it wm
J,1 M B nnsmKT imrfiya ni:w3; ioxtiay. .mm in, isos. I .pr
1 iBxlf eery fce AsmU-erat -lMi see -"pert. M
i f H aipeaf 'a ehsEewrss Nss-s on she dr whet-
1 ) MB ' .heolt l-e tended Is lo tbl tuis.M dT-
) Hflft sjs-1 noi tstee 1 p. ev.
WM thus t A4ertlr frU.s4 sees .reH"""
.. , QB aa-lti.. tar etterUMBeies ernel fce ea ""'
VJ i FW use. ,
i I'" vM iTunJuT. " irit"7
T jX F.tA'.JlK.STS.
V lil MeR Dni'T forget the ar.onlcrtalninent at
tt lr UK the Theatre tonight,
I ' iHt Tint hotel birber shore noro ell open
i T1 H$ and doing business yesterday.
I il Bi Mich mailer Is crowds 1 nut nt our
I ft c .oluinns today by reports of discourse.
I t ml Till. Mnlbllnorutn l 1.1 tare inert In
V 5 , Ihel.leeenlh Wtrd westing hoceo al 7l30
1 j B (.'clock tonight.
I I HB Tiik caily ehlpinonts of California
I 52 s'ravebeirlratolbla lerellnry aro larger
; l end better than for many yeara past.
O"1 W Tun funeral services over thoremtlns
fii lift clllis law Jack tlilmor wio hold at tbo
j ' MR. family residence yosiordayaneriioon
i rffir Tub funeral of Mre. Harriot l.tvlnja-
m len.w.feuf Marrla J.ii.nfeu,n, will J?
t- MR held al residence) of deocaaod, No. 110L.
i 1 Msm e inhhoutu street tomorrow afternoon et
J Bf 2 o'clock.
I?1 M Mn. l'nrn Mnrni, ofZ.
1 B fT the ca.t tlila morning over the Union
,1 Pa-Mc. He k.ii In the Interest nt tho
4 B genta'rlolhlug and furnishing goods de
j ' Ef It, O. II. Hliowr.Lt., Ilia contractor, ann
is MW ' efKanlUrv lueocir Miowoil. went b;
a B Unchain City lodav with two carload" of
!' H nwnenrtteauHtodolheltorkofgrilliig
(f PK and efravellng fortho now system of
jo BR water works tn be put In at Ibalplaco.
j Wm Tiik mimliera of tho primary rflaea
J- CK ofllir-vcnllianl Hnnuay am
fj DH rru'irstcd to eesemble at Ilia meeting
if i .TBI hoiiaool that ward prnmpllv atT u'clock
' Si 4 aB this evening, lo proceed from Ihcralnn
M HH lmly In tho Sutiilar Hchool Union ruacl
ft tVX Ihk and tako part In lhaf tercUca.
If &M Cotoiil.T. I'. MunrtAT hit not cono
'H 37jK to Chliano aa many pciplo bollovo. Ma
.! and amnatard pot, which wa prnpclml
'.', IK hyJlni llcalllo. aaporU mot la.tThnra-
il, Bjf day ruorntne In a Commercial atnt
1 a UK , restaurant, and In coniunco Ilia ol
Mh H waa wrcckodandllioRallantColoiHlilU-
l Kit sH ' flirurcd ationt hn face. At the prrcn
K Ifi BB. tlma bnlanurolnithW wnund In Ibnao-
" Kr oflf cluHlonofhla room, and ao noon at ho
wP Imw ' bUrt otl bli CJItw'kri1 Jonrnoy, 3Vttr.
!h m hoiik liuiKiniimiiH voi:ic.
i i W. llilotn Are lnlltj In nn Atlrtnpl lo
j Bf Ureal Into and Uoli Ilia I trrutfclh
I ff Urd Slorr.
P K About SsSOIlili morning there wa
F AV nn aUcrnpt made to buriilirlta the
' Rk TantlthVarJitoreonr!outhTemp'e
fe ft otroit. At the time namd the night
tPi , watchman w lilting quietly In tho
P, r front of the prcmlaet, whan he licnrd a
' f noire eccioloned hy the hrraklng of
l j, ilan In the renr. Alter k few inomviita
m had cle'fled there waa en vlTort made
uS& topryoienthe door loadlut; front tho
Fh 9ti warobouM Into the atom llaelf. Up
IS ""l )utnpedthewatchmau,'ulcknathoui!lit
''i' m turnedthekey In the uoor which we
7: if K lockod nud opened It. A ho did no
ML it B twomenhattlly tuaJooir, tcalliiRthe
T n wall nnd lauding In the aldo atreol.
' B The walcbnian llrrd ut tho Lurgtara m
WE 9 H, they were deputing, tut he mluod
Wf , Eti hW Intended mark, the Imllot
Bl i I? lidglng In one aide of tho
Bilij I K box of ndetlTfrycaitwhlch waaftatid
If Mr log In the email jardut tho Lack of the
jZT rB building. Aneianilnatlulioflbeplico
Hil m allowed that the burglaro. In the at
V IVfil ViU. tempt to carry through thrlr planr,
IrR t v ntva completely forced out, the largo
MVM 1 frSrH. gluaframo window In the warehouie
lw I i Sin door, and through Ihlo aiwrture n'
mrr I P talnctl lDgnaa to the prrmlHi. For
nkml r ff tunately, however, they were Inter
TmM I ' ug ru ted befote they )md time to lay
IM) m their banda tipou atiytblug which
IkJi( ifi eimo In their way. The llce were
IVoff All comraunltateil with, but nooluelolho
ntf ,m tlepredalori hie iu lar been obtained.
B i p Amuiemrut Notts.
