Newspaper Page Text
I, lIMn " THtnil ANll UIHl-.KI'V. - ' Ifil tS''isor'" -v"j;)yj;.si)AY, .may is, in)g. fAj.t i.aki. city utaii, '.'.....trroitY. " " ' voexxv 1 1 H i&AGElYWATKlir ,,, mln I" K""" 'jV"f ,0 C """r lllrl'c,l" Iltluir. ,unttion swcpr or THl? tr(P, Raln,J -I Tl..m.U, r Acre. ,f Lam! -I l'. I'. rtd VU.lfd (Int. llpiittt,N" inn. rniinie. . r.i... " "" "' ' J-l Mllil. c. LofIS, May II. Tl "1,1' uLjtll ?W ' nl-ivo Alton, III., S nT. Jl "o"'1 ""' K.nss. City l "..J service tt-i-ortu heavy rains In ff,C light and in). that mi. .downpour will reach tlio lower iwuil end """' Mll Wjl " ; Jftil illl cjuto another Han and add o I morl water lo lliolmmons.YOl. 1. thst l n.w rti.lill: down the .mIsUiih-i itl carrying, destruction f 1 JfiwUHon wltl, It. It l Impt t . r,ow T lJ'ct what the ICIUIt w III u tut tu ""U"0" ' l"omy in tlii, 1,, C.osrvUv.. attaint now lin .urrouuJIuK H'-,,1"'1" ", V n'ut mttr. of fettll. farm lauds. HSr 0d hnillln ato nut of tlicir Mm The ni.Ui I. In Amirksa bottom and uu Missouri I clit, every living thing was Men to l'l l J- ,JM "' """ Wsllty oestiy M rpl.i.o gather, d ,l,r. IiiBLlul. county Immense oatcsjowas don. to farming lauds. Il rroli Brorulnea oVir hundreds of "uot.inor Maoris has ordered touts anllwdscntlnth.sufUrirsouAmcrl nolettoai. Tim flood Is liitrcjslugiu tutMslison, Yenlcu iind llrooblyu. Tbewslrrle flawing over 111. Alton, Wc four and Wataib traiksaud add ing to tli. quantity already there. Aimed guards it. prutirtlnu tlio iljkH ltnMi(lIion .nd Vsnlra to xy TcotllnmUloccul toroll.T. llrook. 1,11 it til. iimdn of Hi. fctlitr towui. In Nuthtut St. Louli tlio train i.r Tlci U U Jly ctln led by tlio lilith w. ttr. TIIKaVIIFV IRkVAUB WIUUML Mcw.Uiilui,MT II. Thl morn IukIIio Ujinye eTuio wlJincd out to audi in client llit ill lio(Hof clou. Id It W iUnJoiicd. Tlio untcrla MrlnsoTrtnoiliutlloui lc wltbln nfcwnillrt of Kroner. About cljlit tnllu of lb. Mlululrrl Valley nillrood IrackliiTt been covered nnd tratllo orvr lb rubnicrged iorllou nuau L'OtJCd. Tb. locillon of tlio Lrcik Is nlut tweoly.Hr mllea tliOT. tlila illy. 1 bo exact court, tb. ovitllow water will UkecftDDotb. detwiulned until It bii rcacoll llilrl. It h now koIur back iDtotb.awiQiplntb. rear ol tli ilau. Uilou; Ibeor. It will likely 11 u J lla v v4, jalo rontcbHrlraln. News from Vlckibtir aaya: A iteidy aoutlierly wludnt twenty niltt. auhbur baa been blowiugall day, nnd buorniluned mucb uaility for the larrtf, vrblcb abow iliflia of eottinlpg Itunaoylocilltlcf. A iclal from l'arli, Tri.,ua tlmt Immeot. Doodnlii llm Hod titer urn Coins J'rat daiuaur, unj lumbermec ueiulItrluK C"atl). lilt brs MOIM-.) ami jilssisain I A01N 1UM.NU. KcokCK.Ma, My 17,-lloth tbo Dei Molu.a and MhiUaltpl rlret at. :iln riling, and vatur from tbo ilei uilnra la outlng through tbo break In th. ling. loco. Thorn uro fiara that lb. I.gyitlan lte., protccllnR Alcricilila, Mo nnd 1IW acna J. olalD(tb. lib. will git. way If tli 1a contlnuct, u 11 u tirloualy Teakenedly deepcuta. Tun Mlailia Ipilburlien one-trnlli and Ik. ! Mclma alx Indira during tin, day. 'itraetaoro alx wetka bohluj In tlitlr wotk. TUP 1IFII 1UVKU 11AIUK1). I'lina, Tix., May 17. Tho recent Mm hae. talaed lied river, and the Ur la aprrad out ocr tb. bottom lanJi for a dlittncv of ono to tiara t milee, tuloliiit empa on tliouaanda of 'fuel rich larmliiR limit. A tit. la I'Ktledlrotn abovi,nnd lliu tlvrr It 'Jiecled to paai tbu IiIrIi Hood matk of !' ,'" .m,u I'1"" "' 'I'cr L tbanchiK, which imana utler uollillatlon to lliourauJt of actea ot troBa. Miichaloiklaloal, and biiuian lltltludanfir. iloto than JIOU.uiM Jrilt L " '" lu'' al,L,,d '" "10 A I), r. OnAIlll NVASIIkll OUT. fSctlNcir. llLiirrs, Way 17, Tho Uloal'.cflOKtaiulii tbla diy tea. "bo. out and travol ov.r tb. lino tonibtt. la autiwnded. Tho throuith mini on tb. t'lilcKo. Mllwuuke. .."l,nJ !ulMi:' ""O11 l'lnd A 'Jinottldr.irolylni U ib. jarO. d can Bot no farther; UtJIAUR AT 8I0UA CITV. PljilXL'm, May 17. Hi. city wai SolW-i',11'?"1""0' llmuaauJi of an ily "' ''ey ralna of la.t ulxl.t la JS' "'? Hr In IUI. vicinity ttf1 A' ", H.l),nn, Uln.' , ""' "nd lire t daniago It '.ooJJ,,'rw.ltl.!,,,'1,1,Ucf,,'Ul',' "IKllUni AT OMAHA HIIIMi lUl'llll.Y. t?ni'.h ,,N,5'.- Mr II TlLMaleru JliH. ottrti,. Mlaamil waj woabol T."n, "., l , ln'cluro will jo Tha M... I Vr,c''", ' uindnl lower ll''' '.Mu "I'WIy. The atir' ".'."""o'thB rlvc'r ato unj.r ami V..m' "" "'conilim alarmed !lnuBJ!;llI",u "" "IB hlShtr '"" oTn,1r.. Wc.'