8.WilTtm l8lrtat,gppailtt llranl'a LltarrSla lla, . llLT lant OITT. BAI.T IiAKK sti:ui WET CLEiMf! J.... I., .WOItKfl,---- U ilOUHIh L I WON Proprlrtors Cor. Elflhlli Wcit & South Temple Sit, Ttl. 4Uy P 0. Ha CIO, OM Blatl tatter rniorttttnjj. M hit ant Colored Jtuffi thoroughly re- Carjett t nil gratei purified by Cold HUiit ;i. oreta an t taper htattti statn. Carj eU carefully rlatd, o 2 -s n, piq q 2 H 5 c g8rTla SsSsa i H , u &- 55 Cb n c3(!j E "si s B fi o g p o a 2 4 I 1 2 ' l"3 - ijj p& & THE PEOPLE'S DRDG STORp I JOHNSON, PltATT &C0., M I JL "1 A 34IMAIN STREET, " J I :':itL';.cV:: DRUGS, CBEHICALS, Mai Hedltlnes, Tolltt Articles I Uruihet, Combi, RubbarOlovc Suioondtri, ! ni4ni.jrmiik,i ' I aurvM (.auallm KtWlaj an ELEGANT LINE OF ST3nxirXllUIX1r I AUS.ST3 ton III IKLIBIIATCD r T B. rttfAnATIOIS ' Everybody Woll Troated by "Tho Boys." Glvo them a call, THE OTIOH MSAT COMPANY f WIMj 8FM, TIIK IHOIIF.ST 3IKATS OK AUj K1D8 AS II1KAL' AS AM'IIODY DAUi: 1)0 IN TIIK (1TY. CAUi;. J FUL DEMVKKY. AM) OOOU ATTEMIOX PAID I1V v 01ILII11N0 SALKSJIEM. ThLIH'llONE CO. ' Ho: 54 E. FIRST SOUTH STUEE1 j EIOTOIiB XE 33 A, 3J ? TT A It T 321 It a . ) eSS Yl trtuhttgton Jtense, Ogdtn, Ll fT-rtY " "VV WHOLESALE ANDnt:TAIU ''vUlUr'Wi ySiJSav llloycle. Tricycle, and V.loctp.dti 52Mf fY-SV '' V "f"""1 Cooda, Tenia, Hammocki nj 3tf3w3 l1! aTr ll sl""'"nl 0"il' o' vry deicrlpilon, AvvSylA, 'VtCSjJ A" K," "' Sporllno and Dlaalini , HlJIyy .- 1 K yj folf r, Cap.. Fu... .to . etc. Drop "2 OOLOMON BHQTHBRQ ( Tho Most Succo33ful of all of our I HOMEvINDUSTRIES t v jll la tho manufacturo of IJooto nnd Shoos. j Unoxcollocl by any nro thosu -N of OUR MAKE. -v WE ISETHE 11RST0F LEVTHEH AMI MATERIALS. U JRJ Our work Is dono by hand nnd warrantod. "J? " Wo enrry nlso Comploto Linos of J-' Studios' Flno Footwoar nnd Mon'o Clovos. f7 OLOMOM BROTHEEO BEING W A POSIT IOH To unrplr tho wants of everr oardenor, or any ono who may ho cngaood in gardening ja3t cow, and neatly everybody is attention is called to oar stock ol GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND LAWN HOSE, LAWN HOW. ERS AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, All oi the Host Iaprovod Mako and Standard Grados. Wo aro prepared to oilor a snail lino oi Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Gasoline 5tove3 I And Stock oi CUTLERY at Prices much under tho market I itia isDvaiuu:xxa to nuizvms axd COXTJIACTOJ18. E. G. COFFIN HARDWARE GOfflPAWK i 'YfSli'i'ljolove'fomtraQ . $ Klfcl.roamoorg.., tV,K Co p-T CS - artfijili vp-'rfb jH'i.erJaw.lJ will) mcslill'- Cftll ' Vjl JhffMwayslookssoliJyiW i$ Gi03S15le5proa6s)p.eloli . P vf n for tea (Ji, 4 TT brings J , Z. O. M. I., Solo AroiiIh In Salt Lalso Cltff f' ft' RUPTURE JS PERMANENTLY CURED OR HO PAY. itS " llalln frm lual.raa. w. wfar 7" ' "' TOO fiatltnfa In tlio hiatal or r.loriuln an I ' ,, J llooal llanka In llcuTar, alto JlrCumUli Can C lUnklr,, Hill Ilio, . lor.itlk-al.tmrmMlnvl T.rlllaTimilu-anlM toahaj- ' X lualr uia aJl VI...I. . 1 1 urrlMII ? l-tli ai ' ') otil.naHMH,l)HliiIIIUt,liJii.atur(l"'" JJs-si;"Mir-t7 tXAMINVTIOH FRCt. SA THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, K&WffilS4-','wffiI56v. R"""" SOI S an I m C. natltotlon niocV. Bait tl