Ii ? , The entertainment for tho benefit of
the W. C, T. U.tsktaplaco tonight at
H, i. ., the Theatre and ebcuM be liberally
IK J JU, patroultedby thofrltndaof the teiuiH
la ' eraucotauee
" of the "Bymplioiiy Orcheatra Ii the
Jjflj event of tomorrow night at the The
J'' n'ir. Itiromlat to be a treat
t'l la tinry rupect.
The eugagtiiient of tlili accom
, ' i Pj pllthedactrrxatlhoTbcatralt looked
l? forward to with a t,itilaal of Interrnt.
I KJJ Itneit huniadotiie hit of her life In
, i S3 nI, Cxirloa, Kmireaa of llu-ala,"
m whlchwill be prikeulod hereon'lhuie
D i W dar. rhU la u hletorlcal play
I i poworful In cOQktructlou and cooulu
I . IT f I 1UK airoiiK and thrilling ailuatlona.
I :, ltliel )i the llrit Knglleli ipeaklng
IB 1 1; kltlitwho hai prmntod thla drama,
itM ' i RLd h r aucceaj hai been remark-tble.
'fall fi lit "Uo elpf 1 anuiunced fwrHaturday
HR t t A Hi-t alteroou aud eTeulni. Halo of oeatt
'Uj , K' 'or M'K (.'tefli a" coiiiniencca tomor
MM V K, tow. Hie urialnralr ate. 16.
iWl "' TO ntNCia WIMON
ill ; 1 ft and hla excellent company will appear
Ltl ti) i tjf at the Theatre for an engagement of
eB iV i l live nlghte, commencing on Monlay,
Mli I ' f IilaySJ, nientlng nu operetta enll
ill ? M tlmtirhetlerryMoiiarch.'Aulndlan
fcB Tr v Hi king, u roynl aatrologcr, a traveling
eWf y Kr eddler of intrfumery, an ambuador
fil "!h el 'J from a neighboring court, a marriage
Hi 1 I i u,e prlnceaa and her female com
rli ; ' a? I anion aud thu embabondor'a private
ml) it I oecretory are the rlnclpot petauuageii.
Bb? m i B. The t lot, muelORlidUlnloxue. aro each
Up I I Wk ll to be excellent, but Wllion hai
vrtl' 'ftn given the ptere eucli a intgnlflrent
Bn l , dy tuountlugthat Itomblneanll the good
Vflr I 1 Mv, quatitlea of a comic oiera with thoee
Sit wjl of a gorgeoui iit-rtacle. Thooiluof
Bill ft leata will begin on Krila, May LOtli.
H ' A Police (llllrtr Anesleil.
Hi , ; LI Ofllcer J.I.. arceu.oflhoclty iilce
BBI 1 force, waa arreeteil tih mornltig on a
BB 4 1 m charge of ariaultlng a colored man
j ' II uanud I'hllliAdam. Ho went before
Bsi. 1 my UoinmUiloner (Jrienmau, gnno 12U0
'H II bond, nnd the caeu will como up to
SB , J el f marrow morning.
: I It apteaia that about 8 a.m. today
m t Be Vdama and another man ensured
NBl ,is Ii In a dleputo lioir tho (lol,v.
Il V 1( l'lu """" The ulllrer, In order
luf Wl lorteveulatreaehof tho xace, lulled
VK K Ii 9on Adaini todetUt, lutlindlilnot
III ' At Id "'"'"1 dlepoeed to do thl. Then the
iJei U VM lllHcr thleatened' to arreit li Ira, and
IS . V) VI taught hold of him. Adama tried to
H Hi hi throw Ureen down and wa In the act
IH i ft t raiting a club, aa If Inteudlug to
II i1 LI ilrUe him, when (Ireeu dealt him a
nit L 1 aw over the heal with bla revolver,
r ' S I Theee were the faeta and ttilt the aa
' I ' "ltcouiilluiilof, auoidlng to the
( iBlcet'a explanation.
' '
-SBm-ti ,' Jbbt itL
htti Zioj Blsahsts He Cinree
Against Bosnia and
Hiiiiii.iiDin: ami mn., nirio.
The Illim llj Jlhileit t nnlriirrrir.
A IHlorrc Mill.-Hirer I llrnlal
Anonll en I Itolilicr, I Ic.
The irlmlnol calendar waa taken up
In ChVef Juttlce Zine'a orurt UiU
morning after ono or two tmilt civil
mitten had been illfpoird if. Theru
wai a larger attendance of the general
ubllo than for e)ue time time p-el,
and thebnr wm well repreientetl.
InthocMonf Joiepli rtull'-tl va. tho
Bocletle Anouyme ilea Mlure etal,
leve wae ttraitod to amend thu com
plaint and file the tame within ten
nn a jmr tiiiai.
(1. V. Collier et al. vi. William Cir
roll et al. tu thla cite thirty daya wcro
allowed to file atatrmout for a new
wiiirmionn asdmii.i. mKHArtuxn.
The caio of the l'eople v. tlrorge O.
Whlttemoreand Will am Hill, charged
with battery, waa diamUKd on motln
of l'-ceriutl g Attorney Varlan.
Thetroiihlolnthli mtitlor aroia out
of the allege I "gold brlok" twludle,
and that ..rtlcularj In connection with
the whole allelraie by thla time pretty
familiar tu local nuwotaper realere.
The allojallou In the preient Inetanco
wae tint the ilefendanla vlalted a
prlaonrr nameil l.conar 1 1 n the cou nty
jallanl hy reiirtuigtoceitaltimelhudo
o' l'tortiirefaiiiBhtlo extract nconfei
ou front him In regard to the to
called iwludle.
uors up IS smoi:c
In reference to the charge of forgery
agnlrit Jediu 11. llowman and (leulge
Olavii, rroaetutlng Attorney Varlau
moved that 11 be dlamtieod aa to
both Ihetiofrndant.