!,'0,0,' "y "I Tho Woman', aoniai . u,,,,Ur' Csnf.nnc. la lu loa raSau. ,,Jn h"u Al "' '""" lead '"' uuml" "' lI W" Tbo repoit of Hi. nrrcUry, Jlra. Jlccl, for th. lut, abowa Hit, amount of work Miomplithul, anj tin. financial aiat. of Hi. a.cltty proTtJ to bo tiryniKl rti .clatloni. Iter. Ida C. H.iltln (Moullou, III ) waa clicltd i rttldrntj Mrt. Ctlla II. Woolcj, Thi-prnldiiiil; Mtt. Mnriani II. IlattlLt, atrtetary an I trtntutrr. an I Mtt. II. C. llenl, accrotaty cf tbo roatoillc. ML, Ion Huclcty. A Ift.Rlhy ptMiublo and rrtolullotia rcr,.rrdlhir tho Wtill'a Kalr wet. nuiipled, wlilrliihrlan, In attl "Wo re gnr.l It aa th. wiali nn I conviction f Him Women'. Wntern UiillttlatiCou. fame that Hi. I'alr, Inlia cdticitlinal nud atla oxlilbll., ahould t. ointd on Hiillda), and hetoby tltlon to tbo Ultcrtt,ry of Hit, Kaicltlon, prijinR them to ciiflder, not Hi. dmomlna. Hoi joplnloiiaand 1 lit fa of nn ono acitoranyokooftho j-teat rilulon, but In Hi. Ilthl of tlmtitoitto,alo fnllh which la lltnlled only by th. net-da of tbo tnllt. raco and tbo Ut. velopniciitofuiirr'ntlr. humanity." rti. roiiT.ntlon adjourned to inert next year. 1 ho annual convention of th. dlll.r .ntUultntlati rotlallea will laittlirr. dayalungtr. tAIIIIIIIMl tllnillllltK. ItalK.te. In tho Mnl. (ontrnllnn nlhiKlioll. r.,r Irirlauil. I'iimso, Oal , May 17. Tho Driuo cratlo Htal. contention met l.ern lit noun to ebon,,, ileleutta to tho National convention, and Han illtldo Into dlatrlcl. to tiomlnal. Cougtera. in. ti. Itla.xDcctcd that Hi. courcn. Hon w III Inat thtr. dayr. Th. luilt.ta of aiHtlal Inter it to com. up at. whether tho delicate! alull bo lu. ttructed for CJovitaud mid whether the j latform ahall oudorau tb. Has 1 rancliroTrnfllo AMoclatlon nnd dc clato lu favor of. a cotiipotlnx nvrrland ralltood. Tin, 11 III ruin lu Hi. con vttiiloiioi.joaolioth. II. J. (ftirora and It. I). Murphy wutuilicedlii nomlnatloii for chair man. 1!. 1. litaftr, who flared Oittom In iiomlnMlou, aall thit Uatroni ii'oognlze.1 tlio fact that nil letur In tho tomlni; cnifaUn maist b. tutwrdliiited to tho luuo or tatlll' reform, and that Orator Cloveland la HiecanlMalcof the people, nnl II. u ono under whom all Utmocrul, muat light. At tho nunllon of CIt.veland'4 name thrro waa treat intbualaim. Tho ajaktr alio tcild that no tntaiuro for trgulatluic and reformlu j Hi. ratlroada tiMd baen 111 California with which Utttora Iml not Uen llilltlned. Jacbaoii Hatch, In nominating Mur h, declared that latirr reform and tho rigulMlon of ralltoada mut to Itriat Itauc. In Iho tauipaln. nlod tbo tuiLttlona that Hi. county dc lexatlou lu which Murphy beljiiR, d would tend no ono to tin. Chicago con vention who h not In favor of Clete laud. Tho toll-call mulled In the election of Murphy aa chairman by a vote of Sl'l to iiX UK" lakln: th.clialr Mutfby mad. a tlvu-mluut. alH-ech, In which tho nam. of Cleveland waa not men lloued. After th. apialiitment of commit ti ca th. convention adjourned uulll to inortow. Ilari Inplnre,!. Han Amiu.nw, Tea., May 17. (Ma. tlnotJatza hat In in looitrd at Kuy Weat. United filatea Mar.hal Krliko of tho wcitotn eJl.trlLt of Texaa, today tecclved auolllclal telrKtam ImpiltltiK If a wattaut waa latued en whlih the liiBltUo could b. atlitliil and J.elJ. The liiatalial al ones telcuraj lied tho Key Weat ifllceta to hold Untu. Ilalntint. Ileurri(tk, May 17. Tho Democratic Ktatv Colivenllou met tbla utternoon. I. 1 , Handy waa t.mjwtaty ihaltruan. Tho mention of Cleveland', nam. n a. Itll.trd with applaue. Th. followim wet. t-lecteit ilelecale to Chlcaeo; ( y. Ilayard, II. It. Hon., Uovernor Itrynolda, lUcliard It. Kenny, John Cauaty and William I,. I'lrinaii, Tho naolutlom donouoce Hi. Mc Klnley till, oppci. the frit, coluatto of alher, an J rttot.cly ondotio Cleve land. 'In. delegation la uulnatruited, I ul all favor Cleveland for 1'rcaldcnt. Ijiiebrta rerleil Huu.NullH 1), Mo., M.y 17 Oeo. I,. Taylor and 1). V, JllcUonkiy, prominent lawicraat rortytbe, Taucy louiily, at. tn Jail hero on Hi. chargo of klllluir Deputy HhelltT Wllllama nnd patlklf atton In Iho lynohtni of J. . lltUlil, Hie wlfMiiutdi'tir, on .Hatch Utli liBt. Uilur attcrta and highly aoniatlonul dltclotuie. are ti I eilud. . mii. Allliralor. AllliouKh tho nlllimtor li tnilv n monstir, It can liytiutlo trcnlnunt 1 innJo trino, In ono of tho Soul li Aincricnn ull.itrcs n tnmi cntiRlit n jiuiiii! uUlfniloi, nml In timo it 1h innio no tamo tlmt iMwnil.l follow liim nruuml llkii n ilo, mnl urcn KniniblotiiiEtnlrauftcrlilm. Itv w n cry nffcctlonalo ttvnliiro. lu Bit nt fnvorilo v, nn u cut of tho house, nml tlio cut twmM to tiko it in rt turn If it ttm' tlio cut nsl.'ip it Mnul.l lio down U-nhlii it nml iimco ita lie.111 uin tho ut nnl go to t-lccji toll. rat 'nml nlllpitor v.cro marly nlunja toRilbcr, nn.l when m or una was absent thu otlicrK'.iiiiil rattlcsd. Ilut Hint nlllRiitor iiImj liml itmlbv IlkcH. It fcocmcil onini Lilly to halo n Hiuiill ilti; of tho liouto, anil otiiy tlnio it i;ut n i bunco tv oulil lx nt tlio ilou;itiniiirdrui.y with ita tall, nocr tliinkint- t.r nttneking It v.lth It J iiioutli I'ur a lontc timo tlio i-'t nlli giitor tvrtH l.ipt ullio by tx.iug fed on raw mint nnd mill: Ono day, lion out, tlio cat died, niulnot Iuiir lifter till tho ulllKiitor ditd too 'lliu THXii.loof tho hotiso felt Eiuo that it ilinl from n l.voliun licnrt lKHnnso tlio iiit was Bono. lntcniuw iu Now Yoik lribuno. A C IU'" I ' II.. ll"uf Womlcrfiil tlilnga linppcn hi Kaniaa, During tho mi nt i)ilo It laaiildtlint at llaien lln, r n low a llftid fiom the ground nud curried to thu top of n house nnd dciH,itcl on an aulc of the rmf ao tint alio lould not fill, and It wna net oHwiry to kill her to t;it her from bir inultlii'k ' THE flltEAT STKIKE. A lliikilrnl Tliomaiid Men Ixptctul to lie Idle In a lilt lluji. THE DUILOINQ BUBINCSB COM PLCTCLV Pn03THTCD, I lie Attach, uii'tlin Momimutt Ifnlnlrj to tie Lxlrndid to All 1'Jrls of the Icunlrj. 17 Tclrr,ritli lo tba Navrt.i a mm, i.Aiittit riuiiT, imiiaioe l',,,,iirlli.uot the llranlle t Irihorer' Mtlke, Niav Yumc, Mnyl7. Tbo alrlko of tho n en contacted with tbo gtault. luduttty at,nlnat Hi. IStiw l.ujtlatid Cuiittat.toia' luaoclation ll ra.l.lly ua eutnlog UtiE. I toKittlona. It WAa ca. tlinated that 40,000 m.ii wero out at tbo hour for Uiiliiulnic'.oday'n wotk. The butlllng liuiliiiea la comtktcly pioattatcd, oveftadczeiiLamti lelnat anchor lu the Harlem river and New You lay laden with 003 colled atone, rbo loiubatotio and tuouumuiit Inlua tty waa today. Whttevir nonunion aton. la tiael tbo mitiite otditcd to r.lutu lo hanllo It. Tbla nttnik on tho monument luduatry trill lo extuii.led to all 1 atta of the, oountty. It it Wllevid tbla btanch alouo will lake out dOlO wen. I'oniinlttu, a aru cut toJay tu inveatl. gate all (olniioll.t; on with Inattiictlot a to call out th. men wherever non-ulou atouola utrd. It lixeited tlmt with In a few da a fully iou.ooO men w III bo ou atrlke, .nn btrikk ai iieaiuiki. Th.Ktiatattlkoliith.atoiioinduatry continued to apead today. ISelther etnployea or italiera ahowtd auy alalia of giving up Hi. Unlit. Although It la only begun, it la aatd Hut. at. now fully 75,ojo man Idlo throughout tbo country In couaei.ueucu of the general lockmut. Tn. iiuitilei: of men Idle tu thlaclty ilid lltooklyu It raid to bealnlit 10,000. Illlettimaled that aonut L5.000 meu atoH.J wotk toda) lu varloua pattacf tliocouutr. iiiYiinrsv. Ilir Nl A,,te,rl.lla 1111 1 lu ll NrilNI.. Wabmimitov, May 17, Hcuatjr Chandler lutruluceiTa bill to auihotU. the rt-algkktlou of letlntll atiamthlpa aa Muila ot tho Ullltnl HUtea, It. fi trul to tin, cominlttiooiicoiiiiuifcu. The pteamll. tultea that Auatlti Cur llnof It.w York nud hla atnoclatca propose to organize a company, to be known aa Hi. American Bttamablp coini any, with n cupltal of at Itaat $10,01X1,000, far Ihn putf.oee of J utchat ingand couittuitlug flralclaia paiam cer atuaniera tu run betwien Now Yotk and a tort or Krta of IltlUlu, aud itnvldia that all the vcatela owned by audi cotnpan, of not liaa than 7H0.I toua capadiy of apied not liaa than 10 kuota p.r liour, ocqultrd by purcbaao or othetwla. allirthe aaaago ol the) act ihall t. entitled to t--t Ivo Am, Mean tiliU rt Inaccordanco with tlio coudltlona of Hi. act of May in, lb'JJ. prorllod that trio ioniny tlialUhow tu tb. aatls faction of th. ritctelaty of Hi. Treaiuty that It haa built or con traded lo have built, lu an Aui.tlcau ablp J aril, of a vtieel cf uual or giratcr tomiag. with tuch fottlgn built ahli; alto rorldml HiAt no remitter ahull lo IteuKl to u fotelgu built ahln uutll Hit ioiii nny ihallhavoaculteil, nud apilleilfor Hi. rrglatry of at leatt twutucli fotilgnlullt thl, viltlitbo a .allied tapaclty aud apeed, lb. naval approptlttlon bill then takm up, tho pcudlu tiueillon being the provMon for an luctocted tnv). Heiutor Mol'lietaon, who Trlday lait ottered nn nmindmant to iltlko out tbu lloueo ptovlaiou for an armored crulaer au.lHiu ritual, (rovlalou forabattl.. ihlp, and rovld. for Hire., luatrad of une, Latbor defiuao dcublo.tutretahliw, monitor lyi, modttlcd bla ameiul. limit, leaving th. number of monitors at one. Kenator Hlgglua (Del.) favored nn ltiriat.ot thu navy, .ten If It in volved an Inctraao of Iho national dtbt, Brnator YllasaaU that tbo amount of annual an ro riatloua now luipoied on tho louulty might not luiproetly bndcat.rll.1 aa ajallllir;, aud Ilo did not think Hut thu H.tiain ahould go futlher toward iucrraalni; thn navy iii.darinaentcltcuimtancea than th. Houto bill provided. b.imtor Yiat anld ho would vot. agaliiatth. propoa.J lucioaa. In otery ll,(. aui form. Beiiatair Alllaon (la,), chalrnian of tho 1 1 roptlatlon. committee, aaked It. Deuioctatlu tinatota tu Indicate what alatutia they would like, to rei t al In older to riduce the approprlatlona tiowiueirtr ., Hinator'roplled that ho would repeal lb. augnr bounty law and lb. Ktal tutnlily I III, Huiiator Alllaon calculated tho amount tbla would m, at aU.ul 1,0011,01)0, nud ald that Hi. lountry waa aaktHl to elect a Deiiiocratht lVrai. dent and Heuateln older that Iboaugar boutity and tbo imaUl aubeldy law. might bu ropialed, HcuatorVest rej Hod Hut that would Juttb. aalattir. Honulor Alllt.u refotted lo tho ton, dltloii of tho lubllo ttuaaury, nud, among othir Hung, auld lu lb. Henutota who iviru dlattctaed about th.alukllik'fundatllila