In eupiiort of hla motion couneel
tuhmltll'd a petition ad treeae'd to hlui
elf bytheel t city an t county build
ing committee, fhat body, having
auirvitlon of tho public building nuw
in proccM of construction by tbe city
aud county of Halt l.ako, represented
therein that ocme time In tne.month
of February lait, llowman nud Ulion
wero indicted ly the grand Jury
cbrigcd with forgery, arlalng out of
airae auppoee I m aundcretandlugof the
partita In tho glvlLg of a tuud by
llowman aa a contractor ft.r the
oouatruttlon of thu building. In quel
lion. Iliwman wat now engagtd In
that work, at audi contractor, aud It
waa very much In the Internet of tho
tubllo that tho LullJlng ihould go
forward to completion without Inter
ruption, and aa exiHllllouily aa a.u.
bio. The committee, from Inveotlgl
tlona had before the County Courtat
about tho time the ludlctmenta were
brought,and from aub-ciuent dove.loi
menu, felt rauadud that the atcuaed
pereono wcro Innocont of any Inten
tlonal wrong dotutfln tbe matter of thu
bond, an that tliero oa Utile, If any.
probability that the prneeutlona would
riault In a conviction; that the pend
ency of tho Indictment mint the credit
of llowtnin, dNtracta hla time, and
attention front raid wcrk, nnd greatly
hinders and Uelat a him In the pioaccu
Hon thereof, anil tho Inleretta of the
tubllo are thua Jeoardlzed aud Inter
fered wllu.,f The committee bollevei
that no cntrrapoudlng public brlietlt
would 1 obtained by Ihecunllnuance
of theae liroeccullour, and therefore
recommended that uuleea aome reaaoue
unknown lo them exlatej for tho t rote
cutlonof the Indictment, I lief bodll
missed, If consistent wllh Mr. Varlau'e
sense of duty at u public olllcer aud
tbe court would toncllou euch action
on hit part.
Tim petition waislgned ly II. K. lire-.
klu (chairman), 0.1. Wnulland.C. J,
II. Hell, (J. i ' Ijoofbourow, Harvey
Hardy, J, ltullvr aud John 1. Cahooii.
The case was accordingly dlsmleiad
by tho court.
lit: una oik ytaii.
J.eilmpson.'.who obtjattirday plead
(tullty to a Diargo of housebreaking At
i.cho, came up for eentence. He was
ordered lobe kept In the I'eullenllary
for one car.
Thomas llobart waa placed on trial
on a charge of assaulting and robbing
Thomas Clark, a miner, oflllnghiiu.
Assistant Dlatrlut Attorney rJlephuue
prosecutod; Mr. Armilrong defended.
The case for the paoaeculloll was that
In tho mouth of November last the
prosecutor was staying at the St. Ill mo
Hotel, In thla city, got up early nne
morning and callel at the While
Houie Just atojenllig time. Whllo ho
was In tho bar room thu prisoner and
two other men (also ludlcled for par
tlcltlon In the attack u'ttutbo prose
cutor) eutered. They engaged In con
veisatlou aul afleruarda went out
together. When tho partite got outside
tho prosecutor was put by thu
trio Inui a hack and driven away
lu a northerly direction. When near
Apple ttreit tho prosecutor was se
verely beaten over tbe head Willi u
pistol, aud his watch nud some other
articles taken from him. Uue of the
wltueesea said that Mr Clark csine
Into thu Whlto House he was weurlng
n miner's tult, "had a black eyoand
aomo cotton upon It," but ho did not
notlco whither he hod been drlnklug.
Tho trial waa In progreit at noon,
Cornelius Matthews and William
Cornell, alius Ditty-faced Cou,'1 are
the two nun ensue! In conjunction
with IbLatls.aiidlbilrttlol will follow
that of their companion.
Judgo Anderaou started In this
moriilug hy granting a decree of dl
vorce ou the ground of desertion nnd
failure lo provide lo Ulenora A.
rllambury, who Is about t cut ,.!
yearaofnite. Hhe was tLarritd to the
defendant, Clyde rllaiml ury, In Mln
lieaola, ull March ailh, lbUI. A month
after lunrilaKr, however, hu deserted
her without otlerlug tho slightest ria
sou for hla conduct, an j the petltlouer
tamo lu Halt Lake subsiquently, and
hat resided Willi tier ji rente hero ever
tluce. Asked ly thu Judge If her bus
baud at any time utter the marrlsge
made any complaint (oucernlug tier,
she snld the oul) tliln;; he hud told her
wat that hu did notlove her when he
in-. l r led her. Attorue) II. U. Carter
having given corroborallvo evllence
aa hi the desertion by Ihe btndmnil,
which nt ho lllevnl i. lmo U'n
brjiubl alicul through the influeuci ,r
hla mettier, thu ewillt grained thu
' Tilt. "III.IJKJAY."
Tho laug peudliif action of Alex
Woods M.tho Hlue Jay mlnlmr 'o a
pony esire Lel..n Judge AnJeison
nils rjornliu. It arili notriol by ma
H inor without n Jurr, belngaue-iuiiy
lust, ami loni oceul all ILewetk, ut
least. Theunjeoturthe suit Is to set
aside h tnurtgau and dissolve the
cvidii any. on Hie utound of alleged
fraul Itellly and l-nu and Auier
eon end lleaitlu ate lor Ihe I lilnllllj
llrowti nud HeuJereuj and Mr J. W.
Ilowmnu represent tho defendant,
riiet pie tilings IiuvIbj bson ronJ, Mr.
1M M. Morrtscy, ouu of Iliu urlalnal
localure, was im first Witness tailed lo
a nism'timsm..) piiiMN-
Mr. (cirg . ('Willi nwl I'nrlj Ar.
rlre In Mil Lake (.lly.