limes "It has 51 1, OW, MM u Hi criillt, aud the ihaticiaat. that lefotetb.eud of Hi. uacnlyear itery dollar llmt ought to boa) piled to It lor Hi.) ear, or wlihln nfew tiillllonaatleaat, willboapplhd tn It. When the llical )cnt inds wo will hatr, lutltud of bukruptcy, twenty-lite, mlllloin autplua, aud ptoUbly M.OOU.OOO, That la tho latiat estimate, and 1 have no iloutt that w. will, t will vrt Urn my att'iiiientou thulvnuly-llvoliiltllona aud any that oviryrciulitment oflhettiaaury will havu I., in Mtlslli d, and that there, n III bu tweiityllvo mllllona tut hiaon July lit next." Heuator .Mill" (Tex.) aal that tbo rerurtof the hecrelaty of tho Ttoxaury did not coincide with cJetiutor Allison', statement aa to tho autplua. Heuator Hawl.y (Cuuu.) tilj that HHaHaMaMMaBatJ bou. of our warships louhl go out to set to fight. Klntlly a rolo was taken on th. motion o tat In Honatot .Mcl'licmiu'f amcudljleiit. liejected yeal 18, na)a W. aa follows: Yiaa-Kunatnra Berry, tllodgttl, Catllale, .Cocktell, Cok, I'aulkner, Hill, Kyle.Mcl'bciton, Mill., I'alimr, rasio, 1'eir.r, l'etllgrew, I'ugh.lut pie, Vilas nnd Vootbettr Is. .Najt-Heinlora Allen. Allison, Jtut ler, Caaey, Chandler, Kavl, Ilrnnl., Dubih, I'.lton, lryr, Hale, liana brough, llnwlxy, lllgglns, Hlaoock Mnri.lttn.ii, Mllibell, Metguti, l'ad, dock, l'ctkltii, I'roitnr, tua), ltou rout, Httidira, Hhouj,Hlnlold, Teller and Wilton Id. rleimtor Morgan (Ala 1 olletej an aDivndmitit provldlnir that II hnrlmr thls 1. built on Hi. Pacific Coas.t, an allot ance of ft er cent ma) bo mado on its cost to the contractor In addition to Hi. contract I rice, to cover Hi. ccitnf transportation of material. Agtced tu wllholltdlvl'loll. rheiiucttlou lectured on tbo amend hit nt letNittid by tbu Ciimmllleo on cptropilstlou. Henator Cockrell (Mo 1 spjke In op. position on tho ground that thero was no absolute neceeilty for Iho law ves sels contemi luted, and that tho cnu dltloiioltha Inanity dll uot Juttlty suchnn exndltuti Without coming to a tote on the lucstluu the Hinst. adjt utntd. nil iji nrivntii is Tin: Hum:. I u tin. IIoiT (Jibe romniltleo on Ju diciary reiorte'd favorably and th. Holla, ndottcd the riaolutluti by Mulchler, of I'enu., calling nn the altorney.getirtal for Information wlihh woull authorize proceedlnga against Hi,, Heading coil combine. Iho lot lowing I 111, nmoug others, waa reported and luced on tho calrnJai: l'or th. .live) of nshlpcinallo connect I. tin l.tlo nnd the Ohio Hirer. lhe regular order waa taken up. dtspltu th. t llott of Holmau to t recti J with tho sundry i Ivll bill, tho ,urtlou liclngoii WalVct'a expunging resjlu Hou. It waa referred to thoclumltte. on rules and the Home wont Into ciuitnllleeof Ihouhtleon the sundry civil bill. Tickler, of H. I)., moved to lncrctuo llio a prof ilatlon to mctt Hi. expentts of ptotectliu; timber on thn public lauds from (lilil.vuO lo JHo.omi. I.t. During thn dlicutalonof this n otlon Oil,, t,f Kanaaa, Uowerr, of Callfsinla, aud Huodgrate, of Teuncesee, eogag.J 111 o tiolay cutitruvetty aa tn whither tlmliwwaa elllrlectly cxc.uttd. Hew tnau.lHnodrraaiba.l a tlin.ience aa toaoin. rematkthat was main by Iho (otni.r, or which tiiiodgrana uuderstood bl'u tn make, aud, although Iho lie waa not paiaed, the "I did t ot," and "You did" style of argument was In dulged lu to the amusement ol the members. finding action on lhe bill the com rclllcarotunnd tb. Til. llc-Mlnr Matte, llobk..)-. IlkmilMJ, Cal , May 17. Die atlgo robbery of rtaturday night la allll tho toi la of oonvvreatlun hem. Home eight men and bojs were engaged In tho capture of the wounded robber, who ,aa brought In yesterday, ao.l tvhoc uame la given aa George rihaw. Hla kuu, an old muzzle loader, baa Uen lound, nnd a man named iintktll wut carrying It. VMuntl.e'atlyye'ogolog down hill It.y aaw tb. robt er walking klturely along the ditch on the a 1. oi tbo iau) on. They sbouled to lilm and h. 1 1 gau to tun, i-oliig around tho lud, und aa he wuatrosalng thu trou Hum. lloskill told hliu to throw up hla haude. Ho turnod around nud Ihtow his hnnds up, wheu a niau named Hell seized him. tYhllo leading lil'tt lo Shasta he was bitter agalnat hla torn ptnlona. HosalJ, "The) Imvn robbed lueand left inotodle" Horiferred to hla conipniiloue, and his romarka loud tolur to thn story that there were Hire, i robbers. Tho wounded robWr waa out all night In Hi. rain. His Identity haa been estaUlthi-d and trio oftltefathluk they have a correct di. crl tlon cf one of hlsiompnulons, who wotked with him ou Iron mountain aud waa known as "Arlziua l'ele." It waa thought tb. ia lured robber would got well, but a il.anan took place for Hie worse. Detective matcher and other otlliira are here worklug on clews. Ho notrstatra that not over fUOu) waa taken from Hit, box, and It was principally In gold dust. Inuaoum,!,!. Hilton. Tho prognM of . I, tic l not without Haddut.rfatitvrcllnl lla Ulictlts tuman klod lbuimplojiniiit tf a irtpnratlon of soll.lille.1 t:un cotton n a suUtllilt. fur Ivory, and, w bcu col in d, for lorlolMi ahrll, bom, etc , bus long U n known tube nt l.mtcl with u ct si tin amount cf rUk Cmtcr aotii. condlt na lb. lfl,lnKj m 1 la ciciicxplo-iH, nikl may t Itgal.lid Ken erolly na Inllnmmnb' Mr C V Iloja, of tbo ItoriitCollit,. of h.l lice, lis pub IMmlillrtltr, reriHintli.-ilalligulnr ncil iluit nhkh .-xurri.t ti u ladynho uu Handing nmr n lire H i found bctMlf ailddctily rincluii.'d lu sinoke, nml n ken HriiMii nbu ctu.l.i.l ll.a Ij njl.,1 portion of l.t r (In Im.l Ida bund Iwlly Imruod lb. Ilreorlghiiitil iiltironlarhufAluy button l.n.1 Ktd, w blch bad ilUfli h anil Th. following iet nt tl li.llaiutntblllty of ono of Ibo buttons tbo ding.ruf Ibli st)lo of fcrTaim .l,i borilt liinteh ifti.l a Uco i f a ll uiru on ii lee. of Iron l. ul, 1 1 1 it g.u Maine In llro iiilimtK tho butt ii knlte,), und In tuelteliiliiutia uu tb.r lc iloiibla 11 .1 dl.tiiure from Iho 11 line nblle lliu match rimihir-l iitilgultnl for mi re than n o,iiAr tirof iu. hour. Anotber button, uttaibed toudiiauronlphiuilururullio flr. lu n ImmIHoii u but) . ilnaa WUU occupy, took llro and Ignited tbo dun, r In n few ml., lltet, Mr lloya inlsls out Iho obi loin niorul, mnl cuitioim Hr,..lia not lo ue art Ii lea mado lu Irultato In rti, hory or ti r li lu shell, wltliout aloilug ,loo tloria t ot to etpoao tbnu lo beat, i-juJui Cltluin, Th.only surtlvlugtnietnlof Iilglut rinlc who.Kirtiil in thu Coufeilcrato army Is V.'i. T. Uuiuieg inl. It U llke 1), ho ctm, that iii.iro brlgudiirs tar viio of th) Coiiftiikriit. ntiny than uro left from tho I'nlou army. U. W. Hon astjilo net t r uninc. nny lly In hl m.'.ilr nn, i-iiTft Hi. Pilticui riVnlun. litis itrliuo Mr Hon. Iiliiiaiir iawoil IIiiiiiiJi n alorm i f nuns lilr nbmo nn.l knows how it It, If W'ulca should lotno to Ainctici tut n till Uu ii Mr HovowouH oul) biralo somebM) In China, whu could uot rwtl 1-iiiilUlk A COXSl'lKACy. V, ('. Harrison, of I anirncc, SI fell. Stnlcnctd lo Ifii .tars' lin prtioniuciit. THG TCSTIMONY Or HIB O.UOH, TtH DID IT. Tlio Hlrl ,oir Coiifratrt that It was loutplrnry. Slarlllng llctctop meiilt I xprctcil. Uy Teltttllh tolb.Mwtl IttlltlM 111 r l I'ltltON. A toii.f.lrnrr Ur tllilrl, ll.,, tlot Tf I, lr. Iii I'rU.u IlucATVit, Mich., May 17. Facts liav.Jiislioniolu light In this counly by wiitcli a ceuvtct now doing time nny toon tegaln Ids liberty. Sum. months ago V. C. llattltou, living at l.nwrcnii, n llltlo villago nrar here, wtisarrraiidforuaault u(n hla own dsiighter, aud on th. tettimou).of tilt daughter I.ucy, aged III, was convicted and sentenced to len years' Imprison men I. firart, doubt, of hla guilt wi r. enter tained by niauy, and a quiet move ment ha.slucu ttciiou foot to thor oughly Inteitlgato tho matter. Tlio girl, on being removed from th. Influ em., which suttounded hrrdutlug tho trial, now coufeasca that her testimony was false. Hho declares that thn whole .Halt waau cotia) Iracy, In which the slslorsof her father wcru jrlmo luov irs, and that tbu as luduicd to give her tintiiuony at the trial It means of lcteuuslons cud tlirealt, Juttwhatlli. oljoit of Hit- couttilt acy was has not been brought out, nut atuttlttig dnvelojmenta are pioinhed. An application w,II bu mauu to the larJon beard for Harrlaon'a icleito Irotn i rleou. THU II1JI1MI t IMl'llU.. Ital n.iu llred tr I'r.nilucut lie. .i "in ANN Aiibon, Mlon, May 17. ritat guns of tbo campaign of 1S9-' wn. Hied 1. 1 ro todo) by.Uoveruor McKlu ley, Uetutal Alger, J, Hloat 1 astett and othir piotnlneut It. publican l ad ds. Tbu occasion wai thuorraulzttlun of tbo Natlonil t'olligu ltriubllcall Clubs, forwhlch delegaliaweru pttaeut ftoin thllly colli. ealrolil.MaltioloCall fottita. lhe collegia roirssented alu Aruhirit College, Hates, Me,, llcrtou Uulverslly, luwdoln, Ilrowu Unl vcttlly, Clkatn Unlvetally, Hatulltou, -S. Y., Dlcuctison Coilrge, Catlltlc, I'u, Indiana Btitu Uulvetsliy, l.afa- tilto Colli.'r, I. eland Hlanfotd, Jr., Illvtrtll), Ubilllll Collage, otlh. wtstirn Utitvetilly, Ohio Htsto Unl vitally, Ohlj Wealeyan Unlvelslty, I'cliurylvanlaHtalo College, I'tlnctt, ll Col'ege, rurdu. Untveralty, Indiana Hlato Dnlvitslly, Hyracus. (N. Y.) University, Trinity Coilrge, (Conn,), Uultersll) of Nebraska, University f Yeriuout, Hktvuld College aud Ion Michigan colkgea. Tbu convention wos called to ordtr atout noon ly rreiid.nt Hurke of the Untvtislty ut !l.sli'iu. I'resldentKlrg welcomed the dele, gales. The mention tf Illalne's namo lu the uddrtss of welcome was ihu signal forkiiovallou. Tbla altercuon the coiivinllon pir fectid an organlzatlou by adol ting n coostltulion aud electing the follow log .liters', James 1". Iluiki, Utilvertlly of Michigan; Ileal vke- resident, J. II. triaiom of Inland Htjoford, Jr., Uulvertltyi secretary, Jat. M, I'erklbs, llarvstd College; treasurer, M. C. Atpln, I'rlniutou. On. of the principal object, of tbo organization of these coilrge