The dlillngulsbt-J Aiucrloaii, Mr,
fieorgo W. Clill Ir, nnd arly anhed
In Halt Lake nt li.3t) . m. todiy.
They wero met nt Trovo by n apei lal
comiultteu consisting of Messrs.
Keustemuiakorand Daveli r f UiaTy
cgrnijilcal Ut Ion, nnd Orelura and
El-Tards ol the Tuscorara Club. The
Chlldt arty co-tistt of Mr. Uootgo W,
Chlldt ami wife, Mr. Itolwtt II. Mc
Carter and wl'eof Nenarrt N.J., Mrs.
Wm. Mattliewt I,iy, of Washington,
V. C, MlatI'itcron,5IIeHlauley,nnd
Mr. l'erclval Karmr. Tho latter Is a
gentleman tf u patently )trt of
age. Hu It the ton of Caniti Rerrar.
tho celebrated l.agllth tllvlno nnd
author of the I.lfe uf Christ. Voung
Mr. Ferraris ptlvntu secretary to tho
minaglng editor of tho Philadelphia
Mr. MeCarter la a prominent mem
tor of tbe New Jertey bar, and n par
tlcular friend of the Chlldt family.
Mn. Lay It the wife of a Washington
cfllelal of the war dcfartmvnt, Mla
I'ctersou aud Miss Htauley aru both
memhenof the ChllJs householJ.
Hhorllyafler tho arrival of thupMly
al thu Knuttford, Mr. Uave'er of the
Typograhlcal Union Introduced Mr.
Childeto those j resent at the friend
and patron of the printing craft, aud
onbsbalf of the union ealludon Judgu
Goodwin to preaentan address uf wel
Judge (Joodwln made a few appro
prlate and well limed remarks; tpoku
of Mr. Chlldt at au Iniplratloti to
young men, aa an Illustration of Ihe
Iaimeneo possibilities of American
cltUenshlp. and as a man with the
heartand brain to love country aud
draw to hint tho Alfoctlon of all
hiiaienlty. From nn humble plane ho
advanced to a prominent platu lu the
wutld. He succeeded In making a
vast fortune, but tho country wat ill
the bettor for this fortune, because lit
tioucor knew how to uso It for tbe
benefit of himself and or his fellow
man. Tho Judge concluded by ex
lendlns to Mr. Chllda a most cordal
welcome to Utah on liohtlfof uotaljuo
Ihu Tyiagtaphlcil Union, tbut of Iho
eltltens of Halt l.ako In t,unral, and
wltnud the distinguished visitors en
loymont, delight aud loasuru lu tho
J3Mr. Chlldt In retponso aald ho ap
pieclateii thla hearty welcome aud
wat t leased to thank JudgoUoodnlu,
thu Union und peofilo fjf Halt l.ako for
the warm rccettloti given tohlmand
hit Irlende.
Mayor llaskln prtiented tho freedom
of the city, nnd on behalf of Ihe cltlrens
extended a cordial welcome) to Mr.
Chllds, holing he would uojoyhlm
self aud become so enamoured of thlt
beautiful city that In the near future
the visit would bo repeated.
JudgoTowert on behalf of tho i'rert
Chili extended a warm welcome to the
telel rated visitor, and In doing to
paid the wleldenofche Fabera beau
ttfut compliment. He dwelt on tho
fact that wherever tho l'ngllah Ian
guage It apokeu the name of George
W. Chllds Is honored, reei-rcted and
revered. I.ven hero though a diversity
In religion aud politics prevails, yet
hit worth and integrity are recognized
by all alike. The Almighty Intended
that a great city should lie built In thla
valley, and It It fiatlbesorumlng iuoh-
Alttr tho speaking, an Informal re
cetll u took place, nil thoso present
going through tho ceremony of shak
ing hands, expressing their happiness
at Hunting Mr, Chllds, and extending
lo him n welcomu to tialt I-ake,
The arty then adjourned for luueh,
after which carriages wire procured,
and thu Temple, Tabernade, Fort
Djuglas, and other polulsof Interest
lu the city visited.
Die. party will leave, Halt l.ako for
Ogden at l'J.30 a.m. tomorrow, llieaeu
to Ban Frauclsoo, arriving there at
Ills' n m. oil Wednesday, the 18th,
provided no accident of any kind hap
pens And It Is thu wish of every
lierson In Hall Lake City that thu great
1 hllanthropist aud his party will arrtvu
safely at tnslr destination, nnd enjoy
llielr trip over prairie and metintnin,
over farm and vlueynrJ, through forest
and plain, and llually retch their
hornet in tho city of 1 rolherly lovu
In health, safety, and talltlactlon.
The Aggregation of Actual mil Al
leged iraiii.Tciiori Irutgucd
lu Ilia l'ollco l.'oiit.
Justice Kttsler hv! before him today
Faun) Hoy and fling Foy, a couple
of boisterous Chinese women, who en
gaged In a brawl on Commercial street
on bUturJny evening. It nmountel
to nothing but a war of words, which
cost them f 10 each
William Hell, nn alleged sporting, Is nccused of asiiullliiT; a frail
lemale, and will bo tried for the oflento
W. D., arretted for fast
Utlvlng, wasdleeharged,
Itaic WrUht, apounlltta tramp, Is lu
custody for tagging,
v U. C.McDiimld and Lewis Lewlstou
will bo held to answer the chargu of
A ilmt of blcarlmute uf eod t (taking
soda) not onlj will rclloron burn, bat
it I- said v, 111 swtlio A toolluw ho 0.1 of
clot o will surely elo ILU. New ork
He Has i Tom Wiid Steno0rp!icr
Fretj Hcdinin.
The Aeelelnut I'ourl .(rlrr (In Ills
Jlflllr.-llo rxplalm All.