Hepubll, can olulis, ssstalod III the platfotm, Is to coutilcrait tho genital Impression Hist college meu it. fteo Iraotraanil tofoaterth. deT.lopimnt of nhoilth) study of political ecouoniy from apraa Heal, rather than a theoretical stand ard; to encourage young men lo take a inure toui nn part In politics, unJ, by encouraging putn methods, to laco politics on a htguer i lut e, A grand banquet was held this ov.ulug,at which there wireover 1000 guests. Oeurrsl Alger rttiioudod to the s.utlniotit, "lhe lliubllcan 1'arty on Guard," When (Jovctnor McKlnloy atoso, he wasgteeted with a round or ui plain, which last. 1 five minutes, lio optn ol hlsseicli with lommendiitloii of tbo work of tbuyouu? tn.u who had nuJettikeu thu otgaulzation, uud out lined Hit, history and policy of tho Ilo. lubllcau party. The Democratic patty, ho di clstul, Is a mighty fort. In i.tkitlou. Ills weak and varcllatlog, aa lotsarJIy and ulnilng, aud rn wanting, lulli In cai.auly and in courage, tu carry iotu radical kpla latlou what tbey have pro'eared belorn tbo )oplc, and upon which Ihey al li'H-l that they hat won tbu victory InlSO'J. Ilo declared that irotntloii to Ami rlian Indiiatrles and American labor agalust all the world Is tsamtlal and iiciissaty In tb. rodo of Ittpubll can ptlnelplrs ns It ever was In that of tho old Whig parly. Iho u position tollies, cionelituto tho armour and aisutial ol Hi. Democratic tart). J, Hloat Kaaiittnf N. York, who rrspondid to Hi. toast, "Tho Duty of Cltlzetishlp," was tin, next rpeubir. Hon. John M. I-angslon, tbocolortd orator of Virginia, followrd, respond ing to "It.) ubllctnlsm In the Hjolli." Hon. John M. 'lhiitston of Nebraska siioko ou "Th. Young Mau lu Toll lies." Ihn other s rakers and Hi. toasteto which they rirpjuded, weto aa follows! lion. A. J. Haw) .r( Mich ), Out Abiml diieata." Hon. William 11. M-beii (111.), " Theory an 1 1'riif. He in Atnirlcau Tolltlo;" Hou. A, T.IIuiii.lit.y(N. Y.), "Tho Valu.of Organlrallon," Hou. A. J, l.talir (III,), "American llepubllciii College I,tagtie," and llcn.ral Cutchtoii (Mich.), "Why You hhoull Lu lis. publlcaus," mniKii. nm nt I m. A llkl'lllelnteu tie, llii.liiml Ami. I l,t, 11.. I II, II. AlbAhTA, (la, Ms) 17. l.viry prominent Hrmoiratla lailltiiiunlii thu H ato Is lu Ibc city ioni,ht, and a btrarh between th. two dltlslotiaol the putty la tbo Htato la growing whltr mid wider. A fow farstl.K polltlcluusou tho ground are couuail log mudernllon and comiruiuUe, but Hielr warulnga arn unheeded In thu mad ruah that la being mad. by tbo Cf.rclaud and antl Cloveland men to control tbn convention. Tho result of Hie ptlmstlts held yesterday and to day was such aa to giro uncourag.. merit to the Cleveland men, but the activity of their o, ponents has mora than couiitetlalenetd the result, and th. Clev.lani' faction tonight Is fear ful that It might to cutgeocraled ly llteustulopjiuetalsou the other sldo. Indeed, If oulwatd manifestations ate to be relied uou, the Cleveland men wote centre II.J today to clintigu their Irugtamme nud ricede from their domandfor uu Initrucled Clovelanl delegation. Tliey claim that they will tlect such an em liitlc Cleveland delegation tbat It will need no Instruc tlout. The ilral meeting tonight was largely uttendej, nnd, as alout on. and sixty delegatis attlcl inteii in lliu prmeedliits ol each, It could not ham ten seen that illher had Hi. adratitage from a numerical tandlat. Utiltid Hlatea Henator Coliuutwna the rlncl, at speaker at tho antl-C let, land meatlng, whllo Hon. II. 1'. ltlcbatds, I'dltor of th. Atlanta JouTmil, addretseil tho ('lev.. lsn.1. Th. Cleveland tneetlngtolicted ex.Heuator Tolk llorrowr ns their can dldate for H.e chairman of thu conven Hon, and decldoi uuanlmouily aa to the candidate, for delegates. The aull.Clotcland mi, ting (elected Hon. J. M. Itoblnson ai Hielr candidate for Uehgati. tll. tMllMJ flANt. , I lleivreii.llJ.uilrin.iiteiy I'ropeilr lKktlill,,l( liOMWN. May 17. Tin to npptata In lu aneidemloof ass.ulls ou women traveling alone In railway cimpatt, mints. Yesterday u pulni, r usmed Indie was amtlod al Itetford for as saulting a cook named llnniiali Cor dock in a railway catrltge. The pilt oner wis arialgm J today an J riuuu.l cdforttisl. An. II er csso which Is all tho blacker ftctil tho fin t that tbu cllVlldlr wasn Milliliter, was reivrtrd toda). Her, Hell, llntorof l.lttl,, 1U.J win, Wllbshlre. wsa traveling lu company Willi Mlia Iltltau, daughter oflhoKlllenbiiti; alullon muter, lie sioluto the girl, and she, seeing tbat he was a clergyman, intrted luloror. vertstloo with him. finally Hell maJu an lm tor torrsil uhlth sho Indignantly sjurned, but bo looked vatitai,. ol hlstu.srlor strengtli aud Indiceutly ssinult, d hir, Ihougli not until she ma to a de.j ituli. stiuggle to escape. When tbo train nachttl tltint lied, wlu, Mils lltilalu got out but ill I not mention tL. aataiilt to thu guards, tilling hit intend, however, ns scon as l, saiblr, what had befallen ber. Ihn Haiti troiieded, and Mlia A ber), a telrgrai It operator, toolt Mba Htltaiti's teat In the comiuitmsut. 11.11 eugsgod her In convetaatluu and nt last tiled to fondln her. Hbo teielle.1 hla advances, but lie jcrslitud mid clasped liacabout tho waste. I)eslte lier frantic eUurts to freo henell he sucteedld also III ABlsulllug hir As usual the communication cord was not In order, nnd both girls, though they shrieked for help wet. uot hiard. Alter Hell committed the clime lio talked tu Miss .Vbtey, pointing out to her the Ji, grace ll. si would rtcru. to hir should sho tell uftlieaOalr, tut she re. fused to lltltn, and it Hie nest elation tittltltd the guutds of thu occurrence unl Iho reverend scouudtil wss tnL.n lutt, custod). Hhotlly afierwarJ Ib. pollc tvero Informed of tho ntsault n.udo upon Mlts Urltaln. Hell, who Is ainsrrl.l msti with two chlldrti', bu hentoforc liortie an excellent te illation. The girls aroalso of tbo luttcharacUr. The allilr cuusid wlJtsirtad Indignation and Iho fe.liu,: agalutt Hell Is viry bltlt r. He was remanded lor trial. A Uriah! .,,l ltr,otlel. ANN AuiDit, Mich , May 17. A bright tomet Is rexrtel from Mssklllou, O. It Isclriular and liaa n rapid motion. It Is lu tho couitclli Hon of Uerueul. Al Hie Inlui, tllue, Wai.i.acc Ida., May 17. Men lu charge of itllTerent gauge of Impotted miners now at union inlue today ecrt dlapatches to aovital points lu Michigan nlienco tho uiln.ra oanio stating tho tuoii are all tatlillei aud that tho mine owucra bat. kept fallli with meu ImportoJ. lhtroaturumors of compromises tonli lit but nothing ill Hollo learned, nolwitl.ttaniliii, lu Hi. ubot. dniatcli It Is said that tweuty.elglit of tbn seveuty-thie. mitt lmlv!tcd havadesetted. 111. tt.y to 'Ink. Then, .Ml.,1, "Tlio't lulnd nie,"-ald tin senior clei k to thu head ot tlio firm 1 dont liko to iniiku a coiiiilnlnt, but v, lieu )on go out tiny do pretty nm. H ui tliev pkiuw nud -i) no ntuntioii to iu" " "That wont, do," tM tlio IhkIihm iiiiii "Vliii lm out)tm'roinilinrg.i of tlioonhe, of courac. Ts ott dout try toltnjioMioulliiin'' "No Mr. I Ire.t Hum H1, tluj great ist toitldt ration ' "1 ,1 m t mi.leiitniid it," nil I tho 1 us! ncn untu thoughtfully, "Where do s on illC "At my dctlt, sir " "Suae dwk ) ou ett at when Tin inl" "Yes, sir "Oho! tni.1 tho business mtu, "I bu Bliitiinibriiiijtli it all. You lint out uindo u stilly of human uuturi,hn )uur "Whj.slr, T "Young iiiiiii,"liilornipttd tho busi ness mini, "lhe next time I go out all dun n ut my limit. Jnst limit joursclf tluto in n Ltuineullko v.a),nnd sing out tvlnti )o want unythlng d uie It'll link, all Hi., iliffanncu in tho ttotld " Lliliiiriulrlbuni', Twujcara ugo .Mre Adam W ncher of Whitehall, uto hir lut ty tn.u I Then she rapidly Mt nil t'wlto for f.l und lln illy si o could not eat it worm Tor more tnnii u )iur sho lu. fasted nut liin- nljlo lo eat nt .ill. llimi-the most woiidcrfal iiuk. of thu 1 lud ph).i CilltW hill 0 .III) Kconi uf, bho I. mow Ing weukir -Col Tb.hukli h'a Itocord Tlio ti ibute of tliitwls ' iinnmili) (.ltd byihoKoMrnincnt of Ciikliiucro to tie ueen of Cnglntiil nil prlnililly mcl b) Inr foi tied llt, prosntts, liu ncinl. leiirtltednt Windsor WASIHNfiTON NOTES. S lirli'llH A Illll llcgulstlng lb. Holies ll ( MH Itough and Tartly Ilnlilitd TORhIH I innlicr, Jia'lwliBBBBl WHV WAS UANCROrr MADE A fWll Fj o'cnMAN CONSUU Wll Ji Mm W, Tcrlrg Sra Arbitrators. Itclaru of Iji i'l llarou lata lo Ills lllplo aXa f H malic Toil. Mn BW hy Talssrs.a k. Ins Nei tBflXiisM rilllH Illl tAI'ITII. t ySllLll A Itlll I'l.rlni n.iiEb l,ii,ib,roi, lb. iHlWr WASiii.NOTON.May 17. ltepreienU tiH f're ilry.n (Nob.) ijday Introduced a i.TiitlfM bill placing rough lumber ou the free ljafifiStfl list, and Imposing duties as follows un 13.f,lusl Itlly flnls'iod lumberi I.uniber.Vacli KwlKr aid,, planed, no cvnta jr llioustud; crltb.algTrin plamd ou ouu aid. and tuugucd and tfism!! grooved, Jl pet thouiati I feet; p'aued 'injfiaffll' on two ild,. and tougu.d an I grooved, .'if?saaaaf !l.,0 per thousand, the bill Is not In $ . tloduced as Hi. result of uu agreement r. IgD! outh. lumber bill by tb. Democrallo 3liH( malorltyof lb. waysaud lucanscom SBdWl inline, but It Indicates lltyan's ur ?'SfliIrsaaf, lusolourgo the comuillte. to settle JWIMl thn lumlwr quesllou, whlcu has Uer tvtVHaH, befointhulluus. for sum. Hue, by rs hVUmil nortlug a bill on these lines. fjftlfHK imoiiwatio.s ttAMirn. UlnllEtlv llepretetilatlvo t.eary (Cal.) will In -Olil'f troducea reaolullon Hi too lliu,. re- "J ?Mlj luettlngth.Hscretaty of Htat., If not i&mm incoiuiatlbluwltli thu public Intern., ij.'tll'if.t1 to riiit to tho House th. rcaaonafor JjfBdllsVi thu icmoval of Frederick A. lianctelt rtfiwHIl (111 ) from Ihu position of librarian of frklBsaa, ihunlatedepattment, and his noini WtKvSlaKH natlou, without hla kuowlede or con .flrifillllBliJ sent, tn bu United Htalca consul at 'mB(U llriitiawlck,Uerman),uiost not now i , t'lH ' tacnnt. rilBH' in m.iti ikA AlilimiATont. ?, illaHl 1 Juitlie Htrlauof th. Unlt.dHtttea tclwHHI I supremo court, aal Henator Morgan ittaMeueVfli (Ala ), whowereselectodbytlio Tieal. afStHaBiilW deutua ntbltrators on Iho psrt of lb. mJaammla United Blates In the llerlug sea con 'EXnHJ! Horetsy, ham tacli accepted the up !l!SliHtf polnlnitnt nud agreed to aerve, liar- ilstlfiiBBBBBin lau aald that he would probably go IrEMawFr? abroad al out thu latter att of July, &&I1IMIH'. It will tn neat autumn before tboconi rMfXHaVLavl n.lsitou asiemblee, und how long It OtultfiBil will tluu take to eclll. th. qucstluu Is 3bKmMh I roblt luallcal. ?fflfT LsBBhlH 10 this umilu BMnlaBf al t . 