Tliero wm an uuloosoJ for "breeio"
lu Judge Anderson's eourt Jnst alter
leuo'clcck this tnurnlug, when the
case of Alex. Woods vs. tho lltuo Jay
MluiugC3iUf.auy was about to lotnn
on for trial. A-siiUnt court sten
ograhcr 1'its) McUurrinwiiteatoiInt
thu tablo with his book before lilra
ready lo take ifllclal abort
hand note cf tbo proceedings,
when Jujgo llcalllc. of counsel for Ihe
plalntirT, roto and cljecled to Fred
liking thu reort, on Iho ground tuit
there wero certalu Inaccurarlit In lilt
tranecrlptt of thecrlmfunl proceellngi
arlslug out of the IIj'i lit mat'or when
It camo up lu Commissioner Green
man's Court a abort time ago. Uo
thcrrforn asked Ilia". Court Sten
orafher Frank Jlcd Jrtlli lis deputeil
to lake the notes In the i resnnt action.
Mr. Fred McUuttln raid lie wished
to stale, hy way of explanation, that
alllhle had arisen lieiuse Lu gave
truthful evldeiico at tho Investigation
of thu charges against Assistant
Prosecuting Attorney Hlc bent, in
Judge 'A ineM ourt a week ag i.
Jiidgu Hsu lereon sal I hu had always
tindetstoou Ibat both tho Mcdurrlna
were very eMclent rcpurte,and Judgu
Anderson exprnsed himself slmllurb.
Jude Henderson It It tin matter of
mine, but I think what hatloenrald
la an Injustice M Mr. Fred McGurrln,
and the insertion shoul I be Investi
gate J In order lo sco whether It It tmu
or not,
JuJge Andetaon rrn arked that Mr.
Fred McGurrln had betu repottlnf lu
the courta over tlneu ho (the Judge)
tnme here, nnd ho had nover heard
nny cnnitlalnt about him Iwfore. In
fact, he hid alwas undoistood him to
be a first class reixirter, '
Attorney Ilowmtu aid tint If
Judge Ilealllo meant to aug
gist that eouniel on thu oil er side
ha I uven hinted or Intimated anything
rsllectlngon Mr. McUurrln' report,
lie was aaiiimlug something very far
Irom the fact.
Judgo Itesttle There has Leen no
audi suggestion made.
Mr. McGurrln If ho(JudgoIliatlle)
tars I raitd.i any mlslikea hu l a liar,
and any man who wiuld say so It a
dlrtyliar. I can rovo It ton,
Judgo Anderson suggested that Mr.
McOurrlu had better not Indulgo In
quite suth strong laugusno,
Mr. McGurrlu-Wtll, I don't llko
to t o mlsriq resented by Incompetent,
shyster lawyers. Ho then explained
that tho error did not bciur lu hit
Irantcrlit nt all hit In that of hla
brother. His brother hiving boon
called away, hla notes wero transcribed
by auothtr gentleman. It evuithont.
slatant who made the mistake
Judge llcatlc Wu only waut a rr
IKittcr lu whom we have perfect conn
dence, and we havo not got It In this
gontlemau. Wu have had so many
mistakes sud alwave against (he plain
tlirinlhlscaeolhstwu want to atop
It If P'isllile.
JnJgeAnlenon Idont want Mr.
McGiirttn to understand that tho
court boa any kuowleelgeof any mis
take, Intentional orothcrwiie, nut o!
coutseltwuull bu well to tome tons
satisfactory an arraugemont as posilblu
lu this matter.
Mr. McUurrln I am willing that
ray tranacr!t shall bo read to tho
wltneaset witnesses that atuliouest.
Attorney John Anderson, of counsel
lu the ciuc, rose to say something, but
Attorney Arthur llrown, ou thu other
side, trotetted against any lutther
parleying and delay.
Mr. Frank MiUurrlu was fetchol by
bis brother, an I thu latter took hla
place In Judgo Kane's court. i j.
Dcntli of a l'tonecr M;P
At Harrlevllle, Weber CounlMay
loth, 1602, Mary WJsaaut-'fJrlsmon
breathed her last. Hhe waa born In
Pendleton County, Houlh Carolina,
October 1st, lbM. Hhu became a mem
ber of tbo Church at an early da), In
Illinois; moved to Missouri aud was
driven lrom Far West with thu
Htlutt. Hhe lived In tho
Hlate ol Illinois again until
tbe early part of I old, when abo moved
west with the Church, aud wintered
at a point on the Missouri river, 173
miles north of Winter (luarten; slatt
ed wltli theHalula from Winter Quar
tenlnthesprlng of 1847 and arrived
lu this valley lu the fall of the same
year. The deceased raised a family of
ten chtldien,sous aud daughters.
Tho funeral from .1.. M. Weller'a
residence, 8I east, Hevenlh Houth
street. Halt Lake City, on Wednesday,
llwr.Arol.lH, ll-..v, a. Ml It!, rill la
tin I aee foe Itie lluunil Trip.
Tho Union l'acldo will sell tickets to
Mlnnen polls nnd return for onu faro for
thu round trip to thoso desiring to at
tend the National ItepublicnuConven
Hon w hlcli insets lune 7. 1 or dates of
talo and limits of tickets or any add
tlonal Informctlon upply to I). L. llur
ley, General Agent U. 1. Hystem, SOI
Main street.
I tab. Culurndi, nu.l .ejomluir
An Important feature In a Gazetteer
Is to bale oorrrct Information of conn
ty and precinct nfllelals, nnd ae.llio
election of sueh In Utah does not taku
le until .November rext, our (la
zelteer will not be Issued until subse
quent.:) that date.