1-1. 11'llnalll Th. Ileus, public landa commute. sEKifiJiHit today aulhollzed a favorabl. report ou TtwlaiTwK ItetrrsenUtlv.Mcltas'ablll, forfeiting .fftilttsBj loth. United Htateu all lunda grantbi lllfflKsMr to aid lu the construction of r.tlioadi itsfpfffm upoalle toand cotermltiouawltb aoy UfnalaBBTll IMirtlon of auy such railroad not com 1 $lXFViB i plctc.l within th. time ipecllled iu th. ulBllSssfi gratttlng ait. IWKtMBMijlf' 1AVA urn Lit:.9. UdH HBk llaton 1'ava, (ho Italian nilnliter, K MBni called at the Hate department till, a! "fj fHt Icrnoon. Tbei. were 110 formalities tfjl l whatever. Thollaiouinel.lylufolmed 'If HKf Ihu.ciielary of lb. rcaumpllon of his ik HLBjs dlloinitlolunrllous,astboughnotliing W iMU hadoicunod to Inlerruptthem. Ilaruu lifi SlsHvi Tata also resumes his placoas dean of -Vm. taWtU thu diplomailo eorpa. uattHLnfl I.NTEiiXAi. nvtatiB, asaSBul Tho total collections of Inlortnl BmBW r.veuu. during thn tint leu raontha , f 'jntHrSBfl lhelical)eir .cdlnr June ttl, lb9t! tflaVHal ate tl J04b,Uill, au ll.i reas. uf tiOU.SH 'WDaaaaaT comiated with col eclljba dutllig thu KliHIHJ cormpouJIIr; period of the (levlcut TBaaMHI fltcslytar, iSflaiaVfi LHUIMI AN Al 1 1101 IHAIIUM 1X)1I THE llflHusaU rttlUBaB Director General Davla of Hi. IjUlaaaaaaal World's Columb'nu .xxsltlon muju mhIbbbbbbbI an argument befot. the House com leflHBH milieu urging an appropriation by IJBMa! Congtrss tu aid of thu espos lloa. ilaHflPaifl Th. iltrector-g.ncral having flulsbed SHNBflll his address McCreary of York '.BtiJl asked If 1 1 Isu of tho ex .IfaaHHn! position was UDt neatly double tbat uf (flVPfffil any .xposlllon over held, aud also It ti9BnWJlr Davla aud Ilia associates wore iatltlled lHaHlBlH with tbu outtocl: tbat It would be tho SBmSmK grandest luttruitlooal cxpoiltlou ever sS&KKSb held? fflaeSKilT Mr. Davis replied lu th. afilrmallvr, VsaHaHtn saying that all the nations of tbn neaPUflM. world w.r. striving for more space rTWtlSsTOffi than could tn allotltd llnui. Never iTOjBWh' t nforo had tho artists and manufactur IwsWasamn ets uf th. old world had a iiiulral VTsBflHf place lu which to exhibit. IrttHaaafflfi McCteary futthcratkud what eUect nNHfal the closing of thu gales uu Hi. Habluttl ItKaaaaB would have u.on Hieexpoaltlou. JrSfllffV Davla asld It would largely dorrsa. UflflaMlal thu rrcellli; that fully 60,1110 iol!o XBHaW would visit lu. park ou HiinJay even ilflHIV) Whu Irr, of Alabama, sutgetted 9HaiaaV tbat thu uost ctulkout clsrgytii.u be wWlaaHaH1' ssiurcd to sjeak on tho exposition TiiaHrWni grounds Hutida)s, and that sacted inHHlrjl music to pit) ol. ifllHLIn Davis said there uevor Lai been aoy BmBM i.ruxisltlon that tb. machiuery should 'IMlllM be nm on Sunday, and to that he was a sslKDaaaaaaaU rereoually opposed. Ily slopplug thu wRHialaH machlniry probably two-thirds of the JHlntHasW etnplo)es could U spared Hunds)s. QMtwIHc All that It was pros.d to have op.n .nlWHll! was thu groiindsand att galleries. lllaaaaBflH Mr. Walker, of Chicago, told the ij BSBIBl couunlttiu that tho amendment had 1 HlijH tcou asked from an act by which 11 ' LBlJMI In al corporation had obliged Itself lo 1' HBab9 meet and deftay all the ax .uses froui 1 llHjBW now until the close of Iho exposition, leaiaaaW and tbn commlttco would be furnished A ImILH with a certified copy of tho sgtectuent, tMliHl signed by such men ss Msriball Field SBHlflBSBBU aud T. Armour, that If Concrete 'saaWfiH! kraut. 1 tbo aid asked they would uold 'KasaaBasBBBtl themselves responsible for any futtb.r 'InHlflPei moue)s ncodod and would not again ifMMri. ask lor any help, .flaaBlTSil Dat Ii tailed atleutlou to the fact that "ftMRltaW all wotk on tho sisltton was being Itffifflkiyl done ou the elht hour lan nnd six aHtluH days lu tho week, 'flsfliunl Ibocominlttie theu adjourned iuh. 5'9asaaaWf Jcct tn a tall uf tbu chalrtuau, ' mjmjmf'i luiih.r Arblleatlni, Sunussl f.e lb. IflsRlrriin ti.ltc.lkliili,. jMMtwBl 1 ItlbADiLi'ilIt, May 17, It nua JjraHufttl' aiiii,.iiuced biretoday that Becrttary fraBBIiliiT IHatuo had at pointed ns Junior couu SlvlVrlWi sol for Hie United Htatea b.loro tbu 1 .tulln lit ting n " niblttalois, ltusiell Duaoe, ,Vltrlll J.T1 ( of Thllatlelphla, iltffinl 411