II. L. Pull; A Co.
Ono of tbe earliest symptoms to at
tract Iho notice of ouu lu falling hualtli
Is a leusAtlon of weariness without ex
ertion, lartlciilarly lu the morning,
when tho listen) utter n night's rest,
should fiel relreshed and vigorous. Wo
guaranu-u these symptoms of dUeate
removed, tbeseetem toned up, and )ou
made to feel like a new person If you
will lake llaller's Barsajirllla and llur.
dcik. Porsaleat Tetnplo Pharmacy,
15(1 W Houlh Tempi Hlreet. it
Tlie History of tho lltnnock Htake,
compiled by Andrew Jenson.nml latos
ly published lu thu l Earn IT WLtttLT,
has now been lasued lu t amphht form,
nnd ran now bo had at tho Dntntf
,1tnv8 oUlco at 5 csuts e.r coty. d-t
r-ir Tirti. i
the el-lrate,l "t'ennaj linllla I l"l"
II, .1. time llemeii h the
The llurllngton has majo another
ncu dcpirturo In fast train service
between Denver an I Chicago, reduc
ing Ihe time lo Iweniy elghl hours.
1 Is in w train, known as the ' Chicago
fia.clal," leavee Denver et 0 a. n and
arrives lu Chic igo ft I'M p. lu. Ihe
next day, mating thu run, alter de
ducting ono hour for change from
moiintalulu central time, In iweuly
nine hours.
Thu lime between Dinver and
Omaha la thlrlccii bounrand lotlj-tlve
iuiiiiiIvs, nnd all trains, whether I.sst
or West ben ml, s re vcillbu'ed through
out and ore mtde up of through sleep
ers, chair rats and diners, fitted up
wllhnll the modern designs aud litest
Improvements of the Pullman Com
psuy. The Iliirllnt,lnn has now Four Fast
Flyers("F. K. .") between Denver
and Chicago, uml thu uueRtloti may
well bu asked! How urn tucli plie
uumeLally ast time to ma lo with no
ncttdent of uuy tharaiter and wllii
the rifely and r-omfortof ltt;nrscu
gers absolutely ssiurcet?
Thoansecr is found In Its excellent
roadl-rd, eujerlor equipment aud mo
llvo power, and In the perfect sjstetn
of Ita cprallng department and In the
uniform courtesy of Its employes.
lie sure your tickets read "lie llur
llngtou route" For futthir pa-tlcu
tare Inquire of II. II. Wai urn,
General Ae.ent,
no W, rjeeond Houth site. t, Bait Lite
Clly, or A N, OuvMt,
City Past, and'licket, SOO
Mnln street. Halt Like Clly.
Try ncun of Vau Ituulen'a Coc-a
freu at Ihui ('. M. I.
Try our Mixed Picket... B. L. Pickle
Oillroof tho Vlavl Cc. Ladles In
poor 'leslth pteasu call ou Wednesday
and Haturdnv ariernouti.. lloom Gt.t
Censtltutlon llulldlug.
Vau Houten'a Cocoa la cheaper than
cotfee. Uue ) ound will go at far as
Hie pounds of COllee.
.llur.l lleiibli.m I iMieenllmi,
ninnentiull., slim, , Jim. 7.
tor thu nccomodation uf tliosd de
siring to visit Minneapolis on the
aboinoecaslou the Union Pacifle will
sell llckela lo Minneapolis and return
atone fate for thu round trip. lor
dates of sale and limits of licxeta t-r
nny additional Information npply to
I). 1'. IltllllM,
Agent Union Pacltlu Hjsteut, 1,01
Main street.
Van Heulen's Coeoa, the famous
cocoa of l.qro;ie, tbe coming ouu of
America. Invst Ihu '.. C. M. I.
sat leal isa.
DeCnlle strsngemeuta havo now
been made for the now f ut train from
Han Francisco to Chicago, which will
tepit on Ma) i!?nd and run via
Houtlitrn Pacillo. lllu Grande West
ern, Colorado Mltilond and A. T. .t. H.
F, roads. Trsln will leaf Han Fran
ctscoatTa. in., IcaioOgdeii tlio next
day at H 1) j m., leave Coloradu
Hprltigs the next day ut 0.25 p. m.,
arrlvlug at IC&nsnt City the next day
at 0:31 p. nt nud Chicago Ihu follow
Ing mornlrg at w" 16 a.m. llils trsln
will mako the run from Ogden to
Chlcagoln exactly GQ hours, and will
be the fastest train un reiord telween
Ogden and Chicago via Kansas City.
livery body Is drlnklogVonllouten's
Cocoa atlbu '.. CM. I. now try It, It
Is delicious, nut don't cost iou any
thing at Iho Z.C. M.I.
Wo hai e money to loan on real es
tatonnd commercial japer, long and
abort time. Vah.iima:i Hnei4,
ltoom 6 Central Hlock.
II you havo cot hud a cup of Van
Hotlteu's Cocoa call at tho grocery do
lerlmcnlof tho Z. C M.I. Lidice In
charge to serve you and )0u tad bavu
all you want.
The Mountain Ico ,1- Cold Storage
Co. elctlreto Inform the (ubllo that
tlies Ice and Ice funds referred to by tho
Hoard of Health ami Hanltary Commit.
teo In their report to tlio city Council
at Its session on Ihu uveulngof May
10th Inst, eronot thosuol thu Mountain
Ico A. Cold Hloragu Co., who only
sell either artificial Ice mado from die
tilled arlctlan water or Ico galheied In.
Parley's aud Cottonwood Canyons. ,
'I he lou consuming publlo may rale,
ly patronize the Mnuntalu Icu &
Cold Htoragu Co , as they du not
handle lea fathered ou low lands, lu
ponds coutomlnateil by feet age from
filth stacked on the bnks or vicinity.
ttttttpn&etnot dettrvy the tUicaic
ffcrntt in lnifura waUr.
Joe iltU (rtoul to health U nof;i
erf uny rvfee.
Vau Houlen's Cocoa la for the Poor,
Hich, Weak and Htrting madu In
tlantl). Call at '.. C. M. I. and try
It It is dellcloiit.
aiOOO Ii, llr,.t unit llalnru, 1U
Ilia Inloti laeltie.
For the National Democtatlo Con
ventlon, to be held nt Chicago, Junes
21st, the Union Pacillo will sell ex
curslon tickets to Chicago and return,
at the rato of fod.ui). Heuiember Hint
tills la the shortest line aud the quick
est time, aud that Pullman Palate
ilec)lrt am run through without
change. Thlt lathe only Dining Car
line. D. i.. Hum i.v.
General Agent Passenger Dcpt.
Utah Book & Stationery Co. I
72 Main St., Gait Lnko Clly. '' I
Toys, Alburns, Porlotllcalo, School Doolto, a-,D. I -
Supplies for OHIcoa and Arohllocto, Puroote. I
Cocloty Slatlonory, Church and I cz
Standard Worlta. Globu I
Lottor Fllos, &a. I .
Wo Invito Inspoctlon of "
"v Vlioree can bo aeon n Chotco Lino of
The claislo scenes of Italy and the
plcturc!iucskndnieiiof Hwltzerlaud
have nlanysacbarni for both old nnd
jcuiig. Adeserlpllouof thrto places
illustrated by maglo lantern views will I
U kIvmi by J. II. Ward In Ihu Boclal
Hall, Wednesday evening, May 1 nth.
Tickets Vi cents, children lu renlt.
Dooi s oren nt 7il p in. sd2t
Till. It l lei II IIIM. IlllOlt
11 lit 1l.rn Nniiitnyliiupiilniriist.ler the, r J J Jlel lnafc,
J. J. McClusky, proprietor of the
Walker llouso dining room, which la
to Lo opened ou tho American and
Kuropean plana Sunday moriilug for
breakiast, desltes to Announce to the
I ubllo tint Mr. . Moils Hkulri an, for
merly itenanl o the Alta Club, and
mote recently Lend milter at tho
Walter under Major l.tb'e manage
ment, will occupy thu same losltlun
under Minuter MrClii-ky. Peter
Cstlalng, formerly chief ut tbu Kniita
ford, will have full charite of Iho culi
nary department.
Il.lj, llooslrea.
Win. Tlinmon'r, Postmaiter of
Idivllle, Ind., wrILs: "Llielilo Hit
ters has done moru for mn tbnu all
other medicines combined for that
feelingnrlslngrrom Kidney nnd L!v
cr troubles." John Leslie, farmer nnd
stookraan, of ssino place, sayst "I
find Lleclrlc Hitters to be the Lest
Kidney au I Llicr medicine, mado me
feel like a now man." J. W. Gerd
ner, hardware merchant, same town,
sayst Klectrlo Hlltcrs Is Just the thing
for a man who Is all rundown and
don't earn whether ho lives or dn s; he
found new strength, good appetlto and
felt Just like ho had a now leaso on
life. Only S)o a Imttle, at A. C.
Bmltli 4 Co'sDriig Hloru. 2a
llounl O. II, Ull. i
Ilsto ttninted their Coal Olllee to ICO
H. Main Htrect. loleilwnu I W.
Ko farmer or stcekman citiafTord to
U.lllicut Ilaller'e HarhWIro Llnl
ment. A nlmals supposed to be jierma
uently Injured ami ueeliaa havu been
made valuable by Its timely use. We
are so u II pleased with lea resulta that
wu heartily recommend It to our cut
tomers. IVr snlnutTemilo Pharmacy,
lilfl W. Btuth Temple street, 2b
llilrllnalon III. ill-.
Wltr poln Last select the (mpular
route, thnjlurllugtoii. Two dally ves
tibule trulut from Denver with dining
aud chair cariaul Pullman tleeperi at
tached, fir Chletigo, Pcotli, Ht. Louis,
Kansav Clly, Ht. Joeerh, Atchison nni
all lolnts east.
Try cur Horso Iladlih. H. L. Pickle
Co. ,
lie. I Isli ttlriseeel Hnraery loiu-iauy
Has liuiaveel Its elllce to lu nur
lerltt In Hugnr Houta Ward. Take
Iho Ita Id Transit Hlreet Cln marked
"Caldir't Park, I'orett Dale, or Ilth
1 ast HtrteL" l'cat Olllce, Hiigar,
Utah. dAt,iloii I'.nii, frnpl,
Aro not slow about taking hold of a
new thing, If the atllclu has morlL
A few months sgu David Hyers, of
that I lace, bought Ills first stock of
Chamterlaln's Cough Itemedy, Ho
has told It all and ordered more'. Ho
e-ijs: "Ithas given the best of tallsfao.
tlon. I have warranted every Lottie,
and have not had ono tome back."
liOrent and J 1. 00. bottles for talo by
', C. M. I. Drug Dept. da
Always frith. Pickles from B.J..
Pickle Co.
la lrltii itiieeeariillr Ireitrit.
"I havu Just reioitji-d Iroma reo
end attack of the grip tills year," eays
Mr. Jas. O. Joins. ubllther of thu
Jxuthr, Mexla, Texus. "In thu latter
case I used Chaniberlalu'a Cough
Itemedy, and I think with cotisldera.
bio tuciert, only tielug lu bed a little
over two days, against ten da)a for
Iho first attack. Ihu second uttack I
am satisfied woull havo been equally
aa bad si the first but for the uso of
this remedy, aa I had to goto bed In
nl'out six hours alter being 'struck'
with It, while In I lie first easo I wat
nblo to attend lo buslmet ubout two
days before getting 'down. '"SO cent
lollies for sale by '.. C. M. I, Drug
I)e L dt
Baling Powdec
Used in lVIUHona of Ilomes -40 Years the Standsval.
A Pnro Cream of Tartar row tier.
Superior to every other known.
Dtlldous Cafcc and Pastry, Light Flaky B5eu$J,
Griddle Calces, Palatable and Wholesome,
No other hating powder docs such work. A 11,1111,.
Have rrmovod llielr Coal Ufllcelo ltl XI
H. MnlliHlnel.Teterhoeolti). .
l'..r Kale etieapl
Two llcgltlereil Clevelaud ilay Riii V
lions, ono Celbut with gold ieilil ;1,
Imported. Aw ly at (Irant llros. ' "1
A Iravellnj'inanwhochanrrdto la ,!
In the stotu. f Ii V. Wood, atJlc! ''
Ke. a Ilocks, Pn ta) s while l ,
wilting to eo Mr. Wood 11 littles kiTi ?
camo lu wllh an cm ly bottlo laUiel Kl
ChaniberUln's Pain Inlm." aol
taldi "Mammiwanls another bolllscf ",
lhal rueitlclue; she says It la thelett
mmllclne for rheumatism alio rt,, "
uietl." 8i)centbt,llleIcrialoby!,i;. i:
M. I. Drug Dept. '-
Try our Whllo Unions. H. L. P,cils "i
Co. I01
Van Iloiiten'a Cocoa free at Z. f, '
M, I. grocery de arlnient. I"
llaby t.irilr.T lb
The Whitney thel-at. Hee and tot , r1'
Ital HoitKNSt ( J. CAitt-qcitT's, li
ia W. first Houth street. '
No nourlshmi nl In tea or coffee lot lu
plenty In eocoa, etpiilally In Van "'
Houlen's cocun, nhlch utllliet In tht ''
highest .slble degrto all Hit Itrih. '
forming elrmcnls while deitlotltii "
the flavor and aroma. to
The best spring ruedlclnu la a uVoor Ul
to of Ht. Patrick's Pills, 1 hey not fc
only hyslo but cleanse the wbelt ses. "
lent and i urlfy the blood, rertalely "
Z. C. M. I. Plug Dept. ' "
Moiiiii A llrtnii, el
Aro exclusive ngeula for tbecelelri'ej
Pescoek Coal and Hlack. llcstlauu. y
kct for steam and heat.
roil 520.00,
You can not n Sprlnj Suit t
Mado to Orclor '
from Provo Cioth at )
Ho. 30 Main Stroo.
A. C. Hmllli.. Co , Drujitlstj.ageltl
if I.obcrta' Ileaperlan Tonic (
Dr. Hurrows, Oculist, Aurlst and Of- ! biectaclea fltle'd. Co-omerclal
Week. . j
ntl.T l.llti. riiltmti-ii ntlloor, i
Tele.ra) hy thorouglily t-jchu Tu
ition J12 00 ier month; three mouths )
5.10.IW. Hvenlug ichool at reducoI '
rates. .73 W. Hecond Houtli Hlreet. I
Mr. Holler, a uoti d Pharmacist ol .3
veurs'ex)eilenee, alio a member of tbe
Xtbraala State Hoar I of Pharmsor,
compniindel that terfect euro for
Coughs and Coldr, Ilaller's HureCura
Couiih Hrrup. Wo warrant every
Utile. Pors-le atTemilePnartnacy,
1M W. BoulhTemple Hlreet. lo
A Sireee I leer SSrdlrliie,
Dr. Uutin'slmproied Liver Dili are
nitirocurofur sltk lieadacbe. billioui
complaints, dyii-spsla, lndlestloo,
costlvenist, torpid liver, etc. These
pills Insuro perfect digestion, correct
ihe liver ami ttomach, ngulite the
bowels, purify and enrich the Mood
nn I maluthc skin tletr. They alw
troduco a good apiietlle, and'lnvlg.
I reto and strcngthe it tho entire system
oy their tonic Action. Hold Al Eft cents,
n box, at Johnson, Pratt - Co Halt
Lake Clty
Ilncklen' Arnleis Nates.
The Huit Halvk In the worlj for
Cuts, Ilrulses, Hiires, Ulcers, Hit
Itheum, l'ever Horet, Tetter, Chappei
Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all rikla
J ru lions, and positively cures Tiles,
or no iy required. It is guaranteed Is
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price i cents per box, It'
isle by A. C.Hlnllli eV Co.
Are lou liuluc l-sir
If so, call at 200 Main street, Sat
Lake City, Do not forget the new Unt
iled train aervico via the Itlo (trends
Western. Through Pullman Palace
Hlieplng Cars lo Chicago, without
change, Toil rlstHleepers, etc.
Neuruliilie lnrr.1 In IS Hlnolss.
Mr. J. H. Hturtevant, editor of tho
lluimncn (Wis.) Jotl, eiys' "Ll
night Chamterlaln's Pain Jlnlm cured
my wife of neuralgia of the faco and
tooth In lllteoii minutes. Wo would
not I e without It." no not bottlet for
lalety Z.C.M. I.l)rugDeL dl
Try our Chow Chow. H. L. Tickle Co.
Tlnaraaieene aee.
Wo authorize our advertised dm:
gilt totell Dr. King's New Discovery,
for Consumi Hon, Coughs and Colds,
upon this condition. If jou aroar
lllcted Willi n Cough, Cold er anyt
Lung, Throat or Chett troublo, and
will use thla remejy as directed, giv
ing Ita fair trial, and .xperlenco no
benefit, you may return the bottle on I
havo your money refunded.
e oul I not mako ofler did we nol
UuowthatDr. King's New Discovery
colli I be relied on. It never illeap
Milnts. Trial bottles floe nt A C
Hrnlth A CoM Drug Htoro. lrg !"
t(ieudJt.oo. a